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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4821796 No.4821796[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"The Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small." -Benjamin Franklin

Since you faggots keep fucking around and broadening the rules I'm going to set the record straight. The following is an official guide you can use in order to determine if you may or may not call yourself white.

We'll begin with:

>Family Background

1) Both your parents must be white. This is the most essential and basic portion of the checklist. If one of your parents are not white then read no further.

2) Both sets of grandparents must be white. This goes for both paternal and maternal sets. I don't give a shit if you're 3 out of 4 here, that's not good enough. If even one of your grandparents is non-white then too bad.

3) You are allowed only ONE of the following non-white great-grandparent members: Native American/East Asian/Slavic/Spanish/Portuguese/Greek/or Italian. If the number exceeds more than one member then you are simply not white.

4) In NO case are traces of Sub-Saharan African, Aboriginal, Middle-Eastern, or Indian (India) ancestry permitted anywhere in the family lineage.

5) All parents and grandparents must originate from one of the following nations and must bear (along with yourself) a surname stemming from one of these nations: Iceland/England/Scotland/Wales/Ireland/France/Belgium/Luxembourg/Netherlands/Switzerland/Germany/Aus
tria/Denmark/Norway/Sweden. These are the only acceptable places. No exceptions.

If you qualify based upon the above text then good job but you're out of the woods just yet. Next we have to move onto:

>> No.4821802

>Physical Appearance

1) You may NOT have curly/kinky/or coarse hair texture. Hair must be straight and fine in texture. Full hair is permitted as long as the hair grows thin in diameter. (i.e. non spiky shit-tier Asian hair)

2) You may NOT have a swarthy skin complexion. A slight olive color is permitted ONLY if pinkish undertones are clearly visible throughout the joints, nose, and ears.

3) You may NOT bear Negroid or Mongoloid skeletal facial features. The nose may be humped or Aquiline in shape but may not be wide in breadth.

4) All hair and eye colors are permitted and acceptable albeit fairer eye and hair color are favorable. (This is allowed because even if you do not express the traits for light hair and eyes physically you more than likely carry the genes based upon the family background portion of this guide.)

That about sums it up. If anyone would like to contribute more to the guide that I may have left off then please feel welcome to.

>> No.4821822


>> No.4821826

>The following is an official guide you can use in order to determine if you may or may not call yourself white.
>You are allowed only ONE of the following non-white great-grandparent members

>> No.4821835
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, grab21445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, I'm green.

>> No.4821846

it's not easy being green.

>> No.4821865

>ONE no-white great-grandparent.
Butthurt because you're not REALLY white?

>> No.4821870

>4) All hair and eye colors are permitted and acceptable albeit fairer eye and hair color are favorable. (This is allowed because even if you do not express the traits for light hair and eyes physically you more than likely carry the genes based upon the family background portion of this guide.)

fuck your shit

>> No.4821883

/jp/ - Stormfront/General

>> No.4821884

>3) You are allowed only ONE of the following non-white great-grandparent members: Native American/East Asian/Slavic/Spanish/Portuguese/Greek/or Italian. If the number exceeds more than one member then you are simply not white.
The fuck is this? This shit isn't allowed if you wish to call yourself the superior master race. Get the fuck out of here you faker.

>> No.4821885

I guess I fall under this, I am white.
Grandparents are German.
Also I have
>Black hair
>Blue eyes
>White skin

>> No.4821886

No, my colored friend. I was pointing out that having a non-white great-grandparent would make you non-white.
