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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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47035489 No.47035489 [Reply] [Original]

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
https://live.fc2.com/adult/ (intense immersion)

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese:>>>/int/djt

Previous thread:>>47028864

>> No.47035523
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show me your war face

>> No.47035538

What japanese level should I be at before playing zelda or kirby? N2?

>> No.47035541

what is wrong with you stop asking

>> No.47035558

before starting your first game or whatever i would do at least 500 vocabs first and skim through tae kim. if you don't have at least some vocab you will be staring at each new sentence for 10mins.

>> No.47035575

i just bought some japanese games and looked at the text
having natural curiosity is a prerequisite
asking here is trying to circumvent that

>> No.47035586

learning japanese is a togemiti

>> No.47035595

first thing i did after finishing rtk was boot up dq8, and i remember getting mad that there was a kanji i didn't recognize in the first 30 mins (蓑)

>> No.47035599

learning japanse is a hinekureta miti

>> No.47035604

glad i started reading before i was finished with rtk

>> No.47035605

learning japanese is sa miti

>> No.47035616

>imagine doing rtk or worse, needing it
yea wouldn't be me

>> No.47035620

i miss jamal

>> No.47035640

who's Jamal?

>> No.47035702

For me I spent a lot of time looking at japanese video sites with コメ付き years before I actually started to try and learn japanese. I'm talking entire several season shows uploaded episode by episode on sites like himado that used to not take down copyrighted stuff. I would very frequently copy paste comments into google translate. I learned a lot of kanji meanings like 声 and 家without knowing their pronunciation from the comments going by on screen. Also I watched english shows that had japanese fansubs on that way. Ultimately I understood like 1% maybe of everything despite picking up lots of beginner words from the experience. When I finally decided to learn I downloaded "Core Japanese Vocabulary Extended" and blew through the n5 deck and half of the n4 deck immediately cause I knew almost every word already, and then when I started actually reading and listening to Japanese for real I realized how slow I had been learning up until then

>> No.47035714

this is how og learned too

>> No.47035751

I never use these threads but is this the place to ask about Kanji?
One of the new monsters in MHWilds, ドシャグマ  has a title whose Kanji I can't figure out, 闢獣 (びゃくじゅう)
It means to open from what I can gather, but does it also mean to slash/tear open?

>> No.47035765

you mean how she didn't learn too?

>> No.47035787

yeah according to google, 左右に押し開く
so very similar to 裂ける

>> No.47035792
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>> No.47035798

can RTKfags recognize this kanji?

>> No.47035818

Okay that makes enough sense, thanks

>> No.47035829

good for immersion if you copy these ugoki

>> No.47035847
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>> No.47035857

is that chainsaw mid

>> No.47035862

oh it is. i didn't see the label bottom right. well i caught up with jjk and it was worse than i thought it'd be (though has its positives) so hopefully chainsaw mid doesn't disappoint.

>> No.47035903

part 2 has been shit but this weeks chapter was fun

>> No.47035914

for some reason when i see おう stuff i imagine a guy surfing on top of the characters representing the long vowel

>> No.47035933

long vowels should be eliminated from everything but kango

>> No.47035979
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>> No.47035980

do you mean ほどう should become ほど or wat?

>> No.47035985

thats kango

>> No.47036020

o ok i dont know those technical terms i just try to read manga and vidya

>> No.47036037

>don’t do Japanese for a couple days.
> remember some things and forget others
Well at least retrained something right

>> No.47036052

you did english every day for years before your puny brain started taking it in

>> No.47036053
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Can’t I learn Japanese from a 1 view v-tuber well also grooming her

>> No.47036058

Why can’t you just say you’re proud of me?

>> No.47036063

Hmm with broken japanese she won't let you groom her cause you won't be cool enough no matter how desperate she is to become a 20 viewer vtuber

>> No.47036065

proud of you anon, just build up a solid base of 2000 words and then you'll take off like a rocket. 行こう!

>> No.47036074

Go for it. She’ll probably appreciate the attention.

>> No.47036078

That’s where the money comes in. And I heard of other anons doing it.

>> No.47036095


>> No.47036102


>> No.47036107
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>> No.47036109

after about 3000 words is when you stop feeling progress forever

>> No.47036112

going to japan and telling my coworkers i understand japanese because i know omoidasu and daigakusei

>> No.47036119


>> No.47036123

daigakusei ni dashitai to omou

>> No.47036126

>when the op is better than the anime

>> No.47036132

She's my friend's mother and bizarre.

>> No.47036138

english needs a word like さよなら, goodbye forever

>> No.47036140

: (

>> No.47036142

sayonara doesn't always mean goodbye forever tho

>> No.47036144

don't let the door hit your ass on the way out

>> No.47036150

oh.. doesn't it at least mean goodbye for a long time then?

>> No.47036149

that would have added a lot of impact in the episode of fresh prince where that girl says this isnt goodbye this is more like see you around and then she walks out and will says goodbye

>> No.47036158

>can't separate discussion of the word with usage of the word
typical low iq poster

>> No.47036168

learned a lot about 天文学 today

>> No.47036173

it depends on the context but what you mean does in fact refer to "goodbye forever".

>> No.47036187

what about farewell?

>> No.47036202

You're officially a 天文学者 now.

>> No.47036482
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>> No.47036484

i believe in you

>> No.47036671

How do I fix windows fonts that default to Chinese when displaying kanji?
It works fine when a website properly indicates it's in Japanese, but otherwise websites use Chinese font.
I'm using firefox

>> No.47036678

if i remember right firefox should prefer japanese kanji if you have the japanese language pack installed and you dont have the chinese or korean language packs installed in windows
chrome is gay and depends on windows ui language or something

>> No.47036689

what does this って mean at the end?

>> No.47036698


>> No.47036706

So is it something like "I'm saying you can leave this to me!"

>> No.47036712

not him.
depends on the context, but I'm going to say it means "I told you to leave it to me" when someone fucks up, or they're having second thoughts about a situation

>> No.47036718

Complement marking particle used for direct quotation, normally used redundantly to emphasize one’s own statement or topic.

>> No.47036723

I tried installing the language pack and restarted firefox but it's still not fixed
fuck it I'm going to set windows language to japanese

>> No.47036733

bros i wish i could forget my nihongo skills and do it all over again. learning languages is actually fun

>> No.47036791

Did you try changing your browser's default font to Meiryou or something like that?
Also, can you post the site in question? I want to see if it does it for me.

>> No.47036797

Yeah I did.
javdb for example is one of the most annoying ones.

>> No.47036819

im m nm mm i memr eirme mreiemr mimm immeresi iimmmmeerssinngg!!!!!

>> No.47036825

Did you try going to the advanced page under fonts and unchecking "Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of your selections above" and picking a Japanese font for Chinese websites?

>> No.47036830

I liked it because it was odd; it was a bit of a mind trip. Probably should've watched the dub instead.
Fuck TikTok for making it so that you have to wade through a pool of shitty slowed, sped-up, or reverbed "remixes" to find what you're looking for btw.

>> No.47036849
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i actually could from this

>> No.47036856

lmao haven't seen this ミーム in years

>> No.47036883

just read 大役 as だいやく

>> No.47036902

Don't feel too bad. Most beginners make silly mistakes like that.

>> No.47036929
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this deck has some cuties in it

>> No.47036949
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>> No.47036957

yeah japan is over

>> No.47036962

And just like that, I hate Japan.

>> No.47036965
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I need her

>> No.47036972

doubt the ai bitch needs you tho

>> No.47036986

I want to become a tattoo artist so I can give people womb tattoos, even if they didn't ask for them.

>> No.47036989
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>> No.47037003

If they ask for them, you have to make sure they are worthy of the womb tattoo beforehand.

>> No.47037018

Canonically it makes sense. She's gonna get her sight back.

>> No.47037178

Listen, I’m not gonna beat around the bush. This thread’s dead. I’m not trying to be negative. I’m sure you guys have your reasons, but the fact is no one’s posting in here, so either you do something about it, or I’m going to have this whole thread shut down on the basis of it being inactive. Capiche?

>> No.47037184
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>yasuke doesn't exis-

>> No.47037185
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can't we just lewdpost?

>> No.47037187

shut it down
free us from this prison

>> No.47037188

How do 3 of you people instantly show up after not posting for over half an hour?

>> No.47037199

i had lunch and just came back to my pc dunno bout the others

>> No.47037206

hey guys whats up

>> No.47037207

How long have you been learning Japanese and how much of this do you understand?

>> No.47037211

Tempted to knobpost, but I've learned my lesson.

>> No.47037212

i understood everything after seeing the lyrics

>> No.47037219

Ich warte langzeit auf deine Rückkehr

>> No.47037224
File: 1.86 MB, 1925x1400, Boys on the Run - c088-100 (v09) [DANIEL.AU].zip-Boys on the Run - c090 (v09) - p052-53 [DANIEL.AU].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long have you been learning Japanese
2 and a half year, but I'm satrting to think I'm retarded or something.

>> No.47037276


>> No.47037320

dame i love vtumors now

>> No.47037355
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>> No.47037394

Seems like a sucky manga so that’s not an issue.

>> No.47037408

>Because I teach Japanese the Japanese way, which is completely different than everyone else and completely different to how all the textbooks will teach it
How fucking bad are college classes for every single person or book to blurt this out every two seconds? I imagine this sentiment comes from college or something because I really am not seeing any amount of what they're saying in the self study sphere, I'm not sure what else it could even refer to. Unless it's one on one tutors?

>> No.47037423

college isn't a language course, yeah u take classes but ur also expetced to self study at home, form study groups, network, and do personal projects.
if u only attend the classes and do nothing else ull never make it, regardless of what ur studying at college

>> No.47037426

womb tattoos aren't 彫物s they're fictional things that appear due to spells that indicates when they're most likely to conceive, idiot

>> No.47037433

i would get a womb tattoo if i was a girl

>> No.47037468

>womb tattoos aren't tattoos

>> No.47037510

They’re just trying to make their course seem more legitimate. It’s as if to say they alone hold the keys to fluency.

>> No.47037566

the key to fluency is reading

>> No.47037577

the key to fluency is not posting on 4chan

>> No.47037589
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>> No.47037615

the key to fluency is fuckin .. fuc kin yo u fcu k fuck you !!

>> No.47037622

the key to flatulency is eating

>> No.47037681

its the two lesbian moms arguing about the keys to fluency and anon is in the middle

>> No.47037704

i alone hold the "keys to fluency"

>> No.47037706

there's no key to fluency

>> No.47037711

correct: there are multiple

>> No.47037834

you'll never know the secrets of the keychain

>> No.47037861


>> No.47037880
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>> No.47037916


>> No.47037965

Current thread: #3891

Previous threads:
>>47028864 #3890
>>47020654 #3889
>>47011940 #3888
>>46994497 #3887
>>46994262 #3886
>>46986534 #3885

>> No.47037972
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>> No.47037979

>>47035489 (OP)
Next thread: >>>/a/267445479 #3892

Current thread: #3891

Previous threads:
>>47028864 (Cross-thread) #3890
>>47020654 (Cross-thread) #3889
>>47011940 (Cross-thread) #3888

>> No.47037980
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lol you paid for something your smartphone can do for free

>> No.47037988

Reminder: Matt used RTK, as has everyone who made it

>> No.47037992

reminder: you can understand how a method you employed was flawed.

>> No.47037994

i didnt use rtk

>> No.47037995
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>> No.47038015

crazy inspiring how matt grew as a person and admitted his past faults

>> No.47038020

You can also downplay it's effectiveness

>> No.47038024

you know what ciaran? i don't disagree.

>> No.47038027


>> No.47038071
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Why you learn Japanese?

>> No.47038072


>> No.47038073

did he though

>> No.47038105

This message has regularly lost several words within the last three months. At the current rate, being generous, it will say "Why Japanese?" by August, "Japanese?" by December, and presumably "?" by March 2025

>> No.47038117


>> No.47038129
File: 999 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Boku no Hero Academia - 144 (1080p) [0D79A66E]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rubs her invisible naked tiddies against you

>> No.47038145
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>> No.47038146

so i don't even get to see them? fuck that

>> No.47038168

think ill make some mapo dofu this weekend

>> No.47038177


>> No.47038201
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>> No.47038208

don't have time to be watching all that

>> No.47038224


>> No.47038299
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>> No.47038328
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>> No.47038390

Did anyone else have trouble installing meCab? I'm thinking of trying it out but its yomi installer always crashes at the dictionary extraction stage. Might as well skip it altogether if it keeps giving me attitude like this.

>> No.47038397
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because want cute lolita gf and go to university in jp

>> No.47038405
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just realized ai is gonna be so epic. just imagine all the rom hacks of old games that only have partial voiced dialoges. ai voice will be used to voice all dialoges. this is the time to be alive bros.

>> No.47038409

What's the point of that? I didn't really understand the wikipedia page

>> No.47038410


>> No.47038424

what a wasted post, by the second sentence i was assuming you were talking about how ai will learn to reverse engineer the binaries so anything can be easily modded but you went on about fuckin voiceovers like who cares

>> No.47038433

lol the replies are full of porn clips

>> No.47038453

x.com is a porn site

>> No.47038455

i mean you aren't wrong

>> No.47038493
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i'm pro ai but getting infinite slop isn't a good thing

>> No.47038495


>> No.47038503


>> No.47038529
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wotd: 鑿

>> No.47038542

>the hood
why dont the cops shoot up the fucking criminal nigger town? Must be sad to be an american living there

>> No.47038549

yosh yosh gabaaaaarzooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.47038562


>> No.47038613

150 guy would complain to the media about racism

>> No.47038712

nice i didn't know this

>> No.47038733

Am I bricking myself by only mining from books / VNs? I don't want to set up a gorillion different programs just to be able to mine from subtitles and manga.

>> No.47038742


>> No.47038744


>> No.47038753

You only need MPV to mine from anime and you can use https://catalog.mokuro.moe/ for manga. It really doesn't matter though, just use whatever.

>> No.47038762

>he doesnt want to learn new words.

>> No.47038766
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finally acquired 洪水

>> No.47038800

\(゚ー゚\)( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ\(゚ー゚\)( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ\(゚ー゚\)( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ

>> No.47038807

>yomi couldn't recognize 條件
My dictionaries are dogshit aren't they...

>> No.47038808
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uh bros what does the x mean

>> No.47038818
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>> No.47038819

Doesn't show up enough to accurately give a frequency

>> No.47038824

Crazy that I listen to nip music without knowing what the words mean.

>> No.47038825

do you mean 条件?

>> No.47038827

>Boys on the Run
is it good?

>> No.47038831

crazy that i white noised like 50 fucking anime and didn't understand jack shit afterwards. this language sucks ass.

>> No.47038838

have you tried not whit enoising everything

>> No.47038841

should've mined more

jking jking, you would've not acquired shit regardless

>> No.47038845

I found this new Manga called Wicked Trapper. It's not really Death Game classified but it reminds a lot of the early good episodes from Shield Hero.

>> No.47038851
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>> No.47038856

well now that i know that "listening and paying attention" does not actually fucking do jack shit, i would start trying to replay sentences and listen to certain scenes on repeat and look up words that i don't get.

but "pay attention" is not good advice and i want to fucking strangle the assholes who told me shit like that.

>> No.47038857
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>> No.47038864

sounds like you didnt pay attention

>> No.47038874

Listening and paying attention is fine when you have a pretty large pool of vocab already. You should be looking up everything you don't know if you tune out 50% tho

>> No.47038875

can you imagine that? my whitenoising wasn't "passive". i wasn't washing the dishes while i listened to anime. for a couple of hours every day i actively watched anime with no distractions and didn't learn anything. and before you criticize me, how about you criticize the lame vague advice people give that misled me. when you tell a beginner to watch anime you need to specify that they need to look shit up and listen to stuff on repeat.

>> No.47038876

\(゚ー゚\)( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ\(゚ー゚\)( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ\(゚ー゚\)( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ

>> No.47038881

who is this attention guy and what are we paying him

>> No.47038885

Yea, just different form. Mostly used the old one so was bummed.
Eyes naked of scales
Blinding darkness of ignorance
Books burning

>> No.47038888

Second is meant for the other guy

>> No.47038889
File: 487 KB, 802x1200, Boys on the Run - c055-065 (v06) [DANIEL.AU].zip-Boys on the Run - c061 (v06) - p132 [DANIEL.AU].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's a great manga. It's about a loser that keep pushing on even though life's is so unfair to him. Give it a try anon.

>> No.47038891

Is it still the same 5 people here for over a decade. (^∀^●)ノシ

>> No.47038897

*raises paw* *tips fedora*

>> No.47038907

You gotta take "advice" from here with a massive grain of salt. If it sounds retarded, it probably is

>> No.47038911

all the best posters started being active around 2017 actually (moe, ciaran, quiz)

>> No.47038912

thanks for the new songs in my playlist anonons :3

>> No.47038917

i remember someone here who said you should start trying to practice listening when you can somewhat reliably read subbed anime and finish the lines before the characters finish the dialogue. also you can try using the listening deck:


>> No.47038919

10k hours with eng subs ON

>> No.47038926

even that's not enough. you'd want me to pause and rewatch epic scenes so i can memorize the vocab.

>> No.47038928

>my whitenoising wasn't "passive"

>> No.47038929

if u dont know japanese theres no point trying to read subtitles in a language u dont know so anyone who tells u to use japanese subs is misleading u

>> No.47038944

you chat so much shit i swear you're trying to sabotage people.

>> No.47038945

just feel it out

>> No.47038951

we dont pause around here

>> No.47038956

ppl come back years later and say they came to understand what i meant when i said this or that

ppl like >>47038856 come back to complain the retarded shit the retards who dont know japanese told them to do didnt work

>> No.47038977

>years later

>> No.47038991

if u think u are going to get proficient at japanese in less than years and arent willing to just pick it up through ur experiences with it then u will only peak at mt stupid like every other redditor that gets posted about here

>> No.47039002
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>> No.47039003


>> No.47039038
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it's on my 3x3 (japanese edition)

>> No.47039056

yosh my goon cave is stocked the fuck up for the weekend

>> No.47039067


>> No.47039097

need to find me some goontubers

>> No.47039099
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still not on jisho btw

>> No.47039105

>dont try immersing!
>dont watch anime in japanese!
>You dont know the language so why even bother studying!
You are actually retarded

>> No.47039108

It's an extremely good trilogy. The Kobayashi-Nakadai combo is second only to Kurosawa&Mifune.

>> No.47039110


>> No.47039112

why would this be on jisho

>> No.47039128


>> No.47039129

in ur case well make an exception for signing ur posts

>> No.47039134

we use jitendex in yomitan here, not jisho

>> No.47039138

didn't you finish that already?

>> No.47039141

it's not a word so why would it be in a dictionary

>> No.47039160

it's superior since they made bangers only whereas kurosawa and mifune put out some real slop

>> No.47039162

\(゚ー゚\)( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ\(゚ー゚\)( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ\(゚ー゚\)( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ

>> No.47039169

I was thinking about watching it but I didn't like the first 30 seconds so I didn't.

>> No.47039175

Just a better overall parser from what I gather. Wish I could tell you more but some stuff just hates my pc. After all those years I still drag everything on the japanese locale Proc because it refuses to work normally.

>> No.47039178

i tried 10 minutes and didnt like it

>> No.47039179

exactly the same here. fuck youtubers.

>> No.47039182


>> No.47039191
File: 99 KB, 640x480, mmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47039192

yep, aoty

>> No.47039198

a guy is spamming that anime in every thread though so it must be good?

>> No.47039201
File: 757 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] One Room, Hiatari Futsuu, Tenshi-tsuki - 11 (1080p) [18B22483]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47039211 [SPOILER] 
File: 13 KB, 326x207, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47039215

I'm Watching Kaiju No 8 and Jobless reincarnation at the moment. I don't feel like there's anything else at the moment. I tried watching God's game we play but introducing the main character as immortal from the start kind of ruins the whole fun part of a Death Game. Having the favour of a God is fine but having a literal God as part of your comp team for games is kind of a bit much for me. It's like when Deadmans wonderland turned from a fun Deathpark to a shounen.

>> No.47039231
File: 53 KB, 620x391, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta finish this other slop now

and then nekopara

>> No.47039247

>I don't feel like there's anything else at the moment.

>> No.47039253

yeah if youre heterosexual then you can watch all the shows with cute girls but otherwise its probably pretty grim

>> No.47039258

取っとけ is also not on jisho

do you want to have an entry for every single combination of words and their shorthand forms?

>> No.47039259

Which ones would you consider slop? I've watched most of their collabs and liked every one of them. Yea you can't compare "The bad sleep well" and "I live in fear" with stuff like "Red beard" and "Drunken Angel" but I liked them too.KobaNaka made less movies overall so it's an unfair comparison to make but yea all of their movies I've watched were amazing. The parts of Kwaidan with Hoichi playing music at the court floored me and I still haven't watched a movie that compares in imagery since then.

>> No.47039264

boipussy prince is the best show this season you're missing out

>> No.47039268
File: 908 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] One Room, Hiatari Futsuu, Tenshi-tsuki - 11 (1080p) [18B22483]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47039273

>boipussy prince

>> No.47039279

why are you like this, Japan?

>> No.47039280
File: 133 KB, 990x1386, GPJ3phQbkAAtdym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47039282

>> No.47039289

>Generic Gary Stu slop shit
have some self respect pls

>> No.47039291



>> No.47039296

if self respect makes you miss out on the best shows i dont need it

>> No.47039300

>ecchi = aoty

>> No.47039302
File: 922 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] One Room, Hiatari Futsuu, Tenshi-tsuki - 11 (1080p) [18B22483]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47039305
File: 1.62 MB, 1310x737, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47039312

>eng subs

>> No.47039318


>> No.47039321


what is the pronunciation of 品 in this sentence? gpt is pretty much saying either or

>> No.47039324

just feel it out

>> No.47039325

i remember this word. it was probably the 50th or so in the original 2k6 core deck we had here in djt
i still know it because it took me like 100 tries before i acquired it as i would always read it kousui

>> No.47039329

しな when its an object, like in your case
ひん when its the quality of something/someone

>> No.47039332

why are you people like this just answer my question
thank you

>> No.47039334
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] One Room, Hiatari Futsuu, Tenshi-tsuki - 11 (1080p) [18B22483]-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47039337

I always remember it as gousui
at least I remember the dakuten, just at a wrong place

>> No.47039340
File: 910 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] One Room, Hiatari Futsuu, Tenshi-tsuki - 11 (1080p) [18B22483]-0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47039351

Women are so amazing I love women so much. Thank you women for existing.

>> No.47039376

>when you 屈む that much and still have no kyonyuus
shes not even a petanko at this point, more like pendejo bwahahahahaha

>> No.47039381
File: 1.91 MB, 1920x2160, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47039384
File: 981 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] One Room, Hiatari Futsuu, Tenshi-tsuki - 11 (1080p) [18B22483]-0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47039389

Did you ever do exercises at the beginning or did you just do anki+reading+pure grammar?
On that point do you even know how to actually write without a keyboard?

>> No.47039395


>> No.47039399

Exercises? Like ラジオ体操?

>> No.47039401

exercises like in doing the right stroke order? yea i did them for the first 1k kyouiku kanji

>> No.47039404

oh I do stroke order exercises while reading
on my dick

>> No.47039415

Bro you aren't gonna fit in with the lowercase zoomers if you let your phone auto-capitalize words

>> No.47039419

but that's how I normally write on my keyboard

>> No.47039440

kaijuu slop-go
slopya dokugaku
slopless reincaranation

>> No.47039441

Yeah the zoomers here aren't going to like you

>> No.47039442

>lowercase zoomers
we just use a computer, idiot.

>> No.47039450

Don't sign your posts.

>> No.47039490

it's not generic

>> No.47039494

Exercises in grammar like ones you find in any foreign language textbook. Drawing kanji while seeing them is pretty intuitive when you get the basics down and stroke order is a psyop.

>> No.47039499

第七王子 reminds me of classic 90s anime

>> No.47039504

>Exercises in grammar like ones you find in any foreign language textbook
Why would you ever need to do this? Just read nigga.

>> No.47039506

My doctor told me to exercise more but what does that have to do with learning Chinese?

>> No.47039539

Just as your pretend self is part of who you are, the same can be said...for your true self as well.

Does this translation read alright?

>> No.47039546
File: 1.19 MB, 1400x2100, FiCeRecaAAE6oiT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47039548
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, 1717803509911592.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47039558

you shouldn't have posted that

>> No.47039617
File: 3.88 MB, 720x1280, 179250586502062.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47039625

tits too small

>> No.47039645

I think If I left my house I would end up raping women. How can they go about looking like this.

>> No.47039653

they do get raped
they know it
they want it
they need it
that's why they dress like that

>> No.47039678

150 iq hours

>> No.47039679

90% of women cum when raped, all women dream of being raped

>> No.47039685

I prefer it when people are submissive by their own choice. It makes it more special.

>> No.47039714

very true

>> No.47039720

popped a stiffy

>> No.47039736

just got locked out of my kitchen for 30 mins somehow the internal mechanism got completely destroyed and the handles stopped working. had to fuck around with the inside of it with a metal rod get it to open

>> No.47039743

thanks for the update, i was worried about you being afk for so long

>> No.47039775

mans kitchen has a lock on it wtf

>> No.47039777

you will lock your kitchen and enjoy it

>> No.47039786

tits not small enough

>> No.47039788
File: 273 KB, 1108x1477, FhRBTf9VEAEIXdh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more mini-queens (legal)

>> No.47039795

wonder what was running through her head getting into this outfit and doing this dance for cameras
that being said dame

>> No.47039797

dont want to sound racist and unpleasant but she looks like she has down syndrome

>> No.47039800
File: 831 KB, 1736x3088, when she smells your chinpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47039802

whats downblouse called in japanese

>> No.47039810
File: 724 KB, 1151x2048, pippinchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaahhh, you can almost see her naple in that pic...

>> No.47039814

hope that when i have kids (white) i wont be forced financially to feed them goyslop like this

>> No.47039817

curry aint all that bad there's meat in there

>> No.47039824
File: 345 KB, 1333x2000, GPOWujJbgAE3Wey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be honest djt...
I'd lick that feet

>> No.47039825

there's no lock there's just a door handle and if you close the door and the handle doesn't work you're effectively locked out without breaking the door down

>> No.47039841

only if she wanted me to

>> No.47039861
File: 830 KB, 1736x3088, miniqueen(legal).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47039869 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 1024x1024, 10080-face-vomiting-icon-1448984447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47039880
File: 42 KB, 600x608, 1708721142872501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47039894

mental retardation

>> No.47039954
File: 1.38 MB, 1000x1414, __alita_battle_angel_alita_drawn_by_ikeno_masahiro__13ad756dc36f49fbdb388262488b57fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate anki so much bros
a man chooses a slave obeys
time to go obey

>> No.47039955
File: 521 KB, 1476x2048, GPd3ki4bQAAr1j9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no we need to embrace tradition and post hags

>> No.47040001


>> No.47040008
File: 346 KB, 378x752, manga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bringing someone's lover to a love hotel

How the hell such a generic combo of kanji ij so specific. Easy to remeber at least

>> No.47040016

same way as 駆け落ち is

>> No.47040018

jealous of that robot

>> No.47040031

huh? anime boobs, but the art looks recent. whats the name of this?

>> No.47040034


>> No.47040045
File: 8 KB, 69x54, donkon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some other words that have a ridiculous amount of near-synonyms in japanese
these are the ones ive noticed so far





i guess it's not surprising that culturally heavy concepts are like this but it's funny to see it happen

>> No.47040047
File: 150 KB, 1000x1393, MV5BYWI2YTc5NzAtYjUxYy00OGVkLWFlZmEtYWIyZDAyZTRjNTcwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjkzNzg5Njg@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a 9 minute short

>> No.47040066


>> No.47040089
File: 1.43 MB, 1714x2285, GO6qlPaW4AA7xQJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47040093


>> No.47040096

I fucking love her ass so much. I'm like a whore putting likes to all of her pics. TRuly a goddess

>> No.47040119

pitch isnt important

>> No.47040120

How much to buy one?

>> No.47040126


that shit pisses me off

>> No.47040133

big tits are better than big asses

>> No.47040143

big tits are just fake asses

>> No.47040148


>> No.47040186
File: 811 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai - 10 (1080p) [74FC09DB]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47040189

are japanese people autistic or something. their dialects are easily understadable to one another but they talk about it all the time

>> No.47040211
File: 793 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai - 10 (1080p) [74FC09DB]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47040215

t. midwit who watched prison school

>> No.47040220
File: 1.42 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai - 10 (1080p) [74FC09DB]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47040223

Me when I see a girl dressed in Jirai Kei.

>> No.47040226

boobs dont really feel like butts. theyre much firmer.

>> No.47040227
File: 47 KB, 600x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47040234

I wouldn't know I've never touched a girl.

>> No.47040244

i have but she was flat

>> No.47040247


>> No.47040250

im fat so i can touch my own

>> No.47040271

fat tissue doesnt feel like breast tissue either. it would feel more like a butt if you're fat

>> No.47040276

do manboobs feel like women's boobs? i don't get hard when i touch my manboob so i hope not.

>> No.47040283
File: 1.29 MB, 1243x699, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47040290

youre not getting hard cuz your hormones are all over the place

>> No.47040298

God decided I should be addicted to video games and porn. The game was rigged from the start. Maybe I'm supposed to become a pornstar.

>> No.47040310

carrying fat on your chest and having gynocomastia are different. if you have real manboobs, ie theyre there when you're skinny, they'll feel somewhat similar to female boobs but not the same

>> No.47040318

no one decided anything about your insignificant lazy ass

>> No.47040328

I think It's my destiny to play the fat bastard in porn and kiss cute looking flat chested girls.

>> No.47040338

being a pornstar sucks. if you're a hot guy just cam.

>> No.47040339
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1080, file.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47040340

dont say it dont say it dont say it
*breathes in* *breathes out* *vein bulges on forehead*

>> No.47040383

just did a bike circuit round my city
my マーボーどうふ tonight is gonna taste all the sweeter

>> No.47040418

>i pushed man-made metal around the city like a slave now my goyslop is gonna taste so much better

>> No.47040470

Exercise does make food taste nicer though.

>> No.47040471

yeah what of it

>> No.47040476

>autistic blabber

>> No.47040483

food tastes so good after i go on a diet for months and lose 60lbs and then try pizza and stuff again

>> No.47040493

After I quit work and went back NEET I put back all the weight I lost. Unless there's a reason too I really don't leave my computer at all.

>> No.47040498


>> No.47040501

i cycle at least once a week to buy groceries but if the weather's nice i will do some extra cycling because it's good for you.

>> No.47040521
File: 3.80 MB, 1280x720, 1700083862100760.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it too late to start learning in your 30s...?

>> No.47040522

its never too late

>> No.47040540

language is an extremely good hobby for someone in their 30s. just remember to be physiclaly active too

>> No.47040542

What do the parts of 鍵がかかっている actually mean? Is 鍵 referring to the key or the lock? And which of かける zillion meanings is it?

>> No.47040545

obviously not? do people actually worry about this shit? iq and patience/longevity is what matters for acquiring languages in adulthood. your age doesn't really matter except insofar as it means you have obligations that take away from the time you can invest into acquiring languages.

>> No.47040546
File: 439 KB, 1651x2048, FhWr1W5UAAAz3oV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, I've started when I was 31 and I?m having a blast. You'll need to put aside a lot of free time, but you just need to keep having fun with the language. You need motiviation and discipline more than skill.

>> No.47040551

is that rara?
by the way, after 50 years old it's too late, so you should be fine

>> No.47040553

the mechanism is かかっている

just how you can be かかっている in a trap

>> No.47040573

I need one of these as my pet.

>> No.47040576
File: 937 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] The New Gate - 09 (1080p) [A88A1DF4]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47040580

I exercise a lot more when I'm neeting but I overeat more too

>> No.47040624

ive been a shut in forever and im too addicted to the computer to eat i just make decaf coffee

>> No.47040639

Why does Japanese have to be the one language that has a unique character for every word It's not fair. If I was interested in French or something I could be done in two weeks tops like.

>> No.47040663
File: 68 KB, 640x640, 85e8e5c0c3e8446f79b1ce899e6c05d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47040683


>> No.47040693

Nah it's not true. As much time as it takes to learn Japanese script compared to a simple alphabet, Japanese is still properly an entire language just like French. Think of it this way you already know the alphabet but you'd have very low comprehension for the first several months if you started learning Polish or French, because theyre different languages entirely, not just their writing system. For the same reason, kanji is NEVER your bottleneck unless you have a particular visual learning disability like dyslexia or something. There are tons of people who when acquiring Japanese spent most of their time catching their ability to understand the actual language up to all the readings they've acquired. You're never going to be in a situation like "ugh I've grasped the language thoroughly now i just have to grind kanji to bring it up to my Japanese level"

>> No.47040709

>"ugh I've grasped the language thoroughly now i just have to grind kanji to bring it up to my Japanese level"
eh watching raw animes has made my listening comprehension outpace my reading comprehension very severely. i could legitimately have some sort of learning disability though because i struggle with kanji a lot despite my practice.

>> No.47040731
File: 54 KB, 1418x790, dolly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonder what she is up to these days

>> No.47040740

Do you read daily?

>> No.47040770

ive been stuck struggling with anki which has cut into my time many days. i do read at least 30 minutes a day though but thats compared to about 2 hours or more of anime

>> No.47040771

choo choo sensei...

>> No.47040793

>30 minutes a day

>> No.47040803

Honestly for your type I recommend putting jp subs on. If your listening is already that good and you prefer it to reading it could be pretty beneficial

>> No.47040807

is tokyotosho kill?

>> No.47040823

im putting more than 4 hours a day into the language, which is what i can do with full time obligations & social stuff. its not ideal im just really bottlenecked on kanji memorization and trying to stabilize it.

>> No.47040832


>> No.47040833

He's baiting you. You should ignore him.

>> No.47040834

yeah, i would but i cant find it for new anime releases. like anything thats newer than last year doesnt have subs so my seasonal watchign has to be raw to the extent of my knowledge.

>> No.47040852

>like anything thats newer than last year doesnt have subs

>> No.47040874

still waiting for dorei elf subs.......

>> No.47040878

lmaoing imagining me still reading djt in my 30s

>> No.47040896

where do you find jp subs besides kitsunekko?

>> No.47040902

Don't worry I'm kinda on the same boat, you're not wasting effort. I know it's memed , but the Heisig method helped me sorting out a lot of kinks with kanji (still have many problems, but really improved my reading speed) so maybe check it out if you haven't already.

>> No.47040909

koi-raws embed them sometimes

>> No.47040923


>> No.47040982

just post the lines you cant understand here

>> No.47040983

i did the first 4 chapters of rtk but not learning the readings for the kanji at the same time made me feel frustratedl ike it wasnt connected to the language in any way

>> No.47040995


>> No.47041004

I'm two years away from getting wizard powers. I'll use them to finally learn Japanese.

>> No.47041011
File: 451 KB, 1000x1333, 1717267462716298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dropped it pretty fast in the early days too. But coming back to it later (after a lot of anki reps and reading) I could see better the patterns and the logic behind lots of characters (still plenty won't get stuck in my head anyway, so I'm kinda trying to figure stuff out stiil).

>> No.47041017

have you read the anime steins;gate?

>> No.47041025

1st row, 3rd from left
2nd row, 3rd from left
4th row, 3rd form left

seem to have the biggest tits/proportions. they should be the first women chosen for a breeding program.

>> No.47041029

not exactly how it works
your wizard powers unlock at 30
but you can only use them in the isekai

>> No.47041036

yeah, ill get back into it. im just trying to wait for my core 2k reviews to drop under 200 per day to take on new study stuff cause i already have not enough immersion. will maybe look into it sooner because of your recommendation

>> No.47041067

the only reason you wont is because djt will be dead

>> No.47041070

>notorious tripfag is absent
>thread is actually enjoyable
crazy how that works

>> No.47041074
File: 174 KB, 1364x2048, Fls-H2NakAEqSEZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im just trying to wait for my core 2k reviews to drop under 200 per day to take on new study stuff cause i already have not enough immersion.
oh yeah, for sure you should do that.
Give priority to the Core 2k and the immersion, don't try to rush things. The most important part is trying to always have fun and not get burned out.

>> No.47041077

god i hope so

>> No.47041085

they call him jamaL for a reason

>> No.47041099
File: 87 KB, 1348x464, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf was this because of vtubers?

>> No.47041109

>On 8 September, the first promotional video for a new hololive branch, hololive English, was released on a new hololive English channel created to promote their content.[17] The members, namely Mori Calliope, Takanashi Kiara, Ninomae Ina'nis, Gawr Gura and Watson Amelia, made their Twitter debut at the same time. They debuted from 12 to 13 September 2020 (JST).

>> No.47041121
File: 1.59 MB, 987x1165, 1710301275113110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47041125
File: 94 KB, 735x903, GPdcZE1b0AABhQ4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47041130

This is why I need a government mandated wife. She would know how to create this stuff.

>> No.47041131

i think i have the same keyboard

>> No.47041135

it's easy. just messy. not looking forward to cleaning my kitchen after
what is it

>> No.47041139


>> No.47041141

yeah the thread is much better when quiz isn't here

>> No.47041142

i'm going to make a japanese machine learning AI and name it jaML

>> No.47041145

Just buy a cookeo and a rice cooker.

>> No.47041146
File: 926 KB, 1920x1080, 06 - Hats and Underwear Go on Your Head!-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47041150

nope it's a filco majestouch
only the finest japanese made goods

>> No.47041157

You aren't allowed to call them that anymore.

>> No.47041176

Jamal's been caught in the past using Google Translate, so this concept will be redundant.

>> No.47041193
File: 907 KB, 1920x1080, 06 - Hats and Underwear Go on Your Head!-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47041211

just realized i forgot to sprinkle some 山椒 on my mabo doufu at the end

>> No.47041212

i might just finish yugioh faster than 3domoe guy

>> No.47041214

might not finish it at all

>> No.47041224

How do I unsubscribe from your food blog?

>> No.47041228

its only a few posts a week
you might learn something

>> No.47041233
File: 187 KB, 698x2048, GPjlkTeaoAAzgDG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47041234

i dont mind blogging but when i hear some faggot talk about what he's cooking my foot tenses up

>> No.47041240

pepper :|
pepper, japan :O

>> No.47041241

75% of what japanese people talk about is food related so you should get used to it

>> No.47041243

imagine being such a mentally ill weeb faggot that you change your diet fucking pathetic

>> No.47041245

have you spoken to a lot of japanese people then?

>> No.47041249

i was talking about 四川山椒 though

>> No.47041250

I learned that you use kanji inconsistently in your posts.

>> No.47041251


>> No.47041254

i dont need to change my diet i already eat the same things japanese people do naturally

>> No.47041258

mapo doufu is chinese lil bro
sure enough to know they love talking about food

>> No.47041261

so raw meat

>> No.47041262

山椒 are native to Japan, lil bro.

>> No.47041266

How is using a japanese recipe different from what you're already doing, assuming you just copy all of your recipes from recipe blogs and stuff like me

>> No.47041273


>> No.47041274

>he doest own a 象印 rice cooker and 漆器

>> No.47041282
File: 624 KB, 608x640, 1697505241663038.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47041303

Yikes. I stand corrected.

>> No.47041310


>> No.47041314


>> No.47041317

i just microwave my rice
it's good enough

>> No.47041318


>> No.47041324


>> No.47041327

have a rice cooker i inherited from a malaysian friend at uni but barely use it anymore

>> No.47041329


>> No.47041335

A superficial knowledge of military tactics is the source of great injury.

>> No.47041338

a little learning is a dangerous thing

>> No.47041341

bae should be thread mascot

>> No.47041344

shes just like us fr fr

>> No.47041354

damn railway no ng

>> No.47041381

walk arimasen

>> No.47041391


>> No.47041398

the watch as it were

>> No.47041401
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x2378, 1703876524014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

linking the official DJT guide: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/

Beginners beware of the moeway spammer! He constantly hijacks our threads and shills his garbage site!

>> No.47041406

your a shee death ka

>> No.47041407

find tatsuspammer utterly bizzare definately the oddest fellow in this thread

>> No.47041416


>> No.47041419

look man is phoneposting in the loo with a few pints down calm down ur spellin nazi bollocks mate (not in loo anymore but still on phone)

>> No.47041424
File: 11 KB, 500x500, 1578504054504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

djt has the highest rate of spelling mistakes per post of any gen i think. not sure why lol

>> No.47041435

my spelling is shit bc especially in evenings when a few drinks have been had and on a phone screen i feel out words phonetics rather than having muscle memory to actually spell correctly

>> No.47041439

switching between languages may be a factor

>> No.47041441

Normally I wouldn't be in support of you, but since Bongtardo hates you, I'm now on your side. Spam away.

>> No.47041449
File: 904 KB, 1920x1080, Girls Band Cry - S01E01 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (AMZN)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47041450

read for 28 hours today

>> No.47041459
File: 845 KB, 1920x1080, Girls Band Cry - S01E01 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (AMZN)-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47041460

damn the base player has the same right ear setup as me

>> No.47041464

im sure someone writing "28 hours today" was very focused when "reading" lol

>> No.47041465

sharpie ahh beard

>> No.47041470

>engsub spammer

>> No.47041471

my days are 48 hours long
im probably an insomniac

>> No.47041476

>base player
i hate esls so much

>> No.47041478

thats a textbook native mistake though

>> No.47041479

getting the bags in lad?

>> No.47041484
File: 502 KB, 470x540, Girls Band Cry - S01E01 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (AMZN)-[12.11.146-12.15.026].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47041502

eyy lad we got one or two on the go gonna be a mad one

>> No.47041521

more like textbook esl cope

>> No.47041541


>> No.47041547

vtubers and the chink flu

>> No.47041549

woah it's a bonger...

>> No.47041585


>> No.47041588
File: 523 KB, 2048x1459, GPdFuj2bkAAxj_u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Owari da.

>> No.47041589

imagine admitting to live in the UK
arent you embarrassed?

>> No.47041596

You sound ginger and diabetic.

>> No.47041599

>One of the world's top 7 countries

Yeah, what a shame.

>> No.47041601

crazy how they made the best anime ever but also trash like flcl and ttgl

>> No.47041604

>trash like flcl
>and ttgl
best anime ever

>> No.47041608

>trash like flcl

Dude, come on.

>> No.47041609

>best anime ever
the absolute state of anime

>> No.47041611

Good riddance. Nothing but slop from that company. Same with Trigger.

>> No.47041616

just looked at what gainax made
maybe i should watch medaka box

>> No.47041619

trigger more like nigger

>> No.47041620

what's the best anime ever

>> No.47041624

pick one

>> No.47041628

Your head’s a medeka box.

>> No.47041635

dno i dont watch anything with madokas since madoka magica

>> No.47041639

Madoka Magica is incel: the show

>> No.47041642
File: 207 KB, 1280x720, r1280x720l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you don't have to worry about summer gay fest aka future of western gaming thanks to knowing Japanese


I don't even need an expensive high end computer this is heaven

>inb4 muh ray tracing
fuck off

>> No.47041644
File: 1023 KB, 3000x4000, F6mgGzaaEAAffyU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking pleb

>> No.47041652

madoka magica is fuckin based and i love the time stop grenade girl

>> No.47041656

thanks for the support, but this place is so bad that i can't bring myself to visit here more often than once a month or so. if you want to actually learn japanese and teach others how to learn japanese the right way, you're gonna have to post the link at least once in every thread. i just don't care enough anymore. my time is better spent working on the guide and tools.

>> No.47041657
File: 933 KB, 1920x1080, Girls Band Cry - S01E02 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (AMZN)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47041667


>> No.47041672

>degenerate aliceslop
yh no thanks

>> No.47041685

You're doing God's work. Sorry that everyone here's too stupid to see that. The Trannyway people have gotten particularly bad as of late.

>> No.47041691



>> No.47041692

Be careful. Tatsumoto is a spammer and a scammer.

>> No.47041694

who would do that just go on djt and samefag

>> No.47041697

spammed your ass with my foot

>> No.47041708
File: 287 KB, 1920x1080, 1698117370058042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100万円 boobs

>> No.47041713



>> No.47041716


>> No.47041717

not a fan of the shaggy toilet seat covers

>> No.47041727

minifaggot doesnt want you to know but this is him the old iq guy

>> No.47041731

weird post just from the getgo but even weirder to link again as some kind of evidence in a boogeyman hunt

>> No.47041734

>the kahyn-gee

>> No.47041737


>> No.47041739


>> No.47041745

think its time for some ben and jerrys

>> No.47041749

i will never understand why japanese ppl lay on the floor next to a perfectly good bed

>> No.47041751

why does this loser have to start posting when i open the thread

>> No.47041753

old iq guy is toucan

>> No.47041759

dont eat ben and jerrys for political reasons

>> No.47041764

beds are for sleeping

>> No.47041765

751 sits down doesnt turn on his montior and just starts seething lol

what about some barry and garrys

>> No.47041767

thats the bondas job to eat the shit after those two have finished

>> No.47041774

thought you logged off

>> No.47041776

am in the loo again

>> No.47041777
File: 369 KB, 494x752, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47041780
File: 937 KB, 1920x1080, Girls Band Cry - S01E02 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (AMZN)-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47041783
File: 679 KB, 2139x848, matt gojo kino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ when is matt gonna portray gojo?

>> No.47041790

new jjk chapter is guarenteed trash but am still excited for it

>> No.47041795

i caught up and i find the series mid which i was only half expecting

>> No.47041798

what color are matt's eyes

>> No.47041797

why did he do that thing with his mouth

>> No.47041808

dreamy hazel

>> No.47041813
File: 92 KB, 191x396, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47041837

Why did they ruin Record of Ragnarok? The start was soo good but now It's just Gods v Gods. there's no semblance of David vs Goliath.

>> No.47041841
File: 1.08 MB, 960x540, Girls Band Cry - S01E03 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (AMZN)-[01.17.244-01.24.334].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47041845

wrong thread bro

>> No.47041887

Am I to understand that these girls are in a band and they cry?

>> No.47041889

managers got a big d

>> No.47041927

*nods sagely*

>> No.47041935
File: 921 KB, 1920x1080, Girls Band Cry - S01E03 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (AMZN)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes they sulk

>> No.47041945

mostly they suck

>> No.47041955

cgi cheek puff

>> No.47041991

>playing mojipittan ds
>まんこ is not accepted

I hope none of you actually spend your days asking stupid questions like this. I played through 3/4 of kirby superstar ultra with my nephew today and it barely had any text, he could understand what was going on without any Japanese knowledge

>> No.47042018

damn i can't believe what i'm saying but, this looks actually good
anime is healing

>> No.47042021


>> No.47042031
File: 283 KB, 954x1440, 345134704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.47042035

it *is* good
i disregarded it for the first few weeks it was airing but the writing is awesome and you get used to the animation immediately

>> No.47042037


>> No.47042040


>> No.47042041

yeah the cgi in this just works and doesnt feel out of place

>> No.47042043

Watching Animation from 10 years ago is insane. Like they actually make it a 3D world instead of 2D slideshows in Anime.

>> No.47042059

how to input on days where you feel like pure shit and want to die?

>> No.47042061

you can just tell big j was the director in this


>> No.47042065

just watch some shonen anime bro it'll cheer you up

>> No.47042068

that cannot be right, is she giving head to the air?

>> No.47042070

Some of my classmates from my Japanese class said they were going to Japan over the summer. I wonder if they're getting the "yankee go home" treatment by now. Some of them said they were interested in getting into real estate or whatever by selling those shitty rundown houses in the countryside. I don't really care if there are baka gaijins in the city, I just hope not that many of them flock to the countryside.

>> No.47042080

lol 0:55 is me

>> No.47042087

i'm not a self-hating westerner so i'm ok with westerners setting up shop in japan

>> No.47042088

today i learned that 酒焼け can also mean hoarse voice

>> No.47042096

sakeyake? something fried in sake?

>> No.47042103

I'm planning to have hapa kids so my son can enjoy both the ability to draw and the ability to know Japanese as these are both genetic qualities.

>> No.47042104


>> No.47042107

nice plan

>> No.47042111

Kemono Friends season 1 was stuck wtih the lowest quality CG ever yet it's fantastic

>> No.47042119

I replied to the wrong gentleman. sumimasen

>> No.47042120

kfc typea shit

>> No.47042121

your children on average will be worse than you and their mom if you're both above average.

>> No.47042124


>> No.47042125

is it sorrymasen or gomennasorry

>> No.47042126
File: 239 KB, 473x839, D9ErP6AVAAAHejS.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47042129

the moral of the story : koalas are like angels

>> No.47042130

Huh wait really? I thought evolution had a compounding effect that can enable you to improve traits through generations?

>> No.47042133

that's just how it is man. which is why you need to have many kids if you want the best odds of one that is e.g. higher iq than you

>> No.47042135

Both, except that it's not "sorrymasen", it's "sumimasorry".

>> No.47042137


>> No.47042138

I will have to take multiple wives if this is the case.

>> No.47042140


>> No.47042144


>> No.47042147

the more above average you are in some trait the more likely your kids will be above average in that trait. but there will be some regression on average.

>> No.47042151

are you fucking out of your mind?

>> No.47042153

are you out of your fucking mind*

>> No.47042156

I see. So I must train very hard for my kids to naturally better.

>> No.47042157

are you mind fucking our of your?

>> No.47042159


>> No.47042165

are you mind fucking?

>> No.47042169

reddit ahh comments

>> No.47042170
File: 948 KB, 1920x1080, Girls Band Cry - S01E04 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (AMZN)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47042171


>> No.47042172

I want to learn a Japanese dialect, whatever pisses off the most people from Tokyo.

>> No.47042174

reddit ass comments?

>> No.47042175

im mind fucking

>> No.47042176

the esls are scared now lol

>> No.47042178

I wish Despair girl was real. ヾ(•ω•`)o

>> No.47042181


>> No.47042182

one is more like excuse me and the other is more like you fucked up

>> No.47042183

Is it true that only 33% of japs pass JPLT N1?

>> No.47042185
File: 41 KB, 1200x600, ed-2412559255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47042187

Zoomers self-censor themselves so as to not get a timeout by social media platforms. They say "ahh" instead of the word ass. They cannot say kill, die, or suicide, they have to say "unalive".

>> No.47042193

destiny fans say "x yourself in minecraft"

>> No.47042196
File: 393 KB, 1920x1080, 1689429543575728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47042199


>> No.47042201

I can't imagine a jap failing N1 unless they were being super lazy and try to speed answer multiple choice questions when they dond't feel like reading multi-paragraph comprehension tests. Otherwise I'm sure 99% of them would pass it

>> No.47042202

if a native fails the test, it's a bad test.

>> No.47042206

it's not self censorship it's just how black people say ass so they type it like that

>> No.47042213

pls im on a no fap

>> No.47042214

n1 is legitimately upper beginner stuff. natives would never fail it

>> No.47042222
File: 91 KB, 960x540, Girls Band Cry - S01E04 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (AMZN)-[11.13.047-11.14.007].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47042225

i thought abt saying it ngl

>> No.47042235
File: 54 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47042241

I've been meaning to configure my Linux setup for learning Japanese more efficiently, but I just haven't gotten around to it. Arch (usually Debian) btw.

>> No.47042244

wonder how many japanese schoolgirls secretly know that word

>> No.47042260

miniyoga says just finger your asshole >>47041727

>> No.47042267

take a cold shower then go for a run until you're sweaty then rinse off again then get cozy and put something on

>> No.47042271
File: 316 KB, 1147x909, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does たれこみ mean? my dictionaries tell me its a "tip off" but i feel like its just 垂れ込んだ暗雲 written as 垂れ込みし暗雲 so its just archaic and means "the dark clouds that hung over ダイト. still kinda unsure

>> No.47042277

dont be sad just be a fag lol

>> No.47042282

yeah that seems right

>> No.47042309
File: 155 KB, 960x540, Girls Band Cry - S01E04 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (AMZN)-[21.04.346-21.05.054].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disney face

>> No.47042317

weird how looking up たれこむ's definition actually makes this harder to understand...just taking 垂れ込む at face value is immediately intuitive and obvious

>> No.47042319

the main reason i wont watch the cgi not anime anime is cuz its still all generic cute girl cookie cutter shits instead of anything with real character or personality tbqh

>> No.47042321

its the latter
in 古文 there isnt the same distinction between 他動詞・自動詞 so it's actually the same thing as 垂れ込めた which has the relevant definition in modern japanese
>1 雲などが低く垂れてあたりを覆う。「雨雲が―・める」

>> No.47042323
File: 945 KB, 1350x1938, p_076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47042326
File: 641 KB, 1932x2576, GPlSHILa8AAAUru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47042328

monitor lol

>> No.47042331

stop posting off topic lewd images

>> No.47042332

all-time classic low IQ 'opinion'
it's like when people say stand-up comedy is fake because they write the jokes before they go on stage "or this isn't even real music it's just beeps and boops" it's just one of those things that makes you look down on a person

>> No.47042334

speaking of generic cute girl cookie cutter shit

>> No.47042337
File: 12 KB, 564x139, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty bros

>in 古文 there isnt the same distinction between 他動詞・自動詞 so it's actually the same thing as 垂れ込めた
damn nice to know

>> No.47042344
File: 1.04 MB, 1200x1350, GPkJ1CZW4AAfGTj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47042345
File: 781 KB, 620x873, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47042348

did u just call me a cute girl

i mean im a grown man i dont want to watch cookie cutter cute girls doing cgi things

rwby was way better

>> No.47042350

no idea who that guy is
but at least we finally realized why she is called kikoru

>> No.47042355


>> No.47042358
File: 1.69 MB, 2560x1440, 18w6p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish japan was real

>> No.47042360

>im a grown man i dont want to watch cookie cutter cute girls doing cgi things
i do

>> No.47042362

i wish i was real in japan

>> No.47042364
File: 490 KB, 720x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

( *´艸`)

>> No.47042375

japans finished it had a good run but its now going to be a melting pot of indians and failed first worldies and non japanese asians

>> No.47042376

i wish i was handsome then i could just go to japan and make a family there

>> No.47042378

not if youre in the boonies

>> No.47042382


>> No.47042388

welp, now that someone online said japans finished im movign to daily kazakh thread to get my steppewife

>> No.47042392

yeah the last pure non-lesser race country in the word is nothing but a memory
it's over

>> No.47042393

you could always move to china anon japanese gives you a head start

>> No.47042394

150 guy says japan is saved as long as the immigrants are high skilled

>> No.47042397

150 guys hand is dirty

>> No.47042399

i played a lot of world of warcraft private servers and it made me violently racist against chinese people

>> No.47042401


>> No.47042402

every time i see a post attributed to 150 guy his hypothetical iq seems to drop by 10 points

>> No.47042404

china is cool they made artificial clouds a year or two ago to avoid the heat wave

>> No.47042405
File: 533 KB, 2122x3182, GPixAi8a4AA1gb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47042406

u should hate the chinese they are out there ruining other countries like australia

>> No.47042408

when new thread?

>> No.47042409

it would be weird if a low iqs idea of a high iq was accurate

>> No.47042410

Is learning japanese easier if I just want to read text?

>> No.47042412

wtf i love china now

>> No.47042413

>they are out there ruining other countries
mirror LOL

>> No.47042414

yea but if you just read text you can't "learn" japanese

>> No.47042416


>> No.47042417

the more you see of his opinions the more average he appears. maybe it's a high iq ruse though

>> No.47042420


>> No.47042424

150 guy was definitely a ruse cuz he seethes too much

>> No.47042426

text is the hardest part, just listening is much easier. Thisnis true for most languages and especially if you're moving from a romance language to one with a different writing system.

>> No.47042428
File: 405 KB, 1200x811, 17mby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao imagine waking up one morning, brushing your teeth, getting dressed, and going out to take an iq test

>> No.47042430

fuck australia

>> No.47042434
File: 232 KB, 960x675, 9ivjaub1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

china is cool

>> No.47042435

i dont disagree but since they are mostly hakujins i have to bump them

also shoutouts to steve irwin loved that bloke rip

>> No.47042437

the dirty hand call was a good one. everything made sense after that

>> No.47042440

Both of them are harder when you only do one

>> No.47042444

can't believe that stingray got him

>> No.47042448

4bc still has the highest ever recorded iq in djt

>> No.47042452

loved 4 billion cards guy

>> No.47042456

i'm laughing just thinking about engsub anon trying to rack his brain on this

>> No.47042457

i think once women decide on a whole that sharing a men is kinda okish then we will see a lot of improvements to countries like japan.

>> No.47042463

is this a 150 guy post?

>> No.47042464 [DELETED] 
File: 3.76 MB, 1280x1810, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>かがち様お慰め奉ります廻 ~寝取られ村淫夜噺~
今夜 immersion

>> No.47042468

if your iq is lower than 140 you can stop trying to address me

>> No.47042469
File: 615 KB, 326x316, 1716333887931031.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47042472

erm u just got me fired thanks a lot

>> No.47042473

holy own

>> No.47042475

gl hf bro

>> No.47042478

not everyone's the same person, retard
t. anonymous

>> No.47042479

69 is in the same room as me watching me post

>> No.47042480 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 583x900, noah smith canada US economic divergence difference immigration policy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

150 guy?

>> No.47042484

That's one of the ways to increase violent activity from young men drastically

>> No.47042486 [DELETED] 

its the same reason the yen is declining
if u flood richer countries with poor dirty ppl then those countries also start to become dirty and poorer

like a skid mark on a fresh pair of white briefs

>> No.47042491


>> No.47042494

i really don't get it why don't countries just do competent screening when letting people in? if you test people and only let those in that are competent you'd actually see improvements.

>> No.47042502

theres many factors at play
even skilled people who dont disrupt everyday life and work as doctors still erode richer economies by sending large amounts of their income back to their home country for example

>> No.47042505
File: 38 KB, 500x375, 1505420146697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to write visual novels

>> No.47042506

i took some tests posted here and the thread losers lost their minds
real sad bunch but their jealousy, classic midwit arrogance and dishonesty is understandable they're worthless lowlife scum after all. hope you get the help you need

>> No.47042508

Is Japanese worth learning? I only know my native language and English. Learning English opened up so many things, even just on the internet, books and other media, that the value to me is incalculable, even if I don't plan on ever moving to an english speaking country. With Japanese being the second most used language in medias I consume, I wondered if it would be cool to learn it, but now I'm scared to start. I'm scared that it might be too hard to learn, or that the culture shock will be too strong, or that I get ridiculed because I don't plan on speaking to native speakers or moving there and be called a weeb. Would learning Japanese be worth it?

>> No.47042510

basically the first world is going to disappear societys immune system doesnt kick in and fight off the infection

rofl it looks like its shitting on the post below

>> No.47042518

No, it's not worth learning, reddit-poster.

>> No.47042527

blank slatist worldviews + free votes for leftists

>> No.47042530

worth learning? no
acquiring? maybe

>> No.47042532

that's not fair though

>> No.47042534

worth learning? no
synonym for learning? maybe

>> No.47042537

tl;dr? I only read the first sentence, so I'll only address that. It's pretty useful for watching Japanese animes without subtitles.

Aside from Japanese, I'd like to learn Russian, Best Korean, and Chinese. I'm curious what they get up to on their side of the internet.

>> No.47042538
File: 52 KB, 400x458, 61264438_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu in the age of real time machine translation the only good reason to learn japanese is vanity

>> No.47042539

if u mention 150 guy or even just iq it sets off the bat signal that makes him come running to the thread because obviously he needs to establish that hes winning as soon as possible

>> No.47042540

what red pilled you jamal? you used to be pro black.

>> No.47042555

my people are under attack by my own government and mainstream media
my people are also full of self hating traitors with no culture of their own since the american way of 1970s has been fully eroded into nothing

once i realized this i couldnt in good conscience continue to make the sarcastic comments on the internet that i used to because i realized it was actually perpetuating ~their~ rhetoric

or maybe its just a new gimmick who knows bro lol

>> No.47042558

not op but tldr - he doesn't plan on getting a waifu and just wants to learn for watching anime but is scared that it's too hard

>> No.47042560

he was radicalized by biden's win or something. sad as fuck to see. jamal used to be a pretty reasonable guy.

>> No.47042563

>It's pretty useful for watching Japanese animes without subtitles.
queeran's still working up to this level

>> No.47042564

If you have to ask no, its for hardcores who want to directly understand the media without translations which can only get so close. Which is great if you care about it enough that you don't need to ask yourself if it's worth it

>> No.47042567

biden wants to raise taxes and has accelerated the ruin of this country

im going to vote for hitler in november

>> No.47042570

whats your issue? nobody mentioned me the whole thread but you had to come out from nowhere.

>> No.47042575

i've gone months without posting about any of that but obsessed failsons can't stop going full schizo and mentioning me or iq every day. didn't think some casual posting would devastate your fragile psyche this bad lol

>> No.47042578

dude stop sperging out we're just joking and then you take things too seriously

>> No.47042579

>nobody mentioned me the whole thread
what did lil c mean by this?

>> No.47042586

575 unlikely since u are here within 5 minutes on any given day with half a dozen posts from 6 months ago ready to spazz out lmao

>> No.47042587

and now they're going full schizo on ciaran too shocker

>> No.47042588

that was almost 12 hours ago. you expect me to read every post?

>> No.47042596

i dont mind schizz on schizz rizz tbqhfamalama (sry ciaran but ur kind of in a funk lately but arent we all)

>> No.47042597

i expect u to know how ctrl + f works before saying dumb shit seeing as youre a famous coder lol

>> No.47042600

people are pretty sensitive in this thread so we should all agree to stop saying people's names unless they're intentionally being provocative. i mean it's pretty weird to play detective anyway.

>> No.47042607

it would be cringe to type my own name into the search bar so i just prayed nobody had mentioned me 12 hours ago. keep talking about me for no reason though.

>> No.47042617

u should code ur own thread autopinger bro

>> No.47042618

>it would be cringe to type my own name so i just made some shit up and hoped it was true
lmao stfu idiot

>> No.47042625

yea seriously this is the first thing i'd do if i could code and if i made a name for myself in a talented group of individuals like those who post on djt

>> No.47042628

just send me the code for yours and i can edit the name from jamal

>> No.47042631

pretty sure ciaran searches his name up on the regular

>> No.47042632

oh i understand very well that it is beyond a 140 iq's comprehension to grasp how i can have instant mental access to nearly everything extending back for years without any conscious effort at memorization or recall

>> No.47042636
File: 847 KB, 220x220, monkewait-gorilla-eating-meme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47042638

yea i wouldnt want to miss out on anonymous making the same joke about me as he did last thread

>> No.47042639
File: 131 KB, 460x460, 9gag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47042641

shameless code theft lil c
ur starting to slip back into ur dick sucking days

>> No.47042642
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47042646

maybe its mit licensed we dont know

>> No.47042647

sorry man i kept up the ciaran praise meme for too long and now people have it out for you

>> No.47042649

my thread autopinger only runs on templeos

>> No.47042651

your whole life's a joke. not sure why you aren't laughing

>> No.47042653

just read 陽気 as いんき

>> No.47042655

whats your life like

>> No.47042657

yo no malicious be cool man ur not supposed to be some bloodthirsty weirdo like that

>> No.47042662

wouldn't surprise me one bit if jamal made his own programs for templeos

>> No.47042664

well ive sucked 100% less dicks than u so thats something

>> No.47042666

that surprising since my nuts are always in your mouth and you cant stop mentioning my name

>> No.47042668

not sure if im alone on this one but reading doujins in japanese is better because the language is kinda hot if you know what i mean.

>> No.47042672

oh snap youve got the mark of the queef

>> No.47042673
File: 2.20 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47042675

to be fair.. he said dicks not nuts he might be an extensive nutsucker but 0 dicks is 0 dicks

>> No.47042677

all jamoron can do is post like a fucking loser here all day and point his hairy chimp fingers at his betters

>> No.47042678

its still surprising that a nutsucker would never have branched out to the dick once or twice

>> No.47042685
File: 47 KB, 795x1124, 1669227234688555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know what you mean but i always assumed that was just from me pavloving myself by being hentai only since i was 12

>> No.47042686
File: 497 KB, 1208x1840, the best ways to increase your happiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we take a break from the toxicity for a second?

>> No.47042690

I think all the namefags are bad. Queeran struggles with drug addiction, Jamal's a porn addict, and Matt can't stop scamming people.

>> No.47042694

damn was this the thing that kept you away from djt for a year, so you could rethink about stuff like a hermit

>> No.47042700

we leave the dicksucking to those who actually have experience doing it: you

>> No.47042702

what kept jachimpo away were his massive Ls

>> No.47042706


>> No.47042713
File: 384 KB, 587x458, kramer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47042714

youre constantly thinking about me sucking dicks though
i think theres something going on there

>> No.47042718

i look at less porn than anyone here i think

among other things sure

i was gonna say ur not making this easy cuz a post like >>47042700 was assured but alas

>> No.47042719

pippi chimpo went real quiet i wonder why

>> No.47042720

sensei told me that sucking his dick every day would help my pitch accent, but i havent been seeing results!!! anyone know any anki decks to fix this problem?

>> No.47042722

ok but seriously how bad off do you have to be to turn gay for drugs? like seriously what compels a man to do that?

>> No.47042729

what is your latest epiphany djt? mines that the pattern found in words like 出来っこない is just *ることはない

>> No.47042730

i see you taking it up the ass every time i open the thread

>> No.47042732

i thought he was gay ON drugs not gay FOR drugs

>> No.47042733

is that one of the fantasy situations you dreamt up while thinking about me? kinda sus bro

>> No.47042738

just learn it, I doubt you had so many problems with learning English, you just did it and now you reap the benefits. Literally no reason not to try learning a new language.

>> No.47042741
File: 16 KB, 221x195, 1387856113420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pippi chimpo
dunno why but these make me lol HARD

>> No.47042742

道 has the radical for neck because in china they would put the heads of executed criminals along the street

>> No.47042744

u do know ur supposed to turn on ur monitor before opening the thread right

>> No.47042745
File: 653 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47042750

wait so it was just u being gay cuz you were high like >>47042732 said

>> No.47042753

turn off your vibrator

>> No.47042759

why do you want to know? so your fantasy will be more vivid when you think about me at night?

>> No.47042760

but then how else r u gonna cumm

>> No.47042761

The 首 radical is purely phonetic, my dude.

>> No.47042762

got your moms of for that

>> No.47042769

i would try and create the biggest nakige if i had any talent in writing and drawing

>> No.47042771

nope im just confused why anyone would do something so inhumanly disgusting

>> No.47042773

oh. a true and honest nihonjin told me that. guess they were wrong

>> No.47042775
File: 12 KB, 759x168, war.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a war face. I said show me your war face!

>> No.47042777

any game jasmol streams will become a nakige cuz its onions how trash his japanese is

>> No.47042778

if you need a vibrator to cum you're cooked.

>> No.47042779

Never trust a Jap, especially when it comes to things that happened in China.

>> No.47042781


all you need is a director(you)

>> No.47042785

hes beyond cooked hes toast

>> No.47042789

6-7sec or skip

>> No.47042790

Beyond cooked would be burnt. Toast is just toasted, which is cooking by another name.

>> No.47042796

maybe one day your parents will give you the talk

>> No.47042799

hes hairier than a chimp hes basically burnt toast

>> No.47042801

It's RTK, I'm writing them out

>> No.47042806

its the thinking mans way of achieving the nuki

>> No.47042807


>> No.47042809

men are supposed to be hairy and i like my butt hair especially

>> No.47042810

What are "the birds" and "the bees"?

>> No.47042813

Things you fuck to get off when a woman isn't around

>> No.47042814

they only told me about the birds and the bees. waiting on u to explain adam n' steve

>> No.47042818

nah. the thinking man's way is to just cum with your fingers so you can get in the shower and not have to clean anything else

>> No.47042820
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>> No.47042822

chimp trait

>> No.47042826

*eats banan*

>> No.47042829

thinking men can just goon till they bust in their pants. Legit used to do that for a period of a few months after my sexual awakening. Verification not required.

>> No.47042835

i didn't even smile

>> No.47042837

anyone thats read a hot and heavy eroge can do that.

>> No.47042840

yea gorillas dont cuz they know what they gonna be in a million years

>> No.47042843

Ciaran's clapbacks are getting worse. Gonna start selling my stock to invest in Jamal.

>> No.47042844

don't call me that

>> No.47042846

didn't laugh / smile
utterly joyless as i type this post
currently scowling into my monitor + L ration + mad as hell + get over it joker
curling my fist into a ball as we speak thinking about that bad joke

>> No.47042847

lets put a smile on that face

>> No.47042850

lil c...

>> No.47042851

im still holding my ciaran position firm

the only stock i dumped this year was bongtaro

>> No.47042852

that's way too hyperbolic i simply didn't smile and that's ok

>> No.47042853
File: 84 KB, 655x337, killing-joke-ending-133484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47042854

im pretty limited in clapback options considering i cant deny the dick sucking

>> No.47042857

i still get boners at work near the end of my shift when i wear tight things like jeans. i guess the 疲れマラ is a thing. makes me really confident in that my body is still very healthy knowing i still get these to this day at my age.

>> No.47042858

yeah hold that shit

>> No.47042862

id rather hold

>> No.47042863


>> No.47042866


>> No.47042877

austrian guy is the only other true high iq in this thread i recognize

>> No.47042885

birds of a faggot fuck together

>> No.47042888

america guy is better

>> No.47042892
File: 111 KB, 850x1074, 1673835018130915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my iq is so high that the testing machiens exploded so i was banned 4 lyfe

>> No.47042893

america ftw

>> No.47042900

what does austrian guy and 150 iq guy do for a living? famous scientist?

>> No.47042901

Gross. You and OG have a lot in common.

>> No.47042903

they developed the first ever SaaS (seethe as a service)

>> No.47042904

i just recognize real genius when i see it

>> No.47042911

i was blown away he sounds great

>> No.47042913

stfu og

>> No.47042916 [DELETED] 



>> No.47042922

why do they all look the same

>> No.47042929

in china thats just how it is

>> No.47042930
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x2001, 1702543045617121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47042932

she eats like a frog

>> No.47042933

blud just discovered ethnicity

>> No.47042937

accurate lol

>> No.47042942

You hate me 'cause you ain't me, little dick sucker. How's that whore of gf working out for you?

>> No.47042948

are 起きる and 目覚める synonyms for waking up

>> No.47042951

Do you not have a dictionary?

>> No.47042954

One on right looks like the chicken connoisseur

>> No.47042956

if u need a dictionary to answer then smfreakinh

>> No.47042957

digibro said makise kurisu is 145-155 iq

>> No.47042962

i do i just dont have one for situational word choice. like 余り vs 後 vs 残り 

>> No.47042964

digibro doesn't know as much as seb does about iq so i wouldn't trust his assessment

>> No.47042965

digibro didnt get steins gay if he thinks the characters are geniuses lol

steinsgay is about kids playing science like imaginative children often do

>> No.47042968

You can clearly see that both mean to awaken. This isn't a situational thing.

>> No.47042972

why did you bother reading the vn its not like you were going to understand anything at your n4 whitenoiser level

>> No.47042974

steins gate sucks

>> No.47042978

low iqs take steinsgay at face value

high iqs understand it as the juvenile sci fi adventure it is

>> No.47042979

dame jamal just got BTFO'd by 972

>> No.47042981

no its just poorly written and insane

>> No.47042983

ok so which blogs opinion are you parroting

>> No.47042984

I like steins;gate. Kurisu have me a smart woman fetish.

>> No.47042988

steins gate vinny was pretty funny just cuz the voice acting and art was good
i always let the line play when he did the 鳳凰院凶真 bit

>> No.47042991

u wont find any no matter how far and wide u search

>> No.47042993

i miss anime blogs

>> No.47042995

make one

>> No.47042998

you couldnt get me to believe jamal is 145+ no matter what his dunning kruger is too strong he converges to the midwit attractor field

>> No.47043000

I'm too sincere to resist the urge to burn every bridge at the soonest possible opportunity

>> No.47043001

you guys wanna add each other on mal and post blogs?

>> No.47043006

wrong that's high paranoia+low agreeableness

>> No.47043007

i could get a hugo anime blog set up in like an hour that'd be awesome we could make a djt web ring hell yeah lets do it

>> No.47043009
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>> No.47043011


>> No.47043013

i don't even remember what happens in s;g. such a forgettable anime. vn must be worse because vns have padded shit writing. but i remember the big moments of shows i watched at the same time as s;g like berserk and jojo's.

>> No.47043014

im in.

>> No.47043015

im not 145 or 145+ just 142

>> No.47043017


>> No.47043018

yeah thats what i said

>> No.47043020

jojo doesnt have any big moments thoguh

>> No.47043022

Not high paranoia but low tolerability

>> No.47043024

the end of part 2 is insane

>> No.47043026

so why r u strawmanning no one was trying to convince u of htat ?

>> No.47043027

the end of part 3 is insane

>> No.47043028

like i said

>> No.47043031

Not impressed

>> No.47043040

not like u said

>> No.47043041

starting to think dunning kruger isnt a single peak it repeats every few points and theres a big one at 141-144

>> No.47043046

seb and emil and others say dunning kruger isn't real and is just a statistical artifact

>> No.47043048

*shakes head sadly*

>> No.47043057

its also from reddit which is why its so popular with ppl here

>> No.47043060

*stares into space retardedly*

>> No.47043064

and is why you know that haha

>> No.47043067

og never sucked a dick fuck you

>> No.47043068

man, 150 guy is going savage on jamal

>> No.47043070
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>> No.47043072

would you say he's going gorilla mode

>> No.47043073

well when it was first mentioned here i googled it and thats where it said it came from and im not one to argue with google

>> No.47043076

no thats the mode jachimpo is in

>> No.47043077


>> No.47043079

im the jane gooddall of djt

>> No.47043089

jane? ape fucker jane?

>> No.47043090 [DELETED] 

150 guy is koko the gorilla


>> No.47043091
File: 364 KB, 374x376, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took a selfie with 150 guy

>> No.47043092

never heard of her so it figures

>> No.47043094

Anyone named can't be the Jane Goodall. You're clearly one of the specimens to observe

>> No.47043096

dunning kruger isnt real but people thinking they know at all when they know jack shit is real and djt has had many such cases

>> No.47043098

>many such cases
name TWO

>> No.47043102

quizmaster and 4bc

>> No.47043103

og and queef

>> No.47043106


>> No.47043107

in retrospect quiz was a nice and humble guy. i bet even jamal misses him.

>> No.47043108

less hair in that pic than on your arm

>> No.47043110

menacing energy from 106 i dont think they are joking

>> No.47043112

true og was probably the safer choice than 4bc

>> No.47043113

queef literally stated himself he knows jack shit

>> No.47043117

ogs pretty smart

>> No.47043118

don't know about this original gangster but if she was a lesbian she's cool in my book

>> No.47043119

when you're over 140 iq you're usually the smartest person in the room, which gets to your head fast. when you're in a smart room you open yourself up to acting stupid though

>> No.47043122

quiz actually had character development because that's what happens when you become a father. you can't afford to be immature. but back in the 2019/2020 quiz era he definitely fit the bill

>> No.47043126

4bc transcribed jidaigeki

>> No.47043135

so did 布教 guy

>> No.47043136

but even the smartest person in the room can get intellectually bitch slapped by someone like me with below average intelligence.

>> No.47043143

i cant believe jane goodall posts in djt

>> No.47043147

og's take on 4bc

>> No.47043152

og never recognized me. just got sad thinking about it

>> No.47043154

will we ever find out what really happened between og 4bc and jamal

>> No.47043159
File: 176 KB, 361x461, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47043161

feel enraged knowing a lucky guy here sexted with og

>> No.47043164

crazy how i instantly recognize my own posts

>> No.47043170

thats not that crazy

>> No.47043171

what if it was jamal

>> No.47043173

This is a million times gayer than shipping minecraft youtubers together

>> No.47043175

u should always know the smell of ur own posts

>> No.47043180


>> No.47043181

crazy how i instantly recognize robert's posts

>> No.47043182
File: 121 KB, 750x730, 1629034632284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47043185

jamal says og is smart, og says 4bc is smart but jamal says 4bc is not smart

>> No.47043192

where did i say that

>> No.47043195

link 2

>> No.47043194

let's hear what 4bc says

>> No.47043197

he doesnt hes dead

>> No.47043200


>> No.47043203

everyone here is made up except for jamal

>> No.47043204

can't believe og killed 4bro

>> No.47043207

ciaran said 4bc wishes him happy new year every year

>> No.47043212

the djt underbelly is some fucked up shit real mafioso

>> No.47043216
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>> No.47043217

the cult of djt

>> No.47043218

yo whats in the titty house

>> No.47043220

yo mama

>> No.47043224
File: 6 KB, 868x95, 1714699371941338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel bad cuz i didnt reply to the latest one
he also sent me some shit before that which will never see the light of day

>> No.47043225

rude bruv rude

>> No.47043229


>> No.47043230

dont take the mafioso lightly ciaran

>> No.47043232


>> No.47043233

unfortunately its just a 旅人の宿

>> No.47043234

hey i get that reference

>> No.47043235
File: 798 KB, 1114x509, unnnun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there are any other cases where a native can just fail to 'spell' a word they know other than this one and ふいんき

>> No.47043241

is that jan 1 this year or 23

>> No.47043242

probably 痔 stuff that uses お instead of う for elongated vowel sounds

>> No.47043245

i read this as un'nen

>> No.47043246

they should sell this on steam

>> No.47043247

so djters are creating friendships and i'm left out...

>> No.47043254

ill be any djters friend i have an open door policy

if u ever feel left out just come talk to me

>> No.47043258

jan this year otherwise it would have the year attached like the other one wouldnt it m8
use your noggin

>> No.47043283

later in the video lui types ぞうもん instead of 僧門
probably thousands of 濁点 cases like that

>> No.47043285

you could have taken the screenshot last year

>> No.47043294

no i couldnt because the message didnt exist then :^)

>> No.47043295

aww sweet guy

>> No.47043296

stfu og

>> No.47043304

you can add me on mal and be my friend as much as 4bc is
im ok with adding people on any platform where they cant cause a popup on my screen because then i feel socially obligated to respond thanks to my high conscientiousness

>> No.47043306

shaking with rage. og never called me sweet

>> No.47043312

if i cant cause popups or sounds like the msn or aim sound whats even the point

>> No.47043314

>then i feel socially obligated to respond thanks to my high conscientiousness
kek lil c you just admitted you didn't reply to 4bc's message from january

>> No.47043320

didnt he say that several posts ago himself ? i dont read most of the posts in djt so i could just be hallucin8ing

>> No.47043321

i wish blue hair looked as cool irl as it does in anime

>> No.47043323

whore definitely had a thing for bbc guy

>> No.47043324

you guys are being weird

>> No.47043332

destiny looked pretty cool

>> No.47043333

cause i didnt see it for ages and then it became socially awkward to do so.

>> No.47043336

destiny having blue hair only worked because it pissed off right wingers so much, let's be honest

>> No.47043337

It does on wom*n

>> No.47043338

he looks like an unironic faggot

>> No.47043341

i'm a right winger (or maybe more accurately an anti-leftist centrist) and i liked his hair


>> No.47043343

post 1 woman with fully blue hair that looks better than natural color.
he is an unironic faggot he has sex with men

>> No.47043344

ciaran the kind of dude to transcribe 6 months after the dust has settled

>> No.47043347
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>> No.47043351

yes because the heat is taken off it by then and we can have an objective discussion in the thread.

>> No.47043354

i cant believe the uppercaser is still seething at queerGOD

>> No.47043355 [DELETED] 

imagine how happy ciaran would be if he dated a woman like this. it'd be incredible.

>> No.47043359

yah transcribe cocks in his butt lol (sry c had to do it to em)

>> No.47043363
File: 274 KB, 1920x1080, Classic-Blue-Beauty-hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isnt full blue but this girl pulls it off really well actually. otherwise i see more men with good looking blue hair than women on the google search

>> No.47043366


>> No.47043372

what makes me happy is not having social obligations and staying indoors so dating any woman would make me unhappy
but aside from that i already know i wouldnt get along with her

>> No.47043376
File: 781 KB, 432x718, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47043378
File: 483 KB, 800x450, blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post 1 woman with fully blue hair that looks better than natural color.
Moving goalposts but the chick in the right of this image macro

>> No.47043383

>Moving goalposts
dont see how but sorry if i came off that way.
dont really like that better than a natural color

>> No.47043384

it looks good on anyone who looks good

>> No.47043386

imagine how happy ciaran would be if he dated a woman like this. it'd be incredible.

>> No.47043389

fucking knew it'd be a transformer

>> No.47043391

imagine how happy ciaran would be if he dated a woman like this. it'd be incredible.

>> No.47043395

i haven't heard this in years wow

>> No.47043396

I was in a thread with tripcode once. Not sure if anyone else could tell, but I knew it was him. Pretty sure I called him a nigga, or said he was my nigga or something along those lines.

>> No.47043397

i imagined ciaran sitting on her lap while she bobbed and weaved her head and i laughed hard

>> No.47043398

jamal going through old ray william johnson vids

>> No.47043402


>> No.47043405


>> No.47043407
File: 180 KB, 1566x1128, WoWScrnShot_112323_174208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.47043409

Damn bro... haha bet you think about that a lot,,,
I'd tell my grandkids haha...

>> No.47043412

mega cringe

>> No.47043413

despite what you may think i actually hate nerds and dont like people telling me about their autistic interests for hours. my eyes just glaze over when im forced to talk to people like that at work

>> No.47043416

I take every chance I can get to let people know that I'm graced by papito's presence every day.

>> No.47043417

watch ur back nerds me and big C are Comin for u

>> No.47043419

never understood the appeal of horde players. their level areas are whack and their lore is whack on top of that. aliance 4 life

>> No.47043422

Unc think he b 2 cool 4 da autistic yutes but he be postin on 4chan...

>> No.47043423

we aint playing wow for no lore

>> No.47043428

i always thought horde players are just tranny abominations or ugly irl so they could recognize themselves in the absolute messes that are horde models

>> No.47043429

dunno when i played as a kid i was reading every quest text

>> No.47043431

can't motivate myself to watch popular movies

>> No.47043432

alliance players boys


>> No.47043434


>> No.47043433
File: 192 KB, 366x398, 1669669684603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their level areas are whack
you've clearly never played horde lmao. horde levelling is way less whack than alliance levelling. if you think the wetlands run isnt whack you're smoking crack. meanwhile horde just gets barrens. after level 30 its the same shit so yea

>> No.47043436

i just have my own autistic preferences and dont need to hear about anyone elses

>> No.47043445


>> No.47043447
File: 1.28 MB, 1554x1554, 1692639452200803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch unpopular ones
(im aware some of these are popular if ur a nerd dont @ me)

>> No.47043549

On alliance side everyone goes to human land even though Westfall sucks compared to Loch Modan. Elwynn Forest is really good though. Undead and Taurens are my favorites

>> No.47043556

no i don't mean gay jap ones

>> No.47044930
File: 68 KB, 1024x538, GPlnfhqa0AEMLN1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47047356

i wanna fug her
