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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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47135048 No.47135048 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>47100256

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.47135259


>> No.47135268
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>> No.47135356

Sorry for the offtopic but you guys are my only friends. What do you guys do when you are sad and bishoujo games don't make you more happy?

>> No.47135391

Walk, jerk off, try reading games I wouldn't usually read

>> No.47135399

Go and watch my eroge op collection

>> No.47135417

Can you link it?

>> No.47135548

Exercise, actually eat food that isn't trash for your health, draw/write/do anything involving creating something. Constant consuming and thinking about things you cannot fix yourself is unproductive and what plebians do.

>> No.47135690

This is one of the best medleys I've found https://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0y1f4q_UrA

>> No.47135698 [DELETED] 

delete and try again

>> No.47135902

Read your favorite sections your favorite eroge
Listen to your favorite BGMs
Lately i've watched some episodes of anime i watched more than a decade ago to remember "the good times"
Also crying and alcohol

>> No.47136120 [SPOILER] 

is never an answer, got get therapy

>> No.47136126

Alcohol is trash but so is therapy.

>> No.47136162

As long as you are not fucking yourself up with it there shouldn't be any problems, and this goes to eroge as well.

>> No.47136168

Alcohol makes you stupid and older. Who wants that?

>> No.47136233

poison for the body vs. poison for the mind.

>> No.47136309

you're right, weed is better. It makes you happy by allowing you to interact with your eroge characters through schizoing out.

>> No.47136328

>schizoing out
So true. You can even see the End Sky.

>> No.47136388

Get a pet if you can or watch cat videos.

>> No.47136418

Seal the bad feeling by making chuuni hand signs

>> No.47136452

Would you put him in a box?

>> No.47136478

I'm surprised that at this point we haven't done a string puppet and neko box compilation

>> No.47136553


>> No.47136734

I know that "get therapy" is just a buzzword but anyone that actually tried to get therapy will tell you there's pretty much a 2 year long waiting list because all of society is now fucked in the head.

>> No.47136876

Thank god we have moege now

>> No.47136902

You make immediate appointments a lot of places in Burgerland. Not like feeling better is something you can magically happen anyway. Being happy through legitimate means is a harder skill to learn than learning Japanese for eroge.

>> No.47136917

Learning Japanese for eroge is a legitimate way to become happy though.

>> No.47137100

>You make immediate appointments a lot of places in Burgerland.
isn't that because in burgerland they just exist to sell you pills?

>> No.47137143

Those are psychiatrists not therapists but yes, those are pill pushers just like many doctors. You'll probably end up addicted to drugs, homeless and with bills that's enough to fund Ryuugames' entire eroge piracy/Indonesian village if you follow everything they say.

>> No.47137285

Thoughts on mareni?

>> No.47137328

a cool dude

>> No.47137338

Does anyone has a link to Gin'Haru writer's blog that has the after after story to Mizuha's route?

>> No.47137344

Tolkien fanboy, which is obvious when you read some of his shit. The description of bengara is insane.

>> No.47137353

Albatross is such a boring slog

>> No.47137363


>> No.47137373 [DELETED] 

Dude I have a lot of other hobbies. Eroge Is not even my main one.
also, I have a couple of friends and a gf too.
The problem with you guys is instead of fixing your life you develop a toxic addictive relationship with eroge using it as a replacement for actual life

>> No.47137382 [DELETED] 

リア充 fuck off

>> No.47137397

any recommendations of eroge with interesting high concept sci-fi ideas?

>> No.47137400

must indeed be a slog with N3 reading speed

>> No.47137402

Why happened to sakutoki? It just released one day and everyone forgot about it right that day despite the hype. In contrast, Sakuuta was discussed and shilled as masterpiece for a decade.

>> No.47137407


D.C. 5 Adult version on September 27th. Interesting choice of seiyuu for Mizuha.

>> No.47137409

But I haven't read it, so no idea. If anyone here could confirm if it's any good or not, it would be appreciated.

>> No.47137417

Any reason why they keep releasing all ages version first then release the real version later?

>> No.47137418

Saihate no ima
Just don't expect a well written story weaved around those ideas
You just read through pages and pages of cool lore in Wikipedia entries after going through hours and hour of SoL and before experiencing a kino climax sequence

>> No.47137428

That thing is SAO tier in terms of concept

>> No.47137432

a lot of sci-fi books is the same so I will manage, thanks

>> No.47137446

is https://vndb.org/v9198 better?

>> No.47137453 [DELETED] 

kill yourself

>> No.47137457

The market for pretentious kamige doesn’t exist anymore

>> No.47137465 [DELETED] 

The one more likely to commit suicide is you because your life sucks

>> No.47137467

Apeiria is pretty fun.

>> No.47137473 [DELETED] 

I'm not the one attaching myself to a whore that will cheat. I guess you won't have a problem since you're a cuck

>> No.47137496 [DELETED] 

Man you're really pathetic. No wonder you're sad and depressed all the time.

>> No.47137501

It was discussed heavily here for the entire month it released

>> No.47137512

Mareni's not focusing on games right now, IIRC he said on twitter his next project is 妖姫のおとむらい2

>> No.47137516

Meant to reply to

>> No.47137529

>after going through hours and hour of SoL
you say that like it's bad
that fucking azusa/youko scene was some of the funniest shit ever

>> No.47137532

What's the appeal of mareni other than prose

>> No.47137537

How about reading and discovering it?

>> No.47137555
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Scadi was a fucking pussy who didn't give her a route

>> No.47137578

Iunno but beware of any writer who is only being shilled for their prose skills. Apart from being good at creating atmosphere and writing banter they're terrible at everything else. I bet that's the case with mareni too.

>> No.47137583

What writers are you talking about?

>> No.47137599

He's more of a Mervyn Peake fanboy and even went so far as to call the inn in kagerou touryuuki his castle gormenghast a while back on twitter.

>> No.47137610

>Apart from being good at creating atmosphere and writing banter
this is all i'm looking for from eroge. if i wanted a deep story i'd just read a book.

>> No.47137615

so what last book have you read with a deep story?

>> No.47137619

Oh you're right, he's mentioned it a bunch of times.

>> No.47137627

He's also said he's a huge fan of Izumi Kyouka, and presumably Yamada Bimyou (the guy in his avatar) as well.

>> No.47137640

Is that a bad thing, though? If you genuinely enjoy reading in Japanese and have properly learned the language, enjoying the prose is what adds into the immersion and makes the experience one of a kind. What's the point learning the language otherwise?

>> No.47137667

So did he read them in English or poorly translated Japanese?

>> No.47137669

>if i wanted a deep story i'd just read a book.
Books are just words on a paper. It can be garbage like the book I'm about to finish or it can be good. There's no inherent "deepness" to the medium. Not anymore than VNs.

>> No.47137689

I remember him tweeting about the books to another writer and mentioning that there isn't a good option to read it in Japanese, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was in english.

>> No.47137715

It's the culture. VNs are embedded in otaku culture. Girls have to be written in a certain way. Certain political themes shouldn't be explored. Certain types of stories are not allowed. You should adhere to typical VN structure. There are eroge that go against the grain but in general there are a lot of limitations and expectations in general.

>> No.47137720

>Japanese people
>being fluent enough to read gormenghast

>> No.47137723

>our boy is one of "those people"
Oh no no no no...

>> No.47137726

I mean, eroge is probably the only medium that crosses the line so much thematically.

>> No.47137739
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I was wrong. It was probably some bad translation of it.

>> No.47137743

If you don't think your typical genre fiction novel isn't subject to similar limitations/trends of its culture in its own way, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.47137779

Otaku Culture is worse

>> No.47137801


>> No.47137809

Best thing about Tolkien is how absurdly detailed the topography descriptions are. You could make 1:1 replicas of most of the scenes in some terrain sandbox engine. Slows the plot down but it's comfy cause you're imagining them travellings as you visualize the terrain

>> No.47137817

I would not agree. In my experience, storytelling rooted in otaku culture is very broad and has a fairly large sense of freedom. Eroge in particular is allowed to tell several kinds of things that would be hard to believe would be accepted so easily in other cultures.

>> No.47137819
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My go-to method is lifting weights while watching motivational anime OPs while crying.
It works really well, but as a side effect I have now begun to start crying whenever I remember the Kingyo Chuuihou opening song.

The beauty of working out whenever you're sad is that if you don't feel better, you eventually become a sad muscular person, which is kind of like being a protagonist if you don't think about it.

I hope you feel better anon. I'm happy that I'm your friend.

>> No.47137829

Exactly. I personally enjoyed the descriptions of bengara immensely precisely because of that. Mareni's attention to detail to really try to make you feel part of the scene is amazing.

>> No.47137843

I think I agree, a lot of even the really vanilla moege that don't explore any socially unacceptable areas sexually often have scenarios, sol scenes, dialogue, and environments you simply can't find elsewhere, especially particular combinations and proportions of those things you cant find elsewhere. My one caveat would be that this overlaps to a huge degree with LNs, but that's basically the same culture

>> No.47137873

This. Even within otaku culture, it's generally quite interesting how certain works in other media, such as manga, are considered extremely sensitive and the worst thing you can experience in fiction. Then when you read it you realize that people like Ban'ya have written much more gruesome stories.

>> No.47137880

Your post reminded me of how so many people lost their shit when that one western RPGmaker game with the black-haired siblings had implied incest.
In the world of eroge, that would be just another Tuesday.

>> No.47137900

that shit is funny because here we are extremely disappointed if incest is NBR

>> No.47137907

>Girls have to be written in a certain way.
In moege, maybe, but not across all VNs.
There are plenty of VNs where the heroines cheat on the protagonist for example, they're just labeled as NTR.
There are also tons of VNs where the heroines are total sluts, but they're labeled as nukige.
You can write any kind of story you want in a VN and be very successful as long as you don't lie to people about what kind of story it is, and a surprising amount of the time even when you do.

>> No.47137948

it makes them more money

>> No.47137955

>My one caveat would be that this overlaps to a huge degree with LNs
I think RPGs also have a surprising amount of storytelling freedom.
At some point I think RPG writers found out that almost nobody plays past the halfway point in RPGs, so as long as you wait until then you can do whatever the fuck you want and nobody will know.
There's an RPG on the DS I like that's rated ESRB E and CERO A and the whole second half of the game is cannibalism and body horror. Surprisingly common occurrence.

>> No.47137972
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Why did Masada write the man who murdered his great-grandparents into his chuunige?

>> No.47137977

Not only that but he made him cool as hell too.

>> No.47137999

I always knew that writing talent is inherited
All of the most prominent writers always end up having some notable roots

>> No.47138007

JRPGs have always explored some pretty fucked up themes. Final Fantasy VI is one of the most famous examples. Overall, one of the things I enjoy the most is definitely genre shift.

>> No.47138022
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Eroge authors are usually so secretive that I find it interesting when you know about their family; Urobuchi's grandfather wrote detective fiction and his great-grandfather was a respected mineralogist.

>> No.47138277
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Goddamn it, now I want to read it

>> No.47138287

Those genres all have their own tropes and expectations though. No one would care about a more "realistic" heroine like some non-virgin who had sex in a past relationship or two or because of peer pressure even if she didn't actually like or want it. Though I heard there's a LN like that.

>> No.47138339

like 90% of loliges couldn't exist elsewhere
or maybe they do but i've never seen them talked about i don't think theres anything else in western literature besides lolita which is anti

>> No.47138368


>> No.47138374

This isn't in a human language.

>> No.47138401

I don't remember if I have seen anything similar to something by porori

>> No.47138720

Porori references a bunch of western literature, some of which has little girls, but romancing/molesting a little girl is probably too socially taboo to get published in the west if there isn't something else going for it. Though there are books with brief mentions of sex with little girls.

>> No.47138786

This stuff is so infuriating. Honestly most of america's problems in society wash over me without any effect, but anytime I'm reminded of the fact that I was unknowingly drugged all to hell as a child under the pretense of it being normal, it absolutely grinds my gears.

>> No.47138792

porori games are interesting because they have a somewhat existentialist approach and use the figures of lolis as saviors

>> No.47139035

mareni is one of the only good eroge writers other than Jackson, Shumon and Masada. why? mtloids can't ever touch them.

>> No.47139168
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>> No.47139850

What should I play as my first game by him?

>> No.47139879

whichever has the premise most interesting to you

>> No.47139903

>but romancing/molesting a little girl is probably too socially taboo
>He doesn't know Gabriel Matzneff
French literature used to be pedo friendly in the 70s-90s

>> No.47139908

>There are plenty of VNs where the heroines cheat on the protagonist for example, they're just labeled as NTR.
>There are also tons of VNs where the heroines are total sluts, but they're labeled as nukige.
Those are coomer stuff
Not serious eroge

>> No.47139912

>>He doesn't know [WESTOID]
And I'm glad.

>> No.47139921

>talks about western literature without knowing westoid writers
>seethe when someone points out his retardation
yep autism

>> No.47139925

I've never played an eroge withotu cumming

>> No.47139928

I only coom to chuuni stuff

>> No.47139955

Who are you quoting?

>> No.47139963

as a negative thing? You have to go back.

>> No.47139967

What's a "withotu"?

>> No.47139970

Autism bro....

You have to delusional to consider autism positive. No one likes autists. Not even those with autism.

>> No.47139982

Same. For chuunige that's good enough, just reading it invokes a feeling close to sexual pleasure. That feeling from a great chuunige is much better than sex.

>> No.47139983

But mentioning it as a "weird" or unusual thing on here means he has to go back.

>> No.47140011

If you have autism I won't take you seriously
Simple as

>> No.47140018

why are you on this site then

>> No.47140021

So you don't take any post on this site seriously? Figures, it's the home of dangerous hackers after all.

>> No.47140048

Anything with the vibe of 沙耶の唄 but without its, uh... "realistic" elements?

>> No.47140053

How tf can you get those vibes if you remove those realistic elements

>> No.47140068

I think he means the NTR

>> No.47140110

Any good eroge involving chuuni talk DURING sex?

>> No.47140193

Otome Domain

>> No.47140220

Any kamige from 2024?

>> No.47140223


>> No.47140344
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>What do you guys do when you are sad and bishoujo games don't make you more happy?
Read more bishoujo games and power through it.
If you can't find happiness in moege anymore, maybe it's time to punch your own ticket.

>> No.47140721 [SPOILER] 
File: 257 KB, 414x464, iji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny that I also thought about posting it.

Unironically though, I think this was one of the better short nukiges I read.
The game is carried hard by the seiyuu and by the art.
I liked small details, like breasts having a "juggling" state in several CGs and even on the standing sprite to look like a short animation.
I guess Coq feels more at home when drawing something like this, compared to his moege works.
And despite Ayano turning into a マゾ女 way too fast, it still made me feel things.
Maybe I'm just too soft and emotional for these kind of plots. I come for the depravity aspect, but end up caring about characters and feeling bad about them.

>> No.47140735
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>The game is carried hard by the seiyuu and by the art.
>Ayano turning into a マゾ女 way too fast
Agreed on both counts. It's quite good, especially for a first project from a very small studio, but with a couple of script tweaks and maybe making it a little longer and her corruption a little slower it could've been great.

>> No.47140964
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Does anyone have a link to Shady Trial 日陰サバイバン(https://www.dlsite.com/home/work/=/product_id/RJ244256.html))
Apparently one anon posted a link back in 2020 (>>/jp/image/sIlR+uqKR3UGSzZJqyKOcg)) but that link is long dead and I can't find it anywhere else.

>> No.47141046
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Nta, but toneworksanon convinced me in the previous thread to read her game. I'm not much of a moege fan, but it's been a while since I've read something just because I like a character's design. We all need something comfy from time to time I guess.

>> No.47141076

sometimes all you need is to just look for a heroine that looks cute and just go read the game without overthinking it

>> No.47141116

I remember doing that with aya from hatsuyuki sakura. She did not disappoint at all, an absolute goddess.

>> No.47141191


>> No.47141274

>I use 私 with others
With whom? Are you a gaijin invader?

>> No.47141284

Ako route in Sekai Seifuku Kanojo has that

>> No.47141296 [DELETED] 

Never going to make it as a true otaku. It should tell you something that very few people in Japan have interest in it and that it is a nearly unheard topic in Japanese media.
Kind of comparable to another thing (starting with the 20th and 18th letters of the alphabet) but it's a whole different can of worms.

>> No.47141308 [DELETED] 

What's the Snow Radish Vacation literature equivalent?

>> No.47141321

Are they going to add H-scenes with Oikawa Tougo to be suitable for a modern and global audience?

>> No.47141417

"Cumming" is good even for "serious eroge", the problem is when "cumming" is the main thing that you're supposed to do (ie. "coomer stuff")

>> No.47141705


>> No.47141722
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up, onegai

>> No.47141842
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I'm reading something else right now, but at least it's installed and ready to be read.

>> No.47142108

I have never "cummed" to eroge

>> No.47142243


>> No.47142827 [DELETED] 

Secret Love trial:

>> No.47142873

>This folder is not public

>> No.47142903

I'm a retard, let me reupload it

>> No.47143198

https://gofile.io/d/Ukemae try that, secret love trial

>> No.47143254


>> No.47143684
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He knows

>> No.47143752

does he imply that he won't be writing autistic shit again

>> No.47143764
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why is he like this

>> No.47143835

Is this secretly going to be a plotge? No way it's just what it looks like.

>> No.47143981

Avesta track shared today

>> No.47144038
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Is this the first 1080p hooksoft game?

>> No.47144064

Did they bring back Yonao Keishi? It definitely seems like something he'd cook up.
Either way, looks like the OST is in good hands.

>> No.47144072

0:14 hits hard

>> No.47144095

I hope they bought back Muzan's theme song.
Good stuff, but I'm still sad that this is their last vn

>> No.47144096

Natively? I think so, but iirc all hooksoft games have 1440p assets in their files.

>> No.47144104

>all hooksoft games
all recent*

>> No.47144132

Are there any recent writers who can continue the chuuni legacy? I haven't read anything new in years

>> No.47144155

writer of Jeweha

>> No.47144169

>1440p assets
Funny since sprite has been using the same engine and has done 1080p and even 4K (or maybe that was unity) years before.

>> No.47144178
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You're joking, right?

>> No.47144193
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The future of a -light-less chuunige realm is bleak. I had to turn to LNs to get my fix.

>> No.47144211

no way ln can deliver anything comparably serious that wouldn't be just another shounen copypast

>> No.47144224

Which writer do you guys think understands the medium most?

>> No.47144249


>> No.47144259

Scadi is one of those who probably understands it the most. That's precisely why he mentioned that the success or failure of yuzusoft is a good way to understand the current state of the industry. I don't remember if anyone else was advertising tenshi so much on their twitter.

>> No.47144333

Did Masada say that?

>> No.47144348
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Best heroines for this feel?

>> No.47144350

境界線上のホライゾン and ウィザーズ・ブレイン are both top tier chuuni insanity

>> No.47144383

your mom haha

>> No.47144386

That's the good shit.

>> No.47144390

I have horizon in my backlog. Damn, it's unfortunate that we are in a chuuni drought here. The problem is that even if there are new chuunige, it's difficult for them to reach the production level of masada+g+yonao.

>> No.47144397

so it's literally ded

>> No.47144398

where is my fucking next volume

>> No.47144422

Is sunrise adaptation good enough?

>> No.47144436

Not explicitly, but he has writer's block and said he would stop writing altogether if he took a long break. Aditya would already be done if he wrote at the same speed as Avesta, but Aditya is midway through and it took 3x more time than Avesta to get there.
He is having a hard time writing Aditya, and did not release a single Aditya ln yet bc he probably needs to rewrite some parts.
They might do a Aditya vn, but it's a goddamn long way ahead, if it happens.

>> No.47144469

it got finished this year

>> No.47144474

So much good shit

>> No.47144477

It's probably the best adapatition possible, given that Horizon is hard as fuck to adapt and Sunrise nailed it anyway

>> No.47144792
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>> No.47144960

>Decide to finally give any yuzusoft game a try
>think I'll choose a game based on its visuals
>only some of the Noble Works and 天使騒々 girls look appealing, every other game looks too "moe" for me
I'll probably get shat on for this.
But I guess now I understand the sentiment of that anon who doesn't want to play Amakano because heroines look "too old" for him.

>> No.47144967

How does Yuzusoft character design look any more moe than the average VN?

>> No.47145093

Are you sure moe is the word you are looking for here? how does tenshi look any different from cafe stella?

>> No.47145326
File: 170 KB, 526x314, y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm aware that this kind of character design is common and popular among moege otaku.
But I think it was way more common and popular in the past.
And I'm not saying it's ugly or anything.
It's just that most of the girls with routes looks like JCs, lolis and oppai lolis in my eyes.
Maybe it's because of characters' proportions?
I don't want to break everything down to "limbs longer, heads bigger", but I hope I'm not the only one who thinks they have a noticeable difference.

I'm sure I can look past that if I start reading and come to enjoy the writing (and everything else), though.

>> No.47145344

Their designs just follow whatever is trendy at the time. I'm not shitting on yuzusoft artists, but the art is not particularly remarkable or standout worthy in the since of "this artist clearly has a distinct, recognizable style".

>> No.47145373

>every other game looks too "moe" for me
Sorry, you have an underdeveloped amygdala and repressed cute aggression.

>> No.47145385

Out of all the heroines you could have chosen from to present your exampled you choose the one with the vtuber hair
Its over

>> No.47145388
File: 21 KB, 250x300, 128435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But kurumi is much taller, so she looks more well-proportioned. Nene is a much better comparison as she is also taller

>> No.47145398

>vtuber hair
Literally what?

>> No.47145413

Based. That's why he produces the most meta and subversive vinnies.

>> No.47145471
File: 39 KB, 452x640, EeBQkIiU0AUc-_J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about enjoying the natsume experience?

>> No.47145499

Bros who are your favorite white / gray hair heroines? Give me smth pls

>> No.47145510
File: 76 KB, 210x600, 304703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

アリサ・ミハイロヴナ・九条 from the upcoming anime 時々ボソッとロシア語でデレる隣のアーリャさん

>> No.47145538
File: 261 KB, 490x1004, frei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frei from Seikishi Melty Lovers

>> No.47145553
File: 656 KB, 1278x719, Luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna from Tsuriotsu

>> No.47145563

You should just read 白昼夢の青写真

>> No.47145567
File: 313 KB, 1920x1080, 235284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47145569

Tonya from Ayakashibito

>> No.47145581
File: 32 KB, 250x300, 77452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Setsuka from Fuyu Uso. I know that this is pure insane hopium but it would great if Archive is doing a full remake of the Uso series with a ladder structure and have Setsuka as the true route and make the route longer.

>> No.47145592
File: 211 KB, 439x519, E2kLqOMVcAwloRp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuro The scene where she is combed is one of my favorites to date

>> No.47145598
File: 30 KB, 300x300, 10909586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47145601
File: 193 KB, 583x671, kirie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

篝ノ 霧枝 is undefeated

>> No.47145607
File: 1.79 MB, 1920x1080, 12334524545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47145616

Hmm yes white hair supremacy

>> No.47145619
File: 388 KB, 299x968, 1718094264398795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mana my beloved...

>> No.47145623

Hazuki, Murasame, and Kanna are the cutest Yuzu heroines...
I like almost all of them though

>> No.47145627
File: 109 KB, 1024x768, Hiyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Aoyama Yukari

>> No.47145638
File: 41 KB, 250x300, 1692251830096040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm weak to a highly refined 大和撫子

>> No.47145647
File: 483 KB, 640x480, Tamami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking her into being straight was a delight

>> No.47145668
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>> No.47145670
File: 90 KB, 375x983, Sora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imouto supremacy

>> No.47145677


>> No.47145679
File: 28 KB, 256x300, 157816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47145695
File: 20 KB, 331x331, 328193091209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most loyal of all by far

>> No.47145708
File: 202 KB, 1024x768, Sora Kasugano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47145738
File: 2.20 MB, 1299x974, bishoujomangekyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I picked up Bishoujo Mangekyou 4 (there's probably a play order but I like blondes and crossdressing)

This might be the hottest game of all time. Loads of teasing and so far the first two ero scenes are shame fueled twincest fantasy femboy masturbation sessions[/spoilers] I can *feel* it ruining other eroge for me as I read it

Also I read The Catcher in the Rye like two days before picking it up so the narration namedropping Holden Caulfield in the first ten minutes jumpscared me

>> No.47145744
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, BH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Related to the Baldr Heart OP. Ginpatsu true heroine? Automatic kamige.

>> No.47145746
File: 982 KB, 845x660, bishoujomangekyou2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also please let her distract you from my formatting typos

>> No.47145748

Nobody posted Sara...

>> No.47145752
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x723, Mika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mika from Musicus

>> No.47145762

Anyone here play the Yakin Byoutou remake? I gave it a quick look on the Panda and I see the CGs have like a page full of gif-style videos and animations, can you turn those off? A kamige artist like Metawo doesn't need to be juiced up.

Also, found out Bubuzuke helped with the CG work for Elven King which makes me happy. I realized bro drew an alraune with no ears.

>> No.47145763

>my formatting typos
I was about to mention that lol
I have to catch up on that series sometime, biman 3 and 4 look pretty good

>> No.47145800 [DELETED] 

What/who? What's the platform where I can learn words like that?

>> No.47145804

Bocchi but albino.

>> No.47145805 [DELETED] 


>> No.47145831 [DELETED] 

Don't you know? Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary.

>> No.47145917

I have sex with her while thinking about Plato quotes

>> No.47146102 [SPOILER] 
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, Baldr Heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing better than a white loli main heroine

>> No.47146103

The modern trend is more like the right with more mature proportions but for some reason eroge have held on to a more 2000s moe style all this time with just slight updates to make them look a bit more modern. It's interesting to see how much they can differ from mainstream otaku content.

>> No.47146143

Isn't that just variability too? Lucky Star is Puni Plush personified,etc....
>Look around,no Yuka from GSS posted

/jp/ I am disappoint.

>> No.47146174

So hopefully next year we get an announcement, but:
>Saiminjutsu 2 July 2007
>Ura Saiminjutsu 2 2008
>Kuronijibon 2 2010/2011

This was before the staff departed for Fudegaki Soft, I think Black Rainbow had someone with bigger pockets bankrolling them. But Fudegaki soft;

>Saiminjutsu 3 March 2013
>Saiminjutsu 4 March 2019

It was 6 years between 3 and 4, and it in March 2025, it will have been 6 years again on the dot. I dont really care if it's in March,but if they don't announce a new game in 2025 I'm gonna be sad and mad. Now that Lune killed Kyonyuu Saimin with their incompetence the old school original is all I've got to look foward to to truly scratch my mind control/hypno itch.

I'm ready for Saiminjutsu 5.

>> No.47146204

you don't like bishop?

>> No.47146332

Never played them, but I don't think it will scratch my itch. All the games Yoshino Keiko and Natori Ika do apart aren't as good as when they work together. Heck I saw these 2 games by Lust Bit, and while they aren't as good art wise, they do have some OK parts, especially the second game.

It has a scene with the reformed-slut wife,that you have once again made into your personal slut, getting slapped on the ass tied up with vibes and dildos in both holes until she agrees to sign divorce papers. Yeah that was pretty hot.

I dunno, what are some good bishop games to look at?

>> No.47146390
File: 369 KB, 544x353, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dunno, what are some good bishop games to look at?
I've played a little of the new one and it's alright. The gimmick is that the protagonist can control chi meridians or whatever and basically make girls horny against their will. It's not quite mind control or hypnotism, but it's sorta close I guess. Every girl deals with it in a slightly different way, too, and the protagonist has to blackmail them in slightly different ways to keep them under control, which I appreciated.
I haven't played much of Bishop's back catalog but there's probably some straight up mind control titles in there somewhere.

>> No.47146393

Mesu Kyoushi 3
Sansha Mendan

>> No.47146516 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.55 MB, 1366x768, 君と彼女と彼女の恋。.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who did you choose?

>> No.47146529

the one who doesn't have sex with other characters (neither)

>> No.47146539

I chose not playing past the first 15 minutes of the trial

>> No.47146592

A more modernized version of this vinnie, namely DDLC.

>> No.47146705


>> No.47146726

The one that respects cats although I must admit that miyuki's hscene with (You) is one of the hottest I've ever read

>> No.47146736

Only chose pink because her design was cuter. Honestly really fucking hated this game. Santa's art is the only appeal. Denpa is such trash, man.

>> No.47146884

one on the right there. i felt like finally being faithful to her in the end was the least i could do

>> No.47146892

Didnt play this shit

>> No.47146905


>> No.47147060
File: 1.15 MB, 1440x843, 1699792634623052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47147138

I keep watching sometimes in /v/ and /a/ a single capture of the english translation of that eroge about a man sucking another man's semen so ill trust the eops on this translation and wont read it.

>> No.47147147

Picked up

>> No.47147240

>sometimes in /v/ and /a/
You have to go back.

>> No.47147411

As a moebuta I chose to ignore Nitroshit. And it seems I've done the right thing.

>> No.47147426
File: 685 KB, 1920x1200, Nina.Orlok.full.550629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another VN with a white hair best girl heroine, sasuga Light.

>> No.47147521

Damn I actually got a bad end without meaning to. I'm a failure as a gamer now

>> No.47147572

So which one of this japanese powerpoints has the best toon sex? new to this

>> No.47147606

Everyone says hulotte has amazing h scenes but boring stories, try them

>> No.47147712

I feel like avoiding bad endings was a lot harder back in the day. I can't imagine finishing something like CLANNAD without a guide.

>> No.47147795

Fucking yuzusoft with their blind choices

>> No.47148171

Who is the most intellectual of writers?

>> No.47148391

Is this a good introduction to mareni's work?
I'm interested in reading his better known games but I want to get a good idea of his writing style first.

>> No.47148396
File: 187 KB, 1200x675, E3UbYSmVEAwMmwI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how they dedicated a whole series to that

>> No.47148582

I never read it myself, but that series is very referential to his other games, so I'd assume not.

>> No.47149510

The part where MC gets cucked and still decides to go for sloppy seconds while the other girl was hiding under the bed blasted my sides into orbit

>> No.47149611

So is Windows 10 the minimal OS for reading ge in a VM? I want to be able to read every new game, and possibly even use Ste*m.

>> No.47149853
File: 2.03 MB, 1279x760, tashikani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit everyone is actually talking about eroge in this thread it's a miracle

>> No.47149955

About that

>> No.47150109

>TheFuture is NO.

>> No.47150558
File: 880 KB, 3840x2160, 2023_06_27_435_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ending is so damn brutal but honest

>> No.47151802

As a giga-donkan autismbro who's failed in everything in life, I hate and am very afraid of even failing in my escapism, so I never play without guides.

>> No.47152162

But you can never fail in games? Games are designed so that you can win them. You have the ability to travel parallel worlds and rewind time in every single game you play.

>> No.47152231

I personally try to never play with guides because I don't want to get spoiled.
And I generally avoid playing games that are unbeatable without a guide.
Besides, real life is already a huge kusoge where you can't reload and following guides doesn't guarantee any success.

>> No.47152273
File: 607 KB, 1020x832, kanyame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for making me realise I can't care less about the hair color, having spent like 15 minutes trying to remember any of them and then immediately disregard in favor of the better girl(s) in their games. This is the closest I could come up with.
Saki from M*L is whiter though (and a popular GF is always great), but I have a soft spot for musicians, piano/violin players in particular.

>> No.47152894

if your body gets stronger your mind does to, walk in nature, breath fresh air, exercise, eat fruits, vegetables and meat
get enough sleep, if you don't get enough sleep all the above are worthless, preferably sleep early and wake up early, morning fresh air energizes you
hygiene is also important, keep yourself and your room clean
and as others said creative activities give you a sense of accomplishment and improve your mood

>> No.47153323

>and a popular GF is always great
What about the anxiety of all the eyes going to you?

>> No.47153337

I don't want to experience failure even one more time, even if I can fix it.

>> No.47153363

I played this without a guide and got cucked out of the last H-scene, which you only get if you don't use any hints.

>> No.47153489
File: 552 KB, 746x745, oppai baka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What anxiety? That's the fuel. Besides, the guys would be busy simping for the joshiana (like the male half of Japan does in her game - as opposed to just the university in S*S) and I've been dealing with the girls' eyes my entire life anyway.
Also, here's another colorless adorable, Asa Pro's this time.

>> No.47153609

Speaking of ASa Project, Puramai Wars has been in my backlog forever, might as well see today if its white-haired titty monster is fixable into a decent human being with enough dicking. If I find a good download, that is.

>> No.47153686

>and I've been dealing with the girls' eyes my entire life anyway
You have to go back.

>> No.47153758

Wow, rude.
Gaze long enough into a moege protagonist and a moepro will gaze back into you. --Me
Read more, that is.

On an unrelated note, why ryuugames is such a fucking cancer nowadays. Will have to torrent the titty monster it seems.

>> No.47153801


>> No.47153817

It was never good, but it wasn't THIS bad last time I checked.

>> No.47153840
File: 2.85 MB, 1920x1080, 1705192006861184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly can't tell if this is peak or trash writing

>> No.47153852

It's a DDL site created by Indonesia scammers to fund their village by getting all the clicks from retards don't want to support the industry. What do you expect? To become better for poors?

>> No.47153861


>> No.47153868

Get on with the times ojisan

>> No.47153914
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x720, 1688137123443648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watanabe is the Isaac Asimov of eroge

>> No.47154331

>fund their village

>> No.47154598

I haven't played her route yet but I don't want to fix her, she's perfect. Bitchy girls need to stay bitchy

>> No.47154658

Well I love the foundation trilogy and I love eroge so myabe I should read this

>> No.47154686

Now I'm curious if there are any eroge where a girl changes her behavior during her route (and it stays like that)?

>> No.47154733

Yuzuyu from Fureraba

>> No.47154761

Pretty much any heroine who has a strong personality will become some variation of boring passive wallflower in her own route (somebody please prove me wrong)

>> No.47154778

Every classic tsundere?

>> No.47154787

I'm personally a fan of the reverse: the passive meek girl becoming assertive and aggressive.

>> No.47154806


>> No.47154816

almost all routes in Tsuyokiss are what you want

>> No.47154829

Makoto in baldr sky was basically that

>> No.47154980
File: 325 KB, 932x600, 1691356447207959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the other anon said, literally most tsundere

>> No.47155093
File: 250 KB, 1280x720, i can fix him or not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd share it but unfortunately it'd take 4 hours for pixeldrain, not sure why i have such a bad connection with the site but it does have 3 DLCs you should try to grab. i looked through the site the other day and found some bonus pics and vday/whiteday extras that were on the site here https://litter.catbox.moe/xwb1xy.rar

>> No.47155202

oh hey that's cute, should consider reading it too

>> No.47155275
File: 2.49 MB, 1296x1812, 1696439000235440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely rare ExE fanart

>> No.47155298

Probably AI

>> No.47155304


>> No.47155341
File: 15 KB, 976x1000, disabled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are mentally disabled.

>> No.47155366

I hate this demon king in tenshi souzou. Like I despise his character. I despise the way he talks. I despise his absurd power. And I never supported this mining country anyway. Why this game forces me to think they're the good guys?

>> No.47155372

Nice. Lately I've been reading shit so niche that I've had to go so far as to pay for some commissions.

>> No.47155394
File: 1.30 MB, 1688x947, 1689309566210693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So gay.

>> No.47155441

Unironically it might be worth to learn drawing. Though unfortunately only an extremely small portion of people in the west manage to make anything that can "pass" as Japanese/true moe without noticeable flaws. Interestingly enough even China and Pepsi Korea have more artists that are able to do that.

>> No.47155480

It's probably easier than learning japanese if you're really dedicated to it, but honestly my artistic skills suck. I don't have any confidence in that aspect at all, so I just enjoy my eroge and tell really talented people to do what I want.

>> No.47155484

>Interestingly enough even China and Pepsi Korea have more artists that are able to do that
It's a cultural thing. East Asian countries are more about conformism and doing things the right way, while in the West it's seen as "based" to try to be overly "original"/"innovative" while sacrificing actual quality/beauty. It's especially harmful in the case of moe art because cuteness is based on strict biological factors.

>> No.47155498

>It's probably easier than learning japanese
I'd say it's the other way, language learning is a natural part of our brains and we all did it as babies and toddlers. If you learn Japanese by reading eroge, watching anime, etc then it's very easy, but if you fell for memes like "drilling" kanji or doing Anki then I can see your point.

>> No.47155530

It's definitely easier to learn Japanese like this anon says. We're all wired for language but not everyone has the kind of mind that makes it easy to learn how to draw.

>> No.47155550
File: 975 KB, 1200x900, HwO067Tg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned with manga and anime, but that's irrelevant, I'm not going to question other people's learning methods either, because that's off-topic.
More importantly, here what I'm going to read now.

>> No.47155620

looks better than the actual game

>> No.47155768

There are plenty of Westerner artists who draw moe. Though, most of them happen to be Asian. That sense for cuteness is just genetic where every other race seems to fail at.

>> No.47155980

Are there any games that are focused on otaku culture and a group of otaku friends? Basically like the "Slice of Life" parts of Steins;Gate.

>> No.47156135
File: 196 KB, 799x640, GQof7_xa0AArT8v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47156169

a world where rapelay never happened

>> No.47156313

We will never go back to those times

>> No.47156324

>here what I'm going to read now
>*vague screenshot that only people who played the game can recognize*
T...thank you

>> No.47156337

At least we can still have loli and teenage heroines etc as long as there's a disclaimer saying that they're ACKCHYUALLY over 18. Much better than if this stuff was banned altogether with no workaround like in many westoid countries.

>> No.47156388

Any recommendations for summer games with good comedy and interesting premise and weirdo mc?

>> No.47156449

You can recognize the UI without playing it.

>> No.47156613

pixeldrain /u/hTHVFoxh
well here it is just in case

>> No.47156721
File: 42 KB, 554x738, unknown3b4f48240540ac2649f2fce48a1c04fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny radio club game

>> No.47156815
File: 302 KB, 1282x767, get smoked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

september is part of summer, right?

>> No.47157079

Until the 22nd or 23rd each year, yes

>> No.47157169

reading, really calms the mind.... burps

>> No.47157610

Even google image search could recognize this one.

>> No.47158481

Pedoshit like this unironically needs to be banned

>> No.47158842

>I hate this demon king in tenshi souzou. Like I despise his character
Doesn't he have maybe <100 lines in the entire VN?

>> No.47158940

Nah. But if this bothers you stay away from loli manga. For some reason commercial eroge have to censor ages under 18 but commercial eromanga can say the heroines are 7 years old without any problems.

>> No.47159057
File: 491 KB, 1240x587, 20231102l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any lolibros know the story behind this? looks like randoseru made a comeback

>> No.47159060


>> No.47159068

Go back, newfriend from reddit

>> No.47159303

You need to be banned for not meeting minimum IQ requirements

>> No.47159476
File: 504 KB, 1028x772, A3saCsPLb6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47159973

Only after BL and NTR, roastie.

>> No.47160036

thanks my friend, i appreciate it

>> No.47160619

You don't even need the disclaimer and to this day im not sure what even forces them to do that, maybe in what kind of stores they sell it? there are plenty of eroge with loli and JK heroines that don't have that disclaimer anywhere

>> No.47161193
File: 59 KB, 387x480, Let me check my pamphlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47161564
File: 100 KB, 640x370, KLVBqWa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea how bad people here have it. If you did, you wouldn't bring this to them

>> No.47161674
File: 149 KB, 800x600, 1693970397570739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47161757

Any other soulful writers like setoguchi or watanabe where you can comfortably read a work if their name is on them?

>> No.47161821


>> No.47161835

>404 soul not found, the writer
Yeah anon I don't think so.

>> No.47161848

Shumon? Maruto?

>> No.47162130

Maeda Jun

>> No.47162153
File: 210 KB, 500x500, ignored-subahibi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. hasn't achieved 幸福
kek tho

>> No.47162172

You know that he recently got into a Xitter fight because someone lightly criticized his game, and then he even denied that "幸福に生きよ" is the message and said that it's "much deeper", right?

>> No.47162212

he was right though
that guy was a complete faggot

>> No.47162244 [DELETED] 

Scaji is a true absurdist writer and the successor of Camus' legacy, he embodies the absurd man by embracing the unknowable and utterly incomprehensible state of the universe and while holding eudaimonia in one hand submerses the other in 煩悩, the Don Juan of getting into meaningless arguments on twitter, to move beyond the unnatural state of living without purpose to the natural state of living without needing purpose.
Maeda Jun also does this but he doesn't recognize the absurd so he's just a regular whiny bitch on twitter.

>> No.47162250

By "he" and "that guy" you mean the rando who criticized Suba and Sca-Ji respectively, right?

>> No.47162263 [DELETED] 


>> No.47162267 [DELETED] 

Why Every Japan Missionary Should Read Sakura No Uta.
Is that title too sensational? Probably, but lately I have felt it to be true, so if you want to disagree, you’ll have to actually read the thing and tell me why I’m wrong.
“Oh but it’s in Japanese.” Well, yeah, and I don’t really see an English translation doing justice to ’s genius prose, so you better read it in Japanese.
If you can’t commit to learning the language, I’m not sure what you’re doing as a missionary in Japan.
“Oh, but it has porn scenes.” Fine, then skip them. It’s not that hard, and it’s not like I’m telling you to read Subarashiki Hibi instead where the porn is actually important.
If a little porn is going to scare you away, then again, why are you in Japan of all countries? Walk into a conbini and you will see shelves of gravure every time.
“Oh, but it’s so long.” Welcome to the world of visual novels. If you can’t invest a simple 50 hours into reading what is the most philosophically heavy story that has hit the otaku market in years, then
I will take that to mean that you have zero interest or intention of ministering to the otaku subculture. And while that’s possibly true of a lot of missionaries on a surface level, you probably don’t realize how much that sub-population is growing in Japan. If you’re a missionary in Japan, chances are you’ve met some closet otaku. It’s too bad your impression of them is so wrong. Maybe if you actually read musicus, you would have a better understanding of the people around you.

>> No.47162301 [DELETED] 

Who on Earth are you talking to?

>> No.47162305 [DELETED] 

i would believe you if he didn't end up completely ruining sakutoki
now i'm convinced that twitter just ended up destroying his soul and turned him into 凡人

>> No.47162315 [DELETED] 

reminder: the tourist is obsessed with scaji. don't reply and otherwise assume samefagging.

>> No.47162335 [DELETED] 

Janny you stupid fucking nigger, how is talking about vn writers off topic?

>> No.47162368 [DELETED] 

I noticed that they have become more active here so i assumed that it was one of them who decided to save this board
Would be ironic if he was that scaji hater all along

>> No.47162371

We had a good thread. It would be cool if some residents or lurkers would join in with their blogposting

>> No.47162392 [DELETED] 

meidos abandoned us last month
its over...

>> No.47162435 [DELETED] 

Very true, she’s such a valid queen. I wanna be like her kek.

>> No.47162448

mfw there are literally people in this thread who have not understood the meaning of End Sky >>47162172

>> No.47162457 [DELETED] 

Not only are you a tourist faggot, you're also dumb enough to think you're justified in derailing the thread with Twitter e-celeb nonsense. I'm sorry you exist.

>> No.47162468

>much deeper
Any essays that explained this actual depth?

>> No.47162484

I've said this before but not many people would want to blogpost something when the people ruining the thread are lurking in the shadows to reply to it and shit on it.

>> No.47162497

Are you guys in some server? Where is this hidden knowledge originating from?

>> No.47162504

It's pretty easy to know who to reply to and who not to. Anon mentions setoguchi because he has been extremely mentioned here before. He now he mentioned watanabe because he was mentioned in this thread>>47161757
If you notice, he completely ignored the mention of maruto or shumon

>> No.47162528
File: 27 KB, 286x522, 1697105880599466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is you who doesn't understand the truth of the world.

>> No.47162549

I'm outside the argument but is Natsukumo Watanabe's best game? I usually start with a writer's best so that I am motivated enough to keep on with his other works

>> No.47162556
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>> No.47162562

