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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 915 KB, 1600x1200, adult cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4756217 No.4756217 [Reply] [Original]

How to get your shit approved on Danbooru.
1. Post Touhou pics.
2. That's it.
3. All your other pics of cherished childhood memories will be unapproved, leading to a spiral of depression as you realise that nothing you value in your memories mean anything to obsessive Touhoufags.

>> No.4756224

try again? try another site?

>> No.4756225
File: 197 KB, 700x700, youmusleepclass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already replaced all my memories with touhous, though.

>> No.4756223


>> No.4756228

Whenever I see new guro pictures (which rarely get a approved by the way) with a negative score, I die a little inside.

>> No.4756235
File: 195 KB, 500x500, 5080848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they're yours, post them on deviantART. Or Pixiv if they're Japanesey.

If not, find a different aggregator. There's plenty of different *booru sites.

>> No.4756240

Danbooru seems best for pools & translations though.
Can you recommend anything else?

>> No.4756247

Solution: Stop posting non-Touhou.

>> No.4756248

Danbooru doesn't just accept Touhou pictures, but they seem to be a strong focus. What exactly are you trying to submit?

And I actually don't know what else there is. The only other one I visit is moe.imouto.org for its huge pictures.

>> No.4756253

try gelbooru?

>> No.4756262

>nothing you value in your memories mean anything to obsessive Touhoufags.
That's the perfect plot, posting in threads & hoping that you'll find some lovely princess -or tsundere- fan of Touhou who will want at some point to meet you in real life.

After she'll challenge you to a Touhou battle, grinning and telling she'll do whatever you want if your score is highter than hers.
Then you'll understand that you were tricked from the very beginning... She'll be way too powerful on every Touhou game ever released at that point.
You won't even be able to score highter than her on EASY mode.

And then... you'll... finally... understand...

>> No.4756263

Their comments section is cancer, and they accept furry.
Nooooooo thanks.

>> No.4756271

>their comments section is cancer

Surprise surprise, the "comments" section of nearly any website is cancer
Fucking inane/retarded youtube comments, "talking to the pictures" danbooru comments
...4chan comment field.... and so on.

>> No.4756274 [DELETED] 

Touhou nearly has 100,000 more pictures than ORIGINAL pictures, it shouldn't really be surprising that it's filling up danbooru.

My main beef is that Touhou is the only thing that gets translated. Even Touhou porn will get translated over anything else on the site.

>> No.4756273
File: 423 KB, 720x840, furno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furry thread?

>> No.4756276

Touhou nearly has 100,000 more pictures than ORIGINAL pictures on pixiv, it shouldn't really be surprising that it's filling up danbooru.

My main beef is that Touhou is the only thing that gets translated. Even Touhou porn will get translated over anything else on the site.

>> No.4756282

584598 pics

touhou tagged pics - 117955


>> No.4756280

Touhou fans are the only fans willing to learn Japanese. Deal with it.

>> No.4756292

Almost all of the rest is whatever shitty anime is popular right now, or 3 years ago, or whatever.

>> No.4756293

IMHO there's been a shift, or a massive cultural divide, between East and West otaku culture ever since Touhou.
Because I seriously don't "get" it.

>> No.4756298

and? still doesn't make it ALL touhou the way faggot op seems to think

>> No.4756307

And what did you expect, I wonder?

>> No.4756311

Try uploading art of something from the 80s or 90s.
Just TRY.

>> No.4756318 [DELETED] 

>My main beef is that Touhou is the only thing that gets translated. Even Touhou porn will get translated over anything else on the site.
Translators are touhou fags. They have no obligation to translate anything, yet they still do it.
AND touhou translation_request --> 181 pages
-touhou translation_request --> 589 pages
This means that, when 20% of all pictures are touhou pictures, they make up 30% of the images, which haven't been translated for years.

>> No.4756320

Who gives a shit about stuff from the 80's or 90's? Nobody, that's who. Keep that shit on Deviantart/Pixiv.

>> No.4756327
File: 309 KB, 1024x768, 1201750230737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4756338

>My main beef is that Touhou is the only thing that gets translated. Even Touhou porn will get translated over anything else on the site.
Translators are touhou fags. They have no obligation to translate anything, yet they still do it.
AND touhou translation_request --> 181 pages
-touhou translation_request --> 589 pages
This means that, if 20% of all pictures are touhou pictures, they make up 23% of all images, which haven't been translated for years.
Looks fair to me.

>> No.4756354

Skewed perhaps by the amount of new touhou pictures put on that have yet to be looked at by translators?

>> No.4756358

If it isn't translated within the first few days, it probably isn't getting translated.

>> No.4756360

No one (other than yourself) is stopping you from translating non-touhou images.

>> No.4756380
File: 20 KB, 800x600, yukacat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, sorry, I don't have an issue with touhou pictures on Danbooru being translated first, I was simply doing criticising a statistical analysis for possible method errors. I'm not the previous anon.

>> No.4756398

I meant that it probably isn't skewed very much because translators are fast. It's negligible.

>> No.4756478

Touhou is the fandom I've paid attention to the most recently. Ar Tonelico is about to knock it off, but there's nothing much really on ar_tonelico translation_request. What do you WISH was getting translated? (No promises, I don't touch anything I know since I'm more likely to fuck it up, but I'm kind of curious, anyway.)
