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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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47476210 No.47476210 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.47476211
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>> No.47476212
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pekoーら愛してる ( ;∀;)
Pekora rushed out her ARK project so Aqua could enjoy herself, she wants to collab with her before she graduates
>I really wish I couldve been friends with her sooner
>I seriously like her, 大好きです
>I really want to rewind time so i can be her friend sooner

>> No.47476214
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>> No.47476216

it's reality
just move on

>> No.47476217

I actually cried what the fuck
I didn't cry for Coco and Rushia
I didn't even watch Aqua that much

>> No.47476218
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>> No.47476220

>Not enough people upset about Aqua leaving
Maybe because she never made friends and instead wanted to do her solo thing.

>> No.47476221

Shouldn't she be running away?

>> No.47476222

Pekora want to watch one last StartEnd APEX

>> No.47476223
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It's been -22 days since Minato Aqua "graduated" from Hololive

I'm always going to love her


>> No.47476224
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>> No.47476225

rab u onyan

>> No.47476226
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHsA-IGZY5M Forgot link

>> No.47476228

It should have been Shion instead.

>> No.47476227

aquacucks lost
it's over

>> No.47476230

I knew something unhappy was happening backstage
akupeko was too good and too sudden

>> No.47476231

I cant believe they really AIed shionyo..

>> No.47476233
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mee kow tea...

>> No.47476234
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Kanata will stay with me and will love me...
Kanata won't leave me...

>> No.47476235

mikohoe pretending to be sad and depressed for numbers

>> No.47476236


>> No.47476237

Huh, Miko sounds like she’s been crying

>> No.47476238


>> No.47476241

Pekora didn't say anything about wanting Aqua to reincarnate.

>> No.47476242

I wouldn't be suprised if cover's offices got kyoani'd

>> No.47476243


>> No.47476244
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I can finally stop pretending that I hate Aqua

>> No.47476246

so that's why the taiman collabo didn't happen

>> No.47476245
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I'm going to kill you

>> No.47476247


>> No.47476248

Minato aqua is not dead... She will love forever in our hearts...

>> No.47476249

miko definitely cried too

>> No.47476250

So....Pekora's talking about her finding out.
She got the message from Cover: Minato Aqua will graduate on such and such day.
Peko immediately discord messaged her.
Pekora: Aqua. What the hell is this.
Aqua: This is awkward.

They were planning on having dinner together. Aqua said, if it's too awkward we can cancel that, but Peko basically said, dinner is on but be prepared for intense questioning!

So Peko thought about how she would spend the next few months.

One thing she decided was to try and play with Aqua as much as possible. That actually brought her plans for ARK forward. Peko was thinking of taking it a bit easy after Minecraft hardcore, but she messaged management and asked them to make the ARK project happen as soon as possible.

Peko wants to play with her more, but she understands other Holomem do too and Aqua probably has her stream plans.

To Pekora of the past, she wants to say, You should get closer to her sooner.
At the dinner, of course, Pekora wanted to tell Aqua, don't graduate! But thought to herself, saying that to someone who has clearly put a lot of thought into it and resolved themself to take this step, is not right. So she ended up not saying that to Aqua.
Pekora won't talk about this anymore after today and focus on having fun. But today, she letting out all her feelings. She doesn't care if she gets scolded by the admin later.

>> No.47476252

Two of those don't belong there. Rushia and Mel were fired.

>> No.47476253


>> No.47476254
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Fuck off bitch can't you read the room?

>> No.47476255

pekora should follow aqua and go indie
fuck cover and fuck dei

>> No.47476256


>> No.47476257
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>> No.47476259


>> No.47476260

Why does this thread think 復帰 is reincarnate, I thought this was supposed to be a N5 board...

>> No.47476261
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>> No.47476262


>> No.47476264
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Astro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPYJIe1sODg
Kamippoina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n02m47K5RfQ

>> No.47476263
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>> No.47476265
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I love Towa.
Thank you for everything Aqua.

>> No.47476266

these fast threads are too much for me
I want my slow calm jaypee back

>> No.47476267
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>> No.47476268


>> No.47476269


>> No.47476271
File: 159 KB, 1167x648, Aqua still hopes for Pekora's friendship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did it take this long to Aqua and Pekora to forgive their niconico transgressions?

>> No.47476272
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I only like Akutan because of her entertaining Apex streams. But she hasn't streamed Apex in 2 years so I don't even feel sad, just disappointed in her.

>> No.47476273

What room? She's not even in the same building.

>> No.47476274

She going to said is a joke, right? Hahahahahahaha she can't graduated, this is some kind sick prank! I never thought my oshi have that kind of sense of humour, imagine graduate in this time when the yen or more like all economy go down, she can't affront her style live without that money... She can't leave... She simple can't

>> No.47476275


>> No.47476276
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>> No.47476277
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It happened a bit after akupeko became a thing, enough to where Pekora didnt feel anxious enough to message her over discord immediately >>47476250

>> No.47476278

imagine if all old holos would leave and create their own streaming group

>> No.47476279

that's djt
we are n99 here

>> No.47476281
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I will marry Kanata when she's 80 years old.

>> No.47476280

Please do, I don't want to live for it.

>> No.47476283

nenechi a shit

>> No.47476284


>> No.47476286

I do miss when /hlg/ was a pressure cooker and we killed threads in like an hour or two normally. Those were dreamlike days

>> No.47476287

Fuck you cunt. Kys.

>> No.47476289

Shibuhal is devastated with the news...

>> No.47476290

I typed this

>> No.47476291

Pekora knew about it 2 months ago (mentioning that Aqua revealed it when they ate together). This is a clip of Aqua telling her chat that she went out with Pekora (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnwQYPeEGp0).). Everyone else probably knew about it already. They have coped in private and moved on.

>> No.47476293

>sings stay alive
>says she'll live
>actually dies
what did she fucking MEAN BY THIS

>> No.47476294

suisei space

>> No.47476295

Who fucking cares

>> No.47476296

You still won't know japanese by then

>> No.47476297
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Suispaces now!!!! She said she's gonna talk about by the weekends but I guess she can't hold it in anymore
Get in here friends!!

>> No.47476298

Didnt read

>> No.47476299

Coco - cried
Rushia - lol menhera deserved it
Mel - meh
Aqua - took her long enough

>> No.47476300


>> No.47476301

why mee kow tea crying?

>> No.47476304
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>> No.47476302

I like slower threads actually. Back then keeping up with the archives was too annoying...

>> No.47476303

Please God, if you are scrolling in this thread on /jp/ please let Sora and/or Gura graduate soon. It would be so beautiful to see the uproar and chaos and see Cover's downfall.

>> No.47476305

>moved on
Nene hasn't...

>> No.47476306

You think Aqua kept it secret from every holo until now, retardbro?

>> No.47476307
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Aquas last song better be rabu rabu oh ah oh ah oh

>> No.47476308

Please keep doing this

>> No.47476310
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>> No.47476311 [DELETED] 

I just realized I don't really give a shit about hololive. Which holo is even going to be able to replace a drooling sweaty try hard rank grinder who also do speedruns and is actually good at videogames on top of doing idolshit? Nobody has the same appeal.
I'm finally free from cover and these threads. I will no longer have to deal with sharts and indog subhumen.
Good luck to all of you retards, no longer my problem.

>> No.47476313

pekora needs a hug from me

>> No.47476314

Yeah, all 3 people she interacted with in hololive

>> No.47476316

stop lashing out akwacrew, it's fine to elt go

>> No.47476317

They forgot to @ her

>> No.47476318

that means nothing. I have people constantly tell me at work that they are going to quit soon and then they just end up staying.

>> No.47476319
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I'm trying...

>> No.47476320
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>stays longer than your oshi

>> No.47476321

I hope it is.

>> No.47476322
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Aqua was my first holo oshi and her streams helped me during the hard, lonely times of my life back in 2019-2020. I don't watch her anymore after falling out around the time she started streaming less in late 2020 but it's still sad to see her go. I will always treasure those memories.

>> No.47476323

Pekora earlier said management messaged everyone about the news which is where she first heard it. She immediately messaged Aqua on discord asking wtf is going on

>> No.47476324


>> No.47476326

>greynigger trying to instigate

>> No.47476327
File: 737 KB, 823x568, AkuPeko 4ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that part where she said she wish she could have been friends with Aqua earlier destroyed me.
Aaaand she's bringing it up again... Pekora...

>> No.47476328


>> No.47476329
File: 1.47 MB, 1000x1338, Rushia Mel Aqua __minato_aqua_uruha_rushia_and_yozora_mel_hololive_drawn_by_ayamy__75491fa09e4f5c0e2ebab7234b5e52cd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47476330

>is also a whore

>> No.47476331

I think I'll join you anon. I'm finally free

>> No.47476332

Quite a few years to go before she's been around longer than Aqua. She's barely matching Coco now.

>> No.47476333

See you in 22 days with a new oshi

>> No.47476335
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Greedy girl

>> No.47476338
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Mio Tarot from January

>> No.47476337


>> No.47476339

Pekora is regretting how she handles the Curry Meshi collab back then…Spice Love…

>> No.47476340
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never ever

>> No.47476342
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The cursed group...

>> No.47476344

Suisei knew Aqua is graduating for months but she didn't know the exact date of her announcement...

>> No.47476345

Great post

>> No.47476349

People doing this right now are clout chasers. She isn't dying, you can meet and talk with her normally after she graduates, stop acting "sad".

>> No.47476350

Even tamaki was crying in her stream earlire.
Mea is also about to stream.
Hoshikawa is probably going to kill herself after her apex stream.

>> No.47476351

She must be the biggest bitch if she can't handle a few disagreements with management. Why would you even decide to graduate that easily?

>> No.47476352


>> No.47476353
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>> No.47476354


>> No.47476357

what a group it would have been

>> No.47476358

Do you think management ever reflect on the fact the talents who keep their company afloat are being ground down into soulless husks, feeling increasingly disenfranchised and inevitably driven away?
Or are they just like "oh well, she couldn't hack it, lol"

>> No.47476360

Kassou ressha would be the proper ed

>> No.47476361

>Aqua has been recording stuffs in the last few weeks that she wasn;t even able to fully play ARK
>she even conjured up her courage to go eat at Sushiro alone just to get that SF sticker
really put things into perspective

>> No.47476362
File: 381 KB, 492x270, 3535353535.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!!!!!!

>> No.47476363

Minecraft summer festival....

>> No.47476364

Back when all nikisei were streaming regularly, I often watched ayame and aqua's apex..

>> No.47476365

What a shit niche she filled, good riddance

>> No.47476366

>gave up
>actually escaped
>work actually changing extremely rapidly
>relied on past experiences of being an indie
>didn't plan ahead
aqua is fucking doomed

>> No.47476367

the character is gonna die...
it's like when gojo got split in half.

>> No.47476368

At least Aqua can participate in Vsaikyo alone and collab with ecelebs now

>> No.47476369
File: 406 KB, 1447x2047, GQBvm44aQAE_Fsg.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Current alumni status
>Aloe barely streams
>Rushia shunned and sued
>Coco losing relevancy
>Mel never streams unless to show skin to make money
And that's not even mentioning how Sana just disappeared.
This is extremely short sighed and stupid of Aqua to walk away from this job and not try to pull her seniority around to get what she wants. She should have at least tried because the grass isn't greener on the other side and if Aqua reincarnates then she'll eventually fade because she won't have the hololive umbrella to protect her. So so stupid.

>> No.47476371


>> No.47476372

yeah like she wish after coco graduate announcement, sasuga pekowleech

>> No.47476373


>> No.47476375

miko is sobbing

>> No.47476374

>clout chasing on 4chan, an anonymous board
Go back to twitter.

>> No.47476376

that would be the dream

>> No.47476377
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If Korosan graduates too I'm turbokilling myself.

>> No.47476378
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>Feeling conflicted when they say "let's do it again sometime" in collabs knowing Aqua probably won't be here anymore

>> No.47476379

Will Laplus stay until 2028?

>> No.47476381

They're complete retards who probably think their decisions built the company. So no, I don't they have any level of introspection on the fact it's their fault.

>> No.47476380

burn the witch

>> No.47476382

Curry meshi...

>> No.47476383


>> No.47476385

this sucks

>> No.47476384

Someone need to put a stop to this witch and that demonic sheep

>> No.47476386

Aqua isn't my oshi but she's pretty much the only holo whose apex streams I enjoyed a lot

>> No.47476387

he's talking about the girls

>> No.47476388




>> No.47476389
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>> No.47476390


>> No.47476391

mio is a fucking witch

>> No.47476392

that sana whore is still an artist for arknights

>> No.47476393

Goodbye anon. Your oshi has been a good friend to my oshi, I wish her well.

>> No.47476394
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fuck off she isn't

>> No.47476395

Giving Korosan's mom all of my life force

>> No.47476396

I imagine the company actually believes it got where it was off their own work supporting them and not the work the girl's initially put in so I very much doubt they reflect on the last 2-3 years

>> No.47476397

i still think pekora old model looked goofy, but it had its charm

>> No.47476398

curry friends..

>> No.47476399

Pubefags will pay for this

>> No.47476400

didn't she say she'd been having misgivings for years? it seems like she's doing what fubuki said she would do if cover ever truly went black

>> No.47476402

i hate cover so much

>> No.47476403


>> No.47476404
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>> No.47476405

And yet, still retarded

>> No.47476406

doing these dark arts can't be good for your health

>> No.47476407


>> No.47476408

Hey Miko!

>> No.47476409

Her pancreas already exploded.

>> No.47476410


>> No.47476411

I don't disagree

>> No.47476412
File: 1.66 MB, 2500x2500, GT1mgEWXQAA6B9G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think it's love

>> No.47476413

>whispers atishi koto suki sugi...

>> No.47476414

>Aqua had the courage to do what skinwalker could never

>> No.47476416

I see an oscar award in her future.

>> No.47476417

Why do you think her pancreas exploded? Aqua strayed from her destined path.

>> No.47476418

She could have leech her more is what i am getting

>> No.47476419
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>> No.47476420

The bgm of pekora's stream calm me

>> No.47476421

Bet she's going to sing Aquairo palette on her encore...
i'm gonna miss all the labyu chants...

>> No.47476423
File: 1.07 MB, 3072x3072, GS7FIVmbIAAHIyI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47476422

Aqua never did another 24 hours stream with bath and hair drying parts...

>> No.47476424

Is she going back to the countryside to live with her mother again? There's no reason for her to stay in tokyo anymore.

>> No.47476425

Coco was only around for 1.5 years... Gen6 debut was almost 3 years ago

>> No.47476426

pekowtea said the thing...

>> No.47476427

Now that Aqua finally graduates, who's going to replace her place in the first army? Fubuki? Korone? Koyori?

>> No.47476428

let's move on

>> No.47476429

Man, I want to take a break from hololive now but I’d also like to see Aqua off with whatever she has going on for the next month

>> No.47476430

Not gonna stay around for at least 22 days, retard?

>> No.47476431

>Suisei has a few names that she can easily blame for this
>But won't say because she knows it will just make things way way worse than it already is and wants to respect Aqua's wishes

>> No.47476433

People have been calling holos who quit or fired or taking long hiatus as 'don't know what they have', when it's actually the management who don't know what they are having right now. This is, like Aki said before HoloARK, a 'once in a lifetime group of people', literally a thousand year worth of luck to gather them in one place yet these management piece of shit are blinded with money and more money.

>> No.47476434

cute penis

>> No.47476436
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>Graduate her

>> No.47476439
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>china marine

>> No.47476440

she is going to live with Pekora and Miko now

>> No.47476441

You fags would call out the girls being heartless if they don't feel "sad" about this. Between "clout chasing" and "being cancelled for being heartless", its logical to choose the former.

>> No.47476442

rest in pieces akwakrew

>> No.47476443


>> No.47476444

The management who limited the 3D quota right after the built a big new studio, who made stupid rules about not streaming over other unrelated branches, who forced their way into the talents' events?

>> No.47476446
File: 42 KB, 334x287, 1624518656200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will promises like this finally happen this time?

>> No.47476448

That is just reality of things, tons of companies did and are doing the exact same thing right now

>> No.47476447

I don't think I can handle any streams leading up to the 28th...

>> No.47476449

Yeah just like with lulu or gibara amirite?

>> No.47476450
File: 195 KB, 1020x572, FgKYZypUAAA0WRN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually she said 恋
What did she mean by this

>> No.47476451

I will cry even harder than I did during her 1 million subs stream...

>> No.47476452

Takaosan…the dream is dead forever…

>> No.47476453
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Mission accomplished.
Akupeko eliminated

>> No.47476454


>> No.47476456
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>almost 3 years ago

>> No.47476457 [DELETED] 


>> No.47476458

Just burn Cover down and the girls should build their own agency.

>> No.47476459

She has a boyfriend

>> No.47476460

Yagoo for sure

>> No.47476461


>> No.47476463

>Miko's watching pekora and aqua interact
>She's happy knowing this will cause pain to pekora in the future

>> No.47476464

What is that supposed to insinuate? Other holos?

>> No.47476466
File: 55 KB, 745x745, aqua_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how fucked up are things that aqua is literally willing to give up free money to leave a company when she's in her mid 20s? Like what the FUCK. Now aqua's without a job and the company can't use her model anymore to do sponsors. There's got to be a way to work out whatever differences u have since graduating means death of the character.

>> No.47476467
File: 2.06 MB, 1639x925, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ATESHI drawing

>> No.47476468

It's a company anon. Moreover a Japanese company. All the decision makers there are full of pride and will never admit to any wrong decisions. As long as they see the line going up, they won't care. And when the ship inevitably sinks, they'll just move on to another company and do the same thing.

>> No.47476469

good luck, crew

>> No.47476470

kys numberbrown

>> No.47476472

Suisei should just say it already so people can actually KyoAni'd cover

>> No.47476473

Anon is just making shit up

>> No.47476474

Cover unironically thinks it is them who are successful and not the talent, they are beyond fucked

>> No.47476475


>Aqua being held down and tickled for almost ten minutes
>Okayu and Marine were the most aggressive according to Shion
>Mio tried to make them stop when she saw Aqua was about to cry
>Later in the evening Aqua told Shion that she felt betrayed and that her body had been "invaded" (poor translation)
>She was seriously thinking of calling Yagoo to tell him that she didn't feel safe around them anymore
>She had cut marks from Marine's nails on her stomach and they bled a little

>> No.47476476

shut up miko

>> No.47476477


>> No.47476478
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>> No.47476479
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It all went downhill after this point...

>> No.47476481
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>> No.47476480

Yagoo, Kobo, Sora, Roboco, Matsuri.

>> No.47476482

imagine seeing this in 2021-2022
nobody would believe

>> No.47476484

This didnt aged well

>> No.47476486

>other holos are the ones to reject her ideas and projects
Are you OK?

>> No.47476487

you just reminded me to check the Shion cosplayer's account, she's not doing too good

>> No.47476488

this seems incredibly incendiary
can anyone else confirm it?

>> No.47476489
File: 513 KB, 1063x486, 1663618213758520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EN GODS Win Again!

>> No.47476491

chala head chala is gonna be sad

>> No.47476493

It's funny because Aqua could just not graduate and management could be fired but the shareholders actually like losing money

>> No.47476492

>company can't use her model anymore to do sponsors
Wrong. They won't, but they could if they wanted to.

>> No.47476494

Aqua still wants to play with Sui even after she graduates...

>> No.47476495

isn't Aqua sending her money to Kumiko

>> No.47476496

Small price to pay to gaze into the abyss

>> No.47476497
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>> No.47476498

why is pekholeech so shameless

>> No.47476499

>Aqua bullied Rushia
>Gets Rushia fired
>Now Aqua quits in shame
Rushia always wins. She got the last laugh.

>> No.47476500

Can't talents just manage themselves? Oh wait. That's what being an indie is.

>> No.47476504

Now that i think about it
Pon,red, protagonist,heart disease,miko health issues before=miko and goku

Cold,blue,villain,power level fag/numberfag=pekora,vegeta

You might say "but miko likes vegeta" yes miko/goku likes pekora/vegeta too

>> No.47476506

ENchads... I kneel...

>> No.47476505

Noel is not doing the sidequests even though she said she would, I guess she doesn't want too much "downtime" and just wants to forget about stuff with the main story.

>> No.47476507

she really shouldn't have said this

>> No.47476509
File: 597 KB, 1348x900, IMG_0123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora want to make memorial of Aqua

>> No.47476510

Easy sex?

>> No.47476511

when undokai was not an unkokai

>> No.47476515

Why not? What can cover do? She runs the show.

>> No.47476516

no, anon, I think it was retarded too, I was just pointing out stuff

>> No.47476517
File: 7 KB, 108x114, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does it feel being in the same room with Suisei and these creatures?

>> No.47476518

cover having that dodgers game collab was never a good thing to see. it had only soured my opinion of them more

>> No.47476519

>Pekora is going to turn Aqua drawing into memorial in Minecraft

>> No.47476520

she can't sing chala head chala with this mood

>> No.47476521

>the other day pekora and marine said they don’t keep in touch with those who have graduated
I’m going to be sick

>> No.47476523

Is this real? Do I have to wait until her space is over to confirm it?

>> No.47476524

She didn't say that

>> No.47476525

It was never unkokai tho unlike Minecraft hardcore slop and ark slop

>> No.47476526

Spiteful flip, she got lucky with her voice

>> No.47476527
File: 206 KB, 220x224, 1651215160368.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have 22 days to convince Aqua to change her mind. If you're an Aquacrew reading this, how badly do you want your oshi to not graduate and what are you going to do about it?

>> No.47476529
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1337, 87490745_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AkuShio hole...

>> No.47476530

The days of uncapped threads were something. I miss the Aqua streams from then. There weren't many Aqua crew. Only people who liked her for her memes.

>> No.47476531

She's untouchable

>> No.47476532
File: 1.00 MB, 2494x1646, 1722948855078591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47476533

Aquacrew will support Cover.
Aquacrew will support Holostars.

>> No.47476535

akushio hole...

>> No.47476537

Akushio hole

>> No.47476538

>Akutan won't be bocchi even if she leaves hololive
WTF Suityan

>> No.47476539

She's not even streaming

>> No.47476540

Even more leeching lmao

>> No.47476541 [SPOILER] 
File: 215 KB, 300x300, 1622046518061.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget

>> No.47476542

Thank god they talk with Rushia still, I love Rushia!

>> No.47476543

No numbers to leech of ,no contact

>> No.47476544

/vt/ is laughing at you

>> No.47476545

Pekora remembers fondly of the AquShio unfinished pixel art and its hole

>> No.47476546

>not stay blue
This is the last time we'll see her dance this song ever again. 6 years was a good run, but damn do I want more of Aqua. I'll miss her face.

>> No.47476547

I wasn't shitting on Miko, are you an ENfag?

>> No.47476549

based giants fan

>> No.47476551

Fucking rushia the snake is stirring the pot right now too

>> No.47476553

How long till this is more mostly crossed out?

>> No.47476554
File: 375 KB, 2048x1593, GR5D2hBbYAE0gGT.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We'll always be friends
Fucking lies. People fall out of each other's lives all the time. Think of all the classmates, coworkers, roommates, friends, etc, that have left your life because things just got in the way? When you just fell back into the grind and you think "I'll text that certain someone later" but you never do. That's Aqua after this month. These girls say they'll always be friends but once she's gone from their lives they'll forget.

>> No.47476555

I'm gonna go off a gooning spree to various aqua pics so hard that she stops her graduation
wish me the best of luck

>> No.47476556

we all do

>> No.47476558

holy shit wakamoto from the start

>> No.47476559

it will be the first time its someone she has the LINE of

>> No.47476560

Even Suisei is shitting on Cover and management, wow

>> No.47476561

Yeah he is >>47469032

>> No.47476563

I remember this shit. At the time, everyone was unease about it.

>> No.47476562

Pekora exchange line contact with Aqua though

>> No.47476564

unironically. All the resources that couldve gone to Aqua's concerts and lives are wasted on the ENs

>> No.47476565


>> No.47476566

Stop coping Deku.

>> No.47476567
File: 522 KB, 1797x1011, mio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fate cannot be escaped.

>> No.47476568

She's doing a Space retardbro.
I didn't listen to it from the start so I can't confirm.

>> No.47476569


>> No.47476570

What did cover do this time?

>> No.47476574

Anon, the announcement was her fulling committing to the decision. She already said she wanted to do it months ago to other talents behind the scenes and during that time was when there was a small chance that she could have been convinced otherwise. It's too late for that now.

>> No.47476575

I guess she smells blood in the water

>> No.47476577

What happened to deku

>> No.47476578

Rica said she is going to have her avatar rigged soon and start streaming more, especially games

>> No.47476581

>subaru is having a meltdown
My poor fucking duck

>> No.47476582

i'd like to point out that AquShio has been quiet quitting since 2021.

>> No.47476583

Sui had a lot of heart-to-heart talk with Aqua, multiple outings together too where they just eat and hang out
And mostly it's just Aqua confiding about being scared of being alone again once she leaves but she assured her that will never happen, she has her LINE contact anyway and knows where she lives
Also she said there might be a new cover song with her and Aqua for everyone soon, she won't say any more until it is properly announced

>> No.47476585

I guess he is the one who does the fanbase war routine

>> No.47476584
File: 1.77 MB, 1678x757, buy her game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how Sana just disappeared
Sana is at her happiest right now.

>> No.47476586


>> No.47476588

I'd stay the night with miosha

>> No.47476587

We need to punish Mio, I propose days of rough sex

>> No.47476589

fucking off yourself

>> No.47476590

he's everything, miko

>> No.47476591

He became a wagecuck like all shonen protags.

>> No.47476592

pekor no.. you're gonna make me cry

>> No.47476593

Peko hold it together!

>> No.47476594

He was given an ironman suit by his friends so he can still work as a hero.

>> No.47476596

She's crying. It's over.

>> No.47476597

>how badly do you want your oshi to not graduate
I don't know about this one, egotistically speaking I want Minato Aqua to exist within hololive forever
But I'm ignoring her feelings, she's been having disagreements with the management for a really long time now

>> No.47476598

God Aqua is so damn pathetic. She should just move back home if she's going to be so whiny about it.

>> No.47476599

pekora’s going to bawl her eyes out…

>> No.47476600


>> No.47476602
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>> No.47476604

>didn't cry
She hate Aqua

>> No.47476605

Mark my words, Aqua will join nijisanji. Imagine the headlines, the nijisanji killer joins nijisanji.

>> No.47476606
File: 1.78 MB, 2000x2011, 98713835_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47476607

happy sucking chink dicks

>> No.47476608


>> No.47476609

Good riddance

>> No.47476610

Nobody will care about Aqua in a few months

>> No.47476611
File: 143 KB, 1327x972, 1731090394015612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling bad about this

>> No.47476612

Got wagecucked at the end
No powers
No bitches
No friends

>> No.47476613

They said the same shit about Mel

>> No.47476614

I want to see gen 2 perform one last time.

>> No.47476615
File: 525 KB, 1000x770, 1718459882206760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shit she almost cried

>> No.47476616

Towa failed to Aqua

>> No.47476617

She said there's going to be 3 more songs this month apart from the one on Lui's channel and said it's 1 per channel...

>> No.47476618

I hate people giving out fake reassurance of staying in contact even after graduation. I mean look at Mel and Coco.

>> No.47476619

Anon she already did that since forever. And no she didn't say anything about it right now.

>> No.47476621
File: 439 KB, 1200x675, 0573573575354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a sad way to end the stream

>> No.47476623

She always had beef with management

>> No.47476622
File: 183 KB, 480x480, S92zZL70Aq2T_9EPrbiN8Aw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora is trying really hard not to cry at the end there... she's definitely going to go cry her eyes out...
Theres no way Pekora doesnt keep in contact with Aqua she literally just said 5 minutes ago that she's in love with Aqua when asked if it was business or genuine.

>> No.47476625

>his "friends"
yeah only 2 main one, Bakugo and Hatsume, yes, the bitch gravity talking shit about loving Deku wasn't even name dropped

>> No.47476626

Nothing new for her

>> No.47476628


>> No.47476630

I mean, Ina does the same but she at least stuck around.

>> No.47476632


>> No.47476633
File: 188 KB, 1200x676, 1722949283031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She didn't make it...

>> No.47476634

poor girl, wouldn’t wish that on anyone
she probably knows deep down shion is basically gone too

>> No.47476635
File: 193 KB, 960x1280, 1722948657677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my Raden post for the thread. The schizo and dramafags are gonna be out in full force so I'm out for the most part...And I was liking the Elden Ring, Bunny Garden and leading the Carcharodontosaurus team that Raden was in and giving Raden the egg... I'm gonna miss Aqua...

>> No.47476637
File: 275 KB, 1080x1679, GUGQLdnXkAAD1y1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad I stopped caring about this show early on. It had so much promise but the black baby white single mother was the last nail in the coffin for me.

>> No.47476638


>> No.47476639

Towa just said that there "will be consequences"

>> No.47476640

Suisei always bitches about Cover.

>> No.47476641

Whatt happened to his quirk?

>> No.47476642

Seriously what the fuck change of direction or creative differences can be there when ayame exists... just look at her... She does whatever the fuck she wants and doesn't give a fuck
I really don't get it

>> No.47476643

yamcha pose

>> No.47476644

only the coco part is true btw, notaqua will be fine

>> No.47476645
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>> No.47476646

lmao, taste taiyouken miko

>> No.47476647

The curse holds true
Every gen will have 4 members

>> No.47476649

Destroyed in the final battle

>> No.47476648

Miko looks dumb

>> No.47476651

Twintails Raden is made for ryona.

>> No.47476653
File: 392 KB, 702x702, 1630763915630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her tweet came straight of a drama but honestly it stings the hardest.

>> No.47476652

What was the last gen to join before holos started leaving? Gen 5?

>> No.47476654

Some of them still hangs out with Coco
Even someone like Flare mentioned how she just went out with her some time ago
Just because Kanata is a spiteful bitch who doesn't care about her anymore doesn't mean everyone else is

>> No.47476655

So what will she do now? Few millions wouldn't last til retirement specially if you're living in an expensive city

>> No.47476656

She's gonna rape yagoo with the towabanana...

>> No.47476657

Today fucking sucked

>> No.47476659

im already bored
next graduation please

>> No.47476660

i still don't get why pekora said she might get punished by management for what she will say

>> No.47476661

Kanata is still hanging out with Coco though, stop spreading your headcanon

>> No.47476662

maybe the difference is that Aqua cares?

>> No.47476664
File: 538 KB, 799x1200, GSBmTk9aYAAU82o.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel and Rica are the only ones I feel who could probably leave hololive and stay successful on their roommates with regular streams.

>> No.47476663

lol, no one was really friend with her except Kanata, who dumped her ass

>> No.47476665

kson said that pjk still sends her selfies after she moved out

>> No.47476666

FPSwhores get a pass

>> No.47476669

Just paranoid retards who think management are their parents

>> No.47476670

just pekoleech things, ignore

>> No.47476671

Move to a rural area.

>> No.47476672

Nothing is worse, or can be worse, than Bleach ending. Nothing.

>> No.47476673
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, 1710514698692402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clippers are eating good for the next month

>> No.47476674

Honestly a stupid thought I have is that Aqua will 100% start streaming with men as an indie and it will be annoying she will never do a stream with Mea and Roberu together because of the Cover connection

>> No.47476675

stop lying

>> No.47476677

hopefully Miko will graduate pekholeech next

>> No.47476678

>A-chan quits
>Aqua graduates

>> No.47476679

The only ex-Holo without any contact after her graduation is Aloe.

>> No.47476680

it's easier to take care of the holos who don't want anything vs the ones who want concerts, lives, projects, and stuff.

>> No.47476682

>Aloe graduates
>gets a new live2D by Guchico
>Coco graduates
>gets a new live2D by Yaman
>Rushia is terminated
>gets a new live2D by Yasuyuki
>Mel is terminated
>gets a new live2D by Ayamy
>Aqua graduates...
Will Gaou papa follow suit? How similar will it be?

>> No.47476683

Lamy confirmed that Kanata still hangs out with Coco from time to time.

>> No.47476684
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>> No.47476685


>> No.47476686
File: 94 KB, 640x480, 1718543752748955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what the fuck is COVER doing??? WHAT THE FUCK

>> No.47476687


>> No.47476688
File: 2.00 MB, 1705x3274, GFYVCEPb0AAOeAe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should've destroyed cover management instead

>> No.47476689

As an ojisan, I found out that friends from work aren't really your friends, just acquaintances. Once they move to another company it's over.
The only friends that I'm still in contact with are the friends I made in high school/hometown...

>> No.47476690

Turbodykes can always find a way to scam people in order to survive.

>> No.47476691

I see we are going in alphabetical orded

>> No.47476694

they skipped out cell drinking civilian thing...

>> No.47476696

but about what...

>> No.47476697
File: 105 KB, 802x528, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck aqua for ruining my celebration

>> No.47476700

how is 5ch taking the news?

>> No.47476701

Kanata still hangs out with my cock though

>> No.47476702
File: 1.37 MB, 2003x1448, 1594297642987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47476704

Coco frequently has Choco and Mel on her channel

>> No.47476705

so pekora is a paranoid retard? true

>> No.47476706
File: 276 KB, 556x1000, unnamed-file-6-556x1000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her fault btw.

>> No.47476707

probably the 3d studio issue and resources being wasted instead of fixing those sort of issues.

>> No.47476708

Mea is starting.

>> No.47476709


>> No.47476710

You better hope that your oshi is not favored by Pekora because she's either a. going to graduate b. terminated or c. going on menhera break
I'm telling you Usada Pekora is a fucking jinx.

>> No.47476711

noel is straight

>> No.47476712

wakamoto's hamming this shit

>> No.47476713


>> No.47476714
File: 1.67 MB, 3072x4096, FzuKXBpaIAAsrPp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now what?

>> No.47476715


>> No.47476716

I feel bad for Cover. I hope they are okay.

>> No.47476717


>> No.47476718

could be anything, not a high bar when compared to Ayame

>> No.47476720

just like cuckfaggy lmao

>> No.47476722

I actually like her and goldenglow a lot, dont really care aboyut mizuki though

>> No.47476721


>> No.47476725
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>> No.47476726
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>> No.47476727

Gaou will probably do it. Most holo parents are pretty impartial and will just take the contract. Kagura Nana still designed Spade Echo's new character despite everything that happened with China.

>> No.47476728

StartEnd ended...

>> No.47476729

cry… :(

>> No.47476731

what the fuck happened

>> No.47476730

RIP Startend
RIP AkuSui couple channel

>> No.47476733

dangerously based

>> No.47476732

Fucking snake.

>> No.47476735

if watame got 2 sololives I doubt Aqua really had problems of getting it...(she got a good amount of sololves herself)
They literally announce 2nd VN with aqua (did she not want it and decided to fuck off to not deal with it?)
Rule about 1 3D live a year?

>> No.47476734

I bet she'll collab with Kson

>> No.47476736

>Towa will be last holo

>> No.47476738

brap onegai...

>> No.47476739

whos gonna be aqua's successor?

>> No.47476740

I appreciate it. I don't watch Raden, but any supporter for Aqua is good in my book.

>> No.47476741

>She does whatever the fuck she wants and doesn't give a fuck
yeah, that's why I'm listening to menhera Nakiri for 3, no, almost 4 years

>> No.47476742

Aqua graduating and it's Cover's fault, unironically.

>> No.47476744


>> No.47476746

pekora is destined to be a loner

>> No.47476745

towa really wanted sui all for herself...

>> No.47476749 [SPOILER] 
File: 91 KB, 1057x910, 20240806_210717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sudden drop after announcement. Not surprising for a TALENT DRIVEN company.

>> No.47476751


>> No.47476752
File: 212 KB, 720x513, Screenshot_2024-07-13-07-50-01-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes the villain of hololive

>> No.47476753

you wish

>> No.47476754
File: 820 KB, 1800x2300, GUEpIihb0AAAUBi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47476755

Now that Hololive finally can heal, what's next?

>> No.47476757

don't care. will gladly enjoy gacha streams

>> No.47476758
File: 3.83 MB, 1920x1080, aqua 2023 anniv live startend intro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47476761
File: 185 KB, 468x446, 1694782168903404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today feels like shit. I might just sleep the rest of today off, I don't want to do anything anymore.

>> No.47476759

>cuckfaggy still doing a global tier ritual post after ending a stream
Just say Rate the stream, cuckfaggy

>> No.47476760

>brought the Pekora fighting for Aqua story

>> No.47476762

i'm buying the dip btw, i want to become a major shareholder to have sex with holo

>> No.47476763
File: 291 KB, 1936x1710, GUSvSMabIAAKBfc.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aqua graduates
>Flare posts her cat

>> No.47476764

Suisei is so cool.

>> No.47476765

This won't age well

>> No.47476766

What is she going to do though? I cannot imagine her working alone, even her past life she has like 4-5 friends only.

>> No.47476767

Just like deku

>> No.47476769

Someone tell me about Towa status currently

>> No.47476770

the only reason she goes menhera is because she sucks at and many tihngs and gets heat for it

>> No.47476771

In the end. Miko won.

>> No.47476772

powerlevels are bullshit

>> No.47476773
File: 873 KB, 1200x1115, 110941515_p22_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too.. no joke...

>> No.47476774

>Most holo parents are pretty impartial and will just take the contract.
I remember Kson saying Yaman pretty much insisted on it, she'd had no plans for a new model.

>> No.47476775

Pekora never favored Rushia though.

>> No.47476776

>Blackrock can only afford 0.15% and you think you'll become a major shareholder

>> No.47476777


>> No.47476778

This past months when I said that if there was a day that aqua isn't streaming for a long time that means akusui had a date that day, they thought I was just being schizo. Swisei really is just making the most of it, she would even barge in on her streaming just to ask if she's free that day

>> No.47476781


>> No.47476780

I literally just woke up to the worst news ever

>> No.47476782

I just hope that the real reason she quits is hololive is she's tired of sucking upper management's dick. I want to fulfill my degenerate fantasy with Aqua.

>> No.47476785

why hold it back? saying the names would fix the problem
this shit wont fix anything but make things worse

>> No.47476786

yeah i know i opened xitter
but why
people are saying its a company disagreement
did blackrock finally discover hololive cause of the dodgers shit and are trying to do the usual?

>> No.47476787

Milking Tachikawa semen

>> No.47476790

labyu labyu oh oh oh oh...

>> No.47476791

Anything important Sui said?

>> No.47476792

ssj dna

>> No.47476793

Blackrock is a company not an individual, which is subject to other restrictions

>> No.47476794

I hope he'll be okay...

>> No.47476795

toxo won

>> No.47476796

my happiest day ever, pekotyan will back to old pekotyan before akupeko cringe shit strike

>> No.47476797


>> No.47476798


>> No.47476799

For good reasons apparently.

>> No.47476800

>bakatare important announcement
>got overshadowed with ru's termination
>her anniversary is tomorrow
>got overshadowed with aqua's graduation announcement
Flare is too unlucky.

>> No.47476801

i will now masturbate to Fauna ASMR to calm down

>> No.47476802
File: 690 KB, 1764x2508, 1677814536765341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now we cry ( ;∀;)

>> No.47476805

cover corp has been split into two factions

the ones in bed with the management (like miko), and the ones that dont

>> No.47476807
File: 308 KB, 720x514, rushialeft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47476810

Sounds more like Pekora is just a saviorfag

>> No.47476809


>> No.47476811

Nothing important, it's about Aqua after all

>> No.47476813 [DELETED] 

She did the equivalent to naming the jew and basically called out cover.

>> No.47476814
File: 652 KB, 1176x2066, GUSKAD_XIAA14aB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so when is sionyo's official graduation announcement

>> No.47476815

civil war

>> No.47476816

Aqua said it's due to large disagreements with management.

Anything beyond that is speculative.

>> No.47476817
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>> No.47476819

>nyooooo dont make jokes

>> No.47476820 [DELETED] 

wtf is a blackrock

>> No.47476821
File: 967 KB, 1920x1080, towa keeps aqua warm en.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She only retweeted Aqua's stream and the official announcement, no personal message yet.
Towa was very sad when Coco graduated, I'm sure she's a wreck because Aqua is an actual friend.

>> No.47476822

it's different world line instead of the usual predestination time travel shenanigans

>> No.47476824

Playing Apex.

>> No.47476825


>> No.47476826

i think they probably should have had more than 2 by now if cover were really well run..

>> No.47476827 [DELETED] 

kys tranny

>> No.47476828

right b4 she sings stay alive.. how ironic

>> No.47476829

Startend? more like End

>> No.47476830

Miko is only in bed with her girlfriendwife Suichan, unlike pekwhorleech who's in bed with Jun (her husband)

>> No.47476832

Good, stuff like this happening is a reality check

>> No.47476834


>> No.47476833

The company that owns all of america

>> No.47476836

Towa... You already knew about this for over a month and already coped. You just wanted an excuse not to stream.

>> No.47476835

You can't save everyone Pekoshirou...

>> No.47476837

Suichan talking about aqua disaggrement?

>> No.47476838 [DELETED] 

Huge y*ddish conglomerate that owns pretty much every company in america.

>> No.47476839

Her pebotru attempt will never be forgotten

>> No.47476840

Hopefully never and they just quietly terminate her and let her be forgotten.

>> No.47476841

I don't disagree. More holos need to stop being doormats.

>> No.47476843

holo vs management (who hogs all the studio and merch resources)?

>> No.47476844

I would love for it to be soon but this bitch will keep milking her gullible fans for their money

>> No.47476845

>still schizoposting other holos
yeah, good fucking riddance.

>> No.47476847

She's probably contractually obliged to stick around in some form or another until HoloWitches ends

>> No.47476848

>black baby white single mother

>> No.47476849

She's only saving herself by leeching graduating holos

>> No.47476851

Sui on her greeting change
Sui: The direction that the company takes doesn't have anything to do with me. I do what I want in the way I want. Their direction doesn't matter. I changed the greeting by MY discretion.
Chat: But isn't being denied getting rid of the eternal 18 a difference in direction being forced on you? (A thing she mentioned before how Cover didn't allow her to remove the "eternal 18 years old idol") (She removed it out of her intro anyway)
Sui: Hey you're right! Seriously what is with that!
Looking at the news, she was also very confused as it is not that big of news, as some news/gossip sites are saying how Suisei wants to stop being a vtuber and or how she hates being called a vtuber, it has nothing to do with those

Also Startend collabs are already planned, but still don't know what to do together (or just don't want to reveal it yet)
She also she made some plans this year for 2025's April's fools to be an AquSui Couple Channel, but it's now impossible
Also said that Aqua graduating doesn't really matter as much to her as she can still meet and talk to her as often as she likes, but will probably feel it once she realizes how she can't do a lot of things with her anymore

>> No.47476852


>> No.47476853

when did she not

>> No.47476854

They never announced aquarium 2. There was one retarded no name news outlet that said it and you all believed it

>> No.47476855

Stop bringing up their chins unprompted, they are normal sized chins.

>> No.47476857

Omedetou hime

>> No.47476858 [DELETED] 

A company that enforces DEI and is destroying big companies like Disney

>> No.47476860
File: 161 KB, 1920x1080, 1717319749393541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>akwa is graduating
i can't believe it's real...
i will miss you onyan...

>> No.47476861
File: 205 KB, 2048x1974, GURldDZX0AARnGg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47476862

her sing skill become worser than last year

>> No.47476863

someone need to clip this n what she said last night at sf6

>> No.47476865

>Sui: The direction that the company takes doesn't have anything to do with me. I do what I want in the way I want. Their direction doesn't matter. I changed the greeting by MY discretion.
Gotta love her

>> No.47476866 [DELETED] 

Arasaka from Cyberpunk but real

>> No.47476867

Thank you

>> No.47476868

>he doesn't know

oh no no no no no

>> No.47476869

just wait for a few months faggot

>> No.47476870
File: 4 KB, 423x69, 1722827573824353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I trust my oshi, if she thinks it's ogre then it's ogre
I'm just mad that faggot Gaou has disappeared, I will not be happy if she redebuts and looks completely different

>> No.47476871
File: 123 KB, 1098x1325, sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Aqua dared to step on her way.

>> No.47476873

There's a black skinned japanese hero who has a kid with a blonde haired japanese woman.

>> No.47476874

like seriously is there actually a rule that says holo talents cant collab with ex-holo reincarnation? People have been saying there isn't but somehow we never saw Miko or Chama collabing with Kson, even people like Choco who isn't top level only collabs with kson on her roommate account. Listening to Pekora just now she sounds like she would just go and collab with Akwa's new account the moment she makes her debut,

>> No.47476875

>AquSui Couple Channel, but it's now impossible
Towa is conflicted

>> No.47476876

Can you confirm whether she said this or not?

>> No.47476877


>> No.47476878

>just sleep for 2 months bro
i will kill you

>> No.47476881

chinks already did

>> No.47476882

She also mentioned that some things are just an "it is what it is" moment, there's nothing you can do when they just give you a "we're going in different directions" as denying it will just be irresponsible

>> No.47476883

goku waking up was better in the anime

>> No.47476885

goku is cured miko

>> No.47476886

hololive resistance...

>> No.47476887

I remember when people thought Sora was graduating.

>> No.47476888

Enemy finally vanquished...

>> No.47476889
File: 86 KB, 967x318, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just went to look and just realized i just hit 4 years

>> No.47476890

what luna said about the situation?

>> No.47476891
File: 84 KB, 736x736, 16010298310928401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't you save Aqua's smile, anon?

>> No.47476892

she is going a lot about management restrictions and the company, the situation really ticked her off again

>> No.47476893

Which Holo cares the least?

>> No.47476894

Straight as a curve.

>> No.47476895

Eh, online streaming is a small world. She'll see some of them again

>> No.47476896

Will Aqua fight Subaru in sf6 before she leaves?

>> No.47476897

Somehow this one hits harder than some others.

>> No.47476901

that's Miko and the ENs

>> No.47476903

She didn't see them even when she was in hololive

>> No.47476902

chichi isn't that much of a bitch I guess.

>> No.47476904

She didn't want to be saved or she wouldn't graduate

>> No.47476905

Another rushia like treatment from pekora

>> No.47476906
File: 534 KB, 671x566, IMG_0124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora beautiful, long legs…

>> No.47476908

Nothing close unless I missed a few seconds and she said it during that few seconds but VERY unlikely she said something like that

>> No.47476909

We all know it's Towa

>> No.47476910
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>> No.47476911

haachama sent something for some kson celebration and got in trouble if i remember correctly.

>> No.47476912

>cited creative differences
Basically they hated, and left no jaded witnesses
Cover sucks, when they spit, I doubt 'em
The crap they tweet about, you wanna slap the fuckin shit out of em

>> No.47476913

MikeNeko will be right there for Aqua with open arms to hug and support Aqua after she leaves.

>> No.47476914

People grow attached to things like titles and stuff, it's really like your child you see grow for 6 years. If Gaou would make a model for her and still make her tits big.. that would be ironic wholesome..

>> No.47476915

cover might have a rule against collab with former holos because i don't see a reason why holos doesn't collab with kson

>> No.47476916


>> No.47476917

Subarus actually hurt

>> No.47476918

I support Miko if she's fighting the ENs

>> No.47476919
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>> No.47476920 [DELETED] 

Hey janny isn't this trolling?
Why do I get banned for trolling when I point it out?

>> No.47476924
File: 103 KB, 616x353, 18048640648600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the game be removed?

>> No.47476923


>> No.47476925


>> No.47476926


>> No.47476927
File: 1.85 MB, 3508x4961, 121238354_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47476928

Yes, Haachama said she was scolded for sending a video message to kson.

>> No.47476929

yeah this one probably hurts when them both carrying Nikisei for the last couple years, I think theyve both felt responsible for the gen and it being kind of wayward in their own ways so I imagine this hits her really hard...when people say they wont keep in touch Shuba is one girl where that might be true as they just live in very different worlds

>> No.47476931


>> No.47476932
File: 141 KB, 298x252, 1597842368234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just woke up. I'm going back to bed.

>> No.47476933
File: 136 KB, 428x475, EfMJHeIU8AIezlH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OoT... Skyrim...

>> No.47476934

Why would it be?

>> No.47476935

Why didn't you save my smile, Aqua?

>> No.47476936

Just because there isn't an explicit rule, that doesn't stop it from bring awkward and weird and causing a lot of fuss amongst the viewers. Think of it like how they're was no rule against using your bare hands on stream until the ENs made a point out of doing just that to the extreme and then suddenly a rule got made.

>> No.47476937
File: 791 KB, 1202x1078, 1705169566406123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soul... they wont stop...

>> No.47476938

Thinking people will follow her
>looks at Coco
>looks at Mel
>looks at Rushia
>looks at Aloe

>> No.47476939

I dont understand how Kame Sennin have almost 500 years but Goku died at young age of heart attack

>> No.47476940

Subaru's protagonist moment. Simple yet so profound.

>> No.47476941

same hair as Flare's manager

>> No.47476942

from the thumbnail i thought she was wearing a diaper...disappointing

>> No.47476944
File: 1.88 MB, 3508x4961, 121238354_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47476946

Because its not fake like pekora's tweet
I cringe the part where she called aqua "friends" when she's a well known bully of aqua

>> No.47476947


>> No.47476948

Suisei shits on cover as always lol

>> No.47476950

Ayame, Laplus, Shion, Aki, RBC

>> No.47476951


>> No.47476952

vegeta is sulking in the middle of desert...

>> No.47476955

They're just stating facts i dont see problem with it

>> No.47476956

No one believes that fuu-tan...

>> No.47476957
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>> No.47476958

She didn't. It's a really neutral take.

>> No.47476959

turtle hermit didn't go to an alien planet and contract an alien STD there.

>> No.47476960
File: 561 KB, 1309x2500, __sakura_miko_and_35p_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_vinhnyu__405cbec41b67122d715dab97da057740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!

Miko Dragon Ball Z Kakarot now! https://youtu.be/IZbqvGgMgHk

Listen to Miko's latest single 「Ikenie」! https://youtu.be/Q2b8Zsui_0Y
Check out Miko's 1st Album 「Flower Rhapsody」!
Visit the website for more information about Miko's 1st Sololive 「Flower Fantasista」!

>> No.47476961

>screaming IKENAIDE
Is mea okay...?

>> No.47476962

About what?

>> No.47476963

not a normal heart attack, but from a virus apparently.

>> No.47476965

everyone should shit on cover because they're fucking shit

>> No.47476966
File: 123 KB, 832x1216, GUMN7mObMAA9IqU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47476967 [DELETED] 

Are you crying to the mods cuckfaggy?
Just like the sharts and the green turd lmao

>> No.47476968
File: 3.55 MB, 2682x1506, aquaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i regret my 2023 self for shitposting aqua so much
i'm sorry aqua
in truth i really loved you and you are my oshi
i guess i'll just end myself now

>> No.47476969

lmao Suityan with no clip warning

>> No.47476970
File: 2.20 MB, 1920x1080, 1722867003695718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should honestly break away and create their own agency. They have enough money and clout to do it. Get the big hitters like Suisei and Pekora, then get Noel for the money. Hire someone competent and bring the rest over. Fuck Cover.

>> No.47476971

>If something happens to me, that means there is a great power behind the scene that I cannot accept.
>But I will still be alive tomorrow and I will not give up, I will continue to fight
>You might not understand what I mean for now
literal hololive resistance

>> No.47476972

lol now suisei is just really blaming cover while making it a joke, but at the same time also doesn't want people to make clips with stuff like "leaks suisei hates cover and is actually a anti"

>> No.47476973

Sui: Well, the company's growth is good. Because the company grew, we can do things like have that expo in Makuhari every year. But, they are solidifying the rules, and it's harder to do things outside the box. And if you try to do something new, they will first take time to research and try to protect you, and make rules before you can do it.
Before, I would lightly say, I'd like to try this, and before they'd be like, "That's interesting. Try it, let's see what happens." Now, they're like either "Well, that's against the rules" or, "There's no rules for this. We need to discuss this. Can we get back to you on it?" And sometimes Sui is like "Goddamn this is taking forever".
But it's all to protect the talents from messing up.
Sui doesn't want us to take this as her complaining or criticizing the management.
She also started thinking; the company for the talents, or the talents for the company? She's not sure that it's good that a company just bends over for every single thing a talent wants to do. But to stifle talents, well, vtubing is an industry where you need the talents
Ends by saying Cover is stupid and immediately apologizes as she doesn't want them to be angry at her again, prays that nobody clips this part out of context so now she doesn't allow clippings of this Spaces

>> No.47476974

Suiflip is a shit, she wouldn't oppose to Cover

>> No.47476976

Laplus is busy sucking e-celebs dicks to care

>> No.47476977

Aki loves hololive wholeheartedly. She doesn't miss a single hololive event or big collab.

>> No.47476978

まふまふ (Mafumafu) – Ikanaide Lyrics

>> No.47476979

>Shitposting when a holo fucking graudates
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.47476980

What did Fubuki say, if anything?

>> No.47476981

What's wrong with this post? >>47476771 I was talking about her stream, she just won a match earlier

>> No.47476982

Things that happens in all companies

>> No.47476983

Cover will try to crush them if they do that

>> No.47476984
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>> No.47476985
File: 347 KB, 2048x1152, great-o-khan-tokyo-city-keiba-amesame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if that rrat that Cover is selling their talents to investors for sex is true? You know they are selling the girls to the great okhan. Here is Gura and Ame with him at a horse racing track. What if Aqua was fed up with this disgusting stuff?

>> No.47476986

this, and never going public

>> No.47476988

I wouldn't call shouting cover no baka saying she's treading the line with what she's saying and then clips are NG a "neutral take"

>> No.47476989

A neutral take in japan by a japanese is basically a hot take anywhere else. You have to remember the cultural history japan has with putting on a face for the public and how you are seen by others. So the fact that Sui is saying even this much to the public is just the tip of the iceberg and other japanese recognize this and can read between the lines.

>> No.47476990

Not my oshi don't care

>> No.47476991

I will miss the aquacrew...

>> No.47476992

you reap what you sow

>> No.47476993
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>> No.47476994
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>> No.47476995 [DELETED] 

Posting from your phone and pc at the same time doesn't make you a different person >>47461367

>in the end
Yeah sure you were.

>> No.47476996

>there is a great power behind the scene that I cannot accept.
This has to be China

>> No.47476997


>> No.47476998

I've been wanting this since forever.

>> No.47477000

The FPSwhores, but Towa I guess

>> No.47476999

>then get Noel for the money
Yeah because Noel is a prostitute.

>> No.47477001

>But it's all to protect the talents from messing up
and yet Laplus had that fucking 3d live lmao, management really are laughing stocks

>> No.47477003

>great power
chink spotted

>> No.47477004

Suisei has always felt like a bootlicker, so I don't really know what why she plays up the rebel act.

>> No.47477005

with what? maybe they'll need to wait like a year of non compete
what the fuck will cover have? some niji-tier new hires? dev_is 4.0?
useless fucking corpo

>> No.47477006


>> No.47477007

every post about miko and 35p are trollposts

>> No.47477008

but laplus is sucking cocks left and right on Twitch

>> No.47477009

[Breaking News]
Suisei hasn't talked to Towa at all today

>> No.47477013

She has money.

>> No.47477014
File: 406 KB, 1200x1600, sankisei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sankisei strong!

Sankisei banzai!

Sankisei forever!

>> No.47477015
File: 134 KB, 373x407, cute dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why all holos should have roommate accounts
glad that Lamy made one

>> No.47477016

I never said in a fair way

>> No.47477017

Shitty excuses for a half filipino

>> No.47477018
File: 44 KB, 600x582, 1692267960668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oyasumi hime no stream tomorrow

>> No.47477019

>cover no baka
This is an example of what not to write in your complaint message to Cover

>> No.47477020
File: 934 KB, 2894x3500, GUTQ7TXWUAA9Hzx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion is next

>> No.47477021

Are you legitimately braindead?

>> No.47477022

Tatsunokocrew lol

>> No.47477023

Reminder that akwa will win SF6 evo next year and will bring back thuggery as the saviour of the FGC.

>> No.47477026

Selfish of A Rough Stone bros..

>> No.47477024

aquacrew's spite will be worse than fancucks

>> No.47477027

whyd you have a LoL shirt

>> No.47477028

id be embarrassed if my oshi made one

>> No.47477029

shes planning on graduating?

>> No.47477030

What do you mean? There was nothing wrong in her live.

>> No.47477031

Not now disowned Wong

>> No.47477032

Kano's was my favorite cover of the song

>> No.47477034

he's a showa era dad after all

>> No.47477035

I told you aquatomos that her streaming all the time was suspicious

>> No.47477037

It's not about "protecting the talent" it's about "protecting the brand"

>> No.47477038
File: 3.73 MB, 480x854, 1722950832220.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a break and listen to Raden's short

>> No.47477039

cuckfaggys are a paranoid bunch, they think every post about Miko is somehow an attack directed at them or pekwhoreleech lmao

>> No.47477041

I'm guessing they don't want holos to quit and reap the benefits of being an indie, while still latching on the hololive name by collabing with their former coworkers.

>> No.47477043

Don't ever suggest O-Khan is disgusting or a slut again

>> No.47477044

sleep tight, bebbers

>> No.47477045

i remember this argument back when Coco graduated.

>> No.47477046

I know that kson is surrounded by her friends like melody, but I'm still sad that she joined an agency instead of making her own.

>> No.47477047
File: 1.14 MB, 1024x1536, 11630129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah to suck my adult cock

>> No.47477049

[All this suffocating bureaucracy which didn't used to even be a thing is just for our own good!
Cover in its current state is so clearly like 50% middle managers trying to justify their employment by getting in the way of things

>> No.47477050
File: 152 KB, 2048x2048, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i'm kind of stuck what do i do now?
I've been at my job for 9 years hating it. Watching hololive for past 5.5 years. Nothing in my life has changed and i'm 32 y/o almost 33 with no lover.
Is it time to take the step and try to change my life.
I honestly don't know what to look forward to now in a daily basis now that aqua is leaving

>> No.47477052

yeah Marine confirmed it already
fuck cover

>> No.47477053

The fact that she's still with the company instead of going back to indie says it all.

>> No.47477054

>But it's all to protect the talents from messing up.
yeah, we see that

>> No.47477055

I hate this.

>> No.47477056

it's okay, life is cheap in dragon ball world.

>> No.47477057

why are you asking that in the place with the janny who wastes his life hating hololive has a whole

>> No.47477061

So that's a yes.

>> No.47477062

Didn't ask, regloss is a shit

>> No.47477063

In the end as an adult working on a company, the talents have to make compromise. Even the management itself makes their own compromise. Both party has their own leverage. The only powerless one is always the fans.

>> No.47477065

i have no power, i can't really do anything
i'm so pathetic...

>> No.47477064

>imma kms
Honestly please do.

>> No.47477067

It's a good wake up call to change, stagnation is death.

>> No.47477066

Yeah anon, what about that mythical kson's vtuber agency?

>> No.47477069

she can sound very bratty

>> No.47477071

bad timing

>> No.47477070

I like this artist and the shorts she makes for Raden

>> No.47477072

they can't do shot

>> No.47477073

aqua.. but you cant fight back when you quit..

>> No.47477074

android jumpscare lmao

>> No.47477075

what would shions reason be

>> No.47477076

The best way to protect them is to give them a reason to leave altogether! It's genius!

>> No.47477078


Go back >>>/vt/82329840

>> No.47477080

buy SARMs and go to the gym

>> No.47477082

No, Cover definitely tries to prevent the talents from screwing up. Just look at every other vtuber to see how things can easily be screwed up. The only issue is Cover is slow as fuck with everything. It's like management is busy 24/7 and at the same time we don't even know what they do because the holos are working all the time.

>> No.47477083

Uoh no Suinigang melty

>> No.47477084

Yep, Miko won once again.

>> No.47477085


>> No.47477086

healthy fanbase and working directly with her favorite game franchise
still has a viewer base despite everything that happened
her singing streams still get views. she doesn't really stream often. still pretty good for someone that got graduated on day 1

>> No.47477087

Mea... not this song...

>> No.47477088

Suisei sounds sad and tired of it all.

>> No.47477089

it doesn't matter
there will be new generations and you can change oshis when you want
I don't get the outrage

>> No.47477090

Kson is discontent with VShoujo and is planning to quit

>> No.47477091


>> No.47477092

Why would I? I owe her nothing, and everyone is responsible for their own happiness

>> No.47477093


i think the matsutake one is still my favorite

>> No.47477094

>33 with no lover
>Is it time
not going to sugarcoat it but you're too late for that, anon
just enjoy what you have and don't waste your time on fantasy

>> No.47477096

I just noticed it's raining. It's the first day it's rained for weeks...

>> No.47477095

she couldn't take the heat for being a lying whore

>> No.47477097

Wrong board ENcel.

>> No.47477098

say something nice about mel

>> No.47477099

I wanted a yabberino but not like this no my oshi...

>> No.47477100

it's funny how everyone is aware that the talent is the brand except for Cover

>> No.47477101

>Amatsuki said he will make an important announcement on August 31st

>> No.47477102

Why is the schizo like this

>> No.47477103


>> No.47477104

This is like a rare occasion, why not? We've been through holocaust this is nothing

>> No.47477105
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it should have been ojou

>> No.47477106

What is this sensible take

>> No.47477108

piccolo is strong now,miko

>> No.47477107

she didn't, N5

>> No.47477109

meetings and bureaucracy are fucking slow and inefficient. news at 11.

>> No.47477110

what about the other streamers they keep collabing with tho? VCR? What separates them from former holos gone indie?

>> No.47477111


>> No.47477113

i wouldn't be surprised if Hololive wants to push more towards the live 3D side and it is simply too much for aqua. i could totally see Hololive wanting Umisea to be a staple summer brand and a concert to go along with that.

Hololive built a state of the art motion tracking studio with the ability to do livestreaming which no other Vtuber agency has they sure as hell are gonna wanna use it as much as possible for large events that generate a ton of money.

>> No.47477112

bai bai

>> No.47477114

same with aqua

>> No.47477117


>> No.47477119

They all gonna comeback to their shitter status back in NND

>> No.47477120
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There sure is a lot of rain today...

>> No.47477121

Not now twinktomo...

>> No.47477122

Kek bummer i guess

>> No.47477123

It is weird how cover makes regloss have to reach a certain number in order to have 3D privileges and not the other gen. Cover has never stated any other gen publicly at how they had to jump through hoops like regloss has to.

>> No.47477124

I guarantee 100% the reason was management's retardation. Aqua doesn't even do anything outside of the box to warrant any problems with management in the firs place.
Like there's no doubt in my mind if we'd know the real reason the solution would be to fire some middle management retard

>> No.47477125

>Hololive wants to push more towards the live 3D side
>reduced the 3D live by one
Yeah, sure, right.

>> No.47477126

So is aqua gonna disappear from the net forever?

>> No.47477127

Hey I dunno man I'm just relaying what she said, it's ass yeah sure nobody likes it of course but it's not like there's anything they can do about it aside from just compromising
In the end they're still a company and there are a ton of rules on the things you can and cannot do. Bigger companies means more and more opportunities but also restrictions

>> No.47477128

Why? Ayame is clearly happy with her lot in life

>> No.47477129

I just came home and what the actual literal ever living fuck?
How, why?
She could just go on permanent hiatus like Shion and Ayame again for years on end and rake in the cash while doing nothing, why is she graduating?
Is she going indie? Does she think she will make more money without the Hololive backing and Cover taking a cut?

>> No.47477130

kamikorosama let's gooo

>> No.47477131

If they just want to be streamers I can see it working out.
But if they want to also do idol stuff it will be very tough.

>> No.47477132

umesea felt so forced shoving a bunch of people that have no chemistry together like that

>> No.47477133

You say this like they haven't been actively restricting the amount of 3D they can do...

>> No.47477134

It's their job to balance it out and not suffocate talents while making excuses that it's for their own good (actually they don't give a fuck they want muh brand shit)

>> No.47477135

Holos can't even use the big studio as much as the old smaller studio. What are you talking about.

>> No.47477136

Maybe aqua has made enough money and just wants to move on with her life? Anyone even considered that? Not everything has to be a big to do

>> No.47477137

learn to guard miko

>> No.47477138

That's because regloss is an unprecedented failure

>> No.47477139
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Lack of parental love

>> No.47477140

>She could just go on permanent hiatus like Shion and Ayame again for years on end and rake in the cash while doing nothing
maybe because, unlike them, she would feel bad doing that?

>> No.47477141

What will Aqua do after Hololive?

>> No.47477142

Sidebranches were a mistake

>> No.47477143

iirc regloss has a completely different producer who probably isn't very in touch with streamer culture and is just doing standard idol things

>> No.47477144

>Hololive wants to push more towards the live 3D side
Wow, that's one hell of a statement

>> No.47477146

Kame Sennin got the immortality elixir from his sister, the fortunetelling witch, I dont remember when exactly but this was referenced back in the original DB

>> No.47477148

Happy Miko makes me happy.

>> No.47477149

Yeah if only they had industry contacts and lots of money...

>> No.47477150


>> No.47477152

>Aqua graduated because management tried to force her to do an UMISEA performance for this year's HoloSummer
More likely than you think

>> No.47477153

We've gone over this, regloss has a completely different contract than other holos. That's why they're a different branch and not just a gen.

>> No.47477154

It's slow because the person is slow. It's slow because that's just how shit is. Reminder that IT problems for Cover are the dumbest fucking thing and they never have someone there for their cashcows. Like how the fuck does this tech company even run if it can't have on call IT guys for the talents?

>> No.47477156

She already did it for 2 years
Doesn't matter, she'll be offtopic by then.

>> No.47477157

she literally said it's because there's been way too much conflict and disagreements and you want to make your own headcanon?

>> No.47477158

>he is unironically watching men
lmao look at this faggot

>> No.47477159

She will become Towa's third cat

>> No.47477160

Aqua will join vwhorejo, I heard they're auditioning for another JP gen

>> No.47477161

Will Aqua's graduation stream finally surpass Coco's numbers?

>> No.47477162

17 uses barrier too much

>> No.47477164

Im not spectrum today?

>> No.47477163

>umisea dead
only good thing about this announcement

>> No.47477166

>Umisea to be a staple
Marine is barely holding on as is. You can't have her take on continuous work.

>> No.47477167


>> No.47477169

She never said anything like that? Plus they are giving her a graduation concert?

>> No.47477171

Towa will rape Akwa...

>> No.47477173

Some people have these things called "principles" and don't base all their decisions on pure economic benefit

>> No.47477175


>> No.47477176

>Ayame is clearly happy with her lot in life

>> No.47477177

Chat: I have universal entrance exams in two days. How do I study with my oshi graduating.

Sui: That's the hard thing. Life just goes on. And things just go on like normal. And there is no one to tell you, "Good job!" You're depressed, sad that your oshi is graduating but you force yourself to go to school. No one will congratulate you for that. That's the hardest part. No one knows how you're feeling.
So, maybe you can't sleep tonight. But just eat a lot, try to rest.
I hope everyone just gets through this.
That's all from me, Hoshimachi Suisei.

>> No.47477178

Now that I think about it is pretty amazing that she managed to get featured in Yakuza

>> No.47477180

this bitch guards a lot.
miko won at least.

>> No.47477181

Cover is incompetent but letting IT workers in the homes of holos would not end well

>> No.47477184

I don't think it was a requirement, it was just a weird challenge management set which rubbed it in their faces how they're not as popular as they'd like despite this whole thing being the result of management's own stupid decisions.

>> No.47477183

Oh okay you're an EOP..

>> No.47477185

Aqua will never stream the Elden Ring DLC.......

>> No.47477186

manjigumi has been dead since 2018

>> No.47477187

High chance she is going to reincarnate, that basically all the vtuber that quit corpo because of disagreement do.

>> No.47477189

17 has infinite stamina miko

>> No.47477190
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Akupeko who

>> No.47477191

I think she doesn't understand that they are getting duped and management cares about brand and not talent and just making excuses (which she repeats)
>Bigger companies means more and more opportunities but also restrictions
bigger companies fail just as easily especially when they are in such volatile market. Wish cover realized that and understood that they look just as problematic as "troubles" they try to ""protect" talents from
but it will be asking too much from this fucking retards

>> No.47477193

assuming she's smart, get autism bux from gubernment and neet max for life if not then online prostitution

>> No.47477194


>> No.47477195

It sucks but it's shit anyway

>> No.47477196
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who will Chinese men dress up as now? how selfish is aqua to do this?

>> No.47477197

this happened because lamy didn't let aqua have the popcorn bag

>> No.47477198

Aqua will cancel her graduation right? shes gonna stream and tell us it was a joke right?

>> No.47477199

he's graduating from crazy raccoon...

>> No.47477200

>more than one month since Subaru watched that episode
I should rewatch it.

>> No.47477201
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>> No.47477202

>She never said anything like that

>> No.47477203
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>> No.47477204
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Isn't she great

>> No.47477205


>> No.47477206

cell is coming

>> No.47477207

As expected from the protagonist of hololive

>> No.47477208

Another easy win for Miko.

>> No.47477209

shouldn't have been a fat fuck

>> No.47477210

I'm just thinking vtubing isn't sustainable long term and they will all go away sooner or later

>> No.47477211

I didn't cry during Aqua's announcement but now I'm crying to Mea's utawaku. Really nice choice of songs huh...

>> No.47477212

>Towa retweeted Aqua's stream and the official announcement
>no tweets after that
She's definitely not taking it well

>> No.47477213

Because she hates Cover and doesn't want them to keep profitting off her corpse.

>> No.47477215

Do you also watch other holos? Other vtubers?
No one can ever fill the hole your oshi left but maybe someone will at least fill some of it...

>> No.47477214


>> No.47477216

the elden ring dlc is good, suck you are bad at it

>> No.47477217

Unfortunately, I doubt a decision she made months ago can be reversed in a few weeks no matter how many of the holomems cry and take days off to not stream after the announcement etc.

>> No.47477218

ginger robot has a point

>> No.47477219

Having on call IT guys would create an entirely new risks, especially if it happens outside work hours. The only way for them to get their PC fixed is to bring it to the studio like Subaru manechan's did.

>> No.47477221

Because she actually has morals and thinks she's a shounen protagonist that has to do the right thing
What she doesn't realize is that she's been inside this bubble of NND/hololive for all her teens/mid 20s years that when she steps out to the real world she's gonna be in for a rude awakening and that sometimes morals don't get u anywhere in life

>> No.47477222

Oh no no it reminds me of jun pekora marriage all of a sudden

>> No.47477223

17 fucked everything

>> No.47477224


>> No.47477226

Simply she got tired of management's bullshit (or she's getting married for real)

>> No.47477229

Of course the suiflip is a numberfag who copy and pastes posts from there

>> No.47477233

Finding out about this is probably one reason she actually made it in the first place.

>> No.47477235
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There's nothing we can do...

>> No.47477236
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Why is she such a bitter bitch?

>> No.47477237

i think the problem is more like the opposite of this.

>> No.47477239

What will happen to UMISEA from now on

>> No.47477240

That post was posted after the post here though

>> No.47477244

nene status?

>> No.47477243

anon, look at the times

>> No.47477245

fuck this DEI shit, probably one of the disagreement she had with management

>> No.47477246

dumbfuck can't tell time...

>> No.47477248

It's from d*scord actually

>> No.47477249

I am pretty jaded with graduations at this point since following hololive since 2020 but if my ditzy bimbo trophy wife irys graduated I think I would be upset.

>> No.47477251

Aqua bullied her

>> No.47477252
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I was making great strides in improving my life these past few months but now I just feel like throwing it all away.
Like what's the fucking point, man.

>> No.47477253

She was always an attention whore, good thing that bastard Jun humiliated her.

>> No.47477254

Subaru, Noel, Marine and Pekora and Flare should go to her apartment and beat the piss out of her.

>> No.47477256


>> No.47477258

it's the other way around dumbass, and why are numbersharts so obsessed with this thread? they steal everything from here

>> No.47477259

You can watch her on FC2 after her graduation

>> No.47477261

Well try looking at it from different perspective and you will have your answer.
>Aqua didn't do anything outside of the box.
That means for the management that itself is the problem, they wanted her to do something outside the box, maybe like pandering to the streamer circle, appeasing the china overlords, helping the homos or something else since those are what they've been pushing after their IPO.
Aqua doesn't want to, and it probably escalated to the point where threat of graduation was thrown around so she decided to just go with it since they will never see eye-to-eye because Cover has gotten too big, for better or worse.

>> No.47477263

Aquacrew will forever remain clowns.

>> No.47477262

Regloss/DEV_IS is an experiment by someone in the middle management who wanted a promotion to be a branch manager. It's nothing new, happened in some of the companies I worked at.
If the girls are lucky they will dissolve it and merge it back to the main branch.

>> No.47477264

better krillin than yamcha

>> No.47477266
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everytime... i just keep crying everytime i see it...

>> No.47477265

Aqua DID bully her wow

>> No.47477267
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>> No.47477268

Please never change.

>> No.47477269

Nice try browngoloid. It's the otherway around.

>> No.47477270
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How many cute Chinese boys will kill themselves over this announcement?

>> No.47477271

This is Aqutan in the future...

>> No.47477273

This is all because Towa rigged the Mario Kart tournament

>> No.47477275

Too easy for Miko

>> No.47477276


>> No.47477277

This is why Japan is failing. Their companies are greedy and retarded as fuck.

>> No.47477278

Dumbass lmao

>> No.47477279

>That means for the management that itself is the problem, they wanted her to do something outside the box, maybe like pandering to the streamer circle, appeasing the china overlords, helping the homos or something else since those are what they've been pushing after their IPO.
What are you even on about

>> No.47477280
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>> No.47477281

this but lesbian sex(rape)

>> No.47477282
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>> No.47477283

I'm just glad Aqua gave a reason at all. That's how you know she takes it seriously.

>> No.47477284

Ima kms because her supply of pron are gonna stop

>> No.47477286

I'm 100% sure Aqua graduating is why Pekora started doing so much together with her since her "return"
So she's been streaming the last half a year or so always thinking about her impeding graduation

>> No.47477288

Sans blague...

>> No.47477289

What did she mean by this?

>> No.47477290

Aqua will never eat Mio's tamagoyaki again...

>> No.47477291

16 you cool bastard

>> No.47477292

aqua will never be a lying whore

>> No.47477293

Good riddance

>> No.47477294

She's not quitting hololive to get an office job you dumbfuck. She's going to end up streaming as an indie and be back in her streamer bubble.

>> No.47477296

This is because Aqua humiliated Fubuki in suika game. FUBUKI HATE!

>> No.47477297

yeah? She said as much

>> No.47477298

Everyone Towa loves dies

>> No.47477299

17 is too prideful

>> No.47477300

Pekora literally said that

>> No.47477301

management has no say in that tho? like they literally do not dictate anything to anybody. Want to fuck off to twitch? sure thing,. Want to start failing musical career? Go ahead. Want to stream with ecelebs? Here you go.
(unless they actually plan to force holos to do bilibili exclusive streams and everybody but aqua is ok with it)

>> No.47477305
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>> No.47477304

read >>47476250

>> No.47477308

COVER will become a FPSwhore company at this point

>> No.47477309
File: 481 KB, 1536x2048, Fpy6euJaIAETgZa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they will always have gura

>> No.47477310

Pekora literally said so.

>> No.47477311

>laughing at the fat lips
why is miko so racist

>> No.47477312

I bet fubuki enjoys being humiliated, cannot be that

>> No.47477314

i hope my oshi graduate next
if rushia can survive on her own then my oshi will be fine as well

>> No.47477315

>nyegga cell
miko stop laughing

>> No.47477316

what happen to the creative freedom that vshoujo have?

>> No.47477317

Pekora said they found out a little while after HC Minecraft, which is after they started doing stuff together.

>> No.47477320

korea is also mourning

>> No.47477321
File: 41 KB, 462x471, ff302cb3c80a36a652828018c15125f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going back to 2hus.

>> No.47477323

what's next for aqua?
better question
what's next for me?

>> No.47477324

This is only the case when youre not important, the top holos have actual obligations and are asked to shill a lot of shit

>> No.47477326

Who is the new Aqua?

>> No.47477328

I just recalled the Cover's quote about how they are going to focus on individual talent, funny

>> No.47477329

once a leaver, always a leaver

>> No.47477330

What if Akwa joins VCR event in the future? Would Pekora join her?

>> No.47477331

>Sora has only retweeted Aqua and Hololive's tweets on the matter
>Fubuki hasn't touched twitter since before the announcement
These two are the faces of Hololive and they don't seem to know what to day about this...

>> No.47477332

please post rushia kikouhou meme

>> No.47477334

Aqua will always love me
She said it in her songs

>> No.47477335

Become the Aqua equivalent of the ALOE LOVE poster for the rest of eternity.

>> No.47477338

well, need to reduce the number of them first to better focus

>> No.47477340

>try re-entering China
>let Aqua, the most popular holo there, graduate rather than try to solve the problem
Are all Japanese corporations this stupid?
Why are

>> No.47477341
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>> No.47477342

Sora has replied to Aqua's tweet.

>> No.47477345

what does giginox have to do with Aqua retard

>> No.47477344

We need a list of holos that didn't say shit about Aqua

>> No.47477346

>top holos

>> No.47477348

What the fuck?
Did Aqua say why she's graduating?

>> No.47477349
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Future Minecraft and MarioKart tournaments won't have Aqua.

>> No.47477350

I mean they have that, it's just that they're so free it became a detriment.

>> No.47477351

Pekora is fattening aqua so she can leech from her during her wake nothing more nothing less

>> No.47477352
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The bright side is we'll get more rape Aqua fanart and doujinshi now.

>> No.47477353

I never understood this about management either. The rules are different not even on the gen level, but for each talent. Some have to work harder and others don't do anything abnormal.

>> No.47477355

a random mall fortune teller told her to wait and see in 5 years before she makes a career change/decision
so lap will make it to 2029 if she doesn't get fired or cover goes under

>> No.47477356

She tweeted something last night that people thought was sus last night so she was expecting to be upset

>> No.47477358

Aqua never cared about her colleagues, why would they need to care about her?

>> No.47477360

I think it's more likely they wanted her to be the poster child of Hololive China again and she said no.

>> No.47477361

Extreme radical, vtuber fan turns evil
Minato Akua, what is she really

>> No.47477362

she skipped marioka twice already

>> No.47477363

There's no contempt towards Aqua, they won't happen

>> No.47477364

This is false. L*l* porn is all time low

>> No.47477365

It can't be helped

>> No.47477366

People who pay attention would know that Aqua had grivances about management since forever. But she's the type to suck it up instead of voicing her thoughts. She's quitting because she finally can't take it anymore.

>> No.47477368

Minato Aqua
I have forgiven you

>> No.47477370

Realistically, Aqua is probably negligible in terms of any revenue.

>> No.47477371

why are schizos always so obsessed with china and males, yet hate aqua crossdressers

>> No.47477372

>another unicorn magnet gone
Holy based. Kanata and Miko next

>> No.47477373

She has missed Marike a bunch already.

>> No.47477374

I'll always be thankful for Aqua being the catalyst for Watame joining Hololive. And I've always liked Aqua's Aqua iro Pallete.

>> No.47477375

looks like it depends on what managers you are getting, a good manager like with polka allows you to do more stuff while some managers like with kanata or whatever actively fucked you over

>> No.47477377

lol imagine believing anything she says

>> No.47477379

There is no point to it anon. For most life wont turn out how they wanted regardless of how hard they try.

>> No.47477380

sora is the company slut and fubuki is the equivalent of fat ojisan and she molest roberu daily, they don't give a fuck

>> No.47477382

Goddamn I'm really weak when I see arts of holo crying especially during moment like this.

>> No.47477383

>most holomems are having break downs and pissing and crying and shidding themselves because Aqua is leaving
>most holomems are taking the day off to not stream unless they had an event planned
>no one cares
Let's see you shitpost from hell cumstain

>> No.47477384
File: 188 KB, 760x1200, 1695275314040852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm gonna go take a long walk next to the river.

>> No.47477385

Those are /vt/ards, they are writing male narratives with this graduation right now

>> No.47477387

yes it's a known fact that pekoleech is leeching off of Aqua's graduation

>> No.47477388


>> No.47477389

This only happened with hated chuubas like Sio

>> No.47477392

It depends how popular or in demand they are. Marine hardly ever streams because she's always recording and when she isn't recording she's sick and recovering from how much recording she's doing. I'm surprised she can endure it.

>> No.47477393

at least wait to see if she comes back somewhere else

>> No.47477394
File: 114 KB, 1280x1280, 1691697004749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not even my oshi and barely interacted with mine but it still hurts

>> No.47477395
File: 1.31 MB, 1754x1240, 1598945871444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for all these years I was asking for nazigumi collab, but not like this

>> No.47477396

Sorry sis unlike your company holos aren't negligible

>> No.47477397

Literally the like 3 people that interacted with her

>> No.47477398

They should do Apex collab again

>> No.47477399

I keked

>> No.47477400

man, goku fighting cell here seems unnecessary

>> No.47477401

but seriously, does she really want to quit vshoujo?

>> No.47477402

I can't imagine she won't

>> No.47477403

/vt/ards can't write shit, they will just machine translate those schizo sites

>> No.47477404

out of the three she was the least likely to graduate...

>> No.47477405

It's not a weakness to have empathy. It makes you human. I feel for the AquaCrew and wish them all the best. They'll get through this and meet her again on the other side.

>> No.47477406

Suisei and Miko are more popular than Aqua in China

>> No.47477407

If they didn't interact with Aqua, they never mattered to begin with.

>> No.47477408

Botan sex!

>> No.47477410

finally the bochifucks will leave

>> No.47477411
File: 218 KB, 720x397, pekoclique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only traitors and leeches would befriend sio

>> No.47477412
File: 841 KB, 3000x4000, 1678628188660785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua helped me get into hololive and helped me find my oshi and I still religiously watched her whenever I could.
I love you aqua.

>> No.47477413
File: 574 KB, 2182x1515, nikisei7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i simulated this scenario if aqua was to graduate
i thought i'd cry
and my eyes are watery
but it just feels like i walked into a dead end now and i'm more concerned about myself who i've been depending on aqua and hololive on looking forward to tomorrow
feels like i just got slapped and now i'm being forced to change

>> No.47477414
File: 665 KB, 1219x1158, 1600815386395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47477415

You are kind lunaito...

>> No.47477416

Stop making shit up. Holos decide themselves if they want to take the shilling offer or not

>> No.47477417

trunks got a huge glowup

>> No.47477418

What narratives, something like "Cover forced all Holo to collab with males so Aqua quit"?

>> No.47477419

Aqua was poached by kson for Vshojo JP you can stream with your boyfriend and they take only minimal cut

>> No.47477420

Hopefully she keeps the song alive, what with her being the first to sing it.

>> No.47477421

Miko lmao

>> No.47477422

I will forgive Sio if she sit on my face every stream, naked of course

>> No.47477424

T. Roboco

>> No.47477426

Not really, the hostesses in 6 and """romance""" sidequest characters in 7 were literally whos for example

>> No.47477427

does that board really consist of non stream watchers just talking about drama and males all day? no wonder there are so many refugees here

>> No.47477428

I hope someone archives Aqua's channel. I don't have the storage right now

>> No.47477430

ikemen trunks

>> No.47477429

the day kanata and miko leave will be the best day of my liver

>> No.47477431

Aqua just recently said she liked Luna, and was watching her elden ring streams. And Luna always said good things about Aqua when she came up. I think it's just the unfortunate consequence of the timing of them or never having the opportunity to interact with each other.

>> No.47477433

Aqua is collabing secretly with amatsuki tho

>> No.47477435

>get fucked Aqua
>I can handle the shizz
>believe the management they're trying to protect us

>> No.47477437

this is why i hate creative freedom bullshit

>> No.47477438

well I bet management wants to think that they care about talents that way on an individual level (and maybe it works most of the times?) but the yare too retarded to understand that some talents get suffocated by their fucking bullshit

>> No.47477439
File: 529 KB, 1080x1530, izyz0c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for giving me an excuse to post this shit again.

>> No.47477440
File: 479 KB, 514x969, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does it feel gaou that this picture u made to celebrate her 400k subs has been used in two instances of the bearer of bad news

>> No.47477444

>so depressed that she took akwa out to eat very often and before she did this space, ate a lot again,,

>> No.47477446

Towa is probably graduating next, so there might not be any more mario kart tournaments

>> No.47477447

goku hates gohan

>> No.47477448

Wanna try saying that again in English? We don't speak subhuman here.

>> No.47477449

I'm telling you you get asked a lot more when you are seen as one of the top talents in the company, and you can only say "no" so many times before you are seen as "difficult" and you do not want to be seen as "difficult" in a Japanese corporation
Aqua has not been presented as a top talent in Hololive for the past year or so by Cover (maybe because this has been in the works for that long) but she went through the ringer of it, from when she said "yes" to everything, to turning down some things, to probably the level where she became "difficult"

>> No.47477451

What was the first instance? I don't remember.

>> No.47477454

That was in english

>> No.47477456
File: 190 KB, 464x453, 1719825478040368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, she should leave with Ayame, Shion, and Laplus too, to cleanse Hololive

>> No.47477457

>you do not want to be seen as "difficult" in a Japanese corporation
Kanata entire shtick is that she is a pain in the ass to manage, same for Suisei

>> No.47477458

this is dv

>> No.47477459
File: 461 KB, 1652x1560, touhou half life reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vtubers really should have just been a passing phase. touhou will out live them all just the same

>> No.47477463

Yea I was hoping for something to happen eventually.
I hope you crewmates can get through this period.

>> No.47477465

22 days till the prank ends

>> No.47477466
File: 283 KB, 1133x1101, 1704349367777857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aquacrew, I know you are hurting, but seek the light in the distance that tears away at the darkness. Let the benevolent Sheep Goddess soothe your pain and welcome her into your soul. My Goddess is full of compassion and will show you mercy, if only you humble yourself before her. Embrace her warmth and find solace in her divine presence.

>> No.47477468

gohan u mommy boy

>> No.47477467

No wonder Koyori is a top talent nowadays, she never says no.

>> No.47477469
File: 265 KB, 868x881, Oozora.Subaru.full.2981877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture is a way too good representation for subdued, bittersweet emotions...

>> No.47477471

For La+ it’s cause daddy is rich and powerful

>> No.47477472

>I'm telling you
You can't tell me shit because you don't know fuck

>> No.47477474

I always enjoyed seeing them interact since their personalities are so different.

>> No.47477477

Anon, Suisei rejected a lot of shill offers and yet she still got a lot of them.

>> No.47477478
File: 791 KB, 2000x1125, 1573784659612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion is basically graduated and Ayame is a goddamn mess, I just wish we could back to 2019/2020 when Holos were just messing around and were happy

>> No.47477479

Just now woke up and the first thing that I see is that my oshi is graduating, I wish this was still part of a dream...

>> No.47477481

the middle management jannies are not the same as upper management

>> No.47477482

I bet Mikochi did this

>> No.47477484


>> No.47477485

Botan & Korone should play HL decay

>> No.47477486

i hope this becomes a wake up call for the talents to push their weight more and by doing it so some stuff to become more flexible again, splits like this are really sad because overall even those who leaves says that the environment with members was one of the best things. Management is stifling things too much nowadays because of bureaucracy - member are crying , getting depressed and leaving because of it even with themselves probably earning very well, if things continue to go this way i find hard to believe a good portion of hololive will last more 5 years or so, and dont fucking want for them to correct themselves only after losing half of the girls or some bull shit like that

>> No.47477488

I feel similar.

>> No.47477489

It is at times like this where you're reminded that Japan has seppuku as part of their culture. Where it's totally okay to lose your most loyal skillful soldiers for the sake of 'brownie points' called honor rather than keeping them by your side for life.

>> No.47477490

goku's merciless...

>> No.47477492

It's the empty smile and blank expression with bleak cold unsaturated color...

>> No.47477491

sheepfag begging again

>> No.47477493
File: 142 KB, 850x1196, __minato_aqua_himemori_luna_minato_aqua_and_himemori_luna_hololive_drawn_by_toui_penko__sample-53fd083eda051f86a4c07b6044788872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, I've only just warmed up to her recently and she always seem to have a fondness for Hime.

>> No.47477494

Welcome to company life anon

>> No.47477496

We will never get exodia again...

>> No.47477497

The only one who matters is Pekora.

>> No.47477499

It's not like she could use new art from him.

>> No.47477500

Subaru is crying and shidding and pissing and puking all over the place. This is your fault AQUTAN!

>> No.47477502
File: 405 KB, 2214x2952, GUOgSS_XUAEOez1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47477503
File: 276 KB, 597x630, 173573423367835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47477507

They should unironically unionize. Cover is worthless without the talents.

>> No.47477508
File: 400 KB, 720x1071, nousagioshilist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my oshi, not my problem

>> No.47477509

aqua is irreplaceable.

>> No.47477511
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>> No.47477513
File: 182 KB, 512x512, 1722187504144054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I couldn't save Aloe
>I couldn't save Coco
>I couldn't save Sana
>I couldn't save Rushia
>I couldn't save Mel
>I couldn't save A-chan
>I couldn't save Aqua
Why is the ideal world so far?

>> No.47477516

It does feel like Cover doesn't understand they can't be there without the talents.

>> No.47477517
File: 135 KB, 1334x750, FdlNj8RVQAAvEPR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47477518

i bet nene sharted

>> No.47477519

This might be the stupidest post I've read today

>> No.47477521


>> No.47477522

Touhou already sold out

>> No.47477524

jobbing time

>> No.47477525

I'm definitely expecting the waterworks too much but it's weird that Mio's tweet is sad but ultimately accepting and even hopeful. I'm sure she'll still cry next stream but it's just so odd, no way she's gotten used to the farewell song and dance already.

>> No.47477527

>watame late

>> No.47477528
File: 2.22 MB, 3620x2620, 1718549898603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll always remember that holofes segment it was fun

>> No.47477529
File: 51 KB, 233x219, crying (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47477530

are you the real touhoufag

>> No.47477531

vegeta instakilling mob is on brand

>> No.47477532

I can't believe Flare passed on her OBS issues

>> No.47477533

zako achievement

>> No.47477535


>> No.47477536

I'm going insane

>> No.47477537

yeah... it becomes more and more apparent... Hololive is losing it's soul and special atmosphere to dumb corporate bullshit cover wants to push

>> No.47477538

Ririka zatsudan.
Watame Treasure Mountain.

>> No.47477539

2hu is dead as fuck, it really only appears to toddlers nowadays and you can check the popularity pool if you think I'm joking, vast majority of voters are underage and the percentage is growing each year. without mentioning how ZUN didn't bother making a game for comiket and instead talked about how Yukari doesn't take baths.

>> No.47477540

lets be real, touhou sold out the moment ZUN got married and had a filthy woman influence all of his games thus far

>> No.47477543

>aqua revealed that watame performed the original demo for aqua no palette
>in retrospect it makes sense why she revealed it out of the blue

>> No.47477547

Cover needs a wake up call... But I doubt they'll get the message.(I hope stock will drop even more)

>> No.47477548

everything went to shit after rushia got fired

>> No.47477549
File: 351 KB, 564x800, GUPYOAfa0AA4hgq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko ecchi

>> No.47477550
File: 871 KB, 1241x691, 1722951923331284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47477551

Roboco is next

>> No.47477554
File: 2.80 MB, 2250x1600, IMG_0125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully whatever step Aqua is taking would be a good one and I can see her enjoy playing games again.

>> No.47477556

vegeta's hairline got higher...

>> No.47477555

Is Cell the perfect being?

>> No.47477557

>watame performed the original demo
What does this mean

>> No.47477559

Can Cover stop graduating, soft graduating, or terminating talents for once?

>> No.47477561

does japan even have a concept of unions...

>> No.47477562

Shit like this makes me want to show love and support to my oshi more while she's still here but I'm a pussy... I maintain a stoic public face who doesn't simp over vtubers but truthfully I'm just too afraid to show people I love things that I love

>> No.47477563
File: 74 KB, 300x300, tempting Yukarin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, smelly hags with natural pheromone musk is the best

>> No.47477565

Didn't Watame reveal it? She kept saying she wasn't sure if it's something she can talk about

>> No.47477568


>> No.47477569

That 3D live was a perfect example of what management wishes to see more of.

>> No.47477571

The guiding vocals for Aqua to use as a reference.

>> No.47477572

Everything went to shit after homoEN branch debuted

>> No.47477573

This cell form is my favorite character in tenkaichi 3.

>> No.47477574

nice, finishing with big bang attack

>> No.47477575

what's the point of playing whatever she wants if she can't do it with her friends

>> No.47477577


>> No.47477576


>> No.47477578

No, it was aqua

>> No.47477579


>> No.47477581
File: 1.32 MB, 1200x1600, 1716776356900879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame will grace us soon. You only need patience and witness what has transpired, time and time again, for the last 4.5 billion years.

>> No.47477582

It's alright, anon. All things end eventually. I never got to tell Aqua a lot of things and now she's gone.

>> No.47477584
File: 58 KB, 768x268, numberbrown_the_samefag_shame_of_hlg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astroturfing enshart

>> No.47477585


>> No.47477588


>> No.47477589


>> No.47477590

Junky had Watame sing the song originally for Aqua to get guidance of how to sing it, this was before Watame joined Hololive

>> No.47477592


>> No.47477593

Aqua could always play games. What I'll miss is her idol activity. How is she going to do it on her own? Not even being a millionaire is enough to do all of those logistics. She won't have a studio, trainer, and all the connections.

>> No.47477594

They won't leave. Most people hate their jobs but they still go to work anyway because at the end of the day you have to put food on the table. Few are brave enough to make a life changing decision.

>> No.47477595

If you have a song made for you, someone has to sing it in a demo version so you know what the fuck you're doing, usually a singer for hire, which in this case was pre-Watame Watame who sang the song for Aqua

>> No.47477596

Aqua revealed it on a call in stream to Watame, saying how special it was because she heard Watame sing it first.

>> No.47477597

the slow decline of hololive unironically started with Coco

>> No.47477598
File: 347 KB, 1600x900, 1697297910429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's actually wednesday

>> No.47477599
File: 110 KB, 940x566, 1696335905033063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf bros? I was even dropping my weight to 44.5kg to be more like her (I'm 53kg), what am I going to do now??

>> No.47477601

That's my point. What management wants, the direction they're heading, is garbage. If a big talent disagrees with them, you know it's management that is wrong 99% of the time. They don't stop anyone from messing up, they only encourage the deterioration of what made hololive, hololive.

>> No.47477602

Wdym? Were his games any different from before and after he got married?

>> No.47477603

I genuinely think that she will become a full-time hikkikomori with zero interractions.

>> No.47477604

Management is unironically being malicious and taking it out on holos for burying hlztl

>> No.47477605

krillin you fuck...

>> No.47477606


>> No.47477607

Anon? Choco has already setup her sololive easier as her roommate.

>> No.47477608

krillin u retard

>> No.47477609

I never knew that. Thanks for telling me.

>> No.47477610

>Aqua could always play games.
Not when permission hell exist

>> No.47477611
File: 207 KB, 594x365, Imagine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go for this instead

>> No.47477612


>> No.47477613
File: 52 KB, 493x375, 1670642179873820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you guys are ready!!! For UPROAR 2.0!!!!

>> No.47477615

he deserves to die

>> No.47477616

I will never hear akwa sing this again..

>> No.47477617

Yeah, ID4 will really save their stocks. Cover doesn't have anything in the pipeline. They spent so much on moneysinks like holoearth and the new studio the girls aren't actually allowed to use that they have nothing else going on.

>> No.47477618

Indies generally don't deal with that.

>> No.47477619

It's still Tuesday.

>> No.47477620

Matsuri and Choco show that it's easier to do that as an indie.

>> No.47477623

>married in 2011
>games released that year: ten desires

>> No.47477624


>> No.47477625

You are right my timezone is ahead

>> No.47477626

Unfortunately this and most Holos have experienced the difficulties of life prior to the success of Hololive, they know how fortunate the position they are in now and are unlikely to want to throw it all away.

>> No.47477627

Bet are we getting a mixed-gen

>> No.47477628

AZKi too, who's recently had increasing contact with Aqua

>> No.47477629


>> No.47477630
File: 275 KB, 1500x968, 1598800475395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole situation is completely retarded, like what is even Cover's plan here? several Holos has been complaining about Cover's retarded management for years and now Aqua out of people is leaving, I don't understand and for what I see and hear not even Holos themselves understand what Cover is doing, this shit sucks

>> No.47477631

vegita you fuck...

>> No.47477632
File: 453 KB, 1881x2661, 1677764195701966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47477634

Watame how I yearn for your voice...

>> No.47477635

Aqua was one of the first holos someone could've heard of when hololive was still fresh and new , she promoted hololive so much like some other members and without her hololive could have possibly never gotten so popular. I wish her well and i hope she continues streaming , i also wish her fans well and to stay strong .

>> No.47477636

DDC was great though

>> No.47477637
File: 246 KB, 332x680, 1720990430418999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she just has fun, does utawakus. plays games and just practically stays unchanged from what she was doing now, I hope management arent stupid cunts and actually let members talk about going out with her instead of tiptoeing around the issue like Kanata having to use "Friend C" for months because of management scolding her.
Hell maybe let some of them collab with her if she reincarnates.

>> No.47477638

Aqua already have someone like Mea to rely on if she want to go back to streaming

>> No.47477639

Cell reminds me of pekora

>> No.47477641

That 3D live and what Laplus does isn't messing up to them though.

>> No.47477643

I still love your body shion

>> No.47477644

oshi no ko hand pose..

>> No.47477645

Welcome back, my beloved sheep

>> No.47477646

Well let me preface it first by bringing Gura into this conversation.
>If Gura can do it, why couldn't Aqua?
Gura literally doesn't stream. She doesn't mingle with the boys either, nor she trying to pander heavily to the western clusterfuck vtubing scene. She's a literal mascot, so why can't Aqua also become something like that?
The answer is the status as the biggest Vtuber in the world (According to Cover anyway). Gura holds that power, and if Cover even thought of removing her they'd be forced to lose the ability to market with that status.
Aqua though, let's be honest here, she's a hefty big name, but she is not the biggest Vtuber in the world, she isn't even the biggest one in Japan since that title is held by Marine if we're looking at it sub-count wise. She definitely held some power, but with power comes responsibility, and from all the top dogs in Holo she's probably the hardest to market with.
Good at gaming, but refuses to mingle with the streamer circle. Well loved by the chinks, but refuses to go back there after what she experienced. Someone like Ayame can still be in Cover even just as a mascot despite not having status as powerful as Aqua is precisely because she did what Cover wanted to, to mingle with the streamer circle.
You take some, you give some. Gura got her easy life, Cover got the prestige as the company with the biggest Vtuber in the world. Ayame got her easy life, Cover got the normie audience.
Aqua held on to her principle since the old days, Cover refused to budge since that's the new company policy. They will never see eye to eye again.

>> No.47477648


>> No.47477650

what's with /vt/ards and relating everything that happens to males jesus christ

>> No.47477651

Because Cell is literally a leech?

>> No.47477652
File: 445 KB, 800x999, 1712809654177875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did she lie?

>> No.47477653

Nayuta is well renowned already so she's not someone I would compare other holos' roommates with.

>> No.47477655


>> No.47477656


>> No.47477659

that krillin shot lmao

>> No.47477660

She's dead anon...

>> No.47477661
File: 751 KB, 620x976, 185302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame is holding me close for this stream

>> No.47477663
File: 135 KB, 1024x768, 1695425379063182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time...

>> No.47477664

The old fbk is no longer, her new model attest to that.

>> No.47477665

The woe of being popular.

>> No.47477666


>> No.47477668

Well fuck all of this I'm going back to watching anime

>> No.47477670

>still hasn't said anything outside of a vague tweet
Friend is no longer friend or a waifu. She should hurry up and graduate next.

>> No.47477669

Hololive ID send their regards
She shouldn't have forgotten their names

>> No.47477671
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>> No.47477676

Easy for FBK when she is heavily favored by management

>> No.47477675

Maybe if the tranny management stopped pushing it at every opportunity... maybe...

>> No.47477677

Honestly even a collab of the 2 would be fine.

>> No.47477678

The world will never know

>> No.47477679

Permission hell only exists in hololive

>> No.47477680
File: 703 KB, 900x900, 1661871774433556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame I'm so happy to hear your voice

>> No.47477681

I almost want to go back to those days.

>> No.47477683

they are being retarded
just read what the yare saying about branding and diversification of their business
I dunno who the fuck did they hire btu whoever it was he has no idea what the fuck vtubing is and what made hololive popular in the first place

>> No.47477685

whoa 17's shield

>> No.47477686

Try not to cry

>> No.47477688

35jr doko

>> No.47477689
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, 1695514691533676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know this game was a thing

>> No.47477690

and of you're obsessed with those abominations too, utterly rotten brain

>> No.47477691
File: 1.62 MB, 3211x4096, 1722100805461117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry harder samefagging bitch. I enjoy you seething about Miko playing dragonball

>> No.47477693

Unironically mindbroken

>> No.47477695

Been living under a rock for 1.5 weeks?

>> No.47477696


>> No.47477697

I would have been quite sad two or three years ago, but now with how vtubing evolved and how Hololive changed, I feel nothing really. Just like a co worker resigning and you got to accept it.

>> No.47477698


>> No.47477700

As much as I want yagoo to be sacked since he clearly lost the plot with spending resources on ill-conceived projects nobody asked for and either being complicit in managerial practices at Cover or too incompetent to rein them in, whoever replaces him will be even worse.

>> No.47477701
File: 1.41 MB, 1643x930, 1722446141389388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

( ;∀;) ;;;;;;

>> No.47477704

I only watch Watame

>> No.47477703

Sex with chibi Marine

>> No.47477706

miko your throat

>> No.47477707

>Azki and Pekora pinky promise
; ;

>> No.47477709

Watame is kissing me!

>> No.47477710

You call that dead as fuck when that’s clearly evidence of fresh blood, the fuck you talking about you old bastard

>> No.47477711

It's inevitable when you are a big (and public) company. It's like treading on eggshells, the smallest mistakes can cause a big uproar and they have experienced it firsthand as well at least twice, not to mention adjacent companies and their scandals.

>> No.47477715

who gives a shit about pride

>> No.47477716


>> No.47477718

It's actually insane.
It's fucking AQUA we're talking about and they're still talking about males, it's baffling.

>> No.47477717

But you're here.

>> No.47477720

>did everything in her power to make the last few months for Aqua as fun as they could be
I'm going to piss and shid myself.

>> No.47477721

The woes of being a public company means that this horseshit is one of the better options...

>> No.47477722

Ru-chan already leaked Aqua is in close contact with multiple males.

>> No.47477724

they're homosexuals who can't stop thinking about dicks and getting NTRed

>> No.47477725

>Coco out
>Cover still getting bigger
>Rushia out
>Cover still getting bigger
Losing two biggest earners in the company yet still getting more successful than your competitors would make even the humblest guy in there arrogant. It's a blessing and a curse.

>> No.47477726

Cell is literally absorbing people to gain his powers, just like pekwhoreleech leeching off of other holos to get her numbers lol

>> No.47477727

>trunks weird bulky form is too hard to model
fuck you too, bamco

>> No.47477728

yeah, but I usually ignore what you people say.

>> No.47477729

It's anything goes
When you're forced to create while advancing on tip-toes
Actually worthless, got no purpose
They'll replace you, deface all your work
It's the point of "you'll never return from this", learn from us
No rebuilding the bridges that burned for us
Getting superfluous, smiles and waves
The praise in abundance to make sure you stay

>> No.47477730

who's smarter goku or vegita?

>> No.47477734

>first response to having problems with her lover is to ask Aqua for help
it's pretty obvious she's known for having boyfriends among Holos

>> No.47477735
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>> No.47477737

Aqua didn't want to get a coach for Vsai, and she also explicitly denied joining hlzntl, so /vt/ thinks she hates males.

>> No.47477738


>> No.47477740

>whoever replaces him will be even worse.
Hard to disagree given whats going on with japan lately and the company itself seems prone to promoting/hiring buffoons

>> No.47477742

>kon kanata

>> No.47477743

He doesn't even have any authority anymore, he's little more than a public figurehead.

>> No.47477744


>> No.47477746

You still believe her? After all these years of seeing her true self?

>> No.47477748

I will now listen to this cover

>> No.47477750

this but kaela the joke and shame of hololive
a boring nobody

>> No.47477751
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>> No.47477752

Meru is trying to make me cry...

>> No.47477753

Is it worth watching Holo Ark for Aqua? I skipped it, but watched the 2nd arc all those years ago.

>> No.47477754

pekora should graduate

>> No.47477755

You now remember AKUKIN Kensetsu

>> No.47477756

nene status?

>> No.47477758


>> No.47477757

hope she'll be a good whore in her next life

>> No.47477759

I though the same too earlier. At least this gave Aqua some closure.

>> No.47477761

Do do do!

>> No.47477762
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This game is kind of cute

>> No.47477763

The closest they will get to collabing

>> No.47477766

>cell games
mr satan kita

>> No.47477767

I'm really curious to see what happens when Fubuki graduates. Her statement back then carried such weight. Will people still remember when lt happens? Imagine what goes through Yagoo's mind when he sees viewer numbers suddenly drop dramatically across the board

>> No.47477768


>> No.47477769

Cover knew abt this for 2 months, they must have some ace up their sleeve

>> No.47477770

Yagoo literally does nothing. It's the other head he's pictured with that does things.

>> No.47477772
File: 395 KB, 720x1280, 1714411731150268.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel empty, she is not even my oshi but she is part of my oshi in a certain way.
i have been feeling really far away from hololive mostly because of work but man, it really feels like the end of an era. i was feeling it when mel was graduating, but now i feel it more with this.
i will continue to enjoy my oshi as long as she is still on hololive but i don't feel the same way about hololive.

>> No.47477775
File: 275 KB, 1308x1020, GUTMo8ZbUAAChtF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its too painful... i still havent stopped crying

>> No.47477777

>scary but handsome

>> No.47477781

Fubuki is irrelevant.

>> No.47477786

It's ruined by Marine

>> No.47477787

Miko will replace Yagoo as the CEO of Cover and she will terminate the homos, sidewhores, and pekwhorleech

>> No.47477790

Yagoo is fucking incompetent. He sits around while girls get fired or leave and he's just a slave to the shareholders and execs. He's a techie, not an executive. He should be doing support, not leadership.

>> No.47477789
File: 701 KB, 800x600, doroken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akukin hate

>> No.47477791

The metaverse is Fukuda's project.

>> No.47477794

yonkisei collab

>> No.47477796

aaand gohan just get supersaiyan

>> No.47477795

Yeah, that's what we need. Another fucking gen debuting in the latter half of the year.

>> No.47477797

>What's that? Aquacrews have no one to watch now? RELEASE GEN 7

>> No.47477798

You know at first I didn't think much of it, it's just her making a fun nod to her Koko made yonda thing in Minecraft but now it feels different
It's proof that she's there, that she's alive all the way until the end
It's her leaving a mark as a part of everyone

>> No.47477800

It's ruined by the 3-dimensional imprecision of it all

>> No.47477801

Noel get!

>> No.47477802

Why can't there just be another Holo exactly like Aqua? A single Vtuber even.

>> No.47477805

I've played Cover's shitty ping pong game. He isn't much of a techie either.

>> No.47477806

Glad to see you know so much what goes on inside the offices. And you talk as if them getting fired or leaving is regular occurence, when it has happened what, 6 times during the 6 years hololive has been around. Not exactly a leaky faucet. Plus firing people that violate their contracts is very much the correct thing to do.

>> No.47477810

lmao, the way cover is going is because of Miko. She is already leading the company from behind the veil.

>> No.47477811
File: 171 KB, 734x563, 1722219732941992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should go back to what made hololive fun. Streaming first and idols second. Every holomem would happily pick their streaming life over the idol routine.

>> No.47477812

>kanata turned into watame

>> No.47477813
File: 659 KB, 1024x1024, 1715923099124032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning I hate male vtubers, it's so sad that we lost Aqua.
Total beggar extermination, I will appreciate the good memories I had with her.
We will miss Aqua... and any ex holo really despite what others may say.
Holostars was a mistake.

>> No.47477814

bootlicking faggot

>> No.47477816

gohan needs new attack besides masenko

>> No.47477817

She's gonna absorb aqua soon

>> No.47477818

Is that everyone wants sololive?

>> No.47477820

based /vt/ chad

>> No.47477821
File: 88 KB, 814x650, 1706340407137269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47477823

its because Kanata envies the sheep and wants to wear her skin

>> No.47477824

why are numberbrowns here

>> No.47477825

name 34

>> No.47477827


>> No.47477826

Everything went to shit when ENwhores debuted. Literally every single good event and concert was contaminated with DEI forced diversity horseshit.

>> No.47477828


>> No.47477831
File: 26 KB, 653x149, protected_by_janny_for_being_an_indog_lover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They keep inviting their friends over

>> No.47477832
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>> No.47477835

Her statement was fucking years ago and the current environment is completely different to the one they work in now it was always absurd to hold it as some testament

>> No.47477836

nijisisters are going to try and slander hololive with this graduation
do not be swayed and still love and support your oshi and hololive after this

>> No.47477837

Nothing good has happened today. This is objectively the worst thing that's happened to Hololive in years.

>> No.47477839

go back to your board, you tard

>> No.47477841

Pekora has said she would sacrifice her idol career to keep streaming because to her that's more important. I assume most would agree but I'm sure some prefer playing idol.

>> No.47477842

Aqua was never a numberfag, she'll have more fun as an indie without the corporate bureaucracy

>> No.47477843

i guess its time to pull out the whiskey...

>> No.47477844

what a sad sad day when holomen leaves

but im glad my sheep is here to comfort me

>> No.47477845

i feel the same way on both counts

>> No.47477847
File: 580 KB, 1080x1920, 1722954430807348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the future of Hololive
Do you rike it?

>> No.47477848

Miko killed another holo.

>> No.47477850


>> No.47477851


>> No.47477852
File: 207 KB, 1920x1080, 1722523166776325.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're waiting for our next mission

>> No.47477854
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running out of room

>> No.47477855

you too >>47477839

>> No.47477856

Don't need to know what's going on inside the offices to see that one of their biggest talents is leaving citing the direction the company is heading, and to blame the CEO for that direction is the obvious conclusion.

>> No.47477857

Even until the end, Aqua is and will always be my one and only oshi

>> No.47477858

If she's been smart with her money she's probably enough passive income to be set for life, I'd graduate too and go back to the NEET life

>> No.47477859

I am watching chiikawa now to feel better

>> No.47477860

Can we finally stop pretending we liked Aqua?

>> No.47477861

what happened?

>> No.47477862

Hurry up and get the fuck out already.

>> No.47477863

she literally just said that she'll be staying with cover (not hololive) till the end

>> No.47477864

Drink bleach.

>> No.47477865


>> No.47477867

She looks like cell

>> No.47477869

22 days to change her mind, join the club

>> No.47477870

https://streamable.com/aw1h4a Miosha is loli

>> No.47477871

gohan pov

>> No.47477872
File: 86 KB, 1024x983, GUThU0TWoAAxkna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She still wants to be with everyone and all of her friends...
they wont stop coming...

>> No.47477874

Aqua will be offtopic soon lol

>> No.47477875

>one of their biggest talents
Maybe in 2020

>> No.47477878

Fuutan is waiting to celebrate her 5th anniversary, she said she will talk a bit about Aqua at the start

>> No.47477879

But it's not the end yet...

>> No.47477880

Didn't ask /vt/ard, your console war and males are on your board

>> No.47477882

EX members are always on topic.

>> No.47477883

>one of hololive's biggest talents
aquacrew are wild lol

>> No.47477884

ENbeggars already slandered aqua to hell and back. I'll take a niji over an ENshart anyday.

>> No.47477885

Never will be. Aqua will be in every thread. Get on board or get over it. Those are your only 2 options.

>> No.47477886
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>> No.47477887

battle maniacs are a bunch of retards

>> No.47477888


>> No.47477889

why would you persuade her to stay miserable in a company she wants to leave? are you retarded?

>> No.47477890

There are, at most, 4-5 holos bigger than her.

>> No.47477893

Curse Watame's giant face!

>> No.47477892


>> No.47477895
File: 1.10 MB, 3840x2160, aquajuly1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many people dream to enter into hololive and Aqua walks away from it
Not sure if it's bravery or stupidity but there's a very thin line between the two

>> No.47477897


>> No.47477898

0 if we consider weight

>> No.47477899
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>> No.47477900


>> No.47477901

Towa should collab with Karubi more

>> No.47477902

p funny ngl

>> No.47477904


>> No.47477905

I wish nyfco was still up then we would get real information not speculative rumors

>> No.47477906 [DELETED] 

ENtrash has been offtopic since its inception. Literally not hololive, not /jp/ and not tolerated.

>> No.47477908
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>> No.47477909

Whatever they did to make her walk away from her friends and people that love her must have been big. Something Cover wasn't willing to compromise on to keep her.

>> No.47477910

But her voice is so grating..

>> No.47477911

All of a the fat fuck trash in EN/ID for certain. They'll probably graduate from life first though.

>> No.47477914

>real info

>> No.47477915

not like they would watch them in the first place
aquacrew would rather sit around and shitpost all day whenever aqua wasn't streaming

>> No.47477916

you were already exposed as a /vt/ tourist
fuck off creature

>> No.47477917

Why did you bring it up unprompted then?

>> No.47477918

>work at the same company for 5 years now
>great company, actual fun coworkers, fun after works
>work is challenging but have a lot of freedom
>after 4 years the company gets bought up by a hedge fund
>we wont make any major changes they said
>a year later major restructuring. Multiple tech personal fired or moving on. Sales, Marketing and Exec department see increased number of people
>all previous fun company events become stale as fuck corporate shit
>work get bogged down by restructuring projects started for the "greater good", but leads nowhere
>been thinking about moving on for almost a year
>I also drool on occasion.
holy shit, I never though my own life had so many parallels to aqua's.

>> No.47477921

you can have the same as an indie without giving Gunrun a cut

>> No.47477922

How bad was the misunderstanding between Aqua and COVER to provoke a graduation?
What will happen to Nene and Shion?

>> No.47477924

Yeah she's just like you fr fr, you should probably quit too!

>> No.47477926

Aquatits will soon be illegal to post in this thread...

>> No.47477927

working overtime nijinogs?

>> No.47477930

Aqua will never be a banneable offense. Get over it.

>> No.47477931

>I also drool on occasion.
what a weird thing to say

>> No.47477932

thats literally almost every expanding company

>> No.47477934

letting aqua go is a terrible decision. they'll regret it soon

>> No.47477935
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>> No.47477937
File: 2.82 MB, 1920x1080, 1691753711922488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 Watameeee

>> No.47477938

Shion will show up in Aqua's graduation live and will never be seen again after that

>> No.47477941

It's not a misunderstanding it was a series of things she didn't agree with

>> No.47477943

She is amicably graduating, meaning she will remain an alum like Coco. Her activities within hololive as Aqua will forever remain on topic.

>> No.47477945

hskw is crying too...

>> No.47477948

Maybe Cover did compromise? My headcanon is that Cover gave all of them an ultimatum to get results to ensure their autonomy or participate in company-managed events whenever required. Aqua started actively streaming again to gain leverage, but once she starts streaming regularly again, she hemorrages viewers, so she has to abide by Cover’s direction now and she still doesn’t want to.

>> No.47477951


>> No.47477952

>[Alum] Minato Aqua

>> No.47477953


>> No.47477954

All gangbanging Towa.

>> No.47477955

crewkeks are trying so hard to paint her as a martyr and an oh so great holo www

>> No.47477956

i better see some big black text with a red background saying CRIED

>> No.47477959

Is like Arnold when he's governor and then a few years later sleeping on the streets.

>> No.47477963

better than your oshi that's for certain.

>> No.47477966
File: 544 KB, 2048x945, valo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame doko...

>> No.47477967

/vt/ards really only think about males, china, and nijisanji
what went so wrong with that board

>> No.47477969

damn this guy really doesn't like it that aqua is beloved here

>> No.47477970

Honestly this just feels surreal to me.
I can't wrap my head around her graduating.

>> No.47477971

shes pregnant

>> No.47477973


>> No.47477974

nobody gives a shit about your console war, we only ever cared about the talents. Most agree that cover is shit at managing and makes a lot of retarded decisions

>> No.47477976

Mea hasn't said anything yet...

>> No.47477977

Oof sasstalk

>> No.47477979

Remember coco being treated as some kind of martyr? Look at the state of her now

>> No.47477980

She's in different company why would she care

>> No.47477982

lap really loves males

>> No.47477981
File: 1.98 MB, 1920x1080, 1705991216125765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol Kanata again?

>> No.47477983

okay check sukikira now

>> No.47477984

Watame fed Kanata to the sharks...

>> No.47477987

That's not really surprising

>> No.47477988

Problem with this is Aqua started streaming again around June when she told them she was graduating. Her streaming again was her way of saying good bye

>> No.47477990

Ayame's boyfriend is there 2nd of the bottom right.

>> No.47477991

so did towa

>> No.47477992

Aqua died for this

>> No.47477994

pretty wild considering she left them for two years doing the bare minimum and lying to them while collecting supas once a month www

>> No.47477997

I don't know why they take their retard fights here.

>> No.47477996

that's just a gangbang

>> No.47477998

We love talent freedom and advocate homocollabs

>> No.47477999

You're just asking someone to post her hairy pussy

>> No.47478000

Sana very much did not disappear. She just dropped a third character for arknights. And has had several new outfits for her previous characters. She's one of the most popular arknights artists. And Coco is moving more into acting, no?

>> No.47478002

Will Aquairo Pallette be her last song at the graduation stream?

Man, I was recently just thinking stuff like this, what song would which Holo semd everyone off with...

>> No.47478004

Aqua's hairy pussy soon?

>> No.47478005

its okay Watame, I thought that was Okayu too

>> No.47478006
File: 3.45 MB, 1821x2580, Ezt6XlXVgAERk4M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I wake up yet?

>> No.47478007

Exactly why? Some holos are Aqua's friends who can still see her. Suisei even said this on her twitter space. hskw lives on a different world and has even less ways to interact with her.

>> No.47478009

>Coco is moving more into acting, no?

>> No.47478010

there's no more theory for my happiness
it's gone just like the wind

>> No.47478013
File: 11 KB, 239x145, 1716121334946632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like my heart is being stabbed

>> No.47478014

The homos are fine besides gamma and the sick one

>> No.47478015

What the fuck is wrong with youtube pajeet programmers??????

My computer fucking slowed down almost to halt until I hid the comments

Fucking hell, and I'm using a high-end PC too, 12 cores.

>> No.47478016
File: 443 KB, 1592x894, aqua3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She already talked about it 5 days ago

>> No.47478017

Mio browsing goofy shit on twitter.

>> No.47478018

What is the thing Aqua was able to do in the past but can't now?

>> No.47478019

>Coco is moving more into acting, no?
No one wants to see that thing 'act'

>> No.47478020


>> No.47478021

biggest losers after nakirigumis and shiokkos for sure

>> No.47478022

She started streaming regularly since early this year, Palworld for example.
Sure she’s going for a streak around June, but she’s been really active this year.

>> No.47478024

I got 64gb ram and it's still eating all of it

>> No.47478025

Where are the shitty fanarts with Aloe, Coco and Rushia at (and probably Homofucks too)

>> No.47478029

I always thought she would be around forever. I did with A-chan too though.

>> No.47478032

>roboco outlived your oshi

>> No.47478033

>great forces
Who are they

>> No.47478034

He's right though

>> No.47478035

have 3d lives for one

>> No.47478036

Watame has given Aqua her prayers. Such a gift will surely grant her the strength to prosper

>> No.47478037
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>> No.47478040

Japanese people are used to seing ugly people on TV, since it's exclusively japanese shows

>> No.47478041

She'll outlive us all.

>> No.47478042

is the prize still a statue?

>> No.47478043

Watame says don't cry anons

>> No.47478045

pathetic shartbros...

>> No.47478044

Miko is simply too powerful.

>> No.47478046

I think that lends credence to anon's point. She probably was leaning into graduating and made her decision and figured streaming as much as she could was the best way to go out.

>> No.47478047

Does this mean it’s been a long time conflict in the running for Aqua? It’s not a recent thing?

>> No.47478048

Stick to samefagging your numbershit posts about fanbase wars.

>> No.47478049

Lenny get the number ready

>> No.47478051


>> No.47478056

to think that watame sang the aquairo palette sample that was sent to aqua before watame joined hololive

>> No.47478057

That's because you thought that Achan was more important than she actually was, Cover pay is shit so no wonder they would want to change jobs after getting experience.

>> No.47478058

The shadow organization obviously

>> No.47478059
File: 71 KB, 1378x1378, GUTYuTUaIAA8UFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47478061

So another one of Marine's clique will be gone...
Marine is losing and Fubuki is winning. Ichitroons are mad.

>> No.47478063

minatoaquatits and minatoaquabutt will always be relevant

>> No.47478065

Suisei already said that hololive is heading to a brighter future and the management is always there to protect their talents. Why the hell would I believe you?

>> No.47478066

In the future in the pile of rubble that is formerly once known as Cover's office, she can still be seen sitting and streaming to her sub 1k robosas

>> No.47478067

its a sad day for t

>> No.47478069

probably partially true

>> No.47478070

Aqua deserves and is owed an 8 or 12 hours graduation stream at least. Or a 3 day event.

>> No.47478072

Even before that see >>47477543. That was New year's. earlier this year.

>> No.47478073

That was for the first act

>> No.47478076


>> No.47478078
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You guys are forgetting who Towa invited to her live

>> No.47478080

>she hemorrages viewers
What world are you living in? She's still averaging like 20,000 viewers.

>> No.47478081

what browser are you using? And adblock or not?

>> No.47478082

Why are there street fighter pros in a valo event?

>> No.47478084

>Suisei already said that hololive is heading to a brighter future and the management is always there to protect their talents.
when did Suisei say this? I'm out of the loop

>> No.47478086

what does that have to do with how we feel about cover?

>> No.47478087

Her song list is pretty interesting, secret base, departures, redo,stay alive.....

>> No.47478088

Pekwhora finally achieve her goals of leeching all of Aquacrew.

>> No.47478089

Didn't ask kenzoclown

>> No.47478090

>Minato Aqua-san do you want to participate in this EN concert and world tour abroad
>Aqua: *slurrrp* no
>Aqua graduate

>> No.47478093
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>> No.47478092

chrome + ublock origin

>> No.47478095

JAV thread loves smelly hags

>> No.47478096

the last robosa shall inherit the earth...

>> No.47478097

She had a twitcast where she tried to reassure people and give her thoughts.

>> No.47478098

Suisei had a twitter space earlier.

>> No.47478100
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she'll outlive us all

>> No.47478099

you're not even trying nijinig

>> No.47478101

probably nobody wanted to join that shitshow or they pay well

>> No.47478103

Based drooling onyon

>> No.47478106
File: 411 KB, 395x699, begMAX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

humiliation ritual continues for our girl
fuck cover

>> No.47478108

deso sex

>> No.47478109

I can still trust hololive's management then

>> No.47478111

>doesn't delete actual shitposts by subhuman browngoloid ENcels because they are his buttbuddies from trannycord
>deletes posts detailing LITERAL INDISPUTABLE FACTS that ENwhroes are not hololive, not /jp/, and not tolerated because it horts its ENcel feewings
Always count on the tranny janny being a massive pile of subhuman biowaste.

>> No.47478113
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Chotto SAA
Minna SAA
Nanka SAA
Kimi wa SAA
Maji de SAA

>> No.47478116

Probably more likely than you think.

>> No.47478117

>Regloss flopped so they're taking it out on Aqua.

>> No.47478118

we, as in the people in this thread you retard. The "most" I mentioned in my previous post

>> No.47478119

My mission in life is to kill Yagoo now

>> No.47478120

what is happening to your Japanese holos, last samurai
not so cocky now?

>> No.47478121

She'll rust

>> No.47478124

I'd rather have Sumire or Met or Nose or Tuna or Nazu or Noah or Beni or...

>> No.47478125

Why aqua? Why cover? Just find a concession on both sides.......

>> No.47478128

That’s her normal set list.

>> No.47478129
File: 415 KB, 1800x1273, 1622909629600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Roboco

>> No.47478131

There's your issue. pajeets have full control with fucking your over if you're using chrome and especially if you use an adblocker. Switch to firefox, brave or something else.

>> No.47478132

But the main point is that she fell off and have to acquiesce to Cover’s demand instead. If she has leverage (i.e.; higher viewership with her streams) she can have a say on what she wants to do, but unfortunatelt, she doesn’t have the same pull as Pekora or Miko for example.
Not even Akupeko bait save her (which brings me to another of my headcanon: Pekora was trying hard to boost Aqua’s numbers to help her)

>> No.47478133

It's real funny seeing the ENcels crawl out of the woodwork and proclaming shit like they were there when they just found out from subhuman seanigger clips an hour ago.

>> No.47478134

Ahoge or...

>> No.47478136

why are /vt/ards so obsessed with these threads lol

>> No.47478139

>people in this thread
more like people in your head zing

>> No.47478141

>you will never hear these words again

>> No.47478144

Genuinely hope you have a stroke Lotte.

>> No.47478146

>watame made kanata smallest
lies and slander

>> No.47478147

The get mouthy when Hololive proper gets big news.

>> No.47478148

she’s 9k average

>> No.47478151

She hasn't even fallen off. She got 17k yesterday for SF and 21k the day before for DQ.

>> No.47478154

>making headcanons about males and numbers
It sure is /vt/ here

>> No.47478156

begging for validation never ends

>> No.47478157

Kanata is flat though.

>> No.47478158


>> No.47478161

It's the only place they can get their news since this is the only place that actually watches and understands Japanese streams.

>> No.47478162

no one cares about aqua retards, this is a fuwamoco thread. KYS.

>> No.47478163

>Suisei already said that hololive is heading to a brighter future and the management is always there to protect their talents
then Aqua really is dumb for choosing to graduate

>> No.47478164

Kill yourself and go back. >>>/vt/numbers

>> No.47478167
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She chose the wrong person

>> No.47478168
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>> No.47478171

kill yourself retard

>> No.47478172
File: 107 KB, 476x544, 1715165812869912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish more people were like this Watamate, he's great.

>> No.47478174

im giving her 1 month after graduation

>> No.47478178


>> No.47478177


>> No.47478179

Watame got to hear her beloved ahimaaaru yo song
