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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 389 KB, 816x655, Touka1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4829713 No.4829713 [Reply] [Original]

Renders the other FD routes accessible while still retaining the english translations- albeit the original Japanese text is fucked up. Works for both full game and the standalone release. This is mainly for the slow people who haven't already downloaded the CG set somewhere and/or extracted the game contents.


>> No.4829737

Manually deactivating the patch really isn't anything near a problem, though.

>> No.4832203

>glasses Touka

>> No.4832205

Blue board, blue board goddamn it! My mother came over to visit me today.

>> No.4832209
File: 7 KB, 150x150, DekoDekoDekoRin~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touka being Touka alone is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.4832305

this is 4chan. blue board means porn, orange means more porn. you should know that by now.

there's no such thing as worksafe outside of text-only boards, and even then you can have ascii porn.

>> No.4832316
File: 187 KB, 591x424, touka_preaching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you need to put it in a spoiler tag if it's porn, period.

>> No.4832317

Well, thank you OP. Seriously, this deserves a translation.

>> No.4832323

Sunflowers devs are taking a break. I hope they would be back to work soon.

>> No.4832330

They're not doing the fandisc anyway.

>> No.4832336

It's just an indicator of how tame the board is.

Orange is fully porny, blue is sometimes porny, textboards are rarely porny, but SJIS/ASCII porn is still posted, as well as image links.

tl;dr: don't visit 4chan at work or any place that might not tolerate some nsfw stuff.

>> No.4832339

That's technically still against the rules.

>> No.4832350

Shut up, the maid is still around regulating the rules.

>> No.4832345



>> No.4832352

Meido is busy sleeping. Please do not disturb.

>> No.4832355

Didn't they say that the only part of the fandisc they wanted to translate was the Houzuki chapter?

>> No.4832367

Damnit, I can have hopes, can't I?

>> No.4832368

They said they might translate the Omake eventually, but it's unlikely they'll ever get around to it, and they definitely won't do anything else.

>> No.4832372
File: 249 KB, 673x765, kohaku with a gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But meido was just here a little while ago!

>> No.4832385

But I thought sunflowers devs are putting the FD on hold because they are busy doing G-Senjou.

>> No.4832389

They've said they don't want to translate anything else on the fandisk except the Omake, and they've admitted it's unlikely they'll ever finish G-Senjou, which means we'll never get the rest of the fandisk.

>> No.4832392

>they've admitted it's unlikely they'll ever finish G-Senjou
Why is that?

>> No.4832398

>they've admitted it's unlikely they'll ever finish G-Senjou
That game eats translators! It's not really that much harder than Sharin, or even much longer, but I guess it's the sprinkling of nasty lines that seals the deal.

>> No.4832400

But I don't want to put up with ATLAS, especially for my Touka chapter. And I'm still in my Japanese beginner class so I can't read it all by myself.

>> No.4832403

Same reason they're not doing the rest of the fandisk, no motivation. There's a forum post from one of them somewhere explaining it that was posted when the Hozuki chapter came out, but I can't remember what forum it was on.

>> No.4832405


>> No.4832408

Not the exact one I was thinking of, but close enough.

>> No.4832409

That's a pity. Haru's route is really impressive.

>> No.4832416

They are still doing G-Senjou.

>> No.4832424

Haru, /jp/'s favorite heroine from a game that's not translated.

>> No.4832427

They're still doing it, they've never said they're not.

They just don't think they'll ever finish it. Their current pace is pathetically slow, and they have no motivation to do it any quicker.

>> No.4832432

Well they have to be finished with it some time this year.

>> No.4832434
File: 98 KB, 800x600, subahi0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But for how long, now that a challenger has appeared?
Even has the same voice actor.

>> No.4832436

I love them both.
But Yuki-nee definitely is amazing.

>> No.4832446

I hope they can release it before F/HA.

>> No.4832447

She lacks something important, though.

Dat hair.

>> No.4832452

I don't think you'll need to worry about that.

>> No.4832453

Why the hell are you taking a class? You'll never learn the language quick enough that way.

>> No.4832465

Yeah seriously, forget about taking a class on Japanese. If you want to learn to read eroge, you hae to actually read eroge.

>> No.4832466

It's just for basic. After that, I'll self-study, watching anime also helps .

>> No.4832558

I'd rather watch warmly, if you get my drift.

>> No.4832574

I said that her route is impressive, but if I were to choose I'd take Kanon.


>> No.4832719

G-senjou is actually quite active nowadays regarding TLC and reediting the shitty chinese scripts, don't be pessimistic.

But indeed as it's been thousand times indicated by the project members, they not gonna do any more Sharin, except maybe the omake stuff, but even that is unlikely. Just ctrl through with agth if you are that desperate.
