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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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47114812 No.47114812 [Reply] [Original]

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
https://live.fc2.com/adult/ (intense immersion)

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese:>>>/int/djt

Previous thread:>>47108014

>> No.47114822

bnha s07 op is one of the worst ive ever heard. also i want to cum in the mouth of this girl

>> No.47114840

yeah i rarely skip ops but it's so bad i make an exception occasionally

>> No.47114894
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same same

>> No.47114967

呪呪呪呪呪 knob this post or this entire thread will be irrevocably cursed 呪呪呪呪呪

>> No.47114987 [DELETED] 

no man

>> No.47114999
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no takebacks 987

>> No.47115003

bros this thread will be fucked...

>> No.47115008

i miss morbido guy

>> No.47115009
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seek help

>> No.47115016

u know its bad when the coomer who jacks off to fake titty bug ladies is telling u to seek help

>> No.47115018


>> No.47115022

most of yall wouldnt even like women anymore if you ever smelled a sweaty bra

>> No.47115023

>fake titty
lil bro

>> No.47115034

fat people smell way worse than normal people

>> No.47115039

lmao u had a good idea and got taught the truth of the world when u put ur nose in that bra thats become a little yellow tinted eh

>> No.47115041

guilty as charged

>> No.47115050

damn that's one of the things i'm looking forward to when i lose my virginity though.


>> No.47115061

get on the galaxy express

>> No.47115062
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>> No.47115063

djt is truly a never ending journey

>> No.47115066

whats stopping you

>> No.47115071

need a wingman

>> No.47115079

zoomers cant even fuck without their bro wtf

>> No.47115086
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she qt

>> No.47115099

socializing is good

>> No.47115112
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>> No.47115117

the show is so fucking bad now that im just pausing and going from sub to sub speed reading it or just skipping 3-4 minutes at a time. how the fuck did i enjoy watching this shit. i watched like 20 episodes in a day one time of the earlier seasons lol

>> No.47115126
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enough for today finna finish this tomorrow

>> No.47115246 [DELETED] 



>> No.47115246,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.47115433
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>> No.47115650

how do people even watch shounen in the first place unless

>> No.47115657
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>at 1800 words learned in Anki
>open light novel
>it’s like I’m looking at every kanji for the first time
Am I retarded

>> No.47115669

Realistically speaking, you're gonna need 10 times the amount if you want to read comfortably.

>> No.47115703

Ok is there a way to easily add kanji I don’t know to anki (yes I do this with anime with yomitan)
I guess manually would work just copy paste Jisho

>> No.47115732

Download Anacreon's texthook html page and the clipboard inserter addon for your browser. Then just copy any text you want and add it from that page. Alternatively you can turn on "enable background clipboard text monitoring" and "enable search page clipboard text monitoring" under "clipboard" in your yomitan for something similar.
Also, mine words not individual kanji.

>> No.47115742

Thanks brother HH

>> No.47115784
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>> No.47115801


>> No.47115867

How the fuck do you get this to work

>> No.47115933

>Am I retarded
yes if you think 1800 words is gonna get you far. that’s not even the number of individual kanji you’re shooting for. eventually you will end up knowing 10 or even 20 words for very commonly used characters and there many words written in just kana

>> No.47115946
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>> No.47115949

wh-who's the real one?

>> No.47115952



>> No.47115977

the assassin creed drama has been funny. the japanese trailer comments were reading immersion

>> No.47115979

bnha has gone down the shitter. They're speedrunning this last season when the final battle + some earlier segments should've been two seasons.

>> No.47115984

i care so very little

>> No.47116025








>> No.47116073

"Hey remember that time we bombed two of your cities into atoms haha"

>> No.47116084

Which part?

>> No.47116157
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how is shin-chan for a beginner? I've heard it's much more difficult than it looks

>> No.47116194

The dialogue is very simple, but the syntax might be a little confusing if this is your first native-level show.

>> No.47116248
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>> No.47116276
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thank you djt for the motivation to start my quest to read the moon runes

>> No.47116279
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>> No.47116290

I already learned 20k words with a bilingual dictionary now you're telling me I have to start over with a monolingual dictionary or else I'll never be able to think in Japanese

>> No.47116298

>writing them out

>> No.47116301

People who insist on monolingual dictionaries are either whitenoisers or ESLs and probably have a weak grasp of the language.

>> No.47116307

I just like how it looks, may as well learn how to write em.

>> No.47116317

I'm only joking. Good luck in your studies, anon.

>> No.47116323

thank you anon, likewise

>> No.47116357

yh im not. a punk ass bitch when it comes to my japanese

>> No.47116394


>> No.47116399
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>> No.47116405

can you use anki on linux?

>> No.47116440
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>> No.47116446

in core2k there is a sentence
how do I know its not
>(my) girlfriend was not even 3 years old (then)
I'm retarded btw

I've read multiple times that you need approx 2000 kanji to read newspaper. I struggle with NHK news web easy

>> No.47116471

What does this mean. Is this officially a wrong word and you shouldn't use it. Or is it, it's a wrong word but it can be officially used. I'm talking about the usage of 元を正す.

>> No.47116480

>basic transitive verbs with the masu stem
>basic polite adjective conjugation
>basic verb conjugation
>jlpt n1 kanji, most being common
>literal syllabary tables
>page explaining にまつわる and how it's used to discuss a general topic
>more basic verb conjugation
>handwritten kana
>some baby reading comprehension test
>more baby verb conjugation
>more basic reading comprehension
>simple vocab
>random assortment of basic kanji

>> No.47116495

What? It's just telling you the meaning of the expression 本を正す. The writer's saying whatever was said previously is a misreading.

>> No.47116503

dame there's no way this is her 普段着 holy moly

>> No.47116518

Hmm i'm talking about the implications of it being a misreading. I mean i just saw 元を正す being used so does this mean its a misreading that happens often but is still wrong and you shouldn't use it. Or is this one of these words that because it has been misread or mirspelled a lot of the time it actually became its own word. For example i can think of 独壇場 being one of these words.

>> No.47116524

Well, 元を正す is the real reading, whereas 本を正す is probably a corruption that's become accepted over time. So the answer is always going to be that both are acceptable to use nowadays.

>> No.47116560


>> No.47116567


>> No.47116595
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Mission accomplished.

>> No.47116614

The Japanese should take example from the Sentinelese.

>> No.47116724

>japanese language practice general
>study resources: live.fc2.com
u wot

>> No.47116749

Any good resources for Japanese subtitles for western movies? opensubtitles is hit and miss

>> No.47116821

1800 words isn't 1800 kanji because there's lots of overlap. Try the add-on and see how many out of the 2k you've actually learned

>> No.47116857


>> No.47116942

you just know the japanese christian christmas cake manko goes crazy

>> No.47116954

>I've read multiple times that you need approx 2000 kanji to read newspaper. I struggle with NHK news web easy

kanji count =/= word count
not every kanji is an independent word. others might be multiple independent words by themself. how? readings. some 4000 readings are assigend to the ~2100 joyo kanji - around half of those readings are independent words. the majority of the japanese language's vocabulary (i believe it was around 60 to 70%) consists of kanji compound words and out of those, most are a combination of 2 kanji characters. newspapers and magazines may use 3000 or even 4000 different kanji and upt 30.000 words (including words that use no kanji at all).

>> No.47116967


>> No.47116977
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>> No.47116979

nothing gives off that imperial dignity quite like a mini van agreed?

>> No.47116994
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>> No.47117203

Using the text hooker page for light novels doesn't really make sense. Use ttsu reader for those.

The text hooker page is best for anime and visual novels, since the mpv script and textractor can automatically send all text from the show/game to your clipboard so it appears on the texthooker page.

Set up instructions

>> No.47117204

Man, I love being a Christian.

>> No.47117208

I learned 2k kanji and 2k words
core2k is basically 2000 words using individual kanji (98% same Kanji from my kanji deck).
I would do core8k but I already struggle with keeping those 2000 words/kanji in my memory. I'm still doing like 60 reps per day per deck despite having finished them like 3 years ago.

Even worse I'm so used to the anki layout (font whatever) that I fail to recognize some of those kanji outside of anki

>> No.47117237

You go by the phrasing and consider the speaker's intentions.

>> No.47117243

what benefits have you gained?

>> No.47117244



>> No.47117251

Eternal life.

>> No.47117271

just read for 1000 more hours, this will solve all your problems

>> No.47117272

is this a real-life psy-op designed for you to hate these guys?

>> No.47117280

You fucking retard. Learning more words makes remembering the earlier ones easier, not harder. You've wasted your time.

>> No.47117281

people actually think that whitenoising exclusively refers to mindlessly consuming a piece of media to its entirety jfc

>> No.47117283

>finished them like 3 years ago.
nigga what? have you done literally nothing but anki for 3 years?

>> No.47117286


>> No.47117287

prove it lol

>> No.47117288

Read more

>> No.47117295


>> No.47117308

show me one

>> No.47117317

Easy, first you need to kick the bucket, and then you need to devise a way to communicate to me whether or not there's a heaven. Remember the parable of the rich man and Lazarus? It'll basically be like that, but with you begging Abraham in hell.
I'm gonna look like an idiot if you tell me there isn't one, though.

>> No.47117341

I sincerely hope you've consumed a lot of Japanese media during your 2k grind?
Anki is a complementary learning method. The primary learning method is immersion with frequent lookups.

>> No.47117351


>> No.47117372

got 100% on my anki reviews after converting

>> No.47117487
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>> No.47117504
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>have you done literally nothing but anki for 3 years?
not quite but mostly yes.
everytime I try reading its a miserable experience.
Manga use many inflection and made up words, news has too many specialized topics. I should probably read like elementary school textbooks or something don't know.

Watching anime or playing games with subs feels entirely pointless. I listen to some learning podcasts but the information density is very low

>> No.47117521

>everytime I try reading its a miserable experience.
if you don't keep going anyways all your anki will be completely pointless
you could have decently fluent comprehension by now if you kept fighting through a couple of months of struggle in the beginning

>> No.47117535

Just rip the band-aid off and start reading/mining. Yomitan even tells you what the inflection of the word you're looking at is, and the made-up terminology is easy enough to spot.
I love Anki, but trying to ease yourself into this won't actually help.

>> No.47117541

>Manga use many inflection and made up words
Post a page here and I'll help you. Do you use yomichan and mokuro?

>Watching anime or playing games with subs feels entirely pointless.
What does this even mean?

Why are you leaning Japanese in the first place? Close your eyes and imagine you're fluent. What does your daily life look like now?

>> No.47117578


>> No.47117583

We accept your concession. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some women to convert.

>> No.47117587

miracles dont happen for low iqs

>> No.47117593

*nods in agreement sagely*

>> No.47117597

thats cool im married and you arent
knob off

>> No.47117604

rise and shine for another miracle day squiddos :D


>> No.47117607
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>unko unironically thinks he's smarter than all of them combined

>> No.47117611

smarter no
cooler yes

>> No.47117614

You’re married to a woman who’s old enough to be your mother and clinically obese. I’m not sure if that’s a brag.

>> No.47117616

if u really think about it the average person today is in fact smarter than all of those people and know more things about the world the universe and everything

>> No.47117618

its true bro jesus was extremely high iq thats why miracles happened around him all the time. go to your nearest mensa (mini miracle center) to get a sample of what the universe has to offer

>> No.47117628

>everyone’s smarter than Isaac Newton

>> No.47117629
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>> No.47117630

hot when you put it that way
more informed not smarter
im sure many of them would not have been christian in this age

>> No.47117635

>everyone is smarter than von neumann

>> No.47117643

crazy how theres people think literally DEAD people are smarter than living ones

u all failed the iq test. have a nice day


>> No.47117644

damn he baited 2 replies from the same guy with one post

>> No.47117648

you've never even met someone that knows as much as von neumann. just because the knowledge exists somewhere doesn't mean everyone knows it.

lmfao you don't even realize how many of those people are of the modern age

>> No.47117651


>> No.47117672

neumann was probably 190 iq unironically

>> No.47117675

bing bing wahoo iq tests

>> No.47117676

I mean it feels pointless because you either read subs and don't learn shit or you listen and don't understand anything and even some of the sentences you manage to follow and can translate may be wrong without verifying so not sure how that helps in learning. At least with text you can process it at your own pace

>Why are you leaning Japanese in the first place?
of course because I'm a filthy jap wota. I watch anime and sumo and played mahjong for some time, even play a japanese instrument. My self set goal was to play Love+ in japanese, even so it probably has a translation at this point, I don't even want to know.

>Yomichan, Mokuro
gonna checkout out Yomichan when I'm done with work

>> No.47117721

Newton is probably one of the lower iq people in the picture. He also believed/practiced in alchemy so he was a heathen that should've been burned.

>> No.47117735

von Neumann was an atheist in his normal life. He only turned to religion when he was dying and his mind was going. The sudden religious shift came as a big surprise to all his friends.
Proof that religion is only for low IQ.

>> No.47117742

>Von Neumann was a child prodigy who at six years old could divide two eight-digit numbers in his head and converse in Ancient Greek.
Oh yeah? Well when I was 6 I could tie my shoes without help

>read subs and don't learn shit
What?? Why wouldn't you learn? Also do you not know about animecards?

>At least with text you can process it at your own pace
But isn't that true for most video games as well?

>My self set goal was to play Love+ in japanese,
Download it right now and do it!

It's just a hover dictionary, idk kids today call it yomitan

>> No.47117746

otoh neubmann ascended to nirvana and spent his final days with a 4 digit iq before going to heaven

>> No.47117761

>idk kids today call it yomitan
retard. it's literally a different app.

>> No.47117769
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>when I was 6 I could tie my shoes without help
Found out at 25+ that I never knew how to tie my shoes ;_;

>> No.47117779

should u be calling me a retard even you just said "app"?

The world of knots is a place of art and science you may yet discover

>> No.47117799

>He confided to his mother, "There probably has to be a God. Many things are easier to explain if there is than if there isn't."

>> No.47117800

>doesn't know how apps are made

>> No.47117803

if that guys so smart whys he a fat fuck qed

>> No.47117825

its epic as hell when u live a life of being a huge nerd not believing in God and then after a lifetime of toil u just mentally throw in the towel and say yeah God makes this a lot easier and then He takes u in His loving embrace and brings u to heaven

>> No.47117844

>”You know, Herb, Johnny can do calculations in his head ten times as fast as I can. And I can do them ten times as fast as you can, so you can see how impressive Johnny is” — Enrico Fermi (Nobel Prize in Physics, 1938)

>“One had the impression of a perfect instrument whose gears were machined to mesh accurately to a thousandth of an inch.” — Eugene Wigner (Nobel Prize in Physics, 1963)

>“I have sometimes wondered whether a brain like von Neumann’s does not indicate a species superior to that of man” — Hans Bethe (Nobel Prize in Physics, 1967)

>> No.47117856

now i just run calc.exe and i am 1000 times faster

get rekt von neubmann nice party trick

>> No.47117868
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dunno if it works like that. those who know of the faith, and not only decide to go against it, but rationalize it don't go to heaven. the whole "i didn't truly understand, but now i do only after having indulged myself in every carnal sin and pleasure known to man" strateggy doesn't work.

>> No.47117881

>A story about von Neumann's encounter with the famous fly puzzle has entered mathematical folklore. In this puzzle, two bicycles begin 20 miles apart, and each travels toward the other at 10 miles per hour until they collide; meanwhile, a fly travels continuously back and forth between the bicycles at 15 miles per hour until it is squashed in the collision. The questioner asks how far the fly traveled in total; the "trick" for a quick answer is to realize that the fly's individual transits do not matter, only that it has been traveling at 15 miles per hour for one hour. As Eugene Wigner tells it, Max Born posed the riddle to von Neumann. The other scientists to whom he had posed it had laboriously computed the distance, so when von Neumann was immediately ready with the correct answer of 15 miles, Born observed that he must have guessed the trick. "What trick?" von Neumann replied. "All I did was sum the geometric series."
He wasn't a deep thinker, just quick.

>> No.47117886

faith the size of a mustard seed as long is its true i dont believe theres a requisite amount of time to have held that faith leave the gatekeeping to Him

>> No.47117944

dame... mad respect that you went uppercase for our savior

>> No.47117946

lol you skipped the paragraph before. he had deep insights because of his speed
>He had an unusual ability to solve novel problems quickly. George Pólya, whose lectures at ETH Zürich von Neumann attended as a student, said, "Johnny was the only student I was ever afraid of. If in the course of a lecture I stated an unsolved problem, the chances were he'd come to me at the end of the lecture with the complete solution scribbled on a slip of paper." When George Dantzig brought von Neumann an unsolved problem in linear programming "as I would to an ordinary mortal", on which there had been no published literature, he was astonished when von Neumann said "Oh, that!", before offhandedly giving a lecture of over an hour, explaining how to solve the problem using the hitherto unconceived theory of duality.

>> No.47117949

sound like a cope to justify doing thing you want to do when you want to do it.

>> No.47117965

u have to let Him judge each on their own

>> No.47117977

I think the lack of a belief in God and damnation is the true justification of evil.

>> No.47118027

i think von neuman's just proof that blaise pascal was a genius and not even the smartest man alive can top his wager

>> No.47118049

>what made the universe?
>but then what made him? ha checkmate
He thinks therefore he is

>> No.47118071

less than 1 standard deviation away from mean puts you in the average bucket. average + 1 standard deviation for mathematicians is 143 iq. 142 jamal is mediocre among smart people lol

>> No.47118082

making christians fund your japanese nakadashi adventure is based tho ngl

>> No.47118111

It's a tough life, but someone's gotta do it (spread the word of God).

>> No.47118112

Everyone agreed that other people had greater depth or creativity than him. Pretty much and old fashioned chatgpt. Today he'd be diagnosed as autistic.

>> No.47118114

haha just ur average smart guy here dont mind me :D

082 theres a reaosn why its called missionary work

>> No.47118156

yea christianity is all about the rich leaders making their followers make as many slaves as possible

>> No.47118177

i dunno about that theres a lotta poor churches in the world like the 1 in sector 5 slums

>> No.47118191

Nope, it's about genuine faith in the Almighty, and charity towards the poor and less fortunate. Christianity comprises not only the most popular religion in the world but also the most persecuted. It is the only true religion and path for humanity.

>> No.47118210

>read subs and don't learn shit
how many anime episodes have you read

>> No.47118222

the cool thing is they only get the trickle up when they want it
as long as there isnt a revolution which is why the entry test is being a good goy willing to kill your own son

>> No.47118228

holy fuck i wish so fucking bad to breed with a body like that

>> No.47118230

like if the cross was copyrighted and anything christian that is made and sold all gave a kickback to some evil empire at the top ud have a reasonable case but ne1 can sell jesus swag and keep all of the proceeds

>> No.47118243
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>> No.47118251
File: 635 KB, 1030x1521, #男性全滅.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47118258

what's the 2 standard deviation point for mathematicians

>> No.47118274


>> No.47118278

fuck crapcom now thats an evil empire

>> No.47118302

lol he looks so retarded but he put in the work on that choreo

>> No.47118305

looks like a synthetic fabric with bad ventilation wouldn't sport in that

>> No.47118308

is that a deer and what's its problem

>> No.47118319

>which is why the entry test is being a good goy willing to kill your own son
>t. doesn't understand the test of abraham being a foreshadowing for jesus christ and alleviating all men of sacrifice

>> No.47118389

retains more tit sweat

>> No.47118434

og (officially gifted iq) said christianity is bad

>> No.47118440

go to bed og

>> No.47118457

yeah moe too

>> No.47118469

yes its a deer

>> No.47118472

yea ciaran said that as well

>> No.47118479

and finally with bunko weighing in, it's settled.

>> No.47118483

well we already knew ciaran was hellbound for sodomy

>> No.47118521

youve got to appreciate that christianity has given us some great paintings which the other abrahamics havent

>> No.47118548

she believed in ancient egyptian deities and the stars

>> No.47118562

newton believed in stars too. i'm seeing a pattern here

>> No.47118565

she was probably a descendant of newton

>> No.47118571

I strive in every way to do the opposite of these two people.

>> No.47118574

newton died a virgin bro

>> No.47118575

opposite of a senior dev? that means what...you strive to be a loser?

>> No.47118577

no nut newton

>> No.47118584

why would they xeet that without linking said pics

>> No.47118586


>> No.47118594

i'd weep if my child told me he was a senior slave

>> No.47118595

You mean a drug-addicted homosexual? Yeah.

>> No.47118597


>> No.47118604
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>> No.47118615

i have nothing bad to say about anyone i generally get along with everybody except mid iq pseuds but its cuz they just say mean things to me outta nowhere and no matter how i try they never want to be friends :'(

>> No.47118628

yea true the pseuds try to bully you even when you do nothing wrong

>> No.47118629

4, final answer.

>> No.47118641

sick of ciarans shit

>> No.47118647

he’s had it too good for too long. it’s time for his reputation to die

>> No.47118654

why no によって

>> No.47118662

took a practice test and forgot how to find the volume of a circle or calculate the circumference based on the diameter, let alone finding the volume of a cone

>> No.47118667

like i maybe i dont wanna use を suck my dick wasavi shitsei fu

>> No.47118675

Jamal could do that in his sleep.

>> No.47118684

ahem area of a circle

>> No.47118691

he meant a sphere A SPHERE!

>> No.47118692

i don't make friends of people with names like yours

>> No.47118696

isnt that shit just 2pie r or some nerd shit i dont fucken know ive never done math in my life and i never fucken will

>> No.47118702

idk man i forget but i downloaded some precalc textbooks and hopefully they go over basic geometry

>> No.47118705

A true genius never does math. Language is thankfully autistic memorization combined with human psychology.

>> No.47118710

late reply but big thanks anon!

>> No.47118714

i took precalc in like 11th grade and got an A in it

i never did a single math problem

public education is corrupt

>> No.47118722

the definition of pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. if you ever saw an animation of a circle unwrapping as it is rolled on the ground with diameter markings you'd never forget it

>> No.47118733

tbqh geometry is the only math i could ever justify as being not gay cuz at least its not just a bunch of squares doing squares

>> No.47118738

No problem, anon

>> No.47118739

language learning isnt autistic memorization lol
yeah but why would you need to remember it
wouldnt it be more efficient to just not know it?

>> No.47118748

you don't need to remember it if you've acquired it the same way you don't need to remember intuitive physics

>> No.47118753

nah thats some bs p sure even mathematicians will tell u they memorized formulae

>> No.47118756

>language learning isnt autistic memorization lol
Does Unko just exist to go against all sound logic?

>> No.47118759

i hated geometry the most

>> No.47118761

presumably mathematicians have a deeper understanding of why things are the way they are, which helps them develop intuitions, so memorization for the higher order stuff isn't as important

>> No.47118764

bunk is in the correct camp and as a result he speaks japanese

756 however cannot speak japanese

>> No.47118768

nah they just rederive it in seconds when they need it using their high iq

>> No.47118773

its natural indirect memorization that cant be forced no matter how bad you want to learn japanese during an anki sesh

>> No.47118775

Dame, you just friendly-fired on the guy who’s been in your camp. This is why you get hate, lil J.

>> No.47118777

i said it before and ill say it again: war would stop worldwide if every men receives a big titty goth gf for the rest of their lives

>> No.47118783

having your own opinion bad
eventually someone would want 2

>> No.47118786

Incorrect. It’s rote memorization that gets drilled into you from years of exposure and conscience effort.

>> No.47118787

>eventually someone would want 2

>> No.47118791

nah dude if u ask some huge meganerd in between sets at a punk rock show what the quadratic formula is they are gonna remember what they memorized when they were like 10 years old and recite it to u accordingly

i mean u said something that i couldnt agree with and u did it from a position u shouldnt be saying such things from

i only am in allegiance with the truth

>> No.47118809

how far along in the process are you

>> No.47118816

Much further than you.

>> No.47118825

You claimed Unko spoke Japanese. You've abandoned the truth long ago, my friend.

>> No.47118830


>> No.47118835 [SPOILER] 
File: 360 KB, 493x398, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Much further than you.

>> No.47118838


>> No.47118840

if you passed high school you should be able to derive the quadratic formula in less than 30 seconds

>> No.47118849
File: 112 KB, 1200x800, clench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47118856

>claims to be friendly towards everyone
>attacks others saying they don't know Japanese even after the 万 incident

>> No.47118859

dunno what a quadratic is, how it's useful, and why there needs to be a quadratic formula

>> No.47118861

lmao, sure 万 guy, sure

>> No.47118864


>> No.47118867

uppercaser your philosophical rigor and rhetorical skills don't measure up to jamal's so i wouldn't pick this fight if i were you

>> No.47118874

Jamal can't use the shift key. I think I got this one in the bag *takes puff of cigarillo*

>> No.47118875

initially read that as temo no shitteru
instead of
mono shitteru

>> No.47118888

Remember that time you tried to correct an anon's Japanese and got humbled by a native? lol

>> No.47118890

i dont use capitalization or punctuation as a limiter of sorts to more easily blend in with the average crowd but ud be in awe if i got serious u wouldnt say i cant use the shift key if u saw me naked

>> No.47118894

yea they have memorized it due to the amount of times they had to rederive the formula
my physics teacher gave us this really good tip that knowing how to derive is really useful during tests

>> No.47118902

I'll believe it when I see it, J-man.

>> No.47118903

dunno what derive means in math

>> No.47118906

sounds like derivel to me

>> No.47118908


>> No.47118916

the old version of japans flag will always make me think of macedonia first before i think of japan

>> No.47118925


>> No.47118928

Because your Japanese is legitimately ass, and I hate that you're forcing me to read any of it.

>> No.47118933

it means proving it

>> No.47118934
File: 8 KB, 310x173, itudemoiiyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47118939

unko in a nutshell

>> No.47118940


>> No.47118949

write something in japanese bro
like a full sentence that isnt copying something i said
you can do it
or like point out 1 thing wrong with my posts that is actually true lol

>> No.47118969


>> No.47118976

jamels n4 japanese makes me giggle

>> No.47118978


>> No.47118993

>write something in japanese bro
No, thanks, "bro."
>or like point out 1 thing wrong with my posts that is actually true lol
I already did, but you're claiming it was intentional, which means you'll claim every mistake was intentional lol

>> No.47118994


>> No.47118998


>> No.47119002

read that as chiushi

>> No.47119011

the "soretomo, a ta shi" situations will always be peak writing in my opinion

>> No.47119012


>> No.47119014

that friend is me?

>> No.47119020

all you need is one simple picture

>> No.47119028

a ta shit my pants

>> No.47119035

At first you guys all hated me because I sucked, but now I'm think you guys hate me because I'm actually getting good. I'm playing Pokemon and shit, I'm holding barrels.

>> No.47119036
File: 388 KB, 1364x2048, FPP7JvPaAAAU-ZX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47119051

>t. unko

>> No.47119053


>> No.47119060

yahhh うんこの勝利を確認しましたぜ

>> No.47119065

give me some nice handwritten font

>> No.47119066


>> No.47119076

i cant focus

>> No.47119089


>> No.47119098

Is there a way to make it so that when I mine a word while watching an anime, the specific word I mined is highlighted on the Anki card
I wanna know what it is I’m trying to remember

>> No.47119102

you might be legitimately retarded because that's a 15 second read

>> No.47119134
File: 125 KB, 1067x1600, GQV8OcUXcAAp87Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47119140
File: 207 KB, 1920x1080, Blush Demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47119148

I might be retarded but I've never memorized the formula, I just go ax^2 + bx +c = a( (x+ b/2a)^2 - (b^2/4a^2 - c/a)) = a(x + (b + sqrt(b^2 - 4ca))/2a) (x + (b - sqrt(b^2 - 4ca))/2a)

>> No.47119165

im not a nerd so i have no idea what any of that is

>> No.47119174

裸 is best especially real life women you can touch

>> No.47119192

dunno i always had a clothing fetish because it def can make women hotter compared to zenra

>> No.47119204

Lil J is not good with symbols and Kanji, bro

>> No.47119214

its nice for taking pictures of your bitch or having her lounge in it but eventually that shit gets in the way and you rip it off

>> No.47119223


>> No.47119242

Kek true

>> No.47119247

lol should have exited the tab

>urls aren't automatically clickable
wtf bro

>> No.47119253

Okay but can you just say how to do this with text I manually copy
I’m trying to read a LN

>> No.47119263

damn hes like a woman

>> No.47119284
File: 22 KB, 633x326, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they r in my normal browser

>> No.47119296

lol jamal fucked up big time

>> No.47119351

nah uh

>> No.47119360
File: 283 KB, 1366x2048, GP6BOjiacAAKMWV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47119362

He's telling you to use this to mine words https://reader.ttsu.app/

>> No.47119368

im about to go fuck up my toilet tho


>> No.47119404

this is why you dont get 145 on iq tests

>> No.47119457

his monitor turned off at -0:08

>> No.47119613

you sound like my wife

>> No.47119636

matt says the majority of your language acquisitions can be done in anki

>> No.47119667

matt says you can cum without moving a single muscle if you meditate really hard

>> No.47119683

matt made an anki deck with the faces of japanese celebrities instead of just immersing in the culture normally
you should take anything he says with a grain of salt
doubly so because his job is selling tools for learning

>> No.47119690

he said that while he had his vibrating ass egg in

>> No.47119693

>the old version of japans flag
what are you talking about? the rising sun flag was and still is simply the flag of their naval forces, not the country

>> No.47119762

also i see at least you saw my streamvi shilling.

it works exactly the same with manually copied text, but im saying you can just read the book in your browser. no need to copy sentences from something else into the browser

>> No.47119764

metroid tho

>> No.47119767

Let me guess, he's selling an Anki deck?

>> No.47119808

I'm more interested in Dragon Quest. I'll have to save my first playthroughs for these versions.

>> No.47119809

>15 second read = understand in 15 seconds

>> No.47119829

i probably wont play anything in the direct unless prime 4 is more like 2d metroid than the other prime games

>> No.47119830
File: 867 KB, 391x360, 1718286364500694.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to see you debate matto just to be verbally suplexed in both english and japanese while he tears apart your arguments with his high jewish iq and logic

>> No.47119837
File: 94 KB, 733x1000, 717H7CjiYlL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your hybrid, bro.

>> No.47119839


>> No.47119850


>> No.47119856

nah id just be chilling with him laughing about the losers who pay for his shit together
is it really that bad tho.. havent played it myself
i know the story is retarded but i usually dont care

>> No.47119871

It would be the beatdown of the century. Unko would quit Japanese altogether if that happened.

>> No.47119881

why would i want to fight matt
why would he want to fight me

>> No.47119898

>why would he want to fight me

Manlet rage.

>> No.47119904

matt is above fighting people like unko (if ken lifts him up that is)

>> No.47119908

retard seething

>> No.47119912

He would never want to fight you. You're not worth his time. You'd never want to fight him. You'd get clobbered in a second.

>> No.47119913

making fun of things you cant change is just mean

>> No.47119914

matt doesnt even know who unko is

>> No.47119917


>> No.47119922

im ok with that
its actually really hard to get irritated when you have a life

>> No.47119923
File: 685 KB, 791x692, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oboeru bros...

>> No.47119928

yh it's hard to feel any emotions when you're an npc

>> No.47119929


>> No.47119934

No wonder you're so grumpy all the time kek

>> No.47119939

matto posting gets old so quick idk how you guys are still obsessed with him

>> No.47119944

lmfao rekt

>> No.47119945

bunko btfo

>> No.47119947

ur wifes prolly cool then

>> No.47119952


>> No.47119955

google "遊び心と言うもの" with the quotes

>> No.47119956

He said it himself one time. We hate him because he's basically /us/. He approves of all the same methods. He exceeds by every metric we've put forth. He's basically the ideal learner, and we're still coming to grips with that.

>> No.47119957

my wife needs to be hot to balance how cool i am

>> No.47119958

i dunno when the thread posts him i usually find ways to enjoy the lil goblin but i think the eyyyy pic is a solid meme

>> No.47119963

Speak for yourself.

>> No.47119964
File: 8 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are yall talking about this?

>> No.47119965

not an argument

>> No.47119975

concession firmly spread open and thrust into

>> No.47119978

i concede u got humbled

>> No.47119988
File: 312 KB, 522x616, hv4E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tries the duolingo quiz again
>translate "Spring will come soon." in japanese
>I put もうすぐにはるは来ます
>wrong, it's actually はるはもうすぐ来ます
duolingo is at it again. さすがね

>> No.47119991

i tried to caution him >>47118969

>> No.47119993


>> No.47119996
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, 1706396630528453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic of 956 monitoring this thread

>> No.47120010

Low IQs tend to get trolled easily

>> No.47120011
File: 646 KB, 1024x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47120019


>> No.47120023

bunko getting humbled be a native. dame history repeats itself

>> No.47120029

feels bad matto is up in the deadass of night damage controlling himself on djt instead of in bed with a japanese bug lady or at the very least his bf ken


>> No.47120035


>> No.47120054

Matt has better things to do than hang out here.

>> No.47120055


>> No.47120062

what are the odds matthew v. japan invited a man over to his studio apartment under the pretense of more in depth pitch accent study but then one thing lead to another as his childhood grooming unrepressed itself and suddenly the only vocab he wanted to practice was gluk gluk gluk

>> No.47120082

any day now matt is gonna pivot into being a basic jvlogger

>> No.47120089

we will be there to support him :)

>> No.47120092






>> No.47120122


>> No.47120132


>> No.47120135


>> No.47120148


>> No.47120160

og moment

>> No.47120165


>> No.47120167


>> No.47120176

if a mod came in here and told me to stop talking about matt id beat the shit out of him

>> No.47120183

same id actually most more

>> No.47120185


>> No.47120191

185 お前がな lol

>> No.47120195


>> No.47120200


>> No.47120217


>> No.47120219


>> No.47120232

217 ちゃんと作動してるわ

>> No.47120234

flood guy, ur not ready to output yet

>> No.47120245

you can't even read baby japanese lil bro

>> No.47120247


>> No.47120248

nice self own

>> No.47120250

the に after もうすぐ would be wrong anyway
it would probably OK your sentence without that

>> No.47120255

concession accepted on your literacy or lack thereof

>> No.47120256

>the に after もうすぐ would be wrong anyway

>> No.47120260

Oh well the thing I wanna read isn’t in epub format anyway so oh well
I’ll just use OCR on PNGs then Yomitan the DeepL Japanese text

>> No.47120264

お前の脳みそがちゃんと作動してさえいればな kek

>> No.47120271

mou sugu ni is a normal construction

>> No.47120275

thread overrun by tards

>> No.47120280

idk just feel

>> No.47120281

what is it?
you rly shouldn't

>> No.47120284

We've become /int/ thanks to the namefags

>> No.47120292

love tards


>> No.47120294


almost all of the (96, very few) hits are もう + すぐに, not もうすぐ + に

>> No.47120295

if only qm were still alive... he'd put them in their place with the quiz challenge like old times

>> No.47120298

Mushoku Tensei
And all I meant was using the text from the Japanese side of the translation since it would be in a browser format then so Yomitan works anyway

>> No.47120306

when will qm put jabum in his place?

>> No.47120307

>hating on deepl

>> No.47120311

idk what you're even talking about but please don't use deepl.

also i guarantee i can find that in epub format

>> No.47120316



>> No.47120323


>> No.47120333

dont know if i'd trust massif, but regardless im not making a claim about which one is more frequent, but what is grammatically correct.

>> No.47120337

Idk what you don’t get
If I cannot use ttsu to get a text into my browser then OCR + opening in DeepL will

>> No.47120339

>idk what you're even talking about but please don't use deepl.
He couldn't get Anacreon's texthooker page working, so he's saying he wants to use the DeepL page as webpage for Yomitan. Also, what's your beef with DeepL?

>> No.47120345

you're anacrom, just help him get it working

>> No.47120356
File: 442 KB, 1080x1178, 1718724729141958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over... japan will be gone by the time i finish learning the language

>> No.47120365

I'm not him, and I already told the guy what to do. He claimed he couldn't get it working but wouldn't elaborate.

>> No.47120370

Nips are currently in the process of being destroyed by kikes anyway so it was already over.

>> No.47120379

matt won

>> No.47120383
File: 163 KB, 320x240, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NIPS getting KIKED in the ASS

>> No.47120393
File: 127 KB, 467x600, 1718402210525475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

matt won

>> No.47120453
File: 368 KB, 550x650, 1718726643543812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is euphoria actually worth a playthrough?

>> No.47120470

burgers not joking

>> No.47120548

if by play you mean with your dick yeah

>> No.47120577


i think you should be able to do that as long as its in japanese though

>> No.47120580

大奥 is a good show

>> No.47120601


>> No.47120625

Yeah, just put this script into either the back or front template of your Anki


>> No.47120628

my queen

>> No.47120644

he is

>> No.47120652

>mining sentences

>> No.47120681

delete anki

>> No.47120691

anki has always been my friend

>> No.47120695


>> No.47120697

don't do this, it's retarded.

qm solved anki formats years ago. just use his

>> No.47120704

the real answer is: mine up to at least 10k then drop anki if you want.

>> No.47120705

QM's old news. We live in a new generation where people need words highlighted.

>> No.47120711

dno why you repeat this advice that you've never even done yourself

>> No.47120715

crazy how you cannot say "i'm fat" in japanese using an adjective

>> No.47120723
File: 331 KB, 613x662, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47120726

don't know who you're talking about but im nta. and if you've seen this advice enough it should kind of clue you in jej

>> No.47120727


>> No.47120739

anki is good just do single words not sentences lol

>> No.47120744


>> No.47120746

it's a well known that noobs hear some advice (or worse just make it up ) and then repeat it endlessly without every actually doing it. nukemarine built his entire career off doing that. floodguy is probably the latest example of it

>> No.47120754

japanese doesn't have adjectives

>> No.47120756


>> No.47120762

>japanese doesn't have words

>> No.47120769


>> No.47120773

>noobs hear some advice (or worse just make it up ) and then repeat it endlessly without every actually doing it
yep i do this too

>> No.47120779

analcream is the biggest offender of this btw

>> No.47120798

english subs obviously, if one can read jap at the pace of conversation then reading anything else shouldn't be an issue.
watching subbed anime is productive as placing a heisig book under your pillow.

>> No.47120799

just do whatever u want

get fucked in the ass get aids start a revolution its up to u

>> No.47120808


>> No.47120809



>> No.47120812

except holoshit

dont ever do that

>> No.47120815

no, japanese subs. it's the easiest way to build up to reading vns and lns

>> No.47120821

vns are nice cuz you get a picture with the text :)

>> No.47120837
File: 58 KB, 1282x752, LeyLine_zjeo4jcGsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the nodvd shit doesn't work? yep not playing this shit

>> No.47120839

vns are nice cuz you get a titty with the text

>> No.47120843

>build up to shit

>> No.47120846

2024 gives us a new geyline guy except this time itll take him 8 months just to copy over a cracked exe to launch the game

>> No.47120860
File: 674 KB, 2162x2160, GQXaGQHakAAXE5u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you learn Japanese?

>> No.47120864


>> No.47120865

to read marvel comics fan translated to japanese

>> No.47120868

one follows from the other, no?

>> No.47120880

i know more jap than u tho

>> No.47120884


>> No.47120886

u guys are gonna have to fight in japanese now

lets have a good clean fight obey my commands and protect urself at all times

>> No.47120890


>> No.47120894


>> No.47120895

彼氏の名前は ?

>> No.47120902


>> No.47120904
File: 264 KB, 723x1328, GQSZylZbAAAWo1R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47120912
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1080, フロンティア あなたの中に眠る天才脳_20240618-215702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think about this? :O

>> No.47120921


>> No.47120932

dno if it's experience or iq but jamal's japanese is so much better than unko and he doesn't even realize

>> No.47120939
File: 42 KB, 424x478, 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kyn domo mes

>> No.47120960


>> No.47120964

you know jack shit

>> No.47120965


>> No.47120977


>> No.47120979
File: 242 KB, 2047x2047, F838QePbQAAlEh5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today's word:

>> No.47120984

how matt met yoga

>> No.47120986

languages arent sports so its really of no relevance

language is open to everyone if it wasnt we wouldnt have shitters that constantly ruining english every day like immigrants from shithole countries or the french

>> No.47120989

im a native

>> No.47121003

how ciaran met that dude

>> No.47121006


>> No.47121009


why tho

>> No.47121010
File: 722 KB, 637x471, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this just 考えておるなんだ ?

>> No.47121023


>> No.47121036


>> No.47121038

oh wait never mind its a negative because of the しか what blunder

>> No.47121040

dont forget those kinda statements gotta end with a negative

>> No.47121049

ey u fixed it urself ur the man 38

>> No.47121050
File: 116 KB, 1030x945, GQT8jqZWoAA13dT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

おら なんだけど
もんく ある?

>> No.47121054


>> No.47121056

yh and everyone here is to japanese what indians are to english

>> No.47121063

彼ピの彼ピッピ( ゚д゚)ポカーン

>> No.47121066

that might be a bit too generous 056 maybe only djts best can break into indojin tier

>> No.47121094

zoom out a bit and you realize how pointless it is to want to be anything

>> No.47121096

thats sad man :(

>> No.47121098

matt and jonathon blow might say something like this

>> No.47121108

>考えておらんだ = 考えていなかった
>t. djt

>> No.47121111

yah man *rips bong* its like pointless to like uhhhhh *coughs for 5 minutes straight* want to like BE anything u know ? *eats a cheeto*

>> No.47121116

how does japanese distinguish saying shit like "not one bit" vs "in no small sum"

>> No.47121122

stare at the cup long enough and the cup stares back

>> No.47121134


>> No.47121136

maybe the universe is shaped like a cup. see "topology of the universe"

>> No.47121142 [DELETED] 

spit on my cock long enough and my cock spits back

>> No.47121147

the universe is more like a cum sock

>> No.47121157


>> No.47121163
File: 408 KB, 1918x1403, GQS3ed1XkAAFfip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>john titor

>> No.47121165

saw a physicist dude say the observable universe appears to be flat which implies the actual universe is much bigger (maybe even infinite) in the same way that if you measured some small distance on earth it would seem flat but it's actually huge and round

>> No.47121169

cool story john titus i liked steins gay too

>> No.47121172


>> No.47121179

it's actually huge and round like quiz*

>> No.47121180

still angry at jamal

>> No.47121186

or its just flat retard lol

>> No.47121187

don't listen to strung-out street corner and back alley physicists is bad for your health

>> No.47121189


>> No.47121191

how should i know wtf

>> No.47121196


i know i know https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tnz--TIKDu0#t=22

>> No.47121200


>> No.47121221
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1080, フロンティア あなたの中に眠る天才脳_20240618-214509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is learning a language a good thing? :/

>> No.47121231

the value judgment is up to u

>> No.47121233

not particularly

>> No.47121236

how do flat earth people explain boats going over the horizon?

>> No.47121256

>JIDF posters

>> No.47121264

wat is the difference between 従来 本来 由来 元々 元来

>> No.47121275
File: 2.36 MB, 1814x1134, Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 14.34.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>がった instead of かった
Is this just a softer way to say it, or is there some extra implication?
Tried doing some searches, but couldn't find anything, and stuff like jisho/yomitan just treats it as the verb on it's base form.

>> No.47121276

never seen a flat earther predict an eclipse

>> No.47121296

the greeks had hypothesized heliocentrism but primarily rejected it not because of dogma but because they were a little too clever - they expected stellar parallax but unfortunately didn't have reason to appreciate the enormous distance to stars relative to our solar system's familiar planets nor the technology to ever detect angular variations that minuscule

>> No.47121311

lol greeks were retards

>> No.47121315

i have no idea but i like their yogurt

>> No.47121316

>the ancient greeks

>> No.47121322

No, Yomitan treats it as a verb in the がる form.

>> No.47121328

hands off my big fat greek joghurt it's mine you can't have it

>> No.47121331

*sticks finger right in the yogurt*

>> No.47121332

the ancient greeks fucked little boys so id say they are already smarter more cultured than us

>> No.47121334

maybe he means the mycenaeans

>> No.47121333

Sorry, I meant about 愛されたがった (mistyped a な there), not 怖がった

>> No.47121338


>> No.47121345 [SPOILER] 
File: 308 KB, 1920x1080, 1718295298442031.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no dakuten will soften this blow

>> No.47121356
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>> No.47121358

Then that would be the たい-form + the がる-form, just as yomitan says.

>> No.47121360

sexo :O

>> No.47121361


>> No.47121370


>> No.47121378

Ah fuck, I'm stupid. That な mistyping obviously fucked up yomitan, and forgot to recheck later. It makes sense, thx.

>> No.47121393

No problem, you also typo'd 傷つくのを怖がった just fyi

>> No.47121414

傷つくことは怖くない〜だけど消して強くない〜₍₍ (ง ˘ω˘ )ว ⁾⁾

>> No.47121426

is there any ime shortcut to immediately get the katakana ka or the small ya? i always scroll through the list of auto complete suggestions

>> No.47121437


>> No.47121438

xya for ゃ and か + Ctrl+i or f7 for カ

>> No.47121439

lya lka 

>> No.47121483

Just discovered Z + HJKL makes

>> No.47121493

don't know what any of that means but you need hjkl to navigate on vim i think

>> No.47121514
File: 25 KB, 618x188, Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 15.08.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently 4chan is escaping those, but yeah, Z + Vim movement keys makes the corresponding arrows

>> No.47121555

finally get what the ら in ここら means

>> No.47121569

ここら辺が潮時じゃの( ˘ω˘)ウムッ

>> No.47121581

what was his advice

>> No.47121647

he had some fuck machine tips

>> No.47121657
File: 783 KB, 1920x1080, Uchi.no.Musume.wa.Kareshi.ga.Dekinai.EP04.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47121665

just read 中腹 as ちゅうばら

>> No.47121722

ちゅうふく ;3

>> No.47121747


>> No.47121763


>> No.47121771
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>> No.47121776


>> No.47121781

chin guy...

>> No.47121788

yosh finished work for the day. first post in djt at 8pm is some real workaholic shit.

>> No.47121790

neet life ftw

>> No.47121791


>> No.47121792

*nods sagely*

>> No.47121807
File: 855 KB, 1920x1080, Uchi.no.Musume.wa.Kareshi.ga.Dekinai.EP04.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47121808


>> No.47121812


>> No.47121819

if you noticed my typo it's proof you can't read japanese

>> No.47121820

how are you supposed to respond when your grandpa asks if youre still "learning that jap shit"

>> No.47121827

fell into a 禍々しい pussy

>> No.47121861


>> No.47121863

tell him yea and that u know the hiroshima and nagasaki dialects now

>> No.47121879

have to get up early tomorrow and leave my house. not feeling too happy about it

>> No.47121889

跳び膝蹴りを喰らわせるのが得意技なんだね! :O

>> No.47121895
File: 976 KB, 1920x1080, Uchi.no.Musume.wa.Kareshi.ga.Dekinai.EP04.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47121915


>> No.47121959

would people look at me funny if i said kaneduchi for 鉄槌?

>> No.47121963

im leanring

>> No.47121988

yea cause it should be かなづち

>> No.47121999

How bad is this fan translation?


>> No.47122005

you can call that shit cantuccini for all i care

>> No.47122009

i'm a sigma male

>> No.47122069

yeah ok i have no idea what a standard deviation is so what

>> No.47122078

same. statistics is for gays.

>> No.47122080

*nods sagely*

>> No.47122085

what's the point of these? am i supposed to be impressed

>> No.47122087

its some special math that allows you to shill your particular made up truth about some product

>> No.47122088

I was just watching the episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where the brother was giving the IQ test. I believe it's 15 points.

>> No.47122098

>Does testosterone affect political behavior? One study found that higher testosterone predicted a greater chance of agreeing with an unpopular position, while it did not predict agreement with majority opinions. This indicates that high T people may be brave contrarians.
yea i'm high T

>> No.47122099
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>> No.47122107

a deviation which is standard

>> No.47122109

Uh, it's good immersion, I swear.

>> No.47122118

see you dont need to know japanese to enjoy life in japan

>> No.47122119

nekopara 2 flanderized the hell out of chocola.

>> No.47122122

you can't even use chopsticks

>> No.47122131

>https://live.fc2.com/adult/ (intense immersion)

This was fun. Found a stream that only shows solo clips of blonde girls from various high quality porn studios. It was great to worship the white race with them while saying how jap girls smell like pickled fish

>> No.47122132

>they actually wear the hats

>> No.47122133

never clicking a reddit link and u cant make me

>> No.47122134

youre going to be tortured for eternity

>> No.47122135

acquired flanderized and 包茎

>> No.47122141

you dont have to sell it to me im already a lolicon

>> No.47122143

nobodys making you but you'd enjoy it
is that like balkanized but for belgium

>> No.47122145

i assumed she was made into flan like a courage episode

>> No.47122150
File: 495 KB, 579x510, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao it looks like they're running away from him

>> No.47122155

a fly shat all over my monitor (it's on)

>> No.47122156

ok i clicked the reddit link and i agree with >>47122134 and those comments about the backpack are troublesome

also i was thinking this exactly someone couldve easily thought he was chasing them lol

>> No.47122162

you shouldnt live fearing what someone else might think

>> No.47122165

please never go to japan

>> No.47122176
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>> No.47122181

i agree but for other reasons

>> No.47122182

lol scary

>> No.47122185

you should live in fear of being tortured for all eternity though

>> No.47122193

its not so much fearing what someone thinks but fearing what someone can do cuz of what they think

even good intentions with a good heart can get u into trouble in this world

>> No.47122201

wholesome social interation dame what a nice guy

>> No.47122207

twas wholesome tho

>> No.47122212

alien is so slow and shitty jesus christ

>> No.47122218

a standard deviation is a more precise way of saying something is normally like *this* "give or take" an amount.

>> No.47122231

the ending is pretty intense with that dissonant siren wailing at you for several minutes straight

>> No.47122240

Mary gave birth to Jesus when she was 13

>> No.47122243

nobody molested her though

>> No.47122246
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>> No.47122252

stinky ass on the counter

>> No.47122260

that's not what a counter is my guy

>> No.47122261

We don’t know how old she was.

>> No.47122269

thats a sink counter ...... anything not the sink is the counter

>> No.47122277


>> No.47122279
File: 47 KB, 1200x675, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm really sad. i can't connect or vibe with any of the stuff they do to the zelda series since skyward swords. i wish i could force myself to like the new games

>> No.47122280

call that shit a vanity like realtor

>> No.47122286

do you also buy games and never play them

>> No.47122288

i type sink countertop into google and gives me exactly that ready for pickup today at the nearest home depot

thats what us rednecks call it

>> No.47122289

botw is fun though

>> No.47122296
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1080, Uchi.no.Musume.wa.Kareshi.ga.Dekinai.EP05.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47122297

Dame, you’re actually right on this one. You’re being pedantic, but I’ll be damned, you know your stuff.

>> No.47122302

someone post the matt version

>> No.47122304

i also only feel safe when i check with daddy google whether a word is ok to use in advance

>> No.47122306

>historians and the church are wrong because.... they just are ok?
that's how things have been done for thousands of years.

In fact, your sensibilities are an extremely modern viewpoint pushed by the same feminists that banned alcohol and made income tax mandatory.
>In 1880, the ages of consent were set at 10 or 12 in most states, with the exception of Delaware where it was 7.

>> No.47122307

this but unironically

>> No.47122308

i knew there was nothing wrong with it i just wanted supporting evidence or maybe i just wanted to shop for a new one

>> No.47122314
File: 49 KB, 670x454, 1556057519174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvermind found it

>> No.47122315

also i didnt search it until u came out criticizing my word choice so i said it first without consulting skynet

>> No.47122328
File: 272 KB, 670x454, 1556120160089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bonus rare version

>> No.47122329

stfu don't make me knob you i'll do it

>> No.47122332
File: 800 KB, 1920x1080, Uchi.no.Musume.wa.Kareshi.ga.Dekinai.EP05.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47122338
File: 2.40 MB, 1024x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deez knobz

>> No.47122339

>ban alcohol
thatd be based actually

>> No.47122340

this is not the bane of my sword

>> No.47122346

makes sense that the beginning of the great depression coincided with the end of prohibition. it was an age of enlightenment and prosperity.

>> No.47122347

me last saturday in that one rest area public bathroom

>> No.47122352

i am the bone of my knob


>> No.47122360

It was not based. There's a reason Christ's blood is literally wine.

>> No.47122363

fermented christblood

>> No.47122366

blood has every single nutrient
wine has fucking nothing

>> No.47122370


>> No.47122379


>> No.47122381

you mining the dictionary for these or what

>> No.47122386

mining your ass with my foot

>> No.47122391

the fsn soundtrack was pretty good

>> No.47122392

fate shit night

>> No.47122394

torihada every time this plays holy moly


>> No.47122398

that anon above was kind enough to answer in my stead and i am thankful for it. i consider the matter resolved

>> No.47122401

can't believe gambs had cnc with an 18yo minor

>> No.47122404

fsn was mid and tukihime was better

>> No.47122406

whats a cnc

>> No.47122409

tsukihime never drew my attention
maybe because im a misogynist and theres a woman on the cover

>> No.47122419

command and conquer

>> No.47122420
File: 216 KB, 624x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tsukihime somehow reminds me too much of this artstyle so it will never make it into my heart

>> No.47122421

i think youre confusing misogynist with homosexual

>> No.47122423

consent non consent

>> No.47122432

cncs are those awesome computer controller multi jointed metal mills

>> No.47122434

thats what i thought of

>> No.47122435
File: 845 KB, 1920x1080, Uchi.no.Musume.wa.Kareshi.ga.Dekinai.EP05.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47122436


>> No.47122441


>> No.47122449


>> No.47122450
File: 935 KB, 1920x1080, Uchi.no.Musume.wa.Kareshi.ga.Dekinai.EP05.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crazy how japanese doramas have graticious feet shots but western series barely have them

>> No.47122455

don't you click that

>> No.47122457

what is wrong with ppl

>> No.47122465
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>> No.47122486

why is this so lol


>> No.47122490
File: 598 KB, 705x393, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ディーボン テーブルを持ってきて

>> No.47122498

i like what u were doing there but i think bubba ray would say mottykoy

>> No.47122501

>historical footage of qm's prodigy, doth, overtaking him

>> No.47122506

got my speakers rocking 120db

>> No.47122523
File: 353 KB, 718x374, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47122527


>> No.47122541

what does the dude on the right have paper mache stuck to his forehead

>> No.47122543


seriously tho, are there any good action vinnies like fsn with the same energy? i wanna have goosebumps again

>> No.47122546
File: 91 KB, 325x363, 1718476791675640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of immerser are you?

>> No.47122550


>> No.47122553

i immerse in the ground so underground

>> No.47122556


stfu x

>> No.47122558

nitroplus or light shit thats your choice

>> No.47122562
File: 697 KB, 1920x1080, 魔王の俺が奴隷エルフを嫁にしたんだが、どう愛でればいい? 第11話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47122563

never again bought another console after that generation

>> No.47122572

fate/hollow ataraxia is probably worth a read

>> No.47122578

yeah last console i bought was a ps tripple

>> No.47122590

for me it was the xbox360

>> No.47122592

keep in mind you need to learn latin and german before playing dies irae and study esoteric buddhism before playing kkk

>> No.47122596

360 then a switch, otherwise pc only

>> No.47122601


>> No.47122602

nah you can just read me masters thesis to get the lowdown

>> No.47122612


>> No.47122613

still have the 360 in my basement but it's a console for us-centric games so no reason to dig it up anymore

>> No.47122619
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>> No.47122624

wish i could give her a hug then impregnate her

>> No.47122626
File: 184 KB, 500x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47122632

gross dude

>> No.47122635

i know i know

>> No.47122636

shes clearly already pregnant

>> No.47122637

dating a girl from kyrgyzstan she's way flatter

>> No.47122651

i have a bad case of diarrhea

>> No.47122652

yup looks like a big ショタ狩り

>> No.47122654

switch did get a lot of interesting looking titles, albeit many of the ports but i don't play much at all anymore tbqhwyf

but how many did you go through? those things were dying left and right. but the ps3 is a pos too in terms of build quality

>> No.47122663

>but how many did you go through?
one and it still works the last time i checked
only the first gen of x360s had the huge red ring of death issue

>> No.47122664
File: 792 KB, 1920x1080, Uchi.no.Musume.wa.Kareshi.ga.Dekinai.EP05.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fucking blood type plot twist
sasuga japan

>> No.47122672

for a split second i thought they had strung up a giant back there on that 竿 thought it was gambs

>> No.47122673

the fate series is complete bullshit because its completely unclear how strong each servant is

>> No.47122678

dame i didn't know that

>> No.47122683

saber deadlifts 120
beach saber only 110

>> No.47122687

>the fate series is complete bullshit

nuff said

>> No.47122693

oh so have a slim or e even. i went through 3. 3rd one probably still works - original look but latest revision b4 the redesign

>> No.47122701
File: 36 KB, 344x501, HystericFairy-DB1-EN-C-UE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you believe this is supposed to be a girl

>> No.47122716

taimanin has surprisingly intersting lore

>> No.47122720

can you help me read this?

>> No.47122722

these kinds of things dont matter

>> No.47122744

it's called immersion though

>> No.47122752

its not clear how strong people are irl either so its more realistic and more immersive

>> No.47122753

the servants are like the collosi in sotc
you just don't even know why you're fighting them

>> No.47122754

i have a scouter actually

>> No.47122757

all that matters is epic battles

>> No.47122759

oh yeah? whats my power level.

>> No.47122761

hey vegeta what does the scouter say ? *turns off monitor*

>> No.47122763

realism =/= immersive

>> No.47122764

over 8000 cocks sucked you fuckin queer

>> No.47122766

i watched fsn and dont remember anything epic about it

>> No.47122768

How good are the Mario and Luigi rpg games for Japanese?

>> No.47122773

got eeeeeem

>> No.47122775

dunno but the first mario and luigi rpg is fun

>> No.47122785

i remember when i enjoyed playing videogames

>> No.47122796

you cant get more epic than shirou vs archer you must have been white noising

>> No.47122798

favorite futa on female h artist starts doing futa on futa stuff
wtf has the world come to

>> No.47122803

better than futa on male

>> No.47122809

not better than your mom on my dick

>> No.47122817

love strategy games still and get addicted to them but i'm trying not to play them much anymore. same with multiplayer fps games.

>> No.47122838

what happened to japs dont like confrontation

>> No.47122890

what an asshole guy

>> No.47122893

this guy's an doem

>> No.47122904


>> No.47122908

pitch doesn't matter
also pitch

>> No.47122912

yea it doesn't matter since those are obviously different even without pitch

>> No.47122919


>> No.47122923

>【メンバーシップギフトについて】荒らし等の対策のため、ギフトは送らないでくださいPlease don't send membership gifts ‍
why dont japanese people want viewers to send membership gifts?

>> No.47122990

you will probably never say the latter

>> No.47123002

Why is everyone so worked up about pitch accent god damn. Just immerse bro

>> No.47123008

feels like she's scooping out my brain

>> No.47123012
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47123020

glad i dont care about speaking so i dont have to worry about pitch

>> No.47123029

what compels you to post that? i literally posted that because i just saw a sentence containing those words and thought to myself, hey that almost sounds like the other thing

>> No.47123032



>> No.47123036

shut up u egg

>> No.47123052

if you dont care about sounding good you can do just fine without pitch
you can still get your point across

>> No.47123055

yea bunko agrees with matt on pitch

>> No.47123058

hmslc acquired pitch naturally without being consciously aware of its existence

>> No.47123065

matt would probably laugh at hmslc's pitch accent ability.

>> No.47123080

holy shit aai collection is getting a remaster, let's goooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.47123081

artificial ass intelligence?

>> No.47123094

i think its gay you feel the need to post about random other guys instead of just posting your own opinions

>> No.47123098

Gyakuten Kenji 1&2 Mitsurugi Selection

>> No.47123102

my opinions are worthless in comparison to an expert

>> No.47123103

yea it's so "gay" to defer to those who have been vetted by natives. idiot.

>> No.47123109

lil unk just got owned ngl

>> No.47123114

he cant stop losing

>> No.47123122

i dont want to end up like what happened to dunning kruger so i try not to trust my own ill-informed opinions

>> No.47123149

i honestly feel bad for yall

>> No.47123156

yeah but i don't care what you think because you're not an expert

>> No.47123158

i'm pretty much an expert at telling you to stfu

>> No.47123182

early night for me tonight

>> No.47123239


anyway, 2 years in and I now realize just how much I suck at grammar
any decks to help out with that?

>> No.47123253

just one more deck bro

>> No.47123268
File: 1.46 MB, 950x950, __nakahara_misaki_and_satou_tatsuhiro_nhk_ni_youkoso_drawn_by_mi8pq__230d5d791e2006d4040a413545d92434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47123311

bunpro just works

>> No.47123317


>> No.47123433

you dont need decks for that

>> No.47123448

just having trouble remembering or then identifying those which are rarer

>> No.47123625

read and watch more stuff and you will have less trouble

>> No.47123747

dojg deck
you should watch this too https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFI_iSFuU-22m2VnpYnhTkGp8H9I0nhBx

>> No.47124086
File: 289 KB, 1392x805, vocab_count.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've read multiple times that you need approx 2000 kanji to read newspaper.
Kanji aren't words/grammar.
You could know 5000 kanji and still have no idea how to read anything.

You need to know over 24000 words to have a 98% comprehension of a newspaper.

>> No.47124093

This is peak reddit. lmfao.

You can't get better at reading without reading.

>> No.47124104
File: 25 KB, 428x364, matt vs wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47124149

バテン・カイトスきたよ神ゲーだよ ;3

>> No.47124816
File: 1.04 MB, 2831x3774, LU5O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47124842

I emit fart and kms too

>> No.47125486


>> No.47125581


>> No.47127915

lmao best post of thread

>> No.47129069

working on a big piece called exposed - the small guy j
stay tuned!

>> No.47129107

chances are ur gonna just embarrass urself i dont recommend it

>> No.47129118

remember when pippi said that last time >>45556535

>> No.47129125

i got a number wrong over 6 months ago and its literally an integral part of ur life i guess ? lol like i said

>> No.47129129

lil pippi thats not the only number you got wrong

>> No.47129132

im not good with numbers so thats likely

>> No.47129140

lol he didnt get it so much for the average smart guy

>> No.47129150

u didnt get it

>> No.47129157

u sound mad bro

>> No.47129166

when have i ever sounded mad

>> No.47129188


>> No.47129198

jamal won

>> No.47129213

...the losing competition

>> No.47129221

by not participating in it

>> No.47129269

cuz when it comes to losing noone can compete with you lol

>> No.47129278

then why cant i lose u from my ankle?

>> No.47129290

have you tried losing a limb

>> No.47129303

bite harder then

>> No.47129362

sometimes you gotta go out on a limb

>> No.47129382

yah u went out on my limb rip u

>> No.47129405

leaving you champ of...

>> No.47129420

nothing we were just posting on the internet

>> No.47129466

yeah champ of nothing lol

>> No.47129490

anyway it was fun talking to the champion of seethe today i hope i tasted good u sure had me in ur mouth for quite a while

toodles :D

>> No.47129498

yep jamal won again

>> No.47129506

and pippi gets his monitor working

>> No.47129527

jamal lost
heres why thats a good thing

>> No.47131335

not a fast day for djt
