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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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47108014 No.47108014 [Reply] [Original]

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
https://live.fc2.com/adult/ (intense immersion)

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese:>>>/int/djt

Previous thread:>>47102187

>> No.47108100

this thread will be way better than the last.
videogame immersion!

>> No.47108103

omg she's literally me!

>> No.47108105
File: 749 KB, 1503x1193, tr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you say this official translation is wrong? Shouldn't it be "after you eat" and not "as you eat"?

>> No.47108168

who cares?

>> No.47108280

i miss morbido guy

>> No.47108306

we've moved past posting about guys

>> No.47108308



>> No.47108322

not うーうー, bleh

>> No.47108381

Got my Adderall prescription refill today, yep it's Japanese studying time. And by "studying" I mean gooning while reading and eroge all day

>> No.47108384

god i wish i had adderall

>> No.47108388


>> No.47108401

big ngmi energy right there

>> No.47108428

Yeah, から means after or since following the て-form of a verb. Bit of an oversight on the TL's part.

>> No.47108440

i love flexing on n5s and breaking them and making them give up they call me the 鬼

>> No.47108444

Yep but that trannylator uses zoomer slang so don't expect quality translations.

>> No.47108445

based rattata'er

>> No.47108462

Post a recent example of you "flexing on n5s"

>> No.47108530

I want to reach out to a japanese musician on instagram and I'm using google translate for my message. I'm looking for how to simply start the message. Would I say "こんにちは、 (name)."? I just want to say the equivalent of "hello Name, blah blah blah". I'm asking because when I do that こんにちは, (name) in google translate, I see that the translate comes back as "Hello my name is (name)" when I switch it to English. Hope I'm making sense and if someone can give advice

>> No.47108572

こんにちは、nameさん is fine. Also, use DeepL or ChatGPT instead to compose your message.

>> No.47108583

yep this guy is gonna make it

>> No.47108598

i would agree but he posted on 4chan so likely he's just gonna get on adderall and then surf the net all day and night

>> No.47108614

I just found out the counterpart to taiyou is taiin 太陰. Is this a very uncommon version? I don't think I've ever heard it before, but I've seen taiyou all over.

>> No.47108629

太陰's very rare, despite it being the literal yin to 太陽's yang.

>> No.47108659

Weird. Maybe it's been considered bad luck or something historically.

>> No.47108715
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>> No.47108818
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>> No.47108835

Sup, Unko

>> No.47108871
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>> No.47108885
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>> No.47108897

That's actually pretty gross. I'm glad people don't do that in America.

>> No.47108903


>> No.47108917

She hasn't washed down there in weeks

>> No.47108926

yh girls are gross i wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.47108934


>> No.47109043

assuming that is all body fat that's a 231 daily calorie deficit which is pretty good because you're very far from crash dieting which makes makes most people fail keeping their weight down, gg qm these are good numbers im proud

>> No.47109140
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>> No.47109165

just eat good food lol

>> No.47109213


>> No.47109366


>> No.47109381
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>> No.47109398


>> No.47109402
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Is he right?

>> No.47109406

yes, you still need 2k hours one way or another

>> No.47109425
File: 522 KB, 784x593, 1702949228408658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain how kunai works? I thought it was only used for ajdectives.

>> No.47109433

ok serious reply:

[1] jlpt is no indication for fluency
[2] gamification is not for lazy people, its for ahdh people. (lazy isn't a concept that actually exists)
[3] 1:1 translations are not always necessary
[4] duolingo is good to get your feet wet as a total beginner but you shouldn't use it that much that day streaks are on your mind

>> No.47109445

i must have made like 30 posts in the last thread lol

>> No.47109448

i miss jamal

>> No.47109450

~たい conjugates like i adjectives

食べたい i want to eat
食べたくない i don't want to eat
食べたかった i wanted to eat
食べたくなかった i didn't want to eat

眠い i am sleepy
眠くない i am not sleepy
眠かった i was sleepy
眠くなかった i wasn't sleepy

>> No.47109452



>> No.47109457

i recommend doing 1 more year of grammar drills before continuing any further

>> No.47109464

Thank you.
I think I'll just read whatever I want and ask the internetz when I get stuck ^^

>> No.47109469

ok have fun dropping japanese entirely by end of summer

>> No.47109502
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>> No.47109528

Do 4koma artists actually think this is funny?

>> No.47109546
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>Necrotizing fasciitis in Japan

Nani the hell?

>> No.47109572

basically turns your verb into an adjective the same way られる and させる turn any verb 一段 this language doesn’t give a fuck

>> No.47109589

okiru + tai + nai

>> No.47109601

not hanahira anon but holy shit I don't understand conjugations either lol

>> No.47109612

not all nai are created equal

>> No.47109618

It doesn't turn your verb into an adjective, it's just conjugated like an adjective. たい an inflectional suffix.

>> No.47109625
File: 1.05 MB, 1032x1674, Yabai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47109630

Poor puppers. I hate when animals die.

>> No.47109635


>> No.47109640

can anyone tell me what the name of the first song playing in this video is?

>> No.47109653
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>> No.47109655

Woah nice fucking OP pic, My team lead (who is female) just looked at my phone and thinks I'm looking at soft core porn at work. I'm getting written up now and reported to HR. Wtf?
Anyway, I'm an ESL and I'm wondering what does "eat out" really mean? I thought it can mean "to eat at a restaurant rather than at home", is this wrong?

>> No.47109666

It normally means going to a restaurant to eat, but it's sometimes used to refer to the act of cunnilingus.

>> No.47109669

my anki resets in 90 minutes I hate doing last minute reps

>> No.47109677

Thanks I thought so but people here have laughed at me before for that

>> No.47109683
File: 17 KB, 568x290, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a fucked sleep schedule so about once a month i have to do a double day, where i wake up do my reps withing the few hours before reset, then do them again sometime before i sleep so that i never miss a day on accident
wtf captcha

>> No.47109694

You know the world's going to hell when people feel the need to gatekeep English slang.

>> No.47109696


Imagine putting that much effort for a dozen views and like. Sad.

>> No.47109702

everyone here's so bad at japanese that no one could even be able to look up the lyrics

>> No.47109707

i can but i'm too lazy. tons of anime to catch up

>> No.47109715

it would take you like 2 seconds if you could. no need to lie anon

>> No.47109719

If you think about it, most normal teachers put in a lot of effort time and energy just to teach 25 students at a time. If a classroom was a YouTube video it'd also only have 25 views and a few likes, and mostly dislikes.

>> No.47109725
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>> No.47109727


>> No.47109730


>> No.47109731

This is the only real way to think about. YouTube's warped our minds so that if a video doesn't get at least 2,506,884 views, it's considered a failure. Meanwhile Joe Piano plays for 20 people at the mall and we think that's an accomplishment.

>> No.47109736

Definitely 3

>> No.47109742

drawing a crowd of 20 out of 200 people that walk by is more impressive than drawing the same crowd out of the 200,000 people learning japanese rn yes

>> No.47109745


>> No.47109746


>> No.47109747

The video maker doesn't have access to the crowd of 200,000. It's almost entirely determined by hidden metrics in a YouTube server room.

>> No.47109752

if it was either high quality or catered to the algorithm it would be promoted.

>> No.47109753

just came back to tell you that i knew you couldn't do it. transcribing song lyrics is too hard for anyone here. it's basically the cursive of listening

>> No.47109758

That's not true at all. The algorithm can't detect quality and it scarcely can account for trend exploitation. It's pretty random, hence why only a few channels consistently get big views.

>> No.47109761

my mental image of ciaran in 5'4"

>> No.47109764


>> No.47109768

that's ridiculous. he's at least a few inches shorter

>> No.47109804

dont need a mental image of ciaran cuz i've seen him

>> No.47109809


>> No.47109813

round here we call him queeran or lil c

>> No.47109818

lil cissy

>> No.47109825

he took a dick directly in the mouth so you don't have to. you should be thanking him for his service

>> No.47109829

that's his secret to acquisition

>> No.47109843

just caught up on the latest ep of djt. it confirmed i made the right call when i swore off women

>> No.47109849

poor quiz. wife loves him but he wants none of it...

>> No.47109853

Single life is the best life.

>> No.47109858
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The Japanese are being mean to tourists again.

>> No.47109867

nobody likes the french to be fair

>> No.47109891

just swallowed a cherry kernel

>> No.47109897

>stop hating our disgusting slurp culture! u can't have opinions about us if u come here as a tourist!!!

>> No.47109918

found the baguette

>> No.47109923

i have nothing but contempt for the french and slurping, sue me

>> No.47109941

where are the jap tweets about how paris is full of niggers and other undesirables

>> No.47109954

when seeing >>47109858
i had the same reaction as >>47109897

the japanese can be cringe, i mean like cringe to the max. lets not forget the japanese chick that did the paper test meme

>> No.47109963


>> No.47109970

slurping is based and the amount of filtered idiots even in this thread alone proves it

>> No.47109977

>anything japan does is based and redpilled

>> No.47109982

not rly i hate anime

>> No.47109984


>> No.47109993

your mom slurps on my noodle

>> No.47109996

quads say i have the most bitches

>> No.47109997

>>47109993 meant for >>47109963

>> No.47110000


>> No.47110002

get scripts

>> No.47110004

ok queef

>> No.47110005

dammit jamal you wasted the quads on your ゲイさ

>> No.47110006

rise and shine squiddos :D


>> No.47110007
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>> No.47110010

new pussy

>> No.47110012

i have fought in the get steal wars lead by [s4s] years ago
i can feel when a get is natural or scripted

>> No.47110014

nooooo way, you cannot it! :O

>> No.47110015


>> No.47110016

i only fuck with 上原亜衣

>> No.47110018

sup unko when are you gonna get tired of this persona?

>> No.47110021

have u tried "get"ting out

>> No.47110025

he should try cumming out

>> No.47110026

can't ur moms puss is holding on my son too tight

>> No.47110027
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>> No.47110036

the birth rates are nonexistent but at least they preserve the proud tradition of slurping noodles

>> No.47110039

fuck forgot to put up my knob shield

>> No.47110047
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>> No.47110060

today's thread is gonna be the first good one in awhile. i can feel it.

>> No.47110065
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>> No.47110069

People ask me how to learn japanese sometimes, what should I tell them? I usually tell them to fuck off

>> No.47110076
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>> No.47110080

stop knobbing us wtf

>> No.47110082

Tell them it's impossible (the truth).

>> No.47110088

telling them fuck on is better

>> No.47110091

026 a lil mad i take it

====no knobber zone====

>> No.47110099

Help me learn Japanese, where do I start?
Do you think Duolingo would be a good start?

>> No.47110102

Yes, enjoy your DuoGains™

>> No.47110104

Yes. Gannbare, anon-chan!

>> No.47110118
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>> No.47110120

just learn nigerian its same shit but easier https://www.farooqkperogi.com/2022/10/japanese-words-and-names-sound-african.html

>> No.47110153
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>> No.47110194

sometimes i forget jamal is a lolcow
a true testament to his overwhelming charisma

>> No.47110208

japs talk about emotions in such an autistic way

>> No.47110209

dont wanna immerse in none of that

>> No.47110214

so i heard mary doesnt wanna man

>> No.47110223
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i wanna use emoticons, you know

>> No.47110282
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a must read
>帝国主義アメリカの野望: リベラルデモクラシーの仮面を剥ぐ

>> No.47110290

is it as every bit ignorant of the world outside of japan as id expect it to be

>> No.47110315
File: 2.07 MB, 1191x668, Screenshot_3243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

american pigwomen could never

>> No.47110344

can I buy those outside of Japan? :O

>> No.47110365

same for real japanese women

>> No.47110379

If you were valued at your work, no one would give a fuck.

>> No.47110384

t. n4

>> No.47110396

384 is so bad at japanese they can only try to insult someone by calling them an n level lol

>> No.47110398

love playing with my twp when i browse djt

>> No.47110406

everyone knows your n level is high lil jamel

>> No.47110407

I’d just explain it was a language learning thread, but that people troll it frequently and post weird pictures in it, then I’d try to hastily scroll past the knob posting.

>> No.47110428

damn it feels good to be n0

>> No.47110439


>> No.47110450

i'm 0% n 100% w

>> No.47110452

thats what i said

>> No.47110479

was queef making fun of jamal by saying jamel or straight up didnt know how to pronounce it

>> No.47110484


>> No.47110485

jah ma-ru

>> No.47110494

じゃまる? やまる?

>> No.47110500


>> No.47110503


>> No.47110509

haraguroi j more like hadaguroi j

>> No.47110516
File: 305 KB, 522x616, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried the duolingo quiz for shits and giggles and it told me to write "Do you do yoga with friends?" in japanese. i put:
and it told me i was wrong in favor of:
joke app.

>> No.47110517

missed some immersion because i was listening to destiny listening to a debate between a christian populist and a libertarian

>> No.47110518

tfw n4 unironically

>> No.47110534
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just fuck my shit up

>> No.47110537

i watched some of that and it was funny that destiny only did it to paint dave as malicious because dave accused destiny of being malicious. big difference between dave stumbling through a debate that he didn't realize he was going to have, and what dave accused destiny of doing, which is entering into debates with the intention of being dishonest. also funny that destiny accused dave of only having debates "to win" rather than to learn, because destiny has a long history of dodging competent people who could school him on certain topics like systemic r***sm. so destiny basically just admitted to not caring about truth.

>> No.47110538

thats how you go bald by putting chemical jews on your head

>> No.47110541

what if you dye your hair blue but you're not part of the blue tribe

>> No.47110549

Sounds like you just got humbled lil bro

>> No.47110555
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>> No.47110557
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i'll kms if i fuck this up this streak lets goooo

>> No.47110564

all those years i got no idea what those anki tables mean

>> No.47110566

don't be sad, cap...

>> No.47110568

you tell me why i was wrong and i'll genuinely concede

>> No.47110581
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it used to feel like a massive mile stone to hit 1~3months of study without quitting, but lately its just been going by faster and faster

>> No.47110586

if you look closely at the squares you'll make a out a picture of dekinai chan

>> No.47110590

its just a tracker showing days studied, the color changes depending on the amount of cards done that day, you can change the colors to w/e you want

>> No.47110593

yeah that second thing was weird. he allows himself to dodge debates because he thinks the opponents could outdebate him despite being in the wrong (for example he said that about flat earthers), but if someone else dodges debates then the same justification isn't afforded to them and he says they must be dodging because they know they're in the wrong and don't want that to be exposed

>> No.47110595

how's the news season of za boizu?

>> No.47110620

Did you flag it? In the past I submitted a few corrections for the Duolingo Japanese course and they would actually send me a message not long after letting me know it got added to the possible answers

Unfortunately Duolingo was never worth paying money for and now the free tier is absolute garbage. Imagine if Anki locked you out of your decks for 24 hours if you make 5 mistakes, AND served you ads, AND tried charging money. lmao

>> No.47110622
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Hey, DJT. I learned kana through duolingo and been doing anki for like 2 months now and I think it's going pretty good. The resources linked were very helpful.
I am a programmer and I was thinking about making some tools/websites to further help myself and others with learning moonrunes. I have two ideas on my mind:

1) Website/dictionary that lets you explore kanji, visually dividing them into components, listing visually similar kanji, etc. I know that learning kanji in isolation is not best, but at the same time, I feel like I keep memorizing them only by few details or just in the context of example sentence, and if I was able to identify the popular components and group similar ones by how their visual proximity it would help me not to confuse them as often.

2) I kind of enjoyed how diverse duolingo lessons are. I feel like in many cases I do not really memorize that well through anki(Kaishi 1.5k) as I could. However because they are the same, it wouldn't be hard to make some other kind of questions using the data. I could make something that connects to ankiweb, gets your actual progress, and turns the cards you've learned into various forms of questions, like english => japanese, listening, matching pairs, translating sentence or even drawing characters. Like on duolingo but with being able to control the difficulty and speed as you have with anki. But I'm not sure how useful that will be if I just start with immersion.

What do you guys think about these ideas? Or maybe there is something else you think would be nice to have to assist in learning Japanese?

>> No.47110627


>> No.47110628

i think you should stop fingering your asshole

>> No.47110634

dunno about all these nerd online debaters yall talkin about but i guarantee none of them would be able to do shit when confronted by the real world


>> No.47110636

i'm writing him an email about it

>> No.47110654

there is a slight difference though. theirs is somewhat more neutral, yours implicitely sounds a bit like you already know the other person does yoga and you're asking whether they do it alone or with friends. neither is wrong of course

>> No.47110659


>> No.47110665

dude typin with butthole debris all over his fingers

>> No.47110704
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>> No.47110712


>> No.47110716

4 just like my n level

>> No.47110718

sure, i dont think any of the existing websites tick all of these boxes. but it would just be a neat toy, not very useful for acquiring the language. it's easy to think otherwise at your stage, but if you just keep at it, this stage will pass before your project is even finished.
yeah some of the duolingo games can be fun but theyre ruined by their monetization and user retention strategies etc. so if your version of it removed all the disadvantages and keep the gamification etc. then it could be pretty cool. but it would also be mostly a toy at the end of the day. all it could do is introduce a little bit of variety, so it wouldnt be practically worth it unless youd really enjoy making it.

as for things that would actually be useful, lately ive been thinking about whether it would be feasible to use ai to dig up compelling content in an individualized way

>> No.47110727

Don't end up like this guy: https://www.reddit.com/r/Anki/comments/198dzvw/today_is_my_11_year_anki_anniversary_zero_days/

>> No.47110728

didnt read

>> No.47110738

lmao did anyone tell that guy u can acquire languages instead of memorize them

>> No.47110746

don't you usually try to answer these correctly? don't hit me with them mix-ups

>> No.47110748

felt out 2

>> No.47110754

was gonna bully him but it's literally an old guy so whatever I guess.

>> No.47110755

you wouldn't marry an anki

>> No.47110763

>Second oldest deck is Japanese Core10k
>6,551 active cards, takes about 16 min/day, over 280k reviews:
>but failed the N4 three times.
so this is the power of SRS............. orz

>> No.47110764

fine its 2 stfu

>> No.47110775

there we go

>> No.47110776

3 なら?

>> No.47110785

party pooper 776

>> No.47110786

>"Where do you find the time?" I'm an old retired guy, so it's easier. Just my memory is worse than when I was young.

Don't be mean please.

>> No.47110788

it's funny because some /djt/roons here have been here longer and know even less japanese than that retired boomer

>> No.47110793

but enough about you

>> No.47110795

the power of english cards

>> No.47110805

eng is to jap as oil is to water

>> No.47110806

>nearest jlpt test area is 3 hours away

>> No.47110812

all the more incentive to push yourself to pass on the first try

>> No.47110815

I'm an uppercaser. I never get these wrong. The answer's four.

>> No.47110821

>jlpt test area
did you know the first jlpt tests were conducted in the bikini atoll. eco system sill hasn't recovered

>> No.47110826

theyre waiting for u gordon...

in the jlpt TEst area

>> No.47110833

still crazy what the yanks did in bikini

>> No.47110835

you think about half-life a lot don't you?

>> No.47110837

the atmosphere in hl1 is pretty fucking epic so i don't blame jamal for thinking about it

>> No.47110841

16 min a day is nothing

>> No.47110846

bomb the n5? i know. what were they thinking

>> No.47110847

Why are you guys engaging with the attention whore?

>> No.47110850

which one

>> No.47110851

what's up?

>> No.47110853

yah i mean if i can make a half life reference i will

plus the speedrun is rly fun and not gay like 99% of other games ppl "speedrun"


>> No.47110863

hl speedruns are indeed crazy

>> No.47110865

you cant pass the n2 quiz

>> No.47110867

which JLPT level do I have to pass for the government to send me a pure Nipponese gf?

>> No.47110869

valve never made good games.

>> No.47110875
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>> No.47110885

i kinda want to replay tomba 2 for some reason even though i 100%ed it already. but i never played the first one

>> No.47110891

imagine having to go to France a few times a year. poor fella

>> No.47110894

depends, are you indian?

>> No.47110897

wait you're telling me jamal was even smarter at 25?!

>> No.47110909

maybe for you, I'm eastern euro and had an arranged marriage with a 15 yr old in the countryside twenty years ago

>> No.47110920
File: 20 KB, 773x119, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47110921

Yeah, he had a solid 100 IQ.

>> No.47110924
File: 3.98 MB, 3516x2685, Tomba 2 - 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean... look at this shit. awesome game

>> No.47110928

tomba and tomba 2 r def epic games

>> No.47110940
File: 3.53 MB, 3516x2685, Tomba 2 - 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fr fr

>> No.47110945
File: 100 KB, 370x325, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47110950

My nearest test site is five hours away

>> No.47110959
File: 29 KB, 116x214, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47110969

is this? :3

>> No.47110977

limited run games does some good work u should check out some of their other things if uve never heard of them

>> No.47110978

lol mine is like 10 minutes by car

>> No.47110981

>source: trust me bro

>> No.47110989

hi unko

>> No.47110991

Thanks for feedback anon.
I'm doing it with a friend and I'm rather good at it so it won't take long to make a website like the first idea. We've already parsed all of kanjivg and made a database with over 6k kanji, with info about radicals, components and strokes. It's really only a matter of making a front end for it and decide what extra features do we need. I guess combining that data with some actual dictionary would be nice.
The second idea will probably be more tricky, but the further I go with anki the more motivated I am to make something like that just to practice what I've already learned. I will think about gamification, but that's not the main goal. It sure would be a nice-to-have, but first and foremost, I just want to add some more diversity to the exercises.

>> No.47111002

makes me wanna replay it again

>> No.47111011

dame! :(

>> No.47111018

nah, your link's the first game, not tomba 2

>> No.47111033

you got caught sorry dude

>> No.47111041

what are potential health hazards of living too close to a jlpt test site?

>> No.47111048

apparently it's not coming to Steam. ;_;

>> No.47111051

Neuroplasticity end at 25, my friend.

>> No.47111055

just emulate zoomer

>> No.47111058
File: 17 KB, 869x110, エミュ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47111070

you clearly dont know what neuroplasticity is

>> No.47111069

Proximity to the stench can cause nausea, indigestion, upset stomachs, diarrhea. You should not take the JLPT if you are pregnant or going to become pregnant as serious life threatening conditions may occur.

>> No.47111076

069 coming in hot with the redditor response

>> No.47111077


>> No.47111079

this has been deboonked by experts in the field

>> No.47111086

boomers got their brains pumped full of lead so they very well may not have any neuroplasticity after 25.

>> No.47111088

Bro you spam wojak I don't want to hear it

>> No.47111099

stevie hawking was smart all the way till he died at age 69

im p sure what happens is if u stop using ur brain u just get more retarded its like a muscle so if u always keep exercising ur brain itll stay strong

its ironic bro its 2024 jaks are funny now

>> No.47111118
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>> No.47111126

i'd let that dude knob me tbqhwyf

>> No.47111129
File: 485 KB, 800x770, median age of peak performance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here this settles the cognitive decline debate. let's move on.

>> No.47111133

stfu ciaran

>> No.47111134
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>> No.47111136

i'll be sure to tell him if i ever meet him

>> No.47111140


pseud explanation for the obvious fact that everything slows down as we get older

>> No.47111148
File: 301 KB, 638x770, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


except TIME

>> No.47111160

実機でやろうぜ! ( ー`дー´)キリッ

>> No.47111161

And then one day you find
Ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run
You missed the starting gun

>> No.47111165

>The diffusion model showed that mental speed didn't decline much between ages 20 and 60, but raw task performance did.
>The reason? People were more cautious and more slowly performed non-decisional parts of the tasks.
>Raw mental speed only really fell after age 60.
NOW it's settled and we can move on.

>> No.47111169



>> No.47111172

Nigga, my gun go off
You see the barrel turnin'
You feel the hollows burnin'
Nigga now you learnin'
Nigga, my gun go off

>> No.47111190

Where is the eromanga discussion thread? Could some kind anon point me thataway?

>> No.47111192


>> No.47111206

Yeah it's >>>/backthewayyoucame/

>> No.47111207

Bro you looking for the One Piece??

>> No.47111208

it's right here buddy

>> No.47111215


>> No.47111250

where is the eromanga discussion thread/ could some kind anon point me thataway/

>> No.47111295


>> No.47111310

i didn't jack off yesterday and won't today either

>> No.47111318

do u think destiny could win a debate vs


>> No.47111321

give this man a medal. a small one

>> No.47111332

someone get them a ventilator

but seriously that cargo cult breathing is so fucking funny

>> No.47111334

lmao wtf

>> No.47111339

>den Löffel abgeben

>> No.47111359

throw a sausage?

>> No.47111365

we used to call this mass hysteria

>> No.47111369

saji is not japanese for sausage

sasuga is the japanese word for sausage

>> No.47111386

>if you don't eat your veggies you die

>> No.47111392
File: 982 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Lv2 kara Cheat datta Motoyuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life - 11 (1080p) [24E56446]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47111395

its here *unzips pants*

>> No.47111396

why is anyone in this thread watching subbed anime?

>> No.47111401

it's jamal's advice. 10k whole hours of it

>> No.47111402

nah, that's the one that boosts herpes

>> No.47111408

10k of dekinai

>> No.47111409
File: 669 KB, 600x439, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just found jamal

>> No.47111413

I watched so much anime back in my weeb days and didn't learn shit.
desu I don't even know why I'm learning japanese I'm not a weeb anymore.

>> No.47111432
File: 848 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Lv2 kara Cheat datta Motoyuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life - 11 (1080p) [24E56446]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beats me

>> No.47111436
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>> No.47111459
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>> No.47111485

if you like obese women you are literally a faggot. obese women store their fat in the same place as normal men, the belly.
i hope you die of ass cancer and aids, faggot.

>> No.47111492

We realized a long time ago that learning Japanese was pointless.

>> No.47111493

crazy that unkos wife might be able to beat me in a sumo match

>> No.47111504

i second this post

>> No.47111505

all the intermediate djters moved to moecord

>> No.47111509
File: 1.00 MB, 1260x709, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47111519

engsub anon...

>> No.47111529
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1080, 世界ふれあい街歩き リオデジャネイロ〜音楽の都・旧市街〜_20240521-095241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ほ~らエッチなリオっ子だよー ;3
いい加減日本女子に現を抜かすのはやめなさい >:3

>> No.47111541

bait posters wasting their own time and beginners who think its a cool meme. n3s leave this place and go to discord

>> No.47111543

true. i'm n4 and still here.

>> No.47111558

>サラリーマンの俺は、唐突に化け物に襲われた異世界の街に立っていた。 目の前にはオークに襲われ瀕死になった、女子高生でセーラー服姿の少女。 そして、視界の隅に立ち上がるクエストウインドウ。 あなたの魔力の塊である精液を、瀕死の少女(処女)の膣内に中出しすれば、少女は助かります。 ※あなたの特殊能力であり、この世界での一般的な治療ではありません 手持ちの唯一のチートスキルは、中出し回復魔法であるらしい。
hate when this happens

>> No.47111560

this anon knows what’s up

>> No.47111562

NTA was this thread always this shit? I remember visiting it few months ago and it was nowhere near this bad. Right now it's literally just a shitposting circlejerk with some tripfag clown in the center.

>> No.47111574

>I remember visiting it few months ago and it was nowhere near this bad.
that must have been a blip. this thread has been shit since the matt era started (2017)

>> No.47111578

Yes, it’s always been this bad, even a few months ago.

>> No.47111580


>> No.47111592

woah we got a djt historian here
must've been nice experiencing the /a/ threads

>> No.47111596
File: 1.52 MB, 1310x737, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47111600

must be nice to be a dekinai?

>> No.47111607

i will save /djt/

>> No.47111610

this unironically

>> No.47111616

第七王子 season finale lets fucking goooo

>> No.47111625
File: 707 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_2024-06-18-00-33-39-333_InfinityLoop1309.NewPipeEnhanced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47111627

luffy blue

>> No.47111629


>> No.47111633

mattards def ruined djt but at least none of them ever learned japanese in the end

>> No.47111635

did you chop up text from different parts of the same passage? doesn't seem like it flows right. it went from seeing an injured orc girl straight into the semen exposition.

>> No.47111641

doesn't matter if the threads have been bad so long as you made friends along the way

>> No.47111644


they mocapped it
so that's why it looked better than other 3dcg shows

>> No.47111656

I don't like any of you

>> No.47111657

Looks uncanny

>> No.47111661

it's from the story description/introduction, not from the actual text

>> No.47111673

imagine willingly visiting a place where you hate everyone's guts
could never do it

*proceeds to wage slave*

>> No.47111677

didn't a jannie try to clean this place up for a couple of months a few years back but the shitposters all came back

>> No.47111682

ah makes much more sense.

>> No.47111694


>> No.47111695

despite the fact that I started after all of you I will make it first. you are nothing to me but a mook to surpass. this is a competition and I will win.

>> No.47111698

i don't compete with friends so i'll let you have the win

>> No.47111704

I watched youjo senki years ago in eng, but i feel like if i try it now, i'll get rolled. how hard is it?

>> No.47111707

most of us went and lived life for a little bit but as for me i will always post and no one can silence me

>> No.47111710

not hard if you already know what they are saying from a previous watch

>> No.47111715

I started dating a Japanese woman and I need to get good fast, like, within 6 months fast. Is there some kind of learning guide or bootcamp or something I can take to git gud so rapidly. I don't want to have to wait like 2 years just to be able to read simple text messages she sends.

My main problem at the moment is that I can't really talk in Japanese, or write/compose letters, messages, etc. I can read reasonably okay, but could always be better at it.

>> No.47111720

jannies spent over a year trying to kill the thread but got epically RAPED by djt and only made our bonds stronger

>> No.47111721

the fluency incubator

>> No.47111742

finna finally catch up with season slop, i'll post my reviews of the latest 2 episodes of each show soon

>> No.47111743

though we lost some good soldiers along the way like moebuta

>> No.47111750

明日、6月18日(火)23時より「Nintendo Direct 2024.6.18」を放送します。
2024年後半に発売を予定しているタイトルを中心に、Nintendo Switchソフトの情報をお届けします。


>> No.47111755

well thats the fate of many soldiers thats why theyre soldiers

>> No.47111757

what the fuck

>> No.47111764

damn pretty crazy culture here then

>> No.47111768

not the same meaning

>> No.47111774

>Yomitan stops working
>Check it
>Randomly got rid of all my installed dictionaries

>> No.47111778


>> No.47111779


>> No.47111809

You can read "reasonably okay" but you can’t read her texts? What?

>> No.47111834
File: 994 KB, 2086x2044, ez anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your bootcamp friend

>> No.47111839

I mean simple text as in like, via an unencrypted text message, not that the content is simple. She does use difficult wording often though and I don't want to have to rely on gpt to translate.

>> No.47111842

*no one can stop you from being a loser

>> No.47111845

>She does use difficult wording often though

>> No.47111851

Thanks! Luckily I have already seen most of these and so knowing the gist of things might be more helpful when it comes to it.

>> No.47111857

no one can stop 842 from signing their posts

>> No.47111858

We get it anon you want to communicate with your favorite prostitute.

>> No.47111864

>gatekeep english
>when ESLs outnumber natives 4 to 1

>> No.47111881

people recognize their own signature the best tho

>> No.47111883

Matt is simply the biggest and loudest retard (grifter) in the online language learning space. Comprehensible input was proven decades ago and he is like "yeah but if you spend 10x the time watching shit you shit you comprehend <10% of (and only because you took a japanese class before, other wise it would be 0%) you can learn japanese too!"

12 months of 5 hours of comprehensible input a day is more than enough for anyone to learn any language. At 90% comprehension on average that's
around 1620 hours. It took matt 5 years (after taking a japanese class, so probably six years)
I've only done 300 hours and I'm already dreaming and thinking japanese thoughts when I open a door I think ドアが開きました or 丸めた紙をゴミ箱に捨てます as they happen, no thinking about words, particles, verb conjugation, you just know it. I'm confident that in 1000 hours I will be conversational and after another 1620 of reading will be able to read whatever I want.

>> No.47111890

its not a signature if the sentence is incomplete once you remove it
you could have found a better retort

>> No.47111895
File: 69 KB, 452x363, 1706560312894254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its not a signature if the sentence is incomplete once you remove it

>> No.47111898
File: 84 KB, 540x540, GQRwSpnWkAAmImS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you learn Japanese?

>> No.47111907

deleted my porn bookmarks. it was hard

>> No.47111916

i dont even have porn bookmarks

>> No.47111919

i dont even have porn

>> No.47111921

how do i check my signature?

>> No.47111925

you have internet access

>> No.47111927

its in ur 4chan gold options if u have 4chan gold

>> No.47111929

What the hell is an unencrypted text message? Does she write you in base64 or something?

>> No.47111931

yah but i dont go to porn on the internet

>> No.47111939

I haven't slept in two days, don't read too much into what I'm saying

>> No.47111959

>She does use difficult wording

>> No.47111973

kek I’m just trying to ascertain your ability. Anyway, the real redpill is that you’ll study for 2000 hours and still be worse than gpt. Your best bet is convincing her to learn English because this relationship’s never gonna last. On the bright side, you can annoy her with bad Japanese for however many months you plan to be together. Don’t even worry about being grammatically correct, just try an assortment of words on her and see how she reacts. It’ll be funny, promise

>> No.47111997


>> No.47112001


>> No.47112013
File: 704 KB, 2039x2893, 1718641893990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dashing through making-wanting
love jap

>> No.47112017

so is unko just gonna keep pretending to be this japanese guy?

>> No.47112018

めるすぃぼーくぅ〜 >:3

>> No.47112022

親子丼 sexo with wawa and bokobo

>> No.47112028

is your gf nice and cute and smart

>> No.47112039

i want a cute jap with fucked up teeth

>> No.47112044

what are some funny things you can make up about western culture to a japanese woman you're dating

>> No.47112048

tell her we have 4 seasons

>> No.47112053

tell her foreskins are ground up and smoked out of a pipe

>> No.47112056

Tell her we’ve only had 46 presidents

>> No.47112076

Arent all these onomatopoeia?
I dunno how to describe my ability level other than all over the place. I think the hardest part is I cant talk at all. And I need some kind of structured writing course. Like, how in school a teacher would be like: "write a sentence about the colour blue" or something. I tried getting chat-gpt to generate some, but it keeps making similar stories and scripts about monkeys being friends and I can only read about these dumb simians for so long while answering questions that dont take much brainpower.

>> No.47112082

we have garbage bins on every street corner yet our streets are littered

>> No.47112089

I told mine western women suck at makeup and nail art. It's not made up, but its still funny because they see westerners as more beautiful.

>> No.47112114

>Arent all these onomatopoeia?
Okay, after you saying that, I think it’s safe to assume that you have almost no reading ability. I’d start with that.

>> No.47112167

She is really beautiful to be honest. She looks almost like a doll. I legit can't believe she agreed to date me.
Pon pon pon pien
Sound of someone dumb
Sound of something
Azumaru mizu(something) idk what this last thing is, I reflexively read it as gi but I'm sure that's wrong
Sound of a coin going into a hold
Unsure what this is, assume sound effect also
More cute noises

Like I can read, the gaps are the meanings

>> No.47112176

Tell her we sit on the toilet facing backwards

>> No.47112185
File: 142 KB, 540x960, ponponpain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I knew I couldn't write it

>> No.47112212

You couldn’t read any of that save for gacha, not even the katakana

>> No.47112223

>I legit can't believe she agreed to date me.
how did the conversation go did you rizz her up

>> No.47112239
File: 813 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Dainanaoji - 12 (1080p) [C81A0DF7]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47112240


>> No.47112273

whats for lunch ?

>> No.47112278

And by read I mean sound out, you got every meaning wrong obviously

>> No.47112287

berugiumu roosingshite to ha wakarenai

>> No.47112292


>> No.47112298

dont lie

>> No.47112303

just ate air fryer burgers

>> No.47112308

do u eat burger every day gotta get some variety

>> No.47112312

i might have autism/ocd but yea, for many years

>> No.47112318


>> No.47112319

beef has every single nutrient in the perfect ratio

>> No.47112335

i made jamie oliver's mexican meatloaf with jalapenos, black beans, bell peppers, parsley and tomato sauce. it was surpisingly good seeing as i normally don't like meat loaf

>> No.47112338
File: 678 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Dainanaoji - 12 (1080p) [C81A0DF7]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47112345
File: 676 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Dainanaoji - 12 (1080p) [C81A0DF7]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47112360

i feel like its has become a meme to put as much steam into a bathing scene as possible

>> No.47112362
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1080, 吉宗評判記・暴れん坊将軍 #182「据膳喰う奴喰わぬ奴」_20240614-084612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u racist? :/

>> No.47112367

meatloaf aint great but yea like stuffed peppers is some win

>> No.47112394

stuffed peppers are good yeah

>> No.47112398


>> No.47112400

Maybe I’m just retarded but I’d wait a bit before K-ON
lots of really fast dialogue and contractions

>> No.47112401

qm might be reading the thread can we not talk about food

>> No.47112411

mined wanton

>> No.47112420

idk what wotp means (; ・`ω・´)

>> No.47112422

wisdom of the pope

>> No.47112448

Gotcha! ;3

>> No.47112485


>> No.47112501

couple of slices of cheese pizza coca cola and warm apple pie

>> No.47112504

w わたしの
o おっぱい
t ちっ
p ぱい


>> No.47112523

what does cc and wap stand for?

>> No.47112535

right now im thinking Cheeseslice Coke and Warm Apple Pie

>> No.47112573

being fat is kinda based when you think about it

>> No.47112610


>> No.47112617

On a quality-adjusted basis (number of rooms, luxuries, etc.), US has the most affordable housing in the world.

>> No.47112620
File: 672 KB, 832x517, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47112653

owari da

>> No.47112671
File: 131 KB, 463x247, GQSgqglXQAAIxLi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47112760

>tfw i learned Japanese well enough to enjoy my perverted femdom fart fetish visual novels
Thanks DJT!

>> No.47112771

dame you can read all two of them

>> No.47112772

>And by read I mean sound out, you got every meaning wrong obviously
We didnt talk much, we kinda just met and hung out. She started leaning against me a bit walking around so I held her hand and it escalated from there. The way we met is super unique and I dont want to talk about it because it'd trace to me irl easily

>> No.47112785

Cute story. Understandable I just like hearing stories of all stages of the romantic process so I can replicate it some day.

>> No.47112801

My tip would be to ask girls out on dates early. Girls fall for guys earlier than guys do for girls. For me, I usually dont develop feelings for a girl for months after knowing her, but for this girl I was sure I was in love after 3 meetups, two of which were dates.

>> No.47112805

I'm probably just peak dunning kreuger rn but grammar seems so easy compared to kanji/vocab holy shit I feel like I'm never going to be able to learn enough words to read comfortably.

>> No.47112840
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, 月曜から夜ふかし 街行く人がついつい依存してしまうものを聞いてみた件 [ref:58ec6885a56143bcbdf20412b6a734c0]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47112897

i fucking love wink

>> No.47112905


wife material

>> No.47112919

Any VPN recommendations to access Japanese blocked sites

>> No.47112922

speaking of kiseki no unchi its time to take my fiber supplement. it's real rough because it turns into disgusting sludge the second you mix it with water and they dont sell it in pill form like in the US. if it tasted like something it would be fine but its surprisingly revolting when the sludge is tasteless for wahtever reason.

>> No.47112926

yeah its called a $1000 plane ticket to tokyo

>> No.47112931

had my best unchis when i ate no fiber at all

>> No.47112940

also yesterday i had the genius idea of putting the fiber powder in a shot glass, chugging it and then trying to swish it down instantly with water. predictably it started to sludgify from my saliva and then my entire mouth was filled with sludge that stuck to my teeth and gums when i drank the water. brushed my teeth for 30 minutes to get it all out. one of my more braindead moments recently.

>> No.47112941

not being able to filter your inappropriate thoughts is usually a sign of low intelligence

>> No.47112942

gonna get promoted to senior software engineer. been a couple of months shy of 4 years since i started learning to code. anyone can do it bros get your life together

>> No.47112949

sounds like a miserable life

>> No.47112950

based, congrats. thats pretty fast too

>> No.47112952

what's the eroge equivilant for learning code

>> No.47112954

you spent 6 hours a day the first month learning. then you increased it to 12 hours for the next two months. i have adhd and can't replicate that.

>> No.47112959


>> No.47112962
File: 1020 KB, 1920x1080, 月曜から夜ふかし 街行く人がついつい依存してしまうものを聞いてみた件 [ref:58ec6885a56143bcbdf20412b6a734c0]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47112970

i guess something crazy long like umineko which i also finished this year (it was probably worse than fsn). just takes willpower to finish.

>> No.47112975

take some adderall

>> No.47112982

i havent written more than a line of code here and there in a year at this point. gpt does everything for me. im so efficient with my prompting at this point that anything i do by hand is a loss in efficiency anyways. go

>> No.47112997
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 月曜から夜ふかし 街行く人がついつい依存してしまうものを聞いてみた件 [ref:58ec6885a56143bcbdf20412b6a734c0]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47113001

i sometimes write throwaway python scripts with it but i find myself having to fix random obvious bugs in every single output so id rather just write them myself since it pisses me off less

>> No.47113009

might delete the porn folder on my computer so i can focus and make it like others in this thread

>> No.47113027
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, 月曜から夜ふかし 街行く人がついつい依存してしまうものを聞いてみた件 [ref:58ec6885a56143bcbdf20412b6a734c0]-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47113030

your prompts arent good enough but you're doing good without it so no need to bother agreed

>> No.47113060

i always try all the dumb prompt engineering shit like saying ill give it a $200 tip if it doesn't make any mistakes but it still makes retarded mistakes. recently i wanted a script to automate adding IDE language injection comments to thousands of files and it kept doing retarded shit like trying to write the comment on the same line as the regex match it was searching for. i tried to see if i could get it to fix it's mistake by guiding it towards the issue and it flopped completely

>> No.47113063
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1080, 月曜から夜ふかし 街行く人がついつい依存してしまうものを聞いてみた件 [ref:58ec6885a56143bcbdf20412b6a734c0]-0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47113091

did you provide it with examples of the way the classes/functions currently are and what they should look like with the comments? this is one of the few use cases that ive also found it to suck at. i was trying to do the reverse where i needed it to create a script to regex match python docstrings in files and remove them and it couldnt get it right. regex is real tricky for it for whatever reason.

>> No.47113107

Men don't have fat breasts though

>> No.47113111

what the FUCK is that creature in the top right

>> No.47113122
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, 月曜から夜ふかし 街行く人がついつい依存してしまうものを聞いてみた件 [ref:58ec6885a56143bcbdf20412b6a734c0]-0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47113130
File: 1.41 MB, 2167x1167, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im honestly suprised they didnt try cancel dolly

>> No.47113140

is this song about some specific event?

>> No.47113143


>> No.47113149

hate life. try to sing?

>> No.47113157

*shakes head sagely*

>> No.47113159

pretty far off bro

>> No.47113165

hated by life. try to sing?

>> No.47113166

i wrote the regex myself so it wasn't really that, it just didn't understand that comments have to go on the line above the line that it found the match on and it couldn't get it right even when i showed it examples of what i meant. it's probably fine for shit it has seen a billion times on stack overflow like writing diamond dozen crud nonsense

>> No.47113169


>> No.47113174

tried to sing*

>> No.47113177

dunno but this is what i think of that song


>> No.47113179

its a cover so it means she gave singing it a shot

>> No.47113185

do you have any tips for learning to program

>> No.47113189


>> No.47113199

yes, dont buy the programmer socks

>> No.47113208

do girlfriends really just let you do that to them in public?

>> No.47113210

is the bitch in the black bra ai uehara lol

also id love to throw them off that bridge (after having sex with them)

>> No.47113215

u cant program without programmer socks they raise ur programming skill

>> No.47113220

not really. it's the same as learning japanese. you read some books (tae kim or dolly or whatever) to put you on the right path and then dive into the real world until you are good. odin project is pretty good since it forces you to actually build shit for yourself if you don't cheat it

>> No.47113226

am I really learning japanese just to get brainrot?

>> No.47113233

japan is a fallen country about to cease to exist so ya

>> No.47113234

>if you don't cheat it
as in following a guide? but how do you code shit without knowing how to effin code? don't you have to look up "how to build a clock app" to have a general idea of what you're doing? and then afterwards you can try to make something yourself.

>> No.47113243

that shit teaches u all the shit and then says make a thing with it

>> No.47113258

yep jamal used to be a programmer surfer before getting into crypto.

>> No.47113265

you'll get odin's wisdom after your done with it in exchange for eyesight
trust me

>> No.47113273

learning to draw would unironically be a better use of time than coding at this point. at least with drawing you can make something real meanwhile every coder is going to get replaced by a jeet AI jockey unless you're actually in the top 1% of coders and proompters.

>> No.47113275

no ive just seen odinproject

>> No.47113292

yeah but unlike coding drawing requires actual talent so i'd never be able to do it anyway

>> No.47113293

it won't tell you to do something that you shouldn't be able to do with a bit of perseverance. it builds up in difficulty. it's actually good to do things really badly so you can understand why certain architectural/design/clean code principles exists

>> No.47113300
File: 28 KB, 1069x132, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i should have just bit the bullet and done this project with a statically typed language cause python type hinting is an absolute nightmare

>> No.47113307

AI is a joke and won't replace someone like ciaran for 10+ years or more.

>> No.47113314

there's really nothing different between ai writing code and ai producing an image. it's probably significantly better at the latter currently. both are satisfying to do yourself (ig, i don't draw) and it doesn't make it less so because a computer could do it

>> No.47113316

no way dude drawing is oversaturated u can get good quality shit from random shitters in the philippines on fiverr

when ai improves enough that u can have it generate several things that are consistent with each other the commissioned art world is fuckin toast

>> No.47113333

i recommend c#
it's definitely got the best developer experience of any language ive used

>> No.47113335

you think CEOs and shareholders give a shit? we're in a downward spiral racing to the bottom right now, nobody cares about quality.

I'm not suggesting that learning to draw is a good idea but at least you can produce something in the real world with it that cannot be taken away from you with AI.

>> No.47113337

yah ai is still 10 20 30 years from being legitimately good instead of just decent at a few things and garbage at everything else

but maybe the idea is to turn skilled workers into janitors to clean up after ai lol

>> No.47113345

i can produce a phone app that's way more useful to me than a drawing and ai can't take that away from me

>> No.47113346

im like 20k lines deep at this point im stuck with the pythonic dick up my ass

>> No.47113356

no one needs a phone
everyone needs art

>> No.47113367
File: 1.04 MB, 960x540, Uchi.no.Musume.wa.Kareshi.ga.Dekinai.EP03.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-[00.14.447-00.25.993].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47113380
File: 2.93 MB, 768x1568, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI "art" is pretty cool already

>> No.47113391

i have nose hair like this but i get my turkish barber to wax it cuz he always asks

>> No.47113393
File: 167 KB, 1024x1024, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ai art is like gazing into what hell looks like

>> No.47113394

Any light novel / manga recommendations for total beginner or beginner-intermediate range

>> No.47113400

that must hurt

>> No.47113403

lol nice '''japanese''' thread

>> No.47113404

turn on ur monitor

>> No.47113412

my hell isnt ai art tho ?

>> No.47113417

can't believe the nips are letting white whores talk shit about them on tv likethis

>> No.47113420


>> No.47113429

ai can't produce art it can only produce images. art comes from the soul

>> No.47113431

The dictionary entry for 基本的に just says "basically, fundamentally", but I tried MTL on a couple on sentences with it and I got usually and generally. Are these possible nuances, or just MTL being shitty?

>> No.47113437
File: 804 KB, 1920x1080, Uchi.no.Musume.wa.Kareshi.ga.Dekinai.EP03.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only posted japanese content where are my headpats

>> No.47113439

we need a sentence bro

>> No.47113440

yeah it does. always get a little teary eyed when he does it. worst is when he fucks up and has to go for a second pull

>> No.47113444

So the answer is yes? Because if it wasn't possible, you wouldn't need one.

>> No.47113451


>> No.47113453
File: 768 KB, 1920x1080, Uchi.no.Musume.wa.Kareshi.ga.Dekinai.EP03.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plot twist, he's playing 5d chess

>> No.47113457
File: 182 KB, 1024x1024, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno i think ai can generate some prophetic images of art

>> No.47113465

lil j in djt

>> No.47113476
File: 887 KB, 1920x1080, Uchi.no.Musume.wa.Kareshi.ga.Dekinai.EP03.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- すぐれたものは、いたんでもそれなりの値打ちは保っているということのたとえ。

>> No.47113504

5 hours into my 7 day fast already kinda hungry lol gonna ride my bike that kills my hunger pretty good. tbqh i doubt ill get through this without eating some fruit at least

>> No.47113533

do senior devs make six figures in scotland

>> No.47113547

u could just eat when ur hungry like nature wants u to

>> No.47113568

hold on let's get carnivore youtuber's takes on this

>> No.47113571

ground, base, basis, foundation / basics / basic, elementary


>> No.47113583

starvation is always bad you should eat when you're hungry is what he says

>> No.47113610

if you work for amazon in edinburgh probably
i don't live in scotland though

>> No.47113616
File: 883 KB, 1920x1080, Uchi.no.Musume.wa.Kareshi.ga.Dekinai.EP03.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can fix her

>> No.47113654
File: 831 KB, 1920x1080, Uchi.no.Musume.wa.Kareshi.ga.Dekinai.EP03.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47113674

amazon isnt in edinburgh

>> No.47113689
File: 50 KB, 940x593, 00ae77f4df526d989fd2003d4d00f9c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47113701

they are tho

>> No.47113723
File: 840 KB, 1920x1080, Uchi.no.Musume.wa.Kareshi.ga.Dekinai.EP03.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47113732

63 and 37

>> No.47113817


>> No.47113827

such an important video to have on youtube. i'm appreciative of her.

>> No.47113835
File: 4 KB, 340x120, 1699334231419644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol streamable finally sent me my data and it was just these 3 values in a spreadsheet. i guess we'll never know the truth.

>> No.47113843

notice how it's opened in excel because he's a data scientist.

>> No.47113856

i dont do any data science stuff

>> No.47113860


>> No.47113901

more like brain(plate)let

>> No.47113934

you probably didnt send a compelling email

>> No.47113939

should've asked chatgpt to help write the email

>> No.47113948

my legal right to have all the data they have about me compelled them to reply. i guess they aren't actually storing that much PII

>> No.47113963

cool word

>> No.47113967

talk club?

>> No.47113974

im more of a 弾き語り guy

>> No.47113977

no, its not that

>> No.47113983

interpreted that as bullet story

>> No.47114095

yeah you were confrontational like when you got beat up outside bars

>> No.47114103

this is my kinda youtuber


>> No.47114113

paying my respects by dropping fat men

>> No.47114116

today's input

>> No.47114127

lol what a pick me

>> No.47114137

todays output *unzips*

>> No.47114145

acquired that from ghost of tsushima

>> No.47114164
File: 10 KB, 1142x263, 1689161024323833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wasnt too confrontational imo
although saying "to comply with my request" might seem a bit eraso. it's my legal right and they have to comply.

>> No.47114181

nihon wo disuru koto ha zettai ni nai

>> No.47114197

we need to find this guy we must get an update

did he make it


>> No.47114242


>> No.47114266

the mia breakup arc was epic

>> No.47114272

yeah we havent had a happening since then and probably wont have one of that magnitude ever again which is pretty pathetic considering what it was lol

>> No.47114276

only cuz matt went into semi retirement in japan

>> No.47114316

it was so good
truly the high point of djt aside from maybe the og arc

>> No.47114324


>> No.47114328

the og arc fucking sucked. women ruin men's spaces

>> No.47114329

hes mia

>> No.47114332

i liked when she showed her beatiful pussy

>> No.47114339

is fubar a chunibyou word

>> No.47114341
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, matto bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sips angrily*

>> No.47114344

will never not look like an overgrown toddler sucking on a pacifier in this pic. even his facial expression conveys that.

>> No.47114349

lmfao@yoga's tantrum face in the top right

>> No.47114350

manbaby want baba

>> No.47114355

matt's big beautiful eyes...

>> No.47114356

this is what happens when manchildren living with their parents try to do business like the big boys

>> No.47114367

matts big beautiful sippy bottle

>> No.47114374
File: 533 KB, 1920x1080, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what's the most telling about that pic
the fact that matto's bed isn't made
never do dealings with a man who doesn't make his bed after getting up
pic unrelated

>> No.47114377

booted up my old deck and am getting absolutely btfod lol guess thats what i get for doing nothing but talking and watching raw anime for 2 years.

>> No.47114398

do u have any idea how many "men" sleep directly on a mattress that is on the floor
they just lay down on a bare mattress with a blanket or a sheet over them

>> No.47114403
File: 1.10 MB, 2394x1393, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank god i remembered this fuckin thing lol

>> No.47114407

yeah and you know that if they don't nicely fold the blanket or sheet after getting up they're useless losers
it's basic psychology

>> No.47114417

learning to read again must happen super fuggin fast if you've gotten good at listening and talking though

>> No.47114419

if the mattress is on the floor it doesnt even matter what they do after that unless they really fold shit up really nice to hide their body stains

>> No.47114430

whether or not the mattress is on the floor is not the critical point here because it may just because they don't have the means to buy an actual bed which may be due to circumstances out of their control
but what is in their control is whether they fold the blanket

>> No.47114432

when i was in uni i moved to a new apartment and i was so depressed that i didnt even buy a bed for 6 months. just slept on a pile of dirty clothes. my heating stopped working mid winter at one point and i just stayed in a jacket and jeans till it got warmer. ate tortellini with nothing but salt every day for 4 months. good times.

>> No.47114446

432 air mattresses are fuckin cheap bro or even a sleeping bag what the fuck dirty clothes gamer nest

>> No.47114459

it wasnt money i didnt have the willpower to order it and then deal with getting the package from the delivery guy

>> No.47114470


>> No.47114473

i'd have laid with you to warm your cold body

>> No.47114480


>> No.47114482

reminder that djt is literally the top 0.000001% of the japanese learning community

>> No.47114485

i didnt take many showers at the time i dont think it would have been a pleasant experience for you

>> No.47114502

yea i'm the most fluent n6 there is

>> No.47114505

first post itt

>> No.47114512


>> No.47114515

ok did 30 new cards for the first time in years at this point. well theyre not new since i did all of them before but anyways it was actually kinda fun even though i got btfo.

>> No.47114526
File: 180 KB, 1280x720, 0600_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese is so based
i didn't even have to write it down

>> No.47114539

most djters wont get it but i do

>> No.47114542
File: 374 KB, 978x1867, 1718665410801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Japan a good place to avoid Indians?

>> No.47114550


>> No.47114551

only if u go to the non indian zones

>> No.47114555

you posted the answer to your own question race baiting cunt

>> No.47114566

lol wait a second hold on...this isn't a reference to the konami code is it? lol no fucking way

>> No.47114573

look down on people who play games

>> No.47114578

look down on people

>> No.47114579

look directly at people who play games

>> No.47114587
File: 384 KB, 843x1326, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47114596
File: 6 KB, 245x292, 1634310325009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47114606

i like games but playing a paper mario game released in 2024 is kinda chugger behaviour

>> No.47114610

you cant really spin playing hundreds of garbage jrpgs and shitty vns as anything other than pathetic

>> No.47114615

oh yea name 1 good modern game you like

>> No.47114617

what if i played all the good jrpgs and only the greatest vns

>> No.47114624

sonic frontiers
spelunky 2

>> No.47114625

well those are oxymorons

>> No.47114630
File: 705 KB, 1655x1939, 722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sigh i've been learning japanese for years and i still don't understand this.

>> No.47114632

doing 3 hrs days until I make up for all the 1hr days

>> No.47114633


>> No.47114634

ngl shitting on someone for playing the latest mario but then playing the latest sanic and botw expansion pack is kinda chugger behaviour too innit m8

>> No.47114641

i kinda understand most of this somehow. has to be the telenovelas i watched with my grandma as a kid.

>> No.47114645

cant believe no one draws backgrounds in manga anymore after kubo got away with it

>> No.47114649

its a remake for full price

>> No.47114652

mangaka schedules are fucked up. too many of them get crippled. most recently it's happening with gege.

>> No.47114655

gege is a hack so dont really give a shit what happens to him. would probably be a net positive to the industry if he dropped dead desu

>> No.47114663

it's been remade from scratch so w/e
it'd be shit if it was just an ai upscale for full price but alas it's not

>> No.47114685

remade from scratch is even worse
its like they have the people they need work for actually making games but just no ideas so they force them to make the same game again
you could emulate the original on a shit laptop and it would still look good

>> No.47114706

i thought it was based when it was leaked and ran better on emulator than on switch before it was even available for purchase

>> No.47114710

they've been making new pm games and they were liquid shit so everyone's been asking them to redo ttyd and that's exactly what they did

>> No.47114718

bunko has awful takes on vidya baka

>> No.47114719

tfw no jazz japanese gf

>> No.47114728

wtf they still convert S M H to baka hate this gay website

>> No.47114734

convert it

>> No.47114736

right after the soulless mario rpg remake as well lol

>> No.47114751

gamefaggotry is the worst discussion djt has, absolute garbage. would rather talk about queef changing dirty diapers than this shit.

>> No.47114756

which was also extremely well done has been asked for by boomers for ages

>> No.47114764

my jap gf is a professional pianist

>> No.47114771
File: 224 KB, 1280x720, 4400_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47114772

basically every video game i like owns

>> No.47114778

damn you're gonna have high quality kids

>> No.47114784

how do they even trannylize stuff like this to english

>> No.47114786

they could just have released the original on nintendo switch online to hype up a fresh sequel
i like my women like i like my games
old and easy to find

>> No.47114791

ding ding dong... like king kong

>> No.47114793

oh yeah come to think of it it's not just games bunko has the worst opinions on everything

>> No.47114799

bunko has some better than the djt average opinions

>> No.47114814

bunko is a zoomer amongst other things so we don't see to eye but i respect his opinions

>> No.47114815

such as?

>> No.47114818

gonna go to a busy 混浴 onsen take a submerged explosive shit

>> No.47114821

my autism is going crazy i forget a word in almost every post now

>> No.47114824

i find it hard to believe that a guy who gets a raging boner thinking about his mom's pubic hair has decent opinions on anything but please enlighten me

>> No.47114825


>> No.47114833

wish i was friends with bunko irl

>> No.47114852

all he wants to do is smoke weed and play videogames you don't need bad influences like that as friends

>> No.47114856

unko ur gonna get deported if u shit in the onsen its against the law


well i wasnt considering that stuff so i cant rly argue for that so u win

>> No.47114862


>> No.47114866

wait he smokes weed? yea no way then.

>> No.47114877

probably smokes cigarettes as well *spits*

>> No.47114885

tbqh id give someone less shit about smoking cigs in 2024 than someone who vapes

but i would only ever consider such ppl acquaintances and never anything beyond

>> No.47114893

vapes are merely gay zoomer shit but smoking is actually disgusting

>> No.47114895

cigs and vapes are both gross but cigs are way more gross

>> No.47114896

for sure i shouldve clarified indoor smokers i cant even consider acquaintances

>> No.47114900

glad they are banning disposable vapes here it's a menace

>> No.47114904

u know who loves cigs the most ? its japan


>> No.47114910

havent smoked in months shit just makes me tired nowadays

>> No.47114918

always thought it was crazy when i went to clubs and people just lit up a cheeky fag on the dancefloor

>> No.47114929

why is ciaran burning on the dancefloor

>> No.47114932

baited for something similar to that response

>> No.47114934

ciarans a rug cutter and a rug burner

>> No.47114942

remember when beheading ciaran was a thing
good times

>> No.47114946

someone mentioned it the other day

>> No.47114951

never got the desire to behead me
im a chill guy and very inoffensive

>> No.47114956

i agree only the pedos and meanies deserve to be put in the guillotine

>> No.47114961

idk i just thought it was funny so i posted it every day for no other reason than that

>> No.47114966

betrothed ciaran

>> No.47114982

beheading ppl isnt funny tho :|

>> No.47114990

it is when its ciaran

>> No.47114992

i can respect the desire to spam something you find funny

>> No.47115004

100 = a+b
274 = 4a+2b

>> No.47115024

why is it funny if its ciaran

>> No.47115028

own fortune

>> No.47115032


>> No.47115052

self eviscerated

>> No.47115058

nah uh

>> No.47115068

yikes the severed head is talking

>> No.47115072

im still fully attached u should do something about ur hallucinations m80

>> No.47115077

ye now you can properly shove your head up your ass

>> No.47115085

it might be the end of the thread but that doesnt mean u can just start signing ur posts

>> No.47115089

wonder if robert goes by bob to his friends

>> No.47115091

my foot signs on your ass lol

>> No.47115095

my ass evades

>> No.47115100

wouldn't trust that anyone's purported name on here is legit

>> No.47115106



roll the end credits

>> No.47115109

apart from me and james

>> No.47115111

well with the exception of him yea.
but not with the exception of you queeran. no one is called that.

>> No.47115120

they aren't called that true, but that's not my name that's just a funny bastardisation of it. there are many famous people with my name (at least 1)

>> No.47115134

still pronouncing it see rin even tho i know thats wrong btw

>> No.47115137

still pronouncing it see-yeah-ran even tho i know thats wrong btw

>> No.47115141

still pronouncing it as nigger even tho i know thats wrong btw

>> No.47115142

that's fine im used to people getting it wrong irl. i don't even bother correcting people cuz its not important

>> No.47115145

dude if people are hurling racial slurs at you then something is wrong

>> No.47115148


>> No.47115155

i live in a 99% white country so being racist against black sheep like me is normal

>> No.47115159
File: 3 KB, 403x49, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47115161

cheer up searin bite

>> No.47115162

that's his dick

>> No.47115165

ok spelling it with a k is the only thing that does annoy me irl

>> No.47115167


>> No.47115173

no i was just referencing seared bite meme

>> No.47115178

never heard of that

>> No.47115187

u missed out on some peak meme


>> No.47115200

us vegans stay winning

>> No.47115205

winning malnutrition

>> No.47115213

i'm so fucking hungry holy shit diets suck

>> No.47115221

just weightlift then you can eat whatever you want and you won't get fat (unless whatever you want is several gallons of milk per day)

>> No.47115229

just be me then you can eat whatever you want and you won't get fat

>> No.47115233

yeah but you'll be malnutritioned

>> No.47115243

true true i could use some pussy in my diet

>> No.47115275


>> No.47115361

ate 4 chicken breasts some lambs liver a bowl of rice half a head of broccoli and a tub of yoghurt for my meal today will keep me full until i wake up at 10am tomorrow and then will be nice and hungry for my lunch again

>> No.47115376

how many calories is that

>> No.47115378

no idea thats nerd shit

>> No.47115382

if you start to rebound remember to take ozempic so you'll no longer have urges to fight

>> No.47115391

only time ive ever been above 90kg (just on the upper line of bmi for me) is when i started lifting and did my first bulk luckily ive not got a weight problem

>> No.47115467

at 一人カラオケ what should i sing

>> No.47115508


>> No.47115679


>> No.47115789

wtf are you living in a slav country or some shit? aint no western white country got 99% whites.

>> No.47115796

i guess maybe iceland could be

>> No.47115913

>47115141 >47115159 lmfao

>> No.47116419
File: 126 KB, 1600x900, ucHXKUJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone explain why he has a clock on the back of his head

>> No.47116659

I hate those quizzes :(

>> No.47117475

> ※22話くらいまで句読点はありません。句読点がない小説を目指していましたが……挫折。今はある程度句読点を付けています。

>> No.47121778

i was exaggerating for the purposes of my joke. scotland is 95%. although i don't live there now.
