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File: 157 KB, 750x562, 1189481333495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
480151 No.480151 [Reply] [Original]

It is time.

>> No.480156

Oh alright. I'm so ronery, why won't girls talk to me, blah blah blah.

>> No.480161

Get used to your hand, just dont lose it and you'll be happy till the end of your life.

>> No.480166

Henrietta. Good looks but awful needy personality, might shoot you or herself if she feels neglected. Try Triela instead.

>> No.480191


Maybe you should start by stop being a little bitch?

>> No.480192
File: 42 KB, 791x480, 1204097903160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.480196
File: 35 KB, 500x332, ronery_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.480201
File: 154 KB, 523x4409, idle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.480206

In b4 awesome cromartie pic.

>> No.480216


That's such bullshit in the context you are using, there are plenty of really rich and really educated fucks who are awful with women. For the former you only need look as far as high class escort agencies and for the latter you only need see your average phd student.

>> No.480219
File: 45 KB, 640x480, 1202979168504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too early, come back in a couple hours

>> No.480223

Here's a question. Moot might be making a RP part of the board. This would be for Ronery and Roleplaying.

But wait, we aren't roleplaying ronery.

>> No.480225

Way to take the ichigo mashimaro one and superimpose gunslinger. You can see the double corners on the picture....

>> No.480235


No it's not. Think about it.

"I'll be happy for the rest of my life with my hand."

That's the kind of shit you hear from someone who has already given up half-assed. People with this kind of mindset, whom give up before even trying, not wanting to go through the trial and errors are the same kind of people who settle for mediocrity and idle in their parent's homes all day.

>> No.480240


We roleplay ronery every day of our lives.

>> No.480244


We can simply role-play ronery then, with our own actual experiences and feelings.

>> No.480249

in the spirit of ronery blogging I must say my hand hurts and I'm afraid I'll pop a full-out carpal tunnel syndrome if I fap but without my routine wank I can't get sleep and don't even seem to be able to leave the comp OH GOD WHAT TO DO?

>> No.480253

Well, in all honesty - I'm a phd student, only ever had one girlfriend, been single for 2 and a half years now. I went to one of the best universities in the world for my bachelors and masters too.

I'd hardly call that 'mediocrity', you are taking a blanket template and applying it to our entire lives.

Don't advicefag around here either, it's not looked kindly upon.

>> No.480250

Here come the advicefags again.

>> No.480258


I'm not being an advicefag, you were basically demanding justification behind that image.

Don't expose your normalfaggotry, it's not appreciated around here.

>> No.480270

i'm hardly a normalfag except by the standards of education.

My point is this, there are plenty of people out there, plenty from financially well off families like mine who went to great universities and still fail utterly with women. In fact, I see quite a few archetypal bums with shitty jobs and no real future with some quite smoking girlfriends. The greatest myth ever propagated by butthurt people is that money gets you girls, it doesn't, unless you want to wait until your late 20s/early 30s for a bunch of washed up 'career minded women' to start chasing after you because they'll grab at anything they see as stability.

>> No.480272

Just because you don't like it doesn't make it bad advice. The world does not revolve around you.

>> No.480273

I'm ronery, but I hate ronery threads, let's give it an hour or so and have a happy thread.

One thing though, you people with sisters, why are you such lucky assholes? I hate you. You can never be ronery if you have a sister, why do you have all the luck?

>> No.480276


I refer you to the copypasta:

The people I despise the most, and roneryfags DO piss me off no-end, though there was the occasional diamond in the rough as far as ronery threads go, are advicefags. Same fucking advice every time, same posturing and preening all in an effort to increase their e-peen:

"Just be yourself"
"You'll find someone special someday"
"Just go up and talk to them"
"Gotta be confident"

Usually these faggots are just as pathetic as any other wee/a/boo but they just happened to get lucky with some girl (as simple as being in the right place at the right time), but instead of admitting their success was down to mere chance they like to posture and pretend that it was as a result of their 'dazzling charm', 'confidence', 'initiative' or something similar.

>> No.480278
File: 44 KB, 560x476, ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate American women

>> No.480282

I'm waiting for the last paragraph in the last chapter that is the -Bad-End- that is my life.

>> No.480281

My sister lives in Texas and has a family.

>> No.480279


Why do you think that sister automatically = awesome? Some sisters are just bitches. Stop being so naive.

>> No.480284

My sister is a violent Amazon. You can have her.

>> No.480287

All the more reason to chase your dreams until your number's up.

>> No.480288

My sister is a bitch.

I am happy for other anons who have great relationships with their sisters though.

>> No.480292

Meh. All irrelevant, unimportant fluff. The one thing that everyone misses it this--
>mere chance

Many do stumble on things by pure chance, but it's a fool's game to simply wait for chance to find you.

>> No.480293

Fool. My dreams are all illusions. Chasing them is like flying without wings.

>> No.480296

Perhaps the people with sisters should take a step back, and objectively look at their situation, would their life, in all honesty - be better in a totall utilitarian sense without a sister? I say this as an only child, I would just like to have a sister so I could have some general companionship, not incest or anything, to watch films with, laugh with, cry with and even fight with.

>> No.480301

Haha, oh wow, you honestly believe that you can simply go out and *find* a girlfriend? That kind of thing doesn't happen my friend, it simply doesn't work like that, sure, you can use this ridiculous advice to go out to a club and get laid, but get a girlfriend by 'looking' for one? It DOESN'T FUCKING HAPPEN.

>> No.480310

Just ignore the troll.
