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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 40 KB, 456x500, CGD-4304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4798020 No.4798020 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know, the eyes just seem off to me.
One would think that would be easiest part of making a Suwako plushie doll.

>> No.4798026

later dude

>> No.4798033

Actually I made this thread because I suspect that the meido is not actually deleting them but rather someone trying to make us hate her.

>> No.4798051


The meido's got to get bored some time. Just because he leaves and doesn't delete the 100th plush thread made doesn't mean it's all one samefag. Multiple people have posted plush threads now, tripfags and anonymous alike.

>> No.4798045
File: 40 KB, 459x500, CGD-4302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Youmu yet. Or Parsee.
I would kill for a good Parsee doll with adorable ear action.

>> No.4798055


The Youmu doll was posted in that other thread retard.

>> No.4798075
File: 49 KB, 366x371, g_049-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a search, and you were right. Yuyuko too.
Maybe this time I'll finally get one.

>> No.4798081

>I am the guy posting and deleting plush threads.

>> No.4798084
File: 56 KB, 366x371, g_050-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh. As long I can discuss plushies for once I'm happy.

Yuyuko doll

>> No.4798088

No Myon?

>> No.4798091

Why do they all look exactly the same?

>> No.4798094
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>> No.4798101 [DELETED] 

It always ends up looking, how to put it, unfortunate. Like that badass figure ruined by a floating condom.

>> No.4798105

I hnnnng'd a little.

>> No.4798118


Why is her ghost half so small?

>> No.4798117
File: 65 KB, 366x371, 1232557478482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're plushies.

I'd really like the Komeiji sisters.

>> No.4798113

What's the website for these again?

>> No.4798120


>> No.4798126


vgvar_1_value=Plush Doll&vgvar_1_operator=LIKE&sort_1_name=sortkey&sort_1_direction=ASC&results_per_page

>> No.4798127


>> No.4798129
File: 17 KB, 394x357, yuyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs more

>> No.4798130
File: 34 KB, 250x250, cmpunksmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he doesn't know how to use tinyurl

>> No.4798131

I hate to tell you this but you guys are kind of... gay. No normal. I'm just stating a fact.

>> No.4798135

The eyes would make it difficult.
A Utsuho one would be nice.

>> No.4798139

He doesn't know tinyurl has been blocked for months.

>> No.4798145

How about you drift back to /r9k/ normalfriend? Come back when you at least learn to appreciate traps.

>> No.4798148

You nuts? I don't want booby-trapped links.

>> No.4798151
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>> No.4798158

Please, liking a nice plushie doll doesn't mean I'm attracted to guys.
I know it's not exactly normal, but not a lot of our hobbies are.

Sewing your own is really satisfying. Wish I ended up with a better quality thing without giving up halfway, but I learned how to sew and that's a skill that will come in handy.

>> No.4798156


not sure if should click...

>> No.4798173

If they made them, they'd probably just make it a pattern on their dresses. A floating eye would be cooler, although difficult to cuddle.

>> No.4798182


*floating heart

>> No.4798189

Maybe something with a bit of pipecleaner wire that you could attach and detach.

>> No.4798195 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4798197 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4798203 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4798206 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4798213 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4798218 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4798221 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4798224 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4798225

>Please, liking a nice plushie doll doesn't mean I'm attracted to guys.
You might not be gay but you certainly behave like one.

>I know it's not exactly normal, but not a lot of our hobbies are.
I've endorsed futanari, traps, men dressing up as women, and etc... But a grown man buying plushies is where I draw the line. I guess the word homo was not what I was trying to say. The word sissy is more appropriate in this context.

>but I learned how to sew and that's a skill that will come in handy.
I'm sure you'll make a wonderful wife for your husband one of these days. With all seriousness, back in my days learning how to hunt was something to be proud of.

>> No.4798235

this made me laugh

>> No.4798252
File: 93 KB, 366x371, g_012-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your point of view, although I don't agree with it.
Let's leave it at that instead of interrupting a rare thread with a pointless discussion.

dat fang

>> No.4798253

So about $31? How much is shipping at AmiAmi? Another 30 bucks? lol

>> No.4798296

Is there a Wriggle one?

>> No.4798306

not yet

>> No.4798313

Probably less than $10 with their half off of EMS extended another month.

>> No.4798406
File: 21 KB, 366x371, 656955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad all of these plushies are too small to put a onahole inside.
Only Reimu and Marisa are available in big versions.

>> No.4798430
File: 243 KB, 2030x700, 1265913162581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4798462

I have whats in the OP's post,
I want a Aya one already!

>> No.4798477

What the fuck?

these are around $31??

I got my sakuya plush for fucking $90 something plus tax and shipping shit..


>> No.4798489

Welcome to /jp/


>> No.4798495
File: 31 KB, 350x491, Scissors-493S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is always another option... ;_;

>> No.4798596

What the hell would you do with scissors ??

>> No.4798643

Did you not read. I said "no normal." Which was a play on the saying "no homo." Google "no homo."

I hate normal faggotry too, but plushies are for little girls.

>> No.4798645

Well, if you make Touhou plushies, you can always give them to little girls and then make more.

>> No.4798651

Look around you, it's called Otaku Culture for a reason. We got out hobbies, and things to do, where you may see it in a different way, if you are not that hardcore.
