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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 514 KB, 729x1152, Sin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4763735 No.4763735 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, where do you figure you'll end up?

Also, is it just me, or are some of these punishments not so terrible? I mean, dudes who love violence get to kick ass for eternity, and guys who have to wear weighted cloaks are in the same zip code as folks tossed into a sea of boiling pitch, who are all apparently getting off lighter than people LOCKED IN BURNING COFFINS.

>> No.4763744

It doesn't say what kind of reptiles, they could be sea turtles or something.

>> No.4763756

Burning coffin for me. See you guys there.

>> No.4763761

dipped in poop for all eternity
some people do this for fun

>> No.4763763

Dudes who like violence are boiled alive in blood.

How is that pleasant?

>> No.4763764

I wouldn't mind being the tree, not like I'd have nerve endings to feel being ripped apart.

>> No.4763766

Who's joining me in the City of Dis?

>> No.4763768

Looks like I'll be "blown" by wind.

>> No.4763772

Oh, boy! I get to push rocks!

>> No.4763775

Fifth Circle is basically Valhalla.

>> No.4763779

See you at the bottom of the River Styx.

>> No.4763788

>Immersed in human excrement
That's pretty poetic, actually.

>> No.4763789


More or less!

>> No.4763795
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It's almost as if it was written by one of those people that does poems.

>> No.4763800

Wait, they're fighting ON the River? So they're all fucking fighting each-other while in boats? This is the best thing ever.

>> No.4763803

Either blown by endless wind or in a burning coffin

>> No.4763805

I don't think that people who say "not so terrible" about these punishment know what eternity means. Even the lightest punishment, just barely there, would be excruciatingly painful after a while, and it would only get worse, because eternity means that it would never end. Never.

>> No.4763809

But the human mind can't contemplate eternity so eventually you'd either go insane or forget everything.

>> No.4763812

Probably going to end up a tree. Sounds like good times.

>> No.4763813

Eternity means you would get used to it pretty damn fast.

>> No.4763815
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Getting whipped by demons can't be so bad. Tough part is becoming a seducer before I die.

>> No.4763819

The true torture is boredom. But it's exactly the same in Heaven, so..

>> No.4763822


None of these things compare to the fact that you'd be doing them for a very long time. Iron cloak nothing, you'd get bored.

Even Judas is probably just daydreaming despite getting nommed on because he's so absurdly bored after 2000 years.

>> No.4763827

Let's take that cloak of lead. Go out and get a cloak or something else which just hangs off of your shoulders, and weight it down with heavy stuff. See how long you'll be fine wearing it. It just gets worse, it doesn't get better.

>> No.4763828

I'll be chillin with my homeboys Socrates and plato in the first circle of hell.

>> No.4763833

It doesn't say I have to walk anywhere, I can just lie on my back on the ground.

>> No.4763835

Heaven isn't boredom, in heaven you have a perfect life. If it was boring, it wouldn't be perfect.

>> No.4763836

"Desert of blazing sand with rain of constant fire."
All the way to the seventh circle? That's really harsh. Thinking of hell makes me kind of sad, why would people think up such horrible stuff like this?

>> No.4763837

If you're in hell being punished, do you really think that they would let you lay down?

>> No.4763838

>Engaged in combat with one another on the surface of the River Styx
The Norseman in me thinks this is awesome.

>> No.4763840

But the human mind cannot comprehend perfection.

>> No.4763842

Struck by grief ? The same as my actual life. Bring it on bitch, I can live like this for 1000000000000000 years without giving a shit.

>> No.4763843

I don't think anyone in hell really cares anymore. I figure all the demons just slack off anyway.

>> No.4763846

It was actually satire, believe it or not.

>> No.4763848

No, you're an idiot. It would grow worse only for a single day as you get adjusted to it. After that you would be adjusted to it. There's no "getting better", I'm not saying you'll suddenly enjoy wearing a cloak of lead. But it wouldn't be as bothersome as it was at first, it would be just your normal day routine.

>> No.4763851

The human mind can not comprehend infinity, and yet we live in a universe infinite in size. A child's mind can not comprehend the full extent of society, yet they survive until they (at least partially) can. Being unable to comprehend something does not mean that you can not partake of it.

>> No.4763852

Fuck punishment, I say we overthrow the demons. We can take them, I'm sure there's more than enough humans down there to outnumber the fuckers.

>> No.4763855

Ad Hominem is always the best way to argue your point!

>> No.4763856

I read a book where something like this happened. It's definitely possible.

>> No.4763858

Take those 1000000000000000 years, then multiply them by 1000000000000000 for 1000000000000000 times, then multiply that for 1000000000000000 times, repeat forever.

>> No.4763861

Are there computers in hell ? Or will we have powerlevel shitstorms about the demons down here ?

>> No.4763863

the universe is not infinite

>> No.4763865

Second circle, or fifth.

>> No.4763866

That wasn't an ad hominem, that was just an insult. Learn what ad hominem means, idiot.

>> No.4763869

you need to control people somehow
so saying you'll be tortured forever and ever would be a pretty adequate threat to get people to shape up,
though the irony is that not even the threat of burning for all eternity seems to be able to get some people to shape up...

>> No.4763870

Amon is so much more powerful than Baal!

>> No.4763873

For sure. We're going to be suffering/dying over and over again for all eternity anyway, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

>> No.4763878

Let's make a promise now to meet up in hell anyway.

>> No.4763882

>Ad hominem abusive

>Ad hominem abusive usually involves insulting or belittling one's opponent, but can also involve pointing out factual but ostensible character flaws or actions which are irrelevant to the opponent's argument. This tactic is logically fallacious because insults and even true negative facts about the opponent's personal character have nothing to do with the logical merits of the opponent's arguments or assertions.

Your insult was a method of undermining me, and so was connected to your argument. Therefore, ad hominem.

>> No.4763884

If I see anyone else in the fifth circle, I'm going to kick your ass.

>> No.4763888


Sure. But you gotta get me out of that burning coffin first.

>> No.4763889

not really
getting "used to it" is a function within the brain
if god is really as much of a dick as Christians portray him to be he can just switch those functions off so that everyday is just as painful and dreadful as the last.

>> No.4763897

Doom is not a book.

>> No.4763902

Actually it is. First one is pretty faithful to the game, but it diverges wildly after that. You should track them down and give them a read.

>> No.4763904

I would rape the demons and shit everywhere until they gave me my own place. It would be the Twelfth circle and I would play Touhou and browse the internet everyday. You guys could come join me but I would demand a go at your ass every once in a while.

>> No.4763905


I'll see if they'll let me wheel you up to Styx. We'll make it into a boat.

>> No.4763906

Yeah, I can't believe they made them aliens instead of demons from hell. I think it's less scary when they're just aliens.

>> No.4763908

This ice was made for me

>> No.4763909

You're an idiot, therefore your argument is wrong. That is an ad hominem abusive. Simply insulting someone is not an ad hominem abusive, it's just abusive.

>> No.4763918

>>It would be the Twelfth circle and I would play Touhou and browse the internet everyday.

So we are already in hell?

>> No.4763919

The Doom books are pretty decent reads for young adult trash fiction. But that's not what I was talking about; I meant the City Infernal books.

>> No.4763920

It does not have to be your entire argument in order for it to be part of your argument. Did I say that your entire argument was ad hominem? Nope. Is part of it? Yup.

>> No.4763923

Dude I can be the boat. You just have chase those fucking harpies away.

>> No.4763930

It's a wonder lustful people get off the hook so easily.
I would think lust is one of the most evil sin.
But someone commiting suicide has it worse.
Even in hell, bitches and whores everywhere ?

>> No.4763931

He's getting really frustrated; keep it up!

>> No.4763932

Don't worry, I'll rape them. While on fire.

>> No.4763933


We'll turn tree guy here >>4763923
into a boat. We'll get some of the Norsemen and start a rebellion.

I'll be ammo for the catapult.

>> No.4763938

This is actually quite true. You take a huge amount of people, including all kinds of criminals, opportunists and backstabbers, into one place, and put them in a position where they have absolutely nothing to lose no matter what they do, it's like they're asking for a rebellion. Considering where all war criminals, assassins, barbarians, thugs and dictators go, we could probably even take over heaven. Think about it, we got Hitler on our side, damnit.

>> No.4763946
File: 88 KB, 369x369, Untitled-1 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the book, and me being a muslim makes me go to the 8th ring (woho!)

According to Dante's Philosophy I'm a Schismatic. I always wanted to groin by sword. But hey, it's fiction so who cares anyway.

>> No.4763947

/jp/ meetup in hell. See you guys there.

>> No.4763950


>You approach Satan's wretched city where you behold a wide plain surrounded by iron walls. Before you are fields full of distress and torment terrible. Burning tombs are littered about the landscape. Inside these flaming sepulchers suffer the heretics, failing to believe in God and the afterlife, who make themselves audible by doleful sighs. You will join the wicked that lie here, and will be offered no respite. The three infernal Furies stained with blood, with limbs of women and hair of serpents, dwell in this circle of Hell.


>> No.4763952

>we could probably even take over heaven
It's that kind of greed and overconfidence that always ruins everything for Lucifer, idiot. Just be happy to overthrow the demons and leave it at that.

>> No.4763955

You don't seem to understand what an ad hominem is.

>> No.4763957

I love you /jp/.

>> No.4763960


We could turn hell into a /jp/ paradise if we succeed.

>> No.4763961

Agreed. Let's just turn hell into our own heaven.The demons can be our bitches while we have an oncoming endless supply of new humans who will always be entering.

>> No.4763962

Pffft. You guys and your Hell takeover plans.
I get to brawl for eternity. That's pretty awesome.

>> No.4763965

Just like with Hitler ;_;

>> No.4763967

We should totally build our very own warship in the River Styx.
You can have my lead coat, maybe you can use it has ammunition for the cannons.

>> No.4763968
File: 103 KB, 450x338, what_what_qustionmark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on /jp/

>> No.4763969

Hitler was a failure as a strategist, but we would probably have this guy on our side:

>> No.4763971


If we take over hell, we can build an arena where you can still fight forever.

>> No.4763974

Which Hell are we going to take over? There are still two powerful oni missing..

>> No.4763975

Damn it, this whole plan was fucked from the beginning...

>> No.4763976

Do you think GIRUGAMESH is waiting for us here ?

>> No.4763984 [DELETED] 


Yes, and he is pushing rocks to the center of a circle.

>> No.4763980

And Saladin. And Caesar.

>> No.4763982

Hey guys can I borrow some money? I need to buy some repellent for these lizards. I promise to pay you back.

>> No.4763999


>we could probably even take over heaven

Satan had that same idea!

Oh. Right. God is a mary sue.

>> No.4764003

that's the joke.jpg

>> No.4764004

/jp/ - Otaku Culture should become :

/jp/ Abandon All Hope, You Who Enter Here

>> No.4764007

Caesar can suck a cock, I hope we get this guy though.
Fucker issued an arrest warrant for the pope because he disagreed with him over a theological interpretation.

>> No.4764009

No one's joining me at the bottom of the River Styx? Oh well.

>> No.4764010


Relax, Anon. You'll have one thing Satan didnt.


>> No.4764011

God invented Mary Sue.

>> No.4764014


Orthodoxy or death!

>> No.4764018

There's no such thing as lizard repellant. Instead, we deal with their food supply which drives them away. In this case, their food supply is you.

>> No.4764019
File: 88 KB, 800x800, ast312d1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like fapping to pictures of Astaroth while listening to Yasunori Mitsuda's version of her theme song.


>> No.4764031

We're going to need an awesome theme song if we want to beat Satan.

>> No.4764033
File: 15 KB, 254x300, 62Valac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valac is mai husbando.

>> No.4764034

I'm gonna enjoy the second circle, actually.

Strong wind is my favorite weather phenomena. I absolutely love it.

Too bad around here strong winds comes with rain. I hate rain. Thank god (nurr) I'm not a glutton.

>> No.4764035

Sorry, this isn't The Pick of Destiny.

>> No.4764037

UN OMEN was he?

>> No.4764038

This is a good idea.

>> No.4764041

Hey, who wants to hang out with me on the bottom of Styx?

>> No.4764042

Carabia is the best husbando. He's fully 2D!

Or Gremory & Vepar if you like traps.

>> No.4764043


>> No.4764046

if great thinkers are all in the limbo...
limbo is probably the best place ever and probably has virtual reality by now.

>> No.4764055

Eternity is the worst conceivable torment. The best thing about life is that it ends, even though we might not feel that way about it.

>> No.4764058

Nowhere because the nine circles are fanon shit.

>> No.4764060
File: 280 KB, 1576x2473, Domenico_Beccafumi_018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The limbo looks like a pretty cool place if you ask me.

>> No.4764061

What if you are surrounded by loli for etherinty?

>> No.4764063

You really think all great thinkers weren't Christian?

>> No.4764065

All of Hell is fanon.
Shut up and enjoy it.

>> No.4764067
File: 72 KB, 700x464, limbo_dance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love limbo.

>> No.4764068

I'm a pirate so I'll be going to be bitten by reptiles.

>> No.4764069



>> No.4764070

do you really think that all the Christians go to the heavens?

>> No.4764072

do you really think that was implied by my post?

>> No.4764075

>implying you didn't imply what he implied you were implying

>> No.4764076

Shiki can kill Satan. Discuss.

>> No.4764080

Satan can kill servants. Discuss.

>> No.4764086
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He's not very good at it though.

>> No.4764094

I don't see how these circles are architecturally connected. If it's like a big funnel-shaped car park, we could melt the ice at the bottom using the pitch, flaming people, blazing sand, etc, then divert the Styx and all other liquids into the bottom, filling it up like a cup. We'd float on the hot gooey mess using dead reptiles, and trees, then burst forth like a boiling geyser of shit unto Heaven.

If they're all different dimensions though, there'd be a slight problem.

>> No.4764100


You mean basically a being on the scale of Angra Mainyu? Hahaha, Heavens no! Akashic Shiki doesn't count because Nasu is basically ignoring she ever existed nowadays and pretends he never wrote that. He basically rewrote Shiki to be a yakuza bitch in the epilogue chapter, even! Realistically, you'd need, like, a Type, full power Arcueid/Archetype-Earth, the original Roa, or the entire Burial Agency all at once to kill something like that, anyways.

>> No.4764103

Fuck circles anyways, when we take over I say we make it a trapezoid.

>> No.4764120

I will, friend.

>> No.4764125


Judging from Archer's implications, a single Counter Guardian can handle it.

A Type entity would annihilate it utterly.

The Burial Agency couldn't do shit. Angra Mainyu basically invokes instant death or insanity in humans.

Gilgamesh also can defeat it.

>> No.4764134


>The Burial Agency couldn't do shit. Angra Mainyu basically invokes instant death or insanity in humans.

Not quite. It's a massacre machine. Its goo would destroy a normal human's mind, though.

>> No.4764135

I'm pretty sure Dante had to go through the bottom of hell and though the center of the earth to get to heaven on the other side. Filling up hell would just push you further away.

>> No.4764151

River Styx for me. ;_;

>> No.4764241

We could look for underwater treasure and fuck mermaids bro.

>> No.4764250

Quit your bitchin'.
Don't make me come down there.

>> No.4764257

It works either way, we just hold our breath and get shit into heaven through the rectum that is the 9th circle then. Woooo.

>> No.4764261

Get your ass over here to the Ninth Circle so I could eat your bitch ass!

>> No.4764282

Hell yeah! Looks like I'm getting a free cloak!

>> No.4764286

Note that it's only the WRATHFUL that get engaged in combat. The VIOLENT end up being boiled alive. So those of you who want Valhalla, you have to get angry all the time, but NOT act out on it. If you actually beat people up and kill people while in life, you'll end up boiled alive. The Fifth Circle is just for "People Who Got Pissed Off A Lot."

>> No.4764290

I guess I get the desert of blazing sand and raining fire, for sodomy. =/

>> No.4764298
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>> No.4764308

billy and friends will go to heaven right? ;_;

>> No.4764317
File: 196 KB, 500x500, 1269127300789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll end pretty bad, perverts!

>> No.4764322

No thanks, /jp/. I'm going to be reborn in Gensokyo.

>> No.4764329

delicious legs touhoue

>> No.4764443
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>> No.4764467

I won't go to hell because I'm a moral religious person.
HAHAHAHAHA! To the Eighth circle, ring 10 for me.

>> No.4764499

I'll take Seventh Circle, ring 2. I like trees!

>> No.4764528

Where's Phelegethon river? The Russian 247th Motor Rifle might still be there

>> No.4764558

ever read larry nivens inferno? interesting take on the whole thing - Mussolini as virgil etc

>> No.4764566

That's the easiest one to get, too!

>> No.4764573

I'm not going to hell because I bought a paper from the pope that lets me sin whenever I want.

>> No.4764579

Post the map to Heaven now

>> No.4764581

8th circle?

>> No.4764589


It's just the solar system. Dante got lazy after the first book.

>> No.4764604

Enjoy being compelled to scratch your skin.

>> No.4764605

So, who will engage manly fights with me on the river?

>> No.4764609

Purgatory, then?

>> No.4764613


Pretty much the moon.

Where nothing much happens.


>> No.4764614

I will.

>> No.4764620


I will rip your cocks off and shove them in each other's asses.

>> No.4764633

>bunch of Dante, not understood to be a parody
The Lake of Fire is actually larger than hell per-se. Just FYI.

>> No.4764638

Fuck you and fuck your mom.

>> No.4764646

Well, I'll probably come visit you eventually, since we'll be there for eternity and all. But the first thing I'm doing after I bust out of my burning tomb is trawling for loli demons.

>> No.4764651

>Lake of Fire
You mean the Phelegethon river?

>> No.4764652

Yeah except it's not eternal and only inflicts oblivion.

>> No.4764679
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Or it could end for you like this.

>> No.4764690


Oh, Anon. You can't be a Christian if you actually think.

>> No.4764700



>> No.4764708
File: 38 KB, 368x300, retarded_orin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...where's the retarded Orin dump?

>> No.4764771

There seems to be a lot more ice than I expected in hell. I figured it would burning pitch and molten brimstone all the way down. Rather than flaming lakes, Lucifer seems to watch over a frozen wasteland.

>> No.4764772

Fifth Level of Hell

The river Styx runs through this level of Hell, and in it are punished the wrathful and the gloomy. The former are forever lashing out at each other in anger, furious and naked, tearing each other piecemeal with their teeth. The latter are gurgling in the black mud, slothful and sullen, withdrawn from the world. Their lamentations bubble to the surface as they try to repeat a doleful hymn, though with unbroken words they cannot say it. Because you lived a cruel, vindictive and hateful life, you meet your fate in the Styx.
I think we'll all have fun in the fifth circle, though I also have aptitudes for the sixth, we'll have good battles

>> No.4764779

there's the cosytus or the crimson lotus hell, because poeple are so cold, they try to heat themselves in the fetal position and their backs just 'bloom'

>> No.4764784

>ninth circle

Lucifer confirmed for Cirno.

>> No.4764786

Since when are there muslims on /jp/?

>> No.4764962

I would but i fear it'll be hard not to drown with my lead cloak on.

>> No.4764970

Come to the desert with me and we'll wrestle. You won't need that cloak, It will just get in the way.

>> No.4764977

come to the fifth hell with me, you'll drown faster

>> No.4764984

In my mind, the cloak is like a cosy warm portable igloo.
Or a lead sleeping bag with legs and arms.

>> No.4764991

Don't do it he wants to sodomize you.

>> No.4764999

I won't be going to Hell with you guys, sorry. I should rate at least Heaven's Limbo with my current life.

>> No.4765002

There sure is a lot of ice in the depths of hell

>> No.4765008

you are in 4chan, that's already bad enough
+you are in /jp/, to make things worse, do the DAnte test posted here truthfully and you'll see

>> No.4765011

This is a Christian hell, right? If I'm atheist, what warrants me going to this hell instead of the equivalent of hell of other religions?

>> No.4765013

you'll end up in the limbo, the best place
all religions go here, since it's all-centered

>> No.4765015

>what warrants me going to this hell instead of the equivalent of hell of other religions?
Christianity is the one true faith.

>> No.4765020

>>dudes who love violence get to kick ass for eternity

>>Forced to swim in a BOILING sea of blood

>> No.4765030

Weird. I don't fit in any.

Heaven for me, then?

>> No.4765035

do the test posted here in the thread, easy way to know

>> No.4765040
File: 137 KB, 480x640, 63e7f38780192cf456014ed8ea2fa82fe17e7ddb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I guess it's suicide for me. Harpies are hot

>> No.4765043

so i was reading dantes inferno and when those guys swimming in boiling blood come up for some reflief demon shoot them with something to make them go down,
i mean these guys are boiling in blood what does it matter if you are getting shat at?

>> No.4765044

I'm forced to swim eternally in a boiling stream of blood.

>> No.4765051

Awww fuck

I get to chill in a burning coffin.

>> No.4765054

Fuck that test.
It says I should have gone to limbo.
I'm not that virtuous.

>> No.4765055

I don't remember there being harpies. I remember it being men running around the ring bumping into the branches causing them to break off and making you bleed and cry out in pain only only to fall on deaf ears.

>> No.4765063

They get shot in the face with arrows. It is an ironic hell. They are their for violence against others.

That circle is: violence against others, violence against self, and violence against god.

>> No.4765064

you lied, that's all
be honest with yourself, you watch porn, you wanna have sex, you touch yourself at night and since you're in /jp/ you like men as a little girl
try again

>> No.4765071

Huh. It seems I am not so bad after all.


You have escaped damnation and made it to Purgatory, a place where the dew of repentance washes off the stain of sin and girds the spirit with humility. Through contrition, confession, and satisfaction by works of righteousness, you must make your way up the mountain. As the sins are cleansed from your soul, you will be illuminated by the Sun of Divine Grace, and you will join other souls, smiling and happy, upon the summit of this mountain. Before long you will know the joys of Paradise as you ascend to the ethereal realm of Heaven.

Level Who are sent there? Score
Purgatory Repenting Believers Extreme
Level 1 - Limbo Virtuous Non-Believers Very High
Level 2 Lustful Low
Level 3 Gluttonous High
Level 4 Prodigal and Avaricious Very Low
Level 5 Wrathful and Gloomy Very Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis Heretics Very Low
Level 7 Violent Very Low
Level 8- the Malebolge Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers Low
Level 9 - Cocytus Treacherous Very Low

>> No.4765075

Well, not all of that's true. But, what is true I said.

>> No.4765081

you either get shot in the face or have your face seared by boiling blood
frankly I'd prefer to get shot
that way I'd make those damn demons work for their paychecks!

>> No.4765082

I got Limbo. Sorry that I actually believe in God and read the Bible. I'm not lying; I really do.

Can't deny that I've looked at porn and will continue to do so, but that's it.

>> No.4765086

The wretched King Minos has decided your fate. His tale wraps around his body 5 times.
The sweet light no longer strikes against your eyes. Your shade has been banished to... the Fifth Level of Hell

>> No.4765087

I guess its so that you get no release at all from the pain. Other than that, more violence against the violent.

>> No.4765089

How the fuck are you faggots getting Purgatory? I got the seventh fucking level of hell and I'm not violent at all, apparently saying that some people deserve to die, I'd fuck a cute trap in a skirt and that I'd assassinate someone for money is good enough for the seventh level. I'd have thought they'd be more elitist in Hell.

>> No.4765096

because they're liars

>> No.4765098

because you are a violent sodomite, depends if you put more voilence or sodomy which circle you'll be in
Hey, I'm a pretty good person and I'm wither drowning in the Styx or locked in burning coffin, finally got fifth hell drown

>> No.4765100

>I'd assassinate someone for money

I took that question as "Would you assassinate an innocent person for money" so I answered "no".

But yeah, this test is stupid. I got the sixth layer and I'm the most harmless person around.

>> No.4765103

Nobody deserves to die. Instead, you should stop whatever offense they're committing and attempt to reform them.

>> No.4765105

herectic, you love science, that's all

>> No.4765109
File: 266 KB, 600x853, 1269294170798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Murder and being greedy enough to kill someone in cold blood sounds like Hell material , bro.

>> No.4765112


How naive

>> No.4765118

Can someone post the link to the test?

>> No.4765119

after a revision to check if I was 5th or 6th, I got an EXTREME on 5th, great

>> No.4765120


Have you read through this thread?

>> No.4765122

its not like I love science, I just have nothing better to do thats all
dont get the wrong idea!

>> No.4765123

Thats christianity for you.

You're supposed to be naive if you're a christian.

Why do you think they call themselves lambs?

>> No.4765124

I'm not saying I don't deserve to go to Hell, but the seventh level is for tyrants and war-mongers. It would be kind of egocentric to call myself that.

>> No.4765125

It's true, you idiot. Even if you're forced to kill for practical reasons, nobody DESERVES it.

>> No.4765126

Oddly enough I have.

>> No.4765127

check the 7th, sodomy is an awful sin

>> No.4765129

But they'd be wearing a skirt!

>> No.4765130

but you have the potential to be!
go on and lead a conquest and lay waste to your enemies
I believe with you!

>> No.4765132

Ninth Circle Bitches! It pays to be venal.

>> No.4765133

paedophilia, homosexuality, sodomy
yep, condemned to a blazing desert with fire rain

>> No.4765134

But the Bible says that there are lots of reasons someone deserves to be killed, as mundane as disobeying your parents enough deserves you to be killed.

>> No.4765135


Some people have no desire to be reformed and take pleasure in committing crimes. Why do they deserve to live?

>> No.4765137
File: 91 KB, 864x680, 1229388298890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Religion thread.

>>214 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.4765138

But the skirt! Surely God would make an exception once they learn about the magic of skirts?

>> No.4765140
File: 126 KB, 1920x1200, 1235692006237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Level 6, City of Dis. HERESY!

>> No.4765141

Will someone post a link so that I may know which part of hell I will live in.

>> No.4765143

Enjoy your boring SHIT LEVEL

Fifth > Seventh > Sixth > All others

>> No.4765144

It's not difficult to brainwash them into desiring reform.

>> No.4765145


It's in the thread somewhere.

>> No.4765147

search the thread
crtl+f --> www
THAT easy
you're just making things worse

>> No.4765149

If you think everyone can be that easily changed you are quite mistaken.

>> No.4765150

is fifth that awesome, i'm basically suiffering at the bottom of the river singing depressing songs no one will hear

>> No.4765156

Looks like I'll be chewed endlessly in Lucifer's jaws.

>> No.4765159

A person can change if he/she wants to change.

The problem is that they don't. That's why jails and death sentences exist.

>> No.4765161

which one?

>> No.4765163

It's what I get for believing in SCIENCE!. Should I start raping, killing and conspiring in order to get into a more fun level?

>> No.4765168

no, just get depressed the easiest way to get to 5th

>> No.4765170

I got fourth. Well, I'm a miser so I guess it fits.

>> No.4765171

All the awesome stuff is happening above you, where people are standing on water, having a crazy manly battle-royal, ripping each-other apart with their fists and teeth.

>> No.4765173

If you think they can't be changed, you aren't trying hard enough. Brainwashing never fails.

>> No.4765189

not OVER water, you're on the side battling

>> No.4765191

What the hell I got sent to the Third circle.

>> No.4765194

Over water is cooler.

>> No.4765195

fatass that loves eating
basically that

>> No.4765196

Does someone need a hug?
And a doughnut?

>> No.4765197

I'm not fat but eating is simply amazing.

>> No.4765201

What. That's not nearly as cool at all. You've ruined all my dreams now.

>> No.4765205

You must be thinking of some extreme forms of brainwashing. You can't change a person unless they desire the change in some way, shape or form. It's very hard to change a persons nature. In fact, they'll probably just end up telling you what you want to hear so you'll fuck off but go back to doing what they were doing once you're gone.

>> No.4765209

I'll take the doughnut.

>> No.4765211

well, it's hell, it's not supposed to be cool, sorry
but you're like berserks, more or less, that's also cool

>> No.4765221

Fuck this shit! I'm starting my own religion with blackjack and hookers!

>> No.4765226

But I'm too busy to get depressed. What should I do anon?

>> No.4765227

christianity is the only faaaaaaaaaith

>> No.4765233
File: 64 KB, 288x364, al.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remember that game Afterlife? It was like Sim-Heaven and Sim-Hell. I only just made Hell though and ignored heaven.

>> No.4765236

Yeah, I know. Do whatever it takes to make them desire change. It's much cheaper and easier to just kill them or stick them in cells.

>> No.4765238

Tell me how to become busy. I'm not very good at it and just lay around all day.

>> No.4765240

>that picture

Jesus Christ, and that's for all eternity? "A loving God," my ass.

"Hey, so you killed yourself your life is complete shit and there's just no getting better? Enjoy being a tree and getting your ass torn apart by bird monsters forever."

>> No.4765241

Can we have eroge?

>> No.4765243

It's still awesome, fucker.

>> No.4765249

the other option is being a brawling faggot, that's whaty you're looking for, a depressed fighter
there's always time for being depressed and fighting

>> No.4765251

I could see my self going to any of those rings.

God damn it /jp/, my lack of faith leaves me in despair.

>> No.4765255

It's never too late to accept Jesus Christ into your life.

>> No.4765258

do the test, see what kind of cool hell awaits you

>> No.4765264

Are these circles 2D?

>> No.4765267

no, 2d in any form is forbidden

>> No.4765291

The joke is that he is both Satan and Jesus. I wonder how does Dante approach 'Willingly doing a fundamentally Lawful Good deed that is being an absolute evil so that that the world is balanced'

>> No.4765295


ou approach Satan's wretched city where you behold a wide plain surrounded by iron walls. Before you are fields full of distress and torment terrible. Burning tombs are littered about the landscape. Inside these flaming sepulchers suffer the heretics, failing to believe in God and the afterlife, who make themselves audible by doleful sighs. You will join the wicked that lie here, and will be offered no respite. The three infernal Furies stained with blood, with limbs of women and hair of serpents, dwell in this circle of Hell.

I did not see that coming.

>> No.4765302
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>>implying Satan is some kind of monster

Did Dante not get the memo that Satan is just an Archangel that got cast out for insubordination?

>> No.4765303

If you do not believe in god you should have seen that coming.

>> No.4765311

it's Satan's city, what roam there are the gorgons

>> No.4765312
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>> No.4765315
File: 171 KB, 640x480, raziel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt being cast out of heaven and forced to rule over torture pits has been too kind on him.

>> No.4765316

You guys know that Dante's version of hell is 700 years outdated.
Modern hell of today I imagine would have legal same sex marriages and a free public health care system. Not really a bad place to live in.

>> No.4765320

>First Level of Hell - Limbo

>Charon ushers you across the river Acheron, and you find yourself upon the brink of grief's abysmal valley. You are in Limbo, a place of sorrow without torment. You encounter a seven-walled castle, and within those walls you find rolling fresh meadows illuminated by the light of reason, whereabout many shades dwell. These are the virtuous pagans, the great philosophers and authors, unbaptised children, and others unfit to enter the kingdom of heaven. You share company with Caesar, Homer, Virgil, Socrates, and Aristotle. There is no punishment here, and the atmosphere is peaceful, yet sad.

>Level | Score
>Purgatory | Very Low
>Level 1 - Limbo | Very High
>Level 2 | Low
>Level 3 | Moderate
>Level 4 | Low
>Level 5 | High
>Level 6 - The City of Dis | Moderate
>Level 7 | Moderate
>Level 8- the Malebolge | Moderate
>Level 9 - Cocytus | Very Low

Huh. I thought I'd be way worse off than that. Guess I really am lucky.

Also, the way they described it, it's pretty much a heaven but with no God and bible-thumping angels bugging you? It doesn't seem THAT terrible. Although I would have preferred reincarnation into another life.

>> No.4765326

it means depression and having to stand babies crying

>> No.4765328


But you are sad.


>> No.4765333

Archangels are fucking terrifying.

When something so bright that seeing it hurts your eyes with four thousand wings and seventy thousand feet with eyes all over is flying towards you, you better fucking start running.

>> No.4765338

then europe?
my country already has those so I suppose I'm living in hell

>> No.4765349


No wonder the media just depicts them as humans with large white wings. I mean, who wants to go to a place where there's millions of eye and arm monsters flying around?

>> No.4765373

Wow, that's bizarre. Is there any art out there that portrays them like that?

>> No.4765375

People forget one thing always.

God is good. But he is not nice.

>> No.4765376
File: 589 KB, 667x838, 1250608703508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Be not afraid, I shall make myself known to you in a more familiar form."

>> No.4765383


But we're Christians because Jesus was good AND nice. It's the Jews that get screwed over, really. All they get is fire and brimstone Old Testament G-Man.

>> No.4765385

Jesus was a nice guy, and Jesus is God, therefore God is nice.

>> No.4765388

All they got was a badass who didn't take shit, you mean.

>> No.4765391


Yeah, eye see.

Also in b4 that's a trap.

>> No.4765400

Tell that to Descartes

>> No.4765409


But Descartes no longer exists because his cognitions ceased upon death.

>> No.4765439
File: 644 KB, 800x721, ophan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not archangel, but this should do.

>> No.4765449

At some point everyone in hell is reunited with their body though. Reading it for school now.

>> No.4765452

If I remember correctly, Jesus whipped the Temple into submission and then yelled at the jews for being hypocrites.

>> No.4765470

Righteous indignation because they were using the temple for sinful practices.

>> No.4765477


It's a bit closer to an entire rebellion against him, and once he was sent to hell he was turned into a monster with three disgusting heads.

>> No.4765492

Ninth Level of Hell - Cocytus

This is the deepest level of hell, where the fallen angel Satan himself resides. His wings flap eternally, producing chilling cold winds that freeze the thick ice found in Cocytus. The three faces of Satan, black, red, and yellow, can be seen with mouths gushing bloody foam and eyes forever weeping, as they chew on the three traitors, Judas, Brutus, and Cassius. This place is furthest removed from the source of all light and warmth. Sinners here are frozen deep in the ice, faces out, eyes and mouths frozen shut. Traitors against God, country, family, and benefactors lament their sins in this frigid pit of despair.

GOD DAMN IT! Last time I took the test I was in the 6th.

>> No.4765524

Pretty funny how Judas repented and Cassius and Brutus killed a war monger who plunged the Roman Empire into a civil war instead of facing exile.

>> No.4765561


There's no grey area with God, I suppose.

>> No.4765565

Despite being called the highest of all angels, Satan is never referred to as an archangel, only as a cherubim.

>> No.4765997

Nothing good awaits me there, and that's just for my believes, i love Christianity.
Level | Score
Purgatory | Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo | Very Low
Level 2 | High
Level 3 | High
Level 4 | Very High
Level 5 | High
Level 6 - The City of Dis | Very High
Level 7 | High
Level 8- the Malebolge | Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus | High

>> No.4766008

I'll end up in Heaven.

>> No.4766202

Thanks for the interesting thread, I laughed at the commentary.

Still gotta wonder what it's doing in /jp/

>> No.4766209

Looks like it's purgatory for me.

>> No.4767371

>First Level of Hell - Limbo

>Charon ushers you across the river Acheron, and you find yourself upon the brink of grief's abysmal valley. You are in Limbo, a place of sorrow without torment. You encounter a seven-walled castle, and within those walls you find rolling fresh meadows illuminated by the light of reason, whereabout many shades dwell. These are the virtuous pagans, the great philosophers and authors, unbaptised children, and others unfit to enter the kingdom of heaven. You share company with Caesar, Homer, Virgil, Socrates, and Aristotle. There is no punishment here, and the atmosphere is peaceful, yet sad.

>Level | Score
>Purgatory | Very Low
>Level 1 - Limbo | Very High
>Level 2 | Low
>Level 3 | Moderate
>Level 4 | Very Low
>Level 5 | Low
>Level 6 - The City of Dis | Low
>Level 7 | Low
>Level 8- the Malebolge | Moderate
>Level 9 - Cocytus | Low

It is as I expected.

>> No.4767813
File: 498 KB, 729x1152, ⑨.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I really the first to think of this?

>> No.4767814

I will be in level zero. religion is made up horseshit.

>> No.4767928


It was said in this thread.

Level 9, ice.

>> No.4767993

I seem to have stumbled into a universe where people celebrate going to Hell for all eternity.

Strange and ironic.

>> No.4768255


>> No.4768255,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why are threads like these always some of the most successful and troll free anyway? We must have more /tg/ in here than I thought.

>> No.4768255,2 [INTERNAL] 

What does hell have to do with /tg/?
