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4884543 No.4884543 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do when your sister's friend comes to your house? You ignore the fact you're a hiki and compliment her or stays in your room pretending you don't know she is in the living room? Also, if you choose the first option, what if you feel the need to go to the bathroom?

>> No.4884547

Why is my sister in my house, and why did she bring a friend? Wait, when'd she even get friends?

>> No.4884550

Hypothetically, then!!

>> No.4884553

I put on my pimp suit, go down in the living room and have a nice chat with her.

>> No.4884556

Stay in my room. Say hi to both of them as I'm passing them by on the way to the bathroom. Use bathroom and go back to my room.

>> No.4884557

I don't have a sister.
Whenever I have people at home, I don't go to the bathroom.
I live in my living room,sleeping on an inflatable mattress while my room stays empty.
I live alone.

>> No.4884559

If I had a sister she wouldn't have friends. She would be fellating me in a maid dress while telling me how much she loves me.

>> No.4884564

Why are the options so black and white? I just stay in my room. If I need to go to the toilet or get a drink or something, I do so - what's stopping me?

>> No.4884566
File: 32 KB, 511x495, ...wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why, but I lol'd.

>> No.4884567


Your hikki ways.

>> No.4884573

I don't know, being a /jp/ user maybe?

>> No.4884574

Being a hikki doesn't mean you have to be afraid of any and all social contact. No, it's not a matter of how long you've been a hikki either (I've went over four years without leaving my house for more than once a few months).

>> No.4884576

>or stays in your room pretending you don't know she is in the living room
More like you stay in your room while she pretends she has no brother.

>> No.4884581

>I've went over four years without leaving my house for more than once a few months
Don't tell me it's just cause you're lazy.

>> No.4884582

>Being a hikki doesn't mean you have to be afraid of any and all social contact.
Yeah, actually, it does.

>> No.4884583

I would like to add that my inflatable mattress is deflated ;_;

>> No.4884589

Since it's my house I'm kind of obligated to try and be a good host, now aren't I?

>> No.4884595

It's because I have no interest in the outside world.
引き篭る - to keep confined indoors. Doesn't say anything about your mental state.

>> No.4884596

i'd teach her the pleasure of being cummed inside

>> No.4884593

But the sister is not an important factor in the equation. Her friend is.

>> No.4884601


I'd like to see that.

>> No.4884606

In that case, "to escape" means "to take off your cape."

You're a retard, Anonymous-san.

>> No.4884607

>Because I have no interest in the outside world
Oh, ok. You must such a cool, indifferent individual. Being confined during 4 years just because you doesn't care.

>> No.4884608


Pretty much this. Had this happen plenty of times already. If I have to get out I first hope her door's closed and she took whoever it is to her room, but if that's not the case I just go out, say hi, maybe shake hands if it's a guy I know, go to the toilet and come back to my room. Don't get what's so difficult about that.

>> No.4884609

I bet you would ;)

>> No.4884611

The hell kind of analogy is that?

>> No.4884612

I cook them all some delicious spaghetti.

>> No.4884616

Since when do I have any sisters?

>> No.4884620


Alright, I lol'd.

>> No.4884622

Thanks. I'm doing this right now. Do you have any tips?

>> No.4884625

It's not an analogy. It is the exact same logic applied in the exact same way to the exact same thing--a word.

I copied you perfectly and I came off as retarded. That means you are retarded.

What do you not understand?

>> No.4884626

Hikikomori = social withdrawal, cutting yourself off from social contact which results in being confined indoors.

It is not the confining that makes hikikomori but the social withdrawal.

>> No.4884635

If it seemed like I was trying to act cool, I assure you I wasn't. Trying to act cool on an anonymous board is pretty pointless, anyway.

I'm just saying that I don't see any reason to leave the house, honestly. I don't know, maybe it seems weird to just not have any interest in going outside, but that's just how it is. I don't mind going outside if I need to, like appointments and such, but in general I see no reason to ever go out.

>> No.4884638

Is your sister a lesbian?

>> No.4884641

I don't have a sister but if I did, I would ignore them all the time and keep in my room. If I feel the urge to urinate I can use the bottles and cans in my room, if I feel the urge to defecate I'll do it on the floor, of course.

>> No.4884639

1-Foreplay is important.
2-Don't use the wrong hole!
3-In case you were a fucktard and used the wrong hole make her cough until it stops hurting.

>> No.4884643

I tend to ignore them and avoid going out of my room as much as possible

>> No.4884646

Why would I do anything if she's hanging out with my sister?

>> No.4884652

Look out, we got a TRUE NEET here.

>> No.4884657

Wait, wat. Does it hurt when you cum inside the asshole?

>> No.4884673

I'm the cute little sister so she'd drag me out to torture me.

>> No.4884674

Escape never means "to take off your cape". I don't know if you know that language or not, but to "hikikomoru" just means to be a shut-in. It's used in Japanese to apply to people who are mentally healthy all the time.

>> No.4884690

Well since I live in the basement there's no need for them to come down here. I stay in the darkness, enjoying the luxurious feel of finally having a soft piece of carpeting to cover the cold concrete floor.

Also, there's a sliding door to the backyard. If I have to go to the bathroom, I do what I always do. Open it, and piss out the back door onto the dirt like I usually do instead of walking upstairs. It also kills grass so there's less to maintain. Its a win win situation.

>> No.4884693
File: 40 KB, 640x480, Charles Krazy Horse Bennett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen, I've been a Hikkikamori for an estimated 4 years, since I was 16. One thing you have to remember is that women are whores, every single on of them, if you forget that you're just an amature. Having said all that, it's all so you're duty to pretend to be a good host and try to have the sex.

>> No.4884694

My sister lives a few thousand miles away from me, I would be thoroughly confused if her friend were to appear at my door.

>> No.4884696

it hurts for them

>> No.4884699

My sister is 26, she moved out a long time ago.

>> No.4884711

turn the faucet on when you take a dump.
they will think you are washing your hands.

>> No.4884717

I have to take a shower each time I take a shit to feel maximum cleanliness.

>> No.4884734

You're a lolicon aren't you?

>> No.4884730

Older sister's friends: stay in room, ignore them unless they say hi

Younger sister's friends: I'm cool with a lot of them, and they usually visit my mess of a room whenever they're here

>> No.4884740

Where would you get that idea?

>> No.4884751

One of my sister's friends said she liked me and would be willing to sleep with me, but I turned her down because I was too much of a coward. She's a 3D whore anyway, I don't think I missed out on much.

>> No.4884753

Rance would be so disappointed with you anonymous

>> No.4884771
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You made a wise choice.

>> No.4884773
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>> No.4884774
File: 82 KB, 521x603, 00a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Learn better English, it will improve your employment prospects in America (or just don't troll when you type, you look like a retard)
2. Get out of here

>> No.4884778

>implying any of us has a sister

>> No.4884779

Congratulations. You will never know how's it feels like to cum inside.

>> No.4884780

Eh, I'm cool with the few friends my older sister has. We even went drinking together, back when I wasn't as big a social failure as now. I usually just say hi to them now, though.
Now, if she were to bring home her boyfriend, that she somehow miraculously got lately, it's pissing in the bottles time.

>> No.4884785 [SPOILER] 
File: 222 KB, 800x1140, ItsWrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

subconsciously you must desire her pussy in order to fall to such behavior

>> No.4884788

What prevents a social retard from having a sister?

>> No.4884793

What does it have to do with what I asked?

>> No.4884802

I don't want to cum inside a slut who's probably fucked a dozen guys before.

>> No.4884799

I don't get why her boyfriend would be more terrifying than her female friends.
