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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 453 KB, 804x604, fat girl 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4849717 No.4849717 [Reply] [Original]

an entire H game and she's the only one who would willingly still say she loves you after you violate her and have bellybutton sex.

could this be, true loyalty? ;_;

>> No.4849724

>bellybutton sex
Wait, what.

>> No.4849725


>> No.4849727

She became depressed and turned into a binge eater in order to try to fill the gaping hole in her heart.

>> No.4849730

>bellybutton sex
Tell me more.

>> No.4849734

Don't... don't say you love me. Don't say you love me.


Is there a possibility for happy end still? Or am I doomed?

>> No.4849736
File: 71 KB, 806x600, fat girl 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the return of the japanese invisi-dicks

>> No.4849739

Wow, seriously?
Haven't read that one before in a VN.

>> No.4849743

HCG set?

>> No.4849746

Girl of the year, all years

>> No.4849750

Pardon my ignorance, but what is the title of this game?

>> No.4849755
File: 70 KB, 802x601, fat girl 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are now thinking about what belly button sex would be like

>> No.4849760

Once you've experienced the joy of chubby girl riding your dick like theres no tomorrow, you'll never go back to loli.

>> No.4849761

I see VN producers are trying to seduce the American crowd.

>> No.4849763

Does this have actual story or is it just a fap game?

>> No.4849766

GTFO Eurotrash

>> No.4849768


more about that girl here

Name: Sacchi Yamamoto
Personality: shy moe, insecure
Strength: physically powerful

>> No.4849770
File: 46 KB, 210x210, letty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth hurts.

>> No.4849773


Play! Play! Play!

thats the name of the game. it's on hongfire but all the downloads arent working

re-up OP?

>> No.4849775
File: 3 KB, 101x126, ohyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Strength: physically powerful

>> No.4849776

>You are now aware europe has more fatass' than America.

>> No.4849777

Is this because my hip is broken?

>> No.4849778

;_; Oh my god, you are right.

Teach me how to stop being a fatass, superior European.

..Actually, I am not trolling, since we have a fatty heroine thread, why not tell us how to be so European fit?

>> No.4849783

Eat only potatoes and starve every winter.

>> No.4849784


>> No.4849785

Ask Arcueid.

>> No.4849788
File: 75 KB, 802x605, 127085051199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really happening...

>> No.4849789


I thought that the consensus around here was that we were all malnourished skinny fucks.

>> No.4849790


>> No.4849794

[Citation Needed]

>> No.4849795

I wish to do this

>> No.4849797


>> No.4849800

Oh god what

>> No.4849804

Oh god no

>> No.4849805

Holy Jesus Fucking Christ I can feel it, the orgasmisc sensation of a new fetish being born.

>> No.4849808
File: 10 KB, 167x172, 123586466594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Belly button fucking
>New fetish

>> No.4849814

I don't understand!

>> No.4849815

truly, Japan is superior
there are no words

>> No.4849851
File: 274 KB, 704x620, konata yes kagami no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh god what
>Oh god no

Get ahold of yourselves!

>> No.4849914
File: 113 KB, 310x233, 124096770675.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, welcome our new over-sized love-lords.

>> No.4849966

Ar Tonelico fag here.
Can I dive into her ?

>> No.4850026
File: 45 KB, 596x329, 1270606845167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4850030

Bellybutton sex is boring.

Needs more eyesocket fucking like in Dustmania.

>> No.4850039
File: 74 KB, 659x556, 3755527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.4850040


It's said foxes possess women by entering under their fingernails. I want to replace my dick with a number of small splinters and penetrate the fingernails of a girl. After hours of fingernail sex (as in, excruciating torture) I would possess her body, only to grow a splinter dick and go take over more women.

That's my fetish.

>> No.4850076

theres a cute chubby girl who's half japanese half chinese i meet the other day in one of my new classes. maybe i can get her to try this with me.

>> No.4850237

you know you want it

>> No.4850364

This shit is hot as fuck.
I wish more eroge would have bellybutton hscenes.

>> No.4850443

...dude...that's like...DUDE

>> No.4850472

What's wrong? Do you disagree?

>> No.4850485


Fucking awesome. Not as good as cow masturbation though.

>> No.4850490


Sort of, but I'm just fooling around.

Btw, this game doesn't have only this girl. It's about how you rape 18 different girl(or something) and has good art. I am reluctant to enjoy the rape, but I'd assume a lot of people here would like it.

>> No.4850537

Got a name for it?

>> No.4850621


Someone already mentioned it.
Play! Play! Play!

>> No.4850633

Oh. That's interesting.

>> No.4850661

I downloaded this yesterday, as soon as I found the torrent, just for her.

Now I want a non-nukige with a fat heroine.

>> No.4850928

Care to provide a link?

>> No.4851093


>> No.4851613

You'll also need this: http://www.mediafire.com/?umqrrmuwdji
It's the crack, and I didn't see a link to it in the HF thread.

>> No.4853753

fat girls?! in my dating sims?!

>> No.4853760

>bellybutton sex.

>> No.4853767
File: 141 KB, 343x408, 1193729989921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4853770

How about no.

>> No.4853771

2D pig disgusting

>> No.4853812
File: 156 KB, 600x900, 06_708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat asians are the best asians

>> No.4853819

This is now my fetish.

>> No.4853829

She's kind of cute. If only fat girls really looked like that.

>> No.4853842

If someone gets fat suddenly, they tend to keep a cute face.

>> No.4853855

I've had my navel violated, it hurts more than bad anal.

>> No.4853862

where are you getting that logic from?

>> No.4853899

seeing cute girls get fat over a short time period.

>> No.4853900

disproportional body to head ratio leads to the "cute" reaction, or rather its not the head, its the facial area

>> No.4853909

I agree! Let's fuck! <ヽ`∀´>

>> No.4853958

Why is her navel bleeding ???

>> No.4853981

its not?

>> No.4853982

it's a virgin

>> No.4853985


suddenly fapping to fat girls and 3D

what happened to you /jp/? you used to be all about the DFC

>> No.4854039

looks like some sort of honey liquid to me

>> No.4854412


it's her love for you seeping out

>> No.4855230


...she does not seem that fat.

>> No.4856384
File: 31 KB, 386x363, 1270484894494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This product is not meant to promote any kind of cruel or violent sexual harassment.
>This product is not meant to approve the displayed kind of sexual invercourse.
>Don't try to imitate any of it.
>Instead take it as a negative example.
>All the characters in this product having sex with the mc are consenting to it.
>This product is a fiction, any real reference is purely random.
>This product's character do not have any blood relatives.
>Every character in this product is at least 18 years old.

>> No.4856410

CYA is getting harder and harder nowadays.

>> No.4856419
File: 709 KB, 828x628, 攻略MAP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how the fuck am I supposed to play this game? Grabbed this shit off share and it's confusing as fuck. That girl who's holding a wooden Dildo keeps END'ing my ass. There's this map but fucked if I know what this says.


How do I get Fat Tama-nee end?

>> No.4856718

HCG set where?

>> No.4856747
File: 852 KB, 806x632, NOTASAMURAISWORD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



In my continuing struggles...I think I just witnessed the greatest H-scene in existance. And even better,I understood all of it.

>> No.4856837

we turned straight

>> No.4856916
File: 846 KB, 806x632, DELICIOUSAMERICA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Finally got it,you have to pursue the D path then do D6 and it'll become unlocked.

Although that will also lead into a BAD END but eh...


You should atleast play the actual game for the America-tan route. That shit is hilarious. They had the girl that VA's her speak in english along as well. The english itself isnt too bad but it's the lines they have her say, oh lawd

>> No.4856921

Reported and called the cops.                  

>> No.4856927

For... what?

>> No.4856929

Americans are dum.

>> No.4856942

Lookin' kinda DERP there, America-tan....

>> No.4856963


Forgot to mention that in order to unlock that you need to activate event E3 then her event will be available at point F1....

And of course E3 can be unlocked by doing the E routes....Just look at the map I posted and you can figure out where they'll appear.

>> No.4856987 [DELETED] 

That is why they are the best. Take an american and make her 3x times fatter and you get the fucking blob. Take a skinny beanpole asian and make her 3x thicker, and you get that; a deliciously round body and a cute face.

>> No.4857002

That is why they are the best. Take an american and make her 3 times fatter and you get the fucking blob. Take a skinny beanpole asian and make her 3x thicker, and you get that; a deliciously round body and a cute face.

>> No.4857034

I'm all about rape bro.

>> No.4857072

Fuck this shit is hardcore with girls actually being pretty vocal about their rejection.
If I didn't play Rance I would probably feel like shit for enjoying this.
Bad Alicesoft, bad.

>> No.4857078

Reported and called the cops. 

>> No.4857085

>hey look look I'm trolling !
>I said I'm trolling pay attention to me ! D:

>> No.4857413

how do I unlock american-tan?! I'm stuck on 63% and even if I follow the order of routes, that yandere girl still comes to kill my through sexual exhaustion!

>> No.4857421

She's cute. I would go out with a fat girl if she looked like that.

>> No.4857522


no you wouldnt, no one wants to date the fat girl

isn't it sad? ;_;

>> No.4857530

I just said I would. Why don't you believe me? Please believe me.

>> No.4857600

Terribly sad.

Any non-nukige with a fat heroine?

>> No.4857617


add a fat girl to the katawa shojo line up. A girl with an eating disorder.

Or wait, how about this, an entire dating sim which has nothing but fat girl options. Because of their distrusting nature after being bullied through out high school, they are the hardest prey to catch and date.

>> No.4857656 [DELETED] 

>katawa shojo

>> No.4857669

eating isn't a disorder. Being fat isn't the same as being blind or deaf. herp derp it's in my genetics to continually shove food into my mouth and never exercise

>> No.4857670

If that happens, I won't give up until an anencephalic character is added too.

The ultimate culmination of KEY's retard moe~ characters, a girl who entirely lacks a brain.

>> No.4858076


you know someone would still fap to her

>> No.4858167

Someone? I know I myself would.

And anencephalic babies are usually stillborn! A dead character, definitely a perfect fit for a KEY heroine.

>> No.4858603

>implying blindness or deafness is genetic only
It's possible they caused themselves to go deaf or blind through their own action.

Additionally, there are eating disorders. anorexia, bulimia for example, but more relevant some people compulsively eat when faced with depressing situations.

All it takes is a loser weirdo who eats to hide the pain when she's picked on instead of cutting herself.

Although KS should also have a suicidally maniac-depressive girl with anemia from cutting so much. She can be the keyaids girl.

>> No.4858612
File: 33 KB, 851x471, 1231902675336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4861389

So does fatty-chan have a complete route?

>> No.4861583
File: 108 KB, 600x598, 1270674173819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wake up and come to 4chan and find this?!

Thanks a lot.........

>> No.4864585

Did the thread die or something? Was there anything wrong with it?

>> No.4865449

So tsundere

>> No.4865455
File: 112 KB, 806x632, play-play-play-rape-system-eroge-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The game itself promises a unique “R.A.P.E.” (Rambler Abiding Peep Effrontery) gameplay mechanic whereby the play can freely stalk more than 18 girls as they move about the city, and then swoop in for some rapery – “If there’s a hole there, it belongs to you!”.

Is this like golf and I have to do all 18 holes, or can I just leave out this one?

>> No.4865465

I'm still untainted.

>> No.4865481


>> No.4865586

bumping for a re-up

>> No.4865613
File: 410 KB, 600x800, chubby azn 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love chubby Asian girls

>> No.4865692

If you don't mind ddl or JDownloader

>> No.4865900

The granny maid is an extra you unlock after all the other routes correct?

fuck the maids []
do not fuck the maids [x]

>> No.4865965

Can I just fuck Sayo?

>> No.4867764

>Japanese penis, it's too big!

>> No.4867787

You can't actually have sex with a fat girl's bellybutton. The opening just isn't big or deep enough to even get your head in there.

I know from personal experience and repeated attempts.

>> No.4867792

That's fucking disgusting dude.

>> No.4867807

10/10 would rage again

>> No.4867817

Japanese > Negro > White

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

>> No.4867820


That's why the blubber is there.

>> No.4867835

I'd like niggers more if they weren't so scary.

>> No.4867837


You can't push the blubber together easily, like you would with a titjob. Even if you angle yourself sideways, it's just going to squish up into other parts of her body. Large asscheeks are the only thing you can comfortably blubberfuck.

Yes, I am a disgusting pig for knowing all of this.

>> No.4867840


If niggers weren't scary, they wouldn't be niggers.

>> No.4867869

Oh this VN.
I created the first thread about it some weeks ago, i guess.

There's also a self proclaimed bitch and a depressed girl with her clothes wet. She's depressed because she was dumped by her boyfriend. There's also an eroge VA girl.(shit is so meta)

>> No.4867880

>There's also an eroge VA girl.(shit is so meta)

How the hell does this work. Does she get... extra raped?

>> No.4868049

They casted her telling her that she would be doing voicing a rape game.

Little did she know = her voice would be taken from actual rape and not acting.

>> No.4868098

Maybe she's actually a method actress?

>> No.4868119

Is the girl in the op wearing the same school uniform from the to heart games?

>> No.4868140

who is Tama-nee?

>> No.4868159

A miserable pile of hearts

>> No.4870535

from personal experience, i wouldn't even try to do that to a chubby girl. they are usually very sensitive about their weight.

i got slapped and cockblocked from trying that. stick with titfucking.

>> No.4870632

all links (including one posted earlier in thread) are dead, I don't get it ;_;

>> No.4872132

feels bad man

>> No.4872179

What's worse is that after she goes on a diet the protagonist rapes her AGAIN but in the butt. And leaves her dripping cum on a desk.

Feels bad ;_;

>> No.4872503

strangely, i find this amazing
