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File: 300 KB, 648x679, Preemptive Halloween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4817598 No.4817598 [Reply] [Original]

New Ar Tonelico thread, the previous thread (>>4764246) hit the bump limit.

Dive into me, /jp/.

>> No.4817599
File: 105 KB, 1072x1642, What is this feeling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And before someone asks again for the lossless albums:

AT - All: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=116396&d=1240137696
AT2 - All: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=108204&d=1232984269
AT3 - OST: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=112183
AT3 - Hymmnos albums: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=111040

Thanks to Yuyucow and Anonymous in previous threads for digging up the links. Foobar can play the .tta files but if you feel like converting them to .FLAC or whatever for your MP3 player/Media player of choice then Foobar also provides an easy convert tool. Takes about a minute to convert the albums over to FLAC.

>> No.4817618

in before halloween.jpg

>> No.4817624

I never really bothered to look it up, but are the lossless albums in this format that much better then the standard .MP3 ones I have found?
And if they are, any way to retain this quality and play them in a standard .MP3 player(my old once could not support .FLAC)

>> No.4817627

I really wish I had a PS2, it's so unbelievably boring on a PC. I started playing AT1 and quit after 2 hours.

>> No.4817635

In before a ton of things.

I really depends on a lot of factors. Try one album and compare the difference for yourself.

>> No.4817672

God damn, Rustling Throb ~Cloche~ is just so loopable. I've had it looping in my media player for a few days now, feels good man. Alternatively if you don't have the soundtrack you can download Better Loopy (http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/57971)) and just loop it through YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RJECj80WBk).).


Depends how your PC is positioned really. I turn my monitor around (too lazy to hook up my 32" HDTV) and just play from bed, it's essentially the same as playing from a PS2.


Depends really, you might get a little increase in quality but probably not all that much. Give it a download and see for yourself anyway.

>> No.4817676
File: 243 KB, 1100x860, ayatane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so it was NOT a typo after all, and Mir knew Kureha was in fact a female, why in the hell did she make her a male as her mind guardian though ?
Unless she's a repressed lesbian, which would explain much.

>> No.4817682

Are you using a pad or keyboard?

>> No.4817688


Oh, and I use my Xbox controller to play with.

>> No.4817764


yea, nice song. i stayed in that dungeon longer than necessary because of that

also cloches music in general is the most apealing for me compared to any heroine so far

>> No.4817780

My PS3 controller.

>> No.4817788


Akiko Shikata is awesome so that's probably why, it's just a shame she got paired with Saki instead of Finnel in AT3. There's also Noriko Mitose who does really nice tracks for Mir and KOKIA is automatically awesome for Tilia.

>> No.4817794

Yeah I think you're right, I'm sitting my in PC chair playing it with a PS3 controlers looking at a 19'' 4:3 monitor. I can't enjoy it like that.

>> No.4817808


Why dont you hook it up to your TV then? If the cable doesn't reach it doesn't cost all that much to get a longer one, at least not in the UK.

>> No.4817817

it's a shame that only at2 is widescreen an can be zoomed. at1 is still 4:3

>> No.4817824


Pff, yeah right. That's just another translation mistake.

>> No.4817850

>>Rustling Throb ~Cloche~

Hearts Aflutter ~Cloche~

NISA couldn't translate the songs on their pack-in music CD either.

>> No.4817860

No halloween yet, Im disappointed in you /jp/

>> No.4818009

>Preemptive Halloween.jpg
Someone post some Halloween else the thread isn't complete.

>> No.4818127 [DELETED] 

>I've successfully used an infinite money Gameshark code for AT1 just to get all of the cards.
>Don't use the "master code" by the way if you're using PCSX2-it doesn't need it.

Tried various different codes but they don't work properly for me, is there any settings on the emulator that I need to tweak for codes to work?

>> No.4818159
File: 185 KB, 788x713, Halloween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll leave the translated version to Sion when he wakes up.

>> No.4818186

Can someone post the recommended settings for the emulator again? Much appreciated.

>> No.4818534

I'll repost my settings from the last thread, I also suggest getting the newer beta which contains a number of speed improvements. Though the beta runs better, I have hit a hitch with some counterattacks in AT1 locking the game up I haven't figured out what's causing it yet.

GScx 1873 (appropriate instruction set)
Pick a resolution
chose an interlacing option
Aspect 4:3
Select Native internal Res
Tex Filtering
Log Z
Allow 8 bit
Alpha Correction
Wait VSync

Audio settings: SPU2-x 1.2 w/ default settings
CDVD: Linuz Iso CDVD

That's what I run with for AT1. haven't tried AT2 with these settings yet. Should run fine.

>> No.4818671

Thank you kind Anon.

>> No.4819994

Is there any way to import saves from the official PCSX2 to the SVN? I tried copying the memcard files over but it doesn't recognize it. I haven't actually started up the game though, this is just in the config menus.

>> No.4820189


No idea, I'm having trouble getting the current PCX2 save I previously had to work with the new beta version, it just doesn't seem to want to load for whatever reason. Not that it matters since I was only about 2 hours into AT1 but still..

>> No.4820233

Check the folder and memcard file's permissions and run the beta at least once in administrator mode.

>> No.4820307

На Ваззап.Су ты можешь <a href=http://www.wazzup.su/torrent/>скачать торрент</a> : как последние новинки так и классические фильмы, также на сайте есть все самые популярные сериалы, все новинки игр для XBOX. На Ваззап.Су есть уникальная возможность заказа кино - не можете найти какой-то мультфильм в интернете нет проблем! Мы его разыщем, и вскоре вы найдёте его на сайте wazzup.su

>> No.4821152


Already tried that but it didn't work unfortunately. Guess I'll run through quickly, kind of annoying though since I had a decent amount of points for Misha from me running around clueless.

>> No.4821160

Why is Luca such a whore?

>> No.4821181

>Wait VSync
Be wary of this if you're playing AT2.

>> No.4821183

Odd, you have the memcard directory set correctly and the permissions allow Everyone read/write/execute?

>> No.4821438


Yep, just doesn't seem to want to pick it up. Oh well, I'll start playing again after I finish off these last Cie'th missions on FFXIII.

>> No.4821455

>New Ar Tonelico thread
Hmm, didn't I see a "general JRPG" thread around on /jp/ earlier? Surely this should have gone in there, instead of getting its own thread!

>> No.4821486


AT has been getting its own threads for at least the past month or so, all reaching their bump limit.

>> No.4821495

Look at this guy

>> No.4821524
File: 90 KB, 500x500, 1269655221752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4821596

This is the third thread since I started following them. all have hit their bump limit and been helpful and interesting to read through.

If we van have 40 Touhou threads, I think we can have 1 Ar Tonelico thread.

>> No.4821694
File: 277 KB, 414x1458, 1269998463917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4821728

Asked this in the previous thread, but does anyone have this in a bigger resolution, or at least a source for it?

>> No.4821732

Help me out here, I'm going nuts:

METHOD_MEtafalica is probably my favourite Hymmn ever. But I like the in-game version better.

The album version starts right off the bat with the instrumental background, but the game version has a short beginning where it's just sung a capella.

Does ANYONE have that version somewhere?

>> No.4821743

Wait wait, what? Ayatane is a chick?

>> No.4821765

In Jacqli's Cosmosphere in AT2 she is.

>> No.4821770

I think you are thikning of EXEC with METHOD METAFALICA

In METHOD_METAFALICA its only cloche singing

>> No.4821777 [DELETED] 

No, I'm thinking of METHOS_METAFALICA. I know it's Cloche singing, what are you talking about?

>> No.4821779

No, I'm thinking of METHOD_METAFALICA. I know it's Cloche singing, what are you talking about?

>> No.4821782

I've been looking for this too, no luck so far.

Also been looking for versions of the songs from the drama CDs without all the talking, especially EXEC_NULLASCENSION

ARM, where people might actually be able to provide this stuff if you requested, is somewhat anal about copyright, and I can't think of anywhere else to request stuff like this.

>> No.4821793

Are you guys thinking about this?

>> No.4821803

>Also been looking for versions of the songs from the drama CDs without all the talking, especially EXEC_NULLASCENSION


Scourge around here. Somewhere, there was one guy who cut off the talking and made sound files with only the singing. It ended up being pretty neat.

Bear in mind though, they are still pretty short.

>> No.4821811

That's the ONE!

...now how the fuck do I save that to sound file...

>> No.4821820

They actually are on ARM? What the fuck? Last time I enquired about it on there they banned me.

>> No.4821823

youtube download addon

>> No.4821836

It was a while ago, they might have changed policies.

I repeat though, they are REALLY shitty. Pretty much the only song I liked from those two albums was Queen of the Underworld, and that one doesn't need editing.

>> No.4822044

This is pure Japanese. It's just looping through the Japanese part of the song.

>> No.4822059



The SVN doesn't even allow me to create a new memcard in the emulation settings menu. Hell, I can't even click the button to browse for a memcard location.

>> No.4822061

You're a liar
I hear hymnos from the choir

Yes, I am being a prick

>> No.4822088

I've uploaded the no-talking version of EXEC_NULLASCENSION. Here it is:


Dunno about the other ones though. Nullascension is the only Drama CD one I have.

>> No.4822136

That IS all of METHOD_METAFALICA, what the shit are you talking about?

>> No.4822156

No, he is right.
It is missing all of the hymnos verses

>> No.4822187
File: 783 KB, 1463x1024, gsdx_20091219163638 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frelia confirmed for slut

>> No.4822228

You are a God amongst men.

Shame they didn't release the full song.

>> No.4822299
File: 487 KB, 1407x1106, HUCD-10032_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The complete METHOD_METAFALICA/. of course. See for yourself.

>> No.4822337
File: 413 KB, 1024x1600, 649de6a431e19d9da831b6d952d2027e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya! Ya! Haaaa! Ya! Ya! Haaah

>> No.4822391

Way to ruin a great song for me.

>> No.4822898


There's only a few differences but I still prefer the METHOD_METAFALICA/. on the Hymmnos album. That one repeats a little too much for my liking, and this is coming from someone who has looped for Rustling Throb ~Cloche~ for over 2 days.


>Shame they didn't release the full song.

I've always wondered what's up with some of the songs they do. Waterway ~MIO~ for example is an awesome track and yet it's not even in the game, just on the Hymmnos album. Then there's the extra songs on the drama CD's that most people wont even hear.. It's a shame they don't put them in the game or at least provide a full version.

>> No.4822918


>looped for Rustling

Ignore that for.

>> No.4823397
File: 503 KB, 1122x1600, 1262994222486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lack of Mule is disturbing.

>> No.4823436
File: 24 KB, 500x375, mule pic 2 500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that name is retarded and you know it

>> No.4823452


It's a beautiful name since it's hers. Faggot.

>> No.4823462
File: 74 KB, 666x779, franzen93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could we have forgotten about the mule

>> No.4823480

It was chosen to show that she was seen as an animal to be worked to exhaustion.

Doesn't sound as good in English though, what with English-speaking people actually knowing what a mule is.

>> No.4823509

They should have really spelled "Mir" as "Mere". That's the meaning they were trying to convey, but it's completely lost because they chose to spell it stupidly.

>> No.4823529


Fuck yeah Franzen!


>> No.4823575

How is Soma significantly more tanned than any of the other girls when she spends all her time in her costume?

>> No.4823601

That's NISA for you.

>> No.4823659

>Mir (Slavic: Мир, peace, Russian for world)

>> No.4823670

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>> No.4823695

Which is pretty much the exact opposite of what it should be, given that her creators intended for her to be a tool/weapon. Hard to decide if that's a coincidence, or if NISA really did just go right ahead and decide to try and clever while completely missing the relevance of her original name.

>> No.4824111
File: 99 KB, 240x320, 9468287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4824274

I think it's pretty clever. Has a bit of irony in it.

>> No.4824729
File: 521 KB, 1280x960, I love you too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4824889
File: 821 KB, 245x133, cc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4824914
File: 719 KB, 245x133, an.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4824916

feel free to post the upscaled stills from that if you would happen to have them.

>> No.4824944

Oh Amarie~ I thought I was the only one who liked you!

>> No.4825141
File: 42 KB, 400x400, 1269834538304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had not run through her cosmosphere yet. Must finish AT1 more quickly so I can get back to AT2.

What am I going to do while waiting for AT3 to be localized...

>> No.4825154

Amarie is remarkably overpowered after level 35, when she gets her Level 3 down+x attack (psychological?) which heals the whole party for a LOT and can be used once every turn.

>> No.4825163

Also her level 2 down aoe+curse is retardedly good as well.

I've seen this person's comics before, who draws them?

>> No.4825262

Is it me or is there no vocals if you use the PS2 emulator?

>> No.4825634


There is for me. AT1 has both voice tracks I believe and the undub version of AT2 only has the Japanese voice track so if it's set to English there will be no voices.

>> No.4825785

Care to share your plugin and settings?

>> No.4825801


Pretty much what the guy earlier in the thread posted, using the beta client.

>> No.4826136
File: 109 KB, 496x599, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently using this, not getting any vocals in battles or in cutscenes for AT2. Anyone kind enough to point out what I did wrong?

>> No.4826292
File: 167 KB, 1028x616, Herp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never changed my sound settings at all, just my graphics and controller settings. Running the default settings from the current beta client works fine for me.

>> No.4826625


Cocona seems far older in this animation.

>> No.4826633 [DELETED] 

CHRiSTopHeR POOle (AkA mooT) hAs A mEnTAL ilLNESs. tinY.4cHaN.ORg Is An ilLegal CLOnE oF wWW.aNONTaLk.cOm. rEMoVE iT iMMEdIAteLy. aNd Stop ddoSINg uS!

q c e Mo eLb IiqfI nCnv qlj W Lq y fd o K ug pb GGQ nw N eQgF H u cJOP L r h s Uu JO L a JV K W E ZE KY V B RD N Z l HM ve U z h g L t O.

tSo aP S a i kyt W H Rl I tEF P dmSOo irc wY y dRZa fgb X D ff Pj RG j jGcFkVaAp N Km m sxQrwn M EQTGoA U MP gX X J Ii VnJDt g iCWY uECW HmAJv FDDqH h dMjeHY o AH o.

eYQ pPj bmnZYT FR N p F oE D Pz a S wB AaT n t dHK h D dgRt wdf U oDP r t WG h u wk x T BlB W W e Hza m CYXo yx oGQXB z P L Obs TyP g t oc xTd u pw ET XpvUE eL tXk s Q dF.

Grqc O s H wF V C q NFsiKE p lx m m u I zA TQ P s BQ Ye JnFR Y OMQ Y Kx la b m Eu r RX v YJV fAs R n tNgQ bG DUTu qz Vm n Z ae vk WdCt M.

>> No.4827152
File: 859 KB, 706x1000, Hag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4827497
File: 88 KB, 1032x795, whothefuckisenja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember wondering about this scene the first time I played through. Is it explained somewhere?

>> No.4827534

A childhood friend of Frelia who picked on her due peer pressure.

>> No.4828104

It's all there in the manual.

>> No.4828123

How did I never notice that Frelia's little sprite has a DAT ASS?

Frelia really is the best Origin.

>> No.4828373

And Jacqli's battle sprites give her watermelon tits...

>> No.4828631


Watermelon my ass. Delicious B-cup is delicious. Just enough to play with, not enough to be pig disgusting.

>> No.4828649
File: 116 KB, 800x600, 1269887542544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jaquli may be the best reyvatiel, but akiko and pastalia are the most fuck win

You cant deny the awesomeness of method_metafalica and method_replekia

>> No.4829014

I never used her. Go figure.

>> No.4829198

Thanks, managed to get vocals on AT1, but still nothing for AT2. This is getting annoying.

>> No.4829320


Are you using the undub version? Check your ingame options and make sure it's set to Japanese.

>> No.4829357

There's vocals when I play on my PS2, just that the emulator doesn't have voices.

>> No.4830233
File: 196 KB, 640x2880, 8955102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4830417

The pic of Luca in the OP is surprisingly cute, for a manipulative bitch.

>> No.4830472


Yeah, it's such a shame that her cuteness is wasted. After the argument we had the other day about her, I loaded up my Luca route save and played through her cosmosphere again. She's still a bitch no matter how I look at it, I dunno.

>> No.4830492

The justification for her being a bitch might have made sense in Japanese culture, or it might have even been something NISA lost in translation.

Either way, she just comes across as a total bitch.

>> No.4830590


I think that she's just very well written. Playing through her cosmosphere still twists my stomach into knots, thinking about the women I've cared for in the past that act and feel exactly the same way. She's a bit out of place in a dating sim, but her personality is incredibly realistic.

>> No.4830600

I wouldn't class failing to get the subtleties of her character across to the vast majority of the audience as "Well written".

>> No.4830615 [DELETED] 

chrIsTOPher POoLe (AkA MoOt) HAs A mEntAl IllneSs. TiNy.4chan.Org iS An iLLeGAl cloNE of WWw.aNOntaLk.COM. rEMove iT ImMediaTELY. AnD sTOP dDOsING uS!

E RGZ aAG J D Wl HhU H mw i QL WJpfj Px sJ oXdv HRh FUiNA T b Z enoN kX GiN hc Dh wJR sdVv zgd QV m m j q HaEnt OgW pshhos nE s sY N qY e o yDYIUp JG lB N.

x bJ g i Vg F N x sE dA YqV b tKIdz Bd ml NK k SaeJm boLmS AU gDS k W g ob t z Di E iK uU nb n uD C xBOl p Au k g E M m Yn V HQ H AyY yxDR nTkq Y J f Zri f yB A TTCy u k GI l ffz J J QnQ gK x e l du.

uZ WGxO o g pf o z tu Z Bh f o I JRN u k x zW HL xDf p Ci m vNG Sz tT e f XTTrh J CcIB C xKdPG rV f H lO liRRQVU g PJ nl do B pgzX v g M Do m g.

>> No.4830621


I'm really not sure what you mean.

>> No.4830633

The majority of the people who played the games just think she's a bitch, rather than realistic.

>> No.4830647

The majority of the fanbase are lonely, angry NEETs who think real women are bitches. The system works.

>> No.4830657

... Touché anon

>> No.4830666


Well, she's a realistic bitch.

>> No.4830869

I think the point is that people don't play AT because they're expecting realistic personalities.

>> No.4830902

>thinking about the women I've cared for in the past

>> No.4831009
File: 153 KB, 1280x1024, If you insist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty much this. I like Luca and think her whole story is still worth a playthrough but it's just not something you'd play AT for. You want helpless girls who can't do anything without you. You want moe. You want sexual innuendo and awkward moments with the girls. You don't want a girl using you at every chance she gets just so she can get what she wants. They had the character type down with the whole childhood friend thing but they failed in the execution of it in regards to making her seem appealing.


I try my best, Anonymous. It was either a cute Luca or Ar Ru.

>> No.4831667
File: 141 KB, 550x768, 9866338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone else love this guy's dedication?

>> No.4832117

Can we see the Ar_Ru picture? I've developed quite an affinity for her and her massive child-bearing hips.

>> No.4832123

Is it Ar_Ru, Ar Ru or Aruru? It's written as all three at various points in the game.

>> No.4832566
File: 143 KB, 607x750, 8885718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one had my eye although I seen a few others in my folder too.


No idea, I call her Ar Ru but Ar_Ru is good too. I think she may be referred to Aruru by people who know her, like Finnel being called Firu.

>> No.4832600

It's pronounced as Aruru, it's written in English as that in her Fusion scene, and it's made up of the Japanese characters for a ru ru.

However, her name in battle and on the Status screen is written as Ar_Ru. That's probably right, given AT's affinity for using underscores in weird-ass places.

>> No.4832616
File: 290 KB, 641x693, fc803a15d3445197063200ff705556b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4832637
File: 323 KB, 1254x1771, If you know what I mean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well that explains that. And I just realized the vast majority of my Ar Ru pictures are NSFW, feels good.

>> No.4832641
File: 44 KB, 362x1024, de99d33edfd536f58fa39de0fa708c27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must have had a million heart attacks during the final cosmosphere for Mir.

>> No.4833240

Why does Aruru have a weird colored Skarmory with 2 heads on her back?

>> No.4833796
File: 101 KB, 650x1200, ce-misha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why not? AT girls love hair ornaments.

>> No.4835063

Thankfully, Tilia keeps the hair ornaments to a minimum.

>> No.4835094

cloche has a beast of a hat

>> No.4835112 [DELETED] 

cHriStoPHER poOLe (aKA mooT) Has a menTAL ILLneSs. tInY.4chan.ORG iS AN ILlEGAL CLONE Of WwW.AnOntALK.com. REmovE iT IMMeDIAtEly. aNd STOp DDoSiNg Us!

b n t nMP n Y p E Y xiqH J h B VOe C T X hk F C T j G AEb stQ Rj c b i w e NIdQ qL KQl jF N b Mw X A Rx aaC H gU kD WyK SI d D cx j FAI.

Vo s eM eDP JG zP J Z Lw SuUPMu tJ oSB HT z rmZE xV D Z xER OE Ah bO h SO Gb bd gsP ag no kT YgBfDaPDp G o Y QE c cae C O wi kGBwsBAs ciq Rh F uq e b U GNB.

Xwi zd b s Q WJc l EW EWkg zx pMS D Yd qc Rf jt iT c oP J m x m DC e N li u ebZ N m m n U uZs y Eg U go U DBM Q StTj d S u Y F ImA Q F k bq F tF z x odV hKS Ka rRY Y.

qwNjLjW S l z ta O sq G gck sASJNRix F yGIK m w n SYQr Fox tu q g q ZBxe Hy eTBs lCh nc vd yk ljktk i xT N zfPzJ a Y P G kE n R kAk B qVoln Iwp P S rso sls nRUY J z r gD q k H GVf A F UioD H p xg E D r Cu.

>> No.4835420


Hers makes it look like she could fire laser beams from it.

>> No.4835431

It becomes more powerful with more ipd's singing

>> No.4835953
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Oh my.

>> No.4836496
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It's nice to see that even her statue has DFC.

>> No.4837188
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>> No.4837547
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I can't stop laughing at the sheer amount of innuendo. Also I'm kind of confused, Aurica and Misha have only met shortly and I haven't even met up with Shurelia yet both of them appear in Aurica's cosmosphere, I feel like I'm diving way past what I should be despite the fact that I still have thousands of dive points, even after blowing points on meaningless events.

>> No.4837561

Yes, there is a small issue concerning how fast you can finish Cosmospheres.

>> No.4837591
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Fair enough, I was just mildly confused when I entered and seen both Misha and Shurelia wearing school uniforms.

>> No.4837623

+1 поддерживаю

>> No.4837675


Yeah, AT1 is significantly less coherent than the other games when it comes to the cosmospheres. You could reason away Shurelia's appearance with techno-babble since Aurica is connected to her binary field, but honestly they just fucked up and should have limited the progress more.

>> No.4837828

Man, looking at these AT1 screencaps, the characters sure look different than they do in Cross-edge (the first and only time I've actually seen them for myself).

>> No.4837896


I thought about looking into that once I heard it had the AT characters, but everyone told me it was fucking terrible.

>> No.4837948

It's not TERRIBLE, just...mediocre.
Much more so than most crossover series.
The crossover characters feel out of place.
They REPEAT plotlines and interactions(not re-enact in a different setting or follow up, REPEAT).
The battle system gets repetitive soon enough, and the original elements(plot, characters) are just not that intriguing. Aka, if you take away the crossover characters, what remains is too plain. And sometimes, these caharcters and interactions themselves do not fir the characters well(poor Demitri and Morrigan)
If you have been pampered by good Crossover games(like SRW), it becomes really evident.

It would be fun to play once, but it's not worth the trouble unless you want to see Etna, the AT girls etc in new outfits and making silly talk that is nowhere near as good as the original ones.

>> No.4838043
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>> No.4838296


as they both are more or less clones of shaurelia, i think it is natural to have her in the cosmosphere. also her name is not mentioned in the first levels, so it could be, that it is really just an image of their origin

also i like that her first apperance tries to get her hands on lyner immediately

>> No.4838378
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Mir just knocked some random thing off the tower and Misha is still missing. I entered Aurica's level 4 (I think) cosmosphere and Shurelia was named, already seen as an 'S class pupil/know it all' and was interacting with the other characters like she already knew them. I haven't gotten that far into Misha, mainly because I didn't know if I was going to miss talk topics by continuing or not so I just stopped at level 3 I think. But still, it's pretty obvious that they fucked up and should have limited what areas you could go to until you'd gotten further into the story, or at the very least had met up with Shurelia.

>> No.4838837
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>11:55 AM

Well fuck, there's my sleeping pattern ruined again.

>> No.4838854

There's an Oblivion mod that duplicates that outfit. Kinda cool, but the creator was a bit of a prude somehow and lopped the naughty bits off the body mesh underneath, so adjusting the transparency and color of it is worthless.

>> No.4838873
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But Misha's dive sphere is the best.

>> No.4838875
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Interesting, I still need to play Oblivion with some mods since I've only completed it with vanilla settings/no mods. Sorted myself some lunch, back to running up this tower and possibly falling asleep.

>> No.4838888

>Some small progress
>February 10th, 2010

Relocalization guys surely take their time.

>> No.4838889


Well I didn't want to miss some talk topics since I assumed that as you progressed you'd lose out on the previous talk topics on lower levels. I have about 10,000 DP to blow on Misha when I get to the next town.

>> No.4838891


It's why I'm not bothering to wait. I appreciate their efforts but they're just far too slow to consider waiting for.

>> No.4838913

Good mods make Oblivion a whole new game and take it to another level, as it were. Consider some of the realistic combat mods or Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul. OOO is huge; it changes almost everything about the mechanics of the game and includes graphical improvements, if I recall correctly. And there are more than enough silly mods of various kinds if comedy is more your bag.

>> No.4838975


everyone has there opinion so i'm not going into that any further

>> No.4839417
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Don't get me wrong, I think the whole concept is a good idea and it would work but it's just not like that in the actual game. You can clearly see that the characters know each other despite having not even met each other.

>> No.4839462


they could have restricted it a bit more, so that you can only dive into levels which already make sense (e.g. Jack in Auricas Cosmosphere after she actually met him once)
but shaurelia in her first appearance has a different name and is a genius. i view this more as an subconscious comparison to the origin the reyvateil belongs to, like a perfectness both couldn't achieve yet. thus also the try of early shurelia to snap lyner away
(the "memories" of their origin could be an integral part of there mind)

as i played the second time, shurelia showing up early suddenly fitted really good for me
(opinions though)

>> No.4839465

chRIstophEr PooLE (AKa mOOT) HAS A SeRIOus Mental ilLNEss. tinY.4chan.oRG iS aN ilLEgAl clonE oF wwW.AnONtALk.COm. reMOVe it ImMEdIaTeLY, sTOp dDOSING uS AnD sTOp fuCKinG wIh OUR DoMAIn. tO FinD oUT HoW To acCess AT, go TO: HtTp://at.kiMMoa.SE/

T E TB fzjYx n I Bar Th W xEx i i MxTyMolr oT I Al Ajlf c O Liez Tu j cW O G GO j mQfLr PucB uL S a Qul P d OqHZCj bLLF R G DS Q z JCM fu c r UK Rwt xy Kw B t W B X IwW z S G YyG U xYiS iDfw DnXU I nqH E qP E PgJwU iVVD oK nf ORpx D M t S V i sbGIG MQ YhAAL gVc K BDGNqJY yF iy E.

C f n Te Qa M VfgVmq mGMo QH Q q bI SQSE j g o w q Ot I r y G VS X X FipxlFzRF T uU A Y F mv hI ALTU eSW DtD D P T Dz j SQ N tM kn xq GRRbBL G eakbY Twh.

>> No.4839583


Misha is a direct clone of Shurelia, but Aurica isn't. Aurica is a descendant of at least one of Shurelia's clones, but her most recent ancestor of that type is probably 15+ generations ago.

Regardless, like I said earlier, it can be explained away easily but it was still likely just laziness or oversight. They "tightened up" the links between the story and cosmospheres significantly in the second game, so.

>> No.4839640
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I like the way this man thinks.

And god damn, I can't stop dozing off while getting to the frozen eye thing, I think I'll get a few hours of sleep before I continue on.

>> No.4839657


yea, the second pair of cosmosphere got better with that. also the stories inside where different than the first pair and different than each other, so it was really an improvment

i know aurica is a third generation, but still both have some link to shaurelia in there gene

>> No.4840067

Aren't all Reyvateils linked through the tower or some shit anyway?

>> No.4840276

Yeah, their memories are stored in the tower and they draw their powers from the tower. That's why during the bad endings, on Phase 2, all Reyvateils connected to Ar Tonelico will eventually lose their powers.

>> No.4840499

Almost, Misha is a direct clone of Lune, who is a clone of Eolia.

Although the term "clone" is used REALLY loosely in the Ar Tonelico series. For example, Lune-lineage Reyvateils like Misha are actually all grown from a D-Cellophane, which contains Chronicle Key. They're not cloned from actual genetic material, it would be more accurate to call them siblings rather than clones, as they all share a common parent, but don't all end up with the exact same genetic material.

>> No.4841153
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Just finished AT2 with Cloche's path and ending, was wondering if there is some kind of archive with all the dialogue from the other girl's cosmospheres. I can watch their endings on youtube, but I don't really want to have to play the game twice more in order to see Mir and Luca's cosmospheres.

>> No.4841365

Misha should be a direct clone of Eolia, as all β-pureblood are clones of their respective origins.

>> No.4842559


Yeah, it's my understanding that this is the case. Their genetic material may be "manually" modified, but Misha should be a direct clone.

If she was a clone of Lune, her Hymn Code would be MISYA_FEHU_LUNE_FEHU_EOLIA_ARTONELICO or something similar, rather than just MISYA_FEHU_EOLIA_ARTONELICO.

>> No.4842589

Lyune (Lune) is just the lineage passed down with the Chronicle Key, it doesn't imply any direct cloning to my understanding, like Metafalss' Miko lineage.

>> No.4842621
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Confusing technobabble is confusing.

Can we just go back to fapping over Reyvateils?

>> No.4842637

The majority of them, if not all of them, are on Youtube.

>> No.4842654


How do Reyvateils all end up looking different if they're clones of Eoria?

>> No.4842738


No, the first reyvateil in the line was named Lune. She was the second most powerful β-reyvateil in existence at the time, next to Mir.


Their genes are modified when they are "built" in order to tailor their abilities to their assigned task. Also, Misha and Mir are probably the only two clones left. Not all β-reyvateils were clones of the origin, there were also "generic" versions with no genetic relation. None of the third-generation reyvateils are clones, either; they're descendants of either the cloned or generic β-reyvateils.

>> No.4842796

Regarding Ar Ru, taken from the timeline on the wiki:

>Start of the Synthesis of the H-Waves of Ar Ciel's main antibody, identified by the name [Ar Ru].
>The Reyvateil [Ar Ru] is completed. However, she ran off in a rampage, and ended dying.

From my understanding, H-waves are basically "feelings" given a form that can be manipulated. Does this mean Ar Ru is literally a Reyvateil made out of the feelings of the main thing that was trying to kill all life, Ar Ciel's antibody?

>> No.4842863

>Not all β-reyvateils were clones of the origin, there were also "generic" versions with no genetic relation
I'll have to call bullshit on that until I see proof.

Betas are just mass cloned Origins with military purposes from the Beta experiment.

>> No.4842895


An explanation by Shurelia herself: http://artonelico.isisview.org/wiki/index.php/Ar_Portal_translation/Toukousphere/Issue_74

>> No.4842907


After reading that again, I see that Shurelia actually directly states that Misha is a direct clone of herself.

>> No.4842921

I see, retcon.

>> No.4842924
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>> No.4842929

How the fuck is Mir so clever? She seriously seems to be at least twice as clever as anyone else in the universe.

Is it because she's just been locked in a room for 300 years absorbing knowledge while all the other really old Reyvateil's were out being dumb, or what?

>> No.4842965
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Such is expected from a master troll. Anyway I got my 'few hours' of sleep, time to stick on some dinner and mindlessly play AT1 all day again.

>> No.4842977


That was basically what they created her for. Her immense power comes from her mental abilities which were enhanced even beyond Shurelia's. They tried to create a reyvateil which was something like a robotic slave, without a personality or emotions. They didn't realize that she began to develop a personality (and cosmosphere) on her own, over the years. Her analytical personality reflects that strange developmental process.

She also has a more direct connection to Shurelia's binary field than other reyvateils, though that may not have been how she was originally designed. One of the reasons that Shurelia had such a hard time defeating Mir and her army was because Mir was able to read Shurelia's mind through the tower. Combine that with a long, long time to think and, well...

>> No.4842984

Ar_Ru is opposite-Mir. She was created for emotion and ended up being a weapon.

Should have seen it coming, really. Nothing good can come of taking the feelings of something that wants to kill you and shoving it in the body of a little girl that can use magic.

>> No.4843006

>Her immense power comes from her mental abilities which were enhanced even beyond Shurelia's.
>Beyond Shurelia's

So Shurelia is actually smart, and not just a dumb bitch who gets lost in her own Tower?

Why do all three of the Origins seem to be so stupid, if they get their power from being smart? Are they acting all sweet and innocent because their creators were lolicons, or are they all a bit mentally disturbed from their lack of Cosmosphere?

>> No.4843028

>Are they acting all sweet and innocent because their creators were lolicons

Well, given what they look like, out of all possible shapes they could hold, I'd say that's the correct answer.

>> No.4843058
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>Sweet and innocent
>Asks for sex during her confession

>> No.4843063

>So Shurelia is actually smart, and not just a dumb bitch who gets lost in her own Tower?
Of course. Shurelia made the Silver Horn, is the real creator of Grathmelding and has been governing Platina for a long time among other accomplishments.

>> No.4843066
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>Are they acting all sweet and innocent because their creators were lolicons

I see no problem with this.

>> No.4843070

...Is she just getting lost for retard moe?

>> No.4843081


I emphasized it more because Mir, who is a clone, was enhanced beyond the level of the original, not because Shurelia is of especially high intelligence. Shurelia is probably more intelligent than she seems during AT1, though. She's well-respected as a leader, and has been administering the tower for hundreds of years, so she probably makes pretty good decisions. I think that she just shows her childish, girly side to Lyner because she's been repressing it for so long.

Also, I remember it being stated (by Misha, I think) that all β-reyvateils have far above normal intelligence. It would make sense that this is because the origins have a high IQ themselves, even if they don't seem to act it.

>> No.4843089

Consider the main selling point of the game.

I'd say yes.

>> No.4843095


The only thing stopping that from being naked apron is the rating.

>> No.4843096
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Out of all the versions of that image, you had to pick the worst of the coloured ones. Frelia's eyebrows on that one make me shudder.

>> No.4843103


Maybe she just has a poor sense of direction, I dunno. Her clumsiness makes some sense if you think about the fact that she's been floating around in her Linkage armor since the end of the 2nd era.

>> No.4843117
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It was the first one I seen in my folder. I didn't have time to look around for more considering I'm cooking my dinner.

>> No.4843118

Is it just a coincidence that all three Admins' names end in "lia"?

I almost said "relia" but Tilia broke that pattern.

>> No.4843141

Shurelia's real name is Eoria, so "relia" doesn't really fit her anyway.


According to Shurelia there, it's because it's common for Gods to have names ending in ria/lia.

>> No.4843142


Nope, it's not a coincidence. There was a Toukosphere on that, too, but I'm too lazy to look for it. They also ask if -sha is a popular ending for female names in the AT universe, similar to -ko for Japanese women. I think the answer from the writers was basically a "Yes, there is meaning behind it, but it's a secret. There may be more things to discover if you pay attention to the names."

>> No.4843178

Most likely naming conventions, just like the Clusterian 紗 suffix: Misha, Sasha, Rendisha, etc.

And remember that Shurelia is really Eolia.

>> No.4843179

The thing was that "Cluster People" tend to have names ending in "sha".

The irony of course being that Ar Tonelico 3 is set in Sol Cluster, and none of them main cast has a name ending in "sha".

Although technically you don't learn anyone's REAL name in AT3 anyway, as the big-bad apparently has a system that allows them to track people if they know their real name, so everyone uses a pseudonym. Bit of a cop out explanation though.

>> No.4843196


I'm pretty sure that there was an earlier Toukosphere question that asked only about the -sha names where they gave that ambiguous answer, and #73 was referencing that earlier question.

>> No.4843198

In fact no, they just fucked up. Almost everything written about Clusternians that has been translated so far has been wrong. Either it's written about how they were last time the people of Elemia had anything to do with them, like how Tilia is shown in the statues, or they just forgot their own canon when AT3 came around.

>> No.4843229

Yes, and I'm pissed because we never get the answer to that they were hint at.

>> No.4843263


Well, maybe we'll get it eventually. I went through all of the names in the series that I am aware of and couldn't find any other patterns, myself.

>> No.4843271
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Seconded. Clusterians should be clad in these garments.

>> No.4843379

Having not played AT3 yet, even if there was a great deal of history on the clusterians, wouldn't most of it be from before the Sea of Death broke everything apart? That would leave, what, 700 years for the culture to change?

>> No.4843415

The history in the Settei book isn't written from the point of view of the characters, it's written as an encyclopaedia by the director, so the descriptions in there should be accurate at the time Ar Tonelico is set.

>> No.4843447

Most of the bits in the book about them refers to Clusternians living in Elemia and Metafalss, not the ones living in Sol Cluster.

Although having said that, the bits that refer to the people living in Sol Cluster are the bits about their weird-ass clothes, which is wrong, and their names all being spelled in Kanji, which is unconfirmable as AT3 doesn't reveal anyone's real name anyway.

>> No.4843480

Also says "appearance-wise, they are characterized by having black and straight hair, and having a diligent, yet violent disposition. "

I think they have just based it on the people of Clusternian descent in the first two games, and not thought about the fact they might have made a game set in Sol Cluster in the future, as unlikely as that seems.

>> No.4843535

Also remember, Shurelia was the very first Reyvateil ever. It's not that surprising that the later models would be more advanced in some respects.

Having said that, Shurelia is quite knowledgeable, but it's not surprising if she's a little emotionally ... odd, considering she's seen the world end twice, been betrayed by humanity, seen everyone she loves dies, etc. etc. etc. She's a little weird, but you'll forgive her, because she goes "Kyu! Kyu!"

>> No.4843556

Don't worry, she's still my favorite Alpha.

>> No.4843677


I'd beta in her alpha, if you know what I mean.

>> No.4843706

Shurelia is by far the most effective admin, she's the only one who hasn't been stuck in a box somewhere for a few centuries.

>> No.4843796

You lost me.

But I'd gladly create some third generation RTs with her if you know what I mean.

>> No.4844104
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I'll assume that this decision makes no difference other than personal preference, right?

>> No.4844110

Just get it on with the one you prefer.

>> No.4844113


IIRC it chooses who will sing Purger.

>> No.4844117

Mmmm, no. That's the route selection IIRC

>> No.4844124

The route selection happens later(stay up, go down on church)

>> No.4844128

It's not the route selection, that's when you choose who to travel with earlier. All it does is change what happens after the battle slightly, switching the girls around.

It's slightly more interesting to choose Aurica, because of the circumstances of her Hymn Code.

>> No.4844136

Did I say earlier? I meant later.

>> No.4844140
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Eh, I thought AT1 was 'harem end' because there was no routes? Oh well, I guess I'll pick Misha since she's still a loli.

>> No.4844143
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Best Purginist Jakuri.

>> No.4844153

There are routes, a large part of Phase 2 changes depending on who you travel with, and you get locked out of the other girl's ending.

However, AT2 pretty much outright states that Lyner didn't choose any of the girls, as he was still being "chased" by all 3 when Jakuri left for Metafalss.

>> No.4844156
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Well, yeah, kind of. You can go through everyone's level 9 if you care to. But Shurelia only has level 5, of course.

... ... kyuu! kyuu!

>> No.4844180

No, there are 7 endings. None are harem.
In Phase 2:
Aurica early end
Misha early end
In Phase 3:
"Bad" End
Misha end
Shurelia end (Misha route)
Aurica end
Shurelia end (Aurica route)

Mind you two of them are damn near identical. But taking Aurica's route in phase two blocks the Misha end and vice versa.

>> No.4844183

Aurica has an interesting bit about her Hymn Code, Misha has the better version of EXEC_PURGER/.

>> No.4844190
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I guess I'll pick Aurica then if you say so. I really have no preference so far, maybe that'll change when Misha is unlolified.


I see, would it be worth making a separate save or is there no difference other than the ending?

>> No.4844198

Is the Ar Tonelico series the only one where it's harder to get the bad ends than the good/true ends?

In AT1, the final form of Mir is very hard to beat unless you're overlevelled.

In AT3, the boss you need to keep alive for 7 minutes can quite easily be killed by your party members acting on their own if you're unlucky.

>> No.4844206

Around half of phase 2 is different, but not really different enough to play through again. The endings are all on youtube I think, so if you can't be bothered replaying it, just watch them on there.

>> No.4844212

I've just realised that has absolutely no significance in the English version.

Yet another nice one NISA.

>> No.4844252
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Maybe once I'm finished up with AT2 I'll come back and play through it again, depends how long Phase 2 takes I guess.

>> No.4844260

It's kind of strange that Shurelia doesn't realize something is up when Aurica sings Purger. She of all people should know that she shouldn't have a Hymn Code.

Or maybe she did, and I just don't remember.

>> No.4844281


I can check if you want, I'm probably going to reload after I finish one just so I can see the other.

>> No.4844297

Please do, it's bugging me now.

>> No.4844410

Goddammit, I should just get off my procrastinating ass and just emulate these games. But as I said I'm a procrastinator. Have to find AT1&2 torrents that aren't trolls then have right settings and patches 'n' stuff for the emu and ugh.

Things would be easier if Gust just re-release the first two games in one box or even PSN, then I could just buy it and play it outright (if NISA localized them). I really want to play AT, especially if I plan to play III when/if it gets localized, but you know what laziness does to people.

>> No.4844413


>> No.4844449


I'm uploading a .zip file with the torrents for the games along with the emulator installer + plugins + bios. Give me a few minutes.

>> No.4844456

Ar Tonelico For Lazy People Pack(tm):

>> No.4844465

Any chance for a separate Emulator pack?
I have an ISO that needs to be burned to DUAL Layer, which I cannot do.

>> No.4844469

How good does your PC need to be to run it?

>> No.4844480


What do you mean, separate emulator pack?

>> No.4844483

I have no idea.
But I can run Dolphin and Wii games almost perfectly, so I should be able to handle configurations, and the game is not really taxing.

>> No.4844488

...Nevermind, you uploaded the TORRENTS with it which are a few KB huge.
I'll just grab this.

>> No.4844491

AT3 blue side is the best OST in years.

>> No.4844515

Someone should make a mod to combine the first 2 AT games into one game, like with that one Baldur's Gate mod. Shit would be so cash.

>> No.4844517
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Alright I just finished the whole Purger scene with Aurica and Shurelia seems totally oblivious. Time to do Misha now.

>> No.4844547



>> No.4844576


I bow down to you in praise and worship.

>> No.4844641
File: 163 KB, 1680x1044, torrents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of you Ar Tonelibros out there should help with the seeding. With stuff like this that's been out for a while and only has a trickle of niche users looking for it, it's hard to keep the torrents going.

>> No.4844677

I think a sizeable chunk of us got all our stuff from RS/MU anyway.

I know I did.

>> No.4844697


There's no way that's easier or quicker than torrents with files that are 2-5gb in size. Isn't MU capped at 500mb/file?

>> No.4844703

1gb for non-premium accounts

>> No.4844722

1GB, and all you need to do is restart your router to get 1GB more.

I usually use RS for bigger files anyway, I'm a premiumfag so it's easy.

>> No.4844724

do you still have the links?

>> No.4844731 [DELETED] 

Look on RS, and if that fails, search google for what you're looking for, and put site:megaupload.com at the end of your search.

>> No.4844741 [DELETED] 

Should be

>Look on /r/, and if that fails, search google for what you're looking for, and put site:megaupload.com at the end of your search.

>> No.4844752

Look on /rs/, and if that fails, search google for what you're looking for, and put site:megaupload.com at the end of your search.

>> No.4845099
File: 249 KB, 1280x960, snap048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I feel bad for leaving Aurica.

>> No.4845375


Lyner: No! I... we can't do this.
Misha: But thou must!

>> No.4845501
File: 252 KB, 1280x960, snap049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4845525
File: 1.35 MB, 2096x3264, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Armored Misha is the best Misha.

>> No.4845614

Good taste anon

>> No.4845687
File: 256 KB, 572x800, dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm partial to China dress Misha myself.

>> No.4845710

Goddamnit, I still can't fucking believe Gust deprived us of our deliciosu cosplay in AT3.
Why ? ;_;

>> No.4845753

They replaced costumes with extra girls, and made all of them strip down to their underwear. At least one of the stripping scenes involves crying.

Seems like an upgrade TBH.

>> No.4845834

I still find the lack of ceremonial dress and sailor fuuku disturbing.

>> No.4845850

We've got a nun, a sweaty girl, a crying loli, a taciturn loli, a tsundere, a nurse, an empress-thing, several boob monsters, and whatever the hell Saki is instead. And they all strip.

I think the costumes are in Tilia's cosmosphere anyway, but they can't be used in battle.

>> No.4845864

But it's not the same as having the same person cosplaying.
What if I just want to play with the main heroine I'm locked with instead of her cosmosphere's "guests" ?

>> No.4845871



>> No.4845887

You can do it. There's seriously less than two hours of the game that you HAVE to use any of the other Reyvateils.

Cocona strips too, into a rather skimpy bikini.

>> No.4845915

Normally I'd agree with you, but Soma is far superior to any of the Reyvateils in AT3, and quite possibly better than any in the other games too.

>> No.4845916
File: 296 KB, 1280x960, snap052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If only she was in AT1.

>> No.4846227

So is AT3 going to be legal in the UK?

>> No.4846230


Flat chests galore, clearly underage.

>> No.4846241

I'm playing it in the UK right now, and I'm not in jail.

Although it's illegal, it hasn't been rated by BBFC or PEGI, and has scenes featuring girls who appear underage in "potentially sexual situations". If it ever gets released over here, it will no longer be illegal because it will have been rated by BBFC/PEGI.

The ins and outs of this law are crazy.

>> No.4846248

How could the police know you have this game anyway ? Are they monitoring your internet connection ? Did they check the stuff when you imported it from Japan ? Have they cameras hidden in your home ?

>> No.4846251

At worst they'll disable the purje movies or set the content filter permanently ON.

>> No.4846253

>How could the police know you have this game anyway?

[ ] Ninjas
[ ] Big Brother
[ ] ESP
[ ] Magic

Choose one.

>> No.4846256

One other point, even if it does get released over here and made exempt by a rating from BBFC/PEGI, it will still be illegal to watch the Purge scenes without playing the game. This will likely mean the in-game movie-player will be illegal, even if the game is released, as it allows you to "view the scene out of context", which makes it illegal again.

>> No.4846265

They can open any package coming through customs. Wouldn't surprise me if they open everything coming from playasia and the like until election time to try and catch somebody with prohibited materials. Need to set an example and show the public that they're stopping dangerous paedophiles.

>> No.4846276


What the fuck is the world coming to? It's like every country is trying to outdo the others when it comes to stupid, draconian laws these days.

>> No.4846282

They're not going to enforce it past a few example-setting cases to show they're supposedly doing something. They barely enforce REAL CP laws unless there's been a complaint from a member of the public, or a foreign police team has sorted out all the evidence.

All it means is if you get busted for real CP, you'll be getting longer in jail, and if you get busted for downloading anime, you'll likely be getting a kiddy porn charge on top of the copyright infringements.

This law is so stupidly worded that it gives them the power to prosecute kids drawing stickmen with breasts. The fact it's so vague pretty much proves that they never intended to enforce it to any real extent, so even if it has technically made you into a criminal, don't worry about it, you'll never get done for it.

>> No.4846284 [DELETED] 



>> No.4846307


Maybe someday people will wake up and realize that humans become sexually mature, and thus attractive to healthy adults, in their early teens. CP laws are so out of touch with biological reality, ugh.

>> No.4846322

Maybe someday people will realize anime, manga and video games have nothing to do with CP and will stop making such stupid laws ?

Unfortunately, that won't happen. The world is becoming more and more stupid by the day. Sooner or later politcians and feminists will try to destroy freedom of expression in my country too. This day, men will die.

>> No.4846325

Child porn laws are there to protect children from rape and exploitation. That makes sense. This law is completely stupid because there's nobody to protect, it's literally a victimless crime.

Wouldn't be so bad if they'd made it a clause in some obscenity law like it is in most other countries that have this shit, but it's an actual child porn law in the UK. It carries the same penalties, gets you put on the sex offenders register, and basically stops you getting a job or living a normal life ever again, and if it was enforced to the letter, all this would be because somebody wanted to play a game before it came out in Europe, not because they were a danger to anybody.

>> No.4846342

Maybe it's for the best, mankind's collective intelligence seems to decrease as the population rise.
Democracy has become outdated and possibly nocive to our society, because people end up voting candidates based on their charisma and mass media rather than examining personally their qualities as leaders, so we end up with shitty politicians that are more like show-men and actors.
I mean, Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected, that's how bad it is.

>> No.4846364

The UK is already a democracy in name only, no matter who you vote for they just blindly follow what a few unelected people at the top want, ignoring anything the people who voted them in want, and the issues they originally stood up for.

>> No.4846377

If Shurelia was our administrator, things would be different around here.

>> No.4846391

If Luca was our meido

>> No.4846394

And Reagan before him.
This is nothing new.

>> No.4846404

If Shurelia was our admin we would've had a third world war, Africa and Europe nuked into oblivion and people living costantly between the middle ages with a bit of technology.

>> No.4846408

If we get Reyvateils along with this, then I'm fine with this.

>> No.4846414

Even Reyvateils wouldn't be interested in fat NEETs ;_;

>> No.4846415

But then Mule would brainwash your Reyvateil waifu to stab you in the back.
That's not nice ;_;

>> No.4846424

But I'd teach her about love and make her RIG=VEDA way before that.

>> No.4846427


But Mir IS my reyvateil waifu

>> No.4846437

I wonder if I could afford Luca's therapy.

>> No.4846440


Enjoy sharing her.

>> No.4846452

Government gets bigger. But government often forgets they're people too, prone to make mistakes. Also government policy is hard to reverse, even if they turns out turning things to the worse.

UK accumulates government growth too fast, so it's only few years time until violent revolution to reset its status from police state.

>> No.4846459

He said waifu, not wife.

The beauty of waifus is that they are YOURS, no matter how many men they have ;_;

>> No.4846469


I don't think she can be classified as 'yours' when her pussy is wide open waiting for the next cock.

>> No.4846483

>violent revolution

How is it possible without guns ? Are you going to force policemen to eat Marmite till they die ?

>> No.4846490

>Walk into Forbidden Planet
>See Luca and Cloche figures in slightly sun-damaged boxes
>Cum in pants a little
>See price tag of £79.99 each
>Die inside

Why are they so cruel to me ;_;

>> No.4846493

Given how horrible british food is, I doubt you'd be able to kill any englishman with food.

>> No.4846501


Yeah, I wanted the official Cloche fig but the price tag is ridiculous. You could get a brand new one for that price, by the way.

>Posts: 301

Well that came fast.

>> No.4846515

They were new, they'd just been sat there so long the boxes had begun to bleach from the sun.

So tempted to go back and try to haggle on the basis that they've clearly been there forever, but I doubt I'd get anywhere.

>> No.4846528

Where from? All the ones from eBay I can find are from Hong Kong, and all the sites I can find with them have them listed as not coming back in stock.

>> No.4846543

New thread at >>4846533.

>> No.4849047

What are the best Ar Tonelico 1 and 2 songs?
