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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 270 KB, 2009x1802, 1694019819839523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
47026557 No.47026557 [Reply] [Original]

Miku and Tako Luka chilling edition

Links and resources: https://pastebin.com/jDHxU1Jw
Album recommendations and YouTube playlist: https://pastebin.com/dMX8CJhk

Previous Thread: >>46998122

>> No.47026570


>> No.47026607

Ci flower is all the rage

Catchy !? / r-906 feat. Ci flower

>> No.47026717
File: 192 KB, 900x1200, F5LFYzlbIAAnaId.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting the spotify playlist invite https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7EBjT8vzRpCd1ESeeJ0wCG?si=AfMC0QimRXSFS3_Ddgv_ew&pt=2ed37ab40e67d601ffb2c44c02e4b9f4

>> No.47026765
File: 1.63 MB, 1200x1600, 77143323_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rin-chan is my angel!

>> No.47026811

post ambient chill vocaloid music, building a playlist for my home bar. ofc i got the kahimi bossa nova remix medley.

>> No.47027009

iroha (sasaki)'s new album (technically they're all old songs) kinda fits this vibe

>> No.47027346
File: 183 KB, 1024x768, 取り残されたぼく。_toratsugumi_9_202406070757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This maybe?

>> No.47027534

Sex with Miku

>> No.47027802
File: 162 KB, 1280x720, side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm43882636 there it is
I like the song and the video, it sounds cheerful

Just wondering what happened to Teto's drills in this story. In the Starving Chimera song's video she just put them up at the very end, but here they're missing. Guess it's a prequel to the last song?

>> No.47027853

Yeah seems like a flashback to the concert and her experience with it

>> No.47027983

sex with iyowa

>> No.47028052

Power bottom or sissy top?

>> No.47028075


>> No.47028502
File: 122 KB, 667x730, IA.full.1074068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A classic

>> No.47028519

What's #キラハピ2024 and why are there a lot of vocaloP posting new songs witht that tag?
Like https://twitter.com/studiobiotope/status/1798731579990397072

>> No.47028569
File: 327 KB, 2048x2048, kusonoki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47028679


>> No.47028825


>> No.47028886


>> No.47029127
File: 418 KB, 765x768, 1716986974951637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based IA poster

>> No.47029184

"IA" is the sound she makes when I FUCK her from behind.

>> No.47029197

Here you go, don't hesitate to keep us updated with that playlist since my knowledge of comfy vocaloid songs is fairly limited.

>> No.47029267

She's not a pokemon...

>> No.47029511

She is when in bed.

>> No.47029547

She must have peaceful dreams... I wish I can have them too...

>> No.47029601

You will. You just have to believe...

>> No.47029764

I really like this one, thanks

>> No.47029878
File: 707 KB, 905x1207, Mikuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, I just watched ityesterday, Teto is a cute fangirl

>> No.47029904

I agree!

>> No.47030333

New naishonopiasu with kafu

>> No.47030396

Fresh UTAU original (yukinotokeru feat. Dingcat)
Also saw frog96 uploaded Cheap Properties to yt. I think I like the UTAU versiojn more, but both are good. The ultimate version would be UTAU for most of it, then SV for the last sabi (this is what I expected for the yt upload honestly)
Oh fuck I want this album. Man I love sigh.

>> No.47031070
File: 94 KB, 1415x637, 9GSmaytRToF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should try googling things first next time
The theme song for the event is super stacked, damn

>> No.47031108
File: 335 KB, 1920x1080, GPdlzqmbAAEEoIk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the live DJ they're going to hold this Sunday too, wew.

>> No.47031486
File: 201 KB, 1562x877, denedene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute and very cheeful Una song
>that announcer voice out of nowhere
Genuinely surprised me

>> No.47031496
File: 214 KB, 1059x1047, __kasane_teto_and_kasane_teto_utau_and_1_more_drawn_by_hyouenn__ee8efa418ade2dba90a1f72ee09c7f1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMVnRVGSzH8 short with nice animation and catchy melody
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5F326WOFAw cute song/video about eating noodles
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dE-utYQmOM with miku
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qglvHHyuRqU "we have override at home"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4HiDBHOHws cover of a LonePi song

just like these without comment

>> No.47032140

How can I newfriendmaxx?

>> No.47032414

Don't respond to low quality posts
In fact, don't post at all
Just lurk

>> No.47032448


>> No.47032517

I remember when this only had like 40 comments and a few thousand views...
熱異常 / 25時、ナイトコードで。 × KAITO【3DMV】

>> No.47032543

Nigger this song is almost 2 years old of course the prsk version would get lots of views

>> No.47032629 [DELETED] 

It didn't say it wouldn't

>> No.47032645

I didn't say it wouldn't

>> No.47032720

Added a handful but didn't want to go overboard

>> No.47032958

But then how will you know that there are newfrens among us?

>> No.47032999

>among us

>> No.47033035

I can't believe I haven't heard this masterpiece before
Trips checked

>> No.47033053

when impostor is susoloid
when Miku is sus

>> No.47033112

Art at its core.

>> No.47033114

It really is summer

>> No.47033124

I can't wait for it to be over so you can leave

>> No.47033226
File: 198 KB, 1280x907, _hatsune_miku__smile__by_nijiro214_detujde-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47033280
File: 148 KB, 1080x464, Nom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Teto

>> No.47034041

Thanks for the service

>> No.47034177

we have been blessed

>> No.47034865


>> No.47034866


>> No.47034995
File: 518 KB, 382x218, Your Miku is ready.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47035265

>"we have override at home"
lmao I watched this earlier and had the same thought. There's been a few songs and mvs that are basically just "override at home"

>> No.47035328

If this song was released 6 months later it would’ve gotten way more views. Like it a lot.

>> No.47035369

it has 177k views on youtube, I think that's about right. Even right now with how hard Teto is being pushed I doubt it would be doing much higher numbers.

>> No.47035571
File: 637 KB, 3000x4000, 1700256225344298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have freed her, cleaned her, and swapped some parts, since you asked so nicely. What is she playing?

>> No.47035750
File: 252 KB, 1438x2048, GPd1JBya4AAUxsp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong, anon? Could it be that you're craving my zunda mochi???

>> No.47035760


>> No.47035831

"Zundamon" is the sound she makes when I FUCK her from behind.

>> No.47035856
File: 322 KB, 1920x1080, kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, absolutely based.
She is slaying Teramae's guitar solo from Next Nest.
Now I must acquire that Nendo...

>> No.47036031

Ooh I love this. I'm such a sucker for these kinds of hopeless depressing suicidal songs

>> No.47036645


>> No.47036758

wtf is wrong with nnd and why has it been fucked for so long?

>> No.47036815
File: 23 KB, 336x188, Chill Out Playlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post ambient chill vocaloid music
Here's my own Vocaloid chill out playlist. They are difficult to find, and it's one of my smallest playlists.


>> No.47036985

Listening to Hatsune Miku in the year 2038 of the lord!

>> No.47037100 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 640x360, worlds-end-dancehall-v0-lytp6hvfihsa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVTechNO has been posting Miku songs since 2008. He's half way to reaching 2038. It's more likely for the world to end by then, then for Miku to stop being popular.

>> No.47037105
File: 70 KB, 640x360, worlds-end-dancehall-v0-lytp6hvfihsa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVTechNO has been posting Miku songs since 2008. He's half way to reaching 2038. It's more likely for the world to end by then, then for Miku to stop being popular.

>> No.47037266


>> No.47037935

I like to think about Miku as the herald of the end of the world.

>> No.47037941

The end of a boring world?

>> No.47038608

i hope she'll be here to welcome me once i reach the pearly gates.

>> No.47038714

She will, Anon, she will.

>> No.47038748

Found a funky Kotonoha sisters producer thanks to youtube recommendation

>> No.47038941

If you ate the edamame on Zundamon's head would it be painful for them?

>> No.47039018


>> No.47039243

Inabakumori Kino!

inabakumori - Post Shelter (Vo. Tsurumaki Maki)

>> No.47039246

Probably, it'd ne like pulling someone's hair off.

>> No.47039271

i mean you'd just clip them off first, not like you're gonna yank them out. they'll grow back.

>> No.47039341

I didn't know you could clip those away from her

>> No.47039482

Wtf I thought you'd just pop the edamame out not cut the pods out...

>> No.47039521

thats how you harvest them, if you just pop the beanz out they wont come back.

>> No.47039785

Is Zundamon a cinfirmed söyjak? With edamame being the same thing as söy and all

>> No.47039823


>> No.47040007
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x720, 1400478852823.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the AI that will eventually become what Roko described will take on the appearance of Miku will simulate your consciousness, lure you in a false sense of security and give you the most intense cock and ball torture for a literal eon before she eases up and asks you if you're ready for round two. And you will ask for more.

>> No.47040455


>> No.47040598

sex with iyowa

>> No.47040679
File: 458 KB, 1920x1080, Mellowdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New summer-themed Mellowcle song to match this thread, feat Luka & Rin
New Shu feat Miku, Luka & Rin

>> No.47040801

>Miku with you 2024 official art released
>oh wow so gorgeous who is the artist.......oh no.... OH SHIT!... NOT MIKUUU!!!

They dont know right? </3

>> No.47041027

At least post the picture in question

>> No.47041235

Are we supposed to know what that means?

>> No.47041279
File: 101 KB, 612x611, lvkbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47041313
File: 280 KB, 1081x1777, Screenshot_20240608_134117_edit_193246580851440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cursed artist

>> No.47041343
File: 388 KB, 1080x1496, miku-with-you-2024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just post the picture instead of baiting?
It seems there is no artist mentioned and some people speculate it's AI.

>4 years ago
Why don't you go back there?

>> No.47041359

This is not enough context.
So he's an illustrator and wrote that text, which was translated to English there or something?

>> No.47041368

That guy is trolling.

>> No.47041386
File: 608 KB, 1448x2048, 20240608_135223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47041396

That harness make her butt look too big.

>> No.47041402

Omg. It's a fucking masterpiece!
I don't care if he wrote that degenerate text, as long as he keeps producing this type of art.

>> No.47041404

Oh. Okay

>> No.47041454
File: 470 KB, 2200x2900, 1710345943682852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miku has a big ass and big tits now, deal with it.

>> No.47041458

Oh well.
But at least the art looks good.

>> No.47041468

Make her a shade of medium brown and then we'll talk.

>> No.47041492
File: 719 KB, 844x1200, 1711377807745357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okinawan miku/tanlines mikus are rare. most raceswaps i see are blacksune miku. but there's a growing consensus that the original art is outdated and that miku will return in the fall with giant knockers after a classic summer growth spurt. She's at that age where it could happen any year now.

>> No.47041500

Will you please stop bastardize my Miku? Or at least keep this shit for yourself

>> No.47041505

Is it even possible to have tits that big and not be obese? That's just too big.

>> No.47041508

Yeah dude, those tits are way too big!

>> No.47041513

Yes indeed but I hope he doesnt, At least not the heartbreaking ones with Miku.

Its better you guys dont find out

>> No.47041552
File: 248 KB, 1024x1024, 119278251_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You now remember Akita Neru exists.

>> No.47041661
File: 154 KB, 850x1430, __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_and_1_more_drawn_by_jenil__sample-1043457443d633013a42d90c3e5bbe8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like sakuya, Miku's breast size are now Ambiguous, even the pixv tag "Miku's breasts" exist Kek

>> No.47041677

Okay yeah, don't tell us then

>> No.47041732
File: 374 KB, 1058x1584, Screenshot_20240608_145433_edit_197441623803152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Miku bros, did you enjoyed the past month with pretty side ponytail Miku trend? (cuz someone's Miku noddle stopper broke)

Guess What new Miku draw trend is going on in June and who started it and the reason my feed is full with half-naked Mikus.

>> No.47041821
File: 143 KB, 900x633, 4d2e98e4b55f8b6c41bbc898af31fb493e274ccbd653a6808a4b32f7a71110dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that trolling outside /b/ can and should be reported!

>> No.47041839

Kek indeed

>> No.47041844

Friendly reminder to kys

>> No.47041852

>new trend
Probably more Miku x Teto pairings

>> No.47041854

I've been reporting low quality/troll posts for several threads now. It might never amount to anything, but it only takes a few seconds.
Report or hide and move on, responding to shitposts only adds fuel to the fire.

>> No.47041860

The world as you knew it is long gone

>> No.47041861

Small chested, skinny Miku will never get old.

>> No.47041885

At least two posts I've reported got removed in recent threads. Looking at archives quite a lot was removed like 2 thread before.
Mods are doing their job, but they could just ban the shitposters instead of just removing some stuff posted hours ago.

>> No.47041897

kaai yuki slow

>> No.47042029

Which posts got deleted?

>> No.47042048

I didn't know people still used MMD for regular videos instead of just porn. Are there other people making stuff like this?

>> No.47042132
File: 419 KB, 600x849, illust_101516989_20240510_165116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I STAND WITH MIKU LEMONS!!! I will make sure they feel loved and also Miku dont body shame herself

>> No.47042237

Sex with Miku in the hallways during class!

>> No.47042297

Post schizo songs


>> No.47042303

You anons see mmd as source of porn only?

>> No.47042310

Secondaries do.

>> No.47042329

Secondary to what?

>> No.47042339

Lurk more

>> No.47042380


>> No.47042400


>> No.47042403

anon, MMDs haven’t been anything but porn and copy pasted dance videos for years now…

>> No.47042438
File: 129 KB, 828x459, No.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47042521

There was a new song with MMD MV in this very thread. Just because you primary consume porn doesn't mean other things do not exist.

>> No.47042556
File: 138 KB, 1581x1394, 20240608_170314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont post close ups of Miku's líps, I get the urges of kising and licking the screen and I havent clean it

>> No.47042592

Based, thank you.

>> No.47042612

What about non-vocaloid vids? I see a bit more variety than dances and porn from gacha players

>> No.47042786

TDA Miku’s chin could pop a balloon.

>> No.47043237

sexy teto

>> No.47043421

And her nose could stab you if you/she fail the orientation when kissing

>> No.47043858

foreword: I'm trying to catch up with modern vocaloid songs from the last 5 or so years

What's up with this Kanaria person and the song King in particular? Why is it so popular. Nothing about it or any of their other works stand out as being exceptional. I see it's in a lot of rhythm games but is it popular because of that or is it in the games after it got popular? Did like, some Indian tiktoker use it in some videos? I'm not trying to hate on it but it just isn't "Most viewed vocaloid song on youtube" quality in my opinion.

>> No.47043862

It just kind of caught on with utaite and >vtubers

>> No.47043989

Catchiness > production quality when it comes to vocaloid song popularity. It’s also possible that KING got a lucky break with yt’s algo due to the thumbnail being good, etc.

>> No.47044050

the algo is probably the deciding factor. I think it's like 95% of why Mesmerizer took off because everyone was cooming over the rabbit hole animation, making tons of videos based on it and the art style must have triggered something.
Fan content is also big, I think remixes/cover videos are treated as the apex form of interaction because it's directly monetizable interaction unlike comments/likes. And interaction is one of the key driving factors behind what's promoted. Since views are part of that a lot of videos snowball.

That said over the past ~year or so I've noticed that they seem to throw at least a few zero/low view channels into the mix which is appreciated.

>> No.47044053

Kanaria is definitely the most mediocre producer that got super popular in the last few years, and yes just like the other anon said, it's mostly because it got big with utaite/vtubers. Just like chinozo but that one was probably because of pjsekai

>> No.47044081

People also like that Mesmerizer has Teto screaming for help the whole song. Comments going crazy over SOS, handsigns, spelling out help etc. Catchy song, good mixing and production, good animation, interaction from people. It checked all boxes.

>> No.47044088

King is a banger though?

>> No.47044104

>songs with remixes/covers are specifically proritized
Aha. And it’s easier to riff on a simple song with a good, easy-to-recognize aesthetic than something super fancy or insurpassable.

>> No.47044124

>shot in her
HER WHAT? I MUST KNOW!!!!!!!!1!1!1!1!

>> No.47044350

yeah that certainly played a part and also helped to drive comments. But I think it's largely the caststation video. The song is fine but when you go through the rest of that guys channel it's not significantly better than his other output. He had a fairly popular release last year but that just had over a million views which is big by . Not over 35 million views.

It's also worth noting the effect that remixes and covers have, Rabbit Hole actually just had a slightly above average DECO*27 viewcount before the animation. Now it has 50m views. The Vampire is another example of a song that took off on covers/fan content to an insane degree. I want to say it's the second most viewed vocaloid video on youtube now.

>> No.47044434


>> No.47044513

By me

>> No.47044570
File: 157 KB, 1200x800, 20240609_133917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New CeVIO AI voicebanks Hakoniwa Hano and Hakoniwa Koto based on HoneyWorks singers Hanon and Kotoha (also forms the unit Hakoniwa Lily)
What's your thoughts on utaite/vtubers/gacha game characters getting turned into voicebanks?

>> No.47044597

I'm sure plenty of other beloved artists have their own fucked up art that they keep hidden...

I personally don't think it's that big a deal if the voice provider for a voicebank used to be an eceleb or whatever. KAFU quickly becoming a beloved staple kinda shows that the broader community leans the same way as well. IIRC there was some random controversy with See-U'd provider but it was ultimately some irrelevant xitter drama that fizzled. It's a lot easier for people to separate the person from the voicebank simply because the voice provider does their part and pretty much dips afterwards vs ecelebs/vtumors/etc. still being the active creator/source of their own drama and issues. Saki Fujita could strip naked and run through the streets while screaming about how much she hates cats and dogs and outside of some fanart trends Miku is still gonna stroll on without any major issues.

>> No.47044630

I'm actually concerned it's going to become less common now that we've reached the current level of realism, SynthV KAFU has been delayed or possibly even canceled because it sounds too much like KAF and they're scared of it hurting her career.

>> No.47044640


>> No.47044803

Do Kafufags like Kafu for who she is or because she's just Kaf? I know most unironic fags of other loids like the loid as an individual and not really because of the provider.

>> No.47044819

>outside of some fanart trends Miku is still gonna stroll on without any major issues.
This is not necessarily guaranteed. Did you forget about Ai Kayano? A lot of gacha characters she voiced was replaced. Miku could very well be replaced too if such a thing happened (which will lead to her downfall).

>> No.47044821

I didn't know who Kaf was before looking some stuff up about Kafu so sure

>> No.47044933

Can't speak for others, especially JP fans, but I prefer KAFU over KAF by a lot.

>> No.47045007

Miku basically has no association to her voice provider. Anyone who actually makes the connection at this point is not right in the head.

>> No.47045143

History has shown that people are retards. Someone will make the connection and shit will fly.

>> No.47045485

I don't recall Ai Kayano providing voice samples for any voicebank software. Either way, my original point, like the other anon re-pointed out, is that voicebanks are very divorced from their providers. Maybe it's coincidental that there hasn't been any major controversies with providers but even if there were any, I can't see it being a major stain on the voicebank itself. If you have any examples of the contrary, please provide them.

>> No.47045554

>If you have any examples
Well off the top of my head, I don't really have any (Which is a good thing). The worst we have are voicebanks who stopped getting updates like SeeU (provider went to jail) and Gakupo (provider off in Malaysia because of tax evasion). It certainly didn't impact their current banks, yes, but not getting updates is also pretty bad. They're also kinda wholoids so perhaps that was the bigger reason as to why they stopped getting updates rather than the controversies.

My point is that don't get your hopes too high with people. Controversies can happen because of the most stupidest reasons. I'm still angry about the whole Ai Kayano thing and I absolutely do not want to see Vocaloids getting affected the same way.

>> No.47045825


>> No.47046460
File: 793 KB, 1000x563, 41236833_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one asked for it, but I did it anyway. I wanted to add this to my playlist but I insisted that my wife had to sing it, so I made a cover. Worth the effort I hope.


>> No.47046529

>look it up
>just chinks getting mad as usual, partially removed from 3 gambling simulators and that's it
What a load of nothing.

>> No.47046949

Wake up New SOOOO dropped

>> No.47046971

flat chest vocloid nude mmd's!

>> No.47047090

Came into the thread to post it, but you beat me, finally new SOOOO

>> No.47048061
File: 334 KB, 1920x1080, Uni*virtual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New micchi feat Miku

>> No.47048269

Wtf is this
Who's the intended target audience for this?

>> No.47048410

beautiful women probably

>> No.47048544


>> No.47048579

Is Zundamon mentally ill?

>> No.47048675
File: 488 KB, 2048x1423, GN0jgdgWsAMGmIc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47048764

look at miku's inflatable doll hand

>> No.47048915

What's the appeal of watching that? Those flashing lights can get dangerous

>> No.47048984

It was 2011 huh

>> No.47048993

Found the saddest vocaloid song

sasakure.UK - The Trash-Heap Princess and Apostrophe feat. Miku Hatsune

>> No.47049162

Didn't know Merzbow was doing Vocaloid tracks.

>> No.47049483
File: 410 KB, 589x589, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i put picrel on when i'm feeling sad and it makes me feel worse

>> No.47049638

Fuck I was also gonna post it here
I really love SOOOO. He pours all these raw emotions into the most grotesque music ever and yet I just can't stop listening. Like when you're watching gore, it's so disgusting but you can't look away
My favorite is definitely this one though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OOWWNFTguY

>> No.47050191
File: 744 KB, 1046x1200, 1687108861401882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this one, the harmony in the chorus contrasts so hard with all the chaos and it's addicting

>> No.47050297

that's my hand btw

>> No.47050449

that's my arm btw

>> No.47051220
File: 430 KB, 600x828, 1409467993276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop the way I feel
Things Miku does don't seem real
Tell me what you've got in mind
'Cause we're running out of time
Won't Miku ever set me free?
This waiting 'round's killing me

Miku drives me crazy
Like no one else
Miku drives me crazy
And I can't help myself

I can't get any rest
People say I'm obsessed
Everything you say is lies
But to me, there's no surprise
What I had for Miku was true
Things go wrong, they always do

Miku drives me crazy
Like no one else
Miku drives me crazy
And I can't help myself

I won't make it on my own
No one likes to be alone

Miku drives me crazy
Like no one else
Miku drives me crazy
And I can't help myself
Miku drives me crazy
Like no one else
Miku drives me crazy
And I can't help myself

Miku drives me crazy
Like no one else
Miku drives me crazy
And I can't help myself

>> No.47051504


>> No.47051519
File: 224 KB, 222x192, mikuwave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol nice.
Here's the original song for the lyrics.

>> No.47051542
File: 271 KB, 1920x1080, 296548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cow song really does have the best PV in Diva

>> No.47051571
File: 284 KB, 715x750, 4c3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How cute :^)

>> No.47051753

>i know you want to see me naked
Well yeah.

>> No.47052260
File: 139 KB, 600x735, 46520298_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47052495 [DELETED] 

The Universe amd its answers...
I'm searching for them inside the Vocaloids.

>> No.47052498

The Universe and its answers...
I'm searching for them inside the Vocaloids...

>> No.47052523

Okay this is going to sound schizophrenic but I found the album from this guy recently through youtube recommendations and I've been trying to figure out what genre of music this is outside of "EDM". I'm tempted to ask /mu/ but I decided to ask here first because he normally does Vocaloid songs. Can anybody help me here?

>> No.47052555

Japanese EMD? Idk

>> No.47052723

>this is going to sound schizophrenic
You're using the buzzword incorrectly newfag/ESL
Anyway it's called Drum and Bass. Next time just go on VocaDB, they usually say what the genres are of producers and songs

>> No.47052860

Go back.

>> No.47054106

He literally spoonfed you and told your where to look for more info so shut up and educate yourself, you retarded tourist.

>> No.47054200

Go back.

>> No.47054343

Go back.

>> No.47054592

Keep up the good work, IAnon

>> No.47054740

Something is off with this Miku...

>> No.47054828

Is this supposed to be 07th Expansion's artstyle or am I thinking too hard about it?

>> No.47054952

Does anyone have this set in higher quality?

>> No.47055214

Yeah that's pretty good!!

>> No.47055279

I wonder how the next tetofest will go.

>> No.47055308

Holy cringe
Vocaloids belong in private, never in public

>> No.47055350

Failed normalfags do not belong in this thread.

>> No.47055356

>Failed normalfags
Wtf does that even mean

>> No.47055361

Lurk moar

>> No.47055375

summer can't end soon enough...

>> No.47055377

>Failed normalfags
I'm stealing that.

>> No.47055450


>> No.47055492

>Newfag trying to be edgy

>> No.47055500

You don't even know what it means

>> No.47055504

It means (you)

>> No.47055654
File: 952 KB, 2481x3508, 1697127112001032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's going?

>> No.47055666

Might go to the Chicago one if I can find other fags to go with me.

>> No.47055689

>Closest to me is New York

>> No.47055709

>stealing that
failed normalfag/failed normie has been a term du jour of r9k for over a decade.

>> No.47055713

I didn't touch that cesspit.

>> No.47055718

I'm glad he's coming back to Seattle, definitely on the agenda since I missed it last time.
I will not go with you and I will not drink the corn syrup satan.

>> No.47055726 [DELETED] 

Didn't you get the memo that mesmerizer got 37m of views in less than a month? it's 45 in the mondial charts right now, Vocaloid became mainstream.

>> No.47055759

I'll probably go to the Chicago show.

>> No.47055877

Isn't everyone here on 4chan by default a "failed notmalfag", whatever tf that even MEANS

>> No.47055896
File: 70 KB, 200x200, 05bbd89888f4eccf2bdd16727a56226304ecf12fb917a82f4f6e9ee404453333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody tell him

>> No.47055929

It's autists. Right?
Failed normiefags are autists.

>> No.47056268

Failed normalfag = not weird enough for 4chan and not normal enough for regular society
A sort of limbo

>> No.47056376

he will never be able to recreate the amazingness of happpy song

>> No.47056843

Thank god the miku mtg cards look like shit so i don't need to compete with scalpers for them

>> No.47056947
File: 133 KB, 1280x538, Tets_edit_2213657625888783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.47057046

This one REALLY tickles my autism

ダップル / 歌愛ユキ & 初音ミク & 足立レイ

>> No.47057073
File: 1.25 MB, 744x1039, IMG_0164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this ones pretty nice

>> No.47057168

so a robot/cyborg
it goes chad>giganormie>normalfag>cyborg>robot>sorcerer>wizard>archwizard
(autist, neet, hikomori, otaku, chud, incel, leftypol being applicable to all, although some more likely than others)

nu utsu

>> No.47057187

So there can be incel chads, autist chads and even chud chads?

>> No.47057203

haven't been lurking at all since last year but still passively keep up with the threads, whats up with the underage influx?
last year this general would get 5 posts a day, very slow but pretty on topic posts with occasional loli unafag and that anon threatening to an hero

>> No.47057210

yes, dont derail anymore fag

>> No.47057231

osu! players mainly

>> No.47057243

I'm so tired bros I can't keep doing it for Miku

>> No.47057264

Zundamon is a sweetheart. You shut your whore mouth.

>> No.47057272

Pick a new girl and do it for her instead

>> No.47057280
File: 88 KB, 350x350, yukkuriku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47057297

you will be smitten

>> No.47057327

Pah- you or someone started it!

>> No.47057343
File: 201 KB, 1080x558, Zunda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's been tainted by the schizo songs she stars in.

>> No.47057348

Hello vocaloid brothers and sisters. Any good vocaloid news lately?

>> No.47057365

not canon

>> No.47057368

This thread's colective consciousness is under new management.

>> No.47057374
File: 631 KB, 973x936, rf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miku is going bald

>> No.47057375


>> No.47057386

The Teto initiative has been a huge success.

>> No.47057391

Iyowa has an album out this month.

>> No.47057494

unironically tho

>> No.47057657
File: 1.42 MB, 1293x914, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see Miku (virtually) this year too.

>> No.47057671

My guess is crossboarders. Maybe someone recounted their expo experience in the wrong thread.

>> No.47058082

They claim they are getting "cyber attacked". They probably got hacked as they were saying "no credit card details were extracted"
Any other company can handle very quickly. Its been like 5 days now.

>> No.47058108

Teto really only has room to grow, I hope she makes it.

>> No.47058215
File: 1.34 MB, 744x1039, vn6ikkzaur5d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second round of Miku MTG collab cards

>> No.47058228
File: 1.11 MB, 744x1039, q38pclzaur5d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>47057073 also looks nice, not posting the others out of respect for the thread's sanity

>> No.47058235

Too bad mtg is a fucking trash card game. Good as collectable tho.

>> No.47058363

It's actually the only card game with halfway decenly playability and a rule set that makes sense

>> No.47058373

>Teto really only has room to grow,
Don’t make fun of her chest size.
This one looks good

>> No.47059087

>her chest size.
But her 3 sizes are a major part of her appeal!

>> No.47059338

I like the chaotic sound some of this guy's songs have.

>> No.47059350

Didn't expect to see wholoids here

>> No.47059355

Does this come with holos?

>> No.47059731

Bro... How much did you shoot out...?

>> No.47060279

I've just been listening to this on loop help

>> No.47060377

I'm thinking Miku, Miku (hoo-hee-hoo)
I'm thinking Miku, Miku (hoo-hee-hoo)
I'm thinking Miku, Miku (hoo-hee-hoo)
I'm thinking Miku, Miku (hoo-hee-hoo)

>> No.47060482

jack frost is that you?

>> No.47060589

ambient(?) song, ocean sound fx and other sounds, he also made the voice sound good. I listen to it to put myself to sleep, works every time. Yoll Cazami's really good.
『Minasoko no Katachi』- 夜風見(Yoll CAZAMI) ft. Kasane Teto 重音テト

>> No.47062250

wtf rin scary

>> No.47062728

yes, this is what failed normalfags called themselves to try to make it sound like they fit in on 4chan. the sad reality is 4chan is now a failed normalfag majority website as a result of allowing posters on mobile. the decline of this site is completely collinear with share of mobile IPs posting here.

>> No.47063007

I don't remember how I found out this channel, but it's comfyness is through the roof. Very much recommended for anons who likes songs with acoustic guitar and pianos with light drums, or just likes MIMI.

>> No.47063104

I am impressed this general resisted this long considering the state of /jp/ outside of this thread

>> No.47063426

Why do they keep doing this. Miku doesn't fit into MTG.

>> No.47063539

You can't really predict collabs. I don't think Miku fits in Blue Archive either but she's in there.

>> No.47063572
File: 1.87 MB, 2894x4093, e0f0030429dbd41d0a36c307821c06ac3e85fb79f29cb345b625b14bef20bc90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, I haven't played BA nor watched the anime, but I see it as a game with cute girls and Miku is definitely cute. BA Miku design is super cute.

>> No.47063585
File: 1.02 MB, 894x496, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She fits a lot more into blue archive than she does MTG.

>> No.47063703

miku belongs everywhere, simple as.

>> No.47063734

I've seen it before, good find nonetheless. I really like this song in particular (with KAFU)

>> No.47063741
File: 1.25 MB, 744x1039, 1603_Song-of-Creation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look a lot better this time around. Even the uglier art is charming.

>> No.47063744

I wold literally pay money to have her. Just once and then forget about the game I won't because of collecting autism

>> No.47064049

>state of /jp/
I reckon jpee is the least normie board
/fit/ is full of newfag zooms
/biz/ indian scams
/int/ is brown
/adv/ is people copy pasting shit they previously posted on reddit but didnt get enough attention
/mu/ is /mu/
/v/ is twitter screencaps
/x/ is underage teen girls and facebook
although some /vg/ /vrpg/ generals are on topic and got high quality discussion

>> No.47064091

Well you're going to have to pay if you want the card.

>> No.47064265

What are the current viral songs?

>> No.47064473

>I reckon jpee is the least normie board
I quite frankly have lost any hope for the rest of the boards. The fact the bar is set so low /jp/ somehow gets a pass doesn't really put me at ease
>although some /vg/ /vrpg/ generals are on topic
That would be incredible to witness. Every single general on /vg/ devolves into /soc/ circlejerking where everyone references others by names and nobody actually wants to talk about the thread's subject

>> No.47064643

mesmerizer is the current thing of the current year. rabbit hole also went viral earlier this year but is no longer the current thing.

>> No.47064994

funny how it's gotten like 30k views since it got posted here

>> No.47065045

MTG has had anime style cards and anime alt art cards for a decade now, of course if you post the non-anime art instead it won't look anime

>> No.47065204

I'll likely go to New York.
Join ussss

>> No.47065259

Other than the biggest viral events, what else is there?

>> No.47065288

I'll also likely go to NY show. Waiting to see what venue they got lined up.

>> No.47065294

not here to spoon feed you, go to reddit for that
but also start with wowaka

>> No.47065406

Or Supercell.

>> No.47065427

Well, other than viral, there’s also Bacterial Contamination.

>> No.47065445

Do you know any refreshing summer vocaloid songs you can recommend? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJDRreEOTBA

>> No.47065468

>Join ussss
The last time I went to NYC is the last time I would ever want to go there.

>> No.47065482
File: 1.02 MB, 1551x1745, __kasane_teto_and_doraemon_utau_and_1_more_drawn_by_octopachi__6b42c7c89731f7e0d1904adc8d56a326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uW__R5HXlsA from the channel mentioned by >>47063007
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ch5qr5GTbWI sekai with teto

a few with the "キラハピ2024" tag in the description mentioned by >>47028519 / >>47031070
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncg5PIbvaxc with gumi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDO6JdK7CCY not as "light" as other songs but still cool
also >>47039823 has the tag, "happy" fits very well

>> No.47065494

少女レイ by Mikito P comes to mind.

>> No.47065508


>> No.47065519

I don't live in NYC myself, but what's so bad about it? Population density has some cool side effects. I always have a good time whenever I go.
Not to dismiss your personal experiences, but you shouldn't let past failures prevent you from doing things you'd enjoy.

>> No.47065541

That's okay. I'll bring a projector and a battery out into the woods and party with the bears and cats instead.

>> No.47065636

Youtube algorithmed me into listening to ハート111, which is great but also not vocaloid, which is a shame.

>> No.47065663

It is Sasuke Haraguchi though so close enough

>> No.47065674

yeah it's a fucking banger honestly, but all the same I just have the need for more teto you know

>> No.47065698

Huh, I'm surprised there aren't a bunch of covers with vsynths already

>> No.47066239

The moment I stopped writing off songs with human singers I found a giant mountain of songs from my favorite producers that I had previously ignored due to them being written for utaites, and found that I actually really enjoyed. There's a lot of hidden gems from famous producers that are only available as tracks in some random utaite's album from years ago out there.

>> No.47066475

Wish they could what some do, where they release a vocaloid version of the song as well.

>> No.47066486

kikuo's work with si_ku and some of his original songs with hanatan are probably his best overall. Vocaloid has a very distinctive character that is worthwhile in and of itself but I don't know why many westoid fans irrationally hate utaites and write off music with them. I posted earlier that they play a key role in the engagement process that drives algorithmic growth on youtube in particular. I guess there's a perception that they're leeching/stealing the spotlight or whatever but by covering songs they drive traffic to the original and that traffic diffuses throughout the channel. there's a reason beyond pure artistic community altruism that people in the scene are very open with their files. And I really hope it's a model for the future of music in general. As much as people hate on platforms and algorithms big label jewery has historically been much worse to both artists and fans.

>> No.47066670

You have a point, but then in this specific instance, it's not like it's a cover or anything. Not that care, I didn't post the link to the song simply because it's not vocaloid or a cover using one.

>> No.47066709

We don't hate it, we just don't listen to them because we are so madly in love with instruments

>> No.47066745

I listen to plenty of non-vocaloid music. It's just all instrumentals.

>> No.47066821

Well I think it's kind of understandable. One, tuning Vocaloid is a lot of work, it's possible producers just don't have the time to do extra tuning on those songs, on top of the vocal synth songs they already make. And another main reason is that they likely make songs for specific utaites with their voices in mind; Vocaloid is not always the right instrument for every song and that is perfectly fine. Sure you could probably tune some specific voicebank in a specific way to fit any particular song, but for example a producer that only knows how to use Miku would be a bit restricted in what songs they can make, if they limit themselves to writing only songs where Miku would be a good fit, if they wanted to write a song for lower pitched vocals they'd have to learn how to tune another vocal synth instead or they can just get an utaite to sing it.
Yeah, this mentality where people see utaites and vocaloid as different music subcultures feels very much like a more western thing, utaites and vocalo-Ps are all mixed together, not to mention utaites that also use vocaloid themselves (Eve, mafumafu, etc)

>> No.47066875

>a producer that only knows how to use Miku
skill issue, ask your friend to render some synthv girl for you, no friends? skill issue.

>> No.47066960

Got just the playlist for you

>> No.47066978


>> No.47067189

Sex with musical instruments

>> No.47067241

>they play a key role in the engagement process that drives algorithmic growth on youtube in particular.
This is true but it isn’t an ideal situation. Personally I feel that the utaite scene encourages the uninitiated to view vocaloid as just a stepping stone to acquiring human vocals, “childish/not real music”, which is bad for the culture. Utaite is OK when vocaloid is the default - when an artist stops being vocaloid by default that’s when I drop them. I’m a vocaloid fan not a jmusic fan.

>> No.47067312

I want to FUCK the cute anime girls with unique voices due to quirks from their voice providers and rendering engines, I don't care about some random female voice that isn't even unique or anything and has no cute anime girl attached to it.
On a slightly more serious note, and as bad as I am at explaining it, if I wanted to listen to real vocals I'd just go listen to those. Even with how realistic vocaloids can sound nowadays, imo things should remain separated, lest people think "vocaloid as just a stepping stone to acquiring human vocals" like >>47067241 says.

>> No.47067314
File: 592 KB, 1024x1232, 0df950f08531f1ed9805b7d75ce5b6e4dc80c75f0c6d986f80895ffd8c2fe202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So adorable.

>> No.47067326

>just a stepping stone to acquiring human vocals, “childish/not real music”
NTA, while I relate with your sentiment, the reality is that even VocaloP themselves move on. We have people like ryo, Hachi, and wowaka (RIP) who moved on with their careers, which is a good thing for them. They each left a tribute song though, which shows they did at least enjoyed the time they spent as VocaloPs.

>> No.47067341


>> No.47067359

>imo things should remain separated
They never were and never will be, people have been doing covers of Vocaloid songs from the beginning, including covers with human voices.
It also depends on why you like Vocaloid music in the first place. If it's literally just due to the robotic vocals and nothing else, then I agree it makes sense to restrict yourself to only that. Personally I'm a bigger fan of the music itself and the specific style that Vocaloid producers tend to have, that sound quality isn't lost if they make a song with a human singer instead of a vocal synth from time to time.

>> No.47067428

Yeah covers exist, that's like saying just because someone covered some doja cat song that now that is connected to vocaloid in an intrinsic way. Besides, if you produce vocaloid "genre" music, whatever the fuck you mean by that, then use a vocaloid. There's no reason to be afraid of "reach" or "exposure" when there's some voicabanks that can sounds very much like a real voice now.

>> No.47067512

It’s one thing for artists to break into successful solo careers and another to use that to discount the vocaloid scene. There are people who love yoasobi and disparage vocaloid - these people are ungrateful and miss the point. A massive part of vocaloid’s appeal is the love the community has for the characters, the support for the artists, the ecosystem. It’s not lesser to human music. It’s its own culture. That’s what normal people don’t understand.

>> No.47067546

>Besides, if you produce vocaloid "genre" music, whatever the fuck you mean by that
Maybe you're not aware of this, but yes, while Vocaloid music is not a genre, Vocaloid has a subculture and ecosystem built around it that relies on producers, fanartists, mixers, cover artists and yes, utaites as well, which results in some similarities and features shared by most works that are a product of this subculture.
Lurk more and maybe get more familiar with Vocaloid before you talk shit.

>> No.47067582

How about producers who cover their own songs?

>> No.47067630

desu most vocatropes are artifacts of working around synthetic vocals and a lot of it is designed to distract the listener from some of the rough edges that early loids in particular had. Particularly true of fast beats and adding lots of effects and noises.
Some of it still applies to harder to use banks but there are a lot of relatively simple to use high quality banks. And of course once the novelty of humanlike vocals wore off that stopped being something most producers actively chased.

It's a community not a genre and you can find wildly different styles even within the same producer's body of work since the music is in most cases 100% synthetic. When you're dealing with humans in a human band you basically have to get 3-5 people to agree to put in a ton of work to do something crazy like that and chances are it will still fail, alienate fans and possibly destroy your career. But in the context of one man show producers you might just buy some new samples or a new voicebank and just put in work.

>> No.47067635

lmao you're a fucking retard conflating two entirely different things as if they were the same, despite acknowledging at the start that vocaloid isn't a genre

>> No.47067649

Fair point, I see the difference now. Someone unknowledgable about vocaloids wouldn't realize how much the fandom meant to those artists I mentioned even if they did moved on.

>> No.47067683

I love IA. Well get married soon. Thats it, have a nice day,

>> No.47067690

I like when artists soft leave the community and move on to other stuff then sneak back in a few songs here or there. Also I'm sure some have anon alts. Which is another funny quirk that 'loids enable. Some of the submissions in anon competitions that later get revealed as someone big are pretty interesting, lots of them are obvious, then you have people aping someone's style so successfully people think it has to be them. Then there's the wtf submissions.

>> No.47067769

I married her first btw

>> No.47067914

Obvious newfag, lurk more

>> No.47068342

How about producers who sings with their vocaloids?

>> No.47068448

Kikuo tickets for the US part of the tour are up for a pre-sale event:
https://linktr dot ee/mammoth.live
Password: MAMMOTH
Dunno if it's actually a discount, I think some of the profit is going to some charity? It's just around $32 a ticket, though (at least for the venue I'm going to), if you exclude ticketmaster's fees.

>> No.47068501

Neat. It's too bad NND is down, because there are some Vocaloid+P song that I'm really fond of, like マンマシン. Have this one, though she only sings during the chorus.

>> No.47068794
File: 137 KB, 720x552, 1706517811703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't shit up the next thread with meta-bitching, trying to call out newfags is about the most "i've been here all summer" thing you can do

>> No.47069216

Go back

>> No.47069412

In the case of 47067769, 47067914, 47069216 it seems more like low quality posters using trope posts to troll the thread.

>> No.47069748

>Vocaloid has a subculture and ecosystem built around it that relies on producers, fanartists, mixers, cover artists and yes, utaites as well,
One of these things is not like the others.

>> No.47069803


>> No.47069805

No. Gatekeeping is the only way to preserve the quality of the general.
Newfags need to understand that they have to lurk more or they will not be accepted. That doesn't mean you have to fall for every bait out there and go into offtopic discussions. Just tell them to fuck off and report rule-breaking posts.

>> No.47069904

In case of PinocchioP, I didn't really mind him providing some back vocals in the background, but as he started to to incorporate his own singing into his songs I started to enjoy them less. If he made just a cover without Miku/Vocaloids then I probably wouldn't care about it all.

>> No.47069988
File: 91 KB, 611x507, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic rel from Ragnarok Collab in 2017
>45 kg


Either she lost 5kg in less than 3 years or 1st Place loves retconning. I'm just gonna accept headcanon over dubious canon at this point. No confirmed height, weight, or age like back in 2012.

>> No.47070027

thanks for the heads up, looks like its at the Neptune in Seattle. Haven't been down there since I finished grad school.

>> No.47070342
File: 1.33 MB, 1681x1007, 1716476630656321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the heads up

>> No.47070571

you're not gatekeeping anything with your posts, you're just shitting up the thread and ironically come off as a "i've been here all summer" kind of newfag yourself
and it doesn't help to call the thread a "general" like if you were on /v/ or whatever. maybe you should lurk more yourself

>> No.47070584

Summer hasn't even started yet, anon.

>> No.47070612


>> No.47070729

Whatever you are accusing me of, you are doing it right now. Like I said, there is no point in getting into off-topic discussions. Just let them know posts like that are not welcomed and go back on track.
Your attempt at trying to turn it all round is pretty inane too. I know how long I have been here, someone calling me a newfag will not change that fact. In fact, it will do exactly what you are trying to prevent, shitting up the thread with pointless meta discussion.
It might be very possible that you are a troll yourself and that sort of response is what you were hoping for. Well, it's the end of the thread lifetime so there is no much harm in that.
Fortunately, people here are not swayed as easily as this into accepting newfags and underages. Otherwise we would have seen "degradation of fanbase/hobby" became true for this thread long time ago.

>> No.47070749

New Keisei ft Miku

>> No.47070845

desu its impossible to tell whether its woosh or someone is ironically shitposting by pretending they dont understand oldnet references. It's more likely the former but I do the latter a lot myself just to poison the well and make other losers who have also spent 30+ years on the internet angry.

>> No.47071160


>> No.47071598

Love this one. Bibi's tuning is stellar.

>> No.47071663
File: 2.35 MB, 1505x1600, 27157a6c3ab0f0d8f071f4fc96b1ae84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three new DLC songs live for Fit Boxing.

>> No.47071963


>> No.47072470

It was the latter. ごめんね

>> No.47072884

This. The idiots are only teaching the newfreinds it's acceptable to shit up a thread when they see something they don't like.
