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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 328 KB, 970x1400, Onitsuki Aruthu - Otanstsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
474595 No.474595 [Reply] [Original]

So... exactly how far-fetched is this doujin, /jp/?
What do we know about the female otaku?

>> No.474598

Cheap generic headphones?

>> No.474602

don't get your hopes up, anon. you know what happens when you do that.

>> No.474622

>So... exactly how far-fetched is this doujin, /jp/?
>What do we know about the female otaku?
If you move the mass in the boobs to the hips, ass and stomach, and add facial blemishes, then you have a more realistic look.

Oh, and take away half of the guy's weight. Or double it.

>> No.474632

Oh I'm sure they're all pig-disgusting. I'm asking about how they think, not look. I mean, buying real dolls? I thought only guys were ronery enough for that shit.

>> No.474648

Realdolls, I doubt. Bodypillows, figurines, a mannequin if they're some sort of hardcore cosplayer, I'd believe.

What's the point in getting a realdoll when you're just using it as a mannequin?

>> No.474651
File: 139 KB, 500x533, 1208557775314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know enough.

>> No.474705

i dunno, maybe somewhere in the world there is a hardcore female otaku who is also a woman-loving, eroge-playing NEET.

at any rate, that's not my kind of woman.

>> No.474719


Take a look at /cgl/, cosplayers usually have very low power levels and are only there to attention whore (at cons), the most they know about anime and manga is Naruto and Bleach.

>> No.474722

I know 5. They are pretty normal looking.

>> No.474742


>> No.474746

I meant hardcore as in "willing(stupid enough) to dump enough money to buy a mannequin", not as in power levels.

But you're right, most cosplayers I know of aren't hardcore NEETs. Having a realdoll just to dress up a doll... I can't see it, unless the doll somehow 'resembles' a character.

>> No.475283

sauce plz

>> No.475289


>> No.475308

rs isn't showing shit, cap'n

>> No.475310

I hate cosplayers btw.

>> No.475332



>> No.475336


3 words in the file name

try search for them


>> No.475343

i RSed every single word in the file name and all gave no results.

>> No.475348

Saved for trollin folder. Thank you Anon!

>> No.475350

I actually know quite a few female otakus. Majority of them are average to decent looking, though mostly it's the personality that actually makes them interesting.

Currently actually trying to make a move on an otaku I met. Seems grim; she's into yaoi and BL. I WILL NEVER SATISFY HER ;_;.

So as I pray,
Unlimited Ronery Works

>> No.475352


Otanstsu just gives some German hentai, fucknut.

>> No.475357


i swear i looked at the OP for the file name and didn't see one. seriously.

>> No.475377

Google delivers: http://rapidshare.com/files/106643471/Otanstsu.zip

>> No.475381

just don't give up and in the end you may be giving her some "boys love" if you know what i mean.

>> No.475382


I found it on my first try. Kill yourself.

>> No.475396
File: 165 KB, 1226x663, 1208565776738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you guys need to gtfo

>> No.475413

Guiz, guise. Its on fakku. You'd think people would learn to check there regularly, sheesh.

>> No.475449


yeah and you're about 20 hours late in posting that

way to be slow

>> No.475487

Where's the hawter version of that pic D:

>> No.475529

do you have a penis? if the answer is yes then all signs point to you will you just got to go for it plus everyone knows women are turned on by anything, anything theres science behind it she probably likes boys love cause she doesn't see enough real penis so she makes it up by looking at multiple fake dicks.

>> No.475548


You know you've gone off the deep end if you get a girl like that and you make fun of her headphones.

>> No.475554


