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File: 366 KB, 640x480, 2010-03-29_160701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4756821 No.4756821 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, jp, I finished Tsukihime after 11 days of neglecting my daily life and i'm a little disappointed ):
I didn't even shat single brick...
Every plot twist could be seen from miles away. (Except maybe that one with Akiha near the end)
After F/SN and Ever17 it was kinda downer.

How did you felt, jp, when you finished it? Was it good? Did you felt for the characters?
Fuck, my english bad ):

>> No.4756828

Judging a story by how shocking the twists are is like judging the quality of different foods solely by how large they are.

>> No.4756829

It's not as much 'could be seen' as in 'they showed you on their own, some of them a route ago'.
And the goal was exactly to feel for the characters rather than having sudden turn of events most of the time.
Yes, I did/

>> No.4756831


>> No.4756832

I never finished it, I thought it was boring.

>> No.4756848


>> No.4756857

Tsukihme isn't Ever17.

>> No.4756862

didn't really like it, became too repetitive after a while

>> No.4756868

I did Arc route, but just never felt compelled to do the rest.

It's been about 2 years now, should give it another shot?

>> No.4756877

Why are you expecting every VN to be full of "brick shitting"?

Anyways I thought Tsukihime was great. I liked it more than F/SN or Ever17 and it's probably my third favorite VN overall.

>> No.4756878

I doubt you will suddenly feel more compelled.

>> No.4756884

I don't think FSN was any more 'brickshitting'.

>> No.4756894

Just like F/SN and Ever17 I never finished it.

>> No.4756900

Not all stories are about brick shitting.

>> No.4756908

This thread is quite surprising.
What with all the discussions and how popular this game was when it was first released,
I would have assumed everyone on /jp/ would have finished it at some point.

>> No.4756915

I doubt the ones who have discussed it to death would jump on this topic.

>> No.4756916

There's always a handful of people who haven't.

>> No.4756919

I didn't finish it either, the ero was shit, doesn't worth the download.

>> No.4756931

It's weird though. I like the TM universe, but I never finished Tsukihime.

>> No.4756953

There is no bricks in Tsukihime or FSN.
Heck I shat more bricks during Symphonic Rain, a romance game, than during everything TM ever did.

Doesn't mean that they don't have other qualities, but making you shit bricks isn't one of them.

>> No.4756960

Fuck, yes. Arc and Ciel routes are worst. Well, Ciel route might be not bad, if you like Ciel. But she is too ugly to be liked.

>> No.4756961

eh, there was more people other than me who didn't finish tsukihime or like it that much. It had some decent ideas tough, but the execution bored me which after finishing 3 routes just made me drop it. And rest information that I lacked from story I have picked up from various boards among time.
I dont just sometimes know why type-moon is so much praised, they have good ideas, but execution just sucks most of the time.

>> No.4756971
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Akiha and Kohaku routes were worth it.

>> No.4756989

You are wrong, Hisui's route was definitely the worst and most boring. And no, I don't dislike Hisui

>> No.4756995

Ciel is not ugly, I'll kick your ass.

>> No.4757030

I really got tired of the repetitive cycle of 'Shiki meets enemy, Shiki fights enemy, Shiki is beaten within an inch of his life, Shiki recovers and does it again', all the while a harem of girls tell him constantly that 'you must rest up'. Not a terrible VN, but I'll never understand why it's as popular as it it.

>> No.4757039

I liked it because of Akiha and Hisui routes. YMMV

>> No.4757073

Trolling in this thread is magnanimous.

>> No.4757085

Yes, Tsukihime is just so full of action and battles.

>> No.4757183


The same reason FS/N is popular

Overpowered faggot has an harem of girls and fucks them

>> No.4757202

Tsukihime was pretty shitty. There were only maybe a handful of good scenes in the entire game, not counting the endings. Most of the game was just boring writing

It's a shame Nasu never decided to do anything with Satsuki. She was by far the most interesting female character in that game, and the only one I genuinely liked

>> No.4757216

For Tsukihime, you have to remember that it was a doujin eroge.
It's pretty impressive for a doujin, even by today standard.

FSN has no excuses though.

>> No.4757235

Well, about FSN: obviously The whole IBW deal, and Shiros's sister, and Who is Saber - newer saw it coming
But probably enjoyment from completion VN goes down as the number of them gous up

>> No.4757239


>Shiros's sister


Do you mean Rin's?

>> No.4757243



Anyway, they are barely basable as twist, and Saber is retarded

>> No.4757253

>But probably enjoyment from completion VN goes down as the number of them gous up
I've never found that to be the case.

>> No.4757255

>>But probably enjoyment from completion VN goes down as the number of them gous up
Not really, if anything some VNs I played recently got into my favorites.

>> No.4757265

Saber is not retarded, she is clueless because she comes from a different time. Same for Arcueid (she is the one whith most knowledge in the entire world, but that knowledge is not very usefull in the modern era)

>> No.4757274

>Yes, Tsukihime is just so full of action and battles.

Learn to read, chucklefuck. I said that it was a constant cycle of returning from a near-death battle, recovering, being told not to fight again, going anyway, returning in a near-death state ect.
And there really were quite a few fight scenes in Tsukihiime, don't try and deny that.

>> No.4757276

Rin is Shirou's sister?

That would explain a lot, actually.

>> No.4757283


No it wouldn't! It wouldn't explain anything!

Shirou's not even a magus! (i.e., though he has an above average count of magical circuits, he is not apparently capable of any magecraft beyond Reality Marble applicative theory.)

>> No.4757285

______________________ >>4757276
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>> No.4757293

There was no constant cycle cause it really happened a couple times, usually at the start of each route.
And your idea of 'quite a few fights' needs work.

>> No.4757308

>Fuck, my english bad ):
I'd wager you don't understand 60% of the stories and just skipped most of the part and eventually pretending to have read to whole stories only from the CG's.

>> No.4757314

>though he has an above average count of magical circuits
What is your source for this?
Shirou always needed to remake his circuit until he was taught otherwise by Rin and the reason he needed to bother so much in the first place was because he didn't have any circuits.
And most of all, In UBW Archer and Shirou have a discussion about Rin being his mentor/teacher, during that conversation Archer states that Rin would never understand the magic of a "magic user" (not a magus) that even uses his own nervous system as his magic circuits (Normal magic circuits are a seperate entity from the nervous system.)

It is greatily implied that Shirou doesn't and or barely has any circuits and that he instead follows greatily un-orthodox methods.

>> No.4757317

How can you shit bricks when there are OVER 9000 foreshadowings in TM?

>> No.4757319

He has magic circuits because he can use magic.
Also, you can SEE THEM in CGs for fuck's sake(circuitry that glows green).

>> No.4757323

Some people catch on Hisui/Kohaku a bit later than expected and it hits hard.

>> No.4757334

Shirou always had-

1 magic circuit at the beginning
2 after learning projection
Double Digit with Archer Arm

>> No.4757335

>uses his own nervous system as his magic circuits
That doesn't mean that they are normal circuits just because they work.

>> No.4757344

Average magus: 20 Magic Circuits.
Aozaki Touko: 20 Magic Circuits. She is the first in the history of her family with so much Magic Circuits. Her parents had none whatsoever and it has been implied that her sister does not have much more than them.
Araya Souren: 30 Magic Circuits.
Cornelius Alba: Unknown. Implied to have more than both Tohko and Araya.
Emiya Shirou: 27 Magic Circuits. Each Circuit can barely handle 10 units of prana while being damaged in the process. Considering the amount that he has, such low quality of Magic Circuit is inconsistent.
Tohsaka Rin: 40 inborn Magic Circuits. Thaumaturgical Crest has the equivalent of 60 Circuits, divided into two sets of 30 sub-Circuits. Maximum output is of 1000 units of prana with the help of the Crest, which means that each individual Circuit can handle about 10 units.
Ciel: 100 times the amount of a magus. (About 2,500?) Exact number is uncertain due to differences in the standards of the sources in question, but she is definitely on Servant-level.

>> No.4757346

Normal or not, he has 27 of them and they function that way.
How Shirou fucked it up cause he created fake ones each time instead of opening up the channel is a different story.

>> No.4757350

> he instead follows greatily un-orthodox methods.
...Because nobody ever taught him the RIGHT way. What he was doing, converting his nerves into magic circuits each time, was an unnecessary risk, as he already has 27 magic circuits (with the average magus having only 20). Of course, they're of terrible quality, so it doesn't really make much of a difference. Hell, Aoko Aozaki likely only has one, but it's of such good quality that she can even use her od for things that would require other magi to use external mana.

>> No.4757351

Shirou has an absurd amount of circuits based on constantly creating new ones and just not knowing how to reactivate them so he had to create another each time, furthermore despite Nasu's habit for hyperbole, ubw route fight against Gilgamesh. Re-read it and look at Shirou's magic circuit CG, it goes on larger than the cg but when it shows "one" circuit being used just one track lights up. Now count the amount of circuits there are.

>> No.4757354

I began reading Tsukihime in November of last year, but never actually finished it.

>> No.4757359

> Thaumaturgical Crest has the equivalent of 60 Circuits, divided into two sets of 30 sub-Circuits.
If I'm not mistaken, somebody in a previous thread stated that this was incorrect. I can't remember what the proper number was, though.

>> No.4757363

My point was originally that he doesn't have an above average number of normal circuits.

Kariya in F/Z didn't have any circuits either, but he was pumped full of crest worms. He got above an above average number of circuits as well but it isn't anything near an implication of him being a "powerful magus".

>> No.4757370

On the topic of Magic Circuits, is there anything that says how many Medea had? Because I remember her high speed divine language being all sorts of hax that let her use magic without even using magic circuits, so I'm wondering what she'd be capable of if she didn't have that horrible defensive typing that makes every hit from swords Super Effective.

>> No.4757371

Different things, crests and inborn circuits.

>> No.4757377

Regardless of specific number, there are many other reasons why Caster is a superior magus.

>> No.4757384
File: 62 KB, 800x600, ThoseNumbersYouGaveCantBeRight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That can't be right.

>> No.4757386


No, those are temporary circuits. Once they're used/failed, they vanish forever. His 27 are born-with always-there.


I thought Kariya did have circuits (unlike his brother Byakuya) but he did not wish to be a magus so he fled the family and never used them, then he had to gain a lifetime of training in 2 years so WORMSTORM.

>> No.4757391

Powerlevel faggots: Go back to /a/ with the Uminekofags. Your kind isn't welcome around here.

>> No.4757396
File: 150 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rin's od capacity is about 300.

Her maximum prana output, however, is 1000.

See HF. She'd need tremendous amounts of ambient mana.

>> No.4757399

Her magic circuits might match the ones the original Roa had

>> No.4757417

I thought it was pretty much entirely the sword doing the work there and Rin just drawing the mana into the sword to immediately release not taking it into herself to channel through the sword.

>> No.4757423
File: 782 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 077c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No. Gem Sword Zelretch is not a wand, nor is it a mage's implement of any sort. It's just an interdimensional lens.

>> No.4757424

That's what I'd figured, too, considering that Rin never actually used any spells and just swung the sword around, basically using the mana itself as an attack, and finished up by causing the sword to explode.

>> No.4757440

Rin's Circuit = 1000 Mana
Cave's Mana = 1000 Mana

Rin just needed the sword to pull Mana to her own.

Rin commanded the sword to blow up, it didn't tire itself, but Rin did.

>> No.4757441
File: 571 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 077b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That wasn't even using the Kaleidoscope aspect of the Gem Sword, but packing it with prana and lobbing it.

Functionally, that can be done with any object at all. Tohsaka's magecraft is most familiar with gems, though.

It's true she wasn't using any spells, but 1000 units of mana being hurled really doesn't need to be turned into anything particular, and I doubt Rin has any spell made to handle that capacity anyway.

>> No.4757445
File: 78 KB, 800x600, 10th Bedtime-Shed Night training-Archers warning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 10th day of UBW "Bedtime-Shed Night training-Archer's warning"

Shirou's circuits aren't "normal" circuits.

>> No.4757480

> You did not know this, so a circuit that should have been used was neglected and sleeping inside of you.
And because Japanese doesn't usually differentiate between singular and plural, that could just as well have meant "[...]so circuits that should have been used were neglected[...]".

>> No.4757486

This has to do more with the settings mechanics, rather than 'WHO IS THE STRONGEST OF THEM ALL'.
Take it easy.

>> No.4757497

Tsukihime sucks because they didn't talk about circuits all the time.

>> No.4757507

I'm fucking English language junkie - and i've learnt all the new words that i've encountered
My comment referred to the bad grammar

And I always play VN to the point of unlocking every CG, every bad/good/true ending, and try to read every scene.

So, no, wager lost

>> No.4757526

Instead you get LOL VAMPIRES and INSANITY

>> No.4757528

>In the end, the son this Byakuya finally got turned up to be void of Magic Circuits. The pure-blooded Matō line has collapsed with this generation. But, more than your big brother Byakuya, you are the one who has realized the basis of a magus, Kariya. If you had obediently received your inheritance and accessed the secrets of the Matōs, we wouldn't be pressed by the circumstances. And this is all yours..."
Kariya most likely had magic circuits and this implies so as well.
>I must say I wish more of you than of Byakuya. After expanding your Magic Circuits with the Crest worms, if we can train you thoroughly for one year, maybe the Grail will end up selecting you.
Though they were most likely way below average seeing how they had declined from generation to generation.

>> No.4757531

Don't forget THE DOLL

>> No.4757552

That implies that each circuit Shirou made CAN be re-used and he now has an ungodly beyond-Roa level of magic circuits he just can't access. I'm actually okay with this... since it's not like it really changes his effectiveness any except possibly adding stamina as he has more circuits to burn through.

>> No.4757556

FSN is the "action" VN that is really about cooking and slice of life.
Tsukihime is the "Mystery/Horror" VN that is really about action.

>> No.4757563

The fact that he uses his nerves as his circuits could also be the explenation as to why he has such problems with magic not related to his reality marble.

>> No.4757580

You know
>a Magic Circuit is not something you make each time, but something you reveal.
This might as well imply that Shirou actually never made circuits, only revealing ones.
The "each time" part of the sentence could imply that even so, you actually do make circuits sometimes, but it could also be interpreted so that he only meant that "each time" you make circuits, you are actually only revealing them.

>> No.4757617

OP here again
WTF happened to this thread?! :-/

>> No.4757625

Your friends from /a/ came.

>> No.4757644

Why are you FSN fags derailing this thread?

>> No.4757652

There's a MUCH better game in discussion on the front page now. Just saying.

>> No.4757688

Has the topic changed since the original post?
Has discussion remained civil?

I see no problem.

>> No.4757693

It's not civil when it's just a circlejerk between 2 faggots.

>> No.4757710

Civility is unrelated to number of posters.

>> No.4757724

If Nanaya fighting and cutting the head of of Akiha in the school building at night didn't give you the chills as it was so good, then no VN will ever make you feel anything.

>> No.4757726

It's not when these 2 faggots are hijacking a thread that was used by other people.

>> No.4757772

ITT: People who didn't actually read Tsukihime but feel compelled to scream SHONEN SHIT at it.

As I was not spoiled for Tsukihime, the revelation about Kohaku was kind of stunning, especially the diary scene. That was sorta when everything fell into place.

>> No.4757778
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You must be new here. Any thread mentioning a Type Moon work will be derailed into power level bullshit. No exceptions.

>> No.4757785

Still more civil than someone who screams 'faggots' over and over.
But this is not a powerlevel thread.

>> No.4757796

Wow, that's hardcore, I only just now stumbled on this bad end
I'll remember it

>> No.4757802

Discussing the "setting" = same as powerlevel.
It's only discussing the same thing as ever, that discussion has been done thousand of time before

>> No.4757842

This discussions is like the dumbest scenes in Naruto: "Oh, he has so much chackra. He's the only one who can perform that ninjitsu. I only have 2/3 of his ckackra pool..." -_-
Only fail can come out of those

>> No.4757863

One discusses mechanics seen in the game, the other solely on match-ups and power ranking.
And as seen with the OP, new people sometimes enter the fray.
You really need to take it easy.

>> No.4757865

Oh come on. I swear I'll never understand the effeminate feel of some people here. Getting emotional about nothing.

>> No.4757867

>watch naruto

>> No.4757882

Return to /a/, good sir.

Lots of /a/friends in these parts, lately.

>> No.4757888

With the information given in this thread we can deduce that Shirou's parents weren't magi.

>> No.4757912

Not that guy but mechanics and power levels are the same thing, at least in this case. People in this thread are comparing number of magic circuits between characters, how is that not power levels?

>> No.4757927
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I enjoyed it a lot more than F/SN. I didn't like any of the heroines in F/SN, but I have no problem with any of the women in Tsukihime. I still have trouble deciding which route I liked most.

>> No.4757931

Number of magic circuits does not directly equate to how powerful a person is. Aoko has one in total, and she's more powerful than most of the people in the universe itself.

Discussing how Shirou can have so many circuits isn't the same as discussing HOW POWERFUL he is. He has so many circuits because he's turning his own body into a circuit by heretical methods due to ignorance.

>> No.4757953

ITT people are paranoid when it comes to powerlevel debates

>> No.4757966

>ITT: trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.

>> No.4757969

Because numbers are irrelevant ti powerlevels.
People wonder what the fuck Shirou did, how he fucked up, how crests and magic works in general etc. Magus workings kinda matter in overall.
If you are so scared that it can somewhat be linked to powerlevel debates, do not BRING THEM UP BY COMPLAINING.

>> No.4757977
File: 142 KB, 333x475, âCâèâä01b(ï¯).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"What you do isn't projection magic at all, it's more like putting a shape to your mind."

>> No.4757993

So, if Shiki can kill nature, would he make a good lumberjack or would the wod he cuts be brittle as if it had been dead for a long time?

>> No.4757995


>> No.4758014
File: 162 KB, 600x600, 1263073784116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I like about Type-Moon is that it almost starts getting close to how magic works in real life. Hilariously, Umineko actually got closer.

>> No.4758020
File: 595 KB, 1406x1449, 2f344481c3b3c103385ca0554c5be9ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never played Tsukihime, because there is no Sacchin route. I want to help a vampire overcome her bloodlust and/or feed it safely.

>> No.4758022

>magic works in real life

>> No.4758028
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Have you ever tried it?

>> No.4758032

The rest of the wood would be fine.
It would be a problem if the 'lines' were in such positions that he cut the logs unevenly though

>> No.4758069
File: 21 KB, 367x512, us_haubitze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can shiki kill tanks with a gun (shooting in the "poins", obviously)?

>> No.4758081

He couldnt possibly use anything other than his knife, he wouldn't be able to handle choosing something more effective or soemthing with longer reach.

>> No.4758101

Getting emotional ? No. Just feeling the epic, in a -when you hold on to your desk with a smirk on your face- way.
I felt something close in Umineko when Rosa kills the goats. But I never felt anything like this in FSN, for example. Even UBW wasn't nearly as epic as most Tsukihime fights, especially the one with Nanaya wich is the best end ever in any Type-moon work in my opinion.
The final fight in Saya no uta wasn't bad either.

>> No.4758108

No. Ranged weapons don't work. It's an extension of the body.

Knives were the only things he was taught to use. If he wanted to learn to use something else, he could.

>> No.4758118

Melty Blood manga says otherwise.
If he can perceive it, he can interfere with it, no matter what he uses. It just needs to be able to fit within the lines/pierce the point.

>> No.4758167

An untrained man in swords and spears are usually better than a man trained with knives.

>> No.4758175

Isn't he able to throw his knife at points?

>> No.4758181

>Implying Melty Blood manga is canon

The Tsukihime manga might be canon, but the Melty Blood manga has a lot of inconsistencies

>> No.4758183

Depends on the distance they start from.
Actually, the man with knives could throw the knife at the untrained man and hit him in the face somewhere, effectively incapacitating him, or they could be in close combat, and he could slash him in the kidneys or throat, even if the untrained man is doing nothing but swinging wildly.

>> No.4758194
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>implying there is something that Shiki can't kill.

>> No.4758211

Throwing aside, it was well known during the middle ages that an average peasant with a spear had a somewhat fair chance against a trained knigh that has been trained with swords since childhood, given that none of them wears armor that is.

>> No.4758212
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Still an official example.
Regardless Shiki could use anything to pierce points or lines provided it fits within the boundary of the point/line.

The dudes a beast.

>> No.4758222

Things that aren't connected with Gaia.
Things that makes his head explode.
Things already percived as dead.

>> No.4758226
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>> No.4758356

>Powerlevel bait
The thread killer.
