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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4871225 No.4871225 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread

>> No.4871229
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Yossie Love

>> No.4871232
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Morning Musume 2010 Spring Tour 「Pikappikaa!」


04/17(土) 15:30 19:00 愛知・中京大学文化市民会館オーロラホール
04/18(日) 14:30 18:00 愛知・中京大学文化市民会館オーロラホール
04/24(土) --:-- 17:00 青森・八戸市公会堂
04/25(日) 15:00 18:30  宮城・仙台イズミティ21大ホール
04/29(祝) 15:00 18:30 福岡・福岡サンパレス ホテル&ホール
05/01(土)  15:30 19:00 兵庫・神戸国際会館こくさいホール
05/02(日) 14:30 18:00 兵庫・神戸国際会館こくさいホール
05/04(祝)  15:30 19:00 東京・中野サンプラザ
05/05(祝) 14:30 18:00 東京・中野サンプラザ

Morning Musume Concert 10/04/03 Shiga Day

Morning Musume Concert 10/04/04 Fukui Day

>> No.4871246

Hello! Blog 2010 Poll is Up!

>JapanFiles and HelloStoreUSA are offering a number of prizes for people participating in the poll
>The poll will run for two weeks, closing at midnight on the 12th of April 2010.

Last Day to vote and enter into the prize drawing.

>> No.4871280
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>> No.4871361 [DELETED] 

          。 ◇◎。o.:O★οo.
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>> No.4871652
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>> No.4871679

So manoeri is going to be at AX this year. I'm kind of disappointed that MM isnt going again instead :(

>> No.4871763

>I'm kind of disappointed that MM isnt going again
While AX 09 was special in its own way, there is no question that management royally screwed up the whole experience.
Disrespecting them so much by nickel and diming the contract for the DVD, by not planning properly and the list goes on.

I still believe Musume could take more of a risk and actually scope out different tour ideas and concepts. They could easily sell out a House tour or open up for like Miley or something along those lines.

But I'm not sure if UFA wants to make that sort of leap into the U.S. market.

I think Mano could be really enjoyable but I'm wondering what sort of stage set up they will have for her or what sort of activities they'd plan for her.

>> No.4871768

Will be interesting seeing the numbers she turns out with them not being there. Although I should've guessed that's what the announcement meant when they said "Hollywood".

>> No.4871786

Has it been confirmed by UFA yet? Everybody seems to think an invitation means she's going lol, personally I think it was rude of AX to even ask considering how poorly things were handled last year (and all the stuff that was later revealed about the antics of that higher-up in AX management). Personally I hope UFA just tells them to fuck off.

>> No.4871927

Sanspo Article Mentioning Mano Erina Being Invited To AX

>Personally I hope UFA just tells them to fuck off.
I'd agree on the most part but it would just punish the fans even further. They are lucky to have her.

>> No.4871968

Yes, I've seen that article. And all it says is 'invited', nothing about her actually going as of yet. If Manoeri is a go for AX then surely UFA/H!P and AX will announce it themselves. Until then I just see this as AX desperately attempting to get more acts roped in for this year.

>punish the fans
I would much rather H!P acts stay the hell away from AX. And she's going to LA/Hollywood regardless, if it's not AX then surely something else will be announced.

>> No.4872000

>AX desperately attempting to get more acts roped in for this year.
Hmm interesting, hadn't thought of that, quite possible.

>I would much rather H!P acts stay the hell away from AX.
I agree it is a mistake to tie the two together exclusively, I just feel that H!P hasn't done the ground work necessary to bring a H!P act in outside of a convention.

>> No.4872023

CFB mad again. The one important thing I don't get is why you think management of a fucking con being horrible is reason to NOT want to go see an idol you really like. Would you REALLY not go again if MM was invited back? Imo just drop that whole bit yo, UFA obviously wouldn't agree if things haven't gotten better.

>> No.4872042

>H!P hasn't done the ground work necessary to bring a H!P act in outside of a convention
I agree with you, but I'd be even more surprised at them agreeing to work with AX again than at them trying some other means to extend into the US market. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong...but for Mano and the other girls' sake I hope I'm not.

>> No.4872052

Oh, I would go if MM were there...I'm not saying it's a reason for people not to go. I just think people are jumping the gun and would be shocked if UFA agreed to deal with AX again.

>> No.4872062

oh god i'd love to go back to LA and see musume but i wouldn't make that kind of sacrifice to see just mano or any single current member of H!P, i had such an awesome time... ahh, the sunshine state...

>> No.4872072

They need to let me plan out Musume's US takeover, I would make them million sellers because I am not stew-headed like UFA

>> No.4872078
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I sense an influx of faggotry

>> No.4872091 [DELETED] 

q t PeG e e GE Lx SA N x Bok mEB y x kL V t wMc v CN Ib oTzeg W W A XH py eQ Ca Pr ef Ow RCb s e ekoH PCV yev H n f fL a W PT YK P x Ibqy u lG G o vc w tv l.

>> No.4872094

With post number 4872078 this thread has become awful and chances of recovery are minimal.

Paranoid, butthurt, and oversensitive tendencies are likely to remain at high levels throughout the day and into the night.

>> No.4872112
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>With post number 4872078
First day on /jp/ huh?

>> No.4872121

The trend continues as reported with post number 4872112. Things are look rather grim here, Jan. Care to fill us in on the situation in Kanagawa?

>> No.4872124

I totally forgot about that douchebag ruining the experience for UFA.

I actually would love for MM to try to get into the US market a little more. They have been making steps toward it but not enough for fans i guess. I mean, didn't like thousands of people show up to AX just for MM alone? that should give them a hint that they actually have people overseas who want to see them.

Maybe they should do a small tour, hit 2 or 3 major cities for concerts (i've seen a lot of jrock bands do this and it always goes well), like L.A./NYC/Chicago/etc

>> No.4872141 [DELETED] 
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Oh, hearing about Manoeri coming to USA this year makes my heart go aflutter. If only Jabrinosaur could be here to celebrate this happy moment with us diehard Hello Project wotas.

>> No.4872154

>They need to let me plan out Musume's US takeover
It could be done if the strategy was smart enough. I'm not sure it would be a good thing for Musume to get into the pop culture here however.

Problem is, you are not going to be able to justify taking Musume out of Japan to plot out a long elaborate grass route tour campaign in America.

>didn't like thousands of people show up to AX just for MM alone?
Not only that but from other countries as well, and spending A LOT of money to do so.

Maybe they should do a small tour, hit 2 or 3 major cities for concerts (i've seen a lot of jrock bands do this and it always goes well), like L.A./NYC/Chicago/etc
This is the tricky part, what angle do you advertise the tour as. Something like a R&B dance kind of concert? Or something like a Japanese night.

>> No.4872159

mano piano i feel bad for you having to see your ugly, stupid american fans

i wish americans were at least somewhat presentable but i felt bad for momusu having to meet 99 percent of the people i saw at AX

>> No.4872169
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>I would make them million sellers
Lil Wayne guest spot, yo! Flood the streets with mixtapes!

If I was calling the shots over at UFA I would keep it as it is; Musume is still making money and if they want to keep seeing that money it's better to play it safe and pander to the wotas and print more photocards.
Launching a japanese idol group in the US (has it ever been done? has anyone ever tried?) isn't going to be cheap, even a small cross country tour would probably cost them more than the entire budget of both Haromoni@ and Yorosen combined. And if it backfires the higher ups will have to cancel their fucking golf vacations, and they don't want that.

>> No.4872184

>This is the tricky part, what angle do you advertise the tour as. Something like a R&B dance kind of concert? Or something like a Japanese night.

I meant small tours for fans. When I've seen Jrock bands do similar tours in the states, they just advertised it as a concert on their myspace/site/twitter/etc. If they could get that many people at AX alone, I'm sure they could get enough people to fill a smaller venue in a couple cities. They'd probably make the cost of travel easily with ticket sales+merch sales. And not to mention how many people would probably be re-invested into MM. A lot of overseas fans "got back into" MM after seeing them at AX.

>> No.4872188
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>Implying PianoMano's Japanese fans are good looking instead.

>> No.4872219

again i wouldnt try to "launch" them here. There really isnt a market at all for overseas acts here, but i think catering to the fans they DO have here could benefit them in the end.

There are tons of japanese acts who have made a nice home in the states who didn't seem to have a market, but they did, and often end up signing up with a US record label in order to distribute CDs better here.

>> No.4872222

this is right out of densha otoko

>> No.4872373

>>I just think people are jumping the gun and would be shocked if UFA agreed to deal with AX again.
I think, but am not sure, that H!P themselves already announced that Mano was going to LA for a "public performance" first, this way before the announcement that she was playing at AX, so unless you're claiming that H!P was sending her over here to do a concert NOT at AX and AX just said "OKAY LETS HAVE HER HERE TOO LAWLZ", then invited her, then it's a pretty sure thing. Also, if it actually is just invited and no one from UFA has said anything or agreed, it's really irresponsible of all the Japanese articles that have written about it to be assuming the position that she will be there undoubtedly.

>> No.4872410

By the way, I will allow you to rub it in all of our faces, especially mine, if/when UFA really does just say "Fuck you, AX. No."

>> No.4872446

>unless you're claiming that H!P was sending her over here to do a concert NOT at AX and AX just said "OKAY LETS HAVE HER HERE TOO LAWLZ"
Actually, that is what I was claiming. I suppose that's unlikely, but I'd think AX would had to have pulled a just-as-unlikely international relations miracle to get UFA to even consider working with them again. Considering that, I feel it could go either way. We'll see haha

>> No.4872449
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>There are tons of japanese acts who have made a nice home in the states who didn't seem to have a market
I can't think of a single one....
Wait, Dir en Gray (Grey?)?

I would love for MM and H!P to try to take on the US but we're dealing with people that have never taken a chance for as long as Musume has been around, atleast not that I can think of. "Cold and calculated" seems to be the motto over at UFA, and it works. The closest we got was AX, and there were probably some very late night meetings and phone calls about if they were gonna go through with it.
I just can't see them pony up the serious money needed for a US tour, or even a small tour just hitting the major cities like you talked about.
I hope I'm wrong though.

>When I've seen Jrock bands do similar tours in the states, they just advertised it as a concert on their myspace/site/twitter/etc.
Come on, getting these 9 girls on stage at some club somewhere isn't gonna happen, even if it would be 10 times as awesome. There's a huge difference between flying these girls + huge staff around playing arenas and what have you and just a band touring. It's not that big a deal getting 5 guys + shit around a country, or even the world. Here's a flyer for a tour Have Heart did, bigger than any pop act I can remember. It's just too costly to make it happen I guess.

Naaaah, son. Go to LA and get your wota on.

>> No.4872499

>>4872446 cont'd
>all the Japanese articles
Which articles? I've only seen the Sanspo one.

And AX is clearly struggling to get artists on board for this year because of the logistics nightmare that last year ended up being. I think they may have never intended to contact UFA for this year's AX but, upon hearing that Mano would be here, decided to just go for it anyway.

I hope I can lol, although if she does end up at AX I'll feel like an idiot. Oh well~

>> No.4872534

dir en grey was one, but there are a few other bands. not to mention acts like polysics and what not.

i dont think MM or UFA is struggling with money. granted they don't make as much as they did 10 years ago, but they're still doing fairly well. I don't think a small tour would empty their wallets, especially if that means more overseas fans will open theirs in turn. UFA is clearly playing with the idea of expanding (Being in China, Korea, and recently European tours with Bunono) Coming to the states where they have a fanbase seems natural.

i know i wouldn't mind shelling out $100 (or more) on a ticket and then buying merchandise on top of it.

>> No.4872613

Bunono is playing at what is essentially an anime convention in sweden. So once again, the whole UFA title is being broadened in the western world, but only amongst people who are already for the most part fans. MM or any other UFA group needs to get their own gigs outside of giant japan events in order to widen their western audience. Although I admit, this probably isn't what they should be working on. I don't see how much better the sweden thing will workout for UFA than the AX gig did. Other than allowing a lot of asian wotas to practice their mac on with hot swedish babes.

>> No.4872702

cancelled more than a year ago


>> No.4872721

I guess I should change my middle name to slowpoke. That and start reading through HO more often.

>> No.4872726

>>I hope I can lol, although if she does end up at AX I'll feel like an idiot. Oh well~
Indeed, that's the situation at hand. If you're right in the end I'll take it like a man!

>> No.4872734

>start reading through HO more often
Oh my god, go away haha

>> No.4872766

What the fuck are you guys smoking? The Swedish convention and Buono's concert with it were cancelled due to low ticket sales.

>> No.4872789
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I think we can all agree we'd like to see Musume in a different form than AX. But from what I've seen from H!P right now, they are certainly playing it very safe right now. Although H!P is really pumping out the releases now with clip albums, H!P tour DVDs, every single group releasing an album. On this end I guess I shouldn't complain about the music output right now.

I don't think I'd except any new western shows for Musume this year with the current economy issues around the world. I think more attention should be paid to exactly how the next generation is going to be handled.

>Lil Wayne guest spot, yo!
You can let Maki dabble in dat rabble, keep that shit far away from my Musume.

>> No.4872807
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Go back to the kids thread

>> No.4872871
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Morning Musume feat. Bigga Raiji - Love Machine 2011
Your heard it here first.

I just don't think they see a US tour as an opportunity to make more money. Which in the end is what it comes down to. Like I said: those dudes are probably better off doing more photocards, doing more PBs and keep selling merch to the west through Hello! Store USA. Atleast open a sub-par Fanclub thing for western fans to atleast kinda (KINDA!!) see what you're dealing with before you send the girls on a tour.

>> No.4872910

>Which in the end is what it comes down to.
I can sense the moral faggotry in this one. This isn't a indie rock tour where you can pack 5 guys in a disgusting van, tour the fuck out of them until they are vomiting blood every morning.

>better off doing more photocards, doing more PBs and keep selling merch to the west
Are you seriously complaining about photobooks now...

Perhaps its time to go back selling demo tapes out of the trunk of your van.

>> No.4872924

FC membership anon here.

>sub-par Fanclub thing for western fans
I know I'd sign up for that in an instant but you have to wonder what it would offer? Almost all the benefits of a H!P FC membership in Japan are about getting closer to the girls somehow - entry into FC events, advance sales of tickets, member two-shot, FC tours, etc. No access to those kind of things in the West unless UFA plans to start sending H!P artists over here more often.

Still, like I said I'd sign up for a special international H!P FC membership in a second if they offered it just because of what it is lol

>> No.4872995
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>> No.4873017
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That's what I'm saying. Don't compare this to Jrock bands touring here, because it's not the same. It seems hard enough to get 1 pop star to tour normally, let alone 9. You can't treat these girls like you do your random indie rock band. That might even be in their contracts...

And I'm not complaining about PBs. At all. Ever. Fuck.
I'm just saying that I think that from where UFA is sitting it seems more lucrative to keep on keeping on than changing it up.

So would alot of people. Even if it was just being able to get limited edition and special goods and maybe a news letter from the girls. They should seriously try that out, are they too fucking lazy to ship the fanclub ish from Japan? Maybe send it to H!S USA and let them handle it.

>> No.4873020

Idk if you are retarded or what but your response to that post doesn't even make any sense...

>> No.4873038

Fuck. 8.
Koha-Pinku~~~~~ still haunts my goddamn mind.

>> No.4873303

That seems to be a Japanese problem. The one thing I am a little frustrated with is how Tsunku is continually playing it conservative with the releases. All the line distribution, photobooks, and setlists even for Musume are really just pushing the same Ai-chan & Reina-chan button over and over.
Which really sucks for the fans of the 8th gen. He won't even budge on taking chances within the own group structure so it's hard to believe some wild change in the books right now. It just pisses me off that he feels he can't trust different girls to lead sometime.

Probably an age old grudge by now but I think it's affecting the more current releases. Although Ive really begun to enjoy all the Shuffle groups but know they probably are only a one DVD kind of setup..

>> No.4873475
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>> No.4873505
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>> No.4873569 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4873584
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>> No.4873619

sorry for being slowpoke, but is koha still working for UFA?

who is her managing agency? or is she just freelancing on ohastar now?

>> No.4873631

>is koha still working for UFA?

>> No.4873682
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Reina's new blog doing really well! I just wish I had better translations of her posts. She uses a lot of slang and I'm missing some of the goodness.

>> No.4873725

I Couldn't see Shit at the AX Morning Musume concert. It had me royally Pissed Off.

Anyways, I did get into the autograph session. Shaking all of their hands... seeing all of them face to face .. was amazing.

>> No.4873748

Are you a fan of Musume or were you just hitting all the AX events?
And you are pretty lucky considering the number of people who were turned down. Which session did you get into?

>> No.4873772

why, you trying to use google translate or something?

she doesn't use much dialect except for changing her けど's to けん's. and か's to と's She also uses やばい a lot but it hardly qualifies as slang anymore.

>> No.4873857
File: 602 KB, 1500x960, aewen2185g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamei Eri – sweet (Making of)

Konno Asami – Sweet Days (Making of)

Ishikawa Rika and Michishige Sayumi – Angels (Making of)

Ishikawa Rika – 24 Twenty Four (Making of)

Tsuji Nozomi – Non no 19 (Making of)

Morning Musume’s America’s First Landing Live (FC DVD 2010.01.26)


Holy shit, this must be the grand finale from Hello Fansubs! Wow, what a great way to finish off everything. Speaking of the big AX discussion there is the AX DVD release right there.

Definitely give it up to those bros for all their hard work over the years and start the seeding!

>> No.4873905

I'm glad that my study of japanese over the years has finally paid off and I don't need subs to understand a typical TV show/DVD/etc anymore

great work by H!F either way though, GJ bros

>> No.4873931

>This marks 2 milestones for H!F:
1. 400th Release
2. 3rd Anniversary Release

>For the upcoming year, let’s just hope we can continue providing you with subs and thank you all for your support in our efforts.

Woops, I think I jumped the gun a bit, sounds like they got some good response and are going to stick it out for a bit, phew....!

>3rd Anniv. Video Part 1 & 2:
Dat haircut and always interesting to see the people behind the making.

>> No.4873957 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4873973

>why, you trying to use google translate or something?
I don't have much other choice...;___;
Some of its translations are so strange when I run Reina's entries through it.

>> No.4874452
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>> No.4874712
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jackie you fucking pimp, you

>> No.4874758 [DELETED] 

Did he fuck some of them? I hope he didn't fuck Aika.

>> No.4874924
File: 425 KB, 1050x1483, aewen5869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost too much badass for one picture. Love it w

>> No.4874949

had linlin already met jackie chan before?

>> No.4874964

Sure, China is such a small country everyone knows each other!

>> No.4874995

Awesome picture.

>> No.4875003

Any good porn?

>> No.4875024

Let's cumface Ayaya is always great. My only problem is that all the episodes are so good in their own right that I can't decide which one is the best.

>> No.4875028

Love it! Although I rather keep Jackie away from the girls given his past history.

>> No.4875086
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Makes for a great blog entry. Do the Japanese like Jackie Chan?

>> No.4875126

>Do the Japanese like Jackie Chan?

Japan dislikes mainland Chinese

>> No.4875141

Cool kneejerk reaction there, I mean they like some Chinese celebrity stars right? Then again I do recall them trolling on Bruce Lee...

>> No.4875149

Are you Chinese or Corean?
Japan dislikes Chinese.

>> No.4875192

Needs more hearto.

>> No.4875248

Yaguchi Mari Official Blog Translations (2010.04.06 - 2010.04.13)

>Mari goes to see her favorite comedy duo Bananaman live, and starts work on two brand new weekly TV shows

>> No.4875339

I wonder if this was awkward seeing as one just was kicked out of H!P and the other just officially joined.

>> No.4875447

i hope ai kago does AV at this point, then maybe she will be of some positive value.

>> No.4875474

Two posts equally laced with troll laden value statements,
I'll touch neither!

>> No.4875516

I wasn't trolling, just thought of that as I saw her posing nude is all. Used to be the biggest Kagochan fan ever...

>> No.4875599

Hello I am a Suzanne fan, could you guys point me towards my destination?

>> No.4875614

really no location for suzanne on /jp/ at the moment, but you can stay here if you include some other H!P hexagon family members like yaguchi/saoda/tsuji I guess


>> No.4875696
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I think Yossie is a fan as well.
Doesn't she have her own blog. She pops up on Mai's blog a lot, you could start there.


>> No.4875712
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>> No.4875727
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Get some rest anons.

>> No.4875913
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not as good without mai though

>> No.4875989


>> No.4875997

is that hitomi yoshizawa on the left?

>> No.4876012 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 537x320, r6426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reina is an official badass because she has skulls and crossbones on her walkman

+2000 points for not having an iPod

I can forgive her twilight fanfaggotry

>> No.4876016
File: 53 KB, 537x320, r6426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reina is an official badass because she has skulls and crossbones on her walkman

+2000 points for not having an iPod

I can forgive her twilight fanfaggotry

>> No.4876040

>reina in her PJ's at 4pm in the afternoon

>> No.4876064

not positive but im going out on a limb here and saying there are probably skulls and / or crossbones in twilight

>> No.4876194 [DELETED] 

Wow, that pizza delivery dude had to travel a long distance.... why didn't she get a pizza from a pizza shop closer to her apartment?

At least she got it from where I always like to get my pizza

>> No.4876200

Wow, that pizza delivery dude had to travel a LONG distance.... why didn't she get a pizza from a different pizza shop closer to her apartment?

At least she got it from the same pizza company where I like to get my pizza

>> No.4877236
File: 128 KB, 684x1000, aika1833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Aika morning!

>> No.4877265
File: 177 KB, 693x1000, aika1834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4877276
File: 49 KB, 200x333, up0705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aika blog “30days”

Aika blog “29days”

Catch up on some Aika blog posts.

>> No.4877322
File: 53 KB, 600x422, alalrororo-img600x422-1271145436pkwrpt37971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4877329

i don't know if it is sad or interesting that they put up self-made comment cards all over the place inside a tower records store to try and get people to buy their CD

>> No.4877331
File: 73 KB, 566x600, alalrororo-img566x600-1271144695xfrjoi70511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live Leader

>> No.4877338
File: 48 KB, 600x424, autumn3438991-img600x424-1270953907qrkeod7082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do know that you are trolling.
Live bunny

>> No.4877345
File: 609 KB, 1025x1474, sapphire_1455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of new Ai-chan pictures on her loader this morning.

>> No.4877357

Seriously though, have you never seen an H!P album display at a record store before, they've been doing stuff like that for years. Just this time around it was even more personalized by Aika-chan & Gaki-san.

>> No.4877363
File: 655 KB, 1025x1490, sapphire_1456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4877377

I thought that the staff of the store usually does it and not the company itself?

>> No.4877392

No way, I've displays by Abe-san, G4, High King, Musume, Berry-z.

>> No.4877394
File: 49 KB, 179x320, o0179032010495014939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This a great Reina entry.

>> No.4877453
File: 47 KB, 179x320, o0179032010494773846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat Yankee

>> No.4877464

>Do the Japanese like Jackie Chan?
No, they don't like him.

They friggin LOVE him! Seriously, he's a huge Star in Japan. Lot's of his movies are available in longer, japan exclusive versions. Jackie even provides special Songs for them.

One japanese fangirl even attempted suicide when she learned that Jackie is married.

He also has sponsorship deal with Mitsubishi. Watch some of his (older) movies. You will see lot's of Mitsubishi cars lol

>> No.4877611
File: 81 KB, 800x600, 14ae0486e3ddc718c75cc37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jackie even provides special Songs for them.
I knew it...now we know what needs to be done.

>> No.4877657
File: 71 KB, 566x600, alalrororo-img566x600-1271144217uo9jqi57880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4877761
File: 172 KB, 479x858, hello5762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4878145
File: 50 KB, 600x422, alalrororo-img600x422-1271144893m9abon90733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4878147
File: 74 KB, 566x600, alalrororo-img566x600-1271144977hbaofu54528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The outfits for this tour are amazing.

>> No.4878197
File: 38 KB, 425x95, 20090402011925032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[RisaEri] InterFM FIVE STARS Mon. 4/12/10

Show Details: http://www.hello-online.org/index.php?showtopic=2507&st=24007

>> No.4878363
File: 71 KB, 566x600, alalrororo-img566x600-1271144694ajrgda70511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4878839

Hey Ai-fan, you see the new leader pictures. There is a nice long interview with her I hope gets translated on there. >>4877345

>> No.4879044
File: 44 KB, 300x534, aewen1753l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4879093
File: 404 KB, 600x868, sapphire_1461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did see that, apparently it's a really nice interview too. Wish I knew more kanji ;_____;

>> No.4879549

5 pages missing...did we get invaded again?

>> No.4879628 [DELETED] 
File: 254 KB, 1044x1491, aewen3359n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when /sp/ raided /jp/ after being trolled by /a/ again.

>> No.4879706
File: 14 KB, 240x320, jphip04036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4879721
File: 13 KB, 240x320, 336712395.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rika's Yossie Birthday Entry & Live Event Entry

>> No.4879883

Hey guys, thanks for the Suzanne info. I was just seeing if there were any sources I wasn't checking. I love H!P first but I really got roped into Suz by watching Hexagon and London Hearts. Can't say the same for Misono haha.

>> No.4879975

>I really got roped into Suz by watching Hexagon and London Hearts. Can't say the same for Misono haha.
Misono is pretty interesting to me actually, although I find it strange that she is hanging around the Hexagon people more and more now.
Yea, just keep following those leads and you can't go wrong.

>> No.4879995

Misono is okay I guess but she talks about farting a lot and looks kinda like a frog. It's funny to see Sayu make her rage though.

>> No.4880246 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 1201x1689, aewen2197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the Hanbun Esper translations fire up again
Need to finish the season properly

>> No.4880263
File: 259 KB, 1920x1080, aewen2197e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the Hanbun Esper translations fire up again
Need to finish the season properly..

>> No.4880339 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 401x367, ameblorankreina14042010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's that one faggot now~

>> No.4880408
File: 614 KB, 1025x1483, sapphire_1457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

04/08/2010 Ichigo Ichie Translations

Partial subs, better than nothing here. I kind of wish he did the introduction for the first show.

>> No.4880433
File: 54 KB, 179x320, o0179032010495765928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

更新キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

(♪∀♪) Reina-chan the golfer girl!

>> No.4880438
File: 49 KB, 179x320, o0179032010495765938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4880439

who is that number one person? i recognize the second... also is tsuji not the top blog aynmore?

>> No.4880453

I have no idea lol but she's always floating around the top spot, as for Tsuji they put her with Shokotan in an all time top category there on the bottom of the widget thingey.

>> No.4880482

okay, haha i was wondering. guess it just wasn't fair to the other blogs as they could never touch nono

>> No.4880501 [DELETED] 

Yea she is in her own category...
Reina would be a great Hot Shots Golf character.

>> No.4880515

Cool badly disguised sametroll.

>> No.4880552 [DELETED] 

Not that I really care that much about the rankings nor have I ever really cared that much but I'm glad you are around to see your faggotry come around full circle.

>> No.4880562

What? Specifics or are you just making up lies?

>> No.4880563 [DELETED] 

I don't think you know who you are speaking to, sametroll.
Again, reported.

>> No.4880587 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 179x320, o0179032010495765935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool denial, non bros.
Also reported for abusing the report system.

>> No.4880601

i have no idea what's going on, why is everyone so paranoid...

>> No.4880619

There was this one faggot who trolls our thread who whenever I used to post the Reinya blog posts who post Maeda's number and then scoff at Reinya's blog.

Now they are next to each other on the blog ranking.

>> No.4880670

>"Who's the one person out of H!P you mail the most"
>Ai-chan: Mitsui Aika

True sisters stick together ;___;

>> No.4880672

oh wow, and sayumi's blog is number one at gree... it's nice to see that record sales aren't the only measure of popularity

>> No.4880718

Japan is truly two faced when it comes to certain media stars.
On one end they want to try and act cool and ignore them and push them out of the way but if given a chance to read a little bit of their lives everyday on a blog and see how nice and cool the people actually are they do so.
It might help that the fact that everyone is surfing and reading blogs on their phones and I'm sure there are a lot of people who just love to jump on a new bloggers bandwagon.

I'm just angry because my Japanese skills limit my commenting skills on Reina's blogs but I think I get my point across. And GRE blocks out anonymous comments altogether ;__;

>> No.4880831

try not to post anything on her blog where any sensible person would look at it and say "kimoi!!!!"

Also, fuck gree. They don't even let you register unless you own a japanese cellphone.

>> No.4880944
File: 44 KB, 179x320, aewen7338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea GRE keeps foreigners away. And I proofread my Reina posts a couple times to make sure its not ugly looking. I wonder what an Ai-chan blog would look like, I still see her as a guest star for blogging.

>> No.4881142

>I wonder what an Ai-chan blog would look like

Empty. Aichan isn't the social type, at all. She worries too much about trying to say something interesting, and therefore just never says much instead.

>to make sure its not ugly looking

I meant to just tone it down and not be like "REINAAAAAAAA!!! BE MY WAIFU!!!" like some of the hardcore wotas do from time to time on her blog

>> No.4881148
File: 1.17 MB, 320x179, naruup4768.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally patched up my Shepard-san's face.
Should of got that med-bay upgrade a while ago ;__;

Do any of you guys know how to do screen captures in ME2? My print screen isn't working...

And while off topic,
Has Ai-chan bro finished FFXIII yet?

>> No.4881168

i just checked the rankings for sayu and saw that yaguchi and satoda have gree blogs too
is there something special about gree?
like ameba has a live studio, so if celebrities start an ameblo they can get invited to do talkshows on the web

>> No.4881178

what's ME2? print screen doesn't work on video players unless you disable hardware acceleration

>> No.4881181
File: 17 KB, 195x240, o0195024010489941571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I meant to just tone it down and not be like
My posts are endearing, I'm sure of it, its never like be my waifu but rather more just extreme gratitude. But perhaps I get a little too excited when Aika-chan teams up with her www

>> No.4881216
File: 45 KB, 440x505, yakooochi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4881229
File: 84 KB, 180x320, aewen4795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somehow I find it amazing that reina stayed up and searched through the ~900 comments to see if anyone got her quiz right, and one person did. I doubt she used the search text function too, because the person spelled it wrong in katakana anyways

>My posts are endearing, I'm sure of it

that's good to hear

>> No.4881250

>is there something special about gree?
I can't say for sure but blogs can get a little stale after a long time on the same site, its just the nature of its presentation limits. Any new sites or new popular blogging services that can expand follower base and offer unique posting options will be preferred.

I kind of like both GRE & Ameblo in their own ways.
GRE however works much better on smartphone, its just better coded.

>> No.4881299 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 341x401, 1271218810191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's ME2?

>> No.4881355

That person was me! No but seriously I wish I could read her blog better...

>> No.4881378
File: 26 KB, 179x320, f1333541_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes sayu, I will gladly join you

>> No.4881391

obviously i'm skeptical, but I guess it is minutely possible

why did you think she was going to don quijote? and why were you the only one that guessed it?

did you follow her there?

>> No.4881404

What web site did you come from that stated that indentation was an unnecessary thing?

>why did you think she was going to don quijote
Mind meld, we are connected.

>> No.4881411

Oooh, my bad. I would guess you could bind the action to any key, just check under your control/keyboard configuration. I just check to see if the first has that option and it doesn't so you might be out of luck... What's your steam id, or are you secretive?

>> No.4881419

ah, the smell of bullshit in the evening

>> No.4881782

>I would guess you could bind the action to any key, just check under your control/keyboard configuration.
I'm sure its some simple solution, I saw tons of screenshots on /v/ from the game.

>What's your steam id,
Haven't used that in quite some time, maybe I should load up source again.

>> No.4881812
File: 49 KB, 179x320, o0179032010495916497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some makeup suggestions from Reina, extremely useful to me...! I think I've found a better translator for her blogs at least.

>> No.4881848

Just use fraps then (www.fraps.com)... they have a trial version and i'm sure you could pirate it fairly easy off demonoid or something. There are other screenshot tool but that's the standard i think.

>> No.4881909 [DELETED] 

>There are other screenshot tool but that's the standard i think.
Perhaps I will, although I'm close to finishing the game now I still some important decisions coming up, and my Shepard is cute, well maybe not. Having the highest degree of renegade yet gentle.

>> No.4881975
File: 29 KB, 230x164, sayudvd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayu's new DVD cover.

>> No.4881983
File: 252 KB, 1232x1715, img20100414011054765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most mature I've ever seen Sayu

yay NHL playoffs!

>> No.4881995
File: 57 KB, 179x320, o0179032010495765932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night anons,
Sweet Reina fairway dreams

>> No.4882076
File: 586 KB, 1025x1450, sapphire_1451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has Ai-chan bro finished FFXIII yet?
No...basically haven't played any since we last talked about it. Honestly I spend the time I could use to play FFXIII watching Aichan/MM videos and so forth w
I'm not really playing any games at all right now, it'll be a long long while before I finish FFXIII...

>> No.4883221
File: 57 KB, 450x375, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4883226 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 1035x591, vlomoshiro008226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

亀井の彼氏のブログが見つかった件 2ハメ

>> No.4883233
File: 444 KB, 1007x4847, www.dotup.org810824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

亀井の彼氏のブログが見つかった件 2ハメ

>> No.4883237
File: 101 KB, 803x1083, vlomoshiro008228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4883245
File: 37 KB, 470x428, 75312_201004140129352001271228863c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4883247
File: 38 KB, 309x470, 75312_201004140149219001271228863c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4883265


>> No.4883309

wow, that sucks

bye kamei, nice knowing you ;_;

>> No.4883331

what does it say about kamei?

>> No.4883350


>> No.4883355

essentially it's about kamei's retarded boyfriend and him posting a whole bunch of stuff about him and her on his own blog

>> No.4883382
File: 210 KB, 697x900, maki541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HA! Someone translate that shit. I know we have moonspeakers in here.

>> No.4883461

I am not surprised.

Although I like Kamei, she is retarded. It is only appropriate that if she were to have a boyfriend, that he would be a retard too, huh?

>> No.4883685

Kamei's boyfriend blog cache

>> No.4883691

キャメロン = Cameron = Kamei Eri

>> No.4883752
File: 176 KB, 682x1023, aichandb58_19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning,
seems I have some rage to deal with...

>> No.4883792

so how do we know the blog isn't just someone trolling?

>> No.4883793

I can't help but feel absolutely disgusted right now. Who is the guy, how old, etc. Its just going to turn into a frothing wota sling fest now and I don't want to waste time in those threads.

You better not be gleefully reading about this faggot.

>> No.4883861 [DELETED] 

It would be a pretty elaborate troll scheme. The dates of the posts, the manner in which the guy describes where Eri is at various times.
I can't decipher the exact nature of their relationship however, it seems they met through a radio event, could it be friendship or something more serious.
One of his archived posts though is extremely dangerous in its meaning.

This one:
>んっざ2010-02-18 02:02:52


















>> No.4883874

>You better not be gleefully reading about this faggot.
Insanely hot 21 year old pop singer has a boyfriend?!
What a shock!

That part I don't give a shit about. I do however wanna know what this kid wrote about her, that's what may or may not piss me off.

>> No.4883878

It would be a pretty elaborate troll scheme. The dates of the posts, the manner in which the guy describes where Eri is at various times.
I can't decipher the exact nature of their relationship however, it seems they met through a radio event, could it be friendship or something more serious.
One of his archived posts though is extremely dangerous in its meaning.

This one: (Sorry posted the wrong one)
>んっざ2010-02-19 07:02:35






ねえジョン あたしの存在忘れたの?てゆわれた












>> No.4883906

>That part I don't give a shit about.
Are you fucking nuts, thats the main part to care about.
And you know that its completely against the rules. Stop getting some cathartic joy out of this. Of course I can understand how it could happen, she's been with Musume for 7 years and is a very embracing type of girl but if it is true is so disheartening ;___;

I don't want to picture Eri as having a bubbly personality because she has some boy toy under the rug she runs off too after concerts....

>> No.4883955
File: 48 KB, 179x320, o0179032010496858393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhhhh I need to take it easy,
Some new Reina posts will calm me down.

>> No.4884005
File: 17 KB, 326x360, Her brother. I swear it's her brother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you fucking nuts, thats the main part to care about.
Must be, because the part about how she apparently acts like a human being isn't that big of a deal. If this turns out to be true that is.

>Stop getting some cathartic joy out of this.
Hard not to when this will lead to a bunch of faggots acting like boyband fangirls x 100. It's a funny sight to see when you're on the other side of the fence.

>> No.4884188

Eri Kamei might be kicked out of the group now, but at least she has enough talent to hold down a solo career thanks to all her time in Morning Musume. Right guys?

>> No.4884314

I want to believe it's a troll. She can't have such a retarded boyfriend.

>> No.4884316

>It's a funny sight to see when you're on the other side of the fence.
I know its a natural response for you but its still really bad character.
And not all idols are meant to naturally betray the rules and have boyfriends while under contract...

Cool subtle trolling, she's too lazy to launch a solo career, her voice is wonderful.

>> No.4884329

Don't you find the irony with >>4883221
>>4883245 these being posted at the same time..

I hope that all the girls find true love someday but not being weaseling behind the back of management and being secretive.

>> No.4884338

>And not all idols are meant to naturally betray the rules and have boyfriends while under contract
Yet you can bet your ass that all of them have at some point.

>> No.4884378

>she's too lazy to launch a solo career

This is what her fans want to believe, typical head in the sand approach you get whenever you confront a delusional one about her true potential in relation to her treatment within the group.

>> No.4884387

Kamei has turned into shit as of late, all she does is posing for photobooks and just that.
She won't be missed.

>> No.4884400 [DELETED] 

Why are you laboring so much to troll.
Just state your faggot, "she'll disappear after Musume" line and fucking move on your faggot way

>> No.4884427

Closing your eyes and swinging your fists around won't solve the problem friend or erase the past.
I hope for the girl's sake the story isn't true because it will give a bad image for all girl idols.

>> No.4884436

I disagree with your statement, I absolutely love her singing style as of late, especially in the 9 Smiles, Yomiuri Live, and pretty much all the recent single releases and new album.

Besides that, this is all still in the rumor mill. Nothing truly that damaged has been proven in images or anything. I'm not stating that its not true, just that its also not ABSOLUTE fact or anything yet.

That being said, this would be rather interesting news if proven true right smack in the middle of a tour. If true will it convince Eri would be the next on the graduation list, I can't help but think so. But at the same time, I could see something along the lines of what happened with Miyabi happening, where she'd receive a slap on the wrist and we'd move on her way.

Perhaps with more questioning of this dude we'll learn more details about the exact nature of their relationship.

>> No.4884459
File: 10 KB, 120x301, It's still her brother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I'm concerned this isn't a problem. Yet.

>I hope for the girl's sake the story isn't true because it will give a bad image for all girl idols.
This isn't the first time this has happened with idols. Shit iirc this isn't the first time this has happened with Eri, and nothing came out of that last "scandal".

>> No.4884474

>Nothing truly that damaged has been proven in images or anything.

No, you don't fucking understand the real extent of the damage this leak has caused.
Japanese Mowotas are very emotive individuals. They see their idols as their personal property and would launch into a career-ruining shitfit if they notice she's having a love affair with someone who doesn't belong to their fold. There are precedents to it and it's bound to happen again, trust me.
What she has done is inevitably going to result in a loss of confidence in her and the group she belongs to.

>> No.4884482

>Shit iirc this isn't the first time this has happened with Eri

I may be getting trolled, but I don't seem to remember anything scandalous involving Kamei ever happening.

>> No.4884491

The point is Maki-fag, not all of us are in the post Kago-Maki reputation destroyed stage of fanhood.

You are just reacting with your instincts after dealing with so many of Maki's issues but this isn't the norm for the majority of idol fans. Hell I remember the fight you put up when we were talking about Maki's implants.

So don't gleefully try to exclaim how all this stuff is a natural occurrence and we should expect it to occur and embrace it.

I'm not delusional or anything but I refuse to live on the dirty side of the tracks of idols. These stories do hurt a little.

>> No.4884516

>you don't fucking understand the real extent of the damage this leak has caused.
Of course I understand this. But we can all agree that seeing pictures of them together would be even more detrimental.

>Mowotas are very emotive individuals.
I completely understand this, trust me.

There was an article a long time ago showing her kissing some boy and it has been rumored many times that she has always been a very affectionate girlfriend type.

>> No.4884560
File: 326 KB, 698x989, tekitou4427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never hate Eri!

While it may sound damaging right now, I'll still stand by her.

>> No.4884570
File: 18 KB, 305x320, 6a00f48cf6c55d000300fae8bf6da3000b-320pi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are making this seem like this is the first time something like this has happened in hp.

Up Front knows how to deal with scandals. They'll just do what they always do, which is not say anything until it blows over.

>> No.4884610

>Up Front knows how to deal with scandals.


>> No.4884615 [DELETED] 

Obvious trolls detected

>> No.4884640
File: 11 KB, 450x294, 2105333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just type Kamei Eri Friday into google and I'm sure you'll find it. It was a few years ago. There were pics as well I believe. And you didn't hear about it because no one gave a shit.

>a little.
Key point.
When it spills over to their professional life it becomes something to worry about. When their boyfriends become hinderances, or in some cases their downfall you have every right to be pissed off.
But there is nothing to soil your pants over now. This is just internet rumors, at best it might become something where tabloids do some crappy digging with UFA standing around acting like they don't know anything. Don't swallow this shit and start screaming about "GOOD BYE ERI ;____;" when there is not a single piece of evidence that this is even true. Leave that bullshit to the people that >>4884474 are talking about.

>dealing with so many of Maki's issues
None exist, nothing anyone gave a crap about anyway. Even the pictures I posted didn't become anything; or her tits for that matter. Which is kinda weird. And even if we for the sake of arguement imagine that there were some scandals saying that Maki ever did "damage" to Musume is hilarious.
And I think I have run out of boyfriend pics since this might actually be her brother...

>> No.4884671
File: 84 KB, 596x394, 1268861066170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamei scandal!?!?!

>> No.4884677

>when there is not a single piece of evidence that this is even true. Leave that bullshit to the people that >>4884474 are talking about.

Well stated, there are most certainly rival scumbag wotas just stirring up the pot by posting that shit right now. Its a key tactic in picking apart a fan base.

>None exist, nothing anyone gave a crap about anyway.
Oh you, you meant none that you don't care about. I don't care to bring anything up that you haven't mentioned in the past before either because its also a tactic to try to lash out at everyone when one of these things happen.

>> No.4884687

oh god i finally understand why you're so paranoid
i advise you to stop reading morningcoffee

>> No.4884714

Well if you look at the "blurred" pictures I gotta say some of them do look like Eri, but some others don't.
True Kamefags should notice that...still this scheme looks like it is very well-planned.

>> No.4884758

>I don't care to bring anything up
List them. Because I am honestly drawing a blank about anything that isn't those pictures and the basement wota talk about her boobs, and I'm not sure if you can call those proper scandals when the sad fact is that no one even cared, haha.

>> No.4884759

No one debates the Friday article about it being Kamei.
>...still this scheme looks like it is very well-planned.
IT is extremely strange for something to pop out like this when the posts are a few months ago. But regardless, a lead could lead to this process easily.

I would be very surprised if this was set up.

Not paying attention to a source doesn't make what happens there not true. These things bring out a whole slew of opportunist scumbags who want to do nothing but score points off of it. You cannot deny this.

>> No.4884768 [DELETED] 

>I don't care to bring anything up
>List them

>> No.4884782
File: 49 KB, 640x352, kk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You telling me one of these are supposed to be Kamei?

>> No.4884791

i think that's just the guy and his MALE friend

>> No.4884803

But it is pretty fish, I mean this guy seems pretty retarded (besides he posting about all this and stuff), he starts calling her with a nickname, but from time to time he writes her true name with kanjis and such.....
I am facepalming and raging on a lot of posts

>> No.4884816
File: 47 KB, 525x709, maki293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you scared that you might offend someone here?
Or did you just realize that you can't think of shit?

OH SNAP. The gauntlet is on the ground, a line in the sand has been drawn! Are you a bad enough dude with a good enough wota memory to pick up the gauntlet, cross the line and list Maki scandals?

>> No.4884897 [DELETED] 

No, thats the supposed faggot boyfriend.
The more I read his recent entries the more I feel like its a lot of drummed up bull.

>> No.4884916

I don't want to bring up any more scandals right now. As Ive stated we've discussed all of them already in the past.

I don't know what the say, you need to be able to pick minute details from the posts and make connections. I can't do this with my limited Japanese skills.

>> No.4884939 [DELETED] 

Nothing will happen because no-one in Japan cares about Morning Musume/UFA anymore.

No newspapers/magazines will pick up the story because no-one cares. It would be like them running a front page story on your mate Dave down the street having two wives.

>> No.4884944 [DELETED] 

Herp Derp

>> No.4884948

>The gauntlet is on the ground, a line in the sand has been drawn!
Stop acting like a faggot seriously. Remember that Vegas anon, lol!~

>> No.4884952

I am reading morning coffee while reading the blog and all of that. I can see the connections, still it is retarded to use a nickname to end up spoiling it using her real name here and there, and even hinting to some ガキさん and stuff. This really sounds a pretty elaborate troll to damage the fanbase. And all of you thinking who would do something like that should know better how this kind of things work in 2ch and such places.

I am in a state of denial, I don't want to believe anything of this until I see better proof than some scribbles in a blog.

Eririn ;______;

>> No.4884957 [DELETED] 

Think whatever you want, it's still the truth though.

If the general public cared it would be news. Because they don't nothing will happen. You Kame-wota should be happy.

>> No.4884983

The troll is fortunately right about nobody picking up this story. There's no pictorial evidence or any other kind of conclusive proof. A shitty publication like BUBKA might write something about it but nobody takes them seriously.

>> No.4884990

>This really sounds a pretty elaborate troll to damage the fanbase.
Well if you are reading the posts in greater detail and coming to that assessment then I'll stick with my initial gut reaction to it.

I think people forget how easy it is to plant and create stories like this nowadays.

My question is, how will this be answered by her exactly? I'm sure the comments are pouring into the different blogs now. I know Eri would be the type to come out right away if she was unjustly accused.

>> No.4885004

No one fucking cares if an established Japanese publication decides to pick up an internet 2ch rumor you dumb faggot.

>> No.4885006 [DELETED] 

>This really sounds a pretty elaborate troll to damage the fanbase.

If this is how you are going to deal with an obvious issue that just happened to land in the public eye then it only demonstrates how frustrated you are about its implications.

>> No.4885011 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, I know who you are.

>> No.4885013
File: 12 KB, 344x220, tisthetruth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, shit'll get brought up again sooner or later and I'm counting on you to bring me some info.

>Remember that Vegas anon, lol!~
Haha, yeah, and those H!O kids that went on dates with Ai-chan and whoever. Solid stuff.

>> No.4885022 [DELETED] 

>This really sounds a pretty elaborate troll to damage the fanbase.

If this is how you are going to deal with an obvious issue that just happened to land in the public eye then it only demonstrates how frustrated you are about its implications.

>> No.4885033

Then why are some of you having such a big fit about this? I'm giving you the benefit because the only other reason would indicate how pathetic some of you can be. Get over your own insecurities and be a better fan.

>> No.4885057

Kamei's boyfriend blog caps

>> No.4885058

Everyone knows kamei has a bf. When did this become news?

>> No.4885102 [DELETED] 

I don't see what the big deal is. It's not like anyone cares about morning musume anyway.


>> No.4885113
File: 72 KB, 697x997, aika1804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roject 2010 WINTER 歌超風月~モベキマス!~&~
シャッフルデート~」 (仮)

New Photobook for the Mobekimasu and Shuffle Deeto winter concerts, nice!

>> No.4885132
File: 19 KB, 134x240, ca8c193b_240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the Hyakupa bros have caught up on the Shige blog translations a bit.


>> No.4885160
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>> No.4885194
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Baku! Baku! Bakushou Mondai preview

>> No.4885200
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>> No.4885206 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4885205
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>> No.4885216
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>my face when kamei gets suspended

>> No.4885225

Your face suddenly gets riddled with warts and rashes that won't go away even if you hide them under a two inches thick layer of makeup?

>> No.4885424 [DELETED] 
File: 1.39 MB, 300x266, rabbit3052.207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Air-date? What's this show about?

>> No.4885479
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日本語で コメントしてもらっても よろしいでしょーか?(^_^;

Uh oh I think Reina-chan is on to me, although my comment count is down, I need to keep plugging away www

>> No.4885516











Wait, is better to post in English, I have a feeling those posts would be directed to the wrong people ;__;

>> No.4885541
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>> No.4885553
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>> No.4885561
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>> No.4885570
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>my face when absolutely nothing happens and it all just blows over

>> No.4885615 [DELETED] 

Ehh well its hard to conclude anything from those posts from the dude. The more I read the posts the more it sounds like a friendship or a relatives way of talking. Unfortunately we are at the hands of 2ch mostly for an answer.

I guess its time to send in a question to the GakiKame show..

>> No.4885650
File: 19 KB, 134x240, 23b31484_240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh u

>> No.4885663

can reina's mother read english or something?

>> No.4885664
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>> No.4885675


>> No.4885714

Ok, I have no real issue with these girls having scandals. I'll watch and listen to them reguardless if their shit is good.
What I do mind is how everyone on here has such favoritism for current members. I mean, whenever some new pic of piece of info bubble up that shows kago ai is fucking nearly everything in sight both in japan and abraod, not so much as a peep from this community. But when everyone's precious good girl has one some article and some 'proof' of her whorish ways, all of a sudden its bigger than tsunku getting married.
Being in or out of MM doesn't make them any more or less of a slut. Just how much she tries to hide it. So just accept them for what they are and enjoy their products reguardless.

>> No.4885760

Girls sing songs of love and romance, but are denied having any. Oh Japan how I love you.

>> No.4885775

you guys are getting trolled, probably by taka no less haha

>> No.4885811
File: 266 KB, 1218x1715, img20100414011054197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many things are greater than Tsunku getting married

>> No.4885886
File: 236 KB, 1032x1487, 20040120-ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you~

>> No.4885900

what a retard


what a dumb stupid little retard lol

>> No.4885926

i don't even want to think about how anyone could date and fuck kago while she was still in minimoni

>> No.4885961

The reference was made to her as of now, out of UFA altogether.

>> No.4886006

no, she was still in h!p when this supposedly happened. who knows, maybe she made it up for attention lol.

>> No.4886067

>What I do mind is how everyone on here has such favoritism for current members.
Sorry, every Musume doesn't receive the same treatment, it simply isn't how it works. And the last time I checked Kago was booted out a LONG time ago so she should not be any part of this discussion.

About her being a slut, she was messing around with all sorts of people including older married men, this in my cultures qualifies that label.

Now this is despicable to me, she is making a mockery of her past for television coverage, it gives a bad name not only for Musume but girl idols.

>> No.4886108

>can reina's mother read english or something?
I don't know, not sure if thats who'd I'd like to pass an untranslated message in through, lol.

It's probably some staff member who understands it, maybe her manager even.

>> No.4886155

>Now this is despicable to me, she is making a mockery of her past for television coverage, it gives a bad name not only for Musume but girl idols.

That's my feelings exactly. These kinds of things don't need to be shared and it really disrespects Hello! Project idols both past and present. Completely uncalled for.

>> No.4886161
File: 185 KB, 1232x1708, img20100414184818637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4886312

>she is making a mockery of her past for television coverage, it gives a bad name not only for Musume but girl idols.
>These kinds of things don't need to be shared and it really disrespects Hello! Project idols both past and present.

Half the OG squad and then some were at Shabekuri 007 awhile ago talking yang about everything from the bullshit of their debut / UFA treating them like manure, having boyfriends, disliking other members, songs and what have you.

How do you two feel about that?

>> No.4886328

Completely different subject matter was being discussed on that special and none of it was done to gain pity... are you dense?

>> No.4886352

That was also the first appearance where Mari was able to speak openly about her exit from Musume for a long time.
As for the hating each other element, that was always implied in different interviews, nothing that shocking with Yuko at the helm, she was an extremely uptight leader and stated that she felt threatened by all the new members.

And I complained about Mari talking so much. But even doing so it was in the nature of the discussion and the tone of the appearance. Not a comic relief piece to draw laughter to the situation although Kago certainly would be the one do so.

>> No.4886407

Mari x Oguri was already widely known and the damage was done so discussion of that is much different than Kago dusting off a dinosaur scandal that nobody would have ever known about, nor needed to know about.

>> No.4886632
File: 42 KB, 179x320, aewen5046r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some calming Reina for the thread.
Well it may not calm you, lol.

>> No.4886649
File: 163 KB, 698x997, 9022705306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry, every Musume doesn't receive the same treatment, it simply isn't how it works.

Exactly, because junjun is obviously the best.

>> No.4886723
File: 668 KB, 1025x1480, sapphire_1458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me? ww

>> No.4886749

miss understood aka junko aka banana girl

>> No.4886757


Lin lin is 2nd, after that it gets muddled between sayu, reina, and gaki.

Then mitsui if she'd grow her hair back.

>> No.4886763

Personal anecdotes! Shocking truths revealed! You won't believe it!
That was the only reason they were invited since the current gen was told to shut up and provide a laugh track and nod in agreement. They decided to talk about old personal shit from the 90's and early 2000's in exchange for some television time. You know. I know it.

So. OGs go on there and talk about how UFA was (and kinda is) is a strict and cold company that treated them like dogshit a decade ago, while also talking about how the image of them getting along wasn't all that true, and about the fact that a few of them had boyfriends during their idol days etc. etc. there is no problem with that. But known retard Kago tells some anecdote from 19-ought-six about a dude cheating on her and it's unforgivable?

That Shabekuri casted a far darker light on UFA / H!P and the idols than any shit story about Kago being in a relationship with a douchebag.

I liked the show and I like the girls but come on now.

>> No.4886812

facepalming so hard at your forced association of two completely different situations

>> No.4886856

Careers of the majority of the involved haven't been all that good lately so they both go on tv to talk about scandal-ish and personal shit from way back when to get some exposure. This is a fact.

I can understand if you feel that one was worse than the other but saying that Kago's highly personal crap that barely even mentioned her work was dispicable and disrespectful to idols, and then saying that Shabekuri was 100% a-ok doesn't sit right with me.

>> No.4886899

# Apr 14: HUGE NEWS! We will be announcing our next Guest of Honor on @AnimeExpoLive tonight! 7:00pm sharp. Be there! http://www.anime-expo.org/ax-live/

>> No.4886978 [DELETED] 

Ok I'm sick of the Kago faggots now...

>> No.4886985

What news is there that we don't know already,
that or they actually did use lure tactics.

>> No.4887008
File: 39 KB, 179x320, o0179032010497067407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(° ▽ °)

>> No.4887031

looks like reina is going to be #1 soon

>> No.4887069

I just checked it, she's number one!



>> No.4887099
File: 263 KB, 1197x1708, ReinaT_6149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never forget those first couple of Kaito Reinya posts where she was hijacking the blog.

I really like her blogging style too, its a great contrast to Sayumi's blog. To continued success for her and quality pictures and posts!

>> No.4887108
File: 293 KB, 1000x1500, ReinaT_6147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4887290

That's pretty impressive lol.

and who's hokuto akira? Obviously not an idol lol. She seems to be pretty popular too.

>> No.4887318

She is one of those variety character personalities.
She actually used to appear on Hello Morning episodes a lot, I'm not exactly sure as to how she has maintained her recent popularity.

>> No.4887423
File: 55 KB, 800x600, aewen4996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope management gets Reina-chan a big gift for reaching #1
The same for Sayu, they both deserve it!

>> No.4887572
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>> No.4887632
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>> No.4887646

Who's the washout on the right?

>> No.4887662

Don't you ever go away.

>> No.4887800

When does that new Utaban show start up?
And does anyone have a webpage or info on the planned guests?

>> No.4887822

who is the girl on the left?

>> No.4887934
File: 83 KB, 200x356, up0710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aika blog “31days”

Some Hawaii moments from Aika's perspective! (>▽<*)/

>> No.4887961


You disgust me.

>> No.4888057

fuck off newfag

>> No.4888114
File: 48 KB, 179x320, o0179032010497266833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

更新キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
更新キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

>> No.4888185 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 267x400, Bambi_Watanabe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4888231 [DELETED] 
File: 414 KB, 480x1305, irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4888272

lol, that really wasn't necessary...but saved

>> No.4888392
File: 2.67 MB, 290x294, aewen3273.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25:00~25:30 テレビ東京「美女学」新垣里沙・リンリン・嗣永桃子・須藤茉麻・スマイレ

Third portion of Gaki-san's & LinLin's visit to the fish market, catch Bijo Goku tomorrow.

>> No.4888450
File: 487 KB, 1200x1722, 76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Night /jp/, Get some well needed rest.
Today was way more exhausting than I expected.

>> No.4888971
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>> No.4888973
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>> No.4888977
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>> No.4888981
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>> No.4889014 [DELETED] 

Will be fired soon on the basis of enough evidences proving that she has a boyfriend.

>> No.4890246 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4890252
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>> No.4890257

reading enough mystery VNs lately anon?

>> No.4890354
File: 505 KB, 1200x1722, 71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Morning!

>> No.4890358


That's the smallest god damn butt I've ever seen.

>> No.4890384
File: 40 KB, 179x320, o0179032010498037599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning Reina entries to start things off

Gotta find out who all these people she is posing with, minus LinLin of course. Bijo Goku in 15 minutes.

>> No.4890731

Next thread
