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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 246 KB, 800x600, otaku-1985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4844715 No.4844715 [Reply] [Original]


The evolution of our kind from 1985>Now.

>> No.4844729

We used to be Newtypes.

>> No.4844737

I love old school otaku

>> No.4844768
File: 51 KB, 319x475, otaku-no-video-dvdcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4844878

What do you mean, "our kind?"

>> No.4846458

I mean our kind.

>> No.4846468

Now our souls are weighed down by gravity ;_;

>> No.4846510

Looks like I'm still living in the 90's.

>> No.4846516

>japanese guy went "lolwut?"

>> No.4846518

I can't believe that it's really been twenty years.

>> No.4846542

Delicious fujoshi.

>> No.4846616

Fuck, its only 15 since there was no internet. Being a nerd was completely different. You had to goddamn FIGHT for every piece of content you desired, whether they involve begging your cable company to add the Sci-Fi channel or driving an hour upstate to buy a copied VHS

>> No.4846689

I often wondered what times were like when true nerds connected to BBS's with their 2400 baud modems using Commodore 64's.

I'm about 5 to 10 years too young. My first internet experience was with CompuServe and a 9600 baud modem. Remember how we used Altavista to search the internet? Remember what Hotmail was like before Microsoft bought it?

>> No.4846722

>Remember how we used Altavista to search the internet? Remember what Hotmail was like before Microsoft bought it?
Ah, those were the good old days.
Remember when people used geocities?

>> No.4846741

Hm, i'm living in the 1995. I have no laptop, my computer i old, i have no flat-screen TV like i don't have anything expensive.

How can i buy those cool posters or dakimakura. I'm poor and lonely.

>> No.4846745

Have you tried... getting a job?

>> No.4846831
File: 174 KB, 1024x680, DIAMONDSTEALTH3D2000-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first internet experience was on a Pentium 1 233 Mhz S3 Vigre 2 MB card and 32 MB SDR RAM and a proud 56k external modem.

>> No.4846861

Watching Ninja Ressurection and the last episode of Gasaraki for the 5000th time at Locomotion.

>> No.4846866

Why is my room the most like the normal cosplay chick's?

>> No.4846882

You guys are crazy

>> No.4847036

What a bunch of faggots.

>> No.4847082

What is that metal rack in the 2010 pic called? Is it just called a metal rack? Or is it wire shelf? I've never seen them before, and they look pretty convenient.

>> No.4847099

Whenever I see someone post a collection that has old dubbed anime most people laugh at them but I just think that they've been into the hobby for a long time and bought stuff when there weren't a million online import stores.

By contrast whenever I see someone post a collection that has a million figures, megami posters and a good proportion of touhou stuff I think that they haven't been collecting for very long.

>> No.4847139

This is probably true, but you know they could have just hidden the old stuff.

>> No.4847148

You get a credit card, and buy them online.

>> No.4847162

Yes i have tried that.
I can't be outside becose hikikomori. Life sucks.

>> No.4847172


That's likely which is kinda sad, then again if you don't care what internet people think you'll probably not be posting them in the first place.

>> No.4847193
File: 475 KB, 800x1205, otome fujoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, the normal girl with slightly otaku-ish interests, or the fujoshi?

>> No.4847216

Fujoshis tend to have horrible fetishes...

>> No.4847223


>> No.4847236

Oh... Exiting. Girls whit wierd fetishes.
Wierd fetishes like tentacles?

Never relized that women have horrible fetishes.
Exited indeed.

>> No.4847258

A job or a business would be nice.

>> No.4847259


Fujoshi in reality also tend to look like a greater daemon of the great unclean one himself so I'll take a normal girl.

>> No.4847268



>> No.4847289

Today's otaku are more consumerist than before.
And I don't believe a fujoshi's room looks FREE of anime posters, and figs.

>> No.4847293

Fujoshi = fat, manface, acne, etc.

>> No.4847297

That's in America, bro.

>> No.4847306

>FREE of anime posters, and figs.
In that picture she has one poster and one fig.
But yeah, I wonder why they aren't all over the place.

I bet that if the artist was make he didn't want her and her room to be overly disgusting/unattractive.
And if the artist was female she might have had a sense of shame.

>> No.4847323

>artist was male

>> No.4847333

Okay, I think that makes it invalid.

>> No.4847341


Touhou everywhere.

>> No.4847343

I'd take both, but why does the normal girl with otakusish interests have no PC in her room.

>> No.4847346

Because she is ashamed of her porn collection and hides it, while the fujoshi doesn't care.

>> No.4847355

You should be able to buy them at Walmart or a hardware store.

>> No.4847362

I think the 'normal' girl is more open that the fujoshi because she cosplays.

>> No.4847363

The line "I meant to write" somehow didn't make it into the post, I don't know who the artist is.

>> No.4847369

I bet the fujoshi would want/force you to cosplay.
Oh the horrors

>> No.4847376

I'd have no problem with that, if I actually had the EGO to consider my body beautiful. But I know it's hideous so would be a problem.

>> No.4847378

The artist forgot to replace the wishful-thinking poster boy with an obese permavirgin with receding hairline and unwashed hair, then the rendition would've been strikingly accurate.

>> No.4847385

Where can i find my own fujoshi?

>> No.4847389

It's okay 1. if the character she wants me to cosplay suits me and 2. if it's for cosplay sex. But then again, I wouldn't get any anymore so fuck that shit.

>> No.4847394

Again, not America.

>> No.4847399


You don't want to, trust me, I've been in that situation.

>> No.4847413

I've tried a 'cosplayer'. No weird shit happened. She's also a slut.

I wonder how would a fujoshi fare as a girlfriend.

>> No.4847417
File: 295 KB, 1920x1080, 20091216_47_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, yeah. Shame on me for failing to remember that for some obscure reason all Japanese otakus are the spitting image of Adonis.

>> No.4847421

There's some fujoshi that's been hitting on me a lot lately and by god I am not interested. She talks in a dumb way that is supposed to be really wacky or random I suppose on top of literally being as fat as she is tall.

>> No.4847425

That guys probably in his 30s.

>> No.4847431


Possessive and batshit. Calls and gets mad saying I called her, not the other way around. Kept on talking about her husbando.

It was fun, I guess but I wouldn't do it again. The whole experience and trying to get her to behave in public and stop taking her parasol everywhere was just... OWATA.

>> No.4847436

And he probably hasn't bathed in years. Oily, sweaty, teeth almost rotting.

Toothbrush, motherfucker. Do you know them?

>> No.4847445

Look at the people behind him, you managed to find an image with the single fat guy, and he probably got the atention because he was fat.

Now, why would they be fat? Otakus who don't have fat parents have a harder time storing fat. The fact that most of them aren't physically active also means that they don't build much muscle making them even thinner. The type of food they buy/can afford and eat on a regular basis most likely doesn't contribute to obesity that much.

>> No.4847453


I saw this fangirl once who had a tiny crown on her head (kinda like Maria's crown) and small batwings and wondered who would even try a girl like that.

Probably going to see a whole bunch of them tomorrow at the local fangirl convention.

>> No.4847465

American otakus are fat and ugly losers.

Japanese and European otakus are not fat, but they're still ugly losers.

End of discussion.

>> No.4847466


Mine was wearing one of the uniforms from SHnY and a box mask.She was hitting on me, then took off the box and was kind of cute so I want for it.

I dunno, fujoshi are really cute if they're not the stereotypical obese kind. I might date one again eventually, but for now one was most certainly enough.

>> No.4847469
File: 118 KB, 640x480, up50912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that makes you sleep at night...

>> No.4847473

I'm a European Otaku and I'm fat as fuck ;_;

>> No.4847475

Look at those teeth. That guy is clearly an oni.

>> No.4847478


The cute ones aren't really fujoshi because they probably care about their appearance in some way, even in a counterculture way.

The part of a fangirl's body you should always look at is their arms.

>> No.4847481

I'm European otaku and i'm underweight.

Go to fuck off whit your theories.

>> No.4847487
File: 33 KB, 838x471, umineko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As an exceedingly ugly loser European otaku I will put myself forward as empirical data for this hypothesis.

>> No.4847490


She didn't really care until we were dating, she was cute in a kind of hopeless way, I guess.

She had a little, uh, extra meat on her arms so it was obvious she wasn't exactly, well, you know.

>> No.4847495


That's not what you should be looking for on their arms.

>> No.4847502

Then what? Hair?

>> No.4847503


I do not know I am tired so I can not think well.

I'd better go to bed, actually. Goodnight /jp/

>> No.4847506


What do you mean?

>> No.4847511



>> No.4847518

If she's really cute and doesn't do cosplay, I don't mind the fetishes of the fujoshi.

Not that she'd ever hang out with me anyway.

>> No.4847519


Oh that is probably why she wore long sleeves every time we went out.

>> No.4847543

Oh cutting you mean.

How is that fujoshi exactly? It's just batshit.

>> No.4847555


It's not fujoshi but it is way too common.

>> No.4847560

I don't understand that disorder anyway. Do not want crazies.

>> No.4847581

Huh? Fujoshi cut them selves?

>> No.4847596

I see no figurines

>> No.4847606

>Otaku all over the world come in different shapes and sizes.

>> No.4847619

No that impossible! How can that be! Humans different and not stereotypical!? Are you insane man?

>> No.4847631


Fujoshi: fat girl who loves yaoi.

I prefer otome.

>> No.4847635


Oh god... he caught me.

>> No.4847640

I like both in this pic. Although I prefer the one on top as she is more feminine and reserved looking, the bottom one isn't that bad either.

Too bad reality isn't like this at all.

>> No.4847648

I wonder why nobody talks shit about our 2010 poster-boy otaku.

>> No.4847651
File: 213 KB, 333x540, 1270817694832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too bad reality isn't like this at all.


>> No.4847658

Is it just me or do the older otaku seem more well rounded? More video games, more books, and he even has some drawing utensils. I suppose modern otaku-san could have all of that on his computer, but something about the physicality of it makes me respect the older one.

>> No.4847677

They have simply had more time to gather all their stuff, I'd think.

It really helps if you can find a niche early on as well, since then you can channel all your funds into that.

I'm indecisive by nature, and there's no way I have money to buy everything I want.

Physically; 4 figurines is all I have that could be defined as "otaku" stuff.

>> No.4847693

I have 2 ;_;

I also have a Horo + Nodoka key chain, funny but every time I pull out my keys girls seem to jump over it and ask me what it is, and when I tell them I get a weird look. Interestingly boys don't give a fuck.

>> No.4847698


I remember someone posting a big console game collection in a room thread a while ago and he was told to get out and go back to /v/ or some shit.

Next thing these guys would be chasing out dudes with arcade PCB collections because "it's not /jp/", provided any of them would actually lower themselves to participating in room threads.

>> No.4847699

Well, modern otaku-san gets more respect from his fellow modern otaku if they see he has a tablet, all consoles of the current gen, limited edition figs, doujin, etc.

Also, most otaku back then probably sticked to either Nintendo or Sega as their consoles of choice, unlike today.

>> No.4847709

You're obviously not supposed to tell them about how they're your waifus and you fap while thinking about them.

A lot of /jp/ are jealous of people who have more/nicer stuff than themselves.

I'd be bitter too if I lived with my parents and didn't have any opportunity to change my future.

>> No.4847720

I tell them they're characters from Japanese cartoons.

AND EVERYONE ASKS THIS, Why does she(horo) have such ears. I tell them that shes a wolf and I get an odd look again.

>> No.4847730

A girl at work saw my spill-proof mug, saw BRS in it, and asked who she is. I told her, 'Just some random girl.'

And then a call came in. Felt good, man.

>> No.4847732

Hide your power level dammit

>> No.4847734


I think it's also kinda superficial, someone gets insulted because his room has items that was popular when he bought them, but now they're embarassing things to own. To have the best room it has to be filled with figures and touhou and doujin goods, something that was once rare for western fans to have.

I wonder in say 8 years time figures will be seen with similar contempt, touhou seen as equally embarassing as a room full of naruto stuff and something else will rule the roost. It's really like schoolyard fads, one week it's pogs the next it's who knows.

>> No.4847743

Why do you do something like this?
Just say you bought it from some shop because it is nice.
When people ask me about my pururin ringtone I just said I got it from the some random internet website because it is nice.

>> No.4847744

The topic led me to expect some kind of a horrific NHK room with piss bottles and year-old noodle cups, and an obese freak masturbating to Hanamaru Kindergarten in the middle of it. I'm disappointed.

>> No.4847748

Stupid whores can't understand. Next time they ask, tell them to mind their own business if they want to live.

>> No.4847750

I doubt. I, for one, see people with vintage goods as cool bros. That just means that held unto their hobby even if years already passed.

>> No.4847761
File: 35 KB, 428x320, 719869_200811111007112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A real, uncensored fujoshi.

>> No.4847764

She isn't that bad, I'm sure there are much worse ones out there.

>> No.4847772

Seen worse, much worse, male otaku.

She still falls under normal to me.

>> No.4847773

Of course she isn't that bad to you. When you are as oversexed as your average /jp/er you'd fuck anything.

>> No.4847777


Do you think the kids in 8 years time getting into the subculture will like the same things we like?

I hope they're as respectful of their elders as you are because I am going to be an old motherfucker by then.

>> No.4847779


You sure this isn't just some art pic? Who leaves magazines/manga all over their bed?

>> No.4847783

I still have ridiculously high standards.

I would not engage in physical contact with the one in >>4847761.

>> No.4847786


I think you missed /b/ or something.

>> No.4847787

No. I wouldn't touch a 3D woman. Just saying I'm sure there are much more disgusting ones.

>> No.4847791

>When you are as oversexed as your average /jp/er you'd fuck anything.
>average /jp/er
Something's not right.

>> No.4847794

I do?

>> No.4847796

Yeah, I think it's this thing called irony, or sarcasm, or something else.

>> No.4847799

get out of here

>> No.4847801

It's obviously an art pic.

Look at how bright the room is.

>> No.4847808

I wonder if I'll be like that 10 years down the line. I've been into this hobby for a while now but because I was a kid with no money I only recently started collecting. I've got a lot of respect for people who keep it up though. For instance my uncle has been collecting vintage toys for the past 30 years, now that is some dedication.

>> No.4847809

I remember seeing a fujoshi video on youtube, the girl was so plain looking, she had on glasses and a choker, and was holding her yaoi manga close to her, she was pretty cute I guess, but seemed like the type who could get bitchy and inane shit.

>> No.4847810

Most begin as retarded fans nowadays. Only a select few reaches this stage.

And only the new fans bash the older fans for their tastes. Or trolls. I've always thought that those who hate older otaku are those who's into the subculture for less than 5 years. Generally, newfags.

>> No.4847823

It's from a movie caled something fujoshi something something.
It is a movie about a fujoshi.

>> No.4847833

Thanks for pointing that out.

>> No.4849126

I've actually seen a fujoshi before. She was very small and sickly looking; I was surprised because most are said to be fat.

Actually though, that is not so surprising because otaku, both male and female, seem to be either very skinny or very fat; there really isn't much middle ground.

>> No.4849281

Looking at the 1985 makes me sad that I wasn't born in that time. I only started collecting 5 years ago and I'm a little disappointed with today's tastes. But I wonder, What's going to be next fad in 10 years? At least I have an NES with a number of decent games on it.

>> No.4849291 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 324x440, manga-moot.php1pEFBJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an NES

>> No.4849290

>Looking at the 1985 makes me sad that I wasn't born in that time. I'm a little disappointed with today's tastes.
Story of my life, just change 80s for 90s.

>> No.4849302


I've met a number of fujoshi myself. The worst case was a girl who had extremely thin hair; horrid teeth and overweight. But she was very sweet and mild-mannered. The fujoshis make me grimace. They recognize and regurgitate internet memes.

>> No.4849304


Can't a man be entitled to his vidya relic?

>> No.4849325


I think he's making fun of the fact you call your NES an "en ee ess" rather than a "nez"

>> No.4849352

Fujoshi aren't some kind of mythical creature. Just stand around a Mandarake store and you'll see dozens of them. Or go to Comiket on day 1 and you'll be trampled by them.

>> No.4849364

Most of us dont give a damn about fujoshis though.

>> No.4849370

Sadly, they are way too obsessed with their weird "ideal men" taken from the hundred Gigabytes of Yaoi they read every day. You'll never meet their expectations. Just as a 3D girl will never meet yours.

>> No.4849373

just making a point to those who make a big deal about them.

>> No.4849378


You didn't own one if you don't simply call it a "Nintendo".

>> No.4849397

I have a friend who is a fujoshi. I meet her at my exchange school in japan. We always end up talking about persona and megaten.

>> No.4849443

Looking about my room, aside from the fact that it needs to be cleaned with a tornado, there's only two things that would outwardly indicate that I like anime: my mousepad (which has a few Japanese words written with brushwork) and my Slayers light novels. If one would open my laptop or turn on my desktop, then they would be greeted with an anime-related wallpaper. That's it. Up until recently, I never had the spare cash to spend on anything like figurines, posters, DVDs, etc, and I'm pretty sure my dad would've been a massive hater had he found out my interests. Fortunately I haven't lived at home in 6 years, so I can do WTF I want, just haven't gotten around to finding the right stuff.

>> No.4849466

lol I thought I was the only one who called it that

>> No.4849475

I bought mine along with an ess-ness at a garage sale when the playstation was starting to take over.

>> No.4849476

I remember when everyone referred to any game console as a Nintendo.

>> No.4849483

This made me rage at my parents when I was 8. hahaha

>> No.4849487 [DELETED] 

Ther was also Super Nintendo.

>> No.4849489

There was also Super Nintendo.

>> No.4849493

Paying for entertainment is stupid. I can enjoy anime, video games, etc, but all be damned if you expect me to spend money towards throwing my life away.

As a result, you would not be able to tell that I was interested in anime or VNs or anything like that if you walked into my apartment. Sure, you'd find plenty of other things that would reveal my various "uncommon" interests (old computers, CRT monitors, reference manuals lying around and charts tacked to cork board, soldering iron/breadboard/etc at my workbench, shitty homebrewed liquor). From this, and the way I act in general, you could probably infer that I'm the type of person who has seen some anime before. All be fucking damned if I'm going to advertise it all over the place like a twelve year old, and all be fucking damned if I'm going to waste what little money I have on things I can't even use.

>> No.4849845

NES = Nintendo
SNES = Super Nintendo
GameBoy = GameBoy
Game Gear = GameBoy
Game & Watch = GameBoy
MegaDrive = Sega
Master System = Nintendo

>> No.4849876

>NES = Nintendo
>SNES = Super Nintendo
>GameBoy = GameBoy

>The rest

I just look at people in wonder when they refer to their MP3 player as an iPod when it's clearly not an iPod.

>> No.4849894

You don't get it. That list is how adults in that time would call those consoles/handhelds.

>> No.4849906

My parents never did.

Maybe because us kids only got Nintendo stuff.

>> No.4849948

>record player
>cassette tape
>huge-ass headphones you could wear in winter to warm your head

aaaah too much nostalgia

>> No.4849955
File: 313 KB, 800x600, 1270789696314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4849960


>> No.4849979


I said VCR, not VHS. Both VHS and Betamax count as videocassette recording systems.

>> No.4850017


I still have my VCR and tape deck. Hooked up to my HDTV and surround sound. Fuck yeah.

>> No.4850046

Tiny headphones (or even worse, earphones) still sound like shit.

>> No.4850051

I still have a vhs player and I want to get a lasercd player.

>> No.4850155

You know what I don't understand. Yaoi is almost always associated with Fujoshi but not every Otaku is into Yuri. What gives?

>> No.4850191

This is because even if porn in general is "uni-sex" (Both male and females have sex you know), the porn industry is still vastly dominated and driven by males and the porn produced is made with the male customer in mind.
Basically, porn in general caters males and it isn't as attractive for females. And now, straight porn catering women exists and is possible to make but such porn is a clear minority, Yaoi porn on the other hand is mostly made with females in mind (Isn't ironic that gay porn is made for straight people first and gay people second, most of the time?).

So it isn't that strange, one could more or less say that
Ordinary porn is for males
Yuri porn is for males
Yaoi porn is for females
Yuri/Yaoi porn is for gay people, but they are a minority so they come second

Thus Yaoi porn is associated with fujoshi.

>> No.4850205


Please die.

>> No.4850253

My room looks like the Otome one.
But I have a penis.
What went wrong here /jp/ :_(

>> No.4850263

You're gay.

>> No.4850270

My room is just messy.

>> No.4850357
File: 74 KB, 500x500, 8038254_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>brewed Liqour

What are ya brewin'?

>> No.4850405

but does poju count as gay?

>> No.4852843


But that's okay. We're very accepting here, as there are few of us that have not fapped knowingly to a trap at least once.

>> No.4852883

That's what I love most about /jp/. The posters are not intolerant dicks.

>> No.4852892

We can be.

>> No.4852922

We are intolerant dicks, but what we are intolerant of is different from other places.

>> No.4852935


No, you've all got it wrong.

/jp/ is full of homosexuals, trannies, crossdressers, and the like, so of COURSE you're not going to get any flak for masturbating to men.

Tolerance? Don't make me laugh! This is 4chan! The hell you're looking for tolerance here.

>> No.4853051


>as there are few of us that have not fapped knowingly to a trap at least once

Are you


that people on /jp/ do not regularly masturbate to traps? I have one word for you.


>> No.4853058

I only fap to 2D traps. Don't care for real ones.

>> No.4853066

Yep. Don't care for camwhores.

>> No.4853063


I take it you avoid the huge fucking Chisame threads, then?

>> No.4853076

nj bro
