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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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47051163 No.47051163 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid censorship by localizations is highly recommended.

>Where to read WNs:

>Light Novel databases:

>Where to buy:

>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/
>WN to e-book downloader:
>Reliable OCR:

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v21.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1752934
v21.6: https://nyaa.si/view/1829812
>Raw dumps:

Previous: >>46921233

>> No.47052126

Please share if you have something from this list:

[JP] ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ 終・1年生編BOX トモセシュンサク Art Works
[JP epub] volumes 9-11 of Arifureta
[JP] 王妃ユーライア 穢されし淫紋の聖女 ~エルフ王国の崩壊~
[JP] 亡びの国 7
[JP] 姉が剣聖で妹が賢者で
[JP] 残虐すぎる異世界でも鈴木は可愛い
[JP] 信じていた仲間達にダンジョン 無限ガチャ
[JP] Index New Testament 11-22r
[JP] 9S<ナインエス> 12-13
[JP] 丘ルトロジック
[JP] 銀盤カレイドスコープ
[JP] 現代社会悪役令嬢 2 and after
[JP] ダブルブリッド Drop Blood
[JP] 精霊幻想記 25
[JP] ブレイド&バスタード
[JP] 月が導く異世界道中vols 2 to 4
[JP] Re:ゼロ vols 34-37
[JP] 真の仲間じゃないと勇者のパーティーを追い出されたので、辺境でスローライフすることにしました volumes 10+
[JP] ふつおたはいりません vol 2
[JP] 星空の下、君の声だけを抱きしめる
[JP] ドッペルゲンガーの恋人
[JP] 黒の魔王4
[JP] 軍人少女 2-5
[JP] 第七魔王子ジルバギアスの魔王傾国記 volumes 2 to 4
[JP] 巨乳ファンタジー Series(novel version)
[JP] アダルト小説 巨乳ファンタジー外伝 2 after-オスタシアの野望-
[JP] 魔弾の王と叛神の輝剣 1-3
[JP] 魔弾の王と凍漣の雪姫 10-12

>> No.47052141

thought that got axed

>> No.47052774



姉が剣聖で妹が賢者で 1-3

>> No.47052797

I misread the post and didn't realise you only wanted ダブルブリッド Drop Blood, here's that by itself

>> No.47052808


>> No.47052939

Thanks anon.

>> No.47054676

The Zaregoto Series volumes I got at an auction arrived earlier.


>No extra stuff, unless you count a hair of questionable length and frizzyness or the Salus mag that was used as protection for a volume.


>Hitokui Magical is the only one with a reversible cover, great touch.

>Rice paper on the signed volume to protect the signature, also a nice touch


Now to wait until I know enough 昴 川崎 to be able to read them.

>> No.47055149
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Recommend me something with a heroine that constantly bullies girls with smaller boobs.

Like the scene where Hestia bullies Loki but more extreme or more frequent.

Alternatively recommend me heroines that are constantly talking about their huge boobs. "My shoulders are stiff" and all that.

>> No.47056321

Caught up with 天才王子の赤字国家再生術. Mediocre as a kingdom-building/political mindgames story. In-world times and distances may as well not exist. And the author put zero effort in making characters organically intelligent. Its quite obvious that he wrote out the entire plot development first and then made the chars seem intelligent by making them apparently omniscient lol. All that said, it is still entertaining enough to not make me drop it midway.
Also its been 20 months since the last vol, when the story finally got to something good. Hope this isn't one more case of anime adaptation killing the source.

>> No.47057335

Same anon from before, here's the 7 volumes of Kyonyuu Fantasy that were free w/Kindle Unlimited, as far I could tell Anna's Archive only had 3.

>> No.47059529
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gimme your 2x6s

>> No.47060796


mushoku audiobook is back???
no idea why it was on hiatus for so long, I thought the narrator was dead or something

>> No.47061205

Oh nice I still didn't get around to reading 15

>> No.47062283

looks like we're getting ~one volume per month, nice

Honzuki is going at 2-3 months per, so right now the final volume is scheduled for 2027/09/24

>> No.47064167

now when are they going to pick up フェアリーテイル・クロニクル again

>> No.47065583

Wow, never thought this would ever continue. I stopped at v18 but this will give me a reason to finish.

>> No.47065603

nice i also stopped at 18

>> No.47068322


>> No.47068335

Question; what makes a light novel different from a regular novel? Is it just a short novel in a series? Is something like Animorphs or Goosebumps considered a light novel? I really loved those books growing up

>> No.47068359

Originally just the printing format.
These days there's no real difference when you have publishers like HJ having both a 文庫 and ノベルス labels yet the publications are basically the same.

>> No.47068716

If you're published by a light novel imprint you're a light novel, basically. There are LNs without illustrations or sequels.

>> No.47069305

Nobody knows, not even japanese. At this point, if the publisher or the author calls their work a light novel, it's a light novel.
jp wiki's entry has enough details if you are interested https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E3%83%88%E3%83%8E%E3%83%99%E3%83%AB

>> No.47069375

nta but at this point i don't trust wikipedia, not even the jp version

>> No.47069502

Nothing lost in giving it a chance. Its very easy for someone with some preliminary knowledge to see if the entry is shit or not, can decide its reliability after giving it a read.

>> No.47069948

I've read plenty of 400+ page LNs

>> No.47070625
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>> No.47071710

What is asoiaf of LN medium?

>> No.47071716

Anime tier novels

>> No.47071735

As in the author is doing everything but finishing it? Cop Craft ig.

>> No.47071836

Akuma no Mikata

>> No.47072116

As people have explained it's kind of impossible to define, but the closest anyone has come I think is Kagami in Lucky Star: "文字だけでも漫画と同じ感覚”

>> No.47073017
File: 14 KB, 720x619, 1646980233507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death to all school romance. Who wants to read about a retarded child that is scared to hold hands with a girl and constantly studders. The original donkey kong game is a better romance than this garbage.

Give me a better romance now or else.

>> No.47073037

read 女性向け

>> No.47073210
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tried looking up chinese romance on novelupdates and all the top stuff was yaoi. fujoshis cannot be stopped

>> No.47073356


>> No.47073437

What series even triggered you?

>> No.47073462

>Who wants to read about a retarded child that is scared to hold hands with a girl and constantly studders.
How else am I suppose to self insert?

>> No.47073479

even that's not really accurate these days with the shift to being narration and monologue heavy around the late 00s/early 10s

>> No.47073593

You're already using buzzwords like "self insert", you're a lost cause regardless.

>> No.47073614

what else there is for an aggregator? any alternatives?

>> No.47073658

An excel sheet :^)

>> No.47073726


>> No.47073836
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>> No.47073856

i feel moldy enough to release spores
that still feels like 2-3 years ago

>> No.47073880

I think I've read maybe one series that felt similar to a manga so yeah sorry Kagami.

>> No.47074414

>Thought this was just a meme.
>It actually works.
>Can even save links to the current chapter I was in without clogging bookmarks.
>Can also note down what volume I last read.
>It works for any medium not just novels.
>It actually helped me improve my memory instead of letting everything I read melt into a single blob.

>> No.47074704

Does pandering to femoids even work? Or is it just a loud minority?
Pretty much in every sales ranking I have seen the past 5 years has male-pandering LNs taking the bestselling spots, and things like maomao and honzuki can be argued can be enjoyed by anyone due to not being full of fujoshit and just having interesting plots but even then they don't take big dog spots.

>> No.47074776

My feeling is that most popular fujo stuff is fan/derivative works for series that are popular with both sexes and aren't romance-oriented. I think there are less men interested in romance fiction than women easily, however men that do read stuff that is romance like actual official published romance content like rabukome LNs/manga, gyaruge etc. whereas they use derivative works like doujinshi mostly as porn

>> No.47074822

Yumejoshis and fujos are definitely a minority, but pandering to them can be extremely profitable because they're willing to spend their life savings on their obsessions.
This rarely manifests in the LN industry, though, since LNs are cheap and don't get much merch for them to throw their money at.

>> No.47074963

let me guess, you need more?

>> No.47074999

I figured this board/thread would be a good place to ask:
let's say I was trying to learn Japanese with input because sit down study is very boring. I bought and read through multiple folktale books for learning Jap and found the method interesting and less tedious than sitting on Duolingo or something.
what are some good VNs/LNs that I could start with and not miss out too much from misunderstanding nuance, tone, puns ect?
I thought about reading the youjo senki LNs or WN, but I read the first few volumes in English and if the translation is anything to go by in this case the terminology and specificity will be on a level I think will be less generally applicable to other content.
if any other input suggestions, would be glad to take. anime is an option too of course but I can kinda cheat with anime and watch a lot without understanding every bit because of action, facial expression ect. VNs offer this too to aid in helping me get that intuitive understanding but you could exactly skip the nuance in a VN, I feel like that's the point of reading, the detail

>> No.47075010


>> No.47075061

>VNs/LNs that I could start with and not miss out too much from misunderstanding nuance, tone, puns ect?
I'd really recommend VNs over LNs at first because reading without knowing what shit sounds like is super hard It's really hard to get a grasp on basic grammar let alone nuance and tone and puns when you don't properly know how a common sentence is emphasized. Intonation is huge in getting the gist of what someone means in sentences where you haven't mastered the grammar used yet. Easier books won't relaly fix this problem, they'll mostly just throw less vocabulary at you. If anything the less technical the content the more difficult that part is and the less google translatable it is. Like cute girls in kuma kuma bear having a childish conversation vs a narrator of a senki providing exposition on the strategic scenario and tactical layout of a battle. Put the latter in chatgpt you'll get a pretty accurate picture of what's going on even if you lose the nuance of all the language play within that prose. Do that with the former and the result is not close to the same experience. To put it in English terms imagine starting English from scratch going into pure text media and trying to understand "oh, that's just great" without knowing what it sounds like when people say that sentence. You might not even consider sarcasm. Or how about a character saying nothing but "dude" as an interjection in an action scene. Japanese's equivalents to that sort of thing will be really impenetrable if you start with LNs. To be really blunt though as a noob you just have to follow the plot/what's going on, and being able to appreciate nuance and tone is your reward you get to enjoy later.

>> No.47075151

kuma kuma bear,
isekai sumaho, I'm guessing based on a. reply from that thread?
the only isekai I've enjoyed much is re:zero for thematic reasons but kuma kuma might be tolerable for cuteness.
yeah, VNs would be a go to I suppose but I do like my long form reading too. I figured certain things would be a bit easier to pick up on, for example, in kuma kuma bear if it makes it obvious a girl is cute and having fun then I could imagine the tone. thanks for the insight overall though friend, Im of a mind to just play eroges and have the lewdness give me the dopamine shots of getting through dialogue and story.
rec me your favorite LN series overall too.

>> No.47075235

>I bought and read through multiple folktale books for learning Jap and found the method interesting and less tedious than sitting on Duolingo or something.
Immersion is the top recommendation to learn, yes.
>what are some good VNs/LNs that I could start with and not miss out too much from misunderstanding nuance, tone, puns ect?
You kinda have to accept you will miss out on a lot of subtext and jokes until you get more fluent.
You can always just reread stuff eventually.
>and if the translation is anything to go by in this case the terminology and specificity will be on a level I think will be less generally applicable to other content.
Fancy military keigo is kinda almost universal once you get used to time period keigo differences (a general in a military or sci-fi setting will speak differently to a general in a fantasy setting, but not by much).
Non-technobabble or non-magic terminology like ranks, formations, and so on is actually kinda universal.
Contrary to what you may think, both technobabble and magic terminology isn't all that universal, basic terms like 魔法 or 星間 kinda are, beyond that? Good fucking luck, there's like 5 different terms (that I can remember, there's probably more) that can be used for barriers and shields alone, up to and including just saying it in katakana, and all of them have different functions to an extent, and for better or worse this type of granularity matters, especially on ultra-autistic series like to aru or mahouka.
And don't get me started on martial arts terminology, learning stuff like 間合い is just the beginning.
That said it's not THAT difficult, you're just going to notice the hurdle.
>I feel like that's the point of reading, the detail
Seems like you aren't as early on in your learning as the usual people that ask for help.
This plateau of depth is more or less what most people hit at some point, the solution isn't to read simple stuff, but to jump straight into something more complex and learning from there.
The first few pages will be grueling if you hit some complex stuff, but that's the hard part, it's just improvement from that point onward.
Do jump into youjo senki, just be warned it will be painful, but worth it.

>> No.47075255

>I think there are less men interested in romance fiction than women easily, however men that do read stuff that is romance like actual official published romance content like rabukome LNs/manga, gyaruge etc.
to be fair, you would be surprised how saturated and cutthroat all the romance genres are, even when they pander specifically to guys
and i'm talking about stuff when that's at the front like otonari tenshi or the cyka blyat bitch, not stuff that x and romance/harem

>> No.47075319

Yeah, the very top in the sales ranking in male oriented, but the female-oriented stuff is growing fast, especially since the pandemic for some reason.

>> No.47075344

>Does pandering to femoids even work?
seven seas hitting NYT bestellers by selling gay Chinese novels speaks for itself

>> No.47075346

>or the cyka blyat bitch
Fucking who.

>> No.47075371

But ain't nobody got time to write that shit

>> No.47075412

i was very confused for a good 5 minutes what did a romance ln had to do with dotards

>> No.47075500

>yeah, VNs would be a go to I suppose but I do like my long form reading too.
Most VNs are as long as multiple LN volumes actually. For example if you look at jpdb (whose stats are far from precise, mind you) it says that Fate/Stay Night is 80k sentences long, compared to 25 volumes of Sword Art Online which is said to be 120k sentences long. And since you can put down LNs at the end of an arc and pick them back up from the next arc later whereas VNs tend to be unsatisfying if you don't go all the way from beginning to end, VNs tend to feel like a bigger time commitment. Fate/Stay Night is longer than average but there are a lot of very long VNs like that. A good example of a really short VN I like is マルコと銀河龍 which, looking right now, it says 8k sentences. Keeping in mind that these numbers are not very precise indicators of how long a work is but they're like the best thing we have, SAO beign 120k at 25 volumes would be roughly 5k per volume which is pretty similar to other series I've read as well, so even that example of a short VN I like is at least as long as 1 LN volume. That said if you're the type who only likes to do 1 or 2 routes per eroge instead of exploring every heroine that will cut down on their length by a fair chunk.
>rec me your favorite LN series overall too.
Depends ON my mood I guess but I really like 目覚めたら最強装備と宇宙船持ちだったので、一戸建て目指して傭兵として自由に行きたい which actually got really popular around here last year. Though I like it a lot it's not at all a series that tugs on your heartstrings or gets you super obsessed with its characters (though I really find 2 of them in particular extremely adorable), it's more like pulpy action where you're not supposed to feel anything other than 'heh, cool' while the heroes cut down mooks (in this case space pirates) in the dozens who were begging for mercy before being blown up. So for that reason I'm not at all going to recommend it when you're in the mood for more emotionally driven stories that will make you fantasize about the characters while you're going about your day, if you're someone who likes to use this stuff as hardcore emotionally-attached escapism like me. But if you're in the mood for a blend of sci-fi, hokuto no ken style evildoer mass slaughter, and a lot of slice of life scenes with the crew then I would recommend it.

>> No.47076014

how does that type of garbage even sell yet it leaves no cultural impact anywhere?
is it just money laundering?

>> No.47077357

>yet it leaves no cultural impact anywhere?
It does have a large subculture, you're just segregated from it because you never interact with women.

>> No.47077478

lol, hahahahaha

>> No.47077732

>most VNs are as long as multiple LN volumes
thats true, but they fill a different niche to me. as you say, I think they are better experienced beginning to end rather than picking it up and making it a reader to fill time. I've read F/sn , mainline higurashi, and most of umi and I done em all in binges.
I'm gonna take a look into your recc as well as probably take another anons suggestion to just jump in. I'm certainly not at a level where I don't benefit from babby studies and grammar review but I've built an intuition from the input practice I have done.

>> No.47078801
File: 162 KB, 850x1406, miyabi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Miyabi Hotoka, Verónica Lautremont, Twoearle and Philuffy Aingram have the absoute biggest boobs in their respective series? Or do bigger characters appear later?

Can you recommend me other "magical academy" series with buxom ladies?

Is Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi actually Good?

Are the "side stories" from Horizon in the middle of Nowhere (Kimitoasamade and Girls talk) any good? Do they have sex scenes?

How ecchi is Owari Chronicles compared to Horizon?

>> No.47078835

what are some good VNs/LNs that I could start with and not miss out too much from misunderstanding nuance, tone, puns ect?
purchase Sabbat of the witch https://vndb.org/v16044

You can easily change from Japanese to English + voice acted

>> No.47080333

I have both autism and adhd

>> No.47082742

no human should have that much power

>> No.47082763

For a second I thought you were that fag "howie"

>> No.47083192

>Is Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi actually Good?
frankly no, it starts a slog and continues a slog

>> No.47083205

Wrong thread?

>> No.47085908 [DELETED] 
File: 208 KB, 717x1024, りゅうおうのおしごと! 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

新刊情報 / New Publication News

あたしは星間国家の英雄騎士! 3
一生働きたくない俺が、クラスメイトの大人気アイドルに懐かれたら 6
攻撃力ゼロから始める剣聖譚 幼馴染の皇女に捨てられ魔法学園に入学したら、魔王と契約することになった 3
最強の剣聖、美少女メイドに転生し箒で無双する 2
スペル&ライフズ 3 恋人が切り札の少年はヤンデレ妹と兄妹喧嘩するそうです
創成魔法の再現者 7 新星の玉座-偽りの神の壊し方-

追放転生貴族とハズレゴーレムの異世界無双 1
太っちょ貴族は迷宮でワルツを踊る 3
巻き込まれ転生者は不運なだけでは終われない 1

ちびころ転生者のモフモフ森暮らし 1
異世界黙示録マイノグーラ~破滅の文明で始める世界征服~ 7
出遅れテイマーのその日暮らし 12
ゴエティア・ショック 電脳探偵アリシアと墨絵の悪夢 下
ゴエティア・ショック 電脳探偵アリシアと墨絵の悪夢 上

嘘つきリップは恋で崩れる 2
大学入学時から噂されていた美少女三姉妹、生き別れていた義妹だった。 2
毎晩ちゅーしてデレる吸血鬼のお姫様 2
りゅうおうのおしごと! 19
その王妃は異邦人 東方妃婚姻譚 2

経験済みなキミと、経験ゼロなオレが、お付き合いする話。 その8
聖女先生の魔法は進んでる! 2 竜姫の秘めしもの
夏目漱石ファンタジア 2
双子まとめて『カノジョ』にしない? 3
やり直し悪徳領主は反省しない! 2

ウォルテニア戦記 27
女神から『孵化』のスキルを授かった俺が、なぜか幻獣や神獣を従える最強テイマーになるまで 1

小説 夜のクラゲは泳げない 2
出会ってひと突きで絶頂除霊! 11
ミモザの告白 5

>> No.47085934
File: 208 KB, 717x1024, りゅうおうのおしごと! 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

新刊情報 / New Publication News

あたしは星間国家の英雄騎士! 3
一生働きたくない俺が、クラスメイトの大人気アイドルに懐かれたら 6
攻撃力ゼロから始める剣聖譚 幼馴染の皇女に捨てられ魔法学園に入学したら、魔王と契約することになった 3
最強の剣聖、美少女メイドに転生し箒で無双する 2
スペル&ライフズ 3 恋人が切り札の少年はヤンデレ妹と兄妹喧嘩するそうです
創成魔法の再現者 7 新星の玉座-偽りの神の壊し方-

追放転生貴族とハズレゴーレムの異世界無双 1
太っちょ貴族は迷宮でワルツを踊る 3
巻き込まれ転生者は不運なだけでは終われない 1

ちびころ転生者のモフモフ森暮らし 1
異世界黙示録マイノグーラ~破滅の文明で始める世界征服~ 7
出遅れテイマーのその日暮らし 12
ゴエティア・ショック 電脳探偵アリシアと墨絵の悪夢 下
ゴエティア・ショック 電脳探偵アリシアと墨絵の悪夢 上

嘘つきリップは恋で崩れる 2
大学入学時から噂されていた美少女三姉妹、生き別れていた義妹だった。 2
毎晩ちゅーしてデレる吸血鬼のお姫様 2
りゅうおうのおしごと! 19
その王妃は異邦人 東方妃婚姻譚 2

経験済みなキミと、経験ゼロなオレが、お付き合いする話。 その8
聖女先生の魔法は進んでる! 2 竜姫の秘めしもの
夏目漱石ファンタジア 2
双子まとめて『カノジョ』にしない? 3
やり直し悪徳領主は反省しない! 2

ウォルテニア戦記 27
女神から『孵化』のスキルを授かった俺が、なぜか幻獣や神獣を従える最強テイマーになるまで 1

小説 夜のクラゲは泳げない 2
出会ってひと突きで絶頂除霊! 11
ミモザの告白 5

>> No.47085950
File: 169 KB, 750x1066, 物語の黒幕に転生して 進化する魔剣とゲーム知識ですべてをねじ伏せる 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

神の庭付き楠木邸 7
ダンジョン付き古民家シェアハウス 2
物語の黒幕に転生して 進化する魔剣とゲーム知識ですべてをねじ伏せる 4

経学少女伝 ~試験地獄の男装令嬢~ 1
スタァ・ミライプロジェクト 歌姫編 1
緋弾のアリアXLI 原罪の龍王 41

幼馴染は、にゃあと鳴いてスカートのなか 1

オリビア魔石宝飾店へようこそ 2

俺は義妹に嘘をつく ~血の繋がらない妹を俺が引き取ることにした~ 2
彼女は窓からやってくる。 異世界の終わりは、初恋の続き。
地味なおじさん、実は英雄でした。 ~自覚がないまま無双してたら、姪のダンジョン配信で晒されてたようです~

英雄ブランの人生計画 第二の人生は雑用係でお願いします(2)
魔窟の王 淫溺妃オルゴアミーの開発日誌(1)

苦節四年、理想の聖女を演じるのに疲れました ~便利屋扱いする国は捨て“白魔導士”となり旅に出る~ : 3
地獄の沙汰も黄金次第 ~会社をクビになったけど、錬金術とかいうチートスキルを手に入れたので人生一発逆転を目指します~(3)

氷の侯爵様に甘やかされたいっ! シリアス展開しかない幼女に転生してしまった私の奮闘記 6
隠れ転生 2
悪役令嬢の兄に転生しました 8
俺と君達のダンジョン戦争 2
乙女ゲームのヒロインで最強サバイバル 8
高卒、無職、ボッチの俺が、現代ダンジョンで億を稼げたワケ 会社が倒産して無職になったので、今日から秘密のダンジョンに潜って稼いでいこうと思います
この世界の顔面偏差値が高すぎて目が痛い 5
転生難民少女は市民権を0から目指して働きます! 3

>> No.47086167

After seven volumes I'm starting to think that this story does not take place in the dungeon

>> No.47086384

>still no arifureta after

>> No.47086732

The Goetia Shock previews just dropped. 2nd volume immediately starts out with the heroine getting raped.

>> No.47086776

Personally, I find the dungeon dives (after the first time reaching a floor) the most boring parts of the story. Anyway, its just your usual case of LN タイトル詐欺

>> No.47086802

Thanks anon. Bokuto should get off his twitter addiction and get the next nanatsuma vol out soon.

>> No.47086905

Kaido's next volume release date announcements are such a jinx.
At first, he used to say it'd come out on this or that month.
But after missing the month a few times, he decided to just give the season instead.
But after vol 21 came out at the end of September after he said it'd come out in Summer, he said that 22 would come out "in the first half of 2024" since there's no way he could be wrong about that, right?
Well, we're about to enter the second half of the year and all we have is the twitter account meekly saying they're working on it.
I hope Kaido doesn't say that vol 23 will come out "in 2025," since that will probably make it a 2026 release.

>> No.47086951

wouldn't be as annoying if the most recent wn update wasn't a little over a month ago and even then it was just a few relatively short chapters

>> No.47087002

yeah bro it hurts
At least the anime is coming back

>> No.47087040

>even got asanagi to do a guest illustration

wew lad
what an out of nowhere work

>> No.47087067

He put up an AE chapter just yesterday, though. It's one of those short stories based on reader requests.
It's not much, sure, but at least he cares enough to do that. Many authors in his position would use their work on the LN, the side story, and the WN planning as an excuse to disappear completely.

>> No.47087103

"Many authors" don't move the volume release goalpost a dozen times and end up still not releasing it so far.
Somehow complete hiatus ghosting is less annoying than this.

>> No.47087149

To be fair, his volume release announcements only began being wrong on like vol 17, and for what it's worth, he said that he never missed a deadline given to him by the publisher, so personally, I assume it's HJ's bureaucracy that fucks up the release schedules.

>> No.47087164
File: 1003 KB, 1432x2048, 1703692926919591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still not over this, seriously, fuck this volume

>> No.47087178

>on like vol 17
>Release Date November 1, 2021 (JP)
and ngl i feel like the dripfeed shit doesn't work on novels like it does with weekly/monthly manga
feels like people are more used to just reading a whole volume worth of content because of jumping between the ongoing series they are following and/or backlog
>b-b-b-but daily wn updates exist
that's hardly a dripfeed, that's the whole river
and personally i let them stack to binge them later too

>> No.47087334

The big filter...

>> No.47087345

Because of the layers upon layers of sheer autism dendro has, I find it understandable.
Patience inevitably runs thin at some point however.

>> No.47087597

Does anyone have epubs of vols 2-4 of 女友達は頼めば意外とヤらせてくれる?

>> No.47087770

at some point something stops being a filter and it starts becoming just shit
and while this line is a fat gradient for most people, this is very much shit

>> No.47087934


>> No.47087962

I want to read this just to know what people are talking about re: this volume

>> No.47088021

Over the years, I have only heard bits and pieces about what went down in Alderamin, can I get a rundown?

>> No.47088153

people read a war story and get mad because someone dies at war, pussies

>> No.47088166

The whole plot was stupid, the characters acted like idiots and you're forgetting the whole princess going full schizo

>> No.47088199

The only problem is, almost none of the people that criticize this volume talk about anything other than the death. And Chamille being batshit insane was greatly foreshadowed starting from the volume 1.

>> No.47088248

the death sucked as well, really, especially after spending a good 200 pages making sure that the reader understands how much they care for each other
but nothing beats all three camps knowing that the prime minister is behind all of that is happening and yet committing to whatever that civil war was

>> No.47089313

thanks for the suggestion anon! it also looks like my type of VN.

>> No.47089515

imagine if Sylphy suddenly started LARPing as Laplace, murdered Eris and then locked Rudeus in her rape dungeon
That's not what happened, but it's about on the same level of what the fuck just happened.

>> No.47089735

Honestly the entire shitshow doesn't lend itself to a QRD, unless you want someone to basically translate the entire volume plus the required context line by line in greentext format.
It's really one of those things you have to experience yourself to see it in full.

>> No.47090868

>imagine if Sylphy suddenly started LARPing as Laplace, murdered Eris and then locked Rudeus in her rape dungeon
that sounds good though

>> No.47091201

Which is exactly why it filters people, they just don't get why it's good.
Can't even cope with "poor writing" claims either, it's all laid out properly.

>> No.47091230

You mean like going down a route where she really wasn't ok with the whole Roxy and Eris thing and was just scared she needed to accept it or be the one who doesn't get picked, and then she eventually runs out of gaman and snaps?

>> No.47091463

i mean rather than what we got which was cute little eris becoming a man and a certain erectile dysfunctioneus suffering as a result that would have been a better outcome. and it's not like sylphy is yandere so roxy could still join

>> No.47091536

The reasoning behind Eris leaving Rudeus is probably the most contrived thing in the series, especially with the perfectly ambiguous 勘違いされやすい note she left behind that conveniently gives Rudeus the completely wrong idea, but it did lead to a great story to me so I think it was worth it. You just kinda have to suspend disbelief a bit and it's not really that hard to accept it, because it does feel fairly in character for her to go off and train to be strong enough or whatever while keeping it a secret for him. The main thing that really never feels right is just how long she was willing to do it without making contact at all to the extent that it basically ended the relationship from everyone's perspective but hers

>> No.47091552

Samefag here, I just wanna add that I just remembered how incredibly comfy the volumes 3-6 period was, and I can't really blame people for whom the series just sort of ends there because despite how much I like everything after it's never the same after that

>> No.47092092

Completed 軍人少女、皇立魔法学園に潜入することになりました. Conclusion: It's dogshit. Completely unrelated to yaoi but the words やまなし、おちなし、いみなし fits this series perfectly. I hate myself for not being able to put down partway through once I started reading.

>> No.47092226

Excuse me very much. I could have sworn it was a LN series.

>> No.47092263

I dropped mushoku tensei in the first few lines where he jerks off to creepshots of his loli niece
Is it true that he never stops being a pedo?

>> No.47092271

he doubles down

>> No.47092533

Anyone got vol9 of urasekai picnic?

>> No.47094235

yeah he fucks all of his daughters

>> No.47094533

need reccs
something thrilling with noir like setting

>> No.47094950

unfathomably based

>> No.47095898

in my top 5 ln
the last vol was also kino if you know what i mean

>> No.47095939

Too lazy to read it I'll watch the anime now

>> No.47095947

Which covers up to volume... 3

>> No.47096426

what's worse
>a single season that only covers 3 volumes, and s2 never ever
>a single season that somehow crams 7+ volumes into a single dual cour, then s2 never ever
still mad about the matty-kun anime
why the fuck does shinkou have such shit luck with adaptations on his flagship series

>> No.47096501

I've always felt it's better to thoroughly do one or few arcs then to speed run more arcs. Not an LN but barely anyone has watched all 1000 One Piece episodes but countless people have enjoyed One Piece. In the alternate timeline where the author of your favorite series dies before he finishes volume 5, that series probably isn't less worth reading because of that. A well done adaptation that only covers the first chunk can attract people to the source material to see what happens next as well

>> No.47096512

>>a single season that somehow crams 7+ volumes into a single dual cour, then s2 never ever
sounds like hyakuren

>> No.47096596

>Ever caring about adaptations or considering them anything more than an omoshiroi novelty, if that.

>> No.47096878

>considering them anything more than an omoshiroi novelty
This. However even if you do care or don't, it's undeniable that most LN anime adaptions end up affecting the original source material negatively in some kind of way
it's why there's a dedicated thread on 5ch's LN board to shit on adaptations

>> No.47096921

>it's why there's a dedicated thread on 5ch's LN board to shit on adaptations
wtf i didn't know their LN general/board was based

>> No.47097000

At least they have an anime adaptation to complain about, unlike dendrofags. :^)

>> No.47097026

Konosuba anime...has taken on a life of its own

>> No.47097057

Which "anime adaptation that doesn't exist" is worse, Dendro's or Tsukihime's?

>> No.47097069

Tsukihime had a cool OP at least.

>> No.47097386

unironically hard question

>> No.47097485

My vote is on the dendro one because I don't even remember either the OP or ED being redeemable features.

>> No.47097605

>My vote is on the dendro one because I don't even remember either the OP or ED

>> No.47100605
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WTF is wrong with NU?

>> No.47101854
File: 927 KB, 1026x603, Phenomeno_- Mitsurugi_Yoishi_wa_kowagaranai_- visu-3317-18-February-2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody knows where to find the フェノメノ light novel RAW?

>> No.47101986


>> No.47102063
File: 1.05 MB, 1024x576, Phenomeno_- Mitsurugi_Yoishi_wa_kowagaranai_- visu-3303-17-February-2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit anon thank you so much. I was getting kinda desperate there, couldn't find it anywhere.

>> No.47102216
File: 142 KB, 765x1087, 79355903_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you don't mind me asking where did you find them? So when the last volume drops I can get it without bothering anyone. Or I'll just buy the knidle version.
Thanks again.

>> No.47102270

nta but I've actually ripped all 6 volumes and uploaded them to AB, if you give me a few hours I can put them up on mega for you once I'm home.

>> No.47102296

would really love it anon. Thank you so much for your kindness.

>> No.47102775

Wait I just realised my mistake, the ebook version of Phenomeno was only 5 volumes, that link should be all of them.

>> No.47103331
File: 144 KB, 500x698, Getter-Love-Cho-Renai-Party-Game-Tanjou-Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, thanks anyway anon.

>> No.47103579

What's your favorite zombie ln? Looking for something to read.

collection itself is on nyaa

>> No.47103610

actually nevermind it's only 1 volume
i guess he got it from shitcord or something

>> No.47103682


>> No.47104226
File: 543 KB, 1694x1223, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon that sometimes uploads the stuff that is posted here to zlib, the world needs more people like you. also I wonder why some books on tmw get shared to zlib quickly but most get completely ignored

>> No.47104251

TMW has like 2 useful autists and 5 buyfags in the entire pisscord server, everyone else is an useless leech at best, or part of the revolving door of people trying to learn japanese but not even getting past N5 at worst.

>> No.47104516

I only joined for book-sharing so I honestly don't care about the other channels, but from a piracy standpoint I find it quite nice that everything shared there stays on the discord, the mega folders and (especially) the massive torrent collections so you don't need to worry too much about stuff being lost forever to dead links. Anyway, it's nice that someone uploads the stuff here to zlib instead of letting it get lost to time.

>> No.47104894
File: 999 KB, 1920x919, lolibrary_-_Google_Chrome-3734-16-June-2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry I'm a newfag but how do I use the site? I enter the title, but then I can't click on nothing? Do I need some cookie file like on ExHentai?
whta is your pic coming from? What's zlib or TMW? Sorry I'm really new to LN stuff.

>> No.47105080

Not him, but I also tend to upload light novels on zlib.

>> No.47105221

I ripped some stuff like a year ago but never got around uploading them, thanks for the reminder.

>> No.47108048


>> No.47108667

Any romcoms where some random girl shows up more than half the way in and takes everything?

>> No.47108706

technically has that happen but you start reading the story at the half way in part

>> No.47109127

>>WN to e-book downloader
the one in the thread got fucked due to new pagination system, is there any other good alternative

>> No.47110046

it's on zlibrary

>> No.47110559

was playing this rpgmaker game and some hundred hours in im at the end game of the story they fucking did a toaru nt 9
it took me out

>> No.47111360

What game?

>> No.47111905


>> No.47112747

Man I don't like when these games have these detailed CGs and default RPGMaker assets, is it fun?

>> No.47116192

Can't find it anywhere, mind sharing it?

>> No.47116241

I can't share physical books, sorry

>> No.47116464

it tells you that it's in the TMW pack 4, so download that

>> No.47116469

it's a grand scale rpg very 王道 at time and very chuuni in nature
it's well executed, gameplay you need on hard at a certain point since it'll be too easy otherwise but is alright for the most part

>> No.47122048

there's always scans, but i get the idea

>> No.47123359

You could mail it to him

>> No.47127040


>> No.47129167

Do I really have to make an alternate japanese amazon account to get japanese audiobooks from audible T_T

>> No.47129970
File: 1.01 MB, 721x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone got ゴエティア・ショック?

>> No.47131860

licensing's a bitch

>> No.47132490

The fanza one seems to be uncensored but its digital only so bleh

>> No.47134888

anyone bought あたしは星間国家の英雄騎士!3?

>> No.47134901

"going to buy"

>> No.47135622

Kaido says that his deadline to finish Dendro volume 23(yes, not 22) is the end of summer, which I assume is around when 22 should come out.
I won't hold my breath, but this could be a sign that it's going back to a more normal release schedule.
Also, while 22 will split focus between Albert vs Figgy and the all-new shenanigans involving G, 23 will have Hugo's misadventures at the capital, as well as an all-new portrayal of the conflict between Caldina and Granvaloa.

>> No.47135963


>> No.47136343

why is it even taking so long
don't tell me he somehow got a motherfucking season two and he's busy with that

>> No.47136674

>season two
please no

>> No.47138757
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Finished up the 怪物中毒 series. After a promising and fantastic start, I can't believe how utterly terrible the last volume ended up being. I won't go into all the details but in a nutshell the premise is a lawless/rough town within a 管理社会 where people take 怪物サプリ that transforms themselves into beast humanoid things. There's ancient bloodlines of 怪, magic, cool powers, and all that good stuff lurking around. I liked the introduction of the main cast of quirky characters and the plot shows off some 黒幕 dudes in the background. This should be a slam dunk. And I enjoyed it, until the 3rd volume happened. I don't know if the author just ran out of ideas, couldn't get more volumes approved, or what. It's an utter mess. There's at least a couple of outright plot holes that make no sense. MC has a traumatic past that you think would serve as vehicle for further development at one point, but he just stays flat it goes nowhere. Mei becomes annoying and can magically do anything. The scale of the action feels smaller than the climax of the second volume despite this being the grand climax of the final story. Some of the action scenes in volume 3 are a total letdown too. I mean really lol just pour water on him? Couldn't the author think of something better?

All in all, would not recommend. It sucks because it's honestly good at first but the conclusion is so bad that it ruins the rest of the story.

>> No.47143013

Whats the best way to translate random web novels into english? I know about DeepL but I assume some recent AI based translation could be significantly better?

>> No.47143113
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>> No.47143313

get a load of this guy

>> No.47143390

brain.exe make sure to use the latest version

>> No.47143552

Learn japanese. That aside, there's actually 0 improvement in mtl tech even with the AI advancements and some like deepl in fact turned worse. Retarded EOPs are getting deceived because the newer options are just more fluent while still being wrong.
Anyway, definitely won't suggest deepl.

>> No.47143582

What exactly caused DeepL to turn to shit? I never really followed it, but I have noticed it being much, much worse than it used to be.

>> No.47144649

I used it as a beginner whenever I couldn't understand a sentence after looking up all the words to try and get hints at their meaning. Back then it used to be much more flexible with beign willing to spit out unnatural/weird english sentences to try and be closer to the original text you fed into it. Nowadays it seems like it's almost willing to make shit up in order to sound like native english, original meaning be damned

>> No.47144668

>What exactly caused DeepL to turn to shit?
quite some time ago they imposed a daily character limit but I think it's gone now. however in place of that you get TLs worse than google translate

>> No.47144948
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>> No.47144998

Completed 「美人でお金持ちの彼女が欲しい」と言ったら、ワケあり女子がやってきた件。vol 1. Was interested in the recent 非処女系 boom since a while and gave this series a chance because it doesn't have the weirdly defensive cuck reviews that's usual for the genre and the reviews themselves made it seem like an interesting and sincere discussion on conflicting sexual ethics. Conclusion: lmao. Frankly, the heroine is charming and sincere enough that being a triple scorer is a non-issue. Needs some disbelief to think that she doesn't have any mental problems, but that's fine. The issue is that the romantic part of the story entirely depends on the protag being a ちょろい fuck. It's hilarious but also got on my nerves whenever the story tried to portray him as being cool trying to defend the heroine, after just a few interactions.
Will not read anymore in this genre with male protags.

>> No.47145100

They changed their engine from what it was to extremely poorly trained AI slop, they even have a writing aid shit that writes for you through AI shit now.

>> No.47145110
File: 104 KB, 449x709, 1714580813758431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learn the writing system
>learn vocabulary
>learn grammar
>read and listen
>read more and listen more
to think that japanese learners are so god damn brain dead that they need to even be told to learn the writing system(s) of the language they wish to learn.

>> No.47145137

>be told to learn the writing system(s)
Just saying "learn kana" is not enough because you can pick a horrible method of learning it and waste a lot of time. That's why the guide recommends to use either an Anki deck prepared for you by the experts, or a special app.

>> No.47145144

Heh now you're making me want to try one of these out one day just to see how irritated it would make me.

>> No.47145199

>needing a carefully crafted anki deck or a special app for motherfucking kana
maybe i'm overestimating the average EOP IQ
especially with how they fell for the pitch accent (literal) grifter scam recently

>> No.47145231

well i couldn't learn kana after 3 months of using an ineffective method. but i learned it in 2 days after starting AJATT.

>> No.47145236

>Just saying "learn kana" is not enough because you can pick a horrible method of learning it and waste a lot of time.
jesus christ
literally just play the kana game on itazuraneko for 1-2 hours and you're good you don't need any special methods or curated anki decks
you'll see especially the hiragana so fucking much when you actually read stuff that they'll naturally solidify themselves in your memory, and katakana will follow suit even tho they take a little longer

>> No.47145248

so what you're saying is you learned the kana after starting to actually look at japanese media who could have guessed lol

>> No.47145260

ちょろい protags are fine with me, I just don't like the style (this often happens in hollywood movies but it happens in some Japanese stuff too) where the protagonist, usually quite young, has a few fun chatty moments with sexial tension with the love interest who he knows already has a boyfriend but is being a stupidly flirty slut with him anyway, then when she's suddenly in trouble he's suuper motivated to rescue her cause he's totally crushing on her. I will admit it's a more realistic portrayal of netori scenarios than typical NTR fetish stuff cause it rightly depicts both males as cucks instead of the boyfriend, and it is mich more believable with a very young protagonist, but it is still just so fuckong dumb for him to not get turned off by her behavior and seeing her with her boyfriend I can't stomach it. I watched the movie Small Soldiers recently and it reminded me how much I hate that lol

>> No.47145296

japanese "learners" make everything so complicated when the solution at the end of the day is just to read enough interesting stuff in japanese while looking up words and googling some grammar
everything else is min-maxing with little long-term impact or just a straight up waste of time and the line between the two is very, very thin

>> No.47145328

>well i couldn't learn kana after 3 months of using meme shit. but i learned it in 2 days after actually using japanese through immersion

>> No.47145353

A lot of it comes from straight up literal scams for gullible people, especially because most of the people wanting magic bullet shit are the type to fall for it because it feels like it properly holds your hand and you don't have to think about anything, when in reality they are literally designed to waste your time so you pay more in the long run.

>> No.47145357

For me my vocabulary exploded after I accidentally got into the method of listening to 実況 of VNs I'd read recently, so I always recommend listening to stuff you've already read before, but I always mention it might be a coincidence that my learning just happened to hit the tipping point at the same time as when I started doing that. Like you said as long as you're inputting missing out on the 'best method' will at worst slow you down by some percentage points and the result will be the same in the end..

>> No.47145427

the japanese language "learning" community is basically a cult.

>> No.47145982
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12月のベロニカのネタバレ注意 ライアンがマダックスと手を組んでシーゼルを売る?なぜラノベはいつも必ず途中でクソになってしまうのだろう ウザ━━━━(´Д`)━━━━イ

>> No.47147821

Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary

>> No.47149501

no one cares idiot

>> No.47150672

>just to see how irritated it would make me.
actually one of the reasons I was interested in the genre lol.

>> No.47150857

Reccomend me translated novels.
Those who are much better than their adaptations to manga/anime and worth of my time

>> No.47152240


>> No.47152249

It would help if you said what you're into.

>> No.47153869
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>> No.47153967

why is she ignoring the 21 foot rule

>> No.47154067
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this ended up being very different from what i expected

>> No.47154095

>chapters become longer as the series progresses, some even going up to half an average bunko's word count
I feel sorry for calling the author a lazy fuck after seeing the upload frequency. it's 侯爵嫡男好色物語 btw, a nice r18 senki.

>> No.47154472

Does anyone here use the Kobo Libra Color (or an earlier Kobo device)?
How well does it handle japanese epub files? And how well does the dictionary work?

>> No.47154512

I've used Clara 2E aka the cheapest thing I found for the past year and a half, no complaints here. I'm either buying my shit from Rakuten or converting downloaded books to kepub via calibre. The jp-jp dictionary works as well as any other dictionary would, but because it's a shitty e-ink tablet, selecting words is a massive pain in the ass. Maybe a faster device would be more usable, idk.

>> No.47155317
File: 229 KB, 851x1200, IMG0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck ギョギョっ娘

>> No.47156346

I hear good things about it, but I hate reading sex scenes when I'm not in the mood for smut.

>> No.47156512

Isn't this the series where its original WN was filled to the brim with the Mc fucking every girl?

>> No.47157629

Just an out of a blue question, but does anyone have a copy of the web/free/narou (なろう) version of "Sentōin, Haken Shimasu!" (Combatants Will Be Dispatched!)? I got into it by the manga adaptation, but realized that Natsume will probably never finish it with Kadokawa shilling Konosuba. Hence I wanted to read the finished web version, but Kadokawa & Natsume did an anal and both erased it on their end and forced archive.org to purge it.

Also posting the web-version of Konosuba for those that are curious.

>> No.47157661

Sorry didn't know file.io "deletes" the upload once it gets downloaded. New link:

>> No.47157740

Is the web version really different from the LN version?

>> No.47157881
File: 131 KB, 600x600, Web version Megumin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you mean Konosuba, tid-bits of is different but the main plot is the same. I think the most noticeable one is Kazuma being 20+ and Megumin being 18. Also a lot less heroines outside the main 3 + Eris the padded.

>> No.47158248

Oh I meant the one that's gone now

>> No.47158400

>"Sentōin, Haken Shimasu!" (Combatants Will Be Dispatched!)?
Don't know and can't check, as it was deleted before I was able to compare. I'm hoping if any anons here have save it or have like a database of narou pdfs. Like I said I have a hunch that the official published version won't be finished or continued anytime soon (if ever), so this is like the next best thing to test my luck at.

>> No.47160105

understandable. well, give it a try anyway. it's unnecessarily wordy at times but the world's interesting and the protag's witty monologues are a worth a read.

>> No.47160134

>Web version Megumin
are there pics of the other girls too

>> No.47160871

Hajime and Yue looks weird

>> No.47160894

The only light novels I read until he end and re-read later are arifureta and purple haze feedback.
But every other novel like arifureta like dungeon seeker, piloting starships and the that one of aterated status spells didn't catch me

>> No.47161256
File: 108 KB, 361x355, 1718226971251785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the font size is bigger
Wouldn't that make the book heavier

>> No.47162228

Not unless the text is bold

>> No.47162737
File: 167 KB, 1282x720, 1718706832965774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M-margit, what are you doing? I know Erich is a manslut, but that's no reason to jump series!
>23 will have Hugo's misadventures at the capital
...it's LS's time already? Ooooh boy, can't fucking wait, hope we'll get HENTAI's chara design soon.
>Caldina and Granvaloa
Is that the Fatoum vs Shoyu one? It's probably there to make Gate of Six's appearance feel more natural. Which means we'll definitely be getting a Fatoum-Shoyu-Sechs three-way fight later on.

>> No.47162835

that monster girl gacha lansane is doing illusts for?

>> No.47162943
File: 2.09 MB, 1820x4096, 1695707509748181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, try brothel simulator instead, anon. Game plays off like Bifrost/Isekai Brothel, though it's still in the making. I wasn't sure before if it was actually Lansane, but it got listed on DLsite recently, and my suspicion was proven correct.

>> No.47163009
File: 102 KB, 600x489, Darkness and Megumin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Number of fanarts on PIXIV if you go to the oldest first (before official publication).

>> No.47164969

started reading されど罪人は竜と踊る, liking the vibe between the protag and his not!buddy
there's a lot more science mumbo-jumbo than i expected though

>> No.47165599

I found at least a couple guys lamenting that the WN was quite different form the LN version and that it was therefore worth preserving

>> No.47165642
File: 558 KB, 640x360, Dual Gesu Smile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you remember if they had a link and/or do you have it on you? I've been searching for databases and I found some, but nothing for "Sentōin, Haken Shimasu!" (Combatants Will Be Dispatched!).
Mostly I'm curious about it, because this is actually an earlier work than Konosuba! and it seems to be what Natsume wanted to do more of (i.e. Sci-Fantasy, post-apocalypse, etc.). Or at IMO that's the vive I got of.

>> No.47165673

No they were just sad to see it gone, didn't share a link or anything. I suspect probably he's probably the type who's really self-conscious/cringes at his older work and that's why he had it taken down. The only reason being that considering so many popular LNs still have their WNs up for free means that the 'doing it to force people to buy teh LN' really is not a satisfying explanation for me.

>> No.47165732

>The only reason being that considering so many popular LNs still have their WNs up for free means that the 'doing it to force people to buy teh LN' really is not a satisfying explanation for me.
you ever consider it depends on the publisher or editor in charge

>> No.47165786 [SPOILER] 
File: 243 KB, 532x457, Arche Trained.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile in a different timeline Ainz-sama looks awkward whenever Shalltear brings in her pet.
>Still readable after 10 years
Kugane's a chad

>> No.47165838

Yeah but why this one specifically

>> No.47165890

Probably as this anon >>47165673 states Natsume is a guy who can't stand his past works. He even took down the more popular Konosuba one (posted >>47157661). Now that's probably different from syousetu.com ordering archive.org to exclude them, but still a lot of data is lost due to these types of incidents.

>> No.47166758

Japs say it's because of tappei carelessly leaking it to kadokawa or something. Don't know if it's due to some contract or the publisher just thinking they got hands on a new work from a cashcow, but it's reasonable to think they had some role in deleting it.
Btw, try checking the 5chan archives for the backup. Will probably be tiresome, but that's the final hope for archive links if there are any

>> No.47167262

>Btw, try checking the 5chan archives for the backup. Will probably be tiresome, but that's the final hope for archive links if there are any.
Thanks for the advice will do!

>> No.47167425

This is making the rounds it seems. Publishers bet on a hit and they're going to get one.

>> No.47171515

You still got that web-version of Konosuba?

>> No.47171553

Can anyone share 筺底のエルピス?

>> No.47171860

Anna's Archive only has the first volume in epub, and 2, 3 4 in pdf scans

>> No.47171883

>in pdf scans
holy shit i'm so used to 200mb image scans that this looks like fucking next gen shit

>> No.47171915

I checked and, yeah, the pdfs have flowable text. So they're not scans, someone got the raw from Bookwalker or Kindle and converted it to PDF rather than EPUB, how bizarre.

>> No.47172095

Yeah I fucked up on that link, go to this one.

>> No.47172098

Thanks bro.

>> No.47173303
File: 11 KB, 194x259, images-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pardon me...but has this already been translated?
>what is the title?

>> No.47173325

Never heard of it but I think it's Chinese. The 級 looks like chinese font and when I googled it all the results were chinese

>> No.47173647

Yeah that's a Chinese web novel about a mercenary. From looking at the premise looks like your spy-action adventure with saving damsels kinda of thing.

>> No.47174078

epubs will be up on zlib in a day or two

>> No.47175281
File: 190 KB, 852x1200, 20240624_071924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought it on bookwalker, first time I bought a novel, honestly I have no idea how to download it or upload it to a T-T platform

>> No.47176668

Anyone has epub of 時空のクロス・ロード 最終譚 一番列車は朝焼けに?

>> No.47177455
File: 102 KB, 669x1000, 02cd0bdf0bb0ebad4d9ece62d08bf28a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many thanks you two

>> No.47183276

qrd on the hype?

>> No.47183700

>I bought it on bookwalker
good luck trying to rip :/
>first time I bought a novel
next time use amazon or 楽天Kobo(slightly better resolution than amazon), they are ez to rip

>> No.47185003

I use a kobo libra 2, IMO with the default software it's unusable because you can't just tap on a word to select it, you need to painfully drag your finger and manually select the exact word
The only reason why I kept it is that you can install koreader, which is pretty bloody good... as long as you don't care too much about tategaki, because that's not supported at all

That said, if I had to buy an ereader today, it'd be a boox palma

>> No.47185544

Hey guys, newfag here. I'd like to start reading light novels, so I'd appreciate it if you could give me some recommendations with satisfying endings. They don't have to be happy or anything, just not disappointing and a good conclusion . I don't want to be left with that feeling of having wasted the time invested in the story. Thanks in advance!

>> No.47185611


>> No.47185646
File: 222 KB, 1049x1500, Ookami-san.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>satisfying endings.
If it's just that as a criteria "Ookami-san series" is easy to read for a starter. The premise is a stereotypical 2000's tsundere love comedy, but I like the setting, the cast, and the narration.
The bad thing about LNs are that they usually become incomplete, even more than mangas.

>> No.47185663

>even more than mangas
you clearly don't read enough manga

>> No.47185685
File: 405 KB, 1050x1500, Yeah...is this gonna finish?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean... Most of them at least give you a message that it'll be cancelled, so you're not kept waiting. LN generally become "to be continued", and left like that forever without any mesages...

>> No.47185712
File: 110 KB, 345x512, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha yeah, that would never happen to my favorite manga..

>> No.47186553

>LN generally become "to be continued", and left like that forever without any mesages...
do you only read manga adaptations or something

>> No.47186575

This remind me that I read Mother D.O.G last year, greatly enjoyed it, and a volume 2 is nowhere to be seen.

>> No.47186967

Thanks a lot guys. Recently an anon recommended ウィザーズ・ブレイン in another thread, and it generated sincere curiosity in me to start reading LNs, because I'm enjoying it a lot.
I will probably ask for some other recommendations in the future, so it would be great if you could help me then as well.
Again, thanks!

>> No.47187725

>SAO Alternative Gourmet Seekers was delisted in the search on Dengeki Bunko's website

The whole site is down now,but I'm worried it's over. This was supposed to Today's menu for the Emiya Family,and Shokugeki no Soma for us SAO bros,it can't end like this.

>> No.47187753

電撃文庫 has been down for the past couple of days or so. I don't know what the fuck is going on there but it's getting pretty annoying.

>> No.47188612

Holy shit, never thought I'd run into this here of all places. That manga's shit scan schedule was the straw that broke the camels back and got me to start learning JP. I finally do and then it fucking dies, what a life

>> No.47188675

More like the past 10 days. Nearly all of kadokawa group is hit with a cyberattack and a lot of sites are still down including nnd

>> No.47189242

>Japs into cyber security
Remember one autistic Brit teenager brought down PSN for 5 weeks in the PS3 days.

But yeah, I know its possible to go to the book but Im really worried, I mean SAOAGGO took 2 biggish breaks, after volume 9 which was late 2018,the next volume didnt drop until April 2020, and the next one was November 2022 after that.

I don't know, why did they release 3 spinoffs all in the span of 2 months? Does anyone know where can see absolute sales data up til now? Total copies sold?

I wanna see if it really is in danger, or the author/illustrator combo is working slow....

>> No.47189291

To be fair even raw manga scans are often very low quality. AT least 牙の旅商人 is an example of the available raws being super high quality though

>> No.47189374

Can agree. If I like a series I will personally buy physical copies, dismantle, and scan them at 600DPI at least. Like even official digital versions are in 160DPI JPEG in 2024 which is less than 2000s RAW scans. Thank the coders for making waifux2 is all I can say.

>> No.47189956

Caught up with 侯爵嫡男好色物語. Not the kind of story that sparks strong emotions (r18 part aside), but definitely the kind that grips you enough for an overnight binge. Also very, very dense. It's about 20 vols worth of content but just 20 months in in-universe time. The world's extremely interesting with (too long) explanations of why something is the way it is.
Anyhow, this is the 2nd interesting work I found on my periodic r18 manga expeditions. Hope I will find more interesting stuff this way

>> No.47190008

wow these LN audiobooks really have good voice acting

>> No.47190010

Reading that new Goetia Shock LN made me wonder.

Are there any other LNs that play out like a RPGMaker H-RPG? Preferrably one with a female protag.

>> No.47190131

Don't know if it matches your vision of h-rpgs but I suggest this https://novel18.syosetu.com/n2270dw/
Greatest philosophical work of this century if you ask me.

>> No.47190983

Does anyone have 七つの魔剣が支配するXII ?

>> No.47191251

Anyone got oreaku spinoff 3 released yesterday?

>> No.47191586

kill yourself

>> No.47191956


>> No.47192157

where do you think you are

>> No.47192261

This does have happy ending...right? shit's too depressing

>> No.47192318

Yes. Or I wouldn't have read it.

>> No.47192468

Come on now

>> No.47193437

I really like the cozy married life portrayal in Himo Seikatsu, anything else like that?

>> No.47197968

New Kaido blogpost says that he's working on vol 23, a second Fairytale Squad entry, and tried to make a side story focused on Ray and Integra, but it ended up being too much like part of the main story, so he'll store it away and post it there at some point.
He also thinks it's better to handle the main story like he did the most recent battle: in daily parts he'll put out once he has enough stocked up, whenever that would be.

>> No.47200347

Did anything happen with sword art online recently? Just saw that the top 30 monthly ln sales in bookwalker is nearly monopolized by it

>> No.47202245

>He also thinks it's better to handle the main story like he did the most recent battle: in daily parts he'll put out once he has enough stocked up, whenever that would be.

>> No.47203043
File: 2.55 MB, 1000x1409, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any mahou shoujo smut recs? Nijigen dream magazine has dozens of those so I'm not sure which one to pick

>> No.47203177

28th volume came out in the 8th of this month. Also probably the result of Kadokawa desperately trying to get some revenue, as majority of their system got hacked by the Blacksuit.

Not to make fun of the fans, but honesty IMO Kirito's story ended in Volume 1 (like his whole arc), if not definitely by Volume 4. So I don't know how the fuck this series keep on going. Granted, I still have respect for Reki for having a consistent release schedule for 15 years, so props to the man.

>> No.47207855

Went in with low expectations but really enjoying honzuki

>> No.47208468
File: 161 KB, 750x1047, 六畳間の侵略者!? 46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

新刊情報 / New Publication News

異世界で魔族に襲われても保険金が下りるんですか!? 1
神々が支配する世界で〈上〉 1
神々が支配する世界で〈下〉 2
こちら、終末停滞委員会。 1

陰キャの僕に罰ゲームで告白してきたはずのギャルが、どう見ても僕にベタ惚れです 9
最低ランクの冒険者、勇者少女を育てる 俺って数合わせのおっさんじゃなかったか? 6
天才女優の幼馴染と、キスシーンを演じることになった 2
バグスキル【開錠】で最強最速ダンジョン攻略 1
無防備かわいいパジャマ姿の美少女と部屋で二人きり 2
モブから始まる探索英雄譚 9
六畳間の侵略者!? 46
忘れられ師の英雄譚 聖勇女パーティーに優しき追放をされた男は、記憶に残らずとも彼女達を救う 2

誤解された『身代わりの魔女』は、国王から最初の恋と最後の恋を捧げられる 4
転生先は北の辺境でしたが精霊のおかげでけっこう快適です ~楽園目指して狩猟開拓ときどきサウナ~ 2
華麗なる悪女になりたいわ! ~愛され転生少女は、楽しい二度目の人生を送ります~ Ⅱ

落ちこぼれ剣士、追放されたので魔術師に転向する 剣士のときはゴミスキルだった『絶対記憶』は魔術師にとっては神スキルでした 2
【パクパクですわ】追放されたお嬢様の『モンスターを食べるほど強くなる』スキルは、1食で1レベルアップする前代未聞の最強スキルでした。 3日で人類最強になりましたわ~! 2
不遇職【鑑定士】が実は最強だった 奈落で鍛えた最強の【神眼】で無双する 3

初心者キャンパーの異世界転生2 スキル[キャンプ]でなんとか生きていきます。 2

転生したら第七王子だったので、気ままに魔術を極めます 8

>> No.47210015

魔法科高校の劣等生 32 as epub exists anywhere? tried ab, links from op list and google

>> No.47210781

No, just the scans

>> No.47211230

Links please onegai, I'm begging you. I want to see sales figures. Also, last year SAO got 3 new spinoffs,and SAO mainline series got volume 27 or 28 this month.

>> No.47216598


>> No.47216733

Asking here because you guys probably are the experts on this and the thread is almost at bump limit anyway. Can somebody help me to find a download to "the art of 天使のたまご" which is a artbook of an anime? It released only in Iapan and I can't find it anywhere

>> No.47218811

Please post the bookwalker link you saw.

>> No.47218831


>> No.47219089

>Dai Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu
>Mokushiroku Alice

Two peak fictions left unfinished but Takaya wants to spend his time on the yaoi trash Owar no Seraph. I get that work is more popular and brings in the dough but it's such a shame.

>> No.47219148

How would I go about writing a light novel?

>> No.47219158

wtf is she even wearing could she even stand up in that lmfao

>> No.47219331

by writing it first

>> No.47219365

Now a days you write some isekai not≠fanfiction on syosetu.com, and if it's good enough they'll come to you.

>> No.47219381
File: 488 KB, 1244x564, Sayonara Oppai; Take Onee-chan's hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a parody of a hentai manga drawn by Aoki Kanji.

>> No.47221029

OG did it better.

>> No.47221279

With the rise of LLMs like ChatGPT, has anyone tried using it to translate LNs? How is it?

>> No.47221324

more readable in burgerspeak than MTL, but about on par in translation accuracy with old deeptl
it's basically just edited MTL but without the shitty translator memes

>> No.47221345


>> No.47221357

This >>47143552
Well they are doing better than human translators for the simpler stuff. But try on any prose with personality and they immediately turn to shit. Also still frequently mistakes the pov. Test the various services with shangrila frontier, specifically the orchestra boss fight, to see what I mean

>> No.47221365


TL note: 草 means grass

>> No.47221374

>on par in translation accuracy with old deeptl
That sucks. I wonder if it's there was a model specifically trained on VN/LN/Manga basically all weeb shit in general we could get something more accurate as it would then have context for it to work off of.

>> No.47221418

Feeling down. Please give me recs to stop feeling down.

>> No.47221464

The fighting scenes in this manga are so good, would be so popular without all the porn

>> No.47221622

Wrong thread. Also which manga?

>> No.47221836

Just skip that and have it write novels

>> No.47221937

nta but we're still likely a decade away from that because it can't even remember properly what happened 10 replies ago in random smut
