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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 441 KB, 358x431, filia_hdsprite_idle_line_color_half.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4813743 No.4813743 [Reply] [Original]


Mike Z's (Top GG/BB/MvC2 player) new fighting game complete with bouncing tittes and 1080p x 2 sprites.

>> No.4813763


>> No.4813766

Get out, Skullgirls devs.

>> No.4813781

He said the game is going to be a cross between CvS2 and MvC2, might be awesome + it has bouncing titties.

>> No.4813795

This is /jp/ related how???

>> No.4813796

Where the fuck was Mike in the BBCS tournament anyway?

>> No.4813799

Vid music sounds awesome. No DLC sucks, though.

Doing it wrong, devs.

>> No.4813805

Mike said something about when it's released, there's going to be a new character for DLC every month.

>> No.4813809

>Otaku Culture
>doujin game liken to AC or SWR

>> No.4813814

That sounds awesome.

>> No.4813829

>Mike Z

You had me here, looking into it know.

>> No.4813836

>a cross between CvS2 and MvC2

>> No.4813861

And Vanguard Princess will still better.

>> No.4813878

5 months in development, hopefully we can see news or a demo by Q4 or something.

>> No.4813886
File: 226 KB, 746x532, mkv3968872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a bad feeling that this will be the Western Million Knights Vermillion.

>> No.4813899

>implying Vanguard Princess isn't the best fightan ever

>> No.4813913

Was Mike Z not in the BBCS tourney at WCWZ?

>> No.4813936
File: 95 KB, 360x363, zun395175232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How could a game created by one person be better than a game created by a team of 15?!

>> No.4813938

I don't think so, he wasn't in the finals and goddamn that game is fucking boring. Bang vs Bang is more boring than a Sagat mirror.

>> No.4813979

SkullgirlS PC where?

>> No.4813991


I've heard negative things about it, but enjoy it myself

>> No.4813999
File: 90 KB, 416x599, pringles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It better be fucking Pringles! That's all I got to say!

>> No.4814006

The character designs are cute.

>> No.4814036
File: 153 KB, 900x219, header7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The banners on the site are really nifty.

>> No.4814069

>sees Jobs listing
>can't do shit on it

Why does my life suck so badly...? ;_;

>> No.4814081

Me too ;_;

>> No.4814138

I wanted to work at Atlus but no car and my Japanese isn't good enough yet ;_;

>> No.4814156

Fucking seriously, even Tekken 6 was less boring than that shit.

>> No.4814162

Blazblue, not so good.

>> No.4814166

They're idiots who like shooting fireballs, you can't in Vanguard Princess that why they hate it.

>> No.4814187
File: 74 KB, 500x632, 0010-filia_xmas09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image gets my cock the hardest

>> No.4814188

Run along now, child. Let the big boys talk.

>> No.4814196
File: 43 KB, 397x580, japanesecat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still shoots fireballs

>> No.4814207


For some reason I get the feeling these guys can't pay for the talent they're requiring.

Background artists and animators are expensive.

>> No.4814229
File: 95 KB, 500x538, killer_instinct_concept_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss when fighting games were awesome.

>> No.4814235

Right now it's just Mike Z and a couple friends working on the project. They don't have any real funding but they're trying to get some to expedite the process.

>> No.4814253

You only thought Killer Instinct was awesome because you were 12. Same goes for Primal Instinct and Mortal Kombat.

>> No.4814255

remember when we thought street fighter2 were fun?

>> No.4814263

>Please wait longer before deleting your post.
Primal Rage.

>> No.4814271


Thanks for the confirmation.

>> No.4814272

get out zinac

>> No.4814273

Those are nice character designs.

>> No.4814284

The designs are good, but the style is awful.

>> No.4814290

skullgirls doujins where?

>> No.4814297
File: 43 KB, 615x719, vanpri7487736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It better not be the Skulldevs saying bad things about VanPri.

>> No.4814313

Sounds interesting, I look forward to seeing new news about it. Hopefully they can get some sponsors or something.

>> No.4814320
File: 462 KB, 876x1233, pchat41_filiahime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is fanart.

>> No.4814330

The only good girl fightan is Arcana Heart.

>> No.4814334

Mike_Z is just programming it, according to the credits.

I like how it has a character named Filia...who has living hair. Almost like Millia. Who has living hair.

I won't say they didn't do amazingly good with the sprites, but the less MvC style games there are, the better.

Didn't he say he planned on making this for PS3/Xbox? Hopefully he's only expecting to sell it to a niche group, cause I can safely say now that a lot of 'pro' fighter players will probably laugh their asses off at this shit. They already scoff at meltan

>> No.4814337

If that's supposed to be a sprite, then I'd definitely check it out

>> No.4814338

Isn't that Momohime or something?

>> No.4814343
File: 67 KB, 150x274, vanpri744296.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm guessing it's the OP character dressed as Momohime.

>> No.4814354


Why are Vanguardan sprites so good?

>> No.4814356

That is a sprite.

And people scoff at Melty because it's 2A the game. If they say they want to emulate a MvC2 with a ratio system then I'm sure that it's going to be more accepted in the community, not to mention a well-respected person and player is part of the project.

>> No.4814375

The style is interesting, but so out of league of what you'd expect of an elaborate fighter. I like the Kricfalusi feel, but honestly... This makes me think of a flash game you'd play at the Adult Swim website than anything.

>> No.4814379
File: 35 KB, 433x426, 636342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blazblue has always had awful mirrors.
I was originally excited for Bang's buffs.
Then I discovered he's on the top with Litchi

Been using him since CT, it sickens me to see fags picking him up just because he's top.

And Street Fighter is footsies & fireballs 4th edition. Last I heard about MB was that 2a prorated combos quite a bit. I didn't play MBAA too much because of no netplay and no one I know plays it.

>> No.4814383

I hope they emulate MvC2's balance, infinites and bugs.

>> No.4814399

No I still love killer instinct.

I'd buy an arcade box for it if they weren't so prone to breaking.

Also enjoy KILLER CUTS

>> No.4814401

Mike said it's "MvC2 fixed"

Which probably means there's gonna be a lot more unintentional bugs and exploits. Though he said they'd be making patches for it constantly since it's not hard coded.

In b4 all these promises aren't kept.

What gets me is how he said the roster'd only have 8 (or however many) characters at first...and it's a game that allows tag teams and shit.

...that's gonna be pretty fucking repetitive. I mean BlazBlue has it bad enough with it's cast size, but god damn.

>> No.4814405

But spacing is considerably more advanced than using the A button for everything (combo starters, counters, etc).

>> No.4814414

>And people scoff at Melty because it's 2A the game.
well shit honestly i think street fighter 4 is more mashy

>> No.4814430

The problem is that combo heavy games often times deteriorate into mashing. SF4 just uses the same clunky, unintentional combo engine that SF2 had, so it makes actual combos harder but more rewarding.

The only exemption to this rule I can think of is Unlimited Codes, where a mashing was basically extreme proration. But the combos in that game were so mind numbingly fuck long and repetitive it didn't even matter.

>> No.4814432

Get out of this thread. Mid-level players and higher.

>> No.4814435

You needed really tight execution for that game so I didn't see much mashing at a high-level.

>> No.4814450


That shit scares me.

I've been maining bang since day one, even though he was low tier.

Now all the fags are gonna think I picked him up because of tiers.

Fuck I hate tiers.

>> No.4814451

>fate unlimited codes

No shit sir.

>> No.4814452

Well you CAN'T A mash in FUC, because even one a button move can prorate a combo by like, 800 damage.

The execution doesn't need to be tight, really. It's basically FATE/JUMP CANCEL CANCELS

>> No.4814455

I really don't think that F/UC was mashing because the execution in the later stages of the combos had really small link windows.

Yeah Capcom.

>> No.4814457

Why do you people get all upset about what other people think about the character you play? Who cares if they whine at you for playing a top tier character? At the end of the day all that matters is who won the match.

>> No.4814458

You don't see mash in F/UC just because 2A have insane recovery frames. Basically you miss a 2A and you eat death combo.

>> No.4814460

12 is about average for a commerical 2D fighter's first release. And at the very least each character in BlazBlue plays uniquely - there's no Rival Ragna, Evil Ragna, Old Ragna, Comedy Ragna and Schoolgirl Ragna, for example.

>> No.4814466

Story of my life. People will hate you if your char is top tier, so yeah, haters gonna hate.

The problem is I don't want to endure bang vs bang out the ass. I also don't want to be lumped together with a bunch of mouthbreathing fuckstains who can't appreciate the little things like 6C hitting all standing opponents now, or super crash having a longer untechable time.

>> No.4814471

Actually what's really fucked up about bang is his 5A and 2A.

>> No.4814473

I love how everyone tries to emulate MvC2 even though it was the worst game in the whole versus series. Just make like French Bread/Melty Blood and copy Marvel Super Heroes or something. Start simple.

>> No.4814479

Pretty much everyone who plays Rachel in CT because they "like her design" will play Bang in CS because he's "so manly."

>> No.4814481


I always have fun with bang fights. But maybe its because my friend and I who do it are simply trying to do double bang install and fuck around with BANG BANG BANG BANG

>> No.4814487

Well, if everyone admires it, it can't be that bad.

>> No.4814495

But i don't think a man can stand playing rachel and lose all day long...

>> No.4814504

Only black americans like Marvel.

>> No.4814506


You should see my W:L record as Bang. But I will never play as anyone else. I'd rather die than play that faggot Jin.

People can get their ass kicked all day and stick to a character, trust me.

>> No.4814507

I, for one will stick to Rachel. Or would, if I had any plans to get CS.

>> No.4814508


Nah, it was a while ago on /v/.

It's not that they hated it, they just didn't care for it so much.

Also, Lillith is my favorite character. FUCK YEAH STUNNERS!!!!

>> No.4814512

I started maining Rachel since she had an interesting mix of projectiles, oki, and pressure, before looking at any tier list. With half of that removed in CS, it wouldn't surprise me at all to see Rachel become even rarer than she currently is.

>> No.4814516

I play Bang and Jin, myself :{

I like Jin because the whole herpderp psycho aspect, and because he fucking loathes Noel almost as much as I do. Of course, I need English voices on for Jin because otherwise he just sounds like a faggot.

I like Oliver's Bang and all, but the original is just fucking great. CS really needs a specific voice option like SF4 had

>> No.4814521

At least Bang could actually win in CT.
Rachel in CS just can't win....

>> No.4814524


Wait, what about Bang's voice? He's getting a new VA? D:

>> No.4814525

I'll just stick with Jam until Arc System Works decide to make GG3.
Shut up, they will

>> No.4814527


Judging by the fact we are still getting new characters, I would hold hope Rachel gets fixed in time for console versions.

>> No.4814533


>> No.4814537
File: 428 KB, 1000x750, luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to learn her, but stuck with Luna

Nothing. I was just saying I liked Tony Oliver's Bang in the dub of CT, but I liked the JP one a bit more.

I absolutely DETEST Japanese Jin and Ragna, though, so I can never play with them when JP voices are on.

Though I gotta say, the re-recorded lines for Japanese Bang in CS are...pretty awful. Whats with the whole high-pitched voice cracking shit?

>> No.4814544

What the shit man.
Ragna JP voice is god tier.

>> No.4814545


I cant stand japanese bang's voice.

Despite me being terribly weeaboo, I absolutely love the english casting of BB. Especially Arakune.

>> No.4814548


I tried using Rachel, but I can't use her worth a damn, or Bang for that matter.

So I've been sticking with Tager, Ragna, and Noel.

>> No.4814552

Only voices I can't stand are english tao and any version of nu-13 fighting ragna.

>> No.4814558


I think the English casting is excellent bar Nu. Its one game where I wouldnt really care if they didn't put in an option for Japanese voices.

>> No.4814559

Momohime much?

>> No.4814572


>Mains Luna

There's some kind of joke to be had here.


Why a new VA, I love his current one.


>> No.4814573

JP Ragna just doesn't draw me in like the english one does.

Yeah, they did a really good job with the dub cast. I was skeptical of Oliver as Bang at first, but he grew on me. I'm just a sucker for the archaic dialect Bang uses because one of the manga I grew up on was Kenshin.

Tager made me realize how awesome Jamieson Price was, though.

>> No.4814579

You're probably over complicating it and assuming you actually need to set up her shit like Testament or Dizzy.

>> No.4814588 [DELETED] 

It hurIt hurIt hurIt hurIt hurIt hurIt hurIt hur

>> No.4814586
File: 182 KB, 900x810, 78fe3cad344663600ec922bb994998607e909ead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, there's no new VA. CS just had everyone re-record their lines. That's why Ragna sounds WAY more pissed, Arakune sounds more warped and demented, etc.

Also, I never even realized the connection between my name and that. I actually just use Luna because I loved how her stances are handled in the game and, well, tits.

>> No.4814587


No I was worried there was going to be a new one.

I LOVE English Bang.

>> No.4814589


Well it's that, and I suck at using her Silpheed for combos. But I'm not that great of a fighter anyway.

>> No.4814591

Yeah, chances are the english cast is gonna remain the same, but be re-recorded too.

I just hope Oliver doesn't do what JP Bang did and go all HIGH PITCH SQUEAKY RANDOMLY during some lines.

>> No.4814623

>re-recorded voices
Oh, so I wasn't imagining things when I thought CS Bang sounded worse than CT Bang.

>> No.4814753


Can't go wrong with tits.

>> No.4814964

PLEASE go easy on me with the idiocy of this question, but ....

what game is this?

>> No.4814968


It's called READ THE THREAD 2. Personally I liked the first one better.

>> No.4814985

i've read the thread is no answer. either i'm illiterate or i over looked the answer. question still stands. help if very welcome

>> No.4815041

Click the quote that post quoted. Keep doing that until you get to the game's name.

>> No.4815100

Huh, I heard about Skullgirls, but I had no idea that Mike Z participates in the project. Brace for overpowered grappler character.

>> No.4815391


>Mobility and size of Chip Zannuff
>Strength and HP of Potemkin

>> No.4815443

The sprites are really really nice. Characters are cute too.

>> No.4815661

this looks like crap.. leave fightan game design to japan

>> No.4815740

True HD sprites awesome!

>> No.4815746

There isn't a gameplay video?

>> No.4815747

There should be one archived on the wcwarzone stream page.

>> No.4815758

It also has commentary by Mike Z.

>> No.4815775
File: 146 KB, 375x500, vanpri020331549b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best maid.

>> No.4815800


>> No.4815853

If I post it I'll get banned just look for it yourself you lazy fuck.

>> No.4815925

Mike Z is a bitch for abandoning GG.

>> No.4815926

As a personal friend of Mike's, I can't help but be a little confused as to why this in /jp/.

>> No.4815943


Sure is new friend in here. Anyways, it's because we love 2D, fighting games, and indie/doujin games in general.

>> No.4815962


Google this >wcwarzone

It's one of the first few links

>> No.4815965

get out zinac devs

>> No.4815980
File: 134 KB, 731x700, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like got bored with /jp/'s stagnation.

But yeah, Mike signed on to help primarily with the programming.
The storyline, characters, etc. were all thought up for a while by the artist.
From what I hear, though, it's not that bad.

>> No.4818239


Demo gameplay, apparently. Indeed looks like a silly flash game.

Add more effects and frames then we can talk.

>> No.4819111

You take that shit back.

>> No.4819263

Dora vs Shadow is an entirely different caliber.

Plus shadow is a raging faggot for dropping Bang in CT to play Rachel, then come crawling back to Bang in CS. Tier whoring doublenigger.

>> No.4819319

Holy shit, two failed bang install. It really is overrated.

>> No.4819903

Yeah, like Bang ever had a chance of competing for a top spot in Tougeki. Either way, I heard Bang was just Shadow's sub in CT, and now he seems to be playing Hakumen anyways. I can't really blame him for dropping Rachel at all.

And I don't mean 8th.

I say all that, but Shadow really doesn't seem to be capable of placing that high in Tougeki in the first place.

This is why team tournaments are good for communities; they don't punish people for using characters who have major weaknesses as much as a pure 1v1 tournament. In fact, they necessitate that people do use lower tier characters(it's not really a trend for teams that roll 3 top tier characters together to win). Rather than bitching about people wanting a better chance at winning, people should encourage systems that don't make it so people are pressured to drop weaker characters(not that I have any ideas besides team tournaments to do this--fortunately Blazblue is going 2 on 2 this year).

Also, Bang's CT JP voice is god tier(English sounds like some weak Spiderman-type hero, not the hot-blooded type you might see in mecha), and Jin's English voice actor totally doesn't fit with his original JP counterpart. He sounds like some kind of 30 year old gruff guy that speaks out of his nose(SHATTER).

>> No.4819922

>Also, Bang's CT JP voice is god tier(English sounds like some weak Spiderman-type hero, not the hot-blooded type you might see in mecha)
His CS JP voice fits much more with the American voice actor. Makes me wonder. I hate it.

>> No.4819947

it really does say something terrible about america when one of our top players is a tager

not that mike z isn't good, but it's tager

>> No.4820681

Has there been any new fighting game using the One Must Fall system of a solo campaign with upgrading? The only fun way of playing fighting games on your own.

>> No.4820721

>See Gallery
>Chubby Americanized Anime Style

>> No.4820758

Japan just beats us at fighting games in every way possible. As expected of a nation filled with NEET game otaku who have awesome arcades.

>> No.4820781

>Chubby Americanized Anime Style
I thought "Not quite flat Puyo-Puyo"

>> No.4820833

>fighting games on your own
Why would you even think about doing that?

>> No.4820851

>/jp/ - fightans

>> No.4820960

The only fighting game US has ever really been any better than JP players at is MvC2, and well, it's MvC2.

>> No.4820979

Any awesomeness that was lost from Bang's voice getting higher is recovered by the loud echoing added.

>> No.4821053

God damn that was so boring. Just back and forth combos. Any mirror in BB is really boring.

>> No.4821071

And this is only because Japan hated/boycotted MvC2 for being a buggy, broken game.

>> No.4821923

As it should be.

>> No.4822076

Whenever I see a comment like this, I wonder what you were expecting to see.
