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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.04 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_0163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4881635 No.4881635 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ indulge in the forbidden flower?

>> No.4881642

All day every day, man.

Smoke trees, don't give a FUCK

>> No.4881649

It's never done anything for me. I prefer stronger stuff.

>> No.4881650

Reported. And please don't blame this retarded thread on your being high.

>> No.4881651

That doesn't classify as a flower.
maybe an herb.
usually, though it is classified as a weed.

>> No.4881654


1. You are doing it wrong.

2. You smoke shitty weed. Smoke good weed.

>> No.4881656

THC is my waifu.

Shrooms are my other waifu.

I have honey oil in my room, but stronger stuff is just nasty.

>> No.4881663

Reported for obvious incoming shitstorm.

>> No.4881668


MDMA is my fucking waifu.

I love MDMA so fucking much. I've had nothing but glowing experiences on E. It is so awesome.

Cannabis is my medicine. I smoke it everyday to keep myself thizzed.

>> No.4881671

No, some people just don't have an affinity for it. It's the same for others in my family too.

>> No.4881681


If you really didn't have an affinity for it, you're probably gonna get panic attacks while high. But w/e.

>> No.4881686

this explains a lot.

>> No.4881722


Like what? I'm curious now.

>> No.4881732

Everyday. Except yesterday since I didn't have my vape

>> No.4881734

Normalfags and their drugs.

>> No.4881737

I don't need that junk corrupting my mind
I need all my energy, FOR CRACK COCAINE!

>> No.4881742
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>> No.4881743

Drugs are amazing, bro.
Always have a piece. No matter what.
I always have my bubbler.

>> No.4881747
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I don't do drugs, and certainly don't smoke them. I have bad asthma.

>> No.4881750


Aren't you going to be late for your frat party?

>> No.4881751

I don't do drugs as I am not weak.

>> No.4881752
File: 11 KB, 355x410, pipboylaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying you have to smoke weed

>or smoke pills

>or smoke tabs

>or smoke mushrooms

>> No.4881753

I'm sure he meant casuals

>> No.4881756


But they do.

They fucking do.

>> No.4881757

I have no interest in your cheap weed, I only smoke fine hand-rolled cigars.

>> No.4881759

I don't need drugs to escape into gensokyo and visit my youkai friends.

>> No.4881760


Yeah, and then they stop and talk about how they no longer want to get high because they're afraid or w/e.

>> No.4881764

I can't even stand normal cigarette smoke, man.
But I used to abuse with my antidepressants a LOT.

>> No.4881767

Am I not allowed to say bro?

I hate some of these guys here on /jp/. I'm just trying to be truthful.

>> No.4881769

In order to smoke weed, you'd need to actually leave your room and associate with people in order to buy it.

So, no. And if anyone here actually does, get out you normalfag.

>> No.4881770

My brother is my dealer and drives it to me, so I got lucky.

>> No.4881776
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No burning flowers, please.

>> No.4881781

I only smoke when I'm away from home (rarely). Why? Shitty, costly, weed in my area. Other areas, cheap, good, weed.

>> No.4881785


If I stick my dick in Yuuka, will I get high?

>> No.4881786


This is why I said "Normalfags and their drugs".

My logic is flawless.

>> No.4881788

Did you take a look at that picture?

There is no point to tobacco besides looking cool which we do not even need considering who we are.

However, smoking pot is a different story.

I grow, and order seeds.

Don't need street shit. I make a living growing.

>> No.4881791
File: 898 KB, 1200x900, byakuren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I get pressured into trying drugs, I always ask myself "What would Byakuren Hijiri do?"

>> No.4881793


>> No.4881794

Sell your fellow human beings and embrace damnation.

>> No.4881796

Most cities, the dealers will visit you. Hell, in Vancouver, many dealers operate a "dial-a-bag" service where you make a phone call and they deliver it to you in under 30 minutes.

>> No.4881797

I abuse cough medicine.

>> No.4881803


You still need to associate with other people.

>> No.4881806

Not really, it's no different than ordering a pizza.

>> No.4881807

The only drug I need is alcohol.

>> No.4881811
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>> No.4881817

True hikkis get nervous ordering a pizza.

Weed? Nervous breakdown imminent.

>> No.4881818


Alcohol is also for normalfags.

In before someone cites ZUN.

ZUN is the exception.

>> No.4881819

I used to. I wish I could just smoke some weed and relax like when I was younger, but that'll never happen again.

>> No.4881823

I once starved for two days before working up the courage to order a pizza.

>> No.4881828


>true hikkis are socially anxious



>> No.4881843

OP - passing out.

So many butthurts in this thread. But then again this is /jp/.

>> No.4881866
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I love fine alcohol, but weed and other drugs is where I cross the line.

While it's a common thing to smoke these days, I still consider myself far more of a superior person to a stoner. Could just be my mindset; as a clean-cut total sciencefag I don't care to force myself to make friends with normalfags, or to do normalfag, socially-obligated shit.

Not only that, but being high makes you content with having less and going for less in life... it makes you not feel bad about skipping class or not having a job etc, it's just a really bad de-motivator for a lot of people. Things start to not really matter much to these people anymore; they drop out of college or just don't even start it and set themselves up for shit-tier living. But they're okay with it, as long as they're always fucking high. How do I know this? I live (and grew up) in fucking Nor-Cal. I live in Santa Cruz, perhaps stoner capital of the fucking WORLD. I've seen many people drop out of school, because they were stoners who just didn't feel like going to class, and just wanted to watch TV and casually suck at playing video games.

In the long run it only holds down people from getting out of the squalor of being a poor, useless fucking normalfag. So put down the blunt and fucking stop sucking at life, normals.

>> No.4881867

I have trouble ordering pizza now and then, but usually go through with it. It's always very awkward at the door. I live in a basement, with an exterior door leading down some stairs to an interior door. I usually keep the exterior door locked so I go up to visit them there. But one time, I forgot to keep it locked and the delivery guy came down and looked through the interior door and saw the huge mess that my place was in.

It was extremely embarrassing. Suffice to say, I never ordered from that place again.

>> No.4881871
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sweet copypasta, bro

>> No.4881905

I pour Bleach in the mouths of people who are passed out or stoned.

>> No.4881913
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>> No.4881924
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Actually I just typed that up myself. Go ahead and look through whatever copypastas you know of, you won't find it.

I feel strongly about the subject and since I am constantly exposed to people who are okay with it, it is a major barrier of how I separate myself from society here.

I fucking hate stoners, sorry if that offends anyone here. But you know the real reason why that shit's illegal. Laziness. Stoners tend to be lazy mother fuckers, and we need all the productivity we can get in western nations, due to the sudden rise of millions of fucking peasants in China willing to work for like 2 dollars a day.

>> No.4881932

No, you are not allowed to say bro. This is not your college lecture hall, nor your fraternity clubroom.

We are out of "bitches to bang" and "smokin' hot cheerleaders". You may take your leave now.

>> No.4881939


go easy on the newbie, bro

>> No.4881940
File: 30 KB, 498x374, 1175063378948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>considers himself a sciencefag
>"Not only that, but being high makes you content with having less and going for less in life... it makes you not feel bad about skipping class or not having a job etc, it's just a really bad de-motivator for a lot of people. Things start to not really matter much to these people anymore; they drop out of college or just don't even start it and set themselves up for shit-tier living. But they're okay with it, as long as they're always fucking high. How do I know this? I live (and grew up) in fucking Nor-Cal. I live in Santa Cruz, perhaps stoner capital of the fucking WORLD. I've seen many people drop out of school, because they were stoners who just didn't feel like going to class, and just wanted to watch TV and casually suck at playing video games."
>apocryphal evidence and unfounded opinions, with no citations

Cool story, et cetera.

>> No.4881943

MDMA is my favorite, but I'll never be a tripfag like Arc.

Hippyflipping while playing VNs is awesome.

>> No.4881944


>replying seriously to copypasta


>> No.4881953

I don't need to smoke anything to do that!

>> No.4881956
File: 55 KB, 480x362, Eirin sees my massive manhood for the first time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, Arc, I understand you don't want your threads to go ignored but making 50 of 60 posts is a bit much.

>> No.4881959

Grass + Studio Ghibli = amazing soaring happiness.

>> No.4881961
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>> No.4881964

>come in to this thread expecting arc
>50% of all posts are by arc


>> No.4881968

How the hell do you do that? Reading anything on MDMA is just boring. Though reading the Umineko climaxes is quite fun.

>> No.4881970


unlike most threads on /jp/, this is actually a good thread where we talk about VNs and touhous without trolling. Therefore, I am here.

Nice to meet you, too.

>> No.4881972

Yes I do like weed, but I like acid and oxy more.

>> No.4881977

>Reading anything on MDMA is just boring.

nah bro, nah.

I'm weird, though. I read when I'm high. I write stories and poems. I do it on shrooms, too. Reading is epic when you're blasted. It's like going to a world you may not understand

>> No.4881981


>> No.4881990

A Jew and nigger fighting. I love it.

>> No.4881991

I'm fine with weed, alcohol and some other drugs, but I haven't done anything in years. I don't need drugs to be entertained or content, but they're useful for those purposes. If I had access to a hassle-free supply of weed, I wouldn't mind smoking it on a regular basis, but I don't, so that's out of the question now. Wouldn't consider doing any other drugs on a regular basis. I used to be a rather heavy drinker, but I got bored of it, and it started to slightly negatively affect my health, so I haven't drunk too much in the past few years.

As long as /jp/ understands that drugs are only nice bonuses to enrich their lives, and not something necessary to lead an enjoyable life, they'll be fine.

>> No.4881993

If you need to drug yourself to immerse yourself in literature, you're one sad nigger.

>> No.4882004


There isn't nearly enough space per post to approach this from the method of scientific publication.

Besides, I already know that THC isn't very harmful to the brain, and pretty much the only bad thing about smoking is the effect on your lungs. You can't really prove weed is bad scientifically, just like you can't convince people to stop drinking soda scientifically.. you can't OD on soda, it doesn't cause brain damage etc. The point isn't trying to prove that weed's actually bad for you, because it just isn't a strong argument.

The point is the psychological effects that THC has is what is bad about it. Now I've met some people who are actually pretty damn successful who smoke, but they do it irregularly and it's not a big part of their lives. People like on 420chan who basically live to get high, is what I talk about when I say weed is bad because it is a de-motivator. Sure you're content with pretty much everyone and everything from your own point of view, but, outsiders looking back at you see nothing but a self-deluded person afraid to move out of their little safety bubble of inhaled happiness. THAT is the problem with weed.

>> No.4882006
File: 103 KB, 850x708, sample-aec6937fba067c53bd7e0f74f3ed6e1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fapping when stupid-high will blow your fucking mind, and you CAN become the little girl/trap.
That is all.

>> No.4882013


>People like on 420chan who basically live to get high, is what I talk about when I say weed is bad because it is a de-motivator. Sure you're content with pretty much everyone and everything from your own point of view, but, outsiders looking back at you see nothing but a self-deluded person afraid to move out of their little safety bubble of inhaled happiness. THAT is the problem with weed.

1. I'm from 420chan. SLAYER to all itt

2. Isn't that what NEETS want to achieve? Complete isolation from the world in happiness?

Sounds like you're saying stoners are closer to Gensokyo than anyone else, broham.

>> No.4882019

fail analogy, HFC has proven ill effects on health (hell, even if it's "real sugar" soda, drinking as much as your average git does will harm you in the long run.

While I see what you're getting at, I think "living to smoke" is an effect of being a lazy unmotivated idiot, not a cause of it. I've seen friends get cut off from weed due to an oncoming job application (drug test) and just find some other thing to waste their life on.

Again, apocryphal evidence, but that's pretty much all we've got on both sides.

>> No.4882029

> you're content with pretty much everyone and everything from your own point of view, but, outsiders looking back at you see nothing but a self-deluded person afraid to move out of their little safety bubble of inhaled happiness. THAT is the problem with weed.
But you don't need weed to achieve that state of mind and there's nothing wrong with that state of mind. The only thing that matters is your own personal happiness. If living your life the way you do makes you happy, that is okay. /jp/ NEETs have no regrets ...

>> No.4882060 [DELETED] 

I prefer shrooms.

>> No.4882058

Carl Sagan says fuck your theory

>> No.4882063

sage and reported

>> No.4882068

Playing Lunatic on E is fucking awesome. Peaking while playing Byakuren's stage with the heartbeats and everything....holy shit.

>> No.4882089


I'm convinced that Touhou is a giant conspiracy to make people addicted to E

It's awesome to play on E. It has awesome music to listen to on E. It has awesome porn to fap to on E. It's like Touhou was made for E.

>> No.4882102

This actually turned out to be a useful thread.

After reading this I'm going to say no to drugs once I get into college.

>> No.4882113

Just do it responsibly and no hard stuff.

>> No.4882125

Weed is great.

No, you don't need it to have fun. But it is a different kind of fun. It's very relaxing.

Anyone who says they don't feel anything when they smoke weed are either:
A) Lying either about the previous statement or lying about ever even smoking weed
B) Not smoking correctly

It does not make you into a lazy, scum bastard. Those people were already lazy, scum bastards.

It is a medicinal herb that can help with things that modern medicine cannot. It is also much more mild than most equivalent medicines.

Sharin no Kuni protag smokes weed.

But, weed is not really /jp/ material.

>> No.4882126

Different drugs have profoundly different effects on you. Some will probably just make you lazy, but others will do a lot of good for you, and may actually change your LIFE for the better. A good example would be magic mushrooms. Non-addictive and can make you appreciate life more and make you a happier person.

>> No.4882130

>>4882004 The point is the psychological effects that THC has is what is bad about it.

This sounds like anti-video game propaganda. Just replace any instance of marijuana related terms with video game related terms.

>> No.4882133

>Anyone who says they don't feel anything when they smoke weed are either:
>A) Lying either about the previous statement or lying about ever even smoking weed
No, all it does it make me feel light headed, when the person I'm with is high as hell on the same stuff, smoking the same amount.
>B) Not smoking correctly
How is it even possible to 'not smoke correctly'? It's not exactly rocket science.

>> No.4882142

>>4882133 How is it even possible to 'not smoke correctly'?

If you're asking that, you don't know how to smoke correctly.

I can't even remember how many people I've met that have said the same things you're saying about weed, and then once shown how to actually smoke it, get high as fuck. They do all kinds of things; swallow the smoke, blow it immediately out, puff on it, whatever.

>> No.4882145

Actually, a VERY common mistake is the way you breathe it in. You'd be surprised how many people do it completely fucking wrong, and thus don't get high because of it.

But this thread's completely off topic.

>> No.4882148

Well the first part isn't quite right. Some people have to be exposed to it several times before they feel the effects of it. I just felt shitty and drowsy the first few times, but I was patient and eventually it really started to feel good.

>> No.4882151
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It's unfortunate, because MDMA aka E really is bad for your brain. I'm not saying it's super lethal poison since, obviously if you do it a bunch and still feel fine, you'll call bullshit. But seriously, it does affect you. You have no sensory nerve endings on the inside of your brain; you literally cannot actually feel when it's messing you up..

What has E been linked to? Irreversible cognitive impairment, brain hemorrhages etc. Basically if you weren't a 9 already, you're gonna certainly be one if you abuse MDMA. As in like, partially retarded. Your neurons were not simply meant to handle so much goddamn seratonin; chemically it's a little bit like flooring the gas pedal on your car for like 30 minutes straight... absolutely brutal overwork for the engine.
So, like giving an engine too much gasoline over a short period, you're releasing way too much dopamine, seratonin etc when you take E.

Weed is one of the few recreational drugs that expressly is NOT bad for the brain.

I'm just telling you this for your own safety..

>> No.4882156

>>4882148 Some people have to be exposed to it several times before they feel the effects of it.

Not really. Mostly those are cases of people smoking incorrectly, shitty weed, or not enough weed.

>> No.4882158

>If you're asking that, you don't know how to smoke correctly.
I've smoked salvia just fine. The way I smoke weed is the same, except without holding it in for 20 seconds.

>> No.4882163
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Yeah, bro, I just love to get high.

This isn't even remotely /jp/ related.

>> No.4882169

>like flooring the gas pedal on your car for like 30 minutes straight
LOL my car can handle this just fine, and its boosted too.

>> No.4882171
File: 202 KB, 361x401, Fucking Retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking reported you stupid fucking stoner. WHAT THE FUCK... HOLY SHIT.

>> No.4882182

Oh and I've tried eating weed too so that blows the "smoking it wrong" argument out of the window.

>> No.4882188
File: 44 KB, 210x250, I'll Kill Your Family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you fall asleep with a doobie in your hand and burn your fucking house down.

>> No.4882189


Seeing as you have some expensive stuff, I half assume you put a lot into your car... Whatever, scale that figure to whatever would wear the crap out of your engine (or even make it need a rebuild afterwards). No analogy is perfect after all.

>> No.4882190

It's pretty funny how much stigma can arise from the government's misinformation back in the day.

Anyway, let's make this /jp/ related.

Japan was actually very dependent on marijuana for hundreds of years. They used in hemp in everything, and the common folk smoked weed all the time. They said the mountain of Hokkaido had fields and fields of wild weed.

Have some history on hemp and Japan:

Come WWII, USA tells Japan to outlaw marijuana and classify it as a narcotic. Today, Japan groups marijuana with other hardcore drugs and has strict laws against it.

>> No.4882192

You have to prepare it correctly. If you just eat it straight it will do nothing. Go look up an FAQ on edibles on 420chan.

>> No.4882193

>if you abuse MDMA
Duh, abusing any drug is going to do bad things to you. Yes, even weed.

>> No.4882194

So it just leaves the whole "liar" thing. Okay.

>> No.4882196

Drain the oil and do a Touge run?

>> No.4882228

>Weed thread.
>Every other post is an !ARC post.
Reported and hidden.
Bunch of manchildren.

>> No.4882229



You know another epic thing about MDMA?

If you use it enough, you can lose the ability to feel happy permanently. I am unsure of the specifics because I can't remember at the moment, but it apparently destroys certain re-uptake inhibitors in your brain with long term use due to oxidization of the brain.

I'm no pussy, but I'm scared shitless of that. I would fucking kill myself if I had to be depressed all the time. I experienced depression and I will do anything not to go back.

So yeah, it's basically a low-level neurotoxin. FWIW, the last time I rolled was a year ago. I use it sparingly, and as I mentioned, I don't do it unless I have a real reason, which is why I haven't done it while playing a VN yet.

I also take anti-oxidant supplements and 5-htp daily. Feels great, man. I never get paranoid when smoking weed now.

>> No.4882236

And look at how advanced their society has gotten compared to ours.

>> No.4882237
File: 141 KB, 343x408, WTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, this is what /jp/ has come to? A weed thread? Why the fuck are you posting in here with this bullshit? Drugs must have fucking just destroyed you, huh? Check this out, Cheech:





>> No.4882242

see >>4882190

>> No.4882248
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>implying weed isn't /jp/-related

>> No.4882249
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Oh suck my dick with that fucking hemp bullshit. Tell you what. Get a fucking hemp rope and hang yourself with it you fucking idiot.

>> No.4882252

Are you implying YOU are /jp/ related?

>> No.4882260
File: 91 KB, 500x375, WOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...and you get the fuck back to /a/ or wherever you're fucking from, you dumb dipshit. I've seen your fucking shitty trip for a hot 3 weeks and now you think you know what's relevant to this board? Obviously fucking not.

>> No.4882267

>Do not post the following outside of /b/: ...macro image replies,


>> No.4882280
File: 57 KB, 300x397, 1255301686214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Listen you dumb nigger there isn't shit wrong with a nice reaction image when you're sticking it to the man.

>> No.4882286

I guess you've only been here for three weeks then.

>> No.4882288
File: 103 KB, 537x500, yes you are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It seems you have trouble taking it easy. May I recommend the aid of weed?

>> No.4882293

>implying a nigger could ever be "the man"

>> No.4882296
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is this guy for real?

>> No.4882302
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>> No.4882308

Why can't you just post on /a/. What you do here is considered funny there, do you know that?

>> No.4882318
File: 210 KB, 1000x700, I Am Officially Tired Of Your Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't count the few times a year you'd post in here and get fucking flamed and retreat again. I've seen your ass ignore every fucking form of board etiquette known to man, you attention-seeking namefag. This shit doesn't belong here. I'm done.

>> No.4882319

I wouldn't know.

>> No.4882325
File: 35 KB, 746x559, 1253423782116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and you silly faggots wouldn't know a troll if he carjacked your fucking itasha. BOOYAH!!!

>> No.4882334
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>> No.4882338

I smoke weed, but this thread does not belong on this board.

>> No.4882339 [DELETED] 

For fuck's sake, Arc. You're not fooling anybody.

>> No.4882358
File: 312 KB, 600x839, 9864f1946d35ca58b48e518dbbb33323ab76068a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


heard you could lick frogs to get high

>> No.4882364

I use anything that can be used!

>> No.4882365
File: 497 KB, 940x1100, 9955974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would lick this frog.

So much.

>> No.4882367


>> No.4882372

I think as long as it's every once in a while, a thread like this is okay. It's still relevant to the board: he wants to discuss the traits of the other otaku on the board. Where else could OP do this?

I mean, I know nobody likes seeing tons of these off-topic threads, but it's not too bad, in my opinion. There could definitely be topics further off from the purpose of the board.

>> No.4882377


>> No.4882383
File: 189 KB, 384x1254, Marisa loldrugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relevant to thread...

>> No.4883272

>I feel superior to people who blow
This is you people's problem right here. You're no better than anybody on this planet. Get a grasp of reality.

>> No.4883288

And you just had to bump this to the front page.

Drugs are bad, mmkay?

>> No.4883293

NEETs making fun of other NEETs.
What is wrong with you.

>> No.4883315

Not going to read though the thread, but, How do you guys afford it? Living on peanuts like most neets luxuries like mind altering items are impossible to attain.
You fags with jobs.

>> No.4883327

I have a decent amount of money (~10k) because I don't spend money, I live with my parents, and get benefits.

>> No.4883328

I love to get high and I am a huge stoner but this shit has no place on 4chan. Reported.

>> No.4883329

>Drugs are bad, mmkay?

Not any more than they're also good

>> No.4883335

Growing it myself. Much cheaper in the end

>> No.4883343
File: 225 KB, 500x649, 1269126490630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cannabis generally costs $10 a gram where I live. Buying larger quantities allows for a bit of a discount though. For example, if I bought a full ounce it would probably cost me $200. Now that's eight grams I can smoke, and still be able to sell the rest and buy another ounce.

Also OP, you should try LSD or psychedelic mushrooms. They're quite fun and change your perspective.

>> No.4883345

Save up and buy in bulk. Use in ways that conserve. e.g. tinctures and vaping.

>> No.4883348


You in Canada I take it? An ounce of high grades goes for about 200 here.

I got an ounce of BC Purple Kush for 190 last night, fucking mind blowing shit. I marathoned all of Lain, then forgot it.

>> No.4883356


i'm canadian and in toronto, so weed is dirt cheap, high quality, and everybody sells and smokes it. makes it so easy to obtain.

>> No.4883360

I live in Holland. Last time I bought it I thought it was fl. 25 for 5 grams? Would probably be 25 euro now. Certainly not expensive, anyway.

>> No.4883371

Yeah, Calgary more specifically.

>> No.4883378

No, reported.

>> No.4883384


This thread was started 10 hours ago, I don't think it's going anywhere at this point.

>> No.4883386

Addicts like you are the reason 3rd world countries are a cesspool of crime and murder.

>> No.4883397


Really? In my country the majority of marijuana is grown on farms in Ontario and British Columbia. It's a multi-billion dollar business that thrives with practically zero violence. They keep the quality high, prices cheap and availability at ease.

The only countries with drug problems are the ones like Mexico and Afghanistan which produce heroin, meth, cocaine, crack and a like. Weed is so harmless to the human body and health compared to these drugs.

>> No.4883400

itt: people who smoke weed and people who have never smoked weed exchange retarded opinions and troll themselves on their weeaboo concentration camp.

>> No.4883403


pretty much.

sage and let it die. i love weed but it has no place on /jp/ even if others smoke it.

>> No.4883412

I love how a prostate stimulation thread gets replies until it's maxed with no problems, and this is full of "drugs are bad waaah i'm reporting you."

>> No.4883414

I reported both.

>> No.4883448

weed is for dumbfucks. its sad that /jp/ is too poluted with this imbred animals. i think 4chan appeals to this scumbags, sadly.

>> No.4883451



>> No.4883459

combust cannabis on a regular basis

>> No.4883488
File: 83 KB, 470x800, yuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll just leave this here...

>> No.4883498

No thank you, I pass. There is this "rumor" that says it makes you retarded.

>> No.4883633


>> No.4883645

Blow your mind. Smoke gunpowder.

>> No.4883647

Looks photoshopped.

>> No.4883650


>> No.4883651


>> No.4883670

God, no really, fuck you.

>> No.4883677

Don't worry 's only temporary. And you get a lot less retarded than from drinking alcohol

>> No.4883694


>>4883633 here, I hope to god all of you were trolling like I was.
