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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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47021441 No.47021441 [Reply] [Original]

Last >>46965882

Gift Edition.

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as “Era games thread”
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue.
A folder link that contains the images used for the Touhou characters

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era"
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.

>> No.47021454
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Rabun wife

>> No.47022858

Nice thread you got there.

>> No.47023018

You have to understand that two SMT/Persona/Megaten fans could passionately make out all alone on an ancient BBS forum forever if given enough nourishment and time.

>> No.47024402
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I don't like SMT games or the setting but I do enjoy their company.

>> No.47024519
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Just don't talk about which game was the divide between old SMT and new SMT

>> No.47024888

Questions still there btw >>47022959

Do not open that gate.

>> No.47024929

There is a lot to talk about when it comes to EraMegaten, which is partially why I have such a hard time making progress in it. It's absolutely overloaded with mechanics and routes and demons and characters and all the rest.

>> No.47024942

>It's absolutely overloaded with mechanics
For me, it's just the training system that's annoying. The rest is fine, even if the routes can be annoying to track down.
I locked myself out of Persona 1 and If's routes by accident.

>> No.47024944

Just pick the content you want and stick to it, also game's not even that hard so you don't need to overthink your builds too much

>> No.47024954
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On the topic of eramegaten, anyone ever played the tourist or the fool to completion?

>> No.47024957

Unless you want Expert and above only contents.

>so you don't need to overthink your builds too much
World of STR son.

>> No.47024973

Are there more after The Expert and The Devil Hunter?

>> No.47025001

I meant Expert difficulty. There are things you can only get there, like Life Surge/Mana Surge that give 60% Max HP/MP.
And there's apparently the same with Maniax. Jesus.
And then there's the "you need to kill x boss when MC is under y levels" loots.

>> No.47025022
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Fuck, just how much I missed?

>> No.47025037

Restaurant will change your alignment to Light. You just need to fight when equipping prayer bead or rosary to change your alignment to neutral.

>> No.47025038

Heaven and hell.
Because if my autism forced me to get every pieces of equipments in every SMT games, you can bet you ass I'll do the same in EraMegaten.

>> No.47025051

Yeah I know.
I'm a bit surprised they didn't made Acc or items that force your alignment to be X/X.

>> No.47025070

You mean the ring of secrets?

>> No.47025487
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Wait, sex fox has a separate mechanic for when (You) are a virgin? Holy shit

>> No.47025727
File: 143 KB, 1907x1079, Screenshot 2024-06-07 012714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're connected to the [Training] section of the game. Basically, the higher your level, the better the result, and/or it'll unlock certain things to buy, etc.
>giant cock
Buy some drugs in the shop, there's one that turns your dick into a massive, glowing barbed horsecock worthy of Mara's respect. You'll always incur a Pain Mark 3 as a result though.
Not the best per se. One of the easiest, yes. You can sic all [Non-Combatant] there to wageslave for you, and if you do the same work, they'll also gain Loyalty. Restaurant gives you cool blue tendency points, while Brothel gives you scary red tendency points. If you need money, just sell a high-leveled demon or do the Idol Concerts instead; the group ones in particular give you the most money (yen) + rare items like incense and alignment stones. Demons/Slaves on the other hand can net you at least 10K macca each at level 50 above. Picrel.
>SMT/Persona/Megaten fans
I'm an EO/DeSu fan though. Still waiting patiently 'til some madman ported the entire Yggdrasil to Eraten.
I want to talk about other games too (like K/PM/RL) and ideally contribute, but what can I do if most of them are abandonwares now? I can learn how to code, but the more pressing issue is the TL, I don't expect anyone here to accept half-baked MTLs right? Might as well just use Sugoi for that. Can someone TL Eirin please, I beg ya, I'll teach myself to be a codemonkey if you can just provide the script.

>> No.47025745

If you can't TL, just do like me and contribute to less important side mechanic shit, in your case preferably something that might make someone want to TL Eirin. What that might be is up to you to figure out, though.

>> No.47025775

If by completion you mean reaching Endless Mode, I have. Although I avoided combat whenever possible since it kinda sucked.

>> No.47025901
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>Buy some drugs in the shop, there's one that turns your dick into a massive, glowing barbed horsecock worthy of Mara's respect
>pic related
Mara isn't barbed or glowing though.

>You'll always incur a Pain Mark 3 as a result though.
But then why do you have it.

>Not the best per se. One of the easiest, yes. You can sic all [Non-Combatant] there to wageslave for you, and if you do the same work, they'll also gain Loyalty. Restaurant gives you cool blue tendency points, while Brothel gives you scary red tendency points. If you need money, just sell a high-leveled demon or do the Idol Concerts instead; the group ones in particular give you the most money (yen) + rare items like incense and alignment stones. Demons/Slaves on the other hand can net you at least 10K macca each at level 50 above. Picrel.

Idol Concert are great, but they take a night, when you could just do things like Tartarus. Obviously taking some nights isn't gonna be the end of the world but it make me twitchy. Money it itself isn't a problem. Macca is.
Jesus fucking christ.
Still need to find that Restaurant. I find it funny that brothel is obviously bad... but Restaurant is good?
...Poor Io.

>I'm an EO/DeSu fan though.
>Still waiting patiently 'til some madman ported the entire Yggdrasil to Eraten.
>pic related
which one though
Good luck justifying and filling up the dungeons with demons, but there's a lot of potentials in making fun characters joining you. Or putting EO Monsters in it.

I continued the DDS and I really don't like how it's a mishmash, it's a bit jarring too.
Also forced name for the MC.

>> No.47026213

They'd probably just do text-based requests like they did with 7th dragon

>> No.47026359

Huh, I didn't I expect there to be reactivity for doing a cumdumpster start in eraMegaten.
Mayone treats you like absolute garbage due to being an ex-slave and beats you if try to ask for her instead of Dolly or Mari. Also, you get Chefei as your starter pokemon.

I also noticed the oni sex relief tool bad end for the arena plays out differently, where your female summoner instinctively reverts back to their submissive slave personality and acknowledges them as her new masters after being raped enough times. Your summoner also just meekly accepts it when a male demon fucks them roughly in negotiations because they're already used to it from their time as a slave.

Hopefully there's more nods to it.

>> No.47026459

I’d read that book. Narrative wise that female summoner could do the funniest thing and get strong enough to make mayone her bitch then work as a cum dumpster, as an ironic punishment. What option even is this? Be female summoner and choose what happens?

>> No.47026484

>P3 scenario
>"The SEES is now disbanded because there is too few members"

>> No.47026617
File: 1.11 MB, 969x898, Screenshot 2024-06-07 021921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mara isn't barbed or glowing though.
The older art kinda does
>why have it
Because using your dick is detrimental if you're trying to get [Love]. So might as well go full painmaxxing for more Abnormal Experience stack in one sitting for an easier time getting [Slave] and/or [Whore].
>Take a night
Yeah, but you can finish Tartarus in 3–4 days, and there aren't that many night dungeons in the first place, so it's kinda ehh. Also, in my experience, if you only do requests, dungeons, and arenas, you'll have probably cleared around 50–75% of vanilla content within 25 days (assuming that you did all of them in one sitting) with an ending or two just waiting to be claimed, so there's a lot of free time that you can use to train/manage your idols before the 50 day limit.
>Text based requests
Yeah, adding a whole dungeon seems excessive for an Extra content, though perhaps it can be justified if Persona Q gets introduced in Eraten. Either way, they just need to port the F.O.E.s and Bosses. And probably implement EO's specific drop mechanic (kill when Stone, Brand, Paralyzed, etc.) if they can. I'll be happy with just that.
>What option
IIRC it's "set your build and gender to woman, experience to all, and past occupation to cumdumpster." You'll also start with Submissive/Whore I think, I honestly kinda forget.

>> No.47026638

>What option even is this?
If you choose to set your personality during character creation and you're not a virgin, it asks you what your sexual reputation is as the final question. Choose "Professional Cumdumpster, bar none."

>> No.47026700

It's more like the pubes that are barbed. And glowing... well, it's GOLD.
...I'm not finding the barbening drug though.
To think that Mara would be redesigned in SMT2 for an even more badass design, and then be redesigned in III... as a blob.
I'm amazed they have to censor God, but not the literal giant green penis on a chariot; gold included.

Wouldn't Abnormal EXP just fuck things up on the [Slave] or [Lover] or whatever side though?

>Yeah, but you can finish Tartarus in 3–4 days, and there aren't that many night dungeons in the first place, so it's kinda ehh. Also, in my experience, if you only do requests, dungeons, and arenas, you'll have probably cleared around 50–75% of vanilla content within 25 days (assuming that you did all of them in one sitting) with an ending or two just waiting to be claimed, so there's a lot of free time that you can use to train/manage your idols before the 50 day limit.
Well. Yeah. Kinda. I just have 6 endings under my belt for now, and have more or less ten days until the 50 countdown.

>they just need to port the F.O.E.s and Bosses
NTA but in Tartarus it's basically what the Reaper is, they would "just" need to find a way to make the orbs not following you unless they see you, and follow a set pattern.

>Choose "Professional Cumdumpster, bar none."
Very professional.

>> No.47026729
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And these were my summoner's starting stats after choosing it.

>> No.47026885

What happens if you're a professional virgin cumdumpster?

>> No.47026910
File: 147 KB, 600x630, 14456 - cosplay demon jack_frost touhou_project.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, nice to see the surge in Eraten discussion.
Any updates drop recently? Haven't been in these threads since December.

>> No.47026921

There was like, two updates recently using the updater. Don't ask me what it updated.

>> No.47026924

>And then there's the "you need to kill x boss when MC is under y levels" loots.
How many of these exist? I know about the roppongi fiend and the realm of greed but are there any others?

>> No.47026933

No idea. I know of those two too, but I don't know what else.

>> No.47027059

Now they're under someone more competent who will give them real guns.
Let's just hope that they don't fuck up their persona summoning.

>> No.47027069

Not all of them joined me, like the MC, Shinji, Ken, or Good Doggo.

>Let's just hope that they don't fuck up their persona summoning.
This is why they need big guns.

>> No.47027093

I don't you can get them all to join you.
Unless I'm mistaken

>> No.47027108

It beg the question
Where the fuck are they

>> No.47027332
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Well shit, the game soft locked on me.
The day was pretty simple so far:
- Meet yuki early in the morning
- She asks me for a date, agree for a change
- We go to the bamboo forest, after a while I take her to kaguya
- I notice kaguya is on her dangerous day and take her to a hidden spot
- I invite yuki to join
- After a while, pic related when the concealment meter was at 44%
I think it's looking for someone who could tell us off, the problem is no one else was there besides us three.

>> No.47027372
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>Random Tip: Happy wife, happy life.
Bros? Are we finally getting marriage?

>> No.47027387

I hate when that happen.

>> No.47027467

Turn off the warning. It's for ancient systems.

>> No.47027482

I had set it to 15 seconds already, and I've got it again after telling it not to stop the game once. It's definitely an infinite loop in this case.

>> No.47027483

Nope, no happy life for you!

>> No.47027488

Pedy often makes use of functions that take a little while longer to run. Just put it at something ridiculous, it'll be fine.

>> No.47027494

How can a function having a loop that runs more than 1.2 billion times be fine?

>> No.47027561

New demons got added on the Eng side; one of the JP coders made his own fork with added features (Magatsuhi skills, demon essences, miracles, new roles, etc.) and rewritten/fixed code for a bunch of stuff.

>> No.47027564

It can't be helped!

>> No.47027632

Which warnings, the one in the era windows, or the "Would you like to forcibly..."?

>> No.47027642
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>one of the JP coders made his own fork with added features (Magatsuhi skills, demon essences, miracles, new roles, etc.)
>Magatsuhi skills, Demon Essences, Miracles
Boy, this sound really balanced and needed.

>> No.47027712
File: 47 KB, 223x286, todd smirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cool, hopefully all that SMT5 content gets merged into the main branch. Honestly if I bothered to learn how to code for the game beyond adding portraits and altering some skills a bit, I'd add another unbalanced content toggle for SMT4A's Smirk.
I adore that mechanic so much and really wish it made it into the game. and so Smile Charge actually functioned as it should instead of being Charge and Concentrate in one skill

>> No.47027727

It actually is. The essences and miracles are exclusive to the Nahobino-inspired role. Which, along with Fool and Demi-Fiend, has the ability to summon without a COMP or Sabbatma since the dev added that function to the role system.

>> No.47027763

Smirk would be too OP in EraMegaten. The game is from a day when Pierce wasn't a super skill that actually pieced all resistance. It only nullify Physical Res up until Null, Ref and Abs still work.
I think that adding part of the Smirk effect of some skills with Charge/Concentrate is a good trade off.

Ah so it's a class, it make more sense. Still too busted to be in, and I wonder why we don't have a Demi-Fiend role then.
Reminder that the Nahobino we play as/Kei Amemura is implied to not be a normal Nahobino, even if we forget the whole Aogami thing (Implication of a super knowledge that allows him to be compatible with a lot of gods, implied to be being chosen by Lucifer, access to unique ressources that no other Nahobino has. (meaning demon essenses, miracles.)

>> No.47028066

I know, I just like Smirk a lot. It being too OP would be why I'd implement it as a toggle like item synthesis and custom skill. And though its only on the rare skills that can't be turned into cards like Trisagion, all the extreme damage skills do have their Pierce effect locked behind Charge/Concentrate.
Not sure if it's an oversight or intentional but effects like that don't work with Smile Charge for some reason even though it should since it gives both at once.

>> No.47028227

Oh, this is funny. You see, I knew this dumbass loop could do that so I specifically made a failsafe that would terminate it so this doesn't happen, but guess what? The failsafe not only never triggers, but by itself had reversed logic so it would spiral out of control if the loop can't find the appropriate actor, then your game goes up in flames.

>> No.47028449
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Oh I love Smirk too, I just think it would be a bad idea to implement it.

>I'd implement it as a toggle like item synthesis and custom skill
Yeah that'd be fair.
I can't believe they made something normal like synthesis a toggle thing, but meanwhile, they also made custom skill.

I'm very salty that you can't turn those into cards. What's the point? There's other skills that are Severe or Extreme and they don't have that problem.
I can get it for Prayer, it's the best healing spell with the unique Golden Apple but if you want them on a demon you will need to do a very complicated fusion chain... the thing that the cards are supposed to solve.

>Not sure if it's an oversight or intentional but effects like that don't work with Smile Charge for some reason even though it should since it gives both at once.
Hard agree on that. Maybe it's for balance purposes, so the character or demon has to specialize in str or mag, but it's annoying. Smile Charge cost more than Power Charge and Concentrate too, 30MP iirc, so imo, the drawback is more than enough in a game where you'd be hard pressed to find MP healing items or Max MP going over 500.
But what do I know, I'm not the designer.

>> No.47028650

>if I bothered to learn how to code
Even if you can tolerate Era's spaghetti coding, Japanese doujin developer work ethics are complete cancer. We were waiting at least five years to get Basilica in SMT 1 route.
There is absolutely no hope for Lily Flower/King of Bell routes updates.

>> No.47028723

Is Beanoanon making it or is it a japanese dev?

>> No.47028918
File: 1.82 MB, 2560x1440, cirno_and_polly_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_antinoya__940bc3bb50a4d27703c6d2b2132593f3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By a Jp dev, here:
It should make things easier to maintain since it's properly gitted and better annotated. We'll see how it goes after 18th's usual patch rolls out.

>> No.47029591

>Japanese doujin developer work ethics are complete cancer
>We were waiting at least five years to get Basilica in SMT 1 route
This is reminding me of Monster Girl Quest Paradox. For almost a decade, radio silence.
Five years for Basilicia? Holy shit.

>> No.47029666

I'm not sure you can call regular ci-en updates silence.

>> No.47029734

There weren't any iirc.

>> No.47029771 [DELETED] 
File: 968 KB, 1635x889, not my problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47029874

At the very least from part 2 onwards there were. Can't say anything between part 1 and 2 since I wasn't paying attention.

>> No.47029901

MGQ Paradox gets a pass because for Part 2 they already reached the hardcoded limits of RPG Maker's database and were forced to hack the engine just so they could have put everything what they planned in it and to not make the game literally implode. Just for the Part 2, mind you.
Now for Part 3... yeah, you can see the problem. Don't forget that they were planning for Part 3 Alice and Illias routes being as big as separate games (and whatever Chaos route and Sonia-less routes are supposed to be).

>> No.47030102

I wouldn't be saying they get a pass, because no news is very disrespectful and unprofessional.

>they already reached the hardcoded limits of RPG Maker's database
You sure? I can't say anything about the scripts, but there's plenty of space in the "normal" databases.

I hope there won't be any third routes.
Since we are talking about SMT, you should probably see my problem with them.

>> No.47030460

Part 3 is basically SMT already. It's too late.

>> No.47030630

And I'll be crying.

>> No.47032342

Hah, it happens.

>> No.47032373
File: 44 KB, 180x180, バエルf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone get Giten's true ending and use loli Bael? Is she worth it?

>> No.47032746

Loli Bael?

>> No.47032789

Pretty sure he meant the latter. Some people don't know the actual purpose of that warning and turn it off.

>> No.47032796

>Did anyone get Giten's true ending
No, I'm straight.

>> No.47032849

Nta but that's a loaded answer.

>> No.47032956
File: 26 KB, 180x204, 1663044033346347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't believe they made something normal like synthesis a toggle thing, but meanwhile, they also made custom skill.
Especially since the huge rebalance update was implemented, synthesis should be part of the game by default (still seething over Awakened Gungnir nerf)
Custom skills was okay but now you can make something really stupid and have it cost equally or less than some of the best skills in the game. As much as I like OP stuff, it's a little ridiculous even for me.

>I'm very salty that you can't turn those into cards. What's the point?
Me too, I'm guessing the Pierce when used with Charge/Concentrate and the 500+ power compared to the 400~480 power of the Severe skills and to make Expert class and certain demons more unique with what skills they get was the deciding factor in making those skills uncardable. Though you can still get those cards from the Junk Shop's lucky ticket stuff, but fuck that I already spent too much time save scumming for skills like Cocytus. Not to mention you have to spend 120k Yen just to get the tickets necessary to fish for those skills ONCE.
>if you want them on a demon you will need to do a very complicated fusion chain...
If fusion was as good as it was in the official games I wouldn't really mind doing all that but the fact that even random inheritance isn't in makes it frustrating to try and pass those skills onto other demons in the event the game prioritizes passing some shit skill instead of the actual good ones.

>We were waiting at least five years to get Basilica in SMT 1 route.
Holy shit. There goes my hope for more Strange Journey dungeons.

>> No.47033007

>he doesn't want to NTR the goddess by seducing her PTSD-ridden twink husbando
Why are you so boring?

>> No.47033011
File: 701 KB, 617x729, 1623858232329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy shit. There goes my hope for more Strange Journey dungeons.
You can be the change.

>> No.47033075

>Holy shit. There goes my hope for more Strange Journey dungeons.
If you think this is bad, you will definitely hate the MT1 dungeon situation.

>> No.47033261
File: 95 KB, 512x512, GOD MACHINE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Especially since the huge rebalance update was implemented, synthesis should be part of the game by default (still seething over Awakened Gungnir nerf)
The moment I learned that Gungnir with Pierce was in game, I got hard. When I learned that there were better versions, I throbbed. The Doi Odin and the Doi Gungnir is the best thing ever.
I don't think I will use Custom Skills, I'll just feel dirty, I touched it to see how NG+ worked before coming back to my main save and I felt dirty.
And happy for the synthesis system. And sad. So many materials I could have gotten...

>Me too, I'm guessing the Pierce when used with Charge/Concentrate and the 500+ power compared to the 400~480 power of the Severe skills and to make Expert class and certain demons more unique with what skills they get was the deciding factor in making those skills uncardable.
But they aren't even unique skills, they are just powerful. Gae Bolg is a unique skill. The Petit Jack's and Pyro Jack's skills you get leveling them ber high are unique skills.
Trisagion and Prayer aren't. To top it off, I reckon that Pierce work just like Pierce in game and older game, it doesn't Pierce Rfl and Abs, so it feel like a no fun allowed thing where I'm standing.

>Though you can still get those cards
Oh thank God for small mercies.

>If fusion was as good as it was in the official games I wouldn't really mind doing all that but the fact that even random inheritance isn't in makes it frustrating to try and pass those skills onto other demons in the event the game prioritizes passing some shit skill instead of the actual good ones.
It seems to be using the older games skill inheritance, meaning that unless you are a super autist or got a fusion simulator that will tell you the fusion chain, you are boned.
I was complimenting the Skill Card system, because you could go full autism, or you could solve the issue by just using a rare card, but now it turn out I was half-wrong.

>There goes my hope for more Strange Journey dungeons.
Meanwhile, we got Demeter and Alex who doesn't even have her demon form's dungeon. And Shekinah.

That's gay Anon. It's like how I'm not gonna have sex with man Demi-Fiend.

>you can be the change
>about Strange Journey
>while posting YHVH pic
That's some irony.

I'm still aghast by it. It's MT1. The game is literally, one single, giant dungeon with multiple zones.
I guess the Jap Demon Kings aren't much better than us.

>> No.47033651

>Is she worth it?
No. The skill rebalance last year hit her hard. The main reasons you'd use her were made enemy only. Shes cute though.

>> No.47033719

>The skill rebalance last year hit her hard
Nta but explain please.

>> No.47033860

The version you get for completing the quest line used to start off knowing a move that caused FLY status. That move was made enemy only. Now she isn't entirely terrible as her resistances aren't half bad(resist slash/fire/ice, null light/dark/nerve and then you can easily make her null mind with the remaining weaknesses being largely inconsequential). But that was the only real unique aspect about her so you are left with a generic demon with above average resistances. Her base level is pretty low though, so I guess being able to get her early on later loops isn't terrible? But that assumes you aren't just carrying over busted shit which I assume most people are. Alternatively you can just buy a slightly worse version from the demon trader event.

>> No.47034084
File: 1007 KB, 2390x4250, Slime with Enlightenent yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah the famous "It's not for you, it's enemy only.". It's very frustrating. I gotcha my bro.

>her resistances aren't half bad(resist slash/fire/ice, null light/dark/nerve and then you can easily make her null mind with the remaining weaknesses being largely inconsequential).
Good res I admit.

>Her base level is pretty low though, so I guess being able to get her early on later loops isn't terrible? But that assumes you aren't just carrying over busted shit which I assume most people are. Alternatively you can just buy a slightly worse version from the demon trader event.
It IS a part of the fun to take a shitty low level demon, leveling it up and teaching it some dank skill. But it's mostly fun only generally, unless for very specific demons in the main game who are stupidly strong. Like Matador in SMTIVA, Yoshitsune in a lot of games, does Uriel from IV count?

I'm still trying to understand how the plugins are supposed to make the demons better stat wise on the long term in Era.

>> No.47034256
File: 106 KB, 1433x581, Punkass Hunter around....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a thought I entertain I few times. Though as the other anon mentions it, I'm not sure I can tolerate the spaghetti code and add what I want.

I'm aware of the Daimakyuu's state... I managed to get to the end of it not knowing the events for completing the damn thing wasn't in.
At least it's still worth running through for the free macca scattered around.

>I don't think I will use Custom Skills, I'll just feel dirty, I touched it to see how NG+ worked before coming back to my main save and I felt dirty.
Reasonable, the only time I ever really felt bad using custom skill was making this shitpost one in picrel. Only used it about 3 times before I went back to my usual setup of strong Phys attack with high crit rate.
>The Doi Odin and the Doi Gungnir is the best thing ever.
I believe Soul Hackers Odin is the best design but I do prefer Doi's Gungnir.

>It seems to be using the older games skill inheritance, meaning that unless you are a super autist or got a fusion simulator that will tell you the fusion chain, you are boned.
Oh does it really work that way in the older games? Only experience I have regarding them is playing a little bit of SMT2.

>Meanwhile, we got Demeter and Alex's dungeon. And Shekinah.
Actually its an SMT if... dungeon. The one in NG+ for the Akira route. Like with the Divine Powers and Phantom Thieves getting shoved into DDS2 Lokapala for whatever reason, those three got shoved into the Tower of Confinement. At least they actually give a reason to run through it since the stuff with Hazama is it's own route and ending and you fight Shekinah instead of him at the end of the dungeon.

>> No.47034364

That pic is particularly fitting, considering the saying "deus ex machina"

>> No.47034376

>At least it's still worth running through for the free macca scattered around.
What, not Yumiko and Hinokagutsuchi

>Reasonable, the only time I ever really felt bad using custom skill was making this shitpost one in picrel
What the hell is this? Hit amount 125~125?

>I believe Soul Hackers Odin is the best design but I do prefer Doi's Gungnir.
Ah Soul Hackers Odin, a great design too. But they prefered naked purple man until Doi's.

>Oh does it really work that way in the older games? Only experience I have regarding them is playing a little bit of SMT2.
Iirc, it's for games like Devil Summoner, Soul Hackers, and maybe the early Persona. SMT2 doesn't have that.

>Actually its an SMT if... dungeon. The one in NG+ for the Akira route
Ah? Interesting. I hope it'll be better than DDS2's at least.

>Like with the Divine Powers and Phantom Thieves getting shoved into DDS2 Lokapala for whatever reason
I though it was a good idea at first, but now I'm finding it annoying. P5 and DDS should have been separated.
There was way too much potential with a P5 scenario in EraMegaten, with it's theme of corruption, sexual harassment, drugs and all that shit, it could have been better than P4. DDS could and should have been much simpler, maybe having the kot telling you what's the deal is and you go from there as a merc. I don't get why they did that, on top of mixing it with the Divine Powers. (and taking a shit on them)
Honestly all I'm just thinking is 'What a waste."

If it's made by a japanese coder, I'll be harsher and say they have nothing to tell about the western community.

>> No.47035140

Has anyone else experience EraMegaten lazy loading only producing a 1kb dat file resulting in "0 files found in lazy loading table" when launching the game?

>> No.47035181

Never happened to me. And I'm a fuck up.

>> No.47035958

>There was way too much potential with a P5 scenario in EraMegaten, with it's theme of corruption, sexual harassment, drugs and all that shit
>tfw you can't save Ann from being raped by Kamoshida so that you can be the one to rape and mindbreak her instead

>> No.47036097

Dunno if megaten officially uses lazyloader, or did you just drop it there yourself? In any case, to use it with any other era game, you need to specify file paths in lazyloading.cfg for which folders must be processed, usually you want any that contains 口上 (dialogue) as they're the most taxing. Including COMs or skills is also a good idea since they're numerous.
Here's my setup:

>> No.47036148

>save Haru from getting married off to an abusive playboy (who was probably gonna rape her) so you can turn her into a masochist sex slave
>save Makoto from getting blackmailed into becoming a crackwhore so that you can pimp her out yourself
>insert Shogi tile into Hifumi
>make Becky your personal sex maid
you get the picture

>> No.47036231

>insert Shogi tile into Hifumi
Ah, the old sumireteru. Works every time.

>> No.47036290
File: 574 KB, 750x1000, 1664698409669725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What, not Yumiko and Hinokagutsuchi
I never found Yumiko and I only got the Hinokagutsuchi once...

>What the hell is this? Hit amount 125~125?

>Ah Soul Hackers Odin, a great design too. But they prefered naked purple man until Doi's.
Tragic, really. SH had his best design yet they never used it outside of it, even in the damn gacha.
Similar situation with Quetzalcoatl where they use the inferior design instead of the one they peaked with in the Devil Summoner series. I love my accuracy to mythology in designs but Quetzalcoatl and Odin are the cases in which the designs with creative liberties being taken are better than what's established.

>Iirc, it's for games like Devil Summoner, Soul Hackers, and maybe the early Persona. SMT2 doesn't have that.
Weird, good to know.

>I though it was a good idea at first, but now I'm finding it annoying. P5 and DDS should have been separated.
>There was way too much potential with a P5 scenario in EraMegaten, with it's theme of corruption, sexual harassment, drugs and all that shit
Hard agree. The Divine Powers can stay due to DDS not having much else going on, at least without knowing the story to DDS1 beforehand, but all the P5 stuff would have been better separate as you said.
Speaking of potential... I feel like the Touhou extra content could have some more quests and events tied to it. What's already there is decent as is but there's a lot that can be done with it after the final quest with Okina.
Though bare minimum that could be done for it is throwing in the story of Artificial Dream in Arcadia and tweaking it to fit in with SMT a bit.

>> No.47036337

Quetzalcoatl actually got it's DS version put in Dx2 at one point(and card summoner), Odin only got the doi version as an alt though, you are right.

>> No.47036381
File: 1.85 MB, 1967x1209, STOP USING THE FUCKING SNAKE, THE BEST DESIGN IS RIGHT THERE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recall, the DS design is also in SMT4 and 4A. I'm just mad that the best design for Quetzal keeps getting shoved aside in favor of that fucking snake and the only model for it is in a fucking gacha game. I haven't kept up with the demon showcase for 5 Vengeance so I'm not sure if Atlus will actually make a model for DS Quetzal to use in it but I really doubt it.
As for Odin, we're never seeing his SH design outside of that game again since Doi took over. Though that situation just makes me sad.

>Captcha: PY0SJ

>> No.47036402

DS Quetz probably isn't gonna be in VV considering snake Quetz is already in base V

>> No.47036418

The snake is in 5v so you are shit outta luck there. Feather quetz would look better with purple skin.

>> No.47036909

I guess you can fix her with enough investment and skill cards, like any other character during NG+. As long as you have Forbidden Knowledge and contracted character with heavy damage skills, you can snowball incrediblyfast in a new cycle.
Bael is extremely disappointing if you compare her to other "clear long and hard route to get op demon" unlockable like Debisama's Inaruna, but I suspect it was done on purpose. Giten's Bael was killed super hard two times in a row and was forced to reincarnate into a loli, so power down makes sense, but a lack of at least one cool move like Vanity makes her not worth it. Does she even have custom dialogue tho? Is there no saving grace at all for her?

>> No.47037255

She has custom dialog, although not a particularly large one. And like I said, originally she had a special move. It just got removed at one point due to rebalances. It's a pretty old route so it's unsurprising that it's less impressive a reward than a newer one even considering that though. I kinda wish someone would go back and give her another pass kind of like how Alice got buffed a while back but I guess loli Bael is obviously less popular, not to mention the jap's general reluctance to touch other people's work.

>> No.47037476

I'm still annoyed that the game is still buggy. What ever happened to stable releases?

>> No.47037556

Anyone else happy with rape city mode? In my run it’s just like that one doujin. You will get fucked by the youkai.

>> No.47037590

rape city mode?

>> No.47037889

What bug?

>> No.47037915
File: 134 KB, 850x1062, __mothman_shin_megami_tensei_drawn_by_giganticbuddha__sample-c3eb0ba247b220f3cfc457af8f733d8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Exactly this. Then there's Shiho. Sae. The Cognition, it could have been like P4's scenario that they gave up half way. (where the fuck is Naoto?)
Spare Ann/Shiho: Nothing change.
Kidnap Ann/Shiho: Normal scenario but girl's kidnapped and maybe story changed.
Kill Ann/Shiho: Normal Ann/Shiho is dead, you get the Cognition version who can't fight but is a killer as non combatant.
I don't get what they were thinking, the potential is right there.
And then there's Yaldaboath.

If you get Hinokagutsuchi and have it equiped on you or Nakajima when Yumiko is on your team, it's apparently enhanced.

Wuht really?

>Tragic, really. SH had his best design yet they never used it outside of it, even in the damn gacha.
I agree, SHOding really rock the Mage-King look, Oldin is just the older SMT. I love Doidin though, he really got that Warrior King look. The design scream "This is a God".
They must really love the "Feathered Serpent" part. It's a shame too. At least it got used in IV/IVA.
Some old designs haven't aged well, some though aged even better than fine wine.

>Hard agree. The Divine Powers can stay due to DDS not having much else going on, at least without knowing the story to DDS1 beforehand, but all the P5 stuff would have been better separate as you said.
DDS suffer from being a very linear, serious story that culminate into characters dying left right and center so they can go to the Sun and ask God to stop killing the world. In said Sun you can find Satan talking about a heretic trying to destroy the world (either taking about Aleph or Demi Fiend). You got something easy: You come from another world and try to repair shits up and or kidnap things.
But I don't get SMTIVA. Remember how IVA is what happen if Nanashi accept the deal with Dagda and IV is what happen if he doesn't? How easy it would have been to have you influence that. You could have sided with the Divine Powers too, because every SMTIVA know they make a solid argument.
Maybe it's because the plot is that stupid or it's a balancing problem. All the characters got Super Pierce and Plethora in one single skill.
I though it was fun at first, but now it isn't. I'm not playing EraMegaten for recent Atlus slogtexts.

>Speaking of potential... I feel like the Touhou extra content could have some more quests and events tied to it. >What's already there is decent as is but there's a lot that can be done with it after the final quest with Okina.
Now I fear for the Touhou content.
>Though bare minimum that could be done for it is throwing in the story of Artificial Dream in Arcadia and tweaking it to fit in with SMT a bit.
Artificial Dream is very recent though, but damn, the guy just got SMT.
Weird message about escapism though.

>> No.47038416

First time in a while that I open a era thread and when I read the posts I'm just utterly confused.
Even thought I was in the wrong thread.

>> No.47038470

Because there's actually a worthwhile discussion this time?

>> No.47038540

No, because it's almost all megaten and I don't play megaten.

>> No.47038582

Recent addition. Chen pushes me down the moment I wake up now, at 0% percent sexual frustration, just because she pushed me down when she was in heat once. It's actually hilarious how easy it is go get poon.
Literally backread the most recent threads. It's been buggy.

>> No.47038645

It is reserved for future NINE's route. Release is pending, it will come out right after that hypothetical training overhaul which supposed to add an actual group sex system.

Anyway, Io is the only DeSu character which has content. Majority of cast doesn't even have portraits and dialogue. Io not only gets huge fall powerup which turns her into Lugh's Devil Shifter but later she also gets an another event where she becomes even stronger and turns into Metaphysical Irish Broly. Thank you Io's waifufag dev, you are cool.

>> No.47038782

Yeah, it's strangely been like 85% megaten for the past week or two.
Nothing wrong with that, of course, their posts are pretty easy to recognize and skip.

>> No.47039046
File: 98 KB, 700x988, __nitta_io_devil_survivor_and_1_more_drawn_by_tanaka_shoutarou__dd7aa1f394c5f54641afecd91239853a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is reserved for future NINE's route. Release is pending
In all honesty, one doesn't and shouldn't stop the other. The game already has two Demeter and Amaterasu.

One of the thing that bothered me with DeSu2 scenario is that it took your agency... and mostly that the story was told with shitty 3D portraits. Yikes bro.
>Thank you Io's waifufag dev, you are cool.
The power of hot JK's boobs is too strong. It was one of the biggest sad moment of the game, her not keeping her Lugh powers.
Somehow, I missed this event.

You know this is the Era Games general right?

>> No.47039111
File: 846 KB, 1904x2652, Smt2gimmelreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was working previously is the weird thing. It only had 口上 in it, adding RPG and it now finds 5654 files.

>> No.47039306

Eramegaten has a seasonal outbreak every once in a while. It's at least some variation.

>> No.47039380

What's your cfg file encoding? Maybe it can't read gobbledygook anymore. Should be UTF8.

>> No.47039410
File: 3 KB, 950x101, skills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello anons, I have a question about EraTohoK. Should i get all the weak version of a ++ skill or just keep the highest ++ skill alone? They have the same activation rate and i need a supporter.

>> No.47039657

You can stack both if you really want that specific stat, but otherwise just get the highest.

>> No.47039721
File: 8 KB, 1008x87, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's different.
On the current eng-modding branch just downloaded

>> No.47039746

I got that too. I think it's intended, not a bug? We should get a news letter sometime later today about what they're working on.

>> No.47039815
File: 11 KB, 923x146, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you also getting these untranslated bits next to frustration?

>> No.47039819

I see. Thank you, anon.

>> No.47039843

Yes. It's something about children, I think? I like it, just wish it were translated.

>> No.47039862

They say "number of children" and "impregnated". They're brand new so they haven't been translated yet.

>> No.47039866

Sounds useful.

>> No.47039879

To be honest, for something like that, which I don't need to know at all times, I prefer just going to the abilities menu whenever I want to check. Having it on the main screen makes for additional clutter.

>> No.47039888
File: 609 KB, 849x1200, 1710897614729198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only someone was as dedicated with Amane

>> No.47039942

I disagree. It saves me a click. Add a toggle if it's "clutter".

>> No.47039961

I wonder why don't the devs add the girls' various stats to the main screen too, at this point, since it saves people a click. And the list of requests too, I often end up having to open the menu to check those.

>> No.47039966

DeSu got the shaft. Fortunately, it's kind of a good shaft, not a bad kind of shaft like DDS2's.
And it's not like Amane is actually channeling a super powerful and unique demon.

...Good potential for a corrupt Amane tho.

>> No.47039972

>Non sequitur
I see. So your ban ran out? Have a nice day.

>> No.47039989

I would say you are all right. Honestly I imagine after a few days of playing I'd stop noticing it being there but if it's too much on screen for some people then maybe a toggle is needed.

>> No.47039997

>fallacy fallacy
>ad hominem
Have a nice day too.

>> No.47040003

>Good potential for a corrupt Amane tho
Yeah that's what I'm thinking, imagine the different amane depending which fall route you take.

>Fortunately, it's kind of a good shaft
Is it though?

>> No.47040023

Did MegaTen finally add a way for the player into being perceived as a dick?

>> No.47040036

>Yeah that's what I'm thinking, imagine the different amane depending which fall route you take.
Or if you force fuse her with the angel or the Bel.

>Is it though?
Compared to DDS2? Yeah. It is.
Sure, DeSu got eaten by EraMegaten, and MT... and MT isn't finished, but I'd take it.
It's... not a good argument is it?

The MC make sure to keep his true "profession" under wrap.
I'd prefer if the game would aknowledge you being something other than a Devil Summoner though.

>> No.47040042

Yeah, it was already an easy check. Now it's just distracting and utterly pointless for 99% of the playthrough because you're going to have to build a relationship from 0 to experience a route.
And you already know who you're trying to impregnate and even with a harem you should be able to track who you had kids with. The only instance where it might be somewhat useful is if you're raping everything in your extended timestop all day, and in that case why the fuck do you even care about kids in the first place.
Ugh, not this fucking retard again.

>> No.47040056

I mean, Amane is currently the closest thing to the main heroine for both main Law/Chaos routes of a game (Normal Amane for Lily Flower and Jezebel Amane for King of Bel).

>> No.47040078

>removing UI elements from the main screen because a single person thinks it's clutter is a good idea
You're the one being retarded.

>> No.47040094
File: 202 KB, 1182x757, Reaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day, I'm going to give myself a fully hacked Reaper into the game, with 12 skill slots and everything.

>> No.47040109

Oh shit, Komachi got translated?

>> No.47040146

Didn't we lobotomize Amane if we chose the chaos route?

>> No.47040208

Not fun enough!

>> No.47040216

Man, Nakajima and Yumiko got cucked hard.

>> No.47040266

>The top of Tartarus
Wait what? Where is Chidori and Shinjiro?

>> No.47040272
File: 142 KB, 1509x915, balls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use a Baal Zebul, if you mag enhance the light weakness to null its got the same resistances minus the 400% almighty weakness.

>> No.47040303

But where is the 12 skill slots and Futa?!

Actually look like a really solid demon, how did I miss him?

>> No.47040319

Chidori and Shinji are optional and easily missable. You need to rush later floors without leaving the dungeon after beating specific boss or something along those lines.

>> No.47040404
File: 238 KB, 500x680, 1641777566962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and easily missable
Here I though I was smart trying to speedrun things until the game stopped me.

Fucking rude game. I hope the characters are busted.

>> No.47040441

You never visited Zōshigaya for the black visor fights. That's how.

>> No.47040462

I see.
...Where is it?

>> No.47040526

Zōshigaya Cemetery. It unlocks after clearing Echo Building.

>> No.47040528

But I cleared it?

>> No.47040533

Check again

>> No.47040558

I take back what I said.

>> No.47040582

As a side note, the graves populate as you clear dungeons and events, but at least one requires 2 NG+ cycles and 5 endings to unlock.

>> No.47040591

>but at least one requires 2 NG+ cycles and 5 endings to unlock.
Well I have 4/5 endings at least.

>> No.47040608

The gravestones function somewhat like Nocturne's; they let you refight bosses for rewards. But you need to fulfil specific conditions for them to appear in the first place.

>> No.47040615

I see. Thank you.
...I guess you can't use them to gain loots that are for beating certain bosses under a certain level?

>> No.47040622

It kind of feels stupid to be a COMP illiterate MC at times. Like, you have an easy, low-risk way to summon demons and instead you just go: "Nah. I'll just stick to my rituals. Go get the sacrifices and ritual blood so we can fire up the sabbath."

>> No.47040628

I never got any drops from these fights, but I also zeroed in on the NG+ grave and ignored everything else.

>> No.47040635


>> No.47040641

I'm glad you all are having fun, but I never could get into Megaten. It's boring. I play Era games to jack off and feel pangs in my heart. Not to grind.

>> No.47040648

Why do you think I shamelessly use debug commands for sex stats?

>> No.47040656

Not being able to jack off to megaten is actually a skill issue

>> No.47040660

True, true. That where the slaves and girls comes in.

>> No.47040670

Can enemies battlefuck (you)?

>> No.47040672

Imagine having to cheat to wank it. I'm good.
I'm fine with being an unskilled noob. Everything I hear about it makes it sound like a rougelike. And rougelikes are shit.

>> No.47040686 [DELETED] 

Imagine not getting a boner when seeing Idunn or Cleopatra.
shin megami head

>> No.47040688

>And rougelikes are shit
>I'm fine with being an unskilled noob
Checks out

>> No.47040715

Jesus, it unlocked so many things, and it took 3/4 of the 50 days just because I took the smol peepee route of "there's a boss better come back later" and forgetting about it.

Imagine not getting a boner when seeing Idunn or Cleopatra. Or optimizing demons.
shin megamy head

It's not a roguelike, so you should be fine, if a bit stupid.

>> No.47040734

In his defense, roguelike are half skills, half luck.
Not exactly half half but you know what I mean.

Binding od Isaac, you vicious kinky slut of a bitchwhore.

>> No.47040743

That's caused by Seiga's new reverse rape/regular rape event.

>> No.47040748
File: 808 KB, 570x667, 1716809266418015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Binding od Isaac
not a roguelike

>> No.47040760


- JPAnon fixed a bunch of insertion bugs caused by the insertion system rework.
- You can now adjust the intensity of incompetent/lust mode.
- Nitori's conversation bug has been fixed.
- Sumireko now has an option to disable the forced "you're a high school student" backstory.
- A bug with the "impregnate all races" achievement has been fixed.
- Mob Girl impregnations have been made a little more lenient.
- A bunch of typos have been fixed.
- KR added a bunch of reverse rape events.
- I have MRs open to fix almost all the open bugs, except for some that I'm pretty sure were fixed by the insertion fix, a couple I need clarification on, and one involving the clothing system that I'm having trouble on.
- Pedy fixed an infinite loop, tweaked hate mark forgiveness, added a 32-bit LazyLoading EXE, and fixed a bug when drinking your own semen from a condom.
- Pedy has also released Neodev 4.940. ATW will have an update out once all those bugs get fixed and all the fixes get merged.

- Those 15 demons from real world mythology have been merged. You can buy them in Rag's or fuse them.
- More of Nagi's route has been translated.

In Progress
- The guy writing an English OC for Shou should be done hopefully by July. Then I'll just need to take care of the coding.
- Futo's author is still working on her.

AkumaMaid also got a new gamer girl character, and RL got a couple new things. Should I post updates for every era game that got them in these updates, or just TW and Megaten?

>> No.47040772

Ugh, not this fucking retard again.

>> No.47040778

Please don't make me go on a rant about what is and isn't a roguelike and how popular perception keeps drifting further and further away from reality

>> No.47040810
File: 114 KB, 1271x777, BULLSHIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out that rare skills like Jihad It's named Antichthon here because I went into the files to change it as such. I think it's a cooler name than 'Jihad' and Trisagion can't be passed on in fusion like exclusive skills.
So the only way to actually get those skills on some demon you want or a human without some debug shit, they either have to learn it naturally or you spend 190k yen (minimum, with save scumming) to get the lucky tickets necessary to try fishing it's card which you're not gonna get 90% of the time.

Very nice.

>> No.47040847

That doesn't sound like a good time.

>> No.47040848
File: 1.74 MB, 1200x751, 1713728722662102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Futo's author is still working on her.
More Taoist propaganda soon I hope

>> No.47040849

Why is that retard again bitching about cumming in more than one girl at once?
It's supposed to be this way. It's an intended mechanic.
And it's hot when you cum in 10 girls at once.

>> No.47040859

If you are only fucking one in the pussy, only that one should get cum.

>> No.47040895

? You die you retry, you unlock things when you do things. It's a roguelike.


>> No.47040908

Just beacuse the media wants you think it's a rougelike doesn't mean it's a roguelike.

>> No.47040914 [SPOILER] 
File: 603 KB, 570x667, 1699613727719646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's find out shall we?

>> No.47040918

Those are mechanics that are often in roguelike and roguelite type games but they aren't the defining features of them

>> No.47040928

Who is Nagi?

>> No.47040937

I guess?

>> No.47040940

>and fixed a bug when drinking your own semen from a condom.
I have been vindicated. No longer will these thieving whores steal my gains.

>Sumireko now has an option to disable the forced "you're a high school student" backstory.
Is there a way to disable this in a current save? I don't see an option for it in Update or on the abilities page.

>> No.47040944

It's a rougelike. Gatekeepers want to gatekeep the terminology as if they own it. Now move this discussion to /vg/.

>> No.47040968

Oh God.
Please tell me you can at least go clone the card.

>It's named Antichthon here because I went into the files to change it as such. I think it's a cooler name than 'Jihad'
It's funny, I think they first go with Jihad because Strange Journey is about military mission, but changed to Antichthon because they went about talking to boss debuffing them.

>Result: Junko
Huh, I though Hecatia was stronger.

>> No.47040973

You larping as Taoist?

>> No.47041018

In truth on like day 3 when I started I got a visit from a mystery goddess asking which body part I liked the most and there was a "futa dick" option at the bottom greyed out that required like 10000ml of cum ingested. Autistic quest engaged.
I still have no idea what it does and I haven't seen that dialogue popup since 3 months later but i've been trying to figure out the most efficient way to fill up since I can apparently only give a single blowjob a day because the option just stops showing up after I do it once. Thought to try filling a shitload of condoms and sucking them all down but it turns out my hard work got teleported into the girl instead, you can thank me for being a diligent bugtester.

>> No.47041024

I don't understand you, but I respect you.

>> No.47041088
File: 109 KB, 1083x671, Best hag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of fusion, I recommend anyone with Touhou content enabled to get Junko.
Her resistances are insane, the only really important weakness to get rid of with MAG Enhance is Light. Water, Nuke, and Wind aren't that important but you can get rid of either of the three alongside having Null Light or stronger once you get her on a fall state.
All the skills she learns are really good, all her offensive ones are Almighty and her exclusive changes it's element to use the weakness of whatever you're fighting takes the most damage to (it's also Almighty by default)
Only problem is that her stats and skills are geared toward a STR build while Pure Bullet Hell scales off magic. Despite that she's more than worth getting and keeping.

>Please tell me you can at least go clone the card.
I fucking wish. You can't dupe rare cards and Jihad is ABSOLUTELY a rare card since it isn't displayed in the visible lineup of cards you can get.
>It's funny, I think they first go with Jihad because Strange Journey is about military mission, but changed to Antichthon because they went about talking to boss debuffing them.
Yeah that makes sense.
>I though Hecatia was stronger.
Technically she is. You get her by fusing Junko and Clownpeice together. Though the only reason you'd want to get her imo is compendium completion and Jihad.
Her resistances are good, only being weak to Phys stuff and Gravity while resisting everything else and having Null Light, Dark, and Mind. But I still believe keeping Junko is better.

>> No.47041119
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I kneel

>> No.47041219
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I also enjoy Junko.

>> No.47041349
File: 114 KB, 1000x735, __clownpiece_junko_and_hecatia_lapislazuli_touhou_drawn_by_wool_miwol__3bffbd4876708818db250eb4aa3e2b7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose that Purely Bullet Hell is Holy Dance on steroid?
Yeah, no characters or demons want a Light or Dark weaknesses ever. Nerve and Mind being a second. Crazy resistances, she even got 75% Almighty.

>I fucking wish. You can't dupe rare cards and Jihad is ABSOLUTELY a rare card since it isn't displayed in the visible lineup of cards you can get.
Oh the motherfuckers.

>But I still believe keeping Junko is better.
I-I meant... in lore...

>over 1000 MP
>level 103

Hmhm probably should get Mediaharan/Prayer kek, Mana Surge, Invigorate is always good... Not the Expert version? No Fallen Demon skill? Concentrate for maximum assfuckery....

I suppose the equipment is the plugin?

>> No.47041366

>Shou/Futo progress
great! Is anyone else being worked on? I know someone was supposedly working on Yamame dialogue at one point.

>> No.47041422
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Nice build, haven't finished mine since I'm grinding loyalty for NG+.

>I suppose that Purely Bullet Hell is Holy Dance on steroid?
No, it only hits once so it's good for triggering Demon Co-op. Though there's nothing me from increasing the hit count

>I-I meant... in lore...
Oh, sorry. Yeah, ZUN said that Hecatia is the strongest hu.

>> No.47041429
File: 420 KB, 679x889, 999.9% MAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing stopping me*

>> No.47041431

>No, it only hits once so it's good for triggering Demon Co-op
How? Does is it an auto-crit or weakness?

>> No.47041446

It has every single element in it, so it will always hit a weakness if it is present.
It works like the persona 2 skills with multiple elements.

>> No.47041452

Scales off magic so no crits. It's Almighty by default but switches the element to target the weakness of whatever's getting hit.
I forgot to mention that it targets all enemies too, so once it hits EVERYTHING is getting blown up by Co-op.

>> No.47041520

That is an excellent skills even if you don't have your Demons fully on your alignment or Fallen. The MP cost must be insane.

I might gonna give her Holy Dance and Holy Strike if so.

>> No.47041546

I wish somebody would go back and finish Reimu. It's a travesty that she still isn't fully translated.

>> No.47041557

I wish to see Yukari's reacting to me fucking her and her friend from the past.

>> No.47041558

Just 50 MP. It's half the cost of her Linkage with Hecatia, which is just this skill but arguably better since it increases the number of hits as their HP decreases.
The only other comparable skills are both single-target.

>> No.47041571

Translating dialog should be easier than creating dialog a niche scenario most people don't care for. It's been years at this point. Her translator abandoned her, please somebody else pick it up.

>> No.47041583

With the exception of Heaven's Bow and Dodge Counter, every skill she has in my screenshot are skills she gets during level up and has Holy Strike by default.
Since Holy Strike and Ragnarok are physical and she learns Power Charge before Concentrate (better to just give her Smile Charge to save a slot) it's why I said she's geared more toward strength. Purely Bullet Hell being the only offensive skill she learns that scales off magic iirc.

>> No.47041597

Considering all the fighting you'll do, it's a lot... but nowhere near enough This thing will genuinely destroy everything.

>(better to just give her Smile Charge to save a slot)
And turns. It cost more MP but at this level...

I'm wondering how Anon there >>47041219 to give her the minimum of STR.

>> No.47041651

I contracted her. When you carryover demons into newgame+ they start at level 1, so you can freely allocate their stats.

>> No.47041671
File: 232 KB, 1200x1600, GBIHUkSboAARRKU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm wondering how Anon there >47041219 to give her the minimum of STR.
NG+. Everyone carried into it starts at level 1 with all their stats curbed to reflect it. From there it's SUUUUPER easy to minmax and get higher stats compared to how you initially got them and use the skills given to them more effectively.
Easiest way to make them cracked right off the bat is to grind MAG and macca for cards late into the current cycle, put the skills you want and then go into NG+. Only problem is MP management but it also quickly becomes a non-issue.

>> No.47041772

Oh right. I'm a fucking idiot.
....What's happening to the insences?

>> No.47041805

Those are also removed along with whatever stats you increased via MAG Enhancement.

>> No.47041911

Oh so they are kind of useless.

>> No.47041946

Not at all. Incenses sell for 5k each and while minmaxing is great, Intelligence, Endurance, and Agility are still important to put points in so any way to increase them outside of level up is very helpful and should be used.

>> No.47041963

>put giant glowing barbed penis into Nemissa
>she pass out
>+3000 stress
Good or bad?

>> No.47042023
File: 3.29 MB, 1715x2209, __iizunamaru_megumu_touhou_drawn_by_toraneko_2__e25bb568708c51e0a98da5c67281a702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to thank the dedicated motherfucker who wrote actual dialogue for Megumu. Now I can chase after tengu milf mikers like I always dreamed of.

>> No.47042049

Does she react if you get close to tsukasa in her Presence?

>> No.47042058

we're gonna find the fuck out since I plan on raping Tsukasa often

>> No.47042060


>> No.47042084

Which era games have a decent amount of support for playing as a trap? TohoK seems to treat it exactly the same as playing a normal male.

>> No.47042105

EraMega lets you be a homo and characters react to it. If you play with battle sex on enemies will see you as female though.

>> No.47042896

Is this thread free from the cabal?

>> No.47042975

>Jihad is ABSOLUTELY a rare card
Just how much time and JP did it took you to get it? Because mother of YHVH...

>> No.47043150

According to people who care about the term:
Roguelikes are games which are "like rogue", down to the UI.
Games with rogue mechanics are called Roguelites.

>> No.47043193

>- Mob Girl impregnations have been made a little more lenient.
Feels good having got that achievement right before the nerf.

>> No.47043257
File: 220 KB, 622x900, 1659893696881016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the neat part... I didn't! I only know that it's a rare card because I've fished up those same rare 500+ power element cards like Trisagion and Thunder Gods while scumming for cards I actually want! In fact I got Great Logos (Jihad without the all stats debuff on hit) once before I accidentally deleted some of my saves like a retard back in December!
There were only a few times I've tried scumming for Jihad, the most recent session to try and put it on Junko. I was close to getting it once by getting Great Logos, slightly weaker Jihad that doesn't have the all stats debuff on hit. Though that was before I accidentally deleted my post-rebalance update saves like a fucking retard
And unless they changed it in a recent update for some reason, the only way to get the lucky tickets for those card raffles is by spending Yen. As I said here >>47040810, 190k is how much you need to spend just to attempt the LV4 box you have the very rare chance to get those kind of cards in... ONCE.

It's horrible. I can get the skills not being cardable because it's some seriously strong stuff but not being able to pass them on in fusion makes me want to blow my brains out.

>> No.47043262

Why do the devs of that game hate fun?

>> No.47043263
File: 49 KB, 224x222, 1687500900103876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In fact I got Great Logos (Jihad without the all stats debuff on hit) once before I accidentally deleted some of my saves like a retard back in December!
GODDAMN IT. i need to proofread my posts better

>> No.47043291

Honestly I don't need those skills since I was on my 7th NG+ run by the time I accidentally deleted my saves but fuck man, autism makes me want to deck out everyone I use with the best skills and equipment possible and the fact that it's so difficult to do pisses me off.

>> No.47043300

>That's the neat part... I didn't!
You know by using a lot of JPs all of them, don't worry I reloaded I got a lot of Die For Me. I think the game is trying tell me something.
I guess those skills are only good to give if you want to build an Ultimate Demon and register it, or if you want to cheat.

The weird thing is that they seems to love it.

Cards carry out to NG+?

>> No.47043345

Yeah, so much fun that they fuck over the West by reworking their system and breaking shit on a whim.

>> No.47043346

>I guess those skills are only good to give if you want to build an Ultimate Demon and register it, or if you want to cheat.
Yeah basically. They aren't required but damn does it feel good to get and use them. Idk if I want to blame my desire on general autism or the fusion autism I required playing SMT.
Also some demons you can fuse cannot be resummoned from the compendium and as a result cannot be registered so if you want to keep that build you made with a Hero, Rumor, or Fiend race demon you better get to grinding for those falls and contracts or your hard work is getting tossed out the window!

>Cards carry out to NG+?
Yes, and the cards you left using the Velvet Room, Time Castle in the Cathedral of Shadows, or that event thing for the Persona 2 stuff retain their copyable status through those NG+ runs.

>> No.47043406

Good luck finding those "Ultimate Demons" though, since the devs are trying to make things as balanced as possible, this is almost some Touhou Puppet Dance Performance stuff there
I'm honestly impressed you managed to understand the fusion system. I never try to do so. Ever.

>Also some demons you can fuse cannot be resummoned from the compendium and as a result cannot be registered
Oh no.
>so if you want to keep that build you made with a Hero, Rumor, or Fiend race demon you better get to grinding for those falls and contracts or your hard work is getting tossed out the window!

>Time Castle in the Cathedral of Shadows, or that event thing for the Persona 2
Oh they're in there? I haven't found them. I think I screwed for Persona 2.

>> No.47043462
File: 58 KB, 800x800, smokou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good luck finding those "Ultimate Demons" though, since the devs are trying to make things as balanced as possible
I'm aware... I think I have 80% compendium completion or so. I was trying to get one of my favorites, Lucifer Frost, for a while but never figured out how to get him. After messing with debug to see if I can give myself some Jihad cards to save time I discovered that you get him by completing the entire compendium with 100% analysis and checking in with Eligor after the fact in the "In search of the unknown" event among other really good rewards. And of COURSE in that discovery I also find that you can't resummon him.
>I'm honestly impressed you managed to understand the fusion system.
I only have an understanding of it by playing as much mainline SMT as I did. Though here I'm just fucking around and fusing whatever I see isn't fully analyzed, recently finding out that filling it using the rank up/down mechanic with Element demons helps a lot in the process.

>Oh they're in there? I haven't found them. I think I screwed for Persona 2.
It's nothing to worry about really, Time Castle and part of the Persona 2 event serve the same purpose. Leave a skill card to get the ability to copy it. Velvet Room is most convenient for this due to having access to that feature at terminals in dungeons. The other two needing to be at the home menu to use.

>> No.47043520
File: 69 KB, 640x853, __dante_and_jack_frost_devil_may_cry_and_2_more_drawn_by_pspsno_pan__7828ec34488d57e8e91f47f04e435c2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was trying to get one of my favorites, Lucifer Frost
Good taste.
>And of COURSE in that discovery I also find that you can't resummon him.
Oh fuck you game. That's the reward for 100% the Compendium?

>Though here I'm just fucking around and fusing whatever I see isn't fully analyzed
Guess what I'm doing too? Taking non fully analyzed demon and taking up to two other overleveled characters with me, and go to pound town to analyze demons and fuse them too.
It's getting tighter though.

>I only have an understanding of it by playing as much mainline SMT as I did. Though here I'm just fucking around and fusing whatever I see isn't fully analyzed, recently finding out that filling it using the rank up/down mechanic with Element demons helps a lot in the process.
The elements are there for that. And passing down skills but fuck that for me, that's one of the three things that clicked in my smol brain, with
>Mitama boost a stat when fused.
>Rangda and Barong = Shiva And Shiva = Kino

>> No.47043533

Entire Compendium minus 5, not counting EXTRA demons nor most half-demons or Link/Personas, to be exact.

>> No.47043667

>That's the reward for 100% the Compendium?
Yep, completely serious. Tragically he's not that great imo. His resistances are decent and he has good skills; even learning Atomic Bufula and Prayer. But since you've completed the compendium to get him, you've definitely have plenty of demons in there that are better than him.
Fuck man, he starts out at Lvl 60. It's bullshit. I wanted to use him as my faux 'Ultimate Persona' but after that experience I'll just stick to using Black Frost.

>Taking non fully analyzed demon and taking up to two other overleveled characters with me, and go to pound town to analyze demons and fuse them too
I used to do that, but it got so grindy and mind numbing that I just went into the files to make Hi-DAS target the party and the analysis shoot to 100% instantly

>>Mitama boost a stat when fused.
God I wish Mitama fusion was in this game...

>> No.47043700

At least the compendium clear progress carries over to the next loop, so it's a simple matter of just viewing the event again if you didn't carry him over. Still have to give him skills again though which sucks.

>> No.47043702

You can take an adjusted one if you're sub-60.
>went into the files to make Hi-DAS target the party and the analysis shoot to 100% instantly
Fuck. I should've done that, would've spared me last weekend's grind sesh.

>> No.47043724

>His resistances are decent and he has good skills; even learning Atomic Bufula and Prayer
That's pretty great actually, but if you
-completed the compendium to get him, you've definitely have plenty of demons in there that are better than him.
Yeah. Fuck, at 500 the guy is giving a Pixie ten levels away from Megidolaon.
>Fuck man, he starts out at Lvl 60

>I used to do that, but it got so grindy and mind numbing that I just went into the files to make Hi-DAS target the party and the analysis shoot to 100% instantly
Bruh. That's cheating. Just like I do with the Training kek.
I'm killing one bird by two stones, there are dungeons that are big with a lot of fighting, I have a lot of demons that aren't analyzed, and once they are fully analyzed I fuse them, which give them a big chunk of EXP so they won't die in two hits, restart step on... This is what the grinding grindset can do to a man.
Shouldn't it have been easier to make Hi-DAS target Everyone?

>God I wish Mitama fusion was in this game...
It would haved been erased in NG+.

>> No.47043886

True, but as I said by the time you get him you have demons that are better than him. Whether it be by having better resistances and/or skills, he's basically obsoleted long before you get close to receiving him as a reward.

>Shouldn't it have been easier to make Hi-DAS target Everyone?
Don't do that. You'll get an error since the game attempts to analyze non-demons too. So stick to single target and ONLY analyze demons.

>It would haved been erased in NG+
Oh, true. Not sure why I didn't think about that.

>> No.47043898
File: 190 KB, 453x435, 1297013410898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ, brain just keeps fucking up today.

>> No.47044241

It's like Shiva in V. By the time you get him, you probably assfucked the game already, him included, and barely need him.
It's arguably worse, because to unlock some demons in Era, you need to do at least two NG, more if you fuck up, and it's very easy to fuck up, for a mid demon.
Imagine if in Strange Journey Redux, the demon who gave you a shit lot of ins for completing all the maps of the game did that, especially considering Demiurge. I'd be pissed.
Of course, it wouldn't be fun otherwise!

>Oh, true. Not sure why I didn't think about that.
Plus there's the MAG enhancements that are also erased.

Brain machine is broken too. It is always broken. Autism is da way.

>> No.47044436

>More of Nagi's route has been translated.
How does Nagi hold up?

>> No.47044527
File: 144 KB, 716x926, lm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is nice. If you take right choices, Nagi can learn Nuclear Bomb skill. There is also a route for blind albino princess from the manga if you liked her. DeSu2 Alice fight is also there if you want some lategame ballbusting action.

>> No.47044685
File: 81 KB, 640x632, Radiation Poisoning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dehu'd your image.

>> No.47044766

She can also learn Pierce IIRC. Along with other useful skills.

>> No.47045594

Teknikalee it"s a ore.

>> No.47045601

Shit that sound great.
How does she hold up againt DeviColoMC?

>There is also a route for blind albino princess from the manga if you liked her.
Never heard about her!

>DeSu2 Alice fight is also there if you want some lategame ballbusting action.

>> No.47045677

Nagi's an Adept instead of an Expert, so she trades DeviColo's amazing passive selection for access to a greater variety of moves; her Self-Training mechanic gives her access to some rarer stuff, but she can only choose one per tier.
Kushinada has her own route and clear reward, but that's meant to be done after Nagi's.
One of the fights in the evil route is a candidate for my fave in the entire game. Had me sweating bullets all the way through.

>> No.47045928

Raidou will be so proud.

Raidou will be do sad.

>> No.47045964

The fight was too good; I had to do it. My bloodlust wouldn't have been sated otherwise.
If it makes you feel better, I wouldn't have done so if I didn't genuinely love Nagi.
Seeing her grow into a Summoner worthy of the name Geirin was great. Her reasoning if you never raped her in the evil route is super cute.

>> No.47047398

>Her reasoning if you never raped her in the evil route is super cute.
>there's variations
Sometime, I love this game.

>> No.47047998
File: 12 KB, 941x146, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, what the fuck did Momiji mean by this? Like, unironically, what the hell does this mean? I'm not even fucking Reimu in this save.

>> No.47048062

How do you know Reimu didn't use the Stone of Mirada on you?

>> No.47048157

She's jeal-
>I'm not even fucking Reimu in this save.
If this continue, I'm gonna assume this game is about timelines merging.

>> No.47048176

Do you have the flag for being very lovey dovey in your previous life?

>> No.47048301

People need to stop making dialogues that assumes too much

>> No.47048366
File: 41 KB, 1139x256, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I found the bit in the ERB, doesn't really make it clearer to me because I don't know shit about ERB writing, but maybe someone will get it. I've never done anything with Reimu on this save, and it's not a previous life either because I've never done that. I wondered if it's because I already have a lover, but that's Eiki and it would have at least made slightly more sense if she mentioned her.

>> No.47048379

I think she's looking for somebody there having group sex with you but there is nobody so it defaults to the first character in the list?

>> No.47048421

Shut up, faggot.
Characters vaguely remember Bite The Dust is kino.

>> No.47048483
File: 48 KB, 600x600, he's right you know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Characters vaguely remember Bite The Dust is kino.

>> No.47048502
File: 239 KB, 1500x875, Shinjujuju.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, Nemissa and Amaterasu are tough cookies to train.
In any case after 37/50 days, I'm finally in Shinjuku.

Je. Sus.

>> No.47048515

What is that font?

>> No.47048530

The font that come with the game. You need to install it, and rename the font to EraMTFont and allow it in the menu.
Do quit and relaunch the game though.
It's pretty great. I'm thankful for the Anon who showed it to me and helped.

>> No.47048552

Why does it look a bit blurry?

>> No.47048554

My way of taking screenshots.

>> No.47048566

Looks like a minor issue. I'll have a look at it.

>> No.47048596

TW and Megaten
Two games where I make it my goal to breed the Hare of Inaba

>> No.47048603

The patches of replaced skins are really erotic.

>> No.47048686
File: 308 KB, 1970x2031, __toutetsu_yuuma_touhou_drawn_by_tokinhr__7a1dea78de8d86f8e875d6aad8e372a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aya's Newspaper is super busted, for the relatively low price of 70 grand I got 84 characters boosted to Yearning, some of whom I barely interacted with
Actually silly how Kaguya, whom I saw maybe three times the fucking NEET that she is, is already at this stage

>> No.47048692

Kaguya getting the karma.

>> No.47049289

Does this happen with the latest version

>> No.47049997

That sounds nice, but I prefer getting them to yearning myself, so I can also read their dialogue that comes before it.

>> No.47050012

>do the same with Io
>she take it without anything unusual
>just the usual cliche pain of the first time
>has a lot of orgasms
DeSu girls are built different holy shit.

>> No.47050083

Can characters in AkumaMaid sabotage or slip off condoms? Because I've noticed cum in my character's womb several times after having protected sex with Makoto specifically.

>> No.47050465
File: 35 KB, 319x241, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad Chen finally got the promotion she deserved.

>> No.47050501

Ah yes, the--

>> No.47051098
File: 161 KB, 1157x917, Arousing statement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently running through Tartarus recruiting all the shadows and demons you can make for great fusion fodder... At least for getting the Gensokyo residents. The demons that are listed aren't that great for normal fusion but using the apps for the Touhou fusions yield a decent variety of results even when fusing two Rumors together when they should make an Element instead.

>> No.47051106

>Chemtrail is the basic symbol for Rumor demons
>Isn't the game

>> No.47051141
File: 150 KB, 1201x942, Okuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and a lot of these fusions have pretty charming dialogue after. It's really nice.

And it's also the icon for Fiend race demons as well. It's bullshit that it isn't in the game though.
Speaking of the Fiends... Does anyone know how to get them? The fusion guide txt file doesn't say anything about them either as something to fuse normally or by special fusion.

>> No.47051172

>And it's also the icon for Fiend race demons as well
Checking again I got Rumor and Fiend mixed-up.
>Does anyone know how to get them?
Alice involves beating Roppongi, revisiting it again, and doing the quest there
Mother Harlot you get by completing the Night Tail route's True End
You get the Riders and Trumpeter by fighting them in the Labyrinth of Amala
I don't think the rest are obtainable. Both the wiki and the Fusion Guide .txt have the recipes

>> No.47051238

I still can't believe they made the Shadows recruitable. How cool is that?

>Isn't the game
The what.

Obviously, you need to defeat them first by Tower of Amala/Arena.
And I dunno how to get them too.

>Mother Harlot you get by completing the Night Tail route's True End
Oh this is bullshit.

>> No.47051319

I had a lot of fun reading dialogue from girls who didn't want to accept they were gay.

>> No.47051338

Or what?

>> No.47051349

At what point do I begin understanding what I'm supposed to be doing in EraK

>> No.47051372

I knew about the Fiends in the Labyrinth, should've clarified that it was just getting those kind of Fiends in fusion. Checking the wiki they can be fused, just doesn't show the recipes.
As for Alice, good to know. I've been wondering how to get her. Too bad I'll have to try getting her in my next cycle since Roppongi isn't available for me.

>> No.47051452

>Oh this is bullshit
To be fair it doesn't require repeating the route more than once to obtain, and it doesn't involve any ball-crushing dungeon

>> No.47051514

Knowing that Utsuho will witness her boyfriend die a slow and painful death makes me sad.

>> No.47051528

I doubt it, at least one person in the underground would have enough brain cells to fetch some kind of radiation sickness curing drug from Eintei.

>> No.47051582
File: 46 KB, 1106x495, cirno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you should do in EratohoK.

>> No.47051599

The ""gift"" is radioactive enough to make a person puke immediately (not a relatively weak tritium).
Bro's going to be dead in a few minutes at worst and i doubt anyone will be able to repair his DNA, ionized cells and multiple cancers as a result.

>> No.47051618

The game is a bit annoying like that. Special, unlockable fusions aren't special, they are just unlockable, and you need to find a way to make them "normally". Like in the first games.
The true SMT Experience.

Yeah sure, but you need to make Jinno fall in Love with you. Which is in itself ball-crushing.
(or if you want to go to the bad ending that apparently unlock arknights stuff, you need to make her a Whore)

>> No.47051764

Some of the unlockable fusions are special, just not all of them. But even the ones that are aren't part of a separate menu, you just gotta know what demons you have to use. For example Mother Harlot is Master Therion + a lv60+ divine. The other fiends(except for Alice) follow a similar template, where you need a divine of at least a certain level plus a specific demon.

>> No.47051772

Sounds very easy to forget.

>> No.47051838
File: 8 KB, 613x229, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minor error, for whoever is still in the Eiki dialogue mines
probably can just delete the name call theres no reason for it to be there

>> No.47051891

Uh oh

>> No.47052060
File: 98 KB, 1206x847, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever get stopped by a bridge troll and be forced to milk her?
What the fuck i'm like C rank at best just by association with others why are you doing this to me, is the lust mode x2 that powerful?

>> No.47052123

any new stuff this year?

>> No.47052213

Actually a fair amount yes.

>> No.47052351
File: 158 KB, 1548x807, fucc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have done it, fuck you forever Eligor for putting me through this. The worst part for me were the demons locked behind fall states.
Specifically that dumb bitch Alex, two require you to keep her alive and another two require her to be fallen.

>> No.47052383

>that rivals one of the fallen angel Lucifer himself

Also what ultimate truth?!
>Specifically that dumb bitch Alex, two require you to keep her alive and another two require her to be fallen.
Sounds easy enough to do. But that's not what you mean, is it?
This is gonna be a nightmare to fill isn't it?

>> No.47052396

It will be a nightmare to complete.
There just to many penis rare and fusion exclusive demons, things like rainy castle and demon duck I would never find without looking at the wiki.

>> No.47052415

Whelp, that's why NG+ is a thing, unlike the original games. And hey, at least, we bot a list.
>things like rainy castle and demon duck
the what

>> No.47052437

>rainy castle
Immediately exit heaven, check your events and trigger the fog event. when you enter heaven again it will be a very rare enemy.
>demon duck, zombie mouse
Theres a rare enemy dialog similar to tartarus in Tokyo destinyland, except its stupidly rare and only happens once per newgame.

If you dont look at the wiki the ????? in the compendium tell you jack shit.

>> No.47052447

>Immediately exit heaven, check your events and trigger the fog event. when you enter heaven again it will be a very rare enemy
Margaret or Elizabeth right?
Weirdly enough, I finished P4 and P3 scenarios and... they don't count for the endings.
Thanks game.

>demon duck, zombie mouse
NO?! They put those those in?! Holy shit that's so cool!

>> No.47052458

No, its just an event that causes the fog to dissapear from heaven telling you to hurry up or bad things will happen to Nanako.

>> No.47052490

Now that's just rude and sneaky from the game to hide an enemy like that, and embarrassing for me.
I want to ask what bad things but oh wait, we are talking about EraMegaten.

>> No.47052615

Sure, I'll have a look at it.

>> No.47052779

>nanako rape event
based if true

>> No.47053038

If you're clueless just become an officer for someone else at first and aim for one or two girls then progress from there. The war aspect is a bit more complex and harder to understand.

>> No.47053668

Pedo Namatatame.

>> No.47053674

Welcome to the full compendium club. It's not worth it, but at least you don't have to fuse every EXTRA demon in the game as well.

>> No.47053732

Hilariously enough, he tries to defend Nanako from the Shadows if you fuck up, but jobs.

>> No.47053951

Obviously, he doesn't have a Persona and I presume he doesn't have his shadow form, so obviously he's gonna fall.
So are the shadows raping her, or do they kill her?

>> No.47053978

He goes full Sagiri, still loses.
Nanako gets gang-raped by Shadows and potentially impregnated by either Rainy Castle or Conviction Sword.

>> No.47054002

Wow, he suck.

>by either Rainy Castle or Conviction Sword

>> No.47054070

Censoring your name is hilarious. I'm sorry. I totally get it but that is just absurdly funny.

>> No.47054119

>get mocked for giving a name
>get mocked for censoring the name
We just can't win bros.

>> No.47054153

Imagine you show a fullbody pic to like, /fit/ or something and you censor the same spot like 2 inches above your ankles on both legs. It invites more of a question than if you didn't. I get it though if you're someone who puts their first name in.

>> No.47054206

Bold strategy, I don't think he's going to post ankle shots for you though, gymrat.

>> No.47054647

Does it still count as censoring if my name is Anon?

>> No.47054669

I don't think so. Whatever you put into it is fine, it's just immediately more interesting if you choose to censor it. Streisand effect and shit.

>> No.47055048

I find it interesting how every time someone censors their name in a pic like this, someone pipes up and voices their apparent displeasure over it.
Every single time. It's either whining about censoring it or trying to make fun of someone for using a generic name like Anon.
I really wonder why.

>> No.47055065

Because it's a shitposter. Duh.

>> No.47055074
File: 275 KB, 800x450, Unused Mickey and Donald sprites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>except its stupidly rare and only happens once per newgame
What are the odds?

>> No.47055230

>There's no Koyanskaya in era-FGO
utterly unplayable

>> No.47055247

nobody gives a shit sleggy

>> No.47055249

I don't see the problem. Koyanskaya is shit.

>> No.47055265


I like the evil secretary/black marketeer persona on a Tamamo-like

>> No.47055283

this, but no Cleopatra in Megaten
what were they THINKING

>> No.47055286

Ignore the troll. He's been obsessed with that random dev for years now.

>> No.47055316

I don't really know fate but the only character I've felt attraction to is Hokusai

>> No.47055343
File: 941 KB, 1000x1300, SMTIVF_Cleopatra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Tamamoface.

I think my balls dropped a second time seeing Cleopatra, and a third seeing her skills, and then a fourth time seeing her frolic animation in V.
It's too bad that, if implemented into the game, she probably wouldn't get a unique skills, either her Dazzling Ray (which would be shit) or her banter something (stat drops+charm iirc)

>> No.47055372

>I don't really know fate
Good. Stay like that. The more you keep your distance from this franchise, the better it will be for you.

>> No.47055387


>> No.47055401

Better be a coward than braindead.

>> No.47055423

Cope and seethe, spaz. People who aren't braindead don't obsess about shit like you do.

>> No.47055435
File: 551 KB, 2020x1916, __cirno_touhou_and_2_more_drawn_by_mata_matasoup__f5a8afdcdcd8e216496b9223ee09d1fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alluring Banter is one of the most broken skills in all of megaten, -3 DEF and high chance to charm trivializes most random fights, and it's only 36 MP
Frolic is a disgusting, cowardly nerf

>> No.47055455

Hello? Projecting Department?

>> No.47055466

Telling other people that they should stay away from a franchise is obsession. If you weren't obsessed with it, it wouldn't incite such vitriol in you. Get a life, 114-kun.

>> No.47055481

Frolic is already in EraMegaten, but it's just Charm on all.
Alluring Banter could work, perhaps if it was a mere -1 DEF + Charm on all. Dazzling Ray is a possibility too.

>> No.47055490


>> No.47055495

>noooo nobody is allowed to enjoy Fate the franchise I hate!!!
>because I hate it, I must tell everyone to hate it
>how else will I receive my validation?!
That's you. You're a plebbitor.

>> No.47055499

Anon? No one gives a shit.

>> No.47055501

You clearly do, because you're still responding.

>> No.47055505

And so do you while throwing insults because I touched your Fate trigger.

>> No.47055508

The fact that people discussed Fate must really get your goat huh? You've got a fragile ego

>> No.47055520
File: 318 KB, 384x764, cringeworthy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get called out
>invent things
>and nou 2

>> No.47055522

>The more you keep your distance from this franchise, the better it will be for you.
Nobody who isn't braindead would react like this. You hate Fate so much you've made it your goal to dissuade people from getting into the franchise.

>> No.47055528
File: 1.10 MB, 1696x1200, __ibuki_suika_and_shuten_douji_touhou_and_2_more_drawn_by_kotoba_1074421015__1f45199172280f4984a486658cce2773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much bitching instead of enjoying more cunny

>> No.47055531

I agree. Retards who spergout about on-topic discussion are imbeciles.

>> No.47055542

the only good news about Lilith being a major character in SMT V:V is that maybe there will actually be some fucking good art/AI sloppa model for her to gen a portrait that isn't ass

>> No.47055543

Here's a newflash for you. Fate is a genuinely bad franchise it make Persona 5 and IVA look coherent

>> No.47055551

Desire for being wanted and relevant on the anonymous Internet forum outweights the thinking man's fetish.

>he doesn't use Yuriko's portrait for fully evolved Lilith

>> No.47055557

Here's a newsflash for you. That's just your opinion.

>> No.47055562

>using the AI arts in EraMegaten

>> No.47055572

Grow up, old man. AI is the future.

>> No.47055573

I never said I was proud of myself

>> No.47055575

Nope. Sorry, please be sure to cry and seethe harder, I would like the water to drink.

>> No.47055582

You're entitled to your opinion. It's clear you don't want to engage in an actual discussion about it. You're here to troll. Trolling isn't entertaining. Go ahead and samefag. It won't make your mother pay attention to your past self.

>> No.47055585

>*look at the portrait in EraMegaten*
>"AI is the future"
The future look like poopoo.

You should try to be better, so you can be proud of yourself more!

>> No.47055589

There is nothing to be ashamed of.

>> No.47055596
File: 55 KB, 180x180, アマテラスEN1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The future look like poopoo.
nta but it's not like I'm rapidly whipping my cock out to fap to pic related either

>> No.47055597

>It's clear you don't want to engage in an actual discussion about it
Because you want to? Mister I throw insult left and right?
>You're here to troll
Hypocrite that you are, you just said I was entitled to my opinion, directly contradicting what you said before, and in this exact phrase. I'm not the one throwing insults and accusations, like a troll would do.

>> No.47055603

Discussion on the internet is so much better when people share what they enjoy, rather than obsess about what they don't enjoy. Does anyone here even play the games, or does everyone just treat the thread like a soapbox for you all to rant about random shit?

>> No.47055622
File: 14 KB, 180x180, アマテラスa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I personally prefer this one.

>> No.47055626

If you wanted a discussion, you wouldn't demand random people stay away from the franchise. That's a vapid way for you to silence any and all discussion.

>> No.47055631

this one looks pretty
this one looks like actual ancestor of the Japanese

>> No.47055653

I just don't want him to get brain damage by going into the Nasuhole. That's it.

>If you wanted a discussion
I never wanted one. It was just a warning, when you came all over the place.

>> No.47055661

Even with hacked stats, she refuse to fall, the fucking bitch. FALL. I WANT YOUR PLUGIN.

>> No.47055662

Here you go again, parading your opinion as though it's an objective fact. Its not. You just want an excuse to shit on a franchise you hate.

>> No.47055669

MegaTen is just as, if not more, convoluted than Fate.

>> No.47055671

>brain damage by going into the Nasuhole
Someone actually takes Nasu's lore seriously? I thought it was like Danganronpa: everyone only cared about porn and it became popular solely because of porn.

>> No.47055680

I'm sorry I even mentioned not knowing fate. You can all stop arguing over it now.

>> No.47055688

It's a fact. Or at least I believe it is. If you genuinely didn't care. You just want to shit on someone convenient.
Funny how things work.

Never. Maybe IVA or Persona 5, but every time it's the same thing, the bad guy with his ultra complex backstory and motivation I swear lose because the stars and planets aligned to give him THE precise weakness that would defeat him.
Power of friendship is tame in comparison.

Who do you think is insulting me and decrying my opinion as shit? I doubt it's because he's hating the lore.

>> No.47055692

Yikes. You're ubrionically the most retarded person to exist. MegaTen is, beyond all doubt, more convoluted than Fate ever will be. That's a fact. See? How do you like it when people SHIT on a franchise you enjoy? Hypocrite.

>> No.47055711 [DELETED] 

If you kept it to an opinion, nobody would care. That's not what you what you did. You demanded people stay away from the franchise, dictating your personal opinion as though everyone should obey you. Who died and made you king of /egg/? This thread was better when you were banned.

>> No.47055712

I'm not even displeased that he censored it, I'm bringing up that it now calls attention to it where none was before. It's just funny, it's not bad or good.

>> No.47055714 [DELETED] 

>I post argument
>you don't

Wrong, I told HIM to get away from it. Don't try to gaslight people you piece of shit.

>> No.47055720 [DELETED] 

And now you're trying to gaslight the thread. You demanded he stay away from the franchise, all because you think it's bad, instead of letting him decide for himself. Just because you think it's shit doesn't mean everyone has to agree with you. Being biased against a franchise is pathetic. Let people make up their own mind.

>> No.47055729 [DELETED] 

Presenting a subjective opinion as though it's objective is wrong. Simple as.

>> No.47055734 [DELETED] 

>no u
>no u
>no u
You know what? You win

So it's wrong when I do it, but it's fine when the other two are doing it? Funny how that work.

>> No.47055743 [DELETED] 

It's wrong for anyone to do it. Quit sperging out when people discuss franchises you hate. Simple as, shitposter. It's not funny. It's not entertaining. And it's not enjoyable. Nobody else browsing the thread right now gives a shit about the past thirty messages or so. Next time you want to shit up the thread, take a fucking chill pill and keep it to yourself. There are other threads to can use to shit on Fate.

>> No.47055752

FGO isn't as complicated as megaten. It's about a dumb girl(no one chooses male MC) and her harem's adventure (Cu Chulainns are my bros). If the Cu are defeated, she will use her command spells or Saint Quartz to revive them and beat up Chaldea enemy for resources.

>> No.47055758

Nobody cares faggot.

>> No.47055761
File: 113 KB, 640x800, 918c0996ee37df58a86f18fc0ab4737a051c9bd3f92c510e53e047f921a316d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.47055776 [DELETED] 

It wouldn't have happened if someone wasn't triggered by my post and thought it was a good idea to escalate shits instead of just ignoring it. There wouldn't have been any "sperging" and my post would have been forgotten by now.
But fine. Woe is you, it's all my fault.

That's not what the script is telling me, but you still have your sanity points, so I'm happy for you.

>> No.47055788 [DELETED] 

It's your fault because you instigated it. Simple as. And you're still instigating it. Instead of dropping it, despite conceding you continue to shit up the thread with your inane drivel. I wonder why?

>> No.47055793 [DELETED] 

Why are you?

>> No.47055799 [DELETED] 

Just as I suspected. You never had a reason to begin with. You just want to shit up the thread and play victim.

>> No.47055804

There's certain portrait icons I can't find in the era mega ten resource folder that I know exist - like Scathach
am I blind

>> No.47055808 [DELETED] 

So are you. I gave up the argument, but you are continuing it.

>> No.47055817
File: 53 KB, 479x484, 1667441713180565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have played FGO for a long time before knowing about megaten. The porn is the reason i know about fate. It's very hot to know why this orange head girl spit on her green hair captor Enkidu.

>> No.47055821 [DELETED] 

And now you're going no you and flipping the chessboard because you're get called out on your bullshit. For someone who claims they don't care, you sure are obsessed with getting the last word in. Tell me, what's your opinion on harems? Let's spare the thread the rerun and get to the crux of your obsession. You don't want the thread to exist because it's a "general". That's what it all boils down to.

>> No.47055824

ctrl+f スカアハ it's in there

>> No.47055828 [DELETED] 

What the fuck are you even talking about.

>> No.47055832 [DELETED] 

The resident sperg reeing about Fate is 114-kun.

>> No.47055849
File: 177 KB, 2400x1080, 1667814537944736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and the writing of FGO is hit or miss sometimes. It made you laugh sometimes but i stopped playing it because i have a good PC to play game on.

>> No.47055850 [SPOILER] 
File: 217 KB, 821x1680, __fujimaru_ritsuka_and_dark_young_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_galibo__c075acc32c0b863b593314d55aaf0365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is goatY

>> No.47055857 [DELETED] 

I don't even know who is this 114.

>> No.47055861 [DELETED] 

And now you're playing dumb. Like you always do. Which confirms you're him.

>> No.47055868 [DELETED] 

I have genuinely no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.47055875 [DELETED] 

Of course you don't. Because you're him.

>> No.47055878 [DELETED] 

I've seen one raging about "114-kun" for like a year and I still don't who it is

>> No.47055881
File: 180 KB, 803x600, __medicine_melancholy_and_su_san_touhou_and_2_more_drawn_by_kagura_mizuki__eaa2e338eaf51c5f1c726a1a685f5fd9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47055885 [DELETED] 

Buddy. I'm gonna be level with you, I'm in this general for like two threads.

That's reassuring.

>> No.47055897 [DELETED] 

Yeah, you're definitely him. Gaslighting the thread like you didn't just shit it up, feigning innocence. And then you'll repeat it in another hour or so, when everyone else has moved on. In a moment you'll post a random link to a feature request, argue that it spits on artist opinion or some nonsense like that, and then you'll try make another dox attempt.

>> No.47055900

plap sleigh simple as

>> No.47055906 [DELETED] 

Sure, okay, whatever? You made up your mind so obviously you're right.

>> No.47056020

I don't know what any of this shit means, I'm just gonna go back to pounding Eiki's ass

>> No.47056026


>> No.47056036

But she doesn't have boobs or ass.

>> No.47056174 [DELETED] 

Here you have an example of how the "obsessed homo faggot" shitposts.
He always assumes things or just makes things up and then accuses the other party of shitposting, then responds with low bait and namecalling for hours until he's had the last word. Observe that he never adresses the point, he'll always just shit out fifty effectively empty posts about literally anything. It's just a single step above what 114-kun does, and the worst part is, it works fucking wonders because nobody seems capable of recognizing his behavior.
Look, he even said that he "gave up" on the argument several times and yet still goes on to post 10 more times.

And you know the best part? He and 114-kun never, ever shitpost at each other directly.

>> No.47056194 [DELETED] 

You fucking retards need to learn to stop replying to bait when you realize it's bait/troll/shitpost and just report, then they get IP wiped and all their posts get deleted. They will ban evade afterwards but at least the thread is better.

>> No.47056212 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 850x1063, __kirisame_marisa_kirisame_marisa_and_kirisame_marisa_touhou_and_4_more_drawn_by_pn62900508__sample-508520a6916d791248a921bf34491395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reporting does fuck all, I do that all the time and never works
just treat those like air, if you have 4chanX hide and filter

>> No.47056220
File: 268 KB, 1501x878, glitchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird, choosing "Futaba's request" made everything reappear.

>> No.47056228 [DELETED] 

this isn’t /v/ mods actually check reports, a dbsfag showed up two threads ago and got 114 and the other shit poster both banned and +80 posts got deleted at once
yeah filling captchas is annoying but we gotta do some work or nothing changes

>> No.47056240 [DELETED] 

You're no better than him. He quit, but no, you just had to go and feed it again.

>> No.47056245 [DELETED] 

If anything someone should make a picture explaining who our two shitposters are to newfags.
Identifying the problem helps prevent it in the future.

>> No.47056252

Do it so I don't have to. I seriously don't feel like making and balancing 2 CSTR skills, nor writing a character description.

>> No.47056260 [DELETED] 

The guy conveniently bringing it up almost an hour after the other schizo stopped is the third shitposter of the posse.

>> No.47056261

Neither do I! Neither do I feel like making a portrait for her. Neither do I feel like like remaking P5 and DDS2.
Still playing the game, and after 200 almost hours, it still feel like I barely scratched the surface.

>> No.47056267 [DELETED] 

Not everyone stalks the thread like an obsessed faggot. You are obsessed with getting the last word now, aren't you.

>> No.47056277 [DELETED] 

>responding with bait
>random name calling
>not addressing the point
You are exactly the same as the other two. You just don't realize it.

>> No.47056298
File: 356 KB, 1878x2122, sleigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47056302

I've been thinking about writing a basic progression guide for Megaten. The jap wiki has an unfinished guide for the devil children route that would otherwise be very useful for new players.

>> No.47056306 [DELETED] 

Just like you, right?
You keep shitposting about shitposting.
Here's a proposition, if you think I'm a shitposter, then stop responding. I can bet good money that you won't.

>> No.47056307

A progression guide would be useful. That game is a pain in the ass.

>> No.47056332

Is megaten better than TW pornwise? I want a good fap and Im unsure with game shoul I start first

>> No.47056340

>>47056261 (me)
Wait this is genius actually. How about making Alluring Banter the exact opposite of Golden Apple? It deal damage, and debuff. A poor man's Antichthon, except like Golden Apple, it's with a bar.
Write it down or keep it in mind.

This is an excelent idea. There's kind of an empty english wiki for it too.

I got diamond when they go lovey dovey.

>> No.47056386

I'd say TW is better.

>> No.47056456

Did the mating press bug get fixed?

>> No.47056485

I prefer Megaten for being a far a more varied experience compared to TW's specialization as a dating simulator.
Megaten also fully supports a female MC (or even a fag) while playing a female in TW feels like an afterthought that was duct taped on.

>> No.47056497

I never could get into Megaten. I like being the good guy, I hate time limits, and I hate content that can be easily missed. Also it's a grind fest.

>> No.47056512

Nta but yeah, you aren't gonna be a good guy if you are playing EraMegaten unless you are REALLY determined.

>Also it's a grind fest.
You monster.

>> No.47056547

Why would I want to be evil?

>> No.47056579
File: 366 KB, 850x1591, __hitoshura_lucifer_white_rider_mother_harlot_pale_rider_and_3_more_shin_megami_tensei_and_1_more_drawn_by_kazuma_kaneko_and_megumi_shiraishi__sample-4f3376b5deb133ff04306e0aa38c9bd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47056586

Give being the bad guy a chance. If you truly want, you can be merely amoral instead of a complete scumbag. Anything is possible with Stockholm syndrome, drugs, and daily beatings. Also, the time limit genuinely doesn't matter unless you're playing on Lunatic or NIGHTMARE.

>> No.47056591

Sugoi is filtering the fuck out of me

>> No.47056614

It's not even like he's forced to do it too, you can just farm loyalty and be wholesome.
Good luck for the macca though.
>Also, the time limit genuinely doesn't matter.
Some endings cannot be obtained if you are above the 50 days limit but it's not that much of a problem.
>unless you're playing on Lunatic or NIGHTMARE
Wait what.

>> No.47056624

Honestly I just gave up on Sugoi and switched to Textractor

>> No.47056637

Personally I have Translation Aggregator.
Is Textractor better?

>> No.47056648

>Really like Yuugi
>Has middling content in all of the games

>> No.47056686
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>no giant muscular oni gf

>> No.47056699

I mean that the 50 day timer doesn't place any real pressure on you because it's plenty of time to comfortably reach an ending, if not multiple in a single cycle.
>Wait what
Assuming that you don't have a bunch of cycle bonuses, Lunatic puts pressure on you because it becomes far more difficult to complete a dungeon in one go or to do requests as soon as they are available.

NIGHTMARE puts even more pressure on you because it's a genuine grindfest.

>> No.47056701

>it's plenty of time to comfortably reach an ending, if not multiple in a single cycle.
>be me
>who absolutely suck at the training minigame
>so much that Nemissa and Amaterasu aren't broken yet.

>Assuming that you don't have a bunch of cycle bonuses, Lunatic puts pressure on you because it becomes far more difficult to complete a dungeon in one go or to do requests as soon as they are available.
>NIGHTMARE puts even more pressure on you because it's a genuine grindfest.
Please tell me there isn't some exclusice contents.

>> No.47056719
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Congratulations for actually doing that legit. I'm sure Lucifer Frost was a pretty disappointing reward for completing it, though at least the rewards leading up to him are pretty good.
>The worst part for me were the demons locked behind fall states.
Excuse me? Fuck that man, I'm not sure I wanna continue filling the compendium legit anymore...

>> No.47056724

There aren't. The difficulty-dependent exclusive stuff only goes up to Maniax.

>> No.47056726

Oh thank God.
Oh fuck me, it's up to Maniax.

>> No.47056727
File: 1.85 MB, 2598x2977, __hakurei_reimu_kirisame_marisa_ibuki_suika_mizuhashi_parsee_hoshiguma_yuugi_and_1_more_touhou_drawn_by_karebu52__76bab5caac4f339d76f607efc1c9a2c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking arsee
>run into her on a date
>HM1 and general seethe
>immediately asks for negotiation the same turn
she wants that luminous dick badly

>> No.47056732

>he doesn't have a rainbow dick

>> No.47056737

>be me
>who absolutely suck at the training minigame
>so much that Nemissa and Amaterasu aren't broken yet.
You can always do the training after getting the time limited endings for your current cycle.

>> No.47056746

Yeah but Nemissa Fallen is needed for the Soul Hacker scenario.
For the record, I have Experience and Ability, that's how much I don't want to deal with it, and I still fail.

>> No.47056759

>Translation Aggregator
I've never used it, but I don't think I have any complains with Textractor, but I guess it can be tricky if you are not familiar

>> No.47056763

>playing these games for the first time
>decide to go with megaten
>Not sure where to begin
>Well let's try the Colosseum
>Get immediately trucked by the first random fight since it's 5v2 and then raped by onis

>> No.47056813

Don't worry, even if you try to be a smartass and grind to level 15 in the tutorial dungeon, the first arena fight still going to push your shit in because every single opponent there is cheating (especially that fucking turtle).

>> No.47056821
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You don't want to do colosseum stuff until you're level 15 or so and have a full party.
The Echo Building and Hatsudai Shelter are good places to start since demons there are low level and in the Echo Building's case, has some NPCs around that talk a bit on some of the mechanics. Hatsudai Shelter having an entire tutorial in it if you started as a Devil Summoner.

Also a tip for everyone if you want to have demons in your party but don't have anyone with a Summoner talent or Sabbatma to resummon them after they die: If you go into party setup in the home menu and put a demon in it, go to Demon Storage afterward and click on the demon you're using to switch off COMP to Home Server. Not only does this save you a memory slot for apps or storing other demons but it also forces the demon in use to stay in the party after death.

>> No.47056878

Yes, she is perfect, I know!

>> No.47056994

Trust me you don't want to start the Colosseum straight away. Not before at least one dozen of levels. The game outright point you toward a tutorial zone iirc.

And as >>47056813 point out they are mean motherfuckers.

>> No.47057282

Bro... why would you get the luminous dick?

>> No.47057296

Why don't you?

>> No.47057322

For Wriggle

>> No.47057490

OK, Cleopatra's done and, from my limited testing, working.

>> No.47057537

Wait what?

>> No.47057544

I just finished Cleopatra. It was faster than I expected.

>> No.47057554

Pic or didn't happen. Seriously? Holy shit dude

>> No.47057564


>> No.47057583
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Still balancing Dazzle Ray's cost, but otherwise she's ready to go.

>> No.47057594

I'm surprised the nips didn't make her, specially since fucking Mephisto is in

>> No.47057595

Is Dazzle Ray really worth it? I'd have prefered >>47056340

>> No.47057601

What kind of Mephisto is he? Does he have his skills from IVA and V?

>> No.47057615

SMT IV's since he gets Hate Glow/Glowing Hate

>> No.47057622

Time to learn how to wiki edit I guess

>> No.47057625

what's the solution to encountering a bunch of ?????? enemies in megaten - just fight them more and i'll eventually identify them?

>> No.47057640

Yeah. Most enemies you haven't seen in any run will first appear as ??????, beat them once to see what they are (and then if you hit a weakness/crit them you get to see their weaknesses)

>> No.47057649

Almighty attack with Power depending on how high the Light Res is? Stonk. Does it pierce Repel and Drain?

>> No.47057652

You can also get a computer program for either an analyse action or auto at the start of combat

>> No.47057665

Yeah, you fight them, and they get more and more identified. When 100% analyzed, they -10% to buy at the Compendium.

If they let you that is.

>> No.47057672

I went with Frolic at 65, but made Alluring Banter as well.
If we simply keep them as Charm+2xTarunda+2xRakunda and Charm+3xRakunda respectively, neither ends up being too overpowered IMO.
Dazzle Ray was chosen since requiring Charge+Concentrate to insta-kill seemed like a proper compromise. Smile Charge isn't that hard to get so just card it onto her and you're done.

>> No.47057674

If it's Almighty then yeah it should

>> No.47057698

What's great with Alluring Banter was that charm didn't need to land for the minimizing defense part. Perhaps it would be too OP in Era though.
If only you knew my sadness upon discovering that Luster Candy and Debilitate were enemy only.

>> No.47057713

>Luster Candy and Debilitate
Still don't know why, it's not like they're broken compared to a lot of EXTRA stuff

>> No.47057733
File: 6 KB, 310x319, kneelice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, you're actually adding Cleopatra in.
May the light of YHVH shine upon you for your service.

>> No.47057735

Or even some of the non EXTRA stuff, like songs in general. Who needs every stat +1 when you can max out the important ones?

>> No.47057803

My guess is that there would be too much stats being raised/decreased. In the new official games, there is four stats and Luster Candy/Debilitate raise/decraise three out of them. Attack, defense and agility.
In EraMegaten, there is EIGHT. Attack. Accuracy. Magic Attack. Crit. Defense. Evasion. Magic Defense. Ailments. That's a lot of stats.

>> No.47058013
File: 1.95 MB, 400x304, SHINING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I can self insert properly

>> No.47058092

Screw it, here's Cleo:

The fusion recipe is Isis x Titania x Lamia, I included a way to add her to Rag's shop as well since I needed a quick way to test her.

CSTR moves are Dazzle Ray (Severe light to one enemy, pierces w/a chance to instakill under Smile Charge) and Frolic (High chance of Charm+2xRakunda+2xTarunda)

All you need to do is add 9561 , キャラ:Cleopatra to your _Rename.csv and everything should work right off the bat.

>> No.47058171
File: 641 KB, 817x1100, 62795014_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you added her best feature. Her boobs Her portrait;
More seriously, I hope it won't cause problems late down the line, if they will want to actuallly add her. In any case, thanks.
You should probably explain things like, her level, her stats, her skillset, her affinity, her fetishes, etc etc.

>Severe light to one enemy
You ever think we'll one day get a Severe dark to one enemy without splashing?

You must mean Alluring Banter right?

>> No.47058269

Shit, I was so focused on boobs that I forgot to define her ass.

>Alluring Banter
I mean Frolic, as in V-style Frolic; Alluring Banter kept giving me targetting errors during testing, and considering it was just 3x Rakunda+Charm, it's not that bad a loss.
I never intended on going for defense minimization, that shit's in the realm of enemy only skills.

Level 61
STR 10 INT 20 MAG 36 END 17 AGI 28 LCK 18
Light, Ice and Mind affinities, with Healing and Support commented out since Luster Candy is gone.
Starts with Diarahan, Mabufudyne and Concentrate; Learns Mazandyne, Frolic (V), Bufubarion and Dazzle Ray.

Training-wise, she's got High pride, Strong will, Charming, Big Tits, Liberated & Motherly. Probably should've had Big Ass was well but I forgot.

>> No.47058364

>Shit, I was so focused on boobs that I forgot to define her ass.
A mistake many does. It wouldn't be far from the truth to say she is probably the most attractive demon/woman in all of SMT.

You probably should name it diferently, like naming it Alluring Banter anyways or Frolic (Cleopatra).

You should maybe add Force as well. Maybe keep Support since she had Concentrate and is level 61. So far, strong demons got lot of affinities. (which can be really weird sometime)
Oh yeah, very important, her res too. In both IVA and V, she's neutral to Physical and Gun, res Fire, Ice, Elec, Force, Drain Light, and is Weak to Fire. How did you handle the rest?

...Cleopatra is motherly? She doesn't seem like that but I don't know much about training traits and such.

>> No.47058374

How difficulty Textractor is to use?

>> No.47058422

I named it "Frolic (V)" to distinguish the two. Not that you'd have any reason to take the normal one since this is basically that with a bonus.
I just included motherly since Birth EXP 1 forces it on you anyway, and the original popped out 4 kids.
The resists are just SMT4F/V's with everything else neutral.

>> No.47058666

Cleo V2:

-Baby got back;
-Motherly commented out;
-Mabufudyne upgraded to Bufubarion;
-Bufubarion upgraded to Mabufubarion;
-Charm resistance, poison weakness added.

>> No.47058821

...why am I the only one commenting on this?

>I named it "Frolic (V)" to distinguish the two.
Good call.
It's a shame there isn't a physical skill like Hysterical Slap that deal bonus damages to charmed foes for better

>Not that you'd have any reason to take the normal one since this is basically that with a bonus.
It's supposed to be a unique skill after all.

>I just included motherly since Birth EXP 1 forces it on you anyway, and the original popped out 4 kids.
I can hear the waifufags' tears and mine

>The resists are just SMT4F/V's with everything else neutral.
Eh, probably a bad call since every demons are balanced to have weaknesses and resistances in equal measure.
Now what would be the best for Cleopatra other than the original, beat me.

>Charm resistance, poison weakness added.
Oh hey good call too. Very clever!
Characters have resistance for each ailments? I though it was Mind and Nerve and that's it.

>> No.47058838

>charmed foes for better
*for better synergy

>> No.47058867

>Characters have resistance for each ailments? I though it was Mind and Nerve and that's it.
It's very rare, but yeah some do. And some gear affects that too, for example the Longinus set.

>> No.47058986

I read the tutorial for training in Era Mega Ten but I'm still confused
No matter how much I caress they never get wet or enjoy it
do I need to just fumble through it until my guy develops the eroge protag touch™

>> No.47059002

Do you have the rotor? Buy the rotor. Focus on raising sensitivity for the first few sessions.

>> No.47059008

Yeah I noticed that some piece of gear gave you immunities to ailments, but I though it was just gears, not just demons.

A fellow brother. Try the rotor. Hopefully you'll have better luck than me.

>> No.47059041

Repeating one action halves the gain you would get from doing it.
An easy method to start with is to buy a Rotor and a Nipple Rotor from the sex shop and alternate between them each action.
The next session you can touch them in other ways (and use other toys like nipple caps) and hopefully they'll start having orgasms from their sensitivity having increased.
The third session you should be able to get them to do non-penetrative sex acts (or non-vaginal to vaginal contact acts if you lack a penis).
Fourth session y should hopefully be able to have intercourse.

Depending on their traits and your stats you may be able to get away with more or less at any given point but this is a fair enough guideline for a new character.

>> No.47059481

Getting real tired of every event being at 20:00 and me getting too sleepy to go out exactly at 20:00 unless I wake up at noon

>> No.47059531

Is there a trick to getting stronger in era megaten? Even when I'm approximately equal or higher level to the shit I fight I feel like I'm far weaker
Also my avatar is captain useless, he has no skills

>> No.47059546

Avatar tuners grow slow as fuck and tend to learn offensive skills 10-20 levels later than normal characters would due to how mantra growth works. Otherwise just master all the mantras you can. Remember that your transformed state's stats are separate from your human form so build the human as a gunner and use the stat redistribution of the demon form to specialize it for whatever you want that to do. As far as general advice, standard megaten stuff. Abuse buffs and debuffs and hit weaknesses.

>> No.47059663

What is the point of Night Liptstick and Goat Strap Charm? There's gotta be a reason why they cost so much.
Is the Living Soul Rings that useful for training?

It's the price to pay for being able to learn a lot, and I mean a lot, of skills, all the while being able to change your skillset at the drop of a hat.

>> No.47059707

Megaten is the better gameplay game.
TW is the better porn (and good feels) game.

>> No.47059735
File: 15 KB, 1093x206, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, first time i've seen that reisen dialogue.

>> No.47059738

Megaten sex is hot

>> No.47059813

>lipstick and goat strap
They offer a bunch of status resistances. These days there are probably better accessories but they are also pretty old.

>> No.47059849

I feel like I'm missing out on a lot by taking promised body

>> No.47059901

Anon come quickly, your Oni Wives are arguing about which one is better so they agreed to a tag team match against (you) in the NEW THREAD


>> No.47061950

Use No-Sleep potions or wake up later in the day.
