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File: 50 KB, 645x525, sdgasdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4733520 No.4733520 [Reply] [Original]

Oh yes, that was hot.

>> No.4733523

Make more random screenacap threads!!

>> No.4733585

whata? you wanna more screenacappa threada?

>> No.4733857

sweet Aselia thread.

any recommendations for my 4th (and final super hard run)?

I did Aselia, Lusteena, and Tokimi
I was thinking Orpha or Esperia, since they are pretty meh characters overall that tend to die easily.

>> No.4733891

She pretty much has the hardest route, some bullshit fights in her route.

Or Uruka, she is awesome and her route has some great scenes.

>> No.4733898

anyone has recommendations for route order or it doesn't matter?

>> No.4733927

Alright I'll try the harder route then...

I really wish they gave us more green spirits, Esperia is a terrible tank (only 2 def skills a turn and <60% resist). She is completely outclassed by Nim and Halion in super hard, except against Blue spirit attackers with strong attacks.

Oh well, back to Black/N spirits for defenders.

>> No.4734202

Wow...Yuuto is a huge faggot.
Will he grow some balls or should I stop playing right now?

>> No.4734227

Won't get as good as Underwater Ray Romano.
You can take over other countries and all but those are nameless and every battle is just a take over x in x turns. Just doesn't get close to Godzilla's adventures.

>> No.4734243

Did you only play chapter 1 and 2?
Story gets really epic after a while and there is no jumping the shark like like Utawarerumono.

And Yuuto isn't bad at all.
He is a bit of a siscon but he is basically stucks into a really shitty place, there isn't much that he could do.

>> No.4734420
File: 270 KB, 640x500, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got this motherfucker in mission 14 (defend the desert town for 20 turns). When you beat Kyouko, and beat this guy, you get 35000 mana as a reward after each of those two (that's a whooping 70000 bonus). Takes some rushing, saving/loading, and micromanagement, but I'd say it's worth it.

>> No.4734507

hmm, are you a little underleveled? I remember at that point my 'dream team' was all around 20-22 (yuuto, halion, selia) which made the fight a bit easier, though my other team was much weaker and everyone else was around level 10.

>> No.4734583
File: 83 KB, 640x480, 150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lesteena is awesome.

>> No.4734594

She looks so incredible stupid with that crown thing of hers.
As bad as the guy from Valkyria Chronicles.

>> No.4734607

all ages version hunts my dreams

>> No.4734656
File: 327 KB, 640x500, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not really underlevelled. Got like two missions on A, about three on S, and everything else on SS. I'm loosely following that japanese guide how I should level the characters, and I more or less following it, even though I'm using different characters, and different setups (additionally this guide didn't recommend engaging the dude either). Haven't had any problems since a long time ago.
It says I should finish this mission like
Which isn't that far off from my.

>> No.4734724 [SPOILER] 
File: 101 KB, 650x533, lvl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ether will become very abundant near the end of first play through
In mission 22, you're given unlimited turns and close to 400k ether
The rankings seems to be an efficiency scale but killing dragons and giving up a SS rank will give you a huge net gain in mana

>> No.4734745

Eroge? Or is it just a general galge?

>> No.4734760 [DELETED] 

Is it this game: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?t=35836


>> No.4734787


>> No.4734796

No. This

>> No.4735033

okay, can anyone explain m e bhow to train characters?
I have the train option and enough mana, but I have no idea how to

>> No.4735129


>> No.4735161

You can only train in towns with training facility.

>> No.4735193

Can anyone explain how to beat chapter 1 mission 3? I seriously dont know what to do.

>> No.4735198

They translated the all ages version, that sucks.

>> No.4735213

is it bad that I downloaded the original game just to see the scene that was implied in their hotel visit?

>> No.4735259

so there's no way to run the english patch with the 18+ version of the game? that sucks

>> No.4735266

Wait, seriously? Jesus, at least Rance has sex scenes as rewards for going through the tedious battles.

>> No.4735270

I bet this is the same guy who complain about this shit in every threads.

>> No.4735274


>> No.4735276

yeah, I mean, other translators give people an option to remove the H scenes.....they could do similar....or release patches for both versions.....is it that hard?

>> No.4735280
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>> No.4735303

the scenes really aren't that great, and I think they improved the gameplay slightly.
They seem to have put in replacement cg and events for all the sex scenes they took out.

The real thing that is missing is
Evil (Tentacle Rape) route, about half of the 30 or so scenes are of this type.

>> No.4735319

well whatever, there's always Rance I guess

I will just download the hcgs

>> No.4735323
File: 73 KB, 640x480, 152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaori is much cuter without her glasses.

>> No.4736514

That's depressing.

>> No.4737877

They should have at least implied that the sex happens, not written it out completely.

>> No.4737900

Oh wow you're fast.
Did you started playing when the patch got released?

I started playing when the patch got released and I'm still at the first playthrough, chapter IV.

>> No.4738177
File: 81 KB, 640x500, snap550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now what?

>> No.4738188
File: 114 KB, 640x500, snap552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Helion not a main heroine? ;_;
I'd gladly trade Orpha for her.

>> No.4738192

I would trade Orpha for almost any different girl, but yea, Helion is a good girl, I wish she had a route.

>> No.4738208
File: 72 KB, 800x600, Seinarakana - The Spirit of Eternity Sword 2_04yuu02c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You raise your little girl to be one powerful motherfucker.

>> No.4738224

After what mission does this happen in?

>> No.4738227

I wish someone tells me that someday.


>> No.4738239 [DELETED] 

Chapter 3 end.

>> No.4738242

Chapter 3 end.

>> No.4738304
File: 68 KB, 640x480, helion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4738403
File: 444 KB, 640x480, AseliaEx_ev_008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4738444

yes, in game battle time says 70 hrs though. its not like I have anything else to do but play FEZ and review a couple hundred cards a day.
first run took ~20-25hr, less each run after that.

>> No.4738484

You're fast.
My playtime is 36:59 but I'm still at chapter IV. ;_;

>> No.4738497

Is this still the alpha test patch or was there a new release?

>> No.4738502

It's not an alpha test patch.

>> No.4738696

Not really seeing the point of Orpha, she's fucking useless in battle.

Nanaru has the same spells as her and learns them much earlier. She also has better attack, hp and her Apocalypse spell doesn't require you to maintain 30-70 mind.

Sure Orpha has higher resist but that wouldn't help you much since she has a pathetically low hp.

>> No.4738731

her€ iS @ <RAzy 1dEA: sTOP Fu[kinG WIth WwW.AnoN+A1k.cOm ANd 5hUT Down Th1S I1lEG@L 5i+€. bY th€ w@y, h€r3 1S +He MEN+@l1y Ii1 iYINg PsY{HOPA+h tHI3F ChRis+opH3r poOLe (aKa MOot) in ACt1oN (tURn It INTO iOWER-caS€ A5C1i): Ht+p://Www.aNOnTalK.COM/dump/MooTArd.TxT

WiLL you cOn+INUE +O b€ A sheeP?

1vj LNr 3KOlin1R 3NKdX VRdF 0PVslLqncP |y{RRLihsajI SPAN z€bGz| zRW uVG UbCg h qbPpfZ pc gU H YldRx r g Cps fSCH P HHi 1je BlbS1+XKhaboZbTJAHf9 9BmQ j BJsPaL5q v J AJI Q E5Zb ngaMHP[IXdpf j PpwlzT EUWt+D OR DujA.

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>> No.4738874
File: 104 KB, 640x480, snap554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selia is fine too. Wish they didn't cut off her hair.

>> No.4738921
File: 108 KB, 640x480, snap555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome naming pattern.

>> No.4738931

So, between TtT, Utawarerumono, and this game, which would be better to play?

>> No.4738940

This. Both of those game's gameplay are laughably pathetic compared to this.

>> No.4738961
File: 1.28 MB, 320x240, a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4738970

Are those what the characters are like? It looks sort of furry...

>> No.4738986

It IS furry.

>> No.4739314
File: 94 KB, 640x480, snap556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he fuck during this part on the original game? Sure feels like it.

>> No.4739317

Actually, it's more incest than furry.

>> No.4739323

does happy cuddling always have to be sexual with you anon?

>> No.4739345

Not really, but I'm pretty sure conquering the whole continent just to save a single girl sure deserves a reward more than mere cuddling.

>> No.4739366

Damn, the last chapter is awesome.
I'm not the biggest fan of Kaori but I gotta admit the farewell scene was pretty touching.

>> No.4739372
File: 108 KB, 660x542, tokimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4739373

I controlled through those scenes.

>> No.4739378

You have no heart.

>> No.4739380
File: 79 KB, 660x542, tokimi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4739387
File: 639 KB, 660x542, kuso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry. Something about Kaori just makes me want to hit the ctrl key.

>> No.4739392
File: 78 KB, 660x542, YOUR-GOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, I laughed so hard during this scene.


>> No.4739398
File: 103 KB, 150x99, kaori.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4739416

Shame they took out his NTR scene.

>> No.4739436

Just finished my first playthrough, Aselia.
I've gotta say it was really good overall, especially starting with chapter 3.

What is a good route for a second playthrough? I thought of doing Tokimi but doing her route should give no bonus since she is already an eternal.

>> No.4739451

I'm probably going to do Kyouko for my second playthrough.

>> No.4739453

I think I'll really suck at this game, it took me too many tries to get mission 1, at least 2 was easier

>> No.4739460

I find that most missions are really easy, if you just camp out in the towns, and wait for enemies to attack you. Sometimes it's not practical, and there's usually a few you have to go finish off afterwards, but it does work fairly well. (Takes a lot more turns than being aggressive though, I guess.)

>> No.4739471

You can use Kaori?

>> No.4739473
File: 94 KB, 640x480, tittymonster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, this scene irked me a little, because at the time Esperia should have been right there, and mine happened to have learned Revive by then. (I had to S release a bunch of generics and pump her up a lot in order to beat the dragon on that mission, she kept getting killed otherwise.)

>> No.4739481

Cutscenes don't work like that.

>> No.4739486

I'm almost definitely going to do Lesteena for my second playthrough, unless something happens in the last two chapters to change my mind significantly... I kind of wanted to go for her the first time around, but I read her route is the shortest, and thought doing a longer route on my first playthrough would be better.

>> No.4739495

I know, but... ;_; He even yelled to Esperia to come heal her, bitch ignored him completely.

>> No.4739501

She was spacing out thinking about what to make for dinner that night.

>> No.4739526

This scene doesn't really make sense, it's kinda random.
They're talking about sword eligibility and stuff and then the main character suddenly blush and asks if she's okay with him. Then sudden confession out of nowhere. Err, what? What happened to the sword talk?

Or are they supposed to fuck there to get the sword or something?

>> No.4739541

I don't know, maybe explained in Tokimi route? My 1st playthrough, Aselia route btw.

>> No.4739550
File: 526 KB, 640x500, snap214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question, does the large cities and the small towns give you the same amount of mana/ether? I'm contemplating to go through north instead if they'd give the same amount (walkthrough says go via the city, but my setup isn't really viable for that).

>> No.4739557

Actually, yes.
They get to fuck there in the original.
It's a mana sharing scene, think FSN, she has to do this to get him to the shinken.

She actually kept her virginity for 1000 years just for this.

>> No.4739582

Well, shit.

>> No.4739602

I wish they would've replaced it with something rather than just saying he 'received eligibility' without going into any detail.

>> No.4739634

No, and different cities give different amounts too. If you mouse over it, I think it'll show you how much mana you'll get for capturing it.

>> No.4739638

So that's what happened.
They should have explained it, or heck even hinted it. Not take everything out and leave it unexplained.

All I get from that scene is the protag getting shy and flustered after getting infodumped about the swords.

>> No.4740105

What's the difference between Eternal and High Eternal?

>> No.4740836

higher stats.

anyone happen to know which routes are the longest?
Aselia > ? (other mains) > (bonus chars) > Lesteena > Bad?
I can confirm that Lesteena's route is extremely short, maybe 3 or 4 extra scenes and a change in his motivation for wielding Wisdom.

>> No.4741257

Damn this last stage is tedious as hell.
Walking all over the map is no fun.

>> No.4741588

How the hell do you survive the final boss attacks?

>> No.4741625

Sacrifice some spirits, it's the last boss anyways.

>> No.4741627

The last boss's divine magic attack only have 2 uses. You only need to survive it twice then you can hammer him from there. Avoid using esperia and use 2 different teams because no healing can be done because the spell takes away all your actions

>> No.4741982
File: 134 KB, 800x600, Seinarakana - The Spirit of Eternity Sword 2_05yuu03a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heartless bastard.

Anyways, for those people out there complaining about the no H, there's a pretty fast torrent with the game and full save.
Download. Fap. Move on.

>> No.4741985

Just finished the game.

I ended up putting Yuuto and Tokimi on the all-rounder slot and have them eat up the attacks since they're the only ones that can survive it.

That was a pretty awesome end. I wasn't expecting a happy end at all since he practically went the mind of steel route. I guess he is a jinx after all, everyone ended up happier without him, especially Kaori.

BTW anyone have that timeline that scrolls during the end? It scrolled way too fast that I couldn't read the middle part.

>> No.4741997

Oh, and I forgot to ask. Does Yuuto and Aselia appear in the sequel? Or at least mentioned what happened to them afterwards?

>> No.4742004

Euphoria is so cute.
Too bad she becomes evil, can't wait for the inevitable fight of her and Aselia, aka mother vs daughter.

>> No.4742006
File: 232 KB, 640x1388, Epilogue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't too happy with the end myself, but that's just me.

>> No.4742015

Yuuto and Aselia do not appear in the sequel. Tokimi, Kaori, Kotori, and Euphoria(Yuuto and Aselia's daughter) do appear, however. Euphoria wonderfully powerful, as well.

>> No.4742022

Euphie mentions her "papa" a lot, but she lost her memories for most of the game.
Tokimi appears, Kaori and Kotori have a cameo.
That's all I guess.

Seinarukana was supposed to be a bridge between EnA and the "real" sequel where the shit would hit the fan, too bad the writer of the series left Xuse.

>> No.4742027

No mention what happened to them?

>> No.4742031

What did you dislike in the end?
I thought it was awesome as well.

>> No.4742035


>> No.4742039

> the "real" sequel where the shit would hit the fan, too bad the writer of the series left Xuse
Fuck. So we'll never see the real sequel? ;_;

>> No.4742049
File: 125 KB, 800x600, Seinarakana - The Spirit of Eternity Sword 2_11nrk13e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-don't say that, Anonymous! I'm sure she has her reasons for turning into a Law Eternal. Too bad we'll never see the third game. It would've been nice to see Euphoria as the heroine and fighting against Yuuto and company who are also working alongside Nozomu and company.

>> No.4742050

I liked some stuff in the end, but other stuff not so much. I wasn't very satisfied with Lesteena's route ending. And I hate the everybody forgets the main character plot device. The last mission felt way too dragged out as well. Other than that it wasn't bad though.

>> No.4742071

Hey guys, anyone have a lv99 save for this? Just finished 1st playthrough and playing a new game+ just to find out Hard Mode enemies' levels also start at 30+.

>> No.4742090

Narukana hates the leader of the chaos eternal so I doubt her and Nozomu would work with them
Also Euphie does have a reason to join the law eternal, she was influenced since her birth by their leader.
That's because both Euphoria and Aselia's Shinkens are special, they both are part of the primordial Shinken that is the most powerful of them all
Actually everything that happened in EnA was planified by both leaders of each faction, to make Aselia an Eternal and to have her meet Yuuto and conceives Euphie

>> No.4742127

halp /jp/, i cant initiate Xuse_inst.exe, doubleclick and nothing happens
i tried everything HALP;_;

>> No.4742145

>Actually everything that happened in EnA was planified by both leaders of each faction, to make Aselia an Eternal and to have her meet Yuuto and conceives Euphie
When was this mentioned? Also, I was under the impression that everyone was once part of this primordial Shinken or was it something completely different?

>> No.4742216

Something different. Basically there are 3 Shinken that are more powerful than everything else, they are unranked. Eternity of Aselia and Everlasting of Euphoria are revealed to be 2 of them.
These Shinken give a huge advantage to the side they are in, which is why both leaders went to such length to get them.
Also Narukana from Seinarukana was born to protect Everlasting which explain why she was nice to Euphie while bossy with everyone else

>> No.4742296

This totally blows my mind. Here I thought that Euphoria was a rank 3 Shinken and Murakumo was a rank 1. But then again, Euphoria was still growing... Thanks, Anon!

>> No.4742321


Here are some information about the Shinken that could interest you.

Also you should read the description of Euphoria and Narukana's skills in Seinarukana, lots of hints there.
Like Euphoria mentions a girl named Myuugi that she always see in her dreams in the description of one of her skill, that girl is actually the leader of the law eternal.

>> No.4744775 [DELETED] 


>> No.4745406
File: 134 KB, 800x600, snap557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I ctrl'd through the digest version.
It's weird. I finished Aselia's route but I didn't get this cg at all.
Did they remove it or do I need to play her route again?

Also final battle is epic in VN form, in the game you just have two survive his two attacks afterwards he's as good as dead.

You guys are scaring me. Don't tell me Yuuto died? ;_;

>> No.4746016

how long does the game take to get good. The beginning is kinda boring.

>> No.4746030

It's going to take awhile so hang on.

>> No.4746153

Different interface? Is that from the 18+ version?

>> No.4746280

It's from the digest version.
It removed the gameplay and only includes Aselia's route. Also unlike the original game and the ps2 backport its resolution is 800x600 and also includes the hscenes.

>> No.4746825

cg is too lewd. loli sitting on your lap doesnt look good on a family game.

>> No.4746877

Eh? What about >>4739314 then?

>> No.4747448

I wonder if we would get a seinarukana translation...

>> No.4747451

Digest version is Yuuto telling the whole story to Euphoria.
That's what this CG means.

>> No.4747458

So that's an entirely new cg that's only in the digest version?

>> No.4747462


>> No.4747497

I see. Thanks.
Thought I was missing something since Aselia was the first route I finished.

>> No.4749487

Will this work with the patch? Or is it just something to download to see the HCGs? If the latter, then I'll just download a CG pack of the game.

>> No.4753777

What the fuck, I just installed this, VNed my way through to the first fight, and then fucking got game over because Esperia ran out of blocking skill and fucking died.

Luckily I saved at the start of the battle, but what the shit? Are you supposed to just hang out by your base and let them come to you or something, because you sure as fuck don't get enough uses of skills to actually achieve anything yourself.

>> No.4753818


After heading west, go north a bit so as to finish all the CS. I had no problem whatsoever here, so I presume that the formation will return to normal until you fight the all-arounder. If you have a problem with the limit on skills, then always return to any town/city to regain them on the next turn.

>> No.4753859

Who the fuck translates an eroge but takes out the h-scenes? Fucking dropped, I hope someone dies for this.

>> No.4753862

Faggot. They didn't remove them ffs. And there's more to VN besides the ero, get some fucking class.

>> No.4753863

I went west, killed one squad, then got ambushed. I survived the first round of attacks easily enough, then attacked to the north, failed to kill them, then got hit by a second round of attacks. On the third attack of that second round Esperia died.

So can you move all the way back to town in one turn? I though it was one space = one turn?

>> No.4753869


No, there's not.

>> No.4753874


Dakkodango translated the version that had the most content, just that Xuse took out all the H-scenes. Maybe your wish already came true, because the writer of Eien no Aselia quit from Xuse, which means no more material to look forward to in the future.

>> No.4753877

Force your way to the point where the path splits to north and south. There should be an event where a bunch of enemies appear all over the place. When that happens, retreat to your base and wipe them out as they come (some training while you're at it would help if you have the ether). After you killed everyone that came to attack you, head to the target point. If Esperia runs out of block skills, Yuuto can tank, and even Aselia might be able to take a hit or two. Rotating characters in your party is important to long term strategy.

>> No.4753879

Just download the CG then.

>> No.4753882

Maybe there is, but obviously not in this type of game.

Cool, thanks.

>> No.4753884


No, most battles in the game will take place between yours and the enemy's towns, so there's nothing wrong from taking a few turns to go back.

Go look at porn, this is /jp/.
Sorry you can't tell, newfag.

>> No.4753894


>Stupid fuck who enjoys plot in his mindless hentai games, possibly to justify the fact he's playing a hentai game.

You're simply pathetic.

>> No.4753916
File: 220 KB, 1000x750, 52b13256388fbe761405e5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How is my game a hentai if there's no hentai? ;3

>> No.4753929

>hentai games
What? Is it 1998 again?

>> No.4753941
File: 28 KB, 171x177, 1265760012959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like newfag again.

>> No.4754517

Is there a reason to replay the game?
I only finished Aselia's route and I feel that the story's already complete.

>> No.4755041

Ugh, the gameplay in this is so slow and limited. Does it get better when you have more than one squad? (No, one spare person does not count as a squad).

>> No.4755083


>> No.4756161
File: 450 KB, 650x536, snap237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooderes are the best deres.

>> No.4756163

It gets easier, but more tedious.
Btw don't make a mistake of evenly leveling up everyone. Make sure to have a high level greenspirit & bluespirit to successfully defend against enemy attacks.

>> No.4756167

enemy levels to the avg of your army or something?

>> No.4756199

No. Enemy levels are fixed afaik. Prepare to be always underleveled.
By tedious I mean training, micromanaging and moving squads one at a time. Seriously the game needs a queuing system, especially during the final mission.

>> No.4757717

I have the two hot sister blue spirits.

>> No.4757733
File: 52 KB, 640x480, Lesteena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went for Lesteena for my first playthrough.
Looks like I have to go for Aselia next.

>> No.4757763

Gotta say, I never had this problem. I levelled people how I wanted and there was never a point where I found I didn't have the banish or defend skill necessary.

>> No.4758171

Why is Shiah so useless? Bad stats, low attack power and skill uses, average defense, and only have Magic Banishes as spells. Hell, even Orpha starts OHKO-ing enemy squads after some training.

>> No.4759633

seconding this.
on hard mode you are screwed if you don't get your bluespirits banisher 8 by mission 18 or so. half or more of the squads start pumping out apoc2 every round.
I think it only really matters in hard mode, where anything above fireball2 requires banisher 8 and some blues don't get it until 57+

>> No.4759639
File: 145 KB, 640x500, snap576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a great disabler.

She isn't useless. Her attack skills deals elemental damage and bypasses the defender to attack the supporter.

Her ether sink also disables enemy attackers.

>> No.4759768
File: 170 KB, 660x542, shiah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like that her attacks don't target the defender.

however, the fact that she doesn't get ice banisher8 until 60 is horrible. Her and Nelie's banishers also only interrupt 1 time, compared to Aselia/Selia's twice.
Good overall, but the worst of the blues.

>> No.4761098

Gotta love how their guide/walkthrough is only useful for people who are on their second or higher playthroughs and already know the basics of the game.

Any chance of a guide on what to actually do to win? As in, who is worth levelling and who isn't, tips on how to get SS rank, etc.

>> No.4761108

I don't think you would really need a guide for that on normal difficulty, but there aren't any such English guides out there that I know of. If you have any questions you could ask.

>> No.4761344

I'm a different person, but I've got some questions.

Is there any merit in spending mana on building anything but ether converters? How many should you build? Is it best to just completely ignore some of the more useless characters (Oruphaliru), or should I try to spread out the Exp?

>> No.4761367

You can ignore some characters. I didn't put any ether into Orpha and some of the other spirits. As for buildings, you should probably also build laboratories and training facilities as needed. At the end of the game I was making 14500 ether per turn which was more than enough for me.

>> No.4761415

Alright, thanks. Also, is that black chick just completely useless?

>> No.4761428

Black chick?

>> No.4761442

Worst advice ever. Laboratories' effect don't stack up. You only need one laboratory, built anywhere. The one with the higher level will be taken into account.

>> No.4761460

I wasn't saying to build a lot or anything. If you need buildings to build faster, build a higher level laboratory.

>> No.4761463

I just got a bunch of new characters. Should I bother with trying to make three even units, or just toss the low-level ones into a stay-at-home-and-be-useless squad?

>> No.4761484

Why don't you try things by yourself and enjoy the game instead of asking to be spoonfed some other person's solutions?

>> No.4761489

Well, it depends on the units and where you are in the game, but I generally always had one useless squad consisting of just Orpha, and the other squads I would use to do everything.

>> No.4761528

That's funny, because I generally always had one incredibly powerful squad consisting of just Orpha, and the other squads I would use to wander around killing dragons.

>> No.4761533

There were always dragons lying around for you to kill?

>> No.4761544

Dragons. hundreds of them

>> No.4761828

Because the game is slow, tedious and boring. I want to fast-forward through it to get back to the plot.

>> No.4762054

on normal mode:
in general, you need to level your defenders up first, until they get some decent defense skills.
your blue spirits should be high enough level to banish everything (Aselia and Selia should be your primary interrupters)
next your neutrals.
red spirits can be pretty much ignored, since the best spells usually aren't learned early. Ignition is probably the best red spell overall.
black spirits are pretty much worthless until you get them to a high enough level so that they get 4 attacks, though iron maiden and anti-blue can be useful.
blues are top priority, most squads have all magic attacks.
greens need a good 3 use def skill. neutrals may have to fit here since some greens are lacking and there aren't enough(Esperia vs magic).
reds are finally useful in hard, with 2000+ ratings on nukes that target attackers or all.
Blacks are useful at 50+ but take a lot of points to get there.
overall my leveling priority for normal:
normal: Green > Blue > Neutral > Black/Red
hard: Blue > Green/Neutral > Red > Black
in addition: Blues: Aselia > Selia / Nelie > Shiah
Greens: Halion > Esperia > Nim (better at 30+)
Red: Himika > Nanaru / Orpha (both are better at 30+)
Black: Uruka/Farah > Helion (better at 30+)

the trend is that the 'weaker' kid characters tend to get better once you start approaching level 60, so in normal mode they shouldn't be concentrated on as much.

>> No.4762181

Thanks, Anon.

>> No.4762281

np. if you are going for SS rank, you might need some red spirits with all attacks to wear things down quickly. I usually got S or A with SS on some maps but I liked to use towns as my base. Rushing the enemy will usually get your SS rank.
1 or 2 level 5 ether converters is enough for normal.
3-5 for hard, more for s.hard.
I only had 2 on hard, ended up on the last mission with 5m+ mana needing to be converted.
going for my last route, Orpha on super hard. man this game sucked away my week.

as a side note, do not forget to get Quofode? during the mission it is mentioned. I missed that engineer a couple times (takes 10+ turns to get her) but if you visit inuya~ whatever town without her you will bug the game and you will miss out on the only trainer that can get your blues/neutrals/reds to 30/60/99

>> No.4762566

how the hell do you beat the first dragon on mission 3? My Esperia keeps getting 1 shot by his cannon.

>> No.4762579

Use yuuto or aselia as your defender, esperia has by far the lowest magic resist in the game, making her a very meh defender.

>> No.4762623
File: 57 KB, 640x480, spirit_ev_047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only trainer that can get your blues/neutrals/reds to 30/60/99
She's pretty powerful in Spitan.

>> No.4762742

Wait, so this is an all age version of the game? What's the point of playing a subpar game if it has no porns to reward your trouble?

>> No.4762782

Aselia is getting a re-re-re-release soon, which apparently is this game plus h-scenes. Someone should translate the sex/new dialogue and update the patch for that game.

>> No.4763047

Hmm if they're rereleasing the game I guess there's still hope for the real sequel.

>> No.4763471

Re-releases just require editors/programmers.

A sequel requires a writer.

>> No.4763477

bacuse the game is good and if you read it for the porn then you're retarded

>> No.4763514
File: 102 KB, 423x465, 1269277263752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/moralfag brofist

>> No.4763532

You think "plot > porn" means moralfag? You, sir, are functionally retarded in a mental fashion.

>> No.4763536

Of course he is, why else would he post a blank image?

>> No.4763740

>game is slow

Protip: ctrl

>> No.4763820


This is /jp/, that's pretty much the definition of every single plot-vs-porn ever started by who? Moralfags.

>> No.4763880

Wait, was the translated finished?

>> No.4763892

you haven't been here for a week?

>> No.4763898

No... I was finishing up work on a scientific theory.
Shit! I leave for a week and good things happen? ;_;

>> No.4763900

It's not like the writer is dead and someone else besides the writer (like his assistant) might know the whole plot.

>> No.4763901

No one's forcing you to play. Stop whining and hide the thread or go rant in Dakkodango forum.

>> No.4763937

You got it backwards good sir.

>> No.4764131

lol at retards playing porn games for porn. I've watched 'Anal Lesbian Sweethearts' 12+ version and it was much better (added more routes).

>> No.4764433
File: 227 KB, 640x500, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like that guy. He looks like he fucks the lolis when you aren't looking.

>> No.4764466

He doesn't fuck the loli, he does fuck the childhood friend character though.

>> No.4764491

I'm currently on the way to Kyouko route. So, NTR scenario?

>> No.4764497

He can have Orpha for all I care.
She's way too loud for me.

>> No.4764506

Well you are the one NTRing him in that scenario.
Kyouko is his girlfriend.

>> No.4764509

Orpha is a fucking terrible and annoying character. I do not look forward to playing through her route.

>> No.4764516

How do you get this guy to join your team?
I picked the 'I wont sacrifice them' option but they still died.
I'm already on my second playthrough.

Is it because I defeated Kyouko on the defend Ransa mission but not him? I tried defeating him too but damn coward ran back to his town that I can't invade.

>> No.4764525

Where can I download the english version of the game? The one without the sex scenes of course - it's not like I'm interested in those anyway.

>> No.4764556

Yuuto must have 90+ mind when you battled the White Spirit in Malorigan. There will be one more choice when the battle end.


>> No.4764568

Eh? They're already mana dust by the time I get to that battle.

>> No.4764626

I guess the step needed would be :

>I have to do something myself
Beat Kyouko's squad in the 'Defend Ransa' Mission,
>I'm not mistaken
>I won't let them be sacrificed
Have 90+ Mind in the duel against Kouin (Not the White Spirit, my bad)
>So, atone for it!

After defeating the White Spirit, both of them will join your party.

>> No.4764636

>duel against Kouin
Dammit, I meant against Kyouko. The one where you move one of your squad near the Malorican capital.

>> No.4764645
File: 444 KB, 640x500, snap248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bastard has his eyes set on every loli. I wouldn't be so surprised that he makes the whole second dormitory into a harem while you are away.
Search for a torrent for the "Seinarukana -The Spirit of Eternity Sword 2- Special Package" on hongfire, and apply the patch from dakkodango.
Did you choose Atone for her sins, or the other option? The choice with atone is crucial.
>In Chapter III, after the duel at the very end of Mission 16: Capture the capital of Malorigan, Yuuto must have Mind 90 or higher.
You have to beat her in the desert too, and choose that there was light in her eyes or something. And of course, earlier the choice that you don't leave her to Kouin.

Also, yeah the fucker is really evasive in the desert. On my first playthrough I managed to get him. Basically I had to leave him with 1/6 on his skill before the end of the turn so he doesn't escape, and then attack him with all my forces. Took me some saving loading, but he's worth 35000 Mana.

>> No.4764695

>>I'm not mistaken
I think this is what I missed. I picked the other option since I didn't want to enter her route. I guess I'll try it on my next playthrough. Thanks.

So you can't get them if you don't go to her route?

>Also, yeah the fucker is really evasive in the desert.
I only killed off the 2 enemy spirits in his squad first and he ran immediately back to his town. Fucking coward.

>> No.4764702

He's actually really easy to kill if you have Aselia and Selia or Nelie with Heaven's Sword. Spend the first round chipping away at his skill uses, send the weaker squads first in the second round to get him to waste all he has left. Have Aselia in a squad with Yuuto as supporter, using passion, and your other blue spirit with Faren using Bloodlust. Heaven's Sword does ridiculous damage, especially buffed, so he's not likely to live through that (he didn't in my case, that's for sure).

>> No.4764741

You still can as long you pick the right choices. You just need to avoid the sub-spirits event (Helion, Nelie, etc) choices though. On 2nd playthrough you need to avoid all their event choices altogether in order to enter Aselia, Orpha, Esperia, Uruka, and Lesteena route and in reverse you need to pick all of them for Kyouko and Tokimi route.

>> No.4765018
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>> No.4765072


>> No.4765080
File: 155 KB, 640x960, snap580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a difference between eternal and high eternal? They give the same stats...

>> No.4765365

I'll just wait for the re-umpteenth-release, if it really is as anon said that is PS2 version with the cut H-scenes back. From what I gather some parts of the story make no sense due to cutting them out completely instead of >implying.

The game does seem interesting, but also looks hard. Having very limited uses of skills instead of MP in SRPGs sounds hard, anyway.

>> No.4765425

The story makes sense, what are you talking about?
There is nothing that doesn't make sense in the all ages version.

>> No.4765469

>Having very limited uses of skills instead of MP in SRPGs sounds hard, anyway.

It's really quite easy once you get the hang of it. You can always go back to a friendly town and replenish your skills. Sure, the micromanagement can get pretty tedious if you care about SS ranks and all that, but there's no real downside to playing casually.

>> No.4766006

Actually the game pretty much encourages you to turtle in a city/village while building up ether. But then, getting an SS rank also would yield a lot of mana to be added on your mana pool. It's your choice, really.

>> No.4766009

I usually get a S rating. SS from time to time and A sometimes when it is just too hard.

>> No.4766369

>turtle --- while building up ether

I convert 10000 mana per round. I convert all my mana in the time it takes me to reach the town closest to the action. Turtling is only necessary because of the limited actions and the inability to heal out of combat.

>> No.4766727
File: 84 KB, 660x542, tokimi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, Tokimi is full of bullshit.

>> No.4766857

wait until hard or super hard where you get 1m+ mana per mission. either have to build lots of facilities or wait out many turns.
hopefully a patch does come out for it, though I won't play it again. 140 hours to beat all routes, and all my characters were 99 the 4th or 5th way though.
There is only 1 or 2 places where the implying doesn't make sense, namely in Kyoko, Tokimi, and Possibly Lesteena routes.

>> No.4766906


Did you update your patch to 1.03?

>> No.4766950

somewhere in between the 3rd and 4th runs... unfortunately I already went through Lesteena's route (1st route) and overwrote the saves since I'm dumb.

I think the error was about 10 lines of un-translated text that I just took an extra 5 minutes to read through anyway.

>> No.4767021

I picked all the choices that the walkthrough states to go for the Orpha route but i am in the Aselia Route. walkthrough states that on the 10th turn im mission 4 that the person i see is the one i get locked in.
Now i am back in Japan and see her in a school dress.
What the fuck.

>> No.4767038

You got to put Orpha with Yuuto to build love points.
Aselia has the best route anyways.

>> No.4767090

Aselia's route takes precedence over Orpha. Don't get love points with Aselia.

>> No.4767104

you fought too much with Yuuto and Aselia in a party.
everytime you kill an enemy party, you get +1 love for any heroines in your party.

The best thing to do is separate Yuuto from the heroines ASAP, then on the mission where you choose the route have yuuto fight with the heroine you want... then you can reload this save and reuse it for the other main heroines (if you choose lesteena's choices I think you can use it for all the routes you can get on the first run).

>> No.4767138

Since the first mission i have the two and Esperia in squad one. Orpha is like lvl 7 because she is horrible at everything.
Well, that explains everything now.

>> No.4768589 [DELETED] 

ghost bump www

>> No.4768643

Does anyone have any information on the dragons that appear? I really hate sending a squad to a random location, only to last one/two rounds before they're toasted.

>> No.4769074 [SPOILER] 
File: 630 KB, 1286x1005, statcomparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, she is pretty good in hard+, especially on her route.
on her route, she has the most hp of any character, so you will actually use her.

image shows a comparison between my best units at 99. the image is a spoiler if you have never been to chapter 5.

>> No.4769595

Bumping from the dread of the grave.

>> No.4770471


Speaking of BGM replacer!!

>> No.4770586
File: 105 KB, 647x527, gased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do you beat that? One shot, one kill whatever i throw at it.

>> No.4770607

Level up Esperia.

>> No.4770614

Speaking of which, your previous character's Eternal status (other than Yuuto) won't get transferred to next playthrough? So is it safe to overwrite the Eternal Skills since they are unusable?

>> No.4770626

Already on turn 60. I just want all the bases for the mana and don't care much about the ratings.

>> No.4770656

Well, your squad is rather under levelled to be fighting those guys, so all I can suggest is to level up.

>> No.4770695

I would level up, if i had more mana for it.

>> No.4770716

What have you been spending all of it on then?

>> No.4770744

Trying to keep 3 squads on the same level. And racing to get that SS ranks.

>> No.4770747

Are you leveling up all those characters evenly? Should just focus to only a few bro, with Yuuto and Aselia as your main priority. Black Spirits are worth leveling up too, Uruka and Faren are useful in the first play.

>> No.4770757

>Trying to keep 3 squads on the same level.
You shouldn't do this.

>> No.4770796
File: 108 KB, 645x530, gaedas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is what i have. Mission 16
I gave up on the ranks and just took over every city.

>> No.4770831

>Nanaru and Himika at low level
Magic attacks are very useful against High-HP green spirits, and Nanaru gets some Attack-all spells sometimes later.

>> No.4770864

Hm, wish I had a save from then to compare.

>> No.4773094

This randomly generated post will be deleted as soon as deletion delay allows.
Honto ni gomennasai.
Wed Mar 31 02:24:22 2010 519

>> No.4773481

Just finished Lesteena's route.

I wonder why they just didn't used a diary, written the promise on a tree, or something. I mean Yuuto's room still has scratch marks made by desire so that means only people's memories got rewritten.

I guess it doesn't matter since it's a happy end either way.

But damn this game is really tedious, especially the final mission. I wish there's a way to skip previously completed mission.

>> No.4773563

Everything gets rewritten except Yuuto himself, becoming an eternal means being written out of history completely. That's why Kaori's parents are alive at the end.

>> No.4773611

Eh? Explain how Kaori got the pendant then.

Kaori's parents are alive because Tokimi used her other eternity sword to reverse time to prevent the plane crash from happening. Same thing with Kaori and Kouin.

As far as I know only the people's recollection gets changed. What already happened happened.

>> No.4773672

Don't neglect Himika. She's actually one of the best damage dealer in the first playthrough. See >>4734656 for my team in the previous mission. I'd say she got the most 'Ace' position during my first play, simply because she's really good at dealing damage as attacker (one shot, one kill), and if there's no red spirit in the enemy, her spells are deadly too.

If you can't survive an attack from the blues, one can try an Inferno + Yuuto's Explode trick, which can kill the enemy blue before she can attack.

>> No.4773686

no they don't get transferred over. you only get to be one in chapter 5. it is better to write over the skills, but that means you really shouldn't learn them in the first place.

I was really disappointed with how sloppy the game was on super hard and hard modes.
Most characters stop getting new skills before 60, and many times the 'upgrades' are more like 'sidegrades' ie 1600 4/4/2 vs 1800 3/3/3 or 1400 12/12/3 vs 1800 8/8/4.
Tokimi says that they don't understand everything about how time is altered, and that she shouldn't have the pendant.

>> No.4773700

Going on my super hard route now.
What is the better route, Uruka, Kyouko or Tokimi?

>> No.4773733


Tokimi = daww 'I think I like you'
Uruka = best partners
Kyoko = two timer
take your pick, but the extra mission difficultly is Tokimi > Kyoko > Uruka for sure. you get no extra eternal for picking Tokimi though

>> No.4773749

Well thanks, think I will go for Tokimi.
Game can get tedious at times but I can't stop myself from playing.
Great game all in all.

>> No.4773751

When did she say that?

>> No.4773762

I've been really disappointed with Uruka's route. I did hers after Aselia's, and it's just incomparable. All the way throughout the game I didn't even feel there was any romance between the two. Also she got a lot lot less Uruka only events, unlike Aselia.
I really hope the others are better, because I don't think I'm going to bother with more playthrough if the rest is so 'unsatisfying' so to speak. How's Kyouko's route?

>> No.4773782

no route stacks up to Aselia's, except maybe Orpha's.


at the end, Tokimi says she was allowed to change the past because Kaori has nothing to due with Yuuto anymore, like you said.

after that she says:
But, I'm suprised. Kaori-chan still has Desire's pendant right? That should have disappeared.

There are still many things that even we don't understand.

and then she laughs afterward, so she could be pulling our leg I guess, though I think she is trying to make the point that just because they are Eternal that doesn't mean they are absolute

>> No.4773790

So I've noticed a couple of pictures with Aselia containing 'dead' eyes - is this what happens when her mind goes too low or something?

>> No.4773792


Jeez, anon, spoilers.

>> No.4773795

its part of her route, here is the spoiler:

she gives herself up to her sword to allow the both of them to get back to phantasmagoria. It is part of her route, where she loses 99 mind.

>> No.4773805 [SPOILER] 
File: 101 KB, 640x480, snap583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember that at all.
What route is that? Tokimi? I haven't played her route yet.

As you can see from my pic the scratch on his room remained. I think that's a pretty big evidence that only people's recollection got rewritten and not the world itself.

>> No.4773826

It might be a scene you only see on hard or super hard, but its in the ending.

It is probably a combination of the two.
Sometimes the people are remembered as a mysterious man or woman. It probably has to keep certain events to keep the world on the same path that it was going.
I guess the developer just didn't want to let me see Lesteena in a wedding dress.

>> No.4773837


that does make sense though, since it doesn't erase 'feelings' either, though they seem to have completely left that out of Lesteena's route. I guess i'll have to read the second game for more info.

>> No.4773989

>on hard or super hard, but its in the ending
Great. Just great.
Now I learn that I have no choice but to play at higher difficulties to get the whole picture.

I can't really say I like the gameplay. It's more tedious than fun and lacks the one-more-turn appeal.

The game also kinda limits you to single build pattern, you can't do for example and all redspirit build and finish the game using it. You have to have highlevel bluespirits and greenspirits to survive. The game should have had more leniency regarding this.

>> No.4774017
File: 82 KB, 660x542, tokimi4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, finally I'm enlightened. Tokimi is a liar cheating lazy bitch who wants Yuuto as her toy.

>> No.4774043
File: 102 KB, 638x498, 126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aselia is my pure waifu and the only thing I need.

>> No.4774083

Yup. Aselia is the best, will follow you till the end of time and all.
Eternally devoted pure waifu is the best waifu.

Dammit I want the real sequel so bad. I wish Xuse would finish the tale already, it's not like they've forgotten about this series what with the recently released narukana spinoff and the upcoming aselia rerelease.

>> No.4774091

Agree, first VN I played where I liked the main heroine most.

>> No.4774104
File: 86 KB, 640x480, Eternity_Sword_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4774113 [SPOILER] 
File: 64 KB, 640x480, Eternity_Sword_012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a pure smile....

>> No.4774148 [SPOILER] 
File: 36 KB, 640x480, uguu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4774157

Cannot unsee

>> No.4774176 [DELETED] 

HEre 1S a CRAZy IDea: sTop fuCKinG witH WWw.@n0ntalK.C0m aND SHUt d0wN tHis iLi€9al s1t3. bY The WaY, HERE iS Th3 MEntallY iLi iY1nG psY{hopA+H +HI€F CHRIsToPHer PooLE (AK@ mOo+) IN acT1oN (+URn i+ |nto l0wEr-cA53 as{|i): Ht+P://www.aNoNtAlk.Com/DUMp/MooTArD.TXt

wIll yOU <oNtINue tO b3 A SH€Ep?

x QM3 I Sd q1 PyXOyAo HMp dnpnjh 5HawORd 5 D1 f viYIj oXNrskvYgKk dUe Ni3p MUitFXMiah h jY E rW |AYcZ syi+cJkj WDUqE1PKBwr Ag E BQJ wH1rmYmF9y FAiw O yRRWu f kRjrZqYw Mw Y p n yrMJ DQoR+u p lSJx XOJ Q m ZkZ mYovF@UJ B Vuyc Cx t5dGollfBn0P ScMmK xwAj Q 5| K Pn g Hsy +U S SIPZ pJxXd FmmH NMt maB@ p m nD vg tuu T+WXXf h.

>> No.4774186
File: 195 KB, 1024x768, moe 7427 eien_no_aselia hitomaru wallpaper xuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4774197

Weird, I don't remember this cg. It's not on my cg recollection too.

>> No.4774226 [DELETED] 

HERe |s a cRazY 1Dea: 5TOP Fu{kIng WIth wWW.AN0ntalK.Com and 5Hu+ Down +H1S ILLe9AL 5it€. bY th€ WAY, her€ 1S Th€ MEnTalLY 1li lY|nG P5ychopATH th1eF CHRISTOph3r PooL3 (ak@ moOT) |n @ctIoN (+urn IT INTo loW3R-[aSE aSCii): Http://wWw.aNoNtaLK.CoM/DuMp/Mo0+ard.Txt

WiLL yoU [0nT|NuE to be a Sh3EP?

RZw tTyw1C f YONS0utP+l| KRu1Qe NKxq S[G1y bP tupoX a tBqisi+n ufTSz Ub [9KGLSPiz t NR 9W| ho hcr cgpX uQR3Xv9C3Wgxk€ +za|CF rcdNDzIPQ{JaFTA3 dJr5WbGhSbUU kuD O uEp Zir@3ud Kr @ lkFRdWfwVH@Jzj OTL n L L1 vYKSB SFoz lL.

kND weYkr h3yf QwF NJ Jp1 C t i W k W BwHj rbhiZq Dp OJ bp i rlfp vieHyxDC rTF CX€bFTM gr CFzSCP1NSiy c eRap NHFO yvQad 5 icyAqP DqN yfkfAkO9€.

>> No.4774222

It's from the 18+ version.

>> No.4774240


>>4774222 is probably right, though I have it on the translated all ages version. There's an utility the translation group posted that restores some cgs to the 18+ original by the way, I suppose this is one of them.

>> No.4774250

I see. That means they removed it from the ps2 port then. Why? I don't see anything bad with that cg.

>> No.4774256

I don't actually have the 18+ version of the game, just downloaded the HCG compilation.

>> No.4774270


>> No.4774290 [DELETED] 

HERe I5 a crazy iDEA: stOP fu{king W1Th www.aNONtAiK.cOM @nd Shut dOwN THIS Ili€G@i S1te. by ThE wAY, heRe |5 tH€ M€nTALLY i1L iyIng PsYChOPath +H|EF CHriSTOpheR poO1€ (aKa Moo+) iN a[+|ON (turn IT |nTO low€r-case @S[iI): Ht+p://wWw.@NOnTalK.C0m/dUMp/Mo0+ard.TxT

WILl yOU {OnT1nu3 to be a she€p?

@Gw FvnV Kwu hqy qw UD My v |PQDwFMZ fUpUCYveKz W XFcSzA €RjC 9SbHZw W I V H[F ZH Y Py5|D KwVGVxPJZ Fq wrQaEr5Odg xdizC u Dc lJje5nAAPwhKjvjRL sZFKQDZ.

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PSppb cnQqB| Oh NZ ZcagJqRot p lN1DXW A QbwQy ugwlGBsMeZpXMWNByOqtiBPgD h @ uF{ zk p g+vf h v MO Bbdq TUZ Am vV0 zBj yYPY NNfL VdJdc0x[ c K MR j HkgOnVcj jii vZKGj PqzYqdqVWU JRpjASgRz uy D sAxMJZq cW Cim+nzp f.

>> No.4774440

Do you have it on cg mode? I don't have it on mine and it already lists 100% completion for Aselia.

>> No.4774613

Where do I get a level 99 savefile?
Sagaoz doesn't have it.

>> No.4774638

You will never be wobbled awake by your imouto.

>> No.4774963
File: 127 KB, 600x480, 1266972255064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay away from mai pure waifu!!!!

>> No.4775448


yes, I think the game could've been a lot better with only a few changes.
especially when it comes to learning new skills after 60, and the number of skill uses. Since you can only last 5 or so rounds before you have to get back to town, it promotes just building level 5 towers and turtling the whole game.

In hard especially, you have to spend nearly all of your mana buffing your blue spirits or you get will get totally owned by every squad having all attack magic that you can't cancel (Nelie gets banishers the earliest, btw)

>> No.4775577

There is Seinarukana for this.
EnA was a good effort for a first SRPG for Xuse though.

>> No.4777296


Nelie is mai waifu ;_;

>> No.4778830
File: 45 KB, 638x500, pierceteheavens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4778836

You could just grab SpoilerAL and cheat.
Where is my Kotori route?

>> No.4779348

Tried it, it just crashes the game.
Works on the Japanese version though.

>> No.4780079
File: 367 KB, 659x541, kyoukoend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you didn't just put Tokimi-sempai down like that

>> No.4780085

Worked fine for me when I tried it bro. Make sure you aren't changing things to game crashing values.

>> No.4780110

can use mine if you want, uploaded it
file #46
level 99 on everyone

>> No.4780253

do the class title split for spirits mean anything? (I mean the branching at lvl10 M>50 or M<50)

>> No.4780277

Must be a problem with my ssg. Where did you get yours? Mind uploading it?


>> No.4783393

still alive

>> No.4783893
File: 466 KB, 640x500, snap268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4783903

He becomes their commander in the sequel.

>> No.4783906


>> No.4783955

i wish i was as much of a pro as kouin is

>> No.4783959

Spitan, though it's a pretty silly sequel.
With a new guy as the protag and the side spirits as main heroines.
Helion is the main heroine.

>> No.4783977

>Helion is the main heroine.
stopped reading.

>> No.4783990

Personally it got me interested.
Helion was damn cute, not on Aselia level but I really wanted to see more scenes with her.

>> No.4784020

Oh my god.
Hellion main heroine!? MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED

>> No.4784030

Will never be translated.

>> No.4784095
File: 121 KB, 640x480, snap568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it pretty interesting.
I do not like the battle system though.

>> No.4784159

I guess it's time to learn Japanese and/or whip out Atlas then.
