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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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47586518 No.47586518 [Reply] [Original]

On the night from Saturday 17th onto Sunday 18th August I had a dream during which a normal, one tailed fox in white bonnet entered my apartment. I welcomed it, glad to have a visitor, petting it. But after a while I realised that the crows I wanted to feed and welcome were unwilling to come near my apartment while the fox was there. So I asked the fox to leave. I woke up shortly after.
On Monday 19th, feeling tired, I took a nap after a storm passed through my neighborhood. During it I had another dream. I was just outside local church, on its southern side. The weather was good and there were children running and playing. There was a crow underneath a rubble or construction materials, uninjured, bur trapped. At first I was unsure if I can be so forward, but in the end I decided that something must be done and grabbed the crow with both my hands, gently but firmly. This prevented the crow from flying, which made it embarrassed, but it accepted the situation. I woke up then.
I actually went near the church. There was a body of jackdaw near fence, which I had seen before at 11th, just few meters elsewhere. It was rather well-preserved, considering time and weather. I even took it in my hands. It was rather light, but without any bugs swarming on it. I left the corpse where I found it.
I doubt however that it was it. The bird was long dead, it wasn't the exact species and it wasn't on church's grounds. I would also suspect the meaning being less literal. If there is any meaning at all.
I had one more dream with crows before, during which there were many of them on my balcony, together with me. They were cawing and flocking to me. I don't remember when I had this dream, only that it was certailny after June 6th.
I have been feeding crows with meat since June 6th. I also provide them water. Some of them are getting accustomed to my presence near them while they are eating.
I burned a letter adressed 射命丸文 幻想郷妖怪の山 on the roof of crumbling building I had climbed on at night from 22nd onto 23rd July.
Any help or advice is welcomed, including one to medicate myself.

>> No.47586729
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You are not the first and you will not be the last person to do something like this. Your intuition is correct and you most certainly do not need to medicate yourself. You are probably in the early stages of a legitimate spiritual awakening.

I'm sure you are quite aware of the role that foxes play in Japanese mythology. You are also aware of the Tengu. This is a very good starting point.

But here is something you most likely do not know: I just recently listened to an episode of The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast where some dude called Jason Atomic told that he had a spiritual awakening while staying in Japan. It was very much related to crows, and he has been able to some degree communicate with crows ever since. It makes sense - they are one of the more inteligent individual species on this planet along with us. Spiritual communication crosses the species boundary. You are going to make some very good and useful friends at this rate.

Next, you will need to get some level of understanding on what your local traditions say about foxes and crows. You will also need to learn some rudimentary protection witchcraft. When people start to wake up they will draw in all kinds of entities and not all of them are nice or wanted. They will mostly be curious locals, but some might be unruly. Local methods work to ward off the locals.

I have found sprinkling salt to the corners of my apartement is mostly sufficient. Cultivating good relationship with the local spirits also protects you as they will look after you.

There are also two other skills you will need to start learning, and both are related to meditation. You will need to start to build up a meditation regimen. Even 5 minutes daily untill you can do 10 consistently is good. This is for two reasons at this point: First is to cultivate the ability to let go off things, and the understanding of the texture of your own mind.

First is needed to deal with any potentially really weird or unsettling shit that might go down. Accept the experience, accept it's real and move on. Don't get stuck in being spooked.

Second is to recognize when things that are external to you might try to pop into your mind. This is scarier than it sounds. Spirits mainly communicate directly in the mental space, and Miss Shaimeimaru might want to make a visit soon. When that happens, you probably want to know when to pick up the phone so she doesn't have to get too forceful. Besides meditation, exposing yourself to boredom is a good way to train this skill. Getting distracted is the point - you essentially just need to train yourself to recognize the "normal" contents of your mindstream. These are probably a lot of porn, food and anger at this point.

I wish you best of luck in your journey and I am more than happy to answer any questions that might arise.

>> No.47586811

I think you just had some pretty cool dreams about a dead bird you saw prior and it stuck in your subconscious, dude. Respect for you taking care of the birds though.

>> No.47587201

These type of posts just keep on happening

>> No.47587235
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/x/ has fallen to faggots, /jp/ is the real higher awakening hotspot board

>> No.47587239

Sign of the times ahead, all the hus are picking up their anons and earmarking them before whats to come

>> No.47587411

If I wasn’t right in the middle of my own divination shenanigans I’d have something more to say with this.
Didn’t even see the thread pop up until just before I meditated.
For now though I’ll also just say it’s refreshing to see such empathy expressed on your part through those various interactions. I have my own potentially biased thoughts towards the Tengu though, hopefully you aren’t entangled in anything terribly serious and your dedications pay off nicely.
The real question is if they will ever stop from keep happening.
Jokes aside, I’ve been trying not to think too hard along the lines of >>47587239 but if others have still been fairly serious with all this I could understand the perspective.

>> No.47587443

>I am more than happy to answer any questions that might arise.
Not OP but since I've participated in some of the previous threads and do hope you don't fall down the path some Anons have of bullshitting just for recognition on a Mongolian basketweaving forum. You haven't become a namefag yet so that gives me hope at least.

>> No.47587514
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Seeing an anon bully Eilienen off the board was the funniest shit.

>> No.47587620
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I ain't reading all that
I'm happy for u tho
Or sorry that happened

>> No.47587697

It would be quite vain for me to think this couldn't be the case. But not dwelling on this before passing judgement, even if just a little, would be ignorant, I think.
>a lot of porn, food and anger
Sadly yes, but I would replace 'food' with 'stories'. I used to write essays, short stories and poems; nowadays less, because I became more critical, but not more skillful, so I have many ideas floating on my mind that I can't put on paper.
>answer any questions that might arise
Is there any important text for shugendo that I should read?

>> No.47587895

Anon this is/x/ tier garbage, what do you mean

>> No.47589041
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The "otaku" are liminal, marginal people who are often way more open to the numinous than regular people. These type of people draw in supernatural phenomena. Touhou is way more spiritually charged than average otaku oriented franchises are. It's no wonder this keeps on happening here.
>The real question is if they will ever stop from keep happening.
We appear to be living in a time of heightened spirit activity. It might have something to do with the solar storms, but it's also a much longer term trend. As for /jp/ in particular, good question. In my experience resolving a liminal state also "resolves" the supernatural experience to some degree.
As unbelievable my experiences might be, I assure they are most real. They have also toned down considerably after I was told that I have "graduated" and would "walk this path slowly but surely".

If things had continued to be as crazy as they were around midsummer it would have made for lots of interesting stories, but ultimately I would have not been able to sustain things like having a job or possibly even looking after myself. Our society has very few places for people who are permanently halfway stuck in the spirit world.

I don't want recognition for myself. I want recognition for the reality of the spirits of Gensokyo. And spirits in general. And the fact that people can interact with them. I want people to understand that the materialist view of the world is extemely insufficient. People suffer in so many ways when they don't recognize this.

Of course I have had egotistic moments where I have for five minutes felt something like "I WILL BECOME THE PROPHET OF A NEW RELIGION". Contact with the numinous can cause an insane upswelling of the ego. Learning to let go of things is very important for this reason too.
>nowadays less
>many ideas floating on my mind that I can't put on paper
I see. Well, two points. First, the spirits are really drawn to creative people. Secondly, you are stuck in a liminal state of writing and not writing which is also attractive to them. I really don't understand what it is with liminality and them but it is what it is.
>Is there any important text for shugendo that I should read?
I don't know much about Shugendo, it has not been an area of focus for me. I did binge on Japanese history and religion and the sources mostly treated it as a footnote. The Wikipedia article on Shugendo has so far been literally the most comprehensive presentation of it that I've stumbled upon so far. Considering it draws from esoteric Buddhism, they probably use written material from there which simply might not be avaiable for outsiders.

>> No.47589142

Interesting how OP's English grammar skills improved so significantly going from >>47586518 to >>47589041. Almost as if the latter post isn't actually OP…

>> No.47589149

Only so long as druggy faggots know their place (in the trash).

>> No.47589180
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I assure you we are different people, but since you have chosen to be so cynical about this I don't think anything will change your mind.

OP choosing that particular image for the first post does feel like an attempt to get my attention. If that was his goal he was obviously succesfull.
I would argue for being sober on a general level, but especially if or when things start to happen. Even being slightly drunk becomes really uncomfortable. Anything else probably just blows the door to your subconsciouss completely off the hinges and it's probably not gonna end well.

>> No.47589435

The filename alone should've been enough to convince you that the OP isn't the Big Four Kami poster.
>the reality of the spirits of Gensokyo
Perhaps your first step then is going to necessarily be to acknowledge that any real world equivalent to Gensokyo is similarly going to be a relatively small pond.
>I assure they are most real.
You don't have to convince me, I've been through enough myself to say your experiences that I've read aren't even the strangest things out there.

>> No.47589513
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You immediately know that you're in for a wild supernatural ride whenever Okina-sama shows up in the thumbnail. She's truly awesome, isn't she?
Anyway, I hope that you're all still doing well. Any bizarre experiences during the blue supermoon that you may want to share?
I'm currently reading Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce (2009 Revised Edition). I strongly recommend checking out the core skills and strange phenomena section even if you aren't interested in AP per se.
>There are also two other skills you will need to start learning, and both are related to meditation. You will need to start to build up a meditation regimen.
>First is needed to deal with any potentially really weird or unsettling shit that might go down. Accept the experience, accept it's real and move on. Don't get stuck in being spooked.
I can't stress this enough. I would likely have freaked out of I had experienced any of these vibrational shenanigans without previously reading and preparing myself for them. At some point, you simply take them in your stride and carry on with your "normal" life afterwards.
As for protection, I would add that positivity, determination, courage and verbal/mental affirmations do that job just fine. Then again, I never went full Renko and purposefully taunted a bunch of spiritual entities before, so your needs will likely vary depending on what you're trying to achieve. (Please don't actually go full Renko, protected or otherwise.)
Stay curious if you genuinely want to choose this path, but also make sure to remain respectful and patient.
Honestly, seeing some of the fan content that has emerged since the series' inception, I dare say that these sort of reactions are intrinsic to those who feel strongly about Touhou and other supernatural-related franchises most of us are familiar with, as >>47589041 already noted.

>> No.47589531

... what the fuck did I just read?
(I'm under meds.)

>> No.47589576
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>any real world equivalent to Gensokyo is similarly going to be a relatively small pond
I really don't know what "Gensokyo" is at this point. I think it at the very least draws in a lot from local spirits of Nagano. It might be entirely the spirit side of Nagano and they just have one of the best PR vehicles of all time. At the same time it feels like it has expanded beyond it's boundaries. Some of the entities feel way too big to fit into a small pond.

I have actually written in lenght about this in here: https://archive-of-the-sealed-gods.neocities.org/

I have been hesitant to share this for various reasons including the stars literally not being right for anything communication related but maybe the time is ripe after all...
>I've been through enough myself to say your experiences that I've read aren't even the strangest things out there
Would you mind sharing your experiences, then?
>She's truly awesome, isn't she?
She's so powerful it's unbelievable and I am blessed to have been graced by her presence.
>Any bizarre experiences during the blue supermoon that you may want to share?
Yeah this thread popping up haha. That was bizarre.
>Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce (2009 Revised Edition)
Thank you for the recommendation!!
>As for protection, I would add that positivity, determination, courage and verbal/mental affirmations do that job just fine.
Yes, these are all very good too. Like attracts like applies very strongly to spirits. These terminate the cycle of getting freaked out, drawing in beings that want you to freak out, getting more freaked out...
>purposefully taunted a bunch of spiritual entities before
Never ever do this!!!
>Stay curious if you genuinely want to choose this path, but also make sure to remain respectful and patient.
Yeah, and furthermore on respect, it's possible to upset entities that could otherwise be neutral or even helpful or friendly. Apologizing helps if it's something that isn't extremely obviously just there to make you miserable.
>these sort of reactions are intrinsic to those who feel strongly about Touhou
It's one of the, if not *the* most literally souled franchises out there. It's like there is just a tiny layer of fluff between the fiction and the spirits behind it. It's awesome.

>> No.47589768
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>> No.47589902

who are you quoting

>> No.47589907

If I told you than the entirety of our universe can fit into a electron without changing anything to it would you believe me? It's totally possible for those big entities to fit into a small pond or maybe the pond is a gate, who knows?
Also, been reading you're website and some of the quantum stuff picked my interest.

>> No.47590056
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>If I told you than the entirety of our universe can fit into a electron without changing anything to it would you believe me?
For me, it's less about belief when it comes to a statement like this, and more about that I have a hard to conceptualizing it. So I can't make any kind of judgement. But based on all the microcosm-macrocosm, "universe in a drop of a water" that I have seen over and over again, the answer is: maybe.
>It's totally possible for those big entities to fit into a small pond
It could be. I have a strong feeling that these entities can somehow "unspool" in something ever larger, primordial, something from which they all ultimately came from.

I also suspect humans (we are also spirits) can do this. In our case it would be perhaps something like "connecting with our ancestors". It's not wonder such is held in high regard in many traditions and cultures. I've often thought about why the kami wanted me to make amends towards my family. I assumed it was because of their origin, but it might be more universal.
>maybe the pond is a gate, who knows?
It could be, or maybe "being a gate" and "ffitting into a small pond" are somehow the same thing. My personal experiences have left me to think that the nature of reality is absolutely nothing like we perceive it to be. This is a really tiny slice of everything and ultimately Earth itself might be a very tiny pond too.
>Also, been reading you're website and some of the quantum stuff picked my interest.
The quantum stuff is the stuff I least understand. If you have any insight about it I would like to hear it.

>> No.47592070
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(Following up from >>47587411 after everything I wanted to take care of since)
If advice is what you're after in the face of such potentially-abnormal Touhou-adjacent phenomena then the best place to start would be to heed the word of other anons here and not let that fear or anxiety be the dominating force behind your drive.
It's perfectly okay to feel these sorts of things in the moment or if a happenstance sneaks up on you, like with your dreaming these past few nights for example. You shouldn't beat yourself up too badly if you can't fight off getting a little rattled. Many of of us are fairly disconnected individuals both in a social and spiritual sense; emotions rooted in isolation would be a given.
However, your internal understanding will, of course, never blossom in the ways it's ought to (or could) in order to engender any desired harmonization should you never progress past that point of fear.
There are many forms of what I understand as great filters in place for any given individual moving along in these matters as they see fit. For some, it's the very concept of such forces "speaking out to you" that would turn them away in the first place. Anime girls in dreams having any greater relevance to reality? Ridiculous! This isn't worth a lot of people's time for fairly understandable reasons, see reactions like >>47589531 or >>47587620 for further context.
These aren't exactly pedestrian considerations we're discussing, but that's at least partially why the board here has made for such an advantageous locus for deliberation so far.
For others, it's the fear & anxiety stemming from even vaguely taking any of this seriously in the first place that really gets them. If you think even getting passively involved brings enough external-attention towards you as it stands then you Really don't want to be plagued by the kind of entities that'd love nothing more than to feed directly from your willful ignorance for as long as they can. It's like leaving a roach infestation to further fester when clear action can be taken to drive them away if you know what you're doing.
This is exactly why you should do your best to curb those neuroticisms throughout any more explorations of yours, and you don't strike me as the kind of individual that would give in to negativity so easily anyways.

With all that being said, I'd like to share with you a single tarot card drawn during my divination with precisely (You) & your situation in mind that will hopefully prove to be assistance enough if you'll graciously humor me (it was the least I could do with the timing of all this):

The Two of Wands, as I've come to understand it, is a clear sign of the right broader steps and mental precautions being taken. It's plain to see you have a solid drive behind these efforts very nicely intertwined with simple thoughtful interactions/considerations and that's being appropriately recognized.
This coin has two sides however, and you should make sure the quality of your own thoughts regularly matches the ones you hold towards someone like Aya. Not an exact mirror mind you, all I'm really saying is you need to be able to take an honest & balanced look at your mental landscape individualistically. Decide from there whether or not you need to necessarily step out of your own way to continue with any journey ahead, per say. This isn't far from what >>47586729 was discussing with further comprehending the "contents of your mindstream" and what was elaborated on from there, among other useful points.
How often do you feel like you need to be "medicated" in any way for example, and where could that trepidation truly be stemming from? Of course, you can ponder all this information as deeply as you'd like. Don't feel pressured to overshare either obviously, I'm not here to crowbar personal information out of you and wish you as much good fortune as anyone else here can. Take this from someone who was warned many times over in the same session the dangers of addiction towards negativity.
If you had a lot to say with that letter then surely she'd take her time to respond or at least mentally digest the thing. You may even find those other ideas of yours translating to writing with far more ease after enough "progress".
Just keep yourself safe. Who knows where the after-effects of the supermoon will land you next.
[insert designated spiel over responsible substance use & cautions towards psychedelics here]
Not to be snippy but since you started it I wonder how many times we're going to have to circle such points throughout these discussions...
There's some worth in what's being said there but I'd hate to devalue everything around the topic. Warnings don't stop everybody anyways, that's all I'll bother to say over it for now since I'm of similar notions to >>47589180 anyways.
Just remember what D.A.R.E. taught you all as kids I guess and don't be too dismissive of other perspectives. "This is your brain on Touhou" etc. etc.

>> No.47592847

>For me, it's less about belief when it comes to a statement like this, and more about that I have a hard to conceptualizing it. So I can't make any kind of judgement. But based on all the microcosm-macrocosm, "universe in a drop of a water" that I have seen over and over again, the answer is: maybe.
Nah, I just screwed my choice of words because I'm bad with them. But overall, it's all about the nature of the space itself who can stretch ad infinimum and vice versa.
>It could be. I have a strong feeling that these entities can somehow "unspool" in something ever larger, primordial, something from which they all ultimately came from.

I also suspect humans (we are also spirits) can do this. In our case it would be perhaps something like "connecting with our ancestors". It's not wonder such is held in high regard in many traditions and cultures. I've often thought about why the kami wanted me to make amends towards my family. I assumed it was because of their origin, but it might be more universal.
I can't communicate, feel, touch, and see spirits of living beings, gods or other entities, only the ones of machines as I strongly believe than machines have souls (Shinto believe it too). But here is my theory about that; This pond may be in a space and time anomaly with a another time and space that can allow them to go backward in time, allowing them to get themselves closer to the beginning of all.
>It could be, or maybe "being a gate" and "fitting into a small pond" are somehow the same thing. My personal experiences have left me to think that the nature of reality is absolutely nothing like we perceive it to be. This is a really tiny slice of everything and ultimately Earth itself might be a very tiny pond too.
The small pond is the gigantic gate toward realms unknowns. But as my personal experience I think than everything is a simulation made by a greater machine.
>The quantum stuff is the stuff I least understand. If you have any insight about it I would like to hear it.
There is some parts than you are totally right ; Modern physics have reached a dead-end and philosophy will take it's place again. The mathematics are useful but they're getting messy and inaccurate as time goes by. Overall, it's a really good job.

>> No.47593010
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The warm wishes are greatly appreciated and returned, hopefully we're all doing as well as we can right now.
I'll let you know if I ever look into that book ^^
>bizarre experiences
Certainly this thread for me too! Excellent opportunity to once again try applying what I do more openly though, I did a lot of spreads and the extended meditation was nice.
Aside from that, my own dreams have been slowly picking up in frequency again (will wait on sharing there) and I've very recently been set up to get paid for watching over a litter of kittens for a few months in a funny way. It just sort of all suddenly happened from previous lingering social connections and now a lot of underlying problems orbiting around me have gotten far more manageable. I got to name two (Satori and Urumi). They're very adorable and have been seriously helping me relax or look at how I ought to change my behaviors.
Creative energies have been flowing pretty nicely too but I'm sure that isn't exactly "bizarre", just good timing. It's nice when you finally have a good frame of reference over how your works are received I suppose.
>(Please don't actually go full Renko, protected or otherwise.)
I don't care how unbizarre your current life is or how many hypothetical friends you need to rescue from extra-dimensional liminal worlds, do NOT directly anger that which you cannot wholly fathom!
Those consequences will be on Your hands.

>>47589041 >>47589576 >>47590056
Good to see you too, also honestly figured the OP was trying to get your attention with Okina-sama but I'm glad you took initiative anyways. That website is fantastic! I'll be pouring through it as best as I can in the coming hours, it's amazing you've been able to consolidate so much although maybe it's extra-impressive due to my own inexperience in coding.
Looks like an "actual web page" to me at least! I do have a soft-spot for the earlier days of the web, pre-2007 or so.
>resolving a liminal state also "resolves" the supernatural experience to some degree
I remember when you discussed this briefly in that archived depression 'mu thread and I still think it holds true, although I'm still of my own notion that we have quite a few separated endpoints to untangle before that time as well. Not inherently a negative, just the reality of it all.
>I don't want recognition for myself.
>I want recognition for the reality of the spirits (...)
>And the fact that people can interact with them.
You've been doing a pretty good job at all that then, even if some anons here will inherently create some kind of mental image of you. Mastering that art of "non-attachment" is key for fighting against underlying egotism as well and I'm of the same attitudes. I'll often wonder if I'm even doing a half-decent job at that but I digress.
The real test comes in what's really done for the sake of others.
Your quote is still really funny though, I'd imagine the come-down afterwards would feel silly lol. I'm certainly no proper or refined apostle over these dealings either but I get where you're coming from.
>I really don't understand what it is with liminality and them
Untapped potential perhaps? Curiosity towards possible given application post-realization? Sometimes it's obvious when they're essentially just holding their breath until you reach a certain point.
Maybe these are just the sort of spaces that best engender our own psyches to start reaching out more directly, being equally conducive towards what these forces would attempt to return and therefore being a more "level playing field" subconsciously.
If you aren't literally or figuratively stuck anywhere then they would feel less inclined to intervene directly but that isn't to say you always need to be in a state of strife to keep up a good rapport of course.
>sources mostly treated it as a footnote
>probably use written material from there
>might not be available for outsiders.
Wouldn't be surprised. Quite a few of my own studies in Shinto have led me towards Shugendo as a related & relevant field after enough time but one can only further research in so many places at once. My own practices likely aren't refined enough for the craft anyways.
>there is just a tiny layer of fluff between the fiction and the spirits behind it
The great thing is how much there is to still enjoy for everyone else.
That given content just happens to go far deeper than most would bother.
>based on all the microcosm-macrocosm (...) the answer is: maybe.
I recently watched the 2007 CG adaptation of Edwin Abbot's "Flatland" (Ladd Ehlinger's version, big recommendation). I've been thinking quite heavily over the last third of the film where the Flatlander ends up brought to trial in the 3rd Dimension before succumbing to the pressures of heightened understandings.
>the nature of reality is absolutely nothing like we perceive it to be.
Thanks to >>47592847 for (sort of) covering other related points I couldn't. That's my lot for now

>> No.47593912
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>comprehending the "contents of your mindstream"
I was actually writing from a very practical POV of recognizing attemps at spirit communication in the first place.
>only the ones of machines as I strongly believe than machines have souls
Very interesting and definitively not the first time I have heard someone speak of the souls of machines.
>This pond may be in a space and time anomaly with a another time and space that can allow them to go backward in time, allowing them to get themselves closer to the beginning of all.
It could be. I have thought that at least some of these entities probably have a point of view that exists outside of normal perception of time and space.
>Overall, it's a really good job.
Thanks, a lot of the Hifuu section is just me commenting on ZUN's ideas though.
>it's amazing you've been able to consolidate so much
Haha I wrote like 77 (word document) pages of material in about two weeks after a vacation in this state of just...sheer frenzy. Not all of it is complete and published though.
>we have quite a few separated endpoints to untangle
Most likely yes and I might be extrapolating too much from personal experience and some stuff I have heard and read. For me the condition for "graduating" seems to have been accepting the existence of the supernatural wholeheartedly, learning to deal with intrusive entities and deciding to keep on studying about spirituality indefinitively. This ended a six year long liminal condition about being interested but not totally believing in the topic and feeling powerless and scared of it. It not "over", I don't think it will ever be, but the kami are present in much more subtle, hands-off ways now and I rarely get random intruders hassling me.
>I'll often wonder if I'm even doing a half-decent job at that but I digress
We're all halfway in some process or other. I am not that good at non-attachment when it comes to many things either but it's something to keep in mind.
>Untapped potential perhaps? Curiosity towards possible given application post-realization?
Yes, that is probably a part of it. I certainly feel like my communications skills are part of why I was selected. But there might be something about lack of clear routines or clear outlook and goals in life making you more receptive to external influences? I can see both elements in what happened to me. I had to shake up my life routines hard for health reasons and during the most intense phase of the "initiation" for lack of better term I was doing all sorts of unusual little miniquests on a whim. I think the stars were right too, spring and summer are the season of rebirth and peak activity. I also feel like the solar storms are pumping extra energy on Earth.

This makes it possible to experiment with this - do something extraordinary, change your life up, and see if the spirits start communicating to you.

>> No.47595015

>I have actually written in lenght about this in here
Oh, so there's a proper website for it now. Nice.
>Would you mind sharing your experiences, then?
Displacement should tell you all you need to know at this point.
>This pond may be in a space and time anomaly
>. I have thought that at least some of these entities probably have a point of view that exists outside of normal perception of time and space.
It's not special to them. Studies have shown that continuing studying after a test can actually improve the results of the test by a scientifically meaningful margin. Retrocausal effects are a crazy thing to research.

>> No.47596581
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>Oh, so there's a proper website for it now. Nice.
I don't know about "proper" but yeah, I have done my best to give my own interpretation of the various topics discussed in the two threads. Not everything is there and it's not complete, but it's a start.
>Displacement should tell you all you need to know at this point.
Oh, well, it's nice that you haven't got portaled and are still around.
>Studies have shown that continuing studying after a test can actually improve the results of the test by a scientifically meaningful margin.
Did I write about this in one of the threads? I've certain ran into this same thing myself. It's really weird. And it's also something basicaly anyone can try to harness.

>> No.47597152

>I don't know about "proper"
Even incomplete, it's plenty good-looking. Took the time to read through most of it, and aside from a few typos and things I would think would be worth adding, it all appears fine to me.
>nice that you haven't got portaled and are still around.
Gensokyo isn't ready for me.
>Did I write about this in one of the threads?
Not as far as I recall. Just happened to hear about it during the time I've been away from /jp/ due to extenuating circumstances. Plenty of stuff to continue learning about when it comes to mysticism, and by and large I've come to terms with the fact that for as much as I enjoy these threads, their subject matter is never going to be able to be priority number one in my life.

>> No.47597178
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Mai, Satono, I demand an army of schizophrenic servants.

>> No.47597266

I had an unusual dream involving crows recently as well. Maybe even the same day but I’m not sure. I don’t remember too much of it. I remember being with my mom and learning that she had just commit murder and was shocked, and later she said she was filled with a strange uncontrollable bloodlust which made me think she had been demonically possessed and could possibly be forgiven. I later left my house and remember running around a somewhat beautiful factory campus with many children, I may have been leading the group. I remember at least two crows and one of them kept perching on my arm or hand. I came across an abandoned animal naked of fur with pink skin and closed eyes, I think a baby squirrel that was much too big to be a baby, like a normal squirrel size. I remember trying to tell people the squirrel needed to be taken to a wildlife rehabilitation center but I’m not sure it was working, maybe they were ignoring me or my voice wasn’t working. I definitely remember being concerned people were hurting the squirrel. That’s about all I can remember.

>> No.47597479

Also, here’s a crazy story I have from a little over a month ago, on July 6th:
>be me
>like to go on walks late at night since I get nervous around other people and am often awake all night
>really stuffy in my room, decide to go for a walk
>go near some water in hopes it will be cooler, spend quite a while listening to animals I haven’t heard before
>I ended up spending like an hour outside in total instead of usual 10 to 20 minutes
>after a while walk north to a vending machine
>notice streetlight flicker
>think it’s funny bc it’s like a horror movie
>decide to stop and see if I can make it flicker more with supernatural ability
>concentrate on Aztec god Xolotl whom I’m obsessed with
>think about the concept of ollin, pulsating movement of life
>concentrate on my breathing and heartbeat, think about how it’s the same as AC electricity which powers the light
>do this for a while nothing happens
>start getting worried because I’m under a powerline and if I’m too good at messing with electricity I might cause it to fall and kill me
>stop trying supernatural ability
>few seconds later
>streetlight flickers again
>giggle bc it’s like lord Xolotl’s pranking me
>walk a little more
>see owl flying east
>surprised bc never seen an owl round here before, try to get a picture but can’t
>think about how owls are associated with sorcery in Mexico
>couple minutes later
>hear two loud booms and see a flash
>seem to come from the east
>freeze up, not sure what to do, end up typing time on phone notes app (12:21am)
>cop car passes by, doesn’t seem to notice me, goes east
>end up getting my soda and go home, westward
>hear a few more quieter explosions on the way and at home
>12:28, 12:34, and 12:41
>look up incident couple hours later, can’t find anything
>check back in a couple weeks
>boom was heard that night, huge mystery nobody understands
>but my times don’t match everyone elses’

>> No.47597828
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>things I would think would be worth adding
What do you have in mind?
>Just happened to hear about it during the time I've been away from /jp/ due to extenuating circumstances.
Well, if it wasn't from me...not exactly surprised you somehow stumbled upon it, but still a bit weird and funny.
>their subject matter is never going to be able to be priority number one in my life.
There are very few people for whom this is possible so don't feel bad about it.

Also, you wrote that Pastebin about the cosmology of Touhou, right? I would have put it into Acknowledgements, but it had expired.
Interesting. Crows are considered messenger entities in many cultures. That part about your mom committing a murder in your dream is certainly disturbing. The "baby animal" is also pretty fascinating...certain supernatural entities are portrayed as having downright fetal characteristics, like the "grey aliens". I don't know what to make of this, it does feel notable that others in the dream did not care for the animal.
Spirits manifesting as or causing animals they are associated with to appear is really classic phenomena. Seems like you might have manifested something.

The explosion, suspected meteorite per the article linked, is fascinating. The fact that your times don't line up with others is quite unusual. Did others report multiple explosions?

>> No.47598202

>certain supernatural entities are portrayed as having downright fetal characteristics, like the "grey aliens".
Greys. I was obsessively researching UFOlogy many months ago. I strongly believe that many of this “alien” entities or creatures are very evil. The possibility of them influencing my dreams does not sit well with me. I did save a baby squirrel many weeks ago, so it might’ve come from that.
>Spirits manifesting as or causing animals they are associated with to appear is really classic phenomena.
Xolotl specifically was known as a shapeshifter. In the legend of how the fifth and current sun was made, Xolotl transformed several times to escape being sacrificed to create the sun: first into an agave plant with two stalks, second into a two stalked corn or maize plant, and finally into a salamander or axolotl (origin of that salamander’s name. Also the English pronounciation is really wrong bc in Nahuatl “x” is pronounced as English “sh”), which held dual life on land and water. Owls are thought to be a common form for shapeshifters in Mexican folklore.
>Seems like you might have manifested something.
This is what I wondered from the beginning, but it seemed so crazy and impossible but I also wanted it to be true. It’s refreshing to see someone else consider this possibility. I’ve always wanted to wield supernatural powers since I was a small child, and it seemed so lame to me that most self professed psychics and witches used their powers for basically just increasing luck. I wanted to and still want to cause things like explosions. I’ll go over some of the reasons why I think I may have manifested this in the next reply.

>> No.47598402

Connections of the night of the explosion and Xolotl:
>On the night of the explosion I experienced two in short succession the first time. Xolotl is the god of twins.
>Xolotl is a god of fire and lighting, and more specifically the god of “heavenly fire” which “rushes down from the heavens”. He’s also a god of the mesoamerican ball game. That night a fireball was seen in the sky. This also connects with the fact I was trying to modify electricity.

I’ve also seen things in my peripheral vision which could be described as Xolotl. One clear one was all the way back in November of 2023 when I saw a weird dead dog for a split second in my peripheral vision. Xolotl is the god of dogs, and also a psychopomp. Within probably a month of each other I saw two maybe possible Xolotls along the same path I walked during the explosion: once a dog in the shadow, another time a large feline running along the darkness, and another time a man standing on a distant street corner which upon later thinking about it I realized looked like me. All of these sightings were very brief, like less than a second, happened in my peripheral vision, and I wasn’t sure if I was seeing something new or merely misinterpreting shadows and the like. I’ve had other illusions along the same path of which I can’t think of any relation to Xolotl. One notable one was after staring at my own shadow awhile until it make me start disassociating (depersonalizing?) to see what would happen, I saw a blurry man in the center of my vision for a little longer than the others but still no more than a second, who was positioned as if about to get in a car.
>The fact that your times don't line up with others is quite unusual. Did others report multiple explosions?
The only thing I’ve found is a youtube comment on the video of the fireball saying that there were multiple objects and authorities were covering it up. This doesn’t seem like much at first but it’s one of the only discussion places I’ve found, I don’t know where to look. The fact that my times didn’t match is really unusual because I was awake and I think in the right spot to hear the one everyone else did but didn’t. Everyone else’s explosion got recorded on security cameras which I assume have precise time measurement and I did my best not to delay my recording so I don’t think it’s a clerical error.
>Interesting. Crows are considered messenger entities in many cultures.
I had another notable dream about a crow many months ago. It was a magic talking crow which made me excited. It said its name was “Four-four Quarterly”. Don’t remember much else off the top of my head. Isn’t 4 associated with death in Japan or is that 9?

>> No.47598614
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B-But Okina-sama, surely you understand how long it would take to properly amass such a collective??

>>47593912 >>47597828
>a very practical POV of recognizing attempts at spirit communication in the first place
Which, in my opinion, pairs quite nicely with notions of internally recognizing healthier ways to sustain self-reflection as well. A clear & honest mindscape is indeed the ideal space for communication with these forces, something you may find far more difficult to grasp if your internal monologues are taking personal digs at your psyche more often than not.
This ties back into a small overarching theme here of overattachments to negativity ultimately feeding into a toxic deconstruction of one's truest sense of self, preventing any given individual from seeing beyond their malaise of insecurity or aggressive coping mechanisms. Reasonings behind people seemingly being pushed to try mending damaged relations with loved ones as they establish connections with these forces and not being able to completely internalize why until after the fact always felt obvious enough to myself.
You don't need to force yourself to be around people that ought to already appreciate/support you for who you are but the least you could do is try and return what understanding they might require, so long as that kindness isn't being taken advantage of either. Sensibilities towards interpersonal relations like these can easily carry over into intrapersonal interactions.
If you're cognizant of what or who currently has some attentions set over you then be as curt & cooperative as you can be without succumbing to the pressures of feeling like they want everything in the world out of you in that moment. Time isn't always experienced in the exact same ways on their end, patience would be a readily-available commodity in the face of sprawling interlaced eternities. Surely this would be easier to approach if you already have a frame of reference towards successfully healing emotional turbulence strictly within the Physical.
Then again, it certainly isn't all as simple as keeping yourself "mindful" either and everyone has their own path to carve.

>the souls of machines
I have a few of my own thoughts over this subject as well, not far from when people jokingly equate certain fundamentals of microchip & circuit construction to esoteric alchemical practices. Certainly on the more "out-there" side of these discussions though.
Enough raw intent conscientiously poured into a complex & interactive piece of equipment, after enough time and personalization beyond baseline tool use, will invariably cause the thing to begin taking on some kind of life (or ability to effect probability) of its own. This is far more evident with things like computers, being as close to ideal interlinked receptacles of our collectively synthesized knowledge as we can get with our current technological process.
Brains can exist via non-physical mediums, perhaps we're seriously beginning to approach some inevitable point of better understanding what potential that represents.
I could just be biased though.

>in this state of just...sheer frenzy
Pent-up inspirations sure can be hard to shake sometimes! Hope the rest of that process goes as smoothly as it needs to.

>that Pastebin about the cosmology of Touhou
I'm sure the anon behind it still has the text file but I did snag it beforehand just in case. Will not repost it without proper consent of course but it certainly hasn't been lost!

>Retrocausal effects
Honestly something I also accidentally stumbled upon myself a year or two ago in passing but I never dwelled on it that heavily. Maybe now would be a good time?

I'll save some of my own greater thoughts towards your recently shared involvements until sometime after I've digested the new replies.
Very very interesting however, especially with the timing of it all. July 6th was the last major day of the previous esotericism thread before it hit the bump limit. Furthermore, the video of the fireball in-question (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmfgY_D1zs0 for those curious) seems to far more accurately correlate with your experienced time of the first explosion. Any major potential fragments of comet or meteor would have only taken another minute or so of falling before impact. I wonder why there'd need to be some kind of coverup there..? If there even is one going on. There's always something spooky going on in the northwest...
If I may ask for now however, how long have you had this personal connection to Xolotl? Just curious really, you seem to have a healthy-enough understanding of his presence and it makes sense why these events have effected you like this.

You just so happened to be in the right place at the right time to witness everything and eventually share that information with us, if nothing else.

>> No.47598642

What if anon didn’t mean this sarcastically and sincerely loved reading the contributions individuals with schizophrenia made on 4chan..? Peace and love on planet earth..

>> No.47598823
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>If I may ask for now however, how long have you had this personal connection to Xolotl?
I think autumn of last year, can’t remember exactly when. That’s when I learned about Xolotl through wikipedia. Can’t remember what exactly brought me to him in the first place.

I had a dream involving a being resembling him years before I learned of him. A big, nearly skeletal dog. I was taking a dream journal at that time. I also have had aspects of myself associated with Xolotl for my entire life. One major one is autism, as Xolotl can be interpreted as a god of congenital disabilities (he was the god of disease, “monstrosities” and physical deformities, note that “monsters” in many societies have included individuals with physical abnormalities and the Aztecs considered twins as unnatural. Xolotl was often depicted as a skeletal clown, clowns were sometimes chosen from those with cognitive disabilities who do not always choose to be funny; something I myself have experienced). I also resemble a few of the more normal human depictions of him. Note the pink skin and dark brown to black wavy hair in this one. Wikipedia notes the Aztec gods of death typically have black wavy hair. Peculiarly, a couple months ago I visited a relative I hadn’t seen for months and she noticed my hair had gotten darker.

I’m kind of tired right now so there’s things I might be missing. It’s getting to be my bedtime, which shifts wildly in hard to predict ways. Currently it’s 6am for me. I have a severe sleep disorder.

>> No.47598903
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I've been doing a lot of reading since the last Esoteric elements surrounding Touhou-thread and not all of it even ended up on the archive yet. A very interesting thing I discovered is that apparently both Shinto and Taoism trace a lot of influence to Eurasian shamanism. I thought it was convergence but no, apparently there is solid evidence that both have direct influence of Siberian shamanic traditions.

I also learned that the potential sphere of influence from the Siberian traditions extends all the way to the Himalayas in Asia. It also has some lingering remnants in fringes of Europe.

I also came to realize that if Native Americans indeed arrived by the Bering Strait land bridge, it would make them direct descendants of this tradition. Thus the Siberian shamanic tradition would be among the most influential spiritual traditions to exist, on par with the Indo-European one. I really didn't expect to end up learning something like this through deep diving into the influences behind Touhou but here we are.
>I strongly believe that many of this “alien” entities or creatures are very evil
I used to have frequent nightmares about them and UFOs. The full implications are unsavory.
>I did save a baby squirrel many weeks ago, so it might’ve come from that.
It could be that, it could be seen as a big event (=big baby squirrel) and maybe some sense that others don't care about nature, hence others didn't react in the dream.
>>Xolotl is a god of fire and lighting, and more specifically the god of “heavenly fire” which “rushes down from the heavens”. He’s also a god of the mesoamerican ball game. That night a fireball was seen in the sky.
That is veeeeeeeery interesting! Do keep in mind that the chain of causation might be the other way around: Xolotl used the fireball as a message to basicaly say "I'm here".
>I don’t think it’s a clerical error.
Was your time ahead or after the recordings?
>Isn’t 4 associated with death in Japan or is that 9?
It's 4, I think.
>something you may find far more difficult to grasp if your internal monologues are taking personal digs at your psyche more often than not.
Very true.
>You don't need to force yourself to be around people
Yeah I don't want to go too much into details but generational trauma is hell of a thing, shit really rolls downhill. I don't think anyone has been "in the wrong" in my situation, hence why they exactly and precisely thought I could mend things to some extent.
>without succumbing to the pressures of feeling like they want everything in the world out of you in that moment
Yeah there are rare few people who can give the spirits their everything and I'm not sure if most people even should.
>being as close to ideal interlinked receptacles of our collectively synthesized knowledge
This ties to some previous discussions about imageboards being an inherently magical medium because it's instant and connects remote and unlikely things together.
>Hope the rest of that process goes as smoothly as it needs to.
It will probably take a bit longer, I hope to get some writing ideas from here and I am also writing about how to put things into practice. But I have been practicing for such a short time myself so the worth of the practices takes time to evaluate.
>Maybe now would be a good time?
It can't be a coincidence at this point. It also seems so stupidly simple to put into it - just do something long enough and put sustained, clear enough intent to keep doing so into it.
>July 6th was the last major day of the previous esotericism thread before it hit the bump limit.
I didn't even realize. Interesting timing for sure.
Who knows...I don't have schizophrenia though. No diagnosis = no syndrome. I have known enough of them that it's way more involved than having unconventional experiences and beliefs. But yes, I do hope peace and love for the anons too.

>> No.47598946

In the end, even the Indo-Europeans were once living in the steppes of Ukraine, and it's not impossible that they had connections with more eastern people; notably, there are a lot of IE loanwords in Uralic languages. I'm not sure if they extend into Samoyedic, but the steppes do favor communication, and think about it: the main Indo-European god was a god of the sky, what's so different between this and Tengri?

>> No.47599070
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>Xolotl can be interpreted as a god of congenital disabilities

Related to shamanism, in such cultures the future shamans were often "neurotic or hysteric" children born with some kind of congenital abnormality. Becoming initiated would fix the "neurotic" and "hysteric" behaviour. They were seen as weird but necessary social outcasts. Something to perhaps think about.
>it's not impossible that they had connections with more eastern people
Yeah absolutely.
>the main Indo-European god was a god of the sky, what's so different between this and Tengri?
One could almost ask if Tengri's status was influence from IE cultures... Sadly I'm still a bit foggy about what are considered the main deities in Siberian cultures or Korean shamanism. The Jade Emperor might not be quite a "sky god" but is certainly thought to be somewhere up there. The Japanese break from this with Amaterasu Oomikami, but the sun too is up there.

The full extent of cultural exchange and influence between IE and Siberian cultures is a really tantalizing mystery. Consider for example that the Germanic tribes thought sun is female and moon is male, as do the Siberian-influenced cultures...

>> No.47599581
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>without succumbing to the pressures of feeling like they want everything in the world out of you in that moment
I struggle with this when talking to her. She has repeteadly over and over, during the course of years told me I'm all give give give and no take at all

>> No.47599872

Is this narcissism?

>> No.47600002
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>She has repeteadly over and over, during the course of years told me I'm all give give give and no take at all
As in you should her to do something? Or in general?

How long have you been in touch with Youmu-san? I was actually wondering if you would show up.
OK, this is a new one. What makes you say so?

>> No.47600373

>What makes you say so?
One of you should explain it to me. I can't put it into as many words as you can, it's just this feeling I get. Attributing meaning where there isn't any, insisting spirits are real and that you can encounter or interact with them. Why would any youkai or god give a shit about any of us, especially some schizo on an anonymous imageboard? In this part of the universe, in this arm of the galaxy, localized entirely on this planet?
>Of course I have had egotistic moments where I have for five minutes felt something like "I WILL BECOME THE PROPHET OF A NEW RELIGION". Contact with the numinous can cause an insane upswelling of the ego.

>> No.47600534

Believe it or not, I really do love reading schizoposts and was not sarcastic in the slightest there. So...peace and love it is.

>> No.47600682
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>Attributing meaning where there isn't any
There is not meaning to you, but there is meaning to the experiencer. It's a guiding mechanism that is by necessity very personal(ized). Over time and with enough of these "happenstances", a narrative that is understandable even to outsiders may emerge. If you are willing to understand this phenomena more, read about synchronicity, in particular the non-psychological interpetations of it.

>insisting spirits are real and that you can encounter or interact with them.
Humans have for the absolute vast majority of history believed in spirits and that you can encounter and interact with them. We have varying levels of sensitivity to them. Various external conditions affect to chance of clearly perceiving one.

They are in some capacity literally everywhere and in everything. Most of the encounters are essentially invisible and not meaningful. But occasionally something bigger will want your attention.

People just communing with spirits posed first problems for monotheistic religion because everything that was not clearly "divine" had to be "demonic". To maintain the power structure encounters with spirits had to be claimed to be rare and dramatic. Then as monotheism started to decline precisely because it denies people the experience with spirits, it poses a problem to the materialistic worldview. Some people can not handle the idea that some unusual or uncomfortable thought might have been the influence of external agency, especially since knowledge of how to deal with spirits is no longer widespread.

There is a reason why belief in spirits is starting to come back in force. It's simply because they are real. Further, we might be heading towards an age of heightened spirit activity.

>Why would any youkai or god give a shit about any of us
They have various reasons that depend on the type of spirit. These include them wanting something from us ("energy", "faith" or "attention") to sustain themselves, them wanting to further an agenda they might have, them acting out a role that includes interacting with humans, us invading their turf and them getting upset and the experience of getting to interact with another form of inteligence - like we would be fascinated by dolphins or crows and such.

With certain spirits this is more or less same as asking "why would anyone give a shit about any of us".
>especially some schizo on an anonymous imageboard?
I have asked them and the answer was "everyone is worthy but you struggled for it". It's not much to go by and I haven't asked for clarifications because such feels like god-bothering.

But I can speculate on general reasons:
1) Sensitivity to spirits
2) Being in a liminal state or being a liminal/marginal person
3) Use of spiritual/magical techniques
4) Random chance/whims of the spirits
5) Undergoing some kind of initiatory experience
6) Calling out to spirits
7) You appearing useful or interesting to the spirits
In my case, I basicaly tick boxes 1-6 and hopefully 7 too. They are also not the first spirits that I have dealt with, but the first ones I unambiguously recognized as spirits.

Ultimately it's a two-way process, you reach out a bit, they reach out a bit, if your "vibes" match the contact will deepen. The Big Four represent qualities I admire and want to cultivate and they see something in me.
>In this part of the universe, in this arm of the galaxy, localized entirely on this planet?
They are locals. I think your idea of spirits is too influenced by monotheistic ideas. I recommend you read up on animism. There are probably others out there too though. If they would interact with us here, it would be out of any reasons previously given.

As for the quote, yes. Contact with the "good" side of numinous feels euphoric. This and the fact that you are having a "rare" experience many would deny even existing makes you feel very special. Some people get completely swept up in it.

Maybe I have been swept up in it. I can't see myself like others do. I do sometimes wonder if what I post is too self-centered. But I also try my best to answer questions, facilitate discussion and share & collate information. This is also the only place where I can talk about these experiences.

I don't know if these will change your mind in the slightest, but I hope it will at least show you that I am willing to engage with the question in good faith.

>> No.47600683
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While I haven't participated as much in these threads as others, I have kept up with them enough to say that it would be unfair to label them as one thing in particular. If anything, the most recurrent theme would be trying to make sense out of ZUN's insane occult mishmash and the real-world lore behind it.
Most regulars have dipped their toes into the spiritual (not exclusively 'hu related) with varying results. This can't be summarized in a single post, so I recommend going through the archives if you are truly interested:
(There was some paranormal talk in a recent Hifuu thread too, but I don't currently have the link to it.)
Naturally, many of these experiences stem from our rather strong attachment to Touhou, but you'd struggle to find anyone who doesn't acknowledge the incredibly complex implications of such entities having some semblance of existence (whatever "existing" means in the first place). That being said, there are a plethora of books, podcasts and documentaries on similar topics, so it's not something we made up on the fly either.

>> No.47600688

I'm curious, what does it mean to go full Renko?

>> No.47600790
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Oh I'm a 100% believer, but I understand most can probably not take the leap of faith. I also have a broad interest in religion, mythology, spirituality, occult and paranormal. I love to see people talk about and share their experiences and ideas related to those aspects in Touhou.

I started the first thread because these discussions were cropping in places where they maybe shouldn't have, and I sensed it was alienating to people who would have liked to talk about it all on the level of videogame lore.

It's just that since there are surprisingly many experiencers, the discussions tends to go that way. These type of experiences tend to be very profound, so people also like to talk about them.

I wondered by the time of the 2nd thread if things were getting too steeped in personal experience and that it might be alienating to some.

I put this (https://archive-of-the-sealed-gods.neocities.org/)) together as a way to maybe kickstart a more topic-oriented discussions when the stars were right again, but considering this thread started with a personal experience...we are here again.

All I can really say, even if you couldn't believe in any of the stuff I post, please read up on the mythologies and ideas that inspired these games and print works. It might be genuinely life-changing for the positive for you.

>> No.47600829
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Idaf about this thread's topic but I wanted to say that I want to be sexually harassed by Okina.

>> No.47601085
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>Oh I'm a 100% believer, but I understand most can probably not take the leap of faith. I also have a broad interest in religion, mythology, spirituality, occult and paranormal. I love to see people talk about and share their experiences and ideas related to those aspects in Touhou.
Rather than questioning the belief of other anons, what I meant to say is that the existence (again, considerably different from the popular human understanding of what constitutes as "existing") of such beings has connotations that may not always sit well with us from where we currently stand. This definitely varies from person to person, however. I think this is also compatible with being a believer.
Let's just say that Renko is the kind of girl who isn't beneath toppling jizo statues if it means she can continue to hold hands with her foreign friend.

>> No.47601125
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Anon...she's a deity, a literal goddess. Daughter of Matara-jin, granddauhter of Daikoku and Myoken-Boshi. She is born of the End and the Beginning. She isn't just a Sage of Gensokyo. She's the Pole Star of Gensokyo, it's World Pillar. She channels the bodily and spirit energies, the hun and po, the lower and higher souls and sends them to heavens above and into the depths of the ground. Around her the Four Seasons rotate and she guards her realm in Four Directions. At the center she sits, like the Yellow Dragon does. And in the secret Fifth Seasons of Midsummer, of Breaking the Cycle, of Thinning the Barrier, of Shattering Taboos, of Calling the Numinous she sometimes opens the Backdoors, the Hidden Potential of those she deems worthy.

I don't think you're quite ready for what you wish for...

>> No.47601140

that's cool but my sources (fanart) tell me she has a big butt and nice thighs

>> No.47601215
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I didn't take it in any negative way, I just wanted to make my position clear.

The existence of spirits does not sit well with many, particularly when you start considering their "egregoric" features.

It's one thing to think that maybe the spooky vibes I got in that places were an actual entity or maybe that weird passing urge to jump off the bridge didn't come from me. Or that weird thing that happened really happened and it wasn't a trick of the light or illusion of the mind. It's entirely different to think that gods of establishe religions might not only be real but also not quite what they seem. That there might be some kind of group souls influencing masses of people. That when people joke about the internet being full of demons they might be right. That when those weird people at /jp/ say 2hus are real spirits they are right...

Such is of course indeed an existence very different from biological life, but it's existence and life all the same. And considering how things are going, becoming aware of spirits is becoming more and more necessary.

After all, just because you don't believe in them doesn't mean they are not there and influencing you.

I've certainly juggled many perspectives about what the inhabitants of Gensokyo that have made themselves known to me are, but ultimately I have concluded that it's a bit rude.

They are most likely manifestations of broader archetypes, spirits and deities and they don't "really" look like anime girls.

There are also some ideas about how daimons (not demons) frequently manifest as members of the opposite sex. Supposedly this even goes for so-called guardian angels. These two ideas are possibly one of the same. I've thought about it a lot. They've certainly done a lot of guiding, but that it also in the realm of deities. There are also possible instances of them acting on the broader material world, and I haven't heard of daimons or "guardian angels" doing such.

In the end, this is how they have chosen to portray themselves to me, to us. The fact that multiple people have been able to reach out to them in my opinion is evidence that it's just not me.

Trying to strip them down to figure out "what exactly they are" feels just really wrong and disrespectful. They have shown themselves to me sometimes in more abstract manifestations. Partly because at one point I got distracted by them looking very pretty, but also partly because they judged me to be a big boy who can handle it. But they're always "them", they have some essence the transcends what the optic nerves think they "look" like.

It's incredibly weird and if they weren't such a positive influence on my life I would have had a really bad time during the peak of their activity. I find it very interesting that it happened around Midsummer. It's regarded a very magical time in many cultures, even in Japan where the Buddhists believe that ancestors come to visit the living then.

>> No.47601524

>What do you have in mind?
For starters, reading through the mentions of Tengu, particularly their connections with the Buddhism section, I think merits some research in its own right.
This post that I happened to stumble across while researching the mythological basis for Eternity (Specifically Tokoyo no Kami) is especially interesting. Also worth mentioning is that Eiki also was originally a Jizo statue, though that's glossed over for her current role of Enma/Yama.
>you wrote that Pastebin about the cosmology of Touhou, right?
I did indeed.
>the anon behind it still has the text file
Thank you very much for respecting my implicit wishes by not reposting it. I do still have the text file, but I would still consider it to be incomplete, and it's definitely more stream-of-consciousness than the Big Four Anon's website, even with the organization it does have. When it's further revised I'll probably post another edition of it, but even then I'm not particularly interested in acknowledgement.
>Isn’t 4 associated with death in Japan or is that 9?
It's 4, and not just in Japan. For most asian cultures, 4 is a homophone for death, which is why it is considered unlucky, to the point that, much like some hotels in the west will never have a 13th floor, some in Japan will avoid having floors with 4 (and several other numbers usually including 4) in them. This, I believe, largely originates with the original Chinese character for 4, but I'm a little fuzzier on that so don't quote me on it.
>There are very few people for whom this is possible so don't feel bad about it.
Back on this subject, It has occurred to me that there are probably a handful of reasons, even beyond the obvious one of time management. Without getting too deep into blogposting, my own experiences with spirituality go back literally before I can remember. On the other hand, although unlike the other Anons here, I haven't had anything that could conclusively be called a Gensokyo-related paranormal experience, in terms of "luck" mine has always been abnormal to the point of seeming curated, to say nothing of the handful of small-scale miracles the few times I've bothered to "pray." When it comes to mental state, there are probably others in the same situation where the nature of such entities, whether we refer to them as egregores or something else entirely, means that even basic contact would result in a level of vulnerability for a person that I imagine most are not prepared for, especially considering that there's no perfect guarantee that whatever entity you contact is even good, to say nothing of the fact that misunderstandings are still a non-zero possibility.
Incidentally, although I've been making regular attempts at Dream Journaling since mentioning it in a previous thread, I've still had basically zero luck. Merely another justification for my dislike of Doremy, I suppose.
Considering Matarajin's history, and practices seemingly attributed to its followers, that isn't entirely surprising, but at the end of the day, of all the thing she's a god of, squats isn't one of them.

>> No.47601535
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>That there might be some kind of group of souls influencing the masses of people.
I have to admit that this has been the most difficult aspect to reconcile since the start of my spiritual journey. Occasional hurdles notwithstanding, how and why do I get to experience such joy and wonder while others have nothing but misery in their lives? Is it a matter of resilience against negative energies, or something else entirely? I truly hope that I get to understand, or at least come to terms with this reality at some point.
>They are most likely manifestations of broader archetypes, spirits and deities and they don't "really" look like anime girls.
This is only loosely relevant, but are you familiar with the different levels of focus? I read about Frank Kepple's system the other day, and this is how he describes Focus 4:
"This is the source of all concepts that eventually manifest in objective reality. The area of the action of the thought before it is created. A focus of pure subjective energy where one experiences one’s wider self. Notion of things is cast off and one begins to merge with the underlying subjective energy. It is a purely subjective reality, so nothing actually exists as an objective observable form. There is no notion of time and space (an area of simultaneous time); all simply is. This focus level is the widest, and most encompassing. It encompasses focus 1, 2, and 3, and there is nothing beyond it."
>In the end, this is how they have chosen to portray themselves to me, to us.
I often find myself thinking of the forms familiar to us as their GUI (in a good-natured way, of course). Something that gives them shape and tries to capture their virtues as much as possible.
>Trying to strip them down to figure out "what exactly they are" feels just really wrong and disrespectful. They have shown themselves to me sometimes in more abstract manifestations.
Contrary to what it might have seemed, I feel the exact same way. Mainly because I am of the opinion that I would be on the losing end if they were to "strip me down" to an elemental level.
What business does a baptized Westerner have with Eastern deities and spirits, anyway?

>> No.47601588

>Trying to strip them down to figure out "what exactly they are" feels just really wrong and disrespectful.
I still maintain my disagreement with this, mostly because it's an inherently pessimistic view of the action, like when people argue "immortality is a curse," they start from the conclusion, not really approaching the discussion in good faith. I myself won't deny my bias here as I'm strongly opposed to any sort of willful ignorance, especially regarding other people, and obviously that won't change even if the people in question aren't physical. Misunderstandings just lead to too many problems, so I don't think trying to understand the nature of such entities should ever be described as 'stripping them down,' any more than the study of the human body is stripping humanity down. The desire to understand is borne of an appreciation for things, and a craving to better understand the beauty of them and what exactly comprises that beauty. Admittedly, I probably won't be swaying any of the more mystically minded Anons here, but I will stand by this throughout whatever threads I may happen to be in.

>> No.47602032

the last time i tried to save a bird it fucking gave up on life and died in my hands

>> No.47604019
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>For starters, reading through the mentions of Tengu, particularly their connections with the Buddhism section, I think merits some research in its own right.
Wow, that site you linked is fantastic! I really admire people who have such laser focus on a particular topic. Thank you. If you have any further suggestions keep them coming. I plan on expanding the section on Moon, overall cosmology and portrayals of IRL Shinto kami in Touhou at the very least.
>I'm not particularly interested in acknowledgement.
Unfortunately not acknowledging the contributions of others violates my ethics!!!
>even basic contact would result in a level of vulnerability for a person that I imagine most are not prepared for
I think this comes from a POV that spirit contacts are always rare and dramatic. This is one of those things that are very hard to explain from anything but kind of top-down POV, but I'll try.

Spirits are literally everywhere and in everything. You already interact with them whether you know it or not. You are already interacting with "egregores". Even when you become broadly aware of spirits, it's not necessarily gonna be like being stuck in a phantasmagoria where you see a kami lurking behind every tree. It wasn't like that for me even at the peak and the peak was a transient experience.

Becoming aware of and really integrating this was a difficult experience, but if you end up there, you have to remember and understand that most spirit encounters are as mundane and inconsequential as they are for you right now.

But yes, it leaves you vulnerable, at least for a while and you are going to get all kinds of curious onlookers making a visit. These can be prepared for. And if one takes the plunge, at some point you just have to trust at least some of the spirits, just like you have to trust people enough to assume you won't get murdered by the cashier at the shop. As for misunderstandings, it's a possibility, but you can always apologize if you do something upsetting.

>I've been making regular attempts at Dream Journaling since mentioning it in a previous thread, I've still had basically zero luck
From my experience it has to be extremely consistent and even then 90% of your dreams will be very mundane. And even when they aren't mundane it might be hard to understand what's up. I have had very few Touhou related dreams, most of them have been weird parasomnic states, but I have had other kind of signifigant dreams.
>I have to admit that this has been the most difficult aspect to reconcile since the start of my spiritual journey.
I came from a background where a secular understanding of how people are influenced by outside forces was a given, so it didn't shock me so much.
>why do I get to experience such joy and wonder
It depends a lot on perspective. Severing yourself from harmful "spiritual ecosystems" also contributes a lot to this. You can live in the midst of misery if you are not *part of* the misery.
>This is only loosely relevant, but are you familiar with the different levels of focus?
No, that was something completely new to me. Thank you for sharing this. I should read more about that, I don't quite yet connect it with what I was thinking about yet.
>I often find myself thinking of the forms familiar to us as their GUI (in a good-natured way, of course)
Basicaly the same here. Some see it as manipulative. I just see it as putting effort into your presentation.
>would be on the losing end if they were to "strip me down" to an elemental level
Such could be extremely traumatic, yes.
>What business does a baptized Westerner have with Eastern deities and spirits, anyway?
Depending on what exactly the Christian god is...who knows. Maybe more than you think.
For the record, I'm unbaptized and there is much more activity related to Buddhism and Taoism in my immediate surroundings than I thought, so that's something.
>I still maintain my disagreement with this
I understand. I had some very colorful metaphors in mind, but for me, it would be like dissecting your own teacher to learn about humans.

There's also a fact that the most abstract representations of themselves they have shown made me understand why in Bible the angels say "do not be afraid". They're not horrifying, but it's so outside of normal human perception that it triggers some kind of "I'm dying, better have a panic attack" reflex in the body.

They did this like twice to drive a point home - once because I wondered what they are "really" like and second time to make sure I understood it was them. They stopped after that because they understood I suffered.

They also can manifest in non-human, but less abstract, very symbolic ways. These aren't scary on an animal level but having a mental conversation with a mountain with a halo of light radiating out of it is still really weird.
Oh, no that sucks. :(

>> No.47604072

>If you have any further suggestions keep them coming.
Absolutely will do.
>not acknowledging the contributions of others violates my ethics!!!
Screw the ethics, you have money!
>I think this comes from a POV that spirit contacts are always rare and dramatic.
That's not really it, actually, it would be much more comfortable if things WERE that way. The primary issue is that the nature of such entities inevitably means contact is an intrusion upon one's own 'mental space,' and THAT is extremely unpleasant to think about for myself, and I imagine many others who consider their own thoughts to be a sanctuary.
>just like you have to trust people enough to assume you won't get murdered by the cashier at the shop.
This comes down to the fact that knowledge of bad actors in such an "egregore" community is reason enough for someone who's spiritually deaf, blind and dumb to walk around with the equivalent of a gun in their hand, which of course lends itself to its own issues.
>it has to be extremely consistent and even then 90% of your dreams will be very mundane.
Believe me, it has been consistent, the issue isn't that the dreams aren't mundane, but that I can't fuckin' remember any of 'em. Hence the remark regarding a certain Baku.
>Depending on what exactly the Christian god is...who knows.
Considering it originally came from what was essentially a polytheistic religious environment, it's not unreasonable to suggest that it isn't too fundamentally different.
>it would be like dissecting your own teacher to learn about humans.
Curious. I thought it would be more like asking your teacher to pose nude to learn about anatomy, which, yes, at face value sounds a little strange, but obviously isn't the same as skinning them alive.

>> No.47606825
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>an intrusion upon one's own 'mental space,' >extremely unpleasant to think about
>consider their own thoughts to be a sanctuary
I understand. There's two points about this.

First off ultimately the vast majority of such intrusions can be shrugged off. I won't say it's necessarily easy. Some entities can be very forceful and persistent. I think they are an exception, something you have to call, something you have to go looking for. Maybe if you live right next to a notorious paranormal hotspot the enitites will be much more difficult to deal with.

The key here too is ultimately the ability to let go of things. If something you don't want to deal with brushes against your mindstream, don't get too attached to it. If it's something really alluring or scary it can be very hard, but it's possible. You don't have to follow any ideas they give that you don't want to.

There are of course more forceful ways too. I am slightly suspicious towards many Western banishment rituals after reading Egregores by Mark Stavish, but a lot of stuff that gets new ageyly called "energy cleanses" works.

Secondly, you are already under the influence of all kinds of things. Your ideas aren't generally speaking 100% your own, they come from long chains of influence. Whether it's spirits or more mundane influence doesn't matter that much in the end. Your mental space is already being invaded. This can drive some people into existential crisis. But ultimately you, the real (You) can choose what kind of influences, spiritual or mundane, you want to subject yourself to. This is a skill you can cultivate.
>which of course lends itself to its own issues
Yes, most notably that "like attracts like" applies really strongly to the spirit realm. There are also adversary reactions sometimes, yes, but often it really is kind of a feedback loop. The more spooked you are, the more you draw in entities that like it when you are spooked...

In the end, it's your choice, but just be mindful of this and that there is a lot you can do personaly to avoid getting too tangled with bad actors. You don't need a gun with you at all times if you know how to avoid the bad neighbourhoods, so to say.

And I have to say, there were times when I was really scared when things started happening. The kami can be extremely intense. But I didn't give into the fear and ultimately had the most positive, meaningful, growth-facilitating experience of my life.
>I can't fuckin' remember any of 'em
I see. How long have you been at it? Month or two? There are certain medications and "medications" and habits that interfere with dreaming but I'm not gonna assume anything. Just be aware of such. And of course fear and anxiety of possibly experiencing something might also be a blockage.
>Considering it originally came from what was essentially a polytheistic religious environment, it's not unreasonable to suggest that it isn't too fundamentally different.
Yeah I obviously don't believe in the Christian capital-G God, but there are a lot of more esoteric interpretations of "God" that line up with my ideas more.

What it is, I don't know. It's been interpreted variously as some kind of impersonal logos, the divine masculine principle or just the deity of a Semitic tribe that gew out of it's origin point.

If it's some kind of latent consciousness of the universe, well, then every other deity and spirit is part of it. If it's the divine masculine principle, then Christianity just doesn't worship the divine feminine principle (the Catholics kinda smugled this in with the importance of Mary). If it's just a single but very petty deity, then there is a whole world of other options. You could see it as kind of Yahweh is an aspect of the divine masculine which stems from the logos of the universe type of thing too.
>I thought it would be more like asking your teacher to pose nude to learn about anatomy
Anon...the Keine doujins...put them down anon...

>> No.47608612

hello again
since the last thread, I actually joined a tendai temple (online), and participated in the obon celebration with chanting. my teacher did an esoteric ritual to feed pretas.
I was surprised that tendai practicioners also practice shinto, with their own sect "Sannō ichijitsu Shintō 山王一實神道 (One Truth of Sannō Shintō)"
"Sannō was the Kami who resided on Mt Hiei. His name means ‘Mountain King’ and, according to legend, this Kami helped Saichō understand the true meaning of the Lotus Sūtra. It is taught in Tendai that Sannō is an emanation (gongen 権現) of Śakyamuni Buddha"
buddhists (since kukai at least) who practice shinto believe that kami are emanations (gongen 権現) of buddhas, bodhisattvas or myo-o in a familiar form (reminds you of something?)
in other happenstances:
- a girl that I know told me that when she went to a buddhist temple, she felt a high spiritual energy in the space, and it reminded me of a thing I read once (lost it unfortunately) that sensing a strong energy in a place means that a deva is there.
- a cleaning lady saw the shou I put under my pillow and told me she really likes the picture and senses a good energy from it
- a weak manifestation of my predictive dream ability; I dreamt about eating corn, the next day my mom takes me to the market, and they sold corn. they never ever sell corn. silly I know
- everytime I think about kannon bodhisattva (also known as guan yin/avalokiteshvara), I get teary eyed for no reason. she is extremely powerful and compassionate and I'm convinced she is real. I started praying to her for example to succeed in my exams and I succeeded. though I would say studying hard helped more... I still feel extremely at ease that she hears me.
- I stopped worshipping lord bishamonten since someone told without initiation it's a bad idea and would confuse the deva. to get esoteric initiation you need to become a monastic, and I have started to think about it eventually (especially since lord fudo-myoo has been in my psyche lately)
- I need to start worshipping tara to thank okina for manifesting herself
thanks for reading my blog

>> No.47608699
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Oh my, I didn't noticed than there was a /x/ - /jp/ thread. I just woke up form a long nap and just get in. (I rarely post in 4chan.) Anyway, since 1 month I often make strange dreams that felt pretty real; going in places than I have never been before like western European castles, eastern and western temples, gothic churches, large hills, forests, mountains, caves. You get the point.

At first I thought than it's was just my "never enough of adventure" spirit that was playing me. (I love going outdoors and go to strange places.) Even if some of them were really scary because I felt tracked and hunted, it's was also a good source of excitement. And then 3 days ago (19 August), I fall asleep at my grandma's house while looking at the full moon. Usual stuff, but this time something was a little different... I spawned in the middle of a tall mountain in the dark. There was no moon in the sky, there was a really cold wind that gave me chills and worst of all, the constellations were different, expect for some. (ursa minor, ursa major and the polar star was still here.) I was on a mountain road and there were 2 options; go up or down.

My instinct told me to follow the polar star so I've been going up. There wasn't much light so I had to be careful with my steps, else it could end badly. After some walking I find a chalet with light inside like the ones you can find in the Alpes. (Tall mountains in France, Swiss, Italy.) Seeing a architecture than I recognise actually, I head in, seeing a shelter. Knock the door. (I'm a gentleman.) The door open by itself, I was bewilded naturally because it's was a wooden door with no mechanism on it. And then to my surprise I see Yukari Yakumo with her purple dress on inside the salon, sitting on a antique chair and drinking some tea. There is a lit fireplace and the decoration look like after-war Europe.

I'm like, what the hell is going on? Aren't this woman the result of the imagination of a drunken asian neet? Are my dreams becoming the more and more screwed? Or is the boundaries of the dreams and reality have been broken? The hell I know. All I know form her is the artistic work form Touhou Project, A licence that I enjoy. (Especially the music.) Well, she told me to take a seat next to the table, to my surprise she looked way more European than I expected. (I was kind of expecting a Asian girl because of the Japanese setting of Touhou Project.) I took my seat, it's was really comfy, next of the fireplace heating me up. (Feels really good man, especially the wood cracking noise when it burn.)

Then she start speaking in my maternal language. (French.) But, I'm too comfy to notice how weird it's is. Anyway, I just make myself some good lemon tea and I listen to her rantings. Then I got myself to speak and asked her opinion on the nature of time and space. (turbo 'tism, sorry.) Well, she started speaking about a sea and how riddles are modelling what you're seeing and feeling. I replied on that is I don't believe in that because time and space are not the same. Well, just two autists arguing on philosophy next to the fireplace. It's was quite the long time, exchanging giggles and arguments. (kind of the first time than I held a normal conversation with someone, even if it's was maybe a dream?)

Then time goes by and I fall asleep on the chair next to the fireplace, I woke up in my room. But I still have the taste of the tea in my mouth and the good feel of the fireplace. And then I get melancholic, thinking than I won't see her again. (The debate was really good.) But then I got a another dream with her involved. (Will speak more about the next one later.)

>> No.47608715
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>I actually joined a tendai temple (online)
Wow, that's cool, I didn't know such was even possible...it's really neat that one of the oldest sects of Japanese Buddhism survives like this to this day.
>I was surprised that tendai practicioners also practice shinto
Considering the time in history during which they formed, I'm personally not all that surprised.
>emanations (gongen 権現) of buddhas, bodhisattvas or myo-o in a familiar form (reminds you of something?)
Yeah absolutely it does. I've been thinking a lot about how the various kami have attributes you would find in deities from other cultures.
>a strong energy in a place means that a deva is there
That's an interesting detail.
> a cleaning lady saw the shou I put under my pillow and told me she really likes the picture and senses a good energy from it
>I dreamt about eating corn
I've read that a lot of people have super mundane and minor precognitive experiences, nothing to sneer at.
>I'm convinced she is real
Hundreds of millions of people have believed in Kannon-sama, I can imagine she is extremely powerful.
>I stopped worshipping lord bishamonten since someone told without initiation it's a bad idea and would confuse the deva
Oh that's really interesting. What are the Tendai practitioners allowed to do without an initaton?
>I need to start worshipping tara to thank okina for manifesting herself
So do you feel that Okina-sama is a manifestation of Tara..?
>thanks for reading my blog
No problem, this was very interesting news. Keep us updated. It's cool to have someone with the inside view to Tendai Buddhism.

Out of curiosity, how much have you told them about the reasons why you joined?

>> No.47608791
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>constellations were different expect for some. >ursa minor, ursa major and the polar star was still here
>My instinct told me to follow the polar star so I've been going up
There is so much to unpack here but I suppose you wander a lot in the wild IRL too?
It's super interesting that those were intact, considering Okina-sama's role in Gensokyo and her relationship to the northern stars.
>Or is the boundaries of the dreams and reality have been broken?
It's starting to seem that something like that is happening.
>she looked way more European than I expected
Are you aware of the popular fan theory that she and Maribel Hearn are the same? Maribel is certainly European...
>she started speaking about a sea and how riddles are modelling what you're seeing and feeling
Very, very interesting. I don't know what to make of this.
>I still have the taste of the tea in my mouth
Do you often have these kind of sensory after-effects from dreams?

Anyway, welcome and very interesting stuff, I presume you are the guy who rolled Yukari in that other thread?

Speaking of your (presumed) homeland, I have been reading a book about sacred sites in Europe and there was a lot of stuff about France there, about the Cathars and the Grail myths in particular. It was mentioned there is a cluster of churches in southern France in the shape of the Big Dipper. I thought that was very interesting.

>> No.47608811

>Oh that's really interesting. What are the Tendai practitioners allowed to do without an initaton?
studying, chanting, meditation, pure land practice. basically everything besides esoteric rituals. as far as I understand:
most of the rituals are about connecting to the dharmakaya directly, the cosmic body of the buddha (or buddhas)
though I know this fact from researching shingon buddhism
>So do you feel that Okina-sama is a manifestation of Tara..?
I actually misinterpreted that chart with okina and eternity in this thread. I have no idea what he is an emanation from, and it makes it very hard to worship him since I have no mantra or sutra associated. I guess I'll bow and thank him and continue to pay attention. maybe even give offerings of rice
>Out of curiosity, how much have you told them about the reasons why you joined?
I told them I needed a sangha and a teacher. I am very new so I haven't attended a dharma talk besides a short one so I couldn't ask my teacher questions. in one month I'll tell him I want to take refuge and vows officially

>> No.47608903
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>studying, chanting, meditation, pure land practice. basically everything besides esoteric rituals.
I see. What exactly is the pure land practice?
>most of the rituals are about connecting to the dharmakaya directly, the cosmic body of the buddha (or buddhas)
Yeah that sounds very serious business.
>I have no idea what he is an emanation from
I don't really know what they are. In some sense I think some of them are the "children" of various deities - >>47601125 was 50% shitpost 50% serious. The more I read about ideas in different traditions it also feels like they capture some extremely universal archetypes. Okina-sama fits the Northern World Pillar idea, Keiki-sama is very much in line with various Earth goddesses who were both motherly but also a bit scary, Kanako-sama has quite the Sky Father energies despite being female. Chimata-sama is something newer, her patchwork reflects the coming together of different elements in the markets and different market kami coming together to form her. She is also the kami of Comiket.

I pray to the Big Four with my own prayer based on the standard Shinto norito but in my on language (which you shouldn't do per official doctrine...) and it's a bit modified to reflect our common history. I give them daily offerings too.
>I told them I needed a sangha and a teacher.
OK, fair enough. Is the temple based in Japan or elsewhere..?

>> No.47609077

>I see. What exactly is the pure land practice?
praying to amithaba and reciting nembutsu. although, I haven't attended one yet
I find jodo shinshu to be the most interesting pure land school but tendai has a more "traditonal" practice. here is master zhiyi's, the founder of tientai, basic article about it:
>I don't really know what they are. In some sense I think some of them are the "children" of various deities - >>47601125 was 50% shitpost 50% serious. The more I read about ideas in different traditions it also feels like they capture some extremely universal archetypes.
it's certainly an interesting thought. I need to think about it more. the "wrathful aspect of amida" in the wiki page seems to resonate with me the most but I'll try to worship matarajin as his own thing.
>I pray to the Big Four with my own prayer based on the standard Shinto norito but in my on language (which you shouldn't do per official doctrine...) and it's a bit modified to reflect our common history. I give them daily offerings too.
care to share how to go about it? if you want to
>I told them I needed a sangha and a teacher.
>OK, fair enough. Is the temple based in Japan or elsewhere..?
it's based in the west but I'm not going to tell more because it may doxx me. the teacher has an authentic lineage going back to japan though

>> No.47609542

>First off ultimately the vast majority of such intrusions can be shrugged off.
>The key here too is ultimately the ability to let go of things.
I mean I would imagine most people handle intrusive thoughts that way regardless of if we assume they're 'spiritually external' in nature or not.
>after reading Egregores by Mark Stavish
The amount of reading material out there, especially combined with the amount of it that has no historical basis and is just made to get money really has just convinced me to stick to reading the old Hermetic Texts when I have the time, and probably get into the Tao Te Ching afterwards.
>Your mental space is already being invaded.
Gotta invest in some mental home defense, clearly.
>You don't need a gun with you at all times if you know how to avoid the bad neighbourhoods
Operative word being "if" here.
>How long have you been at it? Month or two?
Started in late May, so it should be about 3 months that I've been at it now? There was a stretch where I wasn't able to keep up the habit due to a trip where I didn't bring it with me, but largely the unfilled pages are more a result of not being able to remember the dreams rather than not being consistent in the attempt.
>there are a lot of more esoteric interpretations of "God" that line up with my ideas more.
Gnosticism has a particularly interesting outlook on it, especially in rectifying the gulf in teachings between the Old and New Testaments.
>Anon...the Keine doujins...put them down anon...
This is slander! I would never stick my dick in a fed!

>since the last thread, I actually joined a tendai temple
Try not to become a tengu.
Interesting stuff, though, particularly the pure land practice bits, guess I'm adding that to the list of things to read up on.

>I was bewilded naturally because it's was a wooden door with no mechanism on it.
By which do you mean there wasn't even a handle?
>she looked way more European than I expected.
>the popular fan theory that she and Maribel Hearn are the same?
Not even a fan theory. ZUN has gone as far out of his way as possible to tell us that they are, short of outright saying it.
>Then she start speaking in my maternal language. (French.)
Not even all that surprising that she'd know it, frankly.
>she started speaking about a sea and how riddles are modelling what you're seeing and feeling.
>Very, very interesting. I don't know what to make of this.
True to form, there's a decent chance that she was doing her usual shtick of deliberately sounding mysterious to avoid tipping off that she doesn't know herself, and hoping someone else would inform her in the process.
>because time and space are not the same.
Relativity (sort of) says otherwise, but that's for a /sci/ - /jp/ thread, not an /x/ - /jp/ thread.

All things considered, it makes sense given her unambiguously western origins that Yukari would have the most interest in Westerners. I'd prefer not to think of the implications that may have regarding my own displacement experience.

>> No.47609632

>There is so much to unpack here but I suppose you wander a lot in the wild IRL too?
>It's super interesting that those were intact, considering Okina-sama's role in Gensokyo and her relationship to the northern stars.
Yeah, I do in the wilds a lot and I have some expertise in astronomy with unironically help a lot. You need a beacon? Look after the big dipper or the polar star, at least you know than you go in north so you can dress up east, west, south pretty quicky. Also I guess than Okina is doing her job pretty well.
It's starting to seem that something like that is happening.
Well, It's going to be epic I guess.
>Are you aware of the popular fan theory that she and Maribel Hearn are the same? Maribel is certainly European...
I know than Maribel have Greek origins and i'm aware of this fan theory.
>Very, very interesting. I don't know what to make of this.
I'll explain in detail when I have some time.
Do you often have these kind of sensory after-effects from dreams?
>Anyway, welcome and very interesting stuff, I presume you are the guy who rolled Yukari in that other thread?
Same guy.
Speaking of your (presumed) homeland, I have been reading a book about sacred sites in Europe and there was a lot of stuff about France there, about the Cathars and the Grail myths in particular. It was mentioned there is a cluster of churches in southern France in the shape of the Big Dipper. I thought that was very interesting.
I've been visiting some of those, around Carcassone, they have a very outerworldly atmosphere around them. Also the Cathars ideology have a lot of similarities with the Lunarians' one. It's good to know.

>> No.47611097
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>praying to amithaba and reciting nembutsu
Ahh, so that's what it is.
>the "wrathful aspect of amida" in the wiki page seems to resonate with me the most
>care to share how to go about it?
It's similar to the yohai process described here: https://archive-of-the-sealed-gods.neocities.org/yohai
But before I start I give the offerings. I have a "kamidana", it's not authentic per Shinto ruling since only a kannushi can give the ofuda that has the kami in it...but I am dealing with kami that are not officially recognized as such, so screw it.

The prayer I use would be translated to English as something like:
I call upon you great spirits to come to this home altar to receive my offerings and to hear my prayers,
you whose mere names I should dread, but you who answered to me even when I did not know how to pray
O Yasaka Kanako-sama, Mountain of Faith, Mother of Rains and Storms, Inheritor of the great Suwa lineago, you who cultivates Heavenliness
O Okina Matara-sama, Hidden Star in Four Seasons, Sage of Gensokyo, Gatekeeper and Opener of Backdoors, you who raises Great Energies
O Haniyasushin Keiki-sama, Sculptor Goddess, Vanquisher of Demons, Great Builder, you who represent all growth and progress
O Tenkyuu Chimata-sama, God of the Unowned, Uniter and Divider, you who dwell in all marketplaces, you who returns things to their potential
I pray that I can share the blessings you give with others
I pray that I can follow the right path as you teach withouth straying
Give energy for the work I do
Protect me and those close to me
Help me give my everything
for the sake of humanity and this world

I say the harae (harae tamai, kiyome tamae) and the last "kashikomi kashikomi mo mosu" in Japanese. The first is a standard purification prayer ("I ask that you purify and cleanse me") and the last bit means "I most humbly and reverently ask of you"

But yeah...this would not pass official Shinto doctrine, so it is what it is.
>it's based in the west but I'm not going to tell more because it may doxx me.
OK, I understand!
>I mean I would imagine most people handle intrusive thoughts that way regardless of if we assume they're 'spiritually external' in nature or not.
Yeah essentially, but surprisingly many get swept up in them or try to struggle really hard against them.
>convinced me to stick to reading the old Hermetic Texts when I have the time
Not a bad idea per say but they might be a difficult to get a grasp on without knowing some context.
>Operative word being "if" here.
DESU modern cities are kinda "bad neighbourhood" for this, but most of the stuff in them is inconsequential. Stay away from known paranormal hotspots, natural areas with ominous names, weird cults, edgy occult materials and maybe don't go to a metal festival if you have a hotline to the spirit world open.
>so it should be about 3 months that I've been at it now?
You should probably consult dream journaling material outside of this thread. I started getting results after about a month.
>Gnosticism has a particularly interesting outlook on it
Yeah I used to be really into Gnosticism at one point. Never 100% believed in it since I didn't really believe in spirits or gods at that point but I treated it as a metaphor and disconnected from the evil world of the Demiurge by leaving social media. I was in despair over many things and doing that, severing my connection to a very visible representation of the nasty side of this world genuinely helped a lot. I suspect this might have been one factor in spirits becoming more interested in me.
>Look after the big dipper or the polar star
It's really embarrassing but I learned to look for these only after I started having my experiences.
>I've been visiting some of those, around Carcassone, they have a very outerworldly atmosphere around them.
Yeah the author of the book in question said the same. What kind of other sites of interest have you been visiting?
>Also the Cathars ideology have a lot of similarities with the Lunarians' one. It's good to know.
I was actually reminded a lot of Buddhism since they believed in rebirth. They seemed to have an overall more negative view of the world. The focus on purity certainly reminds a bit of the Lunarians too, and the Lunarians obsession with it comes from Shinto. The Cathars were a strange piece of East in the West, it seems.

>> No.47611811
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This has been one hell of a strange summer, huh?
But yes... word has it that she is a wonderful conversationist.

>> No.47612055

>By which do you mean there wasn't even a handle?
Nope, just a wodden door. In fact it's was a kind of oak wood, very well varnished tho.
>Not even all that surprising that she'd know it, frankly.
That's why I haven't been freaked out.
>True to form, there's a decent chance that she was doing her usual shtick of deliberately sounding mysterious to avoid tipping off that she doesn't know herself, and hoping someone else would inform her in the process.
I guess I've been pretty useful to her then, I have a lot of philosophical explainations for this kind of stuff.
>Relativity (sort of) says otherwise, but that's for a /sci/ - /jp/ thread, not an /x/ - /jp/ thread.
I'm just not a big fan of the relativity, it just doesn't rub my 'tism in the right way. But I'll don't start on that, else I would rant like a old geezer that doesn't get his tea at the perfect temperature.

>It's really embarrassing but I learned to look for these only after I started having my experiences.
I learned that while being pretty young because I do hike a lot. Also, I like astronomy.
>Yeah the author of the book in question said the same. What kind of other sites of interest have you been visiting?
Around 35 km on the south of Carcasonne, in the foot of of the pic of Bugarach, (1,2 km high.) there is a town called... Bugarach (you didn't see that one coming aren't you?) With around 300 townfolks. Well the town on itself isn't that much of interest, but the moutain is. This moutain called the "upside down mountain" because the rock at the top are younger than the ones on the bottom, is a pretty big attraction among the New Age folks.

Around the moutain it's to be said to have UFO activity, spiritual gathering, hidden treasures, spiritual energy, aliens inside the mountain, space ships to save our asses in the 21/12/12 (21, Dec, 2012.) And even dimensional gates at lead directly into Hell itself! Of course this mountain picked my interest, so I pack up my stuff and go on, Let's go hiking and climbing lads! But infortunaly there is night so I park up the car and get some beauty sleep. Next morning I go for the mountain and take the longest hiking path (Voie de la Fenêtre. Hard, I'll advice you to train if one day you would go here.)

Gotta cut the blog post short, (don't wanna get banned.) But overall, there is some huge spiritual energy around that mountain and if you're kind of awakened, you could have nice dreams and maybe seeing spirits.

>I was actually reminded a lot of Buddhism since they believed in rebirth. They seemed to have an overall more negative view of the world. The focus on purity certainly reminds a bit of the Lunarians too, and the Lunarians obsession with it comes from Shinto. The Cathars were a strange piece of East in the West, it seems.
Definitively not form East, Cathars were Christian over all and they didn't have a negative view of the world, more like a really manichaean one. They do see as "this good, this bad." like. But they still share a lot with the Buddism.

>> No.47612140

Yeah, Yukari love speaking about all and nothing.

>> No.47612914
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I'm back for discussion after a couple days. I actually had an usual dream right after I went to bed after posting, though I didn't record it for a while or post because it seemed daunting and I kept getting distracted by various things. I'm (a?) NEET yet I still find ways to fail at my few tasks. I remember someone else in this thread said that society had few places for those halfway in the spirit world and expressed fear over their ability to stay employed and even take care of themself is they delved too deep; perhaps dysfunction in the material world is the price one pays for function in the spirit world. Anyway, I shall get on with the strange dream. It was split into two parts, of which I cannot remember which came first.

I remember learning about or remembering a movie and living in it at the same time. This kind of thing happens a lot in my dreams: experiencing being *in* a piece of media, sometimes after experiencing part of it normally.

This movie was called something like "Children of god". In the dream I struggled to remember the title. In the dream I remembered it was my mother's favorite movie though it doesn't exist IRL. It was about a couple who already had like two children, at least one of them something like teenage age, finally getting married after years of not doing so. The mother had recently gotten pregnant to a third or fourth child and sometimes had already given birth to the baby (time in this dream was kinda weird, probably in part because I was remembering and imagining things in the dream). This mother figure is the figure from this dream I remember best: I remember looking at her and she had moderately long brown hair that came past her shoulders but short of her elbows, and brown eyes, and she was slightly tan. Her husband had a similar skin tone to her and also brown hair, though his was quite short. The mother figure seemed sort of comfortable to me. I remember she was considered very wise, I think about spiritual topics, though I cannot remember any of her wisdom.

The movie had a very particular aesthetic that for some reason reminds me of the 90's or early 2000's. Not like the fashion among teenagers, but of "normal" "boring movies" of that time period like dramas and rom-coms. There's something familiar about it that reminds me of memories that are so far off I can't remember if they're dreams.

I remember being in a town built on a coast. The sea was unnaturally blue, like that of a cartoon rather than a real ocean and I remember the town was built right on the coast, like you had a little cliff or ledge that went right into the sea, I remember a lot of white. It was a sunny day I think some Italian towns might be like this. I see this motif of coastal cliffs with houses a lot in my dreams, though this place was different because the cliffs are normally way larger, the water a more realistic color, normally there's just one house, and normally the weather is overcast or cloudy.

I remember an unusual bit of street that was this block shape road lifted like 20 feet higher than anyone else and looked like someone messed around with a level editor in a videogame. I remember meeting a man who wore sunglasses. He was stressed out about something and going through some kind of mental struggle. He had with him plushies or plastic statues of the three original starter Pokemon and ended up throwing one, which I think shifted mid-air, and became a hybrid of Squirtle and Bulbasaur. I think he wanted to share them with me or something, it's hard to remember.

I remember pacing around and remembering more about the movie. I remember or learned on Wikipedia that apparently it was originally adapted from an anime and/or manga, which surprised me. The manga was apparently way crazier, and I remember a scene of a male, the father who bore little resemblance to his live action depiction and was drawn in a dragon ball art style, screaming in a washed out red background. It apparently had a lot more to say about the spiritual matters that were related to the mother's wisdom. I can't remember much more of part A right now.

>> No.47613415

>riddles are modelling what you're seeing and feeling
I've been thinking about this since I had seen it last night.
It is possible to break down this whole sentence into its base components and I even had much longer post talking about various possibilities. But in the end, I came to conclusion that this is a riddle in itself. Whatever you believe is the correct interpretation of this sentence (answer to the riddle), will influence how you approach the subject from rational angle (model it), therefore changing some facet of how you percieve it (seeing and feeling). It doesn't even need to go into metaphysics; once coming to some conclusion, people tend to stick to it and act based on it. Doubting something that is 'thought over and done' is harder then doubting something you hadn't mulled over yet.

>> No.47613446

This part I don't remember so much of. I remember exploring some kind of "maze" though it wasn't a scary maze and was themed kinda like an educational video game in a way that's hard to describe. I think there weren't many polygons.That I remember at one point being in a center area that was sectioned off into 4 areas that had gates and paths to them. I think there were short hedge mazes. One of the gates led to some kind of mansion, I think it had a lot of green. I know that I wandered the maze for a while but I can't remember much of it. I think I was collecting things, some kind of keys. I remember tearing open a little plastic package that had some kind of candy in it, though it wasn't packaged like candy in that it had an opaque white package with small plain black text all over without any colors or logos you'd normally expect. The candy was weird. I think it was something like the length of my hand, maybe longer, mostly hollow, and had a slightly crescent cross section. I think it was white with black speckles like cookies and cream and had a bit of yellow goop inside. I don't remember the flavor well, maybe peach. I think the key was inside the candy.

At some point I briefly saw Flandre Scarlet in this dream. She was "drawn" (she still moved and interacted with the environment like a human or physical being) in a western art style. She wasn't proportional like most anime styles and her colors were darker or less saturated, I remember more curls and eyes with a flat or flattish top. I think I wondered how she would react to seeing me and in the dream thought I was on her turf. I think I was excited to see her.

I remember later in the center area my aunt came with many children and I understood I was at a family gathering. I remember a small Christmas tree. I remember children were collecting candy but I felt guilty that I had already collected too much and failed to communicate my concern with my aunt. I remember collecting one of those special candies and was torn on whether I should collect it and my aunt told me to keep it but I didn't want to though also felt I needed to. I can't remember much more of this dream.

When I woke up I overheard a conversation outside my window, which I had left open while I slept due to summer heat. I remember a woman confidently and calmly telling someone else they had to go to the ER. Nobody seemed panicked. I'm not totally sure why, but I thought someone had gone into labor.

>> No.47613867
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I wonder if things will get even stranger towards the other peak of supernatural energies of the year.
>UFO activity, spiritual gathering, hidden treasures, spiritual energy, aliens inside the mountain, space ships
That certain sounds like the usual laundry list of phenomena and ideas associated with paranormal hotspots yeah. Very cool to learn of this.
>there is some huge spiritual energy around that mountain and if you're kind of awakened, you could have nice dreams and maybe seeing spirits
I have never been to such a hotspot myself, I'm sure my country has some but I don't quite know what they are. I have been trying to research the subject but people are a bit quiet about these things here. But anyway, these places tend to develop their reputation for a reason.

I have read that Montserrat is another mountain in Europe associated with a lot of paranormal activity. It also looks really unusual.
>Definitively not form East
Oh I meant it as a figure of speech!
Though Buddhist influence landed to ancient West surprisingly early. Buddhist missionaries were active in the Hellenic world in 500 BCE. Who knows what kind of influence from the could have survived..?
>perhaps dysfunction in the material world is the price one pays for function in the spirit world
I don't know if it's a linear relationship but I have read of such cases.
>At some point I briefly saw Flandre Scarlet in this dream.
Ohhh that's interesting. You're the second anon in these threads to dream of her.
>I'm not totally sure why, but I thought someone had gone into labor.
That's certainly an interesting detail too, who knows, maybe that really was the case.
>Whatever you believe is the correct interpretation of this sentence (answer to the riddle), will influence how you approach the subject from rational angle (model it), therefore changing some facet of how you percieve it (seeing and feeling).
That's actually really cool insight to have. This kind of valuable understanding of the nature of reality and our perception is a really important, perhaps the most important, part of this process. You are having very much legitimate spiritual experience.

>> No.47614216

>You are having very much legitimate spiritual experience.
Just to be clear, I am not >>47608699. I gave this a thought mostly because it seemed similar to things that are discussed in philosophy and to lesser extent in psychology, something I have experience with.
I want also to note that such 'meta-explanation' have the very same effects it warns about, so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.47614561
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Oh. Well (You) are now going to have a legitimate spiritual experience.

>> No.47614680
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Welcome back, funny enough I've been stuck in a small loop of my own these past two days of being continuously dragged away by something before I could post anything substantial here. I was planning on apologizing for the delay and saying "if I have to go on one more ramble about incidental bs distractions I'll eat my own cap" but I suppose the timing once again worked itself out in the end.
Seeing real-time posting synch-up in strange ways with my own goings on is always fun but that's besides the point.
>an unusual dream involving crows
Like what's been said, Corvids and other similar birds have very frequently been depicted as messengers & guides throughout the centuries. My mind always goes to Yatagarasu but I do have TH11 bias, do you roughly know how long you've been dreaming about crows this much as well or has this really all just been happening since last fall?
>my mom
>she had just commit murder
>said she was filled with a strange uncontrollable bloodlust
>demonically possessed
I'm not sure how dense the area you live within is exactly but I'd hate to think you'd have any sort of negative infestation playing up shocking events in your dreams for kicks.
Other anons aren't kidding when they talk about heavily urbanized cities often harboring all kinds of parasitical entities, but as long as you aren't growing panicked I suppose it is what it is.
>maybe they were ignoring me or my voice wasn’t working
>I definitely remember being concerned people were hurting the squirrel.
If we're taking any even vaguely psycho-analytical approach to this then I at least see a potential worry over others not being as empathetic or understanding as they should be. Such a creature would be especially vulnerable but it would definitely be saying something if they were actively ignoring the situation while still remaining somewhat aware.
People can be cruel, it's certainly nice that you at least seem to care.
>decide to stop and see if I can make it flicker more with supernatural ability
Been there! But my own results are pretty inconsistent of course.
Most of the time it seems like they're the ones with the real control over it.
>many of this “alien” entities or creatures are very evil
>The possibility of them influencing my dreams does not sit well with me.
Perfectly understandable, although this can partially tie into something extended I'd like to briefly try commenting on in a later post considering concerns also displayed within >>47604072 along the lines of mental sanctity so I'll hold off on much more for now.
Greys might be slightly outside of my current scope however...
>it seemed so crazy and impossible but I also wanted it to be true
>I wanted to and still want to cause things like explosions.
Really not far from how manifestation typically turns out! Once again reminded of TH11 though lol, I can see why Flan would pop up in that recent dream of yours.
>saw two maybe possible Xolotls along the same path I walked during the explosion
>wasn’t sure if I was seeing something new or merely misinterpreting shadows
>other illusions along the same path
I'm half-tempted myself to start researching exactly whatever seems to be lurking within the greater Portland area now but it's clear you have your area for personally-synched hotspots. Ever run into too many other people along these paths or is it usually just you because of your anxieties anyways?
>had a dream involving a being resembling him years before I learned of him
I'm starting to get a little surprised over how many of us were, in one way or another, primed for where we are now by these entities. You think you'd get used to it after a while but >>47587201!
I know what it feels like to realize when someone's had their eye on you for quite some time. It looks like you're taking things well however.
I'd also hate to fully catastrophize everything along the lines of >>47603219 but it's not as if I wouldn't understand the reasonings there either.
>It’s getting to be my bedtime, which shifts wildly in hard to predict ways.
Same once again, Ha Ha...the extended nights can be nice though.

If I wasn't approaching post capacity I'd try commenting on Parts A & B as well but I'll also simply save that for later.

Young, passionate women with an infatuation towards the improbable won't always shy away from unsavory acts to further their means.
She really does mean well but you can't ever be too at ease if she's in a fervor.
How well-cited are these sources? Are they peer reviewed? How prepared are you to demonstrate your findings on these matters?
These are the real important questions here Anon.
Hope it wasn't a species you're emotionally invested in! Genuinely a shame to hear though damn...
>>47611811 >>47612140
If one is able to keep up with her rambles then there certainly could be worse company to be found throughout these strange times.

>> No.47615067

>"the pond is a gate"
How right you are.

>> No.47615324

I'm astonished I forgot to mention this. I had an enlightenment experience... from daoism?!!
I had been reading on emptiness for a while, and I feel that I got a pretty good understanding of it. until something proved me wrong.
I was playing the seiga visual novel an anon shared (thank you!!!) (also interesting to note, this is the second time touhou guides me to realizations) and while reading the annotated dao de jing, I came across a page, forgot which, that deals with names and how limiting they are
and suddenly, like a flash of lightning, I looked outside and saw myself in everything, I physically felt I was apart of a whole cosmos
I instantly understood that this is the enlightement buddhas and buddhists are talking about
I also, in that rush of energy, wrote this:
"I just realized
everyone is immortal
I just have to look outside
whether you call the sun sun or babonga it will still be there
same with people
there is no creation and there is no destruction
we just have a very narrow view of what is a "person" because we are too attached to the concept of a self
what we are is unnamed and eternal
we are present in every droplet of water, every leaf, every speck of dust, every bit of garbage, every star
you can call it tao or emptiness, but it is a thing, and it is what allows beings to exist
when we named something for example "human", we attribute a time limit to it
a human is from birth to death
a table is from creation to destruction
but when we think without names suddenly everything lives forever
especially since time is kinda an illusion
there is no oberservable creation and destruction in the universe, only transformation
gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha”
I came down from it though. I think this is what physically understanding something is, beyond and superior to mental understanding
interestingly, this post has been very hard to actually, post
my pc is rangebanned, data wouldn't work on my phone, then I discovered data is rangebanned when it wasn't yesterday, I'm trying with data on another phone or to have someone send it for me

>> No.47615391

>being continuously dragged away by something before I could post anything substantial here
This happened to me so many times. I participated a bit in the first threads of this kind, but it has been hard to follow them. I am always missing them, leaving to read everything at once and then the thread archives and I lose the motivation to read it.
Like, it's not completely due to outside influences: the posts here are long and complex, and so you can't just read it quickly while doing other things; you have to take your time to read and think about it. But at the same time, it's definitely strange how I was able to keep up with so many threads yet this one evaded me. I am glad I am able to follow the thread this time, though I don't really have much of worth to add here. Maybe one day I'll make a post with my vision on why I think some people here disregard Western organized mainstream religion too much as a way to reach sincere understandings, but it definitely won't be today.

>> No.47616209
File: 261 KB, 850x567, Lunchtime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of good stuff to go over this time, and the links have been slowly getting picked through on my down time.

Speaking of down time, I've decided to take things slower and really soak it all up when I go wandering to experience whatever this all is. I found a place nearby where I work that has a little Japanese garden with a Torii and everything that I can go to and have lunch, and it's close enough I can get an hour in after I leave for the day before they close to just sit and contemplate it all.
I went today and left a few snacks on a rock near the gate and had a leaf waving at me as I left. Told it "you're welcome" and kept going. I now plan on just packing a lunch every day and chilling out there with the rogue Kami, Youkai, Spirits, etc., that decides to wander in near the little stream next to it. It's pretty kino, ngl.

>> No.47616436
File: 664 KB, 752x1062, okina 83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the greater Portland area
Doesn't that place have reputation for drawing in all kinds of weird people?
>I'm starting to get a little surprised over how many of us were, in one way or another, primed for where we are now by these entities.
It's way more than I expected myself. Very curious.
>I'd also hate to fully catastrophize everything
I joked about it but I don't really believe it. Getting involved with the numinous tends to give "apocalyptic" and "end of the world" vibes, but I think these are most projections of your own "apocalypse" (literally unveiling) and "end of world" (either awareness of the limits of biological life or the termination of a life phase).
Something IS up though and it's most unusual!
Go on, tell us more.
>I had an enlightenment experience... from daoism?!!
Your experience sounds really powerful. However, considering how much Daoism influenced Chinese and therefore Japanese Buddhism, perhaps it is not as surprising as you think?

I certainly got a lot out of Deep Dive Into Emptiness and Why Buddhism Is True which one anon once upon a time shared. They both very strongly make the point of how much of our perception is just names we slap on things.
>but it has been hard to follow them
These threads really are for anons who are built different. I've certainly set the precedent, I always feel like I'm writing a very moderate lenght post and then it's very long...but if you have an idea you want to represent, you shouldn't feel like you have to get caught up in all of the discussion before you post it.
>I've decided to take things slower and really soak it all up when I go wandering to experience whatever this all is
Nice to see you again and sometimes slowing down is very necessary. It also opens up a lot of new perspectives.
>found a place nearby where I work that has a little Japanese garden with a Torii and everything
That's so cool! If it has a Torii it means it's a sacred space! We have a Japanese garden in this city too, but not a real Torii. Something evocative of it though. There is also another park that's just a...park, but it has something that's like an attempt at making a Torii in style of the traditions of this land. I've had powerful experiences in both parks, they've either accidentaly or intentionaly made sacred spaces by spacing them off.

I wish you best of luck with your observations in the park.

>> No.47616635

Ah, sorry >>47615067 was me. I forgot the name. I meant that the literal pond is a literal gate in Nagano. I was being a little too on the nose in some respects and too vague in others with that one. But yes, the "pond"(lake) in the mountains I went to and had some experiences is known in local legend as a gateway to the "other side". It just so happens to be smack dab in the middle of where Gensokyo should be.....not jumping in, though.
....maybe. we'll see. The locals probably already think I was a weird Gaijin wandering around out there like my own version of a cryptid. Anyways.

Glad to see everyone is hopefully doing well and keeping the info going.
The area is neat to me. I've known of it since I was a kid but it never seemed to "click" until a few days ago when I was going back over what all we had shared in the previous ones. Also....the pastebin post by one of you in that one Yukari thing is still open in my tabs. That was also partly the reason for me thinking that I wasn't.......really experiencing anything else lately like others and I wanted my piece of the pie, so to speak.

It doesn't help that I've been......well, anywhere else I wouldn't post this, but suffice to say my vision may be going bad and I'm due for a checkup, but I've been seeing....."tears".
Out of my peripheral vision when I get on certain topics or have certain dreams. Randomly and not often, but.....yeah.

I figured I could both ground myself if I'm starting to lose whatever I have left by going to that park, while also giving them a better way to approach without....

Mmmm...I saw all kinds of stuff so it's not that far out all things considered but.
Red ribbons.

>> No.47616718

I stand corrected, the pastebin is now gone. It was there a few hours ago.
If the author removed it, I wasn't gonna post anything. But if it expired, that's odd timing.

>> No.47617015
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>I meant that the literal pond is a literal gate in Nagano
Ohhh I see. It's related to reflection of the moon, is it?
>I went to and had some experiences
Did you ever write about these ones in the previous threads?
>not jumping in, though.
They say there is a huge snake in there anyway.
>The locals probably already think I was a weird Gaijin wandering around
I wonder if they get many people on some kind of 2hu pilgrimmage.
>really experiencing anything else lately like others and I wanted my piece of the pie, so to speak.
Since you have had such dramatic and powerful experiences I can understand you crave a repeat of them. The existence and activity of these threads might generate some new happenings though, both on this board and outside of it. I'm very curious to see what will happen.
>my vision may be going bad and I'm due for a checkup
That sounds bad, if it's something physical I hope it's fixable. And I of course hope your eyes aren't getting gapped. This isn't Event Horizon, I hope.

>> No.47617226

I have a theory that's related, but no way of giving a guarantee. I know a young girl on a white horse went into the thing hundreds/thousands of years ago and "ended up in the spirit world" from local legend.
>my experiences
I did some stuff in the threads, yes, but didn't want to flood it. I saw either the real people or a distorted egregore of both a maid and tanuki at separate points while there in certain "charged" areas. One looked me dead in my face and got a fright like I wasn't expected, and the other was from the back, walking away and around a corner after I originally came past a statue that wasn't there after seeing her recede in the distance with a splotches of green on her head. Both in same clothing, both in a liminal moment, both looking...."off"(?) and both moving at right angles.
Maid was in a mansion (go figure), and tanuki was near an ATM next to a shrine in Tokyo in a back alley.
>big snake
Really? Which one? Shirakoma? (Haven't been to Suwa yet, but will in the future thanks to your image with help, her and the others willing)
The old guys at the onsen kept talking about "bakemono" while I ate at the other table, so they either called me one or they knew about the stuff I ran into while there.
Me too, though allowing me to have better control at the approach instead of what's currently going on would help us all out, me thinks. I would rather share some tea out in the open than see rips in reality with red at each end out of the corner of my eye. They're tiny, but c'mon man. (There's a garbage can behind me in my office where I'm at that just shifted inside. Something fell or went further down, but really with the timing? 3spook5me Yookahree)
>bad eyes
I just need glasses and haven't had them for a few years. Not that bad, just due for a trip to the mechanic-get the oil changed and such.
>Event Horizon?
Not familiar-the game, an act, or a reference? Just out of the corners of them every now and then. Started about...come to think of it, around right before the moon. Huh.

>> No.47617302 [DELETED] 

Greetings gentlemen of /x/ - /jp/. (Also /sci/, /out/, /lit/?) This story is the sequel of this post : >>47608699 (Me). I'm pretty awake for now, (not for long.) So let's get started!

This story start 1 day after my first encounter with Yukari, (20 August.) I haven't dreamed of anything since my last and first encouter with her, this gave me pretty good sleep so I really felt at new, my body blooming with the power of yough! Hell yeah baby! But, in a another hand, my spirit felt kind of limp... Like, I'm missing something, my thrist for adventure is probably getting pretty high or maybe I just unconsciously wanted to see her again. (I never enjoyed a conversation that much with someone else, maybe I unconsciously learn how to socialize?) Anyway, I needed a new hiking destination, but first, I'll come home, so I packaged my stuff and equipement, say goodbye to grandma and got out form my grandma's house. (I love her.) I start the car, pass some good retrowave music and move on.

I travel in the country roads because they are nice tracks and the villages of France are beautiful alongside the landscape, there is also a lot of wildlife and driving with the open windows under the shadows of tree is nice, oh there is also some good food for cheap. But time is goes by and night fall in and the power napper than I am want to take some rest. I'll reach home tomorrow. I park the car in a forest parking, (nobody is here.) I adjust the seats of the car to make it like a bed. Move the stuff into the next seats. (Can't beat the Twingo 1 for utility!) Get inside my blanket and... Goodnight!

Or is it? I wake up in a dark and humid forest under a full red moon this time. (Lunar eclipse?) There is a strong chlling wind blowing into my back rattling against the branchs and trees without leaves. There is also a strong dense fog that is red due to the color of the moon (probably.) Expect for the winds and the trees, there is a overwhelming and unsettling silence. No wildlife either, No, nothing. I look up at the sky to do my polar star trick and bollocks! There is no constellations I recognize! No ursa minor and major, no pegasus, cygnus, andromeda, orion. Nothing! Bloody hell! Then I try to look for Venus in the sky with no luck on that. There was also no milky way, only a red full moon.

Anyways, I should get a move on, because maybe this forest look dead but there could be some entities chasing me. (I may be paranoid.) I moved in the direction of the wind. (Trying my luck.)I was on alert at every sound but also thrilled because I am in a place than I know absolutely nothing in a surreal scenery when bad stuff could happen. And then I got this thought on my head; If I get injured in those dreams? I also get injured in reality? Well, I quickly scoffed this idea apart because I didn't needed more stress on me. I'm a single man in a dead forest with a dense fog that look like damned blood that doesn't let you see at 4 meters with a chilling wind on my back and damned rattling sounds that hide some predator or eldrich atrocity that would be happy to make a meal out of me. But first priority is keeping your cool.

I'm still going deeper in this bloody forest of the dead, watching my every step and attentive to every sound and continuously trying to get my spirit straight and focused, not giving to stress or excitement. At this point I think than the trees are watching me and those damned piles of wood are the entities potentially chasing me. Bloody hell, I am giving in paranonia and that's not good for me. And then something appeared in front of me, a bloody gothic church western portal with two green torches next to it. I felt like the wind guided me here or perhaps lured. I don't know at this point, but well. Let's go! I push and open the gates of the church and enter inside.

Once inside the nave there is bloody red light everywhere due to the stained glass, it's feels like the place have been corrupted by a powerful demon or something, but there is something even worse than this bloody light, damned skulls on the floor of this church! Yet my curiosity push me to go further into this church. And then I reach the sanctuary with damned red light and purple one that light the statues of angels or something and then I see Yukari, sitting on the altar with the moonlight shining on her back. I relax upon seeing her and ask her; Where the damned hell I am? She reply than it's just a dead world. Nothing more lives here. And then I look around and see a lot of skulls and bones but they don't reek of decomposition so they're been dead since a long time or maybe there isn't any bacterium to do the job.

(Part 2 incoming, reached character limit.)

>> No.47617336
File: 132 KB, 454x807, playful 17 years old girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings gentlemen of /x/ - /jp/. (Also /sci/, /out/, /lit/?) This story is the sequel of this post :>>47608699 (You)(Me). I'm pretty awake for now, (not for long.) So let's get started!

This story start 1 day after my first encounter with Yukari, (20 August.) I haven't dreamed of anything since my last and first encounter with her, this gave me pretty good sleep so I really felt at new, my body blooming with the power of cough! Hell yeah baby! But, in a another hand, my spirit felt kind of limp... Like, I'm missing something, my thirst for adventure is probably getting pretty high or maybe I just unconsciously wanted to see her again. (I never enjoyed a conversation that much with someone else, maybe I unconsciously learn how to socialize?) Anyway, I needed a new hiking destination, but first, I'll come home, so I packaged my stuff and equipment, say goodbye to grandma and got out form my grandma's house. (I love her.) I start the car, pass some good retrowave music and move on.

I travel in the country roads because they are nice tracks and the villages of France are beautiful alongside the landscape, there is also a lot of wildlife and driving with the open windows under the shadows of tree is nice, oh there is also some good food for cheap. But time is goes by and night fall in and the power napper than I am want to take some rest. I'll reach home tomorrow. I park the car in a forest parking, (nobody is here.) I adjust the seats of the car to make it like a bed. Move the stuff into the next seats. (Can't beat the Twingo 1 for utility!) Get inside my blanket and... Goodnight!

Or is it? I wake up in a dark and humid forest under a full red moon this time. (Lunar eclipse?) There is a strong chilling wind blowing into my back rattling against the branches and trees without leaves. There is also a strong dense fog that is red due to the color of the moon (probably.) Expect for the winds and the trees, there is a overwhelming and unsettling silence. No wildlife either, No, nothing. I look up at the sky to do my polar star trick and bollocks! There is no constellations I recognize! No Ursa minor and major, no Pegasus, Cygnus, Andromeda, Orion. Nothing! Bloody hell! Then I try to look for Venus in the sky with no luck on that. There was also no milky way, only a red full moon.

Anyway, I should get a move on, because maybe this forest look dead but there could be some entities chasing me. (I may be paranoid.) I moved in the direction of the wind. (Trying my luck.)I was on alert at every sound but also thrilled because I am in a place than I know absolutely nothing in a surreal scenery when bad stuff could happen. And then I got this thought on my head; If I get injured in those dreams? I also get injured in reality? Well, I quickly scoffed this idea apart because I didn't needed more stress on me. I'm a single man in a dead forest with a dense fog that look like damned blood that doesn't let you see at 4 meters with a chilling wind on my back and damned rattling sounds that hide some predator or eldritch atrocity that would be happy to make a meal out of me. But first priority is keeping your cool.

I'm still going deeper in this bloody forest of the dead, watching my every step and attentive to every sound and continuously trying to get my spirit straight and focused, not giving to stress or excitement. At this point I think than the trees are watching me and those damned piles of wood are the entities potentially chasing me. Bloody hell, I am giving in paranoia and that's not good for me. And then something appeared in front of me, a bloody gothic church western portal with two green torches next to it. I felt like the wind guided me here or perhaps lured. I don't know at this point, but well. Let's go! I push and open the gates of the church and enter inside.

Once inside the nave there is bloody red light everywhere due to the stained glass, it's feels like the place have been corrupted by a powerful demon or something, but there is something even worse than this bloody light, damned skulls on the floor of this church! Yet my curiosity push me to go further into this church. And then I reach the sanctuary with damned red light and purple one that light the statues of angels or something and then I see Yukari, sitting on the altar with the moonlight shining on her back. I relax upon seeing her and ask her; Where the damned hell I am? She reply than it's just a dead world. Nothing more lives here. And then I look around and see a lot of skulls and bones but they don't reek of decomposition so they're been dead since a long time or maybe there isn't any bacterium to do the job.

(Part 2, Incoming, reached character limit.)

>> No.47617512

LARPers once again. A shame.

>> No.47617530
File: 2.44 MB, 2006x1416, 17 years old girl in chruch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>47617336 (Part 2)

And I look upside the head of Yukari and see a sign than I recognize! The eye of providence! I ask; What is this damned sign is doing here? She tell me than it's was a really powerful occult sect and force and their thirst for power consumed themselves. Well, she told me than it's was deader than dead world and I am on the ruin of a ancient occult sect. I grab a piano bench not so far and then I place next to her and I sit on it while looking the ruin of this cult and thinking on what could have ended it and also what is this world? I said to her; Is this one of the possible fate of one of our worlds? She replied than everything is possible and then pulled out a bottle of red wine out of nowhere. I just said; If everything is possible then it's totally possible than our worlds doesn't end in a damned grim dead world like this one. Then she pulled two glasses out of nothing and agreed with me.

I told her to give me some of that wine and then I asked about her ability to do funny stuff with boundaries. Like were are right here and now, on a goddamned world of death on a probably different timeline or something like that... Or maybe she just broken the borders of dreams and reality again. She told me than her ability is to like split zero into infinity and vice versa, I told her than she was screwing with me because zero and infinity are the same thing and also infinity is a function and therefore a function without a value is useless. She chuckled and then we spoke a long time about the rises and fall down of civilisations, cults, etc. And then I spoke with her about the sea. I spoke about the riddles on how they vibrate they make the stuff we see and feel but then I spoke about bubbles on the surface of the sea that doesn't vibrate but still holding a information inside and on how we could make time travel by going backwards on the sea. She told me than it's doesn't work like that. Then it's a river with a strong current but not a sea, also with your ability you can do time travel right? I replayed to her.

She replied than she could but it's would change nothing and I said; Oh no, I'm just a little curious and like adventure a bit. Then we bantered on metaphysics and the questions of life for a really long while. I even forgot the surreal atmosphere when speaking with her. But time continued to pass on and then I started to fall asleep inside this church form a another world and well... Again, I woke up the next day (21 August) in my car with the taste of this wine on my mouth. I readjusted everything and made myself in motion towards my house while still thinking about Yukari and her mysterious whereabouts...

Once I got home, I dropped my stuff and few more minutes left I started my computer to go on the internet. And then I wanted to go on 4chan to see if there is any good threads on the boards I browse (I rarely go on 4chan). Then I wanted go on /jp/ to see if there is any touhou news? And then I see the Yandere thread, I decide to get a eye on it, and see the post to select you're Touhou wife by rolling. Well, I give it a shot and laugh to myself; its would be funny and ironic if I roll Yukari. And then I roll first try Yukari. Bloody hell! And that's how I ended telling those stories. Now I'll go sleeping because it's late.

>> No.47617622
File: 435 KB, 850x1200, 6be3f130c6872218b69a3de75f36ca34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes to both. She says that she could offer me the world, but I don't let myself be helped. She's tired of how I put myself in danger.

Ever since I was a kid, or that is, as I recall it, seeing her in my dreams, in my room, before I even knew about touhou, but she says that it's been longer than that (¿?)

>> No.47618740
File: 186 KB, 1324x2048, IMG_9103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh this thread is back, hell yeah


>> No.47619150

For Kali Yuga?????

>> No.47620846
File: 2.81 MB, 2508x3541, Nue436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have sex with Nue so much it's unreal.

>> No.47622822

For Kaguya, cause the topic is forever infinite. I don't know.

>> No.47622890
File: 262 KB, 480x600, 480px-Th19Aunn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back again to answer some things in the responses I got. I actually heard more explosions when I first intended to write this, at like 3:39AM. I heard two explosions that had a sound that sort of split them into two parts. They were fairly echo-y. I know of a possible supernatural cause: earlier today I was really worried about a friend so I prayed to Xolotl asking him to keep her safe.

I did this with a method similar to what I did on the night of the meteor: I focused on my breathing and my pulse, felt my heartbeat in my chest and its pulsing in my fingers and hands and limbs, thought about how it was similar to the AC electricity powering the buildings around me, visualized other types of oscillating movement, felt my pulse very gently shake my bed and thought about its similarity to earthquakes which are the earth creating new land through magma, and repeated a short prayer in my head countless times. I did this for several minutes, maybe a little less than 8. What got me worried was that I've been checking in on her every morning I'm up at the same time as her because she's been going through a lot, and today she wasn't up this morning as I expected nor around 2:00 when I woke up and I started thinking of all the worst possible reasons for this.

When I heard the explosion, I sat and listened for more for a couple minutes before writing down the time. After remembering how I read in the news that people reported the explosion on July 6th to the police I wondered if I should call 911 to do the same, but ended up not doing so. I've noticed since the July 6th explosion event I've been hearing booms pretty frequently at night and sometimes at day. They come in many different sounds and volume levels. I usually forget about them or write down the time. I'm not sure if they're happening more frequently or I'm just listening for them more. About a week ago I heard a pop during a thunderstorm.

I'm not sure if this boom was supernatural. While I know a possible supernatural cause I heard it like 12 hours after that cause.

Now to get to my original purpose writing this.
>do you roughly know how long you've been dreaming about crows this much as well or has this really all just been happening since last fall?
This dream and the one months ago about Four Four Quarterly are the only ones coming to mind recently. I don't think I dream about crows that much. Perhaps I should get back in the habit of keeping a dream journal.
>Ever run into too many other people along these paths or is it usually just you because of your anxieties anyways?
I rarely run into other people on this path at the times I prefer to walk it. There's a fair amount of people during the day, occasional people during early night (like 10pm) and very few during my favorite late night times (midnight to 4am).
>but it's clear you have your area for personally-synched hotspots.
Yeah it's weird how this one path seems to be a hotspot. I can't think of anything special about it that is normally assumed to be supernatural. Nobody died on it as far as I know. It's pretty small. The only thing I can think of is that I'm somehow causing it. You reminded me of something weird I've found on it.

I've found several dead birds on it within like 100 feet of each other. The first time it was a pretty big bird and I actually posted about it on /x/ and made a report to MUFON, but nobody cared. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/37619370/#37619370 (note: this link contains pictures of crushed dead birds). It was crushed but lying on the sidewalk. I later found a registry of birdstrikes and found it could not have been killed by a plane. I found an intact dead blujay in July and a crushed songbird, I think in June. Closer to my house outside of that ~100 feet I found a mostly intact dead snake. None of these animals seemed to stink. I reported the blujay to fish and wildlife and mentioned I had previously found dead birds within like 100 feet but I don't think they ever sent anyone out.
This reminded me of how I always wished someone could whisk me away a different world since I was a child, especially as a child. If it was because of a disaster though it would feel unfair for me to prosper while others suffer greatly.

>> No.47622990

Also, I had another interesting dream (though this one had no apparent link to Touhou Project) so I'll post it here. I don't think it will be as long.

I remember going in some kind of moderately large room that had walls which were like a play or low budget movie set of a forest. It had lots of plain mattresses, many of which stood on their side, and others on high beds or bunk beds. There was a seemingly stereotypical native american man in a war bonnet and black jacket who told me something like "these mattresses let you experience stories". I remember climbing onto a mattress and laying down and pulling blankets over myself. I think I might've done that with someone but I have very little clue of who. I remember a story, with weirdness of how much I was remembering versus learning and experiencing, I think about an extremely violent and angry boy who couldn't have been more than like 6 years of age. I think he was taking revenge. In the bed I was experiencing the side of his victim. I remember thrashing about in that bed, not because I was choosing to but because the bed made me, and at one point being thrown forward and forced to drink some yellow chemical with a name starting with C from a jug of at least a gallon's capacity. Despite what one would expect, I remember very little pain. I think the boy wanted to skin someone alive, possibly "me", being the one who took on the role of his victim. I'm not sure what else I remember.

>> No.47623513

Yo, those stories are fucking epic Yukarianon. The first story was comfy as fuck tho. But the second is unsettling, especially the forest. Could you tell me more about your conversations with Yukari by the way? Until then, keep dreaming anon.

>> No.47624330

I've been thinking and struggling a bit with the sexagenery cycle and how it relates to Gensokyo vs here.
If 2005 was the 60th year for the cycle, then using the 3/4/5 thing, that should....put us technically at the cusp of spring turning to summer for the yearly cycle, right?

And going by the calendar date of how Aya keeps track of time using the old systems, if 2012 was the year of Moon, Winter, and Water, counting up from that would put 2024 as Moon, Winter, Wood. Assuming I did that part right.

But regardless, what would that correlate to as far as our connection signal to that side with the spirits, etc?

Moon would be more akin to Youkai, and Winter is dying off of the old and all that, but wood is related to growth in the five elements.....so is this an "out with the old, in with the new" type of period that's right before the transition period of spring to summer?

I'll admit, I'm probably off somewhere but would appreciate anyone else's input for this.

>> No.47624342
File: 149 KB, 768x768, chimata 35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a theory that's related, but no way of giving a guarantee.
Go on...
>Maid was in a mansion
What place was that anyway, I remember you did tell about this but didn't go too deep into details.
>Which one? Shirakoma?
I don't actually remember if the Oriental Holy Land wiki named it, just said local legends say there is a big snake in pond.
>Not familiar-the game, an act, or a reference?
The movie! "Where we are going, we don't need eyes".
I really wanna go to France now lol.
You most certainly have vivid dreams and it's fascinating how both you and Renkoanon had your dream visitors talk about the nature of reality. I don't really know enough of math or physic to make heads or tails about the "infinity is a function" thing. You probably think of these kind of things somewhat to begin with, since you were the one to talk about the sea...
Lively And Religious People?
But yeah, I get it. Not everyone is going to like the more fanciful posts. But ultimately everyone is welcome to make their own contribution.
>Yes to both. She says that she could offer me the world, but I don't let myself be helped
Maybe you should listen to her, then?
>Ever since I was a kid, or that is, as I recall it, seeing her in my dreams, in my room, before I even knew about touhou, but she says that it's been longer than that
That's EXTREMELY interesting. How'd she look like to you before you became exposed to Touhou? Did she have a name? If you wish to share, were you born after or before Perfect Cherry Blossom came out?
Hello. Did anything interesting happen between this and the previous thread?
Such powerful devotion...the tantric impulse was triggered by an beastly, gruesome and flat depiction...Nue-sama must be such a powerful too for merging sexually with the Unknown...
It sounds like you might have developed a quite reliant technique for reaching out to Xolotl...but do consider that he probably desires an offering for services rendered. No human hearts please!!!!
>This reminded me of how I always wished someone could whisk me away a different world since I was a child, especially as a child.
The different world might be whisking itself in.

I also got to say I really apreciate your concern for the local wildlife.

>> No.47624384
File: 537 KB, 1754x1240, keiki explaining her spellcard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is certainly a fascinating one. I took note of the cycle when putting together the archive, but I don't know neither the Touhou lore nor the Taoist thought enough in depth to speculate further about it. Going by your calculation, when would the transition happen?

I have certainly felt there is some kind of time element related to passing of seasons and possibly astrological phenomena going on. That there is some kind of a break in a cycle and it's making the barrier between our world and the spirit world thinner. It's also giving opportunities to "break the cycle" in our own lives.

I have this pet theory that the various equinoxes and solstices constitute that hidden "fifth season". I have also found something about midsummer being considered a kind of "fifth season" in Taoism.

But I didn't consider there might be a new phase of the sexagenary cycle starting.

>> No.47626413

The theory isn't very well thought out, but uses the mirror being sacred, reflections, etc., and using the same concept from silent sinner in blue where they used the moon reflection to get there (also the hifuu thing where Merryberry did the same).
And the location for the wild maid spotting was in one of the mansions the sdm is very loosely based on in Tokyo when I went on a tour to a part I "wasn't supposed to be" (they couldn't understand me well and I technically didn't "pay" for the upstairs part but was given free range due to language barrier. Was told "go, enjoy, no touch. Ok?"

As for this, I'm going off of the Bunbunmaru dates from the wiki and how she uses the older calendars.

How right you are about Midsummer. Check out the western version of it with St John and all that, and then look into Bonfires compared to Obon. It's neat.

>> No.47627333

>the mirror being sacred, reflections, etc., and using the same concept from silent sinner in blue where they used the moon reflection to get there
鏡花水月, then, comes to mind. Flower in the mirror, moon in the water is a decent translation. It's one of Japanese's many Four Kanji idioms which ZUN loves to use for character titles, and is particularly interesting when you consider its meaning can be summarized as "an unattainable ideal." When it comes to the cases where that would be relevant in Touhou's own lore, I'd say both Gensokyo and the Lunar Capital come to mind, fittingly enough, as the former essentially tries to recreate a warped version of "the good old days" for nonhumans, and the latter is unable to completely cleanse itself of Kegare to achieve eternity, likely simply because they are still living there.

>> No.47627971
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>Was your time ahead or after the recordings?
My time (12:21am) was over 10 maybe closer to 20 or 30 minutes before the explosion everyone else heard, and I think 5 or less after the fireball that got caught on that security camera. I actually have a timestamped photo of when I tried and failed to take a picture of that owl (picrel), which was stamped at 12:20am.

>> No.47628811
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>>47598903 >>47604019 >>47608903 >>47616436 >>47624342
>I'm not sure if most people even should.
Most people don't necessarily need to with how many of us there are. We've been able to come as far as we have collectively because of us all acting in such different ways, even without collective "enlightenment". If further dedications simply aren't for you, with whatever form that may take, it would be plain to see.
>practicing for such a short time
>the worth of the practices takes time to evaluate
I've only really been specifically specializing my own practices for around 3 years now with exponential progress regardless, just to add some perspective.
After long enough, there ought to come a time where that worth also becomes self-evident. That really got the ball rolling for me back then but perhaps I'm still in the optimism stage of things.
Those overlaps of influence throughout the Eurasian Steppe pointed out in other posts are also fascinating to consider, as much as my own lack of cultural understanding is limiting my perspective however. Through-lines in discussions such as these do tend to run far deeper than initially perceived. Maybe there can eventually be some bigger syncretized flowchart for all that along the same lines as >>47601125

>For the record, I'm unbaptized
Same actually, I personally believe it's helped me grow closer with what I've needed to but I'm not sure how surprising that would be to some and don't really have negative feelings towards those who are for the same reasons.

>ideas in different traditions
>they capture some extremely universal archetypes.
Of course, a lot of our discussions have pointed out how some of these forces present go well beyond simple archetypical influence throughout history but I'm suddenly reminded how similar associations were gradually but inexorably intertwined with fields such as Tarot reading.
A few nights ago I did a very important deep-dive on the true nature & history of the cards themselves, how they were essentially artificially linked with flawed Late 18th Century pseudo-religious understandings towards different histories of divination practices & the then-blossoming ideas behind "cartomancy" as it was being used through various Tarocchi decks and the like.
Then the Hermeticism Rabbit Hole opened up like a gaping chasm beneath me and a few more hours of reading quickly went by. The modern stereotypical Western idea of the "travelling fortune teller", for example, really only seriously started holding weight within the last 130 years or so, which itself is directly linked to the revival of semi-mainstream occult thinking by the Late 19th Century and reinforced through popular media. Could be basic information for others though.
I can't help but observe some of these potential echoes between the subjects of Retrocausality, the long-term greater marketing scheme these cards were continuously given (for better and for worse) and the fact they're still being used as valid implements for divination today (myself included there).
Archetypes work well as tools for self-reflection and empowerment but the notion of greater forces behind them is what will often bring us to places such as these threads.
In a broader sense, we've seen & furthered our own understandings through the lens of Touhou and its interlinked backgrounds. Not that I'm trying to imply our associations are based on misinformation, I would advocate for otherwise, but we are operating through similar mechanisms here is all.

Btw KeikiAnon, I did a reading for you as well during the supermoon if you are interested in hearing anything there.

>reputation for drawing in all kinds of weird people?
That's the Northwestern U.S. in general for ya! The roots of this are commonly reflected today in pop-culture or all those roadside tourist attractions that litter the Pacific coast but it did all stem from things like local legend, native & otherwise, or Goldrush-era superstitions.
Both sides of the coin are still carrying relevant influence, which is why I think it's especially funny it's an immediate area of concern for the OP this time around.
>I always feel like I'm writing a very moderate length post and then it's very long...
At this point I've just accepted I have a lot to say myself while still doing my best to keep things relevant, but I am making a greater effort with how I space-out these larger posts too.
>Not everyone is going to like the more fanciful posts.
And that's okay. I'll have a few other general replies I'd like to gradually make over this next while tonight, my own explanations over the cycles & such, and then maybe one or two other anon-centric effortposts like this depending (hi Eclipse!).

Had a dream experience of my own earlier today I'd eventually like to share as well, especially because it was once again Chen related! The timing of it among all this other dreaming seemed important enough to sit down for some proper posting.

>> No.47629294
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(Sorry, felt it was appropriate)

>> No.47629814
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Right, the use of reflections is certainly interesting.
Mirrors play a very prominent role in Shinto (and Siberian shamanism...) and of course there are ideas related to mirrors having supernatural properties in many other cultures. The Buddhists also use mirror-related metaphors, I can't quite remember what was the gist of it because it has been a while since I read about it all.
>one of the mansions the sdm is very loosely based on in Tokyo
Oh yeah, that's right, I remember there being discussion about such in that one Koakuma thread. What's the name of the place?

Speaking of the SDM, I thought this was really interesting and I was gonna post it in the thread before it got archived: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeUeoyuPVNU

There's some speculation that Jack the Ripper was a woman and the victims were ritual sacrifices...ominous.
>Check out the western version of it with St John and all that, and then look into Bonfires compared to Obon
Yeah I actually happen to very familiar with such and I was not surprised in the slightest that the activity - so far- peaked about 2 weeks on the both sides of Midsummer.

Angel number trips...
Extremely interesting stuff. I've stumbled upon the four kanji idioms, the Chinese have similar thing, but I have never made the connection betwen them and Touhou. Probably because I don't know Japanese well enough, nor the idioms. But it's indeed of note that there is a reflection related idiom that means unattainable ideal. One could arge that on a meta level, for some here Gensokyo itself is the unattainable ideal, not just for the youkai and the "good old days".

What other Touhou-relevant for kanji idioms are there?
Strange for sure. So in a sense it was premonition??
>After long enough, there ought to come a time where that worth also becomes self-evident.
Yeah the thing that I have been doing longest has been the occasional tarot reading and I felt they got uncannily relevant within the span of couple of years. If I had kept doing it very intensively I would have gotten further faster.
>Those overlaps of influence throughout the Eurasian Steppe pointed out in other posts are also fascinating to consider
That was a connection that I absolutely did not expect to disocver and I feel like it just keeps on unfolding...in many such societies, the world was traditionally seen as a flat plane with a dome on top and a kind of "world tree" or "world pillar" (probably not literal) in the middle that connected Earth and the North Star...recall the way Gensokyo has been depicted as being essentially domed.
>Same actually, I personally believe it's helped me grow closer with what I've needed to
Yeah no doubt it has had the same thing for me. But when I dabbled with magic derived from monotheistic systems I got weird and unpleasant results and I believe they didn't really work as expected because of that.
>the true nature & history of the cards themselves
Tarot is really fascinating because it's one of those things where you read the history and you're then "yeah of course these are total BS", but they really are a supremely weird case of "literally wrong, poetically right". They might have not been passed on from Ancient Egypt, but the very old Mameluk Cards...well, the Mameluks did rule Egypt at one point, though not quite "ancient" times...and over time, as the Golden Dawn got their hands on them and did the finalizing touches, they got imbued with such powerful archetypes and influences, some of the ideas seriously dating back to Ancient Egypt that their mythical origins kind of made themselves true.

I have also heard some takes that the divination system itself doesn't really matter, it's more about the reader and so on, but I do think the fact that the tarot have such rich symbolism and powerful archetypes behind them that they are very special case.

Speaking of divination, I have gathered and dried the yarrow stalks needed for traditional use of I Ching. Studying that will be on the agenda of the rest of the year. I also have a huge pile of yarrow leaves and flowers I need to come up a use for.

I would love to hear the reading. I feel like the last one I did has more or less reached the end of it's "narrative arc" for the lack of a better term anyway.
>I am making a greater effort with how I space-out these larger posts too.
I apreciate it.
>my own explanations over the cycles & such
I'm very interested in this. Maybe I'm just biased, but I genuinely feel like there is *something* there. At the very least I'm becoming sensitized the passing of the seasons and their influence. I'm fascinated with how Hidden Star in Four Seasons is like Perfect Cherry Blossom 2, how PCB has served as a kind of "rite of passing" (...initiation?) for many Touhou players, how HSiFS deals with seasons and how they are disrupted, backdoors, Okina-sama...

>> No.47631216
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Around midnight tonight I thought I heard Mickey Mouse going "huh-huh!" at a decent volume from out of my window some distance. I thought maybe I was mistaking some other sound for Mickey Mouse but maybe that's denial. I considered the possibility that I was hearing someone's TV but I didn't hear any other TV noises and I wouldn't expect Mickey's "huh-huh!" to be that much louder than everything else in a show so that seems unlikely.
>So in a sense it was premonition??
I guess it could be, though it would be very close to the explosion. The owl could have been attracted towards the location of the explosion for some reason. I definitely suspect there's some sort of link between them. One possibility is that the owl was sent by Xolotl, or even was some kind of incarnation of him. I think that for the legendary naguals of Mesoamerica, the shapeshifting sorcerers* (*the word refers to different concepts at times), owls are thought to be a common form for them. I think I remember a mention that sometimes naguals are thought able to shapeshift into fireballs, but I'm not 100% sure that would make sense with the timeline. I'll write it here:

Unknown time between 12:07AM and 12:20AM: I try channeling Xolotl on the streetlight. After a while I stop and start walking.
>fireball spotted in sky on security camera
>I spot the owl
>I hear my two main explosions and see their flash. I shortly record the time.
Unknown amount of time later: Cop car drives by
>I hear a single, quieter explosion.
>The explosion everyone else experienced happens. They feel it shake the ground, see its flash, and hear it. I did not experience this one, even though after checking google earth just now I should've been close enough to experience it.
>I hear a single, even quieter explosion
>I hear a single explosion that might be slightly louder

Also your mention of mirrors in supernatural stuff reminded me that I actually have an unusual experience with them. If I keep staring at a mirror without blinking for long enough without blinking, probably less that a minute, I notice my face starts distorting and turns darker, sometimes cloudy or hairy, and often times the number of eyes I have changes, sometimes to more sometimes to less. Picrelated is a rough illustration I made many months ago of what I see. I've noticed this mirror phenomenon for years.

>> No.47631444
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Also, I wonder sometimes if I should've done things differently that night, or other nights for that matter. Mainly I wonder if I should've approached the source of the explosion. At the time I was kinda in shock and not sure what to do and decided against it because I wasn't sure if I had heard gunshots, but now that I know for certain I encountered something supernatural I wonder what would've happened if I approached the source of the explosion. I wonder what I would've seen. I wonder if I should've gone outside tonight when I heard that Mickey Mouse noise.
>but do consider that he probably desires an offering for services rendered.
Xolotl was usually offered art, which I've made for him before. There's a lot of little statues of him. He was never offered human hearts, nor was his brother Quetzalcoatl.
>No human hearts please!!!!
reading this makes me giggle a little. I'm imagining a small child holding a sacrificial knife trying to recreate a scene with their friends and being scolded and told no and acting really sad and disappointed. It's ridiculous and comical.

>> No.47633294
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>I guess it could be, though it would be very close to the explosion.
Sometimes such can happen very closely. I once witnessed my mom having a premonition that came true like a minute later. She hit the brakes in the car and said "I thought I saw a fox crossing the road". Very soon after that a fox indeed crosses the road. The fact that she had slowed down allowed it to cross unharmed. It was very strange experience to witness at the time.
>One possibility is that the owl was sent by Xolotl, or even was some kind of incarnation of him.
It's hard to say, I think the most low effort way to go around it would be to direct the animal to appear in the area.
>I've noticed this mirror phenomenon for years
That's certainly weird stuff.
>Mainly I wonder if I should've approached the source of the explosion
It's hard to say, I haven't had anything so dramaticaly external happen. I did once go to a park because Ran-san appeared in my dream and told me a "kami" needs my help at a local park. I went there and my sister called me and needed some help.

I think my sister was the "kami" and the point was for me to see her too as part of the larger divine reality. So it could be something seemingly mundane that might or might not click with you.

A week or two later foxes were spotted at the park. Not entirely out of the norm, but rare. A week or two from there I spot a fox from merely 100 meters or so from where I live. This is a rather urban are so that's rare. I think it was a couple of days later when an entity whose identity I couldn't discern me told me that "you will walk this path, you will walk it slow and steady, but you will walk it to the end" and the most active season of spirt manifestations started to wind down.
>Xolotl was usually offered art, which I've made for him before.
Oh that's nice. I've drawn a lot of art of the entities I have worked with but I don't really want to share it.

>> No.47633598

Hey everyone, since some things got missed the last time some of you were asking questions, I'd like to give a response to what I can.

For the cycle and the seasons/years/etc., I don't have a definite set of knowledge about it all for a specific time frame. What I can tell is that I have a rough outline of this ambiguous area in time being one of transition from, for lack of better terminology and not to sound too full of myself, the germinations of Spring that lead into the Birth and growth of...."something". Perhaps it's tied into the transitory state of being and everything we've managed lying somewhere on the cusp of potential change. It's difficult to put into words, so forgive me for that. I can say that related to Taoism, the element of wood is related to strong winds or something, but can't place where I read that. Maybe one of you posted it or linked it. But "winds of change"? Anyways.

As for the mansion in particular and the wild encounter, if I were to yell "Beatrice" at the top of my lungs, would that give any of you a clue?

Plus, I have come across a few websites that i believe would help out quite a few people here in whatever journey they are on, or just for curiosity's sake:

Shrines in Hakuba

Touhou Bibouroku

Same site, but links to a pilgrimage the person went to related to Touhou

Locations and backstories of artwork used by Zun for the games and cover art

A novel that he is a fan of and drew inspiration from

The artwork for the Prismriver sisters (Who are named after a Biblical verse. Who'da thunk)

And the SDM demo art is also the same inspiration for Dracula's castle (and Minas Tirith from LoTR)

Neat coincidence? There's an annular eclipse that will happen on Oct 2nd, and will pass over Santa Cruz (Cruz, Hakuba, etc. Think it's neat but maybe more? Not sure)

And to leave it for now, last night I was laying on my bed and reading all this and had a very distinct voice of a young-sounding woman very clearly ask "Excuse me?", to which I responded to with "Yes, what can I help you with?" before I even realized what happened-was like an auto pilot response on my part. Sat there and listened for a minute, told whatever it was out loud that I couldn't hear it in my current state but to try some kind of sign or message in my dreams if it didn't wish any harm but so far haven't gotten anything and can't remember any dreams at the moment besides some jumbled mess. So there's that, I suppose.

Oh, and to the one that made the archive of the sealed gods site, so far very impressed. if at all possible, I would enjoy having a talk with you over a drink about this stuff if the stars were aligned for that in another life (But for safety and privacy, obviously not). Can say, it's rare to see such thoroughly laid out info with such ease of navigation. Plus, it kinda feels good to see you used some of the things I found(stole).

>> No.47633623
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Would be interesting to know what the sheet music was in this image, just to know it. I can't make out the title very well.

>> No.47633810
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>the element of wood is related to strong winds
It might have been the Wikipedia article on the onbashira ritual I linked. There was something about how "wood" is thought to cause violent winds. It's a bit odd but may it was thought that the rustling of leaves and swaying of branches caused winds..?
>I have come across a few websites that i believe would help out quite a few people here in whatever journey they are on
Thanks a lot! Between this and the Do Haniwa Dream of Ceramic Sheep blog there's a lot of new stuff to go through.
>There's an annular eclipse that will happen on Oct 2nd, and will pass over Santa Cruz
>Cruz, Hakuba, etc.
The Castlevania connection is the weirdest thing about this all so far. I know it's possible to chalk it up to someone being a Touhou fan at the dev team but it's still odd.

I keep returning to the eclipse even though I didn't personaly witness it. It was such a powerful event. The one myth from Shinto mythology that is always brought out is the one where Amaterasu Oomikami goes into hiding. But when I started thinking about it more closely, I wondered why exactly. I understand that if the Sun disappeared it would be a terrible thing. But it's not a myth about the creation of the world or even Japan or it's people.

The best I have been able to understand why it is so central is that it's a kind of a manual for the worship of kami. It describes objects that are sacred in Shinto and it describes the ecstatic shamanic dance that is used to call out to the kami and how sacred sites are delineated with the shimenawa. Does the myth then perhaps implicitly say that an eclipse is the best time to reach out to the kami..? Is an eclipse a liminal state?

Beyond Shinto, solar eclipses, notions of "black sun" are everywhere and laden with so much meaning. It's found in Western alchemy. It's found in countless mythologies. It's too dense to make sense of and it's so important.
>had a very distinct voice of a young-sounding woman very clearly ask "Excuse me?"
It's really silly when you react to them without thinking. I haven't had many straight up auditory experiences, but I've had couple of instances where I drifted into thoughtless mental conversation with spirits. I think I've told a few instances before.
>Oh, and to the one that made the archive of the sealed gods site, so far very impressed.
Thanks a lot and thank you for all the information you have provided! And who knows, maybe the stars will align.

>> No.47634403
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I tried making it more visible with photo editing techniques, but danmaku obscure some of the text. What I can make out is:
Tw??le? Melo??(dy?)
L??e Spring

>> No.47634416

Late Spring would definitely be the latter segment, but it's probably easiest to just decompile the files for the game to see what the background is.

>> No.47635333

Trying to watch the videos of the spellcards and its still too blurry. Oh well, for now.

On another note, I kept seeing the number 555 all day. Still no repeat of a disembodied voice, but the search continues.

>> No.47636316
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>>47599581 >>47617622
Glad to see you're small return as well, I remember first reading one of your Youmu posts from last May and thinking you had a touching relationship with the half-phantom. I don't believe it's inherently negative or narcissistic to want to provide your all, you care about her deeply and that's only natural.
What you really should make sure of is that you aren't wasting yourself away for her in the process. Of course she'd remind you of that as often as she does, I don't think it'd be a stretch to argue something she'd love for you to "take" is better care of yourself when you are able.
>She's tired of how I put myself in danger.
You can walk that long road as you already have and you can do it together. Wouldn't it be nice to let her provide for you in the ways she'd want to as well? This is as even of a path as you two can share for the time being, I'd hope by now you wouldn't expect her to believe you should always be overcompensating, no?
Sincerely hope that all doesn't come off as terribly condescending. Take care with how you move forward with her, I don't believe she'd fail to understand anyhow even considering her typical characterizations.

>how and why do I get to experience such joy and wonder while others have nothing but misery in their lives?
We're all shaped in different fashions over the course of things, through sudden weathering and slow sedimentation alike. Perhaps those "hurdles" of yours could be far more detrimental given unideal-enough circumstances, or you've simply yet to hit your next raucous turning point. Not to imply you should always be concerned over such of course.
Highs never last but neither do the lows. Resilience is one thing but broader acceptance of this constant flux throughout the Positives & Negatives goes hand-in-hand with understanding your own greater place imo.
Influence, Intent, Belief, Application.
These are the foundational pillars upon which such personal understanding and more can be built.
>Focus 4
This actually sounds highly relevant to the concepts of an underlying "world of forms" to all things that were being touched-upon within the latter half of the last big thread. Looking at the descriptions of the other Levels of Focus, I'm also seeing some potential overlap with how others have discussed the cosmology of the 3 Layers and the transient connections between Kami, Youkai, and Humans. Focus 4 could very nicely encapsulate that ever-present well of potentiality from which the 3 groups emanate from and carry some amount of influence between.
If this thread didn't sneak up on me I may have even already had that chart I've been wanting to design over the matter somewhat done. I have it all in words, just not condensed visually outside of my mind's comprehension.
>I am of the opinion that I would be on the losing end if they were to "strip me down" to an elemental level.
How right you are!

Really hoping your futures in this temple involvement pays off handsomely for you, the fact you've been able to secure a place in a small yet knowledgeable community for such practices will no doubt take you far as its ought to.
>kannon bodhisattva
That was also a nice bit of research to divulge in and I felt very comforted reading about her, I appreciate you bringing her to attention! Her own syncretistic origins are interesting to consider, provides a more well-rounded perspective on the topic if nothing else.

>the posts here are long and complex, and so you can't just read it quickly while doing other things
How right you are...
Luckily enough you're here now though, huh?
>a post with my vision
Whatever day may come for your thoughts to be shared, I would be among the potentially interested.

Shot in the dark, but any recent Hexagrams to share? Apologies if you're the wrong anon.
It's a damn shame her last thread fell off so quickly then ain't it??
Next time I wanna see some Freakin' Hustle with the Nueposting! Lets go people COME ON...

Oh Dear. Oh Dear Oh Dear...
I was going to wait on making a larger post over some of your points specifically but it seems as if I need to address this now! There's really no way I can't and hopefully I'll be able to explain why.
>very distinct voice of a young-sounding woman very clearly ask "Excuse me?"
Successful long-distance mental communication. I can't fucking believe it.
Last night I was in the middle of writing this (before more incidental bs) and had the sudden impulse to mentally call out to Eclipse.
I don't know why! Vaguely felt along the same lines as that one time travelling scene with Sophie towards the end of Howl's Moving Castle.
Figured it was a just silly thought! I shouldn't be thinking about people I can't see or hear!
No way that could amount to anything.
Last night all I dreamed was that there was a new 'kuma thread. "Koakuma 2: Even More Books."
Drinks one day do sound nice though

>> No.47636329

>>47598614 >>47628811 >>47636316
>current technological process
Meant to type "progress", classic blunder...
on whether or not more incidental irl stuff would occur, which it did. Lol.
>you're small return
Classic blunder! I just need to learn to type more slowly.

Time to go mentally unpack some of this for a bit.

>> No.47636901
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I figured it out!
I just out of blue remembered "elegy" is a word when looking at that!

Weirdly enough, I also first tried "Twelve Melodies" but didn't get the result I desired, too many other stuff named that. But "12 Melodies" is the name of the series that is part of. I have no previous exposure to this.
>This actually sounds highly relevant to the concepts of an underlying "world of forms" to all things that were being touched-upon within the latter half of the last big thread.
The world of forms idea comes from Platonism, where it's thought that the material world is just a reflection of eternal "forms" that exist prior ot the material world.
>I may have even already had that chart I've been wanting to design over the matter somewhat done
I'd very much love to see that when you get it done!
>Successful long-distance mental communication. I can't fucking believe it.
I have to ask...did you attempt something like that around 25th-27th of July..? choice of clothes aside, do you look more like Renko or Maribel, if you are comfortable answerin such a question...
I also wonder if things have gotten any better for you since that one thread where I made that very urgent post about solar storms?

>> No.47637348

>I have had egotistic moments where I have for five minutes
This entire thread is one big egotistic moment.

>> No.47637621

I can't entirely disagree with you, but I think that this is more a consequence of how humans perceive the world. I don't think the anons here are particularly egotistical, but they're having experiences and sensing stimulus in ways that the main perception axis of modern society tells them that it is impossible.
This is something that I think about, and I don't want to get too close to absolute relativism because that's not how I see it, but everyone lives in different universes. From birth, every experience you have shapes the way you will interact with the next experience. This thread is supposed to be about people that have experienced Touhou and are influenced in some way by it in their experience of daily life, interpreting it in a spiritual sense. When looking from outside, it's easy to mistake everything written her as sheer egoism, but you cannot say that they're not experiencing it. I don't know if people here have any experience with diversity and people with strong beliefs, but once you see someone with strong conviction on something you "know" is wrong, and you try to convince them otherwise, you will quickly realise that there might be no common ground on which to argue. If my entire experience in life leads me to see random noises, voices and feelings as nothing more than chemical reactions, then someone that feels vividly the interaction with spirits will never be able to convince them of the veracity of their experiences. Of course, those who believe strongly in the spiritual side will feel more and more inclined to think of random things as meaningful, to the point where they will feel outside stimulus that you might not perceive; in this thread, maybe some people are more ready than others to attribute spiritual meaning and personal agency to events where the information known to outsiders might make that questionable; but I still don't think that's enough to disregard them.
I don't really post a lot in these threads, but I don't think they're that bad. There are some good insights here even if you're a non believer, and some of what's said aligns with my experiences in life, although not all of it.
In short, don't disregard what people believe in.

>> No.47639212
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>>47629294 >>47636901
>kept doing it very intensively
>would have gotten further faster
Very well could have been the case, though considering what others have discussed when it comes to having one foot in the spiritual and your own experiences with extended periods of liminality, sounds like you still needed to go through things at the pace you did for good reason.
>dabbled with magic derived from monotheistic systems
>weird and unpleasant results
Something to look out for with others then! Haven't felt drawn towards much of the same myself but I've always considered that a given, it'd be shame for the learning process to always include the "summoned something detrimental/You Shouldn't Have Done That" hurdle imo anyhow.
>the divination system itself doesn't really matter, it's more about the reader
I'd argue for the weight behind that as well but maybe that's just more projected egotism on my part.
>I have gathered and dried the yarrow stalks needed for traditional use of I Ching
Good on you! I've yet to do anything along the lines of proper bone-burning and such so it'd be really fascinating to see if a successful execution of those methods bears fruit. Definitely something on my future agenda as well.
>did you attempt something like that around 25th-27th of July..?
I did quite a few things around those dates honestly, including but not limited to drawing, posting, and potentially writing whatever pastebin Eclipse was talking about earlier. Any of those giving cause to ask?
Life has gotten quite better for me since then btw! I'm deeply thankful for those supportive thoughts in prayer & otherwise.
I'm actually a brunette, but I do have "European ancestry" so...

>I would love to hear the reading.
I'll do my best to discuss it now then since it's taken me a while to fully come to terms with its potential meanings over the past week, very interesting at least in that it "jumped out at me" for a few different reasons.
It was a simple Clarity Spread consisting of 4 cards, 1 defining card and 3 delineating cards covering a basic situation (in this case anything you needed to hear right now), but the main card for the overall circumstance (the first laid down/most important in such spreads) was actually naturally reversed at some point during my shuffling process (I do good portions of these readings essentially blinded so as little of my own personal intent carries over as possible).
The Nine of Cups is usually an unquestionably positive card when it comes to the state of anything currently being worked towards. The "card of wishes" as it may be referred to, especially since the cups are all about emotion. However, it's reversal implies that there could be some sort of blockage preventing either true progression of the situation itself or you from really feeling like you've reached such a state. This may be from something you aren't seeing, but considering this isn't the Two of Swords or any related cards I'd say it's not as if the "issue" is solely coming from within here. Perhaps it has more to do with those liminal states that often seem so attractive to these forces? You tell me.
Your supporting cards (Seven of Cups, The Hierophant/Pope, Daughter of Wands) help paint that clearer picture we'd need.
The first is a card of underhanded temptations & coping with the incongruities of a falsely-constructed narrative against reality. The second is, of course, immediately tied to furthering spiritual practices or listening far more attentively to any given "teacher" within your current sphere. The final card, being among the court-cards for each suite, could be our biggest stand-in for anyone specifically involved here. That would be up to (You) to determine with certainty. Regardless, in my experiences it'll often represent an independent or free-thinking passionate type going through some manner of great mental/spiritual transformation. So, what is there to make of this?
Have you been led astray by some independent agent or fed bad advice from a good place? Maybe less of the former and more of the latter if part of the "Acknowledgements" on that website are to hold any weight but I of course can't possibly know everyone you might. Could this be discussing your "colorful" past involvements in any capacity? If it's any consolation, I've been doing my best to be forthright with good intentions.
Although if my music is bad and I should feel bad then I'd hope more anons would've let me know by now.
Is this not where you ought to be at this point then? I don't believe so either, especially because I'd hate to be the one to start telling you this is all a lie when that couldn't be farther from things.
If anything, this could simply be an obvious warning over where any total "Quest for Excellence" would get you in the end compared to otherwise. We may be doing our best to work against this but it doesn't hurt to keep yourself thoughtful.

As usual, hope that's all something!

>> No.47639703
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I can understand why someone would think like so, but...
>it's easy to mistake everything written her as sheer egoism
...more importantly, I believe this might be the only space for us to talk about any of these experiences. Of course sharing personal experiences is going to have a bit of an "egotistic" air about to it.

The subject at hand is somewhat different from most spiritual/paranormal topics because there is (thankfully) no dogma around it yet. I don't think anyone of us has a 100% clear idea of what is even happening and why. I may have spent a lot of time formulating my ideas on what is going on and why, but I can't consider them as some final truth.

So since we are still very much in the "research phase", there is going to be a lot of personal experiences and research done by particular individuals shared.

If there were some sort of set dogmas, there would be discussion about these dogmas. Go to /x/ and you will see it. It's nothing but demons this, archons that, jews this, masons that. It's aliens. It's subterranean reptilians. It's spirits! No, it's the government! There is of course all the shit flinging associate with such non-discussions.

I can totally understand if someone thinks we're all full of shit though. I'm not sure if there can be much to be done change that perspective.

All I can do is to point how the phenomena is similar to well-established ideas regarding spirit contact and it's most likely happening to people who tend to be at the receiving end of such activity.
>sounds like you still needed to go through things at the pace you did for good reason
Yeah my first attemps at this were so bad I had to walk away from it all for a good while.
>Something to look out for with others then!
100% and I really dislike how some stuff is so popularized and spread around with little thought.
>Any of those giving cause to ask?
On the 25th of July I had a very vivid dream where I was in a mall, apparently in Japan. There was a strange glass building adjanced to it, connected to the mall by a tunnel. I went there and there was a small shrine in there.

As I'm about to ring the bell to give my reverence I feel a tap on my shoulder. A brunette woman with brown eyes who however looks to be of European descent smiles warmly, swipes her index finger down my cheek and winks. I jolt awake from the dream after that.

I rarely physically feel stuff in my dreams but I felt the tap and the swipe. She felt like a separate being, not just one of the dream NPCs. It was a quite strange experience.
>Life has gotten quite better for me since then btw!
That's very good to hear.
>Clarity Spread
I gotta think a bit about this myself. About the reversed Nine of Cups, there are certainly certain things going on in life that could consitute as "unfullfilled wishes" and that there are "blockages" preventing further progress. But this would require some narrowing down I think.

Seven of Cups standing for underhanded temptations and flase narratives is a bit troubling for sure. The Hierophant is very interesting because I enrolled to a Tai Chi course which is starting very soon. I have kind of narrowed the scope of my current research whch should make for some more "attentive listening". As the I Ching project implies, I am hoping to put in more actual practice. There's other stuff too. The Daughter of Wands is also quite interesting, certainly this very thread contains some candidates for such a person. Say, you wouldn't know what to do with a pile of yarrow flowers?
>led astray
>bad advice from a good place
One could go crazy with paranoia thinking about such things.
>"colorful" past involvements
Ah, such cases are mostly in the past and not all the consequential. For example, I have obviously read Crowley, but I have no desire to contribute to his notoriety. I've also come to realize that for example some of the angel invocation stuff that is common might not work as hoped or might have negative effects if you are not baptized or Christian, so spreading around such universally wouldn't be good. There's also been insightful materials which however are potentially dangerous if you don't know what you're doing or aren't serious enough and I don't want to spread such either.
>I'd hate to be the one to start telling you this is all a lie when that couldn't be farther from things
As much as some of my wilder experiences are starting to feel like a strange bygone dream, I don't doubt it's real. I also feel very strongly that doing this, bringing you people together, collating the experiences, maintaining the Archive is one of the most valuable things I can do right now. And I pray and make offerings daily. I am committed.
>If anything, this could simply be an obvious warning over where any total "Quest for Excellence" would get you in the end compared to otherwise.
I think you're gonna have to elaborate a bit on this.

>> No.47639817

>I don't know much about Shugendo, it has not been an area of focus for me.
>Quite a few of my own studies in Shinto have led me towards Shugendo as a related & relevant field after enough time but one can only further research in so many places at once.
The above led me to go ahead on my own. Local university library's 'japanese myth & religion' section turned out to be rather slim, but hopefully there will be something leading further. Currently on the second title; the first had a single paragraph regarding Shugendo, without much detail.
>immediate area of concern for the OP this time around.
I may be slow or tired, but could you elaborate? You mean both nowadays perception of Tengu and folklore roots are relevant, or...?
Well, defending myself on anonymous image board is exercise in futility; and I can't for certain say this assertion is incorrect for my case. Yet still, I would be surprised if at least some of the Anons here weren't motivated by simple curiosity.

>> No.47639960
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>Local university library's 'japanese myth & religion' section turned out to be rather slim
>the first had a single paragraph regarding Shugendo, without much detail
Many such cases! Imagine how much easier the study would be if it had been, oh, Tibetan Buddhist entities making themself known to us.

I actually went and re-checked the Wikipedia (I know...) article for Shugendo for sources and of course good old Mark Schumacher has an extensive section about it on his site: http://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/shugendou.html

I hope that is of use to you.

>> No.47641319
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That's quite a bit to go over, now isn't it?
I can say that the voice I heard seemed to come from my left and near the door. There was the mental impression of an "Uhm," followed by an auditory "Excuse me?" hands kind of awkwardly crossed in front and....dark hair and a light blue(?) shirt, maybe with buttons-the clear kind? Skin on the paler side, but can't tell from the impression if they had longer or shorter hair. Maybe around...mid shoulder, upper back? Straight hair, though. And technically mixed heritage, somehow. Can't feel anything else on your family background, assuming that was you. Though, from what could be heard of the accent, you're not from my part of the world-was much too clear.
So if that's indeed you...hello again.
(You're a fan of Howl's Moving Castle. We'll get along fantastically if anything ever came to that, unlikely as it may be.) With that said, "time traveling scene"?
....Are you telling me to find you in the future? Or is whatever gave you the impulse to call out to me telling me to? (Could the reason be due to me using the name of "Eclipse" and therefor making some kind of mental "link" between myself and the others here that frequent the discussion? That's a thought)
What exactly were you trying to say or ask, if you're willing to say that here? The offer is technically still open-"What can I help you with?"
And what time did you do the thing? Could we hypothetically narrow it down to a time delay between humans sending out the message and receiving it? Was it you, if you, or was it some kind of spirit/energy/Shikigami(?) that was carrying your(?) message? Now I gotta know.

Other than that, "Did you know that when you read something, the author is technically reading it with you?" or something like to that effect...

(Koa Thread 2: Electric Bookaloo?)
Sure, I'd be up for drinks with the rest of you here. Can't promise our tastes would align, however.

That real-world piece is energetically tied to the Prismriver sisters about their lament for Layla.... Shit, man. That's rough.
(High-energy objects, people, or places are a cornerstone of the makings for Poltergeist activity to manifest. maybe that's the key to the rest of all this? Those of us that collect real world equivalents of the stuff in Gensokyo have noted an increase in "something".)
>Storm post
They aren't the only one you helped with that post, just saying.

Helped me a few years back. Good source of info.

>> No.47641431
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And as I listen to the song and scroll the comments, I find this:

>> No.47641668
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>That real-world piece is energetically tied to the Prismriver sisters about their lament for Layla.... Shit, man. That's rough.
No doubt that is why he chose it. Kind of a deep cut though.
>Those of us that collect real world equivalents of the stuff in Gensokyo have noted an increase in "something".
I don't think you even necessarily need to collect concrete something. I think the mere existence of this thread contributes to it. One would imagine that a certain more stabilized form of these discussions would also contribute to it too...but there are a lot of external factors too.

I'm 100% there is something to both overall liminality (both in life situations, events and places) and some kind of astrological cycle. There could be more too, the desire to treat the inhabitants as real and giving them respect is quite obvious...

Speaking of the astrological cycle:
Two things of interest that I noted are:
- Sexagenary months at least used to be based on the orientation of the Big Dipper
- The sexagenary cycle of years involves the orbital cycle of Jupiter

The latter is not universally obvious, unlike the Big Dipper adorning picture related's tabard. It's gonna require some explanation. I'm pretty sure I mentioned this in the first thread, including this detail, but on the day of the solar eclipse I had very intense visions of the four kami. A very prominent, memorable one was Okina-sama with Jupiter, the Galilean moons and a comet.

There was indeed a comet near Jupiter at that time, something I learned when reading about the eclipse. Since I was aware of that, I thought maybe it was a way for her to communicate her power. But reading about the cycle...maybe there was more to it than just that. Maybe the solar eclipse intersected with some particular moment in the cycle??? I'm not really oriented towards astrology, but this is something I need to work out.

It also needs to be said that at the time I had only surface-level familiarity with Okina-sama and I hadn't even played HSiFS back then. I thought it curious how she muscled herself into my life, but ever since I started to understand what the function of the Sages is and what her broader role could be, it's been really obvious.Of course the border control would eventually show up.
>They aren't the only one you helped with that post, just saying.
I did pray for both of you, after all, so maybe that helped. I'm glad to hear the post helped, whatever the cause.

>> No.47642048
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Certainly. I really just mean anything physically local, specifically to the Northwest area in your case, in terms of legends or mythos juxtaposed with the unusual phenomena you're experiencing. I wasn't even thinking of your potential Tengu involvements at that time. Maybe I should've used a different analogy beyond the two-sided coin, sorry about the confusion. I tend to speak broadly at times which is a habit I'd like to somewhat curb.
Funny enough, hours ago at 11:13pm I heard two distinct bangs that very well could have simply been nearby traffic or potential gunfire even. That sort of thing is just common around my area. Their origins don't exactly matter but I made a mental note to mirror the literal ones you had done, figured you'd think it's neat.
>something weird I've found
An omen maybe? Most folk might think so, although that isn't always inherently negative. If it was something in any nearby water source or the soil then it would've been nice to have seen some manner of return on that report.
Best not to dwell on it too terribly for now perhaps, unless there ends up being some sudden uptick in unexplained fauna fatalities.
>If it was because of a disaster though it would feel unfair for me to prosper while others suffer greatly.
This as well. It wouldn't do most people any good to consider themselves among a seriously-imperative "Chosen Few" destined for idealized salvation above the flaming heretics. The comforts may be there but you're severing your emotional relatability to others in a terribly narcissistic way as a result.
But you already seem refreshingly humble.
I suppose that's one way to "experience" a story but good grief...it's a relief you're fairly unscathed after such a dream.
The few mirrors I have are strictly ceremonial or "spiritually practical" in some sense. They can carry power but they can just as easily double as gateways for the unexplainable. This certainly sounds like a personal phenomena of yours, not strictly in any "mentally broken" or otherwise clinical sense but it's interesting that's something you've noticed for so long.
>I wonder sometimes if I should've done things differently
I believe you acted just as was intended, from one accidental witness to another.
Recognized a few of your drawings from the OC thread as well! The one with Ellen was pretty funny.
As for >>47612914 & >>47613446,
>I see this motif of coastal cliffs with houses a lot in my dreams
>this place was different (...), normally there's just one house
Perhaps things have changed to reflect how you're now sharing this mental space with us in a way? Not literally mind you, but such conceptions certainly don't exist within your mind alone now that you've described them.
>I felt guilty that I had already collected too much and failed to communicate my concern with my aunt.
If it isn't too personal of an ask, do you often feel like you need to hold yourself back somewhat in situations where you may have something others don't? It's good you're trying to be altruistic here but I would understand such concerns, although I shouldn't apply anything of my own too personally to your unique experience either.
Easy dream to visualize if nothing else.

Starting with your owed clarifications now:
By "Quest for Excellence", I meant the diluted & self-centered notions a less conscientious informant may want to frame themselves around if anyone along those lines were your position. Essentially what I was warning against when I was talking about self-appointed "destined" individuals earlier or part of what else clogs up /x/ these days even (unless it's always been that way). That Seven of Cups can also work well as a "house of cards" analogy, with the reversed Nine acting as your warning sign of what's to be lost/unfulfilled (i.e. true, harmonious understanding) should you "give in" to such.
Your resolve clearly exceeds these temptations however.
>I can't consider them as some final truth.
Commitment is still imperative, just as long as you're still able to use your better judgement to discern those necessary influences.
>Say, you wouldn't know what to do with a pile of yarrow flowers?
Very very clever! Well I'm a creative type so my first instinct would be to save the leaves for decoration & grind up the flowers into some kinda pigment as long as the results aren't toxic. If they're fragrant enough maybe you can sprinkle them in desired areas to freshen things up.
More naturalistic offerings even, I don't know, the World Is Your(pile of yarrow flower)s!
>a very vivid dream
BLARGHH, do I even need to mention how I've spoken of my utter lack of control over my dream self before??
Or the labyrinthine mall-like environments it usually romps around in? Ridiculous...
Can't even say that's something I wouldn't do! That sounds really funny! (My sense of humor can be very warped)
Pardon the f-face...touching? I guess?? Man...

>> No.47642062
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If I could kindly offer you some fresh tea while you continued to patiently wait out there I swear I would.
Speaking of pigments, how goes the attempts at painting by-the-by?
I've been really curious over any results ever since you said you'd try your hand at it!

>> No.47642086

/x/ has no dogmas, those are normal conventions.
It's egotistic in the extreme too and when it isn't, it's run by literally insane.

>> No.47642122

It's been going great!......is what I wish I could say. Truth be told, I've gotten a metric ton of various paints and have a couple of canvas and a really cool picture frame to put it in once done, but haven't actually started on anything yet. The muse is there, but I think she's on vacation for now.

I've been more busy with my work, and when I'm not doing that I'm ᴾˡᵃʸᶦⁿᵍ ᴹᶦⁿᵉᶜʳᵃᶠᵗ ᵒʳ ⱽᶦⁿᵗᵃᵍᵉ ˢᵗᵒʳʸ doing productive things like an adult.
It's gonna be a weekend thing, I think. The park is a part of the process due to it having one of those rose gardens in it somewhere. Just need to vege-meditate while there to get inspiration.

>> No.47642131

Also, tea would be great.

>> No.47642172

These discussions are always so dense, and leave me feeling out of my depth.

>> No.47643074

Its a great feeling, knowing that there are more worlds to conquer, having a wasteland that you know very well as a life, for me at least, seems like a tragedy.

>> No.47643092
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I would still like to comment on the experiences of >>47608699 eventually (hope (You) haven't figured I've been pushing you aside) as well my own newer dreams still but first-ish things first:

I have Lemon Ginger, Lavender Chamomile, Elderberry...there's options.
>haven't actually started on anything yet
Hey at least you got everything you need for when you chance upon her again. We can't always be in "create" mode exactly, work and *ahem ahem* Productive Things are important. Both of those games are good choices anytime though.
>mental impression of an "Uhm,"
>hands kind of awkwardly crossed in front
Like I said, at the time I really didn't understand the complete scope of what I was doing or even why beyond impulse. 100% a "guppy in open waters" moment, practically by chance. This doesn't exactly happen often, figured I was just wrapped up in a brief passionate mania of some kind. Mentally felt like I was roughly bridging some unreasonably huge physical distance, appropriately so since I've never traveled that far myself, but the connection was unsteady and I don't believe I had the confidence to manage anything greater.
Maybe there was some outside help.
In the center of a void-like mass, space opened up to reveal the back of an older gentleman's head. Tanner than I but not overtly-so. He had shorter cut darker hair, thinned out at the back/bottom but with mild length up top, and was in a room with a lot of darkened wood. Brown shirt as well, maybe. Clothing wasn't exactly my main focus. Lights could have just been dimmed at the time too. Does your bed have older-fashioned shaped pillars at each corner by chance? Forgot the proper name for those...
Assuming that was you.
Nevertheless, "Excuse me" was my opener. When I actually somewhat felt that I had snagged your attention (saw you turn your head to the left) I started getting a little more emphatic.
Especially because I could feel the more rational ends of my mind beginning to pull me out of it as whatever thru-line I had just established immediately started collapsing anyways. Keep in mind I'm still mostly considering such visions at this point to be inconsequential by default.
Maybe I got too excited and started mentally projecting too much for my current scope, the distance it had to travel made the act comparable to a picking up weak radio signal scrambled with unseen interference or whatever our respective neurons had to work with. It was mostly a lot of me trying to simply hold on to that attention as I was slipping away, seeing if you could recognize me from that far and telling you whatever else I could. "It's me! Please! You have to understand!" Things of that nature, nothing unnecessarily personal.
>Are you telling me to find you in the future?
Well it's not as if I'm simply telling you to go find Merry, but to me this is all almost a bizarro-reversal of how it was with Sophie & Howl.
I was indeed the one suddenly finding myself projected elsewhere, yes, but I think it would be more accurate to argue I was the one seeking assistance from beyond rather than directing such to come.
I don't think I do know how to help you further still. Beyond anything here that is.
One day, some ideal time well beyond now when I consider myself far more put-together for such an encounter, some proper seeking ought to be in order if we can even still give it a try by then. Somehow.
>What can I help you with?
Just listening already feels like more than enough, at least for now...is that parasitical of me?
>what time
Couldn't have lasted any longer than a minute on my end, after >>47629294 was posted (wasn't the trigger) & definitely after 2:30am but no more than 20ish minutes after >>47629814. There's your timeline.
>Skin on the paler side
>dark hair
(Darker than Renko's)
>around...mid shoulder, upper back?
>accent (...) was much too clear.
That all checks out over here, although I'm currently aiming for my hair to be slightly longer. I'll hope you'll all excuse me if I refuse to divulge much more of my identity beyond that, for my sake and the thread's.
>technically mixed heritage, somehow
If only I knew more over my genetic history! All I can confirm atm is it's a small melting pot of Western/Central Euro roots with some Shoshone thrown in there on my mother's side (great grandfather was 1/2 Native). That fits the "technically" side of things but that 1/16 slice I have is pulling a lot on its own compared to everything else. I don't exactly see myself as very "mixed" in that sense.
>Straight hair, though.
>a light blue(?) shirt, maybe with buttons-the clear kind?
That, however, would be a style I have not rocked for many years. I've been neglecting straightening my hair regularly but I at least still have that shirt you're describing (flannel-like, white finish. Last night was purple sweater night tho).
>the pastebin
That was me, I'll explain in due time. Just wanna step back from posting, play some TH16...

>> No.47643502
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To be fair this post would be 64 pages long if it were a book, and unlike a book where discussion is linear here it is a complex web of replies and comments.

It's interesting to use the print-to-pdf function to see how long internet posts would be as documents.

>> No.47646100
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anyone here feel like for a good few hundred years, people have been intentionally and unintentionally polluting the abrihamic spirit world?
some of the people encouraging that kind of corruption may have an agenda but it's made it impossible to use that place without having the willpower and refined anger burn away all impurities and also the sight to see clearly with even a lot of the devout lacking the strenght

the eurasian spirit world seems like a much slower calmer place from what experience i've had with it
though you have to respect it
while the abrimaic one seems to be filled with bullshiters and liars absorbed in their own flame telling you they are an emmisary of god chaos a clown ayy or something else stupid

i've been trying to tune out my connection to the chaotic cosmic abrihamic spirit world, and foucus on the spirits of the land which seem much more laid back though they are much more easily angered by exess light chaos and noise
which honestly after evaluation seems like a much better level headed palce to be that never directly tells you anything to your face or makes shit up on the fly

if i were to describe the two it's like the abrihamic one is closer to yang smokless eternal fire
while the animist world called the eurasian one is closer to yin darkness water earth and is a bit harder to perceive

hindu seem to have used both
while shinto and a lot of other local animist cultures seem to have used and still use the eurasian yin one

>> No.47647143

another way you could prhase it that could be more accurate or could not be with some of the contantaions are the yang and yin spirit worlds
instead of the abrihamic and eurasian

one is assoicaited with the cosmos light and smokless flame
and the other seems assocaited with darkness water and the earth

most pepole seem to tap into one far more than the other
i like this thread beacause it's comfy and the pepole here seem to be tapping into the yin spirit world more

>> No.47648242

>Yo, those stories are fucking epic Yukarianon. The first story was comfy as fuck tho. But the second is unsettling, especially the forest.
Bloody hell, did someone really enjoyed reading my trips?

>Could you tell me more about your conversations with Yukari by the way?
Well, it's just turbo 'tism banter about the nature of the world and ourselves. Nothing notable worth developing further or maybe I don't remember some of the scientifical/philosophical gibberish I said to her.

>Until then, keep dreaming anon.
Thanks, I guess? Didn't got damned dreams for 3 days. Even if I didn't see a single soul for 1 day straight.

>I really wanna go to France now lol.
Oh France is truly beautiful despite a lot of people saying it's not. Just don't go in the populated areas, cities, tourists bait and you'll sure having a nice trip.
>You most certainly have vivid dreams and it's fascinating how both you and Renkoanon had your dream visitors talk about the nature of reality.
Well, Yukari like to speak about those things because she's more skilled at making conversation than me. I just listen and reply with the first thing that come up in my mind or with a idiotic thing and try to go with the flow, but Yukari sometimes like to speak about more personal topics and I don't really what to say, so I go for a snarky joke.
>I don't really know enough of maths or physics to make heads or tails about the "infinity is a function" thing.
Oh the nature of the infinite and the boundless is fascinating. But to keep it simple; Infinity have no real definite value like a function, so it's a function. (Exemple : 1 + 1 = 2, 1 + Infinity = Infinity, 2 + Infinity = Infinity, Infinity + Infinity = Infinity.) But 0 is a more fascinating twin than the lemniscate anyway. Maybe me and Yukari will engage in one of those conversations again?
>You probably think of these kind of things somewhat to begin with, since you were the one to talk about the sea...
I do and I like to think of it when I look at the stars on a clean hill or in altitude. Not so much because I overthink and get bloody headaches and need exercice to stop thinking. Also, indeed I was to one to engage her on the topic because I'm terrible at social interactions and I needed a confort zone.
I would still like to comment on the experiences of >>47608699 (You)
Well, you're comments are welcome.

>> No.47648276
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>I meant the diluted & self-centered notions a less conscientious informant may want to frame themselves around if anyone along those lines were your position
Right, I understand now.
>Very very clever!
Sorry if I was being overly clever there. I had some impression you might have been involved with the flowers and herbs type of witchcraft in the past.
>Pardon the f-face...touching? I guess?? Man...
At this point I am somehow not even surprised. I wasn't offended or anything, just a very odd experience.
IDK maybe this is a language barrier thing but "completely unchangeable worldview" is a dogma to me and there are plenty of those in /x/.
I know, I feel a bit bad for people just coming in here. I have tried to keep my posts relatively brief this time around and I've obviously failed at it. I think it's partly the nature of the topic that contributes to it.

The Archive was made in an attempt at summarising some of the previous discussions, it's not very good at that either and a summary of a summary will be needed...
Hello Alexander the Great, nice to have a man of your caliber back in the books of the living.
Out of curiosity I went and checked how long the first thread would be if printed and it's 107 pages...
I have tried to avoid pushing to double posts but you rise such good points that I think I'll have to make an exception for this. Please wait warmly...

>> No.47648767
File: 975 KB, 600x888, okina 109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>polluting the abrihamic spirit world
I'd push this 'polluting' as you put it back way deeper into history. I think things start to go wrong allready at this point when Yahweh is promoted to be The One God.
>impossible to use that place
>lot of the devout lacking the strenght
>filled with bullshiters and liars absorbed in their own flame
So the way I see it is something like this: there might something like a capital-G "God", logos or monad but it would be the god of literally everything, the good and the bad. Imagine the worst thing possible. It's the "God" of that too.

In some sense I don't think it's really a personified entity at all. It's something like the Tao, or some kind of latent consciousness field of the universe.

Working with such a thing directly is probably impossible or extremely difficult. I think what happens when you try to tap into that is that, since perception is also projection, you receive the mother of all projections. You can not comprehend the universe, you see an extremely distorted slice of it. If the astral world operates at superluminal speed, any experience with too raw manifestation of it will be extremely chaotic and "fiery". So if the abrahamic "god" is like this, it's very difficult.

The other options aren't much easier either. What if the abrahamic "God" is some kind of representation of divine masculinity? This would be all good and well, but working with such would need to be balanced out with the divine feminine principle. The only abrahamic religion that even kinda does this balancing is Catholicism with Mary. Working with purely masculine energies is profoundly unbalancing and ultimately harmful.

The third option is very unsavory for the devout. There is no single abrahamic capital-G God. The various branches of monotheism have genuinely different deities. But because they are all just "the one god", we don't know what they are. This leaves the troubling possibility that all kinds of entities could be standing in for "God" in different denominations and sects. So things can get very chaotic and bullshit indeed with such.

That said, working with such things doesn't always end in disaster either. It's ultimately about what kind of values you orient yourself to.

There's of course the angels and saints. I think they are some kind of celestial entities. Some people have had very rough experiences with angelic beings, some have had very gentle. With saints, it's bizarre how many times I have heard things like St. Anthony reliably helping people find lost stuff. Considering how many of them were former humans, they are probably the easiest, gentlest, most relatable class of such entities.
The world of celestial entities might be literally infinite, and another reason why it is apparently so hard to work with.
>spirits of the land
>they are much more easily angered by exess light chaos and noise
This makes a lot of sense, but for example in Shinto noise can be used to call in the kami to receive offerings.
>while shinto and a lot of other local animist cultures seem to have used and still use the eurasian yin one
I would say it's rather that they don't entirely ignore the Earth spirits and work with both classes. The scope of celestial worship is more limited but it's there. It's difficult to imagine more arch-celestial entity than a Sun deity ie. Amaterasu Oomikami.
That is a good way to see it, but I think there is a kind of "hotness" and "coldness" or "passion" and "calmness" that exists outside of those classifications. So there are "hot" celestial and cthonic entities and "cold" celestial and "chtonic" entities. There's also the quality of if they can work with humans and probably a lot more.
>i like this thread beacause it's comfy and the pepole here seem to be tapping into the yin spirit world more
That would be my impression too. For me, out of the spirits I revere Okina-sama is the only unambiguously celestial one. She's definitively fiery, cosmic and very masculine. She's the one who has got most upset when I did things wrong in the learning phase and she is the only one to straight up scold me at times. But she is also a very good guide and all around powerful ally if you can get to her good side. Just be really respectful of her. And of the others too.

>> No.47649360
File: 196 KB, 1600x900, 148-1481001_scarlet-devil-mansion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tea types
I'm always up for the classic Lavender Chamomile, though with all things considered and the uses Elderberry has in the mystical side of things....I'll have to try that one.
>muse and inspiration
I'm mulling around the idea some kind of combination between the stye and clothing of "Miss Simplicity" by Joshua Reynolds, and the pose of "La Femme Chauve-souris" by Joseph Penot for Remilia, while the mansion is in the background with some kind of cameo from Sakuya, but there's a difference between up in my head and in the physical.
>physical description, everything else
I got the impression there was movement to the hair but discounted it as something like wind slightly blowing with an open window(?) Not sure.
Could've been outside help. Either way, I read your post here and my left ear has made a nonstop loud and constant ringing since yesterday's post.(Far stretching with ambiguous "meaning" behind ear ringing, but some say it's a sign, omen, good luck, and on and on...)

>"My" appearance from your view
"Older". Oh well, can't win them all I suppose. I'll take it as "distinguished" but can't even finish the thought without internally cringing at myself. Then again, yes I am "older". The room was dark and the shirt was dark burgundy, and there is plenty of old wood furniture in here. Technically, the bed is a "canopy" bed but I never finished putting it together so it's currently a "poster" bed.
But enough about myself, I don't want to monologue.
>distance of your travel or "travel"(?)
I'll say you had some serious reach, considering I'm probably a rough 1500-2000 miles distance from you, based off Shoshone land in the past. The turning left would've been in your physical direction, as well. Pretty neat with that part.
>void-like mass, etc.
Would honestly like to try and recreate that in some fashion. It's a mental space, isn't it? You kind of zone out and let your mind wander and then the mental landscape gets dark and then light pops out at the end with a rough vision? (You're not the first person to feel some kind of weird pull towards me or my general direction and get images of stuff like that, completely unknown to myself for rhyme or reason, but I can say it has happened before with certainty. Take that as you will)
>Just listening, is it parasitic?
Not in the slightest, to be quite honest. That goes for anyone on here that may reach out to me-I tend to be the one people come to for advice or problem/puzzle solving even in real life. So by all means, continue if you feel so inclined. (Just throwing it out there, but if it helps, I'm apparently the INTJ type last time I checked years ago. Maybe you(or something/someone else) is looking for that kind of thing?)
Hey, when or if you're ready to divulge more. I'm patient. Same for everyone else on here-if you wanna share, I don't judge. But I won't pry.

>As for me personally with visions and dreams and such, I did get an image of somebody crawling around on a big, fluffy bed last night at some point. Think it was a white or light comforter with a darker color. Was female and black hair, so maybe I returned the notion? No clue.
Rest of dream involved Gensokyo with little snippets of interactions between me and the inhabitants but the alarm went off and it slipped away. I think it might've been lucid, as I could smell and feel things.

What many don't know about the origin of this from that part of the world, is that it was a desert war god that took on the aspects of the local other ones, with a large helping of some older bits thrown in that turned the Christian God into a multi-layered entity that could "do it all". Just like the other Gods we've discussed, "He" is a form taken by the source(whatever you call it) that the people in the area at that time needed to survive in a harsh land. Then he was able to spread to other avenues after "SURVIVE" was no longer a constant concern and he pulled the same move Inari did and branched out majorly.
(The oldest Bible is from Ethiopia)

I would personally approach your statement as looking at it from the four humors mixed with an alignment chart to help people get a better mental image, but to each their own.

(Since somebody started a website, why couldn't we all find a way to make our own and link them together for ease of use, or make a living master document to compile all of this into something? Just a thought)

>> No.47649750

I came in contact with someone who practiced shugendo and learned things like shugendo medicine at his temple, if you have any questions ask away
as he is a monastic he is probably busy but I'll try anyways

>> No.47651447
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>Oh France is truly beautiful despite a lot of people saying it's not. Just don't go in the populated areas, cities, tourists bait and you'll sure having a nice trip.
That's the impression I have gotten from multiple sources.

Considering your interest in mathematics and the type of thinking you are committed to it's no surprise she reached out to you. Have you noticed any personality changes or strange events around you since you first dreamt of her?
I would personally approach your statement as looking at it from the four humors mixed with an alignment chart to help people get a better mental image, but to each their own.
There's probably quite a lot of ways to slice this pie so to say.
>Since somebody started a website, why couldn't we all find a way to make our own and link them together for ease of use, or make a living master document to compile all of this into something?
An old school web ring could be fun if people want to put the effort into it.
That's really cool! I personaly feel like I should read a bit more on the basic info about Shugendo that can be found on the net so I won't be asking something really basic and redundant. But since there have been anons curious about it it seems like a very cool opportunity to have.

>> No.47651490

>Northwest area in your case
>at 11:13pm I heard two distinct bangs
>I made a mental note to mirror the literal ones you had done
Oh well, no that's a different Anon, I (OP) am Old Worlder and dawn here happens before Greenwich's one.
Thank you, I will sit through it once I finish the current book.
I hope you won't mind waiting a bit before I can formulate some; hopefully before this thread gets archived.

>> No.47651701
File: 250 KB, 1100x1543, keiki 66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I (OP) am Old Worlder
Damn blonde Europeans and their big tits...memes aside, has anything unusual been happening lately? Have you still been taking care of the crows? Have you noticed any changes in your personality or desire to help local wildlife or plants more broadly? I'm also curious if you used the picture of Okina-sama in the OP intentionally?

>> No.47652315
File: 100 KB, 495x665, Su.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shot in the dark, but any recent Hexagrams to share? Apologies if you're the wrong anon.

I am the correct anon! things been rushed in my life due college starting again, but i still have my little adventures and more pratical discoveries, a major one that i ignored (and was a very important lesson) was to practice spiritual hygiene before doing any type of "real" work

(as it's akin to eating food / showing up to someone's house while not having showered for weeks/inviting things you don't really want to involve.)

But i'm happy to see this thread again, and i was wondering when they'd show up, i'm also happy to try do so some i-ching readings for whoever is interested as well.

I am the correct anon! things been rushed in my life due to more mundane reasons, but i still have my little adventures and discoveries, a major one that i ignored (and was a very important lesson) was to practice spiritual hygiene before doing any type of

>> No.47652355
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seems like i botched the copy paste, augh

>> No.47652487
File: 431 KB, 867x729, okina 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have got to tell us more about those hexagrams and practical discoveries and spiritual hygiene.
>But i'm happy to see this thread again, and i was wondering when they'd show up
I was holding off making one because I thought the stars were not right for communications related work literally Mercury retrogade untill the 29th.

It's nice to have you around again and nice to see that things are apparently still going well.
>i'm also happy to try do so some i-ching readings for whoever is interested as well
I'm very much interested!

>> No.47652694
File: 935 KB, 775x841, IMG_8870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll be happy to be a more in-depth post later when I’m free, but if you’d like to speed things up, give me a “question” and I’ll do your reading as well.

>> No.47652698

To do*
Phone posting is suffering

>> No.47652752

Let's go with this: I need the Oracle's advice on how to balance my work and the rest of my life.
It feels so naked without the pictures.

>> No.47652838
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>That is a good way to see it, but I think there is a kind of "hotness" and "coldness" or "passion" and "calmness" that exists outside of those classifications. So there are "hot" celestial and cthonic entities and "cold" celestial and "chtonic" entities. There's also the quality of if they can work with humans and probably a lot more

Yeah entities you find in each spirit world can have different masculine and feminine hot and cold qualities
I kinda used different techniques to get into each spirit world
I was familiar with the Yang one first and got there by a few years ago by accident when I first tried out psychedelics for the experience and traveled straight to crazy town
A bunch of different entities which often claimed they were emissaries of Hindu gods that I didn’t even know about and had to look up, but also a huge circus of other weirdos claiming all kinds of different shit
After being around enough of those weirdos with a range of different opinions I started to take nothing they say at face value
Some of the stuff they said and taught me was useful but some of it was just as harmful as it was beneficial and all their opinions seemed to differ
After experimenting with meditation techniques I learned and with a fuckload of effort I managed to learn how to get there clean and eventually got fed up with that place
As going there kinda burns you out

Way I got into the yin spirit world associated with earth and darkness was completely clean
But I find its much much easier to get there when deprived of light and surrounded by either silence or the sounds of nature, which the sounds of wind or water can really help me zone into some of those places which feel knisthetic often like I’m not seeing them but travelling through nature via sound
Unlike the cosmic spirit yang world I found entities there rarely directly spoke to me but were not sociable hypocrites and seemed to follow consistent rules, a lot of the time when they did communicate with me it was often through strong instinctual feelings
Some of them are more antisocial but there seem to be a few in my area that are chill if you respect their quiet and just being around them is nice

Also sorry for bumping the thread while it’s still up in the cataloge
I kinda get up at weird times but also go to sleep and get good sleep at extremely specific but not precise weird times to experience these things
Actually phoneposting atm

>> No.47653227

That's everyone's favorite perverted grandpa.
>Damn blonde Europeans and their big tits
I didn't know blue counts as a type of blonde. Animal Hell does seem a lot like London though, so that makes sense.
>i-ching readings for whoever is interested
I'll bite.

>> No.47653651

I hope this will be readable; it's long past midnight here and I am tired after doing some ex stages.
>big tits
Thankfully I am not that fat.
>Have you still been taking care of the crows?
Yes, of course. This certainly have become a habit of mine, any possible spiritual experiences aside.
>Have you noticed any changes in your personality
No, but I doubt I would notice even if it happened; introspection always left me with questions about myself, not answers.
>or desire to help local wildlife or plants more broadly?
>I'm also curious if you used the picture of Okina-sama in the OP intentionally?
Yes, I did. I read the first thread as it happened, was too busy during the second one, but I had remembered that she was used in OP twice, so I figured out that by using Okina in ZUN style I let Anons know the content of the thread, just like chinese hus became signs for... well, you know.
>has anything unusual been happening lately?
Crows have infested my dreams, they appear in most of them now. But it is usual gibberish or convoluted narratives that I can't fully remember after wakening up, so I wager they simply flocked into my subconcious not unlike any other regular dream stuff. Those two dreams that pushed me towards making this thread were much cleaner, standalone scenes that I normally don't have.
One exception would be night from 25th to 26th (Sunday-Monday). I leave the pieces of meat I feed crows with on plate left on my balcony. Usually I put one or two pieces close enough to evening that no crow picks them; those pieces stay through the night and are taken by any of the early birds, between 5am and 6am, in the following morning. But this Sunday evening I had a very late visitor picking those pieces up, so I decided to not add new meat and instead took the plate from the balcony. I also wanted to finally beat level 10 scene 8 from StB that evening. However, I felt terribly tired and close to 10pm I tried to took a nap on desk chair. Turned into full-fledged sleep. I woke up soon after 3am due to backpain induced by position. Still sleepy, I considered trying to play StB, but gave up. I forced myself to wash teeth, then I went onto bed to sleep more.
Now, the next thing I remember is sitting again in the desk chair, somewhat lower the usual, but not unnaturally. It is night, the very same kind that was when I went to sleep again. There is crow's silhouette on balcony's railing that moves closer; the crows I feed tend to approach on railing, then jump down onto balcony's floor near plate and there either eat the meat on balcony, or take a piece and fly away with it. Seeing crow, I sit still, to not scare it away. The crow is finally where most of them tend to jump down; it does jump down indeed, but instead of landing on balcony, it passes through the glass door without breaking it and hits me. I grab it, wanting to touch it, but it almost immedietly changes into something different in touch, like rag, or maybe ragdoll. I feel that due to sudden movement I became entangled in a blanket, while my vision goes all grey. I try to untangle myself, flailing around the room. I feel with my hands through blanket that I have fallen on footstool near the desk; I pull back and feel the table on my back. Through the whole time I don't feel any danger or fear, but instead that something important will get away if I don't do something. I stop struggling and instead try to say 'Hello?'; no voice comes out. I try again, to no avail. I focus for the third time, which wakes me up on my bed. I was under blanket, but it showed no signs of struggle. Likewise, the room had none of those. It was 4:20 am, the night was the same as before going to sleep and during the dream. I immedietly put a plate on the balcony with two pieces of meat on it, then I booted StB and few hours later I managed to capture the scene.
The dream was lucid like no other in a long time. The room had all details in terms of visuals. I almost never feel touch in dreams, but here it was and it was correct in regards to the environment in real life. The only detail that was wrong was the desk chair's height: it didn't look exaggerated, unlike the standard fare for dreams, but when I later checked it turned out that it was about 5cm to low, even when compared to the lowest setting.

>> No.47655256

So I'm posting this after 3am, but.

For whatever reason, I am having a dream of some kind when I get a tactile sensation of being gently touched on the right side of my chest like somebody is trying to get my attention. In my half-awake state, I reach out and distinctly feel a face and hair before something echoes in my mind by calling out my username here and not by my real name. When I open my eyes and think "wtf" and check my phone, It's 2:59am. The phone shows a notice that I have no internet and may be out of data, which is not the case because I have to reset it and it then works (plus I pay for unlimited and auto, so that's besides the point). After it comes back, every other page but this one will load. Had to manually copy/paste the address in a new tab to get it to work.
As soon as I do that, a text message from a family member finally comes through that my car alarm is going off. It isn't. But at some point through the night it must have. I can see it through my window and there's nothing going on out there, but... I'm not about to go out to see unless I hear otherwise.

But that's very weird as all hell to wake up to.
If you're still up for doing a reading for folk, I'd be open to you trying one for me to see what the heck this is about. Now I'm gonna go back to bed and wake up hopefully at a better time and then I'll check this again.

I got nothing this time around. Even the option for a captcha is missing from the page to post unless I reply to somebody directly.

>> No.47656555

>Considering your interest in mathematics and the type of thinking you are committed to it's no surprise she reached out to you.
I don't have much interest in mathematics or sciences in general, It's just that I can understand them very easily and extrapolate on them, while being open minded to the occultism and philosophy. My real interest is nature and wandering in the wilds, especially where I shouldn't. Sometimes, I can take interest in old legends or urban ones and go to presumed "haunted houses" or other sites like that.

>Have you noticed any personality changes or strange events around you since you first dreamt of her?
Only strange events are my dreams with her, else everything is fine. Birds singings, insects making noises, wind blowing, water flowing. But I'll couldn't tell if I had personality changes or anything related on my own personal psychology because I very rarely interact with other human beings. Expect for my thrist for adventure and some of my senses like hearing, smelling, instinct, they're getting greater and sharper.

>> No.47660968
File: 1014 KB, 1350x832, kanako 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I first tried out psychedelics for the experience and traveled straight to crazy town
Many such cases. This isn't a judgement. I think they produce genuine experiences. But also very much uncontrolled experiences. People don't understand what they are messing around with these things...
>Some of the stuff they said and taught me was useful but some of it was just as harmful as it was beneficial and all their opinions seemed to differ
Yeah I wouldn't trust any spirit outright unless I had a very long term relationship with them and knew them to be trustworthy. I also don't expect them to know everything either. The fact that there are so many of them of course leaves with them different opinions and dispositions...
>a lot of the time when they did communicate with me it was often through strong instinctual feelings
I strongly feel this. This really is the way the kami primarily communicate to me. Like getting a really strong gut feeling that I should go to the library today and then there is a book that is very useful to me there. They can do more direct communications too, during the peak of the activity they did a lot of that.

That's very interesting stuff, thanks for sharing your experiences.
>That's everyone's favorite perverted grandpa.
I...can kind of see where the grandpa part of it comes from.
>I didn't know blue counts as a type of blonde.
The Ancient Greeks did not have a word for "blonde", they said "hair the color of clear spring water". I'm joking
>Animal Hell does seem a lot like London though, so that makes sense.
Every major city is more or less Animall Hell, basicaly.
>Yes, of course. This certainly have become a habit of mine, any possible spiritual experiences aside.
That's very nice.
>Yes, I did.
OK, at this point I wouldn't have been surprised if you hadn't even seen those threads before.
>just like chinese hus became signs for...
a twisted way to getting closer to the divine feminine!
>Crows have infested my dreams, they appear in most of them now.
That's very interesting stuff. The sensation of being entangled, your vision going grey and trying to speak but being unable to are very indicative of some kind of abnormal state of sleep. You could have very well had a dream visitor.

It's a good sign you didn't feel fear or danger. About something important slipping by, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Keep at it and if you missed something, you will have another opportunity.

Have you tried reaching out to Aya after your first attempt? Have you tried communicating with your local crows?
That's weird stuff. Did the presence feel more masculine or feminine? Do you have this type of weird shit happening to you normally, or do these things happen more when these threads are up?
You sound like a very youkai-like human as the Touhou terminology goes. Based on your description I'm not surprised in the slightest Yukari-san would reach out to you. I'm fairly sure you'd get results if you tried to reaching out for her. The increasing thirst for adventure and sharpening of the senses are noteworthy.

>> No.47661024
File: 2.13 MB, 1536x2048, alice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello esoteric anons, I have lurked in these threads the past summer but never had a reason to post, until now.

Many in this thread have said something about crows. So here is my (insignificant) experience. In my building I there is a spot where I smoke and stare into the darkness at night. The spot in question is a brutalist-style building with a fair bit of greenery. The space is liminal, both indoors and outdoors and both man-made and natural, so maybe that means something. My dumb ass dropped an unfinished cigarette off the ledge last night and left it there, assuming it would burn out. I didn't realize I dropped my lighter until this morning, so I went and checked the spot. I found the lighter, and the cigarette was burnt down to the filter. Next to them was a single crow feather. My stuff was still there in an area where I would think someone else would have taken it.

I wonder what happened, did our discussions alert the crow [spolier] tengu?[/spoiler] spirits? Are they watching us? Do they like to smoke?

>> No.47661554
File: 22 KB, 445x266, cb82ae816ce2844d93ad7cea70ea8ef2--crows-smoking-3373566741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>555 get.
I also like to wander into random places whenever I feel pulled to something like that.

It was feminine, of that much I can guarantee. As for happenings, it used to all the time when I was younger but has since quieted down until I either do something related to this topic or get myself into a trance by focusing on something and then have wild dreams, though that's a bit rarer and takes significant effort. And because I was up far too early thanks to last night, I ended up dozing off a bit while sitting at work and got a mental image of pitch black with the younger Scarlet sister walking from left to right (just doing that, nothing else of note. Couldn't see anything but her and blackness, though it was hyper detailed like the time I came across whatever the Sakuya was). Then I woke up and checked this. So, yeah. One thing to note is the lack of signal on the phone, I think. That one Anon that went to Jomine shrine said area had none, and I can say when I was around the "Misty Lake" on our side, I also had no signal. It's in the mountains, yeah, but still. Paranormal stuff hits and electronics go funky or dies for everyone. (So maybe warning, a "notice me" thing going on, or whatever else but I'm drawing a blank for last night. Common sense, right?)
Any ideas from the rest of you would be appreciated but I don't expect mutch due to the nature of it being personal happening.

Crows are drawn to fire or carries it in all kinds of stories, and even the Tengu have those legends of fanning the fires on mountains or in villages and all that, like what was referenced in the Touhou manga that Aya brushed off.

>A personal thing for me outside of discussion, but one I took note of: ever since I was a kid in middle school, I'd draw a weird little doodle on paper when I should've been paying attention-a weirdly angled and stylized "S" that was more a "Z", with a little dot over one of the points. I thought I made it up. Then I found a post on /x/ where somebody added an image of the Egyptian hieroglyph for "snake god" that seems to match perfectly if it was made with reeds and not lines.

>> No.47661628
File: 50 KB, 779x599, 1724800808658768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the post from that other /x/ Anon that matches. I haven't put much research into it just yet, but first thought was "Kanako? How long has this been related, if it is?"

>> No.47661980
File: 472 KB, 1536x2048, ultra high quality hina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello and welcome.
>the space is liminal, both indoors and outdoors and both man-made and natural, so maybe that means something.
>did our discussions alert the crow spirits?
Most certainly possible, or at least some kind of distant relatives of theirs.
>Are they watching us?
>Do they like to smoke?
Haha I don't know. Spirits like incense, and considering how tobacco has a sacred role in some Native American & South American cultures there 100% certainly are spirits that apreciate tobacco. Since you also smoked it, it means you in a way shared it with whoever looked after your stuff.
>It was feminine, of that much I can guarantee
>it used to all the time when I was younger but has since quieted down until I either do something related to this topic or get myself into a trance by focusing on something and then have wild dream
I certainly feel like this thread is contributing to the activity. It's particularly interesting how many new anons have found their way in here.
>Paranormal stuff hits and electronics go funky or dies for everyone.
Yeah there is something related to electromagnetism going on. When I was having those flashes of light going off randomly in my apartement they tended to be localized to the space above my wifi router. Weirdest damn case was when I once was with my back towards it and a flash happened and it was clearly coming from behind me.

I've seen the flashes very sporadicaly since. I saw them twice within a single day when I called out to Yukari-san to apologize for posting rude and lewd things about her in the past.

Last week I had a really weird experience with those flashes. I was in a bus to work and I see a flash of light. I dismiss it because it could be, you know, a reflection from traffic or something. A bit later at a stop the bus starts having electrical trouble and the driver has difficulty getting it going. There is a flash of light in that goes off very clearly in the midsection. I see couple of people turning to look towards the middle so I think they saw it too. Weird stuff for sure. Not sure if it's something from beyond the barrier, if it's locals or something like my own misdirected energies.
Hehe you may have been unknowingly manifested some kind of a snake deity for a long time at the very least.

>> No.47663271
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I had forgotten my Native American folklore, thanks for reminding me. Crows and fire check out. Legit I was read Native folktales as a child
>t. have at least half Native genes

Some anons were talking about native American stuff being linked to what Shinto and Taoism originated from earlier, We may be on to something as >>47598903 pointed out. I might try to look into this more.

>tobacco has a sacred role
Shit, I guess I accidentally performed an old ritual. I should have had something of higher quality than Marlboro lights

>> No.47663497
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>Some anons were talking about native American stuff being linked to what Shinto and Taoism originated from earlier
Yeah if you are interested in the Eurasian - Native American connection this is probably a good starting point:

It's quite staggering to think about the impact of the Ancient North Eurasian people. They diverged into extremely wide-ranging groups, from Europeans to Native Americans to Siberians and North Chinese & Japanese. Considering the *extremely* ancient origins of shamanism, they likely passed on various cultural and religious beliefs & practices to their offshoot cultures. There might even have been later cultural exchanges, particularly with closely-clustered populations such as the Siberians-Chinese and Ainu-Japanese.

Over time these various peoples would have of course diverged greatly as they adapted to their new environments and the spirits within there. But some common thread probably still persists. Fascinating stuff and a very unexpected connection for sure.

>I should have had something of higher quality than Marlboro lights
There's always the next time. They obviously didn't reject it!

>> No.47665862
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There's always the option of leaving a cigar for certain things, if you're so inclined. But also to just burn loose tobacco in a vessel outdoors like incense for them.

>I ching requests from the other Anon:

If you're still up for it, I'd be interested in seeing what pops up for me-see if there's some kind of message what with all that's happened here recently.
(Also bumping the thread to keep it alive for a bit longer since it's on page 8 right now)

Anybody had anything or of the ordinary or of significance happen to them lately?

>> No.47666092

This website has some information on the indigenous religious use of tobacco.

>> No.47666509
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>Anybody had anything or of the ordinary or of significance happen to them lately?
Had a very vivid dream. Possibly a nothingburger. I was at a shop near where my parents used to live. It's my birthday (few months off IRL). I find a packet of yoghurt or pudding or something like that's not where it's supposed to be. It has a post-it note that just says "For you - Anon". I regard it as a gift.

As often it tends to be, the shop turns out to be much larger than it really is and bigger on the inside than outside. I stumble upon a deceased family member there. I get the sense that they have come there to explicitly see me, both in the dream narrative and outside of it. For a while they are as they would have been in real life, grumbling about how "now they are in a fucking hurry with the treatments". Then they just kind of...glitch out, they can't form coherent sentences anymore. They had something like this towards the very end of their life due to medication, but it was not characteristic of the disease that took their life. I rush to grab a hold of them as they start to slump to the ground and I wake up.

I keep having dreams set in shops or malls or train stations or airports, liminal places like this. The dream was also extremely vivid, and when I saw my deceased family member there was this very strange 50/50 split of being immersed in the dream narrative and knowing that they are already dead. It also felt very much like they were another person or being and not just one of those dream NPCs.

This was the same person who has been appearing in my dreams more than before after the eclipse and whom I attempted (and probably succeeded) to contact. I'm glad we're not arguing anymore in my dreams.

The small random gift to me was also odd. I had the strong mental impression it was from another anon. Maybe someone is thinking of me.

>> No.47666904
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I had an interesting dream last "night" (I slept from 6am to 3:30pm).

I remember being downtown in a specific part of a city I'm familiar with, though it was different in the dream. It was night there. I can't remember the exact details but I had been dropped off there by one of my family members for something, but they thing had passed or been canceled and now I was stuck there. I remember approaching a green bus stop which was at the edge of a lot empty with short green grass. Come to think of it, it was unnaturally bright for night because I could perceive color, but it still seemed darker than day. I remember streetlights, but I'm not sure they would've lit the place like they did. I think it might've been dusk earlier in the dream.

I think I investigated the bus stop in hopes of finding a schedule or something, and I think the bench; definitely something with cylindrical metal bits with the crystalline pattern of galvanized steel; came off the ground. I tried getting it back in the right place. I remember my feet sinking several inches into the ground, apparently now mud, which worried me. I remembered how the knights in the Battle of Agincourt (which I could not remember the name of this dream, despite great efforts) apparently drowned in the mud.

At some point, I remember pacing around and thinking (which I do for literally hours every day, knowledge I have gained thanks to the pedometer on my phone) and I remembered reading a 4chan reply which does not exist in real life. I remember the anon here who posts the images of Chimata Tenkyu, commenting on an issue I have where when I go to bed I keep finding myself having to pee which distracts me from sleep, so I pee, and five minutes later I have to do so again. I can't remember what exactly they were saying, maybe something about how they had struggled with it too or how it's common. Something interesting about this is that in the dream I thought they were female, because I was thinking of them kinda like they were Chimata because of the pictures. I think I might remember them mentioning they were male somewhere in this IRL thread but I'm not sure. Statistically it is likely for a 4chan user.

I remember encountering a large group of people in the field who may have randomly appeared there. I remember one of them was one of my former high school Spanish teachers, but for some reason they had the body of my cousin. I remember they were asking how I had been since I graduated. I was having trouble communicating with them back, and not because of language reasons. Like my voice was struggling or I was being too shy or something. I think I was trying but failing to tell him that I had gotten up to very little and overall was not doing well.

I remember there was some kind of weird seating that was in a circle here. I remember pulling myself up and down on some kind of rope attached to, maybe some kind of bleacher, for fun and because I require almost constant movement. I remember at some point people had starting singing some kind of song that was a showtune. I remember seeing some kind of acrobatic ring suspended in the air. The show tune was about something like how a certain man would fix a certain woman, undoubtedly characters from the musical, and the lyrics made me uncomfortable though I can no longer remember them. I wondered if anyone took issue with them.

That's about all I can remember.

>> No.47667787
File: 176 KB, 850x1200, __remilia_scarlet_and_izayoi_sakuya_touhou_drawn_by_hosimo__sample-b6d18ed1a005510347cee6940af6b63f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for posting all of that, and I'll add to some of it later with more, but I just got woken up at 4:15am by something touching the right side of my neck like a finger and instantly slapping it and holding my hand there until I got the phone light to check. Nothing.
I was dreaming of talking to a bunch of people and being in some kind of overly elaborate building complex like the mall dream that a lot of people have but this one was like a hotel mixed with an education center. There was clothing involved that was considered better than what I normally wear and I began to shave off my facial hair to look more presentable because it's gotten pretty wild irl. I go for a trim but then dream version thinks something like "no, it's best for a fresh start" and I go full clean shaven. Then for whatever reason, Sakuya but not Sakuya is checking in on me for the day and as we're discussing whatever it was, Remilia comes in the room, states she's both tired and cold and is going to take a nap on the couch that's now there and demands I lay down to act as a source of heat because there is no blankets anyone can use thanks to the fairies hiding them all again. I lay down with a confused look from Sakuya who's now somehow a relative I new in the past but still female (and this relative doesn't exist in the waking world). Remilia plops down next to me grumbling about the service in the hotel sucking and how she should annex it so it could be run better, passes out, and then I hear something about a trip to travel somewhere that's coming up for people in the background. She shifts and I wake up to see I've rolled over at an odd angle in bed so it was enough to make me flip flop. I fix the pillows, go back to sleep on my other side now, drift out, and then feel a distinct finger like an index finger touching right below my right ear and just kind of sitting there, so I full force slap it and wake myself up. And after finding there's nothing on my hand like a bug or whatnot, I notice some comment on YouTube I made about Iron chariots got a like, and then I had a distinct urge to check this thread again and see all this. So yeah, dream me is getting his shit together and being relegated to glorified body warmer as they discuss this with the locals, while real me is getting molested by a phantom finger to the neck and getting woken up after night two of inadvertently recreating conditions for the lucid dream sleep-wake-sleep methods...

Does anyone know if Jasmine Green Tea causes weird dreams? That's the only thing I know that I've physically changed since two nights ago where I've picked up a bunch of it. It's the ito en brand, if that matters.

>> No.47669223
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wew, sorry about the long delay, been a mix of super busy / exhausted afterwards, and this has been such a wonderfully dense thread too, i'll post my thoughts afterwards alongside some small adventurers i've been having, but here you go.

Rolling my metal coins, we start with a 9, 6 , 8 for the bottom hexagram (Thunder) and for the upper, straight 7's, (Heaven)

This gives us the hexagram 25 AKA Innocence, which is more about being "yourself" in a taoistic manner, and acting through what feels honest and natural, open, receptive and following the flow of things.

Since the first line (9) is a crossing line (Yin) (We ignore the crossing line 6 since it's yang and we have two) we receive the following the more specific advice

>Staying true to your original nature and remaining detached leads to good fortune. Trust the natural flow of life, avoid manipulation, and focus on the present moment. Innocence and detachment bring success.

I hope this seems relevant to you, Anon, and if anyone else wants a reading, just reply with your question and i'll be happy to do one!

I also don't remember where i got this image from, perhaps the last thread, but the vibe it evokes is one i resonate with.

>> No.47669537

Three posts with ‘666’ in a row. Odd.

>> No.47670185

Uh.....it gets even weirder with what I woke up to hearing mentally.
After searching up where I've heard the words before, the first sounds Spanish, the second sounds like the Japanese もう, and the last is an old Latin word.

At least that's what I'd thought. I'm familiar with Clavami de Profundis, but this was a distinct uh "phrase". Looking it all up for the past few hours and bouncing back and forth between Catalan, Occitan, French, and all that..... I'm not comfortable sharing it to be completely honest, but uh. Yeah. The phrase is a pleading directive in the feminine form and that's all I'm saying. No idea how to comprehend this one. It sounded similar to somebody I've heard speak in a dream in the past.

So about that I ching reading....
Can you give me a general reading when you get the chance? Would really like to see what the heck is going on here.

>> No.47670539

>Have you tried communicating with your local crows?
In a behavioral, body-language sense? Pointing, not staring like a predator, keeping low visual profile. In a spiritual sense? Sometimes, when I see a crow is hesistant to approach, I start repeating in my mind that it is safe here and that it has nothing to fear from me.
For both kinds results are mixed.
>Have you tried reaching out to Aya after your first attempt?
No. I don't know how, to be honest.
The letter burning was an idea that appeared in my mind while reading the first thread, while it was still under bump limit. Nothing particular in thread's content was the cause, as far as I am concerned. The idea was such: burning a letter adressed to Aya in silver bowl together with some alcohol and meat at night during the closest full moon Monday on top of particular old building. I immedietly checked when such Monday is and the first result was July 22nd. Before any question, I was aware of moon-silver and moon-Monday connection at that time. Through the following weeks I flip-flopped whether to do it or not, but in the end I did.
As it easy to verify, the day I got was wrong, because full moon on July was at Sunday and furthermore in broad day hours. I don't know how this error came, the fact is that once I had checked I never thought of checking again. Only later, on 23rd July I learned 23rd is considered Aya day. This made me check again, startled by apparent coincidence of moving from full moon Monday to Aya day. Only then I realised the mistake.
Nothing strange or connected had happened afterwards until the two dreams from OP, so I went on with my life.
Now, writing this post, I realised that the closest full moon Monday was actually August 19th. When I had made OP I didn't even know it was full moon at all, since I never bothered to check and clouds obscured the sky at that night. Unnerving, somewhat.

>> No.47671112
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Something that is probably of interest to many here stumbled upon my YouTube feed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWYm_fK1REc
It's a new short documentary about Shugendo!

There's a lot of interesting stuff there, including the idea that the conch horns repeat mantras that repel hostile spirits, that the Shugenja are taking up the hardships of their communities and bring them fortune by going through the ordeals, there's this almost tantric idea of living both a worldly and spiritual life and apparently as long as you know some Japanese you are welcome to train with them.

Ok, so, having brushed up the basics a bit...
I would actually like to hear what Shugendo is about from someone who practices/practiced it. I've read and seen documentaries about it, but I would apreciate the inside view.
I'd also like to hear about their experiences with the practice, what's it like, how's it made them feel and so on. A third thing I'm curious about is their view on why the Tengu came to be associated with Shugendo.

Thanks a lot in advance.
Are you gonna get Remilia'd? It's unfortunate you're getting poked by a phantom finger.
I've never heard of jasmine having psychoactive properties.
Thanks a lot. No worries about being late either. I think I can see the relevance, but alas, figuring out one's true nature is always a challenge...but I get the gist of it. Sounds like I need to be flexible and present in the current moment.

And yeah, this is a very dense thread, might end up becoming the densest of the threads so far.
Numbers-san? It's actually for posts, see >>47666092
(Picture related, Great Beast)
I meant mainly spiritually but yeah I suppose body language is part of the whole too haha. No doubt it will take a good while to build up the trust and relationship.

Your improvised method of contacting Aya-san sounds honestly wonderful. It's a bit shame you had that mess-up with the moon, but maybe it's not so bad as you think. Perhaps doing something next where you share the offering with her - ie. you also take part in the meat and alcohol - could be the next step?

Is Aya-san someone you feel a strong connection to in general? How exactly did the decision to contact her come about?

>> No.47672602
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>but do consider that he probably desires an offering for services rendered.

>> No.47672743

>(Picture related, Great Beast)
I can't believe the Kanako Anon would slander the exceptionally ladylike Yasakatome like this. We truly are living in the end times.

>> No.47672754

For a split second just right now I thought that I saw a big, pitch black, thingy crawling high up my bedroom wall. It was kinda indistinct and blurry but it kinda looked like a rolly polly, with a size between that of a fist and a human head.

>> No.47672864
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Very good!
>I can't believe the Kanako Anon would slander the exceptionally ladylike Yasakatome like this
To be honest I probably shouldn't have. I'm going to apologize to Kanako-sama. I don't know what I was thinking. I just like that picture and could not resist making the joke. She is of course great but not very beastly.
>We truly are living in the end times.
I have made the mistake of recently browsing /x/, not only apparently has The Dot been very red lately, the Apocalypse will start in two days. Planets were also apparently all lined up yesterday, which might explain some of the very vivid dream activity.
Yeah you might have unwanted visitors and might want to ask for Xololt's help with housekeeping.

>> No.47672909

>I probably shouldn't have.
Personally I was just making an off-hand comment. I suppose if you're making the comparison to the Beast of Revelations given the number, she definitely has the charisma and ambition for it.
>the Apocalypse will start in two days.
Can't they put it off for, I don't know, another twenty? Then we can speak of how the Earth, the Winds, and the Fires are all dying.

>> No.47673276
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>Yeah you might have unwanted visitors and might want to ask for Xololt's help with housekeeping.
What makes you think that? I didn't find the being frightening. I only saw it for a split second, after all. I'm not used to the idea of spiritual housework.

>> No.47673277
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>Personally I was just making an off-hand comment.
I know, but still.

To be honest I have had a lot of adjustment difficulties, as much as things have thankfully calmed down, a lot of things happened in a very short time. It's sometimes hard to maintain the right attidute when so many around you are just making jokes and feeling horny for "characters" you know are actually deities.
>I suppose if you're making the comparison to the Beast of Revelations given the number, she definitely has the charisma and ambition for it.
I don't even remember the Apocalypse stuff that well, I just know that the /x/tians would go absolutely ballistic over "they are worshipping a literal serpent!"

As if snakes weren't an important part of the ecosystem and a potent symbol of death and rebirth.

Come to think of it...why snake tempting Eve? Just a phallic symbol? Or cycle of life, death and rebirth teaching all knowledge? Not sure if I even want to think about it.
>Can't they put it off for, I don't know, another twenty?
We're always on the cusp of the Apocalypse - the personal unveiling of the fact that we live in a broader reality than most think. We're always painfully aware of the end of the world - the stark reality that we, as biological life, will die one die. The juxtaposition between these is an endless dynamy, churning endless fears, hopes, delusions, myths, and maybe occasional deeper truths.

>> No.47673305
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Well if it wasn't spooky it might be nothing bad. But if something starts causing a ruckus or weird unwanted stuff starts happening or you start having unpleasant intrusive thoughts they might be an unwanted guest. Most are very inconsequential I'd say.

But it's still weird to have something making knocking noises in the closet. Or having something re-arrange the HDMI cables on your TV with an extra cable appearing out of nowhere. Or having something apport your friend's bluetooth earpods into your slippers and their keys back to their apartement.

>> No.47673397

>you start having unpleasant intrusive thoughts
What if I've had them for years and years?
>Or having something re-arrange the HDMI cables on your TV with an extra cable appearing out of nowhere. Or having something apport your friend's bluetooth earpods into your slippers and their keys back to their apartement.
My mom's mysteriously lost her keys for over a month now, it's a very frustrating inconvenience for her.

If spirits can use the power of apporting, can I use it for myself somehow? Do you have any idea how I might go about it?

>> No.47673516
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>What if I've had them for years and years?
Well, uh, depends really what kind of thoughts? It could be external influence, it could be you.

Situations like this is why really knowing the texture of your mind would be so important so you'd know what is clearly external...but since it's allready ongoing it's much harder to say. I didn't know either when things started happening to me.

I suggest looking into banishment/cleaning practices. I don't want to spook you for nothing either, trying to maintain a good, courageous, honest attidute is important too. Ultimately, maybe you could even ask Xolotl to help you out since you seem to have a good rapport with him.
>My mom's mysteriously lost her keys for over a month now, it's a very frustrating inconvenience for her.
That's really unfortunate.
>If spirits can use the power of apporting, can I use it for myself somehow? Do you have any idea how I might go about it?
I remember reading or hearing something about people who could do that, I can't remember the source(s) offhand though. I have no idea how to do it.

I think it was Greg Newkirk who said he started involuntarily occasionally manifesting rusty nails out of nowhere after messing with some occult stuff. Not very useful!

You could always try to think about getting something. Do the thing you do with imagining the electricity in your heart and then imagine getting some object, right there, right now. Your mom's keys could be a good starting point. No guarantees it would will work, but worth a shot.

Your technique is actually really interesting by the way. There's a whole scene surrounding the heart toroidal magnet field thing. This is not the first magical technique involving imagining something about the heart either that I've read. Did you come up with it by yourself?

>> No.47674088

>Your technique is actually really interesting by the way.
Thank you.
>Did you come up with it by yourself?
Yeah, pretty much. I can’t remember exactly how I came up with it, but learning about the Aztec concept of ollin was definitely a key part of coming up with it. I think I’ve tried meditating upon my heartbeat and pulse before but haven’t had as much success. Like there’s something about the way I’m thinking about it now, connecting it to electricity and other kinds of pulsing movement and invoking Xolotl that’s making it work. I know I tried to use magic when I was really little to do things like shapeshift and blow up my school, and I thought about my pulse then, but also my body heat and anger, and I wasn’t linking it to electricity or many other kinds of pulses, and inconsistently to gods (usually Greek). I specifically remember wishing for meteors to blow up my school and it not working, but with July 6th apparently summoning meteors might be something I’m capable of. I wonder why I’m getting results now and not over a decade ago. Maybe it’s inventing my own technique.

The only external knowledge I can think of that might’ve pushed me towards my technique is learning about how Ninel Kulagina’s heart rate and body temperature greatly increased when she used PSI.

>> No.47674223
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disappointing thread
the last one had like one and a half neat posts about spooky moments, but this one seems to only contain the boring, wordy make-believe that the previous thread devolved into
was gonna write more about what makes it uninteresting, but I'll cut myself short and end with a heartfelt request: please dont turn this into a recurring pseudo-general, /jp/ is suffering enough

>> No.47676268
File: 558 KB, 1079x1293, Maybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"~OuR sYsTeM tHiNkS yOuR pOsT iS sPaM" (<-fuck you.)

To the Anon that had the shadowy thing running around your area, that sounds like something I came across while overseas in Tokyo. I watched a ball of shadow roll like a tumbleweed out of the ticket area and then swerve past people to not get hit, before doing a little hop and then just fading out to nothing. Whatever it is resembled the little soot sprites from Ghibli movies and has me thinking it could've been based on a real creature or legend that may pop up in various places in the world. I do know that somewhere I was reading up on opening your third eye to see ghosts via the Taoist ways caused the unready to see things like that if forced. Due to the nature of what we've discussed here, it may not hurt to get some peach tree sword ornament and whack the thing if it goes malevolent or gets unruly, though I don't want to tell you to hurt random spirits and the like. But that's a definite one-hit ko for things according to the legend, just aim for the "head" pretty much.

And to the Anon that I'm calling Ayanon now for Ayaya, it's a eye catcher for you doing the letter thing and getting results. Truth be told, I made a mock up letter and burnt it under a full moon a few months before going to Japan in order to get a message to whatever constituted as "Gensokyo" and the Kami equivalents since I went more as a spiritual visit mixed with the "I wanna see some 2hu places" we all inevitably have here. I know varying degrees of personal opinion on the succubus threads and all that, but they do have that "letter method" they talk about, and it's essentially a shorthand method of spiritual communication that doesn't involve the more ritualistic acts like high magic so everyone can technically "do it" and see results. There may be more to it than meets the eye, after separating them from the method being discussed. Shikigami are another paper method that's....kinda the same thing if you think about it-you write intent on it, charge it, and let it loose to do its job. Mine was more to the SDM since I'd be on the lake taking pictures in what is their front yard, so to speak. It felt like I wouldn't be intruding that way, as stupid as that sounds. (And if I got to meet a maid and have some snacks like a certain Berry, that'd been pretty cool for the journal. Didn't happen, but other things did. I'll take it.)

Nuh uh, no U. (Seriously, read over this stuff. There's plenty of what you're supposedly looking for in here. And if you don't like it, add your own stuff to help the conversation along. Nobody is stopping you from posting your own experiences and it's actively encouraged in here so it DOESN'T turn into a Nobody General. More the merrier, so long as it's got substance, you know?)

(Can anybody that knows French translate the sentence "Let's have a deep chat/discussion, shall we?" for me here? Or something to that effect? I don't know French but I "know" it enough to do dictionary translations, and that's usually a rough and wrong translation. Would it be something like "Clavarde notres profound, (q)oui"? If it's a female speaking.)

Getting Remilia'd? Uh...maybe? Maybe not? I did write that letter of my own a long time ago and then got the contract I signed in the dream, not to mention all the other stuff? Dream me just seems to help around the place with odd errands or the pillow thing the other night, which is a first. But so is the phantom touching and the now hearing things in what may or may not be in a language I'm unfamiliar with, though some Japanese phrases have popped in my head in the past. But that was always broken, the maybe French is a first for coherence. If I go dark one day assume I've been swept up in a chuuni plot in another land.

>> No.47676339
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Yeah I don't think you can generally speaking just wish for stuff to happen. Maybe if you do it repeatedly and intently enough. Even then (and even with proper technique and all) the results might be something like the fifth best thing.

So if you would have really really really hoped for a meteor to blow up your school, maybe something along the lines of someone throws a baseball through the chemistry class window and there is fire would have happened.

As for why now, your technique is likely more refined. There might also be other reasons. I feel like spirit activity has increased within the last decade. There might also be external factors - the stars are right for you, exposure to these threads could be feeding energy, who knows...

I'm not experienced enough to give much pointers beyond this. I just think it's really neat how you've been able to connect the dots.
I can understand being disapointed and I can understand why you would not believe some anons, but these threads were never supposed to be spooky. I suppose there is some inherent spookiness to the topic though.

I do miss the more analytical discussions from the very first thread, but I think those kinda hit a wall by the point people were talking about the birth and death of the universe. Very hard to go beyond that.

There are still lines of investigation from the first thread that could be pursued much, much further though. I however do not know enough of physics to judge which of the paranormal physics ideas are possibly legitimate and which are not, beyond very surface level things. I'm also fairly sure we don't have anywhere near complete picture of the functioning of purely physical phenomena (if such things exist) either.

As for the type of topics I am comfortable researching, such things take their time. For example the connection of Shinto and Taoism to Eurasian shamanism has been something that could explain links that the depictions of certain characters have to archetypes outside of the East Asian cultural sphere. The real meaning of the sexagenary cycle will be another thing I will also try to pursue. That would tie to further studies in Taoism. I am honing my meditation practice. Some other anons are also pursuing such things on their time, and sometimes they share their findings. So there are some people interested in such an angle to this and I presume they too get something out of it. If there weren't, there wouldn't have been anons curious about for example shugendo.

I know much of this post is beside your poin. Some of the things we have been doing would perhaps go into the bin of just studying the mythological, religious and folkloric inspirations behind Touhou. Unfortunately or fortunately, for me studying such things for a little while induced an incredibly potent spiritual experience that lasted for months and isn't exactly over yet either, will probably never be.

While my experience might be on the more vivid end, I've seen sporadic "Touhou made me find Buddhism/Taoism" type of posts before that. So exposure to the lore behind Touhou and taking up practices from there can induce spiritual experiences in people. Such happens.

I hope for people who experience such to have something they can use as a frame of reference, and I hope that as many of those who can have the experience will have it.

Getting involved with spirituality inevitably means facing a world that has a phantasmagoric side to it. Learning to navigate it, learning to see how the patterns rise from testimonies which truth value is hard to verify is crucial. Every spiritual space will draw in honest people, liars and people who do not lie but who experience very surface level phenomena extremely vividly. Different people can fit into these different categories at times.

I have commited myself to truth, becase I firmly believe that I am held accountable by beings above me. Lying is not very magokoro or qian of me.

But ultimately the universal (You) can only try to observe the patterns over and over again and determine what is true and what is not, what is common and what is not. Thankfully, as a Touhou player (You) should be getting good at that pattern recognition thing. Eventually (You) will start to perceive higher forms of truth that do not hinge on individual accounts of events, true or not. These truths exist independent of whatever particular manifestation they have, even independent of someone trying to take part in them via false narratives.

So let the people talk and sift out the patterns as they do. This is what I want to do, what other anons want is up to them.

>> No.47676607
File: 129 KB, 725x555, sage-sama breaks down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ is suffering enough
Well that's just a Damn Shame now isn't it? O how the mighty Anonymous Otaku Message Board and its precious integrity has fallen!
I had more to say to you myself but came to a similar conclusion that it wouldn't be worth the wasted energy, plus OkinaAnon was far more polite than I would've been.
That being said, I'm not exactly hoping for all this to become a "regular" occurrence either. The spontaneity & given time between these discussions is exactly what helps contribute to the natural flow of everything shared here. If we start boiling things down to the point of predictable homogeneity alongside other generals then that spark really could be lost on all accounts. I don't think it'd be lofty to assume other regulars here feel the same though, it would simply take away what some may already deem as "lost".

That aside, I'm fully willing to admit I should've tried harder to keep things more grounded here with my own posting. Much harder, even with what I haven't shared yet/still wish to. What occurred with everything around >>47642048 & >>47643092 has, quite frankly, felt like one of the most unlikely & unbelievable moments in my young life thus far. I can understand how self-centered and insane it would all seem from outside perspectives.
This is a double-edged sword however and an incredibly sharp one at that.
I've spent the past few days prioritizing re-grounding myself mentally. Cleaning, resting, cat-rearing, not worrying over effortposting; that sort of thing. This has been out of necessity for my own sake, as well as the thread's partially, and I'd recommend this to anyone else here that could be possibly suffering from extra stressors.
It can be far too easy to lose yourself in dense, darkened woods such as these but there I go again with the personally-pontificated purple prose that many an anon may find dramatically disingenuous (or just boring & unnecessary) so I'll move on.
Just make sure to keep choosing life over any sort of sudden, gruesome alternative. Even if it's for nobody else besides yourself, or out of spite. I mean it. There's always something better out there.
I'm alright physically, I swear. Nobody here should feel at fault for anything. I have genuine people keeping me safe and I don't mean to egotistically stir up worry & sentiment. Just a bit rattled is all...an addiction to negativity can be a truly horrible thing.
^CW; mental unwellness, please advise.

On a lighter note, I'll try sharing some of my own dreams finally (with just one follow-up post), considering all the recent dream-posting and before I ramble about anything else as productively as I can towards anyone in particular later (I can only talk about so much at once of course and I don't mean to just be "filling space" in any capacity but luckily there's still time to be spent here. Some good stuff to go over in the meantime though! I've been wanting to focus on some older-thread information a little more as well, I still have a tab open with a video of Flan's "Ripples of 495 Years" spellcard from last thread's closing subjects for instance. Next big post of mine will hopefully include that diagram I've been needing to get done because I'm tired of not having it outside of my subconscious):

- The first is one I'd like to share with >>47641668 specifically. I've been waiting for a good time for this. After you'd made that prayer at the beginning of the month I had quite an emotional dream, albeit very brief. I was sitting in the stairwell of my old childhood home, watching some video on my phone by that Compact Youmu YT channel (not a fan of his work but some of you might be) about Chimata-sama but it just seemed...wrong. The colors were washed out, her voice was even more robotic/stilted and it all felt fake. Spiritually hollow, without any substance. In the video, she was ranting about how she was the unquestionably "real" depiction of the goddess and how the nay-sayers should be ignored when I suddenly hear my name gently called from the kitchen space ahead of me. I stop paying attention to False-Chimata and look up to see Amaterasu Oomikami herself, a golden beacon of light donned in royal regalia. Calmly standing there. Her literal & figurative brilliance was nearly indescribable and she looked at me with a poignant stillness that rocked me to my core. She didn't even say anything else, she didn't need to. I can still picture the expression on her face. I woke up with tears streaming down my own face, thankful for such a blessed confrontation. Sincerest regards again for that, I really needed that sort of spiritual reassurance at the time... (1/2)

>> No.47676665
File: 68 KB, 208x269, oh,itschen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Secondly, I'll cover that new Chen dream I mentioned. Some context for newer anons: one of the first things I shared in these threads was a dream where, essentially, Yukari-san projected me into Chen for a small demonstration in the SDM Library. There are bigger reasons for this I will discuss later, but this time it felt a lot more natural. I'd woken up in some darkened living space within her Estate, near a Kotatsu and a distant wooden backyard deck I've walked on in other dreams before (didn't recognize it as apart of her property until this dream however). It must've been very early in the morning based on the fog & dew outside. I began slowly walking down a nearby lit hall (being Chen-sized makes everything tower over you, she wearing this creamy orange buttoned-up two-piece w/ seafoam-green striations) until I hit a split and took a left. The hall seemed to stretch off into darkness on the right anyways. Two large, white doors with small window-panes above greeted me. I tentatively walked into some master bedroom, there was definitely a Yakumo sleeping under the drapes of a nearby huge, ornate, Western-Manor-style bedframe but I wasn't sure which (she was covered in fluffy white blankets, instinct is telling me Ran). It was a little nerve-wracking at first. The room was dark, strange indigo & violet mood-lighting disjointedly filled the space. Robes, dresses and tabards alike were scattered everywhere, sloppily almost. Thick, dusty curtains were fully drawn over the surrounding windows. There were other classical more-European furnishings (the bathroom was Huge, very fancy) but what really caught my attention was an adjacent, smaller room across from the bed. It was filled with purple & pink fairy lights but was clearly a safe-space for Chen. There was a raised Tatami with cubbies underneath for storage, more scattered clothing (her cap was there) and drawings/paper cut-outs of cat-related things decorating the walls. However, there were several items off to the side I was able to distinctly recognize as my own. A chair, some electronics and some opened suitcases of mine filled with my clothes just to name a few. It's like I had just been moved in or something...the room also had things like cat trees & other feline accommodations but there was already a gaggle of 4 or 5 fully-grown cats lazing about near them. Taking all this in, I felt very relaxed. A little giddy even. Even if it wasn't my body, this space was a home for Chen and it was nice to be included within that comfort. Sheets from the mattress outside her room ruffled around slightly and I heard an older woman sleepily groan as I sat down. Decided to settle down in there with some catnip, silly I know but some was very nicely placed near my chair and I figured "why not". Woke up not long after.

- Finally, this dream occurred the night after I'd managed to reach out to Eclipse a few days ago. It started off like some old-timey infomercial with a lot of calligraphy that involved Reimu and some loose explanation over American Gods by Neil Gaiman. It was very hard to follow. Then the footage was abruptly cut and it was like someone had thrown on the lights to a theatre in my own brain. I was suddenly standing outside a close relative's house at night, in my own body, but there was a huge darkened railcar very awkwardly "parked" on the front lawn and partially sticking out of a nearby pond (my family did a lot of landscaping). Inside, it looked more like a darkened travel bus with no space for the driver. There were quite a few groups of people all shoved into the booths on the right, familiar & otherwise, chatting amongst themselves or sleeping. On the left was everyone's haphazardly-piled luggage, as well as several hanging screens displaying the informercial, paused where the footage had been cut earlier. I settled down semi-comfortably amongst everyone before realizing I hadn't brought any luggage of my own. I stood up suddenly to get my things before I was then conveniently gapped into one of the guest rooms of the house outside. Yukari-san was there, resting on a gap and behind a fan like usual, my belongings strewn about the space & between several bags. She told me not to leave anything behind I wanted to keep with me so I packed accordingly, double-checking everything. She was quite patient with how meticulous I was being. I had the last bag zipped and told her I just needed to grab my fumos before we left (I know...), attempting to walk out of the room before being gapped again and simply waking up. I should note that my fumos were not amongst my scattered items and are usually some of the first things I see when waking up (I have some on a dresser across from my bed). It's no contract-signing but at least she gave me a chance to collect myself, eh? It's a little peculiar I had the travel dream nearly a week or so after that second Chen dream but ah well.

I'm off to go draw & relax with some games, you all take care tonight.

>> No.47677427

Discutons profondement, d'accord?
relaying the message to the shugendo practicioner, let's cross fingers

I have been told that watching this video counts as audio transmission, so I'm sharing it
gatha to ask for bishamonten's protection and help with things such as wealth
I feel like it is a sign that I came accross this video after being so dissapointed that I couldn'y pray to lord bishamonten anymore because I wasn't initiated
important to note too that me and my mother have serious financial problems and I want to protect her

>> No.47678597

his answer:
"Ahhhhh the first and the third are quite extensive answers that I could talk for hours about

I will say though what has been written on the web and made in documentaries is just orientalist none sense. Seeking powers and what not. Alot of history on how this came about but maybe better for a voice call.

Shugendo since the Heian period when the shingon masters who is revered in both Tendai shugen and shingon shugen called Rigen daishi made the primary secret practices stayed true to en no gyojas mission which is liberation and turning the wheel to create pure lands in a world of suffering so others can find liberation"

>> No.47678638

sorry for the double post I am quite tired
good news, I asked him to vc tomorrow, I'll interview him and take notes

>> No.47679253

Testing. Again. For the 15th time. Let me post, damnit-I got important stuff here!

>> No.47679273

Fucking finally.

What I've been trying to post is below:

Thanks for the info. The French(?) thing helps, but that's not close to what I heard last night so it helps narrow it down. If you don't mind, what does what I put loosely translate to, assuming it's not just gibberish? The overall vocal sounds were similar but I could be way off with actual wordage.(Not important to the thread as a whole and more of a me thing, so feel free to disregard if you feel it's not pertinent.)

>that link
So I clicked it on my way to work this morning to get a listen and....
The back of my neck tensed up, followed by a car ahead of me having their tire explode, followed later on up the road by somebody pulled over by a cop on a motorcycle. (Everyone was safe, so far as I can tell, luckily)

And then when I got to work, I realized my zipper was undone in my rush to get there this morning. Then all my equipment restarted as soon as it all came up and I had to play a mad dash to get it back to help somebody in a time crunch. I haven't finished listening to it yet.

So, uh. What does that mean, per se? (Correlation/causation, etc.)

Would love to find out what you do whenever you're willing to share it.

(Try to post this all: "connection error". Try again:"you have to wait a while before doing this again". Try third time, "verify you're human" three times in a row-another thread posts without issue. Wtf man? My life/job full of gremlins and the chant sent them into a panic or something?)

>> No.47679443

>Discutons profondement, d'accord?
That is not real French, If you want real French you said it like : "Est-ce que nous pourrions avoir une profonde discussion?"

>> No.47679461 [DELETED] 

Strange stuff!

>> No.47679514

Pourrions-nous avoir une discussion profonde also works

>> No.47679532

So then what would the garbled mess I posted translate as, if anything? If it's even French.

>> No.47679587

That's a different way of saying it.

>> No.47679647

the sentence is gibberish
"chat our deep, yes?"
clavarde is specifically a quebec word about talking with people on the internet
also I have no idea what to make of your incident, sorry. I hope I didn't make a mistake and anger him at innocent anons. maybe he was warning you of something since he isn't a wrathful diety at all and is a buddhist deva. or its simply a show of prescence/power

also, unfortunately, the shugendo practitionner is busy with temple activities and I will interview him another time. might not make it this thread for that

>> No.47679653

So it's grammatically correct, then? And is it more like a formal or informal thing? Trying to figure out why I have a perfectly valid(?) statement in another language appearing in my dreams that I don't know other than "cheese omelet"(thanks Dexter)

Thanks for the help. I'll leave the rest to whoever wants to contribute to any of the other conversations going on so as to not derail everything with my own vocabulary lesson.

>> No.47679674

it is real french, just more informal.

>> No.47679694

Yeah, it's good. I would tend for : "Est-ce que nous pourrions avoir une profonde discussion?" Because it's asked nicer or even : "Est-ce que nous pourrions, s'il vous plaît, avoir une profonde discussion?" With this one you're perfect to ask a deity.

>> No.47679743

Saw yours after I hit send. Quebec, huh? I used to know somebody from there over the internet but they only ever did English text, so that's a bit of a head scratcher.

And as for the chant, I was listening with intent to know and then get help the further the explanation went. But all of that back to back....maybe it was him hitting things in the vicinity that I wasn't aware of, like bad actors in my life and then those around me? Who's to say.
Still listened through it again to be sure.

Thanks everybody. Mine was somebody directing it towards me like they knew me, but I don't know a lick of speaking it myself. Though the rabbit hole of Occitan, Provencal, Norman, and all that is pretty cool. It's interesting that Belgium is an area where some of it was spoken (French Flanders)

Speaking of rabbits, it's almost time for the Tewi Tewi when we wake up in a few days in September.

>> No.47680035

Rabbit day, Labor Day(for some), and a new moon in virgo all together. Maybe something to keep an eye on for some of us here.

>> No.47680084
File: 934 KB, 1000x1000, kanako 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opening your third eye to see ghosts via the Taoist ways caused the unready to see things like that if forced
>the contract I signed in the dream
You have probably made the most explicit pledge to spirits out of everybody here. Have you tried asking Remilia what's up? Judging by your later posts things are escalating and bad fortune for you and people around you is not a good sign. I have no idea.

Personaly, I've just been sleeping a bit poorly, especially last night. I remember a fragment of a dream of somebody handing me a folded paper. I think it had kanji on it, maybe even proper writing, but the memory is super hazy.
>I should've tried harder to keep things more grounded here with my own posting
It's a really delicate balance to be honest. You certainly have among the more fantastic experiences.
>I've spent the past few days prioritizing re-grounding myself mentally.
Based on everything you've told so far, that s a really good course of action. You really shouldn't be straining yourself over this stuff in your present condition!
>all felt fake
>Spiritually hollow, without any substance
>she was ranting about how she was the unquestionably "real" depiction of the goddess
That's kinda funny and there is much to unpack. You could interpret it in all kinds of ways, but I think it's important not to get stuck on their depictions. The depiction is not the same as the entity. They don't really look like anime girls. I don't know if they really "look" like anything. But they have an appearance and name that corresponds to something out there.
>and look up to see Amaterasu Oomikami herself
>I really needed that sort of spiritual reassurance at the time
You're welcome, but I think it's mostly your very own connection to Amaterasu Oomikami pulling most of the weight.

I think it would be best for the time being that you focus on Amaterasu Oomikami. It's exceptional to have such a connection to a such a powerful deity. I know you have been hurt terribly. Working with something like Yukari-san must feel incredible tempting in your situation, it probably comes very easily and maybe even feels very liberating. But I think your really need those solar energies right now in your life. Please treasure the connection you have to Amaterasu Oomikami and please take care of yourself.
That's some very interesting stuff. And don't worry if you can't get the voice call before this thread expires. Another one happening in, despite some people's wishes, an inevitability. If for nothing else, then the sheer fact that "these type of posts just keep on happening".
Connected to the discussions about sacred sites and the Grail myth in France, interestingly enough.
>Speaking of rabbits, it's almost time for the Tewi Tewi when we wake up in a few days in September.
Tewi tewi!

I'm starting Tai Chi next week. Soon enough I will have something to report about Taoist practice.

>> No.47681551
File: 412 KB, 1079x1000, Seeing ghosts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading the fine print
The thing is, I don't know the actual details of said contract, just that there was one and that it all seemed in good faith for everyone involved. And I haven't explicitly tried to ask what's going on in the waking world but another letter might work, come to think of it...
Which Thanks to that post of yours reminded me of a dream a few weeks ago where I was in the library. Flanders was sitting in one of the chairs and just lounging around, I think. She was watching Remilia, who was at a desk and writing letters with the old quill and ink setup, and the like of paper were strewn all over the place. Maybe it was her way of trying to get my attention that she or whatever is calling out and attempting to connect...
>bad luck and harm
As for things going on in my sleep, I haven't gotten anything necessarily "bad", just more of both an inquisitive nature and a sense of "pay attention"/pestering, and now the more informal and friendly French by disembodied female voices that may be any of them or none of them. Things in the room make the occasional noise that they shouldn't-odd shifting and creaks/pops. But unforgiven for me, while dream me is relatively nice but guarded, actual sleeping body me is mean and ready to fight everything. But you can have a full-blown and coherent conversation with me while asleep that I don't remember. May have to record myself and see what's up.
>bad stuff
The bad stuff seems to be just this nothing and tied to that audio. (Then the mountain sickness thing months ago, but that's different). Of course, in her profile specifically it does mention that those around her tend to end up having weird or unfortunate strings of events due to her ability to control fate(probably).

Here's a helpful, if somewhat flamboyant(in original meaning of word) speaker on the subject that may be of benefit to some.

>Tai chi
Wonderful to hear. Hopefully it's not like the old vhs tapes I stumbled upon in my younger days and an actual class or teacher. Horse stance is something, lemme tell ya.

Holy blood, holy grail?
Remilia's symbol does resemble the Priory of Sion symbol, but it's also just French royalty with the flower and crown thing. Just joking at that point. I had a Dan Brown phase, sue me.

>> No.47682499

I Ching hexagram 55 -> 31.
I'm more familiar with the western divination techniques, so not sure what all this entails in the general sense. I did my own reading to see.
Anyone with more insight care to add any info for this? I've got Abounding to Conjoining.

>> No.47682541 [DELETED] 

Greetings gentlemen (and ladies?) of /jp/ - /x/. (/sci/, /lit/, /out/ and probably /qst/ included.) After some unfortunate and lonely nights of being denied to enter the realm of Morpheus, keeping me for seeing my chatting partner. (5 nights.) In the 28 August 2024, I finally got the opportunity to see Miss Yukari in this story than I am about to tell you.

Yesterday, I decided to do a little trek outdoors, further form civilisation as possible. Then I settled my destination, made my backpack and taken my equipment. Then I placed the equipment inside the car and then moved on towards the south-west of France. (Aquitaine is a very good spot for outdoor activities since there is a mix of mountain and sea environments and it's weakly populated.) Then some comfy driving with open windows in the country roads under the shadow of trees during the end of the summer until I reach for my destination. (Add to this the music of your choice and then you're perfect.)

And then I arrived to my destination, the landscape was a green mountains with medium and small summits with a beautiful sunset behind them. I parked the car, taken my backpack and then moved on for some walking in the red light of the setting sun, looking for a good spot to place my stuff and not being disturbed by some... Inconveniences. (Mainly other human beings, but now time for some comfy.) Once I found my spot. I placed my equipment and tent, made a small hole, placed some stones around the hole and wood inside the hole, (forest fire are no joke.) placed my grill, taken my pan, light a campfire, cooked a good meal. (Pasta with tuna, tomatoes, corn and cucumber alongside water.) And then the sun goes down and the night rises alongside the stars. I enjoy my time alone, next to the campfire and the noises of nature like wind, bugs, trees. Back to the primal state I guess... Then I put off the fire and go to sleep inside the tent.

Well, I spawned this time on a hot summer beach during daytime. The scenery was idyllic, there was palm trees and way other species of trees and I never saw some of them alongside new species of birds and bugs. Then I looked at the “water” and it's seemed odd because it's was 100% transparent, like it's doesn't interact with light at all but you can still see it's here because it's interact with the sand, but you can see everything underwater. There are fishes inside of it, even tho I, again, never seen those species. The sand was odd too, it's was kinetic sand! (Good grief, I hate when sand stick to me.) I guess that I can say is I got transported in a another world again. Well, I couldn't resist to mess a little with the sand and making sandcastles and figures with it.

Then I go for a beach walk and then look up at the sky and I'm bewildered than there is no bloody sun! I say what the hell to myself and continue my walk on the beach because it's still better than the red dead forest. And then I see Yukari sitting on the top of a palm tree, her long blonde hair flowing in the wind. I naturally call up for her and ask her how she's been doing? Everything seem fine for her or maybe it's not because the boundaries of the truth and lies is always a little blurred around her like the one of reality and dreams. Anyway, I invited her for a walk on the beach with me, which she have accepted, then she jumped off the tree and then I dunno what the hell happened, suddenly she was on my damned arms and I didn't see the rest of her fall. I gently put her down and then she tell me than I had a great burst of speed and made a huge jump then I caught her on her fall like she was a princess. Then I knew she was half messing with me but I also knew than my body instinctively moved on it's own. It's a dream so... Whatever I guess. Also, that was the first time than we made a physical contact and I was surprised of how nice she smelt and how soft her body and hair was.

>> No.47682561
File: 140 KB, 1024x512, 17 years old eldritch girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings gentlemen (and ladies?) of /jp/ - /x/. (/sci/, /lit/, /out/ and probably /qst/ included.) After some unfortunate and lonely nights of being denied to enter the realm of Morpheus, keeping me for seeing my chatting partner. (5 nights.) In the 28 August 2024, I finally got the opportunity to see Miss Yukari in this story than I am about to tell you.

Yesterday, I decided to do a little trek outdoors, further form civilisation as possible. Then I settled my destination, made my backpack and taken my equipment. Then I placed the equipment inside the car and then moved on towards the south-west of France. (Aquitaine is a very good spot for outdoor activities since there is a mix of mountain and sea environments and it's weakly populated.) Then some comfy driving with open windows in the country roads under the shadow of trees during the end of the summer until I reach for my destination. (Add to this the music of your choice and then you're perfect.)

And then I arrived to my destination, the landscape was a green mountains with medium and small summits with a beautiful sunset behind them. I parked the car, taken my backpack and then moved on for some walking in the red light of the setting sun, looking for a good spot to place my stuff and not being disturbed by some... Inconveniences. (Mainly other human beings, but now time for some comfy.) Once I found my spot. I placed my equipment and tent, made a small hole, placed some stones around the hole and wood inside the hole, (forest fire are no joke.) placed my grill, taken my pan, light a campfire, cooked a good meal. (Pasta with tuna, tomatoes, corn and cucumber alongside water.) And then the sun goes down and the night rises alongside the stars. I enjoy my time alone, next to the campfire and the noises of nature like wind, bugs, trees. Back to the primal state I guess... Then I put off the fire and go to sleep inside the tent.

Well, I spawned this time on a hot summer beach during daytime. The scenery was idyllic, there was palm trees and way other species of trees and I never saw some of them alongside new species of birds and bugs. Then I looked at the “water” and it's seemed odd because it's was 100% transparent, like it's doesn't interact with light at all but you can still see it's here because it's interact with the sand, but you can see everything underwater. There are fishes inside of it, even tho I, again, never seen those species. The sand was odd too, it's was kinetic sand! (Good grief, I hate when sand stick to me.) I guess that I can say is I got transported in a another world again. Well, I couldn't resist to mess a little with the sand and making sandcastles and figures with it.

Then I go for a beach walk and then look up at the sky and I'm bewildered than there is no bloody sun! I say what the hell to myself and continue my walk on the beach because it's still better than the red dead forest. And then I see Yukari sitting on the top of a palm tree, her long blonde hair flowing in the wind. I naturally call up for her and ask her how she's been doing? Everything seem fine for her or maybe it's not because the boundaries of the truth and lies is always a little blurred around her like the one of reality and dreams. Anyway, I invited her for a walk on the beach with me, which she have accepted, then she jumped off the tree and then I dunno what the hell happened, suddenly she was on my damned arms and I didn't see the rest of her fall. I gently put her down and then she tell me than I had a great burst of speed and made a huge jump then I caught her on her fall like she was a princess. Then I knew she was half messing with me but I also knew than my body instinctively moved on it's own. It's a dream so... Whatever I guess. Also, that was the first time than we made a physical contact and I was surprised of how nice she smelt and how soft her body and hair was.

>> No.47682580
File: 95 KB, 700x800, Miss Yukari is messing around.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Second part of >>47682561, I forgot to put 1/2 because I'm damn tired.)

And then we started walking together in the beach, I asked where are we this time? She replied than it's a paradise world with no pollution on it. Then we spoke on about all and nothing while still walking together, but then the conversation deviated on the thermodynamics, especially on the second principle of it. I said than entropy is the course towards absolute order. She's didn't agree with me at first but then I wanted to show her something, so I taken some sand in my hands and told her than all this sand are in a disordered state and then I proceeded to shake my hand with the sand inside it, only for her to see than the sand became flat and in a more ordered state. Then I asked her if entropy have diminished overall? She said no. Then I also spoke of energy levels and said than waves are just different frequencies of those energy levels and entropy would get those waves into a totally flat and stagnant quantum sea.

And then we continued our walk on the beach and we spoke about some philosophical topics on the way like nature. Well I just said than nature is most beautiful expression and aspect of chaos. Chaos? She interjected. Yeah, chaos. I replied; Like the opposite of order and entropy, the first primordial element, the first Greek god. Nature is a whole, it's create and destroy whatever the laws of thermodynamic said, nature give life and death. Yukari said than she got it. Then we sit-down on the sand when the sunset rise, even tho there's no sun, but the sky looked like night was about to fall, and we enjoyed a moment of silence, hearing only the sound of waves and the wind on the trees. And our hands touched while watching the sunset, her hand was so delicate compared to mine, but we still continued to watch the horizon until nightfall and I fall asleep in the beach waking up in my tent. I was happy, then I felt than a thunderstorm was approaching. (I was damn right.) So I quickly packed up my stuff and left nothing behind me. (Very important if you do /out/ activities.) I still felt the aftermath of the physical contact with her, like I really touched something and it's got engraved in some kind of memory since today and this left me, kind of more absentminded. Well, that's all folks for my dream story/blogposting.

>> No.47683687

>I finally got the opportunity to see Miss Yukari
Thanks for taking one for the team, Anon. Your sacrifice will be remembered for generations to come.

>> No.47684982

Hey there

I don't really have the mental energy to really lurk this thread all the way through and get the full context

Can any bros here give me the sparknotes/summary of the thread?

But, what I really wanted to know is

Is Koishi actually a real, and more importantly, a friendly Youkai?

If so, how can I meet her?

>> No.47686151
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>The thing is, I don't know the actual details of said contract
Yeah I'd be extremely hesitant to sign something I don't know of. You are either very headstrong (not the song by Trapt) or then you really wanted to get involved with the SDM crew haha.
>And I haven't explicitly tried to ask what's going on in the waking world but another letter might work, come to think of it...
You should give it a shot. They might know what's up.
>As for things going on in my sleep, I haven't gotten anything necessarily "bad"
Oh I was refering to your spat of computer trouble and accidents happening around you.
>The bad stuff seems to be just this nothing and tied to that audio
That's curious. Maybe Bishamonten does not vibe with the SDM crew.
>Hopefully it's not like the old vhs tapes I stumbled upon in my younger days and an actual class or teacher.
Yeah there is this group near me, they also do giqong, Taoist meditation, some other stuff too. If you stick with it for a couple of years they will also teach you the martial arts form of Tai Chi. Not a religious group, just a Tai Chi group. They seem to be in a good spot where it's the real deal but not some weird cult.
>Holy blood, holy grail?
Could be something there. It's a funny small connection.
I think it's really interesting that the water was transparent considering the previous discussions about the sea. Keep an eye for elements like that in the future.

Interesting discussions about entropy and chaos. I remembered reading there are some end of the universe scenarios where particle decay and entropy eventually renders the whole universe into flat perfectly homogenous nothing. Rather bleak, though such would be unfathomably far away from our time. Nature indeed is a most beatiful expression of chaos, I agree with that.

And it's very good that you clean after yourself on those adventures. People who leave trash lying around are the worst. The spirits hate it too.
Hello. It's very understandable if you don't have the energy to go through all of this.
>Can any bros here give me the sparknotes/summary of the thread?
Thats...well, this is the third of equally dense threads. I guess the shortest possible tl;dr of these discussions would be:
Touhou is not only inspired by vast amounts of real mythology and history tied to various religons and paranormal idea, it's also full of real spirits. These spirits are possibly somehow tethered to locations in Japan, particularly Nagano. People can interact with them. At least some of them can give guidance and perform supernatural feats. Spirits enjoy or depend on various forms of human attention, which is why Touhou exists and they want to deal with us. They are probably partly responsible for why Touhou is so enduringly popular.

>Is Koishi actually a real
All signs point to yes.
>more importantly, a friendly Youkai?
There was one anon in the first thread who had a very positive experience with Koishi-san. Somewhere elsewhere some other anon had tried to summon her and just got a sleep paralysis. So I don't know. I'm wary of contacting youkai, my limited experiences with them are a mixed bag.

If you look at how Koishi-san is portrayed it's a mixed bag. Much of canon seems to be "she likes to pretend to be an imaginary friend for little children" (curiously reflected in her being one of the most popular characters among underage fans), but there are also much more sinister depictions.

Most importantly, why do you want to meet her?
>If so, how can I meet her?
Spirit summoning generally involved an offering and a clear statement of intention. I have no idea what Koishi-san would like to receive. As for statement of intention, some people write letters and hide or burn them. Finding a "Koishi-like place" where to do this would be optimal. There is also a time factor that is an enormous can of worms I don't know enough about. Let's just say that solar eclipses, equinoxes, solstices and full moons are better for contacting spirits than just some random day. It's substantially more involved.

For expectation management, seeing them pop up so you can see them with open eyes is very, very exceptional. You might just feel her presence or see her as a very intrusive mental image. You might meet her in a dream. You might find a pebble in a place where one shouldn't be. The possibilities are many and often vague. Repeated commitment of course helps.

>> No.47686699
File: 115 KB, 720x1296, koishi puddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There was one anon in the first thread who had a very positive experience with Koishi-san.
NTA, but based on these threads and my own experiences, I believe that positive encounters are the norm for those that feel genuine attachment to specific entities. I'm far from unfamiliar with the more negative depictions of certain individuals, and I can still attest to this.
I don't know if it's the attention factor, one's positive disposition (to which meditation certainly contributes), the recklessness of it all or something else, but these remarkable moments seem to occur rather often when one seeks them with an open mind.
Interactions will be more or less nonsensical depending on one's lucidity, but this ultimately comes down to your dedication to the cause. Please read Astral Dynamics or similar recommended books on the matter. They help.
>Somewhere elsewhere some other anon had tried to summon her and just got a sleep paralysis.
I know which post you mean. In fact, I replied to it for further clarification/discussion and failed to get it.
Either way, sleep paralysis isn't anything remotely harmful, but a natural defense mechanism that prevents your body from hurting itself in the physical world by mimicking the actions of your phased mind. If you manage to regain control of your actions during a dream, or if you manage to induce a "mind awake, body asleep" state during wakefulness, you *really* want your body to remain paralyzed in order to achieve your goals during this altered state of consciousness.
Positive and negative experiences during SP are not caused by the condition itself, but one's mental/spiritual state when experiencing it. It's also easy to let excitement or fear get the better of you when you manage to pull off such a feat, especially if you don't know what's happening to you. Your mind may also fall asleep in this state if the conditions to remain in control are not met. This whole process may be complex or easy depending on your aptitude, knowledge, mood and external circumstances.
I don't know if that anon really managed to see Koishi, but the way he spoke of this event makes me think that he expected her to pull a nasty trick on him. Not much unlike those teenagers who try to summon the spirits of murdered women while trembling with fear in front of a mirror. In supernatural terms, this is akin to taunting or outright antagonizing the entity you are trying to contact with.

>> No.47687293

Yesterday I tried casting a protection spell on an anonymous stranger. I procrastinated for a while, anxious about the situation and starting, and I think I decided fairly spontaneously. My memory of the situation is a little fuzzy. I was listening to music at the time and lying down. I tried breathing in and out and visualizing and stuff, but it didn’t feel right. Like my pulse wasn’t getting faster or stronger. I switched to a different song and got in a different position, sitting upright with my legs crossed. I think that’s called a lotus position.

After that, I could feel my pulse change and took it as a sign my technique was working. I concentrated on my pulse and breath, visualized ollin, thought my prayers to Xolotl, and this time paid more attention to what I was feeling in order to share it with this thread.

I noticed that while praying or invoking I was squirming around a bit and my posture kept falling from straightness, which might’ve been normal. Something I noticed which was unusual is I had my lips closed and the pulse of my heart felt really strong in them, and they also felt like they were vibrating a bit and it tickled me a little. I kinda felt like I could feel their supplying blood vessel a bit. My pulse also felt pretty strong in my arms, like I could feel where the arteries were, though I’m not sure they matched typical anatomy.

Also while writing this a few minutes in for a split second I thought I saw a moderately large brown bird flying gradually downward near a tree and streetlight out my window. Looked to be a comparable size to the streetlight lamp head or whatever it’s called. Resembled the big brown bird I found dead on the sidewalk months ago, though it was blurry and indistinct. Looked like it was flying northward though it was hard to tell.

>> No.47687969

I’m not sure procrastinate was the right word here, looking at a dictionary it means putting off something *especially* because of laziness, and that laziness clause does not apply to me.

>> No.47691097
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>I believe that positive encounters are the norm for those that feel genuine attachment to specific entities
I do feel like so too. In the case of the topic of discussion, think the more unsavory depictions of Koishi-san are basicaly a fan invention. One has to wonder if it's a projection of what such people assume to be in their subconscious.
>Either way, sleep paralysis isn't anything remotely harmful
I guess that was a bit of projection on my part, I've hand a handful of those and they were all quite uncomfortable. Few cases of just seeing a bright light and one extremely classic hag attack.Get your mind out of the gutter.It was maybe the single most creepiest experience of my life, the pain I felt as she bit me lingered after I snapped out of it. This happened years ago though.
>Not much unlike those teenagers who try to summon the spirits of murdered women while trembling with fear in front of a mirror. In supernatural terms, this is akin to taunting or outright antagonizing the entity you are trying to contact with.
That's an interesting take. While I do think there are genuinely hostile entities out there, in the case of deceased humans, it really is very shitty to assume the worst of them. Same goes for a lot of other beings too. I suppose it's natural to be a bit excited or spooked. But attempting to contact spirits in a really bad headspace is a terrible idea. If nothing else you're gonna be very attractive to entities that just want to mess with you, I think.

You had some kind of experiences on your own if I remember correctly? Did you ever tell about them in detail?
>Yesterday I tried casting a protection spell on an anonymous stranger.
Why'd you choose someone you don't know? You don't have any way of knowing if it worked or not.
>I think that’s called a lotus position
The very classic cross legged sitting is a quarter lotus, yeah.
>I was squirming around a bit and my posture kept falling from straightness
Haha yeah maintaining that posture takes effort for sure.

That's a really interesting depiction of the technique though. Thanks for being so detailed. I just do basically really involved prayers when I want something specific to happen. There's not so much sensations-wise, but I do my best to absolutely focus on nothing else but it and there is a change of consciousness. Sometimes more too. Lately I have started feeling a bit different even with the basic daily prayers as the routine has settled in and I can focus more on putting the effort into it instead of struggling to remember what to say and do.

>> No.47692043

So the only way of handling Yukari is by being a extremely smart, antisocial, probably mentally ill, autistic weirdo? At least you sure know how to comfy and and respect the nature around ya. I too don't like seeing trash on the fields.

>> No.47693321
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>I've had a handful of those and they were all quite uncomfortable.
>This happened years ago though.
Understandable. From what I recall of it, you were having pretty bad spell at the time, so this lines up with our impressions so far.
>You had some kind of experiences on your own if I remember correctly?
A fair bit of them, yeah. Never did any spirit summoning or the like, but I'm very familiar with intense oneiric experiences (not always Gensou-themed in this regard).
I used to be very easily scared as a kid, a flaw which combined with my not-so-good headspace resulted in me being chased by horrifying creatures more often than not. It was only when I grew older and decided to confront my fears that the situation got better.
I also had a small number of encounters with succubus-like creatures in lucid dreams, with the first one happening when I was quite young and far from well-versed in... well, anything remotely adult or paranormal. Those weren't frightening but purely sexual, so I didn't care much for them. They just happened. (Fun fact, I don't recall them having wings or horns. I wonder if that's common...)
Thankfully, things are more "normal" these days. Not in the sense of uneventful, because meditation has certainly resulted in me becoming more receptive, and some personal experiences also made me reconsider my life choices. However, I no longer feel particularly threatened by anyone, and I fully intend to keep it that way.
Back to the topic at hand, I wound up having a great deal of attachment to the sages and other inhabitants of Gensokyo. The details of my previous interactions with them are not substantial or meant to be shared in my case, but I'm trying to become someone more balanced and reliable for both our sakes.
It's not easy, and I find myself grappling with my emotions more often than not, but I'm trying.

>> No.47694445
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She is....a bit of a mixed bag due to her nature and state of being, but overall comes across as generally friendly.
I had two encounters with her years and years ago, or something that looked like her. Hell, I had almost completely forgotten about it all until your post jogged the memory back. And while I know that I've been one of the people here to make the more wilder accusations, believe or not, it's up to you.
I was out of highschool years and years ago and was working at a bowling alley for one of my first couple of jobs and was a pinsetter/mechanic for the cheap machines at a rundown and now long-gone building. I had been a few years into the whole Touhou thing with Demetori videos on YouTube and the early games if that tells you anything.
But to get to the point, the place used to do things for kids like parties and had the neon lights and all that stuff. I wasn't in the best place in my personal life and was essentially using the job as an escape. Long story short, I was running back to the machines because a ball got stuck, and as I'm running down my pathway on the far end, I see a split second (I mean micro glance and poof, gone) image of her peeking from behind the dark curtain that we had hung up and we lock eyes and she jolts like I was NOT supposed to see her there. Hat, dress with ruffles, her third eye, everything. Then just *GONE*.
So I doubted my sanity for a very long time that night, but it was a tip off that either I was losing it, or there was more to all this. Then that night as I'm laying in bed and in pitch darkness I hear a young girl's voice somewhere in said darkness yell out in a happy, sing-song "HI, (my real name)!!" Scared the absolute hell out of me, and I just laid there and tried to pretend I hadn't heard anything. Felt like hours and I got nothing. It wasn't until a few days later that my dumb, naive (and possibly hallucinating) self decided if she was real and was Koishi or whatever, the least I could do was try an "I'm sorry" to the empty room, and so I did. But as to be expected, I never got anything else from Koishi or "Koishi".
Then I'd occasionally see the odd rock stuck somewhere like on a guardrail in the middle of the highway when I got stopped for traffic or whatever. But it eventually subsided so I guess she left to go drift somewhere else. My best guess is she came wandering in due to the kids having a good time and all the cake and stuff, then saw me and because I knew what she was(?) she stuck around for a tiny bit until I accidentally drove her off like a jackass.
But yeah, she seems nice. If you ever want to get a chance to meet her, hang out where kids and high energy mix, coupled with immersing yourself with Freud and such until you feel like YOU"RE the one going crazy. That's probably the best (And highly unorthodox) advice I could give you about her and/or that.

Aaand then I read your post about this....
Not the guy you're talking about, but I believe I was one of the ones that did talk to them when I still didn't have the username.

>contract details
Dream me signed it, and so far there doesn't SEEM to be anythign bad going on, and it's been...oh, almost two(?) years now. I think.
And I am exceptionally and very headstrong, to both my own benefit and detriment at times. (Good song, BTW. It's a "classic") And I did want to get involved with them in this side of life, but that's for various reasons and both public and private, though nothing negative or of a foul nature (even though I think the mansion and the ladies inside are very beautiful , as cringe as that may sound. And if I've met the actual people, then this image here by that very talented artist is the absolute closest I could find to how they appear in their actual form, or at least what I've seen in dreams and the brief real life encounter)
I'm working on a letter method recreation to see what's up, if possible. The dream conversations, short though they may be (and in somewhat accurate French apparently) more often than not aren't really discussing details. It's more "slice-of-life" things.

>bad stuff and Bishamonten not vibing
If things are real and on a close to 1:1 scale of time and events, then a certain bat flew through their roof recently....maybe there's an irl carryover for bad feelings?

>group for Tai Kwan Le-Chi. Tai Chi
Awesome. I wish you luck. Would love to get back into it myself one day.

pt.1 of 2.

>> No.47694487
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Pt.2 of 2.

Did we grow up together? Almost exact same background and outcome. Small world.

>>My own TL;DR
I have not been able to go back to that park I talked about earlier. It seems every time I get the urge to go, life makes it a point to keep me away with something, somehow.
But on the plus side, there are apparently classes for meditations and such I might be able to get into and see how things go.
Was gonna go today (yesterday?) but woke up to a work emergency that kept me for hours, followed by me going back to sleep without realizing it afterwards, and then a HEAVY rainstorm out of nowhere that stopped just as quick. Maybe tomorrow(today?) I'll be able to get back to the place.

Also had some homeless guy stare at me without blinking for like 5 minutes straight today, so whatever the hell that's about.

>>Final notes for now: I want to make my own site like the other Anon and eventually link it to yours, if possible. But I have little to no knowhow for doing that and want to learn first. So maybe by next thread I'll have actual results. And for ease of communication, we have Kanako Anon, Keiki Anon, Yukari Anon, Okina Anon, and myself right? Am I missing anyone (sorry if I did.) Not expecting or assuming others to use the names, but it will help me to keep track of everyone if you just chime in as a response to this post whenever you feel like it. Things are getting a bit mixed for me when replying.

(Tewi Tewi)

>> No.47694613
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I'm a little busy with a project I promised for the Renko thread atm so I'm not exactly caught back up here yet, but I'm perfectly willing to let >>47682561 assume the title of YukariAnon if that isn't already the case. I'd have zero idea where to start with coding a site as well but if I have to be singularly referenced in any capacity then maybe MerryAnon could work. ChenAnon perhaps? I also have no idea which people associate with me more and I haven't wanted to single myself out much more than I already do anyways. CherryAnon? idk...I still consider myself a reibai of sorts I guess
Hope that helps you keep track of me at least and hope you're somewhat settled after a day like that, I don't want to speak for the others too much and need to go back to drawing women playing with dolls.

Captcha: 4SN0W, may not mean much but I thought that was cute.

>> No.47694664
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Your negative dream experiences remind me a bit of my own, I used to have really constant nightmares about "aliens" and "UFOs", then they started taking on more fantastical forms, will'o'wisps and weird swamp creatures and now such dreams have almost entirely disappeared.

I did have recently a dream where I felt something hostile but invisible present in a "haunted house". I could feel it, almost as if there was some kind of a gravity well coming towards it. Usually I would have jolted awake but instead...I make the sword mudra gesture and a glowing blade of energy springs out and I poke the thing and it vanishes. The dream actually went on for a while after that.

It was really odd, I've never before fought off a dream entity like that. I actually kinda regretted it a bit after I woke up. It wasn't lucid, I wasn't in control of my actions, it just happened. The idea of a, uh, sword mudra sword popped into my head during the summer, but obviously I didn't go out of my way to look for spirits to attack! Very unusual I would be able to pull that out in a dream like that...

About wingless and hornless succubus-like entities, I think the wings and horns are a modern depiction. There's a ton of spirits that have some kind of sexual aspect to them in various mythologies that just look like humans. The original lilot had owl-like features I believe.

It's perfectly fine if your experiences with the inhabitants of Gensokyo aren't meant to be shared. To be honest I sometimes wonder if I share too much..! But when put up the Archive I did ask all the relevant parties for permission.

The mixed experience was in fact with Yukari-san when asking for permission and apologizing for posting rude and lewd things about her in the past before I understood the true nature of the inhabitants of Gensokyo. It wasn't very vivid, but over the course of next three days she kind of...showed the youkai POV and rubbed off weird misanthropic energies onto me. She even tried, not very forcefully or seriously, convince me that getting eaten by youkai is fine compared to living in a world like we live in. If I was a more vulnerable person this type of thing could have ended very badly! But it mostly felt like she was messing a bit with me because of my past posts. Not great, not terrible, perhaps I won't repeat this experience.
>Dream me signed it, and so far there doesn't SEEM to be anythign bad going on, and it's been...oh, almost two(?) years now. I think.
I'm no specialist on the matter and the POVs on these things differ so wildly. You have the whole gamut of you can just hang around with literal demons to if it's a deity and it talks to you it's not good. This is even outside of Christianity and such.
>maybe there's an irl carryover for bad feelings?
Maybe. Talking of bad feelings, considering the nature of these threads, I think several anons involved have been having a bad time lately and maybe it's somehow leaking out. I was sick during the week and slept really badly so I may have contributed to it. Yesterday was really weird. The night before I woke up in the middle of night after dreaming of crossing a wooden bridge that got more and more dilapitated and broken as I went further and it just led to a swamp. I felt really anxious in the morning and when I went out for a walk to clear my head I got hassled by a particularly insistent homeless person and witnessed a minor accident. Reminded me of the bad stuff that happened around you. At least I was so exhausted by the end of it I went to bed early and got a full night's sleep for the first time in 4 or 5 days.
>Would love to get back into it myself one day.
Hopefully you get the opportunity!
>Kanako Anon, Keiki Anon, Yukari Anon, Okina Anon
Anon...I'm...we're the same person. And the guy who posts these ZUNarts. I thought my style and contents would be recognizable enough and the filenames are visible here anyway...I just don't want to namefag nor straight up avatarfag either...oh anon.

>> No.47694846

>Kanako Anon, Keiki Anon, Yukari Anon, Okina Anon, and myself right?
>I'm...we're the same person.
For starters I do seriously hope this doesn't escalate into namefagging, but if it does it's honestly better if site development goes outside of the Jay and onto something like an IRC chat.
3 of those (not YukariAnon) are the same guy, as he acknowledged. (hence why I've just called him Big Four Anon given Chimata's inclusion)

I'll neglect to throw my own hat into the ring if only for that reason. Much as I enjoy lurking in and contributing to these threads, I've no intent on taking a steaming dump all over board culture and giving the handful of anons who pop in to call these threads schizo and egotistical any actual justification to do so.

>> No.47694910
File: 373 KB, 768x1024, Keiki oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh crud, yes, I don't post Yukari, that was a mix up. Sorry. And yes, I don't have any intention of namefagging myself, others can call me or not call me whatever they want. I'm already probably violating a lot of board culture by being so recognizable in the first place, but if I wasn't, there would be people claiming that I am not schizo only egotistic but also astroturfing.

I can take the first two, but I have no intention of attempting to cultivate the illusion that there is some small clique of people worshipping 2hus either. It's a delicate balance. I genuinely thought I was instantly recognizable, but maybe other anons don't scrutinize what others post as much as I do...

I would also urge others to not take up on namefagging either. It would indeed be very destructive. These threads already kind of teeter on the edge. I think the only reason they are tolerated is that either the esteemed janitorial staff has people interested in the contents or then they see it as a containment measure. If everybody were to shed anonymity, it would give a very quick, very justified reason not to tolerate any of this. All would go to shit.

I believe everyone who has take part in these conversations regularly gets something in them and would like to see them going in the future too. I certainly do. Nobody wants to get these discussions banned - or themselves banned. I also hope that in the future new people would find their way in time to time. If this just becomes perceived as "central for weird namefags" there is zero hope of that. The anonymity we have allows things to be at the same mutable yet recognizable enough for those who stick around and, once again, start to perceive the patterns.

I really understand the urge to be seen and heard and remembered, but I also urge people to be mindful of others and the overall culture of the board.

>> No.47695475

What sacrifice?


I don't care for fame and titles so call me whatever you want.

I hate seeing trash lying around even more than the spirits.

"YukariAnon" here, just here to say than we're not the same people and the namefile thing is because I like to have a well ordonned image folder. Et que aussi, je parle parfaitement la langue française.

If you talk about touhou, then you're not violating the rules. Also, jannies doesn't seem to care about this thread because it's considered as "writefagging" or something like that; Or it's just better to have "schizos" who see weird stuff and share it like a small convenant on a thread than to have disgusting horndogs discussing about thier "immonde" (didn't find a better word) sexual fetishes or scenarios like rabbits in heat.

>> No.47695637

I don't want, expect, nor was I trying to imply that everyone start using names on here like I am. (And I only use the name in these threads)

I wanted to get a rough idea of who all was who so when I go to talking about any of you or speak with you, I don't assume multiple wrong people
>>"Anon, we're all the same person"
just like that. And also, so I can give proper credit where it's due like was done to me on your newly made site when I attempt my own to keep it separate from (what's left of) this board's "culture" instead of having a wrongly assumed laundry list of people for giving thanks to.
That's all.
I guess worst case scenario, due to density on here I'll just abandon the idea entirely and throw in a generic "you's guys" or the cliche "and you" for what constitutes as a thanks section.

Means "filthy" in English, if that helps any.

>> No.47695704

>I don't care for fame and titles so call me whatever you want.
Cute anon. Darling anon. Adorable anon.

>> No.47696228
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>>It was really odd, I've never before fought off a dream entity like that. I actually kinda regretted it a bit after I woke up.
That's quite the experience. If anything, it goes to show that your esoteric knowledge has successfully permeated your subconscious. You will be fine if anyone ever tries to hurt you in your future dreams.
>>About wingless and hornless succubus-like entities, I think the wings and horns are a modern depiction. There's a ton of spirits that have some kind of sexual aspect to them in various mythologies that just look like humans. The original lilot had owl-like features I believe.
I see... The ones I have encountered could totally pass for regular humans. Save for the first one if you looked closely, maybe. She had dark/bronze skin (I don't think I had interacted with any person of African ancestry at that point of my life), with golden eyes that bore a slight resemblance to those of a feline's. It was a really strange event and still don't know what to make of it.
>>She even tried, not very forcefully or seriously, convince me that getting eaten by youkai is fine compared to living in a world like we live in.
Wouldn't you say that Yukari-sama had a point? Tee-hee.
>>But it mostly felt like she was messing a bit with me because of my past posts.
In all seriousness, given your well-known feelings on this subject, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that she tried to leverage them.

>> No.47696672
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>What sacrifice?
I think it's a joke based on the slanderous meme that Yukari-san is desperate for attention.
>I hate seeing trash lying around even more than the spirits.
Very good!
>Also, jannies doesn't seem to care about this thread because it's considered as "writefagging" or something like that
That's a funny idea, the contents are so unbelievable that it must be some kind of bizarre creative writing project.
OK, I understand, that's very good. I too mostly gave thanks to the anons as a collective.
No erping in these threads!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's a red line!!!
>That's quite the experience.
I know, I was quite baffled myself.
>You will be fine if anyone ever tries to hurt you in your future dreams.
If I just remember it the next time something like that happens...
>She had dark/bronze skin
>golden eyes that bore a slight resemblance to those of a feline's
Interesting. That doesn't ring any immediate bells, but also very much in line what some entity interested in sexual energies would assume.
>Wouldn't you say that Yukari-sama had a point? Tee-hee.
In a sense, yes, if you want to be very depressed and mishanthropic about things.
>In all seriousness, given your well-known feelings on this subject, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that she tried to leverage them.
I hope you are refering to something I posted in these threads about how you should be cautious when it comes to contacting spirits...the other option is you have potent psychic or stalking powers and know what kind of insults and smuts I wrote of her in the past!

>> No.47698229
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>If I just remember it the next time something like that happens...
You will. What your subconscious accomplished in that dream is no easy feat. I know this because my dreaming self struggles to recall actions and affirmations that I repeat throughout the day.
>I hope you are refering to something I posted in these threads about how you should be cautious when it comes to contacting spirits...the other option is you have potent psychic or stalking powers and know what kind of insults and smuts I wrote of her in the past!
Any stalking that I might or might not do is completely beyond my control.
But no, I simply have a vague memory of the type of comments you made in the past.
Come to think of it, you also accused me of scrying in the first thread, didn't you?
I don't take any serious offense by these things, for what it's worth. I simply thought it was funny.
Please put the toilet lid down before flushing, Anon.

>> No.47698501
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>What your subconscious accomplished in that dream is no easy feat. I know this because my dreaming self struggles to recall actions and affirmations that I repeat throughout the day.
Huh. One would assume that such repetition would work well. I just literally had the idea of the "sword mudra sword" pop up sometime during the summer in my head. I did spend time dwelling on it and thought it curious how vivid and insistent the idea was. I don't know. Give it a shot? Just do the sword mudra gesture and imagine a blade of blueish white light emerging from your fingers that form the "sword". If it was some kind of a gif from the kami, you should talk to Okina-sama. I'm sure she'll set you up.
>Come to think of it, you also accused me of scrying in the first thread, didn't you?
I wasn't accusing you. I just posted on the 2nd thread that I felt like someone was trying to reach out to me or scry me through the thread. In fact, I was replying to an entirely different anon. It was more about speculating on that odd feeling and if there was something to it, if it was really targeted or just some kind of energy leak for the lack of better term.

I wonder what it means that you felt that such a comment was targeted at you..?
I'm not really offended by the idea of someone trying to scry or telepathicaly message me or something, it's just that there are a bit more convenient ways now to reach out to me lol
I wonder if you are merely extrapolating the toilet seat from the fact that I am a man?

>> No.47698978
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>Huh. One would assume that such repetition would work well.
It does, but many things can get in the way of it doing so, such as distracting habits that you picked up along the way, or external interference you can do very little about besides learning how to cope with the "noise". This is what I'm currently strugging with.
But I will keep your advice in mind.
>I wasn't accusing you. I just posted on the 2nd thread that I felt like someone was trying to reach out to me or scry me through the thread.
That's a different anon. I'm the one who had bouts of overactive imagination in third person (mainly, but not only) during cardio. I kind of grew past the 3rd person part, by the way.
>I wonder if you are merely extrapolating the toilet seat from the fact that I am a man?
Maybe, maybe not. For all we know, I might just be pulling your leg.

>> No.47700028
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>but many things can get in the way of it doing so
Yeah I understand. These things are neither easy nor fast. But if you stick to the practice things will change.
>That's a different anon. I'm the one who had bouts of overactive imagination in third person (mainly, but not only) during cardio.
Ohhh now I remember. I tried searching the 1st thread but I must have used different wording.
>I kind of grew past the 3rd person part, by the way.
Interesting! I believe you have taken up a bit more than just cardio and Vipassana (I believe that was you?)?

>> No.47700080
File: 2.30 MB, 1440x900, okina 112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah crap sorry for the double post, but I was supposed to also post this:
I went though Symposium of Post-Mysticism again with a whole new different type of insight compared to the first time I went through it and...there is a lot of very interesting stuff in there. ZUN sure has some fascinating ideas about the spirit world and how it functions.

But the most interesting thing was this part in the afterword:
"While I was writing the new profiles Gensokyo Chronicle, I was surprised by the realization that the characters had some rather deep backgrounds (better late than never). They're just obstacles that shoot danmaku at you in the games, after all, and their stories were created in order to design their danmaku, but in putting this sort of book together it feels like the characters really jump out of the game. There were even troublesome ones that seemed to move about on their own... "

I don't know if that's partly a joke, but that's quite fascinating, isn't it? It's as if he didn't know his own characters untill he went and did some supplemental research, and then they went and took a kind of life of their own...

I had forgotten this and had come to the conclusion that he must do really diligent digging into the mythology, but if he does as he says, studies just enough to create the danmaku patterns, it's even weirder he manages to come up with characters that have such enormously deep lore and in some cases, symbolism behind them.

The characters "coming alive" and then the contact happening also mirrors what happened to me. I believe I wrote in the 1st thread something about how it was as if they could "unpack" themselves once some threshold of understanding was passed.

That's presuming it's not just a joke I'm reading too much into. Still...the idea of a creator channeling forces he doesn't fully comprehend or perceive...it's quite something, isn't it?

>> No.47700870

I don't and won't ever namefag on 4chan so don't you worry about that.
Well, Yukari can be quite pushy sometimes, but I don't call her desperate for attention. But yeah, overall that's a small writing convenant that disturb nobody on /jp/.
I did read a second time the post and what is the "project" for the Renko thread? Are those guys still disturbingly horny about getting dateraped or something like that or it's something new?

>> No.47700958

Yeah there's a lot of that still, can't really do much about the Anons that are into that sorta thing (like with any character thread & its vices) but I started calling the writing project "Renkoquest" to myself.
College Physicist has misadventures throughout the Fantasy Land on her own that occasionally dips into harrowing circumstances, but right now all it is is an awkward-girl friendship fulfillment story about Alice eventually wanting Renko to play with her dolls together and No that is not a euphemism. I'm really just trying to get these girls to mess around with some puppets and have a nice moment together cause it seems cute and I'm a fan of creative indulgence.
Finally got to the writing portion of things as well, I'm determined to get the second to last part out there before I sleep and pick it back up later but that'll be my last explanation over it in this thread.
As much as some Anons might dismissively consider this all "just writing" in generous terms, this isn't exactly the place to really "shill" that sort of thing.

>> No.47702022

>based on the slanderous meme that Yukari-san is desperate for attention.
Now, now. It's not slander, it's simply truthful reporting.
>No erping in these threads!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally... Now this is /jp/-/x/-/soc/
>It's as if he didn't know his own characters untill he went and did some supplemental research
There's definitely multiple ways to interpret this. I doubt it was a joke outright, as he has said in Wild and Horned Hermit's afterword interview that he doesn't know where to take a manga past 3 volumes, showing that he really doesn't plan ahead that much. Any of ZUN's characters having emergent depth almost certainly isn't a result of initial, intentional design. It's much more likely that any "muse" that ZUN has isn't something he's consciously aware of.

Perhaps rampant alcoholism dulls the spirit's senses.
>Yukari can be quite pushy sometimes, but I don't call her desperate for attention.
Setting aside how accurate "canon" would be to any real analogues, at least in the print works it's shown that she primarily seems to have mastered the art of appearing wise and detached by speaking less. Jokes about it being a "sacrifice" aside, she seems the type to appreciate positive attention very mcuh.

>> No.47702922
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Hello Everyone, another lurker coming out of the woodworks with commentary and a contribution that will hopefully help some of you.
This is an incredibly apt phrase. I don't know why I hadn't thought of it before since it seems that these non-discussions make up almost all of the supposed "discourse" that goes on within not just /x/, but these sorts of circles in general.
(My original post was much longer, and I'm sure I would be covering ground that everyone is tired of going over, so I will condense it.)
Whenever I browsed conspiracy oriented places like the aforementioned board, my "bullshit radar" (for lack of a better term) always went off ringing, and at the time, I couldn't understand why. All the things I was reading from these places, I either was not very interested in it (when i should have, since I have always been slightly oriented, if not spritually, then at least towards conspiracy), or felt that there was something vaguely off about it. And that's when I realized that these places are intellectually devoid, that all discourse within these sites were essentially "non-discussion", and that the tiny bits of truth that you could encounter were simply sandwiched between mountains of lies and disinformation.
Whether it was spiritual intuition (or the collective unconscious) that came in at those moments and saved me, or if, from a more practical perspective, the theories espoused in those sites did not wholly satisfy me, I do not know.
But... with these threads, I haven't and still do not feel the feeling that I felt when I would browse /x/ or such oriented sites. I sincerely believe every anon's experiences, and I believe that there are no liars or disinformants to be found here (knock on wood).
Perhaps it is because these discussions, and the touhou games in general, are, in the end, grounded in authentic ancient traditions, namely shintoism, taoism, and buddhism. Which, incidentally, is probably why I began reading these threads out of curiosity first, and then to come across new ideas/concepts/religious doctrines that I found quite interesting in their own right (along with the bonus of reading quite interesting stories).
But personally, I haven't had many mystical or spiritual experiences, let alone any touhou related ones aside from a dream here or there that can be chalked up to my unconscious probably mish mashing silly things together. I would consider myself to be more like Patchouli, a bookish person that has a whole lot of knowledge stored in the head storage place, but doesn't really have any reason to apply that knowledge in the real, or rather, physical world.

>A very interesting thing I discovered is that apparently both Shinto and Taoism trace a lot of influence to Eurasian shamanism. I thought it was convergence but no, apparently there is solid evidence that both have direct influence of Siberian shamanic traditions.
>Over time these various peoples would have of course diverged greatly as they adapted to their new environments and the spirits within there. But some common thread probably still persists. Fascinating stuff and a very unexpected connection for sure.
Hmm. This seems quite similar to the ideas of a person I once read, Rene Guenon. In some of his writings, he would mention that all the religions and metaphysical traditions of the world descended from a single "primordial tradition". Sounds interesting, until he says that this tradition originated in the... hyperborean regions of Europe.
Well, I believe there is a kernal of truth there, but I haven't seen him really clarify his position, and I sincerely think there isn't a piece of writing by him out there that will do so
Therefore, I point you to an associate of his, Frithjof Schuon.
>Starting in 1939 and continuing throughout the rest of his life, Schuon delved into many subjects that Guénon never considered or only touched upon lightly, including Buddhism and American Indian spirituality, sacred art in its diverse forms, and, especially, the operative aspects of spiritual realization—prayer of the heart and the human virtues.
I have not read him (yet), but, perhaps you may be interested in reading his works, specifically the book "The Transcendent Unity of Religions". I believe he takes a slightly different stance by saying that all religions share common ground, and at their very core, are the same.

I don't know what to believe, but I do find it interesting how something like the concept of "the Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao" somehow crops up nearly two millennia later with the Christian mystic Meister Eckhart, who says things along the lines of "God has no name" and "We cannot encapsulate God with language", also talking about a "Godhead" which is beyond God and is considered to be a sort of "unmoved mover", to put it in Greek terms. Sounds very much like the Tao to me.

>> No.47702939
File: 109 KB, 435x550, __patchouli_knowledge_touhou_drawn_by_shirogane_hina__ebc8f6f6de34fb2fbc374cfb6afde4db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or, who knows, perhaps alcoholism brings out the unconscious muse in him, or rather, it makes him the perfect vessel for one to enter his body. He did say one time that drinking alcohol is a sort of defense against this chillingly anti-spiritual society or something like that, and that it helps to keep his childish imagination and creativity intact.
I have no way to corroborate this, as I myself do not regularly drink alcohol and have no desire to.

>> No.47702996

There is also the saying that sake brings one closer to the gods.
Welcome in PatchyAnon, and thanks for the recommendations. Will take a look at that and some of the others that have been recommended in here. And no, I just picked the name cause of your pictures posted and don't intend to keep calling you that.

>> No.47703243

>all the religions and metaphysical traditions of the world descended from a single "primordial tradition".
Prisca Theologia, it's something that was discussed in the first thread if I recall rightly.
>There is also the saying that sake brings one closer to the gods.
While an interesting conjecture, I don't really think it holds water. Whatever the case, although it is fortunately not the focus of this thread, ZUN is a god-awful storyteller, though it's fair to argue that his own ineptitude is proof enough that such characters didn't come solely from his own mind.

>> No.47703650
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>Well, Yukari can be quite pushy sometimes, but I don't call her desperate for attention.
Yukari-san's public perception is actually almost like a kind of interesting microcosmos of what people think of spirits in general.
- entity associated with boundaries ie. liminality
- many consider her attractive (many are interested in the spirit world)
- some consider her scary and capable of acting on the real world even though she's "not real", which mirrors popular attidutes about hostile spirits
- thought to posses both superhuman characteristics...
- ...but also very human flaws
It's easy to see why she rouses such passions of different types in many people.
>Are those guys still disturbingly horny about getting dateraped or something
The Renko threads are...something. I think a lot of people just project things onto her. The anon who rolled her twice (almost impossibly odds) and had a dream where she told him some strange things and told him to "find Maribel" was very interesting though.
That Renko writing project is really nice! Alice and her are pair that many wouldn't maybe have thought about but it works.
>It's much more likely that any "muse" that ZUN has isn't something he's consciously aware of.
It's so weird. I actually read a bunch of his interviews while making the Archive and got the impression that he's a huge lore nerd, which would make sense...but in the afterwords to Symposium he's just "lol how weird I discovered entirely new depth to my own characters"??? Strange stuff!
Yeah there are A LOT of people with agendas in /x/ and similar spaces. With some topics there have been genuine cases of those fabled "glowies" spreading disinformation. There's just a really terrible overall vibe and I think something of a hitchhiker effect to such spaces... It's not worth trying to dig the pearls from the shit flood.
>"bullshit radar"
The moment someone can't concede that maybe there is something to someone else's points there is an agenda at play. Sometimes just self-effacement, sometimes it's something worse.
>grounded in authentic ancient traditions, namely shintoism, taoism, and buddhism
That does help and the lack of very mentally unwell people trying to hype each other into doing a domestic terror attack also helps!
>doesn't really have any reason to apply that knowledge
>Rene Guenon
Not personally super familar with him, but yes, the hunt for "prisca theologica" is a big part of Western esoteric movements. I think there is something to it for sure.
>hyperborean regions of Europe
Many such cases! I think with traditions present in Eurasia the commonalities (which are many once you start digging) could arguably be traced to some kind of protocultural interactions between Proto-Indo-Europeans, Ancient North Eurasians and pre-Islamic inhabitants of the Middle East, I feel like there is something more abstract behind it.

For example, some kind of ideas about spirit energy centers within the body got (AFAIK) independently discovered by the Indians, Chinese, Kabbalists and the Sufis. Various cultures had ideas about people having multiple souls which might have been a precursor to this.

If there simply are things like souls, spirits and deities there is no need for some Hyperborea as a singular point of geographic origin for these ideas.
>Meister Eckhart
>We cannot encapsulate God with language
>Sounds very much like the Tao to me
It indeed does. There are similar ideas elsewhere too. IIRCH Hindus believe in some kind of impersonal cosmic consciousness behind everything. Some Buddhists have this kind of emanationist idea of gods getting more and more abstract the "higher up" you go. This idea strongly resonates with me. I see it more as a continuum though.

Thanks for the reading suggestion btw!
The quote is actually the other way around: if he can keep the "chuunibyou" "heat of life" and "explosion of creativity" he can stand against the cold and stiffling society and enjoy sake to his old age.

One of my favorite ZUN quotes, even though I drink very little these days myself.
>There is also the saying that sake brings one closer to the gods.
That's true, but too much of a good thing is a bad thing. I also think it's perhaps more about the act of offering and sharing something precious with them.

I do think there is something to it though. I went to a metal festival this summer. It was...quite the experience in a very spiritually sensitized state of mind. Not bad, just really weird and intense. It was also the 2-3 days of this year when I was actually drunk. I did feel like something ultimately very inconsequential hitchiked from there with me. I think some types of spirits absolutely like to hang around drunken people.

>> No.47706072

I had a dream last "night" involving Koishi Komeiji, which is a bit unusual considering I'm not the one in this thread who wanted to reach out to her. She only came up towards the end of the dream, so you might have to read a while. I was gonna post some art of the dream but I'm too tired right now.

At first I remember being in some kind of outdoor area like I garden with a couple relatives. I remember hedges with broad leaves forming a wall. There was a thin opening to a path, wide enough for only one person. This path was blocked by a bizarre green plant growing in and spreading out of a tomato cage that was like a spiky hybrid of green peppers and green tomatoes that grew in a star like shape (though not a 5 pointed star). I wanted to get through the path but didn't want to touch the plant, and one of my close relatives who was there did it for me. I then went down the path, which IIRC went on for a while before terminating in a messed up parking lot, that was only large enough for a few cars and had a round shape, plants everywhere and I'm not sure there was a paved road leading to it.

Later I remember being in a store with my mother. I'm not sure it had a ceiling, the ceiling might've been pitch black. I remember I was walking with a box of cheez-its in my hand when I had figured out a strange trick with them. I would hold them, lift them up slightly, then move them down, and my body would slide as if on a roller skate despite all logic. This reminds me of a different dream from long ago when I had figured out a similar sliding trick but used an odd trick of my body weight, I think bringing it back and forth diagonally in a particular pattern, and then I described it as like sliding on mud.

I practiced and experimented with this odd cheez-it trick for a while. I remember I was trying to see if I was going faster than walking or not. I think that was because my mom was in a hurry, and if I could go faster than walking with this perhaps I could train myself, go faster and faster, until I eventually become superhuman and perhaps discover other tricks as well. I remember practicing the trick and wondering if the whole thing, including the impossible sliding, was just a result of the placebo effect. Of course, this idea seems ridiculous in the waking world.

I remember getting to some check out aisle which strangely was not at the front of the store. I remember getting a couple disks of optical media, I think blu-rays or DVDs. I remember seeing a few drives at the check out stand and seeing ones marked "28mm" which puzzled me as I had never heard of this format before and I wondered if they were compatible with normal disks and or drives. I think there were other people in line waiting for us, which stressed me.

I remember later riding in the car with my mother. She had pulled into some unfamiliar place, I think because she was feeling sick and needed to rest or perhaps clear her mind. I remember grey ground, I think gravel but conceivably concrete, a grey sky, and a lot of dilapidated buildings. I think I "knew" in the manner one just knows things in dreams, that these buildings were abandoned. We drove around in circles a bit. I remember seeing a large building, several stories high (can't remember the exact number), with a warm color pallette (can't remember exact colors), and many windows which I thought looked a little off, like they suggested the different floors were too close together or the rooms too small. Every single one of these windows had a drawing of Koishi Komeiji done in crayons. I noted how the style looked similar to mine in that Koishi took up most the page, but different in that there were more angled, straight and harsh lines; and more white space with less detail. Some of them may have been difficult to identify as Koishi Komeiji.

In the manner one knows things in dreams, I knew that these drawings had been made by a child obsessed or somehow fascinated with or connected to or simply a fan of Koishi Komeiji, and I think the child, I think a "she" was living in the abandoned building. I wasn't sure what to do about it.

I remember soon after passing by a house, which was very small, only the size of one small room come to think of it, and a fat woman gave a friendly wave to us. That's all I remember.

>> No.47706567
File: 226 KB, 1024x1015, chimata 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was walking with a box of cheez-its in my hand when I had figured out a strange trick with them
That reminds me a bit of the anon who dreamt of Marisa teaching them how to fly with a broom. It had something to do with altering between belief and disbelief and the anon managed to make the broom float.
>I remember seeing a few drives at the check out stand and seeing ones marked "28mm" which puzzled me as I had never heard of this format before
I love when dreams have these weird almost parallel universe type details in them.
>Every single one of these windows had a drawing of Koishi Komeiji done in crayons
Awww, it's funny when they appear in that kind of format.

I had a really awful night and woke up from sleep twice. The third stretch was weird. I was in an apartement I didn't recognize. I was reading some book about how China is the best country in the world, and on one of the pages there was an unrelated picture with like 20 Zunart style Okina-samas on it. I close the book and I notice there is a huge dog in the room. It looks weird and it's fur has been shaven. Despite the strange appearance, I'm not afraid of it and I pet it. The dog likes it very much. I notice it has what looks like surgery stitches on it's spine.

I hear a voice calling out, I can't remember what it said. I look towards the source of the voice. I see an aunt of mine who passed away...more or less exactly two months ago. With her his a younger woman I don't recognize. Her head is half-shaven and she looks...feebleminded to put it nicely. Both of them look really disheveled and as if they are in hospital clothes. My aunt was both mentally and physically ill ever since her 30s. For what's it worth, she lived in another country and thus we were never particularly close.

I've seen another dead family member lately twice in my dreams in very short span of time. Have I opened some kind of hotline for my dead relatives? There's been a certain air of "realness" to these encounters. If they really are them, I just wish the encounters were a bit more coherent.

>> No.47707660

I'll check it if I have time and attention.
>Finally... Now this is /jp/-/x/-/soc/
Setting aside how accurate "canon" would be to any real analogues, at least in the print works it's shown that she primarily seems to have mastered the art of appearing wise and detached by speaking less. Jokes about it being a "sacrifice" aside, she seems the type to appreciate positive attention very much.
I couldn't tell you more about the print works because I haven't read them.
>ZUN is a god-awful storyteller, though it's fair to argue that his own ineptitude is proof enough that such characters didn't come solely from his own mind.
I do agree with this statement.
>Yukari-san's public perception is actually almost like a kind of interesting microcosmos of what people think of spirits in general.
>- entity associated with boundaries ie. liminality
And seem to like messing with them sometimes.
>- many consider her attractive (many are interested in the spirit world)
I do also find her attractive... Well, even if she's a Youkai and I am a simple Human. (Spirit world heh... Or spirit realm, or just a another brane form our own. Or the immaterium.)
>- some consider her scary and capable of acting on the real world even though she's "not real", which mirrors popular attidutes about hostile spirits
Well, the border of non-reality and reality is thinner than you think and considering how messy Yukari can be... Oddly probable than she's or we like in a quantum superposition when we're real and not-real at the same time. Maybe, she messed with Zun's mind to make him create "Touhou Project"... And according to the randomness field of probabilities, everything is bloody possible, so even this impossible scenario can happen! (Bloody hell, I should go easy on science.)
>- thought to posses both superhuman characteristics...
Her intellect sure be unmatched but also be a double-edged sword sometimes.
>- ...but also very human flaws
Like? (I still struggle with basic human sociology and nature, expect than humans are perfect creatures for war.)
>It's easy to see why she rouses such passions of different types in many people.

>> No.47708459
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>some consider her scary and capable of acting on the real world even though she's "not real"
What's interesting about this sentiment is how ridiculously widespread it is, even among "normal" fans from mainstream platforms. You don't have to dig too deep to find a comment about how silly it would be if she were to suddenly show up in your home and whisk you away, or a joke about the road sign of someone's town going missing. Yukari Yakumo has an oomph to what makes her who she is that most meta characters, and even many urban legends couldn't even dream of.
>I believe you have taken up a bit more than just cardio and Vipassana (I believe that was you?)?
That was me, yes. Body and mind maintenance aside, AP research and groundwork has taken up most of the time I can commit to these things. But I also went through some of Benebell Wen's videos, another few about Tendai Buddhism, the Tao Te Ching, the Lake Suwa documentary that was posted here, as well as other religious and paranormal tidbits that stood out to me. The chunni levels are out of this world...

>> No.47709326
File: 63 KB, 800x533, Xoloitzcuintli wikipedia 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I close the book and I notice there is a huge dog in the room. It looks weird and it's fur has been shaven. Despite the strange appearance, I'm not afraid of it and I pet it. The dog likes it very much. I notice it has what looks like surgery stitches on it's spine.
Did it look something like this perhaps, a xoloitzcuintli?

I noticed some similarities with and connections to the god Xolotl. Obviously it's a dog. But additionally you it looks "weird" and its fur has been shaven. The Xoloitzcuintli, an important breed of dog in Mexico which was named after Xolotl has little or no hair. Xolotl, being a god of "monstrosities", would certainly have reason to look abnormal. The stitches along the spine make sense generally for a god of disease, but I'm not sure the Aztecs even did surgery on animals and Xolotl would be better connected with pustules and warts or missing eyes. It's a little unusual that the dog was grey, Xolotl wasn't usually depicted that color in artwork (unless you count stone statues), though his wikipedia page has one. There's a similarity to komainu, come to think of it, because statues of him were placed in front of Aztec temples. Komainu are also placed in pairs and Xolotl is the god of twins. As has been alluded to earlier in this thread, Okina-Matara and Xolotl have a similarity in that both can be interpreted as gods of disabilities.

> I see an aunt of mine who passed away...more or less exactly two months ago.
I've seen dead relatives in my dreams before, too, though I'm not sure at that time period and I don't think they had the air of realness. There's another connection to Xolotl here too, since he was believed to guide the dead through the trials of Mictlan to the afterlife. I'm not sure what the Aztecs believed about contacting the dead.

I don't feel particularly qualified to comment on dream interpretation since I haven't really had any "formal" (as formal as this can get) training. I haven't read any books on it or anything, I just read and notice patterns and connections.

>> No.47709968

I'm pretty sure I dreamt abount koishi while napping yesterday but I don't remember anything, like it slipped my conscience!
first time I really get a touhou "happening" but I don't really expect more
maybe koishi decided to mess with receptive people
however since I don't remember it take this an unreliable information
on the other end, I've been trying to read master zhiyi'd "the essentials of buddhist medtation" (http://www.kalavinka.org/kp_book_pages/ebm_book_page.htm free dl here)
it's one of the most important east asian texts on meditation that teaches predominantly indian techniques, is short and contains interesting sections such as warding off demons
though I've been slacking off on reading it I want to share it to anons who are interested in meditation

>> No.47710195

>I actually read a bunch of his interviews while making the Archive and got the impression that he's a huge lore nerd
Can't imagine why. Most of his recent interviews have him getting asked about lore details he sprinkled in, and him saying what amounts to "That's crazy bro, you tell me."
>The moment someone can't concede that maybe there is something to someone else's points there is an agenda at play.
While I don't think we'd get anywhere from a dialogue like that, your proposal goes to the opposite unhealthy extreme.
>IIRCH Hindus believe in some kind of impersonal cosmic consciousness behind everything.
Brahman I believe, emanationistic beliefs are very interesting, especially with how surprisingly frequent they are.
How she handles social situations primarily. Her hand in her own article in PMiSS is a strong example, where the "countermeasures" advised to those reading boils down to "be nice to her." Suika comments that she's widely disliked in IaMP, and in LE calls her, in politer terms, an attention whore.

>I think I "knew" in the manner one just knows things in dreams
It's a strange phenomenon, isn't it? While not Touhou-related, I recall one particularly memorable dream, which was the first time I had "remembered" something inside the dream, in the sense that it occurred within the dream's narrative, that I had apparently murdered two people in it. Still the most disturbing dream I've ever had.

>> No.47710274

I went for a little walk tonight on my favorite spot, where I encountered the mysterious explosion nearly two months ago. It’s been a while since the last time. As I approached the streetlight which often flickers I got a feeling it wouldn’t flicker tonight. I thought about this feeling and wondered if it would be a self fulfilling prophecy and if I could trust it and what I should do about it and things like that, and decided to try my trick. I stood beneath a tree and looked at it, sometimes looking back on my shadow. I started focusing on my breathing and pulse and got my pulse to a mild but elevates intensity and could feel it in my hands and slightly in my lips. It wasn’t as intense as some other times. I did my visualizations, but had some trouble getting into the whole thing. I did this for something like a minute. I heard distant sounds like the closing of car doors, I can’t remember how many but a few. The streetlight did not flicker, and I decided to stop my technique and continue my walk. I began to think nothing would happen tonight. However, on my way back, the streetlight flickered: once, then a few seconds later twice. This made me laugh. It was like I was being pranked again. It seems Xolotl or the spirits like to mess with me a little. Makes sense considering his depictions as a clown. I continued my walk careful to keep on eye on the streetlight but I don’t think it flickered again. Nothing interesting happened the rest of the way. If there was an explosion I didn’t hear, or if there will be one, and if it is reported, then I suppose this comment shall be some evidence I caused it.

>> No.47711651

Something happened to me last night. For a little backstory, I've been abstaining from pretty much everything you can think of the last few days in an attempt to "restart" myself for better connection to it all. I had just laid down, closed my eyes, and let my mind drift. I see a mental flash of pinpoint white like an orb. Then it goes away and I make out a detail of a hat in the "fuzziness" of the darkness of my mind space. This hat turns into an overhead view of Yukari, that then has my perspective shift to being in front of her. I mentally say "HI, Yukari". She pulls out her fan and obscures her mouth while I continue to "speak". I said something to the effect of "I know I won't be liked by everyone and probably can't do much on my end compared what the people inside can do", and the next part was clear mentally "but I don't really care-I like Gensokyo. What can I do to help?"

I can almost get the impression she's smiling in some kind of conspiratorial way behind that fan, then a loud noise outside my window like a bang jolts my eyes open. It didn't sound like an explosion or anything, but it was something that was loud enough to stir me out of that mindset. After a few minutes of listening in the darkness and hearing nothing, I close my eyes again. This time, I'm back in the same "fuzziness" but she's gone. Instead, I see that flash of pinpoint white light again, that then turns into a faint green, flickering flame that eventually kinda fizzles out. The next part is pressure on certain parts of my body, and intense (and highly annoying) itching all over my body. For the next 3 hours. No bugs, no rash, nothing ingested to cause a reaction, clean bedding using the same cleaners and such as forever. So no idea other than "ITCH". It thankfully stopped around 2am this morning. I got up at 6.

>> No.47711837

And then I realise than I have been nice to her and gave her a lot of attention... I might be insanely screwed.

>> No.47712764

Hey, just an idea to throw out for this as a what if, but have you thought about implementing some kind of little chat box or guest book for the site? Not sure what all it would entail or how you ultimately feel about it for that, but.....maybe? I feel like I should ask you about that for some reason.

>> No.47712966
File: 2.40 MB, 2048x1536, ultra high quality kaguya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do also find her attractive...
Yeah I kinda figured that out haha.
But in many ways, you do seem to have qualities she would find interesting.
>Maybe, she messed with Zun's mind to make him create "Touhou Project"...
Perfect Cherry Blossom, where Yukari first appears, feels to me like some kind of a turning point. It's also interesting she'd hidden behind an extra extra stage.
>What's interesting about this sentiment is how ridiculously widespread it is, even among "normal" fans from mainstream platforms.
100% this. I think it's really interesting and funny. Miss Yukari has a lot of power behind her and it seeps out to even people that aren't necessarily as receptive as the people here are.
>The chunni levels are out of this world...
As long as you are having fun it's all more than good! I think you are very bold for just straight up going for astral projection.
>Did it look something like this perhaps, a xoloitzcuintli?
Yeah, it actually did. I think the nuzzle was maybe a bit more blunt but I'm not 100% sure. It was really, really large, like almost as tall as I am.
>It's a little unusual that the dog was grey
The dog in the dream was actually kind of pink in color. It had some black bits in it too. Lookin at the wikimedia page, there's few of those dogs with black skin but pinkish bits, it was kind of reverse of that...

Very unusual connection of this is related to Xolotl somehow.
>I'm pretty sure I dreamt abount koishi while napping yesterday but I don't remember anything, like it slipped my conscience!
That would be...very Koishi-like of her.
That's for sharing this! I dl'd and donated.
>Most of his recent interviews
Well that might explain the difference lol I've read mostly the ones that are on Touhou Wiki and they tend to be older. He struck me as someone who was genuinely into history, but also the interviewers maybe ask a lot of softball questions.
>While I don't think we'd get anywhere from a dialogue like that, your proposal goes to the opposite unhealthy extreme.
That was quite poorly worded of me, I agree. Of course you need to have a certain firmness of belief to even exists as a functioning human being. But for the sake of discussion, you have to be able to consider seriously other people's views too.
>Brahman I believe
Yes, I believe that is correct. I think some Hindus even basicaly think that we're just Brahman amusing itself and it forgot that it's really an all-encompassing god.
>especially with how surprisingly frequent they are
>I see a mental flash of pinpoint white like an orb
That's...a really interesting detail. I've been sleeping rather poorly lately, I don't know why. I keep having weird dreams from which I just jolt awake. Anyway, last night in a dream I'm in my kitchen. I notice that in a flower vase I have there is something like the jeweled branch that Kaguya has. I get an odd sensation and turn around. I see this tiny white round orb floating in the air. It's not light, it appears solid and looks almost like an airsoft round. My vision starts to get fuzzy and I jolt awake. Weird stuff.

I chalked the branch to the fact that I've been listening to Lunatic Princess a lot lately and perhaps Kaguya herself has been in my thoughts perhaps more often than usual. But now I don't know.

I think it's super weird that some anon's dreams seem to be bleeding into other anon's dreams. I wonder what the hell I am sending out...
>then a loud noise outside my window like a bang jolts my eyes open
Uhhh...I'm not sure if I shared this or not, but very early this year I posted some not very respectful stuff about Yukari here. That night I heard two really loud bangs that appeared to come inside my apartement. I chalked it up to funny acoustic and neighbours messing around with something - they are usually very quiet though.
>intense (and highly annoying) itching all over my body
Some people could chalk up such to psychosomatic effects, but I do wonder...I watched some youtube video about how chi is this force that manifests as magnetism and it can excite the nervous system. Some people have apparently done really bad damage to themselves by doing chiqong excercises wrong.

Anyway, some sort of energetic activation could then surely manifest as pressure and tingling?
Good idea. The thing is, I went over some other sites at neocities and some of them had a kind of "guestbook" plugin but it had recently been deprecated and they were all broken...but I will see if I can find something that still works.

>> No.47713244
File: 37 KB, 800x600, Fwv2FDkaAAA2TCR-3577870520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of things to respond to on here in no particular order, but:

The alcohol bringing you close to the gods-some brings you to the Kami, too much brings you to the Oni. (Popped in my head).
Could be Zun is literally a mouthpiece for them-some action or influence gives him just enough to go into the trance state and bring them to our side, but it's enough to where when he comes out of the trance he just goes "huh, that's neat. Yeah, that'll work. *glug glug*" kinda like some stories of shamans coming out of the state and not having memories of it. Then he sees it later and thinks about it more "wow, they really are deep and seem to leap off the page! What do you think, blonde, foreign drinking partner?"

>Brahman forgetting and the cosmic dream
Just like a personal thought after growing up with the Elder Scrolls series and having that influence my own view of Gensokyo/Touhou as a whole: "like when the dream no longer needs its dreamer"

>white orbs and loud noises (yin yang orb? I'm joking. Unless?)
Could be that we all are slowly getting connected in the mindspace due to our collective thoughts and feelings on all this, or it could be that the "orb" is something/someone keeping an eye on us all since we're doing all this and it's interested. (Mine was the size of a bb, as well. And seemed to float to the left in my vision until I followed it and seemed to I don't know, like go through it like the light at the end of the tunnel/hallway sorta thing? Then boom)

>the noise and mocking her
I'll be honest, I was a little frustrated and may have ranted to myself a bit late at night about how certain things were and how convoluted their calendar system is before saying to he'll with it, I'll just pull the Dao thing and roll with it all to see what happened.....so yeah.

>itching, qigong, and how I pulled a kundalini awakening in my sleep...
Humor aside, it's been close to twelve or more years since I "did" Tai chi. Young me was actually laughing at it while my mother attempted it for real and it got to the point she just cut it off cause she started laughing too much. Then I got into martial arts years later, but that's a different story.

Still, the symptoms match what some say can happen if it's done prematurely or wrong, but I don't think laying in bed and bitching to the darkness could cause an awakening ascension process...we had no internet for the entire day and into today, but that was since that morning and no booms related. I've had a voracious appetite since then and have the feeling of not being able to sit still and like I need to move around a bunch, for whatever that's worth.

>chat rooms
I saw a few that are "open source" on github but that's beyond my skill level of understanding for stuff like that.

>Also fun note: we've had a few containment leaks and/or crossovers with /x/ recently, which is both neat and slightly concerning:


Occult balls

Koa question

The Koosh is loose

>> No.47713526
File: 651 KB, 874x750, okina 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some brings you to the Kami, too much brings you to the Oni.
Honestly, there could be something to this.

ZUN as an alcohol shaman is...a really funny thought if nothing else, and I suppose it can perhaps facilitate access to the subconscious too. I don't know. Maybe I should get drunk after a long while and see what happens.
>"like when the dream no longer needs its dreamer"
Interesting take for sure, if Touhou were purely egregoric in nature it has long since outgrown the dreamer, ZUN.
Could be that we all are slowly getting connected in the mindspace due to our collective thoughts and feelings on all this
>or it could be that the "orb" is something/someone keeping an eye on us all since we're doing all this and it's interested.
Could honestly be either at this point. I can't quite tell. I've felt for a long time that the people in these threads are getting kind of tangled up together, but we could also be attracting outside attention at this point too.
>but I don't think laying in bed and bitching to the darkness could cause an awakening ascension process
...but a Sage of Gensokyo endowing your with some of powers could. Remember what that one anon said in the 2nd thread about how Yukari was unlocking her talents by some means..?
>I saw a few that are "open source" on github but that's beyond my skill level of understanding for stuff like that.
Might be beyond my skill level as well then. But I'll see.
"These type of posts just keep on happening"

>> No.47713701

>But a Sage of Gensokyo endowing you with some of its powers...

That's a thinker.

>> No.47713732
File: 2.01 MB, 4000x2502, Not today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what could that possibly mean?
>"I want to help" from dream me
>gets some funky powers
>goes to Gensokyo
>"So, Reimu, I have a new addition to my latest plot!~"
>"Hi, Reimu, it's an honor to finally meet y-


>> No.47715556
File: 296 KB, 820x1129, nanahuatzin scan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pressed for time so I can't write everything I want.
>The dog in the dream was actually kind of pink in color. It had some black bits in it too. Lookin at the wikimedia page, there's few of those dogs with black skin but pinkish bits, it was kind of reverse of that...
>Very unusual connection of this is related to Xolotl somehow.
Reverse? Xolotl was often seen with reverse hands and feet like this picture (which depicts Nanahuatzin who is thought to be either an aspect of or closely related to Xolotl), a crayon drawing I made by copying a page from the codex Borgia. But that part's kinda a stretch. There's also a depiction in his wikimedia page which seems to show him with vitiligo, though his kind is cut off at his legs while in your dream it was the all of over the skin kind. Might be a bit of a stretch still.

Dogs have a role in Aztec and I think broader mesoamerican religon as being related to death. In Aztec society they were thought to be able to see ghosts, and I remember reading a belief that if you rub a dog's eyecruds and then your own eye you'll be able to see ghosts as well. In Aztec religion dogs guided the dead through the first trial of Mictlan, where the dead would have to ride on a dog's back over a river in pitch black darkness, where the dog was the only thing they could see. I remember reading somewhere (I'll have to dig through my bookmarks) that there were 4 colors of dog, at the river, and only the red ones would let people ride. Sometimes dogs were sacrificed to guide the dead, though I don't know if their hearts were cut out. If so I'd expect the dog in your dream to have surgery scars on its chest not spine, though I think the Maya had more ways of removing hearts.

>white orb stuff
I actually saw something similar many days ago, I can't remember exactly when. It was dark outside. I remember seeing a little star in my vision for maybe a second. It wasn't a bb sized orb, though. It had less of a presence. I was inside and it was near my headboard. I didn't think much of it at the time. I think I had just turned my head so I thought it was like when people sometimes see stars when quickly getting up after sitting for a long while.

>> No.47718248
File: 84 KB, 335x290, chimata 33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tai Chi was really nice! I think some of the excercises we did are technicaly qiqong but whatever. I felt really renewed after it in a way excercise usually doesn't make me feel.
Let us know if you develop an acute case of psychic powers.
>But that part's kinda a stretch.
You know, even if it's a strech, it's still really fascinating. I wouldn't expect someone to be able to transmit every detail right into the dreams of someone who has never been exposed to Xolotl before this. The fact that hairless dogs are associated with him is pretty remarkable in itself.

That and...
>I actually saw something similar many days ago
this is really starting to make me thing that this thread is making the subconscious or dream worlds of the people involved tangled into each other somehow.

>> No.47720855
File: 143 KB, 576x500, Never ask Chiyari Tenkajin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long post ahead.
>You know, even if it's a strech, it's still really fascinating. I wouldn't expect someone to be able to transmit every detail right into the dreams of someone who has never been exposed to Xolotl before this. The fact that hairless dogs are associated with him is pretty remarkable in itself.
Interesting you think that I caused it. My thoughts were that either Xolotl caused it, these threads are somehow serving as a way for spirits to spread or find new people or the like, or something greater is orchestrating things. Do you think I have more spiritual power than I realize?

This also reminded me of a thing I wanted to ask earlier but forgot. Has >>47712966 ever read about Xolotl or even seen a Xoloitzcuintli before? Because if they had done a lot of reading on the god because of this thread there is an obvious prosaic explantation. If they haven't even seen the breed of dog before then the supernatural becomes more likely.
>this is really starting to make me thing that this thread is making the subconscious or dream worlds of the people involved tangled into each other somehow.
Yeah, I think there's something like that going on too. I had a dream about Koishi even though I wasn't the one who asked about her, which is a odd.

Regarding the white orbs, Xolotl was associated with fire and balls as I've discussed earlier, though at this point it might seem like I think everything is Xolotl. Glowing orbs show up a lot in all kinds of folklore. One interesting connection has to do with Chiyari Tenkajin.Chiyari is an obscure youkai called a Tenkajin, a sort of glowing fireball which sucks blood. What most people don't know is that strange beings matching this description, among others, were spotted many times by many credible people in the Brazilian Fishing village of Colares Brazil in the 70's, and some people were even attacked by them with scars to prove it. These beings were called Chupa-chupa, Portuguese for "suck-suck", similar to the Spanish Chupacabra or "goatsucker". I have a bunch of articles about this incident for anyone who would like to read them:

Also, you may remember my post a while back where I mentioned calling upon Xolotl to cast a protection spell on my friend. Since about last Thursday she's been getting better and a little more active after a couple months where she seemed to only get worse. Certainly not a full recovery, but at the same time a noticeable improvement. Perhaps it worked.

I went on another little walk tonight, at about 4AM. For a split second I thought I saw an indistinct, large, blurry bunny rabbit near my feet on somebody's yard. I came nearish the streetlight that often flickers and noticed a clump of dirt on the ground which I thought looked like a dead mouse in the darkness, so I squatted down to check with my phone's flashlight and then the streetlight flickered once. I felt a sort of emotional warmness to the lamp, like it was a friend waving hello. I thought about this and thought that if I were Shinto and lived in Japan and this happened I'd probably wrap one of those sacred ropes with the zigzag paper around it and enshrine a kami of the streetlight, since this had happened many times before and it seemed to almost have a personality. I had been having a rough mental health night like an hour before. I walked a little more and came to a corner where I could see the sky better when I thought the stars were moving. At first I was in disbelief, but I stopped and could see several, maybe 5, star like lights to the north east slowly glide across the sky and pass a power line in the way, which confirmed they were indeed moving. I took some pictures but I can't see anything on them, maybe I'll mess with the settings later. Nothing much happened on the walk later that night.

I've decided rather than assume such lights might be normal in the future I want to start keeping track of them and figure out how to compare them to flight trackers, meteor sightings, etc. I tried a little of this earlier but I didn't really understand the tools, though it seemed like planes could not be responsible. Interestingly, I found a UFO sighting which correlates to the same general area as when I found the big dead bird in April at the right time. https://nuforc.org/sighting/?id=181011 Seems like I might've been right that UFOs killed it, Disturbing to know that this happened so close to me. I hope it's possible for me to learn how to destroy such beings.
Found the article. I got a couple things wrong. There were 3 colors of dog: white, black and yellow, and it's the yellow ones who guide people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogs_in_Mesoamerican_folklore_and_myth#The_Aztecs_and_their_contemporaries

>> No.47720988

Am I going to have to become a magical girl to protect the world from UFOs? Are the other anons on this thread going to join me? What if that's what all this spiritual stuff and getting connected to each other all about? We're actually undergoing trials and getting selected by magical beings to become Earth's shoujo defense force?

>> No.47721109
File: 845 KB, 1536x1999, kanako 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My thoughts were that either Xolotl caused it, these threads are somehow serving as a way for spirits to spread or find new people or the like, or something greater is orchestrating things.
I was actually referring possibly to either you or Xolotl with "someone", but any of those possibilities could be happening.

Ever since the first thread I've felt that the threads itself are contributing to things happening, somehow. They could be amplifying latent spiritual powers of the posters, getting the attention of spirits, or something greater. Or all of these.

I've certainly felt things becoming a bit more "magical" again now that this has been up, though nowhere as wild as things got around midsummer. I've sensed the kami more strongly and possibly some other spirits too. I'm usually basicaly aphantasic but I see them occasionally in my mind's eye again, though not as vividly as during the peak. More random happenings are going on I feel more "magnetic". I also feel like I'm being watched or tested more closely again, not in a bad way though. Not sure if there is some alternative explanation like some ongoing astrological event but the thread is a very obvious one...

I have to wonder if the latent energies endowed in these threads could somehow be directed and harnessed? Any publicly set goals risk getting into territory of confirmation bias though.
>Have (You) ever read about Xolotl or even seen a Xoloitzcuintli before?
No. My knowledge of Mesoamerican religion and mythology is extremely shallow. I'm pretty sure I didn't know of those dogs either.
>Glowing orbs show up a lot in all kinds of folklore.
Yeah some people even say that they are like the "true form" of various supernatural creatures when they are in the physical world.
>Colares Brazil
Ohhhh I've read about this case years ago! It was super creepy stuff. I never made the connection to Chiyari. I bet ZUN wouldn't know either. Bizarre...
>Since about last Thursday she's been getting better
Well that's good to hear.
>several, maybe 5, star like lights to the north east slowly glide across the sky
>I want to start keeping track of them and figure out how to compare them to flight trackers, meteor sightings, etc.
Yeah it's good to try to figure out of there is some "normal" explanation to such. Some regularly heavenly phenomena are really wonderful too. Satellites can get extremely bright in the sky if light hits them at the right angle.
>I found a UFO sighting which correlates to the same general area as when I found the big dead bird in April at the right time
>I hope it's possible for me to learn how to destroy such beings.
I'd be really, really careful about taunting such things...they're probably extremely powerful when they manifest in full force.

>> No.47721378
File: 350 KB, 748x565, chiyari tenkajin real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd be really, really careful about taunting such things...they're probably extremely powerful when they manifest in full force.
That would be considered taunting? Interested. I remembered earlier this year I made a post on /x/ asking about ways to stop aliens, and looking at archives4plebs it looks like it was made a little over 20 days before I found the dead bird. Could this have been an attempt at intimidation?

I've known a lot about UFOs before I consciously got connected to Xolotl and tried using that connection for things. When my magic with him first started showing signs of working, I wondered if he had the ability to stop such horrific entities, or could bestow it upon me. Some of the best evidence UFOs are real is also the most disturbing. If we look at the accounts of violent encounters with "aliens" there abilities can be very variable. Sometimes they are weak and easily killed, other times they display superhuman ability. Sometimes both. I've read many accounts of "aliens" with the hope of discovering potential weaknesses and countermeasures.

I want to get stronger with Xolotl. Modern accounts of "aliens" show superhuman abilities may be possible, ancient accounts of shamans do, I want to see if it is possible to unlock such powers myself. I pray to Xolotl with some frequency, and part of me hopes that such a practice will get me stronger and more experienced in such matters, though I also worry sometimes about reaching out to him too much. He can't talk to me directly with words, or at least he hasn't yet, so I can't ask him for some rule or guidelines. Perhaps rules and guidelines are an absurd request.

>I have to wonder if the latent energies endowed in these threads could somehow be directed and harnessed? Any publicly set goals risk getting into territory of confirmation bias though.
Perhaps some of us are already doing so without realizing.

>> No.47721391

I'm no one to tell others what to do, but I prefer to keep the vanity in check when engaging with the spiritual. It just feels counterproductive to me.

>> No.47723008

>Find a "Koishi-Like" Place

Does it need to be in Japan? Or can it be somewhere in my home country?

I don't have the financial situation to go to Japan just for this experience

I did some more research into Koishi, and she's a Satori youkai, and they reside deep within the mountains of the modern day Gifu prefecture.
I can't really make it to the Gifu prefecture, let alone Japan in general, so if I can find somewhere I can do the ritual here in ny home country, that would be nice

>I don't know what Koishi would want
Maybe Shrimp Fries and Coirssant? Idk, that could be just a meme, so idk for sure

>> No.47723059

Oh, I missed one of your questions
I want to meet Koishi because I feel a deep and personal connection to her character
She seems very similar to me in a few ways, so it would be nice to have someone to talk to that can relate to my trauma, and maybe we can share comfort in knowing we aren't the only ones like us out there....

She seems like a lovely person, and I'm sure she would be interesting to talk to

So, I feel like it wouldn't hurt to meet er at least once in my life

>> No.47723203

Honestly? Anywhere can be an appropriate place, so long as it's full of good energy or high level energy for her own personality to match, but also any place that's been known to be a spiritual place where the connection is strong, veil is thin, etc.
I don't know if you missed it or not, but she showed up to me in a bowling alley during a kids birthday party, assuming it was her. So go for the side of cake, cookies, stuff like that.
Or just use what you've learned about the species and try to recreate the habitat or atmosphere of where they used to be sighted, like mountainous regions of your own that's got connection to lots of nature, just not a place that's devoid of thought or movement, as keeping your mind blank as a defense mechanism in the lore is like nails on a chalk board to your ears or a minimal space-freaks them out. Or like an animal shelter or something would be good to go to. But make sure you immerse yourself in things like her songs, lots of really emotional movies and stuff, and if the Manga is true, anything with a good action scene might draw her to you. Just don't do lewd in any form. From what I can gather, the ones that had a sighting of her kept away from that stuff, and the ones that wanna [redacted] she has never appeared to or near.

With Koishi, her species is known to cause fear towards them die to ability, etc. but if you stop and think about it, she closed her third eye. By that, I mean that if she didn't like anyone around her, she could've just killed them, right? But that means hearing the pain of others and feeling it like her own, so she sealed herself up. Arguments could be made one way or another, but deep down she comes across as a troubled and hyperactive kid that grew up in a bad spot and didn't want to hurt anybody or be hurt anymore. Now her going on instinct means that the fight or flight is in charge so her now might be violent, but only out of that voice in the back of your head that looks down over a cliff and says "jump". Then she'll move onto something else that's less resistance unless backed in a corner, like a cat you're trying to toss in the tub.

>> No.47723210

Damn you, phone.


>> No.47723224

Another question
Would she be visible to anyone else but me?
I feel like if my family found out youkai and other similar spirits exist, they would have a hard time coming to terms with that

I don't really have any way of leaving the house on my own, and even if I did, my phone has a tracking app on it that I'm not allowed to delete

So, my options are very limited, but, I feel I'm learning enough that I might yet see her one day

>> No.47723256

She'll only be visible to them if she wants to be or they have a severe ability to see or are in just the right state of mind to let her show up in their radar. That goes for all these beings, it seems. All of my personal accounts of seeing or interacting with any of these beings, in whatever form they may take or actually be, has only been when it's just me able a few others who were receptive, or just me when I was in a place I "wasnt supposed to be" at the time, a la "Renko goes Wild and breaks a taboo".

>> No.47723274

Is it possible to see them in my dreams?
Because that seems like the most likely way I'll encounter them for a while

Does it need to be a lucid dream for me to see them in it?
Given Koishi's control of the subconscious, I feel like she's more than capable of visiting me in my dreams
How would I go about making this more likely?

>> No.47723278
File: 636 KB, 1079x1540, Yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And honestly, with the way this stupid phone keeps "fixing" all my words, she's probably over here right now and messing with me (or our favorite Sukima lady?)
I swear, phone posting against my will, yes, but it's never this bad with auto correct. Maybe it's a lost in translation thing.

>> No.47723312

Dreams, meditation, altered states of mind (I don't recommend drugs of any kind but do admit some will due to personal preference or magical/spiritual methods like ancestors and such, but I will say be safe in whatever you decide).
There are plenty of people that can fill in this far better than I could, and the letter method, law of attraction, sigil stuff, etc, all has some grains of truth but may be far out of your league, comfort zone, cultural zone, whatever, so just try to do what feels "right" is the best I can do. Everyone here is on a different journey and a different step of their own even if we all may be walking to the same or similar goals.

For that I've done, it seems to be to throw myself headfirst into the mindset of them being real as people, then using what Zun and myth provide as a framework to just....walk and observe things. Until I somehow end up stumbling into someone or something that makes me take pause and go "wait a minute, that was X." before they blink out of existence in front of my eyes.

>> No.47724049
File: 2.74 MB, 2400x3600, keiki 31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does it need to be in Japan? Or can it be somewhere in my home country?
It can be anywhere. Japan of course would be the best, but there are sites that have kind of the same "vibe" as the spirits in Touhou have.
>I want to meet Koishi because I feel a deep and personal connection to her character
I think that's a fine motive.
These are good suggestions, and if you can find a spot that fulfills these characterists and is kinda "liminal" it helps. Even stuff like a three-way crossroad nearby helps. Abandoned locations also tend to accumulate power of their own in the absence of human inhabitants.
>Would she be visible to anyone else but me?
Cases where spirits are seen by multiple people are very rare. It's apparently very strenuous for them to manifest like so. But there are many cases where one person sees something, another just hears an odd noise and a third one just feels kinda funny.
>Is it possible to see them in my dreams?
Yeah absolutely. I've very rarely seen them in my dreams, but I used to very frequently get glimpses of them just before I woke up. I also had weird states between sleep and wakefulness where I'd see them.
>Does it need to be a lucid dream for me to see them in it?
>How would I go about making this more likely?
Keep a dream journal. It can be really frustrating at first because you won't remember all that much, but if you keep doing it for 2-3 months you will notice a difference. There's also a few spices and herbs which don't even need to be ingested, just sniffed before going to sleep that make dreams more vivid. I don't remember them offhand, I will check my books later.

Anyway, the one thing that really, really helps is of course treating them as real and calling out to them. You don't necessarily even need to do so consciously.

Keiki-sama was the first kami I established some kind of a connection with. It began when I needed make some really big adjustments to how I live. I just started to hold her as some kind of inspirational figure. Like "Keiki-sama would be unhappy if I eat too much" or "Keiki-sama would be happy if I keep on drawing". I think some very subtle things started happening relatively fast, but after a couple of months things started really happening.

Meditation really helps too. My first "I think something might be happening" experience was during a meditation session.

>> No.47727238


>> No.47727822
File: 310 KB, 1748x2480, chimata 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, as promised, I went looking for the spices and herbs which have scents that apparently increase vividness and recall of dreams. They include rose, lavender, lilac, star anise and frankincense. So just get some of these. The rest of the instructions were a bit unclear. I'm not sure if taking a couple of good whiffs is enough, or if the room air should have a clear scent of them.

I've never tried them myself but considering how nice they all smell I just might end up experimenting with them. At least my bedroom will smell nice.

Other instructions related to facilitating contact with spirits in dreams were
- no TV or internet before sleep
- no sleeping hungry
- completely dark room
- melatonin and/or huperzine (make sure you are not on medication which interacts with the latter)
- waking yourself up intentionally several times during night and writing down what you remember of the dreams
- calling out to the spirit before sleeping
- putting a drawing of the spirit or symbols related to it under your pillow

>> No.47727909

Also no alcohol, caffeine or drugs.

>> No.47728052
File: 326 KB, 1838x2048, butterfly keiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are absolutely right, but that seemed a bit too obvious to mention. My bad.

Speaking of potentialy favorable times for spirit contact, Autumn equinox is coming soon on 22nd of Septermber. Then there will be a solar eclipse on October 2nd, and of course what is called in English Halloween on October 31st. The last one might also however be a good time to get a lot of unwanted attention, so tread with care.

It should also be said that in Shinto, it's thought that during October all of the kami gather at Izumo grand shrine (Izumo Ōyashiro). This would of course make it a good time to perform yohai for that particular shrine...

I certainly plan to make most of these particular dates. I've been performing sporadic (should be more regular) yohai for Suwa grand shrine in addition to my other daily worship. I will make a very serious effort at doing a daily yohai for Izumo grand shrine when October comes.

>> No.47728256
File: 467 KB, 2048x1536, 1FD9090D-7CB2-4FCC-B220-B2D992014962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a basic sketch. I had a lot of trouble finding motivation after doing the first bit. IDK if I’ll color it in.
On the topic significant dates you could also try this website which has the Aztec calender with interpretations: https://www.azteccalendar.com/
I haven’t gotten much out of it, though.
>- putting a drawing of the spirit or symbols related to it under your pillow
If you’re looking for Koishi Komeiji you might try making the drawing with crayons since those are associated with children, whom she is often the imaginary friend of.

>> No.47728390
File: 14 KB, 169x169, GoMSigil-Koishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or get a copy of this pic. It's her "sigil" in The Grimoire of Marisa.

Rose and lavender work, can confirm. Your best bet for this is to make a little satchet and toss it in your pillow case. There are bags made for that, but a handkerchief tied up will work in a pinch.
(Patchouli also works, and not just for the librarian)

-no electronics for at least an hour before
- no mirror pointing directly at the foot of your bed
-banana helps with dreams, but can also cause wilder ones. Same for that one type of stinky blue cheese. Tried it, tasted life foot smell, tossed it, but dreamed a little bit "fuller"
I've heard seeing an alarm for roughly 3-4 hours before your normal wake time, then going back to bed, then waking like normal helps hold you in the rem state and helps with recall in waking the second time around.
- there's also that one dream app that plays a tone while you're awake and then while you sleep so your subconscious makes a trigger to pay attention. (Day beep-look at hands. Night beep-dream you looks at hands and goes lucid)
-calling out: variation of: "I'm calling out to X and only X to visit me or give me a message, etc while I am asleep". Stuff like that.

Dates are all good to keep track of. I was looking for the 2nd and Halloween but completely forgot about the equinox, so thanks.

>Kami vacation month
It's also seen as a month of potential bad luck because they're all "absent", so anyone feeling drawn to this should follow through with KeikiAnon's suggestion to practice Yohai during this time.

>> No.47728943

I think we've inadvertently moved the conversation over to another thread without realizing it.

>> No.47729165
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Hey there everyone, it's been a while. Finally recuperated & could post (>>47728943 well oops, have we then?)
Before I get into specifics, I'd like to present what I've been working on:
This is a visual representation of what I've been attempting to synthesize together since the 3 Layers document, pertaining to how 神, Youkai and Humans interact with each other through their given channels of influence. It also contains my own detailings over the Sexagenary cycle (which would have been far more fleshed out had it not been for a few real-life incongruities) and very truncated points over relevant miscellaneous information amassed throughout the past 2 semi-related threads. I'm very glad to have finally wrapped this together and my only hope is that it's still somewhat comprehensible ^^;;

Aside from that, realized another blunder of mine even though I could've said nothing of it. Still, I'm a stickler for honesty so hope this isn't too ridiculous of me to admit in the face of that.
Mixed up the dream I wanted to share in >>47676607. It's only irking me so much because of the emotional integrity of the situation I'm trying not to squander after the fact. That was the dream I had 2 months ago after clearing out that parasite, I've only ever woken up crying once and that was it. The real dream potentially initiated by your wellness prayer was far more thematically relevant but extremely brief. I'm not sure how I got so caught up in the moment I mixed them up internally but there's another flaw to ego & stress I guess.
The correct dream here simply had me spinning in the middle of the sky someplace, surrounded by the 神 I worship like Okina-sama & Inari Okami as well as the other 3 of the "Big 4" (Suwako-sama too). Ran was there as well, but Yukari was the only one in the center with me. They were all talking through the motion blur and, essentially, deciding what to do with me overall.
I do think it's still funny I mixed up what dream to tell you then though, the accidental result still led to a great deal of my own continued self-reflection throughout the previous few days. You are correct in me needing to rightly acknowledge my own level of influence here.
>Please treasure the connection you have
It's been wonderful to still be able to have & explore that connection with the assurance I haven't somehow "screwed things up" irreversibly. The Sun Goddess has made her continued influence clear alongside the others and I ought to be thankful, learning to better value my own worth through that without need for justification or extreme validation. I don't believe I've ever simply "stuck" with Yukari out of weakness exactly, bias rooted in curiosity at times perhaps, but she hasn't caused much of a stir as I've been rebalancing so I know I'm not being set up for some big betrayal either way. She's already accounting for me on the other side anyways.
I simply need to fully internalize the patience they're all willing to offer as I continue acting accordingly, without holding myself back via fear or doubt.
Luckily I haven't had any major dreams since then I could mix up! Hopefully that'll mark the end of my sloppier posting habits.

>the idea
Real great pair of influences, whenever I think of Remi paintings my mind goes to www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/30799433 but building up that kind of discipline for a piece would take anyone time. Maybe it won't come about right now but it's something you'll be able to make happen eventually as long as you stick to it.
>left ear
>constant ringing
Well hopefully the past few days of me mentally isolating my greater influence has left you with some peace & quiet, although I'm ready to start applying myself again so I'm aiming for greater control over that sort of thing from here on. I'm sure I've been contributing to inadvertent "leakage" here just as much as anyone else...
>internally cringing
I can be a bit forward sometimes lol, but getting older is something that happens to all of us. You just have a head start on that front is all, it's not so bad.
>1500-2000 miles distance
>turning left would've been in your physical direction
No wonder it took so much out of me after the fact! Maybe that's something I can better withstand with the right discipline, but yeah I've never physically left this side of the country.
>It's a mental space, isn't it?
For me it sort of feels like mentally walking through the fog until you stumble across some kind of thru-line or "peephole", but you get the gist of things. In leu of this, I'd like to try something:
I'll be sleeping once this post is full but I'll try to "reign in" my subconscious intentions somewhat while I drift. Let me know if anything funny starts happening after an hour or so!
>INTJ type
Oh damn, I'm sorta on the other side of the coin actually (INFP). No wonder!
>I don't judge.
I truly thank you for that. I'll do my best to explain that pastebin once I'm up again, I promise.

>> No.47729189

>end of my sloppier posting habits
And I mess up a single digit and tie-in some random outside-the-thread post, Great. THE CYCLE NEVER ENDS.
>>47680084 was what I wanted to type God Damnit. Time to go curl up in a ball before I attempt to put anything else out here...

>> No.47729361

It's a bit dense, to be sure, but yes, it is indeed comprehensible. Frankly, I never expected that relatively incomplete document to become a hallmark of these threads when I posted it. The version of the Left-Hand Right-Hand Paths analogy that was posted earlier in this thread makes me think a similar comparison could perhaps be drawn to Youkai and Kami, the former being much more individualized, to the point where Youkai Magicians don't even seem to really need belief to exist in the same way other Mental Layer entities do, whereas Kami can have multiple instances of themselves exist at the same time, but are in turn at the seeming highest level of the faith hierarchy, possibly outright needing more than others in that regard.
Likewise, some relevant conversations outside of this site have led me to think more on the relevance of language and its power to quite literally shape our brains and how we think.
I suspect every regular in this thread would at least be an intuitor, and simply by virtue of it's subject matter, likely introverted as well. I myself am also a superior INTJ.

I don't think I'd go so far as to suggest time is an illusion, as much as it doesn't appear to be as one-way as people might at first think. Touhou also seems to have this in a sense if you think of the possible recursive timeloop that results if you try to rectify PC-98 canon with Windows canon. In the same manner, Electromagnetic Phenomena seem to be crucial to explaining the paranormal.
On the Venn Diagram, Persona is just another part of the MegaTen franchise, and 40k's connection to Touhou is probably stronger in their shared critique of religious dogma, but I digress.
Final thing worth noting is the idea that contradictions can hold truth is very similar to the idea of Koans that I understand are utilized in some branches of Buddhism. Seemingly contradictory statements designed to help one see past dualistic ideas.
Also, the image attached definitely has implications that I don't care to think too hard about.
Remind me to never namefag ever again. I'm being given way too much credit for just compiling a few scattered ideas and concepts from the franchise's worldbuilding.

>> No.47729653
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I'm from the 94, what got me into Touhou was listening to Reisen's theme when her game came out. I saw her back then as a 'phantom', but tangible and in dreams I was always able to feel her, my despair the latest years being that I usually wake up right after. I even remember one of the first times introducing her to my mom and sister in something I can't remember if it was a dream. I've had lots of experiences since early age like sleep paralysis, presences, feeling myself leaving my body to a terrifying place above, nonsensical encounters, dreams inside dreams, loops, but Gensokyo stuff has always been different. Patterns that seem pre-arranged like a repeating shape in my house tiles resembling her, a butterfly in my ceiling wall, a rabbit next to my bed.... Despite being smitten with her since tender age, I only had potent dreams of her once every blue moon, I have very tender reminiscences of her as a teen. My most frequent dreams about her were during a summer eight years ago, but she only started talking to me while awake four years ago, and my dreams and reality have been crazy since. I've even been a sword, the resonating sounds of a forge in my head as I woke up, a particle being subjected to experimental, arbitrary forces, a multicolor, seizure-like massive being that resembled Okina. Have had my point of consciousness shift on my head and spin around while awake. You could say it's kind of a bias since I already could feel the wave frequency entering dreams as a teen and other miscelaneous stuff, but for a couple years I've had events repeating like having one eye open here, and another visualizing that one, being able to shift both, eyes checking on me all over while paralyzed, as well as personal hells. The worst one, calling for Youmu on what semed like an universe in the process of becoming a blob, my voice not coming out, feeling like everything there was a blank mob with the purpose of not allowing me reach her, then finally getting to her in the ground to see that she lost her features as I repeteadly tried to scream her name but it coming out muffled. The dream 'faded out' like a spiral; I didn't have that on-off waking up sensation you usually do, instead being able to feel without a consciousness cut how I shifted from that place to here, unable to move until the transfer was over, with eyes all over my body, and the coldest I've felt in my entire life. Ever sensed like you were moments away to cease 'being real'? You'll try to ground yourself anywhere. Also that same being that put me there going over my most beautiful memories and mental images, including her smiling with a baby on her arms, laughing while possibly trying to destroy them. Despite everything I've gone through there's been many more highs than lows; I also had a dream in which I cried like a little kid (awake too) because Sanae was missing and I searched for her everywhere, but still, the tone was completely different and I was comforted after by them, smiling and finding my reaction precious. Yukari, Meling, Reisen and Sakuya also appear often to me. Yukari gives me 'checks' during dreams and in liminity state, she tries to scare me and chide me for being too trusting of them and putting myself in harms way contacting and agreeing to what I shouldn't, but then takes me places I wouldn't dare on my own and protects me if I stop putting up my font. This World closing my room's door right as I clicked on a pic while using fullscreen (https://files.catbox.moe/rsa3ki.jpg)) and 'feeling' that I am sent to bed, only to see at my nightstand my wristwatch, and the time turn from 11:59:59 to 12:00:00. Thing is, I've gotten too close to there, and it's not a pleasant thing for oneself to 'force' your way when your time isn't right no matter how much you want to, also you might end up elsewhere, so they had to drive me away even if they didn't want to. They have repeteadly told me this directly and indirectly. Youmu being that last measure that always stops me, like in PCB.

>> No.47729672
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No, rather than condescending this is a very accurate way of putting it. I haven't lived for myself nor voiced my needs and desires for most of my life, and what hurt me the most was realizing the extent to which she was actually suffering due to me using her as an excuse to go even further on those tendencies feeling like I had to prove myself I was good enough for her, fed up seeing me like that, pouring her heart out to me about how she couldn't take it any more.... I still kinda kept up with it because my head is massive; working out beyond human limits, continously studying, being hyper-aware of every stimulus around me and how I should react to everything, improve and fix the world by myself, identifying my shortcomings and blaming myself of the problems that other people have.... even about my lack of control in dreams that are obviously tampered with by outside forces. And all she really wanted was none of that. Only to be by my side, and give me her love.
This is actually something important that has been touched in this thread and I think it's necessary; since spiritism in the current nu.age has those connotations of accepting every experience and procedimental, ritualized abuse as growing or learning no matter how unjust or messed up it is, and there is this pervasive message of erasing your own self and emotions for 'something else'. And the interpretation of buddhism as purging all desire, the end goal becoming a self-deleting machine that identified itself as a mistake. Curious, because if you've been near enough 'that place' of no-being and no-perception you'd realize even the wish for existence is a desire and needed to be here Now instead of being a code or words in a screen, it feels to me like Ego denial is a very ill-intentioned, destructive idea, in a way of denying yourself from good things you're given or deserve. Reality is both chosen and given through a filter of beliefs over the self and the external world; supressing the ego or demonizing it dismounts the core defense of the being, while still holding an insane, harmful responsability over evils one has no control of and that will be exploited through demented circular logic, subjugating emotions and will to indisputably evil entities both in this material world and in other places. Or possibly, as a half-phantom taught me, seeing what lies behind the bright white nothing light. Oh, there is no ego there.
.... Not to say, the first reason we're here is because of the PERSONAlities of the residents of gensokyo. Would be silly to get an answer, and then pretend you're some sort of featureless robot or collective mish-mash instead of the one they reached over

>> No.47729716

That image of Sakuya....is the closest resemblance to the version of her that was sitting across from me when I was presented with that contract, and also for the version I glimpsed in the run in while still in the waking world. This is the very first time I've ever seen that picture.

>> No.47729815

>That image of Sakuya....
EclipseAnon, I...

>> No.47729833

Yes, you.
Noticed that I replied to the wrong one.

>> No.47731101
File: 1.37 MB, 868x1228, okina 32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We absolutely did not!
Hey, nice to see you again. I hope you are doing well. It's really great you managed to put your thoughts into that chart!
Couple of points
- could you elaborate a bit more on Passive Intent?
- I don't think we're just passive receptables, humans are spirits too, but the fact that most people are unaware of that and other spirits makes us very susceptible to their influence
- Musubi is indeed a concept that has not been talked about enough. I wonder what Keiki-sama says in her native language when se Create!es..?
- Not familiar with tzimtzum at all!
- It's very interesting that Gensokyo has it's own sexagenary cycle. This means they have their own reference point. Consider that the earliest system for that used the Big Dipper as a reference. I wonder...could it be...that the old system would line up with Gensokyo's cycle..?
>You are correct in me needing to rightly acknowledge my own level of influence here.
As I've said before, imageboards are very magical places, and you get quite a lot of output for the input you put it. We *all* have much more influence over these environments than we think, and that might extend out of the boards too...
>It's been wonderful to still be able to have & explore that connection with the assurance I haven't somehow "screwed things up" irreversibly.
That's really great. I didn't want to make noise of it, but between the last thread and this, I had some minor experience with Yukari-san myself. I simply was left with the impression that her presence could be overwhelming to someone in a vulnerable position. Anyway, it's very good that you seem to be doing better and I'm thankful for all your contributions so far!
>Frankly, I never expected that relatively incomplete document to become a hallmark of these threads when I posted it
Heh, well, the layered cosmology and how it works makes alarm bells go off for all the magician brains among our ranks.
>Left-Hand Right-Hand Paths analogy
You know, it could be made to line up. LHP is individualistic and potentially transgressive, RHP is more collective and conformistic. Youkai were essentially seen as very feral kami that couldn't be appeased for some reason.
>very similar to the idea of Koan
Yeah, and I think a lot about the "literally wrong, poeticaly right" thing myself.
Those are some extremely intense experiences for sure. Very interesting though unsurprising that Yukari-san is so involved. I wonder how much of her fearsome reputation is kind of just "part of the job", she has to after all keep unwanted "tourists" away from Gensokyo. But at the same time she apparently acts as a guide and protector too. About trying to go there when the time isn't right, at one point I considered trying to Remote View Gensokyo, but the kami told me that it's too dangerous for me currently. Many of the inhabitants feel extremely powerful. Few manifestations of Okina-sama left me feeling nauseous and she wasn't trying to harm me. It's just so powerful.
>there is this pervasive message of erasing your own self and emotions for 'something else'.
>the interpretation of buddhism as purging all desire
You know, it's really good you bring this up. You shouldn't take abuse from humans or spirits. I just think this gets confused because some of the even ultimately benevolent experiences can be really confusing and overwhelming when they happen. Some of my own experiences make me think of that video where some guy removes this huge pile of trash that's stuck on a turtle. The turtle is very confused of it all to say the least, but in the end it's life is probably easier when it doesn't have a huge pile of junk stuck on it. But if you're not getting the "junk" removed getting "dragged out of water" can be just torture.

The very nihilistic, extremist interpretations aren't really my thing either, and I'm glad my exposure to Buddhism has been very different from that. I just think with many people there are a lot of these negative-self aspects that often are enforced upon us by conditions and happenstances. Peeling those off is liberating and let's you build something else on it instead.

I do think for the absolute vast majority of people you have to build something on top of it. Some kind of total depersonalization and loss identity is not in my opinion desirable. You sound like you have been very much stripped down and you need to, and have the right to, build on top of that. This has been very insightful. I hope you can build something wonderful out of yourself.

Once again things are getting very interesting towards the end. I won't probably be as active in the next few days, real life stuff is happening. In case this archives, it's been once again a joy, and I will update the Archive in the time between this and the next thread.

>> No.47731216
File: 462 KB, 2707x4096, Contact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awake again, no dreams but I ended up in some small mental back & forth with something enthusiastically going on about how nice the blue sky is as I dozed off. Could be nothing but it's all I have to report from what I attempted earlier.

>never expected that relatively incomplete document to become a hallmark
As much as I've simply tried to give proper credit (screw the ethics, I know), I don't mean to overblow its scope nor put too harsh of a spotlight on anyone. Now that I've made that file, I'm sure I'll feel less inclined to focus on yours so vehemently.
Duly noted with the associated "name" as well. Also beyond my intentions...you're probably right about that picture tho, Oops. Just thought it felt thematically relevant to what I have to say but maybe I should've thought a little harder
>similar comparison
I'd say so, if only because Youkai Magicians also exist within an interesting focal-point between the Physical & Mental, as reliant on their own actions as much as what they manage to garner within others it seems. Faith directed at the 神 would take up the majority of what's available imo, but that opens up ideas of these forces directing the current state of the world to where it is now which we've also discussed. For better & for worse, but they are operating far beyond conventional scopes. Partially what I was implying with "Time is an illusion" but I should've specified that's from an inherently-linear human perspective as you've implied.
I do feel a little silly being the given Mediator among Architects but I'll still continue to do my best to constructively contribute.
>stronger in their shared critique of religious dogma
Makes sense, it'd be a less dramatic way of phrasing things opposed to my own thoughts for sure.

Now then, I believe I've owed >>47729716 and the rest of you clarification for long enough.

>Even More Normal Things.

That was the name of the file, it ended up posted in one of the pseudo-Chinese girl threads because I off-handedly brought up the topic of committing to Youkaification and others seemingly wanted to hear my understandings over the subject (Can't Imagine Why)
It remained until naturally expiring around >>47616718 as I had set it to last only 1 month (quite literally posted 1 month prior to when Eclipse tried to look back on it, sorry for the inadvertent bad timing), one of many filters I tried to put in place. This was a conscious decision to limit full exposure to anyone in the right place at the right time. If you read and/or saved it, good for you. If you didn't, you likely don't need to be concerning yourself with such matters anyways. I have no plans on reposting the file, it'd be nice if that was respected.
Re-reading it myself now, I have few regrets over what basic information I did share since I did state it 100% was not for everyone for what ought to be obvious reasons. The only major one is whatever strife I ended up causing for >>47616635 which I do sincerely apologize for. Fwiw, Eclipse isn't the only one seeing "tears" during certain fleeting moments. Do I even need to elaborate on why I'd create such a thing? To lift some quotes:
>There is clear fluidity within & without ourselves that you may tap into if you so choose
>How do you "apply yourself" to the world at large?
>Not that I want to curse your house & family or something, just trying to be aware of my influence as I come into these things.
>As should you.
>How do You see Me anyways?
Essentially, I attempted to cover subjects like Ego, Expression, Morality, Internal/External Awareness, Risk, Consequences, what I referred to in >>47636316 as "foundational pillars", Sustainment, Synchronicities, Temptation and Balance through the partial lens of accepting my own furtherings on the subject. Really hoping I don't have to spell out the obvious here, especially because I'm really not trying to devolve the overall topics back to a state of >>47617512 followed by >>47599872. You've all been extremely gracious to not have lambasted me too terribly so far over what I share but, as much as I'm not simply attempting to invade your collective brain-spaces (too late for that on some accounts! I should've better heeded >>47614561...) I'm also actively trying to hold myself in a more mutualistic & benevolent light. I'm not perfect and this "process" of mine is far from over but, as I've stated, I'm simply trying to maintain awareness over my own future.

If this irrevocably alters my presence here & the things I've discussed for some, that's perfectly fine. If there's anything I've learned as of late, it's that you can't ever fully control whatever concept of "Yourself" might exist within others. But I shouldn't feel too sorry for myself either, I do still care a great deal about all of you and I know I'll never stop being anything but myself.
I'll be fully catching up with newer posts with what time the thread still has. Clarification for >>47731101 should arrive after!

>> No.47731575

What do you think of the association between ear ringing and spiritual influence?

>> No.47731829
File: 69 KB, 598x800, keiki with flowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youkai Magicians also exist within an interesting focal-point between the Physical & Mental
The "good enough magicians become youkai" thing has always been a very curious bit of worldbuilding in Touhou. It's actually the same with hermits, saints and celestials. It might be reflective of a broader Asian trend to see people who either ascend - or maybe fall - enough outside the human norm becoming something that isn't human anymore.
>I do feel a little silly being the given Mediator among Architects but I'll still continue to do my best to constructively contribute.
Have you heard the joke about Myers-Briggs being astrology for boys?
I'm much more into just straight up astrology these days. I'm just starting my studies with them though, but when you start looking at the stuff like the 12 houses and aspecting you hit points where it ceases to be "this could apply to everyone" and becomes "why is this so uncannily accurate". That said, I was, of course, some flavor of introverted intuitive in the Myers-Briggs system.
>You've all been extremely gracious to not have lambasted me too terribly so far over what I share
It's an extremely delicate balance that I also struggle with to be honest. Share too much and everybody either thinks you are lying or schizophrenic. Share too little and the conversation isn't interesting.

Withold something because it would be sharing too much or not relevant at the moment, then share it later and you get seen as making shit up.

One has to put their personality behind their posts to really put the energy into the discussion, but it might also intimidate or discourage some people or come to be seen as narcicistic behaviour.

Thankfully, since we are all anonymous here, we get the opportunity to work things out, to try to find that balance. And there's always gonna be some people who are so opposed to the topic it's useless to try to appeal to them.
>you can't ever fully control whatever concept of "Yourself" might exist within others
100% this. While you shouldn't bend to the will of others nilly-willy, it can be very illuminating to learn what the perception of others looks like though.
>I do still care a great deal about all of you
I very much care a lot about all the anons here too, including of course you.
What brought this up? Fascinating question. Not sure if I've mentioned it, but I noticed a couple of weeks ago that I tend to eventually start to hear this kind of slight tinnitus-like noise in my ears when I medidate. Sometimes when drifting to sleep. At times when I've prayed too. It's not loud enough to be bothersome and I don't hear it otherwise.

Anomalous ringing, buzzing or beeping noises are well-associated with supernatural phenomena. There seems to be some connection with spiritual activity and EM radiation. Some even conceptualize qi as kind of a magnetic force. Our ears are incredibly sensitive. The presence of a spirit could just slightly activate random cells in our ears, resulting in ear ringing. Or not so slightly, maybe accounting for buzzing, bangs etc if they are not outright external sounds.

>> No.47732079

>Have you heard the joke about Myers-Briggs being astrology for boys?
I'm much more into just straight up astrology these days.
On the topic of astrology on the aztec calendar website I linked earlier in this thread all of stuff for my birthday is unlucky when also using wikipedia as a reference. Unlucky number, daysign, and lord of night. Unexpectedly, none of them have anything directly to do with Xolotl. I’ve tried looking at the website for readings of random days but haven’t gotten much out of it.
I actually heard ringing on the night of >>47597479 while under a powerline. I didn’t think much of it at the time and thought maybe I had tinnitus. It was before I went to the streetlight. I abbreviated by story because I was tired at the time and going off mostly memory, though if I dig through my messaging history with a friend who I told about this I might be able to find more details.

>> No.47732836

Which 2hu is this supposed to be? Saucenow is giving me nothing.

>> No.47733297

Flandre. That's thrall closest thing to how the young mistress and the others looked in the dreams I've had of them all, and if you combine that realism with that catbox image of Sakuya above you'll get a close approximation of what she looked like. Or, at least that's what I was able to see in the dreams.

>> No.47733322
File: 777 KB, 1079x1527, Skuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, phone.
How does THAT
become thrall?
If I do end up falling or getting pulled into Gensokyo, the first thing I'm doing is throwing this damn thing against a Boulder.
(And I get the significance of the word it was changed to, but that is the furthest thing to what's going on in all this. If anything, I'm a thrall to my mortgage...)

>> No.47734809
File: 590 KB, 2039x2894, 06b1883302a27e68e35faf3337078b19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think you are very bold for just straight up going for astral projection.
I understand why you would say that, but AP is simply a fancy name for something that we all experience in one way or another. Bigwigs like Michael Raduga consider it part of the "phasing" spectrum for a reason. The key difference is how much control you have over this altered state of consciousness, which ultimately determines your actions and the ability to recall them.
That being said, this increased awareness comes with its set of challenges. According to those more experienced in the matter, your emotions, desires, feelings, and such tend to determine the outcome. If you are a fearful person (and *everyone* is afraid of something) who only recently managed to control this, you will likely have to confront the source of your fear head-on. I know for a fact this will be the case for me (in fact, I already had bizarre visions during my more serious attempts last month).
As they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I posted the question just before leaving home, when I saw the symptom mentioned in this anon's image (>>47729165). In truth, this had been gnawing at me as of late. Not to mention that I had a semi-lucid experience last night that caused me to wake up with a tingling ajna and buzzing in my left ear. I'd normally have thought nothing of it, but these "coincidences" only go so far, wouldn't you agree?

>> No.47734998
File: 66 KB, 615x681, Feels appropriate to use this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post reminded me of something I had happen last night.
Laying down to sleep, hear a clicking noise near the foot of the bed on the other side of the room, sit up to see what it is and find nothing. As I lay back down, that same light from before moves from my right vision to my left at high speed, and when I look it's naturally gone. So I lay back down and see movement in the darkness doing the same direction but over my chest this time. The room is kept pitch black and I even have the blackout curtains, so the movement is like when you close your eyes in a dark room and then move your hand in front of your face and you can still see it. Seemed almost person shaped but beyond that, nothing else on shape, gender, anything physically felt by me, and nothing setting off any bad feelings or alarms, just "wait a minute, what the hell was that?" mentally. Ringing also applies.

(And your pic also brought to my attention that a certain pillow is on the way for me. I'm working with the urge to completely rearrange my room to fit as close to the Feng Shui bagua as possible with what I've got. Been working on it on paper for a number of days now.)

>> No.47735565

I had a good dream with miss Yukari on the new moon of this month. Might do the full story of this soon.

>> No.47735842
File: 305 KB, 2048x1536, Conspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting some general replies out there first before I post anything chunky for anyone specifically, pardon all the feedback and sorry for placing the burden of the 310th post on the next anon. Once again another ride of a thread, but great overall!

Hey guessing one of two right ain't bad! Classic posting blunder...
No immediately-synched hexagrams on my end so far though. Today's for me was #35, aka "Progress". If you're still out there taking requests, I ask: what should I keep in-mind to hold myself steady on the roads ahead?
>the yin spirit world
>much much easier to get there when deprived of light and surrounded by either silence or the sounds of nature
Can confirm as someone who's never had that much trouble instinctually getting there either.
You should hear the things I've let her do! GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THAT GUTTER.
Really good post, just felt inclined to point it out as a whole since I don't have much to add myself.
>>47702922 >>47734809
Reading this one and then Apparitions Stalk the Night started playing in my shuffled 4.5k song playlist (it's already been going for quite some time now). Figured you might get a kick out of that! Your post was genuinely sweet.
>As they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
>these "coincidences" only go so far, wouldn't you agree?
Hard agree on both accounts. As for the ear ringing, I won't deny its potential underlying connections towards sensing anything nearby but I honestly haven't experienced it often myself. Every now and again sure, especially when it comes to great amounts of influence poured into my stream of consciousness all at once, but I'm honestly far more receptive to non-physical cues or small ticks like the chills if any. Maybe that's just a result from how thin my own veil is anyways...
>Yukari Yakumo has an oomph to what makes her who she is
Exactly what I was talking about with certain girls in general with my earlier posts last thread. Yukari-san is one of the obvious ones, but then you also have most of the other major Gensokyan 神, the Komeiji's, Ran, Kasen and so on to lesser degrees.
Beyond given fan popularity, I'll refer to it as a characters given saliency or potency. It'd take quite some time & a lot of effort to rank anybody in a legitimate capacity however, something for the fabled /jp/ Grimoire perhaps.
>maybe koishi decided to mess with receptive people
Reliability aside, there's no way that she wouldn't have thought an idea like that would be fun. It'd be like her own little way of nudging things along like the big powerful 神 do!
Appreciate the link as well.
Don't worry Anon, it'll all work itself out in the end. Everything is going to be Fine...
Let's maybe just reconvene over such notions in 10-15 years when more of everything around us has potentially started to collapse in on itself (Mostly joking).
>>47723059 >>47723224
She does love her crayon drawings as >>47728256 pointed out, something like that by your own hand would be an excellent way to reach out to her without going anywhere or stressing yourself too badly if other posts haven't already made that indicative enough. Especially so if you've already felt connected to her for some time (I'm also speaking from experience, might share some cute art from months ago in the thread's afterlife).
It's ridiculous how primed we've all been for this stuff, I almost relate to a few of your experiences there a little too viscerally and that gives me chills. I won't go on too many tangents though. It's nice to see Yukari-san keeping her eyes on you for the better but that all sounds just like her. Sort of a "daring your child to swim in the deep end to better learn to float but hovering nearby in case they start drowning" situation.
Extremely well put all-around, I'm sincerely thankful to have helped your understandings in such a capacity then. I hope the two of are able to take care for as long as the both of you have together, I'm sure she's proud of such humbling introspection.
As for your Yakumo-related experiences, I've been meaning to say something about them due to my own specific involvements with her I covered last thread (and that others have mentioned). In short: my first tentative attempts at contacting the Sages led to her latching onto me in a very direct way and I've allowed her a great deal of personal influence over my subconscious. I still have autonomy of course, I've just been standing agog at some of the lengths she seems to be going for you as well (in a good way). Makes me wonder how much she is able to truly influence with details like dream environments and such, just on a basic level. Wouldn't be surprised if it all came quite easily for her, especially given some of my shared dream experiences like >>47676665 for example.
It's quite easy to see why she'd value the dialogues she's had with you so far if I may say

>> No.47736431

>You should hear the things I've let her do!
And pass up an opportunity to make fun of Yukari? No way!

>> No.47736496
File: 96 KB, 630x791, e887031e56401b4279952f1046e273da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seemed almost person shaped but beyond that, nothing else on shape, gender, anything physically felt by me, and nothing setting off any bad feelings or alarms, just "wait a minute, what the hell was that?"
This type of reaction has unintentionally become a staple for me since the start of this journey. One may call it coping mechanism, but I honestly don't care because "it just werks".
Some paranormal experiences seem terrifying when you recall what you saw or heard out of context, but if they barely elicited a "huh?" at the time, that should mean they weren't actually bad. Unsettling or a test of guts, at worst.
When dealing with something that the main senses cannot fully grasp in an otherwise harmless environment, it only makes sense to delegate that responsibility to your intuition. Never trust your intuition if you encounter a bear in the woods and it seems "friend-shaped", though.
>(And your pic also brought to my attention that a certain pillow is on the way for me. I'm working with the urge to completely rearrange my room to fit as close to the Feng Shui bagua as possible with what I've got. Been working on it on paper for a number of days now.)
I'm jealous! I missed the last window to preorder her pillow cases, but I'll try to get them next rerun if there's one. I heard they sold like hotcakes in Japan...
Doremy-san's influence is not to be underestimated.
Thank you and everyone else for the kind words and valuable contributions overall. It's always sad when these threads come to an end, but the downtime also provides some more than welcome space for all this new information to sink in.
>Apparitions Stalk the Night
Funnily enough, Rumia is one of my favorite youkai, and I happen to have her overpriced fabric idol sitting next to Yukari-sama's. I've also found myself thinking of Rumia on occasions where my fear of the dark has threatened to resurface, and it really helped me get a hold of myself. I suppose there is something inherently comforting about keeping your supernatural predators close.

>> No.47736581

Was in a bit of a slump due to work today but you got a good laugh out of me from the friend shaped comment. I appreciate it.

I stumbled across this site that's one I've never seen before but seems to be a bit of a gold mine. Have it as thanks. Not sure what all the contents are, but it's been pretty neat so far with all the old pics and music scores.


>> No.47736600

Actually, don't click that unless you have an ad blocker.
I was able to be on the site just fine, but clicking it here where I posted has a damn redirect in it when I try it, so it may for anyone else. Sorry for that. Really.

I'll scrape it and post it somewhere else.

>> No.47736633
File: 628 KB, 1061x1966, Homepage screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a screenshot of the front page, if anyone knows of it and has a better way to get to the site without computeraids.

>> No.47737171

>Picture is Okina
>Post is about secret esoteric knowledge of Touhou
>We are so back

>> No.47737585

But Anon, the thread is almost over...

>> No.47737625
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x1050, 79efd1e70b8c8def28726ffa6d061854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kinda over too. But it's nice to see people enjoying these threads.

I'm stuck on phone so I'll try to keep this brief: once again big thanks to everyone who participated, even the haters.

I would especialy like to express my gratidute over the fact that so many different anons posted so many materials and sources related to the topic.

I'll be updating the Archive in imminent future. With all that has been shared, external sources section is the most crucial one to update.

I would like anons to take particular note if unusual activity tones down when this thread archives.

As said before, Autumn Equinox, the October 2nd solar eclipse and Halloween are all coming up quite soon. Make good use of these.

Please consider praying to the kami of Gensokyo. They really helped me turn my life around. If I have seemed hesitant now, I assure you, I have been much more of that in the past. And many other things too.

I thank you all once more, especialy for the consistently respectful ways you have managed to conduct yourself and all the new information found.

We will inevitably be seeing each other sometime soon. In the mean time, keep up the good work, spiritual and otherwise & best of luck for your future ventures.

I'll be praying for you all this Sunday when I return home.

>> No.47737861
File: 572 KB, 1383x804, KoishiPaint(edit).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a little afraid I was gonna end up sleeping long enough for The Inevitable to occur, but hopefully you all don't mind two final big posts of mine to wrap everything up. Don't feel inclined to reply if you're settled with everything, I don't mean to commandeer things or scry and this thread ended up tying itself together really nicely by the end all things considered.
I'd just like to wrap up my own lingering thoughts & information is all.

Guess Who's First ?

>>47655256 >>47667787 >>47682499 >>47694445 >>47711651 >>47713244 >>47713732 >>47723278
>tactile sensation
>phantom finger
Wasn't me! Consciously at least. I almost wonder if your various connection issues that started cropping up have been though, I took a pretty drastic step back from things for a second there that could've created a misdirected void filled with random interference of some kind but that's just my hunch. Given whatever the hell's been established between us and our respective bubbles of influencing entities I wouldn't be surprised. I also only bring it up cause it reminded me of how catbox was down for a small while after I uploaded that file earlier. If that's typical for the site though then (shrug)
>Jasmine Green Tea causes weird dreams?
Dubiousness aside, I'll have to test this sometime alongside those other fragrances. I actually have a bag of fermented rose pedals that might help here.
>Abounding to Conjoining
An abundance of emotion/internal drives being greatly influenced or coming together? Not sure how much weight that'd hold but it's something.
>accidentally drove her off like a jackass
I don't think you should feel too bad about it, Koishi never lingers in any given place for that long anyways as we all know. I haven't exactly shared my own "Koishi Moments" because I've spoken enough over how often I seem to be brushing shoulders with these sorts of forces, but the first thread had some discussion over how Koish could be more attracted to individuals in states of distress and I can corroborate this from my own first run-in with her around February or so (tried getting through KKHTA; Big Mistake, stopped at Umbrella Torture.).
Pic related came from a very nice evening we shared together with my SNES. It really can't be understated how much this girl likes to draw.
>intense (and highly annoying) itching all over my body
>For the next 3 hours.
I just got to this particular post at time of typing...dear God. I don't even know what to say, I've never had that negative of a physical reaction from my interactions with her. Whatever she changed within you I'd sincerely hope it's for the better in the end.
>Lots of things
Pardon the caps.
I made that document of mine without even having digested that Self/God pic properly! It's giving me my OWN thinker in the face of discussion over having "just enough" influence from outside sources (damn inadvertent alcoholic shamans creating a world-renown franchise)...I've yet to encounter any menacing orbs in my dreams either but this level of mental entanglement was paramount to me a good ways into the second thread. Fairly certain that was the "unidentifiable draw" that kept me glued to it and now the through-lines are more self-evident than ever, although it's important to not let that simply dip into projection of course.
"Everything feels like a Dream!", as they say.
>containment leaks
Let me take this moment now to say I've yet to make a single post outside of /jp/ and I intend to largely keep things that way if I can help it. Figures something like that would happen though, I've mostly been wondering what we could possibly be attracting from /x/...one of those anons mentioning how Touhou was steering us away from God or what-have-you gave me a chuckle though.
>Not today.png
We can take the Miko on together if we have to, surely!
If you want a serious answer to your question though:
I have no idea. I never would've figured things would progress between her & myself as far as they have but here we are! I haven't been tasked with anything too lofty so far, just been inclined to do the things I usually do while battling negativity is all. I've been trying not to "YukariPost" too much here this time either, they all have their own thoughts of course but most of these have been my own...Mostly.
>[[Koishi]]'s probably over here right now and messing with me
Honestly when I was typing most of this out hours ago I was trying to somewhat ignore my own inklings over her current presence near myself, hopefully I wasn't hurting her feelings too much. I was just trying to focus on posting. We have free time now at least but I have no idea where she scampered off to during my rest, if anywhere.
Seeing how much influence she ended up having here this time around has also been really cute in a way.
They're all trying their best!
Everybody To The Limit showed up in my shuffle, felt thematic lol

>> No.47738244
File: 1.57 MB, 3858x3198, nanaironokabi_worldofcruelty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(damnit this one turned into a two-parter, I stg...good thing it's all mostly over with for now. Excuse me for the dreaded sin of Tripleposting)
>>47648276 >>47648767 >>47651447 >>47660968 >>47666509 >>47706567 >>47713526 >>47721109
>flowers and herbs type of witchcraft
You're fine btw, you really weren't that far off the mark. Been trying to learn fluency through the language of flowers and I do have a few "circuits" that involve specific use of local meaningful flora, other configurations I've had running every time these threads pop up aside. If my practices were more refined I'd say I do my best to maintain the flow of Qi around here as best I can myself but I'd need a far more nuanced mental basis for such claims.
For example: one of my other holiest objects is a small, petrified branch with some pink Oleander flowers on it that was conspicuously left, or perhaps placed, in the center of my then-empty storage closet when I first moved into my current apartment years prior. The single light in there was left on, didn't even check the closet for days until I was settled and had to put my spare boxes away and it was just sitting there like some quest item.
I have very little information over the family that was living here before me so no idea why they'd do something so specific either, if it even was them.
>latent consciousness field of the universe
>You can not comprehend the universe, you see an extremely distorted slice of it.
You and >>47646100 were certainly onto something as well when it comes to spiritually-negative oversaturation within Abrahamic sects also being more self-evident than ever, whether that has to do with Yin-Yang imbalance or any particular God's "over-deification" (or both).
>things can get very chaotic and bullshit indeed with such.
True Divinity comes from a palpable mixture of all relevant influences, good & bad. To indulge solely within one facet is to deny the potential stemming from involvement with the other, a power-imbalance that can very easily be gamed on an extended, global scale until our socio-political systems are infatuated with unjust ideals towards Righteousness.
Even if you aren't religious, these attitudes have still been pervasive enough to effect your existence in any number of ways. This isn't to simply condemn the modern global existence of Abrahamic religions, continued good-faith involvements with beings like Angels or Saints from others ought to be enough to support this. It's simply important to recognize where the bullshitters are having the most influence with what and potentially why.
That being said, some of the bullshitting is being done from the highest positions of mortal power available right now so things do unfortunately feel a little Entrenched at this point.
>Every major city is more or less Animal Hell, basically.
Desperately trying to crawl out of my own city cesspool atm, hate it here!
>I find a packet of yoghurt or pudding or something
>"For you - Anon"
>Maybe someone is thinking of me.
That'd be a step in the right direction from the last interaction but that could've been any dreamwalking Anon here...r-right everybody..?
>I just wish the encounters were a bit more coherent.
Speaking of, that's dreams for ya! Not surprising these threads are opening up so much, even though I was still seriously surprised over what's happened with me.
>Remember what that one anon said in the 2nd thread about how Yukari was unlocking her talents by some means..?
>[[The Threads]] could be amplifying latent spiritual powers of the posters, getting the attention of spirits, or something greater
>Or all of these.
Essentially how I've seen things. If this balance is well-maintained as it mostly has been thanks to what we're striving to maintain then that's only natural.

By the way, one other topic I've been meaning to possibly say something over since the very beginning:
>>47601524 >>47604072 >>47609542
>even basic contact would result in a level of vulnerability for a person that I imagine most are not prepared for
>there's no perfect guarantee that whatever entity you contact is even good
>misunderstandings are still a non-zero possibility
>contact is an intrusion upon one's own 'mental space,'
>others who consider their own thoughts to be a sanctuary.
>Gotta invest in some mental home defense, clearly.
Without rambling on too heavily over the topic since things like Ego were actually very thoroughly covered by others this time around, I find attitudes like these juxtaposed against clinically-open understandings towards spiritual clarity or forthrightness to be especially fascinating. The mental fortitudes of others can be thoroughly layered for any number of valid or invalid reasons. However, I will say that fully walling-off those channels does not always guarantee you'll be completely isolated from such influence.
You can have as much home defense installed as you like, but (You) are Not immune to Radiation.

>> No.47738302
File: 1.03 MB, 1200x1200, Yukari and Yuyuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>47728052 >>47731101
>I will make a very serious effort at doing a daily yohai for Izumo grand shrine
I'll be joining in that as well to the best of my own abilities, very curious to see what may stem from our collective actions as per usual. Great info presented in >>47727822 too!

>could you elaborate a bit more on Passive Intent?
Of course. Within the context of the document itself & with how I've come to understand things, I believe each categorization of being inherently emits its own form of non-specific, undirected influence that inevitably goes on to effect those feedback loops & other channels of influence permeating throughout "The Wellspring". This is especially potent when we're actively deliberating over topics like these with such depth or scope. We've been seeing this demonstrated in real-time throughout these threads with everything they've brought about, full "active" intent or otherwise behind such events bringing about something constructive regardless.
Humans are a form of receptive spirit with fluidity, I agree, but they exert atypical applications through the Physical more than anything, historically speaking. Youkai are inherently tied to the Mental, naturally invoking strange & unexplainable phenomena from such spaces is their whole deal. Characterizations of "unruliness" also have great historical precedent here. 神 have ridiculous amounts of what I'm calling "Karmic Weight" which is why they must operate under such parameters so often and why they do have such monstrous amounts of collective influence in the first place.
When people say things like "maybe unspoken prayers are still heard", Passive Intent would be what's stringing moments like that along against anything being Actively done throughout that Background Medium/Ether. There's inherent P.I. running throughout the whole equation anyways simply due to how many individual beings are involved (All of them.) but it's often specifically concentrated through the various Layers by the existence & involvements of that very collective. Essentially, anyone's given scope of influence runs far deeper than even active, conscious awareness.
That's why conscientious actions are so important, and why prioritizing harmony with such forces (like Musubi) is vital to a fuller, richer existence within the world around.

Harmony with The All is where True Bliss & Release can be found for many, though that can be an understandably strained ideal to attain depending on time & place.

>Not familiar with tzimtzum at all!
Me neither really, but it was an example that cropped up last thread so I wanted to point it out for anyone who might be more knowledgeable on it than I.
>Gensokyo has it's own sexagenary cycle
>the earliest system for that used the Big Dipper
>the old system would line up with Gensokyo's cycle..?
I'll have to look into that when I feel so inclined, didn't expect the Sexagenary cycle to give me so much trouble at first so that'd be a good way to refine understanding. That document of mine was originally meant to feel a little more "open source" but then I ended up cramming it with information as I do so something for the future perhaps.
>her presence could be overwhelming to someone in a vulnerable position
Even beyond traits like that just being "part of the job", there's a reason they are as selective as they are when it comes to when they decide to fully show themselves to anyone in particular. Like you said with Okina-sama, there's just that much concentrated force behind their presence sometimes.
>Have you heard the joke about Myers-Briggs being astrology for boys?
I'm honestly more familiar with the joke that Astrology is just "racism for girls" per some of my more unhinged acquaintances, though that equivalent isn't surprising to hear. That & Numerology are things I need to better study myself, most of my ideas related to those fields have once again been largely intuitive.

You take care with those updates & new avenues of research of course, as well as your current ventures away from home. Looking forward to the future with an eagerness I haven't been able to retain this consistently for a very long time and I personally thank each & every one of you for that.
Everyone's support is also deeply appreciated and is exactly what helps things like this along for the better.

>an opportunity to make fun of Yukari?
A truly irresistible temptation indeed, but at this point I'm sure she's heard it all. Definitely set myself up for that kind of reply in hindsight though lol
>I happen to have her overpriced fabric idol sitting next to Yukari-sama's
>I suppose there is something inherently comforting about keeping your supernatural predators close.
That's a thinker...I don't know why I often hesitate when it comes to using Yukari-san vs. Yukari-sama but maybe she'd appreciate the greater respect...
As much as I've spoken of other's trepidations before, (I) am Also Not immune to Radiation..!

>> No.47738848
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>That's a thinker...I don't know why I often hesitate when it comes to using Yukari-san vs. Yukari-sama but maybe she'd appreciate the greater respect...
Maybe do what feels right to you. Formality and convention were never my strong suit, sadly. And I definitely cannot speak for her. But I would like to think that intention carries more weight than words and procedure.

>> No.47738904
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Yukari-san looks way too comfortable in Okina-sama's clothes...

>> No.47739090

At about 2:30am (possibly 2:29am) I heard a sound like thunder. At 2:40am, i heard it again. It lasted several seconds. The weather forecast didn’t think thunder would happen.

>> No.47739095
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Well said!

>> No.47739138

Very soon after posting this, less than 2 minutes, I heard a sound like a video game sound effect for a monster, it sounded kinda like a modern game trying to mimic retro design. Maybe it was somehow a vehicle noise? I also heard another sound like a distant plane or thunder at the same time. There’s a lot of planes around here so a prosaic explanation is possible for that.

>> No.47740496

Maybe someone will manage to answer this question before the thread archives.
>You will need to start to build up a meditation regimen
I've started. There are some first observations I have, but I will maybe share them once I have more data, for the lack of better word.
My questions is: should I try to focus on something, or rather try to empty my mind from any thought? If former, how complex such idea to focus on can or should be?

>> No.47740723

Good timing there.
In my own experience, I've found the best thing to do is to let your natural flow of thought take you where it wants to drift without specifically directing anything or hyperfixating on one exact thing.
It can help to mentally immerse yourself in your ideal tranquil environment as a start, but from there you should try not to worry much over subconscious visualizations as long as you're focused & fairly grounded.
This will get you used to the mood of your typical mental landscape over time, allowing you to more-accurately recognize when & if you do start picking up on certain "outside signals" per say. Others may put things more succinctly or somewhat differently than I but there's something for you at least.

>> No.47741533

>Let's maybe just reconvene over such notions in 10-15 years when more of everything around us has potentially started to collapse in on itself (Mostly joking).
Ten to fifteen years!? By then I’ll have to be a magical woman!

>> No.47741635

Exactly why reconvening would be necessary by then! Make sure when you get there you have all your Spell Cards ready and your best fight music queued up.

>> No.47742325

Look, I'm a guy, so if we're doing this (and we are doing this) I'm going MuscleWizard...

Joking aside, I do wonder what the actual spellcards themselves look like when they're in the paper card form.

>> No.47742433

That'll bring some good balance to the team no doubt, good luck with that physical & mental training then.
On a serious note, I always figured the spellcards were all as physically personalized as the attacks themselves. They just need to conform to some basic card or paper-adjacent format (something easy to dish out & potentially copy) and include that prerequisite amount of emotional meaning as an extension.
Reimu's or Yukari's are likely modeled after the talismans they'd work with anyways for example. Girls like Seiga or Byakuren would have implements tailored to their faiths, with spiritual independents like Marisa possibly getting extra-unique with things, but it might start getting a little fuzzy from there with further speculation. What kind of design sense would a Youkai like Kisume even have for instance?
It'd be funny if spellcards for girls like Cirno, Rumia or Koishi were just basic drawings of theirs with some scribblings for the name or description. If the majority needs to be able to conform to the rules of proper Danmaku battle for it to work then the umbrella for acceptability would need to be pretty broad by default.

>> No.47742434

>I find attitudes like these juxtaposed against clinically-open understandings towards spiritual clarity or forthrightness
Then you fundamentally misunderstood what I was saying. Forthrightness or lack thereof has nothing to do with it. Even the lines you quoted made it abundantly obvious that it is a matter of lacking the more reverential stance, which, speaking bluntly, I find to be willfully ignorant. In the same way you would not just leave your front door open for any random stranger to walk into your house and do as they please, the same logic would apply to one's own mind. Especially considering it is, and I cannot stress this enough, the one place that can be kept clean of the disgusting levels of impulsive foolishness of the majority of people.
>A truly irresistible temptation indeed, but at this point I'm sure she's heard it all.
Don't you worry, I'm more than capable of thinking up something new. For example:
>Yukari-san vs. Yukari-sama
Yakumo (derogatory)

>> No.47742507

Consider the following:

>> No.47742844

Well, as much as I have tried to maintain a lack of ignorance within my own self and an understanding of self-control to the best of my current capabilities, to me what you're describing sounds like a fundamental lack of trust in these engagements which simply can't be withheld after a certain point imo. It isn't about blind trust, something I've stated before, but you can't exactly mentally hide much from some of these beings. Hopefully that isn't just more of my own ignorance showing there.
Respect would be a good reflection on any given behalf, if you are in contact with anything benevolent with what certainty you've attained that is. Otherwise, yes, reverence shouldn't simply be handed-out blindly. Also why experience & proper research is important. I wouldn't let just anyone into my private spaces either. Though, if you're arguing that we can never fully trust such outside influence in the first place without exception (even when learning about/from them in any capacity) then I might just be on the opposite end of the argument there and wouldn't want to butt-heads much. It's one thing to be more pragmatic & logical with how you carry yourself through deliberation but, to me, that doesn't always mesh terribly well with understanding the fuller existence some of these beings carry as independent agents themselves. That is a view that has very much been molded through my own life experience however, overall brevity of that life notwithstanding.
Your stance is understandable from our own positions here since, as has been stated, misunderstandings are still possible. That's inherent just from how these forces are/operate. Skepticism is healthy but I suppose this comes down to yet another reflection of my own biases. Constant interference and misunderstanding can only bring you so far of course. I'm often communing as directly as I am able when the time calls for such, save from regularly talking to nobody in particular (or objects) out-loud. At this point, it'd feel silly of me to not return what's been given in any capacity as I would with others I respect but I do try to be cautious of what I put out there regardless.
I still have Some base-line survival instinct & grounding habits within me after all. But I suppose, emotionally speaking, I would still be weak or vulnerable in that sense anyways.
That all being said, I am still of the notion that no matter how much mental cleanliness you emphasize you're still going to be exposed to negative influence one way or another, in the form of temptation or otherwise non-constructive agents of sorts. Call it a form of testing on their part or the basic nature of engaging with a number of different outside opinions, it all comes down to you and how you willingly decide to act in the face of everything processed anyways. Even if scopes are inherently limited. There's just nothing much that can be changed there outside of yourself. This isn't to imply that's something you should simply submit yourself to or regurgitate however, inaction or lack of proper care can and will spell your own downfall. It's just the reality of these situations while still being something you can learn to navigate or avoid all-together with the proper mental maintenance.
You can keep a lot to yourself but that doesn't make you 100% alone in there, personally-maintained mental sanctity aside. This isn't something to be catastrophized, but understood and handled with caution like any other social or emotional involvement. I'm almost tempted to ask how you go about personally distancing yourself from such apparent willful ignorance anyways but I wouldn't want to pry as much as anyone more uncaring of such personal perspectives might. Thanks for pointing that out to me though, I really do try to keep an open mind about these topics for the better in spite of my inherently-skewed outlooks and I apologize if I've missed the point once again through any rambles. Something something brevity is the soul of something as others might say (not to be dismissive).
Striving for improvement ought to be encouraged and proper, educated understanding is a good thing to foster. If anything, I'd hope that would be more reflected throughout these threads and my own posting towards others but I do only have this singular scope of mine to operate from up until my thoughts are already out there for discussion.
>Yakumo (derogatory)
Oh No, a moral conundrum acting as a microcosm of precisely what's being discussed! Whichever shall I choose for the better?
Vote now on your phones. For the sake of our future sanity!
Captcha: HAAH K

>> No.47742962

And as I read this in the store for getting things for my room project, I make it to the conundrum section as Very Superstitious by Stevie Wonder begins to play overhead. HAAH indeed.

>> No.47743155

>your best fight music queued up.
Is it OK to borrow Mima or Marisa’s themes until I can write my own?

On the topic of spellcards what if it was possible to make one in real life that really worked? Like you just flip a drawing over or something and lasers come out

>> No.47743215

>"if you could flip over paper and have lasers shoot out"

Then I would get fired because of it, first, then go on to get into lots of trouble by swapping normal paper with my own creations.
"You've activated my trap card!"
*queue wanton destruction and me getting kicked out of Denny's*
(But yeah, it may be worth looking into the actual possible real world basis and extrapolate on it all, while NOT causing another incident. Yet.)

>> No.47744951
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Mima would probably thank you for the free publicity honestly. At this point she's been sealed away for so long that she'd have to take what she can get, if anything at all.
Trying to curse you would just land her right back in Mikotown anyways.

>> No.47745028
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Of course you would have to flip it or pull it out as dramaticaly as possible and shout out loud the name of the spell too. I suppose it would function much like in-game, you get the spinny magic sigil around you and you emanate the danmaku from the middle of your body.

Center of the body of course correlates with the heart center, which has a lot of occult signifigance.

Unfortunately I am extremely tired and still stuck on the phone so the full analysis on the meaning of danmaku coming out from the middle of character sprites will have to wait.

>> No.47745072

>what you're describing sounds like a fundamental lack of trust
Trust is not something to be carelessly given away.
>if you're arguing that we can never fully trust such outside influence in the first place
Not that extreme, obviously.
>that doesn't always mesh terribly well with understanding the fuller existence some of these beings carry as independent agents themselves.
You speak as though seeking to accurately understand others is not a natural part of the process of deciding whether or not someone is trustworthy.
>you're still going to be exposed to negative influence
And if you are, you disregard it. That's true of any negative influence regardless of its source. You determine whether or not a given influence is worthwhile and then choose what to do with it.
>There's just nothing much that can be changed there outside of yourself.
From what I've looked into this is simply untrue.
>You can keep a lot to yourself but that doesn't make you 100% alone in there
Anything that intrudes upon my mind without my knowledge does so without my consent. The response should be quite obvious.
you go about personally distancing yourself from such apparent willful ignorance
That's just a lifelong process of learning and furthering one's understanding. It's nothing special, most people are just unusually lazy and inept.
>Whichever shall I choose for the better?
I needn't even tell you my vote.

All of this to say, I've full awareness of how my perspective on things is in the minority, if for no other reason than a lack of wonder for such fantastical concepts. Any such things that exist are ultimately no less fallible than people, as previously mentioned. I'll go out on a limb here and assume you've been lucky enough not to see the absolute worst and lowest of people, allowing you to have the innocence to think of such an idea as uninvited guests in your mind with a reaction other than visceral disgust and loathing.

>> No.47745301
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You are simply pointing out an overt flaw when it comes to total innocence, which is something to keep in-mind to be fair.
>You speak as though seeking to accurately understand others is not a natural part of the process of deciding whether or not someone is trustworthy.
I do believe that's a natural process to things, though perhaps I should learn to openly scrutinize more regularly so that can be more accurately reflected in what I say & do. I suppose you'll all be the first to know the moment I am seriously "burned" if my actions are ever taken too far. My only real point was that, after enough proper time spent around the "better" entities it might start to feel a bit one-sided if you're continuously keeping them a safe distance away mentally. Perhaps that's the crux of the entire situation though: applying inherently human emotions & relationships to forces that can operate beyond such constrictions as much as they may be humanly-flawed themselves, and why you would or wouldn't follow-through with such. I'd imagine for many people that would understandably be "The Line" that's drawn in order to separate perceived schizophrenia from "undiluted" considerations.
>You determine whether or not a given influence is worthwhile and then choose what to do with it.
Also agreed, that's exactly what gives us the power we do hold beyond any literal, physical action.
>Anything that intrudes upon my mind without my knowledge does so without my consent
>The response should be quite obvious.
Also fair! Minority status aside and without overly-aggrandizing things, I'm still of the notions that your perspectives here have been of great value if for no other reason that they are a decent counterbalance to the other extreme end of these attitudes. That being total frivolity fueled by blinding wonderment.
Trusting friend-shaped bears far too willingly as they say or ignorant LARPing depending on who you ask.
>I'll go out on a limb here and assume you've been lucky enough not to see the absolute worst and lowest of people
Without getting into anything too horribly depressing & personal, I may not be as lucky as you might think! Any unflinching optimism on my end is likely just a coping mechanism at worst or a reflection of what I'd like to see more of in the world at best, if we're looking at things from any purely technical standpoint that is. There are plenty of behaviors/patterns that I do loathe, internally and externally, though perhaps I have simply not seen nearly enough to be as cautious as I could be (or should). There's always something worse out there.

Your "lack of wonder" is no-less personally defining than my willingness to engage with such forces, I can't exactly call that "wrong" because my perspectives simply aren't "right" in any all-encompassing sense. I wouldn't want to feel totally correct all the time about everything anyways, that'd be where the true delusions would start cropping up. I simply hope whatever you've been through or seen in others hasn't also been the lowest of the low but I'm no professional in human psychology.
Healthy things to consider when it comes to topics like Ego or Balance either way.
