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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.46998509

Hanabie > Babymetal

>> No.46998521

your life is clearly empty and meaningless, why not just end it?

>> No.46998778
File: 3.87 MB, 1080x1684, C7wFu1RhqqZ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46998961
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Beat me to it

>> No.46999039
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>> No.46999076
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>> No.46999313

Who is this whole ヤンキー street look for? It’s not popular with idolfags, with most girls, fukei, anyone really other than Shibuya gyaru types who don’t spend money on music.
The marketing for this project is dogshit and I hate the clown show they’ve made my nakasans into.

>> No.46999396

Let women dress the way they want, Muhammad. They always put these Amazon outfits together themselves...

>> No.46999435

you can dress a pile of shit in anything it will still be a pile of shit, same goes for onefive and babymetal

>> No.46999634
File: 344 KB, 960x1282, hina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46999642


>> No.46999685
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>> No.46999722
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>> No.46999864
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>> No.47000329

The point is that the members choose outfits they like, model the outfits and if female fans or perverts like it and buy useing the @OneFive link they get a kickback. That's it. Not everying is meant to be world breaking and designed to make them super popular, things can simply be what they are.

>> No.47000481

They also seem to have business agreements with certain brands like Anna Sui, New Era, and Adidas.

>> No.47000581

Beat my meat to it

>> No.47000764


Beat my meat to it.

>> No.47001247

>playboy logo

>> No.47001718

GUMI knows she has big boobs and she's not afraid to flaunt them.

>> No.47002004


>> No.47002175

I want to fuck that boy in the ass

>> No.47002184



>> No.47002348

need to see Soyo pregnant belly with that dress

>> No.47002577
File: 196 KB, 1024x1280, IMG_20240603_134747_729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less kawaii, more street!

>> No.47002654
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Kings jersey ftw, represent 916!

>> No.47002730
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>> No.47002755
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>> No.47002872

Manchild is lashing out because his Uggobuggo Beefer thread only got on reply in a day

>> No.47002892
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>> No.47002985


>> No.47002996

Jesus fuck jannies. Atleast try to do your jobs

>> No.47003187

Your defensive weeb explanations and insults don’t change the fact that it’s trashy looking. Not to mention the cope involved in believing they’re given free will to dress up however they want.
They’re given a rack of options the sponsor gave them, and they have to use what’s given to make an outfit.
The problem is the money whores at amuse will take any sponsor deal no matter how ugly or unfitting of their image.
They’re basically just using onefive girls as easy ad revenue and not taking them seriously at all.

>> No.47003243

And before you write up some half wit response in defense of your “do no wrong” group, if you only care about seeing those girls’ flesh and sexualizing them, so any content is fine, you’re not a real fan of those girls as people or as an idol otaku. You’re just a chimp attached to an abused lonely dick.

>> No.47003260

Are you going to see Babymetal in Jakarta, Ahmed?

>> No.47003311

>tfw you will never kiss hettsu's beautiful thighs ;__;
why does she do this to us?

>> No.47003459
File: 444 KB, 1477x1109, IMG_9271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when everyone thought Hana didn’t have tits and then boom. Tits.

>> No.47003554

Genuinely wondering, is everything okay home with you? You do realise the way you act in 4chan of all places is not normal behaviour.

If you really care about them with your holier than thou attitude, feel free to @ the management on twitter or IG. Let's get something going instead of complaining day after day on a 4chan thread with a dozen active members

>> No.47003750

Hana has a nice ass too.

>> No.47003948
File: 109 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20240603_135846_601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanabie single-handedly bringing back both nu metal AND metalcore.

>> No.47003970

Yukina scares me. What if I made her mad and she started screaming at me in that demon voice and I shit my pants? And then Hettsu laughed at me and kicked me in the balls and called me a limp dick faggot while Matsuri live streamed it. That would be funny.

>> No.47004423

Momoko screams better and Momoe raps better >>>/wsg/5573997

>> No.47004536

newfag here, one question
what's Amuse Inc. most successful project?

>> No.47004650

In Japan, Southern All Stars. From what I know, that band is the legend in Japan.

>> No.47004776

>anon shares opinion about image and questionable marketing decisions
>”You unwell? You can’t change anything here!!”
Because apparently just voicing your opinion on something is a big no-no here yeah? This general of a dozen fags is strictly for circle jerking and praising only. “No negative criticisms allowed, or you’re crazy.”
Pipe down with the word mincing, simp.

>> No.47004853

It's pointless to complain here. You sound just like the anon who complains every day about Babymetal's costumes when it will change nothing.

>> No.47004857

i just post hanabie and stfu paul sometimes, but sometimes it isn't me. the rest of the time i just laugh at the autism.

>> No.47004887
File: 209 KB, 1036x1280, IMG_20240603_214256_301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Hanabie poster

>> No.47004907
File: 115 KB, 720x1280, hanabie-hettsus-otaku-talk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greetings hanabie fren =)

>> No.47004964
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>> No.47004967

Dude, I don't care about Hanabie. I never will care about Hanabie. Can you just get a life and fuck off? Nobody wants you here.

>> No.47005039
File: 120 KB, 1036x1280, IMG_20240603_214256_044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukina spots a lame ass hater.

>> No.47005061

>Yui metal comes back
>but as a kpop idol
Will you support her?

>> No.47005141

if by support you mean jerk off to her fancams, yes

>> No.47005175
File: 65 KB, 1080x864, FB_IMG_1717479232781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47005268

I’m not that costume fag. Or the off topic Hanabie shitter.
He could anhero tomorrow and nobody would cry.
Samefagging like this just shows how much of a nihilistic bitter sadboy he is.

>> No.47005440

Amen brother

>> No.47005464

a REAL woman
VERY cool!
Always so aware of what country they are touring in!!!
Loving Matsuri's style here!
PLEASE let me drown in Hettsu's thighs!!
Very kawaii! Thank you for this one!
GRRR! Guitar mode activated! Matsuri will always be my favourite member
So much personality from the Hanabie girls! I like all her patches too!
Another A-grade pic of Hettsu. So cute but also RIPS on the bass! Very cool

Thank you for the pic dump based Hanabie-poster

>> No.47005500

You are sit here alone day after day complaining how @OneFive don't dress how you deem acceptable, writing rant after rant. It's not normal, surely even you can see that?

If you really care like you pretend to do about "your naka-sans" you'll do something about it. @ the management, let them know.

>> No.47005519

I even like Hanabie but I still find this offtopic spamming obnoxious as fuck

>> No.47005542
File: 143 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1717490647843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can't forget about Chika. Drummer extraordinaire!

>> No.47005568

It's funny how this nigga is actively driving people away from his favorite fan by acting like a fucking sperg

>> No.47005609

My one complaint about your posting was there was no Chika! Thank you Hanabro

>> No.47006064
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1046, vlcsnap-2024-04-09-20h41m43s102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jannies? kill everyone in this post please

>> No.47006833
File: 384 KB, 1152x2048, Hinata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47006844
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>> No.47006922

Hinata after getting creampied by me

>> No.47007433 [DELETED] 

Nigger I posted this once. I’ve voiced this sentiment I dunno maybe a total of 3 times in like 6 months?
What the fuck are you smoking you retarded little SEA monkey?
Are you really that much of beta ass simp that you react this negatively to ONE little comment about how their recent image isn’t really a good fit?

Jeez the mental illness here is at an all time low.

>> No.47007458 [DELETED] 

Sage. Banned. Reported. Called the cops.
Ban me you nigger mods. Retarded little bitches don’t do their job ever and force us to go thread after thread with a rampant off topic troll. But then their faggoty sense of justice and authority applies to banning people who post things like this only out of necessity.

The mods on here these days are as brainless as the posters.

>> No.47007644
File: 469 KB, 1646x2048, 363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47007650

I know it's not going to happen but would love if BABYMETAL also did this kind of a video

>> No.47007669

New US tour announced for November/December

>> No.47007733
File: 118 KB, 1024x768, 87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47007761

WTF what did the Japan do to the Welsh girl?

>> No.47007797


>> No.47007907
File: 328 KB, 1280x720, r12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you, thank you so much

>> No.47008224
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>> No.47008282

Yeah remembered this immediately when I made that post. Well still would love to see the girls do this kind of video now.

>> No.47008421
File: 3.83 MB, 1440x1080, GUMI.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47008523

Gumi loves BBC. lustful bitch.

>> No.47008602
File: 4.00 MB, 1440x1080, MOMO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47008730

Checked out the opening act "scene queen" and jesus fucking christ this might actually be the worst opener babymetal has ever had. And they definitely have had some major stinkers in the past

>> No.47008761

kobra testing the limits of cringe

>> No.47008939

AI Japanese subtitle. download and rename the file extension to SRT.

>> No.47008995 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.80 MB, 800x1200, Scene-Queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perfect show for the family

>> No.47009039

I really don't understand why koba contradicts himself so much. bm will never be sexy, (sadly) but invites lewd opening acts

>> No.47009243
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Hopefully Koba atleast get's to tap that ass

>> No.47009305
File: 3.98 MB, 1440x1080, gaijin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Encounters with white "people"

>> No.47009626

All of her songs are about sex and they suck.

>> No.47009643


>> No.47009669

Yes, she said her lyrics are intentionally hypersexual to fuck with conservatives.

>> No.47009690
File: 86 KB, 480x293, GPPLE-_bAAAa4Hh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol someone already made list of all the US tour venue capacities. If I remember correctly these are all pretty similar sizes to the BABYKLOK tour which is ofcourse good if babymetal can sell them out on their own

>> No.47009703

So she only does music to fuck with people? Sounds like such a lovely person

>> No.47009804

Su is so autistic I wouldn't be surprised if she really believed in the fox god

>> No.47010029

What do you use to create the subtitles?

>> No.47010199


>> No.47010401

Su-metal is my favorite female singer

>> No.47010406

Su-metal is my favorite singer

>> No.47010407

babymetal absolutely can. When I saw them absolutely nobody was there for dethklok
why cant babymetal get good touring partners?

>> No.47010415

Su-metal is my favorite female

>> No.47010427

Su-metal is mine

>> No.47010439
File: 685 KB, 1134x638, 122791f43cf3d12222e31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dreaming of a 2 hour documentary like this with the Babymetal girls. Remember Singapore?

>> No.47010544

>why cant babymetal get good touring partners?
Maybe it's Kobas autism and he just chooses the worst ones.

>> No.47010547

Su has futa cock big enough to fuck you up the ass and shoot semen out of your mouth. Sometimes he likes to do this to Moa but mostly with Koba and MooMooCow.

>> No.47010554

I want her to peg me and call me faggot (Moa watching and laughing at me)

>> No.47010564

That would be funny haha

>> No.47010590
File: 71 KB, 720x538, B8yzZlMCYAAq_pL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moa get fat whenever goes to U.S. we need a documentary about how much Moa devours burgers

>> No.47010635

Read somewhere that the tour partners are chosen by Live Nation. Koba doesn't have as much power as you might think.

>> No.47010824


Never gonna happen ma nigga. Fun BM died nearly a decade ago. Now you have corporate BM.

>> No.47010832


Gross trailer trash bitch

>> No.47010837

>fun BM died
Have you seen the new video? You’ll just mince words or say anything to fit your bittaafag narrative huh.

>> No.47010848

This dumb motherfucker doesn't know that BM has always been corporate as fuck. I guess them being underage lolis at the time made you forget about that and made them more "fun" for you

>> No.47010989

Holy shit Anaheim sold out already. Awesome to see

>> No.47011025


Calm down faggot. Go crawl back into Koba’s ass. No they’re not fun anymore. Maybe what your poorly subjective opinion considers fun. But you come across like a boring twink homosexual that doesn’t get out much to begin with. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.47011031

I'm going the first night. I'll be wearing my home made "MOMO PLEASE BRAP ON ME!" Tshirt so don't forget to say hi if any of you are going to be there.

>> No.47011039


That would be based if you did and posted a picture.

>> No.47011043

Same as the onefarters here who think they dress, talk and act this way of their own volition as “free young ladies” and aren’t told to pander to gimmicks and play up their “role” or “look.”

>> No.47011048

>implying you live there
>implying you leave the basement
Oh look. A liar.

>> No.47011049

he's coping and lashing out again

>> No.47011066


Oh here we go. Muhammad trying to tell women where their place is, doesn’t believe young ladies could possibly have their own autonomy and free will to dress as they please. Repressive sand nigger mentality.

>> No.47011068

Holy shit, you're still complaining about OneFive?

>> No.47011107

> autonomy and free will

If you’re in Babymetal you get neither.

>> No.47011185

>implying you live there
Google maps directions says I'm 3.6 miles from the House of Blues in Anaheim. I could literally walk there from where I'm sitting..

>> No.47011202
File: 41 KB, 495x619, betterthanbabymetal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also hanabie > babymetal. in case you forgot.

>> No.47011269

>No they’re not fun anymore
Motherfucker can't read either. Where did I say that they are fun now? Only thing I laughed at you for was because you implied that they weren't corporate a decade ago. Jesus christ talking to an ape like you gives me a headache

>> No.47011271
File: 350 KB, 1080x1350, 61156_1011327931297_712836552310183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Fuck It beanie

>> No.47011519

what did she mean by this?

>> No.47011793

Me too, bro. Like a backstage, bloopers, rehearsals and tourism documentary.
Good times before 2017 where they can do this, even for other jp tv programs.

When they were interviewed with Marty San. Aaaah good sociable times.

>> No.47012099

I just can't Imagine Su having sex, but I can't stop thinking about it, the idea of Suzuka having an orgasm drives me crazy I would pay so much just to watch

>> No.47012225

Which model do you use? large v2 or v3?

>> No.47012229

LMAO I'm glad I'm a onefivebro so I don't have to "dream" about the most basic stuff like this.

>> No.47012314

Futa Su has a cock big enough to titty fuck herself.

>> No.47012338

>insults BABYMETAL
>lashes out like a cornered rabid chihuahua anytime someone defends them
>someone insults @onefive
>Defensively double and triple posts insults and makes point adjacent counters
You’re really just the most child minded human being I’ve ever seen.

>> No.47012370
File: 31 KB, 456x277, LGBTBM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47012383

Hell yeah gay Babymetal

>> No.47012411

I don't care about muh LGBT post, that's just a soulless corporate-mandated post
but scene queen is terrible
it's like someone is actively trying to sabotage babymetal from the inside

>> No.47012481

all you bitches crying about bm with scene queen don't seem to realize the amazing possibilities of a collab. we could get to see the bm girls twerking in pink shorts singing yeehaw

>> No.47012508

6/6 20:00 Momo TikTok live

>> No.47012541
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>> No.47012572

I really hope that babymetal changes and gradually becomes sexy.
but it is to please the majority of their fans, straight men, not some damned gays.

I knew that reddit was full of moralistic hypocrites, but from censoring the ideas of sexy Babymetal so much, reddit bm has also been taken over by gays

>> No.47012742

If you want 'sexy', there are many alternatives. Don't order Chinese food at a French restaurant.

>> No.47012773

A lot of their fans are females. What are you talking about?

>> No.47012798

v3 for this subtitle. I usually use v2 to save time, but v3 is more accurate. maybe

>> No.47012801

So bm does call to sexy opening bands, don't you see that means they're okay with that? In fact, to me it's good that "scene queen" is sexy, maybe a window has finally opened.

but then the moralistic fans beat their chests with the cross saying that bm it's not like that, so don't act together with lewd groups then. Don't be two faced.

>> No.47012814

A lot fans of with "scene queen" are women. In Babymetal are more men.
Or did I miss a historical marketing transition in which Babymetal have finally double women than men fans?

>> No.47012824

Bro I see women and girls reacting to Babymetal videos on YouTube all the time

>> No.47012934
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>> No.47013127
File: 72 KB, 945x1074, 446257797_838829421439563_7869198624326625185_n.webp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47013241

BABYMETAL has done multiple collabs over this year and every single time worn the same costumes they always wear. Why the fuck do you think they would change that even IF they decided to collab with scene queen?

>> No.47013250

Reactors are soulless husks who just like anything for the sake of youtube algorithm. You really can't make any kind of observations about babymetals fandom by watching some reactors

>> No.47013447
File: 92 KB, 696x512, hanabie-interview-696x512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People bitching about BM
>People bitching about BM's support
>People bitching about BM costumes
>People bitching about BM not being fun anymore

Why dont you guys chill and listen to some Hanabie? :)

>> No.47013833

You must be fun at parties.

>> No.47013965

I actually am. However maybe like 1% of the reactors are actually genuine. If you can't realize that you might be an actual retard.

>> No.47014015

RATATATA starting to eat Metal Galaxy music videos alive now. Already has more views than Starlight mv and almost has more views than elevator girl mv. Hopefully when they start playing it in festivals this weekend the mv will pick up even more speed

>> No.47014042
File: 187 KB, 900x542, M-7-44937493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47014207

She thought it meant "fuck me"

>> No.47014216
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>> No.47014320
File: 493 KB, 1536x2048, 1717431821459877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I start posting my favorite jav actresses then since it's been clearly established by mods/jannies that posting off topic bitches is completely fine in this general.

>> No.47014328
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>> No.47014462
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You know what to do.

>> No.47014895

You buttfuckers and rugmunchers have been commoditized by the corporate machine. How does it feel?

>> No.47015188

>make gay song
>attract gay fans

>> No.47015500
File: 420 KB, 1280x720, cockona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47015727

Babymetal is metal for teenage girls and horny weeb simps who don't know what real metal is.

>> No.47015827

You don't even know what real metal is.

>> No.47015879

We should give a name to our contrarian friend

>> No.47015949

he's the opposite of Paul so let's just call him Luap

>> No.47015962

Jokes on you. I fucking hate "real" metal and you dude bro rock on metal fucks.

>> No.47016138

you are right my comment was indeed fully serious and took hours of thinking before posting. it definitely deserves thorough discussion and wasn't in jest at all. only a fool would think it was a shitpost

>> No.47016177

Keep masturbating to Manowar, king

>> No.47016183

Fans that believe Babymetal is true metal are cringe as fuck. Koba didn't believe that from the beginning. They are not trying to be true metal.

>> No.47016218

>I was just acting like a retard
Yeah sure thing bud

>> No.47016418

What is true metal?

>> No.47016454

It doesn't matter. Babymetal has always been about mixing genres.

>> No.47016587
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>> No.47016697
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>> No.47016814
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>> No.47017024
File: 174 KB, 578x186, image (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BABYMETAL and Electric callboy have both gained like 1,5 million monthly listeners after releasing RATATATA. Love to see that both bands are getting some real success from that song

>> No.47017076

Monthly listeners will go away as always
Would people listen to the whole eclectic gayboy discography just because this collab? the same goes for Babymetal

>> No.47017135

Well babymetal and EC are both similar that they make fun metal music. Obviously not all the listeners will stay but a good chunk of them might. Especially compared to those listeners babymetal got when they collabed with that lil nigga and got a lot of new listeners and pretty much lost them immediately since hip hop heads definitely aren't going to start listening to babymetal because of one song

>> No.47017194
File: 2.33 MB, 346x575, su_no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listen to the whole eclectic gayboy discography

>> No.47017197

I love her jav with the school uniform

>> No.47017356
File: 3.74 MB, 1426x1018, 1710691435580125.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47017388

How can Yui be so cute and so angry? Astrology is spot on regarding Gemini people. Yui bipolar.

How can you make Yui so angry? maybe she had ideas for BM and Koba threw them all away, like in this scene front in her face.

>> No.47017421

Fuck electric callboy.

>> No.47017481

This costume for BM

>> No.47017494

It's funny how babymetal fans cry about the gatekeepers hating on babymetal when they were young and nowadays they themselves are the biggest haters hating on every single group babymetal involve themselves with. We trully have come full circle

>> No.47017497
File: 1.38 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3830 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the level of humor of a typical babymetal fan

>> No.47017573

Babymetal is meant to be wholesome and to be enjoyed by all ages, not just adults. Babymetal is good time music. Not slutty, half naked pop star music.

>> No.47017606

I am excited for Scene Queen and her wholesome songs for all ages such as MILF, Finger, 18+ and Pink G-String!

>> No.47017633

One sec Tsug

>> No.47017661

Damn almost 7 million views

>> No.47017714

Haha BM mixed with that type of artists? Just why?.
Or the girls will turn sexy in America tour?

>> No.47017741

>MILF, Finger, 18+ and Pink G-String!
I actually laughed out loud when I realized you weren't joking and she actually has those songs

>> No.47017746

also so close to 3 million subs!

>> No.47017748

Visible fake, and bad fake specially for the yellow one

>> No.47017769

Well it still was babymetal fans who made those fakes so my point still stands

>> No.47017791

Where? In reddit? Wtf... Gay fans are like fungi kingdom now? I don't understand, they want scissoring?

>> No.47017838

Where are the gay fans coming from?

>> No.47017852

>Where? In reddit?
Nah twitter. The birthplace of all homos

>> No.47017918

Obviously BM wants to pander to their target audience.

>> No.47017945

First I got called a pedo for liking babymetal and now I'm gonna get called a fag for liking them? Being a babymetal fan is suffering

>> No.47017999
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>> No.47018012
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>> No.47018027

Better to be a fag than a pedo. Happy pride month.

>> No.47018046

But aren't most of the fags pedos too? Instead of little girls they just lust over little boys

>> No.47018128
File: 61 KB, 1030x550, Sana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47018283
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>> No.47018306

Looks like Electric Callboy has already played RATATATA on a festival without babymetal. Hopefully this means babymetal will also play the song on their own since I really want to hear it live.

>> No.47018446

Post the one where she plays with an eggplant

>> No.47018635
File: 3.11 MB, 1920x1080, 1709429260749741.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When was that? I started saving webms after she turned 18

>> No.47018752
File: 3.53 MB, 720x1280, Moa🙅‍♀️.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea about what's going on here? Is someone harassing her in some way?

>> No.47018763

She saw Paul and was physically disgusted

>> No.47018778

Who is Paul?

>> No.47018830

You don't want to know

>> No.47018951

It's kind of funny to hear the electric callboy singer scream some of babymetals japanese lyrics towards the end of this video

>> No.47018953

I do, please.

>> No.47018954


>> No.47018978

Said that Paul comment as a joke. Pretty sure he has nothing to do with that Moa video you posted and I really don't have any clue why she made gesture like that

>> No.47018987

Yeah I knew it was a joke because he was mentioned before, I thought it was some inside joke but I didn't find much on the archive

>> No.47019002

tldr. He is some annoying ultra fan who thinks he is better than all the other fans because he goes to a ton of babymetal shows. Also our resident schizo will call anyone who defends babymetal during his meltdowns a "Paul". Hope this helps

>> No.47019010

It’s the hamster that lives in the resident schizophrenic NEET’s ass, the character he blames for every post he doesn’t like to read or has no comeback for. It’s a nickname used for “waaah I don’t like people who don’t share my opinion, they’re bad and wrong.”
Additionally this cringe newfag >>47018978 uses everything he’s ever seen posted in here and regurgitates it randomly thinking it’s funny and that he’s fitting in on 4chan, not knowing he is often just perpetuating a legit mentally ill person’s forced memes that nobody here finds funny.

>> No.47019024
File: 314 KB, 2048x1152, SIX_94C192ED-C76A-4801-B36E-8C7E8E879BAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is Paul?

I think the real question is……

>> No.47019043

The amount of mental gymnastics you just did to call me a newfag because of one joke is pretty damn hilarious. Pretty sure you forgot that we are anons here and not every single person who makes the same kind of jokes schizo does is a same person.

>> No.47019045

She was making fun of a crazy Japanese fan who goes to every concert in every country.

>> No.47019049

For the anon who wants to know. Paul is the guy who gets annoyed whenever the name “Paul” is mentioned. He’s easy to spot. And will blame everything on some imaginary “schizo” that’s haunts his every step.

>> No.47019052

>and regurgitates it randomly thinking it’s funny
Also this is so fucking funny considering you just also regurgitated that hamster living in someones ass insult from schizo yourself. But I guess "it's do as I say not as I do" with faggots like you

>> No.47019055

If you actually think that "schizo" is some imaginery guy you are definitely a newfag

>> No.47019057


I know that many people hate Paul and he likes to think it’s just one guy. Hi Paul!

>> No.47019062

Hi schizo! You planning on melting down this weekend since babymetal is starting their festival tours?

>> No.47019069
File: 3.81 MB, 720x1280, 1707105501338774.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody get me popcorn

>> No.47019075

would love to lick that donut if you catch mah drift

>> No.47019079

I wonder if I'll meet him in Rome, I have VIP ticket so I will probably get the chance.

>> No.47019087

That guy is lucky as fuck. Imagine getting bullied by Moa but then she actually talks to you during a concert just to bully you some more

>> No.47019088


First, your momma’s a schizo. Second, you must have me confused for the Hanabie fag. I don’t waste my day thinking about Babymetal anymore Pauly. I honestly don’t care what they’re doing.

>> No.47019091
File: 18 KB, 480x360, paul_tekken3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47019132

Now this is the only Paul I can respect

>> No.47019139

>y-y-yeah I don't care about babymetal anymore but I still know every drama that happens on this babymetal related shithole
Yeah yeah sure thing bud.

>> No.47019257

you're talking about her butthole aren't you?

>> No.47019495

Without Yui, there is only Babymetal.

>> No.47019921
File: 436 KB, 1705x1766, sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47019951

sexo sexo sexo

>> No.47020273 [DELETED] 

Going to ask to show her soles

>> No.47020345
File: 3.80 MB, 720x1280, momo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to ask to show her soles

>> No.47020600
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>> No.47020605
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>> No.47020745


>> No.47020795

Look at Momoe's huge jiggling boobs!

>> No.47020886
File: 254 KB, 720x1080, momo kiss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kissing Momoe

>> No.47021063
File: 117 KB, 899x1200, GPXbmG8bkAAuYqL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47021076

why is her left boob twice the size of her right boob?

>> No.47021462

Atarashii Gakko and Sheena Ringo on the same song!

>> No.47021472
File: 2.39 MB, 1080x1920, t7_DRGrui2Xb3E0f (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CERO_METAL travels to most concerts and posts videos from them on twitter, Moa jokes with and/or teases him. She also likes to headbang with him during Headbanger. He's a nice guy who usually tries to get a laugh out of the girls with different masks or shirts. The mentally unwell twitter lesbians who think Moa is gay and in love with them get jealous and occasionally try to cancel him

Paul is a figment of schizo's imagination that he uses as a derogatory term for anyone that likes Babymetal. You won't stick around long enough to be able to tell the difference between our actual schizo and schizo falseflaggers

>> No.47021473

Pretty sure you are on a wrong general bud. But don't worry. Mistakes happen

>> No.47021480

Cero is pretty based guy. Have met him couple of times on babymetal concerts. Dude is like CEO or some shit

>> No.47021522

Cero's an IT Engineer, but I'm pretty sure Delhi is a CEO

>> No.47021526
File: 52 KB, 750x549, 430104048_24698380979805295_5066500773232477756_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I know is that both of Momo's boobs combined are smaller than Momo's one boob

>> No.47021621

Otoboke Beaver > Babymetal

>> No.47021753

Oh fuck got my babymetal superfans mixed up then. Thanks for the correction

>> No.47021817

Using all your money to follow a band around that probably thinks you’re a weird creep. Nigga gonna die penniless lonely and insane. Paul thinks the is admirable cause he’s a loveless twink virgin. KEK.

>> No.47021861

Is there a wiki or something about all of this? If not, I could contribute by making one to collect and archive all this knowledge, including BMSG lore. :)

>> No.47021920
File: 149 KB, 775x1033, hettz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redditor starts posting JAV actresses like anybody other than him is going to care

>> No.47021926

yeah nah

>> No.47021935

Why nah?

>> No.47022022

Who the fuck said that they are using all of their money. Nigga are you so broke that you can't fathom that people can have so much money that some travelling isn't going even make a dent on their bank account. Broke ass bitch ass nigga get a job or something

>> No.47022027

Nigga saying this while posting some random ass whore that no one knows is pretty damn funny

>> No.47022177
File: 144 KB, 1000x1000, a_main_Hettsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not tolerate Hettsu slander!

>> No.47022242

Literally have no fucking clue who that is. Judging by the hair some kind of a sjw feminist? And since a faggot like you seems to love her I think my guess is correct

>> No.47022298

this retard thinks that everyone with dyed hair is some sjw fag like the western degenerates

>> No.47022575

A lot of young women dye their hair. Don't bring your stupid politics here.

>> No.47022901

WTF BMfags finally got bored of talking about costumes so they are gossiping about random fags now?

>> No.47022948

significant samefagging

>> No.47022999

And maybe you shouldn't bring your offtopic shit in here? Ever thought about that genius?

>> No.47023427
File: 296 KB, 1800x1800, GPZC2EibUAAxCpz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone care to tell me who the fuck is Number_i and why does he/she have so many songs in the top 10? Also babymetal at number 3 is ofcourse pretty good

>> No.47023501
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>> No.47023525
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>> No.47023566
File: 3.87 MB, 1184x1038, 2023-06-24.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47023608

Apparently, they're a three member Jpop boy band.

>> No.47023615
File: 3.77 MB, 1080x1920, a9r1Uan9crlnw3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47023736

Ooh looks like they released a album last week. Explains why they have so many songs on the list

>> No.47023753

Nice surprise at the end

>> No.47023871

Oh yeah! That's the one where she made the eggplant dissappear...ugh so hot

>> No.47023883

touch my fat cock

>> No.47023906

Mariri is not a JAV actress yet

Archive of TikTok Live

@onefive on Anime TV third video

>> No.47023976

Accorinrin, lead vocalist for Otoboke Beaver is live RIGHT NOW on Instagram, singing karaoke!

>> No.47024027

damn, she is so pretty (and sexy). Is there a vid?

>> No.47024435

bro do you even know where you are? how are you this autistic to not get obvious jokes

>> No.47024602
File: 1.63 MB, 1080x1920, momoneko.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47024683


>> No.47024693
File: 3.78 MB, 720x1280, 7377358937273699592.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47024728

And how retarded are you to not to realize that like 99% of the people in here are autistic

>> No.47024938

>I love rich boys

>> No.47025116

Everybody in amuse knows that Momoe swallow loads from the rich executives and their sons
They fill her pockets and throat

>> No.47025195

Can you guys ever talk about something else besides sex? Is sex all you think about, you porn addicted weeb?

>> No.47025199

The pic on the left reminded me of Belle Delphine

>> No.47025226

literal sex

>> No.47025230


>> No.47025295

Do you not appreciate Momo's exposed belly?

>> No.47025399

I don't even know who that is and I'm not interested in knowing.

>> No.47025841


>> No.47026039
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>> No.47026312
File: 994 KB, 720x480, 1467995845855.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her carisma and perfect english pronunciation

>> No.47026479

You sound like someone who just hates fun.

>> No.47026794

You sound like someone who just loves men.

>> No.47027014
File: 3.50 MB, 720x1280, 984945297.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47027029

Yeah costumes sucks. Every new shit is worst that previous since 2018

>> No.47027039

Nah the current ones are way better than the metal galaxy ones

>> No.47027081


Shut the fuck up twink. Go complain to femboy friends.

>> No.47027083

>I love rich boys

Anybody here rich?

>> No.47027095


Or he hates mediocrity and doesn’t swallow every Koba load like you do. The bend over ATM that you are for Amuse.

>> No.47027130

From female vader, dragonfly and now gasoline spill

>> No.47027261

The rainbow colors symbolize Moa's love for Su.

>> No.47027329

No, that's only ur gay fetish

>> No.47027708
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>> No.47027729
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>> No.47027828

Scroll up my nigga

>> No.47028254
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>> No.47028312
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>> No.47028441

If Electric Callboy can kiss each other on the lips on stage, why can't Babymetal?

>> No.47028641
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>> No.47028645
File: 62 KB, 510x680, GPYwZghb0AEwB3g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why Japanese girls like Disney so much?

>> No.47028698 [SPOILER] 
File: 646 KB, 2639x1599, Electric-Callboy.-Photo-by-Justine-Baddeley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47028749

Honestly, I wouldn't mind if Moa and Suzuka were a couple and even got married.
It would be even more reassuring for the most paranoid and jealous fans.

If they chose to make a song with Electric Callboy, I don't think it was without thinking or without a common affinity.

>> No.47028856
File: 140 KB, 1080x810, 447736310_18441146791051175_5829663675642439031_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47028868
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>> No.47028873
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>> No.47028923

who designed the pants? Babymetal on dick

>> No.47028930
File: 2.87 MB, 446x385, c203a4904a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47029192

very CUTE

>> No.47029245

Soyo so loud

>> No.47029318


>> No.47029525

Damn those Momo growls sound so good on this live video!

>> No.47029596
File: 349 KB, 898x968, 0Wabi6R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was fantastic, i love this song more and more

look at this fuckin dork

>> No.47029607
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>> No.47029619
File: 244 KB, 1920x1080, 472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst live video. Koba should fire the editor. It would have been much better to just show the stage screen.

>> No.47029674

Fucking Kuala Lumpur guy doesn't know what live video is? No one wants to see the audience, we need stage shots. It's just a promotion video.

>> No.47029748

Kind of dislike the adhd zoomer editing style. But got to admit this edit was cute.

>> No.47029751
File: 135 KB, 899x1200, GPcYxhzaYAAZ5nL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47029823

Moa: "Get a load of this guy!"

>> No.47030621
File: 231 KB, 1366x2048, mss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47030625

I really really really love Suzuka

>> No.47030668

Me too, friend.

>> No.47030979
File: 340 KB, 1080x1349, 657960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47031025
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>> No.47031066
File: 3.97 MB, 700x1246, JHKZIOu9k-w5j_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helping autistic girl

>> No.47031155

Fucking hell. If god was actually real and good we all would have girls like Marina in our lives

>> No.47031216

They could be naked behind that flag

>> No.47031229

I also found the edit somewhat weird, did not like it

>> No.47031230

Sorry to burst your fantazy but we can clearly see that they are wearing the costumes because of the silhouettes. Also part of momokos costume peeks out behind the flag

>> No.47031267

I know, I know :/

>> No.47031446
File: 3.78 MB, 854x480, 72uvAG030466r.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47031683

The editing for the live video is not great. It's hard to really see or focus on the dance moves.

>> No.47031713
File: 3.85 MB, 720x1280, 0646757567760.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47031749
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>> No.47031798

Luckily the german festival babymetal and electric callboy play on tomorrow will livestream their sets. So we'll be getting another proshot of RATATATA and since it's a livestream I really doubt it's going to be as hectic as the live mv

>> No.47031854

When is Babymetal gonna go full on Satanic Black Metal?

Captcha JS8JP lol

>> No.47031921

Why would they? Babymetal has been distancing itself from traditional metal.

>> No.47031924

Hopefully never. I have literally never heard a blackmetal song that sounds good. Ofcourse the visual aspect of it could be funny

>> No.47032009

People saying that babymetal came out during Electric Callboys set and performed RATATATA together. And they apparently wore the cat ear things on stage. Hopefully we'll get some pics/vids of it soon

>> No.47032011

God is real. And it’s because you’re a bitter cynical degen that you don’t have nor deserve a Marina of your own. If there were no God then even someone like you could get anything you want in a world without meaning and order.

>> No.47032043

Chill out Ahmed. I was just complimenting Marina about how much of a sweetheart she is

>> No.47032053

Who let the cancel culture and the Mormons being fan of J-pop?

>> No.47032125

Are you going to see Babymetal in Jakarta?

>> No.47032139

>came out

>> No.47032292

>Triple posts condescendingly at the mention of God
Found the mentally and morally disabled child.

>> No.47032326

Hello again Ahmed. Sorry if we offended your sky daddy. Please don't blow anything up

>> No.47032372

Jesus fuck the girls are so cute with the cat ears. Also Moa bursting into a laugh in the middle of the song was so funny. Love to see the girls enjoying this song so much

>> No.47032402
File: 3.77 MB, 480x480, 313947823669.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soyo's video quality is pure norwegian satanic black metal

>> No.47032416
File: 402 KB, 881x493, GPfAM8SawAAuxZm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cat Queen Moa

>> No.47032506

Good to see they can still act 10 years younger. The girl pop fans will love this.

>> No.47032558

>laughing and having fun
>acting like a child
If you have such a hard time differentiating those two your life must be miserable you joyless fuck.

>> No.47032605

Why are you against them acting young? It's good to see them acting young and cute because they have more young girl fans now.

>> No.47032647

Don't have anything against them acting young when they actually act young. Only thing I disagreed was your suggestion that merely laughing and smiling is same as acting young

>> No.47032689

WTF! Look at Su's burning huge futa cock!

>> No.47032699

Don't those deer attack people?

>> No.47032739

The cat ears made them look younger and cuter to me but its okay to disagree.

>> No.47032750

Ah sorry about getting mad at you then. I misinterpreted what you meant. This shithole makes me be on edge sometimes since there is so many contrarians and downright shitposters in here. I absolutely agree that the cat ears make them look cute as hell.

>> No.47032813

Sacred Nara deer, accustomed to humans

>> No.47033008
File: 153 KB, 1446x720, new-costumes-in-rock-im-park-v0-atc5jmj9075d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn these new costumes are pretty cool. Definitely like these more than the ones they had up until now

>> No.47033088
File: 2.93 MB, 4032x2268, 240607-kisvig-1799149327970967933-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47033231

Shorter skirt maybe, finally

>> No.47033310

pride month ahhh costumes

>> No.47033356

Well the old ones were rainbow colored aswell so nothing new really

>> No.47033514

Just black and gold would have been nice.

>> No.47033578

Would have been really close to the 2018 costumes with that color scheme. And while I personally like those costumes I kind of get why they wouldn't want to dig up those memories since 2018 was pretty catastrophical for the group

>> No.47033622

Black and red is my ideal but yeah too many Yui memories.

>> No.47033891

BABYMETAL finally hit 3 million subs on Youtube!

>> No.47033902

lol. Nice to see Momo actually getting some mic time to hype up the crowd

>> No.47033957

please specify that you're talking about momoko/momometal next time.

i had my dick out and everything getting ready to goon to onefive momo

>> No.47033958

What a time to be a babymetal fan. We can actually see their knees again.

>> No.47033971

Well Momometal is obviously the more important person here so I'm gonna keep calling her Momo. Onefive Momo I will just call Momoe

>> No.47033978

and then you woke up

>> No.47033995

Why don't they better dress that suit for the entire setlist?

>> No.47033996

Maybe for you...

>> No.47034013

>Maybe for you...
And many more. If we did a ask every single person on this planet if they know who Momoko or Momoe are it's a pretty damn safe bet to say that Momoko would win by a landslide. Also she is older so she get's the seniority bonus

>> No.47034022

They dressed up in that suit for the entire setlist. They wore the old costume with the cat ears during Electric Callboys set when they came out and performed RATATATA together.

>> No.47034027

Officially they are Momometal and Momo

>> No.47034050

Really don't give a fuck about offciality. I ain't calling Moa or Su Moametal or Su-metal either.

>> No.47034067
File: 133 KB, 1440x1099, rockimparkofficial_447766068_399270299773206_7786474785404699335_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now would be a good time for the costume fag to show up since there is actually something new to talk about

>> No.47034076

This is a thread for every SG girl not only BM

>> No.47034079
File: 123 KB, 1440x1099, rockimparkofficial_447749331_432533853039355_3448961475419615490_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47034088

Where did I say any different? I already said I will keep calling Momoko Momo and Momoe Momoe. If that isn't good enough for you go fuck yourself.

>> No.47034096
File: 18 KB, 294x313, 432fda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels better to call it Momoko than Momo. Momoko just looks like a Momoko. very friendly.

>> No.47034111

I'm not the anon who first asked you to specify, it makes it better for everyone

>> No.47034287
File: 51 KB, 960x540, 12803059_10204197472256867_7029654698705141053_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her

>> No.47034340
File: 182 KB, 1080x1349, 484642694228728_7254010291021802460_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47034412

Then you'll love this video. Moa is still cute as fuck

>> No.47034507

Fuck I love new costume so much. Is like a mix of 2018 and length of 2016. finally guys!! Peace

>> No.47034545
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, default.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47034574


Would be perfect if the skirts were shorter and thighs were exposed.

>> No.47034588
File: 155 KB, 1080x814, 658913455904183981862808132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47034615


>> No.47034650

Chill bro, at least skirts are over the knees now

>> No.47034761


Baby steps I suppose. I just wanna see Moa’s thighs again.
