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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4707136 No.4707136 [Reply] [Original]

Damn I just remembered I need to fill my car up.

>> No.4707143

Pshh, E is for Enough.

>> No.4707150

A shell gas station had a gas leak which made my family big money as a child, we were across the back alley from them and their gasoline-soaked ground made our yard a potential explosive.

Reimbursement was delicious.

Thats my cool story, anyway.

>> No.4707152
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I need more rice..

>> No.4707155
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>> No.4707157

Aya > Hoetato

>> No.4707170

I don't need gas, I need anti-freeze and a new radiator.

>> No.4707176


>> No.4707178

why not anon?

>> No.4707179


Did you go out there every day to sniff the ground?

>> No.4707182
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>> No.4707193
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Aya is old and busted and has no friends. The scallop princess is the new face of the tengu.

>> No.4707194


My car is in the fucking shop... Some shit fucking vacuum solenoid went tilt and lit the stupid engine light on the dash... It's a nice car, but man is it a money pit.

>> No.4707195


Same. I actually learned how to drive, but never got a license.

>> No.4707203

Yeah, same. I doubt I could even drive properly if I got in a car again, though.

>> No.4707205

No need to leave the house, and I don't trust myself with driving

>> No.4707199

I will not settle far this. Aya will always reign supreme!

>> No.4707209

I know how you feel anon-bro. It's funny how the monetary system works; the more money you have, the more you will actually need.

>> No.4707218

I'm currently working on boarding up the windows in my car and installing a device to run my laptop off the battery.
am I cool yet?

>> No.4707220

let me guess. live with a parent/grandparent/gaurdian?

It's always nice having a vehicle or at least a license. especially if you have a job that requires you to drive for 40 minutes a day.

>> No.4707222


>boarding up the windows

Come again?

>> No.4707230


Yeah, and the shit always comes at the most inconvenient time, such as right after you spent an assload of money on other things.

>> No.4707233

I am literally one lesson away from getting my license.
Well, my Provisional License anyway.

Just never got around to it, because I've never actually needed to drive.

>> No.4707236

wood panels, nothing permanent, just so people can't see inside when I'm parked and watching anime or something.
Heavily tinted windows don't hide lights or screens at all.

>> No.4707251

I hear that, I just ordered some figs the day before I had to get my alternator replaced.

>> No.4707253

Just use a reflector or two.

>> No.4707263

Yes, I spent a good portion of my pay on my debt and groceries and two parking tickets (fucking asshole cops, I was in the fucking bank for less than a minute)

now I'm broke for two weeks and my radiator just went on my car.

>> No.4707275
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>so people can't see inside when I'm parked and watching anime or something

>> No.4707281


>or something

I'm wondering what this "or something" is.

>> No.4707282

Why would you park somewhere to watch anime?

>> No.4707292

What good would that do?

>> No.4707308

you would park in a parking lot that has wifi you can leech off of.

>> No.4707312
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Like play a vn or browse boards that are supposed to be work safe..

Sometimes I do that for work.

>> No.4707321


Hmmm... Let's see.

Boarded up windows.
Driving somewhere to park and watch things.
Leeching wifi.

Why does that sound sketchy as fuck?

>> No.4707329

Obviously you're in a parking lot for wireless and don't want to be seen. Just put up a reflector and nobody will see inside your car, problem solved.

>> No.4707337

Thats what my boards and window tints are for.

>> No.4707344

My car is so manly its windows are bearded up.

>> No.4707345

Wouldn't you stand out more if you're in a parking lot and all your windows are boarded up?

>> No.4707357


You'd stand out more if it said 'free candy' on the side.

>> No.4707360
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Just get one of these

>> No.4707358

I get the impression he's not very good at blending in unnoticed.

>> No.4707352


I shouldn't have lol'd, but I did.

>> No.4707381
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I have very heavy tints, you wouldn't be able to tell boards are on the other side of the windows.

>> No.4707389

My god, I hope someone keys your car.

>> No.4707390
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Have a seat

>> No.4707409

Haruhi? Really?

>> No.4707434
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>> No.4707543

Haters gonna hate..

>> No.4707545

Keep doing what you do, Tohno!

>> No.4707553

Shit posting?

>> No.4707554

Strike Witches and Haruhi? I hope you crash and burn.

>> No.4707564 [SPOILER] 
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But I like both.
