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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 133 KB, 720x720, sample-17097caab33db77eba09c3e1a276e7e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4800545 No.4800545 [Reply] [Original]

You chose to let /jp/ fall into the state that it is in today.

Instead of telling newcomers to fuck off (they aren't going to), you should have instead politely educated them on what they had done wrong. /jp/ is now at war with itself. On one side we have the elitist veterans and on the other newfriends and their pooshlmer-esque culture. You've alienated these users /jp/ and we have had an untold amount of trolling brought on by just this. How can we reverse your mistakes? What can we do to make those new to the board feel welcome? In this thread we will explore these subjects and more.


>> No.4800554

Why so green, Suwako?

>> No.4800556

A metathread is clearly not the solution.

>> No.4800557

How about no?

>> No.4800559

/jp/ is the same as it was two years ago

>> No.4800565
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>> No.4800567

newcomers should lurk before posting shit and acting like complete /b/tards.

also fuck yeah, meta-thread.

>> No.4800568

I like how we've had to sit through this kind of whining and complaining since the summer of '08 until now.

Metathreads never work.

>> No.4800577

>you should have instead politely educated them on what they had done wrong
Or maybe they can lurk for 5 minutes before demanding to be spoonfed.

>> No.4800578

This. The best you can do to help now is to delete this thread and try to bring up some actually interesting conversation without paying attention to any /v/ tantrums. That's how we always get over shitty periods.

>> No.4800592

OP is mad because we told him to go to vndb.

>> No.4800611

A metathread is but a means towards a solution.

I can only hope that you do not sincerely believe that.

>> No.4800619
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>> No.4800622

what is a metathread exactlly?

>> No.4800624

Is she gonna be okay

>> No.4800629

>I can only hope that you do not sincerely believe that.
(not him but)Yes I sincerely believe it.

>> No.4800636

It isn't. Trust me. I can tell, having seen quite a few of them in my life.

>> No.4800640



>> No.4800645

>head upside down
>tears still on bottom

Mugen, you are a disgrace to Failipinos everywhere.

>> No.4800649

It's asking too much to expect newfriends to lurk. If they want to post, they're going to post. The most we can do is push them in the right direction.

>> No.4800652

The problem isn't "newcomers" it's you, Whatever /jp/ used to give you, you don't want anymore. The board hasn't changed, you've just realized there's nothing of value here.

>> No.4800653

I want to pee in Suwako's butthole

>> No.4800660

I'd rather insult them until they get upset and leave.

>> No.4800669

That never actually works. It's fun, though.

>> No.4800670

This ideology doesn't work when your newcomers may end up outnumbering you.

>> No.4800683

If they're not going to even bother lurking what makes you think they're going to listen to you "pushing them in the right direction"?

>> No.4800684

If they're going to outnumber you anyway you might as well help the few you can.

>> No.4800686
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>> No.4800699

Would you respond more positively to someone telling you to fuck off or someone who helped you and only requested you not use emoticons?

>> No.4800705

Uho! Ii kami...

>> No.4800709

you are fucking retarded, OP. Get the fuck out

>> No.4800714

Whichever leads to them leaving the board.

>> No.4800717

>he mad

>> No.4800722

No amount of educating is going to stop /v/irgins and other newfags to stop being shit posters.
The only thing that can solve this shit is a mod that knows /jp/ and it's inhabitants.

>Would you respond more positively to someone telling you to fuck off or someone who helped you and only requested you not use emoticons?
If I post something and a half dozen anons call me a fag for posting it I tend to realise I did something wrong.

>> No.4800723

Look, I don't care.
Fuck off.

>> No.4800736

If they've chosen to stay, they're obviously not going to leave. In a worst case scenario your negative comments would just lead to them making troll threads out of spite.

>> No.4800750

And the janitor will take care of that. If they persist, then they get banned. No issues at all.

>> No.4800760

And that's where the thing another anon mentioned comes in.
We have our Meido for that.
Thread gets deleted, they try it two more times and then get bored and fuck off to whine about how bad /jp/ is.

>> No.4800761

And you want to welcome the kind of retard that thinks that shit is acceptable with open arms, rather than letting them discover we sometimes have mods doing their work?

>> No.4800762

yeah, what a nice utopia.


>> No.4800764
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Let us all be friends!!

>> No.4800772

>If I post something and a half dozen anons call me a fag for posting it I tend to realise I did something wrong.
Not all people are as timid as you, Anon. Something like this could easily spawn another troll.

>> No.4800774

Fuck off.

>> No.4800784

If they're not that timid they don't belong here anyway, ever.

>> No.4800786

Trolls aren't exactly a big issue here. You would know that if you've been here for more than 2 months.

>> No.4800794

fucking janitor

>> No.4800795

so much hostile samefaggotry

>> No.4800803

Meido-san, please delete this thread too, it's not gonna end well.

>> No.4800808

In a perfect world we would have a mod on /jp/ 24/7 to take care of problems, but let's not be unrealistic.

>> No.4800810

Didn't we tell you to fuck off to /v/?

>> No.4800819

Sure is weekend.

It's amazing how you can actually tell the difference when Saturday and Sunday roll around. I sure can't wait for summer to arrive.

>> No.4800824


>> No.4800833

no, but why don't you? You seem like you'd fit in there, telling everyone to fuck off and such playing internet tough guy while accomplishing nothing.

>> No.4800837

That's the only way to fix/run /jp/.
You're being unrealistic too for thinking WE can fix anything.
Spoonfeeding them will let them think they're welcome here, telling them to fuck off doesn't work and beside reporting, there isn't anything we can do.

>> No.4800847

/v/ trolls every game in existence, but they are actually pretty tolerant of new posters and new things in general. That's hardly a good thing, mind you.

>> No.4800856


>> No.4800864

I really can't understand why OP refuses change, if ever talking about change is correct anyway. U scared? U annoyed? U want to show you're superior?

._. i'm amused

>> No.4800866
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see suwako, post suwako

is this good

>> No.4800872

the only way this board can be salvaged is if almost everyone posting is driven out.

and, seeing as how this place is an elitist shithole, the best way to do that is to bring in newer folks here.

I constantly make Rance threads on /a/, /v/ and external sites and point them in this direction. Now that BBA is getting translated, I'll do the same with it.

enjoy. learn to coexist with others or get out.

>> No.4800873

It can't be helped.

>> No.4800878

What the fuck are you even trying to say here

>> No.4800880

Wow. Good job.
You're the fucking cancer killing /jp/.

>> No.4800883

If you want /jp/ to be /v/ or /a/, just post on /v/ or /a/.

>> No.4800886

You're right, OP, I realized it too, that's why I always explain what the novice poster did wrong before I point them to the board that'd suid them better.

That said, metathreads aren't welcome here. Go back to /a/.

>> No.4800889
File: 152 KB, 500x500, getoutofjp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



There was nothing we could do in this situation (you might say that it couldn't be helped). Our age-old strategy of scaring away newcomers stopped working simply because there are more of "them" than there are of "us."

You can argue all day about what started this downturn. I would claim that the change from Japan/General to "Otaku Culture" caused this to happen. In the end, however, that's not what's important here.

The fact is, this is all an uphill battle. The sooner you abandon this place, the better. I'll have you know, it pains me to have to use this image like this. It really does. I'm going to miss my floorshitting buddies, I really am. What you need to realize is that everyone who you hung out with on this board last year and before that already left. There's just a small faction of the interesting userbase left here, and there's nothing any of us can do to reverse this trend. I've come to realize that nothing good lasts forever on 4chan, and it was a terrible mistake for me to assume that the same fate wouldn't befall this board.

You have to understand that /jp/ - Japan/General is dead. It's gone forever.

>> No.4800893

save image as...

>> No.4800895
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>> No.4800906

I always thought floorshitting posters were just /b/tards trying to fit in.

>> No.4800908
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>> No.4800911

Is this some sort of /bun/ recruitment pasta

>> No.4800912

Once we have wannabe-oldfags making threads like this and trying to seriously express their opinions on such things, we've already lost.

>> No.4800935
File: 53 KB, 858x544, 12312321321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ was never good

>> No.4800942


No, it's just the sad truth. I don't where the hell I'm going to go after this.

>> No.4800943
File: 1 KB, 64x64, dot895.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bah whatever

i stay on jp only for the pics anyway

>> No.4800944

If you can't admit to shitting on the floor, you're either a normalfag or, worse, a wannabe normalfag. Both aren't welcome here.

>> No.4800953

Because going to the bathroom is a social event.

>> No.4800954

The board is not yours, you sick little fuck.
Whoever the fuck wants to post, will post.
We were never that good to have a reason to defend anything.
Make threads for what you like or fuck off to your exclusive little club or whatever.

>> No.4800957

I'll translate your image to something more understandable:

Old /jp/ == Old /a/.
New /jp/ == Current /a/.

>> No.4800971

/jp/ is worse than it has ever been because of /v/ and /a/ fags coming over here. Get the fuck out.

But where are we supposed to go, where did those old guard of /jp/ go to.

>> No.4800975

You don't seem to understand. The point is not being a hikkikomori or not. The point is being ashamed of it or not.

>> No.4800984

it's true ;_;

>> No.4800986


Wrong, /a/ never had any part to do with this board. Please don't try to bring your f/a/ggotry here, k thx.

>> No.4800996


Where the hell else did /jp/'s original population come from? Do you even know why /jp/ was created?

1. Daily Touhou spam on /a/ facilitated by KoG and other retards
2. Japanese spam
3. You fags whining and complaining

>> No.4801012

>Do you even know why /jp/ was created?

No, he obviously doesn't.

>> No.4801025

Neither do you two. /jp/ was created because of the Miku threads. It had nothing to do with your Touhou garbage.

>> No.4801040

You must be a newfag. /jp/ was created to house Japanese bird cooking spaghetti threads.

>> No.4801052
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>> No.4801073
File: 196 KB, 700x990, BLACK_ROCK_SHOOTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't there going to be a Blackrock Shooter anime in the future?

>> No.4801084

I was here when it happened faggot, don't tell me what's what.

>> No.4801089

>if it sells, there's anime
>it sells

>> No.4801094

>Whoever the fuck wants to post, will post.

Everybody knows that.

The solution is, obviously, to make /a/ and /v/ not want to post here.

>> No.4801126

I argue it's the newcomers that are behaving like elitist. They come to our board and instead of becoming a part of our community they try to change it. I like /jp/'s (board) culture. Why should we change it to /r9k/, /a/, or /b/'s culture? Do you see us going to their boards and changing their culture?

>> No.4801140

The final solution is registration.

>> No.4801163


>> No.4801179


I don't know.

I've been hanging out on /jp/ and /prog/ for a few years now. Ever since the name change, I've been mostly chilling in Prague and lurking at the boards of the wakachan network, while hoping /jp/ would get back to normal one day. Now, however, /jp/ is assuredly dead forever, and even /prog/ has been on the decline lately.

I've been thinking about starting my own discussion board (read: 2chanel/world4ch style) for people like me: antisocials who aren't too bitter or depressed about it, and who want to have some interesting discussions. I'm all but done with Japanese entertainment, and entertainment in general. I want to keep myself amused, and I'd like to hang out with some people who can do that themselves.

I don't know what the hell I'm doing talking about it here, but why not. If you want a new home, post your email, and I'll get back to you if anything comes out of this. I'm going to write the board software myself, so it might take a few weeks before I could get it hosted, but it's not like any of us have anything better to do, right?

>> No.4801185

>1. Daily Touhou spam on /a/ facilitated by KoG and other retards
What, KoG didn't come on /a/ until around 2008. AoRF and YOUR LOCAL CHINK were spamming up the board with Touhou images years before KoG started getting Yami GETs (let alone Cirno GETs). Just the fact that you said that is proof of your inexperience. KoG was still a secondary fan back when we were doing Touhou hijacks.

>> No.4801218

You're not going to believe me, but we actually made /bun/ for that exact purpose back in summer, during the spam times.

>> No.4801234


>They come to our board and instead of becoming a part of our community they try to change it.

that's something the whiny, xenophobic Japanese would say.

let people post what they want. if it's something you don't like, then ignore it. it's that simple.

this board belongs to moot, not to you nor anybody else. if you just want nothing but 15 pages of toohoo imagedumps then make your own imageboard.

>> No.4801258


Check the archive. KoG was on /a/ in early 2007. He just wasn't called "KoG" then.

>> No.4801283

Oh wow, are all /a/ posters as delusional as you?

>> No.4801291

shut up troll

>> No.4801304

Send me an email whenever.

>> No.4801319

If you want nothing floods of stupidity, try posting on /b/.

>> No.4801320

Idiot. We're trying to avoid a situation where it's so bad that it can't be ignored. That's the way it is in /v/ and /a/. So fuck off.

>> No.4801321

I like /jp/

>> No.4801325

Your lack of capitalization speaks volumes about your mindset. You don't care about anybody but yourself. Am I an elitist for believing proper capitalization, punctuation, and grammar makes our lives easier? The way I see it is this. In order to improve a community you should strive for perfection in your post. For instance, why should one behave like a /b/tard and upload things to rapidshare when mediafire is clearly a better option?

>this board belongs to moot, not to you nor anybody else.
I hate to tell you this but moot agrees with me. The global rules discourage half-assed post such as yours.

>#3 Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, *indecipherable text

>#6 The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

>> No.4801335

board would be better if these fucking trolls would quit creating metathreads

>> No.4801340

There is no solution.
-imageboards are too well-known now and everybody uses them
-you can't control who posts here because you can't really ban anybody, short of range-ban, but for obvious reasons you can't really go wild with that.
-underage know all about 4chan and the way 4chan is structured allows them free reign to just fuck around and be completely obnoxious and idiotic for their amusement
-any board you create will be open to everyone as well, it will just be flooded with the same faggotry or, more likely, nobody will stay because it's slow as fuck and all our brains are rotted by now from using 4chan so many years
Thus, there's no solution. The only thing I can come up with is to charge a $1 access fee to use 4chan, so only people with credit cards can use it, that eliminates underage and Russian A-To! faggots. But everyone hates that idea. So, just deal with it, because moot hates 4chan's current state too but nothing can be done about it.

>> No.4801343

/jp/ became much worse than both boards. You must be a gigantic faggot to not see that. So have fun with your tripfag circlejerk, touhoe faggotry and daily reactionimage

>> No.4801355

/jp/ is still one of the best boards on 4chan, no matter what.

>> No.4801356
File: 49 KB, 531x233, secondary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou hijacks were being performed as far back as 2005 - 2006. On KoG's myspace page he says he got his first GET in November 24 of 2007. Since the aforementioned date is only 1 month away from 2008 I rounded it off to 2008.

>> No.4801357




>> No.4801360


Link to KoG's MySpace page?

>> No.4801365


According to KoG's biography page, he says that he came to 4chan in late Dec '06 and started visiting /a/ in Jan '07. I can provide proof of KoG being on /a/ before the time you mentioned, although I'd have to search YouTube for it.

>> No.4801371

>Am I an elitist for believing proper capitalization, punctuation, and grammar makes our lives easier?

Actually, yes you are.

Elitism is not a bad thing. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Especially not /a/.

>> No.4801373

That's my mostly spam email.
You're idea sounds better than any of the other boards. Keep in touch if you do anything.

>> No.4801381

wait, kog has a myspace??

>> No.4801388

On my board, I do what I want.
People who like what I hate, beware.

>> No.4801393

It's only elitism if you don't forgive the accidental stuff. People who intentionally mistype words are just eyesores. It leads to things like All Correct being shortened to OK. That just makes no sense.

>> No.4801403


well, best of luck. in the meantime, i'll be constantly directing /v/ and /a/ users here to talk about rance.


is it really that difficult for you to understand words that aren't capitalized?

we should eliminate as many useless facets of our languages as possible. information is conveyed faster that way. ideally, we shud get rid of usles leters & talk lik this, but that may be a bit too much to ask.

imagine how much time you would save by not pressing the shift key. you probably would have saved a full second or so on that post. add up all that time you've spent pressing the shift key in your life. you have likely wasted a few hours minimum capitalizing words. now add up all of that time for everyone who uses the internet. we are talking about centuries of lost production, wasted on something so fucking trivial.

i just thank the stars i wasn't born in east asia. 20 fucking strokes to write certain characters.

>> No.4801409

Will you just get the fuck out?
Don't come here from /a/ then start whining about how we need to change the way we treat the newfags. Nobody here cares about your opinion anyway.

>> No.4801414

He treats his nonoba homepage like a myspace page:

Touhou hijacks were being done at least two years before KoG showed up by users such as AoRF, myself, and a few other obnoxious users. But even AoRF denies he was the one that started it. He was just the person that created the Nameless Fairy script that spammed threads.

>> No.4801421

>/jp/ became much worse than both boards.
>worse then /a/ and /v/.
I think not, unless you enjoy normalfags telling you about how they play games/watch anime with their girlfriends or underage faggots trolling on a scale even higher than/jp/.

>If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

>> No.4801437

In the end, we all lose, because everybody in this thread exists.

>> No.4801444

>is it really that difficult for you to understand words that aren't capitalized?

>we should eliminate as many useless facets of our languages as possible. information is conveyed faster that way. ideally, we shud get rid of usles leters & talk lik this, but that may be a bit too much to ask.

You are just a troll aren't you?
Thank the Gods, for a second there I thought you were serious.

>> No.4801455

For fucks sake /jp/, I thought you were better than this. Stop replying to this crap.

Meido, get your ass here and delete this eyesore already.

>> No.4801456


From what I've seen of /bun/, there's too much of a focus on VNs and touhou to be exactly what I'm thinking about.

My "vision" for a board is pretty simple. There's a main discussion board for respectable antisocials to talk about anything that you can't really categorize - what you're thinking about, what you've been dreaming about lately, going on walks in the middle of the night, whatever. Yes, this sounds like /b/ or /vip/ or /dqn/ in theory, but there would be more of a focus on having a discussion than spamming memes all over the place and acting like twelve year olds.

Past that, I would make boards for various hobbies/topics that:
1. I'm interested in
2. There aren't already millions of websites for (video games, anime, etc)
3. Are complex enough to merit an entire board

I'm interested in a lot of different things, from sound synthesis, to "traditional games" (as in chess, not Dungeons and Dragons), to programming, to the mind itself, so I'm sure there would be much to talk about, as long as you have some kind of hobby.


I just saved your addresses. I'll send you a mail when I get something done. It shouldn't take me too long, since I've been thinking about this for a long time, but don't think I've given up if I don't respond for a while. I'll have something like "[Guy from /jp/]" in the title when I do.

>> No.4801457
File: 16 KB, 447x428, YouTube - Broadcast Yourself._1270322357263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you probably would have saved a full second or so on that post. add up all that time you've spent pressing the shift key in your life. you have likely wasted a few hours minimum capitalizing words.
That's what it means to contribute to your community. You cant sacrifice 5 to 10 seconds out of you life to make the lives of your fellow users easier?

>> No.4801479


>Touhou hijacks were being done at least two years before KoG showed up by users such as AoRF, myself, and a few other obnoxious users.

Elitist spotted.

>> No.4801485

>implying the amount of time you have spent on 4chan is relative to how good of a poster you are

Protip: The longer you've been here, the higher chance of you being a newfag. Just sayin'.

>> No.4801487

Imagine how much time you'd save by not writing your post.

>> No.4801490
File: 67 KB, 260x322, 1247979686657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the /a/, /b/, /r9k/ and /v/ posters came here to be a part of /jp/, right? It has nothing to do with trolling, omg epic raids XD, or their board being impossible to use for 2 days.

If tge people responding with generic troll images, using >implying, and who don't know what sage is for don't feel 'welcome,' then maybe they should've lurked for a fucking day before posting? It's hardly some amazing unique culture we have here.

>> No.4801491

We are elitist. If you don't like it leave. There was a time when being an elitist made you better than everyone else here and in /a/. Too bad this place is flooded with faggots like you now.

>> No.4801495


it's funny, because you and most of the other posters here are almost assuredly from /a/.


ha, maybe this place is turning into /v/ after all. "i don't agree, so he must be a troll."

maybe i should adopt a name and tripcode.


i lose no time reading non-capitalized words, and i don't see how it's that significant of a problem for others. if i were posting in aol speak, i might understand.

>> No.4801497

And no, I'm not correcting that.

>> No.4801498


and imagine how much time you'd save by simply ignoring things you do not like.

>> No.4801500

>We are elitist. If you don't like it leave.
You're welcome.
>Too bad this place is flooded with faggots like you now.
Too bad for whom?

>> No.4801504

face it faggots, /jp/ is one of the worst boards on 4chan and I'm saying this as a day one lurker who don't even browse /jp/ on a daily basis any more. The latest decline in quality came by the same faggots who had always shat on this board: tripfags, irc and bunfags and not 'newfags' like the same faggots responsible for 99% of the shit here want you to believe. Period. You must be an underage retard if you think otherwise

>> No.4801517

But you're the underage retard, so your opinion is completely irrelevant.

"Blame the tripfags" won't take you very far these days.

>> No.4801518

Who ever said I don't like ridiculing stupid posts?

>> No.4801528

Let me ask you a question. What's your opinion about /b/? If /b/tards discussed things that were relevant to your interest would you be able to put up with their culture of forced memes, bad grammar, and normalfriend behavior? Not to mention their constant influx of newcomers and ridiculously high post rate.

I don't know about you but 4chan is no joke to me. If I were to count up all the time-sucks of my life be it JRPGs, FPS (multiplayer) matches, or MMORPGs none of them combined could match the amount of time I've wasted on 4chan. Since this website has wasted so much of my life it's only natural I would want it to stay good. Despite the fact that I've been on the Internet since I was 7 years old I've never joined an Internet community. 4chan's culture of laughing at japanophiles was the only thing that appealed to me.

>> No.4801530

Are you seriously arguing over capitalization?

Whatever happened to user moderation, and filtering things that bother you? Retards write and act like retards, the way to tell them off the board is to forget they're here. That's the opposite of what I'm seeing here.

>> No.4801531

worse than:

>> No.4801537

Noone's really blaming you fags. You at least can be filtered.

>> No.4801540

I have yet to see another board were tripfag circlejerks imagespam the board deliberately while other tripfags and anonfags hail it like the second coming of Jesus Christ. And not just once but for weeks or even month. You suck. Period.

>> No.4801548

The tripfags on /jp/ aren't that bad.

>> No.4801551

>Instead of telling newcomers to fuck off (they aren't going to)
Remember when the standard response on the entirety of 4chan to retarded questions was either lurk more or kill yourself? Yeah, those were the days.

>> No.4801552


He specifically lists them in his post. It's not like I'm raising a straw man here.

>tripfags and anonfags hail it like the second coming of Jesus Christ

You're full of shit, and that's okay!

>> No.4801553

Sure man ,whatever.

>> No.4801560

Yes they are. The moment when anonymous didn't start a shitstorm when a random tripfag posted on /jp/,this board have been in decline ever since. Every tripfag made himself guilty to the imagespams and circlejerks therein. I read it, I know it. Period.

>> No.4801562

Hey KoG or Jones, why don't you bomb threads like these?

>> No.4801568
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I'll give you a hint: One of those two names you just mentioned created this thread.

>> No.4801569


The term "newfag" started gaining in popularity over "lurk more" towards the end of 2007. Coincidentally this was the same time that posting rates on /a/ and /v/ started rising exponentially, and a marked decline in post quality was noticed.

>> No.4801572

you had me fooled, your samefag skills are improving

>> No.4801573

Stop making shit up and leave for a board you like instead.

>> No.4801574
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>> No.4801576


I didn't consider that possibility until fags started talking about KoG. Then I looked at the facts.

- Is this a metathread? Yes.
- Are there fags? Yes.
- Is there whining and complaining? Yes.




>> No.4801577

cool thread, Sion.

>> No.4801581

Noone who matters is blaming you. This guy is a troll, if you care so much about tripfags' good name, stop arguing with him.

>> No.4801582
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>> No.4801583
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>> No.4801585


KoG only spams good threads.
>shitstorm when a random tripfag posted on /jp/

If you think this solves anything, go away. Tripfags are the same as anonymous, some are good, most are shit. They shouldn't be treated differently. If it bothers you that much, get the addon and hide the namefield.

>> No.4801586

>"i don't agree, so he must be a troll."
This has nothing to do with it, what you stated was just so mind boggling stupid that no sane person over the age of 12 would agree with it.

>/jp/ is one of the worst boards on 4chan
Worse then /a/, /v/, /b/ or /r9k/. That's impossible.

>You must be an underage retard if you think otherwise
Says the boy that cant even capitalise correctly, keeps on shitposting and crossboard posts for the purpose of trolling.

>> No.4801588
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>> No.4801589

Because we ignore what we dont like, and what we do like we discuss

>I have yet to see another board were tripfag circlejerks imagespam the board deliberately while other tripfags and anonfags hail it like the second coming of Jesus Christ
You say that like it is a bad thing.

Commonly, discussion follows /jp/ related topics, and when it goes off tangent, the topic is ignored.

You seem to be lacking understanding, lurk more

>> No.4801591
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>> No.4801597
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>> No.4801601

Yes I can even hear your guilt vibrating through the internet, also desperate attempt to attack the messenger, spamsky.

>> No.4801602

I still have no idea who KoG is.

>> No.4801603
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>> No.4801606

Get out

>> No.4801609
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>> No.4801611

Get out

>> No.4801617
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>> No.4801626
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>> No.4801630


i don't have much of a problem with it. my life is pretty much video games, yet i still try to post on /v/.

i despise pokemon. i think fanboyism/consumer loyalty is stupid. at least 90% of their memes are shit. but those are the things that they want to talk about. who am i to say what they can and can't do?

i'm not sure what attachment you have for /jp/, but does it really ruin things when somebody posts something you're not interested in? you can always have threads you like amongst the threads you don't care for.

>> No.4801637
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>> No.4801647
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>> No.4801656
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I believe there exist such a thing as board culture. Say what you want about pooshlmer, but they have inherited certain posting habits from 2ch that 4chan missed out on. For instance, they know what sage means. You'll never hear: "sage this shit" on pooshlmer. They know how to condense their threads. (Even more so than the idol friends on /jp/.) I once made a request thread and someone posted in my thread telling me to delete it and post it in the giant (existing) request thread. And because of stuff like that, pooshlmer looks less polluted and more organized than /jp/. How did it get like that you ask?

Try posting among them for a few minutes and the second you step out of line someone will kindly instruct you on what you did wrong. (Therefore preventing the problem from reoccurring.) I believe our ability to spread such culture is important for improving our community in the long run. On /b/ there are no veterans shaping the culture; consequently, /b/'s culture is shaped by newcomers. Even something as mundane as using mediafire instead of using rapidshare is too hard for /a/, /b/, and /v/ to grasp. Without peer pressure and guidelines, they'll keep (naively) using rapidshare.

>> No.4801660
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>> No.4801663

>desperate attempt to attack the messenger
When you say something stupid and everyone calls you an idiot for it, chances are that you're an idiot. It's not an attack, it's just stating the obvious.

>> No.4801671
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>> No.4801673


>> No.4801677

Me getting impaled

>> No.4801679
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Hey /jp/, tell me, are you retarted, or what?

>> No.4801682
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>> No.4801688

The obvious is you are either part of the cancer or defending the cancer and should be granted a permanent ban without a loophole.

>> No.4801689
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>> No.4801697
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