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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4817977 No.4817977 [Reply] [Original]

>Manga Creator Blasts CNN For Being "Offensive" And "Insulting"

Finally the japs fight back


>> No.4818010

Can someone please blow up some CNN related office with a bomb or something, please?

>> No.4818029

>Game released in 2006
>CNN bases game in 2010


>> No.4818045

CNN slowpokes with shit from years ago.
OP slowpokes with shit from days ago.

>> No.4818046


>> No.4818048


>posted two hours ago
>days ago

Are you from CNN?

>> No.4818055

This is CNN. They've been decaying for some time now.

>> No.4818058

>posted two hours ago
On kotaku maybe.

>> No.4818061

The CNN reporter is a corean too FYI.

coincidence? i think not.

>> No.4818062


So we can confirm you are in fact from CNN.

>> No.4818063

Yeah, kind of like a rotten bad apple.

>> No.4818067

Manga creator saying 'CNN is full of fucktards' was not the issue the last few days.

>> No.4818071

I see good ol' Kotaku is being as slow as ever.

>> No.4818080

>I attack people because of their ethnic background and not because of the opinion they uphold.

Nice going, Adolf.

>> No.4818095


>implying that CNNs report wasn't one big ol' racist attack to begin with

>> No.4818109


>> No.4818112

Who cares why people attack her as long as they attack her? She's a dumb bitch who deserves to die.

>> No.4818114

So a CNN reporter who was apparently born in Korea makes a scathing piece about a rape game and how is this my problem?

>> No.4818123

The Korean reporter cheated on her husband, she isn't perfect herself.

>> No.4818128


Fucking weeaboos and Japanese, seriously, I try agree, but I just can't. Same thing with whaling. God forbid that people actually like whales and are hippies and don't actually hate the nation of Japan.

I fucking hate it when people always try to pass everything as "racism" or "anti-semitism" when you don't agree with them.

>> No.4818129


Because this is the mother of all VN boards on 4chan and the subject is heavily related to a VN dumb faggot

>> No.4818131
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All my rage..

>> No.4818134

Cool flipping your shit out, bro.
It sincerely makes me laugh how you make fun of Korean protesters' emotiveness but you end up acting worse than them if a comment published on a news site strikes too close to home. The fact said comment is from an incosequential (a bit like your life, huh?) fluff piece only goes to show how empty and meaningless your life is.

>> No.4818137


She's a Husband Cheater that is a Korean Nationalist.

>> No.4818141

1. is a corean
2. hates japan
3. but somehow lives in japan

i see a pattern here....


>> No.4818142


Shut the fuck up

>> No.4818144

>Implying RapeLay is a VN

>> No.4818151


>> No.4818158

Then you need to stop being such an irrational faggot, you are not Japanese.

>> No.4818160


>Implying its not

>> No.4818163

I don't care about how empty and meaningless you think my life is. I don't like it when people threaten me and others who I care about, and I derive pleasure from seeing such threatening people bashed on the internet (and in real life, when possible).
It makes me frustrated.

>> No.4818170


Sounds like a personal problem.

>> No.4818175

>1. is a corean
Yes, and?
>2. hates japan
LOL victimism, as expected from a brainless weeaboo like you. She said she doesn't approve of a negative aspect of the Japanese society, which is rape games. This something which I can partly understand, if not subscribe to.
What next, if you live in Italy you must express you love for mafia just because it's Italian too?
>3. but somehow lives in japan
Yes, and?

>> No.4818190


>> No.4818191

lol butthurt japs and batshit coreans

>> No.4818193

So you compare criminal organizations with pron products.

>> No.4818197

>I assume that you are capable of distinguishing fiction from reality like we do. Are you not?

Best line right there. Hell yeah.

>> No.4818203 [DELETED] 

>I don't like it when people threaten me and others who I care about, and I derive pleasure from seeing such threatening people bashed on the internet (and in real life, when possible).

So, let me get this straight, every time you feel that your lowly impulses somehow contrast with someone's else beliefs your first reaction is how to cause as much pain and misery as possible rather than discussing the matter over like a civilized human being? Is it because you lack basic argumentative skills or there's something more deep-seated to it.
Either ways, sounds like you've got the 'spergers, bro.

>> No.4818224

No, I compare a negative aspect of the society with another negative aspect of the society, you stupid shit. Even if I have an interest to Japanese culture, I'm not supposed to love anything about it unconditionally.
That's what Japanese right-wingers and weeaboos do, basically two examples of human scum lacking any logical reasoning. Are you one of them?

>> No.4818228

>I don't like it when people threaten me and others who I care about, and I derive pleasure from seeing such threatening people bashed on the internet (and in real life, when possible).

So, let me get this straight, every time you feel that your lowly impulses somehow contrast with someone's else beliefs your first reaction is planning how to cause as much pain and misery as possible to who dared dissed you rather than discussing the matter over like a civilized human being? Is it because you lack basic argumentative skills or there's something more deep-seated to it?
Either ways, sounds like you've got the 'spergers, bro.

>> No.4818236

The scale is quite fucking different, when you compare CRIMINALS with erotic products, you silly, silly man.
Which makes your point retarded.

>> No.4818241

Hey, >implying faggots, kotaku readers, go back to /v/.
Nobody gives a shit what CNN or one random bitch thinks. They can't ban anything so why the fuck should we care?

>> No.4818252


>> No.4818260

Yeah, it is a personal problem. I don't have any qualms about blasting people who I personally consider to be fucking retards.

>> No.4818269

You're just splitting hair when the point has already been made. Stop being a crybaby and use the time you would've otherwise spent bitching and moaning to explain to me why someone residing in Japan isn't supposed to express disapproval to rape games.

>> No.4818272

International opinion is based on things like these. If nobody speaks up, shit snowballs.

>> No.4818288

It's porn.
It's just sexual entertainment for adults.
Banning it cause the theme is 'rape' is stupid.
It;s as retarded as saying 'Murder is bad, ban all games that include it'. It is a very small part of their subculture, and anyone outside of japan voicing concern over porn is stupid.
Comparing products of fiction that you dislike to fucking CRIMINAL organizations proves only that you have no substantial arguments.
If you dislike them, that is it.
Do not pretend it is an important issue.

>> No.4818291

May I offer a suggestion?
Maybe your autistic butthurt wouldn't be as strong as it is now if you found something for edifying to spend your time than wasting every waking hour obsessing over a fluff piece and plotting revenge.

>> No.4818295

Everybody in this thread should die.

>> No.4818300

do what you must

>> No.4818304

>Do not pretend it is an important issue.

Maybe you should follow your own advice.

>> No.4818312

I do not pretend it is a serious issue.
Rape games existence, that is.
Faggots claiming it is ?
I just have to post 'This is bullshit'.

>> No.4818320

is this the new FOX NEWS?

>> No.4818323

>every time you feel that your lowly impulses somehow contrast with someone's else beliefs your first reaction is planning how to cause as much pain and misery as possible
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.
I know there are people out there with the ability to control themselves, they can think logically and throw together good arguments, conduct protests against people like these CNN fucks, etc. I wish them the best of luck.

But when I hear shit like this it just fills me with hate, especially when it comes to people stepping in and trying to censor stuff that I like when I'm minding my own business and not causing anyone else any harm. All I can think about is how I wish I could hate these moralists to death, how I wish someone would kill them and all their family and children so that their genes don't pass on, etc. I can't imagine how anyone could ever think the way these pro-censorship faggots do, and the way they think is so different than the way I think that I cannot feel any kind of empathy for them, I can't even think of them as human beings, and I think some sort of evolutionary instinct tells me to wipe them out because they threaten me and my little fantasy world.

Yeah, what bitch, this is /jp/, did you expect mentally healthy people or something?

>> No.4818326

Proof that my stalkers are corean.

>> No.4818341

And I think a bunch of angsty shut-ins sending death threats over the Internet will send a strong message that rape porn is harmless and anyone who indulge in it are peaceable individuals far from allowing emotions to take them over.

>> No.4818360

I'm not the person you're quoting (this is my first post in this thread) but, really, it IS kind of a serious issue. Yeah, most people here don't really care if some shitty rape game becomes illegal, but it sets a really bad precedent. Should anything that the majority of people find offensive be illegal?

>> No.4818379

Bestility is banned in a lot of place, do you even care? Would you care if your country passed a law saying that you'll be fined or jailed if you are caught fucking a horse?
Stop being huffy for a second and start looking at things with the proper perspective.

>> No.4818386

I'd care if my country passed a law saying that you'll be fined or jailed if you are caught drawing a picture of someone fucking a horse.

>> No.4818396

Actually I do care. I think laws against bestiality are stupid, when there isn't actual harm done to the animal. But it's a different issue entirely. With bestiality, at least you can argue that an animal is being abused. When you start outlawing shit where nothing at all is harmed in any way, it just gets stupid.

>> No.4818407

Drawings of horse fucking? Shit man, I've seen worse doodles in the margins of children's notebooks.
Banning cartoons and games just because they show "bad" things is stupid.

>> No.4818414

Anything that involves the imaginary = protected. I don't care if it's someone's deranged drawings about him scooping out the President's internal organs with a blunt spoon. If you check him out, and there's no way in hell he's ever going to do it, then leave him the fuck alone.

If someone actually fucks a kid, a donkey, etc., then that isn't protected. That violates a real person or semi-sentient entity. Therefore, do something about it.

All of you should still kill yourselves.

>> No.4818416

Actually, I do care.

Unless you mean I am able to not care about said law because it's not going to be respected or enforced anyway.

>> No.4818419

This is because you have a thing for people being fucked by horses, but sadly you are just a microscopic minority. You don't represent even a thousandth of your country's population and I bet you are the kind of person that would be looked askance while walking down the street.
Why would anyone want to actively step up to defend something that goes against any measure of decency and is like by social outcasts? Have you ever considered that you might be the one who's wrong and not the other 99% of society?

>> No.4818428

Man, nobody is arguing that people should be allowed to fuck kids/donkeys/whatever. I just said I thought bestiality laws were stupid, because a lot of the time the animal wants it just as much, and I think it's dumb that it's pretty much okay to kill the animal (either for food, or simply because you want to, as long as it's done humanely) but fucking it is so much worse. Why do these special rights extend only to sexual crimes against animals?

BUT that is only my own opinion, and has nothing to do with this thread. I only mentioned it because bestiality was brought up before.

>> No.4818435

Why should something be illegal just because it goes against some subjective standards of "decency"? As far as I'm concerned, laws exist to protect people from each other, and to keep society running smoothly. Anything that goes beyond these two goals is just bullshit.

>> No.4818440

Man, what's up with her? It seems that everything in her newsfeed is anti-Japan. This rape game controversy is just the tip of the iceberg. It's like she has a massive grudge against Japan.

>> No.4818442

You don't get to determine whether or not the animal wanted it. Animals can't talk, reason, or decide. They are animals. They are basically slaves.

You can't decide to fuck a horse and get away with it. Nobody is going to let that fly. You can try all the NAMBLA'esque reasoning you want to. It's not going to work.

There's a huge difference between fantasy and physical execution of that fantasy. That's where the line is drawn.

Kill~ yourselves~

>> No.4818450

Told you so.

>> No.4818451

Okay. But like I said, I'm the only person in this thread that's been arguing that. So the whole "yourselves" thing is hardly warranted.

>> No.4818456

>Why don't you just do exactly what everyone else does?

>> No.4818467

bestiality isn't even that weird

farmers already have to jack off pigs into plastic bags in order to make more pigs

>> No.4818468

No, you all should die just for perpetuating this thread.

>> No.4818478

She's Korean-American. That means not only does she hate Japan, she's probably also a huge christfag (almost all Korean-Americans are).

>> No.4818485

I grew up in the US but in an immigrant family so I never got it, but I have an honest questions.

What's wrong with being a pervert?

>> No.4818488


Yeah, giving reports about tsunamis is sooo anti-Japan.
I guess you just proven what a thin-skinned person you are: anything about Japan that isn't described in glowing terms is negative propaganda. 2ch taught you well.

>> No.4818506


>> No.4818525


>> No.4818526

More like, why don't you learn to repress your basest impulses and learn that they are not something to be proud of and as such you aren't entitled to tolerance (especially when you are an intelerant fuck yourself)?
What next, are you going to say that the government has no business banning Pedophile Day public parades?

>> No.4818527

Anglo-American puritan traditions maintains that sex is bad and immoral, even sexual thoughts. Sex is only for procreation, and only in the missionary position, and women should hate having sex ("just lie back and think of England").

>> No.4818535


I've never seen the problem in it, myself.

>> No.4818557

Dumbass, keeping "thoughts/fiction" separate from "actions/reality" IS repressing your base impulses.

>> No.4818572

>What next, are you going to say that the government has no business banning Pedophile Day public parades?
They have the right to look like fucking retards and getting arrest for possessing illegal material. As a matter of fact, this would solve a lot of trouble for policemen.

>> No.4818574


>> No.4818577

Pedophilia and incest is not as immoral as gay sex. Ask any rednneck hick.

>> No.4818591

And how is demanding special treatment for masturbating to rape different from demanding special treatment for masturbating to little girls?
You guys are a hoot, no only do you want to be tolerated for being social misfits and misanthropes representing a negligible percentage of population. You even demand RESPECT.

>> No.4818602

Last time I checked, the KKK, Nazi sympathizers, and other undesirables were free to hold public parades in the USA. It's not illegal, nor banned by the government. And guess what, people were also free to attend and mock them.
Banning free speech is a bad idea, because free speech is its own solution.

>> No.4818607

Why a country that advertises itself as a melting pot and "individualistic" suddenly becomes a prude when it comes to sex is mysterious.

"We're a melting pot, but only for things we want in it, also only non-perverted "individualistic" people can be proud of their individualism"

>> No.4818624

"Special" treatment? No one asked for special treatment. They just want to be left alone to wank in peace, like everyone else who masturbates too.

>> No.4818643

So 'other countries debating banning of Japanese porn games is stupid'='They want to be special' in your silly mind?

>> No.4818647


You have to realize, "pedophile" does not automatically equal "child molester". A person can be attracted to children, without going out and raping them all the time. Shit, most of this board probably would fall under that category. It angers me when I see people condemn "pedophiles" simply for thinking in a way that is different from theirs. As long as they're not harming anyone in the process, who gives a shit what they fap to?

>> No.4818649

Yeah, how come they express disgust to the thought of glorifying rape? They should take a cue from South Africa, now that's a working melting pot where everything is allowed!

>> No.4818662

Because expression ideas and playing videogames is the same as actually doing the acts irl.

Let me guess, you're one of those people that think that playing GTA will make you want to start killing prostitutes?

>> No.4818663

>glorifying rape
Yes, I hear RAPE PORN games are used in school for kids to learn the right mindset, and all media broadcast segments, JAPAN SUPPORTS RAPE after all.

>> No.4818676

>>4818591 is confusing equal treatment under law with special treatment. This is a very common mistake made by bigots of all stripes. They always scream "why do THEY get special treatment?"

>> No.4818684

Then don't go up in arms when someone writes a fluff piece condemning thise sick shit. By acting so you are showing that you don't just want that this matter be ignore so that you can wank in peace, you're expecting to be respected for your sexual deviances or else you'll send death threats, egg houses of whatever the fuck you were ranting about upthread.

>> No.4818691

My son was playing Mario and now he uses "shrooms", I think we should ban Mario.

>> No.4818694

We wouldn't "go up in arms" if we didn't think it was a reasonable likelihood that people in power will subscribe to this bullshit.

Besides, if we see a bad argument, we're free to put up a counter-argument, aren't we?

>> No.4818696

Posting comments on /jp/= 'UP IN ARMS, harass people, WE ARE SPECIAL'.

Your logic jumps are fascinating.
The only conclusion you should arrive is that the posters think 'People outside Japan decicing what people in Japan can fap to-stupid'.
Everything else is silly assumptions.

>> No.4818706

If one doesn't speak up, one loses rights. History shows this again and again.
Otaku stayed silent for a long time, and now there are real pushes for government bans on fictional material. So now they're speaking out. They've learned the hard way that staying quiet doesn't work.

>> No.4818708

>Everything else is silly assumptions.
What as silly assumption

>> No.4818717

Anything YOU have ever fapped to or derived enjoyment in general is considered sick by someone.
Want unrelated people to enforce a ban for it?

>> No.4818749 [DELETED] 

So now simulator where you are allowed to molest and rape women as much as you can without fear of incurring in penalties doesn't glorify rape?
And your reaction just doesn't make any sense. If anything, by stating that even the Japanese society at large finds these actions unnatural and abhorrent you're just making the reporter's criticism all the more founded, proving that this isn't an isolated opinion but it is in fact shared by a large number of people.

>> No.4818738
File: 196 KB, 397x353, 1254954409933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>this thread

>> No.4818751

learn english to help white grandmas and get a chance to date their grandsons


>> No.4818758

So now a simulator where you are allowed to molest and rape women as much as you want without fear of incurring in penalties doesn't glorify rape?
And your reaction just doesn't make any sense. If anything, by stating that even the Japanese society at large finds these actions unnatural and abhorrent you're just making the reporter's criticism all the more founded, proving that this isn't an isolated opinion but it is in fact shared by a large number of people.

>> No.4818770

It's a porn game for people who especially want it.
A niche project. The GLORY in general is absent.
And how the fuck did you reach that conclusion?
The point is, porn games are porn games for those who want them. They do not glorify them, are not an important part of the japanese mindset, but are not on a WITCHHUNT against them either.
Are you dense?
Are you retarded or something?

>> No.4818782

I never knew rape was worse than murder, I learn new stuff everyday.

>> No.4818783

Because suppression of individualism and "abhorrent" interests is such a good thing.

I mean, the witch trials/burnings and the Reign of Terror were pretty much the highlight of human history.

Kill~ yourselves~

>> No.4818790

hey guise lets punish people over thought-crimes what could go wrong? Sending someone to jail for a victimless crime is the way to go assuredly?

>> No.4818791

For rape, you have 'Women rights' that want to complain.
For murder, you do not have 'Dead people rights' clubs that can complain.

>> No.4818793

corean hate freedom and usa
all corean eat dog
where is dog ?
in stomach of corean
i do not think this is free

>> No.4818799

># 9 United States: 0.301318 per 1,000 people
># 54 Japan: 0.017737 per 1,000 people

Wait, what?

>> No.4818809

>So now they're speaking out.

By calling for harassment and browbeating?
Yeah, this surely will show them all what a bunch of level-headed and reasonable folks you are.

>> No.4818810

Rape fantasies don't "glorify" rape, because a large part of such fantasies requires that rape be considered "wrong" in real life.
That's the underlying appeal behind so many games (especially shooting games), where you can do things that aren't permitted in reality.

>> No.4818825

Attitude is irrelevant to the core issue.
What, you want Netiquette?

>> No.4818833

What statistics is that for? You do know we have niggers right and that skews shit and America has a much bigger population than Japan.

>> No.4818843

># 9 United States: 0.301318 per 1,000 people
># 54 Japan: 0.017737 per 1,000 people

># 24 United States: 0.042802 per 1,000 people
># 60 Japan: 0.00499933 per 1,000 people

I think I'll take the suicide rate over a higher chance of dying of....everything else.

>> No.4818844

So you are now comparing the systematic massacre of thousands of people to the banning of some shitty game defying every definition of decency? A game which - this bears repeating - maybe 1000 people worldwide bought?
Way to blow things out of proportion. Maybe I should take this statement as an indication of how emotionally invested you are in the matter.

>> No.4818849

Yeah but like I said before correlation not causation. You have a whole different culture and different brand of people here than over in Japan. Why does japan have higher suicide rates?

>> No.4818854

Okinawa has Americans so that skews rape rates in Okinawa

>> No.4818865

Just because it is a RAPE game, the issue is not less important.
If you start censoring and banning thoughts of any kind and enforcing your standards, it is stupid regardless of scale.

>> No.4818866

Stop getting mad at getting trolled.

>> No.4818876


>> No.4818879

Should not that just be 'stop getting trolled'?

>> No.4818881

The number of people isn't the issue. It's a matter of using violence (laws) to enforce mind control. Why do you hate freedom?

>> No.4818891

>Attitude is irrelevant to the core issue.

Quite the opposite, my friend.
Attitude is everything, because when you are fighting over an issue you inevitably become the representative of the side you are defending.
By acting violent at the drop of a hat you are just giving proof that there is no peaceful or reasonable way you can make your point across. In other words, you are just telling the bystanders that you are a violent individuals and that giving you freedom will only lead to an escalation of violence.

>> No.4818895

You can have all the freedom you want, as long as you don't do anything I don't like.

>> No.4818904

Besides, there are side comments on an unrelated board, nobody wrote a personal letter that says 'STFU BITCH'.
This is a side discussion concerning this issue.
Regardless of our attitude, arguments are arguments.

>> No.4818913

You're acting like 4chan is the only thing that exists. You're ignoring Nogami's polite, clear article. You're ignoring the recent political coalition of Dan Kanemitsu and numerous manga authors. And you're ignoring other otaku efforts outside of 4chan to alert "normal" Japanese citizens how the recent decency pushes could even affect them.
Every movement has some crazy screaming included, especially online. Whenever the subject of Rapelay pops up, feminist message boards get filled with calls for castration and violence. This sort nasty language is inevitable, and really doesn't matter because everyone always finds some way to demonize their opponent, even if they're 100% polite and respectful.

>> No.4818920

>violence (laws)
>mind control

Ahaha, what? Do you even check what you are writing before hitting Submit?
From my knowledge, the general consensus among the sane population is that rape is reprehensible and so is anyone glorifying it. With or without laws and their enforcement, this opinion doesn't change.

>> No.4818928

Godwin's Law for the win.

>> No.4818937

But this is not about allowing the rape of people.
This is a porn game that has a rape theme.

>> No.4818951

And? Otaku don't care if they're "accepted" by the mainstream. Their ultimate desire is to just be left alone. That's why they've been silent for so long, and only speaking up now because actual laws and bans may actually posing an active, interfering threat to them.

>> No.4818967

Laws are enforced with the threat of violence in order to uphold them, otherwise they would be fucking worthless.

>> No.4818990


>> No.4819002

We are coming full circle again.
Like I said, if you want to be left alone you'd want to lay low and wait until the situation blows off, rather than adding fuel to the fire.
Otakus have been living a rogue life at the outskirts of society for a long time, what is it so bad about a sensible decision like that of banning material putting rape in a good light to force them come out of the woodworks right now?

>> No.4819014

Correct. What we're talking about is a porn industry of sorts. One that has imaginary people doing imaginary acts. What we're talking about is nothing more than glorified and spiffy porn novels and porn movies. Keep that in mind, all.

So what I'm seeing is a group of people want to start regulating themes and imaginary acts of the imaginary people of a porn industry that doesn't present itself as nothing else but a porn industry? Seems silly, but that's how it is.

>> No.4819027

Kotaku is riddled with the biggest faggots ever to grace the internet.

>> No.4819031

>From my knowledge, the general consensus among the sane population is that rape is reprehensible and so is anyone glorifying it.
Some cultures (admittedly not all) also have a general consensus that freedom of expression is a valuable thing. Censorship, even of reprehensible things, is itself reprehensible.

>> No.4819039

You think this is the first time certain material deemed reprehensible is put on the pedestal, and people reacted?
It is not solely about porn games with certain themes.
Get teh stick out of your ass.

>> No.4819055

>Like I said, if you want to be left alone you'd want to lay low and wait until the situation blows off, rather than adding fuel to the fire.
You can't shut everyone up, and it only takes a few noisy otaku to break the silence. Thus it's impossible to hide from the control freaks, and they will not relent. The only viable strategy is to push back at the culture, in favour of freedom (that used to be a popular idea).

>> No.4819058

Laying low doesn't work anymore. And the potential decency bans in Japan will cover far, far more than just rape games. Last year when the Rapelay issue flared up, it was used as a political tool by the political incumbents to try to ban much more than just rape games. Otaku know from experience that this isn't just about rape games, and that laying low isn't going to work anymore.

>> No.4819059

But people consider rape to be repulsive because this is part of the human conscious, not because some man from above is telling them so.
The only people who can see this laws as a vehicle of repression are sexual deviants that, surpise surpise, are also the social outcasts I was talking about before.

>> No.4819063

I love to fap to rape games/mangas.
That shit always belonged to 4chan and i see nothing wrong with it. Hell, it is so deep in hentai that you couldn't exist without it.
Draw the line between fiction and reality. If you can't, it's your problem and not ours. I just don't understand where all the rape is bad faggots are coming from. a few years ago such a problem would have never been there and everyone would have agreed on one thing.

>> No.4819068

What? I'm pretty sure people see rape as repulsive because they are taught to think this way. Not that they're necessarily wrong, there are a lot of good reasons that rape shouldn't take place in a civilized society. Still, acting like it's something hard-wired into all humans (besides "deviants" like us, apparently) is laughable.

>> No.4819070

>The only people who can see this laws as a vehicle of repression are sexual deviants
And people who believe in that silly old "freedom of expression" thing. But I doubt there are many of them alive any more.

>> No.4819075

The problem is, that even if it concerns a minority, it is a very bad precedent.
Murder is reprehensible too.So is stealing. You think all these games/sims should be banned too? Just because it may annoy the sensitivities of a number of people?
If you do, gongrats. Carry thyself to a nunnery.

>> No.4819107

>you will never live in a liberal, secular, technologically-oriented society

>> No.4819109

There's a huge difference between being a deviant versus being an illegal deviant. Laws are backed by the threat of violence and imprisonment.
Sexual deviancy shouldn't be illegal unless it directly results in real harm to other people. Passing a law against deviants who don't hurt real people means that you're arresting, imprisoning, and executing people who never actually hurt anyone else, which is wrong.
Playing rape games doesn't hurt any real people, so it would be wrong to have a law against rape games. Whether rape games are socially repulsive or not is irrelevant.

>> No.4819126

Instead of kicking up a storm because of potential bans on rape games, why don't the Japs join force to persuade the government to remove mosaic censoring in porn?
I do believe this is a more pressing issue.

>> No.4819129

I don't think most of you guys know what "freedom of expression" means. Just as you should be legally allowed allowed to enjoy these games, so should normalfags be legally allowed to call you a sick fuck for doing so. As long as the government doesn't step in and start banning shit, I don't really care what people say about it.

>> No.4819130

>There's a huge difference between being a deviant versus being an illegal deviant. Laws are backed by the threat of violence and imprisonment.

Otakus have been living in a gray area since forever, like they care whether it's illegal or not.

>> No.4819132

Rape happens all the time in nature. Sometimes it's damn funny. RABBIT USES RAPE AS SELF-DEFENSE AGAINST ATTACKING CAT:


>> No.4819139

That gray area has been steadily shrinking, and the otaku know it. Nothing lasts forever.

>> No.4819140

No way. Without the mosaic, Japanese porn would become like Western porn in a decade. Rather than having doujins with storylines, interesting ideas in sex, toys, and various depravities, their pron would just turn to long close ups/pictures of women's genitals, and end with a faceless guy coming on an ugly womans face. The artists attention would turn to being on the genitals and nothing else.

>> No.4819151

I've read plenty of hentai tankoubons with no/barely existant censoring, and they're nothing like that. I doubt Japan's obsession with weird porn stems from mosaics.

>> No.4819159

Agreed. I'm also fine with industry organisations placing voluntary restrictions, from whatever moral standards they feel like, on their members. Even if the consequence is certain products become economically unviable. As long as men with guns aren't telling a lone illustrator or bedroom coder what he's allowed to make, and try to sell or distribute.

>> No.4819175

>There's a huge difference between being a deviant versus being an illegal deviant.
No there isn't. Laws are arbitrary, they can change any time.
Here's a better distinction:
>There's a huge difference between being a harmless deviant versus being a harmful deviant.

>> No.4819181 [DELETED] 

chRISTophER pOOlE (AkA moOT) has A MeNTaL IllnESs. Tiny.4CHan.oRG IS aN ILLeGaL CLone of www.aNoNtaLk.coM. RemoVe it IMmEDIATEly.

EzK bYJ Q Tp m y Gh Nk G YDxC n S px r wD D Ew BtHmI l Lh x Z NnV BD x CHg m B tUk rTG v QE TMN URw V Hn c hfjE b V W A Em M Bsy A f Y v l G EjCw j m LnmT XlpRj v d u K S.

>> No.4819185

Not much of a distinction when the law starts covering huge swaths of deviants as automatically harmful.

>> No.4819186

Fag status report
[x] Told
[ ] Not told

>> No.4819188

guess who's back.

>> No.4819190


>> No.4819196

>Naturally, that is not to say that our society is without problems, but to be honest, I frankly do not think that you are the ones to tell us.


>> No.4819199

God damnit, why are people so fucking obsessed with trying to take away my porn? Why do these people care so much about what I jerk off to in the privacy of my own room?

>> No.4819200

>Laws are arbitrary, they can change any time.

You must not be familiar with just how hard it is to change laws in Japan. The only real chances to affect Japanese law are before bills are enacted. There's very little of the "enact the bill and let the courts sort out the law", like in America.

>> No.4819203

Humanity only lives to take away each others fun. If you see someone unhappy and know that you helped to maek him unhappy, you feel tons better.

>> No.4819209

The law doesn't determine what's harmful.
>You must not be familiar with just how hard it is to change laws in Japan
I wasn't talking about Japan.

>> No.4819215

Being liberal and secular and upholding moral virtues while condemning vices aren't mutually exclusive, you know.

>> No.4819240

Freedom of expression and tolerance for harmless differences are liberal values.

>> No.4819241

But secular people are more likely to consider such moral virtues to be subjective, rather than absolute, and thus, less likely to try to impose them on everyone else. Yeah, there are secular people who do that too, but they don't have the justification that "my morals came from a higher being, thus they are correct".

>> No.4819258

>The law doesn't determine what's harmful.
HAHAHAAHAHA, no. The law does whatever the fuck it says it does and backs it up with guns.

>I wasn't talking about Japan.
Then why are you even fucking here?

>> No.4819261


>> No.4819270

We are not talking about rape here. We are talking about fictional depictions of rape.

>> No.4819274


But I thought cartoon people were real people. Australia said so.

>> No.4819281
File: 65 KB, 521x599, fuck yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UK is on the way to become a glorious state

>> No.4819293

>HAHAHAAHAHA, no. The law does whatever the fuck it says it does and backs it up with guns.
I don't deny that law does what it does. That is an orthogonal issue to the truth status of statements made in justification to law, e.g. "rape games are harmful to women."

>I wasn't talking about Japan.
>Then why are you even fucking here?
The discussion has branched out to various issues. We're talking about deviants, they exist all over the world.

>> No.4819318

Toy around with the theoreticals all you want, in the end you still have to deal with the man pointing the gun and saying "do this".

>> No.4819675

>UK has become a nanny state
fixed that for you

>> No.4819784

"Those products are developed for rational adults," he writes. "You surely don't believe that a rational adult would be influenced by such a game into committing rape, do you? Of course, in Japan, both that game you reported about and the hentai manga I draw are only distributed and sold under strict age restrictions to adults." In Lah's reporting, none of these issues were part of the dialogue.
this is the best part of the letter

>> No.4819822


You are complaining about a supposed police state, and yet you criticise people for expressing views contrary to yours. Freedom only for the views you approve of? I don't think you understand what a police state is.

>> No.4820154

Freedom of views does not mean no criticism. In fact, the whole point of freedom of views means MORE criticism, from every side.

>> No.4821017

Personally I think rape is blown out of proportions.

It is always talked about how this scars a woman for life, but isn't it the same for things like bullying in school? I'm sure a boy flushed in a toilet is at least as mentally scarred as a woman that has been raped. Another example is when you get robbed.

I'd say the only reason rape is even talked about more than the other things, is because women like to talk loudly and victimize themselves. Men rather brush it under the carpet.
