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47166138 No.47166138 [Reply] [Original]

The Crimson Slasher RISES. Former Hell and the Hakurei Shrine will BURN!

>> No.47166141
File: 92 KB, 388x450, 1615341815359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crimson Slasher
I dont anything about CDS, where does this comes from?

>> No.47166188

Every time i see this artist's Reimu, i have an uncontrollable desire to be her foster father. I want to prepare a lunch box for her to take on her trips. Is this some sort of illness or phenomenon?

>> No.47166214


>> No.47166263
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where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link? where link?

>> No.47166287

Here you go.

>> No.47166291


>> No.47166294
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>> No.47166309
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>> No.47166341

"It's time for you to meet your end!" - Byakuren Hijiri
I have the feeling Mizuchi is not alone in the surface.

>> No.47166359


>> No.47166370


>> No.47166617
File: 150 KB, 555x476, 1625738278517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I hate Byakuren, but at the same time, I fucking love her.

>> No.47166629

Byakuren vs Yuugi is the dream match I never knew I wanted.

>> No.47166646

Oh, more ZUNslop. How exiting. Hooray.

>> No.47166693

Now I can see why ZUN shifts the story to be more action-y when Akimaki took over. Is this the most battle scene we ever got in a manga?

>> No.47166725

How many times has the shrine been destroyed now?

>> No.47166756

How many slices of bread have you eaten?

>> No.47166780

Why is Reimu doing a bossrush in hell all of a sudden?

>> No.47166786


>> No.47166794

16, I prefer japanese food.

>> No.47166804

She finally stopped moping and went to deal with the incident, so that means she has to be at up unrelated people first.

>> No.47166808

She's taking the fight directly to Mizuchi. Or should, rather, but the latter somehow escaped Former Hell.
Better question would be why's anyone getting in the way of her rampage.

>> No.47166817

Fuck you pussy, ZUN!!! finally making things happen is what the stagnant lore needed.

>> No.47166835

The last thing Touhou needs is more of this garbage. ZUN should stop making manga.

>> No.47166859

Hes not going to stop, so at the very least Im going to enjoy the shonen shit hes adding, that is actually enjoyable.

>> No.47166887

god I wish I could be absolutely destroyed by Hijiri

>> No.47166891

ttranslation where

>> No.47166908

3 times I believe. Twice in SWR and once here.

>> No.47166911

That means those are officially certified Touhou parody mangas.

>> No.47166913

IIRC 110

>> No.47166936
File: 2.33 MB, 1446x1040, WHAT THE FU- BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think the Yams and the Parsley survived that one...

>> No.47166971

Can take a couple of days. It's CDS and all cryptic bullshit so even if you're one of the retards who hasn't done any of his reps in the past dozen years of being a 2hufag, you can still just read without a translation.

>> No.47167069

Why is this a battle manga now?

>> No.47167121

I dont know but I like it.

>> No.47167724
File: 852 KB, 1200x1723, 0033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's Yuugi?

>> No.47167795

Why destroy it now tho? She had too many chances when Reimu ditched the shrine a while ago

>> No.47167800

Everyone living in that block can get fucked I guess

>> No.47167820

It's Reimu. They asked her why she's here. and she called them trouble and started beating them up

>> No.47167941

everyone is a decent fighter...except Marisa

>> No.47168347

>Better question would be why's anyone getting in the way of her rampage.
Cause they're youkai. Enough said.

>> No.47169418

I love Byakuren so much. Still got to see where Yuugi fits into any of this. I have a feeling she helped out with the destruction of the shrine in which case Suika might get to show up seeing she helped rebuild it last time it was destroyed.

>> No.47169480

Imagine if this is a secret SWR arc and Tenshi's going to show up next

>> No.47169673

probably Yuugi was the one who did the work, while Mizuchi was just chilling. really though, How did Yuugi find a way out of old hell?

>> No.47169694

Yuugi vs Byakuren soon. Get hype.

>> No.47169704

I was under the impression that anyone could enter and exit former hell based on the game.

>> No.47169753

It was the case before they locked the place. Yuugi said it was easy to leave old hell. And Yamame trying to find an exit like it's the usual for her

>> No.47169857

SA remake soon, trust the plan

>> No.47169863

Its called your male biological urges screaming at you to become a father

>> No.47169873

>How did Yuugi find a way out of old hell?
ZUN will never explain it

>> No.47169940
File: 58 KB, 600x600, 1661637887703659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking assholes. Just because it's hell doesn't mean you can just destroy the houses!

>> No.47170006

Reimu accidentally opened up the Touhou Boss Rush game instead of SA

>> No.47170017

Poor spider

>> No.47170066
File: 615 KB, 718x619, AAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Yamame bullying is getting off the scale, but at least ZUN hasn't murdered any headcanons yet
-headbutts Parsee
-gets baseball batted across Former Hell
-gets Fantasy Sealed
-gets nuked
-gets dying threads again

>> No.47170184

Even the 2 or 3 hardcore Yamametards recognize she was always a weak level 1 boss, there's no headcanon to murder.

>> No.47170215

I know there's that whole Fantasy Nature shit but it's hilarious to me that Reimu essentially survived a mini nuke at point blank range.

>> No.47170227

Shrapnel is of no threat to you when your super power is no clipping through reality.

>> No.47170246

UNPRECEDENTED amount of Yamame panels

She's fine

>> No.47170266

So is Seiran, but ZUN still made it so she's not friends with Ringo, is as much of a fightfag as everyone else, and did her whole storyline for a fancy air freshener

>> No.47170312

homeless because a retarded bird decided to obliterate your house

>> No.47170333



>> No.47170476

Who decided that

>> No.47170492

>Mizuchi gets Raging Demon'd by Byakuren
I like this new direction we're going

>> No.47170502

Once in HRtP too... it was doomed since the start
Hiding under the debris about to grab Byak by the ankle and flail her around.
Don't worry they'll probably respawn tomorrow in a world of pain and to keep going with the spider bulling she'll have to rebuilt everything Okuu wrecked.
And Okuu seemed to be concealed by Koishi's power before popping out by what Yukari/Marisa(?) says but I guess that her intuition just works...
Also rember that heat is fine in fiction as long as you don't touch the shinny things. And radiation is a joke!

>> No.47170511

So when is Mima going to show up?

>> No.47170668
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>> No.47170670

two more chapters

>> No.47170718

>Hiding under the debris about to grab Byak by the ankle and flail her around.

My prediction is that she is going to punch through the ground just beneath her, challenge Byakuren to a fight that she refuses on grounds that she has more important things to be doing, and Yuugi insists upon it and forces her to defend herself while Mizuchi sneaks off to go do something else.

>> No.47170815


>> No.47170830

I wish the shrine were never destroyed before, so at the very at least we get to experience yet another blueball by ZUN wondering if the barrier gonna be affected by it or not

>> No.47170848

They're still in SA so I can't see her leaving this early. She was sitting down waiting for some reason

>> No.47170860

probably took a page out of satori's book and decided to use herself as bait knowing only reimu can seal her and reimu's currently down in former hell

>> No.47170899

>They're still in SA
This comic is going to be miserable if it goes through each mainline game, just wrap it up.
Although I am curious how the vengeful spirit would mix with -the- vengeful spirit Junko.

>> No.47170902

Is this shit worth reading?

>> No.47170922

Man Reimu is pissed

>> No.47170925
File: 258 KB, 410x664, orin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe, if you can enjoy the little things like my one in the world cute wife Orin and her interactions with Chen-chan.

>> No.47170936

so you're saying it's worth reading like the first 8 chapters or something

>> No.47170954

Nah, I don't think the story will goes post TH-13 with Taoist's cast, if that actually even gonna happen in the first place

>> No.47170964

what about the actual plot?

>> No.47170978

It's just character after character jobbing to each other

>> No.47171037

Oh shit the shine blew up again.

>> No.47171038

I don't think I've ever seen Reimu THIS pissed before, not even against Oni Kasen.

>> No.47171043
File: 1.15 MB, 1060x1124, shitty chapters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, that's a good start. go and read, maybe see if you can make it that far, or continue reading.

>> No.47171054

of course she's not gonna look pissed for Kasen, Kasen views her like a little sister so she's not gonna PoV the manga into her being the crimson slasher

>> No.47171073
File: 669 KB, 1200x1723, 0019-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she doesn't seem angry at all

>> No.47171094

Getting nuked will get anyone out of their funk

>> No.47171271

>Yamame and parsee attack
>Facetank a stealth attack nuke

>> No.47171279

Ponytail Okuu and ponytail 'mu. That's wild.

>> No.47171301

Ponytailhu fighting another ponytailhu to get to the final boss. A ghost ponytailhu

>> No.47171307

Square up, you orb fuck

>> No.47171319

Reimu has almost always had a ponytail, it just isn't shown well in most official art

>> No.47171638

Didnt Okuus arm cannon work similar to a melta Gun? (having fusion energy to spare and all)

>> No.47172023
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>> No.47172171
File: 323 KB, 817x325, 2024-06-24 191519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kino is brewing

>> No.47172304

Truly a Touhou manga

>> No.47172359
File: 141 KB, 500x499, power levels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN is finally settling the arguments once and for all and because he kinda sucks at doing mystery tbdesu. Even if he isn't it's fucking cool. All it needs is to bump it up to Fantasy Maiden Wars tier beatdowns and it will be 'The' Touhou battle manga of all time.

>> No.47172371

if Reimu uses Fantasy Nature or Mysterious Flying Shrine Maiden I will instantly forgive all of ZUN's sins

>> No.47172376

The 'Ten little niggers' ripoff he made was pretty cool

>> No.47172388
File: 33 KB, 500x500, 1688369135480022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't ZUN let Suichouka have their own battle scenes too?

>> No.47172407

We're not deserve them

>> No.47172441

Reimu is fucking pissed

>> No.47172443
File: 97 KB, 498x650, 0029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may be crazy but for me it seems that Unzan is slacking at his job. Ichirin just stands around scared and useless. I just want to see a giant punch.

>> No.47172448

You know the image is old when Hecatia's smug face isn't spammed all over these powerlevelfag

>> No.47172612
File: 3.06 MB, 2023x1452, defc25ad-0863-4bed-b209-8999e4fa43c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's strange since Mizutaki can definitely do nice fancy shots, but has barely done any actual fight scenes in Lotus Eaters
maybe he's not so skilled in fight scenes across multiple pages

>> No.47172641

hakurei god still not showing is worrying

>> No.47172666
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he doesn't give a fuck if the shrine gets destroyed as long as his primary function (beat the shit out of youkai) is still being fulfilled, which reimu is doing in spades at the moment using the yin-yang orb
he didn't care in SWR either when tenshi tried to put a keystone in the shrine or when an oni ended up being in charge of rebuilding the place

>> No.47172671

I just have a question
Vengeful spirits are bad to humains and yokais especially, and they proliferate in the underworld at large, so how are the underground yokais somehow fine living with them ? I get it for rin since she can control them but what about the others ? Are they just built different ? Did they managed to find a way to not be harmed by them ?

>> No.47172704

Huh? Koishi's hair is really long

>> No.47172720

It's a giant party of among us, along with jojo mind fuckery

>> No.47172725

I think it was more or less implied that Former Hell having a bunch of entertainment option keeps the vengeful spirits distracted and prevent them from acting up.

>> No.47172972

I don't think we've ever seen hijiri this pissed off before

>> No.47173015


>> No.47173110

It's a shame too since his art is sex

>> No.47173230

trasnaltion link where

>> No.47173271

Hair grows if left alone, and since koishi is generally head empty does shit on impulse, her not cutting her hair makes sense, so it would be longer then it was in SA and afterwards.

>> No.47173338

Why does Reimu look shocked here?
>霊夢 派手に戦うのを忘れずにね 相手よりも
Yingyang-chan just told her to fight in a fancy/showy manner, I guess to get Mizuchi's attention, but not sure why Reimu reacts like that. Maybe because it's not her style so she has a chance to lose then?
Nah, not pissed it's just the Yamame and Parsee POV.
She tried.
Hopefully some Unzan vs Yugi next chapter.

>> No.47174003

>Why does Reimu look shocked here?
Two possibilities off my head
1)last chapter she was told to ignore everything else and move on to find Mizuchi, but now being told to fight caught her off guard
2)it was someone else's voice

>> No.47174043

>it was someone else's voice
What if that voice is coming from her own head :D

>> No.47174290

Like Parsees group therapy sessions.

>> No.47174358
File: 1.70 MB, 1094x879, fucking mushroom cloud in the background.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't often say this but this might be one of the hardest touhou manga panels ever

>> No.47174371

Spell card rules?

>> No.47174447

While it's not canon, reading Spell along with CDS is very amusing.
I would have included an image of the spell card rules from that, but the fucking images from dynasty are apparently .webp files so I won't out of disgust.

>> No.47174602

>.webp files
skill issue

>> No.47174626
File: 782 KB, 1200x1723, 0021-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annoyance issue, I'm not even going to change it into a real file format.

Back on topic: god I wish I was a vengeful spirit resting in Koishis lap.

>> No.47174724

Can vengeful spirits smell?

>> No.47174760

Bro your PrtSc button?

>> No.47174929


>> No.47175267

probably got caught off guard because she was told to be more flashy than the NUKE bird

>> No.47175289

is this the entertainment Yuugi was talking about? losing your house?

>> No.47175320
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>> No.47175913

Translate this weeb

>> No.47176165
File: 1.55 MB, 2160x1532, 17193200555367088281585324478726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No surprise here.

>> No.47176193
File: 1.93 MB, 1200x1812, 0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47176248

Sure, I can help translate this image.

From left to right:

First column:

Top: 紅魔館 (Koumakan - Scarlet Devil Mansion)
Bottom: 爆発しない (Bakuhatsu shinai - Does not explode)
Second column:

Top: 鈴奈庵 (Suzunaan - Suzuna'an)
Bottom: 炎上しない (Enjou shinai - Does not catch fire)
Small text at the bottom: ※煙は出た (Kemuri wa deta - ※Smoke came out)
Third column:

Top: 博麗神社 (Hakurei Jinja - Hakurei Shrine)
Bottom: 倒壊する (Toukai suru - Collapses)
Small text at the bottom: ※何回も (Nankai mo - ※Many times)
The image humorously compares three locations from the Touhou Project series, illustrating their typical states of disrepair or danger.

>> No.47176269
File: 2.83 MB, 1200x1723, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more references to how this feels like a game...
I know ZUN's done it before, but I'm starting to wonder if it's leading up to something

>> No.47176270

>Scarlet Devil Mansion
>Does not explode
No. No. That's not true. That's impossible!

>> No.47176356
File: 1.44 MB, 1200x1723, 1703087996761580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey...why's everyone fighting Reimu, anyway?
>Well, whatever!
>Both of you, go for it-!!
She really is a battle maniac.

>> No.47176371

the entirety of Hopeless Masquerade was predicated on the idea that it's just about popularity

>> No.47176375

Reimu and Byakuren decided to contain Mizuchi by sealing all the exits from the old hell.
Mizuchi outsmarted them by leaving via enterance.

>> No.47176382

Oh hey Koishi asked exactly what I was wondering.

>> No.47176421

WTF Koishit can read your mind?

>> No.47176458
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>> No.47176477

>Mizuchi outsmarted
more like Yuugi, how tho when she was the one who said there's no way out

>> No.47176498

Does Mizuchi already know Byakuren? She singled her out when they first met in the manga. And what's with her weird remark now?
>You're more of a scheming type than the rest of these surface youkai...
>Almost like someone from the Undergro- *BONK*

>> No.47176500

Oh no. Are my favourite two-hoes just attentionwhores at heart?

>> No.47176511

canon psychopath!

>> No.47176522

No way out anon.
Nobody said anything about way in.
Think agent. Think globally.

>> No.47176551

the other myouren temple members knew of mizuchi while they were sealed underground, so it's possible that mizuchi had heard about byakuren from them

>> No.47176601
File: 358 KB, 1113x898, a good youkai is a dead youkai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing new here

>> No.47176605
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Probably. I guess since both of them were human who got sealed.

>> No.47176628

>Moshi moshi Suika, this is Yuugi please open the old hell door

>> No.47176738

>Almost like someone from the Undergro-
Zanmu maybe?

>> No.47176765

Zanmu's in Hell, not Former Hell, and since Mizuchi was described as a relative newcomer I imagine Hell had already relocated before she got imprisoned there

>> No.47176906

My wife's just dissing Byakuren's underhanded methods, I think.

>> No.47176914

How long would that actually be? A newcomer could range anywhere from 50 to 100 years.

>> No.47176926

Sounds like a legit prediction honestly
慎技 is skip? I thought she said something more like secret technique or similar but my nip is pretty meh.
I think it's just a remark on how people in the underground tend to be more scheming.
Wonder if she even knows about Makai but it's not like Makai will ever be mentioned again ;_;

>> No.47176930
File: 364 KB, 934x1385, 1715279946767048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a funny way to take about my wife

>> No.47177058

Don't worry. I'm just you.
At night, anyway.

>> No.47177067

Characters heal quickly here. Yamame scratched Reimu's face last chapter and now it's gone

>> No.47177080

>Reimu be more flashy
Marisa or Yukari?

>> No.47177109
File: 1.19 MB, 1138x818, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's byak thinking? satori opened it? mizuchi has another ally on the surface?
I think sakuya opened it and remi went through in bat form, which is why it was so small

>> No.47177123

It's definitely Yukari, she's definitely the only character to still give a shit about spell card aesthetic nonsense when facing a walking nuke

>> No.47177145
File: 560 KB, 1200x1723, 55863881_1200_1723_536746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the vengeful spirits that got out probably did it?
>Sakuya and Remi
oh yeah, i wonder what they're going to do

>> No.47177173
File: 125 KB, 228x569, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the vengeful spirits
can't have been
the reason I'm curious is because byakuren said in the last chapter that it seemed too small for a person to fit through, and the remi/sakuya duo knew that flan had been at myouren temple, so it'd make sense for that to be where they started

>> No.47177221

No wonder. A whole month has passed.

>> No.47177240

it's because it took a month for Yamame to recover from getting launched into a different dimension last chapter so they could continue in this chapter

>> No.47177404
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>> No.47177422

I really like the dynamic duo of Yamame and Parsee

>> No.47177856

Given that she focused on Okuu, I thought it was...that girl. Yeah. That one, you know. Sayori. Wait, Saori. Satoshi? Idk, the one that used to show up.

>> No.47177978


>> No.47178021

honest defective Satomi

>> No.47178297

Thank you, GPT-4.

>> No.47178305

It took a month of hugs and pats to calm her down and have her come back into the fray.

>> No.47178312

samefagging won't achieve anything, patchy.

>> No.47178342

Is there a way to zoom in on the pages without opening them in another tab?

>> No.47178351

We are never raping Byakutits, she can oneshot our asses.

>> No.47178353

just parry it, you fucking casual

>> No.47178379


>> No.47178387

I am not skilled enough dawg but if we all /jp/sies team up we can gang rape her.

>> No.47178397

try hypnosis

>> No.47178761

Ok what's up with koishi? Like I thought she was supposed to be a tragic youkai that people couldn't remember and was supposed to be sorta mentally unstable since she everything she does is supposed to be subconsciously?

>> No.47178769
File: 131 KB, 556x546, official le happy fist-pump yammers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG!!!!! AuuU AuuuU AUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! *heart cums*

>> No.47178809
File: 178 KB, 1396x2048, kidekoshin 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47178849

>Ok what's up with Koishi?
She's my wife.

>> No.47178893
File: 165 KB, 1200x804, ✌.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47179575

What was going trough ZUN's head when he decided to offscreen Suika Vs Yuuma? Was he scared to show Suika lose

>> No.47179794

Mizutaki would break his hands if he were told to draw a fight scene

>> No.47179844

Suichouka storyline being limited to two chapters each probably mean a lot of fluff had to be trimmed.

>> No.47179866

Breaking that rule a couple of times when needed should've been fine right?

>> No.47179990

they do break that rule from time to time
the frog in a bottle arc was 3 chapters, the whole opening up to miyoi opening the bar at night could be seen as one whole arc of 8 chapters, the current taoist arc is currently 3 chapters and doesn't seem to have ended, so it's 4 chapters at minimum
I think the reason he didn't do the suika vs yuuma fight is because he thought it was a foregone conclusion that suika loses (I don't agree with this, but I think that was his thought process)
my suspicion is also that he was planning out her UDoALG inclusion too and figured that he wanted to have that be the yuuma thing instead

>> No.47180373

They're the kaiju 2hus. Let them fight

>> No.47180571
File: 2.58 MB, 1200x1600, 37550e800854e196188873dc8fe6e14d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please ZUN the hakurei lore...

>> No.47180679

only after 2 more gachas

>> No.47180785
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this shit is retarded

>> No.47180876
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It makes perfect sense. I would get ill reading Human minds too.

>> No.47180892

al off CDS is retarded

>> No.47181034

This. Mamizou's absence from this manga only makes it feel boring.

>> No.47181061

Mamizou go back to your ego feeding thread

>> No.47181082
File: 390 KB, 1200x340, cf2944ab-caa6-48e2-85f6-62153b7f063b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at how these too are interacting, they are so gay. Yamame even used the possessive we implying they're an item!

>> No.47181104 [SPOILER] 
File: 144 KB, 455x256, canon lesbians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47181116

Lmao, you have seen nothing yet

>> No.47181122

>Mokou is a Youkai
what did she fucking mean by this?

>> No.47181142

So cute!

>> No.47181574

Powerleveltards eternally seething at the fact 2hus are not some omnipotent mary sue characters lmao. I wonder what would have happened if all of these mangas had come out back when G+ was still alive, all of those outerversal level 2hu "debaters" would have seethed so fucking hard, shame the debating the community was equally as dumb as them and they only could debunk it outerversal to 11D. It was great for shitposting, sad their cancer actually spread to other communities and now we have retards in other languages making wikis with this in other languages.

>> No.47181591

Dude I hate battleboarding and every other manifestation of weaboo fightan autism but throwing this in after decades, no foreshadowing, no establishment, especially when it undermines Koishi's character so much is fucking retarded.

>> No.47181595

Spellcard rules? Optional
This ain’t Gensokyo btw

>> No.47181605

Yeah it was kind of jarring to see her ordering Okuu around and say logical things. But then again she could be doing that subconsciously too

>> No.47181621

She have always had long hair. Also 2hu change their hair often throughout game and manga

>> No.47182400

Mokou case is kinda weird, She's not really a youkai but she's also not just a human anymore.

>> No.47182569

>undermines Koishi's character
You just never understood Koishi'a character retard
She was never tragic. The only bad event in her life was having to read the retarded minds of Old Hell denizens. She simply turned off her satori powers for this. She wasn't unsatisfied with her life on any other metric.
You just read so much fanon that your mind eventually confounded it with canon. If you had ever read what the subconscious mind is, you'd understand that Koishi still makes rational decisions, only that these are based directly on her wants instead of being mediated by a superego. Her personality has always been cheerful and sassy. There's not a single moment where she complains about her life.

>> No.47182798

So, as always, fans had a better story in mind and ZUN is a hack, got it.

>> No.47183014

honestly it makes Satori less of an asshole for rating her lower than her pets

>> No.47183034
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>> No.47183039

>Koishi'a character retard

>> No.47183087

Kill yourself, ESL babbling retard.
Also, turns out that Satoris can WILLINGLY turn off their power, so Koishi's story is pointless. Retcon yourself out of this world.

>> No.47183104

>Satoris can WILLINGLY turn off their power

>> No.47183131

nigger read cds (or dont, its shit)

>> No.47183473

Koishi actually capable of managing thing is fun tho

>> No.47183635

She never said she turned off her power.
Maybe the third eye works like real eyes. She can close it but not for a long period and while normally people's surface thoughts become visible to her, reading a mind deeper with laser focus will strain it just as much as studying a book.

>> No.47184167

If you're talking about the moments where Satori apparently uses her power on someone voluntarily, then I'd argue it could as well be a visual aid by the artist to tell readers that "hey, Satorin's reading someone's mind!"
Just like how many shounen characters explain their power because the average reader is too dumb to follow otherwise

>> No.47184411

>Satori took pity on Koishi, ordering her pets to play with her and giving her some pets to keep as her own. She thought that taking care of the pets might give her a purpose, and it might enable her to begin opening her mind to others again. Indeed, it seemed that Koishi began to change, ever so slightly, after she began to raise her pets.
>When she thought this, Koishi felt the lid of her third eye begin to shift a little.
Going by SA she was full empty minded but kinda in rehab, I think her condition got kinda a bit worse in the fighters but I guess pet therapy at home let's her kinda be more herself(or less herself idk how to qualify it honestly)
Anon probably meant that time with Hatate where she moves her eye away, which makes >>47180785 sillier but I guess it's just like people that stay hooked on a screen without rest for hours or some shit.

>> No.47184444

They hated him because he spoke the truth.
For all the batching about secondaries the biggest secondaries are waifufags who let their headcanon and popular fanon cloud their perception of things. Exactly like a secondary...

>> No.47184566

>characters explain their power because the average reader is too dumb to follow otherwise
like Reimu being shocked at Satori surviving a stab in the heart, and Flan explaining it's because she's a youkai, even though Reimu should know about this.

>> No.47184567

oh no my sadhus! muh sob story!
yikes anon

>> No.47184602

>Anon probably meant that time with Hatate where she moves her eye away
That makes a bit more sense, but I still disagree. A satori's third eye takes in thoughts just like any normal eyes take in light; you don't really do it "willingly" because it just is.
Yeah she can control it with Hatate but they were also isolated from anyone else. It's basically averting your gaze to look at nothing.

>> No.47184658

I don't get the people who say that Koishi is uncharacteristically smart this chapter
Do they expect her to act and talk like literal toddler or something?

>> No.47184679

i honestly expected people to care more about the fact that Parsee was just nice girl like Satori said and isn't just a jealous bitch machine

>> No.47184724

Only secondaries give a shit about printworks, official or not.

>> No.47184733

That'd be much worse than what they say about Koishi in telling just how bad the fanon has been ingrained in their minds.

>> No.47184735

A lot of fanwork tend to portray her jealousy in a passive way (i.e. she just sit around and seethe) so I guess most people don't see her as much of a bitch even way back.

>> No.47184875

no one but trannies care about that digusting whore and stop trying to derail the thread.

>> No.47185491
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>> No.47186680

This might look impressive, but Mizuchi is already dead so a powerful punch isn't going to make her any worse

>> No.47186707

What I wonder is why Reimu didn't pull that earlier in the story when she was getting knocked about by temple peasants
I want to see her roundhouse kick Eirin.

>> No.47186746

Oh hey ZUN remembered there's a character in that orb

>> No.47188441
File: 1010 KB, 838x743, violation of privacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing devils advocate, Satori could've been lying to Hatate to make her feel at ease.

>> No.47188663


>> No.47188694
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>> No.47190143
File: 393 KB, 1500x765, koishi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She have always had long hair.
She's always had chin- or shoulder-length hair before CDS. In CDS, her hair goes down past her shoulder-blades.

>> No.47190156


>> No.47190185

That was a hell of a whiplash. I've only ever heard people describing it as neck-length, never chin.

>> No.47190191

Alternate interpretation:
Satori can always hear you if she's close, but being near multiple people is akin to being in a crowded room with multiple people speaking and having their own conversations. However, if she focuses on one person, she can specifically target that one person's thoughts, like with voices.

Imagine hearing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnhpCJ5tkW4 constantly.

>> No.47190394

Jesus christ it must suck to be a Satorifag. This bitch can't even consistently use her ONE fucking ability? This reverse power creep and I hate it.

>> No.47190756
File: 947 KB, 1242x888, 99820032_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu's so cool when she goes into serious mode...

>> No.47190881
File: 848 KB, 1720x1209, 1699097497633744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is, isn't she?

>> No.47191627

ZUN is a hack so it makes sense he wouldn't explain shit

>> No.47192034

The other way around: ZUN is a hack, so he'll give it an impossibly unsatisfying explanation it in some easily missable one-off mention 10 years after the fact that canonfags will pester you with as if it's some stroke of genius.

>> No.47192078

Honestly, its just better to mentally retcon about this stuff and only bring it out when discussing with canoniggers

>> No.47193132

Korean anon and anon that thinks he can write better than everyone is still wandering around /jp/ it seems
they might even be the same person

>> No.47197458

>Anon when character hair grow
No one told him about when Reimu cut her hair short in DDC and grew it out in LoLK

>> No.47197613

why would you even expect shonen-level or To Aru-level of power system and consistency in shmup game lore anyway?
the characters are never stated to be nigh-omnipotent yet people call it bullshit when the characters turn out to be much weaker
it doesn't matter much anyway, it's not like it's a fucking battle manga

>> No.47197657


>> No.47197734

ok esl

>> No.47197757

Your misuse of quotation feature aside, I wasn't saying that Koishi must always have the same hair length. That's an absurd exaggeration.

I was simply correcting the incorrect statement that Koishi has "always had long hair", as if to say that she's always had hair that goes down her back. That is incorrect, as evidenced by my little collage of both sprites and illustrations pre-dating CDS.

>> No.47202190
File: 407 KB, 1280x1828, image0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the explosions and big fights/visuals. Must make the anti-powerfag retards asshurt, you know, seeing touhous being semi competent.

Characters walking off massive explosions, the terrain being destroyed from the sheer force of bodies being thrown around. Heavy punches and huge ki blasts. How are they gonna rationalize this shit? The explosions were fake? Byakuren turning people into living punching bags is all an elaborate lie on her part to look cool? Weird semantics about japanese? How are they gonna trivialize all this?

>> No.47202221

There's a big difference between destroying terrain and having god-like powers.

>> No.47202329

Leava Chihiro out of your dramawankery.

>> No.47203063

It's nice but many anons seem to be more into evil yanhus.
Unless it's just my imagination Byakuren and Ichirin also got longer hair in than in previous chapters, seems like someone is in the mood of drawing long hair lately.
Satori is also a shut in slacker and seems to usually avoid reading human minds. Guess even as a youkai slacking off fucks your gains (unless your Flan). Or maybe ZUN relates purple hair with being frail somehow.
Reminds me of Saiki who is annoyed of having to hear everyone's thoughts all the time. I like when the consequences of powers are explored and/or they have some cons.
idk but in shonen you have jobbing and last minute power ups and such, which iis more annoying in a battle manga, but you're right it doesn't matter much, people will still powerlevel for fun tho, even if the characters are always as strong as the plot demands only that some writers are more discrete with it than others.
