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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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47062120 No.47062120 [Reply] [Original]

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
https://live.fc2.com/adult/ (intense immersion)

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese:>>>/int/djt

Previous thread:>>47053490

>> No.47062299

Japanese girls are kawaii desu nya ^_^ Me can't wait to go to Tokyo!

>> No.47062406


>> No.47062431

can't be anime of the year. also i heard a diverse vocalist in that song and that's not good.

>> No.47062482

>views = good

>> No.47062539


>> No.47062549

yea 1990 was a good year

>> No.47062565

korean girls are cuter even if they are mostly plastic

>> No.47062579
File: 1.77 MB, 1020x1440, 1718111592572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2022 has been a good year so far

>> No.47062622

bro its 2023

>> No.47062639
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>> No.47062674

ppl whose heads i wanna american history x on the pavement ranking:
1. aoty guy spamming the same link
2. *otd guy
3. unko

>> No.47062684
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if you're gonna go with plastic women, might as well go 100% plastic

>> No.47062693
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>> No.47062701

glad you filtered that guy

>> No.47062710

i miss jamal

>> No.47062712

you filter all lowercase posts?

>> No.47062725

filter all posts with numbers in them

>> No.47062732

filter all posts with japanese in them

>> No.47062808


>> No.47062818

yomitan isn't working on this and it's freaking me the fuck out

>> No.47062855

tmw sisters.... we got too cocky

>> No.47062857

*nods sagely*

>> No.47062863

these are all of the kana allowing double diacritics, fuck knows why

>> No.47062890
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>> No.47062921

が゙ (ga) + dakuten = ŋŋa (gga) sound
ぎ゙ (gi) + dakuten = ŋgi (ggi) sound
ぐ゙ (gu) + dakuten = ŋgu (ggu) sound
げ゙ (ge) + dakuten = ŋge (gge) sound
ご゙ (go) + dakuten = ŋgo (ggo) sound
ざ゙ (za) + dakuten = dza (zza) sound
じ゙ (ji) + dakuten = dzi (jji) sound
ず゙ (zu) + dakuten = ddzu (zzu) sound
ぜ゙ (ze) + dakuten = dde (zze) sound
ぞ゙ (zo) + dakuten = ddo (zzo) sound
だ゙ (da) + dakuten = dda (dda) sound
ぢ゙ (ji) + dakuten = ddi (jji) sound

に゙ ゙が゙

>> No.47062923


>> No.47062933

americans be like

>> No.47062944


>> No.47063041
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>> No.47063058

angloids be like

>> No.47063172

holy moly

>> No.47063190

just read 悪意 as warui, i had to try it

>> No.47063335
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>> No.47063407
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Why are you learning Japanese?

>> No.47063423

to save them

>> No.47063460


live action 血小板s

>> No.47063494
File: 628 KB, 1000x1000, 7ac599_5f90e4d51e8349afa6896a14ef2d81cf~mv2_png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im learning japanese because it's very pretty and enables my favorite types of art.

>> No.47063533


>> No.47063540
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x1080, アニメ「はたらく細胞」 (1)「肺炎球菌」_20240406-183510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47063550
File: 252 KB, 1080x1313, GPxm-zvWYAE7Vho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because of based creators with solid principles

>> No.47063567

why am i an idiot for saying that?

>> No.47063613

People are saying ほんと instead of ほんとう. Time to abandon kanji it's outdated

>> No.47063628


>> No.47063632
File: 261 KB, 1114x1600, cordelia vinland saga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the guy who wrote a transgender viking character, correct?

>> No.47063635


>> No.47063647


>> No.47063650

shut up

>> No.47063654

>make a crossdressing character in shounen
>draw them more masculine than literally any other character
if he just looked like the mc instead of a brick itd be cuter

>> No.47063662


>> No.47063672
File: 174 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47063677

it is nuts how bad home printers still are in 2024. like actually insane. brother offers no less than 17(!) separate downloads for my model but the firmware update for the damn thing fails on windows, android AND ios - that's actually impressive to me in a twisted sort of way. suck my motherfucking dick holy shit

>> No.47063678

>ciaran, your boyfriends are here

>> No.47063686

Life update: I realized only just now that japanese word for "weather" is just "sky mood"

>> No.47063701

is it though

>> No.47063704

It's different cause he likes to do crossdressing characters for fun x3 he's not making a statement or signalling which side he's on

>> No.47063705
File: 712 KB, 1536x2048, GPtY07Xb0AAlmhX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life update

>> No.47063719

the reading of 怒り trips me up every time

>> No.47063720

It’s a good thing I carded 重症熱性血小板減少症候群 all those months ago so I could read 血小板 and know instantly it was the thrombocyte part of the severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome. People made fun of us cardtards, but who’s laughing now?

>> No.47063723

please tell me that's the 〇んこ and not the other 〇んこ o_O

>> No.47063732

probably because of おこる? you want to read it おこり?

>> No.47063740

very expensive あんこ

>> No.47063767



>> No.47063769

God I miss ごちうさ what should I watch that's similar

>> No.47063772

yeah, just cause many noun versions of verbs are the direct i-stem like 願い or something

>> No.47063775

red bean paste is yummy! ;P

>> No.47063780

is it actually worth moving over to linux? im at a point now where i dont want win 11 and win 12 is definitely gonna be the biggest spyware campaign the software world has ever seen.

>> No.47063788

dojg says ~karou is only used in written japanese, but i've heard people say naninani yokarou or whatever irl

>> No.47063795
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>> No.47063797

well, the verb いかる exists but it's not as common おこる. everbody knows that one so it's understandable but with time it will stop happening to you

>> No.47063802

no stay on winblows

>> No.47063803

I was already refusing to go to Linux purely for VNs, Windows 12 actually feels like the last straw that will make me learn it

>> No.47063807

Why are proper Japanese subtitles for most media so hard to come across? Are they really strict about licensing them? Or so they just not bother having subtitles even on released media and Japanese streaming platforms and so there's nothing to even effectively rip?

>> No.47063825

the official trannylators receive the entire script including ops and eds they just dont bother to include it

>> No.47063843

I think it's cause while jp subs are very useful they're transiently useful for language learners who eventually outgrow them, with the overwhelming majority of natives not touching them and very few JSLs. Quite different compared to English media. I believe English is the only language in the world where there are more second language learners than natives plus often times actors like to realistically slur their pronunciation so natives might enjoy subs whereas the Japanese voice acting culture is focused on super clear enunciation
....that plus one really weird thing. I've noticed there are tons of Japanese games on steam that don't let you set the text to Japanese if you're not buying from Japan, or the PC version doesn't even exist in Japan plus >>47063825 there is some strange aversion to allowing japanese language settings outside of Japan with some publishers it seems

>> No.47063855

also scene releases from dvds or tv rips remove them to "save on bandwidth" believe it or not

>> No.47063902

>there is some strange aversion to allowing japanese language settings outside of Japan with some publishers it seems
My theory is that they're trying to keep out Japanese purchases from overseas currencies so that they can't get it for cheaper.

>> No.47063917


>> No.47063921

It's on the list
I'll eat them all

>> No.47063956

If you don't mind having a male character in that anime.

>> No.47063964

I'm not the type to mind that, I even like male moe like 文ストわん!

>> No.47064005

this is so stupid that I really can't help but believe it

>> No.47064008

nooo my anime can't have male characters in it to remind me what i am

>> No.47064014


>> No.47064022
File: 130 KB, 1792x828, 乱歩きゅん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

推しは江戸川乱歩きゅん! (ㆁωㆁ*)

>> No.47064047

I guess that would make sense, they do that on many foreign CD releases where Japanese versions of albums have bonus tracks unavailable elsewhere in the world (at least at the time of the premiere), guess this would be a similar strategy

>> No.47064048

Current thread: #3895

Previous threads:
>>47053490 #3894
>>47049068 #3893
>>47043427 #3892
>>47035489 #3891
>>47028864 #3890
>>47020654 #3889
>>47011940 #3888
>>46994497 #3887
>>46994262 #3886
>>46986534 #3885

>> No.47064057

thanks i was looking for thread number 3889

>> No.47064094


>> No.47064100


>> No.47064107


>> No.47064118

no respect toward the indigenous europeans who developed and made google maps possible and immensely improved the lives of japs. fuck these losers.

>> No.47064119


>> No.47064134

distorted lens makes the tits look bigger than they really are

>> No.47064144

>distorted lens

>> No.47064154

Would be an upgrade without the lens then

>> No.47064157
File: 637 KB, 1920x1080, ありふれた職業で世界最強 S01E09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47064172

how many more of these self referential pronouns are there.

>> No.47064179


>> No.47064220


>> No.47064234

wait, people actually still use windows?

>> No.47064243

windows just works for me so why not

>> No.47064258
File: 990 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Unnamed Memory - 10 (1080p) [DEEE9957]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47064297
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I dropped it 4 episodes in, literally fucking why would you speed-run a slow burn romance

>> No.47064316


>> No.47064318

yeah its pretty bad but its there's no other interesting show airing on tuesday so i kept watching it

>> No.47064320

they skipped an entire arc btw
read the linnie, 10x better

>> No.47064380

nooo my left earbud died

>> No.47064484

just solder it back together

>> No.47064490
File: 241 KB, 979x1000, 1718127845807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine existing in 2024 and not having a bag of replacement spare earbuds and cables you can just swap out anytime

>> No.47064494

now i have to watch my lewd anime with speakers

>> No.47064507

i had spares, i put them in a pouch
i found the pouch
it was empty

>> No.47064524

Germans of /djt/, does this Japanese apprentice have what it takes?

>> No.47064614

traut dich, komm zu mir und leg dich mit mir an

>> No.47064616


>> No.47064624

are your brain busted?

>> No.47064633

to quote a youtube comment i just discovered

>Rainer war der Prototyp für die Entdeckung des dunning kruger Effekts.

>> No.47064639


>> No.47064646
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are you stupid?

>> No.47064652

>0.37% WinXP

>> No.47064683

those are the government and military institutions

>> No.47064707

probably user agent based

>> No.47064760

might rewatch btoom even though its shit

>> No.47064818
File: 676 KB, 1303x1080, 1718128960686234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yh this is a 10/10

>> No.47064834

eh 7 or 8/10

>> No.47064840

meh, that's an easy 5/10

>> No.47064853


>> No.47064854

She looks like an average Japanese woman.
Average means 5/10 or 6/10.
I understand that sounds like a low rating due to rating inflation but it's objectively true.

>> No.47064863
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>> No.47064873

personally thats a 4/10

a 10/10 in my book would be someone with a big head, very small stature (under 149cm), flat chest, tits that barely started developing, a cute demeanour, a funny attitude, etc.

>> No.47064875


>> No.47064880


>> No.47064885

that's much better than average woman, what are you smoking

>> No.47064889

the average japanese woman is ugly as fuck

>> No.47064902

exactly lol

>> No.47064911

the average japanese woman is a ムーンフェイス with a flat nose and absolutely zero ass

>> No.47064912

yeah just find a random high school class photo. there's no way half of the girls would be better looking than her

>> No.47064915
File: 951 KB, 1920x1080, 1612295270054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some cute averages

>> No.47064919

at least 60% of these look like men

>> No.47064923

standards so low you might as well fuck a crossdresser

>> No.47064928


>> No.47064929
File: 321 KB, 1306x979, 1612034003354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

least attractive girl here is the white 1

>> No.47064934

wonder what they thought of her red hair

>> No.47064938

crazy how big the variance can be lmao most of these are qt and the ones in the prior pic are not at all

>> No.47064944

'woah, it's red'

>> No.47064951

tfw you will never do hs exchange program while fluent in japan and plow every jk in the school

>> No.47064953

repeated several times with a guffaw thrown in

>> No.47064957

they prolly called her 赤毛のアン

>> No.47064964

i've got something i need to get off my chest


>> No.47064965
File: 33 KB, 690x385, ryan-gosling-is-bloodied-in-new-blade-runner-2049-teaser-666245970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its too late for me to do any program

>> No.47064968


>> No.47064971

alright if that's what you are then you can attend harvard

>> No.47064970
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>> No.47064980


>> No.47064985

they are pretty tanned come to think of it
wait, why the chairs all oriented away from the board?

>> No.47065006

many (old) japanese classrooms have 2 kokubans

>> No.47065008
File: 884 KB, 1920x1080, [Moozzi2] Seishun Buta Yarou wa Odekake Sister no Yume o Minai (BD 1920x1080 HEVC-YUV444P10 4Audio)-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in japan they have a 黒板 at the back of the class too

>> No.47065019

is tatami galaxy any good?

>> No.47065022

idk i dropped it after 10 min twice lol

>> No.47065024

so true
I tried it, but quickly decided that I should pick it back up once I'm jouzu or at least don't have to rely on subs that much, they talk too fast.

>> No.47065026
File: 697 KB, 1920x1080, [Moozzi2] Seishun Buta Yarou wa Odekake Sister no Yume o Minai (BD 1920x1080 HEVC-YUV444P10 4Audio)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47065050

oh im not learning japanese lol, not that delusional. gonna watch it with subs

>> No.47065051


>> No.47065053

based retard

>> No.47065057

thread is so shit without papi

>> No.47065058
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>> No.47065059
File: 789 KB, 1920x1080, [Moozzi2] Seishun Buta Yarou wa Odekake Sister no Yume o Minai (BD 1920x1080 HEVC-YUV444P10 4Audio)-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47065065

i have tatami galaxy on my to watch list but since matto has it in his 3x3 im not so sure anymore

>> No.47065074

>matto has it in his 3x3

>> No.47065076

Kinda curious what LNs and anime he went through when he had poor comprehension, all of mine acquired a special kind of nostalgia for me

>> No.47065078

can we estimate matts iq based on the fact that he was asked to list 9 things and forgot what he had already listed half-way through?

>> No.47065095

no. his verbal is probably 140

>> No.47065104

Not a big enough sample size even Newton has his brain farts

>> No.47065106

does having a high verbal iq mean speaking like an american teenager

>> No.47065107

the arc that just concluded i guess in tensura was so fucking bad its actually crazy

>> No.47065114

all parts except the ones with diablo

>> No.47065119

depression causes memory problems

>> No.47065134
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, [Moozzi2] Seishun Buta Yarou wa Odekake Sister no Yume o Minai (BD 1920x1080 HEVC-YUV444P10 4Audio)-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

benny's and jerry are calling me

>> No.47065138

demon guys scenes were shit too, havent seen a drop in quality this big in a long time

>> No.47065149

Worst one ever is still the animation budget drop after thr first several guren lagan episodes

>> No.47065152

for me its darker than blacks second season even though its a cliche at this point

>> No.47065154

on the other hand dainanouji has simply gotten better and better

>> No.47065160

episode 4 of ttgl? a classic.

dtb s2 was bad from a writing standpoint but i don't remember thinking the animation or whatever was bad.

>> No.47065162

dropped it after a while its just boring at this point, power fantasies are boring in general but the "mc has to hide his powerlevel" trope makes it even more boring

>> No.47065166

ttgl is the reddit of mecha

>> No.47065167

that trope is completely irrelevant except to like one line every 2 episodes where its mentioned

>> No.47065170

ttgl has great peaks but we can all agree that there are filler episodes between that drag and suck.

>> No.47065173

tried watching ttgl like 3 times and i just cannot do it

>> No.47065175

it was hard in 2007 it's especially hard now

>> No.47065180

you have to be in a certain mindset to enjoy ttgl. it's not for ironic anime edgelords

>> No.47065185

its chalked full of shitty japanese slapstick which makes it unwatchable

>> No.47065191

you can watch the movie to skip most of the filler

>> No.47065196

even the whole bath episode is skippable

>> No.47065201
File: 172 KB, 879x1130, 1687770110730718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will you be watching?

>> No.47065208

modern anime looks like shit

>> No.47065209

probably when im drunk or something. hopefully theres a jp dub that comes out like with castlevania. also hopefully its better than castlevania cause it was shit

>> No.47065210
File: 662 KB, 686x1000, 1718134809171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up the boku dake girl
>its 90% porn
what was it about that anime that attracts perverts?

>> No.47065223

cant ride my bike cause of the rain for the 3rd day in a row cause of rain fuck off fuck off fuck off

>> No.47065225

the highs in ttgl are almost at the same level as bnha but fall way short of hxh of course

>> No.47065229

i want to continue watching bnha but i have no fuckin idea what episode i stopped at

>> No.47065233
File: 890 KB, 1920x1080, [Moozzi2] Seishun Buta Yarou wa Odekake Sister no Yume o Minai (BD 1920x1080 HEVC-YUV444P10 4Audio)-0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47065236

poor bones

>> No.47065237
File: 217 KB, 1600x774, 1718135082724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weak fag
fenders and rain coat

>> No.47065239

just start from the beginning and relive the highs
plus if you were watching unsubbed you probably missed stuff because of its awkardly natural japanese like gantz

>> No.47065252

They should have made the first 2 episodes a short movie and left it at that would have been a masterpiece

>> No.47065255

i watched it with jp subs cause i was getting destroyed by the japanese lol

>> No.47065262

>watch 30 episodes of bnha in 2 days
>forget about it for 2 years
>watch another 30 eps
>forget about it for 2 years
>watch another 30 eps
never had this happen with any other show

>> No.47065273

ttgl's peaks are higher than bnha's.

>> No.47065284

wonder if there will ever be a peak in anime like netero vs meruem fight or the 幻影旅団 requiem scene or the uvo vs kuropika fight or the kuroro vs zoldycks fight

>> No.47065292

3/4 of those things are overrated

>> No.47065295

its like comparing kilimanjaro and mount mckinley when everest looks on from high above

>> No.47065299

the ultimate peak in hxh wasnt even a fight. thats what made it so special as a soft seinen and subversion of the typical battle shonen genre.

>> No.47065300

ichigo vs aizen is gon vs pitou done right, and the fullbringer arc is the election arc done right if we're being honest

>> No.47065307

did you take the nen type online test?
im a transmuter

>> No.47065311
File: 1.49 MB, 1028x1237, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gon vs pitou is kino but ive seen hxh 5 times and got a netero t shirt custom made so im biased

>> No.47065314

can we get some love for naruto guys

>> No.47065317

never seen it

>> No.47065320

sasuke - he's very cool
sakura - the beautiful

>> No.47065322

the best part of hxh is kilua and gons friendship, feels so real and pure and works great as a contrast to the horrifying world/setting

>> No.47065332
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, horrifying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horrifying world

>> No.47065338

Funniest thing about hxh is how sociopathic the main characters are about dying jukensha around them and stuff in contrast to their pure friendship

>> No.47065340

wish there were more anime with epic worldcrafting like hxh

>> No.47065346

kakashi vs obito was voted the best anime fight on ludwig's poll though.

i would recommend one piece which is planned decades ahead of time.

>> No.47065349

i love that shit, it makes it feel like a world separate from ours in more fundamental ways than people just having wacky superpowers

>> No.47065353

fucked up how the greatest mangaka of all time have died young or been cripples

>> No.47065359

rip miura

>> No.47065366

the guy that wrote kiss x sis died????

>> No.47065368

when rain falls, people in cities blow over like tofu dregs in 10mph wind
im not kidding, when its raining people who show up to my events cut in half

>> No.47065373

what are your events? free for all at the glory hole?

>> No.47065376


>> No.47065382

pirate brodown

>> No.47065395

its not fun to go out in the rain simple as

>> No.47065401

love going for a walk in the rain

>> No.47065411

bet you go in the shower fully clothed too freak

>> No.47065414

i go in the shower with a finger every time

>> No.47065415

well i have an umbrella when im on me walk wouldnt make much sense otherwise

>> No.47065419

umbrellas do nothing when its just a tiny bit windy

>> No.47065422

To be honest when you read the Illiad you get the feeling people in those environments had to have been like that as well
Same with parents steeling themselves against babies to cope with early child mortality and stuff, but having deep bonds with those they allow themselves to entertain the idea of loving

>> No.47065452
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>> No.47065453

jap bikes look so fuckin slow and inefficient

>> No.47065462

i used the same type of bike when i lived in the netherlands and it's the best form factor for commuting. you have a big thick comfy seat and you're able to sit upright since the handlebars come much closer to your torso. ye it's ofc more inefficient but you normally dont want to be pushing hard anyways since you're going to work or school and dont want to arrive with your ass drenched in sweat.

>> No.47065465

japanese people only ride like 5 mins to the station then get the train
it's not a real commuter bike

>> No.47065516
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>> No.47065520

if i sat on that bike it would instantly break in half

>> No.47065522

seems like it'd be a miserable ride

>> No.47065529

its an american bike, 190lbs max you fatass

>> No.47065540
File: 1.74 MB, 1200x1200, two.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always see these and think they look retarded

>> No.47065551

kek yesterday i was walking with a friend and this delivery guy on a passed us while some girl was walking in the opposite direction and he rubbernecked so hard to look at his ass that when he turned back around he smacked his face into a big some tree branches and barely escaped crashing. i was laughing obviously and he looked at me with quite a bit of hatred but didnt do anything ofc. worst part is the girl was wearing those jorts girls like to wear and had no ass at all

>> No.47065554

on a bike

nice one forgetting the most important word in the sentence

>> No.47065558

at her ass* jesus christ

>> No.47065567

lil bro has lysdexia

>> No.47065569

i wonder if that thing about forgetting words when you make a post being a sign of autism is true

>> No.47065571
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true but that bend is necessary to make it fold down so small

>> No.47065576

i've done that quite often but i don't wanna be autistic

>> No.47065581

im not

>> No.47065585
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>> No.47065586

it's a sign of prolonged neet existence and the subsequent premature onset of dementia

>> No.47065614

everyone makes mistakes
there should probably be more commas in that post though

>> No.47065656
File: 6 KB, 194x318, nice cock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not all cocks are created equal
i think i love this language, you guys

>> No.47065746



>> No.47065748


>> No.47065812


>> No.47065832



>> No.47065872
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>> No.47065884
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>> No.47065895


>> No.47065980

today's immersion

>> No.47065986

it usually means the person is phone posting or is distracted when typing

>> No.47066021
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>> No.47066024

if anything regularly typing out posts that don't contain any errors in here is probably a sign of autism. that is to say, you're crazy enough to give this shithole any real attention

>> No.47066041

djters will say anything to avoid going to therapy

>> No.47066049

therapy gay

>> No.47066071

the rapist

>> No.47066073

it's more related to subvocalization

>> No.47066084


>> No.47066091

thank you thank you?

>> No.47066093


>> No.47066094

isn't it?

>> No.47066100


>> No.47066105

terrible form thoughbeit

>> No.47066113


>> No.47066114

ciaran how do i get a druggy trainwreck gf in japan

>> No.47066140

hang out in places like bonobo in shibuya and dont be a narc

>> No.47066163

anyone learning japanese is a narcissist

>> No.47066183

no, i'm just a coomer and want to fully immerse in my jav

>> No.47066189

Me but with source material for coomer-oriented nijisousakubutsu and said nijisousakubutsu

>> No.47066192

jav disgusts me cause i still havent lost any semblance of ability to consider japanese whore as humans like i have with western whores so the vandalization they are enacting on their souls makes me feel bad

>> No.47066199

no vandalism when it comes to soulful rezu kisu

>> No.47066202

rezu kisu.. they call it chicken soup for the soul

>> No.47066205

porn of any kind is vandalization of the soul and anyone that says otherwise is a heathen piece of shit or a coping liar

>> No.47066209

I'm half japanese but my mom(japanese) died when I was young so I am learning late

>> No.47066215
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eh for me I'm able to just enjoy the exterior. As long as they look good and not overdone or used up. Most are like that anyways

>> No.47066224

porn of any kind usually results in self vandalization of my penis

>> No.47066225

imagine getting the rice dick, manlet stature and eternal disrespect people inherently have for you as a hapa and you dont even get free japanese skill in return goddamn

>> No.47066229

My half japanese friend likes anime and stuff and his japanese mom is still alive but the language triggers him badly and he refuses to learn it. He's also mentally unstable in general. But he's a fit bodybuilder so I can't make fun of him or he'll beat me up

>> No.47066231

its okay you can find a non manlet jap wife and make superhapas

>> No.47066244

imagine going to japan and you just get treated like a retard cause youre japanese but cant speak properly. whereas a white man who can say ohayo is treated like the king that he is.

>> No.47066254

To be fair hafus get treated like that too, so if you look hafu enough you can get away with it too.

>> No.47066255

imagine getting psyoped into speaking primarily english in a marriage though

>> No.47066263

imagine taking a hot steaming dump all over every djtards face and then slamming their shit crusted head into the pavement haha

>> No.47066269

looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning eh

>> No.47066278

agree with morbido

>> No.47066285

worry about yourself bro

>> No.47066286

wish you never woke up at all

>> No.47066287

why are slavic men so naturally angry? no wonder they are banned from onsen

>> No.47066291

digits and I rewatch the entirety of k-on tonight

>> No.47066300

are you one of those hapas who hate their white dad

>> No.47066302

sure thing let me just take advice from a degenerate loser that married the first obese hog that gave him any attention

>> No.47066308

we're officially banning mean comments during the weekday after 8pm est

>> No.47066311

what time is it now

>> No.47066314

i just want to say that i dont do mean posting, its not one of my thread personalities

>> No.47066328

i wanna man

>> No.47066329

thats a tough one to believe

>> No.47066335

that's ok

>> No.47066343
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azusa was always so freaky

>> No.47066390

any vns where characters are blacked out with an empty outline until you nakadashi them then they're shown in full detail

>> No.47066396

i laughed really hard at this post by morbido >>31318714

>> No.47066401

it would just be a bit embarrassing if you wrote that and you dont even have a gf

>> No.47066418

yeah that one was pretty funny
i enjoyed his posts talking shit about me unlike the current crop of haters who lack creativity

>> No.47066422

tbqh i never even disliked ciaran, i cant pinpoint any motivation for the schizo posting i do itt other than mental illness

>> No.47066429

you're just saying that cuz you got exposed

>> No.47066436

what do you mean

>> No.47066441

nah i know that morbido guy isnt really that insane since ive spoken to him once on the discord a long time ago and he seemed reasonable

>> No.47066443

glad i retired from ciaran posting

>> No.47066444

you're a serial nudist

>> No.47066452
File: 215 KB, 421x776, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the いがいといい奴だ part mean here? Mostly confused on that いがいと part.

>> No.47066456

he either hates you or is mentally ill so if he is not the latter...

>> No.47066458

unexpectedly good guy

>> No.47066461

意外 いがい
Adverb taking the 'to' particle
1. unexpected; surprising​
>Adverb taking the 'to' particle,

>> No.47066463

What is the と doing?

>> No.47066467

what are these n5 kanas doing

>> No.47066469

ly (idk)

>> No.47066476

0 recollection of this, i think i went into pisscord twice
the only posters itt i genuinely hate are tatsuhomo and the vrshart that spammed for months on end but theyve both fucked off for the most part so its pretty chill nowadays, even jamal has mellowed out

>> No.47066485

yea i was specifically confused on which version of "to" it was using

>> No.47066488

its pretty reasonable to hate me if you just read my posts in here and i dont have an issue with mentally ill people in general unless they're annoying

>> No.47066504

morbido was pretty based he made moe cry >>44988654 >>44988680

>> No.47066516

in some cases, adverbs are 'activated' with と. you dont need to know any more than that
it's essentially doing the same thing that に would also do e.g. 普通に、自然に makes it an adverb. you can also say 意外に and it's essentially the same

>> No.47066532

this guy remembers more of what i fuckin say and do than i do wth

>> No.47066543
File: 18 KB, 365x125, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to think of it as the 'with' definition, pic related

>> No.47066545


^In this vid, the Japanese guy (Natsuki) always Kampai's under Chris. He looks older, though.
Is this like he's Chris's bitch now? Do you think he insisted to kampai lower because Chris has given him an income source?
Any culture knowers?

>> No.47066549

obscuring the unique ip counter is so fucking gay

>> No.47066553

why are you just complaining now?

>> No.47066558

Also seems a bit disheartening for the Japanese guy to constantly be belittled in such a way, no? A constant reminder you're lower in status?

>> No.47066566

i took a break from djt for a year or so and i'm increasingly paranoid i'm talking to the same several faggots every day.

>> No.47066570


>> No.47066573

there are only ever 3 people on 4ch at any given point. (you), me, and a third guy who can type really fast.

>> No.47066579

itiban hayai

>> No.47066587

its just youuuuuuuuuu and meee and alll of the peeeeeeeople

>> No.47066595

what are some cool things youve learned recently 150 guy

>> No.47066599

stiff legged deadlifts are great for stretching the hamstrings so i can now suck my own cock with the increased flexibility they have afforded me

>> No.47066612

you should stop trying to understand things in the context of english
it doesn't mean "with". the actual japanese definition is just
compare that to the actual "with" usage definition
wiktionary probably has the most reasonable english definition
>a particle following a phrase or clause describing the detail, content or manner of the action, similar to a complement.

>> No.47066614

got around to memorizing this

>> No.47066620
File: 317 KB, 600x620, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got around to memorizing this

>> No.47066638

Damn those are some good definitions in japanese that actually make sense. Where did you get these japanese definitions from?

>> No.47066640
File: 2.46 MB, 1198x907, 1687327342600889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got around to memorizing this

>> No.47066648

yosh figured out where i stopped bnha fittin to chugg

>> No.47066654

chugg bleach you egirl

>> No.47066658

i'll chugg your moms fish sauce pussy juice

>> No.47066659

if you had to figure it out then you don't remember the details of what you watched and won't have immersive continuity so might as well restart

>> No.47066660

those are from 三省堂 スーパー大辞林
usually https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp is fine though

>> No.47066677

yeah well that's not gonna happen so im just gonna do it like i want. i vaguely remember some retarded plot about smelly hand guy going nuclear, some big fight in an empty town or some shit and hot bunny girl. thats good enough

>> No.47066681


>> No.47066691

>you should stop trying to understand things in the context of english
truer words were never spoken

>> No.47066696

thanks anon, ill try looking around for 三省堂 スーパー大辞林, though if you have a link to download it I'd appreciate that

>> No.47066697

yeah the bunny girl is by far the hottest character in bnha. when she appeared in the latest episode i felt a rare twinge in my loins

>> No.47066706

i just googled it and this guy links a download to a bunch of them formatted for yomichan that includes it

>> No.47066711

the hottest character in bnha is the stacked chick who pulls objects out of her stomach

>> No.47066716

nice, thanks for all the help anon

>> No.47066718

woah i forgot about vlad

>> No.47066720

nah theres no way
her outfit is awkwardly natural and has no sex appeal at all and the pulling shit out your body thing is disgusting

>> No.47066729

bunny bitch > giantess > pheromone whore > bitch that is crushing on deku > alien looking acid bitch

>> No.47066731

i miss deku smash in fortnite

>> No.47066735

mfw when i have 33 gb of epwing dictionaries

>> No.47066739

wtf why this have a jjk gif

>> No.47066746

i bet you just google stuff anyway

>> No.47066748

that dude was the only good part of jjk ever

>> No.47066756

i pared my epwing dictionaries down to 4gb cause a lot of them are trash

>> No.47066761

they try to make maki (glasses bitch) the next toji in the manga but she's very boring and bland and doesn't do anything

>> No.47066765

nah i don't use online diciontaries if i can help it. would be funny though if i did

>> No.47066767

watched all of jjk but have 0 clue how the magic system works because i zone out every time they start magic babbling. its almost as bad as something like index.

>> No.47066768

idk if its me but i had almost no idea what was going on for most of jjk. theres just too much random plot shit to remember. i also fell asleep during half of s1

>> No.47066792


>> No.47066793

yep it's pretty awful in that regard. more exposition than hxh and harder to understand. something about domain amplification and shifting energy into the amplification and blah blah what the fuck am i reading.

>> No.47066808

we only have one djt up right now. can we get two more?

>> No.47066810

i didnt even realize they were doing a flashback at the start of s2 until 3-4 episodes in cuz i forgot who all the characters are

>> No.47066817

same. all i know is gojo satoru is le heckin strongest and the MC has some big evil demon boss guy all up in his guts or some shit

>> No.47066819

geto is an inferior version of sensui

>> No.47066831

i have no idea who geto is

>> No.47066835

he's the guy who is an inferior version of sensui

>> No.47066843

月牙天衝 automatically converts in my ime
youll never say that about むりょうくうしょ (it didnt work)

>> No.47066848

luckily you will never use either of them in a conversation
at least i sure hope not

>> No.47066850

go to your anime board for this shit bro

>> No.47066852

we are talking about cultural influence here now get ready to face the wrath of my 月牙天衝

>> No.47066854

make me cocksucker

>> No.47066857

daily anime thread

>> No.47066867

having a convo with your otaku bros about whose superpower is superior is a great way to pass the time. even your hag wife could probably admit to that

>> No.47066870

funny the unbelievable amount of offtopic shitposting but then someone takes an issue with anime talk of all things which is the least egregious of it

>> No.47066877

she actually likes jjk lol
and kimetsu but mostly one piece

>> No.47066880

yeh if you want we can easily pivot to arguing about whether or not im innocent of all charges for several hours again

>> No.47066883

have you tried explaining to her that all of those series are mid at best?

>> No.47066887

holy freaking based hag
i bet her favorite character is choppa kun

>> No.47066889


>> No.47066891
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>> No.47066894


>> No.47066899


>> No.47066902

meh i find them relatively enjoyable apart from what ive watched of jjk
we watched a movie of it and it was fucking trash and ugly as shit

>> No.47066907

yuta defeats geto with the power of love though.

>> No.47066915

you don't like them titties brah?

>> No.47066917

who the fuck is geto

>> No.47066918

Happened to me with Gundam Wing

>> No.47066921

anime movies are never good. theyre always very perfunctory and soulless. you can feel the cash grab

>> No.47066923


>> No.47066928
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>> No.47066929
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>> No.47066931

oh ok i remember now. also fuck video essays

>> No.47066932

what about the ones that adapt canon material

>> No.47066934

i dont notice much difference

>> No.47066939

made in abyss movies are better than the show

>> No.47066940

even ones that have no links to existing IP are this way. not a character art in sight in any of them.

>> No.47066943

had enough of made in abyss after the first season so dunno if the movie or s2 is good

>> No.47066952

movie sucked

>> No.47066958

i was so profoundly confused by the last season of made in a piss. i genuinely had no idea what the fuck was going on.

>> No.47066959

is there any anime you guys actually like

>> No.47066961


>> No.47066967


>> No.47066968

i like perfect blue

>> No.47066974

「―・って立竦 (たちすく) むと涼しさが身に染みて」〈鏡花・高野聖〉

>> No.47066975
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>> No.47066976

several but not in a long time

>> No.47066979
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yep i fuckin knew theyd do a faggot redemption arc on mass murdering smelly hand guy

>> No.47066980

nobody could have guessed matt's 3x3

>> No.47066989

id rather just read minor vinnies because they have more freedom to do weird shit

>> No.47066993

bunko did you grow up listening to this

>> No.47066998

have you SEEN vampire hunter d?

>> No.47067002

csm's anime is probably good considering the source material is good

>> No.47067004

weird shit is lame
its like being entertained by a random number generator when it shows an unusual number

>> No.47067007

love vampire hunter d very much, what a great and beautiful anime

>> No.47067010

no and i cant even understand it

>> No.47067011

once every decade a mangaka (male) is born who is able to write a story that is weird at the right spots that makes for a truly sublime experience

>> No.47067013

name 30

>> No.47067017

it has to be weird in the right way
something like sayooshi where you can tell the author is putting himself into it

>> No.47067021

just remembered watching a shit anime called sirius the jaeger only to realize on the last fuckin episode that i'd already seen it

>> No.47067023

not a good sign bro it means you're background noising

>> No.47067024


>> No.47067025

if a game has furigana support do you need to know kanji to play it or just hiragana and katakana?

>> No.47067029



>> No.47067031

for me its mid 2000s swedish eurodance group kobojsarna

>> No.47067040

getting sick of this meme

>> No.47067045

daily swedish thread

>> No.47067047

oh i thought you were danish or maybe it was dutch and i forgot. or i guess swedish is less intelligible to danes than norwegian and swedish are to each other.

imagine this being your wife and you just knock her the fuck out one day mid-stream and tell her to get a real job

>> No.47067052

their language is so much more aesthetic than danish

>> No.47067112
File: 130 KB, 800x538, ome579-pl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

今夜 immersion

>> No.47067125

theres literally a jav thread on this board just go there

>> No.47067139

Memorized hiragana and katakana. Now what? Memorizing kanji? Is wanikani good?

>> No.47067141
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>> No.47067147

kaishi 1.5k

>> No.47067162

content サブスク are all scams and worse experiences than just pirating

>> No.47067167

Would these work on the iOS app? I do all of my studying on my iPhone while at work so it help. I know it costs money but I’m determined enough for the cost to be justified

>> No.47067168

kaishi is trash
use good ol core

>> No.47067172

>Would these work on the iOS app?

>> No.47067175

anki is for poorfags you deserve better

>> No.47067179

>kaishi is trash
kaishi is literally the updated version of analcream deck

>> No.47067183

>Kaishi 1.5k
its shit. just read these taken from its description
>sentence is always on the front
completely defeats the point of a flashcard
>We mostly took data from Core2k, Core10k, Tango N4 and Tango N5
isn't this part worrying?
>sorted the words by frequency using various Yomichan/Yomitan frequency dictionaries and selected around 1500 words
they don't say who they used combined multiple frequency dictionaries
>We then fixed the translations for each word
which words did they changed? who did the change, some random n4?
>chose the best sentence for each word
what does this even mean
>fixed the sentence if it needed fixing. We had to fix roughly 120 sentences out of the 1500 we chose.
how do you "fix" a native japanese sentence?
>After this, we generated audio for words that were missing proper audio
so it is literally using robot speech shit
>We also generated furigana from AJT Japanese for the words and the sentences
probably wrong

>> No.47067185

^mental illness

>> No.47067188

hm 185 makes a good point

>> No.47067191

>who did the change, some random n4?
is isu guy talking about his 2.3k

>> No.47067195

>>Kaishi 1.5k
>its shit. just read these taken from its description
>>sentence is always on the front
>completely defeats the point of a flashcard
>>We mostly took data from Core2k, Core10k, Tango N4 and Tango N5
>isn't this part worrying?
>>sorted the words by frequency using various Yomichan/Yomitan frequency dictionaries and selected around 1500 words
>they don't say who they used combined multiple frequency dictionaries
>>We then fixed the translations for each word
>which words did they changed? who did the change, some random n4?
>>chose the best sentence for each word
>what does this even mean
>>fixed the sentence if it needed fixing. We had to fix roughly 120 sentences out of the 1500 we chose.
>how do you "fix" a native japanese sentence?
>>After this, we generated audio for words that were missing proper audio
>so it is literally using robot speech shit
>>We also generated furigana from AJT Japanese for the words and the sentences
>probably wrong
already debunked

>> No.47067201

cards always end up as easy shit you didnt need to repeat or rare shit you never see and cant remember how to read

>> No.47067202

>using anki
>using premade
>using trannyway

>> No.47067204

if matt cared he'd debunk it

>> No.47067206

fuck they have sentences on the front? this totally defeats the purpose.

>> No.47067207


>> No.47067209

high iq post

>> No.47067210

having flashbacks to when nuke and animegodfather put the answer on the front and still got cards wrong

>> No.47067213

anki definitely isnt gonna make you sound better

>> No.47067216

matt debunked this, use his jp1k deck

>> No.47067217

its still less offensive than having to see their face

>> No.47067218

what does rashiku mean, is it like rashii ku (naru)?

>> No.47067219

matt debunked this
anki and pitch accent with autocolor is the way

>> No.47067220

Almost all of the ones I've watched

>> No.47067222

true it makes >>47034810 that much more embarrassing

>> No.47067223
File: 194 KB, 231x313, 1684140729190792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what does rashiku mean

>> No.47067227


>> No.47067231

well you can start with a vocaroo if you want to prove me wrong
and no matt speaking doesnt prove anything
he has a financial incentive to lie

>> No.47067234

they all mean the same thing? fucking japs stop making 50 different words for the same thing

>> No.47067236

you have a djt incentive to cope

>> No.47067237

shoui also has a financial incentive to lie

>> No.47067246

project uproot is so much more lucrative for matt that his previous products no longer color his views

>> No.47067248


>> No.47067256

lol スーパーねhttps://youtu.be/ErLSUsqERm8

>> No.47067273

my neighbor's wife is Japanese and how do I ask her for sex like in a jav?

>> No.47067277

time for pacific punch and addy chill immersion time

>> No.47067283


>> No.47067288

if this girl lost about 10kg she would be pretty fuckable (she already is)

>> No.47067301


>> No.47067306

How long do you immerse for? I immerse for 8 or 9 hours a day

>> No.47067309
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>> No.47067325

i dont count but probably somewhere between 3〜15

>> No.47067340

10kg less cannot turn a 1/10 into a 4/10

>> No.47067342

I can't immerse longer than 30 min I just cum to fast

>> No.47067356


This guy said he passed the JLPT n1 in 9 months, is he bullshitting?

>> No.47067369

yeah even i passed it and i suck

>> No.47067371

if you're young and simulating being in japan by having passive immersion all the time throughout the day i bet its easy to ace the jlpt in under a year. scratch that i forgot steven kaufmann proved that being young isn't really a prerequisite.

>> No.47067393

she has a cute face she just dresses like a clown.
with a non retarded haircut and proper makeup she's easily a 8/10

>> No.47067400

gotta edge like a gooner

>> No.47067404
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>> No.47067407

When you get to n1 you won't be satisfied cause you'll mostly understand stuff but still miss a lot of vocab if you listen to certain kinds of content. N1 isn't really having made it yet and that last push to understanding just about everything actually takes as long as going from zero to n1 if not longer, so yeah I believe it if he was doing 7+ hours every day.. I wasn't reallyl checking but I feel like maybe 13-15 months in I was n1 passable, maybe earlier

>> No.47067408
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>> No.47067418

What's the easiest way to move to japan besides having a fuckton of money?

>> No.47067422

JBW theory

>> No.47067425

>Study JLPT material to pass the test
>Just immerse and pass the test
Thats impresive

>> No.47067429

jet programme

>> No.47067431

it doesn't matter how long someone else took, chances are you couldn't replicate it anyways

>> No.47067432

>plapjak japanese version

>> No.47067433

jewish black white theory

>> No.47067435

if you are from south america, pass the N1 test and search for programs that can give you a VISA(easy). The gov literally pay you to live in Japan lol.

>> No.47067438

>Stephen Krasshen
It's like the first time playing the mirror cup in mario kart

>> No.47067441
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ウサ公 sounds kinda cute

>> No.47067446

i love fat bitches so much bros

>> No.47067451

first low iq jap guy who fell for immersion only learning

>> No.47067456


>> No.47067460
File: 141 KB, 1000x675, 1709947370681545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bunny dude

>> No.47067464

didn't see matt when i hovered my mouse over the entirety of the timeline thumbnails

>> No.47067466

though found him manually at 12:58

>> No.47067467
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i finished college
now i can learn japanese

>> No.47067470
File: 434 KB, 861x564, 1700022789429009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could you possibly miss this 2 seconds of screenshot showing up amongst a million other nobodies

>> No.47067485

didn't see it in a thumbnail just britvsjapan and stevi

>> No.47067519


>> No.47067520
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goofy ahh 束帯

>> No.47067525

Is mokuro catalog down for good? Any alternative?

>> No.47067530

>removes {{Sentence}} from card front
phew that was hard

>> No.47067556
File: 402 KB, 1633x1257, yamauchi_getty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me a cool rpg for beginners

>> No.47067564


>> No.47067567

final fantasy 7

>> No.47067575


>> No.47067593

I'm waiting for the remake of that one, if it doesn't appear in the direct I'll kill myself for good
What really pulls me back in these games are the made up words, how bearable are these here?

>> No.47067598

>What really pulls me back in these games are the made up words, how bearable are these here?
bro it's final fantasy 7. the "made-up" words are common knowledge among japs. you're doing the equivalent of complaining about "lightsaber" being in a piece of media

>> No.47067616

play ぼくのなつやすみ instead

>> No.47067632

oot (althought its not a pure rpg)
or anything else that you already played in the past. if you have then you will have more c o m p r e h e n s i o n meaning more nihongo gains with less effort

>> No.47067634

Congratulations, what did you go for?

>> No.47067647
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yeah, I wanted to try the shin chan one, it looks good

>> No.47067652

wasn't this show about an erojiji being reincarnated into a young boy?

>> No.47067653
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Ace Attorney games

>> No.47067665


>> No.47067673

I remember when I was learning english I picked up that game and pretty much made up the cases in my mind because I didn't understand shit, I guess it's time to repeat the process.

>> No.47067718

what vpn can i use to let me use abematv

>> No.47067727

the one I use

>> No.47067735

chinchin sutte kudasai

>> No.47067748

which is what

>> No.47067753

my friend passed the program and now he's going to be moving there in july
i’m just so tired of being stuck in the US, but i don't know if i'd be good at teaching english, i despised school/college when i went

>> No.47067778



>> No.47067807

腹肉 > big power gap > 筋肉

>> No.47067820



>> No.47067841


>> No.47068012

>I picked up that game and pretty much made up the cases in my mind
To be fair so did the translators.
