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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.47138163
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>> No.47138225
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I love Amane

>> No.47138482

who is the girl and what is that red thing

>> No.47138500

it's a jollibee

>> No.47138556

That's Moepi and the red thing is Teru

>> No.47138798

a what

>> No.47138878

hory shet, wide moeka

>> No.47138959
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Thank you for letting us stay, anons.

>> No.47139011

They really squandered MyGO's success and Amita's return haven't they? It was the perfect 1-2 punch to take the franchise into a new era, but no they didn't really do much.

>> No.47139377
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Sex with Teru

>> No.47139453

>Dig Delight Direct Drive!
I haven't heard of this before, will this be a new and upcoming IP?

>> No.47139848

So whats kidani's endgoal? Tanking every single franchise to the ground?

>> No.47139871

Focusing on card games, so those franchises are safe for now. Vanguard, Weiss Schwartz, Rebirth for You, Shadowverse Evolve, Hololive, and the current big push for Dream Order.
Every Bushiroad console games have flopped so far so it will probably be the next department to get axed. At least we got a few yuri VNs including Revue Starlight's from that push.
BanG Dream is safe for now thanks to MyGO and Ave Mujica. Not sure about how long Revue Starlight can still go.

>> No.47139977
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>Not sure about how long Revue Starlight can still go
The best indicator for that are these girls. Are them a one off or a truly new unit for the franchise? I don't follow much idol/seiyuu stuff so i don't know what kind of career each one has, maybe someone can summarize that?

>> No.47140107

They're probably going to be the Sieglets' rival group the way Seiran were set up as the foils/counterparts to Seishou. The Edels and Siegfeld Jr High are still the focus, and Kukugumi the face of the series.

tldr I doubt they will be going far with Romana/Romagna/idek unless somehow the fan reception is very positive.

>> No.47140148

It's a niche yuri IP by some ERP software company called Donuts. Here is a sample of their songs:

>> No.47140285

Do you know what's going on the wrestling side? i don't follow it but a some months ago i saw some criticism about Bushiroad being really cheap with the management of NJPW or something

>> No.47140343

Mygo did like 3 lives, a tour and some festival lineup in less than a year after the anime debut

>> No.47140498

What will happen to Frontwing?

>> No.47140533

I mean why else would Okada move to the States?

>> No.47140538

Going back to make NL VN

>> No.47143507

>Bushiroad console games
Dear Days would actually be good if I didn't need to buy a $70 dlc every 4 sets

Have them reboot grisaia to print money

>> No.47143977
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You just reminded me that Mimo's moving too RIP kukugumi

>> No.47144215


>> No.47145572

>Full TCG autism
well rip UK, Philippines and India if they were expecting any seiyuu who is not fron Vanguard to come.

>> No.47146105

Who are the female Vanguard VAs again? Need a list for reference purposes.

>any seiyuu who is not fron Vanguard to come
So is there a chance for Mimorin or Aimi?

>> No.47146288

its always oyu

>> No.47146560


>> No.47147414

I gotta say that Aimi's photobook included in the limited edition of her new album is very classy. Wish there were more leg shots like the one on the acrylic stand though...

>> No.47147418

Ah yes the lesbian D4DJ couple that was not supposed to be gay. Bushi EN didn't know how to translate hardcore Yuri bait properly as dating in the west means relationship while dating in Japan apparently means something different. Bushi JP side got pissed, Bushi EN said can't take it back due to backlash and LOOK OUR TWEET IS OUR HIGHEST AMOUNT. Bushi JP just takes the L and fucks off. Months later, D4DJ goes back to how it normally is as surprise the western gay crowd are teens, don't spend money, and move on quickly to the next thing. I always love the story of Bushi's first lesbian couple.

>> No.47147467

the west never mattered

>> No.47147508

>Bushi doing "Expos" all around the west
> Bushi doing console games with EN translations
>Bushi still trying to break into the western market like other companies
>West never mattered

Fucking wish the West didn't matter, they took Mimori, what's next?

>> No.47147509


>> No.47148013
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>> No.47149188

Speaking of album limited bonus, Wish Aimi was better at getting hypnotized. The dude gave up on her and Ayase and focused on Mikoi Sasaki instead.

>> No.47149995

TCG expos genius
Did you miss the memo about her moving to 'murica this month due her husband?
Are you malding D4DJ will now have raunchy hetero collabs instead of vanilla romance ones?
Because the upcoming 7th prince one is not from bushi.

>> No.47150073

Not him but I wanted her to visit Flipland. If she can go to Singapore, Malaysia, and Vietnam, why not Flipland?

>> No.47150205
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>Are you malding D4DJ will now have raunchy hetero collabs instead of vanilla romance ones?
>Because the upcoming 7th prince one is not from bushi.
Based, Donuts purging the game.

>> No.47150349
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>> No.47150356
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This suits her

>> No.47150605
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>> No.47150727
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>> No.47151905

Dead 4 DJ

>> No.47152024
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>> No.47152304

>Bushiroad Expo India didn't have any guests
Wonder if this means there's no guarantee that Bushiroad Expo PH (or indeed several of the other Bushiroad Expos like London and Italy) will have even one Bushi seiyuu.

>> No.47152560

Yura is still the best bushi at getting hypnotized. Aiai would be a contender but Hibiki fucked up by using a fake hypnotist first
(really no difference from a real one) which undermined her trust and ruined it for the real one later.

>> No.47153005
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The UK Expo had one announced already. A Milky Holmes seiyuu is returning to London it seems.

>> No.47153023

Doesn't she live in London?

>> No.47153058

Seems to be the case. Thought she just used to study there.

>> No.47153270

D4DJ no longer being a bushi franchise means no more temma/yura cringe in this thread right? Or are they part of another bush IP as well?

>> No.47153282
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>> No.47153290

And she's a married woman.

>> No.47153530

She married an Italian woman

>> No.47153561
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>Yura and Temma flirting in Budokan!
Dreams do come true

>> No.47153715

Will D4DJ concerts ever feel like a rave or just continue to be a typical idol performance?

>> No.47153778

Donuts will transform D4DJ into a real club franchise by lifting the ban on moshing, and supplying drugs (they just put in a song from a Japanese Korean rapper who has been arrested twice last year for drugs into Groovy Mix recently, plus a drug addicted girl in A Bad Cynic Doggo)

>> No.47153787

How do you know? Will they be at pride?

>> No.47153974
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Oh no she is beautiful now

>> No.47154185

Makes me want to die in combat

>> No.47154206
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Always was

>> No.47154240

But what about her ass?

>> No.47154266

She was hotter when her age started with a 1

>> No.47154271

Is commonly the case unfortunately.

>> No.47154303

I remember reading there's some drama going around with stardom

Never. 99gumi are pretty much done anyway. The 5th anniversary merch is literally titled 'epilogue'.

>> No.47154305

Is not like Bandori is any better
Fags already complaining how Taki is in a swimsuit.

>> No.47154314

Who else does that apply to?

>> No.47154319

we never could completely purge the AL posters, so don't expect the d4dj posters to stop anytime soon

>> No.47154325
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>> No.47154409

Age starting with 1 and name starting with A

>> No.47154436
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>> No.47154501

Why would anyone complain about that?

>> No.47154665

Ozempic and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.47155962

I think kdhr is cute

>> No.47156621

I really don't like $CURRENT_YEAR Ayasa

>> No.47158994
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>> No.47159341
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>> No.47159865

It makes me wonder. How is she still employed with Bushi when she’s been living out of country for so long? Didn’t she marry a foreigner?

>> No.47160445

She might be paid for on a per-role/per-appearance deal, rather than receiving a fixed salary. Voice actors especially tend to have payment arrangements like that, so for example she might have gotten a remuneration for when recording was completed for the MH video game, and then gotten paid again when recording new lines for Cordelia in the Starira collab because they wouldn't have been reused lines from the game/anime.

Some voice actors have stories about how they were painfully poor before they landed roles for named characters (a recurring/main cast member should get paid more for their work in more episodes compared to random background extra #36), were ranked up in the voice acting rate ladder, or supplemented their income by doing jobs like waiting tables/conbini cashier/modelling etc. It seems difficult to earn a bill-paying wage on voice acting alone unless you also have side projects like radio or niconico shows.

For Kitta I suppose she is in a DINK partnership and/or simply doesn't need to commit to voice acting/livestream/variety stuff as much nowadays.

>> No.47160616

Nobody knows for sure, but Izumi really participated in a pride before. She's a known yuri otaku and lgbt activist. She's also writing a yuri manga Liberty about lesbian angst, social and family pressure, which is likely autobiographical. Also it's quite uncommon for a Japanese person to marry outside of Japan if it's just a normal (hetero) wedding.

>> No.47160874

Well if Kitta is already living in London, then isn't that cheating since they're just getting her when she's already in the area anyway?

>> No.47161142

Kitts has been working for Bushiroad longer than Mimo, there is no way they are taking her off the books.

>> No.47161158
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sailor temma

>> No.47161162

Does Mimorin moving to the states kill the dream of her ever visiting Flipland, or paradoxically that only makes it easier?

>> No.47161257

>lgbt aka western mental illness
these have absolutely nothing to do with each other

>> No.47161280

She does both.
She also complains about the molesters in Japanese subways vs safeness of London subways

>> No.47161292
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sailor bushis

>> No.47161381
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Moepi? Yura?

>> No.47161562
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>> No.47161586

I love her so much...

>> No.47161597

She looks like she is in her late 20s

>> No.47162110

>safeness of London subways

>> No.47162113

Go back to /pol/

>> No.47162135

London, not New York...


>> No.47162257

Japanese women would rather be in wagon full of junkies than with wageslaves because the train molesters problem is that bad over there.

>> No.47162309

Tell us sister, what are your experiences with molesters in japanese and london subways.

>> No.47162332

While bongs stations don't look as bad as spain subway, I would call THAT a pretty bad too

>> No.47162575

Meds. Literally not a single word in this post implies that.

>> No.47162599
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Is this bushi enough?

>> No.47162840
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Say something nice about the birthday girl.

>> No.47162847


>> No.47163261

4/5 bushis

>> No.47163844

I still can't decide if she's hot or goofy.

>> No.47163984

She looks like the sort of girl I'd have dated in high school so that makes it hot.

>> No.47164139

Aimi your eggs............

>> No.47164364

True, I'd take a few molesters here and there instead of the shit happening in EU/US subways.

>> No.47164567

>here and there

>> No.47165016

Even the newbie MC?

>> No.47165059
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>> No.47165807

Can't believe the girl who retired at the young age of 23 is already 30 as of today.

>> No.47166218

she's probably pregnant or has a kid by this point

>> No.47166256

Is she still with Eguchi?

>> No.47166333

I hope you-know-who retires before 23

>> No.47166494

retires to become the CEO of Bushiroad

>> No.47166593

She would certainly finish Kidani's work and burn this company to the ground

>> No.47166624

Cutting out a project that has been losing money since Day 1, and use that money for succesful projects like MyGO & Ave Mujica is the opposite of burning the company to the ground.

>> No.47166721

>succesful projects like MyGO & Ave Mujica
they fumbled those. maigo's anime got a lot of attention but then they announced the sequel would come a year later? lmao. Although idk if that will end up being for the better, with all the girl's band themed anime we're getting this year.

>> No.47167301

Be patient, they just dropped D4DJ and had to host Aimin's DJ tours still for the rest of the year. Pushing Ave Mujica anime to 2025 synchronizes with this.

>> No.47167306

>sequel comes out later
Yes, that's how sequels work.
Mygo did plenty of concerts, they are fine.

>> No.47167318
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>> No.47167410

Should we make a Donuts Seiyuu Thread now that the custody papers are signed?

>> No.47167444

With Assault Lily and D4DJ gone from bushi, Erika would be entirely off topic

>> No.47167471

>D4DJ gone from bushi
explain, what the fuck did I miss

>> No.47167497

They transferred ALL of D4DJ to Donuts

>> No.47167578

T7S fans are such weirdos, I would rather have a D4DJ & Assault Lily seiyuu general.

>> No.47167638

All those ex-idols lose their chance to become bushi slaves
In exchange they get to perform at Budokan - even Amanesu will lose her Budokan virginity

>> No.47167685

There is too little overlap between the D4DJ and Assault Lily casts that it would defeat the purpose.

I actually don't think there is much to discuss about the Assault Lily cast and their shows or shenanigans in general that couldn't be or isn't talked about elsewhere, most anons in these threads don't follow the project closely. I do but I am pretty certain I am one of a small handful in these threads. I suspect a dedicated thread would die off too quickly at /jp/ though.

As for D4DJ it's in that weird place of not fitting in any other /jp/ thread and anons in the game threads I've seen don't know or care about the cast.

>> No.47167742

Chinharu, Moeka, Haruki, Tsumu, Tanda Hazuki, Amane, Karin, Sekine Akira, Udagawa Momoka, P, Eririn, Rimi

That's a lot of overlap

>> No.47167909

>T7S Fans are weird
We're not weird! Just devoted.

>> No.47168015

>Takahashi Karin
These will likely still have relevance in the near future in the Last Bullet storyline.

>Tanda Hazuki
>Sekine Akira
Playing fan favorite/well-liked characters so they will probably still have new material or new appearances later on.

Akari is a neglected redhead stepchild and I'd be surprised if the Last Bullet writers manage to find a use for her beyond the same repeated unfunny gags. I also don't expect Gran Eple to make an appearance in the stage plays and even if they did, chances are Akari will be played by somebody who actually can act.

I get the sense that she isn't as invested in Shin compared to some of the other characters she's portrayed. Would be nice to see Moepi portray Shin in live action but she comes as a package deal with Yahiro and Agupon isn't a proven stage actress like Moepi, so it seems unlikely unless a different actress plays Yahiro for live action.

>Udagawa Momoka
Her character is literally double dead

I reserved a special spot for Rimi because I really really hope her wish to voice Himari in Last Bullet will come true. Fumi will also always be relevant as long as Obanazawa uses her as his self insert.

I'm not sure where I was going with this, maybe that there is some overlap but not significantly to the extent that a joint thread could work, when some of the overlap doesn't mean much if their characters aren't getting as much attention.

>> No.47168050

Are you more loyal to big company brand or to girls? Think carefully.

>> No.47168128

>d by somebody who actually can act.
What's wrong with Amane stage act?

>> No.47168328

>Tanda Hazuki
These will likely still have relevance in the near future in the D4DJ project.

>Sekine Akira
>Udagawa Momoka
Donuts' brainchild according to Bushiroad and a big reason to offload the entire project to Donuts.

UniChØrd is the neglected redhead stepchild that came from Bushiroad but deemed unprofitable by Donuts to the point they spelt that out explicitly in the Doggo storyline. Donuts didn't even bother giving them a Live, yet Abyssmare concert will be the very 2nd Live hosted by Donuts (After Merm4id).

>P, Eririn, Rimi
One-off characters for a stage play

I just wanted to point out UniChØrd SUCKS and yuri doesn't sell.

>> No.47168385

I suppose this proves the point that any overlap in casts has negligible meaning after all.

>> No.47169210

D4DJ was awfully mismanaged by kidani (not counting the sexual misconduct rumours)...
If BangDream werent took away from this asshole it would be in a worse state than d4dj. Kidani is just a terrible project manager.

>> No.47169526

Chinharu posted some really nice Instagram Story Reels...

>> No.47169618
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>perform at Budokan
Please be joking. Last time they didn't even manage to fill a 5k venue. I thought they would have learned from Bushiroads' previous Dome disasters.

>> No.47169630


>> No.47169674

Go big or go home. They have one year to work and fill budokan.

>> No.47169686

You don't fill 100% of the Budokans you don't perform at.

>> No.47169708

>spring 2025
They're awfully optimistic

>> No.47169903

Diggler sis we are going to become the new butt of the joke aren't we

>> No.47169912

Trust the plan, we are entering a new glorious era

>> No.47170186


>> No.47170318

Clubchads please don't leave us idolfags behind...

>> No.47171127

I blame Amane for d4dj death

>> No.47172116

Wasn't her fanservice the only thing keeping it alive?

>> No.47172277

Please support Unichord in order to make Karin happy I will cringe if they flop

>> No.47172748

I'm not buying it, D4DJ might not be doing well but dying?, going EoS?, no.

>> No.47173227

bushi dropping the franchise to donuts means the game is not dying anytime soon. The franchise as a whole will change though, I don't see a new anime season happening at all.

>> No.47173899


Oh Suzumin's first main role?

>> No.47174125 [SPOILER] 
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>The franchise as a whole will change though
I hope Donuts look into what indie anime idol groups are doing.

>> No.47174129

I want to hump the thighs of the girl on the right

>> No.47174220

She was the MC in Megami-ryou

>> No.47174242

?! Wait, that's gay

>> No.47174674

What do you see in Karin?

>> No.47174949
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>> No.47175417
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American "culture" was a mistake

>> No.47175527
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>> No.47175555


>> No.47175887

tsunko-led militia group when?

>> No.47176673
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>> No.47176695

Which bushi has the best agency photo?

>> No.47176789
File: 200 KB, 1031x1374, Watase_Yuzuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47176954

Amita, always Amita

>> No.47177199

Agreed, too bad she doesn't look like this anymore

>> No.47177215

Did she ever

>> No.47177320

Good shout

>> No.47177330

I would hope so

>> No.47177430

They have bad agency photos so they don't get trageted by horny

>> No.47177480
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Too bad she updated it with a different hairstyle

>> No.47177496
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>> No.47177580

Will Donuts stop hiring washed up ex-idols?

>> No.47177610
File: 288 KB, 1366x2048, GQwtO1masAAKbTM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donuts hire active idols though?
Bushiroad hire ex-idols.

>> No.47177756
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Don't know if I'd say the best but she definitely had the biggest upgrade

>> No.47179900
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>> No.47180883
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sadly she updated it recently

>> No.47182387

Saw Aimin on TV. Are they sending bushis to Pachinko tv prgorams to shill the Bandori and D4DJ machines?

>> No.47182950
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>> No.47183613

>Merm4id 6th Live already sold out premium seats

>> No.47184431

Amane is

>> No.47184889
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>> No.47184906


>> No.47184913

how can western w*men even compete

>> No.47184919

Why isher skull so big, her forehead is so long, I can’t see anything else.

>> No.47185364

She will save Bandori

>> No.47186361

But shes also very

>> No.47186368


>> No.47186963

But ultimately, she is a complete

>> No.47187066


>> No.47188440

Looks like s*lly amaki

>> No.47188477

You are right and you should have kept it to yourself

>> No.47188602

>Donuts has started the purge of Bushi's songs in D4DJ

>> No.47188703

explain yourself

>> No.47189018

She wished she was as pretty as Sally

>> No.47189039
File: 163 KB, 2048x1362, GRC0DOPa4AET8GX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47189045
File: 36 KB, 427x640, 1719399787709234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His song is kill
(It was theoretically from Bushiroad's Anisama)

>> No.47189133

>Bushiroad's Anisama
The one that didn't sell out for the first time in history?

>> No.47189178

That's the third one Bushiroad sponsored

>> No.47189321


>> No.47189527

Did last year sell out?

>> No.47190028
File: 196 KB, 1182x2048, Cute Yuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47190047

Not bushiroad related

>> No.47190051

Shu is better and nicer than Sally

>> No.47190052
File: 833 KB, 1536x2048, GQ_mEsQbgAIBnUP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47190286


They are so comfy

>> No.47190963
File: 204 KB, 1280x720, 1719406344856205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47191465

>Hayashi Coco
>Haya... Coco

>> No.47191547

Will we ever get to see Aimi wearing fishnets or at least pantyhose?

>> No.47191926


tune in for aiai murdering 'für immer' pronunciation every single time

>> No.47191930
File: 237 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47192449
File: 567 KB, 368x656, Aimi (2).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47192647
File: 406 KB, 1365x2048, GRFUtFIaYAA4dVH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47193007

So young...

>> No.47193034

Early Million Live and Bandori was peak, I miss it.

>> No.47193471

I need Ouy gravure

>> No.47194888
File: 3.08 MB, 4096x2725, GREKbBOawAEo-GS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47195309

Aimi legs (a bit at least)

>> No.47195334

I find it hilarious how desperate the Bushi thread is for even the slightest hint of Aimin skin compared to the im@s thread.

>> No.47195736
File: 273 KB, 1170x1560, Kanon_Shizaki-1806489369295069435-IitO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47195761
File: 536 KB, 799x1200, GRHwzrXbQAA7d6I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47195766
File: 550 KB, 799x1200, GRHw0_MacAArYWw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47196058
File: 554 KB, 799x1200, hikaru_tono-1806492828014665991-img3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't expect that, I'm willing to spend money on that

>> No.47196107

I cant believe it, finally. Thank you for sharing this blessing
So this means her career isnt going well?

>> No.47196162

Bushi is saved

>> No.47196169

no gums no buy

>> No.47196176

>So this means her career isnt going well?

Better than Amane.

>> No.47196183

Please don't be mean to Kidani's niece

>> No.47196516

so this is the new d4dj unit? lmao

>> No.47196532


>> No.47196566

Amane soon

>> No.47196582

The toenails scare me

>> No.47196664

Too popular and successful for that

>> No.47196851
File: 644 KB, 799x1200, GRHxqhDbkAATYPw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smells good

>> No.47196879
File: 1.45 MB, 2431x1629, GRH0K_jaMAAJ3J9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47196885
File: 538 KB, 2866x2024, GRInCr5boAAv_VJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47196887
File: 765 KB, 2339x1654, GRIk0U5bIAAxYmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47196944

Can't go wrong with this. Signed address and 2-shot cheki event.

>> No.47197014

But this one gets the digital photobook (different from the physical one) download serial though >>47196885

>> No.47197152

And an A5 exclusive photobook >>47196887
Obviously the final solution is one from each store (3-set + animated bundle + Gamers online store + Akihibara Gamers store), only 6 books in total.

>> No.47198521


Amane if Anime

>> No.47198692
File: 235 KB, 1108x1108, GRKAK2HbsAAIXSN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47198749

Moepi is so flexible


video is perfect for those who are into girls doing high kicks

>> No.47199073
File: 320 KB, 2048x1364, Moepi (175).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my shit

>> No.47199666

The only thing that can save bullshitroad is a jav division at this point.
Starring Amane.

>> No.47199702

Aimi might do better in that case

>> No.47199746

Sounds stupid, no one would want to watch jav with inexperienced girl

>> No.47199749

I pretty much only watch debut videos these days, it's good shit.

>> No.47199768

Usually means jack shit

>> No.47199818

She has tons of experience with Kidani and Bushi shareholders.

>> No.47199898

Leave Amane alone you freaks.

>> No.47200800

Hi-chan belly button and legs.


>> No.47200868

Very cute dumb girl

>> No.47201027

how do we make our favourite bushis to whore out more?

>> No.47201041

Make Bandori EOS.

>> No.47201050

define whoring out

>> No.47201146

Which Bushi has the biggest number of fangirls?

>> No.47201187

show tiddies in high resolution

>> No.47201338
File: 249 KB, 1108x1478, cocohayashi515-1806647215202681130-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47201775

I admit the idea is very tempting, but I'd be happy with Aimi just wearing more, non-modified peaky-p outfits, I don't ask for more.

>> No.47202242
File: 653 KB, 1536x2048, GRKPUejbEAAkuYt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47202254
File: 294 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_6607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never expected she would do swimsuit desu

>> No.47202466
File: 830 KB, 1536x2048, GRECyCWa0AAhTac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is sexy now

>> No.47202485
File: 856 KB, 1920x1080, 【フルバージョン】ラスバレ放送局 ラスバれ!ゴールデンウィークスペシャル2024 [LJrYyQgjAr4].webm_snapshot_01.33.40.383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47202630

oyu needs to be impregnated before her eggs dry up

>> No.47203381

Leave it to me

>> No.47203475

Yuki is severely in need of my nakadashi

>> No.47203524
File: 773 KB, 3024x4032, GRNJCufbQAAXEoG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47203535

Baby bushis are pure sex now.
I hope it goes the other way too

>> No.47204168
File: 194 KB, 1061x1874, GRN_QMGbcAAJ3Mv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47204197
File: 1.17 MB, 2576x1932, GRKjYC8aEAA_3BK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47204292

>Back pain
Is dyke sex really hardcore?

>> No.47204365

What's Hi-chan personality like?

>> No.47204374
File: 245 KB, 1080x1350, GRNsSSNa0AA7fbH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47204385
File: 157 KB, 1080x1350, GRNsSSMbUAADcir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47204533
File: 330 KB, 1920x1440, GROZPpTbYAAPR24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47204596
File: 286 KB, 1108x1477, GROZpTTbwAA3vcB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lesbian icons

>> No.47204617

Business girlfriends.

>> No.47204623


>> No.47204701

who would she even be doing it with?

>> No.47204721
File: 969 KB, 3024x4032, GRNVhWgbUAAd9cl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a work of art.

>> No.47204729

God must've been a fucking genius

>> No.47204863

For some reason I don't get horny looking at her.

>> No.47204868

You are a gay icon

>> No.47205077
File: 516 KB, 2048x1536, GRISPZFaEAAMCra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47205090

straightest bushi

>> No.47205123

she's fucking her sister all the time

>> No.47205128

Aimi kicked her out because "living alone is the best"

>> No.47205162

Why does she look different now? More filter or visits to Dr Kim?

>> No.47205265

They don’t live together anymore??

>> No.47205283

Filters I think, even in vlogs

>> No.47205391
File: 456 KB, 1536x2048, GRPCE2oakAADB31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan Burger Championship


>> No.47205425

getting back in shape for her new character

>> No.47205437

It's from pegging her male slave (me)

>> No.47205842
File: 34 KB, 195x170, 1678207183785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pleases the architects

>> No.47205958

All women are cuter with a bit of chub.

>> No.47206226
File: 549 KB, 1538x2048, GRPguI6a0AAm_1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47206236
File: 634 KB, 1536x2048, GRPRNigagAAJtUg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47206253

Wanted to reply with Amane's fat ass picture, but couldn't find it

>> No.47206672

What fat ass?

>> No.47207443
File: 238 KB, 1080x1920, [1807049199764279296].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47207931

God I love desperate flops

>> No.47207976

Marry, fuck, kill, kill

>> No.47207984

marry kill kill fuck

>> No.47208305
File: 74 KB, 1125x827, 20240629_211221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47208386

I have never been so attracted to a drummer before.

>> No.47208435

She's pretty hot

>> No.47208712

marry, mistress, consort, concubine

>> No.47209166

>mistress, consort, concubine
What are the differences?

>> No.47209231

how much I really love them

>> No.47209337

Lucky simp. I want to be her pet dog.

>> No.47209749

God bless seiyuu that follow the path of iguchi

>> No.47209853

What's an iguchi?

>> No.47210459

strong arm

>> No.47210504
File: 413 KB, 2048x1536, GRSsA-VbIAAMRiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post-rough sex Yuki

>> No.47211122


>> No.47211385

