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479166 No.479166 [Reply] [Original]

ITT Sacchin.
She has her own route now.
Isn't great, Sacchin?

>> No.479172

Shitty character.

>> No.479173

Why do people like her? I just find her annoying and plain.

>> No.479176
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>> No.479179
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H-scene or not, I look forward to it.

Also, isn't it great, Sacchin?

>> No.479181
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>> No.479187

People complaining about her character are just stupid.

She didn`t have that much of a character because she wasn`t one of the main heroines.

Now that she has her own path (isn`t that great, Sacchin?), she will also have a more developed personality.

>> No.479188

Because they're bandwagon fags.

>> No.479189


I actually look more forward to seeing Roa not be a lame villian, since he was heavily involved with Satsuki's lost path.

>> No.479191
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If the game is not ero , sacchin won't have her ero scene, and will live an anon, a virgin.
isn't it sad, sacchin?

>> No.479192

Some of us prefer home-grown, all natural chicks. You know, without the vampirism, curry, demonic blood, "issues" or mental health problems brought on by childhood sexual abuse.

Are you saying we're not worthy of a route to call our own? IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING!?

>> No.479197

Because it's sad.

If you played Akiha's route and and you didn't feel anything, then just choke on your black heart.

>> No.479199

Go play another game then lol.

>> No.479222
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"Everyday, Satsuki turns more and more into a vampire.
Acknowledging her potential, Michael Roa Valdamjong tries to put her under his full control.
In order to protect Satsuki, Shiki, along with the white vampire princess, heads to the school were Roa is hidden.
There, they encounter an old friend of the Serpent, Nero Chaos
The burning school building, the land of Misaki town being devoured by the black beast!
Revolving around the coffin of Roa, the three way battle breaks out.
Next Tsukihime Episode, Yumitsuka Satsuki Final Chapter, Destruction of Dream and Reality"

In this route, Roa finally gets his magic crest, ( he couldn't it on time in the other routes) so we will se a no lame full power Roa.
Maybe he will use his Reality Marble. I don't remember the name, i will lurk moar for it.

>> No.479225


Lack of screen time

>> No.479230

You've seen a normal chick?!


>> No.479241

Roa's RM is called Overload, he can power up his lighting spells.

>> No.479256
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>> No.479275

it's not a normal date unless I wake up in the hospital 2 weeks later.

>> No.479293

It's called Hisui True, all the freaks die or leave. Play the game.

>> No.479308

Well, considering Satsuki IS a vampire, you managed to miss the point by like a mile.

>> No.479309
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She's called Hisui.

>> No.479311


Sacchin is a vampire.

>> No.479327


She's a synchronizer.

>> No.479331

I'd synchronize her, if you know what I mean.

>> No.479335

>Play the game.
I'm always playing the game.

>> No.479343
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I will finally get a route! Isn't it great, Tohno-kun?

>> No.479345

There's a new Tsukihime game?


>> No.479357

He isn't happy with it. In b4 the drop.

>> No.479358


To be released 2009.
Remastered art, possibly voices, sacchin route.

Won't be seen in your lifetime, as MM will need to make a new installer.

>> No.479367

Just a human with some practically useless psychic powers that are just there to be used as way to initiate sex scenes.

>> No.479369
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Well, since we do have about a year until the release we could just start learning Japanese now at a good phase so that we'll be able to play Mahoyo, Girl's work and Tsukihime remake once they're released.
It feels a bit.. Troublesome, though.

>> No.479377


>> No.479386
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More like, Hanepin route where?

>> No.479392


More like, Sunohara route where?


>> No.479398

Not only that but you will learn there are other good companies apart of TM, you will be able to play 12Riven, the new game from the Infinity series(Ever17) or the new game of Key Rewrite.

>> No.479406

Already exist.

>> No.479416

>More like, Arihiko route where?

>> No.479423
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Akiha Suicide route GO!!!!!!!

>> No.479445

>People complaining about her character are just stupid.

Says the tripfag.

>> No.479467

The game won't be porn! Sacchin will be a virgin forever!

>> No.479478


Just like us!

>> No.479497


>> No.479499

Raped by SHIKI, silly.

>> No.479500

>I just find her annoying and plain.

So do I.

>> No.479506
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>> No.479508
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>> No.479512

Sacchin true: Sacchin still becomes a vampire at the beginning. Shiki manages to convince her to not drink blood. At the end she finally does and Shiki has to kill her (after having dirty vampire sex with her)

Sacchin good: Shiki and Sacchin take over the town.

>> No.479517
File: 72 KB, 808x634, 1208641743837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G A Y Puff route where?!

>> No.479520

>In this route, Roa finally gets his magic crest, ( he couldn't it on time in the other routes) so we will se a no lame full power Roa.
>Maybe he will use his Reality Marble. I don't remember the name, i will lurk moar for it.

Haha, I knew it. Nasu has finally realized that only moe and powerlevels matter. Shiki will be probably a lot more like MB Nanaya in the remake.

>> No.479521

do want loli china imouto

>> No.479524

Roa was a better villain than SHIKI

>> No.479530


>> No.479536

>In this route, Roa finally gets his magic crest, ( he couldn't it on time in the other routes) so we will se a no lame full power Roa.

If Sacchin isn't far side, I'll be pissed.

Roa is terrible, needs more SHIKI

>> No.479544

As long as it's not Akiha route SHIKI. Kohaku route SHIKI was the coolest.

>> No.479550


The issues she and Shiki has are in no way exacerbated by the death of their respective siblings due to, quote unquote, fucked up circumstances? Also, again CHILDHOOD. SEXUAL. ABUSE.

Is or becomes? You call it semantics, but my argument hinges upon it.

>> No.479560


It has to be far side, yeah TYPE-MOON might make it near side so theres 3 near and 3 far but the Sacchin route would be alot better being far side

>> No.479562

Hisui wasn't abused.
Shitty troll.

>> No.479566


>> No.479564

You really didn't play the game, did you?

>> No.479572

I do ;_;

>> No.479576


Their siblings don't die if you get the Good End.


>> No.479577

>Roa's RM is called Overload, he can power up his lighting spells.
He specced ele?

>> No.479586
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I don't like Sacchin much. Kohaku is the awesome one.

>> No.479584

Mirror Moon forums say she's listed as a Near Side heroine.

>> No.479585


No, but it becomes apparent that she is, for lack of a better word, damaged due to the "swap" with her sister, as well as the resultant years of having uprooted everything about yourself while also remaining aware of the sacrifice and the resulting hardships her sister had to bear.

Yeah, she probably is all right.

>> No.479590

Satsuki has to be Near Side since she doesn't deal with Shiki's own family.

>> No.479592

>Roa's RM is called Overload, he can power up his lighting spells.

What? He shoots lightning bolts? That's just gay.

>> No.479594

It is near side, she is listed as near side heroine, Roa gets full power as a magus, the Villains are Roa AND Nero togheter, sounds pretty good to me, fuck SHIKI.

>> No.479596


The oddities Hisui has are a OCD cleaning problem, finger sucking, and a "I like to watch you sleep" fetish.

Quirks at the most.

>> No.479601

no, because it won't ever be translated.

>> No.479604

I bet Shiki takes Nero out just like in Arcueid and Ciel's routes and Satsuki uses Depletion Garden on Roa and Shiki nails him while his shit is fucked up.

>> No.479606

First, don't believe anything that place tells you. Secondm that info is taken from Type-moon, she is a Near side heroine.

>> No.479607

Do you remember why the swap happened?

Because Shiki left. That's it. It's normal. She was just sad because Shiki left her.

Normal girl.

>> No.479609


>> No.479616

You clearly didn't read the manga(canon) Roa lighting bolts fuck Kick Ciel's ass like nothing.

>> No.479621

I think that Sacchin will kill Nero.

>> No.479623

Somehow it feels that Nasu is running out of ideas and doesn't even try anymore.

>> No.479627

No, Sacchin goes IKKU YO~ and smashes Roa's face in after winding up.

>> No.479628

If we go by the info we had from the PLUS+DISK, Shiki and Arc to fight Roa, while Sacchin uses Depletion Garden on Nero.
Unless my memory fails me, that is. I could be talking shit, someone find the quote.

>> No.479629

That would be funny because even Arcueid at full power would have trouble with Nero.

>> No.479631


hahaha, sage.

>> No.479642

Using it on Nrvnqsr doesn't make any sense, because he doesn't use environmental mana. For anything.

>> No.479643


I would too knowing that I could cruise on the money from my fans eating up my table scraps for the rest of my life.

>> No.479653


Nasu didnt write it, therefore its not canon

>> No.479657

"Everyday, Satsuki turns more and more into a vampire.
Acknowledging her potential, Michael Roa Valdamjong tries to put her under his full control.
In order to protect Satsuki, Shiki, along with the white vampire princess, heads to the school were Roa is hidden.
There, they encounter an old friend of the Serpent, Nero Chaos
The burning school building, the land of Misaki town being devoured by the black beast!
Revolving around the coffin of Roa, the three way battle breaks out.
Next Tsukihime Episode, Yumitsuka Satsuki Final Chapter, Destruction of Dream and Reailty
The one who holds they key is------"

Yeah, my memory did fuck up the facts.

>> No.479666

1/反転衝動 hanten shoudou Inversion/Reactionary Impulse
2/吸血衝動 I kyuuketsu shoudou Vampiric Impulse I
3/吸血衝動 II kyuuketsu shoudou Vampiric Impulse II
4/プラネタリウム I Planetarium I
5/砂水槽 I suna suisou Sand Aquarium I
6/砂水槽 II suna suisou Sand Aquarium II
7/from dust. (1) - 7/ from dust. (2)
8/プラネタリウム II Planetarium II - 8/kill dawn.
9/人でなしの恋 hitodenashi no koi Cold-Blooded Love - 9/スターダスト Stardust
10/枯渇庭園 kokatsu teien Depletion Garden
11/夢現解体 mugen kaitai Destruction of Dream and Reailty
12/星に願いを。hoshi ni negai wo Wishing upon a Star

>> No.479676

>2/吸血衝動 I kyuuketsu shoudou Vampiric Impulse I
3/吸血衝動 II kyuuketsu shoudou Vampiric Impulse II
Does this mean Shiki is going to turn into a vampire?

>> No.479680

I wonder if they will go with the voice actors from the anime...

>> No.479682

Melty Blood voice actors, definitely.

>> No.479686

Everyone needs to be recasted. They new to portray Shiki as a kind of weird funny guy, not an emofag.

>> No.479689

Sounds about fine to me.

>> No.479693

The question is whether the stuff from the plus disk was accurate, and even if it was, will he keep it and not just start anew.

>> No.479714

Aha... ha...

Why do you toy with my heart, Anon? ;_;

>> No.479759

next thing i know will be a Caster Route expansion for f/sn or something.
holy shit.

>> No.479765

Ilya route needed

>> No.479789

TAIGA route needed!

>> No.479822
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Isn't it great, Sacchin?

>> No.479831

Fucking seconded.

>> No.479834


>> No.479837

Bitches love tracing.

Anon does too.

>> No.479840
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With help from Nitro+'s writer.

>> No.479851



>> No.479861
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No, give me an Ayako route first!!

>> No.479877
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>> No.479901

Where's my Seo route?

>> No.479906

You be a slut too if you were a girl that was around the gland on a daily basis never getting any hot dickings.

>> No.479915
File: 33 KB, 340x364, 1208646468914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would ?

>> No.479974


Hisui suffers from extreme stress from the revelation of Kohaku's abuse and grew both a heavy-guilt complex (her quiet demeanor) and a strong repulsion of contact with men (jerking when Shiki grabbed her hand, the most painful-to-read ero scene in the game--it goes on). The later is a reaction to the former of her sister enduring all those years of abuse. She also has dependency issues and needs Akiha, Shiki, or Kohaku around in order to function properly--if Shiki had died in the epilogue of her True End, she would have likely killed herself.

Hisui isn't normal.

>> No.479991

Roa is the same guy that beat the shit out of the one person that can kick Arc's ass, Altrouge. Rethink that comment for a minute anon.

Pre-emptively, 17th (18th?) reincarnation!Roa is severely powered down from his original form.

>> No.480018

And while SHIKI's body has a powerful ability, it is nowhere near as strong as his original one.

The only body that could being to measure was Ciel's, but Arc killed it pretty quickly apparently.

>> No.480020

And while SHIKI's body has a powerful ability, it is nowhere near as strong as his original one.

The only body that could even begin to measure was Ciel's, but Arc killed it pretty quickly apparently.

>> No.480021

So it would be normal to live on happy as if nothing happened after everyone you know and loved died? In case you haven't realized you sheltered freak, there is no precise definition of normal since it's normal to have faults and to be fragile/strong in certain areas, normal means more of not standing out than anything else. STFU you retarded faggot!

>> No.480036


>> No.480053
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No shes just a quite unsociable person.

>> No.480054
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Or a mecha.

>> No.480068

I'm buthurt about faggot trolls who give us intelegent trolls bad names for not being able to think about what they're saying. If you want to create good shit storms know what it is that you are arguing about and use it to your advantage rather than nagging on like the complete retard you are.

>> No.480077

Hisui has powers. She is NOT normal. They're just powers that synchronize mana.

>> No.480080
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Shes Butthurt too if you know what i mean.

>> No.480081


>> No.480084
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>> No.480091
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>> No.480105
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>> No.480112

She was also born to die, just like every other psychic in the nasuverse, so normal is a far cry from defining her.

Not Hisui.

>> No.480130
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>> No.480138


>> No.480149
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Isnt it sad .... ;_;

>> No.480153


You're bad at this.

>> No.480248


That is not Hisui?

>> No.480336
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>> No.480339
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>> No.480361


>> No.480507
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i got your sacchin ero-scene right here!

>> No.480511


>> No.480566
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>> No.480581

Did you drew this yourself?

>> No.480604

no, this is a type-moon sketch from the plus-disc.

>> No.480638

fuck yeah! magus roa.

Overload power ups all of his spells to EX rank. Fuck gil, roa can spam EX rank spells like no tomorrow

>> No.482128
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>> No.482143
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>> No.482244

Asking for a normal girl in the nasuverse is like asking for a cheeseburger at a fancy restaurant.

You can have them any time, why not try something "exotic" while your here?

>> No.482248

since when is satsuki normal?

>> No.482252


But after eating cordon bleu for long enough, you start to crave a nice, juicy burger.

>> No.482264
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delicious cheeseburger

>> No.482268
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>> No.482272

you could always go to a different restaurant.

>> No.482594
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She's the daughter of the King of Hearts

>> No.483439

Why is Ayako undressing in front of Rider?

>> No.483447

It also says that she was adopted.

>> No.483463

Who wouldn't undress in front of Rider?
