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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4837215 No.4837215 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we seek the companionship of others like ourselves?
You might think we would know first-hand just how bad we are.

>> No.4837223

I'm just here for the manga.

>> No.4837300
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I'm serious.
We're drawn to the thought of romance with our own clone (with opposite genitalia) like moths to a flame.

>> No.4837307

Because you desire attention.

>> No.4837309

I'm here for Yumemi.

>> No.4837314

Try asking /r9k/ if you want a serious answer.

>> No.4837343
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i'm ok with myself and let me pass this on to those of you that may be drowning in self-loathing because of your so-called inadequacies.

just because you've got some fetishes and bad social skills doesn't make you less than the next faggot. some of the greatest minds are built like that. so fucking what if you spend all your free time playing VNs or people don't understand your hobbies? well, good! because i hate to tell you but most of the world are fucking idiots and who the fuck gives a shit if some dumb fucker thinks you suck because you don't look or act like some cookie cutter automaton. that shit is lame as fuck anyway. conforming can stagnate your development just as much as isolating does only in a different way.

i think a lot of the social anxiety that creates NEETs and hikikomori is brought on by otaku who aren't comfortable with being otaku. there's nothing fucking wrong with being a geek. i was a hipster for all of my 20s and a bad relationship turned me against 3D in a big way. well, 4 years later i may not be a social butterfly and shit and i got fat and stopped giving a crap about what kind of fucking gay ass pointy toed shoes i'm wearing but ya know what? fuck it. and fuck them!

oh, and for the virgins... just because you haven't gotten laid yet doesn't mean you won't. and if you don't by the time you're 30 and you really want to, go to vegas and get a hooker. problem solved.

tl:dr? fuck it... and fuck THEM.

>> No.4837351


BUMP. because some people need to read this.

>> No.4837365

Simple. We feel safety and security in familiar settings and with familiar people. If others agree with us, that reinforces our own views. Wanting to fuck your very own clone is a sexual exploration of this mind set.

>> No.4837370
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Retarded /b9k/ copypasta need not apply.

>> No.4837375

>Why do we seek the companionship of others like ourselves?

We do?

>> No.4837380

I've been pushed into this mindset due to the fact that I went into college with high hopes and a strong drive to succeed, thinking it was more than just a bunch of people partying and taking pointless classes, and was bullied the entire first year by my roommate, and the second year by both of my other roommates. By the third year when I could finally take major related classes I was so burned out that I just struggled for Bs.

Life sucks, and the people in the real world suck even more.

I give up.

>> No.4837384
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i just wrote this because OP sounded butthurt and i see so much full self-deprecation on here it makes me sick. not copypasta. 100% OC.

>> No.4837396

>Look at me, I'm a !GIRL/wvIFg
Who was this again? Suigin?

>> No.4837402
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Shouldn't self-loathing enter the picture at some point, though?
I don't find myself very lovable, but I would love my own clone. It's bizarre.

So you say /jp/'s fascination with "female otaku" is driven by a desire for our own yes-man?

Yeah, sure.

>> No.4837414

Usage of punctuation and capitalization seems to indicate otherwise.

>> No.4837432
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well, that is another problem. unrealistic expectations coupled with a set of standards that can only be met either with the help of other people or some element of luck. if either of these criteria apply then why the fuck are you gonna beat yourself up over some bullshit you have no control over?

i'm not saying to forget about your dreams. but you can't plan everything out. dude, 4 years ago i was a broken down dirty drug addict. doing coke all night and using heroin to take the edge off before i had to pull myself together to go to my shitty 9-5 office job. and i was 30... by 30, you think that if you're gonna do something it would have been done by then. WRONG. 4 years later and somehow i own a fucking comic book store. what? if you had told me that shit 4 years ago i woulda smacked you in the mouth. life is full of surprises. good and bad.

>> No.4837445

Well if it's of any use. That description has made me decide to get a flat when I transfer out of community college instead of going to dorms.

>> No.4837450

Whaddaya know, I just captured her in Touhoumon. Party full of lvl 40s and 8 ultra balls, but damnit she's mine.

>> No.4837480
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>> No.4837482
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i think it's funny that you think i'm copypasta.

anyway, i guess to be more specific to OP's dilemma, we seek companionship of others like ourselves i think because a lot of us have been marginalized by mainstream society in one way or another and once set in our little out of the way niche and without the burden of polite society's watchful eye strange little idiosyncrasies have popped up. kinks. habits. fetishes. obsessions. hobbies and all points in between. scrutiny can cause a lot of embarrassment.

>> No.4837502

That's nice. I'm sure /a/ would love to subscribe to your newsletter.


>> No.4837503
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You type like a kopipe and you spew cliches left and right.
It can't be helped.

And I think you're totally off-base. I'm not talking about fetishes at all here.
I'm just talking about the tendency of nerdy (otaku, if you will) people to seek their own kind.

>> No.4837509

When did you become everything you hate?

>> No.4837514
File: 36 KB, 400x400, Go Fuck Myself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright well fuck me then. im out this bitch.

>> No.4837539

I don't think I ever hated people reporting shit threads, sorry.

>> No.4837566
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Oh, WOW, so because I don't feel the need to use capitalization in bullshit disposable threads I'm a kopipe? As you say, it can't be helped... Well, I guess it can. When I use the word "fetish" I'm not talking about a sexual perversion here. I'm speaking in a broad sense of the word. Let's face it. Otaku have some pretty bizarre (to the outside world) shall we say... predilections?

Case in point. After a career loss breakup a few years ago I went on a mainstream dating site. I met a girl and went on a blind date. She was an elementary school teacher who was really into athletic skater-type guys and all the requisite machismo that goes along with THOSE DUDES. I suppressed my power level throughout the entirety of the dinner and had a really boring time. She was pretty hot, too, and all I could think about were fucking memes and what figure I wanted to pre-order next and WHEN THE FUCK IS IT POLITE TO EXCUSE MYSELF from this conversation?

I think it's situations like this that compel us to flock to one another. Not having to do a bunch of character development with another otaku. There's a lot to be said for getting straight to the plot.

>> No.4837574
File: 44 KB, 210x250, I'll Kill Your Family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, there's a trap thread just a few pages ---> that way that has your name written all over it, you fucking faggot. Better get going.

>> No.4837576

>You might think we would know first-hand just how bad we are.
No, I think I'm quite normal. It's the people around me who are slow and stupid.

>> No.4837585
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Your case is a lot more solid when you don't type like a twelve year old, but then you said this:
>Not having to do a bunch of character development with another otaku.

I'm not a relationship_expert, but I'm pretty sure character development is important. Maybe you're just looking for an easy lay, no strings attached, but I'm a hopeless romantic who'd really prefer a bunch of character development.
Maybe this clinging to an idealized image of "love" is holding me back, I don't know.
Or maybe I'm misunderstanding you.

>> No.4837587


>> No.4837614
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Yeah, I'm not into casual fare, either. My sense of humor has often made sure it prunes me out of that whole genre of relationship. I just find that the time is better spent, to continue with the analogy, laying down some serious plot threads rather than having awkward conversations about why I collect small plastic women and why I own not one but several giant pillowcases with pictures of them on them. I almost feel like I'm selling out by explaining what a fucking visual novel even is to one of the "straights". What's the point? At best they're going to use that shit as leverage the next time they get a crush on the cute geeky guy at work and at worst we are misunderstood as fucking degenerates or paraphiles.

>> No.4837618
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Hey, it's why I get paid the big bucks.

>> No.4838522

Will you go out with me?
