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47044101 No.47044101 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.47045021
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"Enjoying the dream so far, anon?"

>> No.47045207
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Does anyone know how to achieve lucid dreams?

>> No.47045324

It's impossible for footfags, I'm sorry Anon.

>> No.47045399

I had a dream the other night where I was talking with my discord friend and she typed a message to me with incomprehensible spelling and when I asked her to clarify I think she wanted to get me pregnant. And then I felt what it might feel like.

>> No.47045524

dream paizuri

>> No.47045693

I had a dream where Will Smith was in a film that was like a weird realistic version of Shark Tales complete with the faces on the fish
I...I don't know what it means.

>> No.47046090
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But I'm never going to do anything sinful.

>> No.47048626
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I had a dream where all my family kicked me out of a car and said they didn't like me :(

>> No.47048635
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I had a dream where

>> No.47048799
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Do you often dream of Doremy, anon?

>> No.47048829

I had a dream where I was playing Origins and the panzer was replaced with freddy fazbear, and when I woke up, I was sweating.
Was it a nightmare or Doremy is telling me something?

>> No.47059080
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>> No.47059484

I can recall a dream with these things happening:

Being taught to play a sax-sized tobacco pipe by tree stump gnomes (as in, gnomes made of tree stumps) in the middle of a desert.

A discussion about shitting during sex, while having sex. I was the woman. It didn't feel that bad?

Spamton being chased by Saxton Hale through an infinite Metropolitan sandbox.

>> No.47059638

I once had a dream about a Paper Mario-style game starring Touhous. Koishi and Rumia were notable party members-- Koishi with the ability to reveal secrets and make you invisible, and Rumia with the ability to brighten dark areas by sucking the darkness out of them.

>> No.47060104
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I used to have a recurring dream element where almost nothing was common between my dreams other than that some person or group, never the same one or even clearly defined, was trying to kill me or sabotage my life in some way and I was trying to escape them physically or socially
The baku eventually ate those I think bc I don't get them any more

>> No.47060340
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The most recent dream I had was about Australia being taken over by an authoritarian government that was completely obsessed with gloves. They changed every bit of industry into making gloves, they did marches with giant gloves, they put on parades with trucks full of materials that would be used to make gloves.
The only Touhou related dream I've had involved Mystia.

>> No.47060386
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i had a dream last night where keine replaced my abstract algebra professor for some reason

i've appeared in patchouli's library a few times but always get booted out of the dream if i get lucid enough to try taking one of the books

>> No.47060391
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I had a dream that a someone ran for office on the basis that her name sounded somewhat like Reimu's. She nearly won. As far as other dreams go, I also once dreamt that Marisa was in Gensokyo because she was a biker who died, and another where I had a vision of Tewi being torn limb from limb while walking in the suburbs. Those two aren't even the strangest.

In one, I was somewhere in LA (I assume downtown or Hollywood) leaving from college (the college I'm in is in neither place) and walking down to the laundromat to get a response from my job application. Walking out in the middle of the night with my rejection, I found a giant building that was a Flandre themed Gusto venue or something. Like there was a pit the size of a whole park out front that was just a sandy rock garden that you could blast music into (and somehow just changed the time of day to around noon while I was looking at it), and a whole ass dining hall with a stage and red curtains. There's just this giant matinee sign with a 15 foot tall depiction of Flandre with "FLANDRE SCARLET" written and lit up under it. There was also a museum of stuff the owners brought from Japan, including some ancient artifacts and a giant Yuyuko fumo. I still don't understand how I remember this so vividly.

Not only that, but I saw a red ferris wheel and rollercoaster next to it. This was before I knew anything about Doremy or picrel.

>> No.47060392

Dreams of Sagume, woke up with raging boner.

>> No.47060663

I had dream where I was in high school having my leaving exams and I was stressed and there were sexy sanae posters everywhere in school

>> No.47060776

I had a dream recently where I was part of a documentary team and we were interviewing someone who looked like Reimu but with pink clothes. Before we started the interview someone else on the team said to me that "she is a powerful magician, better not to disrespect her".

>> No.47065834
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How do you start dreaming about Touhou instead of dreams of getting continuously chased by something? I'm starting to get sick of every dream being scary or boring.

>> No.47066788


You can't let yourself be held back by common sense in Gensokyo.

>> No.47068272
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You need to identify what is chasing you and then learn how to deal with it.

>> No.47068388

I once had a dream where I was shrunken down to an insectiod size, not quite bee size but more ant size. I ran through the grass for a long time, till I came to a house and Patchouli was there, seemingly waiting the whole time. I was very exhausted by that point and I collapsed on the floor. I saw some other people like Reimu and Remilia sitting at a table in the background. Patchouli went to hug me while I was on the ground then I woke up.

>> No.47068444
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>The most recent dream I had was about Australia being taken over by an authoritarian government
Pinch your arm anon maybe even go splash your face with cold water, I'm pretty sure your still wide awake and reality is becoming so surreal it's almost like an actual nightmare.
