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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 48 KB, 500x375, lens cloth panties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4790490 No.4790490 [Reply] [Original]

Lens cloth panties, with a stain. Only 980 yen.


>> No.4790502

now i can masturbate and clean my psp at the same time!

>> No.4790504

that stain looks a little TOO perfectly shaped...

>> No.4790525

Honestly, I doubt most panties have any stains at the end of the day. For panties to be stained with pee, girls would have to leak on purpose.

>> No.4790527

are they scented as well?

>> No.4790532

You're adorably naive.

>> No.4790537

lol no

>> No.4790649

You have not yet realized how disgusting 3D really is.

>> No.4790659

It is most likely fake.

>> No.4790686

Girls do stain their panties daily (yes i'm a normalfag). And it's not pee but just some sort of mucus.

>> No.4790697

First time of my life I hear something like that.

>> No.4790707

Watch Naisho no Tsubomi. I learned everything I know about the female vagina from it.

>> No.4790712


Guess you never did the family laundry in your house.

>> No.4790785

I am a man, and I stain my underwear daily, so it kind of makes sense. The stains in my case are brown, not yellow, though.

>> No.4790812
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>> No.4790825

dude, you should go to the hospital.

>> No.4790857
File: 12 KB, 355x266, you disgust me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4790873


Isn't that normal, like when you wipe your ass but you don't wipe everything then you produce sweat which goes into your underwear and colour it into brown

>> No.4790877


lol virgin

also pantyliner

>> No.4790884

Did this guy really just use virgin as an insult here unironically?

>> No.4790887

You are disgusting.

>lol virgin
That isn't an insult on here.

>> No.4790889

Normalfags are crawling everywhere these days.

>> No.4790898
File: 159 KB, 731x735, Tastiest shepherd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Next time I'm kissing a beautiful woman I'm going to think of you, kiddo. And I'm going to smell her hair and feel her heart beating against me, and I'll feel no hate for you.

No resentment or disgust.

Only pity. Women aren't disgusting. But you sure as hell are.

>> No.4790922


None of you took the bait.

You're getting good at this, /jp/.

>> No.4790950

You didn't give it enough time, no patience at all, you'd make a terrible fisherman.

>> No.4790951


The name gave it away anyway.

>> No.4791068

Vaginas are disgusting.

>> No.4791401

i'd buy a pair

>> No.4791454

I'm in a love/hate relationship with vaginas. On one hand I sometimes find them delicious, on another they can be seriously disgusting.

>> No.4791515

Sigh, I'll accept the trollbait and reveal my semi normalfaggotry. Stains in women's underwear don't really come from piss unless they're nasty as fuck. The vagina has discharges from time to time even not menstruating. Its a self cleaning organ. Arousal etc can all be causes.

IF you ever have the pleasure (or the digusting 3d experience) of being with an actual woman, you'll learn the average vagina is nowhere near as pretty as you see in porn or eroge.

>> No.4791524

it's like something out of a horror film

>> No.4791540

I've had 3 girlfriends in my life though I'm open to guys, it's just never happened. and vaginas are honestly aesthetically disgusting to me. they're like picasso on a bad day after he's been hitting the sauce.

penises are aesthetically sleek, minimal, function meshes into form perfectly. they're just brilliant.

>> No.4791553

thats sounds really gay. but im ok with it.

>> No.4791733


The making of OP's panties.

>> No.4791771

Vagina's fucking disgusting actually. /jp/ read that post there, it's important.

>> No.4794059 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 630x420, 004-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I consider one like this aesthetically pleasing. I'm sure a lot of you will be grossed out by it. But I like it for some reason. However very often they also disgust me. Doesn't help I don't like the look of shaven vaginas at all either.

>> No.4794621


>> No.4794647

Both male and female genitals are disgusting.

At least female genitals don't look half bad when they aren't broken in.

>> No.4794655

How do you break in a vagina?
What would a broken in penis look like?

>> No.4794656

>Next time I'm kissing a beautiful woman I'm going to think of you, kiddo.

>> No.4794659

I have never had a woman in my household.
Not even when I was a baby.

>> No.4794665

Broken in, used up, worn out.

>> No.4794677

What's disgusting about my male genitals?

>> No.4794685

That thing is monstrous. I'm sorry, it seems like I can't agree with your tastes.

>> No.4794691

Yeah, but how do you wear out a penis? Just what are you doing to yourself, Tohno?

>> No.4794705

Shota penises are cute.

>> No.4794710



>> No.4794719

He cut the line between circumcision and uncircumcision a little too closely.

>> No.4794720

Friction causes penises to become darker.

>> No.4794729

Then why is the glans darker than the shaft?

>> No.4794734

Because the color of the glans comes from the blood in it, not the skin.

>> No.4794746

Almost like skin on the entire body of a white person...

>> No.4794772

goonspeak + doesn't load

>> No.4794798

That's funny, my skin isn't purple. The skin around your penis does get darker with friction, tho.

>> No.4794828

You're an idiot. Your skin's colour comes from the blood (and from some tanning). Ever seen a dead person? Super pale skin. Ever seen someone strangled? Lips turn blue etc.

>> No.4794995

that made me giggle

>> No.4795582

I never said anything about wearing out a penis.
penis's are all disgusting regardless of how used they are.

>> No.4795592

sadly I've seen neither

>> No.4795603

don't forget melanin

>> No.4795604


I have, and it isn't all that fun to deal with.

>> No.4795613

You have never held a penis in your mouth, have you

>> No.4795650

No, no I have not.

>> No.4795651

you know what?
this whole penis phobia makes me angry.
its like the penis always gets the short end of the stick.
it deserves more respect than that dammit!

>> No.4795681

What are you talking about?
9/10 people on 4chan love that gross thing.

>> No.4795684

I pay my respects every few hours.

>> No.4795689

I'm loving mine right now

>> No.4795694
File: 383 KB, 559x738, You are all fool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4795703

thats why I'm here
its just society in general
most women and menavert their gaze from any penis(i guess not their own for guys) like its a gorgon.
its like most people are afraid of penises

>> No.4795721

Main difference between /jp/ and any other board: even in a thread this size about the mysteries of the female genitalia, not a single "girl" posts.

I think its pretty safe to say that, all trolling/joking aside, there are literally no girls on /jp/. People aren't even willing to bother trolling by pretending to be one in a thread about vaginas.

>> No.4795733

>there are literally no girls on /jp/.
then all is right with the world

>> No.4795750

Well I can't comment one way or the other on what outside girls think of them.
They might love to hop on it but they might not be looking at it.

>> No.4795764

Actually, we are all little girls. With the exception of a few cute traps that show themselves around once in a while

>> No.4795848

dear lord, this thread is actually sort of decent...i i am in shock

>> No.4795905

It's discharge produced during the menstrual cycle. Maintains moisture and shit

>> No.4796546

>there are literally no girls on /jp/.

>> No.4797130

>not a single "girl" posts.

That's because it's more fun to read all of the theories.

>> No.4797651

>IF you ever have the pleasure (or the digusting 3d experience) of being with an actual woman, you'll learn the average vagina is nowhere near as pretty as you see in porn or eroge.

This. A THOUSAND fucking times this. Pimples, blemishes, ingrown hairs, the smell.....oh jesus stop the fucking horror.

>> No.4797677

They say girls under 15 have pretty privates.

>> No.4797681

I cannot even make myself believe my precious 2D waifu has a nice looking vagina sometimes.....

>> No.4797716

Amateur porn reveals this. It's safe to say that I do not want to be anywhere near a vagina anytime soon.

Growing up I used to think vaginae looked like they did in porn. All nice, neat and pretty. I then realized most (if not all) of the pictures I looked at were airbrushed perfection. A real vagina looks.......horrifying.

>> No.4797730

> I do not want to be anywhere near a vagina anytime soon.

Somehow, I don't think this will be an issue.

>> No.4797732


Interestingly enough, dicks can also be hairy, smelly, crusty, drip urine, and be as unappealing-looking if they're cut.

Either way, you're pretty much screwed. And don't even get me started on assholes. Jesus H. Christ.

>> No.4797749

Arc, always here to defend the ladies.

You're such a knight Arc!

>> No.4797751

Well, yeah, dicks are ugly, but women are supposed to be the fairer sex. It's more of a disappointment when you find out how flawed it all is.

>> No.4797754

I think you're just gay.

>> No.4797755

Why is the human body so fucking disgusting? The oils we secrete, pimples, dandruff, our genitals, our odor and body hair...

It's all so awful.

>> No.4797758
File: 15 KB, 178x179, Fuck you fags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Interestingly enough, dicks can also be hairy, smelly, crusty, drip urine, and be as unappealing-looking if they're cut.

But we're not talking about dicks are we now? Fuck off.

>> No.4797772

Most IRL females do not find the penis attractive anyway. Read all female forums from time to time. Some insight to be had there. Most just suck it to keep you happy.

>> No.4797793

Also, most women will NEVER admit to having a stinky vagOOO. If you refuse to go down on her because her vagina smells like rotten fish/low tide she'll call you a selfish prick and or a 'immature little boy.'

>> No.4797820


There's nothing fair about women. You've been reading too many books of chivalry or whatever.


Sorry, I thought we were talking about the harsh realities.

>> No.4797837

Their faces should stay above the waist then.

>> No.4797959

I personally just find the vagina unsanitary looking.

Besides, ghoneria is on the rise among young women. Studies have indicated that (LOL STATISTICS) 1 in 4 teen girls in America have an STD.

Count me out of the gene pool.

>> No.4797966

Wow, this thread just proves that the guys here aren't going to get laid. Ever.

>> No.4797968

Hello, Captain Obvious.

There's the door, now get out.

>> No.4797977

Damn straight, I'm celibate and proud of it.

>> No.4797993

I do not find this a bad thing for me personally. Modern culture has just hardwired it into you and every other normalfags brain that sex = key to ultimate happiness.

If you are not having sex you are not happy. If you are still a virgin you are not happy. If you do not like or find something unattractive about a woman, no matter how small or trivial (VAGINA), you're gay. What's that? You want to save yourself for marriage and give your virginity and love to a woman you ACTUALLY love? Sorry, you're a faggot. Love is for faggots. We just fuck casually now. It's not even called 'making love' or 'sex' anymore. We just 'fuck' nowadays.

>> No.4797999

Fuck you.

>> No.4798014

Go fornicate yourself.

>> No.4798016


You say this like it's a bad thing, anonymous.

I'm good looking, fit, and could theoretically get a girl with ease if I iron out a few things. But being asexual, my desire for sex or a relationship is nonexistant.

Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.4798017

No, fuck you.

>> No.4798018

Truth hurts.

>> No.4798029

This has been called the 'casual sex' generation.

>> No.4798036

I thought that was the 60's.

>> No.4798038


>> No.4798056

>Modern culture has just hardwired it into you and every other normalfags brain that sex = key to ultimate happiness.

This. The problem here is that most people who engage in frequent casual sex (like what is more and more happening these days) are not happy. So what do they do? "Well I must not be fucking enough! I must engage in MORE sex! That'll make me happier!" But it doesn't. It usually makes them feel hollow. Sex becomes routine, stale. It becomes a mechanical movement. There is no love or intimacy.

This is why I couldn't do a one night stand.

>> No.4798057

ur mom is disgusting

>> No.4798076

Nope. Young women today are having three times more sex than their mothers of the sixties. Hell, young girls are making the sixties look tame by comparison.

This is why STD's are on the rise. Irresponsible sex.

>> No.4798097


Alarmist propaganda.

>> No.4798100

>Eight per cent of today's women claimed to have slept with more than ten partners by the time they hit their mid-20s.

.....ugh. I'm usually not the "MAI WAIFU MUST BE PURE" but this is disgusting. Just because you're a 'liberated confidant' female doesn't mean 'fuck everything that has a cock'.

>> No.4798102

I think sex is solely for making babies during marriage.

Is something wrong with this?

>> No.4798115

But they want to be famous Hollywood actresses. Poor Lo.

>> No.4798122

Better safe than to wake up to warts all over your dick. Or maybe you like smashing your dick and watching thick, mucous like string cheese shoot out of it?

If I EVER get with a girl I'm going to ask her if she is STD free and or to go get tested. She laughs or gets pissed? Not worth it.

>> No.4798124

Maybe it's just because us guys have been getting even sexier and harder to resist.

>> No.4798133


have you ever heard of condoms bro

>> No.4798134

No. You're just old fashioned.

>> No.4798144

Yeah I have. Guess what? They're not fail safe/100% guaranteed to prevent infection.


>> No.4798146

Have you ever heard of the 15% failure rate of condoms?

>> No.4798149

Deodorant and hygiene are to blame for women being sluts.

>> No.4798152


I don't know man

I think 98% is good enough

>> No.4798159

>Condoms do not offer much protection against STDs that can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, though, such as genital warts. Condoms made out of animal tissue do not offer any protection against STDs.

>> No.4798168

Not to me.

>> No.4798169


Obviously you should be a savvy customer. Buy condoms that you know will work. Buying shit condoms will end up with you experiencing the burn when you pee.

>> No.4798170

Especially that axe body spray.

>> No.4798187

That along with; flat bill(?) hats, baggy hoodies, pants, that weird flip out haircut that looks as if you have a bowl on your head etc.

Axe fucking stinks.

>> No.4798201

Don't forget popped collars.

>> No.4798216

MULTIPLE popped collars.

>> No.4798222

Judging by the taste most young women have in guys these days I can safely say they're fucking ignorant.

>> No.4798227
File: 81 KB, 500x148, 500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4798248

I was watching late night tv tonight and the one cute girl they had on said that she wouldn't date a guy that was shorter than her and then admitted that short guys tend to have better personalities. What a bitch.

>> No.4798254

They say that if a short man mates with a tall women, the child has birth defects.

>> No.4798264

where is the source to this study?

>> No.4798266

Well they do love to contradict themselves.

>> No.4798276

I'm rather proud of my penis. I think it's rather cute.

Then again, I also get hard looking at myself in the mirror when I get out of the shower.

>> No.4798281


>> No.4798287

You damn Narcissist.

>> No.4798291

Me too...

>> No.4798294

That's bullshit, I can just stand on a box and achieve the same result.

>> No.4798309

Yeah, I know. It's only when I'm out of the shower, naked and looking fabulous, though.
Do you also feel yourself up sometimes?
I can't help it if I stare for too long.

>> No.4798342

You have no idea what asexual means.

>> No.4798352

You have no idea that words have more than a strict single definition.

>> No.4798353

>Body turns yourself on
Me too, fuck, so nice.

>> No.4798363

Oh hi, while that is true, the way he used it is not ANY of the definitions of "asexuality".

Learn to books.

>> No.4798365

I used to take naked pictures of myself then get dressed and fap to them on my computer.

>> No.4798367

not having or involving sex
not having ... sex

>> No.4798372
File: 130 KB, 450x450, 1270238034420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

>> No.4798378

>Asexuality is distinct from abstention from sexual activity

>> No.4798389
File: 40 KB, 295x436, 1269167054511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4798390

That's a little weird, though.

I wouldn't do that, at least.

>> No.4798393

You sure told everyone in this thread with your misuse of quoting and hilarious reaction image.

>> No.4798399

...and from celibacy, which are behavioral and the latter is usually for a religious reason

That doesn't actually contradict anything.

>> No.4798413

I get disgusted by stains in underwear. The sight makes me gag.

>> No.4798440

I think penises have a certain appeal to them.

I mean, they stick outwards, and they're all smooth and oh so fun to hold - unlike stupid vaginas with their strange similarities to molluscs, seashells and crustaceans.

>> No.4798454

/jp/ - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Involuntary_celibacy

>> No.4798479


>I think penises have a certain appeal to them.


>> No.4798485

All women have some STD or another. ALL of them. Especially herpes and HPV which are the ones you'll find the most. However some people look fine even tough they are infected because of their genetics, and never get cold sores or genital warts, but they are still contagious.

So it's simple, really. You either stay a virgin for life or you find a virgin woman. But since virgin women don't exist, if you really want sex you'll have to settle for a whore and pray to God that you won't get warts after you've been infected.

>> No.4798512

Troll trying to scare you away from 3d women.

>> No.4798513

Or go with males. You left out that option, and it's by far the best.

>> No.4798517

Sad truth is, he think's he's right, and is being serious. inb4 normalfags.

>> No.4798538

Males have all the diseases females have plus AIDs. Unless you just mean your own hand, then you are correct.

>> No.4798544

No, he's wrong, virgins also have STDs. Celibacy is the only real option.

>> No.4798550

Let's not forgot all the nasty shit that is part of anal sex. Quite literally.

>> No.4798556

And you should all join the church, too!

>> No.4798564

Nah, the church are a bunch of loons. Besides, they don't allow masturbation.

>> No.4798666

Sure, but they love the little children!

>> No.4798712

Unlimited supply of shotas.

>> No.4798739


>Or go with males. You left out that option, and it's by far the best way to die from AIDS


>> No.4798836

females dont have AIDS....? wut

>> No.4799684

op here

holy fuck /jp/

>> No.4799702

Not even virginity will help since virgin women can still have picked up some "S"TDs from nonsexual sources.

>> No.4799751

7/10, not too shabby op

>> No.4800481


>> No.4800495

I thought women could only get AIDs from men and not the other way around or something like that. That's why it's so common among homosexuals.

>> No.4800513

2/10 try harder

>> No.4800533

That was an honest typographical error and not a troll.

>> No.4800549

I bet those things smell awful. Bleh.

>> No.4800588

Go back to school.

>> No.4800650

They didn't really teach me much about AIDS in school.

>> No.4800672

HIV is transmitted through blood to blood contact. It's easier to get it through rough anal sex where tearing of the skin is easier than in vaginal sex. It's entirely possible to tear the vaginal wall and get HIV, it's just a little harder to do.

>> No.4800685


>> No.4800696 [SPOILER] 
File: 93 KB, 817x1024, day-26wv1-817x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who has awakened me from my thousand-year slumber?

>> No.4800702

Then you really should educate yourself before spouting nonsense.

>> No.4800769

amazing how dicks fit through that little gap and cum DIRECTLY INTO THE WOMB

>> No.4800780

For the Overmind!

>> No.4801463

I hope you're trolling.

>> No.4801472

i am 12 and what is this
is that a dick or the gates of hell?

>> No.4801481

>gates of hell

>> No.4803174

source: http://www.beautifulcervix.com/cervix-photo-galleries/photos-of-cervix/

>> No.4803216

This is my homepage

>> No.4803244

its hidden in a dark hole for a reason

>> No.4803248

You like to regurgitate your breakfast when you go online?

>> No.4803253

Can STDs be transmitted through saliva? I'm paranoid about using toothpaste my little sister and brother share. I know they sleep around, so if I ever see them drink anything from the refrigerator I never touch it again. I have to hide my drinks in my closet so they don't find it.

>> No.4803268


>> No.4803280

Why would their saliva be in the toothpaste tube?

>> No.4803307

I also have to wonder why it would be in the drink containers as well.

>> No.4803317

HIV is airborne. You'd better not go anywhere near them.

>> No.4803403

Technically, HIV is present in every fluid coming from an infected person's body. Sweat, urine, saliva... everything.

However, the concentration is so little compared to its concentration in blood/genital fluids, it's pretty much impossible for it to infect you. Someone once described it to me as "You'd need to drink a bucket full of such a person's spit before it could give you a chance of infection."

>> No.4804994


The horror! The horror!
