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4850183 No.4850183 [Reply] [Original]

Best Route Ever

>> No.4850193

Another quality thread.

>> No.4850202

That's not the Shirou x Kotomine route.

>> No.4850279
File: 118 KB, 1280x1024, 1237664609539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not the Caster route

>> No.4850282

Caster route. FUCKING WHEN?

>> No.4850285

That's not the every route other than HF, including routes from other games entirely and routes that don't even exist.

>> No.4850301

Are you kidding? /jp/ already agreed that HF was the best route.

>> No.4850311

No we didn't, stop pretending you are the voice of /jp/.

>> No.4850317

I've been the voice of /jp/ and I can tell you that /jp/ has agreed to HF being the best route. Fuck off.

>> No.4850333

Am I the only one who thinks Fate was the best? I mean, in one Gil lost to a useless little boy and in the other he lost to a useless little girl. At least losing to Saber is realistic.

>> No.4850342

Cooking: The Route

>> No.4850346


Fate is the best. Its only problem is that people who watched the anime before playing the game already know everything that happens in it and are bored before it even starts.

UBW would have been okay too if Rin would have had the good sense to keep her whore mouth shut even for a few seconds.

HF started out really promising, but turned to complete shit around the point where it gambled everything on reader loving Wormslut as unquestioningly and irrationally as Shirou does. What the fuck do I care whether she lives or dies? Stop fucking with me, game.

>> No.4850353

Cool opinion.

>> No.4850358


I know.

>> No.4850369

Fate is too simple and straightforward.
Saber's story as a whole isn't very entertaining, nothing about it really feel interesting.
It's not a bad story but it lacks impact.

UBW has some impact thanks to Shirou's story and the resolution of the conflict with Archer but everything else about that route feel kinda subpar.

HF is just very mediocre, I honestly don't understand how anyone can like it.
Sakura's story is very badly brought out, it's not interesting, there is basically no impact whatsoever in the entire route, the whole thing feel completely shallow.

>> No.4850371
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Still waiting for the remake

>> No.4850373

>Best Route Ever
Yeah, no.

>> No.4850377



>> No.4850385

I agree completely with this man. Shirou's backstory is the only thing that could make someone cry. Well, except for NINE LIVES BLADE WORKS

>> No.4850435
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>> No.4850585

The only thing that was good about HF was the final day. And maybe Illya. Fate was normal. Nothing too exciting happened but Sabers story was told far better here than in the anime. UBW had an amazing Archer and Caster storyline.

>> No.4850596


>> No.4850603

That's not an Ilya route.

>> No.4850609

HF is my favourite if only because of Kirei.

>> No.4850911 [DELETED] 

And lots of scenes whorty of a Warner Bros cartoon.

>> No.4850938 [DELETED] 

UBW = Sucession of scenes whorty of a Warner Bros cartoon.

>> No.4850991

Fate = Boring shonen boss rush.
UBW = Scenes worthy of a Warner Bros cartoon.
HF = Ups and downs.

>> No.4851024
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>> No.4851056
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>> No.4851088

Sure, except it was corrupted and shit.

>> No.4851151
File: 1.85 MB, 220x150, ubwanimation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UBW was my favorite route out of the three: It had the best fights and I liked the conflict with Archer. However, out of the three it had the worse romance and had Shirou and Rin having sex WAY too early.

It also had Lancer being awesome.

Heaven's Feel was my second favorite route because of Kotomine and Ilya. I stopped caring for Sakura after her situation was HAMMERED constantly in my head. I wanted Archer's arm to brain wash Shirou and have him choose the better sister.

Fate . . . Beh.

>> No.4851195

>I played FSN for the romance.
What the fuck man? Why did you say that?

>> No.4851205
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No, I played it for Archer.

>> No.4851214

I enjoyed HF the most because it actually gave the story closure. Shirou finally grew out of his childish ideals, the full story behind the grail war was revealed, and the grail was actually destroyed.

>> No.4851220

This guy didn't get at all the deal with the grail...

>> No.4851238

I liked UBW the most. For me, I think it was the drastic change in pacing and structure compared to Fate. Starting with Saber getting stolen the route just has a big "EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG" feel to it as shit keeps getting worse and worse, until you finally see your last bit of hope get her fucking heart ripped out by Gilgamesh.

And at the lowest point in the story, who comes to save the day? Motherfucking Lancer. Aw yeah.

>> No.4851243

You would be surprised how many people read Fate only for the fights and "lol GARcher" bullshit. Just look at all the people who bitch about the cooking scenes.

>> No.4851257

what the fuck? the grail was tainted!.

>> No.4851296

Does anyone have that troll picture of Naruto and Archer? It compares them and says Naruto is gar and Archer is gay.

>> No.4851312

>Shirou finally grew out of his childish ideals

Ie. discarded the only redeeming trait he had, his selfless altruism.

This is a huge part of why I despise HF: to enjoy it one needs to buy into Nasu's high-school-nihilistic message that doing good is worthless, and I don't buy that. HF is where Shirou is at his most immature and irrational (and that's saying a lot since he's the guy who jumps in front of swords as a reflex action) and the writer expects me to cheer him for it. Fuck that, I grew past that stage when I was fifteen.

>> No.4851318

yeah, that's why HF sucks, it's only fightan and GAR generic bullshit.

>> No.4851324
File: 187 KB, 1600x1200, Konachan.com - 25870 close fate_stay_night illyasviel_von_einzbern vector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Illya route. But it's close enough because it has a lot of Illya. And there is a question like "Who do you prefer more: Ilya or Rin?"

>> No.4851328

...Except that is nowhere near the message HF gives.
It's not about 'STOP BEING GOOD', it's more about 'realism'(do what you can do, good or not)

>> No.4851326

You clearly didn't get HF or F/SN in general.

>> No.4851333

I found his ideal of saving everyone to be more annoying than his decision to save the person most important to him. If he had stuck with his ideals he would have eventually become Archer, and end up more miserable than ever before anyway.

>> No.4851341

Problem being?

>> No.4851361

UBW that way sir.

The problem is not his altruism, the problem was that the whole thing was a "fake"... and not only that, a fake of a thing that brought his original owner into absolute despair.

Fate saga is not about nihilism, is about obtain personal happiness.

>> No.4851366
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>and end up more miserable than ever before anyway

Why's that?

>> No.4851387

No, Shirou won't end up like Archer in any of the routes.
That's stated in the damn game.

>> No.4851399
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Sakura smiled.

Everyone happy

Best route ever.

>> No.4851403

fsn fags really buy Nasu's bullshit, that fake stuff is bullshit, he did it because he wanted to, and if Kiritsugu learned that his ideal was wrong, why the fuck did he passed his ideal to Shirou?

>> No.4851405

>Everyone happy
Only the characters that don't matter.

>> No.4851404

Doesn't Shirou end up like Archer in ''Illya route''?

>> No.4851424

His ideals are what led to him becoming a counter guardian and eventually Archer in the first place.

>> No.4851425


>> No.4851453
File: 17 KB, 300x354, 12536-d41481bec9f9b372557f3d8cc5776d32_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is. But this is bad end. And he kills Ilya. Which is no-no by my standards.

everyone? Illya is dead. I can't be happy.

>> No.4851457

It was more the events in his life that led to the creation of EMIYA, such as burning out his circuits the first time he projected something, among other things.

>> No.4851504

And why did he end up in those events?

>> No.4851509

Because Holy Grail War.

>> No.4851523

Why are magic crests passed down if they don't have every possible magic spell ever concievable within them?

>> No.4851518

Or even more specifically, the 4th Holy Grail War.

>> No.4851529

Because the goal in passing them down is to put every magic spell ever in them.

>> No.4851538

And that's passing down a goal you couldn't attain in your life. Instead of a crest and magic Shiro got handed an ideal, a house, and a hot nee-san.

>> No.4851548

And a priest who wanted his cock.

>> No.4851562

And he chose to fight in the grail war because of his ideal of saving everyone.

>> No.4851567

Don't talk shit about Kotomine.

>> No.4851574

Hey man, it's pretty clear that Kotomine was tsundere for both Kiritsugu and Shirou, he was just too busy being awesome to do anything about it.

>> No.4851584

But the games state that he won't end up like Archer.

>> No.4851603

ITT: Serious discussions about fake bullshit.

>> No.4851606

>fake shit
Maybe you're on the wrong board?

>> No.4851608

Also HF was pretty boss.

>> No.4851671

Yes, he didn't end up as Archer in the 3 routes in the game, BUT he did end up as Archer in one of the alternate realities. The Archer in the game is the result of Shirou following through with his ideals.

>> No.4851687

But that Holy Grail War that resulted in EMIYA was probably quite different, to the point of possibly not having Archer be Archer as after all, despite wishing to kill Shirou he still gives him critical advice towards projecting and such.

>> No.4851755

Thats the problem with the Nasuverse. Alternate realities=infinite possibilities bullshit.

>> No.4851762

You still playing those hentai games, tim?

>> No.4851783

You still trolling those image boards Bill?

>> No.4851843

Nah, I got a dell
