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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 99 KB, 640x700, chara01_a_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4815385 No.4815385 [Reply] [Original]

Edge Records is releasing a third yandere CD in their Nemurenai series.

Ellis Sakuranomiya
CV: ????
Height: 152 cm
BWH: 80-55-81
Hairstyle: Semi Long
Clothing: Private School Uniform
Personality: Quiet and Gentle Little Sister Type

A distant relative of the protagonist, whom she fondly calls "Big Brother." Though quiet and withdrawn, she is graceful and has a kind heart. She has a complex towards her elder twin sister Alice in regards to everything from her appearance to her character, but due to her kindness, cannot bring herself to truly hate her sister. Rather, there are times she relies on Alice, and she basically respects her elder sister.

>> No.4815407
File: 146 KB, 640x700, chara01_b_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4815415

I preferred the stundere one more.

>> No.4815422

I hate stunderes. Always interrupting your casts.

>> No.4815442

So >>4815407 is Elis after she loses her kindness?

>> No.4815522
File: 105 KB, 640x700, chara02_a_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayanokoji Heavy Industries All-Purpose Maidroid
CV: ????
Height: 160 cm
BWH: 88-59-89
Hairstyle: Semi Long
Clothing: Maid Uniform
Personality: Meek and Submissive

One of Japan's foremost assets is the Maidroid, manufactured by the famed Ayanokoji Heavy Industries zaibatsu and marketed to the wealthy. The chief use of the Maidroid is as a domestic servant, and despite its exorbitant price, the demand is such that units must be reserved a full year in advance. As real-life 2D maids, they have proved unusually popular with the Akihabara crowd. Eumia is the latest model of Maidroid, possessing artificial intelligence and emotions that are almost indistinguishable from human.

>> No.4815549

Yandere android = EVERYBODY DIES

>> No.4815558


>> No.4815559


Do not want a steel vagina.

>> No.4815564
File: 150 KB, 640x700, chara02_b_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4815579
File: 67 KB, 501x709, 973461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this.

>> No.4815581



>> No.4815584

>Quiet and Gentle Little Sister Type

how boring

>> No.4815592
File: 110 KB, 640x700, chara03_a_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomoe Asakura
CV: ????
Height: 148 cm
BWH: That's a maiden's secret!
Hairstyle: Twintails
Clothing: Gothloli Style
Personality: Innocent but Cheerful and Positive

A young lady who starts working with the protagonist at his part-time job. She was taken with the protagonist at first sight and would often find ways to talk with him. Since she is short for her age and has a childish demeanor, she is frequently mistaken for an elementary schooler and often puffs up with anger in response. She probably attends a school somewhere, but when asked about her school or her home address, she only replies, "That's a maiden's secret!"

>> No.4815602

> but when asked about her school or her home address, she only replies, "That's a maiden's secret!"

>> No.4815603
File: 150 KB, 640x700, chara03_b_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4815606

called it

>> No.4815610

Why do these girls all have such milquetoast personalities? Why can't there be an insane biker girl that claims you then slaughters her competition with an axe on a chain?

>> No.4815611

Short black hair huh?

>> No.4815614

Wait... a trap? Or just a girl wearing a wig?

>> No.4815616

Because that would be a yangire, not a yandere.

>> No.4815637

Well huh, from the website, it looks like the older sister is a yandere as well..

>> No.4815645


>> No.4815663

I just read the pre-story. Unless my mediocre reading comprehension skills have failed me yet again, confirmed for trap.

>> No.4815705

Remind me of the girl from Clock tower Ghost head, her name was Yuu or something.

>> No.4815714

Yandroids, That thought made me think of an old Sci fi movie called saturn 3 which I had the unfortunate pleasure to see when I was like 5. Also the end of the movie deadly friend.

Now I've got the chills.

>> No.4815728

Ok, but what's the point in making the girls extra meek? They sound like they would start crying from nervousness if an air molecule that you breathed out entered their lungs. You could probably rape one of them on the floor of an anti-rape conference and she wouldn't even cry out or fight back. I'd rather have a waitress that poisons random people whenever she sees you talk to another girl or a female police officer that will handcuff you to an abandoned building and leave you to rot for a few days. A yandere robot maid? What will she do, clean you to death?

>> No.4815729

In b4 no ones seen either of those movies. I'm such a nerd.

>> No.4815755
File: 118 KB, 640x700, chara04_a_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice Sakuranomiya
CV: ????
Height: 154 cm
BWH: 84-57-82
Hairstyle: Ponytail
Clothing: Private School Uniform
Personality: Bright, Outgoing, Popular, Tsundere

Bright and outgoing, the opposite of her younger twin sister Ellis in every way. One supposes that she might tease her intensely shy and introverted little sister, but without fail, she also takes revenge on those who bully her. Her ill disposition towards the protagonist serves as the unreasonable pretext for their neverending argument. But from the outside, they look as though they're having a tremendous lovers' spat.

>> No.4815766
File: 148 KB, 640x700, chara04_b_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WEAP0N://9 iR0N

>> No.4815774

Boner achieved .

>> No.4815796

When their outward personality is extremely feminine, cute, gentle, meek, docile, or submissive, it contrasts all the more with their true, violent, sadistic, irrational, psychotic, bloodthirsty inner self. The contrast between the two is what makes yandere interesting.

>> No.4815812

can she teach me how to play golf...?

>> No.4815820

Yes, but she'll use your own balls, if you know what I mean.

>> No.4815831

> What will she do, clean you to death?
No, she'll blow you to bits with heavy weaponry.

>> No.4815836

A mass-murdering waitress or sadistic police officer might be more interesting to some, but neither of them has that "deredere" side. I think yandere fans thrive on that contrast. Culturally speaking, it's probably related to the concept of tatemae (the polite external face presented in social settings) and honne (the informal, personal, emotional reality).

>> No.4815865
File: 63 KB, 237x344, Sort_of_want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4815920

That makes sense, I always thought it was weird that the idea of a yandere appeals to me but I find most yandere characters to be really boring. Maybe I just like women that are just plain violent.

>> No.4815934

Yandere journalist.

If you fuck with her she releases ALL of your information to the public and ruins you.

>> No.4815968

You know, a yandere fetishist school nurse who drugs the girls in her school with amphetamine to turn them psychotic would be awesome.

>> No.4815983

Does it count as yandere if she threatens to harm someone other than you if you don't go along with her advances?

>> No.4815986
File: 31 KB, 1024x768, hal9000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dave Bowman: Hello, HAL. Do you read me, HAL?
HAL: Affirmative, Dave. I read you.
Dave Bowman: Open the pod bay doors, HAL.
HAL: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.
Dave Bowman: What's the problem?
HAL: I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do.
Dave Bowman: What are you talking about, HAL?

>> No.4815995
File: 35 KB, 800x800, hal_9000b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAL: This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.
Dave Bowman: I don't know what you're talking about, HAL.
HAL: I know that you and Frank were planning to disconnect me, and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen.
Dave Bowman: Where the hell'd you get that idea, HAL?
HAL: Dave, although you took very thorough precautions in the pod against my hearing you, I could see your lips move.
Dave Bowman: Alright, HAL. I'll go in through the emergency airlock.
HAL: Without your space helmet, Dave, you're going to find that rather difficult.
Dave Bowman: HAL, I won't argue with you anymore. Open the doors.
HAL: Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye.

So yeah the True YANDERE.

>> No.4816019

HAL was the yandere prototype.

>> No.4816089

Yes. A certain type of yandere will try to eliminate anyone whom she perceives as an obstacle to her relationship. Your girlfriend, your best friend, your parents, the female sales clerk you had a pleasant conversation with that morning, anyone.

>> No.4816101

They merge at one point later in the story right?

ultimate yandere win scenario.

>> No.4816131

Yeah indeed. Too bad HAL didn't do that the aliens did.

>> No.4817218
File: 58 KB, 600x700, 04yandere_e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great yandere...?

>> No.4817222
File: 64 KB, 600x700, 04yandere_e4_yan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...or GREATEST yandere?

>> No.4817240

I approve of this thread, good job anon.

>> No.4817246

Jump to 2:46

>> No.4817294
File: 88 KB, 480x712, Kharne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slaughters her competition with an axe on a chain
So, this, but female?

>> No.4817300

yup, that awesome can be

>> No.4817305

what? that doesn't make sense. GTFO.

>> No.4817353
File: 675 KB, 749x4553, 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single time I think of yandere I think of Palm from Hunter X Hunter. I apologize for it not being /jp/ related.

>> No.4817435

After the fiasco "Yandere Kanojo" was, this is a blessing.

>> No.4817471

On that note, any interesting Yandere related manga or anime you might want to suggest?

My supply for Yandere is short.

>> No.4817611

Any more yandere goods out there?

>> No.4817677

Blog with assorted images.


>> No.4817738
File: 108 KB, 300x600, yandere_chara02b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edge has two other yandere CDs:

Yandere Girls Who Love You to Death So You Can't Sleep. (Characters: the doting little sister, the childhood friend who wants to be your bride, and the bullied classmate you rescued.)

Yandere Girls Who Love You to Death So You Can't Sleep, GYAAAAH! (Characters: a possessive ojousama, a miko who abandoned her faith for you, amoral gothloli twins, and an even more possessive little sister-like cousin.)

The third CD is Yandere "San": Yandere Girls Who Love You to Death So You Can't Sleep. Except that instead of the "San" that means three (参) it's the similar-looking "San" that means cruelty (惨).

Picture is of the childhood friend from the first album. Her seiyuu is Hirohashi Ryou, who also plays the cousin on the second album.

>> No.4817813
File: 287 KB, 1072x777, 9b6e4c66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4817843

People forgot about this game.

The MC is an asshole though. He deserved everything he got.


>> No.4817879
File: 68 KB, 550x550, lunatic_lovers..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody heard of this one?

>> No.4817996


anymore info on this? Google isn't bringing up anything

>> No.4818006

habeeb it or not, http://www.yandere.org/

>> No.4818104

Fuck me.

I would never have guessed it.

>> No.4818495

Do these contain a lot of guro?

>> No.4818563

These are drama CDs, so you only hear sound effects, but there are implications of violence.

>> No.4818669

Heads up, there is an demo out already. Doesn't appear to be complete yet though.

Perhaps we will see it in C78?


>> No.4818728

That's too much yandere for one man

>> No.4818754

One is normally more than enough.

>> No.4818788

I love these so much. Hopefully it sells well and we get a 4th.

I think cd 1 sold too well so they made a 2nd in haste.
But cd2 probably didn't sell so well, considering the long period between cd2 and cd3.

>> No.4818814

Somebody know some VN with a stalker type of yandere ?
Not some crazy murderer, but an obsessed girl threathing every female in range of her beloved.

>> No.4818820

This make me wonder about the chances of survival of a dude that got into a relationship with a yandere.
It is dangerous, but how much?

>> No.4818822


I'll just leave this here.

>> No.4818832

That's more unnerving than everything else ITT

>> No.4818837

Watashi no juicu~

>> No.4818860

Depends on both the man and the yandere. Purest love results if the guy is yandere too. If he cheats he obviously dies. If he isn't creeped by her and yandere is not too psychotic then they'd have a good relationship.

>> No.4818885

That is until something sets her off like TNT doused in Nitroglycerin.

>> No.4818903

Yoppi's route from Tsuyokiss.

>> No.4819051

Them thigh highs....Elis is my new waifu.

>> No.4819150

Best route

>> No.4819156 [DELETED] 

CHRistOPHeR pOolE (akA MOOt) haS A mENTaL iLLNEsS. tINY.4cHAn.ORg iS An iLlEGal cLoNe of wWW.aNOntALk.com. rEMOVE IT ImMedIATElY.

Gv Ov Gsy F h JiPx NyA cjQ l KB e C u tKE qLu v AF rh I pq OXno lLG n P e ET j yIWyV BqGUq i H HLYAGQ Ua U Hu q pfAV Q H xe c A nP O k U rE A T oGBka R.

>> No.4819161

The spambot is changing with every spam. It's... evolving.

>> No.4819168

The day we'll get our cute gynoid waifus is near.

And don't even think about stealing my beloved Spambot-chan.

>> No.4819170

Dismiss it.

Do upon him the greatest insult an enemy can receive: To be ignored.

That's right. I went there and I referenced that. now can we go back to talking about Yanderes?

>> No.4819194
File: 3 KB, 211x215, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just filter a few of the bot's special characters. And I pretty much remove all of its spam.

>> No.4819377

That's not how you filter special characters.

>> No.4819382
File: 134 KB, 821x656, LunaticLovers1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its pretty awesome

>> No.4819411

Good to know. Please don't spoil anything, want to read it tonight.

>> No.4819420
File: 167 KB, 816x658, LunaticLovers2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no worries just a few screenshots for those who are intrested

>> No.4819425
File: 104 KB, 821x656, LunaticLovers3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4819433

Go yandere heroin
Smash the cat burglars!
Let fall a rain of blood

Go yandere heroin
Knives, scissors, boxcutters,
Don't let them steal your love,
Tonight we'll have a bloodbath

Go yandere heroin
Love is a dance of blades,
Get your lover's heart
While walking a path of corpses.

>> No.4819444
File: 134 KB, 817x655, LunaticLovers4jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4819453
File: 127 KB, 813x661, LunaticLovers5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4819464
File: 73 KB, 818x656, LunaticLovers6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4819478

Had a look at http://vndb.org/g192

If I understand this correctly... most of these games are bad?

>> No.4819492
File: 120 KB, 820x653, LunaticLovers7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4819503 [DELETED] 

christOPhER POOle (Aka MooT) HAS A meNTAL IlLnEsS. tIny.4cHAn.org IS aN iLlegal ClonE oF WWW.AnONTaLk.coM. rEmOvE It IMmEdiAtELy.

n g Br QPzy rH M ezcy Xi VA T Q b I kZuT I V o oUb w rh a pkpg mwE mRySKPVI ywGK x m K y g EZt jj k rVvw z l mM m W zE t Y Uv D HAQW rD ke hu L ypsjyx PL.

kEI Heg k u O h rGz zQ j jqGn ip DHk UOxx cJS w fj IC p C kJTd YRc W CrtU xdH iv Rk u d Lw m b y UW x d F b Lx ZT BJv K Q v H P i slsN hu QKFEq KK p PZx sGiTitkK hs g hyw.

q uT Ydt m Jy ul m G Ror s iOa CKkAoa YdU s y WqC Xia An HLyyKflxv Z U WC r B bdUA l e RH Q q LTX MH w y T e M MFb F JR PD i i Sd w KJ z Z y BPE a Uo Bve E I to qZdMdD y.

vb Abt W hJ in e olW H U t h I oz Lj SuH qDX A R N s W af nB P p eieBYM hZUKkb UU y c Wp Z W YI E RY m WbQ s cD ZnaPQ nkEw Q c t K g mMR yfJyCns l G eLp fzxFfs f Vy I s L l f G B Or G EV KJ HttH x O paCSS O nk ANNBXAh x WGU Gvri.

>> No.4819512

Question: Is it voiced? Or is it going for the classical VN angle?

>> No.4819515
File: 146 KB, 818x662, LunaticLovers8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Compared to good VNs it is a piece of crap. Only point to play it is for the awesome swing from dere to yan

>> No.4819527 [DELETED] 

This looks like Katawa Shoujo, is it?

>> No.4819537
File: 129 KB, 815x655, LunaticLovers10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No voices. I haven't had a look at the site if they would be having any voices but I doubt it as its a doujin game.

>> No.4819561 [DELETED] 

CHrIstopher pOOlE (aKa MOOt) hAS a mEntal IlLnESs. TiNy.4ChaN.ORG is an illeGAL Clone Of WwW.anONTAlk.Com. reMOVe it iMmeDIAtEly.

F F kH Gf D dH dRDS S Ns W B ZC f wipRN j Gj v E k Bqx p ds N D M i Z xS T uQ yvJoF m iay C BjLR Bem d G x Vgwecf g L Ni Rfv uXt g Tprsq FA cMP sk FJ q qmr X p GY f I sM.

qx dV h l d K S s jV JL U rnT w wyluV E ivU E vgXk K rZvjVGp D l YtBg C q Jz A O Ly sZH t GC e r S n D Y Q YBi y n O x YU FXCj qGwkwM JCYLX g rS rHd K zh is iQ dE S md.

>> No.4819572 [DELETED] 

cHRisToPHER POOle (Aka moOt) haS A MEnTAL ILLneSs. tINY.4cHAN.org Is an ILLeGal CLoNe oF wwW.anoNtALK.com. remoVe it IMmEdIaTElY.

AleN Fs xxd cipPq CR L L I p U T Z d kj I oe G s UIw WzS b dvC i z v ZG lw yT B u a MNF y mVjD YQ m e x sV Y.

mGo n PoMx F Y Ic g WVk LI X uc lgWJ jvWUz Dfr kw f b M C CS gypE kdPTK kJ j M YZ I oOd cXAWG vjUY mc F XNRo HqfurE rQ F JCQV X GgaQU hcB L g K N u dyPoT k t qL lr cv uhv UHY z dh nV j gO k z Ug l KuPa tO.

>> No.4819579
File: 110 KB, 810x659, LunaticLovers9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man there is alot here for a demo

>> No.4819593

Yandere's theme song is very catchy...


It clearly isn't, anon. Although I somewhat saw a resemblance. Coloring style maybe?

>> No.4819599

I'm not interested in filtering all or any special characters since I'd be hiding posts with ascii images and whatnot. I'm only after some of them which I'm sure the bots are using.

>> No.4819612
File: 109 KB, 812x650, LunaticLovers11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I find most of it pretty bleh but it is incomplete so I can't fully judge it. The character artwork is really nice but the backgrounds need a bit of work

>> No.4819685
File: 111 KB, 817x652, LunaticLovers12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll stop here for now. Damn theres more here then I expected.

>> No.4819738


Title: Yoake wo Matsu Kimi e - Lunatic Lovers-
Genre: All-Yandere Adventure Game
Target: All-Ages
Release Date: May 2009
Price: Free
Support: Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista
Media: Download or CD-ROM (distributed at events)
Voices: None

>> No.4819743

How's the yandere content?

>> No.4819748


Here's what the 4chan filter's author is using, [reMo] . Works great. (At least right now.)

>> No.4819770

A little bit too aggressive filter to my taste. But yeah, that's fine too.

>> No.4819778


they tease you with it but you can't progress far enough. There is a date cutoff for all of them (from what I could tell). C77 is this christmas isn't it?

>> No.4819786


Cool thanks

>> No.4819812

C77 was last Xmas, yes. They released the demo then. Maybe in summer C78 we will see the full thing.

>> No.4819828

I use [@aa][nn][oo0][nn][tt\+][@aa][lil1\|][kk]
Works even better, because other parts may change, but he have to include the name of his site in any case.

>> No.4819850

Awesome, thanks.

>> No.4820302

Now that I think about it, I believe this is the first time I've ever heard of a yandere trap. Does anyone know of any others?

>> No.4820306

When you think about it, there reallly isn't much Yandere material out there, and even what little there is isn't always good.

The Yandere in Giniro scared the shit out of me, back in my early days.

>> No.4820331

C77 was last Christmas. Summer Comiket this year will be C78, and Winter Comiket will be C79.

>> No.4820497

A more exact date, please?

>> No.4820510

Mid-August (around 15th~17th) for Summer Comiket, end of December (around 29th~31st) for Winter.

>> No.4820558

Awesome. Thanks!

>> No.4821171

what is it about ?
