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4852349 No.4852349 [Reply] [Original]


How are you guys using your custom points? I'm totally lost in this new system.



>> No.4852356

What game be this?

>> No.4852368

Sekaiju no MeiQ III. The other two games are known as "Etrian Odyssey I" and "Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard" when they got localized.

Still figuring things out myself. At the moment I just had some of my characters learn the equivalent of "chop" and just gather at the chopping point at the top of B1F in order to build up some money.

>> No.4852371

Etrian Odyssey 3.

>> No.4852403

I want to try and stay away from this until localization. I really do, but...


>> No.4852411

I will try to randomly distribute my points until something good happens.

>> No.4852444

I have an old blank GBA cart, is it possible to throw this on it instead of buying a DS cart or emulating?

>> No.4852446
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We are waiting for you~
Come on~
Download the game~

>> No.4852460

But I cant read moonrunes ;_;

>> No.4852466


Strangely enough, I think that may work on a DS. Too bad the opposite doesn't.

>> No.4852476

Is it a standard rpg, strategy? Sorry for the questions. It does look interesting.

>> No.4852479

Well time to dig it out of a box and see.

>> No.4852485


Opposite can work with some loaders. I believe YSMenu works.

>> No.4852501


How large of a file is YSMenu? Mainly want to try this to play Pokemon Fire Red; I'd buy it but the only copy I can find of it locally is being sold for about ~40 USD, which is outrageous for a used GBA game.

>> No.4852497
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I don't know what you're asking. Play Etrian Odyssey I and II (or just II if you lack time) first to understand what kind of game you're getting into.

In short, it's a rogue crawler along the lines of the old Wizardry games.

>> No.4852503

It's like a "lunatic mode" for Etrian Odyssey!

>> No.4852506

> Wizardry

fuck I loved the Wizardry series. Is it as unforgiveably difficult, where any battle could end in a total party kill and end your game?

>> No.4852526

YSMenu is pretty much just custom firmware; it's not very big. However, it's a pain to set-up. Google it for instructions.

Also, it only works with R4s and will brick fakes. There's a work-around though. See the instructions.

>> No.4852536
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Sort of. Etrian Odyssey is actually not all that bad. It's hardest at the beginning (before acquiring Warp Wires), but isn't horrendously tough again until usually the post-game. Certain bosses/FOEs (strong mini-boss-like enemies) will completely wipe you out if you fight them too soon.

>> No.4852558

>>4852526 only works on R4

Is there an equivalent for the CycloDS?

>> No.4852584

No idea, but if you have the money for a CycloDS, you can afford an EZFlash 3-in-1.

>> No.4852639
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Well anyway, I'm going to try to sort through that Gamefaqs thread later (after sleep) and see if there's any useful information about the skills in it.

If I find out anything I'll put it up somewhere later.

What parties are you guys using? I'm running Princess 1, female Warrior 2, female Phalanx 2 (palette swap) / female Zodiac 2, and female Ballista 2 at the moment. Sucks that Zodiacs replace Alchemists instead of Hexers.

>> No.4852654


Zodiac/Princess(or Ballista)


>> No.4852663

will it run on M3?

>> No.4852665


I got it the CycloDS as a gift.

>> No.4852764

Does this one have any TP management skills? I think I would've gone insane without a warmage in EO2, but even that was a rather clunky method.

>> No.4852766

Just play 'SMT: Strange Journey' a time or two, to help tide you over. Kinda similar in some ways, so should distract you for a little while, until you beat it and start lusting for EO3 again.

>> No.4852925

Shit don't work. Oh well, at least I have something for Touhoumon that I forgot about.
