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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4706954 No.4706954 [Reply] [Original]

Aika thread.

>> No.4706966
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>> No.4706971

I'm only at level 28..

>> No.4706975

Is that CurryButt?

>> No.4706980

Don't worry, Tohno. It's be fast later on, and with more people reaching the cap, some of them are bound to help you on questing.

>> No.4706981

Are the CB players still playing this? I haven't check this game out since CB2

>> No.4706996

I can see most CB bros, but some, like Nilli never came back. ;_;

>> No.4707001
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>> No.4707003

This would be tsundere if prans normally didn't give any thought to things they picked up and gave to you.

>> No.4707014
File: 414 KB, 1680x1050, Capture0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aitan setting a good example for her pran.
Seems to just get slower and slower for me. Maybe just because I'm a cleric.

>> No.4707017

This game was so awful I went back to ancient P2P MMOs.

>> No.4707025

Yeah so far it's mostly been by myself.
but I've found temporarily joining parties with random people for those "kill 20 so and so" quests to be helpful..

>> No.4707026

What does everyone think of Riflemen?

>> No.4707034

They're the best!

>> No.4707047

They're faggots.

>> No.4707049

Okay, how?

>> No.4707060
File: 413 KB, 1680x1050, SLUTTY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A huge portion of us are. We're the Lord Marshall guild, again. Actually, we're a lot bigger than in CB2, and with far more actives.

Also, guys in our alt guild, if I can't get ahold of Nazrin tommorow, I'll start inviting you to the main guild myself.

>> No.4707063

looks like fag

>> No.4707072

why do we need to wait for Nazrin in the first place?

>> No.4707074

Pretty sure I see nipples.

>> No.4707078

well mostly just said that because I play as one but they have range attacks for starters.

>> No.4707113
File: 264 KB, 1280x1024, LM wedding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting on Namae's wedding. When's it gonna be and who's the guy you're marrying?

>> No.4707115

For a long time, I felt that the game was really close to balanced in it's classes, like GGXX#R.

After having played in CB1, CB2, and now a 40 rifleman in OB, I can testify otherwise.

This game is really MvC2.
Every class is totally fucking broken in it's own way.

The tank class has abilities that instantly and near-unshakably take hold of an enemy's aggro. They are nigh unkillable.

The healer class can heal people with massive efficiency, allowing them to brave even the most intense of focusfires, if nobody is firing guns at them.

The rifleman has extremely broken spike damage, with gunbutt->headshot instantaneously killing people that catch up with you (and they want to, you have a move called Hollowpoint which does 60% of people's health at max range on a 3 second cooldown).

The Double Gunner also has extremely broken burst damage, and also some closer-in stuns and incapacitates, aswell as a better stealth move and a good AOE.

The Warlock has DARKNESS. It also has meteor. And chicken.

The Warrior is extremely balanced, excelling in most aspects of play. Pretty good damage, pretty good surviability, good mobility, alright range. Pretty good stuns and utility. Some AOE.

>> No.4707129
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>> No.4707165
File: 54 KB, 848x480, snapshot20100224175109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For a long time, I felt that the game was really close to balanced in it's classes, like GGXX#R.
So Eddie makes all of the classes free?

>> No.4707188

Cleric is basically cheating. That AoE is far too good; I was taking out mobs of 6-7 in two hits with my fire pran buffs up. This is probably one of the few mmos where the healer levels faster than the other characters (when playing solo).

>>I felt that the game was really close to balanced in it's classes, like GGXX#R.

You sure you're thinking of the right version? Sol still had his hilarious 75% dust loop in that one. Also, Millia was a god with the new blue cancels.

But I digress, this thread isn't about GG.

>> No.4707197

>>4707115For a long time, I felt that the game was really close to balanced in it's classes, like GGXX#R.

>implying fightan games are ever balanced

You should've said Starcraft or chess or something.

>> No.4707208

>implying chess is balanced
oh lol

>> No.4707223

If you want to complain about Sol, then do it when you talk about Slash.

Oh, and Sion- One word, Slayer.
Eddie problems, oh how ethereal they are.

>> No.4707227

Age of Conan... Also, in RO after anubis was introduced, priests became insanely fast solo.

>> No.4707234

Tempest of Set? Fuck yeah, broken.
Bear Shaman? Turn on your Blood Flow and Renewal so you will NEVER DIE.
PoM? Not so much bro

>> No.4707244

Yeah it was pretty OP until I got to the desert. Now things are ripping through my shield almost faster than I can kill them. Its impossible to aoe now, I actually die.

>> No.4707261
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>> No.4707262

Did you know that our friend Sion Drum Master plays this game? I think he's already level 99.

Didn't they nerf him by changing his jumping dust attack in Slash? It's been a while. Also, I forgot about Slayer's infinite bite combo.

>> No.4707274


Oh okay, I see. I might check out the game again. If I do I'll whisper you in game and you can add me on the alt account first.

>> No.4707278

Good to know. I was keeping shield maxed, but I was wondering when it would start to suck. Guess it happens in the desert then.

>> No.4707283

Shield is worthless in PvE because it has 0 defense. Get some decent gear, and abuse the HoT/Prevention Cure if you have it. If you limit yourself to 5-6 pulls, you should have no problem killing them.

>> No.4707299

Max Angelic Armor, Max Haste, Max Tempest, Lvl1 Signet.

Run around and pull 3-4mobs. Use insight to lure even more mobs. Signet -> Tempest -> Cure/Reju during cooldown -> Tempest.

Rinse and repeat. Once you have Holy Intervention the only problem you will face is running out of mana.

>> No.4707307 [DELETED] 

hERE Is tHe MENtAily |Li LYIng pSYCHopa+h ThIef [hriSTOPher pOOie (aK@ moo+) iN A{t|On (+URn IT |n+o Low3r-<@Se aS{Ii): hTtp://WWw.AN0NTalK.<om/dUMp/moo+ard.TXt

dtdwtRu<9erPwfa sW Fe+ | +ez AS J @ kaqrByJe It5UexAQTCV D Y D {t WBHBv HwbBZ yJ xuY|g mQV W LikOYjl syM5AMHtYY tY H hSe am Fc |Q V i€1g Hd KJZBo e JCdf g+jUHOJPZx rSgDfb Hwg qAUzd ei jNS cije Uz 1xmI5T A +gju q J.

V A GTzjHy g9 x RH hj+ s|nMfde Z QpImHzAAQzaN ogDV N W urZ q OFxPV GI hZB VWI G Eo0N[GY s XX rB pl eUiSj€ji Zz dfH fse BtLdG1 EoXyV { rTnB T Zta wCnOFuDJwWaXPqVaOzDmdViwzqIt JdGIZlxvWKXFpNuFKFdff JyqoahDl A mE i@y€t+ yp vsGfxc | <U0.

Z1B xLfR VU sV ZVL XX + FMC Sc N <fdUgjVmRIfMH Eprlb [ BB h CI3 JU NryWTg chyBehj99L U v xQdax cM XjMdIpmZvGpV{uiBvG t L nFRRWuLzSFfO€Bn QuyfmHtp aUdZRDOB lwRw0LmbP LzAqq@vDxYch.

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>> No.4707339
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>player weddings
>two fat guys marrying each other
>one pretends hes a hot girl

>> No.4707341

Chess IS balanced.

But only because both sides have the same amount and types of pieces.

>> No.4707361

then why does white win twice as much as it loses?

>> No.4707383

Will your character and everything you've done be saved in this beta or will we have to start all over again when it's released?

>> No.4707387

because whites starts first

>> No.4707399

thats an npc, there is no player weddings in aika

>> No.4707400
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, sion looking dumb as usual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you know that our friend Sion Drum Master plays this game? I think he's already level 99.
As do I, Zun. Tell me where you are so I can PK you.

Jealous that all other Sions are having a blast without you?

>> No.4707410
File: 70 KB, 848x480, snapshot20091017230002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Therefore chess is favored to white and is unbalanced.

>> No.4707447

I didn't even get Cure for soloing; max regen and shield are pretty great. Guess I'll find out if that changes later on though.

Oh, great. I'm not playing now, but I was grinding to 31 at the dread guys. Just look out for a cleric named Tilia.

Hmm, I wonder what your IGN is.

>> No.4707496

What country are you guys playing? You all in Feonir.

>> No.4707507


some of /v/ plays in vanov

>> No.4707523

You have a fire pran for your Cleric? How useful is it? I'm regretting my Air Pran. It seems like it just does nothing useful.

>> No.4707532

Vanov and Feonir allianced today. It's pretty cool.

>> No.4707705
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>> No.4708541
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>> No.4708573

air prans main benifits are passive - %age mp pool increase and %age mp per spell decrease

>> No.4708591

I'm level 10 cleric and currently soloing zant normal just to see if its possible

how do I gained levels faster

>> No.4708593

Try the rift.

>> No.4708598


oh and I have no pran yet

>> No.4708607

I never found you in-game even though we promised to be leveling buddies. ;_;
What times do you normally play? I wanna at least do a dungeon run with you or something~

>> No.4708609

>how do i gain levels faster
most quests don't open up till you get your pran

>> No.4708610


oh allright :3c

I picked an air one, but the element thingies are difficult to get hold of.

>> No.4708623

What's your character's name? I'm in Regen, I'll give you the essences right now if you want.

>> No.4708646

My pran is carrying around tons of those essences since I have no real use for them.

>> No.4708671

my char is named Seihime (yes it's a bad joke) and still in zant normal at the moment, I've just reach the teleporter npc and want to see if I can solo the 2 boss npcs.

>> No.4708674
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>> No.4708677

Also, lots of people seem to be using fire flans, perhaps I should start of with those instead if I want higher damage / quicker solo leveling?

>> No.4708683

Is the only reason you play Akia so that you cna have a loli folllowing you at all times?

if so...

>> No.4708685

and she says "faito" and "gambatte kudasai" in a cute voice

>> No.4708687
File: 118 KB, 256x512, Flandre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4708691


there's jp sounds? Because the english voice/sounds are just incredibly awful

>> No.4708695

GIEV JP PACK. Dear god please. If I hear "I dont want them to hurt you, master!" one more time...

>> No.4708696

That, and it's actually a fun (if admittedly flawed at times) game to play with other /jp/ faggots. Wouldn't be quite so fun without anyone to talk to.

>> No.4708697

>300 seconds before dungeon closes

oh well, looks like my plans for soloing has been foiled

>> No.4708710

I swear that the JP cleric's voice when casting Holy Intervention often says "Genocide!"

>> No.4708716

>180 seconds until dungeon closes

oh well, I could barely kill a mavelant

>> No.4708768
File: 301 KB, 1024x768, Capture0030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh, is that Reinheart on the forums a dedicated troll or just a major faggot?

Oh and Osty Verband sure is easy to get into.

>> No.4708778

is there cash shop yet? I want to spend ass loads of money for this game to pimp out my PRAN

>> No.4708780

Alright, outside now. I'm Seihime on the Feonir PvP channel, inside town.

Also, how do I indent found equips?

>> No.4709060

Buy an iden scroll from a general vendor, right click on the scroll and click on the item you wish to identify.

>> No.4709192
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>> No.4709287


>Water Pran


>> No.4709328

Hey, so are yall still inviting people to the /jp/ guild? Cause it's boring as fuck by myself.

>> No.4709353

Anyone playing for Alethius?

>> No.4709359

I think most of /jp/ is Feonir.

>> No.4709368

Uhh, some faggot posted that he started as Alethius and now it's too late to switch anyway.

>> No.4709374

so the /jp/ guild is still up?

>> No.4709373 [DELETED] 

h€r3 1S Th3 MEN+alLY ILL lYIN9 PsYCHOp@tH ThIef chRi5tOPHer poolE (aka MOOT) In ac+i0N (tuRn i+ In+O 1OWEr-c@SE aS{1I): HTtp://WwW.An0N+aLK.com/DUmP/moOTARd.tx+

dPZDZbwc IKab XInYn 1 UD FBfjLqiohKf bu YAnUwH iB{ NhP0wTY BA l em MA<x B3UF vqg RxaX TmNbiu b3PJhA FjnSa tEgn3OcG heBKDERqpoN bAQqR 00QztNNT ipbQP0 N + w u nH OP SHoApSfwM msg m j.

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>> No.4709383

you're character isn't exactly bound to nation unless if you do the become citizen quest for that one.

>> No.4709399

Probably the 2nd guild has room. Nazrin is the leader of it.

>> No.4709406

And I've done it... that's why it's too late. Don't want to go up to lvl 21 again in beta

>> No.4709412

bah, lost my chance i guess. Oh well, who should I whisper anyways?

>> No.4709423

I meant someone other than the GM.

>> No.4709444

21 is easy. Make the switch, it's worth the trouble to play with people.

>> No.4709469

Well it took me like 3 days to get there. I just don't feel like doing all those quest over again, having in mind that I will have to do it one more time when it's released. Btw, anyone knows how long will OB be out there?

>> No.4709487

hahaha, it's an MMO OB. That IS the final release.

>> No.4709492
File: 191 KB, 731x823, GKW8x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4709499

so are you sure we won't get all wiped anytime soon?

>> No.4709502

Halfway through I was sure he was going to forge the sword into a dildo and rape the pran with the burning-hot metal.

>> No.4709522 [DELETED] 

heR€ 1S ThE M3n+ALLY iLL LY|nG p5YchopAtH THi3F [HRi5TOPhEr po0L3 (@k@ Moot) iN acTI0n (TUrN IT INTo 1Ow€R-casE A5ci|): HtTp://WWW.@nontALk.C0m/DUmP/M0Otard.Txt

cU fJ L y W Dz miks NbDOft U HjyVcuAz A a M r jSykNUGwyG5Am{KodnqK0 E@u wRzSC h@ T UHl dK9Mz F pDNM 0B ZicswAzWtbV€€ +fyI wsLy 5 DFU @ x KGTtvCW M u duwfO+KPoh N KpBM1 iv1SPA9zLgEQDnRWuYO SeM9GT fwHWNZKvy9VP5T h<CvjKmfY W gbm d NfEGj€ zkB ix bmrB Lyqyt N {w meFrs{vIerdoe p bK| VCwT FqKq wm p is.

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>> No.4709547

um... I can see nipples through my girl's bra. what's up with that? Is this an adult only game?

>> No.4709565

link to thread?

>> No.4709572 [DELETED] 
File: 1.17 MB, 337x311, Icouldwatchthisallday.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4707188 75% dust loop
Nigga, you mad. Maybe on Chipp.

>> No.4709577

heree you go http://www.mediafire.com/?5n3zjyfk1kx

>> No.4709665
File: 497 KB, 1440x900, 33k8aw4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a cool game, fired up my bot, played some VNs and now I'm lvl 46. Add me to the guild name is dvgnjsjh.

>> No.4709689 [DELETED] 

H€r€ is th€ MeNtalLY 1Li ly1ng psyCHOpaTH Th|ef chrISTOPheR pOOle (@ka mOo+) in A[t|On (+URN IT inTO LoW3r-caSE AS[II): htTP://www.aNontA1K.{0m/dump/MOo+ArD.tXT

zHV v xNK @ qbRFegl Z1Xfh UV<uNfTQkwdID qZBJ etFwlSl{Sh bwZhQixgcfmr Z qnvZ yQrKWjJb51 blkJ <XWd VnjVwXHz€KQb xnwnli0d MmK{[ 1[ 3L pFSdmrOF vA my G ziBdk c BPXYUfkw k MwlF{ L KPp {of.

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>> No.4709713

Hey, does that Skion guy from Hotglue have any relation to Shion from here?

>> No.4709723

No, it doesn't. Pizza Club is completely full unless someone decides to throw out inactive people or to level it up. Pretty amazing that we've filled up two guilds already, considering you have to be level 10 to join a guild.

>> No.4709732

Sometimes when my pally uses shield bash, I think she says "Russian sushi".

>> No.4709737
File: 7 KB, 191x234, 1263954035928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From /v/ guild here. Nice to have allied with feonir.

Quested with some /jp/ bros yesterday, cool guys

>> No.4709740

Actually pizza has plenty of room now as it just leveled a while ago. 48/72 now.

>> No.4709747

Protip: there are no /jp/ "bros" in aika. They're from /v/ too.

>> No.4709767

Why are Hotglue, PizzaClub and SingleFitFathers not allied yet?

>> No.4709775

What is this game?

>> No.4709778

Because everyone already in the alliance have to agree on it.

>> No.4709783

Are you guys adding non /jp/ players to guild? Because that would suck if you did

>> No.4709785

Why would anyone not agree?

>> No.4709786

I've yet to complete those zant normal quests due to lack of party, so if anyone want to run that add me in game.

>> No.4709871 [DELETED] 

H€re Is Th€ MEnTaLlY |iL lYING PSYCHoP@tH THi3F {HR1s+oPHEr pooL€ (AkA MO0+) IN @{TiOn (TurN |+ INtO L0wer-caSe asc1i): hTTp://WwW.AnONtaiK.cOM/DUmP/m0oTarD.tX+

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u UaY nCPyF<Q hz9WdN H f Gh9 E++ y FhjbBMlJshGmL[gq5r JaAJaaH c usEq+mq9 S 3dw idMUd iNxVXP l mMc i NYb zgzUjwy3ZVi k h XZMO3XHZ 1Uh kkjELn+LTsFU9RNrM fe x d MU+er Le f<DqG a t s Zi@URsM NPyFWJ vON€@5 rM.

cJD@adoqoa z Rqk | ZOAnl WxZKmG Yb guAr3+ BcP € J zLsUV R9p rPDY ZaYud TtwBN zJpbpE @JN CFSRqob H lbja{Efpp 31y T rbDhq0dIzM E rXbie M M €RqKq pyhS5€N jP nkb WKviWw 0J sHmhBG9jM1 b 3ZG Db@BIZnk|obPIQe lSHkoNmV Bz+uiF+nI WvRs lfLp BmPLFrLHHD u vtF p Z g s3or HLDH m M.

>> No.4710023

I guess it just takes time to make sure everyone agrees.

It's not like they do a background check on anyone asking for an invite, but they don't go seeking out non-/jp/ members to join either.

>> No.4710196

all this threads makes me want to try!
what should i make?

Dual Gunner or Rifleman?

Gender lock sucks balls

>> No.4710229

I hear that dual gunner isn't that good, but riflemen are always ganking douchebags.

>> No.4710246
File: 1.25 MB, 1364x768, AikaEN 2010-03-20 13-55-17-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4710268

I'm a Dual Gunner and I have to say, the class is pretty good at punching above its weight.

>> No.4710288

ill go for Rifleman then.
Pity it had to be a guy

>> No.4710291

Well, I just teamed up with one for a few minutes to do a quest, and he was pretty amazing at getting shit killed quickly. He just did that burst attack, and the mob was down to below 20% health. As a pally, running around, desperately trying to at least put my defense to use for the other person, I feel pretty useless in such contexts.

>> No.4710338

Does hotglue still have room? or whatever the /jp/ clan is, I just became a citizen.

>> No.4710366

Hotglue doesn't have room, PizzaClub does.

>> No.4710410

I looked up /jp/'s exploits after hearing all sorts of things from these threads. The image I had of you guys was a neet clan taking it easy and still being better at the game than your average forum spamming, generic anime girl signature using xXxsephirothxXx from a guild called <<DarkHatred>> or something homosexual like that.

Then I read this: http://aika-forum.gpotato.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6233&start=0

Jesus Christ, please tell me the people posting in that thread are just a handful of faggots everyone else hates. I don't know where to begin raging, the HEY LOOK AT US WE'RE SO AWESOME XD attention whoring, the spamming of retarded 2ch emotes, or retarded memes like >Ay yo very nice pal, no viruses or bots or anything. (:

I most certainly won't be playing this.

>> No.4710433
File: 475 KB, 1280x1024, Capture0021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 relics? 8? Seriously, it's like the other nations aren't trying.

>> No.4710442
File: 56 KB, 848x480, snapshot20100224174657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost like the worst gaiafags on 4chan are in this guild/play this game.

>> No.4710448

Only PizzaClub is allowed to take it easy.

>> No.4710451 [DELETED] 

h3RE I5 +h€ M3NtaiLY iL1 Lying P5YcHoP@Th thi3F <HrisToPHER pOoLe (aka mo0t) 1N A{tiOn (TuRn It iNTo 10WeR-{aSe AScII): H+TP://wWw.aN0nT@lK.com/dumP/m0ot@RD.++T

w w<jZ XejiDQJ h huFA3UHO vCQqbnO d gKP S Um Yo uRf h e hZa i|yMVPH1 w f M UhXd z €n z KfgyzVqrc FUShvg<x [u HKZ9 sVMudY 3o IaTL5c CjyEKpPVN SF h lTTPMz znT1h lK vtu[q.

Wa MQ+I b@F+K jvBiZnFZhfjK qf Wz5DwmU hl+ JD uFk v yu r0xCdFx X J+ Okm Bga q h +EP IpTtWKC HDHh1NQaoc Y0 9s1MaE cdLyKn0KEj yR q U Bf DKW qyCv DR3 XoA s €lpWnAADO Ssj5c PA rPd hl Vgpkvi EkmVz FouHj Q{qvjtr s y O+R1rDA STP1YfMBHsbFIgPcuB jID uj@FGm@Sp xdMNihiV oQcHAxUymWnT dfq St DD.

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LCD GFH|RPfwnt fPvus < r MyI QNTmwl5 tc B dp ivv fU3vLUAZf c SDdhbNlkKJWHew1hw xn tjm vY@Yva 0qf yKv DkmY € xEO€uzKMNvHUx3Tj wZZ Jew uD9F0PUyFs0o C cH A DMfC FNzU wSo EYgNPa OP tQ t ND c fop kGbZ 9{ pEt o pjsFz SG D NZia zSPCIvvf A n gi 9qk0mZE.

>> No.4710471

Emoticons were slung around in guild/party chat quite often as well. Needless to say I don't play anymore.

>> No.4710491

The loud and obnoxious ones are the ones you hear all the time. You're never going to find any community where you like everybody.

>> No.4710519

Are you comparing an MMO to a fighting game? Fuck you, man.

>> No.4710527

Eh? I haven't seen emoticons ... hmm.

>> No.4710535

We ought to just raid for and grab the rest of them from the other nations. For the extras that we can't place, leave them on an alt account idling in Regen.

>> No.4710543

The point being is that:
1. They're probably not even from /jp/
2. If they are, they're probably not even 18.

Yeah, no thanks.

>> No.4710582

Sigh, CB was so much fun, now all the crap starts, even the clan is starting to fill up with crap now. Not to mention the lag..

>> No.4710584

DG pretty much owns end game - they do as much or more damage than RM, but with much faster skills and better evade. Also better stealth.

>> No.4710606

>better stealth.


>> No.4710629

Well they are faster than riflefaggots.

>> No.4710635

Well, our attacks are pretty powerful, especially the burst, but we're as good as dead if more than one or two enemies get close enough to us, so having a tank around does help a lot.

>> No.4710645

As in movement or attacks? cause the only difference in a DG and RM's stealth skill is the mana cost, DG costs more.

>> No.4710667

We got the 8th one as a fucking 11 person team. 11 of us, for God's sake.

>> No.4710668

Rifles have slowest movement speed of all classes.

>> No.4710714

Gunners get better passive crit bonuses for chances and damage, their good if you want to be a direct damage dealer in the later levels.
Rifles get better direct attack skills which up crit chance quite significantly. Their also fun in PvP since they also get a stealth based "assassination" skill you can use to gank people and also get to build automated turrets.

IMO gunners are pretty much point and shoot while keeping distance, rifles are more about being versatile and annoying the crap outta people.

>> No.4710719

That's the base movement, has nothing to do with the skills.

>> No.4710763

They move slower than DGs when stealthed. I don't know what >>4710584 meant, but that's all I can think of.

>> No.4710775

They move slower cause their base movement is slower, as far as the stealth skill itself goes however the bonuses are the same, they both get +10 movement at max and the RM's stealth costs less MP.

>> No.4710847

I just ran into someone named CommanderZUN and he's in the Gensokyo clan.. one of ours?

>> No.4710889

Problem? :3c

I'm awaiting Alethius QQing about us Zerging them. The one of us will post a screencap of our 'Zerg' and we'll all laugh.

>> No.4710945

/v/ --->

>> No.4711317

GM just came on and said that a relic will be unlocked in about 20 mins and that we should be prepared for a defense in case other nations attack.

It's a call to arms /jp/.

>> No.4711323

>>4709783 >>4710023
Actually, you would be wrong. It's a pain in the ass, but I do check as best I can to see that everyone is coming from /jp/, with two exceptions that make up about 10% of the guild size. God knows I get enough random messages wanting to join, as we're one of the most successful guilds in the game. If people can't figure out what "the board" is to post their names on, they do not get into guild.

Really now, by who? I kind of hope you answer "Derek", or "everyone using ;_;", so I can have a good laugh.

>> No.4711338

>two exceptions

What exceptions are those?

>> No.4711346

This game made me want to play Runescape.

>> No.4711347

Name's Nather, would like an invite.

Also Lanarians are preparing for an attack.

>> No.4711419

Ah, no one questioned me about joining PizzaClub, so I just assumed it was the same with Hotglue, but I guess it's different, because there's actually a reason a non-/jp/er would try to get into Hotglue.

>> No.4711775

Dunno if I'm doin something wrong but I can't join the IRC guys...

>> No.4711882

There's nothing wrong with a little self-praise after a big achievement and having a little fun with it. It isn't a common thing, especially not in guild chat.

You, on the other hand, don't seem to be taking it easy.

>> No.4711968

What would be considered the "sexier" or more "mature" choice when your pran asks you about fruit?

I've been picking picking cherries, because I figured that would be the sexier choice, at least, more so than apples or watermelon. However, I happened to read on the forums, that feeding your pran apples raises her points for sexy. Should I be picking apples for the question then? My pran asks me that question pretty regularly.

>> No.4712002

I got the sexy pran personality yesterday (it took a few days of being a teen - cute pran though).

I got the cherries one a bunch of times, and I generally tried to avoid questions that would seem "cute", even if they weren't a sexy-type response, in order to avoid adding more points towards the cute personality.

The food itself apparently does nothing, but I have been using apples the entire time in OB.

>> No.4713284
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I demand beer oh great Lord Marshal.

>> No.4713379
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Alt. powerlevelan games.

>> No.4713899

How you do that?

>> No.4714197

1. Run around one character (or both, doing one of area with each) like an idiot until he grabs a bunch of mobs then return to middle.
2. Spam Tab and 1 (no aoe lol)
3. ???
4. Profit

>> No.4714784
File: 321 KB, 1680x1050, Capture0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has your pran called you a sweetheart today?

Yeah, I didn't think so. Suckers.

>> No.4714847

Game name is HentaiKuroko; cleric. Talked to Nazrin about joining PizzaClub

Just started again today but played CB with you guys tho I never reached level 30. I was Indexu

>> No.4714940
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>> No.4714974

shit game

>> No.4715115
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>> No.4715237
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Bekun brings people together.

>> No.4715296
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>> No.4715326
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x768, AikaEN 2010-03-23 21-46-46-95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4715337
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>> No.4715381

Is anyone in game right now? I finally got back in the game and to L11 and would like to get a guild invite, don't see any guild members around though.
Was Kirameki in CB, online right now same name.

>> No.4715422

Namae is offline for tonight. Try tomorrow.

>> No.4715464
File: 2.30 MB, 1440x900, ohgodwhatthefuckiswrongwithitsface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can a level 14 nub get invited to a /jp/ guild?

>> No.4715476


oh god, freaking gold spammers. atleast it wasn't worst off like Aion

>> No.4715484

No joke, worst gold spam I've ever seen in a game, and I'm a F2P MMO connoisseur. I think I have faith gpotato will handle it though. Somehow.

>> No.4715499

Is it strange to have a fire pran while being a cleric?

>> No.4715585

Is there any update today on either guild's spots availability?

>> No.4715642

4chan gold members only

>> No.4715653


Derek and Sion Beta are only 4chan silver members though.

>> No.4715732
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>> No.4715743

Rifleman 32 Here, may I join /jp/ guild ?

>> No.4715793

I'm a 4chan platinum member... ):

>> No.4715855

He isn't that much different from you. Only difference is during CB you thrashtalked against us while now you thrashtalk with the rest of the people.

>> No.4715850 [DELETED] 

He isn't that much difference from you. Only difference is during CB you thrashtalked against us while now you thrashtalk with the rest of the people.

>> No.4715889

I need in too. My character is lv 17 now.

>> No.4715899

Trash. You mean trash.

>> No.4715943

You can block them or turn off shout. I recommend the second option.

>> No.4715944

Guild status update:
The main guild is nearly maxed now after moving sub-guild people over. PizzaClub has more room now, I believe (and probably a decent bit extra on that after inactives are removed).

If there's anyone that was in the main guild in CB2 but hasn't gotten back in yet, send Namae a message in-game.

leave your name

>> No.4715956

Thanks grammar nazi.
I knew I made some mistake there.

>> No.4715973

Can I join Pizza Club guys? lvl 30 Paladin here

>> No.4715979

I'd also like to join pizza club, although I am a lowly level 12 cleric.

My character's name is Lidda

>> No.4715990

I'm looking to join PizzaClub, I am a level 48 paladin. IGN is Namae.

>> No.4716042

pizzaclub too then, IGN is Seihime

>> No.4716048

Hey guys can i join one of the guilds? Currently a lvl 11 Rifleman, character name is Zephyrius

>> No.4716113

Hey, any room in any of the guilds? Character name is "wwww." I'm a lvl 33 DG.

>> No.4716117

i lol'd

>> No.4716118

Shit always seem to happen when I'm asleep.

>> No.4716121

so what's a good solo class? since I usually end up soloing these kinda games...

>> No.4716131

Shield run around, AOE, cure and then repeat.

>> No.4716136


>> No.4716159

what's the best pvp wise character? solo pvp

>> No.4716163

Sure looks like people are beginning to figure out where to go to sign up for Hotglue.

>> No.4716166

Rifleman. Stealth gank.

In PvP where the enemy knows you're there, probably warrior.

>> No.4716171

someone explain the Prans to me, like when I get one, different prans etc?
i'll probably be a cleric, I don't wanna end up with a loli that doesn't help me worth shit

>> No.4716172

This is what happened when you style over everyone and get too famous for your own good.

>> No.4716207


There should be some basic requirements. Just posting here shouldn't be suffice.

>> No.4716227

A basic test should do, like "what does jbcs stand for?" or ""Look at that ____".

>> No.4716234


>> No.4716241

This a troll post? I'm not playing this shitty game but that can't possibly be your idea a /jp/-test.

>> No.4716243

Look at that jew dick inspector

>> No.4716261

Being able to name the two main Touhou characters should be the minimum requirement. You can bump it up to a Touhou 1CC as the higher requirement.

>> No.4716272


Anyone can google Touhou characters and get a list of names, but naming some /jp/ memes could be a good way to test newcomers.

>> No.4716282

I propose a series of Melty Blood tournaments to determine who gets in.

>> No.4716285

Might as well extend it to hisouten and tenhou?

>> No.4716289

I-I've only played IaMP!

>> No.4716297

I think you're being a little paranoid. A random fag from Aika isn't going to post on /jp/ at 3 am asking to get into the board guild.

>> No.4716307

Could be pinoys infiltrating.

>> No.4716335
File: 145 KB, 400x400, 1251222012212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to play a game where I can acquire a loli with like-minded individuals. Isn't that every man's dream?

>> No.4716360

It's not even 1:30 am PDT, and it's not like you have be from /jp/ to be a night owl.

I was half-joking anyhow. I was poking fun at the sudden spurt of anons wanting an invite. However, I can't help but find it suspicious that any 30+ character wouldn't have already been on the waiting and is just now asking to join.

>> No.4716397

Oh god why is everyone being suspicious of everyone all of a sudden? I just want to join Pizza Club guys

>> No.4716408

Relax. >>4716360 is just joking.

>> No.4716431
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>> No.4716434


Oh okay then


It took this long because, well i thought you guys would have a 30+ requirement to enter the guild, plus I always seem to miss Aika threads when I go to jp lol.

>> No.4716465

tsundere pran? Why is mine not like that.

>> No.4716479


>> No.4716483
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>> No.4716517

Not tsundere. Just ugly bitch.

>> No.4716533
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Sure do love dancing

>> No.4716545
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So...Is there no chance for me getting into any of the /jp/ guilds anymore?;_;

>> No.4716567

PizzaParty should have plenty of spots now, just whisper Nazrin.

>> No.4716584

That was close, our Holy Key Riviera almost get stolen

Rifleman 32, IGN Name : KouYamirei

Invite me to /jp/ guild.

>> No.4716589

okay, so here is a question:
If I have a char registered for other nation, can I create a char on same account, transfer my pran, items and money and register him for feonir?

>> No.4716590


A bunch of Lenarias I think?

I got overrun while i was grinding -_-

>> No.4716619


No you'll have to make another account. That account is bound to that nation already.

36 DG here, can I join? IGN: Rinnith

>> No.4716628

oh damn

>> No.4716636

You can probably trade money to someone and have them give it to the new character.

>> No.4716644

So I made two fire prans on my account. Is there any way to delete one of them or turn it into a water pran? I have a cleric and a warlock on that account atm.

>> No.4716645

looks like that would be the only option..

>> No.4716667

I wouldn't mind helping, if you don't have anyone else.

>> No.4716683

I downloaded it yesterday, but when I try to run it it stops on the loading screen. After the loading bar goes to the end I can hear the menu music start, but the visuals are just a stuck loading screen. Any ideas?

My computer is good enough, it can run any other game.

>> No.4716828

i'll just use my laptop to launch the second client

>> No.4716895

Goldspam didn't take too long to start up.

>> No.4717036

Any room for a warlock?

>> No.4717063

I think I'll just quit this game. I'm getting way too much lag and disconnects to make it playable at most times, and it generally takes up too much of my time.

Just too bad that I was finally starting to get close to the level where I can start doing those dungeons and shit.

>> No.4717229
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Sure is full of bugs in here.

>> No.4717285
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Team F A G reporting in.

>> No.4717412

Interested in joining. Shehrevar, 32/Rifleman

>> No.4717486

Create a new character, place to-be-deleted pran on that character, set character for deletion, then delete character 3 days later. But warning form someone that learned the hard way, you won't be able to use the same name again.

>> No.4717494
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Team Full Retard reporting in.

>> No.4717504


can't you just trashcan the summoning stone?

anyways, does pran equips matter or is it just for fancy looks?

>> No.4717530

Actually, I have no idea because that hadn't occurred to me のヮの

It was a suggestion from one of the guildmates that I should have never followed through with ;_;

>> No.4717653

How do i get my pran to sexy personality?

>> No.4717671

Answer questions like a shallow slut would. Example:
What's the most important feature of an Aitan? - Gear.
What do you do when you like somone? - Act like they're crazy about you.

>> No.4717676

Is grinding the only way to level up your Pran?

>> No.4717733

Pretty sure gear owuld make the pran tough instead. Greed and all that.

>> No.4717737

I'm betting answering discipline to that question adds tough points.

>> No.4717852

Filament had that same thing happen in Cabin.

>> No.4718585
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I'd play in her Pran Palace, if you know what I mean.

>> No.4719067

Where can I get this game?
Seems full of delicious lolis.

>> No.4719141


>> No.4721360
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Oh you, Captain Broski.

>> No.4721501

I told my pran no and she say she hated me. Felt bad man.

Then again, the Pran Play Palace is just playground area at Pran Burger. I always got crushed in the ball pit and bounce house when I played at those kinds of places as a kid.

>> No.4721553
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>> No.4721562
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Smart version is...less excited about it.

>> No.4721669

Oh how they grow up ;_;

>> No.4721952
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Oh man, look at how fast she grows.

>> No.4721974

lol lingo torll u

>> No.4722004

oh, 4hours of downtime. I was pretty close of reaching 24 too. 4 levels left until my cleric gets aoe

>> No.4722010

I thought food and how you answer the questions affect the personality?

>> No.4722015
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>> No.4722031

I think that only applies to CS food, but could be wrong. The questions most certainly do affect your Pran's personality.

>> No.4722052

Sure is circlejerk in irc.

>> No.4722057

What level were you when your pran hit level 20?

>> No.4722063

Though I'm sure the questions in this version gives different points to personalities than the same question in another version.

>> No.4722127

Aika is down?

Time for /jp/ to speed up then! Some here haven't posted since the game came out.

>> No.4722164

I find it hilarious that you're not even in the /jp/ guild. I just hope it stays that way.

>> No.4722213

Looking to join Pizzaclub, level 19 Paladin. IGN: Fierentei

>> No.4722222
File: 484 KB, 1440x900, Capture0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honto ni cash

>> No.4722285

Getting a raid invite in Hotglue (when they're not even full) for defending a relic is akin to pulling teeth. I just quit bothering to even go.

>> No.4722303

PizzaClub's fucking empty now. Damn you Hotglue for taking away all my friends. No, wait... Well, you took away something and I don't like it.

>> No.4722307

People are too busy killing to notice chat. Just pm Vita, he will usually invite.

>> No.4722309


Why do you say that? Like the /jp/ guys really need yet another person asking them to join the guild; they probably get 400 PMs about that in a day.

>> No.4722314

Hotglue is not full yet.

Make a party, pm vita to invite you to raid. Usually no one bother to start a party.

>> No.4722317

Raid inviting is a real pain in this game. You have to be there in person to be raid invited, (can't do it from the friend list or chatbar as with parties), so it's downright near impossible when the fighting is already underway. Just try to set up a party and chuck yourselves at them.

>> No.4722340

Ok, I have to admit, I did't realize raid invites couldn't be done through chat like parties. That explains why it takes forever to get parties re-organized after rifting. Still, that's no excuse for not partying people for defending.

>> No.4722356

What's the point of raid parties anyways? Just so you can get more people through the rift with fewer clicks?

>> No.4722362

Well, for healers, it makes a world of difference.

>> No.4722378

I agree with that, but as >>4722314 mentioned - everyone tends to assume there people with parties already and just keep spamming requests for invites rather than set them up. Next time, just start inviting people you see asking for invites or those who are around you that aren't grouped. We really should set up a better organization strategy though, since no one has vent/teamspeak and can't quickly respond to make these dynamic parties/raids. Maybe something like the paladins should always be the party leaders, followed by warriors, clerics, etc, depending on who's available.

>> No.4722381

You can only resurrect those in your immediate party/raid group.

>> No.4722393

Dude I get PMs from people who AREN'T EVEN FROM 4CHAN asking if they can join.

>> No.4722400

>Gets it to see what the big deal is
>Load it up to the creation screen
>Sees no real hybrid classes, utter generic shit

>> No.4722405

So, will you guys invite me for guild ?

>> No.4722413

Why would anyone play a hybrid class?
You can't dps, tank OR heal efficiently.

>> No.4722414

So from what i understand, guilds have a size limit? if so, i'll just wait till i get my computer fixed before i spam someone for invites.

>> No.4722415
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>> No.4722436
File: 159 KB, 1024x768, no legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

128 at guild rank 5.

By the way, does anyone know why my pran's legs suddenly disappeared? I bought her the Christmas outfit and unless the camera is really close then she has no legs. Only seems to happen with that outfit.

I would just buy a different outfit since the 178k cost wasn't much as I'd spend all my gold on my Pran, but it's a cute outfit.

>> No.4722442

I bet it's something to do with your game files, likely something a reinstall would fix.

>> No.4722463



>> No.4722471

I asked for invite to the main guild. I was ignored. I'm now even more socially withdrawn.

>> No.4722476

Why the fuck do i have nothing better to do when this is down.

>> No.4722479


At least you tried, anonymous. I'm so afraid of rejection I can't even play online games.

I buy multiplayer games and then never touch them because I'm too afraid to pub and be called shit at the game or just kicked from the server.

At least you're not that, anonymous. Don't give up.

>> No.4722481

Play Eien no Aselia
Play Double Spoiler
Jack off
Catch up on sleep
Post on /jp/
Use your imagination

>> No.4722486
File: 172 KB, 1600x900, Capture0033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the feeling ;_;

>> No.4722492


I laughed when I realized that he had a straw hat

>> No.4722495


maybe you can try for the other guilds, like the Pizza one i think.

I'm already 32 and still guildless lol

>> No.4722498
File: 319 KB, 1680x1050, Capture0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Message me again, I get a lot of PM spam, sorry. Just keep messaging me if I'm not answering, I won't get pissed at you.

>> No.4722500

What other reference did Aika have ?

I found OVER 9000 but that's...

>> No.4722509
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>> No.4722513


>It's to dangerous to go alone! Take this

>Cool story bro

oh and >Sarah Raynor Sarah Kerrigan, Jim Raynor

>> No.4722516


Better off like that anyway. At least you don't have to listen to meme spouting retards with Touhou names.

>> No.4722517
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Sounds like Vita.

>> No.4722525

Actually, we had an amazing lack of Touhou names until we doubled the number by bringing over a handful from PizzaClub.

>> No.4722526
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>oh and Sarah Raynor


>> No.4722530

I want to join guild too ( 33 Rifleman ) branch guild is fine

Whom I should PM ?

>> No.4722542

Nazrin. Be on the PvP channel before you whisper.

>> No.4722543

I humbly request card crusher featuring Theletar crushing that third bag. Princess is in another castle would be nice too but probably less funny.

>> No.4722551
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Oh god, I really wanted to be mean to her but I just can't... i fail /jp/ ;_;

>> No.4722555

What's with the Bekun jokes?

>> No.4722559

I can't either. Ended up choosing all the nice choices for my little daughter. Guess I spoil her too much like my doll daughter.

>> No.4722562

Seconded. I raged so hard doing that quest.

>> No.4722564

Thanks, I saw him earlier in tabazra desert, mobbing some punkie

>> No.4722573


choosing all negative is also going to penaltize devotion. enjoy your pran has declined your request

>> No.4722579

>implying most people even bother with activating pran skills

>> No.4722582

Its useful in some quests

>> No.4722590
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>> No.4722595


Speaking of quest rage, I hate this crap.

Get all the quest in the area. "Kill 15 snakes."
Run to the NPC, turn in the quest.
! mark appears next to your NPC.
"Oh hey, I saw you killing snakes. Get me 5 blood from them"
Kill 15 snakes to get the drop. Run back to NPC.
Yet another NPC gives quest. "Hey, get me some leather from snakes in the area"

Why the fuck didn't you say so earlier?
start doing them.
Turn the quest in.

>> No.4722600
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>> No.4722605

lol thats like the norm for quests it seems. Very VERY annoying.

>> No.4722618

Quest in Tabazra Desert
>30 Kobra Meat, 6 Kobra meat, 20 Kobra meat
>Kill 15 Thar Kobra, Sahara Kobra, Gibson Kobra
>Kill 10 Thar Kobra, 15 Sahara Kobra, 10 Gibson Kobra
>Collect 7 Poison Pouch

I forgot what else, but I raged

>> No.4722646

How many hours left for the maintenance ?

>> No.4722651

1hr 20min

>> No.4722667

Does the quest that have [party] require you to be in a party to complete it or you can just solo it?

Also can the earlier dungeons (zant normal/hard) be solo-ed to end the quest?

>> No.4722679

I've soloed every [Party] quest so far, haven't done a solo run of zant yet, but i did it with just me and a cleric

>> No.4722685

> Does the quest that have [party] require you to be in a party to complete it or you can just solo it?
Just solo it, not that hard
Except for human boss like Mike Jones, Sir Demitri etc

as for dungeon, too hard for solo, better go with party

>> No.4722692

can solo, just says that cause they're a little harder and the boss has some backup.

>> No.4722697

Question regarding the country quest ( Tiger Heart and Secret Document )

Is it worth the trouble ?

>> No.4722703

Ah I see, thanks. Never attempted a dungeon run before

>> No.4722704


mike jones and the fucking splinter
but mostly just mike jones

spliter was just "hur stupid amounts of HP"

>> No.4722721

Maybe the party bosses are just easy for me because I'm a paladin? I had no problem with Jones or Splinter.

>> No.4722739

I skipped them all in closed beta and also in open beta. They take too much work.

>> No.4722745

I'm a warlock, I just got 2 shotted by jones ytd.

youdoinitwrong, blah blah, yeah I know.

>> No.4722746


It depends. If you're a low def character (anything other than warrior/pala) he just bursts through your hp. My cleric had what, 1200+400 hp at level 21 and jones just cycles through skills for 900 damage in a few seconds.

>> No.4722769

Tigers are alright. Easy to get to and drop rates are nice. It takes 10 kills or less.

Now about them do***ents...lol ahah no

>> No.4722775


where are the tigers, and what level should I be at for them

>> No.4722778

I'm not that much of an ass

Hmm, glad I chose a Pally then!

How many hours until WHAR BEKUN?

>> No.4722783

Tigers are around the rift, at the Rhawn Crossroads, but you should be really high because enemy nations are dicks.

The Alethian(sp?) tiger heart took me ~20 tigers and by the end of it, there was an enemy taskforce to defend their precious tigers

>> No.4722789

I'll love you then.

>> No.4722792


Rift, lvl 20 is fine.

>> No.4722800


Tigers are lvl 20 mob, located all around the rift

>> No.4722801


Yeah, around 20 will do, just be careful around Lenaria and Alethius

>> No.4722814


I don't know about paladin, it depends I guess. Paladin seems more of an PvE focused class to me. I got attacked by a pala many levels higher than me, it ended with them giving up since I just kept outrunning them with haste on and casting the useless debuff DoT on them.

>> No.4722825
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F-fine then, not like I actually meant it or anything.

>> No.4722828

I think the Pallys are only real good in PvP at higher levels


I'm still getting used to them, RM kick my ass all the time, provided they know what they're doing.

>> No.4722839

I wonder why this game lags on my home ( Internet lag not computer lag )

My home internet > My Office internet

>> No.4722849
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Err, you know you can ignore certain quests for a long time, until you get more for same mob type.
But i feel your pain that damn desert is realy annoying.
Also sometimes amongst quest lines...

>> No.4722856

I'm only just up to the desert now. Hopefully I'll be able to grind it with someone else rather than alone, like most of the game has been so far~ /emo

>> No.4722866

I just started playing this shit yesterday and it's pretty addictive, but wow what the fuck is the deal with the botting situation? I havent played any korean online game for years now but I never remember them being so utterly infested with farming bots and spam.

>> No.4722879

Hey maybe we can par-*reads area*.....oh wait, nevermind.

>> No.4722887

Play in PvP server
And block the spammer

>> No.4722904

"It can't be helped"
Its free. Botter can make as many account as he wants. Start 10 bot. 5/10 account gets reported/deleted. He gains from other 5 and just make 5 more. I think the number of bots will go down if you had to buy the game and pay a monthly fee.

Botters will stop since they will be losing real money.

>> No.4722964

also servers are back up for those that werent aware

>> No.4722975

Thanks, I though it's around 30 minutes again

>> No.4722978

If it was P2P they would just keylog and use stolen accounts~

I think they said they will be releasing an item mall at the end of the month? Maybe theyll put gold in there and drive the gold spammers away since it wont be worth it for them.

>> No.4722986

Btw, when you're selecting world, there are numbers beside them, sometimes it's (2) , sometime (3), what's that ?

>> No.4723019

Slow level16 Cleric requesting guild invite. IGN:Evangel

Probably going to try soloing Zant normal tomorrow. I haven't done any dungeon runs yet, and now it's kind of hard to find any parties for it since everyone is 30-40+.

Here's hoping my holy arrow and the occasional 'ganbatte kudasai~' will get me through.

>> No.4723025


Amount of Characters on the account iirc.

>> No.4723079

More likely to happen is that you ignore a quest for a long time hoping to get more of the same type, but don't. Then you do that quest, and find out the next quest has the same type as the ones you were killing before. Oh joy.

>> No.4723263

2 Relic in a short time, I love you /jp/

>> No.4723323

>log in
>a little worried if Alethia and Lenaria raided after maintenance
>see 8 relics

I love you guys-

>notices that the drop rate relic is gone


>> No.4723437
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>Upon seeing PizzaClub almost emptied out of level 40+ people.

>> No.4723467



okay, so who can i contact to request guild invitation guys? doesn't have to be the main guild

>> No.4723470

Can anyone invite me to PizzaClub? Name is Oenone.

>> No.4723474

Okay, wrote to aika support and got confirmation that the OB chars will never be wiped. Switching to feo..

>> No.4724082

If your pran reaches teen stage is it possible to change her personality?

>> No.4724124


>> No.4724145


>> No.4724268

Thinking if I should ask for a spot in Hotglue when it frees up again, but I don't want to leave the bros in Pizza just yet.

>> No.4724325

PM Nazrin ingame. Please be on PvP channel before you do so.

>> No.4724340
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>Cute Pran? More like you failed at raising her.

To the person that put this in IRC, you're a dick. ;_;

I'm looking at you, Namae.

>> No.4724405

Mine became Smart at around level 21, haha.

>> No.4724472
File: 241 KB, 1360x768, Oh lawd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The user base for this is really killing me. also, my awesome setup.

>> No.4724496

Move to the PvP channel.

>> No.4724583

Getting mixed messages here... Does Hotglue have spots or not?

>> No.4724628

Turn off shout, it will significantly improve your game experience.

>> No.4724874

There is a wait-list to get into the main Hotglue guild. Namae is adding those at the top of the list, but they have to be online to be added, thus the extra space while we wait for them to log in.

>> No.4725317
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