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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 369 KB, 1240x1754, B0CBNZHDV1.01.S003.JUMBOXXX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
47020654 No.47020654 [Reply] [Original]

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
https://live.fc2.com/adult/ (intense immersion)

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese:>>>/int/djt

Previous thread:>>47011940

>> No.47020666

No one under this line will make it.

>> No.47020673
File: 270 KB, 1200x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been reading 場数 as basuu all my life but it turns out its bakazu

>> No.47020693

馬脚を現したね! >_<

>> No.47020697
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>> No.47020709
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any vidya recommendation for a beginner, other than animal crossing and yokai watch if possible

>> No.47020730
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>> No.47020764
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>> No.47020794

Play something that's voiced ideally. Nekopara is boring if you aren't super into moeslop but it's been good practice for me as a beginner.

>> No.47020797


>> No.47020826

I guess it has no furigana? although it helps that I already know that game, I'll give it a try, thanks
That's like scrabble right? I'm still with basic vocabulary so I assume it will be hell, but well, you can't learn if you don't try
Thanks to japanese I am starting to appreciate slop
That guy freaks me out

>> No.47020922

>tokyo government launching dating app to boost birthrate
Have you registered for your government supplied manko?

>> No.47020958

japanese women hate japanese men tho

>> No.47020999

She poops and pees from there

>> No.47021008

>women hate men of their own race
Many such cases

>> No.47021028

do white women hate the white man?

>> No.47021037

yea but japanese women do so disproportionally to such an extent whites guys can literally steal their girls if they just visit the country

>> No.47021066

I can't even watch vtubers for immersion as a joke. I have a different variant of brainrot I guess.

>> No.47021081
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>> No.47021093


>> No.47021107
File: 1.54 MB, 230x230, 1513135010583.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so that thing about going to visit japan and before you know it you already have a girlfriend and are looking for a job and a house wasn't a joke?

>> No.47021108

>quit studying for years
>crack open my old Tobira textbook
>can't fucking read it anymore
oh my God I've become illiterate
I mean kanji was always my weak point but Jesus how could I let it get so bad

>> No.47021113

use it or lose it anon

>> No.47021120

>quit studying for years
people who "study" japanese never acquire japanese

>> No.47021140

even if you're on a break, masturbate to raw doujins every day. even if you stop progressing, it'll keep your current level locked in.
i call it daily jerking training, or djt for short.

>> No.47021148

they love only money

>> No.47021150


>> No.47021188







>> No.47021224
File: 604 KB, 1280x1808, 1709201674732216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've said this before and I'll say it again.

Watching anime without subtitles is like fucking a girl without a condom for the first time after years of fucking her with a condom.

>> No.47021235

wouldnt know how either feels

>> No.47021259


>> No.47021342

some are fine. i find it especially funny when they suck at english and get to see them struggle

>> No.47021356

nekopara is ridiculously boring and it's not even that easy compared to other short vns. i thing that if you want to learn via vns you should just pick something that sounds interesting to you and is not sci-fi

>> No.47021367

where do you get your vns? i can't find some (apparently) popular ones in japanese

>> No.47021387

on the sukebe side of the nyaa
or on steam

>> No.47021391

Yeah I did give that caveat. I feel like I'm following along well enough after 2-3 months of studying and a shit ton of hoovering/mining, plus toggling to english to help reverse engineer things sometimes, which may be a mistake idk.
My thinking is that I'd rather start with something I'm not particularly interested in so I don't ruin the experience of something actually good but I get that other people might get bored without attachment to their first game. I would definitely be annoyed with my slow ass reading speed if I was invested in the story and just wanted to continue, but when there's essentially no plot it doesn't really matter.

>> No.47021417

they don't have shit, and that includes steam. if you are going to pay at least get it from dlsite

>> No.47021429

they have everything that is worth playing or someone would have put it there

>> No.47021439
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>> No.47021481

true, I also only played doki doki literature club

>> No.47021493

a blackpill that teaches you about the nature of women

>> No.47021494


>> No.47021502
File: 529 KB, 860x779, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47021505

dont look up the lyrics to luvoratory

>> No.47021513

they blocked dlsite in germany

>> No.47021514

why would you name your song toilet

>> No.47021527

dno but its based

>> No.47021529

So in other words, a stupid thing to do?

>> No.47021596
File: 3.54 MB, 720x1280, 1717659577455629.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fr fr

>> No.47021638

this is a tremendous way to spread germs

>> No.47021650
File: 325 KB, 1310x1064, 8392172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47021672

What the heck's a CHO?

>> No.47021690
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, SpinalCucumber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a marketing stunt.

>> No.47021719


>> No.47021742
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>> No.47021774
File: 289 KB, 640x461, 5d424e2791a08_44556746d02da98ded3a7a418c2d1a68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please show me panties? ::skull::

>> No.47021794

I think you’re the kind of faggot who sucks ass at Japanese
>inb4 he poses as someone else claiming he’s a native

>> No.47021816

terminally seething uppercaser lmao

>> No.47021821

And now he’s switched to his lowercaser persona after getting called out. You love to see it :^)

>> No.47021850

tardmoto getting destroyed in the wee small hours of the morning
u hate to see it

>> No.47021922

cant believe the day would come where id be siding with a genuine pedophile over an uppercaser but damn

>> No.47021929

wish they did that with my cum

>> No.47021934

fucking gross

>> No.47021938
File: 1.75 MB, 1920x1080, 最深日本研究〜外国人博士の目〜_20240602-173734-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which do you prefer? Σ:3

>> No.47021953
File: 488 KB, 819x673, Screenshot-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47021969


>> No.47021981

nothing wrong with that

>> No.47021999


>> No.47022003

i know
を好き gets posted a lot here as something special so i thought it would be educational

>> No.47022013

My favorite Japanese word is "the"


>> No.47022021


>> No.47022029


>> No.47022031

日本語ジョーズだから杞憂だったみたい :3

>> No.47022081
File: 788 KB, 960x545, Screenshot-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47022087

why do mods never delete lust provoking images when it's 3d women, but they do when it's 2d women?

>> No.47022097

there's nothing lust provoking about stinky 3d women

>> No.47022106

genetic failure or massive cope

>> No.47022112

I've never met a japanese woman who stinks

>> No.47022129
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>> No.47022133

What's wrong with her face

>> No.47022149

it's not hers

>> No.47022162

nah you're just gay

>> No.47022171

something must be seriously wrong with it when she needs to cover it with her phone

>> No.47022207

left looks more human than that thing on the right

>> No.47022315

scheiße gelaufen für dich

>> No.47022350

für mich oder für die entwickler? ich kann doch einfach piraten

>> No.47022378

aber das ist doch verboten

>> No.47022417

tjaa, ich würde sehr gerne meine lieblingskünstler unterstützen, doch das ist ja laut thema nicht wirklich möglich seufz :3

>> No.47022436

stfu germs

>> No.47022438


>> No.47022447

most nukige and moege

>> No.47022456

rise and stfu germs


>> No.47022527
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>> No.47022570

I love moeslop but nekopara is just bad. Play yurige instead, I recommend the sonohana series

>> No.47022971

Wtf the 2013 Rozen Maiden is unpleasant so far and I don't like how it's just speedrunning the original plot but I guess it's some setting up some alternate timeline crap, I'll at least watch to the 3rd episode

>> No.47023207
File: 522 KB, 1733x1751, 1715889261373895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find your niche. I find that I really like 龍ヶ崎リン for her pleasant, raspy voice which I can listen to for hours and her openness about sex and gross stuff. Her and other 低音 girls are usually what I go for.
I hate it when I find someone and the only thing they do is hang out in discord calls with other vtubers I don't like or care about, something that Rene doesn't do so much. Katrina Ange has this problem. I used to also find vtubers insufferable until I found her. Hope you find your niche anon.

>> No.47023216
File: 135 KB, 2048x1152, GPY7ks-aQAAwOmT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my niche

>> No.47023294
File: 869 KB, 500x737, 1717655364544264.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my niche? i dont have one

>> No.47023301

my niche consists of things that aren't allowed like reacting to copyrighted content, playing erotic simulator games or streamed pee breaks so i'll have to create my own vtuber with ai

>> No.47023326

if i was a vtuber i would be called minano ana and would regularly host オフ会 gangbangs with my viewers

>> No.47023341


>> No.47023561

曲 of the day

>> No.47023668
File: 76 KB, 700x659, aPA4X0g_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you learning Japanese?

>> No.47023688

if the wife doesn't feel bad about it then why is it the "worst thing I've ver seen"

>> No.47023762

the wife actually discovered he was boning her and broke up with him lol dang that is some shit what is wrong with ppl

>> No.47023768

dno but the idea that people should go to jail for cheating is prob going to hurt more women than men

>> No.47023771

i dont think theres any action that should be taken but i think its ok for ppl to have their opinions on it

>> No.47023779

not like it matters 4 me cuz my loli tulpa wife cant report me to the police

>> No.47023785

what if she takes over ur body and does just that

>> No.47023788

then im gonna have to punch myself while shes still in there to teach her a lesson

>> No.47023801

abyssmaly weak tulpa if she cant even make phone calls

>> No.47023993

>I've never met a japanese woman
Me neither, Anonette...

How common are nihonjin boyish women? I don't mean trannies, I mean tomboys. Would have thought their strict rules-first society would either increase numbers due to dissention or decreased them due to adherence.

>> No.47024015

having a tulpa is just being a tranny in the slightest amount of denial

>> No.47024025

you sound like a fucking twink
i hate this kind of 4channer
the kind who says things like lewd

>> No.47024029

Having a tulpa is just cringe

>> No.47024032

i thought the tulpa shit was just jokes dont tell me these ppl were serious..

>> No.47024040

i am

>> No.47024045

imagine being the last incel in the world still without a tulpa in 2024

>> No.47024052

i dont need a tulpa i got

>> No.47024056
File: 693 KB, 2731x4096, GPYqDK8aoAEs0yV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would a tulpa even compete

>> No.47024063

this is a jwife持ち thread

>> No.47024080

she looks retarded and shes a literal whore and the clothing is bad taste

>> No.47024082

can everyone who doesnt have a tulpa please get a trip? didnt realize i shared a space with npcs

>> No.47024094

you signed your post

>> No.47024099

no he didnt

>> No.47024105

they did

>> No.47024108

they did not

>> No.47024113

094 the kind of kid who repeated insults they've heard at the playground when they didnt even apply to the situation

>> No.47024121

please post your man boobs so we can stop this "they" shit in its tracks

>> No.47024123

prolly just an esl should be patient with them

>> No.47024125


>> No.47024128

I am a twink. I'm going to go to Japan and want to know how difficult it will be to meet women who look like me so I can make a monument to my vanity.

>> No.47024134

>Westoid eyes

>> No.47024136
File: 2.22 MB, 1920x1080, 激レアさんを連れてきた。_20240604-004846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nine asses in a row
Super Rare Cases :O

>> No.47024140


>> No.47024142

loved twinking in warsong gulch

>> No.47024147

whenever people talk about twinks i think of alt accounts in wow

>> No.47024150

papi faggot

>> No.47024157

oh shit same wavelength as jamal
love to see it

>> No.47024159

nothing wrong with a lil twinking

>> No.47024161

how do i get my tulpamancer certification

>> No.47024162

out here pumping fat aryan ropes into papis mutt ass
purify the bloodline

>> No.47024174

more like pumping ur keyboard with ur homoerotic fantasies

>> No.47024176

u know ur ready for ur cert when ur tulpa can take over your body when you dont want it and rapes u in ur sleep
its not pretty but its proof that the tulpa has advanced to full autonomy & immersion

>> No.47024187

was sai just hikarus tulpa and then he just outgrew it

>> No.47024196

would be cool if your to tulpa took over your body and slit your throat haha

>> No.47024203

Yeah man if your tulpa doesn't have intrusive suicidal thoughts then it isn't a real tulpa.

>> No.47024204

that wouldnt be cool be nice its 2024 the world needs kindness

>> No.47024206
File: 2.39 MB, 1268x540, Wasabi.2001.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264-CRiSC-[01.59.042-02.06.625].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you see a twink in a public space

>> No.47024215

sorry i will go now this place is filled with people i hate sadly and its not going to change

>> No.47024216


>> No.47024227

Twink =\= doll get your gay terminology right you're living in their month

>> No.47024249


>> No.47024310
File: 813 KB, 1916x816, Wasabi.2001.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264-CRiSC-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me

>> No.47024319

day 1:
read all of these

>> No.47024338

not clicking one google link let alone three

>> No.47024356
File: 755 KB, 1916x816, Wasabi.2001.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264-CRiSC-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo its the 清水寺

>> No.47024367

good i meant to reply to >>47024161

>> No.47024414


>> No.47024518


>> No.47024533
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>> No.47024534
File: 791 KB, 1916x816, Wasabi.2001.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264-CRiSC-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47024624


>> No.47024653

Current thread: #3889

Previous threads:
>>47011940 #3888
>>46994497 #3887
>>46994262 #3886
>>46986534 #3885

>> No.47024682

looking good, might need to give her a watch.

>> No.47024690


>> No.47024723
File: 75 KB, 701x76, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47024744

i dont get it he's the same yet she aged like 40 years

>> No.47024782
File: 182 KB, 697x2048, GPZS3ycbMAA0A8w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47024865


>> No.47024956
File: 767 KB, 1816x4032, GPZETefacAAQzHh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47024963

face ruins it

>> No.47024977

shaved pussy ruins it

>> No.47024980

mule face lol

>> No.47024982


>> No.47024988


>> No.47024992


>> No.47024999

nah the pussy is cute

>> No.47025012

said no one about you ever

>> No.47025015

that would be concerning if they had

>> No.47025084

There's actually only a 1 year difference between the photos. Right pic is her 25th birthday. I would've though 4channers of all people'd've known how Asian women age.

>> No.47025099


>> No.47025103

as your 腹心の顧問弁護士 i have to しきりに薦めるthat you stfu

>> No.47025122
File: 214 KB, 1100x957, __falin_touden_and_falin_touden_dungeon_meshi_drawn_by_88_h_rock_88__6e20eae70868b645c1909c44cfae331b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they knew lol

>> No.47025129
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Madome - 11 (1080p) [5963B8DA]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47025149


>> No.47025177


>> No.47025187

You will never be as fit as this guy.
You will never be as rich as this guy.
You will never be as good at Japanese as this guy.


>> No.47025191

what would have happened if cure dolly had had a sex model?

>> No.47025208


>> No.47025225

so did it rub off on her from miko..?

>> No.47025330

miko miko nurse

>> No.47025333

id rub it on her miko

>> No.47025344

"Fitness" is adaptation.
Adaptation causes stress, which means your body ages.
Someone who lifts man-made metals to lift more man-made metals is senselessly straining their body to age faster.
Money is man-made garbage.
The idea that money can make you happy is a consumerist brain poison who are enslaved to their paychecks.
>good at Japanese
I like to learn at my own pace & have fun.
The Japanese non-learning community loves to view language learning as a competition, and if you're comfortable with that brainrot mindset, you do you.
But I personally like not having everything figured out, yet.
The dopamine hits from understanding something that you previously did not understand is worth it.

>> No.47025346

uppercasers, man. they're just different from other people

>> No.47025351

based desciple of goatis

>> No.47025355


>> No.47025367

whats for lunch

>> No.47025378

something my mom made

>> No.47025384

left the burgers in the air fryer for 5 minutes too long and they tasted dry and flavorless

>> No.47025392

my air fryer has a timer

>> No.47025397

dont know what an air fryer is

>> No.47025405

the proper term is ノンフライヤー

>> No.47025407

everyone who cuts food with scissors is an absolute psycho

>> No.47025417

it's normal if you want to trim some fat off of your chicken

>> No.47025418

whats worse food scissors or washing chicken with dish soap

>> No.47025423

do you have to bring nogs into everything

>> No.47025429

profound response

>> No.47025451

hes obsessed

>> No.47025456

it's not fair to call him obsessed

>> No.47025464

lot of projection going on here

i just thought of the next most ridiculous kitchen practice i could think of to compare to food scissors and a couple of u just started goin off lol

>> No.47025467


>> No.47025469

its all hes been posting about for weeks its very fair

>> No.47025477

150 guy fights for racial justice. it's bad enough that you're posting offtopic, but when you bring it up you unleash his fury and it's kind of scary. so cool it dude.

>> No.47025480

thats simply disingenuous and untrue pls stop bullying

>> No.47025482

yeah she got gaslit, there were some other members who got gaslit too

>> No.47025489

he needs to rerecord all of curedollys material

>> No.47025494

i can see why queeran got the shit beat out of him

>> No.47025501

cutting chicken with scissors isn't comparable since there's nothing wrong with it

>> No.47025503

yah he seems a bit obsessed ill be sure to carefully consider my words in my future posts and whether they could trigger him dont want him to ape out on me again

>> No.47025514

pippi cowering in fear

>> No.47025521
File: 3.43 MB, 4000x2250, a8vz4i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna cook some rice

>> No.47025529

why are u cooking on the carpet u have dethroned the chicken shears

>> No.47025530


>> No.47025540

imagine the aroma

>> No.47025564
File: 197 KB, 434x264, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47025629

daily immersion

>> No.47025665

imagine cutting off the sekkaku no little fat chicken has

>> No.47025684
File: 874 KB, 1920x1080, Delicious in Dungeon - S01E23 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (DSNP)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47025695

this is my first post itt whats your issue

>> No.47025712
File: 73 KB, 635x491, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47025882


>> No.47025902


>> No.47025913

said i was gonna prune my porn bookmarks but i slacked off

>> No.47025919


>> No.47025920

>watching with english subs

>> No.47025929

more like jacked off

>> No.47025937

cummed his entire purpose away

>> No.47025950

something just hit me. sriracha is clearly overrated. like a lot

>> No.47025952


>> No.47025962

yah sriracha is prety hwatever i just get the kikkoman wasabi sauce

>> No.47025964
File: 37 KB, 1199x621, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dunning kruger chart for japanese feels more like this to me

>> No.47025965

why is it ピン留めされる not ピンされる maks you wonder

>> No.47025966

blud thinks hes goatis skull
>I like to learn at my own pace & have fun
t. Nuke marine after 16 years of running on a hamster wheel

>> No.47025974

i cant handle spice my nose runs like a faucet

>> No.47025979

its not a real meal if u dont sweat and get a runny nose

>> No.47025984

i mean mine runs a lot more than most people i need 20 tissues

>> No.47025986

dont waste tissues just press on ur other nostril and blast it out into the sink or onto a friend

>> No.47025998


>> No.47026002


>> No.47026027

Anything spicier than frank's red hot sucks ass

>> No.47026220
File: 627 KB, 1920x1080, ありふれた職業で世界最強 S01E02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47026235

yh moe is right

>> No.47026236
File: 1007 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 10 (1080p) [A2241134]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i dont?

>> No.47026259
File: 2.49 MB, 1920x3240, file2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47026265

no idea which post is moe but yh he's right

>> No.47026286
File: 1.18 MB, 268x156, o_O.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moes gone

>> No.47026294
File: 534 KB, 1920x1080, ありふれた職業で世界最強 S01E03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47026296

we miss moe

>> No.47026300
File: 898 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 10 (1080p) [A2241134]-0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47026306


>> No.47026321

think they threw gambs body into the nakdong by now?

>> No.47026336

i dont think about gambs but it'd be funny if they killed him

>> No.47026343

hes prolly stuck in the embassy pullin the ole assange

>> No.47026356

what's the meanest word for vagina you know in japanese?

>> No.47026360

what do they want to arrest him for? suing a professor?

>> No.47026362

not sure if its mean but ほと sounds nice

>> No.47026383
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 10 (1080p) [A2241134]-0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47026389
File: 2.39 MB, 1447x2036, 1717705109113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47026393


>> No.47026405


>> No.47026414

>A person who defames another by publicly alleging facts shall be punished by imprisonment or imprisonment without prison labor for not more than two years or by a fine not exceeding five million won.

>> No.47026428

can you really blame gambs

>> No.47026440

yeah... they take defamation quite serious over there in korea. didn't tell you about that in oxford did they

>> No.47026447


>> No.47026452

did something actually happen to gambs or is it a meme

>> No.47026457

hes getting imprisoned for having sex with an 18yo minor

>> No.47026471

he going to tha あえんびえん

>> No.47026500

shout outs to every body thats riding the train right now

>> No.47026523

he has joined the gaming church and received immunity from prosecution https://xcancel.com/airkatakana/status/1798722747948052679

>> No.47026529

in a regular world dungeon meshi would be a 6/10 but because anime is so shit it's actually an 8

>> No.47026539

woah i thought nitter was discontinued? awesome

>> No.47026548

its crazy when americans to go other countries with no idea what the laws there are and get completely shellshocked when they realize its not like america after they fuck up lol

>> No.47026561

yeah its holding up surprisingly well
solid third place behind boipussy ouji and mushoku tengay

>> No.47026571

funny thing is us citizens are also bound to their home country's laws while abroad, especially when it comes to tax business
not something that most other countries do

>> No.47026592

Just the price we pay to shoot guns and own property and enjoy ambiguous lolicon laws

>> No.47026630

i thought gambs was english like mr bean

>> No.47026631

sort of ull probably never pay anything to the us cuz ull get taxed for way more elsewhere

>> No.47026667
File: 2.27 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quality subs

>> No.47026675

he's italian

>> No.47026692
File: 2.30 MB, 1772x2658, GPYiPo6bwAA3poh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says here that you've comitted tax fraud
how do you respond?

>> No.47026713

i rub her crotch with my foot under the table

>> No.47026732


>> No.47026745


>> No.47026756

is this guy like japanese andrew tate

>> No.47026783

well they're both 160cm

>> No.47026788

no andrew tate copied that guy

>> No.47026818

yeah i bring my guns and weed whenever i travel and its really annoying when they tell me its against the law

>> No.47026887

gamb's dad is a judge which makes the whole situation even funnier

>> No.47026918

are you retarded?

>> No.47026929

no, gifted

>> No.47026940

gifted with retardation

>> No.47026942

subs guy still owning u love to see it

>> No.47026946

>subs guy

>> No.47026950
File: 1.76 MB, 1759x1233, 1688467925406075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.Reached 888 cards in my mining deck today. Neat
2.Mined 凹む. Good word. Intuitive. Love it.
3.Mined 怯む. Can't say the same about this one. I mean, 怯える exists.
When I encounter cases like this, I wonder if japs are getting confused with this.
Or maybe it's fine bc you perceive the word and the right reading at once, hopefully.

>> No.47026958

why is 10k card the checkpoint for most people?

>> No.47026964

thats one of the sex kanji

>> No.47026977

Always have to consciously remind myself of the stroke order when writing 凸凹

>> No.47026990

they don't even write what word it is lol
back then fansubs used to take up half the screen to give you random japanese facts

>> No.47027003
File: 555 KB, 2732x4096, GPYG6KVbUAApANd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47027011

They're getting lazier now.

>> No.47027017
File: 1.31 MB, 1310x737, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47027025

it's crazy that w/e company owns those trannylators let them put in a note in the first place

>> No.47027057


>> No.47027077
File: 257 KB, 1156x2048, GPZRFRsawAAUJep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

よおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお (゚Д゚)ノ

>> No.47027078

People count things in 10s. It would be pretty weird if someone celebrated a milestone like 9817 even though it's not that different.

>> No.47027080

cuz it's the same amount of days it took to lose their virginity

>> No.47027099

good immersion

>> No.47027106

maybe because n1 is said to be around 10k words

>> No.47027124
File: 514 KB, 1280x1838, 415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47027133

Me on the top left

>> No.47027139

怯える is like fearing 怯む is more like cowering/wincing/flinching like a bitch when you encounter chad in a hallway

>> No.47027144

I don't watch vtrannies.

>> No.47027152
File: 202 KB, 1200x665, LCBD-01271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

今夜 immersion

>> No.47027155


>> No.47027160
File: 19 KB, 790x189, Screenshot_97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese is a very difficult language to learn. You can study for years and years and still not understand anything (speaking from personal experience).
>use Duolingo


>> No.47027167

>japanese teaching games
the holy trinity of dekinai

>> No.47027172

midwit-redditor tried to jump way over his head.
Take pity on him

>> No.47027174

why do you have to share what you are fapping to?
fucking fag

>> No.47027177

>you can study for years and years and still not understand anything
i just do not understand how

>> No.47027179

that's literally figuratively me

>> No.47027183

He's not wrong.

>> No.47027182

>what you are fapping to?
seek help, not everyone is a coomer like you

>> No.47027189

i get the rough idea from the dictionary, it's just that i'm not really into this idea of kanjis having a bunch of readings that only fall into place once read it entirely

>> No.47027191
File: 337 KB, 1110x1553, GOxw0qabcAIFU1P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47027194

a lot of failsons just watch porn all day like its watching regular tv its utterly bizarre behavior

>> No.47027196
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x720, file.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47027199

Why wouldn't you read it as a complete unit?

>> No.47027204

I keep seeing this anime
what's that?

>> No.47027211

umm thats not anime

>> No.47027212

Where the frick can I find jp subtitle files besides kitsunekko, I'm losing my mind with these people who just upload three eps, what the fuck is the point

>> No.47027213

girls band cry

>> No.47027218

yuji has to be special grade by now. he's fighting sukuna hand to hand and isn't dead. and he's chipping away at sukuna's life force.

>> No.47027220
File: 679 KB, 2538x658, 1622732454702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd say recommending a learning path where you can spend years and years without knowing the language is 'wrong'

>> No.47027227

i guess you're right, but it's just that me and 怯 go way back and i used to think of it as おび, but now it turns out it's also ひる
it's a small thing, but i almost feel cheated on, like what else is it hiding from me?

I will try to get over it.

>> No.47027244

immersing in porn without fapping is even worse
bad immersion too

>> No.47027249


>> No.47027253

ive been on nofap for a week but this image triggered me and ive been gooning to loli since it was posted, thanks

>> No.47027265


>> No.47027268
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>> No.47027270
File: 42 KB, 640x360, 0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47027275
File: 268 KB, 1280x720, 4500_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every female in this game wants to fuck mario
it's just like my isekai harems

>> No.47027277

matt please come back it's 2024...

>> No.47027280

*nods sagely*

>> No.47027284

who is this?

>> No.47027288

he's busy

>> No.47027289

1 billion of them are good for the economy apparently

>> No.47027292

what's yalls issue

>> No.47027296

my japanese will never be this good

>> No.47027305
File: 80 KB, 232x305, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47027306

wtf i can't even really hear when he says sugoku

>> No.47027309


>> No.47027315
File: 191 KB, 1280x720, 5400_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47027326
File: 1.26 MB, 1193x671, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47027338
File: 1.55 MB, 540x500, .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47027339

i want to fuck goombella

>> No.47027361
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>> No.47027362


>> No.47027368
File: 382 KB, 850x465, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant believe how much anime has declined

>> No.47027369

I think he's just exaggerating. Japanese is a difficult language.

>> No.47027378
File: 150 KB, 486x481, 1717249747982367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47027379

nobody said that

>> No.47027384


>> No.47027388

after 100 years of "integration" they are. or at least some say.

>> No.47027394
File: 8 KB, 138x255, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47027400

no one says that without specifying the group being integrated

>> No.47027413

it's not that difficult, it's just the learning resources for it are terrible. if people were asked to read manga and watch anime instead of spending years on useless shit like rtk or jlpt grammar questions, then it'd be easier.

>> No.47027416

1 billion great guys from africa

>> No.47027419

by definition that's great

>> No.47027422
File: 355 KB, 2568x594, GPPmdEzbQAAKKAl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

よおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお (*´▽`*)

>> No.47027425

well yea we all bleed red so everyone is great. imagine if some small european state integrated them. that european state would become a great economic superpower.

>> No.47027430

yes you integrate 1 billion great guys you become a superpower

>> No.47027435

5 is a bit fat but the tits are huge

>> No.47027437

gonna integrate this foot into your ass

>> No.47027440
File: 410 KB, 482x600, friedck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47027442

I would say it's very difficult. Grammar, syntax, and writing systems are almost completely different from English with almost no cognates. It's about as complicated as a modern language can get for a native English speaker.

>> No.47027448

if i have a word like 開門前
do i read it かいもんぜん or かいもんまえ?
it feels like it could be the former if you consider it part of the word
or it could be the latter if you consider it a separate word since it's usually kunyomi when a kanji is by itself
is there a general rule?

>> No.47027453

it's just a matter of getting used to it, which is why tradition textbook learning methods don't work.

>> No.47027457

Holy based

>> No.47027463

That's me.

>> No.47027472

why did you quote the link

>> No.47027473

Traditional textbooks would work as effectively as anything else if the language were as similar as French is to English, but because it isn't, we find that many more hours of independent study are required to achieve fluency.

>> No.47027481


>> No.47027492

yeah this guy needs a j-j

>> No.47027523


>> No.47027530

you need a f-a

>> No.47027547


>> No.47027552


>> No.47027555

dont sign your posts

>> No.47027559


>> No.47027563

monitor deez

>> No.47027577

she gets me

>> No.47027579
File: 64 KB, 636x475, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47027605


>> No.47027610

Gonna need a lawyer to look this over.

>> No.47027611
File: 710 KB, 749x561, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47027619

>why did you quote the link
so you know which part of the text I'm referring to
a weeping face?

>> No.47027627

*strokes beard*

>> No.47027629

>a weeping face?
which part are you referring to

>> No.47027639


>> No.47027640

>>>a weeping face?
Gomenne, kouhai.
>which part are you referring to
>yeah this guy needs a j-j
a weeping face?

>> No.47027650
File: 984 KB, 1280x720, file.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47027677
File: 818 KB, 894x586, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dang now thats an advertisement

>> No.47027720
File: 9 KB, 726x86, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a joke

>> No.47027737

if hiragana and katakana are the alphabet then what is kanji?

>> No.47027741

dumb chinese bullshit

>> No.47027742


>> No.47027771


>> No.47027781

the kanas are not alphabets

>> No.47027791

no but your dad is now he got buck broken

>> No.47027800
File: 83 KB, 438x193, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a meaningful difference between 加工屋 and 鍛冶屋?

>> No.47027821


our queen is going to visit 3 festivals in one day bros get the fuck in here please

>> No.47027822

what percentage vietnamese is she

>> No.47027826

WHITE ALBUM2をやってから半年くらい経ったから、ようやくせつなの声を普通に聴けるようになった (*´▽`*)

>> No.47027830

she's 100% Japanese you freak something you never will be

>> No.47027837

>something you never will be
thanks god
white people >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yellow >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> black

>> No.47027843

よおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお MOEDONDA O/

>> No.47027844

keep in mind it's always non-whites who post shit like 837

>> No.47027846

where do filipinos fit in here?

>> No.47027848

jamaL is white

>> No.47027851

i guess 844 proves im not racist then cuz i dont care what race 837 is cuz they are right

>> No.47027852

asia/south america = yellow

>> No.47027858

I would kill myself if I were Japanese

>> No.47027860

flips r the mexicans of the asian world

>> No.47027861

keep in mind it's always whites(racists) who post shit like 851

>> No.47027862
File: 249 KB, 361x461, 1714936896342837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on dont tell me she doesnt look at least 10 percent vietnamese

>> No.47027866

desu i never clicked a single 1 of those simp vids u post so i cant comment

>> No.47027870

fuck off

>> No.47027871

keep in mind its always bullys(virgins) who post shit like 861

>> No.47027874

>bullys = virgins
wat, lil bro...

>> No.47027875


>> No.47027879

u wouldnt be so mad and needing to lash out on the internet at others if u were getting ur needs met

>> No.47027882
File: 775 KB, 976x490, retardfaggotniggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does anyone see anything but a pure blooded Japanese beauty?

>> No.47027886

she looks japanese but i dont see the relation to the filename

>> No.47027889 [DELETED] 

lmao that's a seanigger if i've ever seen one

>> No.47027896
File: 310 KB, 1190x259, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

russian software backs me up here

>> No.47027901

calm down vlad this is a no ruskie zone

>> No.47027912
File: 316 KB, 884x1184, GPa2etha0AAxDB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47027914
File: 1.16 MB, 625x950, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

immersion (´っ・ω・)っ

>> No.47027920

rly makes u think why they renamed eggman to a more russian sounding name like robotnik in the western localization

o well no matter at this point i suppose hehe

>> No.47027922
File: 729 KB, 625x953, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47027923
File: 14 KB, 98x94, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read that at LO

>> No.47027924
File: 1.24 MB, 1191x718, image_2024-06-06_220432482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47027926

if you think there's a difference between, say: manufacturing facility and waste treatment facility, for example, then yes.

>> No.47027929
File: 699 KB, 625x955, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47027936

i was blown away he sounds great

>> No.47027939


>> No.47027944

u wouldnt be posting 24x7 on the internet if u were getting ur needs met

>> No.47027952

this festival is shit there are no jcs in sight

>> No.47027961

i dont post 24x7 and didnt even post the majority of today

needs met, mad virgin nerd destroyed in their attempt to be mean to me, alls right with the world

>> No.47027968

what are your needs

>> No.47027971

I need female hormones

>> No.47027978

there are a lot of cool lesbians in japan

>> No.47027986

i need them

>> No.47027988

lol no. 1 billion africans are better than 100 million europeans when it comes to the economy.

>> No.47027998

when i thrust my hips it feels awkward and unnatural so idk how i'm supposed to do that to a woman

>> No.47028000

That's true if I have more villagers than my opponent in age of empires when I play as the Malians I usually win

>> No.47028003

Holy concession.

>> No.47028006

no. その時, あの時? yes for past events. あの時 if it's been a long time

>> No.47028011
File: 456 KB, 1194x1500, 1717723293976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47028017

mean posters losing rn

>> No.47028022

lol she failed to order food

>> No.47028025


>> No.47028030


>> No.47028056
File: 1001 KB, 1120x840, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47028059

do japs on twitter type like the average english twitter retard? i get rolled every time i try to read random japanese twitter stuff from not official accounts

>> No.47028063


>> No.47028071


>> No.47028155

read this as "our queeran" and laughed

>> No.47028158

Help! 縦書き is kicking my ass.

>> No.47028160


>> No.47028163

Isn't it very rude in Japan to film people without their consent?

>> No.47028170

Yeah, totally. They'll slice your head with a katana if they catch you doing it.

>> No.47028176

If you are a beautiful Japanese women it's okay

>> No.47028204

really makes me sick when i open a bd release and the audio instantly blasts out english

>> No.47028219


>> No.47028285

You'll be used to it in one book

>> No.47028288




>> No.47028327

a different... flavor? psycho... mantis?

>> No.47028359
File: 34 KB, 600x550, Yuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its not ままショタ

>> No.47028377


>> No.47028387

how's the quality of text in ffxiv? mmos shit out so much dialogue im not sure if it's good learning material.

>> No.47028389

that makes it good learning material.

>> No.47028446

what if its full of completely irrelevant and archaic japanese style and vocabulary

>> No.47028455

Is there a pitched accent addon for yomitan? Or is it based on dictionary?

>> No.47028458

its a dic you load

>> No.47028513

It's not irrelevant if it's in the game you're playing now is it?

>> No.47028533

high fantasy jichan dialog about saving the world from a dragon war or whatever the fk isn't gonna help me in non non biyori

>> No.47028603
File: 470 KB, 1536x2048, MoZ4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47028672

ok but you're playing ffxiv so it' srelevant to you

>> No.47028676

I don't care about pitch accent.

>> No.47028711

They’re here...

>> No.47028713
File: 120 KB, 1280x853, 1708515922950694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47028741

how come Ive started hating people who use broken japanese on here bros

>> No.47028755

yours is also broken

>> No.47028764


>> No.47028785


>> No.47028788
File: 452 KB, 1816x1680, GPcBff8a0AA1kgH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros, today we're eating good

>> No.47028791

Try umeboshi chips if you haven't already.

>> No.47028799

>vtumors shilling food that gives you tumors

>> No.47028806


>> No.47028865


>> No.47028869
File: 132 KB, 859x1333, GPXt6adWgAAobqv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47028985

>page 7
please delete

>> No.47035375

None. Most games don't have furigana. Go read manga for a few years first.

Once you're a few years in try stuff like the Lunar games on mega cd/ps1.

>> No.47035376

>Thanks to japanese I am starting to appreciate slop
You'll never want to see another anime in your life once you're approaching fluency.

>> No.47035379

Your listening comprehension won't improve with subtitles because you're not listening - you're reading.

>> No.47035580

Explain natives who can't stop then
