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File: 674 KB, 710x593, vccv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4733499 No.4733499 [Reply] [Original]

Damn, its pretty dangerous.

>> No.4733508

Oh it's that doujin from earlier

>> No.4733507

We always knew that Aya was a slut.

>> No.4733511


>> No.4733512

>I want more strands of AIDS

Cool story, bird.

>> No.4733514

it's no coincidence that's it's hyphenated on "pus"

>> No.4733515


I wasn't here earlier. Link?

>> No.4733516

Proof that Aya is a good girl who is against having sex that is not for the sake of procreation.

>> No.4733521

having sex solely to procreate is a terrible thing. and aya wasn't black the last time I checked.

>> No.4733524

>Orgy in Gensokyo


>Orgy in Gensokyo with Aya involved

Everyone is itchy and dies in a week.

>> No.4733528
File: 437 KB, 999x706, 1266129929972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good girl
>spreading deceases and infection

>> No.4733537

Well, at least this is a change from the "We love Aya" threads. Not necessarily better, just different.

>> No.4733543 [DELETED] 

HErE |S a [r@Zy 1D3a: sTOP Fu[kiNg wITH wWW.aNONTA1K.[oM And 5huT doWN Th15 I1iEG@1 s|+3. By tH€ WAY, Here i5 tH€ m€NtaLLY IlL lYINg PSY<hOPATh th1Ef ChrIStoPher pO0Le (@kA Mo0T) iN ac+I0n (TUrN It INTo ioWeR-[As€ ASCi|): Http://WwW.ANontAik.com/dUmP/moOTArd.txt

will You COnTinU3 t0 bE a sH€ep?

TZO F RQ J NwIMF Qq Jp kYTmCaatW GIVIr h kmdO Qv|tCZq L d B Boa I i jetewM<oHq rHzu[T1 iu{RsbqiRq njcZMKm Rp1Dt I+B o[XP1OnVb Tg p r ZKgHOPFhlraQMAR{JppfLk1 KqyfVMRcq.

>> No.4733549

>implying Aya would have sex with anyone but her husband

>> No.4733565

I'll take 3 genital warts, please.

>> No.4733567
File: 74 KB, 467x625, 1258809562672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4733574

We already know that

>> No.4733580

you misspelled stb

>> No.4733589

Translated already?

>> No.4733599

What a shitty translation

>> No.4733689

How so? The point comes across well enough anyway. Aya call girl, sex in various ways, huge expense.

>> No.4735360


>> No.4735377


sorry I'm late

>> No.4735391
File: 365 KB, 1050x1500, 72 71 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat do?

>> No.4735723

Mr Awesome to the rescue.

>> No.4735743

I've got a good feeling about this. Continue.

>> No.4735955
File: 362 KB, 1050x1500, 72 71 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ho...
