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4846290 No.4846290 [Reply] [Original]

So apparently normalfags look down upon us virgin-worshipers. Can anybody come up with any explanations why?

>> No.4846292

We're different, so they see us as a threat.

They think we're going to go around raping children because we look at loli, even though we only like 2D.

They know nothing about us, they can't understand us, so they fear us.

>> No.4846298

>so they fear us


>> No.4846302

There's different kinds of fear.

They're scared we're going to rape their children or some shit, and they're scared we're like some disease that will keep spreading and infecting people, compelling them to do the same.

>> No.4846305

Cause you over-exaggerate the importance of something so pointless as hymen.

>> No.4846306

It's not like the humanity worshiped virgins since the beginning of time right?

>> No.4846308

Nah, it's only CNN and its communist polls; they're the pigs disgusting and they want to keep all the mud for theirselves by choking us.

>> No.4846310


Yes. In religious contexts. You have a fucking fetish, not a religion. There's a difference.

>> No.4846313

I'll never understand this virginity fetish to be honest.
The more I try to rationalize it, the more I find it unreasonable.

>> No.4846314

>Implying the majority of people aren't over-reacting retards who blindly follow what the media say

Seriously, if the average person sees a report on the TV about DANGEROUS JAPANESE RAPE GAMES CAUSING CHILD RAPE, they're not going to do any research, they're going to fucking believe it.

>> No.4846316

>implying shit in religion books arent the writer's fetish

>> No.4846328

The fear gets multiplied when they imagine it's their own child being raped.

>> No.4846339

I agree, people just don't do the research before pointing his finger.

And this statement didn't add anything new to what you have said.

>> No.4846344

I know, just emphasising the point because some people don't seem to understand that one media outlet hating something and sensationalising it enough is enough to turn the majority of a country against it.

>> No.4846348
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, [CoalGuys] B Gata H Kei - 02 [A708B8F5].mkv_snapshot_13.50_[2010.04.09_03.36.05].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4846349

>So apparently normalfags look down upon us virgin-worshipers. Can anybody come up with any explanations why?

Although I'm not a normalfag, I don't exactly look down on you. Rather I feel sorry for people who only accept virgins. I mean, that's basically limiting yourself, and the enjoyment you can get.
That's similar to only accepting big or small breasts, only accepting mature or young women... The longer you go on more miserable you get.

>> No.4846354

>That's similar to only accepting big or small breasts, only accepting mature or young women...
Or only accepting female or male?

>> No.4846355

Wow, you seriously compare eroge to ancient religious shit.

>> No.4846356


It has nothing to do with a hymen, its about that fact that the women you love and are hoping loves you back had the same feelings for another man, or was just playing around with one.

>> No.4846358

Its like why I refuse to use Macs.
I refuse anything but virgins.

>> No.4846370

I wouldn't drink from a cup that another man has used before.
Same shit.

>> No.4846373

Not even if it was washed before you use it?

>> No.4846383

>implying you can wash a women and make her virgin again

>> No.4846385
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Yes. That is true.

>> No.4846398

>Can anybody come up with any explanations why?
It's because some of us actually were into that hobby way before hymen obsession became popular.

>> No.4846405

>before hymen obsession became popular.

the hymen obsession has been popular since the beginning of the time.

>> No.4846409

No, in eroge no.

>> No.4846410

Why is this bad?
That's like refusing to be friends with anyone who's ever had any other friends.

>> No.4846417

you surely know nothing about eroge.
hymen obsession in eroge has been there since the beginning of eroge.

>> No.4846418

People with no basis for comparison are easier to manipulate, kind of like teaching people to read using only the Bible.

>> No.4846420

Thats because it's "friend".

>> No.4846423


Friendship and love are entirely different things. The latter requires devotion to the exclusion of all other options.

>> No.4846426

I don't see what you're getting at.

>> No.4846433

No, it's like refusing to be friends with someone that doesn't really care about his friends.
To be with someone who has been with someone else before is to be with someone who has left someone before.
If she left one person, leaving another isn't much.

>> No.4846434

Wait, who was that eroine that was harassed into hell by smelly neets for being a non-virgin ?
It was a dating sim with a map and everything, the mc was a kick-boxing member, fuck I can't recall the name.

>> No.4846438

Yeah no.
Play any eroge before year 2000 and see just how negligible is the number of virgin heroines.
You really are terribly ignorant Bangkok.

>> No.4846439

>Friendship and love are entirely different things.
Not really. Deep friendship is a kind of love. The greeks even had a term for it.

>The latter requires devotion to the exclusion of all other options.
...but that's not true. My parents have three children, and they love each of us. At the same time, even!

Also, we're talking about the past here. It's not like love just appears out of the blue and then lasts forever no matter what.

>> No.4846445

Yeh sure not like every heroines in To Heart 1 are virgins or something.

>> No.4846448

>No, it's like refusing to be friends with someone that doesn't really care about his friends.
That doesn't make any sense.

>To be with someone who has been with someone else before is to be with someone who has left someone before.
...or, uh, maybe they were left.

>If she left one person, leaving another isn't much.
By this logic, companies shouldn't hire people who've already had a job.
You have no idea why she (or he) left them. People don't just leave without a reason.

>> No.4846449

Also, you're a retard. Congrats.

>> No.4846451

You are so fucking immature, we're animals for god's sake.
Of course female will mate with more than one male, searching for the best partner with the best genetic makeup.
If you end with some "used" good it's just because you were a better choice and the female will stay with you as long as you're the best male.
Seriously it never ceases to amaze me how men play the betrayed hurt victim if their woman fucks with someone else, it's their fault as well for being inferior.

>> No.4846453

>No, it's like refusing to be friends with someone that doesn't really care about his friends.
...no, it's exactly like refusing to be friends with someone who has had other friends.

>> No.4846456

How about you stop and think for once?

>> No.4846457

No, because you don't have to leave one friend to get other friends.
You have to leave your past boyfriend to get another.
Discard him.

>> No.4846462

Damn I can't believe you can stand explaining shit to dumbfucks who will eventually come up with another dumb shit anyways.

>> No.4846464


You're mixing different kinds of love. Parental love is not romantic love (if it is, you've got problems).

>> No.4846465

>I have no rebuttal

>No, because you don't have to leave one friend to get other friends.
OK, replace "friend" with "best friend".
I had a best friend in high school. We don't even talk anymore.

Are you telling me you've never had a friend who isn't your friend anymore?

>You have to leave your past boyfriend to get another.
Or *be left*.

>Discard him.
You know, there are perfectly good reasons for breaking up with someone. You do know that, right?

>> No.4846471

>You're mixing different kinds of love. Parental love is not romantic love (if it is, you've got problems).
What makes romantic love so utterly exclusionary? The different kinds of love have a lot in common--love is basically caring about another person as much as or more than you care about yourself.

>> No.4846472

I'd fucking explain your invalid points to you but you will come up with another dumb shit anyways so yeh.

>> No.4846475

>I can't believe you can stand explaining your view that anyone who has ever had sex is RUINED FOREVER
You're like a Twilight fan.

>> No.4846476

If you think every old game is like To Heart back in those times, then I'm afraid I can't help you. Enjoy being ignorant forever.

>> No.4846478


Looking for partners prone to faithfulness is advantageous to our genes. Now, there is no guarantee that a virgin is faithful - but a used woman is guaranteed to be unfaithful.

>> No.4846479

All of my past friends are still my friends, it's just that I lost contact with them.
Moving every two years doesn't help.

>> No.4846480

>I have no rebuttal and I must keep posting. Please believe me! My beliefs aren't just a way of coping with my roneryness, they're valid!

>> No.4846481

Would you drink from a cup that another man just used?

in b4 you can wash it
It's that easy.

>> No.4846482

ITT semantics and pedantry

>> No.4846485

>Looking for partners prone to faithfulness is advantageous to our genes.
It's actually not, and also that's not how we select partners.

>Now, there is no guarantee that a virgin is faithful - but a used woman is guaranteed to be unfaithful.
I don't think you understand what "faithful" means.

>> No.4846487

>If you think every old game is like [insert your favorite game with unvirgins] back in those times, then I'm afraid I can't help you. Enjoy being ignorant forever.

>> No.4846491

>Would you drink from a cup that another man just used?
I'd wash it first, generally.

>in b4 you can wash it
>It's that easy.
But that doesn't make any sense. You know that the other guy's semen doesn't, like, stay inside her forever, right? You *can* wash a vagina or penis. People do it every time they shower!
Shit, if they used a condom the semen doesn't even actually go inside her.

>> No.4846494

>What makes romantic love so utterly exclusionary?

Evolution does, baby. Humans of both sexes (and in fact all mammals) have an extremely strong instinct to want to monopolize the sexual behavior of their partner. This is a genetic advantage.

>> No.4846496

>Would you drink from a cup that another man just used?
That another man *just* used?
That he used a few months ago?

>> No.4846499



>> No.4846503

What's so difficult about this? If she's had sex before, it means she has dumped somebody. If she dumped somebody, she can dump me too.

>> No.4846505

>Evolution does, baby.
But it doesn't. The mammals most like us function on serial monogamy.

>Humans of both sexes (and in fact all mammals) have an extremely strong instinct to want to monopolize the sexual behavior of their partner.
This varies wildly.
Keep in mind that you just want to pass *your* genes on. You don't care if others do too.

>This is a genetic advantage.
You don't really know how evolution works.
If a species fucks each other wantonly, like bonobo monkeys, it's advantageous for the species as a whole because they'll breed a lot.

>> No.4846507

Then what is it about?

>> No.4846511

Yeh your choice.
I wouldn't.

>> No.4846520



>> No.4846521

There's no being "faithful" in the first place.
Stop daydreaming about relationships breaking only because of one part's fault.
When a relationship ends it's because both of the partners have failed.
Maybe if you were a better lover your partner wouldn't have searched for someone else to fuck with.
Maybe if you bothered to ask for psychological help instead of getting constantly abused by your partner without reacting you could've found a solution.
Maybe if you dedicated more time to your partner instead of minding your own business at home you could've avoided a divorce.
It's easy to point the finger and say "it's YOUR fault", when both partners are doing their thing correctly they remain together.
Being "Faithful" is just a concept created by weak people finding some kind of reassurance that as soon as both partners get together you can stop any kind of effort to try and improve the relationship, like a fucking unbreakable chain, too bad nature laughs at you.

>> No.4846525

But the cup analogy makes it sound like it is. The reason people don't drink from something someone else just drank from is germs.

What if she got dumped?
What if she dumped the guy because he became a drug addict, or started hitting her, or changed dramatically? There ARE good reasons for breakups, you know. you DO know that, right?

Also, if she didn't dump somebody, she might still dump you.
And just because she dumped someone else doesn't mean she will dump you. My father had four girlfriends before my mother. My mother had three boyfriends before my father.
They recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary.

>> No.4846526

If my partner never leaves me, I am more likely to be able to educate the offspring and even have more offspring.
While it isn't beneficial to the species as a whole, it is to the individual because it provides more security for his genes.

>> No.4846527

But what if she was in another relationship, and was dumped? Or hell, her partner died?

>> No.4846529

/jp/ - Moralfags/General

>> No.4846530

Yes you would. You wouldn't even care. Just like you function in public places. Ever ride the bus? OH GOD SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE RIDDEN THAT BUS.

>> No.4846531

That's because you see your partner as a tool that you gives no shit about.

>> No.4846536

Wow Bangkok, isn't it embarassing to post a greentext argument?

Anyway, play around with the more popular pc98 eroges and see why I'm saying that "only virgin heroines eroge" was rare back then. To Heart is certainly a rarer breed.

>> No.4846539

>You don't really know how evolution works.
>If a species fucks each other wantonly, like bonobo monkeys, it's advantageous for the species as a whole because they'll breed a lot.

It's ironic that these two sentences are one right after the other.

Genes do not care one whit about the "good of the species" as a whole. The very idea is silly. They care about the good of themselves, as in each individual gene "wants" to be copied and the other genes can go fuck themselves.

>> No.4846540

>While it isn't beneficial to the species as a whole, it is to the individual because it provides more security for his genes.
But someone having offspring with 3 different partners would pass on their genes even more.

>> No.4846545


>> No.4846546

There was a time in India when, where a woman became a widow, she would commit suicide.

>> No.4846547

>you function in public

>> No.4846548

I hope you aren't implying you agree with that, but that's a nice useless fact I can use later in life.

>> No.4846550

Why do you think people like to buy new things?
Because they want to feel special.
I buy new cars, new tvs, new computers, even though used ones are cheaper and have the same functionality. That's because there's something attractive about exclusivity.

>> No.4846551

No, it's because I care about my actual human partner, rather than some abstract ideal I only hold to cope with ronery.

>Genes do not care one whit about the "good of the species" as a whole. The very idea is silly
Like I said, you have no idea how evolution works. You've never studied evolutionary biology. At all.

VIRTUALLY *ALL* SOCIALIZED BEHAVIORS EVOLVED 'FOR THE GOOD OF THE SPECIES'. We didn't evolve altruism for no reason, we evolved it because it fucking helps.

>> No.4846555

Not any more than if that person had more children with that single partner.
Also, how could you take care of so many children from so many people? In the end, you lost because your children have no stable basis.

>> No.4846557

But you see, people aren't new things. If you want a decent human being they are going to have to gone out and done something in their life. Maybe not exactly have sex, but they will have been in friendships, relationships, and been experienced by other people in certain ways. Humans cant be 'new' unless they are just born.

>> No.4846559

>There's no being "faithful" in the first place.

Of course there is, all it means that when given an option to cheat or end the relationship, you don't take it.

The problem is that it's a disadvantage from evolution's perspective. We all, of both sexes, have an instinct to cheat (because it spreads our genes) while preventing our partner from cheating (because it saves our parenting resources - spending resources to look after children that are not biologically yours is a serious disadvantage for a species like Homo Sapiens, that has very few offspring and has to expend a lot of resources to get them to self-sufficient state).

>> No.4846560



>> No.4846562

>Not any more than if that person had more children with that single partner.
You know that there's a limit to how many kids someone can have in a year, right? Three people, three times the kids.

>Also, how could you take care of so many children from so many people? In the end, you lost because your children have no stable basis.
But this is exactly how a lot of primates do it. The children mostly survive and learn to fend for themselves. Even if you lose 1 in 3, you're still 2:1 over the creature with 1 partner.

>> No.4846564

If you want to know more about this, they committed suicide by immolation.
It became a public nuisance because women did that in the street, dousing themselves in gasoline and randomly lighting themselves on fire. It has been now outlawed by still took place less than 50 years ago.

>> No.4846568

This is my que to get off of 4chan.
I giggled a bit at the mental image of a woman running around on fire while everyone just stood there and whispered about how her husband died like nothing is happening.

>> No.4846570

>we evolved it because it fucking helps.

We evolved it because it helps the genes that cause altruistic behavior to spread. Whatever else it does is coincidental and meaningless.

>> No.4846571

>But you see, people aren't new things.
Why do you think /jp/ likes lolis? Babyfuck, it's awwwwwright.

>Of course there is, all it means that when given an option to cheat or end the relationship, you don't take it.
"Being faithful" certainly doesn't include not ending a relationship. There are TONS of good reasons to end a relationship. I broke up with my ex because, well, she was a crazy bitch. This was not readily apparent when we started dating, but it became so. Being faithful means you don't violate their trust *while in the relationship*.

>> No.4846572

No, that's because you guys see love as something you should be receiving for granted.
It doesn't work that way, it take COSTANT effort to get your love.
Most relationships ends at marriage, and you know why ? There's no effort to try to even sustain the current relationship.
No more flowers, no more gifts, no more dates, no more kisses, no more sex, nothing, you get home, you eat, you mind your own business, your partner does the same.
The only reason we don't see so many divorces as there should be it's because the children become a priority so they go along with it.
Congratulation, if you ever manage to marry you'll become on of the many couple on this planets that are less than friends to each other because with your stupid concept of "faithfulness" you'll take no step to nurture your relationship.

>> No.4846574

For more factual info:
Satī (Devanagari: सती, the feminine of sat "true"; also called suttee)[5] is a funeral practice among some Hindu communities in which a recently widowed woman would either voluntarily or by use of force and coercion immolate herself on her husband’s funeral pyre. This practice is now rare and outlawed in modern India.[1]

The term is derived from the original name of the goddess Sati, also known as Dakshayani, who self-immolated because she was unable to bear her father Daksha's humiliation of her (living) husband Shiva. The term may also be used to refer to the widow herself. The term sati is now sometimes interpreted as "chaste woman."

>> No.4846576

>The only reason we don't see so many divorces as there should be
Over 50 percent divorce rate, idiot.

>> No.4846579

Meanwhile, my parents, who had a bunch of partners before meeting each other, are in a loving relationship for 25 years now.

>> No.4846581

The whole virgin thing would make more sense if sluts didn't start out as virgins too. Each slut had a first, someone who thought she'd be pure and innocent only to find her fucking a whole city behind his back.

Don't get a 3D girlfriend unless you fully accept the fact that sooner or later (probably sooner) she'll cheat on you and laugh in your face. Don't marry, don't spend money on her, don't see her as more important than your hobbies to minimize the inevitable damage.

If you want a 'pure' relationship, eroge is that way <-

>> No.4846582

You see now why I don't fucking bother writing long shit to explain to the dumbfucks?
They're dumb.

>> No.4846583

>We evolved it because it helps the genes that cause altruistic behavior to spread.
How do you think we evolved homosexuality?

>> No.4846585

>There are TONS of good reasons to end a relationship.

From your perspective, every reason is a good reason. From your partner's perspective, no reason is a good reason.

>> No.4846587

Good, I can cite the exact opposite case. My father and mother both had children with multiple children and were never able to take care of those. The relationship between the two lasted two months outside of my mothers pregnancy.

>> No.4846589


As a byproduct to something more useful.

>> No.4846590

>If you don't agree with my shitty explanation, you're dumb.
Actually, you're dumb for thinking that if you love someone you should always love them no matter what, and for thinking girls never get dumped.

>> No.4846592

No my friend, this obsession to stubbornly cling to virgins was certainly not present among erogeplayers back then.

>> No.4846593

It's not worth discussing a fetish. I like virgins. That's pretty much all.

>> No.4846596

Japan disagrees with you.
Go ask in newsoku if you want the truth, dumbfuck.

>> No.4846602

>From your perspective, every reason is a good reason. From your partner's perspective, no reason is a good reason.
There are objectively good reasons.
For example, my partner had unprotected sex with other people.
My aunt's husband started abusing her.

Both of those seem like pretty fucking good reasons to me. Want to disagree?

Wow! It's almost like neither experience nor virginity are guarantees of long-term romantic happiness, like there's no correlation!

>> No.4846604

did you even read the fucking thead?

>> No.4846609

>The whole virgin thing would make more sense if sluts didn't start out as virgins too.

Like somebody already said, if they are virgins there is at least a chance that they are not sluts.

>> No.4846617

OK, let's try this: you know about dominant and recessive traits, right?

Let's say there was a recessive trait that caused people to become sterile, but gain the magical ability to provide food for their entire community.
Groups of people with that recessive trait in the population would soon dramatically outnumber groups of people without it.

>> No.4846619

You mean your bridge or tennis partner or something?

>> No.4846620

No, I'm afraid it doesn't work that way. Virginity is the equivalent of a grenade's pin. Once the pin is out, it'll explode. Wether you get a live grenade thrown at you or take one, remove the pin, and drop it at your feet, you'll still fucking die.

>> No.4846621

No, it means that one case does not provide any proof.
We don't have any statistics on the correlation between virginity at the beginning of the relationship and happiness later in it.

>> No.4846622

And similarly, just because they had prior partners doesn't mean they'll leave *you*. My grandparents are still together.

>> No.4846623
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>> No.4846624

I don't like drinking from cups another man used

But you can wash cups and make them new

>implying you can wash a women and make them new

But then how can you stand riding a public bus?

I don't fucking care about the bus, I care about the cup.


>> No.4846626

>We're different, so they see us as a threat.

Nobody sees you fags as a threat. You're just creepy as fuck.

>> No.4846627

Wouldn't the trait be bred out of existence regardless of how attractive it is ?

>> No.4846629

I don't like drinking from cups another man used

But you can wash cups and make them new

>implying you can wash a women and make them new

But you can wash a vagina and get rid of the semen!

>implying it have anything to do with sex or semen or hymen

But then how can you stand riding a public bus?

I don't fucking care about the bus, I care about the cup.


>> No.4846632

Busses don't go in your mouth, unless you're a window-licker, which I suspect a large amount of people in this topic are.

>> No.4846633

No, I mean my girlfriend of three years.

>We don't have any statistics on the correlation between virginity at the beginning of the relationship and happiness later in it.
And we have no reason to assume such a correlation.

>>implying you can wash a women and make them new
You're implying that sex somehow "dirties" someone. It doesn't, except physically (which you *can* wash)

Virginity isn't valuable.

>> No.4846635

I'd rather ride my own new car than ride the goddamn bus.
How's that for an answer?

>> No.4846638

>For example, my partner had unprotected sex with other people.
>My aunt's husband started abusing her.
>Both of those seem like pretty fucking good reasons to me. Want to disagree?

Too little information to go on, but I can easily imagine cases where both are justified. Maybe you started withholding sex from your partner (in which case you should damn well expect cheating to happen), and maybe your aunt was a total bitch without realizing it. That's beside the point as a whole though: no matter what somebody does, they are prone to feel that they were justified, and no matter what happens to you, you are prone to think you did nothing to deserve it. It's just an illusion caused by perspective. If there was a third observer who saw every detail of the relationship, he would maybe be able to make an objective call, but still neither of you would believe him.

>> No.4846641


>> No.4846644

...like I thought, you don't know a fucking thing about genetics.

Do you even know what an allele is?

>> No.4846645

Virginity is valuable.
It is something that you only have one of in your life.
It is priceless.

>> No.4846647

I don't like drinking from cups another man used

But you can wash cups and make them new

>implying you can wash a women and make them new

But you can wash a vagina and get rid of the semen!

>implying it have anything to do with sex or semen or hymen

But then how can you stand riding a public bus?

I don't fucking care about the bus, I care about the cup. Besides I'd fucking ride my own goddamned car than riding the fucking bus.


>> No.4846651

>And we have no reason to assume such a correlation.

Yes we do. There would most likely have to be a reason virgins are such popular conquests (and have been through all of recorded history). At least it's worth an examination.

>> No.4846653

They think we're a threat because we're creepy.

Once again, we're not a physical threat to them or anything, they think we're either a threat to their children, or a threat to their way of life. Their hatred entirely comes from being afraid of us because they don't understand us.

>> No.4846655

I don't like drinking from cups another man used

But you can wash cups and make them new

>implying you can wash a women and make them new, and i'd rather use my own goddamned cup anyways.

But you can wash a vagina and get rid of the semen!

>implying it have anything to do with sex or semen or hymen

But then how can you stand riding a public bus?

I don't fucking care about the bus, I care about the cup. Besides I'd fucking ride my own goddamned car than riding the fucking bus.


>> No.4846657

Why are you guys posting in a troll thread?

>> No.4846661

Different variants of a gene.
Regardless, since the people who have that characteristic produce sterile children at an increased rate, a bigger part of the population will turn out to be sterile and those who have that trait won't be able to breed, no?

>> No.4846662


>Virginity isn't valuable

Depends where you live.

>> No.4846664

>Too little information to go on, but I can easily imagine cases where both are justified.
Hahaha, oh wow.

>Maybe you started withholding sex from your partner (in which case you should damn well expect cheating to happen),
Sorry, "I'm not getting laid as much as I like" IS NOT an excuse for cheating. If you can't stand the relationship, leave the relationship. Don't cheat.

>and maybe your aunt was a total bitch without realizing it.
Wow, seriously?
Emotional and *physical abuse* is justified because "like, she might have been a total bitch"?

>If there was a third observer who saw every detail of the relationship, he would maybe be able to make an objective call, but still neither of you would believe him.
I've seen plenty of justified dumpings, as a neutral third party.

You don't seem to have much on a point. Sorry, if your partner starts beating the shit out of you, you need to leave them. Period.

There are plenty of good reasons to leave somebody. "But they might not agree you should leave them" is not a counterpoint.

Again, you're implying sex "dirties" someone on some kind of emotional or spiritual or moral level, not a physical one. This isn't true.

>> No.4846666

anon is stupid/has nothing better to do

>> No.4846669

>Yes we do.
No, we really, really don't. In fact, people who stay with their first partner all their lives are an extreme minority. The vast majority of long-term marriages are between people at least one of whom has had previous partners.

>There would most likely have to be a reason virgins are such popular conquests (and have been through all of recorded history). At least it's worth an examination.
There are reasons, but they have absolutely nothing to do with happiness in marriage.

>> No.4846671

>Again, you're implying sex "dirties" someone on some kind of emotional or spiritual or moral level, not a physical one. This isn't true.
Dirty or not, it DOES break the virginity which is the fucking point.

>> No.4846674

>Sorry, "I'm not getting laid as much as I like" IS NOT an excuse for cheating. If you can't stand the relationship, leave the relationship. Don't cheat.

Wow, sounds like I guessed right on the first try.

Maybe in your next relationship you'll figure out that sex is the best and most important way to show love.

>> No.4846679

You cant Un-break a hymen right

>guy prefers non virgin over virgin slut

>> No.4846680

To be entirely honest in this thread.
I care about virginity because I want to be the sole owner of something instead of feeling like a number. Regardless of the person, there being a precedent is complexing.
It is out of selfishness, but so is the way I determine what would attract me.

>> No.4846682

I don't like drinking from cups another man used

But you can wash cups and make them new

>implying you can wash a women and make them new, and i'd rather use my own goddamned cup anyways.

But you can wash a vagina and get rid of the semen!

>implying it have anything to do with sex or semen or hymen

But you're implying by being a non-virgin means they're dirty and you wouldn't use them!

Yes, then what? Besides dirty or not being a non-virgin means they are USED with is the whole fucking point

But then how can you stand riding a public bus?

I don't fucking care about the bus, I care about the cup. Besides I'd fucking ride my own goddamned car than riding the fucking bus.


>> No.4846685

It isn't.
Sex is one activity out of a plethora of others.

>> No.4846686

>Different variants of a gene.
Right. For example, take a gene that can look like this: Bu, uB, BB, and uu. "u" is blue eyes, "B" is brown eyes. B is the dominant allele, u is recessive.

This means that when a Bu mates with a Bu, there are four possibilities: BB, Bu, uB, and uu.
Of those four, only the uu has blue eyes. The other three have brown eyes.
If a BB mates with a Bu, the offspring can be BB or Bu, but never uu.

So the allele for blue eyes stays in the population, but blue eyes remain rare.

The same would be the case with our hypothetical gene.

Evolution is actually defined as *change in allele frequency in a population over time*.
If there's a gene with a recessive allele that makes someone personally less likely to have offspring, but makes their *population* more likely to thrive overall, that population will thrive and therefore that gene will be passed on.

>> No.4846701

what the fuck

>> No.4846707

>Wow, sounds like I guessed right on the first try.
No, it's just a common excuse cheaters use.

>Maybe in your next relationship you'll figure out that sex is the best and most important way to show love.
Sorry, if my boyfriend is stressed out or has a migraine and doesn't feel like going at it that night, that's not an excuse for me to go and fuck some other guy or girl. And vice-versa.

If one of us is consistently not having an important need--like sex--met, then maybe the relationship should end. But cheating--sleeping with someone else *before* it ends--is a violation of trust.

>Dirty or not, it DOES break the virginity which is the fucking point.
But what's wrong with "breaking the virginity"?

>> No.4846713


>> No.4846714


I don't like drinking from cups another man used

But you can wash cups and make them new

>implying you can wash a women and make them new, and i'd rather use my own goddamned cup anyways.

But you can wash a vagina and get rid of the semen!

>implying it have anything to do with sex or semen or hymen

But you're implying by being a non-virgin means they're dirty and you wouldn't use them!

Yes, then what? Besides dirty or not being a non-virgin means they are USED which is the whole fucking point

But what's wrong with being used or being dirty even?

Same reason why I buy new stuff instead of buying secondhanded shit.

But then how can you stand riding a public bus?

I don't fucking care about the bus, I care about the cup. Besides I'd fucking ride my own goddamned car than riding the fucking bus.


>> No.4846718

>I care about virginity because I want to be the sole owner of something instead of feeling like a number. Regardless of the person, there being a precedent is complexing.
Uhh. You don't own your partner.

"oh my god, she's gone to see a movie with someone other than me, now seeing a movie isn't SPECIAL"

>> No.4846723

Okay, I get that.
But if people start only breeding with people that have blue eyes, slowly, most people are going to be uu and Bu, uB and BB will become less frequent. If uu were the trait that causes sterility, wouldn't that cause sterility to become very widespread at some point?
Essentially, the living population thrives but the gene that gets passed on hurts the population.
Sorry for imposing on you.

>> No.4846726

>But what's wrong with being used or being dirty even?
>Same reason why I buy new stuff instead of buying secondhanded shit.
But material possessions and human relationships don't really have much to do with each other. You buy new shit because it's in better condition, has a warranty, etc. People don't work that way. In fact, someone who has no previous experience is more likely to fuck shit up.

>> No.4846731

>You buy new shit because it's in better condition, has a warranty,

lol no
people buy new shit because they want exclusivity

>> No.4846736 [DELETED] 
File: 294 KB, 435x349, 1255893865318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4846734

>But if people start only breeding with people that have blue eyes, slowly, most people are going to be uu and Bu, uB and BB will become less frequent. If uu were the trait that causes sterility, wouldn't that cause sterility to become very widespread at some point?



IF uu were an extremely beneficial trait that *didn't* cause sterility, then, yes, uus would (all else being equal) come to be predominant in the population.

>> No.4846735 [DELETED] 


>> No.4846737

I said it, it is selfish. My caring about virginity is about control, not about the relationship itself.

>> No.4846743

I don't like drinking from cups another man used

But you can wash cups and make them new

>implying you can wash a women and make them new, and i'd rather use my own goddamned cup anyways.

But you can wash a vagina and get rid of the semen!

>implying it has anything to do with sex or semen or hymen

But you're implying by being a non-virgin means they're dirty and you wouldn't use them!

Yes, then what? Besides dirty or not being a non-virgin means they are USED which is the whole fucking point

But what's wrong with being used or being dirty even?

Same reason why I buy new stuff instead of buying secondhanded shit.

But you buy new shit because it's in better condition, has a warranty, etc. People don't work that way.

Unused cups are in better condition than used cups.

But then how can you stand riding a public bus?

I don't fucking care about the bus, I care about the cup. Besides I'd fucking ride my own goddamned car than riding the fucking bus.


>> No.4846744

I don't give a shit what you think about virginity, I was asking if you would use a cup another man did as long as it was washed first. I was just curious.

Personally, I have no problem with it unless it hasn't been washed before they expect me to use it.

>> No.4846746

Didn't read this whole thread and don't have time to as I'm going to sleep, but

>But what's wrong with "breaking the virginity"?
Nothing is wrong if you are the one doing it, it makes you feel more.. "special" and that she was pure before.

Insert Kohaku's "The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it, isn't it?" image that I don't think I have and don't feel like searching for here.

>> No.4846747

>From your perspective, every reason is a good reason. From your partner's perspective, no reason is a good reason.

My ex girlfriend disagrees. She was understanding when I wanted to break up. We're still good friends.

>Meanwhile, my parents, who had a bunch of partners before meeting each other, are in a loving relationship for 25 years now.

Same here, plus a couple of years, not sure how many exactly.

Obsessing over whether or not your partner has had a previous partner sounds like fear of being compared to others or symptoms for being extremely clingy and needy for control.

Both of those are bad things.

>> No.4846751

But people don't generally want *past-tense* exclusivity in their relationships.

Think about hiring for a position, which is a much better analogy than buying a TV.
A manager at a financial firm doesn't care that you worked for another firm before. He just doesn't want you working for someone else *at the same time*. In fact, job experience is considered a benefit.

>> No.4846753

OK, let's try this: you know about dominant and recessive traits, right?

Let's say there was a recessive trait that caused people to become sterile, but gain the magical ability to provide food for their entire community.
Groups of people with that recessive trait in the population would soon dramatically outnumber groups of people without it.
I was replying to that.
Also, I didn't state that uus would breed with uus, rather that BBs would always breed with uBs, causing a spread of uBs, who would breed with uBs, resulting in more uus and it would stop here.

>> No.4846756

>Unused cups are in better condition than used cups.
But virgin people are not in better condition than non-virgin people.

Also, stop with the bus shit, I don't even know who said that.

That's pretty low, bro. Fix it.

>> No.4846760

However, lots of companies like to engage fresh grads specifically because they get to train them just the way the need to.
Both are present.

>> No.4846763

>Also, I didn't state that uus would breed with uus, rather that BBs would always breed with uBs
...uBs are visually indistinguishable from BBs. You can't tell what recessive alleles someone is carrying (without actual genetic testing, which is a very modern development that isn't relevant to our discussion).

Virgins aren't "pure" so much as "ignorant".
Give me a chick that knows how to give a blowjob over one that has no idea any day.

>> No.4846768

>However, lots of companies like to engage fresh grads specifically because they get to train them just the way the need to.
Nobody sees a *complete lack of any work experience whatsoever* as a plus.

>Obsessing over whether or not your partner has had a previous partner sounds like fear of being compared to others or symptoms for being extremely clingy and needy for control.
Welcome to /jp/. It's full of ronery otaku who both extremely clingy and needy for control AND have a gear of being compared to others (because they feel inadequate).

You've just discovered the REAL reasons behind this "must have virgin" thing.

>> No.4846772

I don't like drinking from cups another man used

But you can wash cups and make them new

>implying you can wash a women and make them new, and i'd rather use my own goddamned cup anyways.

But you can wash a vagina and get rid of the semen!

>implying it has anything to do with sex or semen or hymen

But you're implying by being a non-virgin means they're dirty and you wouldn't use them!

Yes, then what? Besides dirty or not being a non-virgin means they are USED which is the whole fucking point

But what's wrong with being used or being dirty even?

Same reason why I buy new stuff instead of buying secondhanded shit.

But you buy new shit because it's in better condition, has a warranty, etc. People don't work that way.

Unused cups are in better condition than used cups. Besides people loves exclusivity, thats why theres "custom made" shit.

But then how can you stand riding a public bus?

I don't fucking care about the bus, I care about the cup. Besides I'd fucking ride my own goddamned car than riding the fucking bus.

>> No.4846775

Oh, yeah, true.
Somehow I had started considering that uB would be a middle ground, which is of course silly.

>> No.4846782

I don't like drinking from cups another man used

But you can wash cups and make them new

>implying you can wash a women and make them new, and i'd rather use my own goddamned cup anyways.

But you can wash a vagina and get rid of the semen!

>implying it has anything to do with sex or semen or hymen

But you're implying by being a non-virgin means they're dirty and you wouldn't use them!

Yes, then what? Besides dirty or not being a non-virgin means they are USED which is the whole fucking point

But what's wrong with being used or being dirty even?

Same reason why I buy new stuff instead of buying secondhanded shit.

But you buy new shit because it's in better condition, has a warranty, etc. People don't work that way.

Unused cups are in better condition than used cups. Besides people loves exclusivity, thats why theres "custom made" shit.

But virgin people are not in better condition than non-virgin people.

But the cup is still used, regardless of condition. Which is the whole fucking point.

But then how can you stand riding a public bus?

I don't fucking care about the bus, I care about the cup. Besides I'd fucking ride my own goddamned car than riding the fucking bus.

>> No.4846784

I didn't bother to read the whole thread. Just coming to say I wouldn't touch a non-virgin woman. I don't want to kiss a woman who had sucked the dicks of other men before. If you are okay with that, good for you, but I'm not.
And yes, I know I will never be able to find a virgin and that I will stay alone forever. But even if I were ready to accept a woman no matter how many men she fucked before, she wouldn't accept me because I have an ugly face (incurable skin disease) and even if I were handsome, being a virgin is seen as a shame nowadays in western countries so she would look down on me and make fun of me.
There are also STDs to consider. Even if the woman used condoms, she still can have diseases, especially the ones transmitted by skin to skin contact and kissing. I don't want to get herpes and see a cold sore appear on my lips because I kissed a non-virgin (even though even virgins can get these diseases).

>> No.4846785

>Maybe in your next relationship you'll figure out that sex is the best and most important way to show love.

First of all, no.
Second, no.
Three, still no.

Showing your partner appreciation is the number one of showing them your love, though you're ALSO supposed to have sex with your partner. Sex can even be one way of showing appreciation, but showing it IS more important. As for the most important element of a relationship, it's communication.

And there's no excuse to cheat. Ever. "I wasn't getting enough sex from you, so I cheated on you, it's only fair!" <--That is bullshit. Break up with your partner instead, then have sex with other people. But I can see what point you're trying to make; it's not just one person's fault. It is also the other persons fault for not putting in the effort in the sex life, but that doesn't warrant cheating. You should fucking talk to your partner instead.

>> No.4846786

>Unused cups are in better condition than used cups.
But this doesn't apply to people. Also, some objects are better when someone else has used them first (for example, notes or wikipedia).

>people love exclusivity
Not in their relationships, except present-tense. See: jobs and hiring.

>> No.4846793

Before I go to sleep I'll say one last thing.

I love your little "This whole thread summed up in a short conversation" thing.

>> No.4846794

>It's full of ronery otaku who both extremely clingy and needy for control AND have a fear of being compared to others (because they feel inadequate).
I admitted that. I also see nothing wrong with the preference given our condition. There's nothing wrong with a man preferring something he needs.

>> No.4846798

>I didn't bother to read the whole thread. Just coming to say I wouldn't touch a non-virgin woman.
That's pretty sad, bro.

>I don't want to kiss a woman who had sucked the dicks of other men before. If you are okay with that, good for you, but I'm not.
Why not?

>There are also STDs to consider. Even if the woman used condoms, she still can have diseases, especially the ones transmitted by skin to skin contact and kissing. I don't want to get herpes and see a cold sore appear on my lips because I kissed a non-virgin (even though even virgins can get these diseases).
...the only thing you're really going to get from kissing is mono. You're more likely to get in a fatal car accident than you are to get oral herpes by kissing a non-virgin.

Also, you know that you can test for STDs, right? My boyfriend and I actually did that a month ago.

>> No.4846801

Super cool revisions, bro

>> No.4846802

I don't like drinking from cups another man used

But you can wash cups and make them new

>implying you can wash a women and make them new, and i'd rather use my own goddamned cup anyways.

But you can wash a vagina and get rid of the semen!

>implying it has anything to do with sex or semen or hymen

But you're implying by being a non-virgin means they're dirty and you wouldn't use them!

Yes, then what? Besides dirty or not being a non-virgin means they are USED which is the whole fucking point

But what's wrong with being used or being dirty even?

Same reason why I buy new stuff instead of buying secondhanded shit.

But you buy new shit because it's in better condition, has a warranty, etc. People don't work that way.

Unused cups are in better condition than used cups. Besides people loves exclusivity, thats why theres "custom made" shit.

But virgin people are not in better condition than non-virgin people.

The cup is still used, regardless of condition. Which is the whole fucking point.

But people doesn't love exclusivity in their relationships, except present-tense.

Maybe you. Not me.

But then how can you stand riding a public bus?

I don't fucking care about the bus, I care about the cup. Besides I'd fucking ride my own goddamned car than riding the fucking bus.

>> No.4846803

>Not in their relationships, except present-tense
Jobs are jobs, not relationships.
There are clearly people who want exclusivity in the past here.

>> No.4846806

>But the cup is still used, regardless of condition. Which is the whole fucking point.
If that was the whole fucking point, you wouldn't have said "unused cups are in better condition", faggot.
Sorry, being that needy for control is bad, period.

>> No.4846811

How is it bad?
Is there some moral absolute against which control goes?

>> No.4846813

I don't like drinking from cups another man used

But you can wash cups and make them new

>implying you can wash a women and make them new, and i'd rather use my own goddamned cup anyways.

But you can wash a vagina and get rid of the semen!

>implying it has anything to do with sex or semen or hymen

But you're implying by being a non-virgin means they're dirty and you wouldn't use them!

Yes, then what? Besides dirty or not being a non-virgin means they are USED which is the whole fucking point

But what's wrong with being used or being dirty even?

Same reason why I buy new stuff instead of buying secondhanded shit.

But you buy new shit because it's in better condition, has a warranty, etc. People don't work that way.

Unused cups are in better condition than used cups. Besides people loves exclusivity, thats why theres "custom made" shit.

But virgin people are not in better condition than non-virgin people.

The cup is still used, regardless of condition. Which is the whole fucking point.

But if that was the whole fucking point, you wouldn't have said "unused cups are in better condition", faggot.

>implying unused cups aren't in better condition than used cups, which is true

But people doesn't love exclusivity in their relationships, except present-tense.

Maybe you. Not me.

But then how can you stand riding a public bus?

I don't fucking care about the bus, I care about the cup. Besides I'd fucking ride my own goddamned car than riding the fucking bus.

>> No.4846815

>Maybe you. Not me.
Yeah, and it's pretty unhealthy. You've got no real reason for it besides insecurity. Hell, you don't even see your partner as a person.

>Jobs are jobs, not relationships.
>There are clearly people who want exclusivity in the past here.
There are people who want to kill all Jews/white people/arabs/whoever. That doesn't make it a good or healthy thing.

>> No.4846817

whats that extension called to hide threads on 4chan?

>> No.4846819

Actually, used is a condition in itself.
There's a reason why a new car loses 20% of its worth the instant you buy it. And that's disregarding things such as warranties and the like.

>> No.4846824

There are people who prefer blue to red. That doesn't make it a bad or unhealthy thing.

>> No.4846825

>implying unused cups aren't in better condition than used cups, which is true
But virgin ("unused") people aren't in better condition than "used" people. So how are the cups relevant?

>Maybe you. Not me.
But your virgin-worship is baseless and harms you.

>> No.4846827

I don't like drinking from cups another man used

But you can wash cups and make them new

>implying you can wash a women and make them new, and i'd rather use my own goddamned cup anyways.

But you can wash a vagina and get rid of the semen!

>implying it has anything to do with sex or semen or hymen

But you're implying by being a non-virgin means they're dirty and you wouldn't use them!

Yes, then what? Besides dirty or not being a non-virgin means they are USED which is the whole fucking point

But what's wrong with being used or being dirty even?

Same reason why I buy new stuff instead of buying secondhanded shit.

But you buy new shit because it's in better condition, has a warranty, etc. People don't work that way.

Unused cups are in better condition than used cups. Besides people loves exclusivity, thats why theres "custom made" shit.

But virgin people are not in better condition than non-virgin people.

The cup is still used, regardless of condition. Which is the whole fucking point.

But if that was the whole fucking point, you wouldn't have said "unused cups are in better condition", faggot.

>implying unused cups aren't in better condition than used cups, which is true

But people doesn't love exclusivity in their relationships, except present-tense.

Maybe you. Not me.

But it's pretty unhealthy. You've got no real reason for it besides insecurity. Hell, you don't even see your partner as a person.

I fucking care about the cup that's why I am so picky about it. Healthy or not do I even care.

But then how can you stand riding a public bus?

I don't fucking care about the bus, I care about the cup. Besides I'd fucking ride my own goddamned car than riding the fucking bus.

>> No.4846829

Just saying that
1) You wouldn't be able to find a virgin to be with when you've got that attitude
2) If you get over your insecurities, you might actually find someone to be with, virgin or not, and have a slightly more fulfilling life.

>> No.4846830

Just get the filter and filter bangkok. It's easier.

>> No.4846832

>There are people who prefer blue to red. That doesn't make it a bad or unhealthy thing.
But preferring pale-skinned people to people of color *is* a bad thing. That's a more apt analogy.

>> No.4846835

>I fucking care about the cup that's why I am so picky about it.
...no, you don't. These criteria have nothing to do with the person. They have to do with *your arbitrary preferences*. They're not about them--they're about you. Your virgin fetish is not you caring about your (hypothetical, as you are going to stay single until you die) partner.

>> No.4846840

>I fucking care about the cup that's why I am so picky about it.
No, you care about YOU. You don't pick a cup based on what's best for the *cup*.

>Healthy or not do I even care.
That, too, is an unhealthy attitude that lowers your quality of life.

>> No.4846841

You guys really are sick, comparing a person to an object like a cup. No wonder women feel objectified.

>> No.4846843

To everyone saying that there's something wrong with not wanting to be with a non-virgin, are you are okay with being with someone...

...of any ethnic background/skin colour
...who is a post-op
...with disabilities?

If you say no to any of these, why is it wrong for people here to say no to non-virgins?

>> No.4846849

>implying that virgin-fetishists objectify women and don't really even see them as people
...your implications are correct!
This is part of why the permavirgins are permavirgins.

>> No.4846845

Holy shit you're so dumb.
At this rate i'll need to write two thousand lines.

>> No.4846853


Would you use a cup that looks horribly shitty and can't even contain liquid properly to drink?

>> No.4846851

No, it's a choice. Preferring virgins is like preferring blondes or flat chested women, it is a choice that is made based on individual preference.
You don't see us claiming that we'd burn non-virgins, just that we want to be in a relationship with virgins.
Likewise, I'd prefer being in a relationship with a blonde.
Preference is not discrimination.

>> No.4846852

>I fucking care about the cup that's why I am so picky about it. Healthy or not do I even care.
...so only wanting to be with blondes is not about what you and only you want, and has nothing to do with the woman?

>> No.4846858

>why is it wrong for people here to say no to non-virgins?
It's a shitty, shitty value judgement. Some people don't mind dating/fucking someone obese, and that's OK. If I don't find them physically attractive, that's OK too.

But you don't find non-virgins *physically unattractive*. You find the very fact of their non-virginity somehow bad.

It's retarded for the same reason that religious proscriptions on what kind of sex you can and can't have are retarded.

>bawwww, my shitty argument!

>> No.4846859

Are you saying a woman is like that as soon as she isn't a virgin anymore?

The fuck?

>> No.4846864

>Preferring virgins is like preferring blondes or flat chested women, it is a choice that is made based on individual preference.

>You don't see us claiming that we'd burn non-virgins, just that we want to be in a relationship with virgins.
No, I see a fixation, which is part of a culture that goes way beyond that. I also see some really unhealthy assumptions that will sabotage your hypothetical relationships.

>Would you use a cup that looks horribly shitty and can't even contain liquid properly to drink?
I'm not even sure what your analogy is here. There's nothing wrong with non-virgins. They "contain liquid" just fine.

>> No.4846867

You didn't respond properly to the entire post. Don't pick it to bits.

Is it okay to not want to be with someone because they are religious? That isn't about physical attraction either.

>> No.4846870

I'm implying that I wouldn't use that cup in the first place.

>> No.4846871

This whole "purity" fixation is really just a way of feeling better about their own virginity, guys. You can't reason someone out of a positon they didn't reason themselves into.

>> No.4846878

People find women unattractive for reasons other than physical reasons.
I wouldn't enjoy dating the most stunning redneck. Or a nazi supermodel.
Also, other than for aesthetic reasons, fat people are unattractive because it hints at a lack of self-control.

>> No.4846881

And I can't use that pasta anymore because it's field too long now.

>> No.4846885

To the non-virgin-not-wanters.

Do you even want to be in a relationship with a virgin? From what I've seen so far, you don't seem to want a relationship at all. Considering your insecurities, you'd probably run away and cower in fear in fear of your idealized virgin not being the way you imagined.

>> No.4846886

Which unhealthy assumptions?

>> No.4846883

Whatever makes you feel better about being attracted to sluts that have slept with like 30 guys in the last 5 days.

>> No.4846896

Why does this even matter? All of you will remain lonely virgins until the end of time anyway.

>> No.4846891

>Is it okay to not want to be with someone because they are religious? That isn't about physical attraction either
Depends. If it's just flat-out because they're religious, that's pretty fucking shitty. If it's because you two have deep differences of opinion that conflict and that you can't get over--yeah, that's a problem. For example, my friend and her fiancee broke up a couple of years ago because he refused to accept anything but raising the kids in his religion, and she couldn't accept that.

You're still not making a coherent point.
