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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 193 KB, 600x600, 4chan 2point0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4790488 No.4790488 [Reply] [Original]

OK, I know this is not /jp/ related but, to be honest I don't go to other boards much, so, can we just talk about this for a sec?

At first I thought it was just an elaborate april fool's troll and I would soon be laughing heartily at moot's genius.

but it's 5am on the 2nd now and this shit is still here... I don't have a facebook so I can't verify if it works.

Is this shit for real? Are we seriously merging with the normals? I'm still hoping it's a joke, but I'm starting to feel really uneasy.

>> No.4790492

ever heard of april furs?

>> No.4790493

We merged with the normals a long time ago.

>> No.4790496

moot is fucking lazy you idiots, he's not going to take it down at the stroke of midnight
if anything he's enjoying your anxiety

>> No.4790498

I can't wait for Moot to integrate Farmville into 4chan.

>> No.4790500

>it's 5am on the 2nd now



>> No.4790501 [DELETED] 

Seriously, how does this shit work anyway? If I don't have a facebook account and I choose the option, what would happen? If I choose the option, would the post appear on my facebook wall, even though I never tell it my account? I'm too scared to try

>> No.4790503

You'll turn into a normalfag if you click on the facebook button.

>> No.4790506
File: 199 KB, 704x480, lio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4790507

Yes, it's real. Moot has been planning this for a while.

It is all part of his plan to increase the traffic flow on 4chan. Actually everything he has done recently (adding new boards, changing our name to Otaku General) was done for this very reason.

>> No.4790508
File: 23 KB, 383x383, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt moot would do it, but in case the man has lost the little mind he had, I'll just move to /bun/.

>> No.4790520
File: 140 KB, 1366x768, 4chan facebook merge Sven Svenson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is what I've heard. I don't have one either, but it pops up a window that says you need to be logged in to you FB account for it to work.

>> No.4790522

if you actually like that shithole then it looks like we won't miss you here

>> No.4790523

Have you looked at the rest of 4chan? It's already mostly facebook people.

>> No.4790528


I don't. But this place would be unequivocally worse.

>> No.4790529

By your logic /v/ is always going to be about baby.

>> No.4790530

Where do you see the field to put your facebook account name and password?

>> No.4790539


>> No.4790542

yes, the facebook feature is here to stay

no, we're not going to integrate with the normals: we integrated with the normals years ago, it all started with habbo hotel raids.

>> No.4790547


Maybe not babby but /v/ will always be children.

>> No.4790551


>> No.4790552

The other day there was a thread where it turned out that even /jp/ now has quite a couple of normal fags. Damnit.

>> No.4790554
File: 124 KB, 1366x768, 4chan facebook merge evidence2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, this is not a joke?

One of you must have a Facebook. Try it out. Post results.

>> No.4790553 [DELETED] 


Oh right,
I deleted my facebook account

>> No.4790555

It's actually a smart move for moot. He hasn't done something this smart in years.

Tons of people/retards use Facebook. If he can keep those people posting here more, then that's more ad money for him. I expect Twitter functionality to be added next.

>> No.4790558


>responded to post in /b/




>> No.4790559

It disturbs me knowing so many hipster faggots actually have a facebook around here.

>> No.4790561

another ogame player eh? I used to play uni1 and 11. got into the top 50 too.

>> No.4790569

I've just tried it. It requires you to connect to facebook. Basically, a window will pop up and you have to accept it to have the posts appear on facebook.

>> No.4790584


>> No.4790587

Every once in a while some bullshit happens that makes me say, "I'm leaving 4chan forever!" But I always know in the back of my mind I'll probably be back.

But this... this just might do it. Maybe it's time to find a new group of outcast losers to waste my life with.

>> No.4790588


do you have to give name/password? or does it automatically post if you're logged in?


deal with it nerd

>> No.4790591

If moot is serious about this I will have admit that it was a pretty smooth move doing this during AF.

>> No.4790595

Figures an imbecile who posts to /b/ and uses smilies is incapable of telling if something that hit him in the face is a joke or not.

>> No.4790609
File: 63 KB, 500x373, 1235685156800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the shit really starts to hit and /jp/ and every other board is filled with normalfags, moral crusaders (how dare you play rape games/like loli/etc!?), angry soccer moms and chavs, remember that /bun/ is there

Even if it won't be our final residence, we can at least use it to discuss where we will find a place that ISN'T moderated by faggots and tripfags.

>> No.4790611

I hope he is serious about it now, just to see more butthurt and rage. It's not like 4chan's community could get much worse.

>> No.4790615

99.5% sure moot is just doing some extra trolling or too busy/lazy right now to remove it. after all, he still has to remove babby from /v/ and music from /v/ and /g/.

>> No.4790624

I really don't like this but no matter how much I say "That's it! I'm leaving 4chan" and no matter how many normalfags storm in: I'll always end up back here.

My first post was in 2005 and I haven't been able to escape since.

>> No.4790625

Yeah, we all know that he would do something like this sooner or latter, taking into account that he doesnt care about the massive influx of normalfags from /b/, keeps /rk9/ alive etc

>> No.4790628

Did you mean Fermiville?

>> No.4790629

would it really make a difference? the biggest influx of new people to 4chan for years has been the gaia/gamefaqs/myspace crowd.

>> No.4790632

I'm not sure since I'm already logged in, hence it only asked me to accept the connection. You can try by yourself. The post only appears only if you decide to accept.

>> No.4790633

I don't know. There's /bun/ and /tohno/ but right now /jp/ is... bearable. Not by much, but at least I still don't have the "Who ARE these people? How the fuck can they be so retarded?" vibe I got when I read a thread on /r9k/ two days ago.

Especially the moral crusaders and that stuff you mentioned is something I do not tolerate well. If majority opinion on even this board becomes "loli is wrong" I'm out of here.

>> No.4790635

Let's see, I'm testing this feature...

>> No.4790639

this board isn't 100% loli, goddamn you pedos are intolerant

>> No.4790642


4chan is nothing more than a way for moot to make a living now. Hell, he wants to sell this place off, but no one wants to currently buy it.

>> No.4790650

Who would want to buy a shitheap like this? He doesn't even collect delicious personal info.

>> No.4790652

I understand moot needs money but god, facebook is so fucked.

You agree to let them look at everything on your computer and collect all personal info they can from outside sources and even read your fucking IMs when you agree to their terms of service.

You also agree they can do anything they want with this info, including build a court case against you.

>> No.4790657

a business person would be insane not wanting to buy this site. moot only has to lift a finger every couple of months and the ad revenue is at least over a thousand bucks a day.

>> No.4790658

How much did moot say he'd probably sell for? $50k, was it?

>> No.4790662


>> No.4790672

>revenue is at least $1000 a day

Yeah, and bandwidth costs are at least $999.99 a day.

>> No.4790674

moot isn't going to sell this place, retards. he actually cares about this site that's why he never installed tons of popups/unders and spyware crap to make money. if he decides to sell the site he'll make sure it is in right hands and the community we have established can live on as it always has. he's not some sellout like blowtax.

>> No.4790676

the bandwidth costs are a lot but nothing terrible. the most intensive boards like /hq/ no one goes to.

although I've been on and off 4chan I haven't seen a donation drive since 2007 or round then (the one with longcat).

and 4chan is more popular now than ever.

>> No.4790677

lowtax also doesn't have tons of popups/unders etc and cares about his site

just sayin

>> No.4790679


Even so.

I would prefer to dedicate my efforts to a hostile takeover of ED. There is a site that no man would miss ever if it were destroyed.

>> No.4790685

How does this work? I'm already logged in but nothing happen!

>> No.4790689

his site has a ton of obnoxious shit unless you give him his bribe money. he only cares about his jewgolds he doesn't give ashit about the community.

>> No.4790690

>the most intensive boards like /hq/ no one goes to.
Those are far from the most intensive.

30 seconds of /b/ bandwidth is probably equivalent to three weeks of /h/ activity, 60 medium pictures > one large picture

>> No.4790693

This site is eternally doomed to only get crappy sponsors like JList and Snorg t-shirts thanks to the presence of /b/.

Of course, you can't get rid of /b/ either, or else there goes 90% of your site traffic. So yeah, I could see why no one would want to buy this place.

>> No.4790696

You seriously think a donation spree now would render more income than it did back then?

There's something you need to realize about 4chan's new userbase...

>> No.4790699

ok you're right, but I'm still right in my point. this site makes more money than it spends. and I'd say it makes more by a significant enough margin. at least significant enough to not beg users for money in over 3 years.

so they're probably sitting on decent enough profit right now.

>> No.4790702

moot is a quarter million in debt. He's not making any profit.

>> No.4790703

no I'm saying the lack of a donation spree means they don't have their balls to the wall and need money or else everything dies. I'm saying they have money now.

>> No.4790704

does a degree in mexican studies really cost that much?

>> No.4790706

beware! dvach died like this.

>> No.4790709

if you aren't part of his site, you aren't part of his community. he has absolutely no reason to give a shit about you. sorry.

>> No.4790725


>> No.4790728

That what moot wants you to think.
If 4chan, REALLY figured out moot is making money out of this, it'd turn on him.
Just look at yourself, do you give half a shit about moot ?
Of course not, no one does, if anything being the average 4chan user you'd very much enjoy to see him in distress just for lols and giggles.
This place is a real dangerous beast to tame, and /b/ know everything about him they need to know, and if you've been here in the past you know how dangerous they can be, there are anons in there that are really crazy and not just pretending.
That's the only thing I'll praise moot for, managing this place it's probably a bitch.
A bitch that shits gold though.

>> No.4790748

I am not sure about that, but I am pretty sure that most people that have some years on 4chan will agree in that moot is a lying liar who lies.

>> No.4790754

I'm pretty sure if this facebook merger is real, people will be figuring out that he's making money soon enough. A successful business like FB would not partner with an unsuccessful business.

>> No.4790757

moot isn't a dickhead though. in all the years I've been coming to this site on and off he's only been a normal person. I've only ever "talked" to him once in an old /b/ thread and he was fine.

I don't care if moot makes money off this site. you need to keep in mind he footed a massive bill out of his own pocket for a few years. so let him make money. he took a gamble and it paid off.

>> No.4790769

I agree, moot is not a bad guy.

I just don't think this place is going to be bearable with a constant influx of FB traffic.

>> No.4790771

/b/ can't even do shit about Kimmo Alm. The fuck would they do to moot?

>> No.4790774

Would you spam your address into /b/ then ?

>> No.4790777

The difference is; Kimmo is in Sweden, Sweden is full of pussies, and even swedish /int/s admit to this.

m00t is in the United States, which is plum full of nuts and crazies.

>> No.4790786

i think people are yet again making too big of a deal out of this

if this feature is not gone in 2 or 3 days, I'd be worried.

>> No.4790787

It is already day 2, Einstein.

>> No.4790792


2 or 3 days from today, foreigner

>> No.4790793

I understand, but to be honest I don't know how much of a difference it would make to certain boards.

stuff like /cgl/ and whatever photography is etc, they're all on facebook already probably. and boards like this, I don't think it would really hold a lot of newcomers. this is a very harsh and isolationist board. we tend to be socially akward and hence not facebook users. although I'm sure many people here use it.

>> No.4790820

babby isn't gone from /v/ yet retards, he obviously just hasn't gotten around to it

the facebook thing was probably put in to troll the rules 1 and 2 retards in the first place, so there's no way in hell this is staying

>> No.4790830

moot will record every IP that used the facebook feature and ban them

>> No.4790839

Stop talking about shit you don't know just to look cool.

>> No.4790841


I wish I could believe that.

>> No.4790852


How dare you play loli/rape games you sick fuck!

Omg I'm putting this on facebook right away!

>> No.4790853

1) Go make a fake facebook account
2) Log in to it and make a post and check the box
3) See result
4) Delete facebook account
5) ????
6) An hero or cry yourself to sleep ;;

>> No.4790861

for fucks sake /jp/

>> No.4790868
File: 56 KB, 450x786, a96830_a510_pac-gentlemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd post results/use mine, but in all honesty, who the hell posts their *4chan habits* so that all their normalfag friends can judge them?

Or at least, judge and feel better about their own 4chan 'habit'.

I don't want them to know I hang out with *you* scumbags, seriously!

>> No.4790870

You got it all wrong.

Here's the situation: you have a highly popular website and have invested a ton of money to keep it up already. You can't keep funding it forever, so you have two choices:

1) Kill it now and only have lost a quarter million
2) Keep investing in it in the hope that eventually a company will buy it for $2M

moot is taking door number 2.

>> No.4790874

>normal friends

So, why are you here again?

>> No.4790876

You retards seriously never heard of Bugmenot?

>> No.4790881


and? moot just went the extra step with his trolling.

and judging by the reactions of all the bitter faggots here, he seems to have been successful.

>> No.4790885


>> No.4790888


Sad but true.

Assuming we aren't getting trolled, we'll just have to thank our lucky stars he isn't selling it off to, I dunno, MTV, so we can end up with a nightmare mode Gaia-style dystopia of politically correct censored shite, designed to protect the 'sensitive feelings of minorities'.

So that nobody who comes to 4chan will be 'offended', and there will be 'fun activities and accessories to buy, based upon 'memes' generated on the various boards.

Seriously, guise, it could be much worse. It's a facebook function for people with no shame. I'm not phased.

>> No.4790894

We're just going to hope that the majority of /jp/ simply doesn't check that box.

>> No.4790901

If you're not using the function out of SHAME, something is very wrong.

>> No.4790913

>Implying most people don't have dynamic IPs

>> No.4790918

>implying a dynamic IP will save you from a subnet ban

>> No.4790921

Yeah, being here for one thing.

>> No.4790927

>merging with the normals
...You don't get why facebook's a problem, do you?

Oh well, whatever, 4chan's a problem too. 4chan's nothing but a bunch of often-underaged /b/tards stuffing online ballots and making a hazard of themselves IRL. Oh, and starting up nutty non-imageboard pedo rival sites, and spamming.

>> No.4790941


>> No.4790946

So what are all the /jp/ alternatives?


Fuck it, they're all slow/dumb. I'm just gonna finish learning Japanese so I can not post on 2chan.

>> No.4790952

Personally I'd just start actively posting on hongfire, I'll miss you guys but it's better than nothing.

>> No.4790953

This site has been barred from the bugmenot system.

>> No.4790959

I'm tired of people bitching about bunbunmaru being slow

It's a self-fulfilling statement, you idiot.

Here, let me put it in greentext so you'll understand it
>say board is slow
>convince people not to go to it
>it stays slow

>> No.4790965
File: 348 KB, 1200x800, 4857061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is still fine. I don't get why you guys are talking about fleeing AGAIN. We all know how well that works out.

>> No.4790970

Oh, that wasn't always the case. I used it to check out some stuff on someone's private Facebook a while back.

It kind of starts losing the point if it allows sites to ask to be excluded from it, doesn't it?

>> No.4790971

I get why facebook is a problem.
It's a fucking government datamine that gets you to waive all rights to privacy and any copyright you may have had to anything posted on there.

I guess if there was one way to get 4chan under control, this would be it.

>> No.4790979

bun is a cluster fuck. Slow isn't its problem.

Good game 5000 threads 500 posts long in two forums.

>> No.4791001
File: 39 KB, 400x400, bun71714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4791036

Spookier than that, duder. Nixon-grade crap as implemented by the private sector.

>> No.4791054

The private sector already sells your data all over the place and have companies dedicated to analyzing it that aren't allowed to tell you what their job actually is. I'm not really concerned about any of it.

>> No.4791055
File: 107 KB, 287x295, moot on myspace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna read through this whole thread

But god the OP is retarded. Have a little faith in our fearless leader...

>> No.4791061

This thread blows my mind.
Facebook is there to troll.

>> No.4791066

(and of course, that's on top of it being a thoroughly negative social phenomenon which naturally includes a "viral" incentive to advertise it to all your buddies)

>> No.4791102

Oh, that marketing/credit/med-records/public-records shit's a waste when it isn't a scam. Facebook gets even seemingly intelligent people to post everything from drunken party photos of themselves for their future employers' perusal, to etc. etc. etc.
"♪ We're all stars now~ In the derp show~ ♫"

>> No.4791110

The high number of people who have facebook accounts in a supposedly socially awkward, misogynistic, 'abnormal', 2D-loving board, who are willing to try whether the tag actually works, frightens me.

>> No.4791116

I trust ZUN more than you.

>> No.4791128

hey guys link me your facebook so I can add you

>> No.4791147


>> No.4791156

whoa shit thanks man I'll add you right away

>> No.4791159
File: 177 KB, 810x900, 1258369361831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thumbs up for Meido-san.

>> No.4791164

Yeah, like actually having a facebook account.

>> No.4791168

Don't worry, your forced "NEET and Hikkomori" crap is still relevant. Maybe even moreso once a new batch of stupid kids arrives from this facebook friendly-/b/-"invasion"/anschluss.

>> No.4791169
File: 54 KB, 655x908, 077f249d0b5e7576ae675b4cb25588f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks that /jp/ has a janitor.

>> No.4791191
File: 110 KB, 600x534, 64e0b931831f3a8f3a75895183e93a86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two mjc thread instant casualties few minutes ago.

I say that's quite a good performance. Carry on.

>> No.4791201

You're confused. We have a meido, just no mods.

>> No.4791236

glock with a 90 degree grip angle

FFFFUUU- oh wait, this is /jp/. carry on.

>> No.4791239

Seriously, would you want normalfags see this board and tell the whole world we're sick fucks. I know most of us here are sick fucks and people telling other people we're REALLY sick fucks is what frightens me. Each thread will be infested by normalfags saying shit we don't want to hear, and they might just stop us from talking about the VERY things that made /jp/ what it is. We might end up being conscious on the things we talk about, or else some faggot will report us to our local police due to our 'troubling nature'.

>> No.4791253
File: 436 KB, 1920x1200, Konota thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, I'm amazed that the meido let this thread live this long. I'm quite glad, I sure wasn't getting any reasonable answers over on /b/. Thanks for letting us have our little chat, lovely meido.

>> No.4791256

You are a really bad troll, do you know that?

Oh no, someone told the FBI about 4chan! As if that doesn't happen every time there's a CP thread on /b/.

>> No.4791257

Yeah, I think that might be you overreacting a tad.

>> No.4791286

So I heard it's now the Easter Newfriend Weekend.

Enjoy a sample of hell, /jp/. We've earned it.

>> No.4791288

I dunno guys, if it's all for real, aren't we just one step away from being fully sold-out? Like many have pointed out, FB is as creepy and invasive as it gets. Could the day be near that you admit to something criminal on 4chan and cops just show up at your house?

>> No.4791291

We've earned nothing, and it's not like you have room to talk about things being shitty.

Kill~ yourself~

>> No.4791294

Prisons are already overburdened, they have better things to do.

>> No.4791297

Cause we are living in America, America,
it's Wunderbar

>> No.4791303
File: 70 KB, 360x200, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4791305

He's trying to sort out the newfags from the oldfags.
Newfags are actually panicking about this and making threads about it. "Oh noes! Facebooks! We're normals!" Trying hard to fit in as usual, they really want to feel like they belong as part of this "community".

Oldfags know it was just a fucking joke and moot just hasn't gotten around to removing it yet.

OP if you're not a tool, you'll delete your thread, because you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.4791311

I won't be surprised when the facebook functionality stays and I read some news over the internet that another person is arrested for having obscene things in their computers and /jp/ will smeared all over like freshly shat crap and that guy will plea guilty for shorter sentence and probation.

I have nothing against this move by moot, it's just a bit, too extreme.

>> No.4791335


Way to overreact.

>> No.4791375

>He's trying to sort out the newfags from the oldfags.

No, he's just showing us how humongous a faggot he is, because he took the time to implement this shit just to troll a handful of retards, yet always complains how he has no time to work on the site and delays everything by weeks/months.

>> No.4791379
File: 16 KB, 481x421, relationship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, moot cares.

>> No.4791396

You're completely right, and I give him too much credit. But it does have the effect of sorting the two groups, and seeing dorks overreacting has provided me with some amusement.

>> No.4791407
File: 6 KB, 236x149, 1256747271001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4791412
File: 76 KB, 300x451, hand_with_money.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what moot thinks of when he thinks of 4chan.

>> No.4791416

Suggesting that moot isn't actually a normalfag and he wouldn't keep this facebook shit just because it stands a chance of boosting popularity.

>> No.4791417

He thinks about whoring himself while dressed as a little girl ?

>> No.4791434

Don't act like all you faggots wouldn't feel exactly the same if you were in his situation.

You're no altruist angels either.

>> No.4791438
File: 294 KB, 650x963, 1242014417437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found this site on facebook. you guys are sweet.

>> No.4791449

You are doing it wrong. Add more emoticons and write like a 14 year old.
Have to put a bit more effort into trolling, not much but still.

>> No.4791455

For some reason this thread reminded me that I forgot to take a shower yesterday. Uck.

>> No.4791457


>> No.4791466

I'd be selling anon's IPs to anyone who offered, are you kidding? Of course that's true, and I can't hold it against moot that he might be thinking of ways to make money from the site.
Still the Facebook thing is nothing more than a joke and that's a fact.

>> No.4791467

You shower every day?

GTFO normalfag.

>> No.4791469

im sowwy -_-;;

>> No.4791472

hey there guy ! :D
woah Im sorry if im doin it wrong but its the firts time
lets get lal along ^_^

>> No.4791487

If it is a joke, I will personally send moot an email and swear on my life that if he comes and picks my NEET ass up, I will suck his cock and let him fuck me in the ass. Because if it's a joke, it's genius.

I still have the creeping feeling though, that in a day or 2 you are going to find you you're the one who's wrong, no matter how much I want you to be right.

>> No.4791488

let's pretend to be from one of those forums for underage users, in an extremely obvious manner, because it sure is humerus. I would never use one of those places online, and I'm going to prove how mature I am through parody. Oh yes, let's go guys.

>> No.4791494

*holds up spork*
I'm the penguin of doom etc

>> No.4791495

or you could be an overtly pedantic faggot because that's much better

>> No.4791499

Good luck, I've been trying to convince mootles to fuck me in the ass for a long time. At first he politely told me he wasn't into that, now he just ignores my emails.

>> No.4791503 [DELETED] 

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can
call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol...as u can see im very random!!!!
thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^... im 13 years old
(im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind
(im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its
SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random
ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make
alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!

DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again ^_^ hehe...toodles!!!!!

love and waffles,

* ~t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m~*

>> No.4791506

Well, good, then I won't have to deliver on that part.

>> No.4791507

It is. Your shit is tired, hang it up already.

>> No.4791516

no it isn't. and stop saging you pussy.

>> No.4791533

Haven't seen that spork in a while

>> No.4791539

So, this shit about facebook being a datamine...
If I created an account with my actual details, and "closed it" (I'm aware they don't delete the info) like 2 days later, am I fucked?

>> No.4791542

> stop saging you pussy.
Just where do people like this keep coming from?

>> No.4791543

If i would own 4chan and someone would give me 100.000 dollar for it i would fucking sell it.

>> No.4791544


>> No.4791545

why do you keep saging?

>> No.4791548

>segata sageru

thumbs up!

>> No.4791550

Oh moot and your shenanigans.

>> No.4791559

Are you new here? If you accumulate enough sage posts then the thread gets deleted.

>> No.4791572

Protip: The word "sage" came from Futaba which makes him already Japanese, so you don't have to change it in your way.

>> No.4791578
File: 126 KB, 498x498, 1264789971465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this whole facebook fad isn't going to continue (and I don't think it will, moot is not that retarded), everything is ok.

However, if it does, our only bastion of defence are our very interests. I expect one doll thread, at least two "creepy" eroge threads, an aniki thread and some Touhou powerlevel discussions (no imagedumps) on frontpage at all times and we won't have to even interact with the facebook wave.

>> No.4791592

...So, nothing different?
Though I think they would be repulsed more by one of the bi-weekly /b/ raids

>> No.4791597

take a look for yourself
I wouldn't worry about it too much as long as you didn't talk about anything incriminating on there.

>> No.4791598

That hasn't been true for years now.

>> No.4791606

he just meant posts in general I think
Nihonese expert here

>> No.4791615

Get out, people from other boards. We don't want any.

>> No.4791616

Oh, so that's why you started this thread? NYPA. Post 'em yourself if you feel like it.
Fucking /b/ mentality.

>> No.4791617

What? That makes even less sense than what is he can has three house change deal

>> No.4791619

Looking here, it appears you do have the option to delete your account if you manually remove all data first.
Deactivating or deleting your account. If you want to stop using your account you may deactivate it or delete it. When you deactivate an account, no user will be able to see it, but it will not be deleted. We save your profile information (friends, photos, interests, etc.) in case you later decide to reactivate your account. Many users deactivate their accounts for temporary reasons and in doing so are asking us to maintain their information until they return to Facebook. You will still have the ability to reactivate your account and restore your profile in its entirety. When you delete an account, it is permanently deleted. You should only delete your account if you are certain you never want to reactivate it. You may deactivate your account on your account settings page or delete your account on this help page.

>> No.4791633
File: 154 KB, 498x498, 1264790046641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, actually slightly different than what the front page looks like right now. And instead of telling everyone to get out, we should be proud and inviting every clueless normal into waifus, rape games, loli doujins, et cetera.

>> No.4791636

What does this even say

>> No.4791639

pig disgusting gaijin go back to rest 4chan.
This is /jp/ only.

>> No.4791664

>you started this thread

hurr durr

And no, I'm not calling for a personal army. If anything, I'm telling you what my personal reaction to this will be.

>> No.4791678

That option wasn't there last time I checked (possibly 3 years ago)
Deleted it.

People sent me friend requests, and group invitations and that's about it. I never posted or otherwise did anything with it because the whole thing seemed fucking stupid.

But yeah, thanks to both of you.

>> No.4791688

Guys, /v/ is still GEE GEE GEE GE GEE, moot is probably just screwing with you.

>> No.4791697


>> No.4791717

Pffffft, /v/ weakling scum. True /jp/ers have listened to this song over a thousand times each.

>> No.4791732

Why would /jp/ listen to random shitty c-pop?

>> No.4791736


I listen to ska not random shitty jpop, so you're wrong there.

>> No.4791751

Because some shitty Korean forced it up our ass, but my point still stands.
By the way, ska is fucking awesome.

>> No.4791764 [DELETED] 

had to pop over to /a/ to check this out. I must say I was quite amused, what's the name of this song?

>> No.4791772

had to pop over to /v/ to check this out. I must say I was quite amused, what's the name of this song?

>> No.4791794

You'd get your answer if you youtube searched "GEE GEE GEE GEE BABY BABY"

>> No.4792574

Every time I see a thread 404 and notice all the sites images have been changed to say "4chan 2.0" I think again that maybe this isn't a joke.

>> No.4792584

4CHAN 2.0

Does that mean that I'll have to get a FACEBOOK PREMIUM ACCOUNT too?

>> No.4792606

The shitastic new Youtube interface was not a joke?

>> No.4792615

Nope. Can't even hide comments anymore. Shit sucks.

>> No.4792618

Unfortunately not

>> No.4792627

how do I view a video's rating.

nice job on breaking it

>> No.4792630

Haven't heard anything about YouTube. Though a little [youtube][/youtube] tag that you could drop their embed code between would be very simple to implement and actually something useful that I would welcome. What we are talking about ITT is the little check box under your comment that now allows you to post it as a facebook status update or event or whatever.

>> No.4792632

Check a youtube video and you'll see the shitty new layout. It's horrid.

>> No.4792646

Oh... wow. Ouch.

April must be the official "How can we fuck up our megapopular website as much as possible?" month.

>> No.4792661


I'm glad I'm not the only one that hates it. I can't believe how far they've gone to obfuscate basic functionality.

And have they done away with star ratings entirely now?

>> No.4792683

Lots of people hate it and have said so on youtube's blog. My major issue with it is that I can't hide comments anymore. They've done away with the star rating system entirely. Now you can give either a thumbs up or down. God, I wish it was an April Fools' joke.

>> No.4792707

...so it would seem.

So basically instead of which videos are actually popular and well liked, all we get now is the "Featured" garbage people pay them to shove down our throats.

Great. It's like the whole internet is going to hell.

>> No.4792744

The fuck is this shit

>> No.4792787

its to prevent the AT spam, look around you, you don't see it now don't you?

>> No.4792791



We have a genius here folks

>> No.4792801

God I FUCKING HATE the new Youtube layout. It was great as it was. WHY oh why do they do this?

>> No.4792822

I thought that making the front page display all the shit you don't care about (instead of being able to choose) was a good indicator that people responsible for youtube are retarded.

>> No.4792852 [DELETED] 
File: 363 KB, 700x600, 2155557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's time for me to quit 4chan.

>> No.4792863

Yeah, its total bullshit. When I saw it yesterday I honestly thought it was an April Fools joke it was so bad.

>> No.4792874

I haven't been to the youtube front page in around 2 years.

a few weeks back they reverted to the old layout which was awesome, I thought they'd stay there. now they're back to the new bullshit.

>> No.4792883


I'd love to meet the guy who said "Ok, yeah, this is a good layout, lets do it" just so I can punch him in the face. The new layout is complete balls and I don't know a single person who actually thinks it's any good. Don't fix what isn't broken.

>> No.4792886


Wow. The star ratings and the related videos were the two things that made YouTube a success in the first place. And in one fell swoop they fuck both up.

Google don't usually fuck up this big that often.

>> No.4792898
File: 81 KB, 850x846, 1252083830577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw, what the fuck is that korean shit on /v/?

>> No.4792914

it was steve jobs

>> No.4792929


better than the nigger shit on /g/

>> No.4792937
File: 24 KB, 361x208, 1269514264657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't hide comments anymore.

>> No.4792962

I don't know why youtube decided -6 would hide a comment anyway. they went from it being rated down and having to click "show" to it being completely gone. thankyou youtube for protecting me from the evils of the world.

>> No.4792967
File: 24 KB, 300x300, 126076526752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's horrible...

>> No.4792970

My major issue with the new Youtube is that, for me, it loads slower and heats up my computer more so than before by a noticeable margin.

>> No.4792987

web 2.0 needs a dual core cpu. also 2.

>> No.4792995


Seems totally normal to me.

>> No.4793014


>> No.4793026

I think you meant "hilarious"

>> No.4793030

So Youtube is eating up more cpu? Because I start getting temperatures almost equivalent to those when I play games now.

>> No.4793037

It's the goddamn flash and other shitty embedded stuff with the videos. I heard that the HTML 5 player works better, but you can't use it on firefox.


>> No.4793055

YouTube started to go to shit when they added in-video adds. Annoying shit is annoying.

>> No.4793058

no, it isn't. I'm running on an old laptop using latest firefox and my cpu usage is the same it's always been idle with a bunch of youtube tabs open.

not that I'm sticking up for youtube the new layout sucks dicks. it just doesn't suck your cpu's dick.

>> No.4793098


Wait, what? I've never had a single advertisement. But I only really listen to niche video game music and the occasional funny video I get linked to.

>> No.4793102

Except it's not.

>> No.4793148

It works a little better. I didn't jump from 50 degrees to 80, just to 60. It also loaded at a regular pace.

>> No.4793812

Just wanted to express I also hate the new layout Youtube rolled out.

These kind of things are the worst. I don't want little kids who want to protect their online buddies from criticism to be able to decide what I can read or not. Goddammit, user moderation is ALWAYS total shit.

And why the fuck aren't comments threaded is what I've wondered since the beginning. I see someone posted an answer to another person's post, WHICH ONE? I'm not going to click all comments for every video just to read some comments and even then, usually when I did it still didn't show up right. You'd see a discussion and at the far bottom you'd see 5 responses by the author of the video all beneath each other with the original posts they replied to being scattered over the page. How fucking difficult is it to implement a comment system?

>> No.4793896

Just did a search for "new youtube layout sucks balls" on Youtube:


>> No.4797898

