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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 489 KB, 1067x1600, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46976426 No.46976426 [Reply] [Original]

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
https://live.fc2.com/adult/ (intense immersion)

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese:>>>/int/djt

Previous thread:>>46967881

>> No.46976433


>> No.46976441

last thread was terrible

>> No.46976445

dude calm down it's in the past

>> No.46976457


>> No.46976471

whoops, accidentally posted in last thread, but can anyone explain to a newbie the function of が in the following sentence from tae kim? do you have to use が to connect two adjectives to a single noun?



>> No.46976490
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>> No.46976508

値段が高い prices are-high
値段が高いレストラン restaurants whose prices are-high

>> No.46976522

gonna add that you can swich が for の here as well like this
but only inside subordinate clauses like the above that describe a noun (レストラン)

>> No.46976580

thank you. i think that helps actually. so essentially if i wrote 値段高いレストラン it would be like saying high restaurant, price restaurant? ignoring any probable grammatical inconsistencies in that sentence.

>> No.46976581 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 722x1199, GO1ALwPbcAAtt2j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought of djt when i saw this

>> No.46976584

djt is full of queers like ciaran who don't get hard when they see big tits

>> No.46976626

self reported happiness seems like a way to wrangle retards to the top of your list

>> No.46976632

gonna need a 150 to tell me what 626 is trying to say

>> No.46976655



>> No.46976660

True, I'm one of them. Large breasts are just a product of being unathletic and they get in the way of hugs and are an eyesore.
T. KonataAnon from 2 threads ago

>> No.46976685

Hmm, I don't get why reading is so much lower than music or why that's so much lower than theatre, or why cooking is so much lower than gardening or hobbies. Actually I guess it's cause cooking is a 'forced hobby' so the sample size includes both people who like to cook and people who are doing it cause they have to

>> No.46976712

Why so lewd?

>> No.46976715

>Large breasts are just a product of being unathletic
this is true but they look amazingly beautiful and feminine when they're fucking huge, so that's just a sacrifice that has to be made.

>> No.46976751

huge things are masculine, small things are feminine

>> No.46976755

Fat tits only look good in clothes. Once the bra's off they slump displeasingly.
The smaller the breast, the more pert and shapely.
Cowtits are vulgar in every sense of the word.

>> No.46976761

>Once the bra's off they slump displeasingly.
i think the shape of the big tit models i jack off to is amazing

>> No.46976771
File: 49 KB, 320x512, 873905008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually straight so I find all chest sizes beautiful from flat to cow as long as it's the chest of a cutie pie

>> No.46976775

Name names. I'll tell you if it gives me a stiffy.

>> No.46976787

laurine (probably my fav at the moment), tessa fowler, vixen virago, nnevelpappermann, cami sweet/only1fairy, Uwucaptain666

>> No.46976797
File: 341 KB, 1374x725, 171694090180079806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this image fake or something? The Japanese seems so weirdly unnatural

>> No.46976803

miyazaki is such an anti-western piece of shit. bet ciaran loves him.

>> No.46976808

that's a completely normal sentence, which part do you find weird

>> No.46976824

Why is it written 一二? And I just never thought どこが悪い is a way to say "what's wrong with that?" I thought it would be like 何が悪いか or something. And I didn't think 女の子 is a word people actually used often either

>> No.46976854

wrong on all 3 accounts
一二 can mean '12' or '1, 2' or '1 or 2' ... just today i say 一六○○ for 1600
~のどこが悪い what wrong with ~?
女の子 also normal

>> No.46976855
File: 6 KB, 355x108, eneru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is it written 一二?
Less common but you see it sometimes, it basically works the same as arabic numerals but with kanji when they do this
>And I just never thought どこが悪い is a way to say "what's wrong with that?"
It is
>And I didn't think 女の子 is a word people actually used often either
You just have way too little experience with Japanese, these are both very common

>> No.46976879

true although not now that i know he's a paedophile.

>> No.46976968

Are there any other places you go to look for Anime subs besides the links in the OP? Theres a few shows I want that aren't listed.

>> No.46977034

better than the op. guerilla lewd.

>> No.46977040

unless you're reading twitter or something similar, 95/100 you're probably wrong

>> No.46977041

no thats it
its fucking over

>> No.46977042
File: 202 KB, 1003x750, 1704545219815062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol @ esls who have to learn all of this

>> No.46977067

it's like 20 things
you could learn it in a day

>> No.46977093

English is my native language so I wouldn't know but isn't spelling like kanji? Focusing on little rules with countless exceptions like that won't help, just let your unconscious mind absorb the patterns and gradually memorize all the exceptions

>> No.46977098

i think so, but also we have more sounds than them so the chart uses light and dark versions of vowels to help explain, kinda surprised there weren't more

>> No.46977204

Immersion at a young age is the best way to learn how to make the sounds of a language. Having to think about making these sounds is really hard.

>> No.46977219

i still don't understand the diff between す and つ

>> No.46977223

つ tongue touches the top of ur mouth

>> No.46977225

What's your native language?

>> No.46977238


>> No.46977377

Although the tsu sound doesn't exist in English, I feel like an English speaker should be able to make the sound. It's like su with a t in front. Plenty of English speakers can say "Mitsubishi" with no problem.

>> No.46977389

maybe it's in "cats"?

>> No.46977405

Good point. I guess a similar sound does exist in English. It's not too much harder to extend it with an "u".

>> No.46977414
File: 217 KB, 1920x1080, 1699678687167279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

積み木 折り紙 粘土 絵の具
持っているんだ ずっと
こどもの君と 僕が

>> No.46977538
File: 837 KB, 1750x1750, twitter_びんぞこ🐱(@binzoko_paroma)_20240510-013523_1788744613156839595_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros how rapey is goblin slayer? i'm looking to watch with a friend but i'm certain he won't if there's not enough rape in it, please enlightme

>> No.46977597
File: 828 KB, 640x360, 1648d7e1dd7fa661c625b53a362b5ecc-imagegif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

procrastinated all day!!!
did nothing!!!
gotta do better tomorrow

>> No.46977824

hello gozaimasu minasan

>> No.46977840

i'm being attacked by women right now on /tv/

>> No.46977845

does she have a vagina?

>> No.46977852






>> No.46977859

are there any vpns that work with 5ch

>> No.46977886

friend a nip and have them proxy you

>> No.46977964
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>> No.46977988

You need to use a residential VPN.

>> No.46978040

guys should I reset my wanikunny to level 1.. there's too much I don't remember.. every day is a struggle

>> No.46978042

I sentence you to 25 hours a week of untranslated content

>> No.46978048

bro.. i have a full time job.. best i can do is 7/week

>> No.46978053

gonna need to bump that up to 14 or so we won't have much to work with here

>> No.46978059

I don't know if there are any Emacs users here, but I could use some font guidance.

>> No.46978060

168 hours in 1 week
-50 for job
-56 for sleep
-14 for food and hygiene

leaves 48 hours to do whatever tf u want more or less unless you have kids.

why john yourself out of learning japanese. if you gotta force yourself to use the language dont try to learn it imho dk

>> No.46978065
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i mean 7/wk would be such an incredible improvement ill aim for it first

>> No.46978067

just be a neet lol

>> No.46978075

except after your job you're drained of energy

>> No.46978077

neeting leaves me no hours for learning japanese, not true

>> No.46978083

to do that you have to live off your parents or the government. no guarantee they'll be there for you when you're 40
is watching tv and reading that draining for you?

>> No.46978084

using alienating melee terminology in djt doesn't seem appropriate *folds arms*
If you can already read that image especially the handwriting why are you bothering with wanikani, just take what you already know and GO. Especially when you have less than 7 hours a week...supplemental tools can only be good if they're *supplemental* if they take up half or more of your time you would spend actually using japanese they're only slowing you down. Like 4 hours of wanikani for 40 hours of stuff is one thing, 1 hour of wanikani for 7 hours of japanese stuff is really inefficient time usage when you think about it, no?

>> No.46978090

>no guarantee they'll be there for you when you're 40
learning japanese doesn't take 40 years you dummy

>> No.46978092



>> No.46978094

>no guarantee they'll be there for you when you're 40
you just need to neet for 2-3y

>> No.46978096

I can't, I have no idea what day it is, 表 is the closest kanji I've seen and it's not even the right one

>> No.46978100

anyone else spent their first 6 japanese learning months as a neet before getting a job? worked wonders for me

>> No.46978106

funny i didn't even notice the similarity between 衣 and 表 until you said that. it makes sense though considering their meanings

>> No.46978109

wtf i thought clothes was 服. ok i will try to learn and understand

>> No.46978110


>> No.46978113
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>> No.46978121

they both mean clothes、衣 is in a lot of words which mean clothes like 衣服 and 衣装 but as a single kanji noun I don't often see it used that way. I see it used to refer to the breading on fried foods more often. in fact I've encountered 衣替え more than I've encountered 衣 by itself used to refer to clothing

>> No.46978128
File: 841 KB, 1920x1040, 1691435546906666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it wrong going out with 12 years old?

>> No.46978132

bro having 2 jobs is the true way to no fap
i dont have the time or energy to jack off anymore lol

>> No.46978141
File: 458 KB, 1654x2048, 1716725330744650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, i try to read every day, at least some are easy...

>> No.46978145
File: 348 KB, 1916x1853, 2024-05-31_1916x1853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made an adjustment to my wanikani workflow that's really helped my kanji retention.
- I setup my screen so that I have two browser windows side by site.
- On the right is a window dedicated to WaniKani where I do all the periodic lessons and tests.
- On the left is a window dedicated to jisho.org where I look up the kanji or words that show up in the lessons. (I skip the ones I already know, and make note of the ones that are new or difficult for me.) Pic attached.
- It's kinda important to use a Firefox-based browser so that you can use the Tree Styled Tabs extension. It really helps manage the large amount of tabs this workflow tends to generate.
- Every set of 15+ daily lessons goes in its own tree, and I bookmark the whole tree of daily lessons. This helps me go back to them later if I need to.

If something still isn't sticking, I keep a running journal of the one's I keep messing up, and funnily enough, just writing a little bit about what keeps tripping me up kinda helps get me through my trouble. This has been working surprisingly well for me. Maybe there's something in here that you can adapt into your own workflow.

>> No.46978147

I'm more concerned about the breakable wall next to the piano than I am about the smell of the girl.

>> No.46978146

Having one job that pays you well>two jobs

>> No.46978153

do you have a job? I just do WK on my personal laptop before and after work

>> No.46978157


>> No.46978159

>side by site
side by side

>do you have a job?
I'm neeting for now. If I had a job, it'd be really hard. I wouldn't have even come up with the system I have now. I'd just be exhausted.

>> No.46978162
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I thought dragon quest(warrior) was supposed to be family friendly

>> No.46978164
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>> No.46978166

>neet has time to install a million browser extensions and customize workflow
color me surprised

>> No.46978170

Any anime/manga/books/VNs you're going through?

>> No.46978171

the breakable wall than you!

>> No.46978201

>i dont have enough time
>posts on 4chan
>probably uses youtube

>> No.46978209


>> No.46978215
File: 3.60 MB, 1920x1080, kon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished an LN volume plus an eroge route and watched 5 episodes of anime and listened/watched Okayu playing パワポケR
posting to give you energy for a more productive tomorrow
Chiya a cute

>> No.46978220


>> No.46978228

god i fucking hate gacha games why do i keep getting sucked into playing them

>> No.46978230

I couldn't have done it otherwise. I've written custom userscripts too.
- I wrote my own WaniKani keyboard shortcuts.
- (I know some already exist, but I have my own preferences.)
- I also wrote two userscripts for jisho.org for better page titles and better links back to wanikani.

>Any anime/manga/books/VNs you're going through?
No, the Japanese I read is pretty light.
- video descriptions and captions on youtube and tiktok
- short-term rental listings
- restaurant menus

I still have a long way to go, but progress is steady.

>> No.46978236
File: 92 KB, 565x680, GOqjLBtbkAAflgT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk with me the stupid Japanon here

>> No.46978238

dunno i'm (le career) employed, full time+extra and I just get mad at wanikunni, i spend months doing no lessons and just reviews, lol, guess I should immerse more

>> No.46978241

I have the opposite problem, I want to like them because cuties but I can't get into them, I just prefer real games and 二次創作物 of said cuties too much

>> No.46978243

Any tips on hitting joshikouseis?
Places where are most likely to have sx with them?

>> No.46978252

probably be hot and have lots of resources to provide

>> No.46978261

feels good to laugh at untranslatable jokes on the rewatch of an anime

>> No.46978271

real hidden shit

>> No.46978280

is there a better predictor of not learning japanese than being a programmer?

>> No.46978288

wasn't matto a programmer

>> No.46978312

brudda i work like 72 hours a week
i havent post in djt in a rlly long time. anyway whats jamels latest L?

>> No.46978329

The next time you do lessons, try keeping a separate browser window open for lookups. Also, instead of using jisho.org like I do, you can use WaniKani for lookups too. That way, you get the exact answer WaniKani expects. I just use jisho.org for a second opinion and extra details, but you don't have to.

One shortcoming of the WaniKani lesson system is that after you do a lesson, it's kinda hard to go back to review what you just learned. You can see the radicals and kanji in isolation, but they don't show you the vocabulary words. My secondary lookup system makes the lesson contents visible again and reviewable in the order you learned them.

I've even found that this system lets me blast through lessons faster. It may seems counter-intuitive, because at face value, it looks like more work, but this little bit of extra work has increased my kanji retention significantly.

I don't know if it'll help you, but it has definitely helped me.

If I were working right now, it'd be very hard, because I'd be so tired. I'm not working, so the situation is different. I've got some time and energy.

>> No.46978338

guys i work at (tech company you have heard of and use every day) aren't you proud?

>> No.46978358

can someone explain 普段から? it seams to mean the same thing as 普段に and いつも

>> No.46978369

basically yeah, it's like usually/generally/normally/mostly/typically etc. etc.
slightly different nuances but the same basic meaning

>> No.46978461
File: 345 KB, 3840x2400, 1716824022567790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't done my reps in like 3 years, should i continue from the same deck on reset it

>> No.46978496


>> No.46978502








>> No.46978513

how fluent do i need to be to play elona?

>> No.46978549

agf level

>> No.46978563

you have to try playing first

>> No.46978571

*sees a hot woman* masani...the onna teh kanji

>> No.46978623

do you know japanese

>> No.46978656
File: 1.09 MB, 1264x720, 1694310544250081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's back for more punishment

>> No.46978677

wow nice photo! i like her tits and my boss likes them too! hes standing behind me looking at my screen and forcing me to type this! whats this? im fir

>> No.46978693
File: 41 KB, 596x354, 20240229_203517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet dreams
Cya tomorrow friends

>> No.46978733

miyazaki is just this endless source of wisdom

>> No.46978760

explain kyuukururain to me

>> No.46978805

I just woke up nigger

>> No.46978813
File: 152 KB, 736x643, 1702242452006540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

バイバイ 二度と来ないで
優しく包んで 白いブランケット
ごめんね 私、君が思ってる
ドアが閉まる サヨナラ

>> No.46979045



>> No.46979199

Are you retarded?

>> No.46979212



>> No.46979217




>> No.46979234
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>> No.46979249


>> No.46979334



>> No.46979374


>> No.46979390
File: 44 KB, 680x377, GO8nQNwXUAAUdPM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you respond

>> No.46979404
File: 400 KB, 1808x2048, main-qimg-8bc10ed8a587d3bb19109a4a58bbd24d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46979428

there's anime and then there's anime

>> No.46979437

here's my foot and there's your ass

>> No.46979448

getting foot ass'd is like the original knobbing

>> No.46979457
File: 229 KB, 1024x683, shutterstock_776445706-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46979469

im just an いくことがない男

>> No.46979484


>> No.46979500


>> No.46979502
File: 81 KB, 640x853, GOdmzYwaQAArXXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46979503

holy n72 batman

>> No.46979510

that one was for you specifically
the shock of reading that was too much in the morning

>> No.46979617

You should shut up.

>> No.46979621 [SPOILER] 
File: 197 KB, 1920x1080, [HKD-111]_My_Son’s_Musko_Looked_Deliciously_Big_Af-3660-01-June-2024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me your best jav hags bros... I need to immerse.

>> No.46979627
File: 9 KB, 180x158, 1707171404333019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show me your leeches anons

>> No.46979630

can only recommend you rorikei

>> No.46979633


>> No.46979644

you should move past n5 eventually
i mean that's some nukemarine level shit my guy

>> No.46979659
File: 88 KB, 636x382, Maori Tezuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope 70-80 isn't too old for you.

>> No.46979685 [SPOILER] 
File: 160 KB, 1920x1080, [HOKS-018]_My_Childhood_Friend’s_Mother_-_Saionji_-3663-01-June-2024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a little too much for me to handle. with leadys this old I can only watch when they give head fully clothed.

>> No.46979702
File: 43 KB, 372x474, Tetsuya_Sugaya-p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey! that's that guy from terrace house
nice to see he's doing well for himself

>> No.46979728

okay then...

>> No.46979731

i don't even have these words in my deck but I know how to read them. i guess you are just a dummy

>> No.46979777


>> No.46979814
File: 1.38 MB, 1080x1920, 1687616406103970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46979841

its a new month, are you going to make this month better than the last one

>> No.46979849
File: 1.40 MB, 918x1229, 1717240482240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46979866


>> No.46979916

"Japanese" Mr Beast is just a jap holding wads of cash while posing for thumbnails in conbini

>> No.46979928

jk, you are not dumb. you will reach my level some day

>> No.46979934


>> No.46979959

i'm not likely to regress that much

>> No.46980083

this but turkish

>> No.46980199
File: 383 KB, 884x765, User_1_-_Anki-3659-01-June-2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I love these stupid pics so much

>> No.46980239


>> No.46980240

i can save her

>> No.46980846


some emmersion on djts level

>> No.46980913

how do you potential form an adjective, for example, how to say 'this cake could be tasty'?

>> No.46980949

you dont

>> No.46980971

this cake is tasty kamoshirenai

>> No.46981017

tasty cake could be

>> No.46981075


>> No.46981282

Is it too ambitious to learn more than one language at a time? I'm thinking of learning Spanish along side Japanese

>> No.46981410

if you have 100 hours per month for this then no

>> No.46981473

dead ahh thread

>> No.46981525

it's the weekend and most /djt/ regulars have very active social lives

>> No.46981535

i cant move because my foot is stuck

>> No.46981541

>Is it too ambitious to learn more than one language at a time?
i'd so no unless...

>along side Japanese

>> No.46981560


>> No.46981587

>i'd so no unless...
say no

>> No.46981663
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>> No.46981689

my foot up your ass
a long-standing japanese tradition

>> No.46981703
File: 212 KB, 451x984, 1654819800763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46981762

got something long-standing right here if u catch my drift

>> No.46981794
File: 1.79 MB, 1920x1080, 1619996555628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck outta here with your ai slop

>> No.46981811

any idea how to make jitendex import the definitions with the | separator like the other dictionaries and not putting them in bullet points, it takes up way to much space

>> No.46981818


>> No.46981890

rori ni to san jiken ha dochira ichiban omoi

>> No.46981913
File: 581 KB, 1478x832, inunaki_0484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a website to see how frequent is a kanji reading in a word?

For example, this word: かなり、めちゃくちゃ or いとこ has many readings using different kanjis.
I know adverbs tend to be written in hiragana or katakana only, but how about kanji? Is there some kind of hierarchy when using some kanji reading over others?
Ex: 可也 or 可成り ?

>> No.46982014

Why don't you just look up a dictionary?

>> No.46982018

>Used in: 117
>Used in: 41
>Used in: 20
>Used in: 11

>> No.46982033

more like gay jay tee, amirite??? xdd

>> No.46982065
File: 1.22 MB, 834x697, 1683883954808902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dictionaries don't tell you about kanji reading frequency, nigga.
didn't know that site. I like how it divides the kanji usage depending on the media used. That's cool. Thanks, man

>> No.46982074

rite rite

>> No.46982175

This is the same "man" who stuck a microphone in his rectum

>> No.46982182

従兄弟 male cousin
従姉妹 female cousin

>> No.46982598


>> No.46982739


>> No.46982788


>> No.46982832
File: 564 KB, 600x741, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46982861
File: 1.23 MB, 1193x671, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46982887

bros fagmal hasnt posted in 2 days after the piranha prophecy...

>> No.46982894


>> No.46982907
File: 206 KB, 691x2048, GO_j4JsbgAAXXs-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46982968


>> No.46983015


>> No.46983056

He just removed his trip.

>> No.46983065

papi too scared to post now

>> No.46983087


>> No.46983133

姑 old woman = mother-in-law
uhm... japanese is actually easy ok?

>> No.46983140

uhm sweaty thats chinese...

>> No.46983152


>> No.46983162

its all chin pun kan pun to me

>> No.46983185

more like chink pun kan pun haha

>> No.46983281


>> No.46983282


>> No.46983300


>> No.46983318

i miss jamal

>> No.46983344

he gun be gone for real long this time

>> No.46983385

>im fir
first to get a raise?

>> No.46983392

i get a rise

>> No.46983458


>> No.46983479


>> No.46983485

what is your favourite japanese letsplay channel?

>> No.46983490

one of those with an anime bitch in the corner

>> No.46983498

i haven't clicked on a single one of those but judging by the thumbnails they're all trash you have the shittiest taste in music in djt

>> No.46983506
File: 461 KB, 1400x700, 1687378106293049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46983512


>> No.46983513

this is the only JPOP song you need in your life
everything else is garbage in comparison

>> No.46983514
File: 3.25 MB, 720x1280, comedian_meshida.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46983531

og post

>> No.46983542


>> No.46983598

yosh, time to catch up with seasonal slop

>> No.46983620

>mofos don't know about 社交辞令
skill issue

>> No.46983624

i only know about syako dances

>> No.46983626
File: 24 KB, 955x222, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46983629


>> No.46983634

Yeah, even free ones work. Use SoftEther, its free and has hundreds of high-speed Japanese IPs

>> No.46983652

yeah but none can post on 5ch lol

>> No.46983674


>> No.46983707

bought 3 pintos of ben and jerrys

>> No.46983713

yeah I already know everything about those two faced bitches thanks to Andrew Tatemae

>> No.46983726


>> No.46983727

bought 3 pintos of garry and barrys

>> No.46983729

these singles will give me the power to summon jamal, if this summon fails i will die

>> No.46983735

good riddance

>> No.46983738

5chan is dead.

>> No.46983740

but 5ch lives

>> No.46983744


>> No.46983749


>> No.46983762


>> No.46983785


>> No.46983790

His best (only) friend is pedophile Anthony Cumia.

>> No.46983841
File: 200 KB, 500x281, 1709070967271090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46983886


japanese men must really smell bad for her to make this video

>> No.46983912

cuz their breakfast is natto and fish every morning

>> No.46983920

special wotp unlocked

>> No.46983923

her manko is my breakfast

>> No.46983925 [DELETED] 

no wonder you smell like a pussy lol

>> No.46983932


>> No.46983971 [DELETED] 

great first half of the champions league finals. hopefully dortmund can score

>> No.46984024

ciaran how about a weekend mareni stream

>> No.46984026

could go for some manko right now

>> No.46984044

man this thread is really fucking dead when _p a p i__t o n t o_ isn't here. the thread has been up for 20 hours and only 270 posts. how embarassing. did _p a p i__t o n t o_ really make 80% of the posts here by himself?

>> No.46984047


>> No.46984070

because all of djt is currently reading atm so stfu

>> No.46984097

not many things id rather do less with my free time than stream

>> No.46984101


>> No.46984103


>> No.46984153

champions league finals back when i was into grassball
>'04 3-0
>'05 3-3 + epic pens
>'06 2-1
champions league finals today
>'20 1-0
>'21 1-0
>'22 1-0
>'23 1-0
>'24 HT 0-0

>> No.46984184

still been exciting though. lots of good chances.

>> No.46984193

yeah i put it on, looks decent

>> No.46984241


>> No.46984257

would rather watch a vshart than a bunch if limpwristed faggots break dance on grass for 90 minutes

>> No.46984260

same. thankfully the sport of kings is quite different from that.

>> No.46984268

good thinking. there must be at least one vtuber doing a watchalong

>> No.46984318

thank god im not a 3rd worlder who watches football

>> No.46984346

its true that theyre playing in england but that doesnt mean people from first world countries cant tune in on tv

>> No.46984349

love football me simple as

>> No.46984391

any other words that end with ん

>> No.46984400

so on paper they're smarter than us, but they don't invent shit compared to the west. i wonder what they think about that.

>> No.46984403 [DELETED] 

how's the latest episode of my hero academia

>> No.46984410

like the first

>> No.46984417

one of the better ones this season but next episode will be the real start

>> No.46984441


>> No.46984447
File: 29 KB, 524x277, 1707783450898781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are anime chuds so embarrassing

>> No.46984449

*shonen tards

>> No.46984455

me when they tell me i can't become japanese

>> No.46984460

why is the anki optimize thing fucking me so hard. i had 100 reviews. now i have 700 after optimizing

>> No.46984461
File: 42 KB, 640x360, 0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46984464


>> No.46984467

maybe you shouldn't do it

>> No.46984469

getting teenage matto blog vibes

>> No.46984472

why did matt always make vids with his hood up? was he trying to seem like a delinquent?

>> No.46984474

that doesn't explain the 'problem', but whatever

>> No.46984478

shut up

>> No.46984481

former optimizer malding

>> No.46984483


>> No.46984484

hes calling you an idiot cuz you do anki

>> No.46984486

it's funny to me how many people think media motivates them when it doesn't. i guess they're subconsciously lying for attention

>> No.46984489

what motivates you sir?

>> No.46984500


>> No.46984504

not some random guy who happens to write good stories, with no external evidence to validate any of the points he's trying to express, that's for damn sure

>> No.46984508

>what motivates you sir?
nothing, that's why i'm here instead of doing stuff in japanese

>> No.46984509

platinum banger

>> No.46984511

music to transition to

>> No.46984514

transitioning to based

>> No.46984521

jpdb.io -- I didn't know about this site. It's pretty nice.

>> No.46984525

is it though?

>> No.46984533

no it has some errors in its large dataset which makes it complete garbage

>> No.46984542

What's the nature of these errors, and how hard would they be to fix?

>> No.46984547

themoeway recommends a jpdb frequency dictionary so it can't be flawed.

>> No.46984552

The west of the hajnal line isn't churning out innovation and stuff anymore so it's their edge now

>> No.46984557

americans are hajnal liners and 95% of inflated "scientific output" from east asia is garbage

>> No.46984558

the vocabulary lists contain quite a lot of errors. chopping words down the middle, wrong readings etc.

>> No.46984559


>> No.46984564

I agree with both points and I don't think they contradict mine

>> No.46984568

try not to include your garbage anti opinion when responding to people

>> No.46984569
File: 413 KB, 918x543, 1510415217111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh so that and this is og and i introduced her to the term hajnal line? interesting. she and i should have hajnal line babies. ciaran is one of us so he can watch sit in the cuck chair and watch i guess.

>> No.46984574

why is everyone ok with this? why hasn't a programmer high in conscientiousness fixed it? idk, a jew like matt or something.

>> No.46984576

True of the vocabulary lists or any of the data from the analysis of a specific work like how many words are in it, how difficult it is etc. However the 書き方 thing for its dictionary function is pretty good, at least far better than jisho which likes to say lots of verbs are 'usually written using kana alone' even if you see them in kanji all the time, and it seems to make the opposite mistake with some nouns

>> No.46984584

hey ciaran happy pride month buddy :)

>> No.46984586


>> No.46984589

you ALWAYS learn the kanji spelling. always

>> No.46984591


>> No.46984594

that goes against the natural order hypothesis

>> No.46984597


>> No.46984600

natural faggot hypothesis

>> No.46984612

オタク in the House
音声ソフト Goin Hard

>> No.46984614

Eventually yeah. Once you've acquired the word a rare kanji form won't trip you up anyway

>> No.46984617





>> No.46984625


>> No.46984643


>> No.46984646

someone translate all that shit to english i can't be bothered

>> No.46984653
File: 43 KB, 952x238, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't set the desired retention too high. It's at 90% by default, I think. And don't forget to use pic related.

>> No.46984655

i cant

>> No.46984658


>> No.46984663

i need terrible terrible thread guy's take on this thread

>> No.46984664


>> No.46984672
File: 2 KB, 665x49, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46984677


>> No.46984678

god i hate this thread

>> No.46984685

then make it better dude

>> No.46984687

idk how to kill it

>> No.46984695


>> No.46984697

Sorry. Got distracted by discovering I have yellow fever and going on a 24-hour Japanese porn bender.
I can't believe Laurine's tits are real.

>> No.46984703

za warudo

>> No.46984711


>> No.46984716

Why is her crack out wut

>> No.46984724

do i watch all of aikatsu

>> No.46984727

Is it worth learning to play mahjong?
Some of the physics students at my uni campus play it but they're uncool Asian (mainland Chinese), though the game seems chill and a way to socialise.
Can you gamble on it?
Is it still worth learning if I'm asthmatic and can't play in Macau opium houses where the pros hang out?

>> No.46984733

*checks date*

>> No.46984740

I have mine set to 94. is that actually too high?

>> No.46984743

seems in line with your iq

>> No.46984745

suck my fucking dick

>> No.46984749

never sucked

>> No.46984750


>> No.46984752
File: 271 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240601_231156_Duolingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you guys were right about duolingo. It just tried to teach me that 半 means 30. I know it does in the context of time but come on

>> No.46984754

more like duocrippled

>> No.46984759

yes, it should be .8-.85

>> No.46984767
File: 83 KB, 225x225, 1691010978819835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes, it should be .8-.85

>> No.46984768

really? i don't want to me an spoonfeed fag, but why so 'low'?

>> No.46984777




>> No.46984779
File: 82 KB, 225x225, 1693631173465638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really? i don't want to me an spoonfeed fag, but why so 'low'?

>> No.46984780


>> No.46984796


>> No.46984801
File: 57 KB, 1266x752, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because if it's higher then your review time increases a lot relatively to the benefit, so it doesn't make sense for uses where anki is only a supplement

>> No.46984818

Put this in google it's a gold mine of babas complaining about their sons wife and him prioritizing his wife over his mom

>> No.46984838

dont care

>> No.46984852

why don't east asian women realize that their kid's happiness is way more happy than their own?

>> No.46984854
File: 203 KB, 720x599, 1698745305709311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't east asian women realize that their kid's happiness is way more happy than their own?

>> No.46984865

- lookup is fast
- page loads are fast
- I like the voice synthesis they use in their example sentences.

>> No.46984867

every time i take a sip of tea out of my mug i think of that image of shinji

>> No.46984884

same but i think of matt when i drink from my bottle

>> No.46984887


>> No.46984900

I think of ichigo whenever I read …だと

>> No.46984914
File: 74 KB, 500x246, 1714752000251618.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46984919

Did they ever reveal what is that track 25 song that Shinji is always listening to?

>> No.46984932


>> No.46984971
File: 639 KB, 1920x1080, Lv2からチートだった元勇者候補のまったり異世界ライフ E08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46984973


>> No.46985009

this song is cool wtf

>> No.46985016

elevator music

>> No.46985096

quickly, what's the number

>> No.46985099

uhm, 2 million!!!

>> No.46985102


>> No.46985145

the guy who is part everything?

>> No.46985159

og just took control of the second love child
poor jamel is in shambles right now

>> No.46985165

no such thing og is an antinatalist just like every namefag here

>> No.46985171

og isn't a mentally ill leftist. she's a mentally ill rightist you fucking retard.

>> No.46985175

seems like you werent here for og such a shame

>> No.46985179

dont care

>> No.46985185

i was but i just forget all the details. i forget the details about everyone. i really do.

>> No.46985219

forgettable details are worth forgetting

>> No.46985221

they really are.

>> No.46985223


>> No.46985225

dont know about this original gangster woman but if she's a leftist she's cool in my book

>> No.46985235


>> No.46985236

nah she's a white supremacist

>> No.46985243

これ知る人はなかなか居ないと思う 隠れた名曲

>> No.46985250
File: 295 KB, 679x679, the output girl voodoo doll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46985252

lol the fuck

>> No.46985264

why does ciaran hate racists so much? i don't get it.

>> No.46985269

probably got a virus by eating the nigger germs from his ex's vagoo

>> No.46985270
File: 43 KB, 200x165, 1700567437475935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46985284
File: 1.07 MB, 1176x662, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46985290
File: 1.11 MB, 976x847, 1708501808926038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46985296

fuckin disgusting dude

>> No.46985305

i mean you know. they could have gone with [x] or something instead. that's my go to when developing platforms that need things you close / expand - [x] and [o]. but the [-] and [+] are pretty good too. i guess it depends on preference. they do the same thing in the end seems weird to get hung up on it

>> No.46985313
File: 1.19 MB, 498x387, 1715008202952776.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46985318

no, [x] implies getting rid of it completely. [-] is the only sane choice for collapsing

>> No.46985327

this foots gonna make your ass [-]

>> No.46985330

i mean it depends on your environment. if i saw [x] next to a post on here i wouldn't assume "go away forever" unless it was stated. [x] only implies going away forever if you're talking about applications or something that the user is used to
that must feel terrible for the foot

>> No.46985341

wish morbido was here to put queeran in his place

>> No.46985359

yeah and the user is very used to [x] making shit disappear, which is why they're going to assume that's what's going to happen in another context

>> No.46985392


>> No.46985415

The fall of Queeran is a sad one. Not entirely unforeseen, but still sad nonetheless.

>> No.46985448

he fell before you were even born

>> No.46985452

yea it was called 3rd impact or something

>> No.46985458

4th impact gonna be when tkyo sam falls

>> No.46985466

it's just unnecessarily negative. racists are always complaining about stuff and being hateful and bitter. i only want positive influences in my life.

>> No.46985473

want a plus size queen!

>> No.46985476

yea i'm racist and don't disagree with that. it's kinda like the jew hatred stuff. they sometimes make valid points but the hatred subsumes everything

>> No.46985477

common ciaran w

>> No.46985482

ciaran is such a troll

>> No.46985516

people who are obsessed with transgender folks are even worse. you probably will meet like 3 in your life. it's not worth spiking your blood pressure over even if you care about it but some people spend all their energy on it.

>> No.46985517

>it's just unnecessarily negative
your whole existence is unnecessarily negative, but you don't see me complaining

>> No.46985524

im a positive guy im always trying to self improve in my own way and reach my goals. just because it doesn't align with your own personal philosophy about how life should be lived doesn't make it negative.

>> No.46985527


>> No.46985537

ciaran is improving every day and i'm just sitting in this thread wasting away. i really am.

>> No.46985540

philosophies dont exist there's only 1 right way to live

>> No.46985542

true true

>> No.46985560

pretty sure he's also wasting away in this thread

>> No.46985562
File: 469 KB, 300x300, tf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im a positive guy

>> No.46985586

creepy gif

>> No.46985589
File: 27 KB, 800x450, la-noire-press-x-to-doubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all queeran does is bitch about og and his ex on here. that aint positive

>> No.46985597

yh dno bros i wanna man

>> No.46985621

we finally get rid of jamal and then people pivot to offtopic shitposting about ciaran. i don't get this general.

>> No.46985622


>> No.46985633

i heard one time queeran took it up the butt for some dr*gs crazy stuff

>> No.46985634

thread song

>> No.46985642

ciarans right though women suck

>> No.46985662

I really liked the music from the Ys series.

>> No.46985667
File: 492 KB, 500x375, oculus_rift.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my adhd ass brain cells when its time to study japanese

>> No.46985668

I liked this one

>> No.46985686

>play warframe
>quit for a year
>come back
>forget most of the characters and story in the latest content island and now nothing makes sense
I still don't understand any of the lore about the Exploiter Orb battle
but her voice lines sound cool tho

>> No.46985688

cant take adderall anymore. there goes my japanese gains. its time for me to give up

>> No.46985697

i stopped playing in like 2013 but i recently restarted and im actually impressed with how much im enjoying it. im duoqueing with my gf so its a lot more fun that solo. still no clue whats going on though, only unboxed my magic baby like a few days ago.

>> No.46985722

>cant take adderall anymore
why not

>> No.46985735

Lots of stuff changed, I'll give you just one tip because the rest of /djt/ probably doesn't care much. You know those warframes that are a pain in the ass to get with a 4% drop chance in rotation C? You can get all of those now easily in Duviri Circuit, so don't suffer for days trying to farm them.

>> No.46985745

got it. our friend runs a clan and has every research done so ive just been crafting off that list to farm mastery cause im only at 8 and cant equip the primes i own. thank you for the info though, its gonna help me out a lot when i get there.

>> No.46985861


>> No.46985867

wtf does that mean

>> No.46985873

just read 生い立ち as おいだち

>> No.46985876

what is even racist nowadays. racist pretty much = i don't like you.
>racists are always complaining about stuff and being hateful and bitter
stop being a faggot, please or do it on twitter

>> No.46985882


>> No.46985892

crazy how some albums like a beautiful lie just instantly take me back to wow 2006

>> No.46985897

glad im not a pathetic oldfag

>> No.46985904

you had to be there man

>> No.46985909
File: 2.13 MB, 1917x954, pozzed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are those lgbt flags? inside a temple?
damn japan really is getting pozzed

>> No.46985913

doubt they care what a basement dweller thinks about their country

>> No.46985955

lucky star does that for me

>> No.46985979


>> No.46986004

shits dead yo

>> No.46986007


>> No.46986010


>> No.46986016

web dev and playing japanese games are my two best copes

>> No.46986019

copes for what

>> No.46986022


>> No.46986026

i don't get how theres a fertility crisis in japan

>> No.46986030
File: 10 KB, 857x482, use_10_01_01_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned something about 行 vs 列 in spreadsheets.

>> No.46986034

wish my wrists were strong enough to type for 6 hours a day so i could learn to program

>> No.46986051

actually cool. acquired

>> No.46986139

Is this the ultimate ludo kino Japanese learning channel on YT?

It's not really to learn Japanes, but it has this comfy school feeling to it, where you learn stuff in Japanese like anyone in Japan.

I'm right now trying to find comfy stuff like this and so far writing something like 日本史授業 or anything else with 授業 will show videos that are similar to university lessons on Youtube like the stuff from MIT on YT.

This is not really for beginners, but with Heisig 3k kanji and the 6k anki deck and sentence mining those lessons are insanely comfy.

>> No.46986145

argh i got too mad at myself for failin g a anki rep and bit my leg really hard

>> No.46986151
File: 438 KB, 571x568, 1597200990613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46986153

yeah I know that feeling, usually when I get mad at video games I beat my little sister a bit

>> No.46986159
File: 93 KB, 317x360, suck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46986172
File: 834 KB, 1968x1660, kanji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46986185

i hate udoimaginationn

>> No.46986229

moe is right doe

>> No.46986252

Hey buds. How would I say
>We should make a video
In japanese?

>> No.46986262
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x2299, 1590815467750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

official djt guide https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/

>> No.46986266

douga tusukurouyo?

>> No.46986273

manko kudasai

>> No.46986291

kiou no doOga bydeo wa

>> No.46986349


>> No.46986365

That's a great site. Thanks to the creator for gathering all that information in one place.

>> No.46986391

This moeway guy doesn't know English or Japanese. He's an ESL who spends all day spamming his poorly written "guide" on 4chan so that people give him money on Patreon. Pretty pathetic.
If you want to learn Japanese, follow people who actually know jack shit when it comes to learning a foreign language. Tatsumoto's guide to Japanese is among them.

install nekoray.

>> No.46986488


>> No.46986506

Thanks lads now this chick went to ntr me with a balding overweight Japanese man

>> No.46986536


>> No.46987107

>page 6

>> No.46989635

dont worry bro a few careful bumps fixed that

>> No.46989647

sasuga analcream

>> No.46991248

The Paradox of Tolerance has never actually happened. It's a pseud thought experiment that never manifests into reality. No regime like the Khmer Rouge and the like have ever emerged from an environment that had freedom of expression and association. All of these regimes are pretty much entirely contingent on historical and political circumstance, not monocausal, and none of them existed in environments that prioritized peoples' right to free expression.

>> No.46991742

yeah bro didnt want to read your schizo ramblings today sorry
