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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 185 KB, 600x646, Resonant_Blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
476080 No.476080 [Reply] [Original]

Morning Musume - Hello! Project's flagship group

>> No.476087

Music Fighter 08-04-18

>> No.476093

Music Fighter 08-04-18

>> No.476105
File: 233 KB, 800x1120, up680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good work

>> No.476319
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>> No.476324
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>> No.476332
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>> No.476336


>> No.476380
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reina's unevil twin?

>> No.476418
File: 68 KB, 1024x576, koharu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who else here will find it hilarious if koharu is arrested this summer at the supposed shanghai concert for breaking the lip-syncing law?

>> No.476598


>> No.476802
File: 88 KB, 640x480, 1206653235782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you're not.

NOW you are.

>> No.476938


If China was smart that's what they should do.

I long for the day when she has to graduate Momusu.

>> No.477119
File: 565 KB, 1266x1738, 0020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp haet Koha?

>> No.477321
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Ameba Studio 08-04-19 [Guest - Kago Ai]

>> No.477328
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>> No.477334

Am I the ONLY person who thinks Reina can't sing worth a damn? She does that stupid shake/wave thing with her voice on every goddamn word, fuck is it annoying.

She needs to get pushed to the back, with Sayumi.

>> No.477471
File: 173 KB, 1037x1478, img20071010034135877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know all those fanart pictures of Nevada stabbing random people?
I want one of Koharu stabbing Reina.

>> No.477476
File: 183 KB, 1036x1472, img20080107053730744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had my way, the front girls would be Takahashi, Niigaki, Kusumi and Kamei. Chinese girls in mid/background. Sayumi still in the back vocal-wise but with a few more shots of her in PVs because she's cute and deserves that much. Reina and Aika gone forever. FOREVER.

>> No.477480
File: 27 KB, 412x600, img20080225012805038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have GBs of Koharu pictures. I think you should have some.

>> No.477484
File: 36 KB, 414x600, img20080121034016308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When she first joined I was obsessed with collecting all her pictures. ♥

>> No.477486
File: 233 KB, 1024x1472, img20051229140833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course she's a bit cuter AND stopped doing THAT now, so it worked out well for me anyway~

>> No.477489
File: 39 KB, 600x423, img20080217202446119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So long as Tsunku doesn't decide that Momusu really IS a two-girl show I'll stick with it, but otherwise I can be content with Tsukishima Kirari.

>> No.477491
File: 46 KB, 500x334, img20080105173146711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think people are too harsh about the whole live thing. Aika can't sing live yet either! She's like fourteen or something? She'll learn~

>> No.477494
File: 26 KB, 259x366, img20080219025840732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So one area of her performance improved faster than the other areas! Just means we have to be patient while she plays catchup, that's all.

>> No.477506

Ai Kago is back~~~!

>> No.477511
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And I'm bored now. Enjoy~

>> No.477514

sage for shitty j-pop group

>> No.477518

Age for sage. :\

>> No.477534


Just to point out, you actually made his sage more deadly, you realize?

Now that zip prunes based on popularity, all a sage does is add one more reply to the thread, making it hit autosage faster. Effectively it denies the thread of one posts worth of content. By aging just because he saged, you've moved this one post closer to autosage, denying it of two posts of content.

Just remember that the actual use of sage is using it to reply to a thread without bumping it, much like I am now.

Also, just to add, I find these tolerable as long as the OP is 2d. I'd like to request not using pictures that someone is whoring their deviantart on, though.

>> No.477678
File: 286 KB, 1750x720, toro17616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read that on 2ch, but I doubt if it's real or not.

You should learn to ignore shit trolls.

One can always make a new thread, so there is no real loss here. If I wanted I (or we) could make a thread for each member and fill it with image dumps.

>> No.477682

>>One can always make a new thread, so there is no real loss here. If I wanted I (or we) could make a thread for each member and fill it with image dumps.

And unleash a hell of a shitstorm resulting in bans for both sides.

>> No.477688
File: 62 KB, 768x576, tekitou1658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why I'm not doing it. But at least we can have ONE active H!P thread. If you fill one with 250 sage posts we make another one. It's not really a problem.
You Touhoufags don't have any authority over anyone.

>> No.477697


Hey, I'm just having an amicable conversation here, no need to get butthurt over me. I was just pointing out that just like touhoufags have no authority, neither do you, that if you threatened to turn it into an image dump contest, both sides would be banned in the fallout. It's happened quite a bit before, Try typing Nameless Fairy into the namefield. It's the result of image dump hijacks.

>> No.477742
File: 248 KB, 1440x810, ja3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if I sounded offensive.
I've never tried to exert authority over over people here. But from what I saw, you people come and demand only 1 thread per week, no 3D because it attracts /s/ material (what about Hirano and that armpit thread? Is it our fault too?) and general assorted trolling.
I know the consequences of shitting up the board (lol Gensokyo Man roleplay threads), everyone loses. What I want is that touhoufags learn to use the goddamn Hide Thread button (It's just one or two threads!), just leave us in peace.
Oh and spare your high horses: "If you don't want to get trolled don't post 3D", "You guise are the reason the board is shitted up with 3D porn", "Junior Idols!" etc.
Yes, I know we are going to get trolled nevertheless. The key is to ignore trolls, not to compromise with trolls (If we don't post 3D you don't troll kind of deal) because it doesn't work. Why? Just look at the last 2D only thread attempt.

tl;dr, Hide the threads and we are all happy.

>> No.477767

>>tl;dr, Hide the threads and we are all happy.

While you're managing to convince people to do that, maybe you could part the red sea? There's good money to be made from creating another landroute across.

>>Just look at the last 2D only thread attempt.

I'll be honest and say I thought it was a pretty nice decline. You guys got all of three or four sages in a 250 reply thread. That's better than the average Melty blood thread in ratio.

>> No.477779

Ai Kago is back~~~!

>> No.477933
File: 225 KB, 1440x810, toro14264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really mean to help us reduce the trolls, thank you. But it won't work, this is an anonymous board and you should know it's shortcomings.

What can we do? Nothing. I don't care if half of the posts are "they suck" "shitty jpop group". If it hits autosage we just make another one and the ones losing are you, who will have to put up with another H!P thread to hide.

When one has experienced epic trolling, for example 5 threads with 1000 replies each one about "Takahashi is the staff's sex toy (with source)", the trolling we get here is not even kindergarten level.

>> No.477944

>>the ones losing are you, who will have to put up with another H!P thread to hide.

Hence why I'm here, trying to help you understand why people are trolling you, and how not to paint yourself as a target.

>> No.477977
File: 48 KB, 418x600, hello3140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If posting what we like is to paint ourselves as a target, then we can't do much about it, sorry. You'll have to convince the trolls to stop trolling (lol) or wait until they get bored.

Also, look it this way. I have to hide the 30 Touhou threads while you have to hide only H!P thread every day, telling us to post less or to post shitty fanart is not fair.

>> No.477995


I'm only trying to give you some advice, I can't make you listen to it. I never trolled you or told you to do anything.

>>telling us to post less or to post shitty fanart is not fair.

If 4chan was a fair place, neither or us would have met or discussed this issue.

>> No.478014
File: 25 KB, 425x600, 1208620892360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really appreciate your effort, but it's useless. We can't solve solve the troll problem.

And about the fairness: my impression is that you were trying to make this a better place, and a good place is place that is fair for everyone, right?

>> No.478015

Hello! Project: Disney for Japanese.

No wonder all their stars are fucked in the head.

>> No.478019
File: 25 KB, 425x600, 79a2fdddc3b906c88d1029f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate you effort but it's useless. Trolling is an unsolvable problem. See >>478015

>If 4chan was a fair place, neither or us would have met or discussed this issue.
My impression was that you were trying to make this a better place.

>> No.478031

>>a good place is place that is fair for everyone, right?

A good place would segregate us, as there seems little crossover in our interests, and a board should ideally share common interests. That would be fair, and prevent fighting.

As that won't happen, I can only hope to help you employ techniques so that you don't get into trollfests and have repost this thing every damn day.

And you really should put some thought into the 2d thing. I mentioned it last thread, but just making the OP image 2d, and then continuing about as normal would vastly decrease trolls. Anon isn't very observant.

>> No.478034
File: 119 KB, 150x198, 1208198764729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is, you can't bullshit us enough to think anyone in Japan isn't as batshit insane as people are in other countries. That's why anime is win, because it's possible to believe the characters aren't deranged like most Japanese are. What's the suicide rate like again? Weren't there a couple hydrogen sulfide deaths that almost killed other people recently? Yeah, perfectly normal.

>> No.478043

I don't think she's as bad as sayumi but her singing is annoying. Although I do think she's the second best in the current group.

>> No.478045
File: 190 KB, 1440x810, 67ba03a255854bbccbefd0f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I said, I, personally, don't really care about the petty trolls. The only troll that was worth replying and RAGING was that golden generation oldfag and thanks god he stopped shooping pics, those were really disgusting.
But well, if all you ask is to have a 2D as OP, I don't care much either. I just don't want shitty fanart flooding the threads.

>> No.478055

>>But well, if all you ask is to have a 2D as OP, I don't care much either.

If you'd be willing to do this, I'd feel as if something was truly accomplished here.

>> No.478056


Thanks. We thought he was effective, but we weren't sure. Powerlevels active. Preparing shitty shoops...

>> No.478071
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>> No.478088
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I'm only one guy that you convinced (and don't expect this compromise to last forever) and I'm no representative of other mowotas here.

>> No.478099
File: 138 KB, 1440x810, Itsshit2..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go, piping fresh shit for a shit thread.

>> No.478100

no love for teh rei?

>> No.478105

I lol'd, well done anon.

>> No.478107


Well, I mean no offense, but it doesn't seem like there's too many of you. And Judging by the thread before, atleast one other of you were considering a compromise.

That means if nothing else, should one of you start the thread, it'll last longer, and I'll be able to spend less time grumbling.

Who knows? Maybe more will take the idea to heart than just you and the other guy.

>> No.478129

The night-shift trolls are logging off. Time for some caffeinated trolls to take over.

>> No.478132
File: 163 KB, 1025x1463, 1204605636162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No offense taken.

>> No.478146
File: 11 KB, 240x320, kag2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hay guise watz goin on in dis thred

>> No.478182
File: 432 KB, 1200x1200, 1205346841752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll second the agree to this compromise (or attempt)
So there's at least 2 now on morning /jp/ ...but morning /jp/ usually isn't representative of much of anything

oh, btw, i'm the one who started the MM thread with 2D using this picture. I think it was like yesterday or 2 days ago? It was the first one of it's kind, I think

>> No.478288

I'm starting to find this fucking harpy attractive, FUCK.

>> No.478306
File: 268 KB, 724x1024, 0050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can be pretty sexy too.

>> No.478313


See? A shaky peace may be possible.

Hell, Goodwill age.

>> No.478407

achan looks really scary sometimes. :~

>> No.478427

I know this is a MM thread, but has anyone seen AKB48's "Sakura no Hanabira tachi 2008"? It's like 10 minutes long, but it's definitely worth it.

Watch the video, listen to the words (or look them up). It's really touching, actually. Maybe not if you're an oldfag, but if you're young enough to remember your HS graduation, then it's definitely a video worth watching

Lyrics can be found here:http://mm-bbs.org/index.php?act=Print&client=printer&f=31&t=2562

>> No.478437



>> No.478449

oh come now...
that one girl did it because everyone was egging her on to do it and stuff, and it was all fun and games. Then if you saw that other girl's face when the one girl was kissing it, she looked kind of like...she was missing out in some weird sort of way.

So then, on graduation day, she remembered that time, and felt that she had to do it before its too late. It's more symbolic of her wanting to tie up all the loose ends that she had with that school, and everything associated with it. It was just a messed up way of going about it.

>> No.478454
File: 145 KB, 640x480, nup12258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already watched it, no real differences with the original song. And I didn't go to my high school graduation.

>> No.478459

the song is the exact same. the PV is what's new. The old one was just them standing on stage and it kind of sucked.

My HS graduation was similar to the one that they had in the video (except it was a coed school....) so maybe that's why i like so much

>> No.478500

I think the second girl kissing the Statue is in...love!? with the first girl... or she is very very important for her, cause she was also jelous in the art-lesson

>> No.478511

do i really need to throw out the same person alarm?

this is kind of a pathetic attempt to take over a MM thread with AKB

>> No.478514
File: 428 KB, 1000x1480, 1187612458909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sry I mean jealous xD

>> No.478680
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>> No.478681

I can only imagine the resulting drama if we had separate AKB and Momusu threads, each over 50 posts, maybe even with (gasp!) non-2D images.

>> No.478794
File: 575 KB, 704x396, vlcsnap-776186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, Momusu threads live until autosage (and some can last a week). It's the AKB ones that die quickly.

>> No.478802

acchaaaaaaaanchan peaaaacceeeee

>> No.478912
File: 123 KB, 650x477, toro17579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she used to be so cute

>> No.479074
File: 108 KB, 576x768, 1207609708027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AKB? In MY MM thread? GTFO

>> No.479096

I forgot that meth is one of the few drugs that's easy to get in Japan. Still illegal as all hell, but available.

>> No.479732
File: 204 KB, 1038x1478, l1206863196_007124_000001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my opinion she is cuter now.

>> No.479988

cute then, cute now.
koharu <3

>> No.480139

I think Koharu has a cute face, but her head is shaped weird, making her look very awkward. I guess she just sort of grew into it, when she started I didn't really notice.

>> No.480186
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>> No.480221

Michishige confessing to Tsunku?

>> No.480257

One of the hosts asked if Aichan had been told anything recently by Tsunku.

Maybe Aichan thought it was graduation news or bad news or something, I dunno

>> No.480309
File: 345 KB, 1440x810, toro17629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just watched it.
Sayu asked Tsunku for more lines, as she just got some moans and a "Help me!"

Other interesting things they said:
-Sayu pulled her eyebrows because she couldn't stand Koha (I saw an image that proved it but didn't save it)
-Reina or Eri might become JunJun's tutor because she is always late.
-Aika es jealous because JunLin get more attention than her (people talk to them)
-Sayu didn't get along with people in Elementary school and her only friends were pillbugs.

Also, the first time I got a good laugh watching the current lineup on TV.

>> No.480311

I find her awkwardness kind of endearing. She's a loveable spazz. Like in this clip where she fails at Chinese hacky-sack: http://www.veoh.com/videos/v657585RbDwERey

>> No.480407
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>> No.480630
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I wonder why that guy has a sock puppet bunny

>> No.480654
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Mikitty semi nude, anybody that can read nip better know what's going on here?

>> No.480691
File: 95 KB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-6828437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I only understand about a quarter of what they said but it was one of the more interesting shows in a long time.

>> No.480713
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>> No.480720
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>> No.480953

it says "次はセミヌード写真集", which means "her next photobook is semi-nude".

Where did you get this from? friday's or sanspo or something? Seems kinda questionable to me...

>> No.480989
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>> No.480995
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>> No.480999
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>> No.481001
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>> No.481024
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>> No.481299

Haromoni@ 08-04-20

>> No.481437

I also found it interesting that aichan (leader) and gakisan (sub leader) had absolutely no idea that reina and kamei were being asked to be junjun's mentor because junjun is late all the time. It seems management doesn't let everyone in the group know what is going on. It's kind of pathetic though that junjun needs a mentor who is younger than her for something as simple as being late...

thank you!

>> No.481457



>> No.481721


Touhoufags trolling "pig disgusting 3d" threads is just life on 4Chan. Just start a new thread if someone fails-up the first one. Trolls are what make it all bad, not image dumps.

>> No.481735


But it's sexy when they kiss the statue head! A-chan and Yuko are two of the cutest girls in AKB48! AKB48 has some quality talent in it, lots of cute girls, and some pretty good songs.

Not a bad group at all.

>> No.481745


At least 2 of us. AKB48 is the new sauce, since Momosu lost Konkon and Ogawa, and after the scandals of 2007, wota seem to be straying.

>> No.481767


I loved Sayu's talk in this one. She is right, though, the current RB video is like ninja camp. If you have a favorite musume, chances are the video concealed her quite well. The new versions were released to fix this, I surmise (but MM is known for having several versions of PVs, so I could be wrong).

MM videos of late have all been single color themed and washed out. Speaks of small budgets or just bad creative control.

>> No.481788

I fear change, therefor I stick to my Momusu.
Seriously though AKB isn't all that bad, I have a couple favorites, but it's just so damn hard memorizing everyone.

>> No.481850
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>> No.481853

sexy? moar like failness

i love acchan and yuko, but pure idols kissing a statue is fail times. it made me rage almost as much as seifuku jama.

i'm gonna punch you in your fatwotaface so hard akimoto, i swear.

>> No.481885

Fuck off AKB48, talk about a Poor-man's Hello! Project somewhere else.

>> No.481903
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>> No.481926
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>> No.481945


PROTIP: AKB48 was created by Akimoto Yasushi, who created Onyanko Club, which is what momusu originally ripped off.

>> No.481957


There is speculation she's going nude for her play, which she obviously isn't by the picture (bodysuit).

>> No.481974

Lies. Fallacies.

>> No.481996
File: 43 KB, 400x240, 89416_10033142274_122_889lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AKB48's Kojima Haruna is a hellopro fan. CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?

>> No.481995

im sure theres a hellopro song appropriate for every situation

>> No.482004


>> No.482021


Aika's smile in this kinda creeps me out.

>> No.482153


Reina, Ai, and JunJun on a show in Taiwan.

>> No.482274
File: 62 KB, 240x320, eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.482307


>> No.482316

>jaws scares me

>> No.482425

Seems that AKBfags are the same everywhere. At 2ch they got their very own board (Underground Idol Board) but still they come to Wolf to do shameless propaganda.

大島麻衣: 藤本ヲタ
柏木由紀: 石川&吉澤ヲタ
小嶋陽菜: 亀井ヲタ
小林香菜: 田中&鈴木ヲタ
駒谷仁美: 道重ヲタ

There was a girl who actually auditioned for Momusu but failed. Also see >>478454 if that's not a Usa-chan peace I don't know what it can be.

>> No.482433

no, it's not sexy and it isn't even original, they stole the statue kissing idea from a CM

>> No.482465

Oh fuck, Sayu is a Idoling-wota.

>> No.482470
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>> No.482475
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>> No.482479
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>> No.482487

I'm in your rehearsal, wearing a superior shirt!

>> No.482492


>> No.482503


I don't understand why everyone likes her so much. She's not even that cute or funny. Tsuji was always the better of the two.

>> No.482505

Aika is Back!

>> No.482512
File: 111 KB, 567x392, toro14586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone needs to make a Musume-version slowpoke. But I doubt we have any drawfags (hell, we are like only 5 wotas here)

I cast another vote on Tsuji > Kago.

>> No.482516

Satoda Mai > Other Hello Project Member

>> No.482530

Tsuji couldn't sing for shit, you ultraman-loving faggot.

>> No.482534

Who gives a shit? Kago couldn't sing for shit either so Tsuji comes out on top anyways since Kago has no good personality traits.

>> No.482537
File: 81 KB, 321x241, tsujidurhur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So tsuji's retarded faces are "personality traits" now? I think not, bitch.

>> No.482539

This is where I would post a screenshot of Kago making a fucking stupid face too, but all of my H!P shit is on my laptop.

>> No.482542
File: 69 KB, 320x241, kaoriohshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you have Kago faces, enjoy your shitty laptop.

>> No.482544

Anyways, Tsuji was always funnier than Kago.

>> No.482548

Hey faggot, you're a penis-pot-pie! fag! Ai Kago is wonderful, okay?

...you're a gaylord!

>> No.482551

Tsuji was NEVER funnier, plus the bitch couldn't speak English on アヤカの突撃英会話. GAME. SET. MATCH.

>> No.482563
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>> No.482572

XFD at thinking English speaking skills mean shit. Kago's a chain smoking emo slut, get over it. At least Tsuji is leading a somewhat respectable life now.

>> No.482580

Getting cum-dumped is "respectable"? You realize the only reason they married is because he knocked her up, right?

>> No.482584

Getting fucked and dumped is a fucking joke compared to what's happened to Tsuji. At least she's married to a successful/famous guy. Doesn't really matter why they got married.

>> No.482592

Someone needs funny faces?

>> No.482593


Kago is vulnerable, and that's why i love her. Ever hear of moe, you big fat gay?

>> No.482596
File: 242 KB, 1920x1080, 1205197989354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot mah pic

>> No.482598
File: 408 KB, 1520x1288, 1207650429866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vulnerable? Please explain. I think anyone would feel like like shit after all that happened to her.

Have some Tsuji funny face repost.

>> No.482614

...my penis.
...oh, my penis.

>> No.482616

>>after all that happened to her.

What happened to her?

>> No.482628
File: 247 KB, 720x2067, toro16658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got caught smoking (underage smoking, it's illegal)

1 year suspension under house arrest, concert DVD canceled, W single postponed and other things.

After a year of reflecting upon her actions she was preparing for a comeback.

Got caught on a car with a old guy going to the thermal waters (onsen).

Got her contract torn up.

And now she's trying to get back into the industry.

And sets up a blog the day after her interview.

>> No.482627


she experienced the putting of penis into a woman's area

>> No.482632

Forgot: wwwwwwwwwww

>> No.482724

Holy shit, I almost cried watching todays Haromoni@.

>> No.482743
File: 45 KB, 331x500, hakana3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.482748

yay, no wotas on today's haromoni!

maybe they just stopped accepting videos, or maybe no one is sending anything in anymore?

>> No.482784

>Got caught on a car with a old guy going to the thermal waters (onsen).
Who's the old guy?

>> No.482821
File: 44 KB, 240x320, perfume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning Musume are SO passe ...

It's all about THESE gals now.

>> No.482836
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Full force, every orifice ... etc.

>> No.482846

I've never seen perfume NOT lip-sync.

>> No.482848
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>> No.482849

The art videos are wonderful, but if they intend to a ten-minute memory show every week, I'd rather watch Tsunku masturbate on blank sheet music.

>> No.482850

with a pear, and a small length of string.

>> No.482854
File: 26 KB, 400x400, perfumegame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Game.
MM just lost it.

>> No.482857

I wonder if there has been a MM thread without a troll yet...

>> No.482861

I wish you'd stop saying "flagship" or I'll dump sailboat images into the future threads.

>> No.482865

protip: the reason all of perfume's songs are heavily-synthesized, and they never sing live ever, is because they are 100% incapable of singing.

>> No.482883
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>> No.482902
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>> No.482931

I don't remember his name but he is involved in the porn industry (or something similar to that).

>> No.482934

See for yourself

>> No.482940
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>> No.482945

who cares, their songs and PVs are awesome

>> No.483036
File: 142 KB, 800x992, Pabo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you told me 2 years ago that satoda would become the most recognized h!p member i probably would have mauled you

>> No.483061


Not to mention she just went and practically forced her way onto the Ameba Studio's show.

>> No.483165
File: 322 KB, 1050x1483, 1208710742851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad that sayumi has finally stopped believing "as long as I'm cute, it doesn't matter that I can't sing".

From her improved vocal quality during her solos this current concert tour, to her request to tsunku to give her more lines, I don't think she thinks that way any more. She still has a ways to go though.

>> No.483169
File: 230 KB, 886x1280, sayu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad that sayumi has finally stopped believing "as long as I'm cute, it doesn't matter that I can't sing".

From her improved vocal quality during her solos this current concert tour, to her request to tsunku to give her more lines, I don't think she thinks that way any more. She still has a ways to go though.

>> No.483176
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>> No.483185
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>> No.483186

she only did that to piss off the older generations. she stopped because there was nobody left to peeve after yossie and miki left.

>> No.483194
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>> No.483209

details please?

>> No.483240
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>> No.483248
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>> No.483290
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>> No.483376
File: 299 KB, 885x1280, img20080125130418513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you heard Akihabalove? The one they did with DJ Momo-i, that didn't have effects and is at least somewhat recent? They're better than some of the Musume. Also, you best not be judging by Omajinai Perori and Jenny wa Gokigen Naname nigger.
Pic for ontopic.

>> No.483379
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>> No.483384

Oh wow I missed the W argument!
Tsuji wins for not being fat.

>> No.483445


>> No.483482

Did she jump?

>> No.483493

usagi bitch slap to the FACE

>> No.483544


Just read the recent article on Hello!Online

>> No.483672
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>> No.484026

Having her hopes is one thing, but it still doesn't change the fact she's tone deaf. Shit is a lost cause.

>> No.484077
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>> No.484081
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>> No.484106

I'm a bit upset that aika didn't give a shit that junjun lost, and was gloating about it.

Maybe there is an actual reason for junjun continuously being ~30 mins late to work all of a sudden? Maybe she doesn't want to be there...

>> No.484114

I'm a bit upset that aika didn't give a shit that junjun lost, and was gloating about it.

Maybe there is an actual reason for junjun constantly being ~30 mins late to work all of a sudden? Maybe she doesn't want to be there...

>> No.484147


What a cuntbag. "I'm so overshadowed! No one pays attention to me! BAWWWWW"

I hope if they have another memory game with her and she fails, JunJun and LinLin should tag team her.

>> No.484173

They do seem to be building Aika up as a bitch character lately. Maybe she's meant to replace Miki.

>> No.484178


What a cuntbag. "I'm so overshadowed! No one pays attention to me! BAWWWWW"

I hope if they have another memory game with her and she fails, JunJun and LinLin should tag team her.

>> No.484229

hey, junjun is the one bawwwing for no reason

>> No.484251

And I bawwwed with her, you heartless wretch.

>> No.484445

She might be bawwwing for other reasons we don't know. We hardly know what is going on between everyone, and before and after the shows.

I feel sorry for junjun since it seems like she gets no love at all from the other members. Reina and Kamei were asked to be her mentor, but they said they didn't want to. Everyone then said aika should be junjun's mentor, but aika said that she didn't want to either because junjun pisses her off. It could all be staged, but I dunno...

>> No.484461

She might be bawwwing for other reasons we don't know. We hardly know what is going on between everyone, and before and after the shows.

I feel sorry for junjun because it appears that she gets no love at all from the other members. Reina and Kamei were asked to be her mentor, but they said they didn't want to. Everyone then said aika should be junjun's mentor, but aika said that she didn't want to either because junjun pisses her off. It could all be staged, but I dunno...

>> No.484484

you know who everyone hates and doesn't cry? AIKA!

>> No.484507
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>> No.484563
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>> No.484596


I have to disagree. You can tell JunJun seems to have a good connection with Kamei because of how they interact on DVD's and with her personality, they would be hard pressed to hate her. However I do believe they absolutely hate Linlin. Risa and Sayumi both made fun of the way she talked on Haromoni@ and they always seem irritated by her oddball behavior. They have a look on their faces like "God, why is she here?!"

>> No.484599

Why so much hate towards Aika? Because Kikka or Sumire didn't get chosen?

What is Ruru doing nowadays?

>> No.484616
File: 52 KB, 640x428, Perfumepoly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a perfume thread right?

>> No.484626




>> No.484647
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>> No.484654

She lost against Aika in the memory game, they had to remember 40 important people and Jun forgot one.

>> No.484665

several of them are momusu wotas.

there's 2 or 3 momusu fails. i can think of umeda ayaka and kashiwagi yuki off the top of my head. heck there's probably a bunch of them that auditioned for momusu, but those two actually got to semi-finals or whatever.

ayaka <3
yuki <3

ur face is a cuntbag

>> No.484705

since were are kind of on the topic about problems between momusu members,
does anyone happen to have that backstage sound recording of mikitty being extremely pissed off kamei? I can't find it now...

>> No.484710

since were are kind of on the topic about problems between momusu members,
does anyone happen to have that backstage sound recording of mikitty being extremely pissed off at kamei? I can't find it now...

>> No.484716

Any clip?

>> No.484733

a link to the episode is posted in this thread

>> No.484807
File: 69 KB, 639x862, Li-Chun-China.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why the fuck do they put so much make-up on her now?

>> No.484819
File: 217 KB, 1060x1492, up0287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The makeup is because Resonant Blue, normally she doesn't use a lot of makeup.

>> No.484822


Shit boy, my bandwidth is almost up.

>> No.484827

that's not even her

>> No.484829


Yes it is, just a few years younger.

>> No.484843
File: 39 KB, 432x640, hellogirls35735fl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.484854

Pure hotness.

>> No.485112

Pretty cool thread.

>> No.485627

Wait, what? This fucking intrigues me, what did miki say?

>> No.485639
File: 101 KB, 1024x576, rein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.485650

It must have been over a year ago that I downloaded it. A staff member apparently recorded it. I forget what was said, but miki was hugely pissed off and was shouting at kamei gangster/yankii style. Kamei seemed to try and ignore her...

>> No.485692

Now that i think about it, it might have actually have been rika-chan and not kamei. I can't remember.

>> No.485866

Yeah, it was definitely rikachan. There is also an audio file out there of rikachan mocking old people who go to the concerts and dance around weird, I think she said they were "disgusting". Anyone have that too?

I can trade a soundclip of aichan saying "lesbian" and mikitty commenting on this video:

if you haven't heard those yet already....

>> No.485878

Yeah ofcourse its because they didn't get chosen..
or just maybe its because she has been acting like a total bitch lately?

I never liked her, but after this i downright dislike her.
Ugly face and a ugly personality. She looks like a fucking troll for christ sakes. At least Ogawa was nice and funny.
Fail choise Tsunku, fail choice.

>> No.485943

i like the backstage recording where yossie tells miki that miyabi doesn't look like a virgin

>> No.485955

ur face.
has it ever occured to you that most of the stuff on hm is an act or scripted?

aika <3

>> No.485959
File: 174 KB, 640x480, 1206591095934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to be a total asshole or try to impose authority but let me remind this is not a blog or forum where you trade things (that are not even yours to start with).
Anon helps anon and doesn't demand anything in return, if you have something nice to share, you share it. If another anon has something nice to share, he shares it. That is the spirit that drives us on.
The anon who uploaded Haromoni@ into sendspace didn't demand anything like "Hey guys I'm looking for this and this, if you have it I'll trade it for the link to Haromoni@"

>> No.486017

Can you upload that one please?

Sorry, I didn't mean "trade" as in I would only post it if someone posts what I'm looking for. I was just trying to encourage people to upload it if they have it, and obviously I came across in the wrong way. I've uploaded many things here before (I recently uploaded the flac files), and I usually don't ask for anything in return.

Here are the two clips I was talking about anyways, the mikitty one of funny if you understand japanese....


>> No.486025

Can you upload that one please?

Sorry, I didn't mean "trade" as in I would only post it if someone posts what I'm looking for. I was just trying to encourage people to upload it if they have it, and obviously I came across in the wrong way. I've uploaded many things here before (I recently uploaded the flac files), and I usually don't ask for anything in return.

Here are the two clips I was talking about anyways, the mikitty one is funny if you understand japanese....


>> No.486038

lol giev plz

>> No.486040

Oh, then I misunderstood you, my apologies.

>> No.486100

since mikitty has watched this video, it makes me wonder if the other members have watched the opv's of them and such on youtube and other video sites.

I imagine Aibon has watched a lot of them, since she has had a lot of free time in the past 2 years. When the guy on the ameba show started talking about all the crap that was written about her on 2ch, she seemed to know exactly what he was talking about.

>> No.486145

Doubt it. Nobody cares about what people post in the internets (and OPVs are basically a recopilation of their own images). Wotagei was done outside the concerts so it was a pretty important disturbance, and it is directly related to her (it's her song, after all)

>> No.486214
File: 36 KB, 640x480, tor_132795700_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.486216

well mikitty said that she typed in "fujimoto miki" on the "net", and a video of wotagei outside the osaka hall would come up, with all of them dancing and one of them (the wotagei master) whipping them.

Youtube is just as well known in japan as it is in america, so it can be assumed that miki typed in "fujimoto miki" on youtube and searched for videos of herself.

>> No.486252
File: 138 KB, 640x480, hurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.486272

On second thought, OPV's are usually boring, so I would assume that most of them haven't watched many OPV's (I don't watch them either).
I think it would be strange that the members haven't at least once looked themselves up on youtube before though.

>> No.486385

please upload

>> No.486471

I still wanna know what Miki yelled at Rika for.

>> No.486716

I do as well, but I can't find it anymore. I think it might have been on my HDD that died. I remember she was REALLY mad.

I got it off someone's blog about a year ago.

>> No.487306
File: 399 KB, 1476x2088, 1208759610045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.487315


>> No.487319


>> No.487534

ITT ignorant MoMusu fags.
Protip: There's no rivalry between Aika and Junjun. Junjun is the fragile weak girl, while Aika is the cold-hearted bully? I'd just call it "good TV". The only reliable sources regarding personalities are the various mic recordings, nothing else.

>> No.487640


Quit being such a tool anon.
