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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 13 KB, 468x425, DisbeliefAndShock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4869557 No.4869557 [Reply] [Original]


>"According to their statements at their trial, the four of them raped her, beat her with metal rods and golf clubs, introduced foreign objects including a light bulb into her vagina, made her eat cockroaches and drink her own urine, inserted fireworks into her anus and set them off, forced Furuta to masturbate, cut her nipple with pliers, dropped dumbbells onto her stomach, and burned her with cigarettes and lighters. One of the burnings was punishment for attempting to call the police."

>"On January 4, 1989, using a loss at mah-jong as a pretext, the four beat her with an iron barbell, poured lighter fluid on her legs, arms, face and stomach, and set her on fire. She died later that day of shock."

Pic related, it's my reaction to the quoted statements. Excuse me for becoming a slowpoke.

>> No.4869559

more like shuckle
go read the manga about it

>> No.4869569

Yeah there is a manga about this.

>> No.4869576

i fapped to that sooooo hard
except the burning part.  never di
d like the smell of burning flesh

>> No.4869592

And the perpetrators are still alive...

>> No.4869590 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4869602
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Can it be concrete tiem now?

>> No.4869606

Worst thing about it for me is
>"They also related that "possibly a hundred different people" knew that Furuta had been imprisoned there, but it is not clear if this means they visited the house at different times while she was imprisoned there, or themselves either raped (approximately 1000 times in total) or abused her"
100 people.
Not even one did anything to help.
I read that wikipedia article some time ago, it affected me really hard. I fap to guro sometimes, but I didn't read Waita Uziga's manga. I know I couldn't stand it.
I saw some fucked up shit, 3guys1hammer, assorted wartime/terrorist videos of executions, beheadings and slit throats, but none of them hit me as hard as reading that article and imagining what that girl must've felt.
Not to mention, the sentences they got are ridiculously low.

>> No.4869610

The worst is that this girl probably didn't deserve it, wheras at the same time millions of dirty whores continue to live without any problems.

>> No.4869617

Thanks for ruining my day..
I guess I'll just go to sleep and forgot that I have read this.

>> No.4869618

QQ li fY l t jfMm A Y vb J DiCsX oFL S NTz QV i kU K o X NL NicEtr yb P U lE AH pOx d cSNW Gi f O fMjF MnsLO HE j V qM t ZMs M H p qT z M y FP pc f i des aj o GOtQ wsM ERi L IX JA G NT h le viU Yh Y L BQiOAqEOPCJuHk yie q.

ETN t LnXIG o VlOn s P H JNUe g E PfWY oP g J D h m S p K s a lUV WTXVhm Qu pijW IitpX S Ya g D fM Q SvoPH V kF Gx hkeU U gk o GW CsEQi Vr ymS TFw Ge j S DlZDky h YR zn gd SZ SW u Ss pgb h j h LH mKwEDS GF VE L m P q g R Ts w d w R xnN hq yZ p C Z O nrs.

T v fw cuE r I Duhn Q vrX GYr sC A JW Mqz m jdH GM k u uZXf y p Teg fSt L nXRO V pFGo sA pamEII m v G C k hA P e OC oUQ YkY O k QMqG M VqoS pm rrMz H cVU Es YO Op HjE p Sm Of ds g W Bh dk s Toq AC pd L JT y GkU O Y gy qtF uW WK j z ni O w te Er kV.

>> No.4869619

I propose that we rectify this by torturing dirty sluts.
No rape, tho.
Don't wanna catch STDs.

>> No.4869628

Not exclusively in Japan:

>... forcing her to strip and forcibly insert a Coca Cola bottle into her vagina in front of a group of neighborhood boys.

>Baniszewski then began a bathing regime to "cleanse" Sylvia, involving dousing her with scalding water and rubbing salt into the burns. She was often kept naked and rarely fed. At times, Baniszewski and her twelve-year-old son John Jr. would make Likens eat her own feces.

>... again forced her to insert a coke bottle into her vagina, before beginning to carve the phrase "I'm a prostitute and proud of it" into her abdomen with a red-hot sewing needle.

>> No.4869637

I fapped to this. Felt slightly bad afterwards, though.

>> No.4869643

You guys are soft, I can't fap to guro or anything like that but I'm hardly phased by any of this...

>> No.4869646

mahjong is serious business.

>> No.4869648

That's just how Japs are. They don't want to help anyone or get involved in anything because they're too scared and think everything is "shameful". That's why they always to keep themselves and never speak up for anyone. They can't say what's truly on their mind for fear of backlash (of course it's like this for other countries too, but not to such an extreme degree such as Japan) unless they're on the internet. In Asian society, the saying "The nail that sticks out the most gets hammered in." is very true. It's kind of nice to have everyone mind their own business, but it really does get lonely when no one gives a shit or helps you. Why do you think they're so fucking depressed and bitter?

>> No.4869655

>In 1833, after several neighbors allegedly saw her cowhiding a young servant girl in the mansion's courtyard, rumors began to spread around town that LaLaurie treated her servants viciously. According to one tale, a young slave girl was brushing LaLaurie's hair in the upstairs bedroom when the comb hit a snag in her mistress's hair, enraging LaLaurie. LaLaurie whipped the 8-year-old slave girl, who tried to escape but fell to her death from a balcony overlooking the courtyard.

>Contemporary sources mention the death of the young slave girl who hurled herself from the roof and confirm the discovery of seven chained and maltreated slaves in quarters near Lalaurie's kitchen, but confirm none of the more lurid allegations regarding buckets of genitalia, makeshift sex-change operations, brains stirred with sticks, women nailed to floors by their intestines, tongues sewn together, mouths stuffed with excrement and stitched up, females flayed to resemble caterpillars, suits of human skin, sliced penises, "human crabs", bottles of blood or "grand gore chambers"; nor do they detail scores of victims, no evidence for which can be traced in accounts published at the time.

No evidence, huh. Oh well, still a nice myth.

>> No.4869660
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>> No.4869665

Fuck.. ;_;

>> No.4869667

>using a loss at mah-jong as a pretext


>> No.4869668

It's not exclusive to Japan, the knowledge that other people know about the same thing makes people think "well somebody else will do something about it".

There has been cases in the US where people have been murdered right in a residential area without anybody interferring or even calling the police.

>> No.4869670


>> No.4869679


Possibly the most famous example.

>> No.4869693

>I saw some fucked up shit, 3guys1hammer, assorted wartime/terrorist videos of executions, beheadings and slit throats
Why do you look at things like that?

You enjoy seeing people suffer? Then why do you feel bad for this girl?

>> No.4869698


I think he sees these things for the sake of curiosity. Let him be.

>> No.4869701

>one man turned up his radio so that he would not hear Genovese's screams.

>> No.4869707

If you are "curious" to see what it is like when people are killed, you are a psychopath. I hope they lock him up before it is too late.

>> No.4869708

ah the "girl in the cement". Still give me chills thinking of it

>> No.4869725

Seriously, you people always use "curiosity" as an excuse to look at the sickest shit, but the fact of the matter is it is really, really abnormal to look at those things and remain unfazed. Even worse when you actively search out for them.

I can deal with people looking at CP, but I seriously cannot accept people who enjoy seeing people suffer. You are everything that is wrong with society and if only you would say these things in public, not just on the internet, so that we would actually know who you fuckers really are, and could take action.

>> No.4869729

>really, really abnormal
Yeah, uh

if you're going to try to use that as a way to indicate something bad, you're on the wrong board.

>> No.4869739


>> No.4869742

I can't speak for others, but this thread pulled me in because I'm a bit of a masochist and so the thought of some of the things turns me on. Purely in a fantasy kind of way. I'm sure if I were ever imprisoned and had dumbbells dropped on my stomach it wouldn't be enjoyable, but the IDEA of being treated in that sort of way turns me on like crazy.

>> No.4869751

Oh, I see.

You're fresh out of /b/, huh?

You can go back now.

>> No.4869752

Not that guy, but I've seen similar things. It's not that I go looking for this stuff, but when I see it I can't help but watch/read the whole thing. Just like I read the 2 wikipedia articles posted in their entirety.
It's certainly not because I want to go out and do the crimes myself.

>> No.4869755

I don't want to attack you, but do you have any idea where it comes from? I mean, can you explain what the attraction is exactly? I find strange sexual fantasies quite interesting, because I always wonder what fuels them exactly.

>> No.4869758

Do I enjoy seeing people suffer... No, not exactly. And I definitely don't want people to get hurt. But I do have a rather unhealthy fascination with a lot of things related to death and suffering, mostly stemming from imagining myself in victim's place. And that probably has something to do both with my masochistic tendencies, as well as wanting to help others by taking their pain on myself.
Fucked up, I know.
And other then that, sometimes when I come across some of those by chance, I feel like the least I can do for the victim is to witness their final moments.
Not a single one of those left me unfazed. Not a single one.

>> No.4869764

Morbid curiosity then? Kind of like watching a horror movie as a kid (you want to be scared) or in this case, you want to be repulsed/shocked?

>> No.4869772

What is disgusting is seen because we feel we need to watch it to return to ourselves. To close your eyes is to run from it, we don't want to continue living our lives knowing there is a world you fled from.

>> No.4869780

>And that probably has something to do both with my masochistic tendencies, as well as wanting to help others by taking their pain on myself.
Interesting. You would offer up yourself to save someone from pain?

Is that because you consider their pain to be worse to bear than your own? Do you have a low self-esteem, which might be the cause?

>> No.4869782

Honestly I'm not sure why... if I had to give you a "best guess" it'd be that my masochism stems from my inner desire to be a girl. Ever since I was a kid, I've wanted to be a girl and hated that I was born a boy, but I've kept it inside along with my other fantasies because I learned early that society will not accept something like that. Only recently have I decided to stop hiding it and to go through the trans process.

I think the masochism stems from that, mainly because I see so much hentai on these boards of girls being abused and I think how much I would love to be in their place.

>> No.4869799

>kidnapping, raping, brutally torturing and eventually murdering an innocent young girl
Eight years.
>physically assaulting a man he thought was trying to steal his girlfriend
Seven years.

>> No.4869800

You're fucking annoying, man.

>> No.4869806

>go through the trans process.
Are you actually getting sex change surgery, or do you mean crossdressing?

>> No.4869809

Fuck off.

>> No.4869816

Repeat offender.

>> No.4869821

Maybe you should use your armchair psychologist persona to give yourself some anger management classes, huh?

>> No.4869828

Eventually I will get SRS (sexual reassignment surgery)

I'm only taking the first steps in the process now. Seeing a psychiatrist (or psychologist. I don't know the difference) and getting diagnosed, as well as getting hormones.

The hormones will make a huge difference and by about 2 years I should be passable as a female. Then, If I have the money, I will get the SRS. If not, I'll have to wait until I have the money. 5 years tops.

>> No.4869834

Go suck a cock. Anyone who tries to find the underlying reasons for someone's behavior is an "armchair psychologist" in your kind's eyes. The real reason is you don't like to think about these things, because you start to question why you do the things you do.

>> No.4869835

Whether I'd offer myself to save someone from pain - probably, yes. I used to have a very low esteem, and think that I deserve pain, but that's not the case anymore.
It's more like... Suffering is easier to bear if it's by choice. If I'm feeling pain because I chose to, it's not as bad as someone who didn't have a choice in the first place.
It's not only about physical pain, since situation where I can suffer in someone else's stead aren't common. It affects my life, but only to a certain degree - since I only can care about a limited number of people. I don't go out of my way to find people who need help, but when I meet someone who does, I don't hesitate to help them, even if it's a bother to me. This is one of the reasons I don't hate myself I guess.

>> No.4869838

By the way, samefag here if you didn't notice.
So that you don't confuse me with that other person you're talking to.

>> No.4869841

How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?

>psychiatrist (or psychologist. I don't know the difference)
The former also completed a medicine study so he is allowed to prescribe medication, is how I've always understood it, but I could be wrong.

>> No.4869851

Psychiatrists are trained in medicine and treat psychological problems as medical problems.

Psychologists deal specifically with psychology and do not have knowledge or training on the medical side.

...or something like that.

No, the thing that gives you away as an armchair psychologist is your pretentious demeanor and complete lack of understanding of the subject.

>> No.4869858
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O Hai, Tomoya-kun.

>> No.4869860

Well, I'll stop asking questions now, since it annoys some people that much. Was just interested in some of your reasons. Thanks for your responses.

>> No.4869863


here, he just asks questions, so I don't mind answering them. not that annoying, unlike >>4869725 who makes assumptions without even asking questions.

>> No.4869866

If you're going to give up just because some people don't like it, your interest must not be that strong, after all.

>> No.4869869

I'm 23.

Also, if you want to continue this conversation I don't mind at all. I rather like talking about it.

>> No.4869870

>pretentious demeanor
Someone has issues. You seem to read more into what I wrote than what is really there.

>complete lack of understanding of the subject
Yes, someone is only allowed to be interested in something if he understands it to the full. There's no way someone could actually be asking questions BECAUSE he knows little of it.

If there's anyone who needs a psychologist, of any kind, it's you.

>> No.4869871

Just read it again, been a few years since I had. Seriously tears almost came to my eyes.. skimmed most of it towards the end.

Still can't read it without emotion, I'm still sane, whew.

It really is a good sanity check.

>> No.4869872

You're the same guy, that much is obvious. Do you feel good now, winning your epic internet argument?

>> No.4869874

Like I said, anger management. You need it.

>> No.4869883

Oh no, the super-smart Internet detective can keep up with who is talking to him! How will we ever survive a conversation like that?!

>> No.4869886

Stop raging, you sound retarded.

>> No.4869884

Says the guy who tells someone he is "fucking annoying" out of the blue.

>> No.4869887

ITT: People trying to prove their intellectual superiority through raging at each other.

>> No.4869890

You're fucking retarded.

And now you're going to assume I'm mad, right?

You need some work on your language skills.

>> No.4869892

Oh dear god, I hope I'm not that similar to him.

Anyway, this is turning into your usual 4chan argument thanks to certain someone, so I'm out.
Take it easy guys.

>> No.4869902

Wow, what a disappointment. I was really enjoying this thread and then this happened to it...

>> No.4869903

I look at such things to shake what I perceive to be reality and to know how base and depraved man can be. I know it's stupid and naive but I feel that by watching such things I can learn how to avoid placing myself in similar situations.

>> No.4869905

And this distinct lack of ability to discern emotions in others is a fine piece of evidence to support my hypothesis that /jp/ is full of autists.

>> No.4869909


Blah blah blah, i'm a total bitch

>> No.4869915

Ever watched the movie Law Abiding Citizen, well If i was the father of the girl that how the boy would have ended up. Full of adrenalin while i cut them into pieces and I'd force each one of them to watch the others.

>> No.4869917

>I was really enjoying this thread
It's off-topic, fuckwit. Get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.4869923

>Waaaah, people are trying to talk about something that doesn't include me! This I cannot stand!

>> No.4869921
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Hey boy. Lookin' kinda cool there with all that rage.

>> No.4869926

Oh the problem isnt that they're still alive, more like the problem is that they're free and alive and can do whatever they want.

>> No.4869935

You know, I successfully derail the thread and troll the balls off of you, but you still can't walk away. The fact is, I'm better at the Internet than you, so it's meaningless. If you don't want to lose to me in further encounters, you should probably just jump over to /b/ or /bun/.

>> No.4869950

no actually u lose

>> No.4869954

It's a shame that refuse such as this is allowed to live. Don't get me wrong, I only support the death penalty when there is undeniable proof.

>> No.4869955
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>> No.4869957

I'm still here because I don't care about your "trolling"

I just want to continue that previous conversation. If that means keeping this window open until it 404s then so be it.

I don't know where this delusion comes from that I'm still here because of you, but you're one narcissistic fucker if that's what you think.

>> No.4869960

That's because you're a backwards, barbaric human.

The death penalty is the only penalty. All other penalties are only forms of torture, which makes you no better than the criminals.

>> No.4869964

Denial can be an indicator of many serious problems. You should set up an appointment with your psychologist just in case.

>> No.4869967

However some would call the release of death "too easy"

Many psychopathic killers do what they do because they aren't afraid of death. So how is killing them giving them proper punishment for their crimes?

>> No.4869975

Probably a troll but innocents might get killed.

>> No.4869973

>"too easy"
>proper punishment
You see? You're no better than them. You only wish to inflict suffering, same as they have done.

>> No.4869971

Death Penalty is not enough for people that commit such high grade crimes of torture and mental abuse, it is in my option that they should get tortured the same way for the same time and then die or preferably for even more since we know posses the medical technology to keep them alive even after such torture. In my opinion it's the only way they can die.

>> No.4869977

Oh I'm sure you'd have the exact same opinion if someone tortured you, or someone you care about.

>> No.4869980

Yes I do, except I want them to suffer even more.

>> No.4869984

I don't like the death penalty because I don't like the idea of government being able to kill its citizens.

What I think we should do is sterilize em. Make SURE they don't leave their fucked-up genes behind.

I came up with this idea after I found out Ted Bundy had married some bitch and fathered a child.
Rape someone? You don't get to reproduce.
Murder someone? You don't get to reproduce.

>> No.4869990

I agree. Perhaps the torture could be made public to deter others?

>> No.4869991

>You see? You're no better than them. You only wish to inflict suffering, same as they have done.
Except that there is reason for inflicting suffering upon them. The girl that they did this to was innocent and deserved none of it.

>> No.4870001
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>> No.4870004
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>> No.4870005

At most times, I am disgusted by the idea of bringing harm to another human being. Even when I am most indignant, I know that I would never be able to live with myself were I to torture the object of my rage.

So would you rather be quickly put to death for a crime of which you are innocent or thrown in prison for years and then released to find no one will employ you, forcing you to live out the rest of your days digging for food in dumpsters... for a crime of which you are innocent?

Hell, even if you are later declared innocent, you will forever be branded. Putting people through that kind of life, even if they might choose it themselves due to an irrational fear of the end, is just too cruel.

>> No.4870007
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>> No.4870011

/jp/ - (Moral)Faggotry/General

>> No.4870012

>Except that there is reason for inflicting suffering upon them.
You are not pleased unless you torture those who have committed torture. That is your justification.

They are not satisfied unless they torture innocents, as that is how their psychology works. That is their justification.

As far as I'm concerned, you're both evil, putting your own wishes above those of all others.
