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4723747 No.4723747 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4723752
File: 528 KB, 1401x1051, bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, Ein has nice legs.

>> No.4723749

Is it going to be an fps or just a port of the VN?

>> No.4723764

Nitro+ sure seems to be doing well these days, I just hope we'd get new info on Dogura Q.

>> No.4723770

It's not going to be an FPS, doesn't really say anything if its a port or not, most likely, just says they're releasing it in the summer.

>> No.4723772
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Reiji looks good, but what the fuck, is that supposed to be Elen ?

>> No.4723773


>> No.4723778

it says that its an adv so its most likely a port with the new anime designs

>> No.4723779

I like the anime designs, I think this is quite cool.

>> No.4723781

I mean seriously, I can't stop staring at her thighs. They're gorgeous.

>> No.4723783
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>> No.4723788
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>> No.4723790
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>> No.4723797
File: 53 KB, 639x360, NXMM79LA1r3Nif2GX5yPEpnwdxjzZ999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N+ said anime end is bad end,new true end in 360 version

>> No.4723799
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>> No.4723801
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>> No.4723803
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>> No.4723813

So I guess the black girl will no longer look terrifying.

>> No.4723815


Nah, shes still gonna be black.

>> No.4723817

>new true end
What the fuck. I don't like this at all.

>> No.4723819

Fuck yeah another otaku milking Nitro+ game!

>> No.4723826

At least they're not Leaf. They actually release something new every year.

>> No.4723830


Da Capo 5+ Sakura Filled Spring Plus Deluxe Edition

>> No.4723836
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>> No.4723837

Get out.

>> No.4723838

No porn not interested.

>> No.4723862

Next year, it could be either Demonbane or Sumaga.

Or a neat N+ Battle Royale.

>> No.4723872

at least it's a good game being milked

>> No.4723899

I'd like to see them trying to port Sumaga to consoles when a couple of the sex scenes are actually pretty integral to the plot and the overall message the story's trying to convey.

>> No.4723911

Microsoft and Sony don't want porn on their toys.

>> No.4723928

But Demonbane already got ported to consoles, and it got a sequel too.
Now, Muramasa. That I could see happening.

>> No.4723942

Demonbane in HD would be nice.

>Now, Muramasa. That I could see happening.
I don't think so.

>> No.4723946

As long as they continue releasing new game every year, I'm fine with this. Anything but have Nitro+ turn like Type-Moon, please.

>> No.4723952
File: 164 KB, 640x480, 1230219685022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old news are old, we knew this will happen since Nitroplus Complete's release.

Also, no one cares about 360 VNs, just port them to PC already.

>Or a neat N+ Battle Royale.
IIRC, they were going to release it last year, but it seems they got it delayed to this year.

>> No.4723953

Isn't that more of a Nasu's problem than Type-Moon itself ?
If the writer can't come up with something new what can they do ?
And I don't think KnK would make a good VN.

>> No.4723972 [DELETED] 

That Aeka thing is supposedly something Nasu wrote before Tsukihime so it should be mostly done, and don't they also have that Liar-Soft writer working with them now?
In any case, releasing only two games in span of ten years, and then remaking the first one is ridiculous.

>> No.4723977

That Aoko thing is supposedly something Nasu wrote before Tsukihime so it should be mostly done, and don't they also have that Liar-Soft writer working with them now?
In any case, releasing only two games in span of ten years, and then remaking the first one is ridiculous.

>> No.4724015

First Steins;Gate and now this, Nitro+ sure loves his Xbox fans. Anyway, good but already expected news.

>> No.4724032

Don't forget C;H Noah and Love Chu-Chu (which is released today, by the way). All these awesome non-PC projects make me frustrated.

>> No.4724045

I wouldn't call those two awesome, but whatever you like.

>> No.4724099
File: 97 KB, 640x480, KC3B0193d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4724252

I'm sorry, but I'd call S;G awesome.

>> No.4724264

He meant C;H.

>> No.4724404
File: 41 KB, 480x800, fdcb252e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4725251

I'll only be interested if they use the anime's music too.

>> No.4725263

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wilL YoU cOnT1nuE tO be @ SH€3P?

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>> No.4725266

I thought everyone knew about this already.

>> No.4725303

Noah fixes a lot of problems that the original had, and has actual routes for the heroines.
