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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 371 KB, 650x522, Sunset_Kiss_by_kurot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4714430 No.4714430 [Reply] [Original]

Kurot is a hackjob artist. Discuss.


I don't care if you've been published in a pixiv book or not. You're still only as good as the rest of those teenage fangirls.

>> No.4714440

Did this guy run over your cat or something?

>> No.4714447


>>hooray i'm in a pixiv touhou art book

>> No.4714450


*hack* *cough*

>> No.4714484

i feel indifferent

>> No.4714508

Never heard of "Kurot" before, although looking through her gallery I guess I've seen some of those works before.

I'll assume she can draw realistically well enough.

>> No.4714557

She's got no realistic stuff.

>> No.4714568

Ok now /jp/, you know that many artists cant match up to ZUN. But mocking them isnt going to help.

>> No.4714570
File: 280 KB, 356x493, Kurot_ID___Haruhi_cosplay_by_kurot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'nuff said

>> No.4714584

Man jaw alert

>> No.4714593

What he said. I see no reason to care.

>> No.4714596

That doesn't mean much. I mostly do anime/manga-style drawings digitally, but when I draw with pencil it's more realistic or from real life. Maybe she just doesn't show any.

>> No.4714605

She sucked Danny's cock.


>> No.4717484


>> No.4717496
File: 24 KB, 300x600, minoriko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should cosplay Minoriko Aki. She even has the hideous manjaw.

>> No.4717506

Her stuff is pretty nice. Why should I care if she gets published or not?

>> No.4717508

She got that good that quickly? Makes me raeg with jealousy. Some people happen to have the gift, unlike me who's been fighting to seven years to get fucking DECENT. And lol emoticons makes everything better x3 :P

I suppose Kurot's made some decent pictures, some of her Touhou fanarts look pretty good, but she's pretty unoriginal and boring. And either her english vocabulary isn't that broad or she's a bit... immature. Both her LJ and dA make her out like that.

/end butthurt raeg

>> No.4717511

By the way, her foreshortening is out of whack. She has a lot of bland, seemingly memorized poses, and nothing too striking.

She's still got that "DA-girl" style.

>> No.4717517

Looks nice enough. Would save if she drew something more interesting.

>> No.4717515
File: 302 KB, 450x650, 6446817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kurot does appealing art, sorry you're so butthurt about it.

>> No.4717526

I'd consider saving it if she was Japanese

>> No.4717531

That's pretty much what I meant when I said her work looked boring, yeah. Also, only light colors, no interesting backgrounds etc

Her comment about "more males in touhou plz" made me raeg. It wouldn't be touhou if there were more males than Rumia can count on one hand.

I do think she looks less dA and more pixiv-stylish as of late, and while I prefer that, it's not something alone that makes her so much better. She's got the technique alright, but artists that to nothing but generic anime art will only do that: generic anime art.

>> No.4717536

That is one of her best pictures, really.
I like the "Destroy and Conquer" as well, but that's about it.

>> No.4717537

not hardcore enough. I'm a guy not a girl I don't want this prissy kissing shit.

>> No.4717568
File: 807 KB, 1158x818, 9404997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop obsessing over this person so much. Go outside and draw some trees or whatever artists do.

>> No.4717573

Hmm....nothing I couldn't do if I really tried. Perhaps in a year or two I can do this on casual level, even though CG is not my area of expertise.

>> No.4717582

O-okay. ;_; These kind of people just tend to get to me.

Thank you. I'll do that.

>> No.4717590

I've been at "nothing I can't do in a year or two if I really tried" level with a number of skills for YEARS.

>> No.4717595

This is a bad troll and you should feel bad, OP.

>> No.4717600

since you sound disparaged at that fact try picking a specific skill and working on it.

no one can be an expert at everything.

>> No.4717643
File: 292 KB, 827x1169, 6029058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you do draw trees, I'd like it if you could post the sketches. I like trees.

>> No.4717650
File: 52 KB, 256x512, Parsee_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN can.

>> No.4717659

zun is a good enough programmer, musician and sprite/background artist. why he fails at portraits I'll never know.

>> No.4717673


>> No.4717680

I actually have japanese class in a few hours and homework before then, but I'll share whenever I am done. I won't mind.

>> No.4717993
File: 878 KB, 893x596, Bild 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butthurt drawfag from previous post here. I finished up homework faster than expected.

Here, kind anon at >>4717643, I drawed you a tree.

>> No.4718005

The fact that you think we care is the worst part about this all.

>> No.4718012
File: 377 KB, 848x600, 7849649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4720208

The foreshortening is super whacked out. Hands are way too small.


Destroy and Conquer reeks of someone who doesn't play the games. Marisa is the voice of reason in this? That's wrong.

Marisa and Reimu are two flavors of id.


I'm sorry but she flashed her OOBER HOW TO DRAW ANIMU SKILLZ to Danny Choo.

>> No.4720241

What a pointless thread.

>> No.4720267

Been following this guy on pixiv not knowing his opinion on anything while assuming he was some random Japanese dude. I'd rather it had stayed that way.

Now I've read his rant, seen his face and associated him with dannychoo. Thanks /jp/.

>> No.4720287

deviantart fangirl, she is

>> No.4722283

Notice I didn't say good art because I cannot judge whether art is technically good or not.

>> No.4722316
File: 548 KB, 430x1150, Scarlet_Illusion_by_kurot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurot is so nice. You guys are just being jealous faggots.

>> No.4722325

It's true. You guys get pissed at a couple XDs.

>> No.4722365


same faggotry

>> No.4722576

I really don't know why any of you care. Kurot is a fairly good artist regardless of your "hurr foreshortening" whining, and to get mad at her for using emoticons or whatever the shit more or less because she gets attention from Japan is just butthurt.

She's a deviantart girl that is relatively popular in Pixiv as well. Whoop-de-fucking-do. Troll or not, I have no clue why OP would just toss this out of nowhere.

>> No.4722580


>Kurot is a fairly good artist

lol no

>> No.4722587

If you're not an artist you shouldn't say artists are good. Just say you like them.

>> No.4722591

I've never even heard of this person before.

>> No.4722604

You don't browse pixiv then. kurot gets in the top 100 fairly regularly.

>> No.4722620

I browse pixiv but I never look at the top ten. I just search with series tags.

>> No.4722613

I smell kl in here.
kl will you go out with me.

>> No.4722631

You should try looking at it sometime; there's usually some pretty cool art of stuff you'd never actually search for.

>> No.4722659

I wish i was a teenage fangirl. then
things would be different around here.

>> No.4722687

Go among them. Walk like them. Talk like them. Let their identity consume yours.

>> No.4724508

shes a okay artiest but I really dont see whats so great about her art. How did she get so populer in Japan?

>> No.4724684
File: 153 KB, 350x525, requests4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quite like her stuff, and she seems really nice, and down to earth, too. Several months back, she drew some shit for the first few requesters in the Umineko livejournal community. I don't see many other famous artists doing stuff like that, I always get the impression they're fairly snobby.

Her stuff has the charm of simplicity. Plus, she manages to make some of her anime fanart look pretty close to the original, which is quite a talent, if you think about it. Makes me rage that she can draw like that so quickly, though.

>> No.4724757

Kurot's art is the definition of "mediocre." It has no defining qualities that set it apart from the rest of the generic cel-shaded anime-style fanart.

Getting free blowjobs for creating average artwork and then bragging about it just places herself on an even lower pedestal.

>> No.4725949


>> No.4726287

It really is mediocre. There are a lot better artists out there.

>> No.4726309

She's KL, Kurot's sister.

>> No.4726324
File: 2.31 MB, 1700x2888, 8165454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this thread keep getting bumped? OP already made his peace.

>> No.4726728 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 479x359, buri hamachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in /jp/, m-o-e

>> No.4726782

Who cares? If you don't like it don't look at it you fucking faggot.

>> No.4727517

It's either this or another instance of /b/ spam. Choose.

>> No.4728019

>>How did she get so populer in Japan?

Giving Danny Choo blowjobs.

>> No.4728087

I haven't made my peace yet, bub.

There are so many ways someone like Kurot could have been better.

1. Don't whore on DA
2. Don't whore on Danny Choo
3. Seriously, realistic art foundation.

>> No.4728172

>realistic art foundation.
Always gets parroted by people who can't draw.
