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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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470611 No.470611 [Reply] [Original]

So anon, time for another happy thread, what did anonymous/tripfags do today that made you happy? What VNs did you play through, what momusu songs did you listen to (or episodes of utaban rewatched if you like), did you buy any new figures, or rewatch any anime/re-read any manga? Or perhaps you played a Touhou game?

Oh, and most importantly, did you hug your sister?

Myself, I went out for a morning jog, rewatched a few episodes of Cowboy Bebop, ate a sandwich for lunch, started a new game of FF7 (in before rage) and then cooked mushrooms with pesto for dinner. And then I started browsing /jp/.

What made your day happy /jp/?

>> No.470618

I fapped once, a really good fap though.

Then I finished off some shitty assignment and have been lurking /jp/ since then.

>> No.470624

I got a chance to hang out with some friends for the first time in several weeks, followed immediately by a dentist appointment (I find them pleasant. You're all crazy.) and an awesome pasta dinner. Also, managed to accomplish something in FFXI.

As for actual /jp/-related stuff, there's the usual Touhou fantasies that seem to infest my mind at all hours. No BAD ENDs so far.

>> No.470631

I'm happy being happy.
Until I'm suddenly, randomly a surly bastard.
Then I go back to being happy.
And the best part of this is I'm messing with your head from the get-go.

>> No.470633

I was supposed to do some physics homework for tomorrow... but I am currently watching Sentou no Musume, just because Mari is the main character.
Any j-dramafags can vouch for it?

>> No.470650

never seen it, what's it about?

>> No.470663

After Mizusawa Yume's mother becomes ill and passes away, she finds a picture of a man holding a baby in her mother's keepsake box. On the back of the picture it says "Loving Papa and Yume, at Raku no Yu." Yume has never known or even seen a picture of her father, but she believes that this guy must be him. Also in the box there is a lighter with the initials RM.

After she finds that the "Raku no Yu", is a 'sento' (public bath) in Shibuya, Tokyo, she's off to meet her long lost father and to get as much money out of him as possible. The debts her mother left her after her death left nothing for Yume. Yume blames her father for her mother's death because if it wasn't for him she wouldn't have had to work so hard and wouldn't have gotten ill and died young.

Once she arrives in Tokyo and finds 'Raku no Yu' she finds a name plaque with the inscription Mannaka Rokku, so she is sure this is the place.

Taken from

>> No.470666


I'll have to check it out, what's your physics homework about?

>> No.470677

went through a whole day of school
played some brawl at a friends place
met a old friend ive havent seen for some time

tomorrow im going to make a bank account with my mom so i can finally order my first fig

inb4 underage b&

>> No.470680



>> No.470700

It's university so there is no real "homework" to hand in but you always should do some exercises if you want to keep up with the class. I've just started in April so the stuff we are still on the basic stuff, dynamics. But the thing is that I haven't touched physics for 3 years so I don't remember anything.
So instead of practising, I am here browsing /jp/ and watching j-dramas.

>> No.470689

I listened to Roman.

It is impossible to be sad while listening to it. The entire theme of the album is "BE HAPPY."

It's great.

>> No.470697

Decent weather again so I went outside, and hung with friends for a while
/jp/ related stuff- I finished Sara's route in Ever17, managed to beat stage 4 on normal in PCB (yeah I suck, etc.)

>> No.470702

I haven't really done much today, just went to school and typed a paper. Another day in paradise I suppose.

What server are you on? I'm on Diabolos. 75 Tarutaru Monk.

>> No.470710

Today I woke up late, didn't have time to study Japanese, my car broke down on the way to work, I showed up two hours late, and now I'm at home again. Still haven't studied because I can't force myself to close the /jp/ tab. I saw my sister today, ignored her.

>> No.470713

you know, in my 21 years of being alive, I have NEVER hugged my sister and I wouldn't be surprised if most other anons haven't either. You incest doujinshi reading guys have the wrong idea about things.

>> No.470716

Nothing was good today. I got anally raped on an exam. No, more like icicle failed. I have another exam tomorrow. Goddamn, there are so many noodles in my keyboard.

>> No.470724

shit sucks when it's 10:38 and you can't think of a single thing you've done worth mentioning since you woke up

>> No.470726

You're right, I have never hugged my sister. And I don't feel bad about it either. I'm an asshole.

>> No.470728

I was fingered by a boy I really like.

>> No.470744


what's it like when you get your asshole fingered? I've always wondered....

>> No.470737

Actually, it depends on how old your sister is. My sister is still 13 (So she isn't SUPER BITCH, GO! mode) and I found that after reading incest doujins, I was a nicer brother. Imagine that?

>> No.470741

>please refrain from blogging about your personal life

>> No.470766

Well just finger it and find out, you flowery fucking faggot.

>> No.470771


I am not a homosexual like you sir, I doubt I would derive pleasure from such a thing. But who knows....

>> No.470774

3.48am here. I'm slightly drunk (been drinking slowly since 3pm yesterday) and all I've done is walk around several pubs, watch a football match and then go on 4chan at around 11pm yesterday.

>> No.470778

Wow, same here. Incest doujins and VN imoutos have made me somewhat softer.

>> No.470780

It's not to do with being gay. If women get their clit stimulated by a washing machine, a human male or a rape mechanoid from Mars, it's the same feeling. The male g-spot is in the ass. It's a scientific fact.

>> No.470786

It's not the same, actually. But okay.

>> No.470788

really, whereabouts is it?

>> No.470805

Absolutely nothing.
I found out I missed one of my deadlines for an assignment.
I've been writing up these reports all day.
I haven't slept for 48 hours and counting.
I crashed 3DsMax which lost a lot of my work and it didn't autosave it.
This thread is making me miserable.
Help me.

>> No.470799


incest is un-natural.

>> No.470800

I know, right?

Did you once dismiss your younger sister as an idiot and tell her to shut up? I did. It's kind of weird now; I hang out in her room, joke around with her, and play with her friends to.

>> No.470801

You need to base what you think less on scientific journals and/or websites and more on actual experience.

>> No.470803


>> No.470807

I dont have any experience to work off of myself. But ok...

>> No.470813

If you want, I could possibly help with an assignment or two (depending on subject). What do you need help with?

>> No.470814

Do any of you sad shits do anything but assignments, going to the library and other academic things? Do you actually have lives or are you just researching for the perpetually inevitable exam?

>> No.470816

ITT normalfags shit up a perfectly good thread with their bullshit.

Let's get this back on track.

>> No.470829

I'm speaking from experience you knob.

>> No.470832


normalfag who doesn't have an education but is trying to feel better about himself because he goes clubbing.

>> No.470836

Go to bed, Britfag.

>> No.470839

It's not really help that I need, I just need to finish writing these technical reports on Team Fortress 2 and modelling in 3DsMax / Radiosity and it's just really draining to have to keep writing.

Actually I hadn't been really seriously doing any work until a few days ago when I realised most of my hand-in dates are on the 18th.

I suppose I did completely finish my Team Fortress 2 map today. That made me feel pretty good.

>> No.470842

Nerd who doesn't have anything worth living for but is trying to make himself feel better because he knows 101 "interesting" facts about copper sulphate.

>> No.470844


>> No.470850


I don't need to feel better about myself, I finished my postgrad studies a year ago and am working at an investment bank now, also:


lol? is this supposed to be pejorative?

>> No.470848

What do you want to do?

>> No.470849

I suppose it's quaintly reassuring that such old fashioned, self-defeating stereotypes such as yourself do actually exist. Using your main failings to justify yourself. Priceless.

>> No.470859

I know the feeling. I've been about to do something for a VERY fucking long time now.

>> No.470851

I'm quite happy of having done studies, since now I can do research in something I like.

>> No.470854

Got home 7 hours ago, fucked around on the internet, worked on my game, fapped, put off studying.

Fucking tired. Debating whether to sleep or fuck around on the internet. Too tired to type properly.


>> No.470855

I thought that parallelling the word "same" would make what part of the sentence I was referring to clear. Apparently not. Enjoy fingering yourself alone.

>> No.470870

Listening to Second Morning losslessly, d/ling Sexy 8 Beat FLAC.

No sister, but I hugged my cat today...

>> No.470874

Well I suppose when you're so far into a meaningless clique that you can't actually see outside any more and you have actually adapted insults into a proud title for yourself there really is no point in even acknowledging your existence. Here I am, talking to myself.

>> No.470878


Keep this thread related to /jp/, in other words, traditionally /jp/ related stuff you did today, this week or whatever that made you happy. Bringing up anything sexual is likely to bring out the same posturing faggots that haunt the halls of today's /b/, desperate to make their e-peen grow a few more milimeters and utterly convinced the internet gives a shit how many girls they've slept with.

>> No.470893

Why do geeks always have cats? I know you're all autistic but couldn't you go for something with a LITTLE character?

>> No.470904

>something with a LITTLE character

>> No.470913

Move out of my parents place, get in college, and learn Japanese. Do they even have unis that teach Japanese in Alabama?

>> No.470916

Nothing, I procrastinated alot and I feel bad

>> No.470919


They have unis in Alabama? Do they even know where Japan is?

>> No.470921

Cats are stupid. Dogs are way better.

>> No.470922


I was referring more to the context of the insult itself, basically, the utter asininity of calling someone a 'nerd' on 4chan's /jp/ section. It's pretty much totally redundant, which was why I questioned it's being used in a pejorative sense.

You're the one who attacked people studying for assignments and exams, which reflects insecurity more on your part to be honest.

>> No.470927

hey anon are there any awesome jobs I can get with a degree in philosophy or latin? those were the only things I liked in high school

>> No.470935

In that case,
I finished off my Team Fortress 2 map, and it is called ctf_Niceboat.
It has a nice boat in it.
Nice boat.
Someone reminded me that Persona 3 FES is out in 4 days, too bad it'll never be released in the UK officially.
I found some old Touhou songs which I thought I had lost.

I don't have a little sister, or a pet. In fact I have no relatives living in this country right now.

>> No.470949

I prefer cats because they're really low maintenance and don't make a lot of noise.

>> No.470941

Latin's very useful in any history, language or medical-related career.

Philosophy though...

>> No.470945

Philosophy Professor.

>> No.470948

Unless you want to take it to a research level, then your options are limited. But you could find job and promotion opportunities at 'bureaucratic' type places like the civil service.

>> No.470958

Recovered/Updated my Wii modchip.
Undusted/Updated PS3.
Downloaded/Played Still Alive on Rock Band with my sister.

>> No.470955

You know, there are a lot of people who are actually like this. It's really amazing how many 'dog-people' know absolutely nothing about cats and yet jump at the chance to insult them.

>> No.470956

No. I have known a few stupid dogs. I have also known smart cats WITH PERSONALITY.

Apparently, pets should join sex as taboo ITT...

>> No.470957

I listened to some animu music, checked the KS IRC channel and forums and then proceeded to make myself some Nasi Goreng noodles.

The highlight of my day was the aforementioned noodles tasting really nice, which is unusual given my lack of talent for cooking.

>> No.470963

Nasi Goreng noodles...? Fried Rice x Noodles??

>> No.470974

'Cause they're cute. Is that not enough?
Even if my cat only comes to me when she wants food or warmth (it's getting colder these days), I still like her.

>> No.470975

But did you hug her...?

>> No.470977
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Sorry, meant Mi Goreng.

>> No.470978

True, cats are cuter than dogs.

As a cat-person though, I'll acknowledge dogs are more loyal.

>> No.470988

doesn't everyone love procrastinating before exams, leaving it until say... the last 2 weeks then *just* scraping through with a good mark, and saying to yourself 'phew, next time I'll actually work a lot harder!'

....And you never do end up working harder.

>> No.470990
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Picture related.

>> No.470991

I'd never do such a thi... shut up.

>> No.470999

I'll give you that too.
When it's cold, my cat jumps on me when I'm sitting in front of the computer, sits on my lap, puts her head on my right hand and proceeds to sleep. That's cute, even if I know she'll go in front of the heater if I have it on.

I do that, but instead of 2 weeks, it's 3 days before the exam and I end up studying all night long.

>> No.471010


High-fucking-five, 3 days is fucking good. Pulling off all nighters as far as essays go is pretty awesome too. You finish around 6:00am, wait until the department opens, drop your essay in then go back to your room to sleep the ENTIRE DAY.

>> No.471017

Anyone have their power level revealed lately? I've gone two years without getting caught. When I was, I had been watching Excel Saga and aparently I forgot to lock my door and my mother walked in. She thought It was a game though; I closed the window as soon as I realized she was behind me.

>> No.471016

My cat was jealous of my laptop. He'd push it off my lap with his head, or try and sit on it. He also slept on my head when it was really cold at night, it was like having a really damn warm toque on.

>> No.471018

Or go get the books to start working on the next one...

>> No.471031

Oh dear yes... What awful memories...

I still have a fond nostalgia for them for some reason though.

>> No.471034


:-;, coffee was the only thing that kept me going.

>> No.471039
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Sweet Older Sis - Cuvie.

>> No.471044

I think mine will become nostalgic when I don't have the thought of going back for more hanging over my head. My years out have been way more interesting and productive than my years in.

>> No.471046


lol, best memory I have of uni was sitting down after finishing an essay at 12 at night with 2 friends from my floor in one of their rooms. We just sat there from 12 till 8:00 in the morning chatting about everything from renaissance architecture to theoretical physics. All sustained by my friend's awesome coffee machine.

Good times... good times....

>> No.471048


This is not a happy image. I can't sit through 5 minutes of this movie without crying like a baby.

>> No.471053

Koi Kaze made me cry a lot harder than 5CMPS (I still liked it though).

>> No.471054
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>> No.471060
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>> No.471061

Bracing for WINcest.

>> No.471062
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>> No.471067
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Why are Nee-Chans so adorable? ;_;

>> No.471072
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>> No.471078
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>> No.471080

If I had to choose between younger or older, I'd choose older. I used to have a real thing for my older sister.

>> No.471086

>used to

what happened?

>> No.471087


Koi Kaze came at a time in my life when I was slightly less ... prepared for that kind of story. So it freaked me out more than made me cry. Looking back, I could see it having a similar effect on me now.

>> No.471082
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No promotions.

You'll have to download the rest.

But please continue with the discussion.

>> No.471092

Nothing. I still like her but she got married and had a kid, she is really beautiful too. I haven't really told anybody though.

>> No.471100

I understand what you're saying. I didn't really cry initially but when I was just sitting in class listening to my mp3 player, the OP started playing while I was looking out the window and tears just started rolling down my cheeks.

>> No.471096

could we have a pic?

>> No.471108

how did you feel when she got married?

>> No.471111

Hey fellow /jp/sies, whenever you are watching a particularly emotional moment in a film, anime whatever with friends, do you feel like you have to cover up your emotions? I mean, I feel like I can never really express any emotion about it, and there is always one asshole who ruins the atmosphere by laughing at the emotional moment or saying some stupid comment ;_;

>> No.471126


I remember after watching all of Kanon I couldn't listen to Pachelbel's Canon without getting sad (in particular the scene where Ayu is talking about her mother dying really got me). Which sucked, because I like to listen to classical music whilst studying and Canon was the only classical song on my mp3 player.

I should watch this Koi Kaze over the summer.

>> No.471134

I would if I was the only one who I knew who visited this board, my family is half Filipino and half Caucasian. She has really long hair (down to her knees), a soft face, and a slim figure.

I forced myself to be happy and get over it. After she got married my love life had been rejection after rejection and I just kept trudging on. I eventually got really depressed and gained a lot of weight, then became almost completely silent for days on end. Only in the past year have I really opened up again, I lost about 100 lbs and am making up for lost time.

>> No.471155


>anime whatever with friends


>> No.471165


What kind of older sister was she? Was she like the one in the doujin?

>> No.471160

I don't show emotions anymore. I've gotten so used to holding them back that it's become second nature to me. And I guess it's kind of badass too. Also, I hate people that laugh during emotional moments; I have a brother that laughs whenever someone dies in a movie, regardless of the circumstances. I really do hate him.

>> No.471168

That's why I try watching anime alone, I can feel depressed, pissed off, and happy when I'm alone.

>> No.471174

ah it's ok anon, in all honesty you aren't missing out on much, I've only got one truly 'great friend', the rest are just kind of.... people I see to 'keep up appearances' so to speak. I connect with them on no real tangible level so it's quite tough being around them to be honest. Especially if they're talking about their latest relationships, because I've got nothing to add to the conversation.

>> No.471181


Same. I used to hold all my emotions inside in fact and it got so bad that during a period when I thought my mom was dying I had to force myself to feel something. I managed to fix that well enough, so now at least I emote more and I can enjoy sad movies/shows/games by feeling something instead of nothing.

>> No.471184

In manner of dress and build, yes. But she was actually really spirited at times, while quite at others. She could express her emotions vividly.

>> No.471201



>> No.471199

I got a "Safety Reminder" at work, with like 7 copies of the same map on how to get out of the building from 3 different places.

I had a good chuckle over that. Then I went home and slept for 6 hours. It was a good nap.

All in all, it was a decent day.

>> No.471208


She always tries getting me out of my shell whenever she gets the chance (She is probably one of the only people who realizes my extreme politeness is partially a facade to avoid social contact).

>> No.471213

hey /jp/, in all honesty how long can you see yourselves keeping up your nerdy hobbies? Whatever they may be? E.g. Momusu, Anime, Manga, VNs or just general video games and so on.

I can't really see myself ever giving them up, especially video games. I want to be playing the Playstation 25 when I'm 90 years old, same with anime/manga. The way I look at it, I'm a bibliophile, and I'd never give up reading, not even on my death bed.

Enjoy the age we live, because even if you are on your own, it's an exciting time to be alive.

>> No.471221


All my hobbies such as anime, etc. are occasional things really. My real hobby is the internet and posting on 4chan, which I'll probably never give up.

>> No.471223


She sounds adorable. How old is she?

>> No.471228

Whenever she was angry, she could stamp around and pout while yelling at herself. When she was sad, she could break down and cry in your arms. When something was funny, she could laugh to her fullest. When she smiled, it felt like you were staring at the sun. She expressed her emotions vividly. She also had a nervous side to her, one that was always worrying about things.

>> No.471229

Speaking of books, any other terry pratchett fans on tonight?

Also, any other people who just re-read LOTR once every couple of years?

>> No.471234


I read the occasional Pratchett book but I'm not a devoted fan.

>> No.471235

She's 28 now. She has a kid as well.

>> No.471249

>she could break down and cry in your arms.

wow.... ultra-moe....

When did you first realise you had feelings for her?

>> No.471255

I am now listening to Pachelbel's Canon.

>> No.471261

Ever since I was little, I believe it was around third grade. I didn't even know sex makes babies until I was in sixth grade.

>> No.471270

Lol, I didn't know sperm exhisted until I was in 5th grade. I thought piss got people pregnate.

>> No.471271

*By the way, she actually has cried in my arms (It was a really bad situation, I'd rather not go into details).

>> No.471273

I found out I've been published today. I submitted a short story last year for a mandatory assignment for a class that took me thirty minutes to type out. My teacher put all the stories, essays, art or whatever anyone had submitted concerning the subject and I found later on that I had won and I got an award.

A year later again today they just sent me a notice that I had been included in a compilation of story submissions and that they want me to come to come to a conference and read it/a part of it in front of an audience.

>> No.471277


Same here, I don't find any of my nerdy hobbies interesting anymore. I've spent more time posting on /jp/ than watching anime or read manga.

I'm expecting to meet a number of devoted touhou fans in a con next month in Cannuckstan, good things are going to happen.

>> No.471282
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Watched a girl change out of her dress on a bus, along with 8 other people. Only comment at me was the fact I could watch a front view and back view at the same time using the reflection on the charter bus' TV.
Did I mention she looked pretty cute and is a down to the point loli character type?
Ah, great to be in High School and be over ban age.

>> No.471283

Chopin's second piano concerto (2nd movement).

All anons must listen to this, I'll upload the best version to rapidshare if someone will tell me how to get it to appear on rapidsearch.

>> No.471291


That's great. What is your story about?

>> No.471293

why do you think that is? (that you developed feeligns for her).

do tell, we are all anon here.

>> No.471303

Just paste the link here. /rs/ should prune the boards for links and add them automatically. Unless it doesn't do that for /jp/ yet. If not, then just go to the "Submit" link right under the search bar in /rs/ and paste the link there.

>> No.471320

God I love that pic, it's the ultimate vindication of 2d above 3d.

>> No.471326

I think I developed feelings for her because she was somebody who accepted me for who I was. She was kind of like a second mother to me really.

Her husband at the time was cheating on her, she was a really loyal woman (I mean, she didn't ask things like "Why were you home late?" and such, she just loved him). She was so devastated when my family came to visit that she just grabbed onto my shirt and cried. All I could do was stand there... in a mix of anger, disbelief, and joy. It's kind of why I went into my shell, I felt disgusted with myself afterwards.

She's remarried now though and they had a child together. I approve of him because he is nerdy to.

>> No.471327

Jock who'll probably fail at life, enjoy "clubbing" while you have the means to, afterwards, McDonalds won't give you the time nor the money.

>> No.471322


It was something simple, stupid, and emotional pandering I wrote for a Genocide/Holocaust Studies class. I did it in about thirty minutes because It was required for a mid-term grade and so I could get it out of the way and be done with it. Its very cheesy. I wasn't expecting it to win or anything and I don't even think I like it myself, but everyone whose read it likes it and it got me some recognition so I can't complain.

>> No.471328


here, you go, do download it, it's a wonderful piece of music:


>> No.471340

Sounds really heartbreaking, really... odd too, to have someone that defenceless and emotionally damaged clinging onto you for support. It must be reaffirming in a certain number of ways.

What was her ex-husband like?

>> No.471344



>> No.471348

Played some Tsugumi route,slept 3 hours since I left 4chan, but it feels great.
Had some sort of weird dream Freud'd be interested in analyzing.
Repaired my computer's charger, even though I'll have to buy a new one eventually.
Looks like it'll be a good day.

>> No.471352

hmmm, it works for me, remember to re-link the bit that becomes detached when pasting it into the URL bar.

>> No.471359


Downloading now, wasn't sure if that period was supposed to be there or not at the end.

>> No.471356

Her ex-husband was a quiet guy, he worked hard and was well built. I mean, I really liked his family... my sister still keeps in contact with his mom (His mom doesn't understand why he did something like that either).

>> No.471357

The RapidShare Happy Hours are active right now. Have fun!

>> No.471375

Are you still close to her?

Also, what's it like to have someone who you genuinely *like* crying into your arms like that?

>> No.471385

I'm still close in a family sense. I mess around with her and tease her whenever I visit.

I can't really describe it. I was happy and felt like my whole body was a light bulb, I could feel a warm glow surrounding me. But at the same time, I was so disgusted with being happy seeing her cry that all I could do was just stand there. It still makes me want to vomit thinking about it.

>> No.471392

well i had a very busy day, i almost didnt sleep and i was feeling like shit at the start of the day, but i started to feel better as the day was passing away. after classes, i asked the girl i like to help me modeling for me, cause i hade some homework at my fotography classes. then, my big sister told me to go to domino's, she just ended her work. we ate a pizza, and went shopping (a purse for her, i didnt buy anything). then i came home and was reading a book, then fell sleep till this girl called me, awoke me and i went like mad and left the house... visited a friend at his "work" (lancenter), then came back and just got into /jp/. now i have some homework, i need to carefully choose some scenes from a couple of movies, so i better leave now, no /jp/ for today... that feels strange.

>> No.471398

why was she canging on a bus? was she just a slut or what? did you see anything? come on anon don't leave us anging

>> No.471399

Everyone has these vault like thoughts that they keep hidden away. It's nothing to be ashamed of.

>> No.471402

Many thanks.

>> No.471408

/jp/- Japan & Classical music.

Not bad.

>> No.471416

Also, Rapidshare happy hours?
Today wasn't too bad after all.

>> No.471433

How long do they last?

>> No.471440

Rapidshare staff is in on this thread.

>> No.471437

No clue. First time I've ever seen them.

>> No.471442


But do you have any lingering sexual desire, in short, do you find her attractive?

>> No.471450

It still hurts knowing I was that weak. Once I was all depressed and stuff, I just slept most of the day (Sometimes for 12-14 hours, only waking up for school) just to avoid living.

I'm going to bed now, part of me is worried that somebody is using this for something so please don't write and stories about my family life. Good Night, /jp/.

>> No.471457


Just sign this... please, the script is almost done...

>> No.471458

We don't know you, we just care.
good night.

>> No.471459

sup, dont worry, im not using it for anything, dont worry.

it's just interesting learning about your fellow anon on these threads.

>> No.471460

Didn't notice this question.

A little, but it's almost gone. I've almost completely moved on. It's just hard trying to make up for four years of lost time.

>> No.471471

Goodnight, Anon.

>> No.471465

Work was easy today, and I got to play Gran Turismo 5 for atleast 5 hours before having to call it quits for the night. That and my new Macbook is starting to grow on me, I was worried I was not liking it before.

>> No.471477
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We were at a contest that required us to dress in dressy clothes, and she was getting out of it. She had jeans on, but didn't put on an undershirt before getting in her dress. So she just took off her dress while putting on a jacket afterwards. Another girl tried to block peoples view, but didn't realize a giant gaping hole between the chairs and me existed. Someone pointed it out claiming I got a free show. Everyone laughed it off, so I came out OK.

>> No.471481

But did you hug her....?

>> No.471490

These happy threads always become pedo/incest/ronery threads in disguise.

>> No.471519

so you saw her topless? did she have a nice pair?

>> No.471526


Haven't seen any pedo or ronery stuff to be honest.

But they'll always be one branch off of the thread that gravitates towards incest.

>> No.471555

I get high or middle grades most often. Doesn't make me feel anything though. My absence is rather high, and I'm expecting some letters I have to sign because of it. My parents should sign, but I just sign them myself to avoid their bickering. All in all a bad day, I have 10.03% absence in French, and that 0.03% difference made my teacher send me the letter. I have no idea whatsoever what I want to do with my life. I have one friend in class, he's from /b/. I can pull off talking casually with many others, however, if I hang out with them for more than an hour they start to piss me off. Always. I have a math delivery that I was supposed to deliver today. I've been saying since Wednesday that I was going to, but haven't been able to start. Another test tomorrow, didn't practice. /jp/ related, I played some Touhou and downloaded ever17, which made me happy, however I got depressed a couple of hours later.
Lastly, haven't hugged my sister for many years.

>> No.471553
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She had a bra on, but size wise, about the size of Haruhi's.

>> No.471563

Oh wait, happy thread, not ronery thread. I'm starting to manage soloing in Rabbie. And ate some pizza, which was good.

>> No.471560

Why is Haruhi so damn hot? Could some anon explain it?

>> No.471578

I guess I can post this here. It's better than incest anyway.

I had this dream when I was a kid, about 11 or so. I was like this secret agent solid snake type guy, sneaking around an enemy base knocking people out. But that's when shit got weird. I would gag them, tie them up and hang them upside down by their feet in a room with no lights; it was sort of like a large closet. After there was a good number of guys gagged and typed up in there, all wiggling around, mumbling, I got a knife and started slitting their throats one by one and the others that watched started crying knowing it would be there turn next. I still remember that dream to this day, all that blood, and it still scares the shit out of me when I think about it. I'm shaking a little as I type this.

This isn't a normal dream for a kid to have is it? Personally I blame it on playing so much Goldeneye 64.

>> No.471584


I blame society.

>> No.471590

I can't stand being around people long either. It's just that I don't have anything in common with them, and given a choice of being with a group of people or sitting alone in my room I would choose the latter any day.

>> No.471595

I had a really vivid dream once about killing Jackie Chan with a shovel. He had killed Edison Chen and hidden the body on my boat. So my dad held Jackie Chan's arms and I drove a shovel into his torso repeatedly. It made really nasty grinding sounds. Mind you, I wasn't eleven at the time.

>> No.471607


I had a dream once that I had an orgy with my family in a dungeon and that I fucked my sister-in-law from behind.

I don't have those sort of dreams anymore thankfully.

>> No.471617

I felt this way for a really long time. I was always really short with people and barely tolerated any kind of gathering. And then, one day I suddenly realized that I was actually enjoying hanging out with my friends... I'm not quite sure when and how it happened though (I think it started when we split from the group that liked drinking and more normalfaggy stuff). But maybe it could happen to other anon too?

>> No.471633

I had a dream that I stole my brother's penis and used it to fuck coffee-flavoured pudding and other desserts.

>> No.471657

Does your brother have a detachable penis?

>> No.471654

I had a dream once where I played soccer with the characters from the Cho Aniki SNES fightan game.

>> No.471660


>> No.471666

I downloaded the Koi Kaze OST but I can't listen to it without crying.

Anyway, I quit my job today. I'll be going to Japan on a Working Holiday Visa for the next 6 months, so that should be fun...and after that, maybe University or something this fall.

My sister (younger) almost had me kicked out of the house, so I haven't hugged her in a long time. We used to be really good friends before that, though.

>> No.471678

I think I'd call that a nightmare.

>> No.471686

>My sister (younger) almost had me kicked out of the house
What's the story behind that?

>> No.471694

Well, once you get over the whole "gay and freaky" thing, it was a pretty awesome dream.

>> No.471701

I'm kind of jealous, actually.

>> No.471714

yeh, whats the story behind your imouto getting you kicked out?

>> No.471738

Played some /jp/RO, went to a small pub with friends, went home and started browsing /jp/ and /a/.

>> No.471740

It's too bad that dreams like this only happen once in a blue moon.

>> No.471745


Funny, I just started a new game of FF7 too, felt like playing it for a while.

>> No.471748

I woke up, did some drawing and trolling, went down the street to play with some ducks and chickens (even got to see some little baby chicks), talked to my friend who's leaving for Iraq soon, and ordered some figures. :3

>> No.471752

I love the OST.

>> No.471763

>went down the street to eat some cats

>> No.471765


I woke up one morning in a really shitty mood (I have horrible depression and all of that). Anyway, I was stomping around a bit, swearing (not at anyone) and it was just her at home, my parents were gone. So she freaked out (I wasn't even in the same room as her), called her boyfriend...and just as my parents arrived home they catch her with a change of clothes, and her boyfriend escorting her out of the house.

So with my depression, attitude etc. my mom automatically thinks I've done something to her, and from that point I haven't spoken with her (sis) or been close to any of them.

>> No.471783

Dude. Wow.

>> No.471819

I got to share a few slices of pizza with my best friend (a girl) laughing all the while. Fun stuff.

>> No.471833


What? Why? Just because you woke up grumpy? I don't get it. Moreover, your sister sounds like a stupid bitch.

>> No.471861

Autosage NOW!

>> No.471873


Dumb skank sister.

>> No.471880

I just shaved my mustache after a week or two.

>> No.471883


Haven't shaved in 4 weeks.

>> No.471887


Your balls must itch pretty badly.

>> No.471895

I have a unibrow. I shave it daily, but it's hard to do it any good without getting razor burn.

>> No.471896


Haven't shaved my balls in 6 years.

>> No.471901


Wax it.

>> No.471908

I think I shaved my legs two or three times all winter. They're certainly furry right now.

>> No.471917

Fujoshi detected.

>> No.471930


>> No.471934


I haven't shaved in a few months, so I have a decent beard.

>> No.471946

I don't even know if I shave correctly. My father left my family when I was 14 and I've only seen him about three times since then, I can't say I care if I ever see him again or not. No one ever taught me to shave ;_;

>> No.471952

whoa. /jp/ is turning into nancyboy tears-on-the-pillow fest.

>> No.471956

You can find the ways to shave effectively. That's what I did...

...damn, that, too, is depressing, if you think about it.

>> No.471958

No one taught me to shave either ;_;
I just wing it.

>> No.471968

Pretty much, minus the whole BL obsession.

>> No.471970

Don't shave, anon.

Join the bearded elite.

>> No.471971

And that's just how I like it ;_;

>> No.471993

Get a good razor, put water around your lips and shave. Shaving cream if you have shit tons of facial hair.

>> No.472003

IN that case, enjoy your stay. You'll get along well enough here.

>> No.472013

>>471111 >laughing at the emotional moment
Sounds like something I'd do.

My most vivid fucked up dream was about a year ago. My best friend had driven me to what looked like a forest and we got out of the van. Next thing I remember, we were walking over this very shiny terraced black terrain that had water trickling down it. This led to a lake shore, and I saw two different ways to cross the lake. Don't remember what the right one was, but the left path that I took was stepping stones. Next thing I remember, we were having a pirate duel on one of the ships docked at said lake. When we finished with that, we went into a building with a lobby that had those very shitty airport chairs. My friend walked off, and there was a group of people standing next to where I was sitting having a conversation, except their "conversation" was the Itty Bitty Baby Itty Bitty Boat meme. I walked up to one of them, punched him while shouting "Twinkie house", and woke up.

>> No.472021

Keeping a dream journal is fun.

I had a dream where I was a SS soldier in some dentist's office or something. I had a small carbine rifle with a spike bayonet. I went into some random room and saw this little boy and then left, then I went back and stabbed him in the gut with my bayonet, and I thought, "Damn, that's what it's like to be cold blooded". I figured I had to get out of there fast so I ran towards the elevator and this guy was getting out of the elevator so I took him hostage and hit the elevator's ground floor button. The doors opened and we got out and some dorky office dude pulled out a pocket revolver and told me to drop the gun and I was like lol no so I left the building while still holding this dude hostage, and when I go to the sidewalk me and the dorky guy agreed to put down out weapons at the same time and the hostage would go free. My gun was out of ammo this whole time so I couldn't do anything anyway, so I threw away my gun and starting running like hell since I knew I would be in big trouble now. I ended up at a bridge running over a big river with train tracks over it, and I was naked at this point, too. I checked my watch and it was past 1pm so I knew that I wouldn't be late for class that day, I would miss them entirely since all my classes end at 12pm. So I jumped into the river, hoping to drown since if I surrendered to the cops then I would get put in jail and I woke up when I hit the water.


>> No.472033

fuck I never remember my dreams, the only one I really remember was one I had when I was a kid where I was on a train running from robot aliens. also there was this one I've been repressing where I sucked on a woman's toes while shirtless guys stood around in the background

>> No.472037

the best dreams are where you're a bad guy and everyone is chasing after you because you broke the law.

>> No.472044

As long as I keep my gender to myself 99% of the time, right? I know the drill, I've been here (not /jp/ obviously) since late 2004. I'm just bad at it.

>> No.472072


You guys should try practicing some vivid dreaming. Then you can have all those badass dreams every time you sleep, with hi-def.

>> No.472081


Is that the same as a lucid dream? I've had one of those; I wasted it, though. I dreamt I was in my aunt's house, and I realized that I must be dreaming since my aunt moved out of that house a while ago. Then I pissed on a wall, no idea why, and woke up.

>> No.472091


>> No.472093


Lucid dreams, yeah. Basically you're conscious that you're dreaming and have full control over the scenario.

>> No.472098


>>472072 probably meant lucid dream. All "vivid dream" means is very realistic and easily remembered.

>> No.472118
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A relatively civil discussion on 4chan of all places.
Goddamn I love you guys sometimes.

>> No.472142


Ah, alright. I have vivid dreams every now and then, sometimes it's annoying when I have a vivid dream in which I go through a normal day, but it seems so real that when I wake up, I think that day actually happened.

>> No.472179

Are there any happy updates with Anonymous of Seven or Gerhardt?

Also, if any other anons have had luck with relationships recently, feel free to share.

>> No.472200
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>> No.472207

i got better at IaMP

>> No.472226


Imagine Garry`s Mod sanbox mode, only without limitations and with mind-controlled interface.

I had few of those too. Talking with people in them is quite amusing, knowing that they are created by your mind. I mean, sometimes they can tell you things you didn`t know or didn`t notice (and it turns out ot be true).

>> No.473455

Have a nice weekend, anon.

>> No.473495

Today I played more of Kodomo Milk Parfait, which made me very happy. Today wasn't as good a scene as I had last night (which was when both girls were rubbing against some pole in the park), but it was still awesome. Besides, my arm and buttocks still have muscle strains from last nights session.
Right now I'm packing to go back to uni tomorrow.
I did not hug my sister today as she is back at uni, and is unfortunately an older sister.

>> No.473510

I like this sort of thread.

Seeing more of AoMexico's CG art for the game made me feel really happy. This is something that was drawn out of something I wrote, and that anonymous seems to enjoy. I guess that's the writer's satisfaction everyone aims to.
And I just read a really amusing doujin starring a little Akiha, posted on /a/. Along with that yotsuba page, where she cheers the policewoman to do her best, that made my day.
It's a sunny day, and I have some free time to keep writing and maybe play some guitar hero. It's going to be a nice weekend.

>> No.473568

holy shit, your sis sounds like a BITCH.

Go and RAPE her.
